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(Ver 1.0) This is now “Part 6” in the Bible study series about one of the most important modern-day human experiences of evil revealed in the Bible, and potentially taking place in our world today. This lesson series is either very hated or very loved. But it is written in extreme love and has the potential to enlighten many that the devil would like to kill. Sharing this information from the Holy Spirit may cause the loss of friendships. People who you thought were friends may not want to be your friend anymore. It is truly amazing the level of deception the devil has been able to achieve, with his inspired manmade crisis.

Every serious student of the Bible should know that there is an evil devil, that was originally named Lucifer (Isaiah 14:12). He is first identified in the Bible, to be a symbolic moon, being called the “lesser light” in Genesis 1:16. This moon symbol represents the devil, and he is said to be the ruler of the darkness in Psalm 136:9, and Ephesians 6:12. Then in Genesis 3:1 we find this same spiritual dark creature being identified as a symbolic “serpent” that deceived mankind (1 Timothy 2:14).  We are never officially introduced to who this evil created symbolic serpent was, until he is defined by God in Revelation 12:9. In the first verse of this chapter, there just so happens to be “a woman” seen in heaven, who is standing with her feet in victory over him. Here in this chapter 12, verse 9, he is called the “old serpent”, and the “great red dragon”, and he is officially connected, to be named as 1) the devil, and 2) Satan. This makes all of these symbolic descriptions, and names to be equivalent for the being named Lucifer and it connects the first three chapters of Genesis to the book of Revelation directly.

We can now see, some of the ancient serpent’s related symbols and literal names, that we need to help us understand this revelation from the Holy Spirit. This confirms the identity of the spiritual power that has been planning, initiating and controlling all of the evil that has been taking place in our world. We can see and learn from reading 1 Timothy 2:26, that it is the devil, also known as the serpent, that is tricking and trapping humans to work out his will, and plan of evil on the earth.

If you have not read this study series from the beginning, it would be recommended that you go and start reading at “Part 1” first. But if you would like the quick general overview of what we have learned presented in summary form, you may read this lesson in isolation.

Before we begin, please understand what is being stated today in this lesson. This lesson series revolves around information provided by God from the book of Revelation. There are endless views and opinions that are taught, spoken, and written about on the internet about this information. It is one of the most controversial books of the Bible because of the vast numbers of views available.

This is where you must make the book come alive to you personally, through your own intimate study. For example, there are good Christians that teach a pre-tribulation rapture. Others teach a mid-tribulation rapture, and still others teach a post-tribulation rapture. We can study and see how all of these views could be seen as true. It is possible that whatever someone believes is true to them, is what will happen to them. We can base this upon the words of Jesus when He said; “According to your faith, be it unto you” (Matthew 9:29). Jesus appears to set a precedent in this statement that it is however you believe, that will determine what He will do for, or to you”. But you judge for yourself.

Always, be led by the Holy Spirit, and allow His Spirit to witness to your spirit. It does not matter what is said, here or from any other ministry, if it disagrees with what God is showing you personally. It is entirely possible, that there are multiple dimensions of available views that could be all true simultaneously based upon what God wants to say to us each at that moment.

This message series is agreed with by many Christians that are aware, and awake, and Satan is attempting to silence us all. There are two main objectives of the enemy that must be accomplished in order to succeed in a global conquest. The two necessary steps for evil to succeed are to 1) control all of the information available to the public, and 2) silence all of the opposing truth. If the enemy is able to continue fulfilling this plot of evil, the true church of the LORD Jesus Christ will all be required to die spreading the truth. Are you ready for this to happen? It is prophesied to occur later in the book of Revelation.

There are still limited freedoms in select parts of the world. But these are slowly being taken away step by step with the fear-based driven and coordinated propaganda message of the devil. This message consists of the original planned release of an exaggerated “crown” plague death, and is now continued with the serpent’s never-ending wave of one variation after the other. These have all been designed by the serpent to control the population and force us into compliance to the agenda.

What is the serpent’s agenda? It is not for anyone’s good. The serpent is still the “god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4), and he is not here to help you, or make you safe. He is only come into the world to deceive us all (Revelation 12:9) and to steal, kill and destroy us (John 10:10) through his deception. This means you must determine whose side you will desire to be with, God who wins, or Satan who has already lost (1 Kings 18:21).


