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What are the Best Sources for Learning Truth – How Do We Find and Know “If” it is God’s Absolute Truth Vs Satan’s Lies or Human Reasoning?

(Ver 1.0) This is an answer to two questions received recently about where the best resources are found for learning, knowing, and understanding what truth is. Do we need to go to a Bible school or seminary to find truth? Are there great printed books or are there great resource materials on the internet for knowing the truth. Are these materials and resources available for a cost or are there also some that are free?

We should all know going to any book, printed material, school, seminary, college, etc. costs money. If money is no object, there are several resources that could be recommended.  However, since the invention and rise of the internet in the 1990’s, called the information highway by some, the amounts of data that has been accumulated and is being made available is astronomically increasing at a staggering rate exponentially and most of this good information is free.  Praise the Lord!

There are some exceptions, but most of the information on the internet is free and that is great. However, the problem rises very soon for us to be able to discern correctly which resource is legitimate truth and which ones are designed to mislead you, program you, or even to eventually deceive and destroy your faith and belief in the True and Living God. With the new rise of Artificial Intelligence within Applications and Websites, this is also a potential troubling concern for some people to realize and ask a basic question about, who is trying to control what you see and know and why are they limiting the information and spread of free speech.

These are some of the things we will address from a Biblical World View perspective. Yes, we are firm believers that the Bible is the source of ALL Ultimate Unchangeable Truth because it came out of the mouth of God to be written down for us to learn TRUTH. If this belief offends you, you are potentially in the right place to learn how to know for sure if what you believe is true or not.

What is Truth?

What is Truth? Is it different for everyone? Does Truth change? Or is it just our knowledge that changes our perception of “Truth”. Or is there an “Absolute Truth” that will never change? If there is “Absolute Truth” where is it found? Let us start with one definition of truth. 

Truth is defined by some as “reality”. Truth is also defined by some to be “the state of things as they are”. Others define truth to be “facts”.

While all of that is good, it is all very subjective depending on what your basic groundwork of “fact” and “truth” is. If you are grounded upon the Bible, you are on a firm foundation. If you base your “fact checking” on the government, media, or internet, you are potentially being misled into believing “lies” to be “truth”.

Joh 17:17  Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

According to Jesus, God’s Word is the resource for Truth. Who can argue with God?

Do You Hunger and Thirst for God’s Truth?

Psa 107:9  For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness.

Mat 5:6  Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. 

One of the key factors for learning truth is for us to possess a very strong hunger and thirst (internal desire) to seek and search for it. It would be like someone that was lost in the Sahara Desert and was dying of thirst. They would be in desperate search for this liquid substance to live. This is the attitude we must possess for learning God’s truth. Only His Words can give us spiritual eternal “life” (Jn 6:63). But to give diligent search for water is not passive, it requires work to search to find it:

Mat 7:7  Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

Mat 7:8  For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

Today TRUTH is not being presented everywhere you see and hear things. This hungry desire is based upon what Jesus said in Matthew 7:7-8. Here Jesus said we are required to do 3 things, 1) Ask, 2) Seek, and 3) Knock and it will be given, found, and opened to us (applying to many things, but certainly including knowing the truth). You may have heard of “Fake News” recently and this exists everywhere, and this revelation implies strongly that there should be a search for “Real News”. This applies to TRUTH also. There is “Fake Information” being presented as “TRUTH” everywhere also.

For the past 35 years I have been consumed with obtaining, knowing, and understanding all of God’s truth that I am able to receive.  In doing so I have discovered and confirmed without any doubt this book called the Bible is the most amazing, intelligently designed, and wisely written book ever. It could have only originated from a very powerful supernatural being living outside of time and who was able to view and personally influence the over 40 men that recorded the letters and words written on every page. This means God All Knowing and God Almighty. No other source is even remotely possible. 

This book called the Bible is also the all-time bestselling book in human history. The words have been translated into more languages than we are able to learn or know completely. This means this book has the potential power to radically save more than 8 billion people on the planet.  This also means the Gospel is going forth into all the world and Jesus could be returning any second.

How can I make this claim that the Bible is so amazingly designed? I was a computer software engineer for many years.  Working in this environment, God taught me at least three things through this incredible experience. These are 1) the reality of every intelligent design only comes from an intelligent designer, 2) there is a critical need to give attention to every detail found in the design, even the most minor ones, and 3) there are requirements, laws, and rules to maintain order, so that any information and data can be created, understood and for it to be made useful.

For example, any language that will be written must have a basic alphabet. Each alphabet letter has specific rules of design, including shape, size, sounds, etc. These are just fundamental rules to create an understandable book. If you have been reading this website long you are discovering the great order and meaning of the Ancient Hebrew alphabet letters having very significant prophetical meanings about the Lord Jesus Christ.

First, just like a complex software system did not create itself, neither did 40+ non-collaborating men create 66 books within over 1500 years of spread-out time span, and this just happen by accident.  Neither could all these men have created a book that harmonizes and reveals the most amazing information that is possible without an unexplainable outside influence. This just could not happen by chance. When discovered this created book could have only come from God who created everything. This is why Satan, and his world hates this book and have been doing everything possible to eliminate it from being spread and taught. No other book has been so extraordinarily band from nations, schools, cities, governments, etc.   

Second, when you begin to pay attention to every detail of the Bible you begin to realize the extreme intelligence of the designer.  For example, in a computer software language that is used to create written programs and applications, they all have rules and details of structure. Every detail in the Bible’s design matters, exactly like every detail in a software design.

For example, a very old computer language called COBOL, created English like statements. For example, “ADD CURRENT-INPUT-VALUE TO TOTAL.” is a very readable English computer statement based upon simple readable and understandable rules. To be used by a computer it must be “compiled” into machine language to convert what we can easily read into what the designer of the machine’s rules can process. Uh oh? This sounds like the Bible significantly.  Do you remember these statements in the Bible:

Isa 55:8  For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. 

Rom 8:6  For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. 

Rom 8:7  Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. 

What we observe in the Bible are two conflicting rule systems. God’s thoughts and ways are so much higher than a human. We can also see our natural thinking ways are an enemy to how the Spirit of God sees everything. God’s Laws and yes, God operates under self-imposed rules, limitations, constraints of behavior and moral character that a natural unsaved human does not normally conform to. For example, Numbers 23:19 says “God is not a man that He should lie”. This means humans potentially lie continually, where as God will never do this.

Therefore, understand that there are differences of rules, and laws found in the Spiritual design of the Bible that need to be learned with the help of God the Author, for us to begin to understand what was written.  Missing one spiritual rule, is like missing one specific “period” in one certain statement of the computer COBOL language that could cause the entire intended meaning to change. Therefore, like COBOL teaches us that every single letter and punctuation brought meaning to the designer’s design, so it is with the Bible.

Every computer system has imperfections and weaknesses. These are called “bugs” in computerese. But the Bible was written by God to give man the right of freewill choice. This designed choice gives unsaved humans the illusion of flaws causing those to not understand it, but to those who want to know the truth, the details are made known to us by God personally living inside of us to open our ability to understand. This alone proves it is the most amazing book ever.

The Bible is a book written from the level of an omniscient being speaking to people who know nothing in comparison. Yet we can grow in the knowledge of its content and meaning with His help through our very diligent study. This is why most people don’t have a clue what this book says or means, because it is written by the most intelligent Spirit, and we are all barely like 2-year-old children in comparison.

The third reality I learned from the experience with computers and with studying the Bible, is the requirement to understand there are rules behind everything that is written to make any of it understandable, useful, and working in our life. Think of a box of alphabet letters like the game Scrabble pieces. If you shook them out and scattered them on a board in random order, what words would you spell. In most likelihood, none. Therefore, to create understandable and meaningful words we must follow the rules of the language, and this requires intelligent design. So, it is with the Bible.

Just like an ignorant 2-year-old would not understand a complex software system written in Java, so the Bible is the same for someone that does not want to know God.

The Bible students that asked the questions and left the comments are like many others today that have the drive, hunger, passion, and desire to grow to know God’s actual truth. In comparison, there was another recent commenter that said the Bible studies on this website were not read entirely because they are too long.  This could be an example of someone that could be partially committed to learning God’s Word, because of being too distracted by the cares of this world.  To find the truth, Jesus said very clearly that we must “continue” in the Word, until we know the truth. This means no one but God fully knows the truth, and we must continue without stopping, making it our priority.

What I have noticed about successful Bible study are that people that were fully committed to know and hear from God spent whatever time was necessary to hear from God, because it was that valuable and necessary to them. Personal time spent has a much more valuable return on investment, than all the money that could be spent for materials. 

For example, check out in Matthew 15 when Jesus was teaching nearly 10,000 people. He stood there teaching them for almost three days and they were so hungry for the Words that He shared with them that they no doubt slept on the ground and had not eaten in three days.  And then notice how this spiritual hunger example, compares with someone that does not want to spend a couple of hours to read or listen to one Bible lesson. Who is hungry? Are you that hungry that if Jesus was speaking outside of your city, you would walk out to hear him teach for 3 days? Who has this deep desire to know God and His truth.  If you had any comprehension how many hours were spent hearing from God to write these lessons, and how much time it saved you from doing the same, a couple of hours is nothing to possibly learn one new thing that you have potentially never seen or heard before.

What are Good Bible Knowledge Sources?

What are some good sources for learning God’s knowledgeable viewpoint of His truth?  Where and how do I gain the knowledge of God’s Truth.  Number one is from the personal reading and studying of the Bible which is the source of all truth. But second is to be led by the Spirit because it is God who authored the entire book. And never forget that He is the Spirit of Truth (Jn 14:17) who leads us into all Truth (Jn 16;13). Without His help we will never find the truth because the human carnal mind alone is just like a two-year-old that is just incapable of seeing and understanding spiritual truth. Thank God, He gave us a helper named the Holy Spirit.  

Before I received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit like occurred in Acts 2, I understood nothing that was written in the Bible.  After receiving this experience, He was the ultimate factor that changed me forever and He is our greatest asset to knowing the real Truth, because He is the Spirit of Truth that wrote the book (John 14:7).  

However, the revelation knowledge of the Word was not automatic just by being born again, and then receiving the Holy Spirit baptism. The Holy Spirit led me to ask for it, and this was what began an insatiable hunger and thirst for the greatest quest for knowing Him and everything that He has revealed for us to know about Him.

What happened one morning while I was praying in the Spirit. I found myself suddenly asking God for no reason to give me revelation knowledge of His word. Many months later I discovered this prayer was written in the Bible as a prayer that Paul prayed for the church at Ephesus. In Ephesians 1:16-23. I highly recommend everyone pray this prayer for themselves. Ask the Lord to give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.

After praying this prayer, I noticed while reading and studying the Bible, the words, phrases, and verses that I read would suddenly just come alive to my spirit and leap off the page. I began to see things, know things, and understand things that I had never seen or heard before. It brought such joy, amazement and wonder that it is truly indescribable.

Notice what I said. The same exact words on the page did not change, it was me that God was changing through living inside me and helping me to understand what they meant to Him.  Remember God says His thoughts and ways of thinking are much higher than any lost unlearned and ignorant human.

The next greatest source for obtains the Truth of the Bible is by reading and listening to God’s called humans that are anointed by His Holy Spirit to be teachers of His Word.  I have listened to hundreds of different teachers and have learned something great from them all.  

I am one of those many teachers. I will never claim to be the most important one or the only one that you should learn from.  I am not the all-knowing God. No human knows it all like our God. God purposefully does not give all revelation to anyone.

Bible teachers are like natural doctors and physicians. They are often gifted in certain specialties while others are like general practitioners that try to help everyone grow stronger in the basic knowledge of the truth.   

Remember that no one except God knows 100% of the truth.  Therefore, when we are learning the Bible, we want to judge what a teacher says using two sources of guaranteed Truth.  These are the Bible and the Holy Spirit author that lives inside of us. That is IF you have made Him your Lord and asked Him to come live in your heart.

My favorite non-Bible quote is by Will Rogers. He said, “We are all ignorant, only about different things.”  Keep this in mind when learning from every Bible teacher, including me.   Never accept everything said to be Truth.  But also, never reject anything they say because you have never heard it or don’t believe it is not the Truth.

Prove with your own individual study if it agrees with what you can see the Bible says and what the Holy Spirit inside witnesses to you about what is being taught. He knows whether you do or not.  Become a Berean Bible student like Acts 17:11. They were open-minded and ever willing to learn something new. But they also confirmed what was taught with their own Bible study.  One Bible teacher said be as wise as old cows, eat the good straw and spit out the sticks.  Using this wisdom will allow you to learn from anyone that is truly anointed by God.

Using Modern Bible Study Tools

I have used the eSword Bible study software for almost 35 years.  Is it the best tool?  Probably not. But I chose it because I believe this is where the Holy Spirit led me.  Is it perfect? Nothing is perfect but God. I have found several eSword flaws, bugs, and things that need to be fixed.   This is true for all imperfect human created tools. Yet it had this advantage for myself and for those that studied the Bible with me.  It was free.  

Because it was given away for free, this matched my belief of spreading the Gospel.  There should never be any charges for teaching God’s word according to Matthew 10:8 and 1 Corinthians 9:18. Giving away the Bible and the Gospel for free makes it available to anyone rich or poor.

My current favorite version of eSword now is the Apple version.  Unfortunately it cost about twenty dollars when I purchased it.  I don’t know why the change from free other than the fact Apple charges software developers to use their OS platform whereas Microsoft was free.

The Apple version of eSword is easy to use and it has easy access to an ancient Hebrew language lexicon which is not currently available on the Windows version.  

As far as which Bible I study and write using, you can easily see the KJV Bible is my first and primary study version.  This because of two reasons. The first is that the KJV Bible is free. The second is that it is highly accurate once you learn the old English style of language. It being free eliminates copyright conflicts for publishing.  

There are other Bible versions that I use but only a couple that I will pay for.  One is the NASB and the other is the Amplified.  I like the free Young’s literal version also, but there are many other free Bibles available on eSword. 

Studying the original languages of the written Bible is absolutely essential.  Translators have made many human errors.  We must understand which word was inspired by God, what it means and how it is used in the entire Bible.  But also know God’s definitions of His chosen words overrule human definitions. Lexicons like Strong and Thayer can have mistakes and human traditions imbedded within them.

Here is the basic overview of things needed to find truth:

  1. Being born again by the Spirit of God through hearing His Word, accepting it, believing it, and confessing Jesus as your Lord. Having Faith is the key to receiving from God in every step listed here.
  2. Being filled with the Holy Spirit the author of the Bible who will lead us into all truth.
  3. Asking God to reveal His truth.
  4. Get a good Bible study tool like eSword on Apple.
  5. Having a great hunger and desire to know the truth. This should be the drive for every search.
  6. Having great patience when learning the truth. Like a child going to kindergarten to understand simple basics, know that there is much more that you do not know than you do know. Real deep Truth builds upon layers of other basic truth.
  7. Make it a habitual desire everyday to spend time with God in His word.
  8. In all Bible study have faith to ask God to lead you to what you need to know today that will help you prepare for tomorrow. Then open your Bible believing He is doing it.
  9. Listen and learn from many called, anointed teachers of the Bible. But be led by the Spirit which one and when.
  10. Have an open mind to receive things in the Word you never heard before.  But verify what is taught using your own study and witness of peace given by the Holy Spirit.
  11. Know that all Bible teachers are not God and are ignorant of differing subjects.
  12. Know also that Bible teachers are gifted by God to know certain subjects very well.  Therefore, we can learn great revelation from many of them even when we don’t agree with everything that is taught.  Ask God what you need to know and then be led by Him where you need to go to find the answers.

Bible Schools

Investing money into yourself to attend a great Bible school can save you a lot of time, because of the already designed plan to learn step-by-step. However, like any individual pastor or teacher that we can learn from, understand every Bible school also carries, potential bias of extreme truths.  In other words some Bible schools emphasize “Grace”, and others “Faith”, and others can teach only specific basic truths of salvation only.

Balance is the key to understanding God’s Truth. What you may need to know today, could be missed by one Bible school. Therefore, be led by the Spirit of God. He knows what you should do, where it should be done and when to do it.

Therefore, while I could recommend Bible schools, it best that I do not cause my opinion to sway your decision apart from the Holy Spirit’s guidance.


Joh 8:31  Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;

Joh 8:32  And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Jesus gives us our final insight today on the most reliable source of “Truth”.  First, notice Jesus is speaking with “Believers” in Him. This means they have heard the message about Jesus and believed it to be “True”.  This fact brings about our first division to learning truth. Those that believe not in Jesus will never know the “Truth”.

Next Jesus further reduces the number that will know truth by qualifying that it will only be those that “continue” in His Word. This makes it very clear that “believers” can be deceived and not ever fully know the truth if they “DO NOT CONTINUE IN HIS WORD”. This is sounding a lot like the “Narrow” path that Jesus said led to life (Mat 7:14) and the wide path that led only to eternal damnation (Mat 7:13). Jesus made it very clear that there will only be a few that walk the way of seeking after life.  But there will be many that go to their own chosen way of destruction.

Now notice how verse 31 ended. Jesus said if you continue in my word then you will be my disciples indeed. The Greek word G230 translated as “indeed” of this verse is predominately translated as “truth”. This verse could have read “If you continue in my word, then you will be my disciples truly. This would be in opposition to “be my disciples falsely”. Do you see the severe consequences for not studying the Bible? This means the Bible is the only authority of “absolute truth”.  Do you see how our priority needs to change to become hungrier for the Word of God?

You should have learned today that I prefer “free” Bibles, “free” teachings, and “free” resources of truth. Paul confirms this belief in 1 Corinthians 9:18 when he said it would be an abuse of his power to charge for what he taught. This means go on the internet and search for subjects that the Holy Spirit is laying on your heart to learn. Take the time to read or listen to studies that offer an internal Spirit witness confirmation that this is someone that God has led you to learn from. Then trust that “peace” to continue to study more of their lessons and determine if they still bring you that same joy and peace. If they do this is the Holy Spirit agreeing that you are in the right place.

