Are You Saved?

(Ver 1.3)  Many people think that there are numerous different ways to go to heaven.  A lot of these methods to achieve favor with God involves our works.  If we can just change ourselves to get good enough, we will make it.  Several religions have a balance scale approach to heaven.  If the good deeds outweigh the bad or evil deeds, then we are told we can make it into heaven or paradise when we die.  Religion has always been man’s attempt to please a God that they do not know.  So men have made up independent rules and requirements that make them good in their own eyes and they think they will make it to heaven or paradise based upon their criteria or definition of  good and God.  God is so much smarter than we give him credit to be.  God knew that we in our own self would never be able to satisfy His definition of being righteousness, therefore He only requires us to do three thing in order to be saved.  So we might have just noticed that we have to do something to be saved and that sounds like our works again.  But these three steps for salvation are really totally different and opposite to external human works alone.

If we are already a member of a church and have put our name on their membership role and think that saves us, we will be gravely disappointed.  If we have been baptized as a baby or as an adult and we think that saves us, we will be gravely disappointed also.  If we think that because our mother or father was a really good Christian and that saves us, we will be very disappointed some day.  If we think just going to church or temple somewhere saves us, that will be our demise someday.  If we think that God will do something someday to save us, then we simply do not know what God has already done by His eternal Grace to get us saved.  There are just too many wrong ways to get saved to mention them all on this page.

So now let’s discuss the only right way according to God’s Written Holy Word.  Earlier I said that God said, we have to do 3 things to get saved and here they are:

Rom 10:9  That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

This Bible verse has 3 things listed that you need to do in order to be saved.  This is God’s plan of salvation and not man’s idea of going to heaven.   The first thing you do is one that is implied, you must hear about Jesus and who He is and what He has done.  That’s not too hard is it?   You see Jesus was God becoming a man and walking among us to pay the payment for our sins with His own blood.  You did not have to do anything but learn so far.  Now Jesus dying for your sins is not that extraordinary, because every man dies, so the death of Jesus was only the beginning of the story.  If you noticed in this verse in Romans 10:9 it says you have to believe that God raised Him from the dead and that is the key to your salvation.  Believing in a God and something that only He could do and nobody can do or say anything to you to prove it to you, is called faith.  God does not appear to you and prove His existence or Jesus doesn’t appear to you to prove His existence, you only have the words of those who have already done this before you and you have to believe!  Wow, you do not know how hard that is for many people and because they stumble at something so easy, many of them go to hell.  God then tells you the third thing that you must do, and this involves you speaking some words.  You must confess Jesus Christ to be your Lord.  After you hear about Jesus and what He has done for you and you choose to believe it, and you decide to confess Him as your Lord, you are now saved and on your way to heaven.  Pretty simple isn’t it?

Rom 10:10  For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Hear, believe and confess, the three simple steps to heaven and the Kingdom of God.   These are the three basic steps to obtaining God’s righteousness and many have already done this before you and are in heaven now to prove it.   If you choose to do this now, you will also be guaranteed entrance into heaven.  The Spirit of God will come inside of your spirit and dwell there after you confess Jesus as Lord.  The Spirit of God will bear witness with your spirit that you are now a child of the Most High.  You might feel different or you might not, but do not go by feelings either way.  This is God’s spiritual Law of Salvation and you are invited by Him to participate.   He has already come and shed His blood on the cross.  He has already been raised from the dead and gone back to heaven to make new mansions for you and I.

Eph 2:8  For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

Accept the free gift of God today before it is too late.  Now is the appointed time for you to receive what God has freely given to you.  God will bless you when you do this and you will never regret it as long as you live.

Say this Prayer:

Lord I believe in Jesus and that He died for my sins on the cross and was raised from the dead as it was written in your Holy Word.  I confess Jesus to be my Lord right now and thank you that I am saved by Your Grace!  Amen!

If you prayed this prayer and meant it believing completely in the risen LORD Jesus to confess Him as LORD you are saved!  Write a comment and tell us about it.  God Bless!