As you know, we have been studying the prophecies of the book of Revelation. We have focused upon key God given words in the verses found in largely chapters 1, 6, 9, 12, and 13. No one has claimed that we are living through any of these soon coming tribulation days, here now in 2021. But we should be able to see, that there are several potential prophesied patterns of future events that appear to be happening to the world and the church NOW! Hopefully, we should be able to agree that these events must be a surprise attack from the enemy serpent, trying to gain advantage over every Christian and our God.

Jesus gave us a basic pattern to NOT follow in life in John 16:3. In this verse Jesus said “Oh you hypocrites, you can discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the time”. Jesus had just spoken to people who could foretell the weather of tomorrow, by just looking at their evening sky today, and called them hypocrites. But these weather predicting people, could not discern where in God’s timeline they were, because they were missing the visible signs of the visitation of God in the flesh who was standing right in front of them. Wow, that was a very strong statement.

Do you realize we are living right before the time of the return of Jesus to the earth to catch away His church? I do not believe very many people have fully understood how soon this could be happening. Satan certainly understands the times we are in. This is why there is happening such a massive attempt at a global conquest that is taking place.

Many of the events that were written about almost 2000 years ago in Revelation, have a distinct and amazing pattern of things that we can see happening in front of our eyes. There are only two choices for a person’s response to comparing what is written, to what is happening.

First, many spiritually awake and aware Christians will definitely be able to see how there is an amazing match of Bible details to current world events. These people have the ability to discern between good and evil and recognize the hidden motives behind the word messages and the ruling demands to conform to.

For example, ask; who is trying to deceive you? Who is trying to hurt you? Who wants to kill you? Is it this website? Or could it be the governments of the world? What do we have to gain from our message of warning?  What do the governments and businesses have to gain from their forced demands? If you do not know the answers to these, please pray and ask God to show you the truth. Only people who can hear from God and can see the truth, will be able to pray and stand against the devil to overcome the evil plans.

But second, there are a lot of people, and even Christians that believe that the events that are happening now are for the good of the entire world, to save us all from death. These are the people listening to and agreeing with the false Jezebel government and media platforms. Ask yourself does the Jezebel rulers gain anything from their messages? Does the false prophet news gain anything from giving out the Jezebel ruler message?  Ask God to help keep you out of the deception that is occurring everywhere, and to open your eyes to see what is really happening in the spiritual dimension.

People who put their trust and confidence in their government to help them, to look out for their good, and to supply their needs, do not recognize that it is only God who is the source of anything good. Deceived people will passively accept anything that they are told to do by the rulers and the false-media, and will never resist the serpent’s witchcraft of deception.

Many will try to ignore these Bible and world event similarities completely. Many will try to explain away the patterned information, because of the deception that has overwhelmed them. Others will just claim these are simply a few coincidences, and they “all” do not really match what we are seeing.

But there are no Bible Hebrew words that can be defined as a “coincidence”. A coincidence is a concept that is just not easily found in the Hebrew Bible mindset or language. Believing in “coincidences” would violate Genesis 8:22, called God’s law of “seedtime and harvest”. In this verse God says things will occur in the future, because of the seeds that were planted in the past.

The Hebrew word H3588 is the basis of most human events that occurred in the Old Testament. This word is often translated as “because”. This word defines a causal connection of what is being stated now in a verse to what was found previously in the context. For example, in Genesis 3:14 God speaking to the serpent said “Because you have done this thing, cursed are you….”. As you can see God vocalizes a caused serpent curse, because of the evil deception that was found in his previous actions. This is just confirmation of the cause-and-effect relationships of Biblical events.

Also, there is God’s law of repeated patterns revealed to us in Ecclesiastes 1:10. In this verse God asks, “Is there anything new, no it has already been in old time”. This verse simply teaches us God potentially designs past or future repeated patterns to occur at other times.

Please go read these concepts, and study them for yourself to confirm that they are a very important factor for understanding everything in the Bible. What will occur in the future in the book of Revelation are things that have occurred somewhere already in a different place and time with different participants. These concepts simply teach us, God can use past patterns knowing that they will reoccur in the future. Knowing this we can see how Satan can also use patterns to get them to reoccur for his potential advantage. Finally, humans can also even act the same as before and repeat things that have happened or will happen in the future. Perhaps you have heard the saying those that do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.