Remember what else Paul said about where he obtained his knowledge of the truth:

Gal 1:12  For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Notice that Paul who wrote 2/3 of the New Testament, claims he received almost everything directly from spending time with the Author of the Bible. Paul claims this knowledge of the truth did not come from any human, including the apostles. But obtaining this knowledge took Paul years to acquire and you can learn it much quicker by just reading the books that he wrote inspired by the anointing of the Holy Spirit. So, it is also today. God still anoints teachers, preachers, evangelists, etc.

Ask and then trust the Holy Spirit to lead you to the resources that are freely available today. There are too many available that can help save you hundreds of hours of isolated study. God has given “revelation” to so many on so many differing subjects. Many are available for free.

Thank you for taking the time to read this lesson. But also thank you for being led here first to find it. If this has been a blessing to you, share it with others. God Bless you and help you to hunger and thirst for the absolute truth of the Word of God.

Jesus in the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet Part 8 – Zayin – Jesus the Sower with the Sword

(Ver 1.0) This is “Part 8” in the surprising and amazing Bible study series focused upon searching, finding, and learning how God became a man and how He was hidden in many prophecies found in every letter of the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet. It is also interesting to see how every picture tells a part of the story about Messiah our Lord. We have been going through each of these letters of the alphabet (but not in alphabetical order) and today we are focused on the 7th letter called “Zayin”.

We have studied many letters in the Hebrew alphabet and one reoccurring theme is that most of the letters of the alphabet refers to something about the words spoken out of the mouth of God. Today’s lesson is no different. We are about to discover that the Zayin letter picture spiritually represents two fundamental purposes surrounding God’s spoken Words. One of the first purposes for God’s spoken Words was they were designed to be sent to create and maintain His spiritual garden (Gen 2:8, Isa 55:11). Next, this letter Zayin was chosen to represent God’s spoken Words designed as a weapon to fight against and defeat His enemies (Heb 4:12).

It is always noteworthy to remember that Jesus is given the name “the Word of God” in Revelation 19:13. Knowing this name of Jesus, ask yourself, what is a word comprised of or built upon? If you answered the Alphabet Letters, you would be correct. Isn’t it logical to therefore conclude that each alphabet letter that creates every spoken Word of God (Jesus), must also bring us to know Jesus Christ. Never forget, who God is, He is the incarnate Word and this appearance of God personified His true nature and character (Col 2:9, Jn 1:1-14).

As a word of warning, every lesson in this series, is for spiritually mature Christians. Each lesson can contain potentially offensive items because of the diverse things found in the Bible that have never been seen or understood. Therefore, please evaluate your spiritual maturity level. If there are things stated that you do not agree with, a spiritually mature person will at least check them out to see if there are scriptures that confirm what was stated. An immature new Christian would probably just become offended and leave a very rude comment or just never read any other lessons on the website.

Most Christians do not have a clue about the vast amount of information that they do not yet know and understand that is discoverable in the Bible. How do you know if you are spiritually mature? To determine our spiritual maturity, we all must evaluate our attitudes towards what we believe we know about the Bible. If we can conclude that there is more in the Bible that we do not yet understand, than we currently do understand, this is your first strong indicator of spiritual maturity. If we do not reach this conclusion, we are a very spiritually immature Christian. This would be like a two-year-old up to a 15-year-old that thinks they know everything and wants to only argue with their elder parent.

The lesson today will standalone, if you desire to only learn about this subject of finding Jesus hidden in the specific ancient Hebrew letter “Zayin”. But if you are new to this concept of the ancient Hebrew pictograph language, it is highly recommended that you please begin to study at the beginning of the series “Introduction to the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet”. Otherwise, let us get started learning about the letter Zayin.

Introduction to the Zayin

Notice the above pictograph of the ancient Hebrew letter Zayin and its font transitions to the modern text. This letter is very important in the descriptive life of God in Jesus Christ and His purpose for coming to the earth in the flesh. This is the 7th letter of the alphabet. Therefore, its numeric value is 7 and its gematria value is also 7 since it is below 10. Seven is a very profound number in the Bible representing completion and perfection. We will explore this topic later in its own section.

It is noteworthy to understand, that there are at least four different spellings of this letter “Zayin” using it as an English transliterated word. There is the 1) “Zayin”, 2) “Zain”, 3) “Zayn” and 4) “Zan”. But we have chosen the “Zayin” pronunciation for this lesson. The general sound of the letter in Hebrew words is like the English letter “Z” but that is not exactly perfect.

The ancient image of the Zayin began with a pictogram looking like a primitive metal tool that resembles a type of ancient farming instrument to be used for the plowing of earth. Then notice the middle Hebrew language looks like an H that has turned on its side. But it can also resemble the same type of farming plow.

The root word Zayin has the definition of “Mattock” and “Harvest”. This word is spelled Zayin + Nun and it is the picture of the plow or mattock farm tool, and it is joined with the picture of the seed bring the us to a meaning of “mattock the seed”. This is the concept of “harvesting” a garden. A mattock is a garden hoe if you did not know this. It is a garden tool with a blade used for the cutting of plant stocks at the ground level to sever it from the hidden roots.

Gen 2:8  And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.

As we can observe in Genesis 2:8 God is stated to be planting a garden called Eden where He would place His newly created man named Adam. We should all be able to see How this letter Zayin as a garden tool is a sure part of the original plan of God for man.

Rev 2:12  And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges;

The next transitional late Hebrew letter font looks like it could resemble a type of sword. And finally, the modern Hebrew letter resembles something more like an Axe or possibly a different kind of Sword. As we can see in the last book of the Bible Jesus claims He has the sharp sword with two edges. This Zayin sword type clearly corresponds to God’s end time plan for all humanity.

Therefore, the transition of the Zayin letter font images from beginning ancient to end modern, appears to speak of an initial garden planting that will be ending with, a final battle combined with the cutting and dividing of the earth’s harvest (Rev 14:15). But all these pictures apply to the concept of a blacksmith’s work in forging a metal tool for either food production on a farm or a weapon for a war. Therefore, the letter Zayin can have these basic meanings:

  1. Cut or Divide
  2. Plow -> (Divide)
  3. Sow -> (Plant Seed)
  4. Harvest (Fruit)
  5. Weapon, i.e. Sword

Farming concepts are the primary meaning of this letter picture. Therefore, the letter meaning carries the idea of plowing which can then be extended into the subsequent steps of sowing seeds, with desire to produce crops of fruits, and eatable food for humans or animals. The farming concept is further extended throughout the process of receiving the fruitful crop by harvesting it with Zayin types of cutting tools. Harvesting requires metal tools for the cutting of the ripe crops, fruits, grains, etc. Theses must be divided away from their vines, stalks, bushes, trees, etc. These actions are all accomplished by metal tools made from iron like substances.

Today in modern cultures most are not familiar with these types of farming tools and processes. Satan has removed the need for individual food production to transition us to greater level of dependence upon food production and distribution by others that we become dependent upon. Much of today this is done by large corporations that hold an extreme amount of power.

This shift from independence to dependence upon others for food will make it far easier for the anti-Christ to take control of the world’s population through easily cutting the food supply to starve people. It is a very deceptive process of creating dependence to eliminate independence.

Recently you may have noticed that McDonald’s Corp., has just eliminated all “Self-Serve” for drinks, condiments, napkins, etc. This too is the anti-Christ plan of conditioning people for a total subservient dependence on others for everything. It is a mind control programming of the masses. If you must ask for everything, instead of getting it yourself conveniently, quickly, and easily, you are now experiencing the beginning of “long lines” to wait for everything like they have had in communist and socialist nations having food shortages.

China now has this plan of ultimate control almost fully implemented using a social score rating system on your smart phone. If you rank with a score that is favorable to government established standards of behavior, you can get food, for instance. But fall behind in your social score and suddenly you are being punished and rationed or cut off. Are you prepared? It will begin to increase to occur soon, and it is described in the 6th chapter of the book of Revelation. It is guaranteed to happen.

This basic requirement to eat will force most dependent people to quickly take the mark of the beast to survive. Satan has made some great mistakes in the past, but he is still no dummy. He can and does read the same Bible that you do and is trying to leverage it to his advantage.

We can observe by viewing the modern font style of the letter “Zayin”, that the letter still resembles a type of metal tool, but it looks more like an “axe” or a “sword” for cutting. Nevertheless, these are simply tools that are made of various compositions of metal like steel, iron, bronze, etc., that are liquified or made malleable through the application of intense heat. Then these metals are either poured into molds or pounded by a blacksmith with a hammer to form the shape of the desired tool for the intended purpose. Thus, any agricultural instrument is a fair representation of this ancient pictograph.

This introduces us to the concept of strong metals, being made, or becoming different tools to be used for multiple purposes. It is very important to know that God mentions this in the Bible for two very specific purposes that we referred to earlier. For example, notice this verse in Joel.

Joe 3:10  Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong.

Notice how God speaks of taking farming tools of metal and changing them and their purposes into swords by beating on them. It is very essential to pay attention that God directly mentions a commandment to say something very applicable to our lesson on the Zayin. We will hopefully go into this more soon. But notice that the opposite process is being mentioned in Isaiah:

Isa 2:4  And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

Wow, this is an amazing prophecy. We can again see how the same metal tools that were used for war, can now be transitioned back into farming tools. This is a future prophecy that will take place after the 7-year tribulation. We will hopefully speak more about this also very soon.

Therefore, we are learning that there are two fundamental uses for strong and powerful metal on the earth. The first is the “peace” time usages of the “Zayin”, for tools of building, other constructive trades, and for agriculture to produce food. However, we just saw the antithesis of “peace” is “war” in the prophecy of Joel. This is a time for fighting against an enemy as in nation or kingdom at war against another nation or kingdom.

What we should have noticed is that the natural metal Zayin tool picture primarily represents either a plow for producing “life” or a sword for “death”. It is interesting that if we stick out our tongue, it looks a lot like the tip of a double-edged sword by God’s design. Could God have been trying to teach us something spiritual by how He designed our physical mouth and tongue? It sure appears that this is exactly what is happening. Could it be that this is God’s way of saying when we speak the Words of God about who He says we are, that we are placing His Sword of “Life” in our mouth, and then vice versa, when we speak the negative words and lies of Satan, we are placing death in our mouth? Let us investigate these concepts deeper in the next continuation of our introduction.

Introduction to Zayin 2 – Peace and War
Life and Death

We have just been learning the basics in the introduction of this ancient Hebrew letter “Zayin”. We have found that it is like the pictogram image of a natural metal tool that resembles an ancient plow. Therefore, we learned the picture represents several associated farming concepts like plowing, planting, sowing, growing, and finally the reaping of foods produced.

It is obvious that foods were designed by God for life continuation, production, and growth, either individually or corporately (Gen 1:29). These foods were originally created by God through His spoken Words and that is very important to remember. Today, these original created food supplies continue to exist by the concepts of “seed” reproduction, and these would be grown in “fields”, “gardens”, “vineyards”, etc. Every pure seed today is a continuation of the original “seed” created by God (Gen 1:11-12).

One of the basic essential crops that was produced in the Bible was the planting and reaping of grains designed for usage to make bread. This is a basic food type eaten by most humans and angels (Ps 78:25). Bread is also symbolic for the Spiritual Words of God (Mat 4:4). This knowledge brings us back to the subject of spoken “words” as a representation for the image of the Zayin.

Remember farming tools were always made from metals. It is very interesting if we read Proverbs 27:17 where God says, “Iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens his friend”. Did you just understand the comparison God places on iron to people? God is clearly speaking metaphorically about iron being as spoken words representing types of metal tools. This goes along with us learning the Zayin letter is all about spiritual words coming from God’s mouth, our mouth, or Satan’s mouth. God call us a friend, so His Words are designed to sharpen us. But this verse implies strongly that words can also be used by our enemy to destroy us.

As sharp metal tools symbolize the strength and power that is necessary for the agricultural processes of farming, especially for cutting, we can see this application also applies in the spiritual realm. Natural farming is like fighting with the hard, rocky, and weedy ground to break it up, which is representative of the enemies that are trying to keep you from producing a fruitful crop. This hard work was a part of the curse placed upon the earth after sin entered our world. God said in Genesis 3:19 to Adam, “In the sweat of thy face, you shall eat bread”.

Therefore, we are learning a new concept. It appears that God is saying it is by our “correct Zayin plowing that allows us the easier planting of “seed” to enter the soil/earth. It is possible that you do not yet understand what this concept means for Christians in the spiritual Kingdom of Jesus Christ, but hopefully you will begin to see it more clearly as we continue.

Farming steps would always require the use of specific tools that cut, divide, and separate, as well as gather the “fruits” of their labor. Thus, this letter Zayin possesses these figurative applicable meanings. For example, notice these basic farm functions:

  1. Plowing (Zayin) – Cuts and divides the ground preparing it for “seed” (Nun) sowing.
  2. Hoe tools (Zayin) – Could dig up and remove weeds, rocks, and other potential crop hinderances for a fruitful production and outcome.
  3. Sickles (Zayin) are used for reaping. This is another specific type of cutting instrument, which was required for cutting away of the produced mature fruitful crop to create distributable foods to the family and to the nation’s population.

These are the basic usages for the “peaceful” application for the “Zayin” metal tools that cut, divide, and separate to harvest. This clearly teaches us that this letter’s primary application is founded upon “peace” (Shalom) times of farming concepts. But this letter “Zayin” also has an antithesis meaning from the actions of farming in peace time. We learned about this in the introduction in this verse written by the prophet Joel:

Joe 3:10  Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong. 

Like most Bible concepts, a Zayin farming instrument for work in peacetime, has an opposite application for when our enemies come at us to destroy us. Therefore, during war time there was a completely different application for the letter Zayin metal tools. We can see this clearly written by the prophet Joel when God commands them to beat their peaceful metal farming tool instruments, into weapons for war. These wartime weapons included weapons like swords, spears, arrows, etc. 

But notice that the most basic meaning has not changed for the letter “Zayin”. Metal weapons for war are still used for cutting, dividing, and separation. But the targeted application to be cut has changed. Zayin in peace times is for usage in the dirt ground, for the making of positive grown plants, and crops. And Zayin in “wartime” applies to the same strong metals that have been reformed into weapons that would be used for dividing the flesh of the enemies. This of course resulted in death and the peace time purpose was for producing “life”. But never forget that the body of humans was formed from the dirt of the ground. You can read about this in Genesis 2.

Therefore, we are learning about the concept of “dual” purposes for this letter “Zayin”. The first is “cutting” and “dividing” earth for peaceful farming, and the second is “cutting” and “dividing” earth for wartime resolution and elimination of enemies.

During these times of physical and natural conflict, the “Zayin” takes on a completely different form and purpose. We should take notice that both purposes and usages are from the same strong metals, but the shapes and usages are completely different. However, these natural items and concepts transfer into the spiritual realm directly.

For example, notice how during the times for the usage of natural Zayin tools used for “Peace”, mostly “life” is produced. But in the times for the usage of the natural Zayin weapons for “war”, mostly “death” is produced. Let us transition this from natural into spiritual application. Remember what Proverbs 18:21 says!

Pro 18:21  Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

Again, we are finding that there are several very major connections of the “Zayin” tools that point us to the original Words of God in Genesis 1 and 2 that gave us “life”, versus the words of Satan that came to cause us to die in Genesis 3. Did you see what God wrote and said in Proverbs 18:21? Did you notice the God connection for the human mouth to produce “fruit”? Isn’t this the basic meaning of the Zayin peaceful plow to produce a crop of fruits? We will further learn this connection to our mouth in the study of the letter “Nun” as God’s Seed. Clearly, we are seeing how the same mouth can produce Zayin plowed “seeds” of life or Zayin “swords” of death to kill us. Let us quickly confirm this concept using another verse:

Joh 10:10  The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Do you see the major Zayin comparison spoken of by Jesus? Jesus is comparing the words and works of Satan to be for death and destruction, versus His words and works that were designed to cause us to live. This is very important to our study of the Zayin to gain a correct understanding.

Wow, this is amazing information that was created by God. Analyze these comparisons again:

Zayin @ Peace TimeZayin @ War Time
Zayin Purpose during Peace time is for tools, like building or farmingZayin Purpose during Wartime is for weapons for either offensive or defensive purposes
Zayin tools for work are used mainly during times of no fighting with EnemiesZayin tools for peace must be transformed by blacksmiths with tools using heat to produce weapons because of a fight with enemies
Zayin Plow is used to divide the ground to break it up by cutting through the dirt to produce a row for plantingZayin Sword is used to divide the flesh of an enemy which God made from the ground
Zayin application 1 was designed by God to produce and sustain nourishing substances required for natural human “Life” called “food” and “bread”Zayin application 2 was a re-design by God to bring about the death of enemies using a sword in the hand of the wielder or for the death of an animal to be slaughtered for sacrifice
Zayin positive purpose is to Feed and Continue Life both human and animal by producing foodZayin for war also Sustains and Continues “Life” through protecting the families of the nation from their enemies that desire to destroy them

Here is confirmation of what we are observing and learning. The Hebrew word for “War” is H4421 and the first time it occurs is Genesis 14:2. This word is spelled “Mem” + “Lamed” + “Chet” + “Mem” + “Hey”. It has the meanings of “war”, “fight”, “battle”, etc. and occurs over 300 times in the Old Testament. This word has a hidden implanted root word in the center of it. The middle three letters “Lamed” + “Chet” + “Mem”, spells the Hebrew word H3899, that is translated as “Bread”. Uh oh! We have found the amazing display of God’s design for a a metal “Zayin” used tool for a two-purpose application of peace and war found in one Hebrew Word.

It is also interesting that the concept of “bread” making comes from combining crushed grains mixing it with water. The combining of flour with water is a type of “war” or “battle” using the maker’s hands to knead the dough. This process only produces correct results after a lot of hard fighting like work and time.

We have just confirmed that a “Zayin” metal tool has the primary purpose for peace time farming to produce life, but it can be changed very quickly to a wartime usage to eliminate an enemy. However, both applications are defined to be for the usage of metal for “cutting”, “dividing”, and “separating”. This will become more significant to the application of the Zayin letter representing Jesus very soon.

