Jesus in the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet Part 15 – The Nun

(Ver 1.2) This lesson is “Part 15” in the Bible study series about the Lord Jesus Christ, being hidden by the Spirit of God in His design of the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet. There are some that question the validity of this study. This is a good and understandable attitude towards anything anyone teaches about the Bible. I praise you for having this attitude towards everything you read about God, the Holy Spirit, Jesus or His Word. Question everything. Do your own research. Study every subject lesson for yourself. Do not take anyone’s word as truth, without your personal involvement to verify, and re-verify it personally. There is a number of good sources of information on this subject on the internet. Just go to “DuckDuckGo” and type a search for the “Ancient Hebrew Alphabet Pictogram”, and many research sites should appear to get you started. There are even a lot of good charts and alphabet letter pictures on search engine “Images” sites. Please study and learn for yourself. Then don’t believe anything they say either. I have found some the Spirit of God in me, gives me peace about and others that I have rejected as being off the middle ground of balanced truth.

I have only studied this subject in recent years. When this came to my attention, I too was skeptical. Then I bought an iPad and downloaded the eSword Bible App, and this came with a good starter lexicon concerning Ancient Hebrew pictograms. The more I researched the subject, the more it came alive in my spirit. The Holy Spirit bore witness with my spirit that this was such a very amazing intelligent supernatural design. You see, if this was only human created drawings, it would not contain such deep and rich hidden meanings. But if it was God inspired, He is able to place hidden information about Jesus in every little part of the drawing. Then by Him placing specific picture letters together, He is even more wise to have the ability to tell a complete story containing prophetical applications to what He was going to do in the future. I cannot tell you how amazing this has become to me, and I pray it will for you also.

Today’s lesson will focus upon one of the most essential letters in the Hebrew Alphabet relating to Jesus, called the “Nun”. The “Nun” is the 14th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. We should have already learned a lot about this letter, by reading from the beginning of the series, especially in the “Beyt” lesson. If you have not read the series from the beginning, you might like to go to “Part 1”.

The letter “Nun” is one of the major ancient Hebrew alphabet letters, that describes Jesus precisely. God created a natural pictogram for the letter “Nun”, that contains massive amounts of hidden symbolic, literal, implied natural and spiritual truths, All of these reveal Jesus to us directly or indirectly. One individual asked me how do we know these letters mean what is taught here? There are many reasons, but I will give you a few of the major explanations, that give us confidence:

  1. The Hebrew language usage of the “Nun”, defines the basic individual letter meaning using the definition of the word “Nun” (H5125, Nun + Nun = Sprout).
  2. The ancient Hebrew letter “Nun” pictogram, looks like a sprouting “seed”
  3. The ancient Hebrew letter “Nun” resembles the image of a sperm cell that was only possible to view by supernatural participation in its original design.
  4. Jesus makes the personal claim of being what the image of the “pictogram” letter “Nun” signifies.
  5. Jesus had made the personal claim to be the actual Alphabet letters like the first letter “Alef”, and the last letter “Tav”, and this implies He could be all of the letters between them also.
  6. Other Bible writers make the direct claim that Jesus is the pictogram representation and/or the letter’s definition.
  7. The Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit that this information is the Truth.
  8. After studying ancient Hebrew letters for a significant time, it should become apparent and revealed that these letters were placed there by supernatural intelligent design and not by natural human reasoning.

No one here in any Bible lesson being published, is saying believe us, we are always right. That is very foolish to believe we would make this claim to everything we teach is 100% correct. Have you ever met anyone, that is 100% correct besides God? I have not and neither have you.

If you are new to the ancient Hebrew alphabet study concepts, do your own homework, study and prove us wrong. Be an Acts 17:11 good Berean type of Bible student and verify everything, anyone teaches. Use your iPad and your “eSword” Bible App. Then select a Hebrew Strong’s number, to view the word meanings in the included ancient Hebrew lexicon. You can read about the word sources, the letter meanings, and the basic messages that the combined alphabet letters are communicating. It is an excellent beginner’s tool.

I hope this encourages you to read this lesson with an open heart (spirit), and mind. Spiritual realities are easily rejected by naturally thinking people. God is a Spirit and those that worship Him, MUST worship Him in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:23-24). Let us move into the Spirit, moving with the Spirit’s flow, and let us open our spiritual eyes and ears, to hear from the Spirit about what He says to us in this awesome letter “Nun”.


