Understanding Healing, Sickness and Disease! Erroneous Teaching in the Modern Church? Part 5

(Ver 1.3)  Today’s lesson is Part 5 in the Bible study series about “Understanding the Subjects of Healing, Sickness and Disease”.   In this series we have been exploring the Bible foundations to recognize God’s truth and perspective on the subject of where does physical healing, sickness and disease actually come from?  I have already introduced you to a lot of information in this Bible lesson series that will not all be repeated exactly as stated before, therefore if you have not read every lesson from the beginning, I would strongly suggest that you go and start your reading with “Part 1”.  I usually do not focus on the erroneous teachings of other men, but I think this is a valid approach to take since there are so many erroneous things about healing being taught by many churches.  What I will attempt to do today is not to teach you the foundational basis for the error, but rather to teach you to see the counter truth to the inaccuracy using God’s Word.  One of my chief goals in all of my Bible lessons is not to give you a fish but rather to teach you how to fish from God’s word for yourself.  This concept of learning to see the truth for yourself will help you not to be deceived by anyone that will try to come to you and present something new that contradicts with what God wanted you to know.    Therefore, we must counter the error with only the truth of God to help other people from falling into Satan’s traps of deception.  So today will be a Bible lesson about many of the wrong teachings found in churches about healing, sickness and disease to help you.  Obviously this will not cover every false teaching in the world on the subjects and it will not be a comprehensive level of detail on any one subject that could have been accomplished.  It will however give you an overview of the vast problems associated with a few teachings that I know are in error.


Since it has been a long time since I posted on this subject, I think it would be good to briefly mention a few of the things that we have learned in the series.  We know from reading the Bible that when our world and the first man Adam were created by God, He looked at it all and said it was “Very Good” (Gen 1:31).  Therefore according to God, no evil, like sickness existed prior to sin.  If Adam was not created sick, where then did sickness come from?  The first mention of the healing of human sickness actually occurs many years after creation in Genesis 20:17.  From God’s timeline this has to be nearly two thousand years after Adam. I will also say that the book of Job is reported to be the oldest book in the Bible and it has mention of sickness and healing.  However the exact timeframe of the book of Job is not known.  The book of Job probably occurs sometimes after Noah and before Abraham.  We may talk about Job in future lessons since this book is widely misapplied to accuse God with causing sickness by Satan to occur on Job.  For now let’s concentrate on Genesis 20.  In this verse Abraham prays to God for Abimelech and his wife and it is stated that God healed them because of the prayer.  This is actually very important to note that the first recorded healing in Genesis is stated to have come from God through the vehicle of human prayer.  I believe that is important to know.

We also know from Bible study that Adam’s sin was the main factor for man knowing evil according to Genesis 3:22.  In this verse God states that evil entered into the world and man has now come to know something besides knowing only God’s goodness.  Therefore I have concluded that sin was the root cause for all evil including sickness to enter into the world.  However do not misunderstand what I said.  Just because sin was the root cause for all sickness, this does not mean that it was necessarily your sin that caused your sickness.  You see there was a transfer of death upon all men from the original sin of the one man Adam.  Since sickness is nothing but a minor precursor to death we should know that Adam’s sin has now passed this curse to everyone else that has descended from him according to 1 Corinthians 15:22.  There are such things as generational curses that are handed down from parent to child and from generation to generation.  This is why doctors ask about family history of certain diseases.  If your parent had it then you are more likely to also have it.  Perhaps in a future lesson we will talk more about this generational curse factor revealed in the Bible.

I further showed you in lesson one that sickness was the curse for disobeying God’s law revealed to us in Deuteronomy 28.  Any disobedience is called a sin of commission or omission and we are all guilty of this according to Romans 5:12.  You may recall that I gave you one example of Jesus healing a paralytic man that couldn’t walk.  In this story Jesus said to him first “Your sins are forgiven” and all of the Jews drew up in arms that Jesus could forgive sin.  In this story found in Matthew 9 you will see that Jesus attributes a direct link between sickness and sin.  Jesus was basically teaching us that the cause of sin resulted in the effect of sickness.  When Jesus told the man his sins were forgiven Jesus was saying son you are healed.  Are your sins forgiven by the shed blood of Jesus today?  Well according to Jesus you should be healed also.  The Greek word translated as “saved” is the word “sozo” and it means to be made whole.  This was an all-inclusive work of God.  God gave to men salvation which included spiritual health, mental health, physical health and financial health.  In other words God relieved us from the curse and you can read that by finding it in Galatians 3:13.

I hope you also understood the concept that I presented about a house being divided will not stand.  If God makes you sick and also heals you then His house is divided and by His own admission of law will not stand.  Jesus revealed a basic truth that states any house or kingdom can be easily defeated if it is not strongly unified in a singleness of purpose.  Therefore, evil and sickness must only come from the house of Satan that is evil and healing which is good can only come from the house of God that is consistently good!  Finally I taught you one lesson on the Father’s heart revealed to us in the parable of the Prodigal Son.  The father was not out to inflict the child for being stupid, the father’s heart was directed at only re-establishing the son to his place in the family because of his great love for his son.  This is clearly a picture of God and His desire to bless you today.   These were all just some of the basic important concepts already discussed.  I pray that you took hold of them and accepted them as the truth.  Now let’s explore some error.