It is very noteworthy to understand that there can be times when the Zayin tools of peace and war are used at the same time. For example, in the book of Nehemiah, God helps Israel to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. During this time there were surrounding enemies that would try to hinder the completion of the wall. Therefore, Israel chose some to build while others stood guard who watched for the enemies. Both the wall builders and the protectors were using Zayin metal tools, but one kind was for peace and the other kind was for war as it says here:

Neh 4:16  And it came to pass from that time forth, that the half of my servants wrought in the work, and the other half of them held both the spears, the shields, and the bows, and the habergeons; and the rulers were behind all the house of Judah

This too appears to be a prophetical message written to the church. There will no doubt come a time when we could be attacked by our spiritual enemies. During these times we would need to develop a dual “Zayin” toolbox set for sowing “seeds” to people while fighting our enemy Satan. We will still need to build up ourselves spiritually to grow while we are speaking against our enemies. Let us now move to learn more about the significance of the number 7.

The Number 7

The number seven in the Bible is very significant. It represents “completion” or “perfection”. The Hebrew word H7651 is translated “seven” and occurs almost 400 times in the Old Testament. The Greek word G2033 is translated as “seven” and it occurs over 85 times in the New Testament. The Bible begins with the first two chapters describing creation that takes place in 7 days which is equivalent to 1 week. The Bible ends with the book of Revelation describing two periods of the purpose of completion communicated by the number 7.

First there is a “1 week of years” called the “Tribulation” described in Revelation 6-17. This week of years is actually the 70th week that has not been fulfilled that was written about in the book of Daniel. These 70 years represent the completion of God’s works toward the natural nation of Israel. This last 70th week represents the last of the last of God’s prophesied weeks. Therefore, this Zayin 7 represents natural Israel’s “completion”. Many will view this as a type of Zayin harvest.

Then the next “7” completion that is described in Revelation occurs in chapter 20. This period will last for 1000 years and represents God’s 7th day of “rest” completing His works for all humanity on the earth. This 1000-year day is the last “Day” of God’s creation week dealing with human history and it is called the “millennial” reign of Christ by many.

The book of Revelation contains the most occurrences of the number 7 in the New Testament with approximately 45 occurrences. But 7 occurs throughout the Bible and in many cases it is a prophetical pattern for future spiritual events. Consider that “Cain” was protected by God avenging him 7 times in Genesis. Then notice in Genesis 4:24 Lamech will be avenged by God 70 times 7. Next notice that Jacob worked for Rachael for 7 years and was tricked into taking Leah as his wife. Thus, Jacob worked 7 more years for the younger sister Rachael, who was the wife that he loved and desired.

Another important concept of the number 7 is as it being a representation of making a covenant. When a man and a woman marry, they have committed to each other by speaking an oath of vows and promises. God intends this oath to remain intact and for them to remain committed to each other to be faithful until death separates them. For example, when Jacob agreed with Lamech to work 7 years for Rachel, he “seven-ed” himself into a covenant contract.

Who do you think God is going to “seven” Himself with, for His work of 7000 years of creation? It is the church, believe it or not. God has implemented an everlasting covenant in Jesus Christ. This covenant will stand, and all those that have believed by faith to enter into Christ and to remain in Him, will also be eternally secured in this covenant.

In the book of Daniel, God writes about there being 70 weeks of years that have been determined for the natural nation of Israel. Multiplying this out we arrive at 490 years of total natural created time. Every week of “years” has been fulfilled except for 1. This final week of “years” is the coming “Tribulation” that we just saw in Revelation.

There are way too many references for 7 to mention them all. But it is noteworthy to see in Matthew 18, Peter asks Jesus how many times it is necessary to forgive someone. Peter suggests 7 times, and Jesus counters that with 70 times 7 in one day. That is amazing because we found the number 490 (7×70) again.

There are also other significant sevens in the Bible. In the book of Exodus chapter 20 God gives His 10 commandments to Israel. The 4th commandment commands Israel to keep the Sabbath Holy. This represents the same pattern found in Genesis 1 and 2 where God worked 6 days and on the 7th day He rested. That is a prophetical pattern of all human history on the earth. In 2 Peter 3:8 God provides a major clue to understanding a lot of the Bible especially the books of Genesis and Revelation.

In 2 Peter 3:8 God says to Him, “1 day is as 1000 years, and 1000 years is as 1 day”. This does not mean every day in the Bible represents 1000 years. But there are many times found in prophecy, that it is very applicable. For example, the 6 days of creation with 1 day of rest is a prophecy of human history. God chose Abraham 2000 years after Adam making it two days of God’s timeline. Jesus came to the earth 2000 years after Abraham making it 4 days on God’s timeline. The church age lasts for the final 2 days of God’s working timeline and these 2 days are the age of Grace. These 6 days end God’s works being fulfilled in the full 6000 years on His timeline.

We are currently living at the end of 6000 years (6th day) and this will bring about the rapture, followed immediately by the tribulation (70th week of dealing with Israel) and then the final 1000 years of the reign of Christ upon the earth during the concurrent binding of Satan in hell. After this final day of human history, begins day 8 which is the letter “Chet”. This number 8 represents a “New Beginning”. This is when there is a New Heaven and a New Earth, and the old have passed completely away.

Some of the most significant things to know about this Zayin letter tool or weapon, is that it is forged from the substance of “metals” such as “iron”. The word “iron” in the KJV Bible occurs around 100 times. “Iron” is a symbolic representation for “strength” and “power”. Perhaps you have heard the terms he ruled with an “iron” fist, or the nation was controlled using an “iron curtain”. These concepts are found in Deuteronomy 4:20, 28:48, 33:25, Joshua 17:16, and many others.

This concept of “iron” is very significant to the life and times of Jesus being physically upon the earth. Let us just go over a few of the major things we must know.

In Daniel 2 the king is given a dream of an “image” of a man, that consists of 5 metal substances. The head of the man is “gold”, the arms and shoulders are “silver”, the torso is made of “bronze”, the legs are of “iron” and the feet are a strange composition of “iron and clay”. Each differing composition represented a different world kingdom for all human history. The gold head was Babylon, the next layer made of silver began the rest of the world’s kingdoms in decreasing levels of inferiority to the head of Gold moving to the weakest kingdom made of iron and clay.

For the sake of time, we will not interpret or explain the entire dream because we are only studying one substance “iron”. Just notice that Jesus when He was born in Bethlehem, it was during the time of the two legs made of iron. Therefore, the “iron” legs, are the fourth world kingdom ruled by Rome, and it was viewed as two separated leg parts. All of this can be viewed symbolically. God purposefully chose to come to the earth during this time of the “iron” rulership which was the Roman world empire. Therefore, the “iron” kingdom of Rome played a very significant role in the prophesied fulfillment of the birth, life, and the death of Jesus Christ.

Rome used a major form of capital punishment that was first used by Assyrians and Babylonians, like Dairus I that crucified around 3000 political opponents. Sounds a lot like what is trying to happen today, doesn’t it? But this method of death was perfected by Romans and the slow and most painful deaths took place this way to not only to cause physical agony, but also put fear into the people that were being ruled over, such as the Jews.

Take note of some of the important facts of the crucifixion of Jesus. Jesus was nailed (Vav) to the cross using large “iron” spikes. Thus, His hands and feet were pierced with iron spikes the same metal types that we studied in the letter of the “Vav” and are still studying in the current Zayin letter made from iron for farming tools and as weapons. Now we are observing a new application of the weaponry usage of iron and how it can be utilized not just to defend oneself against an enemy’s attack but also to become an offensive weapon to kill someone that is hated for either good cause or for no reason at all, like Jesus.

Therefore, Jesus experienced at least 5 times personal attacks of “iron” on the cross. There were potential iron barbs set into the tips of the whips used to beat Christ with 39 strokes. There were at minimum 3 iron nails that hung him up on the cross. Remember that the letter “Vav” represents a nail, and this is the beginning of the name of God and Jesus. This letter “Vav” (6) is closely related to the Zayin (7). Finally, the sword tip that pierced the body of Jesus on the cross was probably also made of iron. This action by the Roman soldier was used to pierce His side into His heart to insure He was dead, but it also poured out from His body water and blood (Mem) onto the ground for our earthly redemption.

These were the major introductions to the substance of “iron” utilized in the death of Jesus. Also remember that the “Dalet” is a picture of a “door”, and this is the 4th Hebrew letter. Never forget the “door” represents Jesus being hung on the cross as our exit door out of the darkness of this world. Doors in ancient times were also hung by nails (Vav) and Jesus personally claimed to be the “door” in John 10:9. Hopefully, you are beginning to observe how the letters of the Hebrew alphabet were designed by God to tell us a story of Jesus.

But what about the 7th letter significance to iron? Educated Bible students are now looking intensely for the signs of the final world kingdom that will be ruled by the antichrist during the 7year tribulation. This dark kingdom has been attempting to be formed today, especially during the recent pandemic. There are prophetical signs being fulfilled today everywhere. For example, these prophecies would not have been possible to be fulfilled without the creation of the internet, digital media & currency and so much more that is being set up to number and control every human.

Remember this final kingdom of a king’s dream in Daniel was split into two feet with 5 toes on each and these are connected to the two iron legs. Therefore, the ending antichrist kingdom will be an extension of the Roman empire implemented using modern technologies. It will be like the first Roman kingdom but merged with “clay”. Clay has been interpreted in many ways but to many it represents the “flesh” manifestation of the literal Satan.

Satan is a copycat! But this end-time kingdom will be split into 10 sub-kingdoms ruled by the one top ruler called “antichrist”. The good news is that this is Satan’s downfall, because the entire image of the man in the dream in Daniel is brought down by the “Stone”, which represents Jesus Christ. Later we will try to expand this end of Satan’s rule over the earth and how it will be completely taken from Satan by Jesus for His 1000-year reign, while Satan is chained in hell. Remember, that God calls this His 7th Millenium or the 7th Day of Rest from Genesis 2:2 and Hebrews 4:8.

But never forget that iron is a working metal as well as a weapon metal. This is interesting because the image of the man began with wealth in the head, went to the cheaper metal silver, moving downward in the torso to bronze, yet a cheaper metal. The final metal iron legs, while very strong, are not that valuable unless we are working, planting, or fighting an enemy.

It is interesting to see the streets of the New Jerusalem are paved in “gold” one of the most valuable metals on earth, and God walks on this substance like it was our dirt, asphalt or concreate pavement. But let us quickly learn about the final significance of “iron” in the Word of God. It is very interesting that we can see Jesus Christ will rule during the millennium with a “rod of iron” and not one made of “gold”. This type of government rulership implies strict obedience with consequences for disobedience, but there are other verses in the Bible that must be balanced with this potential type of very strict rule.

God’s First Mention of Zayin

By the Law of First Mention, God establishes the fundamental definition of a “letter”, “word”, “concept”, “subject”, etc. in the remainder of the Bible. The first time the letter Zayin is to be found is in the 11th verse of Genesis 1 which is “Day 3” of God’s 6 total days of work in the creation of our current world. Please understand that a day represents 1000 years as defined by God in Psalm 90:4 and 2 Peter 3:8. These 6 days of Genesis 1 are a prophecy of the 6000-year time of God’s and our human works on this earth.

Therefore, it is now important to note what happened during this time frame of human history from the year 2000 to the year 3000, which corresponds to the 3rd day prophecy hidden in creation. Most should understand that Abraham was engaged by God approximately 2000 years after the first Adam sinned. He gave birth to Isaac, who gave birth to the patriarch Jacob, who gave birth to the twelve founders of the 12 tribes of Israel. One brother named Joseph was sold into slavery and taken to Egypt. Over the course of time, he becomes the second in command, as leader of the nation of Egypt during two very critical 7-year periods of human history.

The first 7 years were foretold in a dream to be times of plenty, where God instructed Joseph to store up food provisions for the next 7-year period which would be a time of severe drought and famine where there would be no food that could be grown to eat. Wow, do you see any connections being made to our 7th letter Zayin picture representing a plow? This is more amazing than you might understand right now.

During the 7-year time of famine the family of Joseph’s father Jacob and his 11 brothers went hungry and were desperate to obtain food. So, they heard about food being available in Egypt and sent some brothers to buy food. This again was the fulfillment of another dream that God gave to Joseph about 11 stars, and the sun and the moon bowing to him. We will not cover the entire account of this message for the sake of time. But we must realize that this was when all the family of Jacob, 70 in total moved to Egypt to be favored by the sold into slavery son Joseph who rules.

After Jacob, and Joseph die they produced a lot of descendants that remained in Egypt for 430 years. The entire nation becomes slaves of Egypt because of new Pharaohs, that knew not Joseph. Adding up all the years we have gone over quickly, we get to the time that was prophesied to Abraham in Genesis 15:13. This was when God sends the people of Israel a deliverer named Moses who was also raised up as a ruler in Egypt like Joseph.

God performs 10 major signs and wonders that eventually resulted in Pharoah letting God’s chosen people go. After their release and while traveling through the wilderness, Moses was given the first recorded “Word” of God that began with 10 commandments that were written by the finger of God. During the next few years Moses is also given 5 books of the Old Covenant called the “Torah”. All these written words were also called God’s “Seed” by Jesus in Luke 8:11. All this spreading of God’s seed is occurring around the years of 2668 AC in the middle to the end of Day 3 of creation (aka 3000 years).

This is amazing since the first 6 occurrences of the letters “Zayin” spoken by God in the Bible were found in the written account of the description of Day 3 of creation. There are 3 Zayins found in verse 11, and 3 Zayins found in verse 12 totaling 6 in these two Genesis 1 verses. Remember we have seen that this 3rd day of creation since the beginning of Adam’s creation, represented a total of 3000 years of elapsed human time. This information on the timing of the first mention of the Zayin, corresponds prophetically with God’s first “sowing” of His written Word to man. God appears to have prophesied His Seed coming into the world exactly within the time of the 3rd day of elapsed time of the first 3000 years.

To confirm this reality notice that Genesis 1:11 is amazingly about the “sowing” of “seed” to produce “fruit” with more “seed” within itself. This is very significant since this verse outlines the entire plan of God for humans, beginning from Genesis 1 moving to the last book of Revelation. God’s plan was to “sow” His Seed (Word) into a created human garden (Heart of Man) that will eventually produce His desired “fruit” for a soon coming harvest (James 5:7). Here is the first verse containing God’s the first 3 usages of the letter Zayin.

Gen 1:11  And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

The first Zayin word was translated as “yielding” but this word H2232 means “to sow”.  This word is spelled Zayin + Resh + Ayin and can be transliterated as “Zawrah”. This word is translated almost exclusively as a form of the word “sow”, a verb meaning the planting of the seed (noun).

The Hebrew word H2233 translated “seed” is spelled with the same consonants as H2232; Zayin + Resh + Ayin. But these two words have differing pronunciations. H2233 (Seed) can be transliterated as “Zehrah” and H2232 (Sow) was Zawrah. This word H2233 was primarily translated as a form of the word “seed”.

But a “seed” in the Bible has multiple meanings depending upon the context. It is highly recommended that you go and study the series of lessons about “Understanding Seeds”. A “Seed” sometimes can be natural, meaning a male sperm, sometimes it can be a fruit seed or herb “seed”, and then it can also sometimes be a natural “child” that was born of a woman, etc. to name only a few examples.

The concept of “seed” is very important in the Bible, because we discover in the Life of Jesus, walking in the flesh, He spoke of Himself being a “Sower” that was “sowing” the “Word of God” (Seed). That is huge! This connects us directly between the natural usage and the application of the “Zayin” into the spiritual usage as the application as sowing seeds to be “words” spoken by a “mouth”.

This is why we just went through a quick introduction to the connection of the first “Zayin” letters written in Day 3 of the creation of “fruit” producing trees whose seed is inside the fruit that is produced. Trees are symbolically referred to as “people” in several references (Isa 55:12, Psalm 1:3, Prov 13:2, Rev 22:2, to name a few). The “seed” is symbolically representative of spoken words as revealed in Mark 4:14. There is much more but we need to continue with the Zayin.

Genesis 1 Creation Prophecy
7th letter Zayin God’s Beginning and Ending

Remember, Chapters 1 and 2 of Genesis describe 7 days of God’s creation. There were 6 days of God’s “works” and one day of God’s “rest”.  This represents one week of God’s time. It is good to believe that these were 24-hour days of creative time. But do not just limit your concepts of what is being spoken of to that only. Rather begin to consider this week to be defined using God’s definitions of a day of time.

In fact, each of these creation days must be defined by God’s definition for us to begin to understand how they are a hidden prophecy of the duration of human time here on earth in our present created world system. Remember Isaiah 46:10 says, “Declaring the end from the beginning”. This teaches us that God’s endings are encoded within the words written of the beginning (Genesis).

What we should have already discovered is that each creation day is a prophecy of 1000 year length on God’s total duration of the complete 7000-year timeline. In other words, these 7 days are each a single 1000-year period. We will find that the last 7th day, is described to us in Revelation 20 which will be a 1000-year reign of Christ without any evil influences of Satan and his unclean spirits of the darkness. Many call this day 7, the millennial reign of Christ.

We achieve this revelation of one day as being a 1000-year period, and 1000 years is as 1 day to the Lord from reading Psalm 90:4 and 2 Peter 3:8. Let us go back to the Beginning to get a quick new overview from the 7th “Zayin” letter viewpoint.

As we discovered in the last section, in chapter 1 of Genesis, we saw that God created plants, herbs, trees with fruit and other forms of eatable substances on Day 3 of creation. All of this describes a God who was working as a Zayin type of farmer, who is planting seeds in His garden. And then in verse 8 of chapter 2 of Genesis, God is specifically described to be planting a precise garden He called “Eden”. Therefore, the concept of “Zayin” is strongly being discussed by God within His creation work process. But God’s farming tools are not like human plows and hoes. Or are these natural concepts similar and are used in symbolic terms to describe unseen spiritual realities?

Psa 33:6  By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.