The ancient Hebrew letter “Nun”, is the 14th letter of the alphabet, and has the gematria number value of “50”. Fourteen and fifty are both very significant numbers in God’s Old Covenant, because of the significance of each usage as prophetical types. Fourteen is the total number of years Jacob had to work for the bride that he loved. He was tricked by his father-in-law after their 7-year agreement, and He was then forced to work for an additional 7 years for Rachel (Gen 29:20). Jacob is a direct type of Jesus. But we will not be able to teach this concept today.

Fifty represents the year of total “freedom”, called “Jubilee” (Lev 25:10). In the 50th year, all debts were canceled, all bond slaves went freed, and all land sold to pay debts, were restored to the original family owners. Wow, that sounds a lot like Jesus’ work on the cross (Tav) already.

There are many that view the year of Jubilee as being related to the very soon coming “catching away” of the church (1 Th 4:17). I am definitely a supporter of this belief. There are many parallels between these two events that we will be unable to learn about in this lesson. But notice, in both events, land ownership is returned to the rightful family owner. We should know that the world system is currently under the control of Satan (2 Cor 4:4). This dominion of land ownership will be legally transferred back to Christ’s ownership, during Revelation 5 events, with the opening of a scroll implied to contain the title deed of the earth. Also, please understand that both events, Jubilee and rapture begin with a loud “trumpet blast”, and then people are freed (Lev 25:9, 1 Cor 15:52).

Most see the basic pictogram of the “Nun”, as the representation of a concept of a “sprouting seed”, as in an herb seed, a fruit seed, a vegetable seed, etc., which is being planted and watered to grow a “new” plant of the same kind as the “seed” contributor. It is interesting that a sprouting “seed” must have water, to produce any new life. The seed in a desert without rain, has little chance of producing any life. But when the “seed” is touched with rain in the dry desert, this place becomes a different living environment, until the rain water stops.

It is very interesting that the Hebrew letter directly before the “Nun”, is the “Mem” and this letter is a picture of “water”. God has connected these two letters together by His design in the Hebrew alphabet. These two pictures relate to almost every living thing in creation. Without the existence of three essential elements, “light”, “water”, and “seeds”, there would be no life right now on this planet.

It is most interesting that this pictured ancient “Nun” letter, significantly resembles a greatly enlarged male sperm cell which is called a “seed” in Genesis 38:9. The above photo is a picture of a magnified sperm cell. Many can see this meaning in the “Nun” representation. It is a significant reminder that when a human is conceived in the womb, that the child grows and develops in a sack of water. A water connection is a reoccurring pattern in the majority of environments where a “seed” produces a new life.

Many can also see the representation of the ancient Hebrew pictogram as an image of a “tadpole”, or hatching fish egg. This causes many to believe the letter represents “fish”. Therefore, the letter “Nun” continues the pattern of the meaning of a “seed” that is interacted with “water” to produce and sustain new life. The letter “Mem” directly preceding the “Nun” are definitely connected together by supernatural intelligent design. Let us go deeper into the concept of “seed” as a continuation of life.

A sprouting seed, represents the “continuation” of “life”. Each new generation of human life, or an animal’s life, or a tree or plant’s life, was reproduced by the spreading of “seed”, into a female of the kind, or the ground soil. There is an essential law of God about “seed” given to us in Genesis 8:22. In this verse God decrees His designed law of perpetuation for all created life. This verse says “As long as the earth remains, “seed”, time and harvest will never cease”. Wow, this law is the reason why you are here, alive, and able to read this Bible lesson right now. You were once just a seed in your “father”. But now seeing you we all can understand that your “seed”, was joined with an “egg” to grow in water, until it produced your ability to experience “life” by birth. This is exactly why Satan has been trying to kill every human on this planet before they receive this life experience. It is only a living human full of Christ, that has the ability to crush Satan’s head (Romans 16:20).

It is this representation of a microscopic reproduction cell, that proves it was supernaturally created by the Creator God, and not by a human’s simple mind who did not have a microscope to see what this cell looked like when it was first written in tablets nearly 3900 years ago. The fact that this letter “Nun” is joined with the letter “Beyt” and is transliterated as “Ben”, that God writes in the Bible as a “son”. The Beyt represents a house and a family, and the “Nun” represents a “seed” and placing them together we get “the family continues in the new son”.