What is a coincidence? According to one online dictionary, the word coincidence, can mean a series of accidental events that appear to be planned. This is why some will explain away the book of Revelation events as just an accidental reoccurrence in the world’s current “crown” plan-demic. People who do things like this do not understand God or the study of probability.

The more accurate fulfillments of what was written by God to occur in the future, the less likely there are any coincidences. Today we will review, at least 26 matches of world events to verses found in Revelation that are potentially happening today. If only half of these are occurring, it is mathematically impossible that what is happening now is just a coincidence to what God said would happen in the tribulation. Therefore, we must conclude that what is happening today is a plan of someone to potentially copy what was written in the Bible for 2000 years.

So let us go through a list of some of these potential comparisons that some will try to convince us are just flukes.


We are not going to go through every found event comparison. We will only look at the most direct matches that appear to be happening today. Please read them over and study all of these for yourself. Read the verse references. Look up the Greek words and definitions. Study to show yourself approved; a workman that needs not to be ashamed before God (2 Timothy 2:15).

#ReferenceWorld Event
1Revelation 12:9 the Genesis 3:1 ancient serpent, is identified to be the devil, Satan and has grown into a Great Red Dragon.There is only one current world nation identified with the Great Red Dragon symbol, guess who? It was the nation that released the deadly pathogen on the world in 2019.
2Revelation 12:9 The ancient serpent revealed to be Satan and serpents have “two fangs” filled with poisonous deadly substances to paralyze and kill victims.“Two jab” remedies were the normal first solutions for a promised life of normalcy and the relief from the fear of death.
3Revelation 12:9 The serpent is defined to be the source of all global deception. This represents a heart filled with poisonous words that are spread to the world.The world’s governments, media, corporations, & entertainment, working together to deceive the entire world into a fear driven message to accept an unknown solution.
4Revelation 12:9 The dragon is defined as a “fabulous serpent” indicating a beast of vast increased ability to deceiveSatan needed to only deceive two people originally, but is now attempting to deceive nearly 7+ billion people with another message of lies.
5Acts 28:5 Paul was bitten by a beast with two fangs full of poison in his hand to kill him, while placing sticks on a fire. This is the same Greek word as the “beast” empowered by the serpent in Revelation 13:7.Majority of the world’s initial solution fang dosages were a two marked injection system. People today are offered a chip fang mark in their hands to confirm their participation in the two-fang mark.
6Revelation 13:15 All that do not worship the serpent’s beast are separated from the marked people on the earth by intentional death/murder (Revelation 20:4).Threats of separation and quarantined isolation for everyone not participating in the mandated worship of the fang marks.
7Revelation 13:16 Every human (100%), rich or poor, weak or powerful, free or slave, is required to take the “mark” of the beast.Tyrannical world leaders are now requiring every human (100%), the young or old, the sick or healthy, and even those immune, to take jabbed “mark” in their body with an unknown substance.
8Revelation 13:16 Marks received in right hand and foreheads. Right hand symbolizes source of power and authority, and forehead the position of freewill and free thought reasoning. This symbolizes Satan’s ultimate desire for all human control.Jezebel rulers are removing human rights to choose, and controlling the narrative to produce mind control. There are several researchers that say the injected serum to save us will affect the human mind and abilities to function in the future.
9Revelation 13:16 The serpent empowered beast, demands a forced mark, and taking this mark causes eternal spiritual death in hell (Revelation 14:11)Forced and mandated marks demanded by world governments, ruling powers, with a yet to be determined benefit or known negative impacts?
10Revelation 13:17 Refusal to take mark, results in the loss of the ability to buy or sellRefusal to take today’s crown marks, are resulting in loss of employment, travel, freedoms, etc.
11Revelation 13:17 taking the mark results in the ability to buy and sell freely in the global economy.Many nations issue passports after taking the “fang marks” allowing “some” promised freedoms of movement and ability to buy and sell
12Revelation 13 There is no mention of any personal expenses for taking the mark of the beast in the Bible, implying the marks are given out for free to all that will cooperate to take them. This further implies the government rulers are covering all of the costs.It is interesting to see how the governments are the ones that are paying the costs for development and distribution of the experimental pathogen jabs. This makes them free for every one that is cooperative. Another matching coincidence?
