Monthly Archives: September 2023

Jesus in the Ancient Hebrew Language – Ayin – The Eyes of God Are Upon Us

(Ver 1.0) This is “Part 17” in the amazing Bible study series focused upon learning how God became a man named “Yehoshua” (Jesus=Jehovah Saves) and how He was hidden in every letter of the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet. We have been going through each letter of the alphabet (but not in alphabetical order) and today we are focused on the 16th letter called “Ayin”. This ancient Hebrew pictogram is the image of an open human eye as in looking, seeing and sight. Therefore, we will be studying about primarily the Eyes of God, and Jesus, and the application of the letter “Ayin” to human sight (natural and spiritual) in this Bible lesson.

The Ayin is another one of the most essential letters representing the very significant participation and involvement of God’s Eyes looking upon the lives of humans on the earth (2 Chr 16:9). Therefore, we will be learning the subject of “eyes” from two views, one is the eternal spiritual application, and the other is God’s created natural application. God sees us from a much higher spiritual vision and viewpoint, than most people see Him or observes other humans. The ways of God are so much greater than human ways of seeing and making decisions and judgments (Isa 55:9).

Therefore, be forewarned that this lesson is an advanced spiritual subject that can potentially be offensive to naturally thinking humans and Christians. Also, it may not take the direction that many readers expect. We are about to discover how the Lord has shifted our focus from just verses about “eyes”, to some of the key applications of spiritual eyesight. This may not seem obvious at first, but these potential new perspectives on eyes will become more alive after being understood.

If you have not read this series from the introduction, it is highly recommended that you go and build upon the foundational subject introduction, before selecting individual letters to study. To do this select “Jesus in the Ancient Hebrew – Introduction”.

Since this lesson is about the “Eyes” of God and man, both in the eternal spiritual and naturally created realms, it is suggested that we begin by asking God to open our spiritual eyes to see whatever He wants us to see about this subject from His higher heavenly perspective. This is a great prayer to pray for every lesson in this series on this website and every lesson subject that you desire to learn taught by anyone. Pray and ask God in faith for Him to do the following as you continue to study:

Eph 1:17  That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you (me) the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:

Eph 1:18  The eyes of your (my) understanding being enlightened; that ye (I) may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,

If you prayed this prayer and meant it, God will be faithful to open your “eyes” to “see” exactly what you need to learn today. Let us begin to study this subject of Ayin eyes with our basic introduction to the letter Ayin. Here is a quick list of the subject topics that will be covered today:

  1. Introduction to the Ayin = Eyes
  2. Introduction to Spiritual Eyes
  3. What Did Jesus Teach About Eyes?
  4. Eyes in Creation – Separating the Light (Seeing Eyes), from the Darkness (Blind Eyes)
  5. Ayin Application to the Believer
  6. Conclusion

1. Introduction to the Ayin = Eyes

This is another very interesting an amazingly essential letter picture pointing us to the plan of God to bring Jesus into the world. It is also a picture representation of hidden things that God will accomplish in Jesus. As you can see in the image that was drawn above, it is the simple picture of an “eye”. But it is not just any kind of “eyes”, it is the picture of the eyes that have been “opened” so that they can “see”, and this is very significant to what God will teach us today. Notice this letter is very prophetical, with God desiring His created man to seek and search for Him (Deu 4:29, 1 Chr 16:11). But it is also a picture of our God like a Good shepherd that is watching over His flock with loving care:

2Ch 16:9  For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars. 

Here is a key verse written about God’s eyes looking down upon humans. This verse claims that God’s eyes are constantly scanning the face of the earth’s surface, and He is looking for a human to show Himself strong to. This verse then states that there are people that have done foolishly that were seen by God, and this will be the cause of their coming wars. Let us look at another verse about the Eyes of the Lord:

Pro 15:3  The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.

There are numerous verses found in the Bible that reveal God has eyes and that He is seeing everything that is going on in the world. There are a lot of humans that do not believe this, including people that call themselves Christians. This information should awaken some today, to consider what they are doing and saying about God and others in the world.

The Ayin picture represents the image of a natural open eye which also has direct application of figurative meanings to the unseen spiritual realm. This is one of the primary reasons why we prayed the prayer in Ephesians 1, asking God to “open our eyes” (Ayin) to see and know Him. We can also find in 2 Kings 2:16-17 where Elisha prayed and ask God to open the eyes of his servant to see that there were more in the unseen spiritual realm that were with them, than were against them in the natural realm. It is very clear that everyone has the potential to see the greater spiritual realities around us with the opening of our spiritual eyes by God, and this will cause the lesser physical realities to become insignificant.

Therefore, the primary meaning of the ancient letter design, is the open or seeing “eye” or more precisely “eyes”, because humans were created with two natural eyes. But the letter picture has several other functional applications in the natural visual realm. For example, the Ayin letter has the following applications:

  1. An eye, or eyes as in “open”
  2. to see,
  3. to perceive,
  4. to look,
  5. to behold,
  6. to observe,
  7. to recognize,
  8. to search and/or find,
  9. to watch,
  10. to witness
  11. a color related to the eyes.
  12. the face connected with the eyes.
  13. to stand before and in the presence of the one looking on

Now let us go through a few of the spiritual applications of the “ayin” eye image:

  1. to learn,
  2. to know,
  3. to understand,
  4. to comprehend,
  5. to have a thought,
  6. to think,
  7. to perceive,
  8. to experience,
  9. to be enlightened
  10. to be alive
  11. to visualize or have a vision,
  12. to be open minded,
  13. to not be closed minded,
  14. to not be unaware, or asleep
  15. to not be dead

As we can see the “Ayin” pictogram of an open eye, also has multiple figurative applications to the hidden human heart representing the combined human soul and spirit.  But wait, there are also a couple other natural application of the eye symbol within God’s designed creation. Here is a short list of them:

  1. A well in the ground containing water looks like an eye and God refers to the earth as a face (Exo 10:5) which is a container for these waters (Gen 24:12, Exo 15:27).
  2. A fountain and a pool of water on the earth can look like a shimmering eye (Neh 2:14).
  3. A fountain of water can resemble a weeping eye (Gen 16:7, Num 33:9).
  4. The human eye can also resemble “furrows” (slits) in the face of the earth representing ground that has been plowed (Hosea 10:10).

These are some of the basic concepts found in the ancient Hebrew letter Ayin and its corresponding Hebrew word H5869. Please note that this was not a complete list and none of these concepts can be covered fully in this lesson today.

But when the Ayin letter is combined with other letters to form new words the application of the open eye becomes immensely greater. For example, “Ayin” + “Nun” can mean the “Eyes Continue” as in a shepherd “Keeps Watch” over his flock, clearly an image of God and Jesus as found in Psalm 23.

The “Ayin” + “Mem” combined letters form the Hebrew word H5971 that is translated as “people”. Remember the Ayin represents the “Eye” or “See”, and the “Mem” represents moving “water” and “blood”. Therefore, combining these meanings we can easily see that these two letters mean “See the Blood” and “See the Water”. The number one ingredient in any living human body is water and if you recall Adam’s name means “God’s Blood”. Therefore, God is calling His people those that have been bought with the blood of God (Jesus).

The alphabet letters Ayin + Dalet + Nun spells the Hebrew word H5731 transliterated as “Eden” which is the name of the garden of God. The Ayin is the Eye. The Dalet is the “door” of entrance or exit to God’s house and this is Jesus. The Nun is the picture of the “seed” representing continuing life, another image of Jesus giving us eternal life. These letter meanings when combined can say “Search (Find and See) the Door to Eternal Life” (Jesus).

Another amazing Ayin word is “AD” (H5703) that can be translated as “everlasting” or “evermore” as in eternity. Recall these were the first two Hebrew letters of “Eden”. God is clearly teaching us that His plan was for man to live forever. But because of Adam’s sin, Jesus was sent to the earth to make a new way to eternal life, and He is definitely the completing Nun seed of God sent to accomplish this (Jn 12:24) to give us eternal life.

The next Hebrew word in the introduction will be “AhTH” (H6258) and this word is translated predominately as “Now” as in the present time. This word is spelled “Ayin” + “Tav” + “Hey”. These three letters have the meaning, Ayin=“look”, Tav=“the cross”, and Hey=“behold” and placing these together we get two directions of view on a single most critical point event of human history called the crucifixion of the Messiah. God called this single event the “fulness or the fulfillment of time” in Galatians 4:4.

We can get the hidden message for AhTH, no matter where “now” is to any human. If now occurred before the cross, God was saying for those to look (Ayin) forward to the cross to come. But if it was after the cross occurred, then God is saying for us to look back in time, to become an amazed believer beholding (Hey) what God has done.

But this Hebrew word H6258 “now” also comes from the root “AhT”, that literally means “time”. This word is spelled “Ayin” (Eyes) + “Tav” (Cross). This appears to teach us that God’s entire reason for creating this thing called “time” was for the coming event of a cross that needed to be eagerly looked for.

Most of the Jewish people were looking for Messiah to come, but completely missed Him and did not realize what happened to save them on a cross in plain sight. These were just some of the amazing hidden coded messages using the “Ayin” letter and there are many others. We may get into a few more of these special words later if the Holy Spirit permits.

Let us move quickly into the letter Ayin numbers. The letter Ayin is the 16th letter of the alphabet. It has a gematria value of seventy. Seventy is the number achieved by multiplying 10 a perfecting factor with the number 7 that represents the perfection of God. Here is a short list of significant 70 occurrences in the Word of God:

  1. Lamech will be avenged 70 x 7 times in Genesis 4:24
  2. All the souls of Jacob that came into Egypt was 70 in Genesis 46:27.
  3. Moses brought the children of Israel to Elim where there was 12 wells and 70 palm trees to camp in Exodus 16:24.
  4. Children of Israel died in the wilderness at the maximum age of 70 or if some were stronger at 80 according to Psalm 90:10.
  5. God tells Moses to bring Aaron, his 2 sons, and Seventy elders of the 12 tribes of Israel to Mt Sinai to receive and accept God’s Law (Torah) (Exo 24:1). The Jewish Sanhedrin was formed and consisted of 70 elder men.
  6. 70 weeks are determined for natural Israel in Daniel 9:24. Seventy times seven is a total of 490 years.
  7. Israel exiled into Babylon 70 years (Jer 25:12).
  8. Jesus tells Peter to forgive people 70 x 7 times in 1 day (Mat 18:22).
  9. Jesus chose 12 disciples and appointed 70 others to go out to heal the sick and preach the Kingdom of God is come near to them (Luke 10:1-9).

These are just a very few of the examples found in the Bible of significant occurrences of the number 70. Each of these would take multiple lessons alone to cover. Therefore, they are only mentioned today for your personal Bible studies.

Every Hebrew letter has a corresponding Hebrew word. This word is the spelled-out form of the sound of the letter. The Hebrew word H5869 is the Hebrew word equivalent for the letter Ayin. This word is spelled “Ayin” + “Yod” + “Nun”. This Hebrew word occurs over 800 times in the Old Testament with it being translated over 400 times as “eyes”, over 200 times as “sight”, over 70 times as “eye” and several other interesting words applying to the eyes, and some were mentioned earlier.

Remember the Ayin Hebrew word H5869 was spelled “Ayin” + “Yod” + “Nun” and this is also very significant. Also remember the letter “Ayin” means “eyes” that “see” or “look”. The “Yod” means the “right hand” of “power”. The “Nun” represents a “seed”. This is profound because this says, “what we see with our eyes has the power to plant a seed (in our heart). This is radical and many humans don’t realize what they are watching could kill them or save them.

This introduces us to the ancient Hebrew cultural concept of the “evil” eye versus the “good” eye. The terms “evil” and “eye” occurs multiple times in the Bible, and they are easy to find by searching the words in your Bible software program or app. An evil eye in many Hebrew minds was a person that was stingy or not kind to give to others, a man focusing upon the consumption of wealth (Prov 28:22). This is very much like the rich man that died in Luke 16 with a beggar that lived outside his gate hoping to eat his crumbs from his tables. This rich man went to hell, implying in the eyes of God this man had an evil eye towards his fellow humans.

Let us go through a few of the other basic concepts and components of seeing “eyes”. We all know that “eyes” are essential for “sight”. This means they are like windows of the body that allow “light” to enter an image into our minds. We just saw this concept about a “seed” that can be planted in our mind by visual images.

But this is only possible because of the presence of the “light” that is shining upon the object being observed. This entrance of light reflected off the object causes the image to enter the body’s interior and the unseen human mind (soul), and this is an essential part for human learning. But all this learning is only possible for eyes that are open, and willing minds that desire to learn.