Wow, how did God create everything?  We can read in Psalm 33:6 that the Words of God’s mouth was what created everything in our universe. At least 10 times in Genesis 1 it is recorded “God Said” and then it is written afterwards that “God Saw”. Therefore, God speaking words out of His Spirit mouth caused all of creation to manifest.

Notice that all these 6-days of the work of God appears to be a “peacetime” application of God’s Words which were described to be His “work” to “create” (recreate) our present world. Therefore, the 6 days of work and the 1 day of rest connects us to what we are learning about in the letter Zayin to the creation in Genesis 1. We are observing is the further confirmation that God’s primary “Zayin” tool to create is defined to be His mouth speaking creative “Words”. This occurred during an apparent peace time, meaning there were no enemies on earth to fight with during these creation days.

Now let us consider the last book of the Bible called Revelation. This book has 54 occurrences of the number 7. Is that a coincidence that the Zayin is the 7th letter, and it represents a farm plow and wartime sword? Here is a list of the key “sevens” in the book of Revelation:

There are Seven Churches, Seven Spirits, Seven Golden Candle Sticks (Lamps), Seven Stars, Seven Seals, the Lamb with Seven Horns and Seven Eyes, Seven Angels, Seven Thunders, a Great Dragon with Seven Heads & Seven Crowns, Seven Last Plagues, Seven Golden Vials, Seven Kings and Saven Mountains.

God appears to be emphasizing the number 7 in this final book making it of great importance. But it is also important to see how the book of Revelation ends. There is a very specific and significant mention of an ending final garden in chapter 22 which is being watered from the throne of God by a flowing river. Notice that this ending garden only contains the “tree of life” which produces 12 kinds of fruit continuously every month (implied 12 repetitions each year). Therefore, this garden has resulted in a never-ending supply of “fruits”, and we are told the leaves of the trees are good to produce healing for the nations. Remember the key reason for a Genesis 1 initial “Zayin” plow is designed to produce a food supply for the ending harvest.

Here is where it gets more interesting to our study of the “Zayin”. In the book of Revelation before the ending time of ending peace found in chapter 22, there is at least 12 times of either directly stated or strongly implied Zayin weapons of “war” being mentioned. This means God’s final plan before “Peace” comes a great war. It also shows us that this means there will be no further need for war after chapter 21 and only the “Zayin” applications of sowing and reaping food for life and peace will occur.

But before this final peace occurs, there are a very significant number of accounts of fighting and war taking place with weapons, especially “swords”. And the amount of blood (Mem) that will be flowing is way beyond our full comprehension. That teaches us that there will be a lot of bloodshed and warfare taking place during the 7 years of tribulation. Uh oh? There was another seven, and another application of the “Zayin” tools of iron.

For example, in Revelation 1:16 Jesus is described to have a “sharp two-edged sword” coming out of His mouth. This is clearly a reference to a “Zayin” war time weapon. But this is not a natural weapon, it can only be a spiritual weapon that is found within the spiritual realm. Notice, it is in His mouth meaning this is another reference to His spoken words. Words will be God’s strong and powerful weapons of War against His enemies. Notice this verse:

Joh 6:63  It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

Pay attention that these words were spoken before the crucifixion on the cross. Therefore, these words were spoken to describe the Zayin peacetime plow type of farming where Jesus was only there on earth to sow seeds to produce new life in humans. But in the Book of Revelation Jesus’ words are Zayin swords and they are not being spoken to produce life on the earth for those it is being wielded against, rather these spoken words produce death.

But notice that this “mouth sword” of Jesus is first directed at the church of Pergamos in chapter 2 verses 12-16. In Verse 12 Jesus is again described to have this sword in His mouth, and then in verse 16, the church is ordered to repent or else Jesus will come and “fight” against them with this sword.

Then in Revelation 19:15 we find Jesus coming to the earth to “fight” against all the nations of the earth with this same sharp mouth sword. Therefore, we have discovered the spiritual application of both planting and fighting of the “Zayin” tool and weapon are “words” that are spoken.

Rev 2:12  And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges;

Rev 2:13  I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan’s seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.

Rev 2:14  But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication.

Rev 2:15  So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.

Rev 2:16  Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth

We do not want our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ coming against us with the sword of His mouth if we are real Christians. Is this possible for Christians to die early because of sin? If you do not believe this is possible, this concept is repeated and written about in 1 Corinthians 11:23-33. This “sword” can be turned to prune those in the church, and it is a warning that is written to the church, not lost unbelievers. Soon we will learn that this same sword will be turned on the lost people of the earth, but He must first begin at the House of God (1 Pet 4:17).

Therefore, we have confirmed that this letter Zayin will represent something different to God in times and places of peace versus during times and places of judgment and war. Remember peace time usages were designed for agricultural “sowing” of “seed” to produce fruit for food to sustain life. But in times of war, the farmer is required to bring his same powerful “metal” tools of strength after they are reformed to engage in a battle to destroy and eliminate their enemies. However, remember that God’s weapons of war and His farming tools are not carnal (2 Cor 10:4). God is a Spirit (Jn 4:24) and all His power originates from His mouth (Heb 1:3) which releases God’s Spiritual force (Jn 6:63), that cannot be withstood by any angel or human (Heb 4:12).

If you have read the study lesson on the preceding Hebrew letter “Vav”, you were already introduced to many of the basic concepts of this letter “Zayin”. This is because the letters “Vav”, “Zayin” and the next 8th letter “Chet” are significantly connected as a prophetical picture of the end of human time upon the earth. These letter combinations are another example of the amazing intelligent design of the Hebrew Alphabet Creator and Author of the Bible, who is God (“Elohiym”).

Joshua and Zayin Pattern of Victory

There are clues hidden everywhere in the Bible for us to search for and discover. One very significant pattern of the “Zayin” is given to Joshua by God. This story is relating to the battle and war symbols of the Zayin as a “sword”. In this story Joshua is given specific instructions on how to defeat their enemy in the city of Jericho. Let us read the instructions given by God:

Jos 6:1  Now Jericho was straitly shut up because of the children of Israel: none went out, and none came in.

Jos 6:2  And the LORD said unto Joshua, See, I have given into thine hand Jericho, and the king thereof, and the mighty men of valour.

Jos 6:3  And ye shall compass the city, all ye men of war, and go round about the city once. Thus shalt thou do six days.

Jos 6:4  And seven priests shall bear before the ark seven trumpets of rams’ horns: and the seventh day ye shall compass the city seven times, and the priests shall blow with the trumpets.

Jos 6:5  And it shall come to pass, that when they make a long blast with the ram’s horn, and when ye hear the sound of the trumpet, all the people shall shout with a great shout; and the wall of the city shall fall down flat, and the people shall ascend up every man straight before him.

God’s primary connections in this passage to the Zayin should be obvious. It involves the number seven being mentioned several times, and the fact that Israel was in a war to overcome an enemy in their promised land that was given to them by God.

But notice how God fights. God’s warfare tactics are very different than human thinking. God begins by informing Joshua they have already won in verse 2, even though there have been no battles fought. Next, God tells the army of Israel to march around the city one time a day for the next six days. Six days are a pattern of the 6000 years of human history as we have seen in Peter “a day is as 1000 years to the Lord”.

However, God gives them another very strange but Zayin connecting requirement. God tells them to put 7 priests ahead of the army with 7 trumpets and they will go before them around the city with the “Ark” of the covenant of God. Israel follows these instructions for 6 days, and then on the 7th day representing completion, God had already told them of a plan of increase.

On the 7th day they must march around 7 times and then the 7 priests will blow their 7 trumpets and all the army will shout very loudly like they have already won the war, and then the walls would fall flat. With the elimination of the walls, the enemy is easily defeated. Remember much of the army of Jericho was probably on the walls when they fell.

Do be believe God intentionally emphasized the number 7 on purpose? Hopefully, it should be obvious to everyone. God also connects the voice of victory with the number 7 of the Zayin causing another confirmation that victory is in the mouth of the one with the Zayin sword of war in their mouth. But this time it is the weapon of “praise” for the victory before they saw it fulfilled. That is very interesting, isn’t it? Could you shout for victory when it looked like you were faced with a great and strong walled city of armed warriors?

This is called “faith”. It is us hearing, believing, and obeying what God says even during a time of overwhelming odds. In our case, our Joshua is Jesus our Messiah. We are the kings and priests of God in this world. We are told to walk by Faith and not by sight in 2 Corinthians 5:7. This means we are to ignore the giants, the walls, the sword words of our enemies, and focus only on what God said for us to do. Then it is always good to shout and praise God even when you think it is impossible for you to win. Afterall, we know God better than anyone, and He has said, “You are of God little children, and have overcome them, because greater is He that is in you, than he that is against you” (1 Jn 4:4). We should learn that God has already given us the victory in Christ before we see the victory in the world. While we look not at the things that we see, but we focus upon the eternal that we cannot see, we know the victory is ours!

Jesus – God’s Seed Gift of Peace to Humans
And Our Sword Against Our Enemy

Let us continue the Zayin subject by looking at the life of Jesus and how he is fulfilling the prophecies found in the picture of the letter Zayin. Perhaps you have already begun to see it. Hopefully, you have thought of Bible verses, that have the characteristics of the plow in peacetime, and the sword in warfare and how Jesus fits both patterns to fulfill them. Let us start with what Jesus Himself claimed to be, found in John 6:

Joh 6:32  Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven.

Joh 6:33  For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world.

Jesus is speaking to the Jewish people, and He begins to speak about “True Bread” that is coming down from His Father in heaven. He begins by telling them of miraculous “bread” called “manna” that was sent down from heaven because the people needed food in the wilderness.

If you recall this story, you will already know that this account took place every week. Each day the people were required to go out and pick up food for the day and they did this for 6 days. But on the sixth day they were required to go out and pick up food for two days so that they could honor God’s Sabbath rest on the 7th day. Wow! Isn’t it amazing that this pattern fits the fact that the 7th letter is the Zayin also by God’s design. There is no way, that this is a coincidence.

Joh 6:35  And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.

Three times in this chapter Jesus personally claims to be God’s Bread of Life that came to satisfy human hunger and thirst. But Jesus was not speaking of physical eating and drinking like many thought He was. What we are observing is Jesus’ personal declaration to be the fulfillment of the letter Zayin. Just apply what you know about natural farming and transfer it into the spiritual realm, and it should become clearer very soon. Let us begin this process with His physical birth.

The first physical appearance of God on the earth was in the body of the child Jesus born in Bethlehem. This baby that was born in a humble manger appears to be God’s reason to send a great announcement of peace as we can read in Luke 2:14. When this occurred the angels of God proclaimed, “Peace on Earth and Goodwill to men”. This birth announcement went out to shepherds near Bethlehem and to the world.

What we soon discover is that by God giving a humble birthplace to the baby Jesus in a manger and then quickly sending shepherds to see Him first, reveals to us that God came into the world as a harmless “Lamb”. His chosen peaceful symbol would become the sin sacrifice for all humans by shedding the “Blood of God” to pay the high cost for our redemption. This truly exemplifies the part of His Zayin peaceful intention for His appearance on the earth.

We also find that when Jesus came to John to be baptized 30 years later, John confirms this act of peace by saying, “Behold the Lamb of God” in John 1:29. Jesus lived on the earth for 30 years in peace, without sin, and without fighting His enemy Satan. This is the beginning of the pattern of a peaceful Lamb sacrifice on a cross on Passover for every human’s reconciliation to reestablish peace and to restore sinful humans back into the favor of God (2 Cor 5:19).

Jesus’ birth was designed as God’s Zayin planting seed time of “peace”. But this time was also the simultaneous continuation time of God’s Zayin sword cutting and dividing warfare against Satan, the adversary. Satan knew this and saw this new child to be a threat that needed to be killed quickly. Satan recalls the prophecy made against him in the garden. This was when God prophesied the “seed” of a woman would bruise his head (Gen 3:15).

Did you notice the emphasis upon a “seed” in the Genesis 3:15 prophecy? This is a clear connection to the “Zayin” plow and planting concept. Therefore, Satan has been attempting to corrupt the human blood line and to kill all males, and especially people that descended from the natural “seed” of Abraham within the nation of Israel for the past 4000 years.

Remember while Jesus was still a growing child under 2years old, Herod heard about a new king of the Jews that had come into the world through the news of the wise men (Mat 2:2). Herod became very angry at hearing this news after they failed to return to tell him where the child was located. Herod gave orders to kill every male child under 2 years old beginning at Bethlehem and all the surrounding cities (Mat 2:12-13). This was certainly not a time of peace between Satan and God or man. But it was as time of peace between God towards humans. But we still observe how Satan was using humans to fight against humans attempting to kill God in the Holy Child Jesus (Mat 2:16).

But God also warned Joseph to take the child Jesus to Egypt for a time until Herod was dead. Jesus continued to grow in wisdom, and He began his earthly ministry at about the age of 30 (Luke 2:40). Since Jesus grew in spirit and in wisdom, this proves Jesus was not on the earth as God manifested in His omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient powers. It is important to know that the Almighty God intentionally came to the earth in human form, temporarily stripping himself from his deity powers to show humans how to overcome as mortals. However, the key overcoming power would be that we would receive the Holy Spirit and His anointing like Jesus did (Acts 10:38). It is this partnership between God and humans that gave us the ability to win against Satan.

This time of the 3 ½ years of the ministry of Jesus was designed by God for one of many primary purposes being to fulfill the letter Zayin concept of sowing seed into the hearts of people (Mat 13:3, Mark 4:3, Luke 8:5). This peace time ministry of Jesus ended on the Tav cross with Jesus submitting to Satan’s power of death to destroy death for every human (Heb 2:14).

Jesus’ death was designed by God to initiate the end of Satan’s rule upon the earth (2 Cor 4:4). If you observe in 2 Corinthians 5:17, God writes that everyone that enters into Christ has become a “New Creation”. This plainly says Jesus began something brand new at His resurrection from the dead that took Satan by complete surprise. What was this? Read this verse carefully:

Col 1:18  And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.

God is informing and describing what is happening in His newly created creation. This originates with Christ first as God’s firstborn Seed from the dead. Then in us who are being joined with Christ by us entering Him by believing in His Word (Seed), causing us to be spiritually born again from the dead (Jn 3:3). Wow! Did you understand those statements? Isn’t this what Jesus said to Nicodemus in John 3, and doesn’t it match with the concepts we are learning in the Zayin?

Joh 3:3  Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

Watch what the “Son of Man” Jesus Christ just said to a mortal sinner man. Jesus places Himself into a prophetical statement about a coming new birth that has never existed before. This confuses the expert in the law Nicodemus who was thinking of natural births. Jesus was clearly not speaking of this at all.

Joh 3:5  Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

Joh 3:6  That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

Joh 3:7  Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

Here in these statements Jesus is foretelling His natural and spiritual deaths on the “Tav” cross. This event was the initiation of the end of the “present” “old creation” that we are transitioning out of right now by believing in Jesus by God’s Grace through our “faith” partnership. However, the main point that needs to be understood in this section, is that Jesus became the “Firstborn from the dead” so that He could have preeminence in God’s New Creation.

This is clearly a new revelation for many disciples of Jesus Christ. This has been written in the Bible for two thousand years and many are just now finding out about it. Why was it necessary for Jesus who was God, to start a new creation that never existed before, by first experiencing a “death” and then to begin a “new life” system of existence? This cannot be fully taught today, but it all has to do with Lucifer/Satan who was a major part of God’s first creation.

It is purposefully designed by God that Satan can never become born again and this eliminates him from God’s transitioning new kingdom ruled by our personal Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. When we were born again, God delivered us out of Satan’s kingdom of darkness causing us to be translated into the Kingdom of Light ruled by the Son of God (Col 1:12-13). This is why all power in heaven and earth was given to Jesus Christ, but this happened only after He was raised from the dead (Mat 28:18) and making Him the first born from the dead. Five times in the Word of God, Jesus is called the “firstborn” in Rom 8:29, Col 1:15, Col 1:18, Heb 12:23, Revelation 1:5. Do you believe God is trying to get us to see something that you may have never seen before? This is huge if you can see it. Even in Romans 8:29 Jesus is called the firstborn among many brethren. These brethren are those of us that have been born again with Him into His Kingdom. But we were not born first, He was!

Did you know that Jesus had natural brothers on the earth? We can read about them in Matthew 13:55 and Acts 3:22. Did you know Jesus had spiritual brothers? Gentiles are not His natural brothers born of Mary or of the tribes of Israel, and that only leaves us to be a member of His spiritual family. Doesn’t this fact also eliminate Satan and all his angels from entering into Jesus, the Son of God’s Kingdom of Light? Yes, it does!

All this work of God in Jesus is God doing what God does best. He does things differently than us. If we were fighting Satan, and we were God, we would probably just go with a big angel and immediately cast him into hell when sin was found in him. But guess what? God is a God of “Peace” (Rom 15:33, Rom 16:20, 2 Cor 13:11, Php 4:9, 1 Thes 5:23, Heb 13:20).

God is also a righteous God (2Tim 4:8, Rev 16:5) and He is certainly a Holy God (Eph 4:20, 1 Ths 4:8, 1 Pet 1:16). This means He is “Just”, and He must “Judge” rightly. All these facts simply mean His ways of warfare and fighting an adversary are much different than sinful human or fallen angel ways. What are we learning? God utilized peaceful manners of activities without war to initiate the ultimate defeat of Satan. Check out the Zayin plan of God in Jesus Christ:

Joh 12:24  Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.

In the plan of God for Jesus, He came into the world as a “seed” to be planted (to die, and to be buried in a tomb for 3 days). Jesus claims it was God’s plan to do this because, if He had not done this, He would have forever been alone without His new spiritual family. But since He willingly died on a cross, He was planted by God as a “Seed” that would bring forth much fruit. Fruit to God, is defined as people (Jas 5:7). If we have been born again from the dead, we were planted with Him and have also been raised up with Him from the dead (Rom 8:11, Eph 2:4-6).