  1. Wow!!! It’s tight, but it’s right😀!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I was blessed by one of your blogs about Moses hitting the rock in regards to Numbers. The importance of the words we speak. I wanted to see what you had to say in regards to salvation. I encourage you to read on the Roman centurion Cornelius in Acts chapter 10 I believe. How serious was God about our salvation then and now? Very. So serious in fact that he wanted to make sure this Godly man knew the true depth of salvation and had an angel visit him. The angel insists that he send men to visit Peter. Around the same time Peter receives a vision from the Lord in regards to eating meat he normally would not eat. Read what God tells Him. Don’t call unclean what God calls clean in preparation of getting that first gentile filled with the Holy Ghost which Peter thought was only for the Jews. When Peter returned with Cornelius’ men, how did they know they were filled? They were shocked right away by hearing them filled with the Holy Ghost evidenced of speaking in other tongues. That is New Testament Biblical truth of salvation. We are to be filled with the Holy Ghost and baptized in the only saving name of Jesus Christ. We go down in the water, buried and up, resurrected in Jesus Christ.

    Acts 2:38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

    I urge you to read which explains so much and no I’m not affiliated with this site I just think its a great resource for understanding so much about salvation. It helped me. You can watch www live on Sundays 10am and 6pm and Wednesdays 7pm. Yes I attend church here but you will find many sermons old & new that will help you in your walk with the Lord. Thank you for your wonderful lessons.

    I pray your not offended & keep an open mind about my comments.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have no issues with your comment. I however, do not agree completely with such a very narrow point of view of salvation. God is entirely able to do exceedingly more than we think or can ask. For, example the thief on the cross next to Jesus said “Lord remember me when you come into your kingdom”. He was obviously had feelings of repentance but does not speak them. He also had NO opportunity to be baptized before he died. Yet, Jesus said to him, “Today you will be with me in paradise”. Wow, that is just totally amazing to me. Please do not be offended by my comment either and I would pray that you also have an open mind to every truth mentioned in the Bible.

      I will end this comment with a short story of my mother speaking to my grand-father on his death bed. She asked him if he would give his life to Jesus before he died and he followed her in a basic sinners prayer. He lived a godless life of alcoholism and even abuse of my mother with threats of killing her, yet when invited to pray by his Christian daughter that cared and loved him so very much he voluntarily choose to humble himself and pray the simple prayer. There was absolutely no way for him to be baptized in water laying in a hospital bed about die. But, his story is very similar to the thief on the cross. Now I do not have any evidence to prove to you that after he died that he went to heaven but by faith I believe he will be there to greet me.

      I just refuse to put God in my small box to say a man can only be saved one way and if all these steps are not fulfilled he will be thrown into hell. I do not find a Bible verse to support that type of thinking.

      May God Bless you and keep you and fill you with His love and wisdom.


  3. Could you explain John 3:5 about being born of water and Spirit in order to enter the Kingdom of God then thanx maybe you could do a lesson on different baptisms to end all the confusion thanx again your such a blessing to us all !!! Continue in your faith and may God bless you and yours.


    • This verse in John 3:5 is easily misunderstood. It is NOT referring to water baptism whatsoever. That is just impossible and would conflict with several other verses. For example, Jesus hanging on the cross spoke to one of the thieves being crucified with Him and said “today you will be with me in paradise” (Lk 23:43). This thief had no chance at being water baptized before he died and Jesus insured him that he would be saved. Wow, that is amazing. No, Jesus in John 3;5 is referring to two different types of births in John 3:5 that must occur in order to qualify to be saved into the kingdom of God. The first is a natural birth process (being born of water from the mother’s womb) and one is totally Spiritual also called being born again (Jn 3:3, Jn 3:7, Gal 4:26, 1 Peter 1:23).