In human terms, it is also interesting that it is the sperm “seed” (Nun) that will determine the gender of the produced child. It is also interesting that the father’s seed contributor donates ½ of the necessary DNA to create the child. Wow, again we see amazing truths about how Jesus came to be called the Son of God, simultaneously being called the Son of Man, and how this was accomplished by His Father God, sending His Word to a “virgin” woman named Mary. Mary received God’s “seed” (Word) into her spirit (Luke 1:38) and she conceived. Perhaps you need to be introduced now, to the concept that the Word of God is called “seed” in Luke 8:11. Therefore, the Seed of God was God’s Word, and this was made manifest as a human male (John 1:1-14). We have just been introduced to the concept of the “Nun” being a symbol of the Word of God. Please keep this in your mind as we continue.

The letter “Nun” like other letters, has a corresponding Hebrew word called “Nun”, that is used in the Old Testament. This word is H5125 and Strong and the NASEC gives the definition of this word as “be continued”, “perpetual”, and “propagate”.  This primitive root word provides another word H5126, that is used for the name of the father of Joshua, who was called “Nun”. Joshua in the Old Covenant, is another major “type” of Jesus in the New Covenant.  

This fact of Joshua being the son of Nun, connects Jesus to being a “Seed” from His Father God. This is a very amazing connection to our subject of Jesus, because Joshua is the exact same name of Jesus, just in two languages. Jesus is the transliterated Greek name of Joshua, and Joshua is the transliterated Hebrew name for Jesus. We are beginning to be introduced to a major clue, teaching us that the LORD Jesus Christ, was produced from the “seed” of God.

Therefore, this letter “Nun” fundamentally represents “seed”, plural or singular. If you have never studied this subject in the Bible, it is an awesome essential Bible study to learn. You should find at the very least 10 separated and distinct things that God labels as “seeds”.  There is a lesson series on this website that is called “Understanding Seeds”, if you would like to learn more. What we are going to do with this concept, is to search our Bible for the word “seed’ and continue to learn.

There are two major God created laws concerning “seed”, found in “Genesis’. We already learned in Genesis 8:22, a “seed” sowing was God’s designed “propagation” method for life’s continuance. Therefore, a “seed” by God’s definition means, a “seed” must be “sown”, from a current living entity, in order to produce that life to continue to exist, in the next generation. Wow, that is really amazing, even if you do not yet understand what God is speaking of.

The first mention of “seeds” in Genesis is chapter 1 and verse 11. In this verse God gives us His Law, “the seed within itself”. God created “herbs”, “grass”, and “fruit trees”, as mature living life organisms, and He declared each of these life forms, had its own “seed” in side of itself to reproduce, remain and continue on the earth. This identical law was reapplied, in the design of the fish, bird and animal realms, as well as the human domain. This is why Genesis 8:22 said seed (Nun), time and harvest will never cease as long as the earth remains.

This was a quick overview and introduction to the letter “Nun” meanings and applications to being a representation of Jesus Christ. Let us now go into a few very essential details on this letter pointing us to Jesus.

2. Jesus Christ Our Natural “Seed” (Nun) – New Covenant Representative

In the Bible, Jesus claims that He is two types of “seed” (Nun) of the New Covenant. We will begin with the natural “seed” first. As part of this claim by Jesus, God reveals Him to be our human and divine representative that is able to keep His covenant for all mankind, if they will humble themselves, submit, and accept Him as their Lord. Let us begin our detail study of Him being a “seed” (Nun), by viewing what God says about being fully humans. We will accomplish this by searching for Jesus as a “Seed” (Nun) where He is directly connected, by the Holy Spirit’s inspiration through the New Testament writers:

  1. Romans 1:3, Jesus called the “Seed” of David
  2. Galatians 3:16, Jesus called the Promised Seed of Abraham
  3. 2 Timothy 2:8, Jesus confirmed to be the “Seed” of David
  4. Hebrews 2:16, Jesus confirmed to be the “Seed” of Abraham

These 4 references represent the major direct references of Jesus being a natural human “seed” (Nun) of men. However, from these four verses, we can clearly see how Jesus is being called a natural “Seed” (Nun), of two major Bible men. Both of these men were given direct heavenly promises about a coming “Son”, which we know from these verses, is revealed to be Jesus the Christ.