1Jn 1:5  This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

Here is a major God connection to the human spirit and our spiritual eyesight. God is called light as we can read in 1 John 1:5 and we know that light is the essential element for natural sight. This verse also informs us that in Him is no darkness and we know darkness is one description for blindness and the inability to see natural light. But remember that John 4:24 says God is a Spirit and not our natural light, so this verse is primarily applicable to spiritual concepts like God’s Words (Jn 6:63, PS 119:130).

God’s Words are just ink on a page and without natural light nobody could see and read them. But the same is true in the spirit realm. Without God’s light to illuminate His Words to our mind and spirit so that we will be able to comprehend what He has written for us to know about Him, we can receive nothing from them. Therefore, let us move to Part 2 of the introduction revealing the reality of spiritual eyes.

2. Introduction to Spiritual Eyes

We are now coming into the light, about the concept of two types of human eye doors (Dalet) that can be opened and shut. In the natural realm this occurs from blindness (Jn 9:1), the shutting of the eyes (Ps 132:4), or the placing of a blindfold upon the natural eyes (Luke 22:64) that shut out the light. But these same principles can also apply to the greater parallel reality of 1) spiritual seeing eyes as being eyes that perceive and are opened, or 2) spiritual eyes being shut, closed, or blinded, which is a human that is not understanding what is being taught from the Word of God.

Perhaps you did not realize spiritual eyes do exist. We know the spirit realm of eyes is true because God is a Spirit (Jn 4:24) and He has eyes (Gen 6:8), but also know that His eyes never close to sleep (Psa 121:4). But there is another concept of the eyes of God that teach us that He may turn His eyes away from people when they are living in sin (Eze 7:22). Sin is a problem for God to look upon, this is why Jesus hanging on the cross cried, “My God, My God, why has thou forsaken me?” (Ps 22:1, Mat 27:46). Remember that the cross of Christ for the last 3 hours was in a manifestation of “darkness” (Mat 27:45). It was during this time that Jesus was made sin for us, so that we could be made the righteousness of God (1 Pet 2:24).

Spirit beings called angels must also have eyes, since the Church is reminded to entertain strangers, because some have encountered angels in the natural realm unaware (Hebrews 13:2). Therefore, at least some of the created angels can appear to be identical, as in feature to feature to humans and must have eyes.

We can further confirm this truth by reading about Lot entertaining 2 angels sent to Sodom to destroy these wicked places. The men of that city wanted Lot to bring the visiting men (not knowing they were angels), out of the house so that they could have sex with them. But these angelic beings had supernatural power and they “blinded” the eyes (Ayin) of the humans so that they were not able to see and that ended the wicked men’s desires immediately, since they could not find the door anymore (Gen 19:11). Therefore, some angels look almost exactly like humans. But we can also find where other angels have wings and can use their wings to cover their face in Isaiah 6:2.

We all know that humans have natural eyes to see in the created physical world. But today some are learning that humans also have spiritual eyes as we can read in Luke 16:23. In this verse Jesus informs us of a rich man’s spirit that was in hell, with his body buried on the earth, that could still see Abraham and Lazarus afar off. Therefore, we know spirits of humans apart from their bodies can see in the spirit realm, with their spiritual eyes.

Remember again that we prayed an essential prayer from Ephesians 1 at the beginning of the lesson asking God to “open” the spiritual eyes of our understanding while we are still alive in our human flesh. Therefore, we learn that the spiritual human eyes can also be fully opened (alert and aware), or be in varying degrees of participation, progressing all the way to being fully closed, while we are alive in the flesh. This inner alertness is not dependent upon whether our natural eyes are open or closed. This means the closing of human spiritual eyes in a living human body, has a deeper attachment to perceiving and knowing truth (open), or not seeing it (closed).

2Co 4:4  In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

Remember the story of Lot and two of God’s angels that blinded the natural eyes of evil humans. This ability appears to also be true for evil angels that can blind the spiritual eyes of certain humans. As we can see in 2 Corinthians 4:4, there is a “god of this world” (Satan) that is able to “blind” the spiritual eyes/mind of unspecified humans. God calls this inability to see spiritual light a spiritual “blindness”. This spiritual eye problem was described as the inability to perceive light. But this light that was unable to be seen, is being illuminated from the “glorious gospel” (Word of God). It then informs that this blindness is causing that spiritually blind person the inability to be saved. This is a new radical concept to many.

What we are learning is that there are spirit beings that can keep the Word of God from the hearts and the “mind” of qualifying people. While we are not informed of the basis of this truth and why it is permitted in this verse, we know that God is just and if He must allow this type of blindness to occur it is because of something that the human has done that granted this to happen (Eph 4:27).

Nevertheless, whatever the reason for this access, these evil angels are clearly able to do this to keep some people from being saved. As we observe the world around us, it is obvious that there are a lot of people in this condition. There is no doubt that there are potentially many reasons why this has become so prevalent in these times that we are living.  We will not be able to cover all of them today.

There is one key reason why this blindness occurs. This reason was given to us by Jesus in the parable of the Sower in Matthew 13 and Mark 4. In this explanation of the parable Jesus teaches us that the “Seed” of the Word of God can be easily stolen by Satan because the one, that was listening to the Gospel did not “understand” the words being spoken. This is clearly a direct relationship to the human mind’s inability to “see” and “comprehend” a message. This lack of understanding a message that should be easily understood is what Jesus is speaking of.

One of the key reasons this blindness is occurring in the modern world, has been the removal of the Word of God from all public schools. This was designed intentionally by Satan to keep the truth far away from young impressionable minds. This continues into many colleges and universities through indoctrination of Satanic agenda items of persuadable smooth words to explain that there is no God.

These types of indoctrinations and brain washing schemes and techniques are being introduced even into elementary schools. The darkness of this world is attempting to sweep everyone away from the truth. But the Word of God is Light and Truth and it will always triumph over the lies of the darkness if Christians will get involved to fight for its return and the removal of the binding of the evil dark agenda.

This brings us to the concepts concerning our study subject of eyes (Ayin) called day and night, and light and darkness. People normally sleep in “darkness” and are “awake” and at “work” during the daylight. Therefore, light is the essential requirement for sight by God’s design. Paul writes to Christians in Romans 13:11 and Ephesians 5:14 informing them to “awake” out of their spiritual sleep. This informs us that even Christians being initially saved, can still be living in a state of partial or full darkness.

This sleeping in the darkness, is also like a partial blindness or the shutting of the spiritual eyes causing the inability to understand the Light of the Word of God. But this can be viewed as passiveness or tolerance for evil, like someone that is asleep during the robbery of their neighbor’s house. In the natural realm, this is more like a human that sees evil taking place and does not go to help someone being mugged.

This is a major problem in these days before Jesus returns, for too much of the church. Therefore, there needs to be a renewed Christian desire to move back into His Light to know Him more and understand His Word. This is a lot like the church written about in Revelation 2:4 when they are rebuked for leaving their first love (passion).

This sleep in the darkness, is analogous to Christians spiritual realities of not knowing God who calls Himself “Light” in 1 John 1:5 and it also includes us not fully knowing the Words of God that are called “Spiritual Light” (Ps 119:130). Therefore, without allowing God’s involvement in revealing Himself and His Word, no one living in the absence of God, which is the condition of darkness, would be able to “see” or “understand” anything in His Word of truth. These are all essential concepts to grasp, concerning spiritual awareness (sight), and blindness realities.

If you have ever descended into a large cave, and traveled very deep, and they have turned the lights off to demonstrate the effect of the absence of light, you know the nonexistence of all light is an amazing effect not normally experienced especially in the modern world of electronic devices that light up on demand. Again, this is analogous to God’s light participation and presence that enlightens our eyes to be able to perceive the truth.

We have only been introduced to some of the basic concepts and applications of eyes (Ayin). We have just learned the fact that there are at least two kinds of eyes that are in existence. These were the 1) natural physical created eyes and the 2) supernatural eyes of spirits.

This introduction has also brought us to understand that there are multiple kinds of spiritual beings with eyes, including 1) God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), 2) angels, and 3) humans. So far, we know God is a Spirit (Jn 4:24) and that God has spiritual eyes that can observe both the spiritual and the physical realities simultaneously (Genesis 6:5). But we know from 1 Samuel 16:7 that His foremost focus is upon the internal spiritual heart of man.

The real focus of God in this lesson is the Son of God named Jesus. This was a unique one-of-a-kind Son of Man and Son of God combination. Therefore, Jesus had to possess God’s spiritual eyesight as well as human natural eyesight. We are going to be primarily focused upon God the Son and His human interactions and purposes for appearing on earth, in the rest of this lesson.

But we must not forget that there remains the participation of evil spiritual influences of Satan, fallen angels, and demons in our world that are attempting to take away our abilities to see God’s “Light”. We will get to more of this soon. Let us move to the subject of the teachings of Jesus on “eyes” next to better understand the perspective of the Son of God purpose for being born in Bethlehem.

3. What Did Jesus Teach About Eyes?

This teaching on the “eyes” (Ayin) of God and man is a huge subject. It is impossible to cover everything in this single lesson about “eyes” that were taught by Jesus. Jesus was God, and still is God in the form of created flesh, and it was Him that created the “eyes” (Ayin) (Prov 20:12). Therefore, He knows and understands this subject better than anyone (Eph 3:9). Because we are learning how every alphabet letter is pointing us to Jesus, let us analyze a few key statements that He taught us about “eyes”.

Luk 4:18  The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, 

Early in the ministry of Jesus, He begins to teach the Jewish people from the Word of God. Therefore, in this verse He had just walked into a synagogue and the scroll of Isaiah is brought to Him to read. He searches (with His Ayin Eyes) the scroll and finds this verse specifically. He reads it boldly with the natural eyes (Ayin) of everyone in the temple being fixed upon Him. He then goes and sits down in a chair reserved for the coming Messiah. He tells everyone that “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your ears”. This got their attention like nothing else could have. They had been awaiting their Messiah for centuries.

As part of this verse, we will only focus our attention on a single statement. This occurred when He said, “I am sent to bring the recovering of sight to the blind”. Certainly, this ministry to human eyes was a key part of His divinely appointed earth mission. According to prophecy and his own mouth, God had appeared on the earth in the flesh, “to open blind eyes”.

As we have learned in the introduction, blind “eyes” are those that do not have vision either fully or partially, and either naturally or spiritually, or both. They typify eyes shrouded in “darkness” denying the ability to perceive the “light” clearly. We can see Jesus opening physical blind eyes in Matthew 9:27-30, Matthew 12:22-23, Matthew 15:30-31, Matthew 20:30, Matthew 12:14, to only name a few in one book of the Gospels. Therefore, physical blindness being healed was certainly a key part of the ministry of the Messiah.

But there was also Jesus’ working in the realm of the spirit to remove spiritual blindness that was a significant part of His revealed purpose for coming into the world. This was revealed when He read from the scroll of Isaiah. This spiritual blindness is the inability to find, perceive, know, or understand God’s truth. We still encounter vast numbers of readers on this website like this. This is revealed when they do not leave a comment that they saw anything that blessed them spiritually, or they write about things that are so carnally distracting that it is clear they have no spiritual sight. Jesus spoke of people in this condition:

Mat 15:14  Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

Reading the context that went before in verses 1 to 13, we will find Jesus speaking about religious leaders that understood very little of what they were teaching the people from the written Words of God’s Law. These were people that were supposed to be shepherds in a role that were there to care for God’s sheep (people). These men were adding their own carnal traditions and customs to be above the written words of God and in doing so they made the Word of God ineffectual (Mat 15:6). Jesus called this the “blind” (of spirit) that were leading their “spiritually blind” followers into a pit of destruction.

This was a very strong statement against those that were being spoken of, but it had vast implications of antithesis positives attached to it. The first and foremost unstated reference was that Jesus was implied not to be spiritually blind because He was the speaker. This made Him a spiritually sighted man able to see and understand the Word of God and this was observed by many people that heard Him speak on the Kingdom of God (Luke 2:47, Luke 4:22, Mark 6:2, John 7:46).

There are other examples of spiritually blind leaders of God’s people. Another one that is found in the Gospels is the statements made by Jesus to scribes and pharisees in Matthew 23:15-36. These words appear to be a rebuke to these leaders combined with a warning to repent and change. Repent means to change their ways of thinking and this is a spiritually mind/soul reversal of thought. This clearly indicates they were in a condition of being spiritually blind not able to understand God or His Word clearly. God prophesied about these leaders in Ezekiel 34:1-10 and other places.