  4. God bless you all !
    I still do not know how a direct access to this web page appeared in the desk of my mobile, since a couple of days im reading a lesson that explains that satan is day and night making complaints against us in front of our Lord God… Im not reading, my soul is eating this article, is perfect, I always had an idea about, but the main point of the lesson is that teaches a couple of points that, when you understand it, you start to see the word of God in another way…
    Thanks ! God bless you all in the name of JesusCrhist from Nazareth


  5. Thank you for you service.


  6. i trust You to save me, Lord God ❤
    ps..i hope those mansions are self-cleaning… 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thank You for your wonderful blogs, Reading the written word I always need clarification to understanding my walk with my Lord. I love how your breakdowns are written. Humans on earth talk about you need to go to church, you need to be involved with different things, but Not one time have the ever said read and understand that there are 3 things you need to do to be saved. Thank You for the breakdown and yes I am a child of the most High God. I have said the Prayer, see you in heaven 🙂


  8. Thank you Jesus I love you. For everything you have done for me. I’m saying it now and saying it proud. I love you all. Amen! Is it okay to say the prayer everyday? Will that do anything? And how do I know if it worked? Please help.


  9. I love you Jesus I confess out of my mouth that you are lord god are savior and ur son died on the cross for not only mine but my family and kids sins amen 💋❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


  10. God bless you. I find your writings very good and I would like your permission to copy this page….I have sent it in an email to two dear unsaved persons, I hope this is ok with you… Thank so much for all your work!


  11. Hello,

    I was born again over a week ago, after having been an “intellectual theist” with Christian leanings for some years. I was a terrible sinner (I still am a sinner, of course, but the difference is night and day)–pathologically lying, stealing, coveting to no end, narcissistic, haughty, obsessed with “status”, constantly swearing, daily drug abuse, and whatnot. Basically everything except for manifest adultery and murder.

    In a very disenheartened state, I realized for the first time that my ways were consciously EVIL to a major extent. I thought that I was “basically a good person”, laughably enough.

    As soon as I had repented and confessed my utter dependence on and loyalty to the Lord God, and expressed my genuine faith in his bodily resurrection, I was stricken with grief. It felt as though all the bad things that I have done in my life were suddenly beyond obvious, and I cried and cried for the terrible fates of those who, in this life, are led astray from the one true path to our good Creator.

    Eventually, I picked up my Bible, and started reading John 1. In that VERY INSTANT, I felt this serene calm washing my sorrows away. My drug addiction (which I had previously been unable to conquer) was miraculously removed–a feat I had not thought possible even in principle. From then on, I have felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. He has comforted me in times of sorrow, shown me the wickedness of the world (I always knew that SOMETHING were very wrong about this Earth, but I had not identified the Evil One under whom I unwittingly served).

    I am now set to marry a lovely Christian woman, and we are very, very happy with each other. I will give it my all to give her all the pleasure and love that she deserves. Thank you for putting this out there.

    Now, my main objective is to evangelize as best I can, because the thought of my loved ones refusing to listen to my calls to repentance (most of them scoff at the very idea, despite my honest testament) and condemning themselves without even understanding what they’re doing is sometimes too much to bear.

    Infinite praise and glory to our Lord and Saviour!


    • That is a wonderful testimony. Thank you for sharing this with everyone. I’ll keep you in my prayers. Just keep reading and studying the Bible (hearing God) and praying (talking to God) DAILY. Finally, I hope you have a good church to go to. If you don’t just let me know and I will try to help you get to a good one. God Bless.


  12. Sorry if this message is not what you are expecting, feel free to ignore if it isn’t. But the pupose of this message is that I have a question, and I feel that you may be able to give me some insight. To begin with, I don’t believe Jesus rose from the dead, but I believe his message of love and faith, and I invite you to pray for me, as I shall you. I believe the message is more important than the story, and that the purpose of the story is for the message. But I believe that the message is more than about Jesus dying for our sins and by our acceptance of that we are saved. Rather I believe that we are to live in a personal relationship with God and live our lives guided by that Holy Spirit, and I know, because I can feel it, that I have a personal relationship with God, who I pray to everyday. And that God has guided me and continues to guide me, and that his love shines through me. It makes me want to do good things, this Spirit I feel convicts me if I don’t. And I have faith that whatever happens I am not alone, and to be bold and courageous because I know he is with me always. Joshua 1:9. So my question is: even though I don’t believe Jesus was born of a virgin, led a perfect life, or rose from the grave, am I still going to Hell? I know you don’t have all the answers, but the fact is that I know that I love God, I believe in God, and I have faith in him. But I don’t care whether Jesus died and rose again. It doesn’t change my love for him or the good news I feel written on my heart. So. Would you consider me a Christian, and do you, from all you have learned, think I’m going to hell? Forgive me if I am in any way out of line, and God bless you!