There are literally too many unfounded erroneous teachings about healing, sickness and disease found in the modern church today.  I will start this lesson with one that is very popular.  I find this error in more of my comments on this website than almost any other mistake that people make.   Reading the Old Testament in isolation is one of the most prevalent problems with modern theological teachings.  There are literally many mistranslated verses found in the Old Testament that people use to establish their wrong beliefs.  Because people do not know or understand how God wrote the Bible, they can easily be misguided by what they read in the Old Testament.  We must begin by first asking “Is the truth plainly presented in the Old Testament”?   If you feel like it is, then you are already deceived and lack understanding that is required by God.  There is nothing of any spiritual value in the Old Testament that is clearly presented.  I probably just lost a bunch of readers with that statement.  However consider what Jesus said about the Old Testament before you turn me completely off:

Joh 5:39  Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

This is one of the most important statements that Jesus taught us about all of the words written in the Old Testament.  Jesus said that nothing you could read was self-evident concerning the truth about Him.  In fact Jesus just literally said you must “search” to even find Him.  That means He is not easily found.  To search the Old Testament implies the hidden meaning that the words about Jesus were not placed upon the surface text for us to easily locate.   Have you ever lost your car keys?  Have you ever had to do a house room to room search to find them?  That is exactly what Jesus is teaching you about you finding Him anywhere in the Old Testament.   Jesus claimed it was going to take great effort of you looking for you to find Him on the pages.  That is a very important concept for you to learn.

One of the most important things that you can learn from me today is for you to never read the Old Testament without first reading the New Testament very closely and understanding it as completely as possible.  Begin your every Bible Study by understanding this very basic Bible interpretation law.  The Old Testament is the New Testament in a concealed format.  The New Testament is the Old Testament hidden concepts being revealed to the church.  Therefore we must use all of the New Testament revelations to understand anything that was written in the Old Testament.  If you fail to do this you are in error.  If your pastor is teaching you mostly from the Old Testament without using any of the New Testament to explain it, you need to find a new church very fast.  We in the church are not under the law of the Old Covenant (Rom 6:15).  Therefore we are not under that covenant.  There is a major division within the Bible that occurs between Malachi and Matthew.  The words written prior to Matthew are primarily directed to a natural people and the words written after Matthew are primarily written to a spiritual people.  Of course this is much more complicated than I just stated.

Rom 16:25  Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began,

This is another very important scripture to understand.  Do you know what “revelation” is?  God defines the word “revelation” as “a disclosure”.   This Greek word translated as “revelation” literally comes from a root word that means to “take the cover off”.  Revelation is the act of revealing what was once hidden from plain view.  Therefore we must understand that the words written on the pages did not change but only the meaning they convey were adjusted so that we could see them like God could see them.  As you can read in this verse, God revealed to us mysteries that were kept secret from the foundation of the world.  How did God do this?  God does this by writing in plain text code.  I do not mean that He encrypted the text and made it unreadable; I just mean that He hid the spiritual meanings of the words being encapsulated within the natural word text making them easily overlooked by the carnal dominated mind of the reader.  This is still what occurs today for most people reading the Old Testament and thinking they understand it without checking out what God explains and reveals about the subjects in the New Testament.  Because people do not understand these concepts they are vastly confused about many subjects in the Bible.  You cannot understand anything in the Old Testament without first finding God’s definitions, explanations and revelations in the New Testament.  That could have been the most important thing that I teach you all day.

Here is an interesting fact about the New Testament.  God quotes the Old Testament nearly 300 times in the New Testament.  This fact means that every 1 in 22 N.T. verses is an Old Testament quoted verse.   If you have a NASB translation of the Bible you will easily find the quotes since they are presented in ALL CAPS.  This will greatly help you in your search for them.  If one in every 22 verses is quoting the Old Testament then the other 22 verses are potential explanations of the revelation about what the O.T. verse meant.  This means that you must read and study these N.T. verses to even come close to begin to know what the Old Testament verses were saying originally.  Paul taught us plainly  that what he taught the early church came as a direct revelation from Jesus (Gal 1:12).    If Paul required extensive revelation to understand the Old Testament scriptures, then you also need the same kind of revelation to understand God’s O.T. words.  However it is noteworthy that what they taught in the New Covenant was completely verifiable from what was written in the Old Testament:

Act 17:11  These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.

We can clearly see from this verse that the early noble church at Berea used the O.T. to verify everything that Paul was teaching to them.  Notice however, that this was the exact same book that the Jews had read for 1500 years and they could not see what they were now seeing being revealed by Jesus.  There were no new words added to the O.T. text.  The only event that had occurred was that God had finally revealed what the words on the old scrolls meant and that changed everything.  So what am I saying to you today?  Are you learning anything?  Do not read the Old Testament in isolation thinking that you understand what it means about any subject.  Your carnal mind and human reasoning is too small to comprehend God’s vast hidden meanings and there is literally no way that you will understand them correctly without first learning to view them through the New Testament.