Therefore, we have learned and confirmed the following from the mouth of Jesus about eyes:

  1. God came to the earth to open blind eyes.
  2. One kind of blind eyes that are in darkness is natural.
  3. A second kind of blind eyes are spiritual because they understand not what is written in God’s Word.
  4. Being spiritually blind is the condition of not understanding what is learned or taught from the Word of God.
  5. Spiritually blind people can be people that fully see clearly with their natural eyes.
  6. Therefore, spiritual blindness represents the lack of human ability to perceive the Word.

Let us look at a new set of verses that Jesus spoke of about “eyes” (Ayin) revealing His Ayin mission on earth.  We will read four verses in John 12.

Joh 12:44  Jesus cried and said, He that believeth on me, believeth not on me, but on him that sent me. 

Joh 12:45  And he that seeth me seeth him that sent me. 

Joh 12:46  I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness

Joh 12:47  And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.

Here in these verses, Jesus is physically present on the earth teaching the natural people some key spiritual concepts about one of His significant purposes for coming into the world. There is a direct mention of “eyes” that “see” in verse 45 connecting us to the study subject of “Ayin”. But notice Jesus said that He came into the world to be a “light”. This was not a physical light that glowed in the night’s natural darkness. No Jesus is speaking spiritually as He did in His normal types of conversations with humans.

This literally means Jesus is calling Himself the Spirit Light source of knowledge and this simply means He knew and understood the Word of God. Therefore, this indicates His purpose was to open the blinded (darkened) spiritual eyes (minds) that we were just reading about in the beginning of this section. This also further connects us to Jesus being called symbols of the sun, such as the Day Star (2 Peter 1:19), Morning Star (Rev 22:16) and the Sun of Righteousness (Mal 4:2).

We already know that Jesus is speaking about two types of eyes here by additionally stating that one of His highest goals for His personal appearance was to “save the world”. Therefore, we can easily connect that our “salvation” is from this present lost world, and this was related to the opening of our blind spiritual eyes. This is amazing when you see it, no pun intended.

Notice in verse 44, Jesus is speaking of “believing”. We know from Romans 10:9-10, that believing in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, and confessing with our mouths He is our Lord Jesus, we are on the path to be saved. Therefore, we are experiencing and confirming the reality of two sets of eyes (Ayin), these are:

  1. Spiritual Heart Eyes, and
  2. Physical Natural Eyes.

We find this revelation in verse 45, when Jesus said, “when you have seen me (with your natural eyes), you have been given the opportunity of seeing my Father with your spiritual eyes. In other words, it takes believing faith for a human to experience and internally see God in the spirit realm of the “heart”. Here is an overview of some of the essential concepts that Jesus just taught us.

  1. Jesus came to be and bring the “Light” of salvation to everyone in the world (John 9:5). Jesus is speaking of Him being a physical example to show us the true nature of God as a spiritual Light (1 Jn 1:5).
  2. Jesus fulfilled being the Light of the world by teaching the Word of God (Psalm 119:130).
  3. Therefore, Jesus is not of the darkness, nor does He blind the eyes/mind of anyone, since He is the Light source that causes sight (Jn 9:5).
  4. Those people that did not understand what was being taught remained in their darkness of spiritual blindness (Mat 13:19).
  5. Those people that heard and understood His Words were enlightened with their spirit eyes and could believe in their hearts (Eph 1:17-18).
  6. Believing in things not seen is called walking by “faith” (spiritual enlightenment) and not by “sight” (natural) (2 Cor 5:7).

Our foundational Ayin verse of this lesson is Ephesians 1:18. We have seen this verse more than once and in it we will find Paul prayed for the church at Ephesus. Paul specifically mentions to ask God to open their spiritual eyes of their understanding to be enlightened (light to shine). These were all people that could see physically, and they were saved initially in their spirit, yet they still required a prayer to further open their spiritual eyes.

This further confirms that the removal of spiritual blindness is key to continued salvation and spiritual maturity. All these people that are being prayed for, have already received Christ as Lord and Savior. Yet Paul understands they are still very blinded in many areas of receiving, learning, and knowing God’s fullest truth.

If you look up the Greek word G5461 that was translated as “enlightened”, it is amazing how it fits with our discussion of “eyes”, “sight”, and “light”. This Greek word literally means to bring light to someone to cause them to see. But since God writing through Paul connected this to the word “understanding”, we find the meaning is changing from an external natural type of sight to an internal heart and soul illumination. Let us move to a new Ayin lesson from Jesus next:

Mat 6:20  But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:

Mat 6:21  For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Mat 6:22  The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light

Mat 6:23  But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

Mat 6:24  No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

This is one of the deepest spiritual thoughts that we could possibly try to understand in a short description. Yet, we will touch on it because Jesus is speaking about our subject of “eyes” in this chapter context in verses 22 and 23. We should quickly realize that Jesus is speaking of the subject that we were introduced to earlier concerning a good eye (Ayin) and an evil eye (Ayin).

Also, what we will quickly discover is that these verses are crossing into two human realities simultaneously, in practically every verse. These two realities are spiritual sight and physical sight as well as natural light and spiritual light. For example, in verse 20 we see Jesus speaking of storing up “treasure” in heaven.

Heaven is clearly the unseen spiritual location of the throne of the Father (Ps 11:4) and is the place now where the Son is also seated (Heb 8:1). But these words are being spoken from the natural realm of our human choices and works. Jesus specifically declares that when we store our treasures in heaven (the spirit reality), the natural corrupted evils found in the physical world cannot devour or steal them from us. This is amazing because it teaches us that Heaven is a “securely” ruled location, and earth has a different “cursed” system of combined “good” and “evil” that can destroy them on the earth. Therefore, we have new facts of major truth:

  1. There are two realms of existence and access for humans, and these are a). the spiritual and b). the natural, and these occur simultaneously.
  2. The spiritual in heaven is where God’s throne is located.
  3. The earth natural realm is where humans live.

Now combining verses 20 and 21 we confirm these two realms of existence can be manifested or accessed here upon the earth by humans. Jesus makes the clear statement “wherever” we focus our heart that is where our treasure is located. Wow, this is good for us to know. Humans can “see into”, “participate in”, and “focus upon” either of these two realms of existence while on the physical earth. What does this teach us?

  1. Jesus says there are human spiritual eyes and natural eyes, and we can choose to point our human focused desires and priorities towards either.
  2. Jesus is also very clearly confirming the fact that an evil eye is a greedy stingy person only focused upon gaining more physical wealth to bring themselves more money, influence, power, praise, prestige, glory, honor.
  3. But those with the good eye, is focused upon bringing people into the kingdom of God for the Glory of God only (Prov 22:9).

How does a Christian change their eye focus? Jesus enlightened us to the answer in verses 22 and 23. Jesus is teaching us that it is a daily human choice what we focus upon as our priority. In these verses Jesus says, “If our eye is…” and the choices are for us to make our eye “wholly” focused upon the implied good Light like us choosing to be kind, loving, generous, etc. The other choice is for us to change our mental eye focus from doing evil like choosing to see others instead of ourselves only.

An evil eye is also one like Lucifer, that was described to us in Isaiah 14:12-14. In these verses Lucifer says at least 5 times what “He will do and become”. He was clearly focused upon himself, by saying, “I will be like the most high”, “I will exalt my throne above the stars”, etc. This shows self-promotion and greed, and the clear quality of pride. These are character traits of a lot of rich people in the world today, but God will judge everyone, and it will be like Jesus said in Matthew 19:33, “hardly will a rich man enter into the kingdom of heaven”.

In other words, we can choose to focus upon what we are observing all around us in the natural world to our own selfish greed, and we can let those thoughts dominate us, or we can replace that darkness with the “light” of the Word of God to allow it to come into our hearts and minds. God’s words, thoughts and ways filling our minds, will consume our carnal thoughts, and Satan’s evil thoughts of temptation.

Let us end this section with verse 23. In this verse Jesus is describing the “evil eye”. But this verse also has a new revelation to teach us a new concept about light. Reread this verse again:

Mat 6:23  But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

Did you see the contradiction? How can an evil eyed human that Jesus says is full of darkness, also have light? Uh oh? Jesus just opened our eyes to two kinds of light. We know the Word of God brings us “Good” light and this represents Truth. Therefore, evil light must represent lies.

As we should know from 2 Corinthians 11:14, Paul wrote to us, “Satan himself transforms into an angel of light”. We also know that Jesus said in John 8:44, “the devil… for he is a liar, and a father of it.”. Therefore, gaining spiritual “light” appears to be defined more clearly and precisely as the concept of a human obtaining “knowledge”. Doesn’t this make sense?

Weren’t our human minds born as vessels empty of “knowledge”? Are they not being filled and enlightened with new things never seen before every day? But this is where Jesus warns us that there is potentially a lot of “light” / knowledge that is not “good” to know of fill your mind with.

In fact, this is the concept found in Genesis 2. This is where God commands the man not to “eat” from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Eating from a tree of evil appears to represent symbolically “looking” at, and “receiving” the enlightenment of the types of knowledge that are of the darkness. Therefore, this is evil, this information is always based upon the devil’s “lies”. Did you learn anything new? Here is an overview of the basic concepts:

  1. Gaining knowledge is receiving spiritual enlightenment.
  2. There are two kinds of spiritual “light”. 1) Good, and 2) Evil.
  3. Evil enlightenment fills the spirit/mind/body with darkness and lies.
  4. Good enlightenment fills the spirit/mind/body with Light and Truth and this is always Words from the mouth of God.

Now let us take all this new information back to creation written in Genesis 1 to be enlightened further with confirming truths.

4. Eyes in Creation
Separating the Light (Sight),
From the Darkness (Blind)

We are learning that there are multiple types of eyes and created entities that possess them. We know God created birds, fish, mammals, insects, etc., that all had natural eyesight. Finally, there was created man as the ending climax, that we also are learning was given created natural eyes and spiritual eyes that can either see or be blinded. All these eye types were created by the Eyes of the Creator God.

But in this section, we will discuss what took place in God’s Genesis 1 account of His creation about eyes. In this chapter we can find several direct and implied participations of eyes. We will also discover and confirm that there are other concepts concerning eyes like light and darkness that allow or hinder us from sight.

In the previous section it was revealed that viewing objects illuminated with “light” is gaining new “knowledge”. We could also say gaining new “knowledge” comes from “seeing” new “light”. This is why I love the Bible. There is a never-ending supply of “new light” and “new truth” in this book. The more you learn, the more you see, to learn.

All these new eye concepts are essential to understanding why God created the 16th letter of the Hebrew alphabet to be a picture of a “eye” (Ayin). We will start with the very first verse of the Bible in the book of “Beginnings”.

Gen 1:1  In the beginning God created (Alef-Tav) the heaven and the earth.

The very first indirect mention of God’s eyes is found in the first verse of the Bible. The eyes of God are strongly implied to be present in Genesis 1:1. But we can easily discover through study, that God’s unstated eyes and unstated mouth in the creation of verse 1, are very strong participants in the beginning creation of the entire heaven and the earth. In fact, notice that seven times in Genesis 1 God wrote “God saw” a clear reference to the eyes of God participating in creating our present world. These verses are:

  1. Genesis 1:4 “And God saw the light, that it was good”…
  2. Genesis 1:10 “And God saw it was good”.
  3. Genesis 1:12 “And God saw it was good”.
  4. Genesis 1:18 “And God saw it was good”.
  5. Genesis 1:21 “And God saw it was good”.
  6. Genesis 1:25 “And God saw it was good”.
  7. Genesis 1:31 “And God saw everything that He had made, and it was very good”.

We have 7 direct references to the eyes of God at work in creation. Now let us discover the mouth of God at work which represents His spoken Word, which we know is Jesus (John 1:1-14).

  1. Genesis 1:3 “And God said Let there be Light”.
  2. Genesis 1:6 “And God said Let there be a Firmament”.
  3. Genesis 1:9 “And God said Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together”.
  4. Genesis 1:11 “And God said Let the earth bring forth grass”.
  5. Genesis 1:14 “And God said Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven”.
  6. Genesis 1:20 “And God said Let the waters bring forth moving creatures with life”.
  7. Genesis 1:24 “And God said Let the earth bring forth living creatures after his kind”.
  8. Genesis 1:26 “And God said Let us make man in our image after our likeness”.
  9. Genesis 1:28 “Ang God blessed them and said…”
  10. Genesis 1:29 “And God said I have given you…”

In each of these verses it is written, “God said”. This is clearly the working of the Words of God coming from His mouth, but we will further verify this for those that like more details.