    • Wow, your words written concern me greatly. Why don’t you believe the Bible? According to 2 Cor 4:4 it is Satan that has blinded your mind to not believe IN Jesus so that you will go to hell. Praying to God is useless without Jesus. Islam prays to their god probably more than you do and they are not saved because they believe exactly like you do. Islam claims there was a prophet named Jesus but he died. He was not the son of God, virgin born or rose from the dead just like you do. Jesus very clearly says “No man comes to the Father without going through the SON” (John 14:6). Here is two key verse to consider:

      1Jn 2:22 Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He who denies the Father and the Son is antichrist.
      1Jn 2:23 Everyone who denies the Son neither has the Father. The one confessing the Son also has the Father.

      An “antichrist” is not a person that is saved. Because you have written here, you are not beyond salvation. Romans 10:9-10 says “believe God has raised Jesus from the dead, confess him as Lord and you will be saved. It is so very simple. If you want to be saved do this but also go to Ephesians 1:16 and pray this prayer for yourself. Pray “Lord give me the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him (Jesus Christ) the eyes of my understanding be enlightened that I might KNOW what is the hope of HIS (Jesus Christ) calling…. etc.

      Pray this prayer for the next 30 days everyday at night and in the morning and any time in the day that you can. This prayer will permit God to help change your mind to remove Satan’s blinders. Thank you for your comment and I will pray for you also. God Bless.


  13. Amen! Thank you so much! I couldn’ t tell you how many times i had tribulations in my life but each time i had faith in god and each time he rescued me! Thank you Jesus!


  14. This world would feel so lonely and so much more depressing if we didn’t have Jesus our Lord to walk with us and confess to. I’m so glad the trials and tribulations I have had and still do like many of us, has brought me closer to God. I do look forward to the day he comes to rescue us and defeat Satan forever. God bless us all Amen!


  15. After reading your websites, I have realized there is a difference between saying Jesus is Lord and praying that Jesus is Lord. Thank you for article, I am now saved through the Lord Jesus Christ AMEN.


  16. Very interesting, where did u study?


  17. You have given me a new understanding ,thank you so much. You were right when you said that we will read something which will help us, you have helped me I can’t stop


  18. hi. i don’t doubt that what you wrote is true but i am still confused if I’m saved or not because i still continue to live in sin. i truly do believe that jesus died and rose again. but for some reason I’m still involve with my sins. i’ve managed to get rid of some but others i still hold on to. i am wondering if this means i am not saved?


    • Everyone sins!!!! Sin is a reality often ignored but it is not a destiny to look forward to or expect to occur over and over again. Humble yourself before God and repent and ask Him to help you overcome the sin that torments you. Satan will use this sin to condemn you but God is greater and will cause you to overcome the temptation if you trust Him. God Bless you.


      • thanks. i just don’t see him helping. it feels like I’m all on my own no matter what i do


      • When God does not manifest to or in your physical senses or emotional feelings, you must still continue to believe His word and confess that He is with you no matter what. It is only after we believe that we will see Him work and never the other way. Please just say everyday and several times a day “I walk by faith and not by sight” (2 Cor 5:7). “God is with me even if I don’t feel His presence” (Heb 13:5). “I am a sheep of His (Jesus’) pasture and I hear His voice and He knows me and I follow Him” (John 10:27) Read this verses constantly and say them out loud for the nest two months. God BLess you.


  19. LORDJESUSisMySaviour

    iloveyou GOD my saviour thankyou for all of the sacrifices you make just to save me from my sins. I now absoloutely accept that my Lord Jesus is my saviour and he is rise from the death by the merciful GOD to save the worlds sin. I love you my Lord. Forever and for Enternal life. Save me from my sins. And I will do my best to make my self a disciple of My Lord God.