Because this is such an important topic to understanding the differences between New Testament revelations and Old Testament mysteries, I’m going to reemphasize it with some direct Bible examples about what I just taught in the last section.  Let’s begin by defining the word “sick” from the Bible.  This Hebrew word that is often translated as sick literally means to be rubbed or worn.  It is the opposite term of being new or being without imperfections, faults or failures.  Healthy is of course the opposite of being sick from our modern vocabulary.  Therefore, God is basically saying to be sick is to be like a pair of jeans with worn holes in them.  Sickness is a condition that demonstrates your human weakness and it shous us a condition that we were not in when originally designed and created by God.   Therefore according to God to be sick is like having worn holes in you pants.   I know many ignorant people today like their jeans with holes in them, but I’m not that stupid to pay extra money for a garment that is distressed and imperfect.  Therefore, human sickness is a weakness to the fabric of life and health and a precursor to death which is the complete failure of the life and health fabric.

What is the definition of the Hebrew word that was translated as “heal”?  To heal according to God is to repair or mend that which was broken or in need of fixing.  Healing is defined to be a cure or a reversal for whatever made you sick.   Therefore we must use these new definitions to figure out if our God broke us just so that He could come to the earth personally to fix us?  That obviously does not make any logical sense to me but that is what many are teaching us today.  I do not intentionally break my car just so I can fix it.  I never break a china plate to try to glue it back together.  That would be insanity and not creativity and the revealed nature of our God.  Let’s go back to the Old Testament and see a verse:

Deu 7:15  And the LORD will take away from thee all sickness, and will put none of the evil diseases of Egypt, which thou knowest, upon thee; but will lay them upon all them that hate thee.

Here is a classic Old Testament verse about sickness being attributed to God’s purpose.  We have a direct stated conflict in this verse that violates many of the New Testament scriptures that are impossible to believe while believing what this verse says as translated.  If we take this verse literally as stated it means God is either good or evil depending upon some unknown or unstated factor.   If God takes away sickness from Israel but also puts the same sicknesses on Egypt then that is an inconsistent God of indeterminate uncertainty.  Clearly His house is divided if we take this verse literally and we do not know if we should pray and ask God for healing or stop and be humble and thank God for sending us the sickness to enjoy.  That is an idiotic type of Christian thinking to interpret the Bible this way.  You see you cannot find God making anyone sick in the Gospels.  Jesus never walked up to anyone and said “I will bless you to be ill today”.  Jesus consistently healed everyone and that was the revealed nature of my God.  Therefore we cannot interpret anything differently from the Old Testament if it violates the revelation given to us from the New Testament.

Many people just do not understand that every English Bible translations contain flaws of human error and wrong human interpretation embedded in them; they will read these Old Testament verses and think that God has caused sickness to occur while ignoring the revealed God in the flesh in the New Testament.  I can literally find many verses translated like this in the O.T. Bible.  But that does not mean I must believe them over what God says to me in the Gospels and the letters written directly to the church.  Whatever was written by God in the New Testament, now take precedence over everything that was written in the O.T.    What is precedence?  Precedence is technically a legal term that means those words have priority over the other stated words.  This could be present for many reasons, but just remember that these New Testament words do not replace the Old Testament words, but that they certainly do explain them.   The church should realize what covenant they are joined to and then make that one their priority as I was trying to teach you in the last section.  Make this determination right now; if you are under the law of the O.T. then you should never attempt to read the N.T.   However, if you are under the grace of the New Covenant then you should never read the O.T. without using the revealed light of God found in N.T. to understand what was written in the Old.  This is just very basic spiritual reasoning that God taught me.

This is one of the most significant reasons why people believe things in error today about healing.  They will read an Old Testament verse about God making someone sick believing they understand it but when they finally explore the entire subject using the New Testament God has changed the definition of what they thought He said in the O.T. to reveal a new understanding of the subject for the saints.  This is why in an earlier lesson that I mentioned that Acts 10:38 was a critical verse on the subject of healing, sickness and disease.  You should recall that this verse attributed all healing to Jesus and all sickness to satanic oppression.  This new information changes our old interpretations of every other verse in the Old Testament about sickness.  Many times human translators would accuse God of doing something when it really should have been translated using the permissive verbiage.  There is a major difference between a causative God of sickness and a permissive God of sickness.  If God causes sickness in the O.T. this would directly conflict with Acts 10:38 and all of the Gospels where Jesus is only revealed to have healed and never made anyone sick.  If you learn nothing else from me today you need to learn how to interpret the Bible using the New Testament explanations, definitions and revealed information and I know that is probably the third time that I said that.  But you really need to get that into your study habits because there are things explained in the New Testament that you will never see directly mentioned anywhere in the Old Testament.


Heb 12:6  For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.

Here is a very popular modern belief taught by many seminary graduates.  Some in the modern church teach that our God the creator of heaven and earth sent us sickness as punishment, or correction, or as a teaching tool.  Many have come to me and asked me how God corrects His children like Hebrews 12:6 says if not with sickness like my pastor says this means.  What you need to do is to read and study your Bible and then just ignore everything that your pastor says that does not match with what you see that the Bible actually says.  People can try to make the Bible say whatever they like, but that does not change what it actually says.  You have eyes and a brain and the Spirit of God in you if you are saved.  Ask God to show you what the Word says and then believe what He says.  Here in this verse in Hebrews, it does not mention sickness not once and still people have tried to claim this is how God affects His children with correction.  Just read the Bible and believe what it says and do not add to it what it does not say.  That is one of the main rules of correct Bible interpretation.  God tells us that no scripture of prophecy is of any private interpretation (2 Peter 1:20).  God is basically saying I will tell you what it means, therefore, don’t invent your own meaning because it will be wrong.