Do you see at least some of the “Zayin” prophetical types being mentioned in this example of peaceful victory over our enemy Satan through the “seed” planting of Christ? This sounds amazing and too good to be true. Can you see how God does things perfectly and different than us? Let us begin to see the part of the Zayin that is yet to come on the earth next, for this time it will be with a great display of power and might with a Zayin “Sword”.

The second time Jesus comes to set foot upon the earth, He will not be coming in “peace” against man or Satan. With this appearance He will possess a Zayin “sharp two-edged sword”, that will be coming out from His mouth”. This weapon is the fulfillment of Jesus in an image of the “Zayin” weapon of war, that will bring the final victory over all evil (Rev 19-22). Before we learn about this final phase let us discover how the peaceful works of Jesus on the earth as “seed” divided God from Satan.

The Peace Zayin Works of Jesus Christ as a Man Sent to Die

The fact that the “Zayin” farm implements are made of metal is very significant. For example, the “plow” design of this letter leads us to conclude this tool has the potential for great work when connected to great strength and power like the “Alef” ox picture. We should have already seen how the “ox” represented a strong servant and this represented God’s presence in Jesus. Please go and study this letter “Aleph” if you have not yet discovered Jesus’ connection to this “first” letter of the ancient Hebrew alphabet.

As a quick reminder the letter “Aleph” is spelled in word form as “Alef” + “Lamed” + “Peh”. Placing the meanings of these letters together we arrive at the meaning “God’s Strong Authority is in His Mouth”. That is interesting since we have already been introduced to the fact that Jesus’ Zayin Sword will be in His mouth at the end of the book of Revelation. Let us remember how the natural plow works and how it is a symbol of the work of God in Jesus, the Son of God.

It takes both great authority and great power to accomplish work that will be used to “divide” the soil, also called earth. It is this work that will prepare the ground for the planting of seed (Nun). If you are not familiar with how a plow works, it has a blade of iron that is designed to “cut” through the soil to loosen it up and to create a row to receive “seed” (Nun). Therefore, we are learning that the “Zayin” letter made of iron has a very strong representation of “cutting” and “division”. This is amazing because Jesus makes this direct claim in Luke 12:51:

Luk 12:51  Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division

We can clearly see that Jesus has claimed that one of His main purposes for coming to the earth was to “divide”, and this strongly implies that there is a symbolic metal cutting tool that was brought into the world to accomplish this part of the plan of God. In Matthew 10:34, Jesus confirmed this weapon is a sword which is another type of metal cutting tool for war.

But do not forget that Jesus claimed to be a spiritual “seed” planter in Matthew 13:2 and Mark 4:1, and this too clearly implies the need for a plow cutting tool to prepare the soil (hearts of men). Yet the parable of the Sower appears to never mention this tool, rather it mentions sowing seeds upon 6 types of soil where three soil types fail to produce fruit.

There is no direct mention of a plow in the first two soil types. If you recall the first soil type was the hardened travel path where no seed could even enter it allowing the birds to easily eat it. We learn later that this soil represents people whose mind is blinded by Satan so that they are unable to understand the Word that was spoken to them. This clearly means there was never a plow to prepare that heart to receive “seed” (Word of God). This soil type also strongly implies that it is under the complete control of the foot of Satan who treads upon it as he wills (2 Tim 2:26).

The second soil type is explained to be “stony” ground. This is a heart that was shallow soil and it had big, hardened rocks that did not allow roots to develop. Jesus said, when the heat of the sun rose it dried the plant and it produced no fruit. This also represented soil that was never plowed. We can tell this because plowing would have found these buried rocks, to alert the plow handler to remove them. Reading the explanation of Jesus, these stones in the human heart were also the work of Satan placing a shallow mind unable to endure when persecution and pressures from Satan controlled people that caused them to turn away from salvation, to not produce fruit.

The third soil type is one that produces plants, but it is not well cared for because of the world’s distractions and this person loses focus off the Word of God to make it their fullest priority. Therefore, Jesus said this soil produced weeds that choked out the plant from the seed that was designed by God to produce fruit.

Because there is a mention of hard soil, rocky soil, and soil laden with choking out weeds, no plow was utilized to prepare their human heart. What was the plow that Jesus used to prepare the way for His seed planting? We should remember that God sent John to baptize people for their repentance. This appears to be God’s plan to make human hearts, open, tender, and receptive to receive the Words (Nun=Seed) of Jesus.

Therefore, those that never repented like most of the Pharisees, Sadducees, and scribes this lack of true repentance caused their heart soil to remain very hardened and unfruitful. The other 3 soil types that produce “fruit” with either a 30-, 60- or 100-fold increase heavily implies it is well cultivated, prepared, and they all have repentant hearts to make them tender and open minded, to produce the fruit necessary for salvation that God desires to harvest.

Mat 3:1  In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea,

Mat 3:2  And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Mat 3:3  For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. 

As you can see John’s major work was speaking “words” to preach the need for repentance. Verse 2 declares this very clearly. John cried out “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is very near”.  Therefore, it remains that the Zayin plow was designed by God to plow people’s heart using “Words” of repentance. Repentance simply means to “change” the direction of thought in the human mind.

Notice John identified himself to be the one that Isaiah wrote about of a man that would come to “prepare” the “way” of the Lord. This simply confirms he was the first designed Zayin plow for God’s harvest field of human hearts. A term like the “Way” was what the early church called themselves (Acts 16:17, Acts 18:25). They were all followers of the “Way” of Jesus. This term according to John represented a “straight” path which is one that is figuratively based upon the “truth” as opposed to Satan’s ways that are dominated by falsehoods and deceptions. You may also remember that Jesus called Himself the “Way”, the “Truth”, and the “Life”. Or we could join these titles to say, “I am the only Way to True Life” (Jn 14:6), meaning all other ways are certain death.

As we are learning there are multiple Zayin applications and pointers connecting Jesus and humans to the plan of salvation division works of God’s Garden. We could go into a lot more detail, but this is only intended to be a strong introduction to the subject of the letter, Zayin.


We have been going through how Jesus fulfills the letter Zayin in the New Covenant in two ways. First se observed the peaceful use of the Zayin as the agricultural farming tools for planting, sowing, and harvesting the produced fruit of the ground for giving life. This certainly fit the work of Jesus precisely. But we have also seen the “Sword” of God in the mouth of Jesus that will bring about the defeat of Satan completely in Revelation.

We must understand that Jesus’ personal fulfillment of the Zayin took place in the natural realm but was not primarily focused upon a natural work. No, God is a Spirit (Jn 4:24) and Jesus came into the natural to fulfil the Zayin prophecies using God’s spiritual seed planting and weapons of Words to achieve spiritual fruits and victories over His enemies.

It is also very interesting to understand that in ancient times of plowing two sticks appearing the image of the letter “Tav” were placed at the end of the field that was to be plowed. The servant driving the ox plow would aim directly at these two sticks to plow a straight line. Sound familiar? This was a type of the work of John the Baptist to make the way straight for the LORD! If you have studied the letter “Tav” you know it is the image of a “cross”. This was God’s idea from His Son to go to the cross and to die. The typology found in plowing the ancient farm field is Jesus walking the plowed path to end his life on the cross.

For the church application of the Zayin, we must learn to do and say the same things as Jesus. Following His examples of sowing God’s Words of Good News will bring the increase of God’s Garden fruits for harvest (humans). Also, by placing the Word of God in our mouth to confess what He has spoken about us, places His powerful sword into our battle against the same enemy. Ephesians 6:10-17 describes the armor of God and He commanded us to put this on fully. In Ephesians 6:17 it is directly stated that the Sword (Zayin) of the Spirit is the Word of God! God makes things real simple for us to know what to do. Learn to say what God says, about the attack that the enemy is bringing upon you.

Thank you for readying and studying the Bible with us. Thank you for your faithful prayers. The time of the coming of the Lord is much nearer than most realize. Always stay prepared for His return. But while we wait, we continue to work to spread the kingdom of God and in doing this we cooperate with Him to put Satan under our feet before His return (Rom 16:20, Rev 12:1).

God bless you, and as long as the Lord is willing, we will continue this series to learn about the 22 letters of the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet. Hopefully, this has been a blessing. Please leave your comments and questions and we will be praying for you.

Intro Alef Beyt-1 2 Gimel Dalet Hey Vav Zayin Chet Tet Yod Kaf Lamed Mem 1 2 Nun Samekh Ayin Pey Tsade Qof Resh Shin TavAlef-Beyt Chart (Series updated as LORD directs and permits)

Are You Saved? Do you Know Jesus? Life is Short! Jesus wants to Know You! Please come and get to Know Him!

Is the Rapture of the Church a Reality in the Bible – Part 8 Jesus is Coming Soon

(Ver 1.0) There are many scoffers and rebukers of this Bible truth. Satan wants every Christian to not believe and have faith in the sudden and surprising return of Jesus Christ to catch away His bride. If you are a skeptic of this soon-coming reality it would be wise for you to go and read this series from the beginning. There are too many confirmations within typology and patterns given to us in the Bible for us NOT TO BELIEVE in this blessed hope (Tit 2:13).  If you have not read the entire series, please go to “Part 1” now.

Many Christians that criticize the “harpazo” catching away theological position found in the Bible. They instead accuse other Christians that believe in this reality, people who believe in “escapism” theology. Meaning we should never feel like we should be persecuted.  Yes, we are guaranteed “persecution” as promised by Jesus (Jn 15:20). However, we are NOT ever promised to go through the wrath of God according to Romans 5:9. God will never punish the righteous with the wicked as Abraham so pointed out speaking to God in Genesis 18:25. Jesus addressed this escapism condemnation by speaking to believers this statement:

Luk 21:36  Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. 

If you are Christ’s bride, called the church (ekklesia), then we are supposed to pray to God to be counted “worthy” to escape this world’s evils and this will happen when the “catching away” suddenly takes us up by sudden surprise a divine display of His great power.

Obtaining Faith for the Rapture

Today is Super Bowl Sunday in the USA. Wouldn’t this be a great surprise for the world to have Jesus catch away the church during the Super Bowl. Who would be looking for Him to come today? Who would go up in a rapture if they were not expecting to go? Many people believe everything happens in life automatically if it is the will of God. But is this what we are observing happening in the world today?

If 2 Peter 3:9 says “God is not willing that any should perish, but that all come to repentance, does this mean everyone is guaranteed salvation? Absolutely not! There are thousands and millions of people going to hell every day and every month. If you believe rapture is not for you, and it happens, do you believe you would go? It would be shocking if this would happen according to the Bible. Jesus said very clearly “According to your faith, be it unto you.”

What we begin to learn from God in the flesh, is not everything that God desires to do is automatically becomes a reality to every human. God desires to save everyone, but everyone must receive the free gift. This logic requires us to also believe in a “rapture” event also. Think about it!

There are many people that believe in “Pre-Trib”, there are many others, that believe in “Mid-Trib”, there are others that believe in “Post-Trib” and finally, there are others that believe in in a No-Catching-Away. Could everyone be getting exactly what they believe? Could there be three catching away events? Could there be come that are not caught up at all? If you begin to view the Bible from this perspective, you might be surprised this would confirm why there are such conflicting views with each having scriptures to confirm their belief. Because everyone can view the same verses and select the one that they believe is truth ruling out all other verses.

Php 3:20  For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:

The Greek word G553 is a word that means “To Expect Fully”. This very clearly teaches us that expectant “Faith” is our duty in awaiting our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ to appear in the clouds to take us up. Remember the angels in Acts 1, said “This Jesus that you have see go up will return in like manner”. This will be the rapture event when He stands in the clouds calling us up to meet Him as our bridegroom that calls out to His bride to bring us into the 7-year wedding feast in Heaven. This will be taking place while the wrath of God is being poured out upon the earth. Let us look at another rapture verse with the same Greek word G553:

Rom 8:23  And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.

This is a very interesting verse that is often overlooked as being related to rapture.  However, notice the Greek word translated as “waiting”. This is the same word to fully expect. What are we fully expecting to happen? We are waiting for the “redemption” of our bodies! When does this take place? It happens when we are caught up in a nano-second of time to meet Him in the air as described in 1 Corinthians 15:52 and 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.

Only the Lord Jesus Christ has a fully redeemed and resurrected body in heaven right now. Everyone else already in heaven is awaiting this redemption and it will occur first. But then the redemption of the living people on the earth will immediately take place after the dead in Christ bodies go up first.

However, there is a requirement to believe in this happening just as believing to be saved is also a requirement. Believing must be fully joined and persuaded in our hearts with pregnant expectations of His coming as we are seeing in scriptures. We obtain faith for the promises of God from His word (Rom 10:17). Read these rapture verses out loud and get them into your heart. This will cause you to become ready.


I recently witnessed someone have a heart-attack with 99% blockage. If they had not been at the right place at the right time with access to help, they would be dead right now. Are you ready to meet Jesus? Are you expecting that He could appear any second? Is your mind on Him or on football? Today could be the day of His return, and yet who is ready? Who is looking for Him while they are partying and drinking their beers? God have mercy on us all and let us begin call out to God that we be made worthy to escape this coming tribulation. God make us ready to meet you. We love you and long for your return, but we also desire all our family and friends to also be ready. Even so Lord Jesus, come quickly.

If you have never received Jesus Christ as you personal Lord and Savior there is a link at the end of this post. This will be the most important decision of you life to begin your journey of salvation. Remember God loves you so much that He sent you here to read a way to know Him forever. Jesus died to make a way out of the darkness into His marvelous Light and today is the day of salvation, now is the time to accept Him before the time for all of humanity closes the door.

We love you all, Jesus Loves you all. Thank you for reading and praying for us. God will Bless us all.

Are You Saved? Do you Know Jesus? Life is Short! Jesus wants to Know You! Please come and get to Know Him!

Blessing of Christmas Joy and Peace — 2023

(Ver 1.0) It is amazing to think about the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. The primary focus of this entire website is “LOVE” = “AGAPE” (G26). This is not the normal human type of selfish love, but rather it describes the God kind of Love defined to us 1 Corinthians 13. Human love is a feeling of loving someone because of what they can do for me. But God says in John 3:16 that He loved the unlovely sinful world enough to come to the earth in person to give His only naturally born Son, to die for us, so that we might be saved and not perish. Praise the LORD!

That should be the kind of giving Love that we choose to display for everyone that we encounter. It has been a great blessing to provide God’s messages of LOVE for over 14 years. The LOVE of God and His Word is the sole motivation for sharing with you what He gives freely to us all (Mat 10:8). Hopefully, you feel the same way.

While this month is not the actual time of season when Jesus was born, it is the time chosen to unitedly celebrate the event. Yes, it has become devil influenced and commercialized for corporate profit. The true meaning is being slowly minimalized with an emphasis of a man in a red suit coming down a chimney. Also, instead of telling people “Merry Christmas”, the politically correct greeting has been redirected by many people to only say, “Happy Holidays”. Nevertheless, a Christian can still choose to be a light to the world by remaining bold enough to hold fast to our confession of “HAVE A MERRY & BLESSED CHRISTMAS”. Please say it in love with a smile and if someone becomes offended, you are not to blame (Jn 15:18).

Many times, we have received the most negative comments about acknowledging and celebrating Jesus, on what they call a pagan day.  But we can choose to disagree without being mean and hateful to each other. Halloween is clearly demonic; Christmas is not a day where we dress as witches and goblins. No one should believe in Santa Clause or celebrate pagan traditions. But celebrating Jesus should be the number one focus for every Christian. Because God gave us the greatest gift, we are expressing His love to bless others with our gifts to them. Why does anyone have a problem with that? Do they dislike the giving, the receiving, or just the fact that it potentially costs money?

Ask God to open the door for you to share what this day is really about to someone else on this day. Share the “Gospel” that God chose to be born in a manager in Bethlehem as a male child (Mat 2:6). Tell them He was born of a virgin woman (Isa 7:14), and this will be miraculous unlike any other human entrance into the world. Tell them His Father was God in Heaven that created the heaven and the earth through Him (Eph 3:9). Tell them He died for the all-inclusive penalty for the sins of all humans by shedding His blood on a “Tav” cross (1 Jn 1:7). He did this as the greatest exchange in history. With Him becoming sin for us, so that we could become righteous to God (1 Pet 2:24). Thank you, Jesus!

What a blessing it is to have our names written in His “Lamb’s” book of Life (Luke 10:20)! What a blessing it is to have His Spirit living inside of us to help us, guide us and teach us everything that we need to know for every season of our lives (Jn 16:13). What a blessing it is to pray to Him every day and then listen to hear what He has to say back to us through His written Word and by the voice of His Spirit (Jn 10:3).

So, today you are being presented with a choice. A decision point within the short space of time of your existence in a temporary reality. You may choose to agree to celebrate with us in love because of Who He is, and What He did for us, and Everything this gift gave to us, or you may just choose to gripe, complain, about a post that is flawed with imperfect dates, and methods like you would prefer to choose. Or you could be apathetic and just do nothing.

But maybe some of you should consider another choice. Think back in time on what God has spoken to you to do in the past. Do the most significant something that He has always wanted you to do that was spoken to you many years ago when you heard but didn’t obey. Maybe it was fear that kept you from beginning the call? Maybe you believed you were not gifted, or smart enough to fulfill the call like Moses felt (Exo 4:10)? However, give God a chance and believe He will provide what you need to fulfill His plan, after you begin it by taking the first step. Wow! That is a Word for someone.

The time of the coming of Jesus is very, very short! Therefore, let us get busy in church serving others, preaching, and teaching the Word of God to anyone that will listen, going into the world to reach the lost before it is too late. Stop looking to correct everyone else because they don’t agree with you precisely to the letter of the law. Just teach what you know and believe to be the truth. Jesus did not tell you to go into all the world searching for false teachers and attack them. But rather Jesus commanded everyone to go into all the world and preach the Good News! Everyone that chooses to obey Him and give their lives, will and bodies to Him for His control, will be saved, and everyone that chooses not to believe will be damning themselves to an eternity in a lake of fire (Rev 21:8).