13Revelation 6:2 a rider on a white horse conquering the world looking like the return of Christ in Revelation 19:11. This clearly indicates a very prevalent deception is taking place by a false savior.Almost every world power system (government, business, news, etc) is coordinating together to push one massive devious plot to save every human. This is a false & exaggerated message of propaganda for an agenda.
14Revelation 6:2 a crown is given to the world ruler and is used to conquer the world as a part of the combined system.A corona (latin crown) was released from the Great Red Dragon nation (Rev 12:9) and it was used to rapidly conquer the entire world (2020-2021)
15Revelation 6:2 – a bow in the hand of a world conqueror, represents a device from which an arrow/dart is released and “shot” to spread a potential (toxic) poison, which is designed and intended to produce death.Over 5 million people have reportedly been murdered by the intentional release of the crown pathogen. The acceptance of taking the solution “fang mark” in the U.S. has reportedly killed at least 17,000 so far, but the true numbers are vastly under reported and silenced.
16Revelation 6:2 The conquest of the world is performed by the combined partnership of the controlling government rider, and the powerful horse instrument of war that is identified by them wearing a “white coat”.Today, the powerful white coated Big-Pharma industry (that created the crown pathogen), has made billions of dollars from their “fang marks” solutions that are being forced upon all people by the powerful controlling government(s).
17Revelation 6:2 The horse’s white color can present a perception of a peaceful world conquest, utilizing potentially unseen & unconventional weapons.It should be very clear that the pathogen is a modern-day biological weapon, designed to create massive fear for the people’s cooperative willingness to take the forced free marks.
18Revelation 6:2 The horse’s white coat, can also be called the horse’s “hide”. Combine this with the missing arrows would imply there is a vast potential for a hidden or deceptive purpose to what is happening in this world conquest.Today we are experiencing a new version of an older pathogen. The solutions being spread to counter this global bio-attack is very new, unknown, has never been tried on human subjects. Because it is being forced upon every living human, it shows there is a massive hidden reason for its purpose.
19Revelation 6:2 the rider has a bow in his hand, and is given a crown for his forehead. Both symbols confirm a Rev 13:16 conquest involving human mind control and loss of the ability for people to think or reason for themselvesThere are hidden substances that are given in the fang mark injections called nano-technologies and graphene oxides which are very harmful toxins. Nano particles are designed for mind control. The GO is designed to kill everyone slowly. Go do the research for yourself.
20Revelation 9:12 Scorpion like creatures released to torment humans with single stings in their tails.White coat industry creates repeated booster stinger marks for each new version of the crown disease. Many nations are up to 4 marks, without any end in sight.
21Revelation 9:18 1/3 of the world’s population is said to be murdered by the serpent’s plan5+ million have been murdered so far by the crown disease and an unknown hidden number of people have died from the fang marks so far.
22Revelation 9:20 God says there will be many people killed by a global plagueThe crown pathogen was released by the Great Red Dragon nation, and represents a designed plan for a global conquest
23Revelation 9:20 Those that have not been killed by the plague, do not repent for the “works of their hands” done in their occupational industry to cause it to occurThe white coated industry is furiously at work to rush to market an unproven, untested, solution product with unknown ingredients and unknown side effects and hidden consequences.
24Revelation 9:21 those that are involved in the global holocaust do not repent of their “murders”Globally over 5+ million have been murdered by the crown disease and the fang marks so far
25Revelation 9:20 Those guilty of the worldwide murders also do not repent for their committed massive “thefts”Billions of dollars have been funneled into the White Coat Industry profiting a few rich
26Revelation 9:21 The committed global murderers are connected with the witchcraft of humans, which is the Greek word “pharmakeia” that we get pharmacies, pharmaceuticals, and pharmacists from, and these are defined as the acts of distributing poisonous (toxins).This is the obvious climax to the clues. It is God’s deliberate mention of the white coated industry that needs to be watched very closely.

Here we can read through a quick overview of at least 26 eerie “coincidences?”, found spread out in primarily the book of Revelation. These are not every parallel from Revelation to what is potentially happening in our world today.  But it is amazing to see how all of these “coincidences?”, could have appeared in today’s false prophet news, if they chose to be honest.

It is interesting to learn, and know the layout of the book of Revelation. Many believe the book of Revelation is in complete chronological order. This would mean the current chapter’s events follow in sequence, after the events that were described before in the previous chapter’s events. But there is NO WAY this approach to interpretation can be understood to be completely true.