So why is the belief that God afflicts Christians with sickness for correction a bad belief to believe in?  First it will keep you from seeking divine healing that clearly comes from God (Exo 15:26, Psa 103:3).  Second, it violates the laws of singleness of purpose given to us by Jesus in an undivided kingdom (Mat 12:25).  Third, it would violate God’s word that says God does not ever change (Mal 3:6).  Fourth, it would violate the character of God revealed in the Son of God Jesus in the Gospels.  You cannot ever find Jesus making someone sick for any reason.  Jesus was unified in the sole purpose of healing only and thus His kingdom will stand forever and not be divided.  I just gave you four great reasons why God will not correct you using sickness.  I hope and pray that you got them!


There is another very popular belief being taught that because God is sovereign that He controls whatever happens to us good, bad or neutral.  This is just another example of extremism; people taking one truth and trying to apply it as the only truth that is necessary for what we believe.  This is a huge mistake in wrong Bible interpretation.  I think I have shown you in this series that this was not what the Bible says and that sickness came as a result of man’s disobedience, his sinful choices and his independent actions that were implemented by his own freewill.  Extremism on any subject is an unbalanced approach at understanding God and the Bible.  It promotes an isolationism theology that ignores every other revealed truth on opposing subjects.  Certainly I believe that God is sovereign and I do not disqualify His ability as the Omnipotent Being to control everything if He so desired.  However for me to believe that He does this violates the definition of a God described to be Love (Agape) in 1 John 4:16.  Then there is this verse; God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him would not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16).  This verse in John describes a major conflict with God sovereignly placing sickness on people.  Why would the sovereign God come to save me and then tell me that I could be saved, if I only I believe?  Did you see what I just asked you?  Does that make any sense to you?  Whose choice is it to believe mine or God’s?  Obviously it is my sovereign choice to believe that causes me to begin to be saved.  You didn’t know you were a sovereign being did you?  A sovereign being is anyone that has the ability to make an independent decision without external control or influence.  Did you decide to get out of bed this morning?  If you did then you made a sovereign choice.  Of course if you decided to stay in bed this morning you would have still made a sovereign choice in what you did.  Nothing you do today can be placed upon anyone but you.  You have been given responsibility and control of your destiny.  Actually technically speaking you are not a completely independent agent as a human.  After Satan entered the world and Adam lost his sovereignty over the earth, Satan became the god of this world (2 Cor 4:4).  Before Satan entered into the world Adam was a completely independent sovereign being. We learned from Jesus’ law of singleness in purpose again that Satan has a kingdom (Mat 12:26).  Therefore, we are either in the kingdom of light (Jesus) or the kingdom of darkness (Satan) (1 Th 5:5) and we will all choose which eternal kingdom to reside in by whether we believe and are saved or do not believe and are damned (Mk 16:16).  Having the ability to choose what we believe in is a direct design feature of every man and woman.  The pure ability of man to believe and choose makes God’s sovereign control inconceivable.

Let’s expand and continue to explore the notion that our loving Heavenly Father is still the author of all of the sickness today because of His sovereign control of the planet.  This extreme sovereign control theology has great potential for harm because it relieves man of any human responsibility and future accountability.  If God is in complete sovereign control then I have nothing to do today to be saved or lost.  Is that what the Bible says?  What about future accountability?  Accountability is simply the responsibility to do something that you should have done.  Is there coming a judgment upon every man?  If God is in sovereign control of what happens to every man, what then is there to judge?   Do you see any problem with that?  You cannot ever judge what you caused to happen or you will be forced to judge yourself.  Judgment is simply the responsibility of only the Judge to pass sentence for an independent violation for someone that is held accountable for doing something or not doing something.  If I stole something from you then I could be found guilty of violating the laws against theft.  If you caused me to steal something from you then you are now guilty for what I did and I am not responsibile for my actions.  Therefore, I can only be judged fairly by a judge that was not involved in what I did and I must be held accountable and made responsible for not doing it right.  Who is this Supreme independent fair Judge and who will He judge?

Act 10:42  And he commanded us to preach unto the people, and to testify that it is he which was ordained of God to be the Judge of quick and dead.

According to the Bible God is the judge of the living and the dead.  The living and the dead are two separate opposite categories of people.  You cannot be the living dead nor can you be the dead living.  You are either dead today or you are alive inside.  Of course these are figurative language definitions for the status of salvation.  Those that are alive are those spirits that are in the Kingdom of Light and have believed.   Those that are dead spirits are those that have not believed and are in the kingdom of darkness.  Both are eternal spirits, but classified in two individual sub-sets.  This is really not rocket science but it proves God is not in sovereign control of what you or I do or what we decide to believe in.  God is the supreme judge and the only ability for any fair judgment to occur in the future is for the Judge to be independent of the crime being judged.  If God caused you to believe what you believe or not to believe then He should be judged by all of us for making us this way.  Clearly that is a major problem with that line of thought.