Here is one of our main emphases today again, Jesus Christ is coming back so much sooner than you know! What if it was in the next minute, after you finished reading this post and decided you still have time to get saved, so I’ll just wait.  Maybe you are saying to yourself, I am just having too much fun right now. But suddenly when you least expected it, Jesus appears in the heavens, and millions of people vanish instantly from the face of the planet. There will be some deceivers that will tell you, they were taken by aliens to cleanse the world of all the evil people and now the true humans were left here to save the planet from the coming “climate change” destruction of the planet. But it will be too late to then be saved from the most horrific time of human history called the Great Tribulation (Mat 24:21). Now is the best time to give your live to Jesus while the Holy Spirit is still speaking to your heart (Heb 4:7). There is a link to click below about knowing how to begin the walk with Jesus. Please click this link and leave a comment on it after you prayed the prayer. Thank you! It will be the best decision of your life, and we will meet again in heaven to share this experience with each other.


Isa 9:6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. 

We are celebrating a baby child that was God in the flesh. What a powerful display of God’s humility to make Himself one of His creations to save us! This is the ultimate display of Love that anyone could possibly do for someone. God said, “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us!” (Rom 5:8). And Jesus also said, “No great Love has anyone, then He that lays down His life for His friends” (Jn 15:13).

My God has already richly blessed us all, with every spiritual blessing (Eph 1:3) and in doing this He gave to us everything that pertains to life and godliness (2 Pet 1:3). Remember if you have anything Good it is because God was the source of the gift (James 1:17). That makes this celebration a great time to “Give Thanks to God” for all His blessings. God has been faithful to us all and He will remain faithful (Heb 13:5), until He comes and takes us up, very soon (Rev 22:12).

Leave us a blessing today or share your prayer request so that all the readers will be able to pray and agree with you and with us at Agapegeek. Jesus loves you, and we love you more than we can express in words. Someday we will meet in heaven and have a lot to talk about knowing everything that Jesus has done for each of us. Praise the LORD Jesus!

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Have a very blessed and Merry Christmas. Amen!

Are You Saved? Do you Know Jesus? Life is Short! Jesus wants to Know You! Please come and get to Know Him!

Understanding the Sovereignty of God – Part 3 – Balancing Love’s Sovereign Power in Action

(Ver 1.0) This is “Part 3” in one of the most essential to understand subjects found in the Bible. Our subject series is about the “sovereignty” of God. This should be one of the first studies to be taught to every new believer because it reveals one of the major qualities of God being God. Every reader so far should agree with this belief that God is Sovereign to begin our study. This means not one of us had any say in anything that was created, how it works, or why it is here. We are all simply created beings existing for God’s sovereign purpose and will. If you would like to read this series from the beginning, please go to “Part 1“.

This subject should also be important to mature believers because it has often been taught in the past embedded with many traditions of human reason and philosophy. As you should now know our subject is about God’s eternal and omnipotent “Sovereignty”. But how we define the word sovereignty and apply this word to God and His creation makes all the difference to knowing the truth. For example, look at the words of Jesus speaking indirectly about this subject:

Mat 22:29  Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God

Apparently from this verse we learn that humans can possibly not understand the Words found in the Bible, yes, or no? Next, we can learn that any teacher of the Bible can also be in error, yes, or no? Jesus was speaking with the Jewish leaders that dramatically had two opposing views of this subject of resurrection.  The subject context of this statement of Jesus concerns the resurrection of the dead and what happens to a wife that had multiple husbands.

We know from basic common sense, that the subject of “resurrection” from the dead is a sovereign choice of God. No human chose this to exist, nor can any angel contribute to cause it not to exist. No, this is a prime example of God’s will and purpose to create concepts called “death” first but then also “resurrection” from the dead second. Both were God’s design, and His, alone.

Remember that there were two major doctrines of belief in Matthew 22. One is from the Sadducees that was asking the questions, these believed there was not going to be a resurrection. However, the Pharisee’s believed in the resurrection. Therefore, we learn doctrinal division is a common tactic of Satan, to attempt the divide the beliefs of those that God intended for unity of knowing His truth.

Jesus obviously rebukes these educated trained people saying to them, you neither understand the scriptures nor the power of God. The Greek word G1411 (dunamis) literally means supernatural power and this reference is applied to God the author of the Bible. In fact, it was God in the flesh that was speaking with them. Jesus directly confirms humans are fallible, capable of being in error. This is true of every modern Bible teacher that can be heard, including Agapegeek. This is exactly why we better do a lot of study with the help of the Author to guide us into what He really meant for us to learn. Nevertheless, doctrinal differences on sovereignty exist, and thus the reason for this lesson is to help resolve or at least reduce some of the reasons for divisions. Let us quickly analyze some of these differences.

Sovereignty has been defined by some to mean “God can do anything He likes, whenever He likes, and to whoever He likes”. But that is an extreme definition that potentially violates God’s revealed character which could produce wrong beliefs and deception. This type of belief attributes all evil to be part of God’s all-knowing plan. This brings some to believe Satan does not exist and has never done anything without God’s direction or permission.

However, a truer definition of the word “sovereign” should be viewed as “God has the highest and greatest level of authority and power, and there is none that is above Him”. This definition does not mean He is able to do anything at any time, even if He has the dunamis omnipotent power to do it. We know this because God says in Hebrew 6:18 that it is impossible for Him to lie. This simply means if God said something, it is this way and it will not change. And this teaches us God can never violate His spoken or written Words which have placed certain limitation upon what God is able to legally do and speak by His own sovereign choice.

Therefore, we must not study God’s “sovereignty” in isolation of all other related verses or by simply using only selected obvious or favorite scriptures.  All studies on any subject must balance every verse on the subject, and then combine these with the many other verses that reveal limitations to sovereignty like those that show the true nature and character of God as being, 1) Love, 2) Light, 3) Holy, 4) Righteous, 5) Patient, 6) Merciful, etc. We learned this principle in the first lesson of the series, but for added emphasis to its importance let us quickly review another list of God’s revealed unchanging character traits.

God is Sovereign
God is LOVE!

1Jn 4:8  He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

1Jn 4:16  And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.

1 John 4:8 & 16 are very revealing verses, that identifies God to be LOVE! God declares that his truest and highest identifying characteristic is that He not only shows us love but He is LOVE! The Greek word G2076 translated as “is”, means “to be”. It is a very similar word to the Old Testament revelation spoken to Moses when God said, “say I AM sent you” (Exo 3:14). The Hebrew word H1961 translated as “I AM” is most often translated as “be”. In other words, God is declaring to “Be” LOVE, not just to choose to show love occasionally like humans do. Therefore, God is the Highest example of LOVE that exists. Wow! This sound important and this characteristic must be balanced with God’s true identity of being “sovereign”.

Within the 1 John 4 context, God states that if we desire to dwell in God (Love), and desire for God (Love) to dwell in us, then we must not only love God, but we must primarily love our fellow brothers and sisters, and this human choice qualifies us to be one with God. Wow, that is huge! It implies that if we are not walking in love with those that we can see in the flesh, how is it even possible for us to say we love God that we cannot see (1 John 4:20). Yet we see Christians today lying to each other, accusing each other, hating each other, etc. Yet they still claim to be a Christian, but we saw this contradicts God’s Word and this makes them hypocrites that are putting on an act for men but may be very surprised when Jesus returns.

The Greek word that God claims to be as “Love”, is G26 and this is the word “Agape” pronounced ag-ah’-pay meaning this is the type of God’s love. This type of love is not the human type or anywhere close to what humans call love. This is why this Agape love is infinitely higher and a superior type of “love” that dominates His every sovereign thought and action.  Since God has sovereignly chosen to be Love, He must correspondingly also sovereignly choose not to do anything evil, mean, or unfair to anyone. This simply describes another sovereign characteristic called “Self-Control”. This means even though He has the power and ability to kill you immediately when you do evil, He will not do it because it would be unjust and not according to His chosen nature and character.

We could easily debate the definition of love. This is because how we view love is normally very biased and perverted compared to God’s definition of love. Humans say they love their cat or dog. Humans say they love eating types of food or drinking some drinks. Humans say they even love their friends and relatives. Most spouses claim they love their husband or wife, until things get bad and then they suddenly leave them without warning. No human love like these stated above, represents God’s kind of spiritual love. Therefore, it is very fortunate for us that God gives us His definition of His type of love in 1 Corinthians 13. Let’s analyze this and compare what you have heard from other preachers teach you about God’s love and His sovereignty.

1Co 13:4  Love is large and incredibly patient. Love is gentle and consistently kind to all. It refuses to be jealous when blessing comes to someone else. Love does not brag about one’s achievements nor inflate its own importance.

1Co 13:5  Love does not traffic in shame and disrespect, nor selfishly seek its own honor. Love is not easily irritated or quick to take offense.

1Co 13:6  Love joyfully celebrates honesty and finds no delight in what is wrong.

1Co 13:7  Love is a safe place of shelter, for it never stops believing the best for others. Love never takes failure as defeat, for it never gives up.

1Co 13:8  Love never stops loving. (TPT)

These verses are taken out of “The Passion Translation”. But they are comparable with the KJV, NASB, the Amplified Bible or any other literal translation based on the original Greek text. These are extremely challenging statements. But this should be used for a direct comparison to how we love each other. Are you able to do this list of items to everyone that you know no matter how they act or what they do or say to you or about you? Does this list confirm the great job of love we can see in your words and actions despite how they treated you?

How do these described features and qualities of God’s type of LOVE exemplify or balance with your definition of God’s sovereignty? Then imagine how God reacts when humans treat Him unlovingly, or even blasphemously with their words and actions. Do you believe God will react to evil done to Him, the same as you would when evil is done to you. Romans 5:8 says, “God shows His love for us, (proving it) in while we were yet sinners (not loving to him or others) He died for us”. That means God does good things even when no one deserves it. That is the God kind of Sovereignty and Love.

Let us stop and ask, can you see Jesus’ example of love shown to us, in these descriptions? Go back and reread the Gospels and notice how everything that He did was “LOVE” based. Whether he was healing sick people, raising dead people, or dying on a cross, “LOVE” dominated every action and WORD spoken. Then recall Jesus said, “When you have seen me, you have seen the Father”. This speaks volumes, to describe God’s sovereign acts and the motivations behind them. Whatever, God sovereignly chooses to do to you, or for you, He will base His motivations on LOVE designed for our “good” (Jer 29:11).

Do you recall how the risen from the dead Jesus reacted to the evil acts of Saul of Tarsus killing Christians? Jesus took it very personally what Saul was doing to His saved body of believers (Acts 9). These are controversial thoughts to think. God permitted Saul to do evil to His people, but met with him suddenly to do what?

Jesus’ reaction was with LOVE, instead of fierce hatred, or anger. This was clearly not the normal human reaction. What would you do to someone that killed one of your children? Jesus’ heart was not to kill him and send him to hell, but rather to save Saul and change Him to Paul who wrote 2/3 of the New Testament. Wow! That was the real God’s kind of LOVE!

Many will quickly argue and say, “what about when this evil that happened to me, or my wife, or my husband, or my child, or whoever”. Why did they die, why did they get sick, hurt, and need to suffer? But did God really do evil to any of these people? Never forget there is an evil being that is a master at getting people to blame God for what he is doing to them.

Yet, this belief that God does not commit evil, raises a new question. If God did not commit the evils, He certainly permitted it all to happen as we just saw looking at Saul of Tarsus. However, don’t forget that there are too many other reasons why God “must” allow evil to happen based upon what He has said.

The number one reason for evil on the earth came when God sovereignly gave Adam the right to make his own sovereign choice to choose between life and death (Gen 2:17). Adam did this by choosing to know evil instead of rejecting it (Gen 3). It was this single rebellious action of Adam that caused evil (Satan) to enter the world (2 Cor 4:4) and gave him the sovereign right to rule our world. This single act by Adam (Rom 5:12), set everything else negative in motion in our world.

This evil continued to grow until God sovereignly chose to begin to intervene personally to judge sin (Gen 6:7). These works of God began the process of salvation. They continued until they were fully made available at the entrance of God in the flesh in the form of a man named Jesus (Mat 1:21), who came into the world to redeem man and to reverse his curse of death and hell, and to take back their keys (Rev 1:18).

Here is a major clue to knowing God in the truest way. Did you ever see Jesus kill anyone? Did you ever see Jesus make anyone sick or give them cancer? Did you ever see Jesus kill someone’s husband or wife or child? The answer to all these questions is “no”! In fact, we see Jesus doing the opposite of all these evils, healing them, and raising them from the dead. Therefore, God the Father and the Holy Spirit, have never done this either. None of these describe a loving God that is patient and kind. This literally, means God is not pre-selecting some to go to hell either, because this violates the definition of “LOVE”. Get it?

Common Sovereignty Beliefs – Review

We are moving towards balancing two subjects: love and sovereignty. Evey unbalanced Bible study and teaching on these subjects create highly controversial beliefs and they have initiated great theological wars. Brothers and sisters in Christ that should be walking in love towards each other have suddenly become hated enemies.

Each side of the debate claim victory because each believes they have the complete understanding of the subject and all others in disagreement are deceived. That is not a Christ centered resolution based upon His “LOVE” and it is not a right way to deal with any subject disagreements. Hopefully we will find a better way to study the Bible today based upon God’s kind of “Love” (Agape) in this lesson. Let us review a few of the common beliefs on God’s sovereignty next.

There are many that believe God is in ultimate extreme control of every minor detail in the universe and nothing happens without His sovereign involvement and approval. This is an extreme form of the doctrine of “determinism”. This simply states, God determines the outcome of everything, and this is also associated with the doctrine of extreme “pre-determinism” meaning nothing has ever happened without God pre-determining the outcome of every circumstance and situation. This belief clearly implies God has determined all good events as well as planned and implemented every evil event.

It further pushes the belief that there are no other factors of influence that can affect any result or ending, much less begin anything new or even help anything to develop good or evil. In other words, God is like the ultimate puppet master and only He pulls all the strings to cause anything to happen. In other words, you had no say in what time you woke up this morning, or even what you ate today. This means humans have no freewill. However, is this really what the Bible says?

There is also another position of belief for some. This belief is called “pantheism”. “Pantheism” is a belief that the created universe “is God”. Therefore, if everything created is “God”, then whatever is happening in the “God” universe whether good or evil, is also the will of God and the plan of God.

All these positions are extremes that must ignore significant scriptures in the Bible that teach us these beliefs cannot be remotely or entirely true. Therefore, what we must stop, and state plainly is that each belief type of determinism, pre-determinism and pantheism has some individual elements of truth. But none have the complete truth. To make a single or isolated truth, the only truth, is simply the exaltation of a human standing upon “isolationism” based upon the individual choice of extremism, that must ignore all contradictory truths or the attempt to balance them together to resolve conflicts. “Determinism”, “pre-determinism” and “Pantheism” are just a sampling of a “one sided” theological debate containing a position of extremism and error.

However, the other side of human belief is the extreme position that either there is no God, or God is not controlling anything just as if He does not exist. This could be called the beliefs of “non-existence” that preaches the religion of “humanism” and “evolutional creation” of life originating from non-living substances over massive time elements. We commonly call these types of beliefs “atheism” or “agnosticism”.

Then there is the belief that God is like a clock maker that created the universe as a self-winding mechanism, and He has no need to operate it but may just check on it occasionally. These types of believers represent humans that think of a God that exists, but he is not caring enough to be involved in His creation. This is a belief of “non-intervention” in all the affairs of angelic and human beings. These thoughts are called “deism”, a belief in a god but not one that is Love.  It has roots in paganism, idolatry and has transitioned through variations of many gods of Greek mythology, many Roman mythological gods, and Hinduism a belief in millions of gods, etc.

This is where we must agree, only God knows all the scriptures on every subject, what they all mean, and how they are balanced correctly. Therefore, “Agapegeek” would never claim to be the expert on any Bible subject compared to God’s infinite knowledge. Every human is learning and teaching based upon our individual ignorance. This is why we should extend to each other some mercy. You may have seen verses that others have not seen and vice versa.  But “Thank God” for Him living on the inside of us to help us all understand and agree, and He will guide us into all truth as Jesus promised that He would do in John 16:13.

Today we will be exploring God’s Wisdom and human foolishness but within the context of some verses that are not normally applied to the subject of God’s “sovereignty”. We would all be amazed if we search the Bible on this subject to discover that we will find the sovereignty of God being indirectly stated almost everywhere in scripture. This is why we are going to be studying chapter 15 of the book of Acts and a lot of readers will scratch their heads at first trying to figure out why we are here to learn about a “sovereign” God and how He works with humans in salvation.

Acts 15 – The Early Church
Salvation Conflict and Resolution
By God’s Sovereign Design

We are learning a very essential Bible subject that creates great theological conflicts in the body of Christ. Some believe they were “elected” to be a saved Christian by God’s sovereign selection and they personally had nothing to do with their salvation, implying there is nothing they can ever do to lose their salvation. This is a more common belief than you may think. Too many that have this belief are easily offended if there is ever someone that offers a differing thought found in the Bible. 

But guess what? This pattern of disunity happened in the early church, when there were some saved legalistic believers that said every one of the Gentiles needed to get circumcised to be saved. These legalistic Pharisee type of believers had Old Covenant scriptures written by Moses that appeared to support their belief and teachings very strongly. Remember at this time of conflict there was no major compilation of New Testament writings to review or resolve theological debates.

But it is obvious that these men believed they were saved because they were circumcised believers and this position plainly disagrees with the “once saved always saved” beliefs, as well as the sovereignly selected belief. They clearly placed human decisions and fulfillments of Old Testament “law” as their position of stance for being saved. That is very interesting!

However, there was also another group of bold men in the church that included the Apostle Peter, and the Apostle Paul both who were circumcised along with others that stood against the position for the need of circumcision to be saved. We are going to read through some of these verses about this controversy to see how it was resolved.

We will also notice in these verses that there are scriptures that are indirectly describing God’s sovereign will and His works that are being exercised in combination with the cooperative and agreeable sovereign will of humans. Remember what Amos 3:3 says about this relationship saying, “How can two, walk together, except they be agreed”. These types of verses, confirm the sovereign partnership between God and humans.