  20. Richard Trader

    I thank God for save me


  21. I came across this site a few hours ago i been reading and can’t stop, I have had a lot of questions within this last month, I was diagnosed with a immune disorder 2 weeks ago but just 3 months prior before I learned I had a disorder I felt myself getting closer to god in so many ways, I started wanting to know him, I started talking to my children about him I just all of the sudden became so interested and I had my struggles because I was confused about a lot of things, and I know it was god that lead me to this site and I’m so happy I found it. I watch christian shows on television a lot I said this prayer two months ago… GOD IS GOOD Amen.


  22. I prayed that this information is guided by the Highest One of All.
    In Jesus name … Amen.


  23. Hello, I came across your site today seeking some answers to a few questions I have had while reading my Bible and I have been saved for many years and reading your site confirms what I have always known to be true, that the Bible is all truth and you must seek understanding and clarity for the things within it from the one true God, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Seek understanding from him and he will lead/guide you in the right direction. I feel Jesus has led me to your site which gave me the full understanding and complete answers to my questions and then some. I want to thank you for putting this knowledge out there for people and Christians like myself! Thank you!!!


  24. I came across this while on the internet. listening to gospel music. Wanda Nero butler(safe in the arms of Jesus) on You-tube. I am a born again Christian. Pentecostal of the Apostolic Faith. God bless!!!!!!!!!!




  26. i Follow Jesus. i read , i believed and i confess.


  27. Thank you GOD for letting me get closer to you today. I love you and hope you touch someone else in the same way you did me.


  28. God bless , god is a kind forgiving man and i love him ❤


  29. Faith plus nothing! God has made it so simple!


  30. may God bless you and use your self for HIM and HIS grace upon you more than more day by day.the day of His coming too near i love His words n always struggle to be good sheep . as you are blessed i want to be too i want to obey His words n wish to serve Him please keep in prayers to me please its humble request. thank you


  31. When people call upon the name of the Lord and ask him to save them its retroactive. If you are sincere about it and believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that he died, rose from the dead and is sitting on the right side of the father than he will come into your heart.

    The bible says work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Well you can look at it this way if someone gives you a gift, are you gonna throw that gift away or give that gift to someone else. Now what if you already have that gift. You still wouldn’t throw it away would you? You would want to share that Gift I’m sure.
    Now the bible says by grace you are saved thru faith. Now God is our Salvation which is very plain.
    Jesus came to take away our sins, in other words he paid our sin debt thru his shed blood.
    we are to do his good works and preach the Kingdom of heaven.
    If you’ve asked God to forgive you of your sins and come into your heart than you know you have salvation. Should man question God about salvation.
    God is the only one that can give Salvation and why does he do that for the us its because he loves us. Remember he loved us before we loved him.
    Yet we still have to work out our salvation with fear and trembling….. Well if you have God in your heart and believe on his Son he will help you all the step of the way/ So if you put your Trust in the Lord than you shouldn’t have to worry about your salvation.

    Not this might be puzzling but remember, God works in mysterious ways. If he can make dry bonds live just think what he can do for you.


  32. Hi thank you very much for the spiritual guidance .
    I just prayed again and asked Jesus to forgive me.
    Even though I felt I was saved before, but sometimes I still think of sex/ lust stuff. That is why I prayed and confessed again and asked Jesus to forgive me.


    • The apostle paul shared the struggle of temptation of sin. Read Romans chapter 7 verse 5 thru all of chapter 8. Dont let the devil fool you into believing you are not saved. If you prayed to God and confessed to him that Jesus is Lord and told Him that you believed that Jesus died, was buried and rose from the dead and admitted to Him that you are a sinner, YOU ARE SAVED. No one can take you out of The Fathers hand. You will struggle with temptation and sin till the day you die. This body of death will be traded in for a glorified and sin and temptation free body. Confess your sins to your High Priest Jesus and he will make intercession for you.