Extreme sovereign God philosophy teachers clearly do not understand the concept or the definition of what love is and that God is defined to be only love in 1 John 4:16 as I stated earlier.  Does God love His spiritual children differently than I love my natural children? If you think so, then you do not know God.  If I loved my natural child here on the earth, I would not want them to be sick no matter what they did and if I chose to make them sick on purpose after they have disobeyed me then I would now be guilty of being a child abuser in need of prison.  Sovereign control is a modern philosophy taught in some churches that tries to convince people that no matter what we do as humans that we cannot change what God has given to us to endure or suffer through.  People who believe this clearly have not read the Bible.  This type of belief disqualifies prayer and the power of God to heal.  I could probably say a lot more about this subject, but I’m just hitting some high points on every subject and not trying to do an in-depth teaching on every issue.


Still many others in the church teach that God did heal people in the Gospels and through the early church, but all of that ceased when the last apostles died.  This teaching is very popular because it relieves them of accountability and responsibility.  It is another twisted example of the extreme God Control Theology.   This erroneous teaching denies that the apostles were in the same church as we are today.  This teaching contradicts the verse that says Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb 13:8).  You see everyone in the church is clearly defined to be the complete one body of Christ (Rom 12:5).  In other words there are not two bodies, three bodies or more bodies of Christ; there is just one unified body that exists.   Since Peter, James and John were in the same body of Christ as us, then what they could do we can also potentially do because we are still the same body.  Christ does not ever change according to Hebrews 13:8 and therefore if Christ healed anyone in Acts, Christ still heals today.  Don’t make yourself independent from Christ or you are none of His.

What else is wrong with this teaching of treating apostles differently than disciples?  Are you a disciple?  Jesus said in John 13:35 that they will know that you are my disciples if you have love one for another.  Who was Jesus talking to?  I believe that He was talking to me and you.  Therefore everyone is a disciple even if you are not an apostle a prophet, an evangelist, pastor or a teacher.  To attribute that only the apostles healed anyone is a clear misunderstanding of God and the scripture.  For example, in Luke 10:1-18 Jesus sends out 70 disciples and not 12 apostles.  How many more is 70 than 12?  Even if the 70 included the 12 that leaves 58 that were not apostles of the Lamb.  Why is this important? This is only important to see because Jesus told them all to heal the sick in verse 9.  Clearly we can see in verse 18 that all of the 70 returned to tell Jesus that even the demons were subject to them.  Uh oh, that means they healed the sick that were oppressed with devils (Acts 10:38).  It is very obvious to me that healing was a disciple gift and instruction and not just an apostle gift and instruction.  Don’t put God into your box to define what He can do or not do with His disciples in His Church.  He is the Head of the Church and you are not.

Let’s talk about another scriptural conflict with why healing did not stop with the apostles.  Is God a respecter of persons and does He show any favoritism to anyone?  Can you find anyone getting healed in the Old Testament?  I can find several.  Can you find anyone getting healed in the Gospels?  Again I can find many.  Why then do you think that healing has ceased for today?  This alone violates Hebrews 13:8 that says God never changes. Believing that only certain apostles can heal denies God to be the healer.  This belief conflicts with verses like Acts 10:34 and 1 Peter 1:17 that proclaims God is no respecter of persons.  If God only gave the healing power to the early disciples then that would be a denial of the power to me as a disciple of Christ.  This would first mean that God has changed.  Then it would mean that what He did for Peter, James, and John, He will not do for me and I believe that is a major problem to your theology based upon God being no respecter of person.  That type of belief would mean that they were special, but I am not simply because I was born in another generation to come.  That is clearly a false belief and the violation of the Word of God.   We cannot allow scriptural conflicts to stand.  We must use the Bible to understand the Bible.  If healing ceased then the Word of God has ceased.  My Bible says in the Old Testament that “He sent His word and healed them” (Ps 107:20).  We know from New Testament revelation that Jesus is the Word of God incarnate (John 1:1-14) that came and healed us (1 Peter 2:24).  So Jesus is the healer and not any apostle.  Therefore, if Jesus is alive today and He is, healing has not ceased.  Nowhere in the Bible can you find an apostle claiming to be the healer.  Therefore do not allow men to teach you otherwise.


There are also a few ignorant teachers who claim the healing power of God ceased with the death of the apostles that have justified in their minds that this is the reason why we have modern medicine, doctors and hospitals in existence today.  This teaching is just another example or a variation of the extremism philosophy of the Divine Sovereign Control Theology.  In other words, they believe that what God had done previously though His Spirit and His word has now shifted to a physical pill or the hand of a surgeon type of man called a doctor.  They have in effect exalted a man into the previous position of God and that sounds like an anti-Christ type of teaching to me.  This is one of the most ignorant backwards types of reasoning that I have ever heard conceived up.  I would find it humorous if it were not so dangerous.  These teachers claim in error that God has changed His healing methods and approach and that only a natural doctor is now God’s healing agents for all of humanity.