We can learn from Psalm 102:5 that the heavens were the “works” of God’s hands (Yod). And the letter Yod (hand) symbolically means that it was God’s “power” that created the heaven and the earth. But where is God’s power? We answer this by reading Hebrews 1:3.

Heb 1:3  Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;

This verse is also about Jesus called by the name “The Word of God” in Revelation 19:13. In this verse we discover that the world is held together by the “Word of His Power”. Therefore, All of God’s Power to not only create but to cause everything to remain created, is found in His spoken mouth “Word Power”. Then in Psalm 33:6 we confirm all of this by reading, “By the Word of the Lord were the heavens made, and all of the hosts of them by the breath of His mouth”.

God was said to be at work creating our present world, for 6 days in Genesis 1 and we should also understand that any good work is usually performed with the participation of eyes (Ayin) as we have observed directly in 7 verses. We learned that God’s hand (power) created the heavens (Ps 102:5). We have all heard of the concept for the necessity of “eye-hand or hand-eye” coordination in human works. This would be like a tennis player that finds the ball coming at them using their eyes, and then calculates and coordinates the desired location to swing their racket to meet the tennis ball to return the volley. Man was made in the image and likeness of the creator God. Therefore, God must do the same kind of eye to hand coordination to create. This will become more real as we continue to study Genesis 1.

We have already confirmed that creation was accomplished through God’s mouth (Peh) speaking creative Words (Ps 33:6) of Power (Yod = Hand) (Ps 102:25). God’s written word further confirms to us that God is “His Word” that created everything that was created by reading John 1:1-3 to name only one reference. In verse 1 of John 1 God says, “In the Beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God”. Next in verse 2 of John 1 we find God is claiming to be at work in the beginning through “Words” and these spoken Words came from the same creator God. But then in verse 3, we find a very direct reference to creation that everything that was made was made by Words of God.

Then we find in John 1:14 that the Word (God) chose to become flesh and that He dwelt among us personally by Him being made the man named Jesus (Mat 1:21). Therefore, Jesus was God in the flesh, and He was the Word of God (Rev 19:13). And He was God with us in human form (Mat 1:23). But what are God creative Words built upon? The correct answer is God’s chosen “Alphabet”.

If you have ever done any serious deep Bible study, you have already discovered that the Bible is a giant puzzle containing many scattered word pictures in random placements of the scriptures that must be aligned and joined correctly to all the other scattered related puzzle pieces to find Jesus Christ fittingly. Everything in the Bible (scriptures, words, letters) points us to Jesus in some form. This is the most important way to find Jesus, knowing we must search for Him on purpose everywhere.

What we are discovering is the existence of connected Hebrew alphabet letters to other letters (Ayin, Peh, Yod) that were purposefully designed by the intelligence of God. We have found that there is a major connection between the eyes of God to the mouth of God and the hand of God in creation at the beginning of all matter, space, and time, and Jesus the spoken Word of God was present and involved in all of it.

In our initial analysis of creation, we find where God has implied eyes, and we are going to confirm this using several other scriptures in this lesson. But what we are about to discover that at first creation of the heaven and the earth, there were also other eyes (Ayin) besides the eyes (Ayin) of God that immediately observed how God accomplished it. These observing created beings were the angels who after witnessing such wonders, shouted for joy. We can read about this in the book of Job and chapter 38 where Jehovah (YHVH) is speaking to the man Job:

Job 38:1  Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said, 

Job 38:2  Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge

Job 38:3  Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me

Job 38:4  Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding

Job 38:5  Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it? 

Job 38:6  Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof

Job 38:7  When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy

As we can see, God is asking Job some questions and demanding him to answer. But God’s questions are designed to reveal Job’s ignorance, and this applies to any human that believes they know completely about anything to how He created the universe. This is because no human was present to observe us being created or this single beginning event of Genesis 1:1.

But we are told in Job 38:7, that the creation event was observed by the “morning star” (Lucifer, Isa 14:12) and the sons of God (angels) and they literally all sang for joy in seeing how this creation was performed. Therefore, we have just seen more eyewitness observers of creation called “angels”. Hence, this further establishes that angels have “eyes” that see, and mouths that can speak. Let us look at the next verse in Genesis:

Gen 1:2  And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

The first occurrence of God’s usage of the letter Ayin is found twice in Genesis 1:2. Here God says, “darkness was upon the face of the earth” and “the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters”. The Hebrew word H5921 (‘al) was translated as “upon” twice and it means “to be above”.

God spelled this Hebrew word H5921 beginning it with our letter “Ayin” which is joined with the letter “Lamed” to form the word ‘al and it occurs significantly over five thousand times in the original Hebrew text. This word H5921 is translated as the English words “on”, “upon”, “above”, “over”, “against” (with a downward aspect), and others.

But the word H5921 individual ancient Hebrew letter meanings “Ayin” (eyes) + “Lamed” (shepherd staff authority) combined say “See, Watch, Observe the Authority” (of God’s power released through spoken words). This strongly implies again that God’s Eyes, Hands, and Mouth of Authority were all sovereignly at Work to create our world in Genesis 1.

What we are continuing to see in Genesis 1:2, is another implied involvement of the “Eyes of God” to describe what God was seeing concerning His creation and how He had observed a state of darkness that had covered the earth to make it formless and void. But we know from studying Isaiah that God did not create the world in Genesis 1 as formless and void.

Isa 45:18  For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else

This is God’s amazing commentary on Genesis 1:1-2. God very clearly writes to us that the earth was never created as “vain.” This Hebrew word is the same one that was translated as “formless” in Genesis 1:2. God says here in Isaiah, the earth was created in a form that was inhabitable originally. Therefore, we know the words describing the earth as “formless”, “void”, and “covered in darkness” and “water” were not the original ways that it was created. Therefore, something, or more accurately someone, destroyed the earth to place it in this state of confused chaotic darkness. We will show who this was soon.

Now let us notice the first mention of God’s direct acts of His work during what appears to be Day 1 of earth’s re-creation.

Gen 1:3  And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

Here in Genesis 1:3, we find the first explicitly stated method to “how” God worked in “all” of His creation. Here we find where God uses His mouth (Peh) to speak the words “Light Be” (or more literal the command “Exist Light”). It was these spoken words from the mouth of God that caused “light” to begin to manifest on the earth to counter the darkness that had previously consumed it. But simultaneously this command began a natural and a spiritual “Light” solution to be initiated to achieve “physical and spiritual eyesight”. Therefore, the first work that God deemed necessary was the re-introduction of light again on the earth. Let us continue to the next verse Genesis 1:4:

Gen 1:4  And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

The “eyes” (Ayin) of God, being first directly spoken of in creation are found in Genesis 1:4. In this verse Moses inspired by the Holy Spirit wrote, “And God saw light causing good, God divided light from darkness”. That was one very literal translation of the original Hebrew words that teach us “light is related to be only Good” and “darkness is the implied antithesis to the good Light, being only evil”. Hopefully, you are beginning to see some things that you have never seen before in these verses.

We should have been observing that the “good light” was not only being re-introduced back onto the earth, but it was also being separated and divided from the evil darkness. To help us better understand what is happening, let us read another clue that God gives us in the book of Isaiah about His creative works:

Isa 46:10  Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:

Learn a potentially new concept given to us from Isaiah 46:10 about how the omniscient God already knows the end before He ever begins to create or recreate anything. Please realize that our God who is living outside of the dimension of time has pre-planned the ending of our created world by foreseeing and declaring it with His spiritual eyes (Ayin) and causing it to become through His spoken words from His mouth (Peh).

This literally teaches us that God’s Eyes (Ayin) see His “good” end results long before He speaks it to come to pass. Do you see how the “eyes” (Ayin) of God are working throughout creation in conjunction with His mouth (Peh)? This is very profound and prophetic for how man is supposed to operate also. Perhaps you will remember that the order of the 16th letter of the Alphabet is Ayin eyes and it is immediately followed by the 17th letter the Peh Mouth. Therefore, God has placed a design connection introducing us to the concept of “seeing” first before “speaking”.

In this God designed process He intelligently thought out a plan to accomplish His purpose of eliminating darkness before He creates the world that we are living within. He does this even by allowing for all the oppositions that Satan, fallen angels, and humans used by the darkness would fight against Him to try to stop it from happening.

Therefore, we must know that Genesis 1 reveals the entire outlined God desired ending of His creation before a human was ever created (Rev 13:8). This designed layout of Genesis 1 has encoded within it some incredibly significant points, which cannot be fully expanded today. There are other lessons found here that teach some of these hidden concepts in more detail. We will only go over some quick few points in relationship with the study subject of “eyes”. But we must know this fact before we move forward.

There are 6 days of work in chapter one, followed by a day of rest at the beginning of chapter 2. This is a total of 7 days, or one week of creation days. What has God hidden in these 7 days? We find the answer by reading Psalm 90:4:

Psa 90:4  For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.

God defines one day to be exactly 1000 years in this verse. We know this is God’s definition because it says, “in thy sight” and this is the Hebrew word H5869 that we have learned is “Ayin” representing “eyes”. Therefore, in God’s eyes He is trying to get us to “see” the days of creation represent 1000 years of human history. This is confirmed in 2 Peter 3:8 saying, “one day is with the Lord as 1000 years”. This is simply teaching us that the 7 total days of creation are a hidden overview of the entire human history within our current world.

This knowledge works out very well when we begin to understand day 1 of creation represents the first 1000 years, and this was the beginning of humans on God’s viewpoint of a time clock. The other significant occurrence that directly happens at the end of days 6 is the creation of man in a sinless mature state of existence. This is a prophecy of how God intends the church to end at the completion of 6000 years. We are currently living within this part of the prophetic calendar now. But let us go back to the beginning of Genesis to discover more about this concept of light being separated from darkness.

We should notice that there was no direct mention of eyes until after God “spoke” in Genesis 1:3. In this verse we saw that He declared spoken words to bring forth His planned light solution into the world to overcome the darkness that had fully consumed earth. And we notice that this “good” work on day one was accomplished with the intention of dividing the good light from the evil darkness. Therefore, we are learning God’s primary “eye” focus was upon His desired “end results” and He was not mentioning His eyes being concerned on the current problem of darkness and evil. This confirms what we read about in Isaiah where God is declaring the planned “ending” from the beginning of creation and we are discovering this plan intimately involves a new creation called “man”.

God is emphasizing a previously introduced subject of “eyes” called “focus” in Genesis 1:1-4. God has hidden an example of how He is “not” focused upon (to see clearly and be concerned about) any current problems caused by darkness. Rather, His focus is to observe and visualize the desired future ending result in His mind first. Then after He has fully analyzed and thought out all the possible solutions in conjunction with all the possible hinderances, He makes the wisest decision and speaks His solution.

After that is accomplished and is manifest, God observes His solution with His eyes and names the light “day” and the “darkness” He called “night”. This represents “categorization”, and “division”, of now two separated identities. Finally, God says this was “Day 1 of creation and it was Good”. Therefore, we are observing the first 1000 years of human history summarized in symbolic language in a short couple of verses.

Remember, we read in verse 2, God said there was only “darkness” (implied evil) that covered the entire face of the deep. This information implied that God has seen the works of the evil darkness, and it caused Him to bring the ending solution of light back into the world. And this light would be used to eliminate the current situation of the earth’s dominance by darkness. Let us go to the end of the Bible to see the future goal of no darkness will be achieved:

Rev 21:23  And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.

Notice this verse is written after the completion of a total of 7000 years of human history (7 days in God’s eyes). Do you see how the problem of darkness and its division are being completely solved in the next to the last chapter of the Bible? God is prophesying through John, that He will be the Light of the World and He accomplishes this through His manifested Son named Jesus Christ.

Please never forget that God calls Himself to be “Light” in 1 John 1:5 and light is the essential element for all “eyes” to see, whether spiritual or natural. Therefore, separating light from darkness in Genesis 1 takes on a completely new realm of spiritual meaning and application when applied to the “True Light” representing Jesus (John 1:9, 1 John 2:8). Also, we know who represents the ruler of darkness from reading and combining several verses.

1Co 2:6  Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought

1Co 2:7  But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory

1Co 2:8  Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory

1Co 2:9  But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him

We will begin with 1 Corinthians 2:6-9 to find these verses are related to our study subject. We find the mention of “eyes” in verse nine confirming the connection to the “Ayin”. We also find the mention of the creation of the world in verse seven. Notice that we see a “ruling prince” in verse six of an implied kingdom in our world who will come to nothing. This spiritual ruler coming to nothing is again mentioned in verse eight as a ruling “prince” who is not the omniscient God called “Light”. This implies this ruling prince is of the opposite realm called “darkness”.