Let us just read through these verses and learn what God says about His “sovereignty” working with humans not to control us, but rather to allow us to willingly choose to work with His sovereign plan as united partners. We will soon notice that God is not forcing anyone to do anything. He is simply in His infinite characteristic of love, has offered and provided solutions for every problem of human conflict before it ever occurred. These solutions are based upon His “omniscient” foreknowledge. We will be reading from the beginning of chapter 15 of Acts about the Jerusalem Council that took place to resolve a church conflict of how to be saved:

Act 15:1  And certain men which came down from Judaea taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved.

Notice the problem. The root of the problem occurs when saved individuals from Judaea were teaching the requirement for a “flesh” circumcision to be spiritually saved. This is based upon them following the customs found within the law of Moses, for every male to be circumcised as an 8-day old child.  For these men that argued this for others to be saved, had this done to them a long time before they were a believer in Jesus.

Remember babies that are incapable of making this choice are forced by these Customs of Moses to be circumcised 8 days after being born. Jesus was circumcised this way in Luke 2:21. As you can see the baby has no voice in participating. This is identical to the fact that the child had no say whether to be naturally born into the world or not. Is this the way the new birth occurs in the New Covenant? Hopefully, you will be able to see that the New Covenant circumcision that takes place for Christians is not a forced event as we continue (Rom 2:29).

Some believe salvation is based upon the extreme doctrine of election where only some are selected to be Christians and all others have been pre-chosen to go to hell without any personal involvement in hearing the Gospel, believing the Words of Salvation, or confessing Jesus as Lord. This is a belief based upon “determinism” as stated previously. This belief, as we have seen, violates too many other verses that we cannot ignore. For example, in Acts 2:21 God says, “Whoever calls on the name of the LORD will be saved”. This clearly places human salvation within the court of human responsibility. Also remember in a previous lesson, we learned of the Parable of the Wedding Feast for the King’s Son. There was clearly an invitation given to everyone to determine who wanted to come to the wedding or not.

Act 15:2  When therefore Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and disputation with them, they determined that Paul and Barnabas, and certain other of them, should go up to Jerusalem unto the apostles and elders about this question.

Act 15:3  And being brought on their way by the church, they passed through Phenice and Samaria, declaring the conversion of the Gentiles: and they caused great joy unto all the brethren.

As we can read Paul and Barnabas were not supporters of the legalistic doctrine of circumcision to be saved. So far this is a good argument for the belief in “election” only salvation, where humans are saved only if God chooses them. But notice verse 3 places a challenge to those that believe in a sovereign God choice of salvation only.

Why is verse 3 a problem for election theology? It is because Paul went to everyone and everywhere so that he could “preach” the Gospel to them all. This means everyone that heard him preach was given the personal invitation to come to the wedding of Jesus. And, if they believed and turned away from their previous idol worship to come into relationship with the God that created them, they would be saved by their own personal choice.

Furthermore, notice how verse 3 ends. There are a lot of people in the church that are overjoyed to hear about more Gentiles being saved. Uh oh? This means they were previously not saved but became saved by what God who loved them all, was doing through Paul to get them saved. It is totally amazing to see how God sovereignly uses people to get other people saved. This is a great clue that this type of work to preach was God’s sovereign choice for the method to how salvation comes to people. It conforms precisely with the parable analogy of “servants” of the sovereign King being sent out to “invite” people to his son’s wedding. There was never a sovereign King mandate or command that required anyone to attend. Each had to accept the invitation, but many refused and gave excuses.

Act 15:4  And when they were come to Jerusalem, they were received of the church, and of the apostles and elders, and they declared all things that God had done with them.

Notice in verse 4 we must all acknowledge that it was God that was working through Paul and Barnabas to cause these salvations. Yet we still cannot deny they person that heard their Gospel message was still required to belief it to be saved. The same is true for Saul who became Paul. He always had the right to refuse to obey what Jesus told him to do, this too would have been a foolish decision.

Act 15:5  But there rose up certain of the sect of the Pharisees which believed, saying, That it was needful to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses

Act 15:6  And the apostles and elders came together for to consider of this matter.

Acts 15:5-6 is a review of the problem. Again, there were certain men of the sect of Pharisees which were saved that began to teach Gentiles they must keep the law of Moses to be saved. But we now know from reading the books of Romans and Galatians, that no man can be justified by keeping the law. These books were not written at this time of meeting to deal with this matter. The church leadership during this dispute was actually a very good example of how churches today should be acting. The number one perspective to learn from in dealing with doctrinal issues, is to notice these men were attempting to be led by the Holy Spirit and were acting out of love to discuss matters in a civil and orderly manner. However, there were deep discussions with contentious times as we can read in the next verse:

Act 15:7  And when there had been much disputing, Peter rose up, and said unto them, Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe

This is where we see the will of God and His sovereign plan already in progress. Please read this verse over again slowly and pay attention to every word. First notice, a dispute is taking place. This is no different than today between those that see “election” to mean they were selected, and others were not. This is like those that were fighting for the Gentiles to be circumcised to be saved. These were opposed to those that were present to argue a different view of scriptures, like we are doing today.

 Then notice that after a time of argumentative discourse, Peter rose to speak and what He says is very significant and essential to understanding the truth solution to the dispute. Please do not forget that Peter walked with Jesus personally in the flesh for 3 ½ years. Then recall Peter was a circumcised Jewish male like the Pharisee sect. Therefore, Peter should have been on the side of circumcision like the others for it.

However, God knowing this dispute would arise in the church already spoke to Peter in a vision about clean (Jews in circumcision) and unclean (Gentiles in uncircumcision) beasts. God in this vision told Peter to kill and eat from all the animals explaining to Peter, “do not call unclean any man” (Acts 10:28). What we are seeing is Peter dealing with Old Covenant issues of the law. It was unlawful for him to go into a gentile’s house, yet God has sent him to Cornelius to get his family saved within the New Covenant and this is very significant. It confirms that keeping the law was not necessary for salvation to occur.

Peter continues to preach the Gospel to Cornelius and the Holy Ghost falls upon his house and they all received God’s Spirit the same as occurred on Pentecost to Jewish people. This utterly shocks Peter because God had sent him intentionally to an uncircumcised man’s house using supernatural events including the voice of the Holy Spirit, visions and even angels. In this light there could be no doubt what the God in heaven was teaching Peter and the church. God is very clearly saying what Paul wrote about in Galatians 5:6:

Gal 5:6  For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love.

We should be able to see that it was neither keeping the law that saved anyone, nor by not keeping the law that prevented anyone from being saved. This simply meant that people are saved by “faith” alone in Jesus Christ alone. This was exactly the message being taught by God in the church to help them resolve this controversial subject and difference of opinions to what and how people are saved.

All of this applies to our lesson of the sovereignty of God. Because it is God that sovereignly chose the method of salvation through faith so that no human could glory in their flesh to how they were saved. Therefore, to even say “I was saved because God sovereignly chose me”, causes someone to look prideful that our creator God loved them more than someone else that was not chosen, and this would violate God’s law of not showing partiality to anyone. Let us continue to look at what else Peter said, and God inspired to be written:

Act 15:8  And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us

Act 15:9  And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith

Here is another quality of God being described. God is being stated to be “omniscient” meaning He knows everything that can be known. Therefore, He clearly knows the heart of every human down to each thought they think about Him and His freely offered His saving gift of the preached Gospel (Rom 1:16) which brings salvation when it is specifically chosen to be believed by humans. This clearly demonstrates it is the sovereign choice of each human to believe or not to believe to be saved.

It is this quality of “omniscience” that can be synonymously called God’s “foreknowledge” since God exists outside of the limitation of time. It is this quality of being “all knowing” that could easily be misapplied to give the appearance that God has chosen some and rejected others to be saved. After all God did nothing to stop someone from rejecting Him, right? However never forget what God did in Christ to save all of us (Jn 3:16)! God sovereignly worked and planned to save every human, by becoming one of us to personally be nailed on a cross and shed the blood that was necessary to relieve us from our sins.

Therefore, we must see that humans have been sovereignly given the “freewill” right to make their own independent daily choices. These choices must be made in their hearts and minds to walk and live by faith as believing in Jesus or reject the Incarnate Word of God and be damned. Now let us view the next verses which represent another human comparison between two sovereign choices on the way they choose to think, live, and act.

Act 15:10  Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear

Act 15:11  But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they

Act 15:12  Then all the multitude kept silence, and gave audience to Barnabas and Paul, declaring what miracles and wonders God had wrought among the Gentiles by them. 

Act 15:13  And after they had held their peace, James answered, saying, Men and brethren, hearken unto me: 

Act 15:14  Simeon hath declared how God at the first did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name

Act 15:15  And to this agree the words of the prophets; as it is written, 

Act 15:16  After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up: 

Act 15:17  That the residue of men might seek after the Lord, and all the Gentiles, upon whom my name is called, saith the Lord, who doeth all these things

Act 15:18  Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world

Act 15:19  Wherefore my sentence is, that we trouble not them, which from among the Gentiles are turned to God:

We are not going to go through every verse in this passage for the sake of time.

But remember God’s key subject in this chapter is about the internal church’s fight on doctrinal issues concerning how to be saved. Is human salvation:

  1. only God’s sovereign choice, or is it,
  2. man’s sovereign choice, or could it be,
  3. both choices working and cooperating in agreement together?

From studying the Bible attempting to balance all known verses on this subject equally, it appears searching with the help of the Holy Spirit leads us to the answer of option 3. Never forget the parable of the “Wedding Invitation for the King’s son” (Mat 22:2). All were invited to come but only those that chose to come and were prepared were “selected”. This is the same place Jesus said, “Many are called, but few chosen”. Therefore, the Gentiles choosing to “Turn” to God are exactly like those that came to the King’s feast.

In Acts 15, this is a dispute between two groups of saved Christians about their personal “salvation” as Jews being circumcised and those that were Gentiles not having been circumcised, and if either of these external choices mattered to their salvation. The basic battle came down was salvation by “faith only” or by “faith combined with external humans works to keep the law of Moses” to be saved. So, we are learning about conditional or unconditional “salvation”. Are there conditions placed by God upon humans to receive His invitation to salvation? And worse yet, some believe God has already determined who will be saved by only His sovereign choice, regardless of the human participation, cooperation, or agreement? In other words, some believe in a “forced salvation” for the lucky and for the unlucky others “forced damnation”. Clearly this should be a problematic belief based upon learning what the Bible really says.

The book of Acts chapter 15 answers the early church’s dispute about whether to circumcise or not to circumcise. And it is a key clue to resolving our modern fight on “election”.  We should see this same battle pattern is taking place between those that believe in “divine sovereign election” without any human participation of belief or faith, opposing another view that believes in a “salvation” offered by God’s sovereign Grace to everyone, but salvation is only completed through the “human freewill choosing to believe and have faith in Jesus” to become saved. Both the Acts 15 debate and the modern “election” debate are very similar subjects having practically identical answers. Let us look at some of the verses that we just saw.

We can see in verse 14 of Acts 15, that Simon Peter helped them in the church to resolve their salvation conflict by reminding the elders how the sovereign work of God had sent him to Cornelius’ house a Gentile. Don’t forget that Peter was sent there to preach the Gospel so that they could hear, believe, and be saved. Also remember that Peter broke the law of Moses by entering Cornelius’ house as God had instructed him to do. Wow, God tells Peter to break the Mosaic Law to save Cornelius? Is this the right God? Or is there some Christians that are just confused?

What if Cornelius had chosen to not believe the message of Peter? The answer is plain, he would not have been saved and the Holy Spirit would not have fallen upon this Gentile house. However, God supernaturally gave the Jewish man Peter a vision to help him offer the invitation to Gentiles. But before this God had previously sent an angel to Cornelius, instructing him to send for Peter. This certainly was God extending great Grace and mercy to get the process initiated for Gentiles to take the invitation.

After God did all of this by His design, God had already simultaneously answered the questions that Gentiles were not required to get circumcised to be saved, neither was keeping all the law of Moses necessary for saved Jewish men to preach the Gospel invitation. Both acts only required obedience in “faith”.

It is highly recommended that you read the books of Romans and Galatians to see how Paul compares the Old and New Covenants. He goes into detail about Christians that are required to walk and live by Faith. He counters this New Covenant lifestyle, comparing them with people that are still trying to live by the Law. He at one point calls these people to be foolish.


1Co 13:13  And now belief, expectation, and love remain – these three. But the greatest of these is love. 

We will end this lesson with the conclusion that LOVE plays a huge role in the salvation of everyone. God is LOVE and God is sovereign, and both must be balanced together. It is very clearly stated in John 3:16, that because God loved everyone in the world, He sent Jesus Christ to die so that if anyone believed, they would not perish. It is very obvious that the most popular verse known from the Bible reveals God’s Love and human choices to accept His invitation. I don’t know about you personally, but I am now and will always be eternally grateful to God for saving me. Thank you, Jesus!

Hope and pray that every reader has already made that personal choice to believe in Jesus and ask Him to be your LORD! But if not, please click the link below to go to a page that will help you choose to believe. God bless you all during this time of our celebration of the birth of Christ into the world. If it was not for what God’s Love sovereignly chose to do, we would all be going to hell.

Are You Saved? Do you Know Jesus? Life is Short! Jesus wants to Know You! Please come and get to Know Him!

Jesus in the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet Part 7 – Vav – Jesus the Nail for Heaven to Earth Connection

(Ver 1.1) This is “Part 7” in the surprising and amazing Bible study series focused upon searching, finding, and learning how God became a man and how He was hidden in every letter of the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet. This series has been going through each letter of the alphabet (but not in alphabetical order) and today we are focused on the 6th letter called “Vav”. This ancient Hebrew pictogram is the image of a nail or a peg. Therefore, this letter represents the act of “connecting” two separated entities.

There are debates about the pronunciation of this letter, and some call it the “Waw”. But we have chosen the “Vav” sound as our preference. If you like another sound, that is fine, please just don’t fight us and cause divisions in the body. Simply change the Vav to the Waw as your chosen way of viewing the letter and learn what this letter means from the ancient Hebrew pictographic point of view.

If your interest today is just learning about the Hebrew letter “Vav”, this lesson is standalone. But if you are new to this subject of the ancient Hebrew Alphabet, it is good to learn the basic concepts of why the Ancient Hebrew alphabet is so important to know and how each letter was revealed by Jesus personally to represent Himself as a prophetical window into who He was, and what He came to do on the earth. Therefore, if you have not read the “Introduction”, it is recommended that you go back and begin there first.

Every time I go into studying a new letter of the ancient Hebrew alphabet, I become more amazed at God’s ability to teach us using a single picture. With each letter, I conclude that this must be the most amazing letter ever of all 22. Today is no exception, because I was totally amazed with what God has revealed to us in the many hours that I have spent in studying the letter “Vav”. I pray that every one of you will feel the same after you read this lesson. Here is a list of the sections that will be covered in today’s lesson on the Ancient Hebrew Letter Vav:

  1. Introduction to the Vav
  2. Genesis 1:1 – Beginning “Vav” Prophecy of the Coming End
  3. Jesus is God’s Sure Nail
  4. How God Placed Us in Christ to Vav Re-Connect Us with God
  5. Conclusion

If you are ready, let us get started learning God’s Word and alphabet.


As you can see from the picture of the ancient Hebrew letter “Vav” the orignal ancient image looks like a nail, or a tent peg, and thus the rudimentary meaning of the letter is something or someone that connects two things together of either like or differing composition or nature. We will discover more meanings and applications of this letter as we continue to learn.

The letter “Vav” is the sixth letter in alphabetic order. The number six concerns the linear sequence as well as the gematria value. The number six is significant in Biblical numbers, because it represents “man” and especially the first man “Adam” when created in a sinless mature state of innocence before the fall. As you should know Adam was created as God’s last works of creation at the end of day 6. Therefore, the number 6 will become a very significant part of this lesson, especially because of the essential fact that God became a man to die on a cross to save us from hell (Rev 20:13-14).

The letter Vav is also used as a prefix which is added to another Hebrew word. This addition to the beginning of a Hebrew word, inserts the word “And” to the sentence. This is grammatically added to connect the previous thought, words, ideas, phrases, etc. to what is about to be said. This confirms the basic meaning of the letter “Vav” is that of “connecting” or “adding” two concepts or even entities together. This is the same idea of joining two objects of wood together by connecting them with a “nail”.

The Hebrew matching word for the letter “Vav” is H2053. This word is the two-letter sound of the single “Vav” letter, just spelled out in word form as “Vav” + “Vav”. This is the doubling of the single letter “Vav”, and this will become even more meaningful soon. However, this word only occurs 13 times in the entire Hebrew text, and it can only be found in the book of Exodus.

The Hebrew word “Vav” (H2053) has a root definition of a “peg” as in a “tent peg”. This is exactly what the picture of the letter represents. A tent peg is designed to bring stability to the tent dwelling (house and family inside). This tent peg connects the dwelling to the ground with a rope and this will keep the tent secure during a storm of strong winds. It is interesting that this is exactly what is needed for the “House and Family of God” to be firmly grounded. We are going to discover that Jesus is this ultimate grounding tent peg.

Therefore, this word “Vav” contains the idea of joining or attaching two or more things together like the tent to the ground. But how does this work? If you have ever been camping in a tent you know you better bring tent pegs and rope because you do not want your tent to blow away. The tent is made secure by hammering a peg into the ground (earth) and then attaching a loop or rope to the tent peg that is “also” tied to the tent. This causes the structure to become secure from being easily moved.

We can find in the New Testament where it says God created a new family in Jesus (Heb 3:6). Isaiah 28:16 prophesies this house that is being built by naming Jesus Christ as the coming “corner stone” of the foundation. 1 Peter 2:4-5 describes Jesus to be a “Living Stone” that was rejected of men but chosen of God. Peter further describes the church body as being connected stones to Jesus in His “household of faith” (Gal 6:10). These are all “Vav” concepts of connection being described using synonymous terms with no direct reference to a “peg”.