  33. wow,I’m saved.thank you sir for making main things plain and plain things main.I’m a reader of your series.all is simplified ,understandable and my eyes are now open to the reality that is going on in the bible and in my life.this is my heartfelt appreciation.surely God has made you a blessing over my life.thank you and may the powerful hand of the Lord guide you all your journey through!


  34. Thank you. I am follower of Jesus. 🙂


  35. Whats up with this 1 verse theology cult with their Acts 2:38?? Denying 1st John 5:7 1Jn 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. Matthew 28:19 holds the correct baptismal formula spoken by the Creator himself. There are other books in the bible besides Acts. Speaking in tounges is not given to everyone. (1Co_12:30 Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret? )


    • I do not feel like people who do not know all of the truth are necessarily in a cult. If this is all it takes to qualify for a cult then we are all in a cult because none of us knows 100% of the truth. people need to walk in love towards each other and extend mercy continuing to preach the truth they know in love to help others come to a greater knowledge of God’s precious gift of Grace. God Bless.


  36. Hearing, believing and confessing are all part of the whole. Acts 2:38 is missing


    • You must be one of those legalistic type of Christians. I think you should consider the thief on the cross who neither repented to Jesus verbally nor was baptized yet Jesus said he would be with him in paradise a saved man. Please do not explain away what all of the Bible says. Thank you for you comment. — Agapegeek


      • Acts 2:38 deals with {who is speaking} Peter, {and to whom is he speaking} Israel.
        Peter is still preaching, John the Baptist message, since the true gosple message had not yet been, revealed to my hero Paul, by my lord and Saviour.Acts9:15 and Gal.1:11thru 24. God bless.


  37. Thank you for this! I know that Jesus is the only way of salvation and he is my Lord and I am thankful I am saved!!!


  38. I got saved when i met a Fundamental Baptist visited my house. God knocks..let us open the door and be saved.


  39. Sorry madam.


  40. Thank you agape…continue helping others to know the truth..thank you again.cant wait to see Jesus.


  41. Bryan of march 10, 2012. I hope you know now the importance of the baptism of the Holy Ghost than of the water baptism. Thank you agapegeek….God bless


  42. Christine Roque Galla

    Yehey!!! i am saved!!


  43. Bless you agape for your truth in Gods word!!


  44. good studies. good posts. good questions. press on toward the goal. P.T.L !!!


  45. Praise God!!! 😀
    Indeed we are not saved by works or baptism but through putting our faith in Jesus Christ , when we repent.That is we choose to hate the things we once loved and now love the things we once hate. We are born again. We are not saved by any other means even religion. For religion is man’s effort to reach God meanwhile salvation is God’s effort to reach us. That’s why it’s a FREE gift of God. Yes! It is all for the glory of God and He longed for us and rejoiced for us when we come to Him with our hearts surrendered in His will 😀 You are a blessing agapegeek! God bless you !!! I do hope to contact you 😀 In God’s time …


  46. a good thing about the holy bible is,the bible can’t save you from sin.the bible how ever if read or even hear can lead to the thinking of ones personal need for our lord and Savior Jesus chirst.the true glory of jesus can be read in matthew 17:1-11


  47. Look how many people you are making Happy AgapeGeek ! nice blog (christmas 2012)


  48. thank you and bless you!


  49. Hi Agapegeek, can you let me know where can I contact you. I have some questions about sensitive matters. Hope that you can help me on it. Thanks a lot in advance and GODBLESS…


  50. thank you so much for all of your helpful information. I feel like a brand new person. you, agapegeek, are truly a blessing from God 🙂


  51. What about the people in parts of the world that never hear about Christ and his sacrifice on the cross? They have no control over where they are born, so they could go their entire lives having no idea about God, or Jesus, or what it takes to achieve salvation. They would have no opportunity to accept or reject salvation because they never knew it existed. How do we explain that problem?

    Liked by 1 person

  52. Let’s not forget about the thief on the cross that asked to be remembered. He was not baptized, and Jesus told him that he would be in paradise with Him! Another example of no physical baptism…..can Bryan explain that one away?