But we also find in verse eight, that the ruler of this world in his incredible ignorance, crucified the Lord Jesus and appears to wish he had never caused this to happen. Why is this? This is because the “death”, “burial” and “resurrection” of Jesus was the major pivotal point in the course of time to fulfill the plan of God to separate light from darkness.

Eph 6:12  For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

This verse written to the church in Ephesians 6 describes God’s and our spiritual enemies using ranking orders. We immediately can seethat this current world ruler is the “ruler of everyone in the darkness of this world”. However, in this same verse we additionally learn that this spiritual kingdom authority of darkness are supernatural beings not of the class of created human flesh and blood (natural) existence.

It is also very revealing to know that the Greek word translated as “principalities” is G746. This Greek word occurs around 59 times and 40 times it was translated as “beginning(s)”. Wow, this is amazing since we read about the angels were the created beings that were present at the beginning of creation. This is a very strong display of who these supernatural dark rulers are.

But we also learn that this kingdom of darkness is still a point of opposition for all Christians who are wrestling against them in the spirit realm by putting on and wearing the armor of God that is subsequently listed in this chapter. Therefore, we have confirmed there is a “kingdom called darkness” who has a royal spiritual ruler with authority. Let us dive deeper into this by moving to Colossians:

Col 1:12  Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light:

Col 1:13  Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:

We also find in Colossians 1:13 that, “God has delivered us (the saved church) from the authority of darkness, translating us into the Kingdom of His dear Son” (Jesus). We additionally notice in Colossians 1:12 that Christians are called the “saints in Light”. Therefore, the Kingdom of Light belongs to God and is ruled by His Son Christ Jesus. Remember Genesis 1:3, God says, “Let there be Light” and then He called this division of time “Day”. The opposite “darkness”, God calls “night” and we are observing 2 spiritual kingdoms being separated as we are reading about in the New Testament. But we still have the need to find which “prince” is the ruler of this night kingdom of darkness? We find the major revealed clue to the identity of this ruling prince of darkness in Acts:

Act 26:18  To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.

Notice the direct mention of our subject of “eyes” to begin the verse. Wow, we are still on target to understand how God wrote words to point us to Jesus as the letter Ayin (eyes) source of sight. It is now much clearer that Satan is the ruler of the kingdom of darkness (no light, no God, and no Jesus), and he has chosen to become the enemy of God and His Son who are Light.

We are discovering in Genesis 1, how these described creative works of God reveal to us how it was His intention to separate Himself (Light) from Satan (the ruler of darkness). In Acts 26:18 we found that Christians who have chosen to turn (repent) and follow God’s salvation in Jesus are no longer in Satan’s darkness (the spiritual realm of no God existence).

But as we saw in Colossians 1:13 His plan was for us to enter the Kingdom of Light and Day by being translated out of our previous darkened state of existence having our “eyes” (Ayin) opened. But guess what, God is referring to spiritual blindness and not natural inability to see light. Therefore, spiritual eyes that have been opened is the God designed process to begin salvation. Let us confirm these realities with these two verses:

1Th 5:4  But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.

1Th 5:5  Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.

The Apostle Paul makes it very clear that Jesus came into the world to take us out of our former life in the darkness by being born-again into the Day as “children of Light (God)”. Do you see the amazing parallels to what was stated in Genesis 1:2-4? We can find parallel subjects of “darkness and light”, “night and day” in both Genesis 1 and all these verses that we are reading in the New Covenant. Therefore, the Genesis 1 verses are God’s prophecies using symbolic terms for the rise of two opposing spiritual kingdoms that were divided by His design.

When did this work begin and when will it end? We know this work of God was initially happening on Day 1 of creation in Genesis 1:3 when God commanded “Light to be”, after the darkness had previously destroyed the world in Genesis 1:2. God confirms this connection was His designed intention by reading this verse in Corinthians:

2Co 4:6  For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

Wow, again! Paul is quoting from Genesis 1:3 where God commanded “Light to Exist”. Paul is confirming that Genesis 1:3 was a prophecy about a coming of God (Light) as a personal appearance into the darkened controlled world. We also learn that that Light that was commanded to shine also applies to spiritual eyesight simultaneously with the realization of the natural light that took place nearly 6000 years ago.

We can now begin to learn that without this dual purposed commanded natural and spiritual “light” of Genesis 1:3, we would be unable to have the necessary light of “knowing” the glory of God in the face of Jesus (2 Cor 4:6)! Wow, again! Where are the eyes of Jesus located? We all know they are on the face of Jesus. Did you know the “eyes” of Jesus are described as “flames of fire” in Revelation 1:14? Do you understand flames of fire produce “Lights”? Do you believe any of this is a coincidence? Certainly, it is NOT!

But when did the rulership of these two opposing kingdoms (Light vs. darkness) officially begin? Was it happening 6000 years ago when God spoke “Light Be”? We should know that this does not work, since Jesus (God=Light) only came to the earth approximately 2000 years ago. Therefore, we have a difference of 4000 years to resolve.

What we discover from reading further in Genesis 1 is that this key rulership division occurs as another prophecy on Day 4 of creation. If a thousand years is as one day to the Lord (Psalm 90:4, 2 Peter 3:8), we find the secret that Jesus was scheduled to be born as the “Light of the World” exactly 4000 years after Adam sinned. Uh oh, that appears to match and potentially solve our previous difference. What happened on Day 4 of creation?

Gen 1:14  And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years

Gen 1:15  And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so

Gen 1:16  And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also

Gen 1:17  And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth

Gen 1:18  And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good

Gen 1:19  And the evening and the morning were the fourth day

In our knowledge that has been acquired about studying light and darkness in Day 1 of creation, what we find on day 4 of creation is very amazing parallels to the same night and day division. We know this represents two kingdoms called light and darkness. But here in these verses we also find two “rulers” of these separated kingdoms. God very clearly states that there are two great lights, one called the “greater light”, and one called the “lesser light”. Hopefully you know by reading the other lessons on this website, these are synonymous and symbolic terms for the sun and the moon. God clarifies this Genesis 1 terminology in Psalms:

Psa 136:8  The sun to rule by day: for his mercy endureth for ever:

Psa 136:9  The moon and stars to rule by night: for his mercy endureth for ever.

As we can now plainly see, the Spirit of God defines the greater light to be the sun that rules the day/light, and He defines the lesser light to be the moon that rules the night/darkness. Does this mean that the symbol of the sun represents Jesus, and the symbol of the moon represents “Satan”. Absolutely it does. There are many verses that confirm this reality, but we will only focus upon a few in this lesson. For example, here is a very key verse:

Mal 4:2  But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.

Here is a major application of our natural “sun” that becomes a symbol for the “Son of God” named Jesus. It is Jesus who is our righteousness (Rom 3:22). God very specifically chooses the Hebrew word H8121 that is widely translated as “sun” to suddenly be a symbol of the Lord Jesus Christ. This Hebrew word can refer to the “sun’s brilliance” or it’s “rays” also. But wait, there are other verses that speak of Jesus as the Sun. For example, look at Matthew:

Mat 4:16  The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up.

Here in this verse, we find the parallels of Genesis 1 resurfacing to refer to light versus darkness and God’s separation plan prophesied in His creation works. This is amazingly describing a very major part of this “Ayin” spiritual “eyes” Bible lesson. God has designed a “great light”, named Jesus to be born into Israel. These people will be the ones that are seeing a great light rise.

Pay very close attention that Jesus is called the “Great Light” in this verse like He was prophesied from Genesis 1:16. This verse of Matthew is a quotation of Isaiah 9:2. Isaiah 9:2 uses the exact same Hebrew word H1419 being translated as “great”, that was translated in Genesis 1:16 as “greater”. Therefore, we understand there is a direct connection between Matthew 4:16, Isaiah 9:2 and Genesis 1:16 as they are all speaking of the same “great light”. God has moved in Matthew to identify this Great Light” to be Jesus Christ that was first mentioned to us in creation. This is amazing! But wait, there are more direct connections.

Notice in Matthew that this “Great Light” is being described as a light that has “sprung up”. This Greek word G393 that was translated as “sprung up” is most often translated as “rise”, “arise”, “risen” and “rising” all being descriptive terms of the human point of view of our daily perception of the natural “sun” appearance on the earth’s horizon in the east.

We all know that the “sun” rises in the east and sets in the west as designed by God. This single earth rotation is called a “day” in Genesis 1:5 being described as evening and morning the first day. Notice “darkness” was first, like God observed before He spoke “Light Be” and then light was. Are we seeing the parallels that are directly related to Jesus as the rising Light of the World?

This “rising” terminology describes the morning transition from the state of darkness in the night that is turned into the light of the day. These are all well-known natural acts that occur every single 24-hour day of our lives.

But in Matthew, God is teaching us that this natural phenomenon of a rising sun is a parallel to the “Greater” spiritual reality found in Jesus Christ. The “rising” spiritual Light (Jesus) is the key to understanding God’s plan of salvation for humans to have their eyes (Ayin) opened to “see” and understand His ultimate and superior truth.

As we can read in Matthew 4:16, there were only people that sat in darkness until Jesus Christ was born into the world and began to minister at the age of 30 to teach the Kingdom of God is come near (Mat 4;17). All those that “sat” in darkness were those that could read the Word of God but could not understand much of what was prophesied to come or happen to them. But Jesus the Sun of Righteousness was God’s ultimate solution to overcome this state of gross darkness (ignorance). Peter describes this again for us:

2Pe 1:19  We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:

Pay very close attention to what was just described using naturally created terminologies and synonyms. For example, “day dawn” means a “sun rise” is taking place. The “day star” is another name for our “sun”. Everyone must understand our “sun” is nothing but the closest “star” to our planet. This describes us living in a solar system, where planets revolve around the sun. All these naturally created facts describe the man Jesus Christ the bright morning star in Revelation 22:16, and our “Sun of Righteousness” in Malachi 4:2.

It is also very important to know that the translated word “arise” in 2 Peter 1:19 is the exact word that was translated as “sprung up” in Matthew 4:16 referring to the people that sat in darkness that Jesus came to bring “Light” to. But understand Matthew when speaking of the “Great Light”, He is describing the “physical” presence of Jesus with Him teaching spiritual Words of light (Psa 119:105, John 6:63).

But Peter is describing Jesus after the resurrection and ascension of physical Jesus and now being on the earth in His spiritual presence of the Holy Spirit that abides in us. His Spirit is working presently in each of us simultaneously as an internal unseen rising “Day Star”. This “Day Star” is the representation of the increasing light (Word) and work of the Holy Spirit inside of the human body in the unseen heart (soul and spirit). It is this internal working of God/Jesus that causes the external transformations of the human thoughts and behaviors.

Wow, humans can now overcome their existence in darkness (lack of knowing God who is Light) by believing and placing our total faith in the “Day Star”. If you have never let Jesus, come into your heart, now is a great time to invite Him inside. But, whenever this occurs, this begins the process of the “Day Star” to arise in our hearts (2 Peter 1:19). This allows Him to grow brighter and brighter bringing us ever increasing potential knowledge of God’s Word every day we read the Bible if we choose to cooperate.

Notice the connection to us believing the Word of God to releasing the increasing Light into our hearts. This has just brought us back to the concept of “spiritual eyesight” based upon our faith in the Word of God (Jesus). Remember what we are studying in this series? We are studying the ancient Hebrew Alphabet that was used by God to create words and sentences, to write a book about Jesus. This is why everything in the Bible points us to Jesus. Let us go back to Genesis to learn more about this essential “Light” of God to help our “eyes” to “see”.

Gen 1:16  And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

Remember our New Covenant spiritual Kingdom of Light ruler was named the “Day Star” (Jesus) that arises in our hearts in 2 Peter 1:19. We have already seen in Genesis 1:16 how the greater light is this same “Day Star” of the New Covenant. Now let us go back to the opposite side of Day called Night.

What else does this verse of Genesis 1:16 reveal about the “darkness”? We can all see that the Day will be ruled by the “Greater Light” referring to Jesus, who will be opposed and separated from the “lesser light” (moon) who now rules in the “kingdom of night and darkness”. As we discovered in Acts 26:18 it is the ruler Satan that has dominion over the spiritual kingdom of darkness. Thank God we have been saved out of this deception to now enjoy living in the Kingdom of Light in Christ Jesus.

Praying that everyone’s spiritual eyes have been enlightened to understand how the Ayin “eyes” of God were intimately involved in the Planned Works, and Words releasing the Power of God in creation. Also, how the subject of “Light” that occurs on Day 1 and Day 4 of creation is essentially connected to how people are saved out of the darkness to be brought into the kingdom of Light. God spent nearly 2000 years of human history giving us His written words that came from the breath of His mouth. This was a plan of God to enlighten us within our spirits. It is only by the Light of Jesus Christ that causes our spiritual eyesight to see.