Therefore this teaching immediately violates Hebrews 13:8 and Malachi 3:6 that teach us that God never changes.   Why is this false teaching so dangerous?  This teaching shifts the focus off of God onto a man that we can see and that makes it a treacherous error.  If your eyes are on a man then you are missing the God who is the healer. This teaching denies the need for a Christian to even pray to God and ask for healing or guidance.  In fact it denies the human responsibility of being led by the Spirit of God to know what to do in the case of sickness.  Being led by the Spirit of God is a requirement according to Romans 8:14 therefore to be led by a doctor to get healed you are not being led by the perfect God but by imperfect human doctors.  According to them we should all just go to the doctor and they will handle it all now for God and what will occur will occur as the will of God.  Clearly this is a very bad teaching that causes many people to die today since no doctor is God and knows everything.  Let’s take a look at what the Bible actually says about doctors:

2Ch 16:12  And Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great: yet in his disease he sought not to the LORD, but to the physicians.

I do not think that it is entirely bad to seek a doctor’s advice, but what I do find troubling is not first seeking God’s advice.  Clearly God speaks about the king in negative terms for his ignorance of only seeking for doctors to help him.  Doctors being fellow ignorant humans are technically incapable of healing anyone.  Most of the time doctors treat the symptoms but rarely do they fully implement cures of complete wholeness.  If you read the very next verse you will see what occurred by only seeking doctors.  The Bible says that Asa died and was buried with his fathers.  Clearly this is a major conflict with the seek doctor only modern teaching and it ignores God.   There is another greater example of seeking physicians found in Mark 5:26.  In this story of the woman with the issue of blood she had sought a cure for her problem for 12 years with doctors and finally turned and sought to touch Jesus after hearing about Him.  Clearly the doctors could not help her and only seeking God brought the answer.  I learn several things from this example.  First, seeking the doctor’s help did not keep her from being cured and made whole by God.  But, I also learned that her answer came by her only seeking Jesus.  Therefore I have concluded if you need a doctor’s help seek one.  But in your seeking do not neglect the real healer and seek Him more diligently.


Here is another major problem taught in many churches today by words and actions.  Certain preachers do not know if it is the will of God for healing to occur so they do not understand how to pray and ask God for healing or they fail to do it completely.  Many times these preachers will constantly pray and ask for healing “If it by thy will”.  There is a major lesson taught to all lawyers and attorneys.  You never ask a question to anyone on the witness stand that you already do not know the answer they will give to you.  This same principle works for healing and all Christian prayer.  If you do not already know that God’s answer is yes for what you are asking then you are asking in error and praying in the dark.  That is a major revelation to understanding why many are not healed today.  Do you remember the story of the leprous man that comes to Jesus for healing?

Mat 8:2  And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.

Here is a man that desperately needs help and divine healing but he does not know if it is Jesus’ will to help him.  Any time there is a question mark present there is a hindrance to receiving healing from God.  The man clearly knows that Jesus has the ability and the power to heal him but does not know if it is the will of God to heal him personally.  He must have learned about the power by the observation of what happened to others touched by Jesus.  But what happens to others is no guarantee for what might happen to you.  You can never base your faith upon what others possess or fail to possess.  You must answer all of the questions in your own mind and then you will have the ability to receive for your situation.

Mat 8:3  And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed.

Here was Jesus’ response to the leprous man.  Jesus told him “I will” and that is a universal statement of truth for you also.  This statement reveals God will for all healing.  It is God’s will for you to be saved, healed and delivered from everything that the enemy had you trapped under.  We know since we have read repeatedly in the Bible that Jesus is never changing as revealed in Hebrews 13:8, that Jesus will still say “I will” today.  Therefore God’s will was to heal in Matthew 8:3 and God’s will is still to heal in today’s modern time.  Knowing this information now you do not have to pray to ask God if it be your will and you can just ask and receive knowing it was His will to begin with.


I think I have covered enough for one lesson.  I know there are many other false teachings that promote coonfusion and division in the church.  If you know of other false teachings surrounding the subject of healing I would be glad to learn about them from you.  If you are not sure what your preacher is teaching is right or worong, then you may also ask me that if you desire.  Hopefully you will have learned that you can find the answers also if you search your Bible for them.  Finally always remember my main point about reading the Old Testament.  If you are not looking at the Old Testament through eyes corrected with the New Testament glasses, then you are blindly reading a hidden message from God.   Thanks for reading and we will do another lesson in this series later.  God Bless.

About agapegeek

Using the Bible to understand the Bible! Advanced Bible study for mature Chrisitians who want to grow.

Posted on April 29, 2012, in Bible Study, Healing, Understanding and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 24 Comments.

  1. Hello Agapegeek. My name is Sibyl. My family thinks that if they don’t take vitamin supplements their bodies will become depleted and they will suffer from aches and pains. What advice can I share with them regarding this? I have told them that our bodies have the capability to heal and that I believe that rest and exercise is essential. And prayer before starting your day. I am truly grateful for your blog. Jesus said if you search with all your heart you will fine me.