This knowledge of a human “seed”, representing Jesus, brings us to also recognize the fact that Jesus is also called a “Son” many times in the New Testament. We learned in the “Beyt” lesson that a “Son” is the Hebrew word “ben”. You should remember that this word is comprised of two letters, the “Beyt” + “Nun”. In ancient Hebrew letter meanings, this can signify “The Father’s House continues in His Seed”. Knowing this, we can clearly see how Abraham’s and David’s house will continue forever in their risen Son, named Jesus Christ. Let us continue this section of the human “Seed” being Jesus with a potential new expanded view.

Remember, Jesus is called the “Son of David” in at least 12 verses in the Gospels. At least three times in the Gospels, Jesus is called the “Son of Abraham”. What we are learning is a pattern of Jesus being the human “Seed” from two earthly houses of two fathers. But also remember that David was in, and from the house and family of Abraham. So, we are now being introduced to the concept of generations through the passing of “seed”. This occurs when one man’s name, house and family can only continue, as long as his seed remains alive to be passed down. If the father dies, and leaves no heir to his house, the family name has ended.

If you read the Luke 3 genealogy of Jesus you will find Jesus came from the natural “seed” of many fathers, being passed down many times. If Satan could have killed one of these fathers before his seed of “Christ” could be passed, this would have been a very significant situation for God. This is exactly why Satan, who did not understand which seed Christ would come from, has tried to kill all children throughout all of history. But this Luke 3 genealogy and Jesus himself, makes another shocking claim in the Gospels that few pay attention to.

One of the key mentions of Jesus as a “Son” (ben=Beyt+Nun), occurs in around 82 N.T. verses. God calls Jesus by the title of the “Son of man” in multiple Bible verses. But Jesus called Himself, the “Son of man” more times than any other name or title. He did this in every book of the Gospels. If Jesus was speaking Hebrew, which I believe He was to Jewish people, He said “I am the Son of Adam”. This is because the Hebrew word H120 that is often translated as “man”, is also the same exact word that is translated as “Adam”, the first man’s name. This would make Jesus the Christ, also a “Seed” of Adam. This is completely amazing when you learn Jesus was being called the Son of Adam, is also called the “last” Adam (1 Cor 15:45), and the “second” man (1 Cor 15:47) by God in the New Covenant. These essential facts gave Jesus the legal right to be the first Adam’s, kinsman redeemer. The kinsman redeemer is revealed by God in multiple verses, but the book of Ruth and Boaz as a type of Christ, is one of the best examples. Wow, we could write a book about that subject also. But we need to move on to another direct claim of Jesus saying He is another very special type of spiritual “Seed” (Nun).

3. Jesus Claims to be a New Spiritual Seed (Nun)

We must learn in this lesson that Jesus made direct claims to being a “seed” (Nun). Remember what a “seed” was created to be.  A “seed” has the great potential to create “new life” of the same kind as the source of the seed contributor. But Jesus was a new unique man, that was a “Seed” from two families that become one in Christ. We have already seen the natural family of man contribution to Jesus. Now we will explore the spiritual God contribution.

Every “seed” produces new life of the exact same kind as stated in the law of “seed” producing after its own kind in Genesis 1:11. God establishes a law of reproductive same kind of new life, for His and our benefit. We must understand there was a need for “new life” after Adam died and let Satan become the God of this world (2 Cor 4:4). Adam sealed the fate of every human to eternal death, but God became a man to initiate a brand-new creation (2 Cor 5:17), to give us His newly created life. We are about to learn that God accomplishes this by becoming a combined physical and spiritual “Seed” Himself to die. Thank you, Jesus. Praise the Lord!

But a “seed” must be buried into the ground in order to create this new life.  A seed literally was designed by God to die, and to be buried. We will discover in this next verse that Jesus makes the direct claim to being this very specific type of “seed” that will produce our new life. It is this gift of new life that will again permit humans to resemble Him, and to be remade into His designed image and likeness. But this newly created human will have something better than Adam originally had, and that was God living in Him, and not just coming to visit Him, walking in the garden. What Adam lost; Jesus the Last Adam restores to new, but it is greatly enhanced and designed not to fail. Let us read the verse, and then analyze the words being spoken:

John 12:24  Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn (Nun=Seed) of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. 