5. Ayin Application to the Believer

There is a personal application to the believer in Christ Jesus found in every letter. The Ayin is no exception. You have probably already learned the primary application is God’s involvement in bringing us “Light” = “Knowledge” & “Truth” to save us. We certainly saw this in the teachings of Jesus clearly being stated. Jesus made it very plain that He was the source of God’s “Light” while He was physically ministering to the physical people on the earth and especially to the Hebrews.

But Jesus is not physically present now. What then are we supposed to be doing since we cannot see physical Jesus right now on the earth? Almost everyone would love to walk and talk with physical Jesus today. Yet Jesus said it was better for Him to go away, because if He did not leave the earth, the Holy Spirit could not come and abide with us and in us. Jesus further explains in John 14, that He would come be with us in Spirit form living on the inside of the physical body of believers. Jesus also claimed that He would personally lead us into all truth because the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth (Light). Therefore, we have the God of infinite Light (Knowledge of all Truth) abiding in us, and He is present 365 days a year, and 24 hours of every day of the week. This is far better than any shorter talk with physical Jesus. That is very awesome when you are awakened out of the darkness to fellowship with Him.

But there is also the human problem of “focus” and “priorities”. Christians in this modern age can be so consumed with the problems of this world, that they are ignoring who they are looking to or at and focusing upon. We see a Bible example of this in Matthew 14.

In Matthew 14, Jesus is walking on the water during a storm and the disciples “see” Him, and believe it is a spirit and they begin to fear greatly. Suddenly Jesus says to them “fear not, it is I”. Then Peter says, “Lord if it be you, bid me to come” and Jesus says “Come”. Peter gets out of the boat and begins to walk to Jesus. This strongly implies that the “eyes” of Peter are fixated upon Jesus.

But then it says in Matthew 14:30 that Peter’s eyes begin to “focus” upon the effects of the “wind”. Had Peter ever walked on water before this day? I seriously doubt it, if Peter had tried he would have hit the water and sunk so fast that there would have been no time to say “help”. What is changing when Peter removes His focus from Jesus and begins to consider the storm?

Our spiritual eye focus is the determining factor for success or failure. What we are focusing upon will determine if we obtain a continuing supernatural miracle or a sinking defeat in the need to be saved from drowning. Peter’s spiritual attitude of beginning to become “fearful” caused his downfall. And this opposite force of faith in Jesus to fear the circumstances caused him to begin to sink. If Peter’s failure had been an instant drop, it would have been so fast that there would not have been any opportunity for his salvation. This appears to teach us that we can evaluate our focus and make minor adjustments to help us to continue into complete victory over the circumstances being presented to us by the devil.

Where is your spiritual focus today? The devil has been trying to introduce fear driven plans to get your eyes departed from thinking on Jesus and the Word of God. This is your application for today, because the evil of the world will be trying more things very soon, some are new, and others are the same plans as before. How you react to them will determine your success. Make a commitment to stay out of “fear” and to get into the Spirit of God to keep Him as your focus by feeding your spirit with His Word. Peter could have simply remembered Jesus told Him to “Come” and this single Word had enough power in it to provide him “faith” to keep him above the water.

6. Conclusion

We have only touched a short time on the study of “Ayin” Eyes. There are so many verses on this subject that it would require volumes of books to try to understand them all. This lesson was only a shortened introduction to the key subjects of “Ayin” eyes and the various types of applications. We have learned of natural eyes and spiritual eyes. But only briefly seen what they teach us. We know one foundational scripture is from Proverbs 15:3. This verse says, “the Eyes of the Lord are in every place beholding the evil and the good”. Therefore, there is nothing that is not seen by God and He will judge.

We were unable to cover the part of the lesson about when Jesus heals a blind man in John 9. But this story demonstrates Jesus’ extreme purpose to bring God’s “light” of knowledge to both the physical and the spiritual realms. This man’s physical blindness that was present from his birth was healed first by placing mud on his eyes and being told to wash in a pool of water. But later Jesus found the man again, to remove his spiritual blindness so that he could believe on the Lord Jesus as the Son of God. This real story demonstrates the fulfillment of Isaiah 61:1 which Jesus read in the temple “I have been anointed, to preach the Gospel, and bring the recovering of sight to the blind” (Luke 4:18).

Joh 9:5  As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.

It is within the context of Jesus fixing the problem of one man’s eyesight of two kinds of eyes (natural and spiritual), that Jesus personally claims to be the “Light of the World”. Now Jesus is seated in heaven at the right hand of majesty. He has placed His loving Holy Spirit inside of us if we have let Him come in to abide. Then Jesus proclaimed that we will be the light of the world (Mat 5:14) to help open the eyes (Ayin) of others that have not yet seen the wonders of His amazing mercies.

This lesson should have taught you an introduction about who Jesus is and why He made the 16th letter of the Hebrew alphabet the essential picture of an “eye”. This is so amazing, that He can’t be praised enough for His Great Words and Works of His Spirit! Praise the LORD!

If you liked this lesson let us know and share it with your friends and relatives. If you have any prayer requests, please share those also. If you need to know Jesus, please click on the link below to help you get started on the path to receiving eternal life to Know the True and Living God named Yehoshua (Hebrew) / Jesus (Greek). May God continue to richly bless you. Thank you for your prayers as we continue to pray for you in this very trying time before Jesus returns. Jesus is coming back to get us sooner than you think, please be ready.

Intro Alef Beyt-1 2 Gimel Dalet Hey Vav Zayin Chet Tet Yod Kaf Lamed Mem 1 2 Nun Samekh Ayin Pey Tsade Qof Resh Shin TavAlef-Beyt Chart (Series updated as LORD directs and permits)

Are You Saved? Do you Know Jesus? Life is Short! Jesus wants to Know You! Please come and get to Know Him!

Understanding the Sovereignty of God – Part 2 – Who is the Sovereign Elect of God

(Ver 1.0) This is Part 2 in the series of lessons teaching us about the amazingly revealed subject of the “sovereignty of God”. If you have not read “Part 1“, it is highly recommended that you go back and start with this introduction. Too many Christians have manmade traditions or reduced doctrinal views of what “sovereignty” represents when teaching about the application of this word to God. Some of the popular mindsets that have been dominating a lot of these religious thoughts on sovereignty, align with the following types of Christian beliefs and confessions:

  1. You just never know what God will do next?
  2. Sometimes God heals some of us and other times He makes us sick to humble us, teach us, or to get some glory for Himself to help save others.
  3. God can do whatever He wants, whenever He wants, to whoever He wants because He is God.
  4. God will open the doors to what I should do, be, or go into, and shut the doors that I should not do, be, or go, into.
  5. If God wants me to have it, He will give it to me!
  6. If God wants me saved, He will save me!
  7. If God wants me healed, He will heal me!
  8. If God wants to bless me, He will bless me!
  9. Lord, if it be your will for my friend, my family, my child, etc., to be healed, delivered, or saved, we ask for your will to be done.
  10. God loves me so much; He won’t let anything bad happen to me…
  11. If God made me this way (poor, sick, gay, crippled, blind, lame, etc.), therefore He loves me and wants me this way.
  12. If God allowed evil to happen to me, He has a purpose for it.
  13. God took my child to heaven because he wanted another angel.

These are just some of the examples of wrong ways people think about God and His sovereignty trying to explain why bad things happened to them. People take a part of the total known or unknown sound doctrine of balanced sovereignty and then only magnify a small section of it to an extreme position that leaves everything that happens to us in the world totally up to God’s will and power. When this happens, God can easily be held responsible for every evil work that anyone, including Satan or any evil person does or makes happen.

In other words, people believe that God causes, commits, or permits all the liars of the world, in politics and of governments to happen, and they must all be doing their evils by the will and purpose of God. This would include mass murderers and genocide in the world blaming it all on God’s will. This would include all the starvation occurring in the world is also God’s will. This would include all terrorism is God’s will, and we could fill up a book with other examples of evil to blame them all on a loving God? This just does not match the revealed character and nature of God in the Bible.

Today, we will only address one part of the subject of sovereignty that is taught in a lot of Christian churches. We are delivering this specific topic only because we believe the Lord desires us to respond to a comment that was received asking a question from the previous lesson. This questioned sovereign position holds the belief of Sovereign Election of certain chosen individuals to receive salvation by His Divine selection only.

This belief of course, strongly implies that all others not selected by God were “chosen” to live on earth, die and go to hell by God’s sovereign design and right of choice. This extreme belief disqualifies the view of any human freedoms to choose whether to be saved or to be lost. This position places all responsibility for salvation only upon God who they claim has sovereignly chosen them. There are also other variations of this belief, but all of these must attempt to explain the other Bible verses that appear to conflict or contradict with this doctrine. We will see several of these conflicting verses in this lesson, and then attempt to balance them all together equally.

If you are aware of another variation of your belief to how this God choice of being Elect is defined, feel free to share it in a comment. But please only comment after reading the entire lesson first, so that we can compare all your Bible verses with the Word of God that will be shared here today. Also, if you are unable to leave a comment containing a belief with Bible verses, please do not bother sharing any personal opinions, they will not be given any value or time to be responded to.

For those readers that have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of your spirit to be saved, what does the Spirit of God say inside to you about this belief so far? Does the Spirit of God inside you give you any witnessed assurance that this belief is correct? Or does He cause you to feel that there is just something not right about God electing to make your choice for you, without your participation to go to hell? The Holy Spirit is the only guide to all truth that we can depend upon. Therefore, stop here and now and ask Him these questions, and let us see what He says to you and then let the Spirit inside’s judgement be your guide with what will be taught today to see if there is any agreement.

There will be no disagreement from Agapegeek, that there are certainly scriptures in the New and Old Testament that seem to imply this belief of “Election” is on the surface accurate. But with deeper study, it just might change our opinions and views to show us that it can be understood to mean something completely different and even to an opposite position. This does not mean anyone ignores the verses taught on election or disagrees with their inclusion in the Bible. It only means once balanced correctly, the interpretations of these verses can be shifted to see something amazingly missed before.

Our primary goal today is to find the truth! We are only desiring to see God’s view on this subject of sovereignty. Therefore, we promise the Holy Spirit to approach the subject with an open-minded position of rest, to be led by the Spirit of God, to go wherever He desires to go and show us whatever He sovereignly chooses to teach us, and we will choose to receive it with a thankful heart and mind.

Could this position of God sovereignly choosing some for salvation and other for hell’s separation, be another example of someone taking a partial truth and exalting it beyond its scope of application to be the only truth, excluding all other truths? Remember this practice of one truth independence can usually lead us into error. This is too often caused when we do not balance all scriptures equally together. Let us dig into this subject to discover if there is something that we may have omitted or missed. Here is a list of the sections that will be covered in our lesson:

  1. Election Confirmed
  2. God’s Wedding Invitation
  3. Jesus the Only One Chosen?
  4. How and When was the Church Chosen?
  5. Resolving Scripture Conflicts for Being Called “Elect”
  6. Conclusion

Election Confirmed!

Let us quickly go over a few of the key verses on the doctrine of “election”. We will begin with the red-letter words of Jesus speaking in prophetical terms about the end of the world that is beginning to happen now.

Mat 24:24  For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect

It is obvious that Jesus is calling a potential person or a group or “set” of “like people” by qualifying and defining them using the term “elect”. This Greek word translated as “elect” is G1588, and it is defined by Strong as “select”, “favorite”, or “elect”. But it is also important to know that this single Greek word is translated as “elect” 16 times and “chosen” 7 times. Therefore, if we are only looking for verses that were translated as “elect” we will miss those that were translated as “chosen”.

This verse and God’s usage of the Greek word becomes our initial confirmation with the potential for somethings we could call “sovereign election”. It is important to note that the Greek word G1588 translated as “elect”, occurs 3 times in chapter 24 of Matthew. Therefore, this chapter seems to have an especially important emphasis on this subject. Here are the other verses in Matthew 24:

Mat 24:22  And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened

Mat 24:31  And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other

What we are observing is a new challenge to define being called “elect”. Most “elect” doctrines of being chosen for salvation, claim they were chosen by God and there is nothing they or anyone else could do, or anything that could happen on earth to not be saved. This means God’s sovereign election stands strong and unchanging, because He is God and He gets His way.

But notice verse 22 of Matthew 24. There is a timing of significant events that occur on the earth, where God describes the time must be shortened, or no one in the flesh was going to be saved. Therefore, God is speaking of elect people as those being saved, with the exception that it is not guaranteed salvation based upon something we are not told yet.