    • Thanks for making that point. That was some very good insight that you shared with everyone. The man that was hnnging with Jesus on the cross was certainly a picture of N.T. salvation with only spiritual repentance, heart felt belief and confession of Jesus as Lord. This man hanging there with Jesus satisfied each of these in what he said to Jesus. Jesus then said to him that he would be with him that day in paradise proving that he was saved then and there at that moment without being baptized in water. Thank you!


  53. That is a very interesting misinterpretation of the scripture. People, who judge other’s salvation by their external actions, ignore the fact that God is a Spirit and that He looks at their hearts first and foremost. When the prophet Samuel in 1 Sam 16:7 went to the house of Jesse to anoint the next king of Israel, God told him specifically not to look on the outward appearance of any man, because God looked only on his heart to determine who the king would be. Are you better than Samuel and wiser than God? Why then do you ignore God and still look at the outside external actions of men to determine who can be saved? The N.T. specifically commands us to not look upon outward external things because these are only temporary but rather to focus upon what is eternal and internal (2 Cor 4:18). Thanks for reading my salvation message, but I reject your opinion completely based upon the fact that you are not God and the Word of God teaches us many things that are contrary to what you just said. I believe that you will be completely surprised to find who made it to heaven when it comes to that time. No one is saved because they fulfilled your requirements. I know people that have asked Jesus to save them on their death beds in the hospital minutes before they died and according to you because they were unable to be water baptized they went to hell. That is a crazy narrow minded way of thinking. I pray that you do not put such works based philosophies upon the people that you know, because as soon as people move from being saved by faith and grace alone to add being saved by their works, then you have negated the N.T. truth of God. God Bless you to see the truth someday. Also understand that I do not debate the scriptures with anyone. Therefore, please don’t respond to my comment thinking I do not know your scriptures that you based your blief upon. I know them, have read them and studied them and the Spirit of God taught me to understand what they mean. He will do the same for you if you ask Him to.


  54. When one reads “saved by faith” in Eph. 2:8, it is talking about an obedient faith. You can’t just believe (faith) and be saved. In fact, James 2:24 says, “You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.” You see many people believe that “faith only” is the required process to be saved, and as you mentioned all those “[false] ways to get saved” in paragraph two, “[faith only] will be your demise someday”. Mark 16:16 states, “He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.” This is like an equation to me, for instance, I want to go to New York from Alabama. I have to buy a ticket (believe), board the plane (baptism), to go to New York (Heaven). If I buy the ticket, but don’t board the plane, I can’t get to New York. And if all I do is believe, then as the second part of this verse states, I will be condemned. Now I know you want to follow the Lord and go to Heaven, then truly believe what Jesus says. He said to be baptized! Many people turn to John 3:16 and then believe they are saved. They completely take all other scriptures and cut them out of the Bible. If the Lord said believe in one scripture, then said be baptized in another, wouldn’t you want to follow both scriptures? Not just because it’s the Bible, but because Jesus said it! Romans 10:9 says, “if you confess…and believe….you will be saved!” Mark 16:16 states, “if you believe and is baptized you will be saved!” Why accept one scripture, but not the other? Also, John 5:24 reads, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.” If we can be saved without baptism in Mark 16:16, then can we be saved without believing in John 5:24?
    IF NOT, WHY NOT? Look to Acts 16:31-35 for an example of obedient faith, “31 So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.” 32 Then they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all who were in his house. 33 And he took them the same hour of the night and washed their stripes. And immediately he and all his family were baptized. 34 Now when he had brought them into his house, he set food before them; and he rejoiced, having believed in God with all his household.” He heard the word, then believed, then was baptized. He rejoiced having believed in God. When he believed, he was baptized. In fact, all examples in the Bible of people believing ended up with them being baptized to be saved:

    The Jews on Pentecost (Acts 2)
    The Samaritans; Simon; The Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8)
    Saul (Acts 9; 22; 26)
    Cornelius (Acts 10)
    Lydia; The Jailor (Acts 16)
    Some Athenians (Acts 17)
    The Corinthians (Acts 18)
    The Ephesians (Acts 19)
    There are more of course…

    Jesus isn’t a liar, but many people believe He is when they don’t take that obedient step in their salvation. Jesus said to be baptized. Peter said in 1 Peter 3:21 that, “baptism now saves us…” Peter isn’t a liar either. Please sir don’t be like the many who will call on the name of the Lord, but only to find out that the Lord never knew them (Matthew 7:21-23)! Don’t let this be you demise someday!