Can you see that Jesus just claimed to be a “seed”? It might be a little concealed by the choice of word the translator selected. The Greek word that was translated as “corn” is G2848, and this word literally means a single “kernel” of seed. In an ear of corn, each kernel is a “seed” that is able to produce an entire new corn stalk when planted. This corn seed can also be ground into corn meal to produce bread. But a corn kernel is not the seed type that Jesus claimed to be.

What type of “seed”, did Jesus just claim to be? It is found in the translated word “wheat”. This Greek word G4621 means a grain, but it is mostly used to represent “wheat”. It is used 14 times in the N.T. and 12 times it is translated as “wheat”. It is most important, to know Jesus is speaking symbolically and figuratively when using this analogy. Jesus is only using the natural to teach us about a much greater spiritual “seed” concept.

This “seed’ type of wheat, is actually very accurate based upon other words that Jesus reveals about Himself. It is the grain heads of the wheat stalk, that makes ground-up flour that humans bake wheat-based bread with. Now relate quickly about bread being baked, and apply this to what Jesus did for us as a spiritual “seed”. Jesus would be killed, and then buried in the ground for 3 days physically as a natural “seed”. But His spirit that came down from the father, would spend these same 3 days in hell, a place that is a very hot oven to pay for our sin debt. This would appear to connect Jesus to being like bread also. It is very interesting to notice this is exactly what Jesus claims to be, that is made from the grain of wheat:

John 6:51  I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. 

We get the confirmation for which type of “seed” (Nun) that Jesus is claiming to be, by reading John 6:51. Here Jesus makes another astounding claim to be the “living bread” sent down from heaven. Here Jesus is speaking to the Jewish people who knew the story of Moses and the children of Israel in the wilderness. We can clearly understand how Jesus said the manna that was sent by God from heaven to feed Israel, was a type of who Jesus was when He appears to them in the flesh. Jesus is calling Himself, a far greater spiritual bread that is alive. The “manna” that God fed them with in the wilderness only provided physical strength and temporary life, but Jesus is claiming to be a spiritual bread that will save them eternally. Remember bread is made from “crushed” grain seed (Nun), mixed with “water” (Mem). Remember water is also a type of a life-giving essential substance, and this represents the Spirit and the Word of God. We have again repeated the pattern of the combined “Mem” and “Nun” connection. Now notice this prophecy of Jesus found in Isaiah:

Isa 53:10  Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand. 

Hopefully, you understand this chapter is Messianic and concerns Christ’s death on a cross (Tav). But notice the Hebrew word H1792 that is translated as “bruised”. This word describes a “crushing” experience of a “seed” that is done to produce bread. The Hebrew word H2233 is the word we found in Genesis 8:22 that God gave us in His law of “seed”, time and harvest for producing fruit.

We have just gone full circle from New Testament claims of Jesus being the “seed” that was given to produce brand new life in dead humans, returning to the law of “seed”, time and harvest, and finally the prophecy of how God was going to perform this plan in His Son Jesus Christ. What was the plan?

Jesus actually gave us the answer in John 12:24. Jesus claimed to be a spiritual “seed” that would be crushed for our human sin penalty, His body would be bruised, and then be nailed on a cross and die. Then the physical body of Christ a “seed”, would be buried in the ground. Jesus just described this spiritual work by giving everyone a natural farming lesson of how to produce increase. One planted grain of wheat seed can produce many other seeds when matured. These produced “seeds” can continue to grow new plants. This process can produce exponential growth over the process of a short time.

How did the whole Church body of Christ, go from 1 seed Jesus Christ, to the church size it is today? This answer should be self-evident. We can read after the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, He met with His disciples and breathed on them in John 20:22. This was the first generation of church new-life beginnings. Then we see 120 people in the “upper” room on Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit falls upon them and now the church body has multiplied by 10-fold. 3000 men outside of the building suddenly heard the commotion going on, and they come to believe in Jesus after Peter preaches the Gospel to them, and now there are at least 3120 people in the church body in only a very short time. This is suddenly almost a 30-fold growth. Can you see the exponential growth taking place in the body of Christ?

This “Seed” principle of new life, is why Satan is very sorry for killing Jesus on a cross (1 Cor 2:8). It was this concealed “Seed” (Nun) plan of God that doomed Satan to hell, and it was God guarantee of a new “Seed” in Christ, that will cause a victorious church in the very soon coming end of this world.