Now let us go back to verse 22, to see something that the translators may have missed in their KJV interpretation. The KJV translators must have believed in a form of the doctrine of guaranteed election, because of the way the verse was translated, and because they added specific italicized words that appear to support guaranteed election. But these italicized words do not occur in the verse. Here is what Dr Robert Young translated the verse to say in his very literal translation:

Mat 24:24  For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect(KJV)

Mat 24:24 for there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and they shall give great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, also the chosen. (YLT)

There are three major differences between these two translations. First, the omission of the italicized words; “it were”, before the word “possible” in the “Young’s Literal Translation”. The changing of the word “very” to “also” as it should be in the “Young’s Literal Translation”. The revision of the word “elect”, to the word “chosen” in the “Young’s Literal Translation”. All these changes help us to see some things much more clearly.

For example, what we are observing is how in these verses of Matthew, whoever these elect ones are, they could possibly be deceived as others were “also” deceived in verse 24 by the false Christ. And in verse 22 these “elect” ones, may not be saved unless God shortens the time of tribulation. What we are observing is a major discrepancy to viewing these “elect” to have a guaranteed salvation.

Therefore, many Christians must be assuming from these three verses in Matthew that these are speaking about the guaranteed pre-selected Christian church as being called the “elect” by Jesus. Yet that belief is even contradicted by what Jesus said in the entre statement, so which is it? Are they guaranteed saved or are they potentially saved based upon not being deceived by the false Christ and time being shorten for their sake to be saved?

What should be cautionary is that many times in the Bible, God uses the exact same word to refer to multiple like related beings. If you did not know yet, these “Elect” could be angels (1 Timothy 5:21), Israel (Isaiah 45:4), the church (1 Peter 2:9), or Jesus Christ (Luke 23:35, 1 Peter 2:6). Therefore, to be a wise Acts 17:11 type of Berean Bible student, we better do a lot more homework to study what is God really talking about.

As you can see this topic of study has suddenly become more complicated than most have thought. We have just been introduced to the potential of multiple identities as a condition to be determined for being called the “Elect”. Also, we have just observed two qualifying conditions that must be met to be in this group called the “elect”. Therefore, to assume each verse is about any single group or identity, is an assumption and must rather be proven with facts of scripture truth to reveal their identity.

However, we have identified and confirmed that Jesus spoke of someone as being the “Elect” that “if possible” could be deceived. And in another verse, He said “those days should be shortened, or no flesh would be saved, but for the elect’s sake, those days will be shortened”. Nevertheless, in the last verse with this Greek word we find the angels gathering the elect (chosen) ones off the earth. Therefore, there is someone that is called by this title.

Let us move to the next section to help us narrow down what this calling of someone as “Elect” means. Because God’s definition of the word will overrule man’s definitions 100% of the time.

God’s Wedding Invitation

Jesus teaches us a parable that could radically shift our focus on what being called “Elect” could be defined as. This parable is an amazing part of our study subject “sovereignty” even if you do not see it automatically at first. Let us please read carefully the story given by Jesus (God’s Son).

Mat 22:2  The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son

Mat 22:3  And sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding: and they would not come

Mat 22:4  Again, he sent forth other servants, saying, Tell them which are bidden, Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready: come unto the marriage

Mat 22:5  But they made light of it, and went their ways, one to his farm, another to his merchandise: 

Mat 22:6  And the remnant took his servants, and entreated them spitefully, and slew them. 

Mat 22:7  But when the king heard thereof, he was wroth: and he sent forth his armies, and destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city

Mat 22:8  Then saith he to his servants, The wedding is ready, but they which were bidden were not worthy

Mat 22:9  Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage

Mat 22:10  So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests

Mat 22:11  And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment: 

Mat 22:12  And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless. 

Mat 22:13  Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 

Mat 22:14  For many are called, but few are chosen

We will notice in verse 2 that Jesus is speaking about the “Kingdom of heaven”. This simply means these coming statements are about God’s sovereign government within the spiritual realm of existence apart from the earth. But then Jesus reveals this hidden spiritual reality is said to be “like” a normal story of a king that could have lived upon the natural earth. Parables always use natural parallels to teach unseen spiritual concepts so we can understand it.

Then Jesus gets started revealing the spiritual kingdom is like a “certain king” and this is a reference to God the Father in heaven that sits on His sovereign Kingdom throne. Therefore, we have the “Most High” as the Sovereign ruler that chooses to have a Son, and then arranges a marriage for His Son. This certainly matches our subject of God as “Sovereign”.

This should be obvious to who the son represents. This can only be Jesus that was God’s Son, who was born of the natural woman named Mary in Bethlehem. Isaiah 9:6 says, “Unto us a child is born, and a son is given” and this was written about the coming Messiah named Jesus (Yeshua).

The next key word in the parable to understand is “marriage”. This is a radically misunderstood concept for a lot of Christians, not knowing how to define this word.

In the eyes of God, a covenant is a marriage and God defines this to us in the Old Testament in Isaiah 54:5, Jeremiah 31:32 and Malachi 2:14, to only name three verses. Therefore, if a covenant of God is a marriage in His eyes, the marriage of this parable’s son is Jesus’s New Covenant, to His bride (Mat 9:15).

Guess who the bride is. If you said the church is the bride, you are correct (Eph 5:32, 2 Cor 11:2). So far, we have defined the parable subjects of the king as the Sovereign God the Father in heaven, and the son as the Lord Jesus Christ the bridegroom. How then does His church bride fit into this parable of a sovereignly arranged marriage by the Father God in Heaven?

In this parable, those that are the servants going out to spread the king’s invitations are symbolic for those that have already believed on the Lord Jesus and are working for God as His Kingdom servants to spread the Gospel (Rom 1:1). These servants represent the bride. They are working for God to get more into the wedding. These believing ones, are going out all over the world (Mk 16:15) preaching to those that are not yet saved. The invitations being given out represent the words of the Gospel of the kingdom (Mat 4:23, Rom 1:15-16), which is the good news of the free gifts of forgiveness, healing, deliverance, and salvation.  

Those that are being invited to the wedding, represents all the people that are in the world that have not heard the Gospel. Notice in Matthew 22:5, that many of these receiving the invitation make light of it and offer excuses like they did in Acts 2:13 and Acts 24:25 to name two examples of this type of world’s behavior.

Then next notice how Jesus says in Matthew 22:6 that others in the world will take more extreme hate filled positions against the Gospel good news, to even beat and kill God’s servants (Acts 5:40-41, Acts 7:51-57, Acts 8:1). God very clearly in this parable says these people that rejected His invitation would be destroyed and their city burned down, and this literally occurs for the first time in 70 A.D. with the destruction of Jerusalem.

In Matthew 22:8 Jesus said, those that were invited were not deemed worthy to receive the gift of the invitation to the wedding, so the king sends out his servants again in Matthew 22:10 telling them to go out into the highways and invite everyone. This again is the great commission of the church to go into the entire gentile world to preach the Gospel to everyone that is living on the earth. This is the heart of God to save all that are receptive to the invitation.

Hopefully, you do understand this parable better now being a representation of spreading the Gospel and how this works. If not, we can read about the process in detail in Romans 10:

Rom 10:13  For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved

Rom 10:14  How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher

Rom 10:15  And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things

Please pay very close attention to the words selected by God. The first key word is “whosoever”. This represents everyone in the entire world, not just a few people that some Christians believe are the “elect” of the kingdom. This is very clearly our first confirmation that the Parable about being invited to come to the king’s son’s wedding feast is for everyone. But the choice to come is personally left completely in the hands of each one that heard the invitation to decide whether they would value the invitation, to choose to come to the wedding.

Romans 10 is a list of personal choices. None of these personal choices are the forced will of the Sovereign God. Please go and read the entire chapter. The first 4 verses are written about many people that were in the natural nation of Israel that corresponded to people that killed the kings’ servant men in the Matthew 22 parable about being invited to a wedding feast, by those that were sent to them preaching the Gospel.

But then in Romans 10:5, Paul begins to write the message of salvation is for “all”, by God’s sovereign choice to send forth the Gospel to the entire lost world and “only” those that “believe” and “confess” Jesus as Lord in Romans 10:9-10 will be saved. Wow, this is what Jesus was speaking about in the Parable. The invitations are spoken to everyone they encounter, and they must believe the good news message by faith and get dressed and go to the king’s palace for the feast (Rev 19:9).

We get the confirmation again in Romans 10:11-12 that this invitation to believe in Jesus is open to everyone in the world. Paul writes very clearly that it is to both the Jewish and the Gentile nations. This is amazing information about God’s sovereign choices and His gift of invitation is always given to anyone that will choose to come. But how do we balance this with the original “Elect” verses? That is a good question. We begin to understand the answer in Matthew 22:14, the last statement of the Parable of the wedding feast invitation:

Mat 22:14  For many are called, but few are chosen.

This is our key linked verse about the sovereign election of God. First, notice the Greek word G2822, that is translated as the word “called”. This word is defined and can be translated as “invited”. Therefore, to call someone to attend is an invitation. Next, notice the Greek word that was translated as “chosen” is the exact same word G1588 that was translated as the “elect”. Change the words “called” to “invited” and the word “chosen” to “elect” and reread it. “For many are invited, but few (choose to become) “chosen”. The italicized words are legally added because this is exactly what was taught to us in the parable. The entire parable is about those that choose to receive the wedding invitation, and it is them making this choice that causes them to be called “elect” (chosen).

Now let us shift to a totally new perspective that has been almost ignored by countless ministers.

Jesus the Only One Chosen by God

This is where we are going to potentially lose more readers. But this is what the Bible teaches us when we see it. If you do not understand the subject of “covenants” this is probably why you do not understand the title of this section. A covenant is between two parties or individuals. Any covenant is a lasting bond of unity exactly as a marriage was designed to be by God in Genesis 2.

However, a marriage like God’s covenants were completely dependent upon the weakest link in the bound contract. It only takes one party of the contract to break the covenant and if there is any imperfection in one, the covenant can be easily broken. This is what happened to the natural nation of Israel for 1500+ years. They were the weakest link in their covenant with God. They repeatedly went and worshipped other idols instead of the true and living God. God called this infidelity becoming a “whore” and God divorced these people in Jeremiah 3:1-8.

However, with God, He has no imperfections and is the strongest covenant partner possible. Israel in the Old Covenant was in a contract with God almighty, but they continually broke it making them the weakest link. This is why the New Covenant was not established between God and the church directly. Instead, our Father God sent His Son named Jesus to become a human and because He was equally God, He could become the God to man mediator.

Because the New Covenant was between God the Father, and God the Son who are both manifestations of God, they will never break this New Creation covenant that was first revealed to us in Genesis 15. Therefore, this covenant is eternally bonded between two ever living beings capable of not sinning to break it and it will never end (Heb 13:20).

If you go and read this story in Genesis 15, you will find Abram taking 5 animals and splitting three of them into two pieces and he places the bodies on the ground. Abram goes to sleep and sees a “smoking furnace” and “burning torch” walking through the covenant pieces. These two symbols represent God (the all-Consuming Fire Heb 12:29) and His Son, Jesus Christ (the Light of the World, John 9:5).

This information about Jesus being the one that is in covenant with God as the human representative, is very important. This makes Jesus the only one that was “chosen” as God’s “elect”, simply because He would remain faithful even when humans fail to remain faithful. We need to establish these assertions with more scriptures that claim Jesus is the only One God has chosen to be in direct covenant with Him. We will begin with Psalms first:

Psa 89:19  Then thou spakest in vision to thy holy one, and saidst, I have laid help upon one that is mighty; I have exalted one chosen out of the people

If you read the next verse, God is directly speaking of David, but by God’s repeated usages of double references between the natural and the spiritual realms, this verse is also speaking of Jesus. Remember Jesus is called the Son of David multiple times.

What God is saying is that He chose David to be King, and the future Son of David, named Jesus to sit upon his throne forever and ever in the future. Let us look at another verse that also points to the coming Messiah:

Isa 42:1  Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles.

God calls the future Messiah, His “elect”. This is very amazing. But was this fulfilled in Jesus? We can discover this is what the Jewish people were expecting reading in Matthew:

Mat 12:17  That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying

Mat 12:18  Behold my servant, whom I have chosen; my beloved, in whom my soul is well pleased: I will put my spirit upon him, and he shall shew judgment to the Gentiles

God writing through Matthew, claims these Isaiah patterns of Messiah were all fulfilled in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, again calling Him the “chosen”. If you can see this, why are you calling yourself the chosen and elect one of God? Can both of you be the chosen one and the Messiah? The answer to that question is “Yes” and “No” but we will need to learn more. But we will look at one more verse about Jesus being the chosen one:

Luk 23:35  And the people stood beholding. And the rulers also with them derided him, saying, He saved others; let him save himself, if he be Christ, the chosen of God.