For example, chapter 11 describes events that take place in a time period of 42 months (Revelation 11:3), chapter 12 also describes a time period of events that occur in 42 months (Revelation 12:6). In fact, chapter 13 also describes events that are occurring in a time period of 42 months (Revelation 13:5). Adding these together we would get ten and a half years of the tribulation just in these 3 chapters and this would not include the other 19 chapters. Uh oh? That would be a major problem, because we should know the entire chapters from 4 to 18, takes place in a total of one week of years, called Daniel’s 70th week.

This knowledge simply teaches, there are significant overlaps in certain chapters occurring. This would be exactly like the first two chapters in the book of Genesis. Chapter 1 of Genesis was God’s world creation overview, and chapter two is just the specific end of the 6th day of man’s creation detailed account. This repeated pattern is definitely what is occurring in the book of Revelation.

For example, chapter 4 of Revelation, begins with the rapture, and initiates the events of the 7-year tribulation. Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, appear to be sequential or chronological overviews of some of the events happening in both the spiritual realm, and the natural realms simultaneously. We know this by understanding there are 7 seals being opened in heaven in sequence, followed by 7 trumpets that are blown in heaven also in sequential order. Each heavenly event initiates events that occur on the earth.

This would imply to us, that chapters 4 through 10 occur within a potential 42-month time frame. But in chapters, 11, and 12, these appear to be specific details of certain specific places, people, and events, that also occur during the same 42-month events. Many good Bible teachers, call chapters like 11, and 12 parenthetical chapters.

Please just consider the possibilities of God writing a book using this format. And remember that we can find this technique found in the book of Genesis as a valid pattern for possible future books and chapters. If we can conclude this is at least possible, this may help allow our spiritual eyes, to see how many of these Revelation overlaps may correctly fit together. Let us start with Revelation 12, first.

If the church is caught up to heaven in Revelation 4:1 as believed by many thorough, and serious Bible teachers, Revelation 12:1 begins with a wonder “woman”, suddenly “appearing” in heaven. These two verses would certainly match together, to confirm the event of 4:1 as a type of rapture, that is potentially connecting with the event described in 12:1 of a spiritual woman suddenly appearing in heaven. If you can see it, great!

If you do not understand that the church is mentioned in the first 3 chapters and never again by the name “church” after Revelation 3, this should be your first clue. The omission of the name “church” (G1577, eklesia), from chapters 4 through 22, implies the formal organization of the body and bride of Christ upon the earth, has departed to be with Christ in the spirit realm. It is also very important to know that the church in Revelation 3:10 is promised to be kept from the adversities that will take place upon the people dwelling upon the earth. This clearly says at least some of the church will be gone during the tribulation.

Then if you don’t know the church is described to be a woman, a bride and wife, you should read verses like Matthew 9:15, Ephesians 5:31-32, and 2 Corinthians 11:2, just to list a few. It is very important to go and study these subjects. There are other lesson series that will help you learn these truths on this website, for example:

  1. Understanding Bible Covenants
  2. Revealing the Bride of Christ
  3. The True Identity of the Woman in Revelation 12
  4. Is the Rapture taught in the Bible?

Now look down to the end of chapter 12, where we find people that have either become Christ followers, or were not ready for the catching away, and were left on the earth during the tribulation. We can clearly read in Revelation 12:17, where the dragon is extremely wroth with the woman after being thrown down to the earth. He then makes war against her remaining remnant on the earth. Therefore, in this chapter 12, we first have the woman (the church), found in heaven, simultaneously with the remnant of the church on the earth.  We know this woman is the church because these people keep God’s commandments, and have the testimony of Christ Jesus in verse 12:17. Let us please, not get distracted with the rest of the information in this chapter for this study.

Now review chapter 11 quickly, to see what the main subject found is?  This chapter has to occur suddenly after the church disappears from the earth. We conclude this because, God brings down from heaven, 2 witnesses to preach and prophesy to the world from Jerusalem, for 42 months. Wow this just fits so well with the fact that the church has to have been taken out of the world and the preaching of the Gospel to the nations has suddenly ceased. God would logically send two witnesses, since He is still interested in saving all people from hell. This would confirm how the true saints, pastors, evangelists, missionaries, and the apostolic church members, were previously caught up to heaven. Do you see how this is fitting together, so well?