This exponential growth of seed time and harvest, was how God designed all natural things to function. It is this natural “seed” pattern of continuance and growth that was implemented in the unseen spiritual realm to operate also. It is amazing how one man named Adam with his wife named Eve, could produce over 7 billion people currently on the planet in 6000 years. This is what is happening in the end-time church also, before He returns to harvest His wheat, separating it from Satan’s tares of the world which will be burned in hell (Mat 13:25-30).

4. Jesus the Word (Seed) of God

One of the most significant mentions of Jesus being a Spiritual Seed is found in the New Testament. But to understand this foundational concept, let us first remember what Jesus taught us in the Parable of the Sower. Hopefully, you know this parable already. It will not be covered in depth in this lesson. In this parable, Jesus teaches about sowing “seed” (Nun) into four types of ground. 3 types of seed fail to produce “fruit” and one type of ground produces 3 levels of varying measures of “fruit”.  In the explanation that Jesus provides, Jesus is the implied “Sower” of the “seed” (Nun). Jesus the Sower we are told is “sowing” the specific type of seed, named as the “Word of God”. The soil ground is defined to be the heart of humans. Those that receive His “Seed” and produce “fruit” are those that are saved. We should all be able to apply this knowledge to the “Nun” concepts we have learned so far, of a “sprouting” seed to produce new life. Humans being saved is the goal of Him sending His “Nun” Seed into the world.

What we have just established is God declaring His Word to be His “Seed” unto human salvation. But this is a double reference, because Jesus is called the Word of God in several scriptures. Please begin with John 1:1 and read down to verse 14. It begins, “In the beginning, the Word=Seed was with God, and the Word=Seed was God”. We have just discovered that God’s Word was God, and we paired this truth with the parable of the Sower definition of what “Seed” is, and we have God’s Word is His Seed, and His Seed is God that saves us. Wow, I pray you understood.

Then in John 1:14, God declares to us all, that God the Word (Seed/Nun) was made “flesh” and “dwelled” among us. The Greek translated as dwelled, means to “tabernacle” with humans. This personal tabernacling was a prophetic fulfillment of the type given to us in the God patterns of the tabernacle given to Moses.  This is why the “Beyt” alphabet letter in the image of a “tent” tabernacle is so significant. This “Beyt” tent was a prophetic picture of God personally dwelling in a human body on the earth to die for all sins.

But let us place the Bible facts together. God came and tabernacled (Beyt) with humans, and this was accomplished by Him (the Word Nun Seed) being sent as a “seed” (Nun) which impregnated a “virgin” woman named “Mary”. The physical Nun Seed child of God, named Jesus was produced by the spoken “Seed” of God’s Word and this was joined with Mary’s natural egg to become a male son, and a human child named Jesus. This male son, was a son from two joined dimensions of reality. The mother was a completely physical/natural woman, born from Adam’s sinful lineage to die. And the Father of Jesus was completely the spiritual God creator of heaven and earth. This made Jesus the “seed” of natural men like Adam, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, David, etc., as well as equally the spiritual “Seed” (Nun=Word) of God the Father of Heaven.

Let us confirm Jesus is called the Word/Seed of God, in other verses quickly. It is essential to understand that in 1 John 5:7, that the trinity of God is being called to be one God, in the triune form of the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit. In this verse God has revealed Himself to be the Father, the spoken Word of God representing His “Seed” (Nun), and His Holy Spirit.

In Revelation 19:13 Jesus is again called by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit as to be named “The Word of God”. This makes Jesus using the referenced definition of the “Seed” = “Word of God”, in the parable of the Sower, to be God’s Seed (Nun). Therefore, we have been given three witnesses within the New Covenant that claim Jesus is God’s spoken Word that was a “Seed” that became flesh to be born as a baby, and then to die as a man. This is very profound and significant revelation for many Christians to consider and learn.

God created His entire creation using Word/Seed (Nun). Therefore, God’s Word is the substance that created the world we live in and is also the substance that still holds it together. This is why Acts say “In Him we live and move and have our being” here on the earth. Then God does the most radically unexpected thing ever imagined by angels, devil, demons, and humans, He becomes a part of His creation by sending His Word/Seed (Nun) to become flesh to contain His Spirit. It was this combination of human and divine that saved us from our eternal demise of hell. This act was the ultimate expression of God’s Love for all humans. We should be in awe of this work, the devil certainly is, and it took him by complete surprise.


We are going to conclude this lesson on the sprouting “Nun” Seed of God being the LORD Jesus with a few verses of prophecy. We should all be able to see how these verses confirm the “Nun” Seed of God concepts for what we have learned today:

Isa 43:19  Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. 