    • God created everything our bodies require for life and placed them in natural foods. But taking supplements, I have no problem. Many Christians do this. The most important priorities for Christians should be to pursue peace with all others, especially family (Ps 34:14). Focus on the Word of God because it has everything we need to live physically and spiritually (Prov 4:20-22, Mat 4:4). Walk in love towards everyone (1 Cor 13). And become led by the Spirit (Rom 8:14) because He will lead us into all truth (Jn 16:13). You live Christ in front of them and don’t condemn them for trivial and meaningless things like taking vitamins. Pray and seek God about it, ask Him if there is anything harmful in what they are taking and ask Him to show them what to do. Pray the prayer in Eph 1:16-22 over them putting your and their names in it for the next month. Focus on Jesus. God bless.


  2. Sibyl R Alexander

    Hello. My name is Sibyl. I would like to know why there are so many weed dispensaries all over the world and why is there armed security present asking to see legal ID’s? Is using weed an alternative to pill prescriptions? Does using weed alter the brain causing detrimental long term side effects? How can I advocate against the use of weed? What Bible verse stands out in regard’s to using weed?

    Liked by 1 person

    • The primary spiritual battlefield for the control of every human will to make choices between good and evil is in your mind. Our choices of our thoughts determine if we go to heaven or hell. All drugs are witchcraft tools used by Satan to control the human mind and choices. Prov 23:7 says a man becomes whatever he thinks. Satan know how to trick people into embracing evil as good by dominating their minds with evil thoughts or by usage of mind altering substances.

      All drugs s are substances. Satan uses these natural and man made substances to move people into eventual ruin. While most drugs were intended for good purposes Satan learned they can be misused or overdosed to cause evils.This used to be called substance abuse. But now it is being used for mind control intentionally. Weed is also a drug only with a different method of internalizing. But beware there are many other drugs that exist and are being developed entering the body through the lungs.

      Weed like alcohol is an easy way to take people off of God’s path of righteousness on to a path that ends in destruction, death and hell. It is a path that leads people slowly away. If anyone could see the future they have in these substances they would never have taken the first drag or drink the first sip.

      Good Bible verses to learn from are some of these; Romans 8:6 and the whole chapter. Other verses like Eph 6:12, Rom 12:1-2, 1 Pet 5:8, 1 Pet 4:7, 1 Pet 1:13-25.

      Finally notice what it is called, weed! Find all the verses in the Bible with a form of this word. They should be eye opening. For example Job 2:5 weeds wrapping around his head. However most of the time God uses weed synonyms or direct weed types like thorns and thistles. Check out Matthew 13 and see how weeds choke out the word of God and send that person to hell. That should stop anyone from wanting to get involved with anything called weed.

      Thank you for your questions. I can tell by the spirit of your questions you are hearing from God. He is working in your thoughts to move you and others away from destruction. You ask very good questions proving God has raised these in your spirit and your mind is choosing to listen to find the right answers.


    • Pro 4:26  Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established.
      Pro 4:27  Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil.


  3. Sibyl R Alexander

    Hello. My name is Sibyl. I found you because I wanted to know how sickness came about in modern world and why there are so many commercials about drugs-medicine. I received my answer. Thank you. I also want to thank you for your honesty in regard to the New Testament giving honest understanding regarding the Old Testament. God Bless you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for being led by the Holy Spirit and for taking the time to read, comment and say thank you. You might want to read the series called Serpent Witchcraft. It answers your question about the Pharma invasion for the control of your mind. God bless you.


  4. I could hardly believe that I got thru all of your teachings on healing and agree with every bit of it!! I believe that today, ministers “say” they believe in healing and will tell you God is the source for everything, and then tell you if you are sick to go to the Dr… especially one evangelist and you would know who I was talking about if I named him, says going to any other source or using a substitute for God is dead wrong, but then where healing comes in they will tell you they still believe that healing is for today, but if you are sick to go to your Dr. we have it all backwards.. go to Jesus first, not the Dr.. I have spent this afternoon reading your teachings on this and I am so glad that I found you! I just believe that just as Jesus died for our sins, so He took the stripes on His back for our healing… I have believed that for over 40 years now… God Bless you!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Great teaching and I plan to study in depth – for a new believer is there a “step by step” guide in how to receive healing? If you are born again – what do you do first – second – etc… in order to receive this healing if believing that you can be healed is already present? What are the next steps??

    Liked by 2 people

    • There are no formulas for receiving from God but God does give some basic guidelines. God wants us to be led by the Spirit, not a formula. Next step is to pray and ask God to show you what you should do. God Bless.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you and Praise Jehovah for His teachings to us. This blog is especially personal b c my brother has cancer. I am going to introduce him to this blog. My request is that could you address the issue of the correct Sabbath Day. God says the Sabbath will never cease. Many Christians I know are beginning to observe the Sabbath. Hint it is not Sunday. Thank you & God Bless!


  7. Melissa White

    I was surely blessed by the reading of your words. I pray that we all as followers of Christ will have the Spirit of Revelation Knowledge known unto us.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thank you for devoting yourself to this subject in great length. I’ve gained a lot of wisdom & insight as I search the scriptures regarding illness & disease and healing. I’m commenting because I have read through all 5 parts and could not find mention of these 2 appearances of infirmity in the New Testament.