Now, consider some potential overlaps with the first verse in Revelation chapter 13, that describes in detail an event that may also fit to work together in the same overlapping timeframe. After the church is caught up into heaven, God reveals to us in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, how the “man of sin” will come to the earth to be revealed. Then, go and read Revelation 13:1. We have a “beast” which we found was a type of “serpent” who represents the origin of sin on the earth. This beast rises out of the sea. A sea is a symbolic representation for a mass of many people.

So, we have a sudden world ruler system powered by the serpent and/or the dragon, that has come upon the world seen, to rule it all. That is very interesting since this may correspond with the conquering rider, we can find in Revelation 6:2. God appears to be informing us that the mark of the beast may be a part of this world conquest for wielding power to conquer, and control all of the people in the world. This could possibly match the things that are occurring in Revelation 6:2, very well. Remember we saw a government who arose to sit upon a white coated horse of war. This government was given a “corona” / “crown” and had a “toxin” in his hand that will be used for his peaceful but deceptive, hidden weapon, global conquest.

Searching Revelation 13, there is no mention of any visible weapons being used to force people into taking the mark of the beast. Therefore, how are the people being threatened with death to cause them to want to take this mark of the beast? The answer is found in Revelation 13:5, the beast is given a mouth that is able to speak great things. This indicates there is great deception taking place, and the silencing of any opposing voices. That sounds a lot like the image we can read about in Revelation 6:2 of the white horse deceiving rider.

Another interesting point is found in Revelation 13:9. This verse says “Let him that has ears, hear”.  This phrase occurs 7 times in Revelation chapters 2 and 3. But in these verses God says “let those that have ears, hear what the Spirit says to the churches”. This appears to be another clue to indicate the church should be gone when all of this is occurring, since the words “says to the churches” are omitted.

It is very interesting how in the world today, that people who are unmarked are being said to be the source of all death and we are told they will all die very soon. How can the healthy be the problem for what is being spread, simply because they have not been marked? This very clearly teaches us there is a deceptive hidden agenda for forcing people to take the mark.


This Bible lesson was just a quick list of a few possibilities, for looking at the book of Revelation. No one is claiming we are living through this Revelation time in 2021. But it should show us how all of these prophesied real events could be a parallel pattern to what the serpent is prematurely causing to happen to us now. These parallels could be called a pre-cursor type of dress rehearsal for the real coming big events. Or the serpent could be trying to redirect us away from God, like he did to the church in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2. In this example, there was a false message that was being spread by the serpent to the church that the day of the LORD, had already passed. Paul quickly refutes this false message in his letter. But this same pattern has been reinitiated in many churches today, where they are claiming we are living in the tribulation right now.

This admittedly was a very controversial subject to address from the Bible and the book of Revelation. Many asleep Christians will reject it as being completely not true. Others may see parts of it has happening but still trust their rulers to help save them. Hopefully, most Christians are awakening to discern the hidden spiritual motivations for what is happening to them.

For the people that are becoming awake, they can begin to see how there must be very evil spirits behind all of what is happening in the world. Who is causing the massive fears? More Christians should begin to ask these questions of God to give them more discernment. If all of this coordinated effort is God conducting His heavenly work of salvation, no one should resist it. But if God is not committing these evils, it must be orchestrated for the serpent’s dark agenda.  Let us ask some questions:

  1. Is God a God of forced salvations?
  2. Is God a God of fear-based salvations?

The answers to both of these essential questions are NO. Therefore, nothing that is happening to produce death or fear in the world, can be of, or from God. God is not producing any massive fear.  God is not forcing people to get saved from natural or spiritual death.

Thank you for reading this lesson. If you have any questions or comments, you are free to leave it in a comment. Always remember God loves you so very much. It is His immense goodness that will lead people to repentance. It will never be a message of force or fear that will save you. Jesus Christ, is the King of kings, and the Lord of lords and He is coming very soon.

***Please do not allow anything written here to produce fear in you. If you have taken the marks that were given out freely, or forced upon you, they will NOT send you to hell. But please understand that many believe they are designed to send you to heaven sooner than God wanted you to show up.

Thank you for your prayers and if you would like us to join you in agreeing with your prayers, please let us know. God Bless you all very much.