The letter “Nun” represents a generation of “New” life. The letter “Nun” is clearly revealed in this verse of Isaiah. God declares through the prophet Isaiah, “Behold, I will do a new thing”. This represents the “Seed” continuation law of new life found in Genesis. God created this law to place into effect the way of salvation for every human. Jesus was this “Way”, and He claimed He was the only way for true life in John 14:6.

The Hebrew word H6779 that is translated as “spring forth”, is another “seed” (Nun) confirming characteristic. This word literally means “to sprout” as a seed in order to grow new life. God revealed this same concept in Isaiah 42:9 and we know this is written about Jesus because He tells us in Revelation 21:5, “He is making everything new”.

Now notice in this verse of Isaiah 43:19 the repeated pattern of joining a “seed” with new waters that will flow in a previously dry wilderness. Symbolically we know both of these references are referring to God’s Word. The lack of water is a location where the Word of God was not taught. The “seed” is still the Word of God that will be spread by it being taught. Do you believe God connecting the “Mem” (water) and the “Nun” (seed) together in Christ is a coincidence, or could this just be another major example of His supreme intelligence? You should know what I think already!

The last Messianic verse we will review is also about Jesus being a new tender plant that came from a Nun Seed:

Isa 53:2  For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. 

A tender plant, and its roots come from a “Seed” (Nun). The Hebrew word H3126, again carries the meaning of a “sprouting seed”. Jesus in these words is being stated to be, a new growing plant, which originated from a “seed”. This aligns with the concept of the “Seed” (Nun), that Jesus claimed to be. Jesus said, unless a “grain of wheat” (Nun) die, and is buried, it abides alone.

Notice in this verse the repeated connection of the “Mem” (water) (or lack thereof), with the “Nun” (seed) again. Jesus is foretold to be born as a tender plant in a land where it is void of the true teachings of God’s Word. Jesus makes the reference to the Pharisees; your traditions make the Word of God of no effect (Mat 15:6). Jewish leaders were teaching the people only human thoughts of their traditions and not the True Word (Nun) of God. But God would send His Seed Son into this dry environment to bring them light and potential new life.

What we are observing, is the plan of God to do a brand-new creation in Jesus Christ, His Seed of New Life. These verses were written about Jesus, many years before Jesus came to the earth in the flesh to die. The ancient Hebrew alphabet was designed by God to foretell of this event, even many years before Isaiah wrote about it. Wow, what an amazing God we serve.

Peter wrote in 1 P Peter 1:23, that Christians are born again not by corruptible “Seed” ((Nun), but by the “Incorruptible Word of GOD!”. These are two types of seeds that every human must experience in order to enter the kingdom of God (John 3:5). The first seed is natural, the second seed is supernatural. Being born of only the first guarantees your eternal death, because in in the first Adam we all die. But being born-again by the “Seed” of God guarantees your eternal life (1 Cor 15:22).

There could have been a significant amount of other spiritual information, that could have been shared in this overview and introduction lesson on the Nun. However, this information provided should have been enough to get you interested into digging into the Word of God for yourself. It should have given you a hunger to know God more today, than you did yesterday. God became a man named Jesus, so that we could become one with Him as His New creation (2 Cor 5:17).

Thank you very much for reading and studying the Bible with us. We love you more than you know, and pray for you, please do the same for us. Jesus is coming back to the earth, sooner than you can imagine. If you are not ready to meet Him, it will be a very sad day for you to miss Him. If the LORD is willing, there will be more Bible lessons coming. God bless each and every one of you with the “Spirit of wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of Him”. Be blessed in Him

Intro Alef Beyt-1 2 Gimel Dalet Hey Vav Zayin Chet Tet Yod Kaf Lamed Mem 1 2 Nun Samekh Ayin Pey Tsade Qof Resh Shin Tav Chart (Series updated as LORD directs and permits)

Are You Saved? Do you Know Jesus? Life is Short! Jesus wants to Know You! Please come and get to Know Him!

About agapegeek

Using the Bible to understand the Bible! Advanced Bible study for mature Chrisitians who want to grow.

Posted on June 23, 2022, in Jesus and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Daniel Queen

    Thank you as always. God bless you

    Liked by 1 person

  2. so Good! thank you God!

    Liked by 1 person

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