    • I understand your natural reasoning, but I still do not agree with your interpretations. The primary reason for the disagreement is the existence of more than one type of baptism in the Bible. I can only assume that you are defining Baptism to be the external physical practice of being covered by water. Is that what you are saying is required for your salvation? If it is then there are a lot of people in hell today simply for not doing that. I know of a man who on his death bed gave his life to the Lord Jesus believing upon God raising Him from the dead and according to your logic he was not saved because he died before anyone could take him and put him under the water. That is clearly not Biblical nor does it display the nature or the character of a loving God. You see according to your logic no one could be saved from the Old Testament saints. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob would be in hell today, because water baptism did not exist in their day. David would be in hell today; Moses would be in hell today and on and on could go. None of these men were ever baptized with water.

      5 Times in the book of Acts water baptism is referred to as John’s baptism. These verses are Acts 1:22, 10:37, 13:24, 18:25, and 19:3-4. These are all clear witnesses to the fact that John’s baptism is different than any other type of baptism. In other words God does not need to qualify the noun baptism with the adjective of John’s if there are no other types of baptism in existence. Let’s analyze what John himself said about his water baptism:

      Luk 3:16 John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire:

      John clearly points us to another type of baptism not of water being separate and distinct from his. John even called this baptism greater or more important than his. Whatever John was doing with water was designed to point us and to teach us about a new coming greater baptism that only Jesus could give to us. John said this baptism would come directly from the Holy Ghost and it would be like fire. Therefore, even John deemphasized his water baptism as being insignificant and said the baptism that Jesus would give to us would be much more important. Let’s examine the words of Jesus to see His take on the subject of baptism:

      Act 1:5 For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.

      You can see Jesus contrasting two types of baptism in this single statement. One was John’s baptism of water which was the external past and one was the Holy Spirit’s baptism which was the internal future. Now, tell me which one is more important for us to be saved? I’ll take the later and ignore the historical if that is OK with you. If that is not OK, with you that is not my problem! You see I know I’m saved, because the Holy Spirit that is in me tells me I am. I learned personally that the internal Holy Spirit’s baptism was so much greater than anything that I could do in the external physical realm of water. Thanks for your comments, but I still know that I’m saved.


      • I witness regularly of the Gospel of Christ. One objection I’ve been able, for the most part, to get “around” is the question of “Why Hell?”. They sometimes ask, “Okay, if people reject the salvation of the Lord, they will not be able to abide in His presence because sin cannot abide in the presence of a Holy God. But if Hell was created for the Devil and his angels, why do people go there? Why do they just cease to exist or something? Why eternal torment in Hell?”

        How should one answer this question in such a way as to not just get “around” it they way that I have? Is there a Biblical explanation that says why people go to a Hell that was not prepared for them in the first place?


  55. very nice but i have a question lets say your parents are both from another religion like muslims and when you were born you beleaved in muslim religion alot and as a non-christian person you wouldnt beleave easily because your whole idea of god and other religious things is based on the muslim religion after the death of that person where does he go i mean reading” Why Do People Go To Hell? Using the Bible to Answer the Hard Questions” it said that your not going to hell or heaven by your goods and sins so what is he suppose to do what if that person was a good person does he just go to hell because his whole family tree is based on muslim religion to be honest i have no idea what are you going to answer but i hope there is somthing for all of those people out there that needs saving.
    thank you.


  56. I started reading your blogs and I can’t wait until I can continue. I keep my Bible at hand and often check your references. I have read my Bible daily for forty seven years. How could I have missed so much? I am just a sick old woman, buut I’m learning so much you’ve added an excitement to my life. Thank you and God bless you.


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