This is a verse written about the time Jesus was hanging on a cross and all the people were watching and mocking Him. These people wanted Him to prove that He was the Messiah by coming down off the cross. But Jesus told them very clearly, no sign will be given you, except the sign of Jonah. As Jonah was in the belly for 3 days and nights, so the Son of Man will be in the heart of the earth for 3 days and 3 nights (Mat 12:40, Mat 16:4).

Do you see how these statements are moving in parallel to the prophecy of the wedding invitation parable? Yes, the parable is a prophecy about what is happening to Jesus. These Jewish leaders hated Jesus so very much, that they incited a riot mob to demand His death, but this was the plan of God all along.

The main point from Luke 23:35, proves that the Jewish population was expecting the “Chosen one of God, called Messiah” to appear, and Jesus did not match their expectations because of their ignorance of the scriptures. Most were seeing a “conquering Messiah”, while ignoring the “suffering Messiah” in Isaiah 53. Finally, we are going to talk about the church next and all the references that call us “elect”, “chosen”, etc.

How and When was the Church Chosen?

We have observed verses in the Bible that place the titles of “chosen” and “elect” upon Christians, and this is a great hidden mystery to the how and when we were given these names. How did the church achieve this title, if God’s Son Jesus was the one that He prophesied would be chosen? The answer is not that complicated, but it may be resisted because some have never heard of it before. Let us look at scriptures that reveal how we made a choice that qualified us to be chosen by God:

2Th 2:13  But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:

As we can plainly see, the church was “chosen” from the very beginning. The beginning of what? Is this the beginning of time, creation, the world, the church, or what? In Ephesians 1:4 we find where God has chosen the church before the foundation of the world. Therefore, this is long before humans existed and could go back to the beginning of time, and creation. So, we have established the “when” this plan to elect us was established.

Now for the “How” question. We have previously mentioned this reason of “how” it was planned to be accomplished for us to obtain being called His “elect”. But now we are seeing it from a God perspective teaching us how we became chosen even before we were created. Please recall the “wedding invitation” parable of Jesus because this is being restated and expanded here in this verse written to the church.

God writing by the hand of Paul to the church says very clearly, we have been “chosen” to (receive) salvation because God sanctified us (made pure) by His Spirit, and this occurred because we chose to believe God’s words (invitation) which was the (Gospel) truth. Wow! This is just further confirmation that what we did to receive and believe caused God to cleanse our sins and define us as His “chosen”. But this is further confirmed in the next verse that follows:

2Th 2:14  Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Here is just more of the confirming process of what we just read about in verse 13. Remember this was God’s sovereignly chosen process for our salvation, that was planned even before the world began. Did you notice the word “called”? Paul says very clearly that God “called” (literally invited) us by our choice to hear the Gospel. This is the same parallel that we have been observing from the parable of the “wedding invitation”.

God has again connected the facts of Romans 10 with the parable of the wedding invitation to how we have been chosen to be called God’s “elect”. To be called God’s “elect” was designed by Him for us to first qualify to be called this by any human hearing the preached good news Gospel and to believe it. Yes, there is more to it than just that over simplified statement, but that is the basis for all salvation. Let us investigate this a little further to confirm it is true:

Eph 1:4  According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

This is a new way to say the same things that we have already learned. But specifically notice the new revelation that is being offered to us to help explain what is happening when we choose to believe the Gospel of Christ. This very plainly states that Christians were “chosen” only because we were placed “In Him” and this Him, is Christ Jesus. But remember who Him is again? He is the “chosen” one that God could depend upon to keep His eternal covenant. This is why we need to be placed “In Him” spiritually, to insure we never break the covenant by sinning.

Again, God says this was His designed plan of salvation before humans were even created. We must get a hold of what is being taught to us and what God has done to us and for us.

2Co 5:17  Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature (creation): old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

This is one of the many (over 150) verses that claim we as believers have been placed “in Christ” by God’s sovereign choice after we choose to believe. Based upon the number of verses that describe this reality, this appears to be a major accomplishment to achieve our “salvation”.

Why was being placed “In Christ” so essential to God’s plan of salvation? This is important for at least two reasons. The first reason is that we were all “In Adam” when he rebelled and sold us into Satan’s kingdom of darkness. Because we were “In Adam” when he sinned, we all sinned, and we were all given the same “death” penalty (1 Cor 15:22).

But by believing in Jesus through faith we were saved out of the darkness of death to be placed “in” the living kingdom of God’s dear Son called Light (Col 1:13). Wow, now reread 2 Corinthians 5:17 to see the new light that is shining upon us being placed in Christ. According to this verse God has caused us to become a brand new, and a never existed before creation that has also made us a completely new person “In Christ”.

It is this sovereign new creation, that places us “In Him” by faith, that is the chief part of God separating Himself and us from the evil influence of Lucifer/Satan and all his angels that have sinned. Let us consider a verse that maybe some have not understood before now:

Joh 10:9  I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.

Notice what Jesus is saying here. He is claiming to be a “door” for someone that is going somewhere. In John 10:7 we find that He is saying that He is the door for the “sheep” and being a “sheep” is a symbol for the saved Christians. What is Jesus saying them? Could it be that to be saved, you better enter in this door named Jesus? Could this be another way of saying that by us choosing to “enter” Christ the door, we will be saved by being “in CHRIST”? I believe it is. There are too many verses that confirm what we are learning, but we will end this section with this one:

Rom 16:13  Salute Rufus chosen in the Lord, and his mother and mine.

As you can see Paul writing about a random saved man in the church name Rufus, confirms again that anyone in the church is also chosen by God in the same way of choosing to enter the door of salvation named Jesus Christ. Because we that are saved, have chosen to get out of (exit) the first Adam and enter into the Christ by faith, we were all chosen and have become His elect “in Christ”. We accomplished this, not because we were God’s individual choice that was chosen for our personal salvation, but rather it was because we chose Him by believing the invitation of the Gospel, then we were placed “In Him” who was “the Chosen”. Wow! Praise the Lord!

Resolving Scripture Conflicts for Being Called “Elect”

There are countless scriptures in the New Covenant writings that conflict with a “sovereign God election” theological position where only a few people will be saved by a God only sovereign choice. If there were only 2 or 3, that would be enough to raise serious concerns that somebody was in error. But because there are literally dozens of verses, that is too many to ignore. We will only select a few to help limit the size of this lesson.

There must be a balanced approach to interpreting every scripture that God inspired to be written to ensure any confidence that we have found His intended truth. Remember according to God in 2 Peter 1:20, there is no private interpretation of the Bible that is allowed. This simply teaches us that the Bible will always interpret itself.

Also, it is impossible for God to lie, therefore, if we find any apparent contradictions in scripture, we are in need to hear from God to find how to resolve the conflicts using His Word as the only solution source. To do this we will apply what we have learned in the other sections to find out how they resolve the dispute with the “Sovereign God” only salvation belief.

It is only this interpretation of scripture about a human acceptance and belief in a divine invitation, that balances with all the other verses of the Bible on this subject of being called “elect” to represent our union with God’s plan of “salvation”. This was sovereignly chosen for us to believe in what He has done, to be placed in Christ, His chosen one. Here are just a few verses that would directly contradict with only a select few humans being chosen to be saved and all others in the world rejected to go to hell by God’s will:

Joh 3:16  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

This is the most popular verse in the entire Bible, and more Christian can quote this verse than any of the others. Yet this verse contradicts with the sovereign God only choice of human salvation. God says very plainly that He loved the entire human race in the world and wanted to save them all. But again, we see the problem it is only for those that “believe” the invitation of the Gospel that will not perish. Belief is a sovereign human choice. This again confirms that only that choose to believe that become the “elect”. Check out this verse:

2Pe 3:9  The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

First, notice that God is called “long-suffering”, this is a divine characteristic of God. It strongly suggests that God is still waiting for humans to “come” to not perish. This places the responsibility for humans not perishing upon those that choose to repent, and not God.

Also, notice that this verse says, God is not willing that any should perish. Why then if God is sovereign, isn’t everyone saved? If God is waiting for some to repent, this means, they were not first chosen either. If we believe that it is God’s will that he has “chosen” some to go to hell, this makes this verse totally false. It is a major conflict of too many scriptures to believe in only a select few that are chosen by God for salvation, and God is not the one that is confused and needs to change His Word. Therefore, it can only be some Christians that have not seen God’s truth that need to change.

1Ti 4:10  For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe.

God is very clear in this verse that it was His desired intention to save “All humans”. But then God clarifies that it is only those that “believed” the Gospel invitation that will be saved. This is only what fits the parable of the Wedding Invitation. In this parable, the king’s servants went out to invite “everyone”. But it was only those that chose to receive the invitation that went into the wedding feast for the king’s son. Remember many were “called”, but few chose to attend to be called the “elect”.

Rom 10:13  For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

There are too many verses to include them all that say the same thing. This verse claims “whoever” calls on the name of the LORD will be saved. So, either God is forcing someone chosen to call upon Him, or humans have the choice to call and if they do, they will be saved and chosen of God as His “elect” being placed “in Christ”.


Thank you for taking the time to read and study the Bible here with us. We are a fast-growing family of believers that are hungry to know and learn the truth. If you are struggling to believe this lesson over your teachings of your denominational doctrines, it is strongly suggested for you to study the subject of “Human Freewill”. Go through the Bible and look for verses where God gave humans’ choices. Notice the first human choice sovereignly given, was to Adam eating from two selected trees. One choice brought Adam life, and the other choice brought Adam death. Adam disobeyed God and chose death, and we all died because of it.

There are so many verses that represent choices being sovereignly given by God to humans in the Bible that they should overwhelm you and help overcome your sovereign only belief that God is forcing all human decisions. There is a great need to balance the sovereign God given human freedoms to choose, with His desire to save everyone, and potentially your belief that He only selected some to be called His “elect”.

What we should have learned today, is that God gave us choices to make. He has sent His servants and His Son to make a way of salvation out of the automatic penalty of death and hell. We accept this way out of the world, by hearing about His Good News (Gospel) invitation to come to the wedding of His Son. Here is another example of God’s two choices being offered:

Deu 30:15  See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil;
Deu 30:19  I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:

God has placed a binary choice before every human of two possibilities and outcomes. One is a human choice for life and good by accepting His invitation, and the other is a choice for death and evil by rejecting His invitation. Could it be any simpler? You can live by believing and saying the right words.

Pro 18:21  Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

Yes, this verse is true and is literal. There is nothing misleading in the verse. It is plainly stated and is accurate to the infinite degree. Please don’t ignore it anymore. Memorize it and think about it every chance you get. Then apply it to your life. By us believing the Gospel we can do what God has invited us to do and be saved from our death to live eternally “with Him”, “In Him” and “Him in us” as part of His creation strategic plan of salvation:

Rom 10:8  But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;

Rom 10:9  That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Rom 10:10  For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

These are not difficult instructions for beginning your journey of salvation if you have never done this. If you do this for the first time, please leave a comment and this will help place you on the path with the Lord as your lead Shepherd to help you and guide you each and every day. Jesus is the Good Shepherd (Jn 10:14) and He said, “if you confess me, before men, I will confess you before my Father” (Mat 10:32). This is why it is important to leave a comment before the world, to read.

What we have learned is that God has sovereignly chosen the method of salvation, but not the ones that were to be selected. Yes, God is all knowing, all seeing, and understands the end from the beginning. Therefore, He knows who will be saved and who will not. But this does not mean that He chose them to be that way. God has sent out His servants with a wedding invitation to the entire world. Therefore, every human must make their own choices to attend. If you are too busy for Him, you may regret this decision, eternally. However, God wants a bride that wants Him as much as He wants you, not one that is forced to be with Him.

Thank you and again, and we will pray for you all. Jesus could be coming back any day now. Hopefully you are all prepared and ready to meet Him. When this coming occurs this will be when the bridegroom Jesus, comes and gets all of those that accepted the invitation to the “wedding feast” and have made themselves ready by putting on His wedding garment of the “Robe of Righteousness”. This will take place in heaven for seven years. Ready or not it will happen much sooner than you think. God Bless you.

If you would like to read the next lesson, select “Part 3“.

Are You Saved? Do you Know Jesus? Life is Short! Jesus wants to Know You! Please come and get to Know Him!