    The main one I’m seeking to discern is in 1 Timothy 5:23 where Paul clearly tells Timothy “No longer drink water exclusively, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments.”

    I did a word study here and Timothy’s frequent ailments are definitely physical ailments.

    Also, I’m not sure if they are 2 different references (RE: Paul) or will turn out to be one in the same. Here’s what I’m looking at: Galatians 4:13 (& after reading your section on Paul’s throne in the flesh…and the awesome correlation you provided in Numbers 33:55…possibly this mention in Galatians also has some correlation/connection to Paul’s thorn).

    Galatians 4:13-15 –> but you know that it was because of a bodily illness that I preached the gospel to you the first time; and that which was a trial to you in my bodily condition you did not despise or loathe, but you received me as an angel of God, as Christ Jesus Himself Where then is that sense of blessing you had? For I bear you witness that, if possible, you would have plucked out your eyes and given them to me… (vs. 15 is what leads me to believe it was something wrong with his eyes…which then correlates to the thorn in the flesh as mentioned in Numbers 33:55)

    I did study the words here in the Greek Lexicon and, indeed, he’s referring to physical infirmity here.

    I’m very interested to hear your thoughts, scriptural explanations on these.
    Please make sure that your reply comes into my email so I’ll receive it. I likely won’t regularly come back and look for a reply…. Thank you! 🙂 All blessings of our Lord Jesus to you!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Gal 4:13 Ye know how through infirmity of the flesh I preached the gospel unto you at the first.

      Paul informs us that he was physically challenged when he began to preach. However, it does not say he remained this way. In fact it implies that Paul did not stay in this condition his entire ministry. In this description Paul speaks of having vision problems during this time. This stands to reason since Paul was struck down blind when Jesus appeared to him on the road to Damascus.

      Just because healing is a guaranteed finished work of Christ, does not mean a believe can not be attacked with sickness or disease by Satan. Also often a human can cause a physical problem by something they are doing. So God can tell a person to drink some thing or eat something in the natural that will cause the physical challenge to go away. God can a does work many ways. Therefore, we should not place any limitations upon God and how He answers us to help.

      Thank you and God Bless

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Great teaching my faith has been built tremendously, MAY GOD CONTINUE TO USE YOU TO HELP OUR UNDERSTANDING. God Bless


  10. Chris van Wyk

    I hope you are well. I have been struggling with your rendering of Acts10:38 when you state “You should recall that this verse attributed all healing to Jesus and all sickness to satanic oppression”. Before I express my confusion it is worth noting that other well known scholars and sons of god in healing ministry agree with your rendering.
    My confusion lies in the following. The verse in the King James reads that Jesus healed all that were oppressed of the devil. It does not say that all sickness was caused by oppression by the devil but that those sicknesses that were were healed by Jesus. In other words when I read the verse it could imply that not all sickness is as a result of a direct oppression of the devil. I agree that the cause of all brokenness is ultimately sin – Rom5:12. The question I am pondering at the moment is how sin causes disease?
    If your rendering of Acts10:38 is correct, which I hope it is, it settles almost all there is to know about healing i.e. ‘the cause’, ‘the will of God’ and the ‘method of ministering healing’. I just don’t read it the same way. Is there something in the Greek that supports your rendering. If not is there any other versus that expressly supports your rendering.
    Please do not view this comment of mine as a challenge to your interpretation of this verse, but rather an honest search for the truth. Your blog has been one of the most inspiring teachings on the subject I have ever read and is really faith building. It is therefore with great caution that I venture to ask this question knowing that my question might sow seeds of doubt rather than faith.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. i was just sitting here thinking about why was it so easy for them to be healed in Jesus’ time and it came to me that since we are human, we have such a hard time believing without seeing and in that day, they had Jesus. they got to touch and see and hear. how amazing is that? had i been there i, wouldn’t struggle with whatever this person or that person was teaching, i would have just believed because it came straight from Him right there in my face! i think maybe what you’re saying is go directly to the source of Jesus…since we don’t have Him right in the flesh, we have the Word, which is the Flesh…it’s the next best thing to Jesus. we just have to reach out and touch it, know it, believe it in the way that it was meant to be received.

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  12. Excellent comment. God’s will is that you be healed, and he has heard your petition. You have prayed according to God’s will and he has heard you. The price has already been paid. God is not waiting to manifest it. It may be hindered by some open door for satan, or unbelief on your part. Seek the answer from our Heavenly Father. The Holy Spirit will reveal to you the next steps. Praise Him for what He has done for you through Jesus Christ!


  13. This was an excellent teaching. It motivated me to have the confidence to boldly go to the throne of grace with my petition! Expecting an answer and knowing that I have received it. NOW. My question is, does God sometimes wait for manifestation of the healing for a reason? Or is it not seen because no healing has taken place? I guess what I am trying to ask you is, why does manifestation or proof of the healing seems to be delayed at times. Yet people in the Bible saw manifestation of their healing immediately? People have told me that my healing will take place in God’s time. And that I should wait on the Lord. After all, they that wait upon the Lord shall mount up with wings as eagles, run and not get weary, walk and not faint. This sounds like healing to me. But what person had to wait for their healing in the Bible?

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