This Hebrew word H2053 can also mean a “nail”, or a “hook” as in an object that is used as a “connector” to “hang” or “attach” two separated objects together. This is an amazing concept if we will begin to see and learn how this applies to Jesus. The works of Jesus are described with great precision as in the concept of Him being a living “nail” that is used to rejoin sinful humans to the Holy God, and vice versa. We can read about this work of God in Jesus in Colossians 1:20 and other verses.

Let us examine the O.T. word H2053 usage briefly. In the Hebrew text of Exodus in the KJV Bible this word “Vav” is consistently translated as “hook” 13 times. When first used in the book of Exodus in chapter 26 verses 31 and 32, this word is utilized in the construction of the tabernacle by God’s instructions for the hanging of the separating veil covering to enter the most holy temple location. God’s usages of the “hooks” (Vav) was specifically for the hanging of the separating “veil” (H6532) placed upon wooden posts. This usage is certainly a hidden image and description of Jesus hanging on a cross (Tav).

For example, the O.T. veils are a typology pattern of Jesus’ human flesh. We learn this concept in Hebrews 10:20 where God writes the veil represents the “flesh” of Jesus Christ. It should be obvious that the wooden posts of the temple are a typological pattern of the “Tav” cross, and the nails (Vav) placed in the wooden posts (Tav) are what hung Jesus body (veil) up on the cross (Tav). There are other things that we could go into here, but this is just an introduction.

Today we are going to discover some of the amazing facts surrounding the letter “Vav”. Here is one of the first amazing facts that we will see about the letter “Vav”. The letter “Vav” is the 2nd most used letter written by God in the Torah. The 1st most popular occurring letter is the “Yod”. The 3rd most popular letter found in the Torah is the “Hey”. And if you have read the other lessons, you already know these are letters used to spell the name of the LORD. LORD in Hebrew is spelled “Yod” + “Hey” + “Vav” + “Hey”. Therefore, our God has chosen the three most significantly used alphabet letters for His personal covenant name. Each of these letters are important, including this letter pictured as a “nail”, which is the “third” position of His name.

The first letter of the name of God was the “Yod”, the picture of an outstretched hand. This is very symbolic of God’s love reaching out for His lost creation. The 2nd and the 4th letters are the same letter “Hey” meaning “Behold” and “Look”. This double reference to the picture of a man looking at something amazing, places a strong emphasis upon this person that is unnamed, implying created humans should search to find Him. The third letter is our “Vav” nail and all these together give us a prophetical message of God appearing before man to be seen in the flesh of Jesus.

Therefore, we have found a prophecy of Jesus being hung (nailed) on a cross encoded within the primary name of God. These letters are speaking to us “Behold the hand, Behold the nail”.  This covenant name of God is clearly teaching us that God will become a man with human hands and His hands will be pierced with “Vav” nails when He will die for us on a “Tav” cross.

This brings us again to the fact that the Vav letter sequence and gematria value are both “6”. Remember this number 6 represents an upright “man”. This fact is well known because man was created at the end of day “6” of creation in Genesis 1. Since God chooses to select a “Vav” as the third letter of His name, He has foretold to us how His power will allow Him to become a flesh and blood man that will be “Vav” nailed through His “Yod” hands and humans will be able to behold “Hey” when it happens in amazement. This fact is proved correct in John 19:37 where we can see this was fulfilled the first time while hanging on a cross in Jerusalem. This will become of greater significance as we continue to study this letter and its position in the alphabet.

Now to conclude this introduction to the 6th letter of the alphabet the “Vav”, we will also need to know a little bit about the 7th letter of the alphabet called the “Zayin”. These two letters are intimately connected. You see the 6th letter “Vav” is a metal object as in the image of a nail that designed for connecting, but the 7th letter “Zayin” is also made of metal in the shape of a farming tool used for harvesting crops like wheat.

When harvesting crops, the wheat must be cut with a sharp metal tool (Zayin). Therefore, the letter “Vav” is a joining together of two things and the letter “Zayin” is the separating or cutting division of a single thing into two parts. These are antithesis letter concepts of opposition, but God chose to place them directly next to each other in the Alphabet as letters 6 and 7. Therefore, they are connected by God’s design. We will soon discover more about this connection later in the lesson. Now let us move into some Bible details that will begin to unfold all these topics.

2. Genesis 1:1 Vav Beginning Prophecy of the Coming End

There are several amazing hidden prophetical facts found in the words of Genesis 1:1; “In the Beginning”. These prophecies when they are known, reveal God’s personal coming to the earth as a man sent to die by being nailed on a cross. These “End” prophecies occur at the very “Beginning” of the Bible, and they involve our Hebrew letter “Vav”. Here is our key verse for this section to help you understand why we are searching Genesis, and it also reveals what we are looking for:

Isa 46:10  Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:

As we can see, Isaiah reveals that God has declared the “End” from the “Beginning”. If you recall the beginning letter of the Hebrew alphabet is the “Alef” and the ending letter is the ‘Tav”. The “Alef” is a strong ox picture representing God as a Strong Servant (Jesus). The “Tav” is the picture of a cross the instrument of crucifixion for Jesus to die. Therefore, we are searching for the declaration of an “End” by returning to the very “First” (Beginning) verse of the Bible. According to the Word of God, in Isaiah we are supposed to be able to find something significant that will bring forth an “End”.

But let us place this search for the “End” within the context of our study subject of the Hebrew alphabet. We are going to approach this search with this strategy because it is not yet fully known what “End” will occur, and who it will affect. But also, it is true that we can read the translated plain text verse and find nothing about any kind of “End”. Therefore, this message of an “End” must be found in the alphabet letters that created the words that were written and translated into English. This seems very logical and obvious, doesn’t it?

The very first letter in the Hebrew alphabet is the “Alef” and the very last letter we should know is the “Tav”. The first letter Alef represents the number 1, and the last letter Tav represents numerically the number 22 the total numbers of letters in the alphabet. Also do not forget our current study is the letter “Vav” and this is the number 6. All these facts are given to help set the foundation of our Genesis Hebrew Alphabet search.

Therefore, let us look at the seven words found in the first verse, in the first chapter, in the first book that is in question. It is first interesting to determine if these verses are related to confirm we are at the correct location. We do this by looking for the Hebrew word H7225 translated as “beginning”. It is very simple to see with a search that this word beginning is found in both Isaiah 46:10 and Genesis 1:1 confirming the same word subject is being discussed by God in both verses.

— Hidden Vav Message Foundation —

For this study we will need to examine the Words of Genesis 1:1 in both the English KJV as well as the modern Hebrew:

Gen 1:1  In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Gen 1:1  בראשׁית ברא אלהים את השׁמים ואת הארץ׃ 

If you are new to the Hebrew language, this verse is written from right to left in a modern font type style and not the ancient Hebrew pictographic font. This may mean that if you desire, you may want to learn the connections from the ancient Hebrew to the modern transition Hebrew font. If you do not care to learn this, that is OK, because the information being covered here is not about the modern font type letter styles or shapes.

Let us notice a few key facts about Genesis 1. This verse in Hebrew consists of 28 alphabet letters in total. It has 7 different words with the Hebrew word H853 (Alef+Tav) occurring twice in two different spellings. If we read the verse as it is literally written it would say and it has both the English words that were translated from the Hebrew words given with Strong numbers. You will also notice that there are three prefix letters given, the first is the Beyt, the second is the Hey that occurs twice, and the final prefix is the Vav. Prefixes may be a totally new subject for you, but it is important for this study.

“In beginning (Beyt+H7225) created (H1254) (AT=H853) God (H430) the heaven (Hey+H8064) and (Vav+H853) the earth (Hey+H776)”.

We are about to get very deep into the Hebrew language today, but don’t be discouraged if it is a challenge at first. There are only 22 letters to learn, but there are a lot of rules to how they can be placed together and what each letter means and what they sound like depending upon location within a word and other details that will not be covered today. However, please make the effort to learn the basic concepts, because they will help you more than you know, since they have for me.

I have learned a lot by just digging much deeper in the Bible. I have found the greatest hidden truths are found in the smallest unknown details. For example, adding the 2nd letter “Beyt” to the beginning of the Hebrew word translated “beginning” (H7225) adds the word “In” to the translation. The word “the” that was placed by the translators in between these two words (In the beginning) in the KJV should not be there and it should literally only say, “In beginning”.

There are four Hebrew words found in Genesis 1:1 that use three unique prefix letters. We already saw the “Beyt” meaning the word “In” (used once). Then there is the letter “Hey” meaning the word “the” (used twice). Finally, we have our study letter “Vav” meaning the word “And” (used only once). This gives us our very literal verse in English as the translation “In beginning created (A-Z) God the heaven and (A-Z) the earth. I hope you are paying attention because this information reveals, or you could conservatively say it implies a lot of new material that we are about to uncover with our study. But first let us look at the placement of the verb in the sentence.

In the English KJV translation the verb “created”, and the noun “God” have been reversed from the way it was written in the Hebrew. Notice the English translation says, “In beginning God created” and the Hebrew says, “In beginning created God”. This was a normal translation change that was done to produce a more readable English-speaking sentence.

It is very interesting that by reversing the verb and the noun order, it sounds more like how the fictional movie character “Yoda” spoke to Luke in Star Wars. For example, English would normally say “It will consume you”, but Yoda would have said, “Consume you it will”. Or Yoda would have said, “Found someone you have” and this would be plainer in normal English as “You have found someone”. This is the writing style found in many Hebrew sentences. It is interesting that this gives the Bible the appearance of sounding like a riddle, or a puzzle book and literally it is one (Prov 25:2, Eze 17:2).

We are about to discover that there are several amazing, coded messages hidden within Genesis 1:1. Several of these will be revealed today in this section of our study subject “Vav”. But not all the coded messages are even known by any of us, except God the creator. We will only focus upon 7 amazing facts today, in the honor of the 7 days of creation in Genesis 1 and the 7 words listed in Genesis 1:1.

Our subject “Vav” letter occurs for the very first time in this verse of the Bible. By the Law of first mention, this occurrence establishes the foundational meaning for the entire rest of the Bible on the letter “Vav”.

— Amazing Fact 1 —
The First “Vav” in the Hebrew Text

If you can read the Hebrew text, you will find the first occurrence of “Vav” is located at exactly the 22nd letter position (address) in the text of Genesis 1:1, removing spaces. We are about to discover a major hidden prophecy found at this 22nd letter address. Also please notice that we cannot find any coded message in the English translation, and this causes us to understand that only the God inspired original Hebrew language is able to support hidden prophecies. Let us get started at analyzing these letters and words of Genesis 1:1.

This “First” “Vav” (6th letter) is found in the Bible at the 22nd letter position and this is the “Beginning” of the 6th Word in the verse, chapter, and book. How can the “First” occurrence of the 6th letter, a “Vav” begin the 6th Word?  Was this by design?

What we have just discovered is the occurrence of two connected (Vav) numbers of 6 (Vav). Usually when God doubles any reference in the Bible, this gives the reference added emphasis and causes the reference to the letter or word to become significantly “greater”, or it simply places the God emphasis of truth upon what is being stated at this location.

There are many times in the Hebrew text that a Hebrew word is doubled. This means God states the Word and then immediately repeats the Word. If you search the English translation for when this occurs it is difficult to find. This is because many times the translators made the text to say “Surely” you will _____. Or it could be translated as something else like this. By adding the word “Surely” the translators have communicated this is what will happen “without a doubt”.

Gen 2:17  But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

For example, notice in Genesis 2:17 the Hebrew word for death “H4191” occurs twice when God speaks the consequences of eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This was translated as “Surely Die”, but it could have been stated as “in dying you will die” or even “you will die once and then again”. This doubling of “die” implies that there are two different deaths that will be the consequence for this sin. This is God’s recorded way of saying this is “very important” to listen to me, because I know what I’m talking about. This is a warning, and it will certainly happen to you without a doubt if you disobey. Therefore, pay attention.

This double six reference connected with the first “Vav” strongly suggests that we are about to learn something worth paying attention to and that it will occur, guaranteed. For example, we should remember that 6 represents the number of a man, but because God doubled it, this man is no ordinary man. In other words, He is guaranteed to come and there is nothing you can do to stop this from happening. We are about to find that this “Sure” man is Jesus Christ (Yehoshua the Messiah).

This double six emphasis is only the first amazing fact whether you understand it fully now or not. But this single fact alone is not that amazing and almost any human author could do that, right? But we are about to find too many other combined facts of amazing circumstances that removes the human influence to cause us to only see all these facts added together can only come from God’s extreme intelligence and intelligent design and these will mathematically become impossible to occur without His participation and therefore, they cannot be a coincidence.

Let us consider a new additional fact of truth about a double reference. Take the 6th letter in English as “F”. If I wanted to create a sentence and make the 6th word begin with “F” that would be very simple, especially if we didn’t care what the sentence said.

We could write, “Let us go to south France”. Look, we just did it! We created a simple sentence with the 6th English word that begins with the 6th alphabet letter “F”, and the sentence sounds very readable. Notice that was not very difficult for anyone to do because there are nearly 30,000 words in the English language that begin with “F”. But will they each be readable? Or will the sentence be applicable and understandable? Does the double 6 have any special hidden meaning in our English example? And the truthful answer to all these questions is, No?

How many words beginning with “Vav” exist in the Strong concordance? There are only around 3 words. This significantly reduces the scope of sentences that can be constructed using the Hebrew alphabet without prefixes added. However, like Genesis 1:1 God just added the letter “Vav” to the front of another word and this added the word “and”, and this causes the addition of the 6th letter “Vav” at the beginning of the 6th Word to be simple. This is how a lot of people will explain away the first (1) fun fact of our discoveries. But we are not finished yet.

For example, in Genesis 1:1, notice how many “Alef” letters occur? There are exactly 6 and six is still the letter “Vav” sequence value meaning a man and a nail. What does the “Alef” represent in the ancient Hebrew alphabet pictographic form? It represents the strong “ox”, and this letter begins a key name of God “El” as the strong God of authority and power. Therefore, we have another key reference that our God will become a “man” by writing exactly 6 Alef’s in the first sentence.

That is interesting again, and this too could be easily accomplished by a clever author of English sentences. But notice would the created English sentence of six required occurrences of a chosen letter like “A”, being combined with the sixth letter beginning the 6th word, still answer the questions above? The answer is still no, and it is becoming even more difficult to occur even by intentional desired design with each additional fact that we find in this verse.

So far, we have found two clues concerning the number 6 with the first being a double reference of sixes joined with the sixth word that was written intentionally to begin with the 6th Hebrew alphabet letter. And the second being the inclusion of 6 Alef’s representing God becoming a man (#6). Both references certainly are pointing us to Jesus Christ who is a very Great Sure Man. Let us continue to search for additional fun and amazing facts in the first verse of the Bible.

— Amazing Fact 2 —
A Vav Man Who is Also the Alef and Tav

If you do not realize the extreme intelligence of God and His ability to weave several combined encoded messages and layers into the first 7 words, you are not very familiar with who God is, and what He is capable of doing. But add this to the fact that the first book of the Bible is a book that is called the book of “Beginnings” (Genesis) that adds new constraints and confirms the prophecy of Isaiah is being searched for in the correct location.

But also realize we are searching for this information in the first sentence, using God’s sovereignly chosen words that He also used to write a very profound and truthful top layer plain text statement (“in beginning God created the heaven and the earth”). Therefore, we are discovering several new facts within facts that add more conformations.

We will continue to learn by noticing again that this first occurrence of the 6th letter “Vav” that begins the 6th word, has been translated as “and” in the English translation. Remember “Vav” represents a connecting force between two objects, positions, places, people, etc. Therefore, we must ask and answer the question, what is God connecting with this first letter occurrence of the “Vav” meaning “and”, that also involves an emphasized Strong and Sure Alef God “man”?

We will continue our discovery by noticing that the 6th word of Genesis consists of three letters, beginning with the 6th letter of the alphabet a Vav, and these 3 individual unique letters create “one” Word. This sounds a lot like 1 John 5:7 that says, “There are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit and these three are one”. While this does not match the three letters, it establishes a principle and a pattern. We can clearly see that God has described Himself to be three unique named individuals and these three combined can be identified singularly as One.

It is also very interesting that this “Vav” in Genesis 1:1 is the “Only” Vav in the verse. This is another sentence construction requirement/restriction, and it also represents a new clue for us to potentially use to discover the identity of this man associated with the number 6 and the letter Vav.

Who is called an “only” in the Bible? One easy answer is Jesus who is called God’s “only begotten” Son. We can find this in John 3:16 a verse that can be quoted by many Christians. We know in this verse we have the reference of “God” (Alef) in both verses of Genesis 1:1 and John 3:16. We also have a reference to a “man” (6) who is an only occurrence.

This certainly appears to be a good first start to show us that Jesus written in John 3:16 as the “only naturally born son” of God qualifies to be our answer. But this single word connection of the “only” “Vav” gives us “only” the potential for a new connection for identifying Jesus to be the true man in Genesis 1:1. This is true despite Jesus being called someone who is “great” in multiple verses (Mat 4:16, Mat 24:30).

However, the English word “only” occurs over 250 times in the KJV translation of the Bible, and therefore this alone cannot confirm the identity of what we are searching for. Consequently, we must keep searching.

We all know that the number 6 represents “man”. And God connected this number to a picture of a “nail”. What are the other two letters? We will quickly notice that the Vav is only a prefix that is “added” (connected) to another very common word spelled “Alef” + “Tav” (AT) and this word is rarely translated into English anywhere in the Bible even when it occurs over 7000 times in over 5000 verses.

We have learned that this word H853 (Alef+Tav) represent two of the names that Jesus claimed to be in Revelation 1:8 when stating “I am the Alpha and the Omega” the first and last letters of the alphabet. Here is another connection to Isaiah 46:10 “I make known the end (Tav) from the beginning (Alef). But in the book of Revelation, we are seeing how God is showing us Jesus at the end of creation revealing His personal involvement and appearance in the beginning of creation and throughout the rest of the Bible.

This is our very interesting fact number two which claims the 6th word beginning with the 6th letter is connecting these three Hebrew alphabet letters (Vav+Alef+Tav) to describe One God called the “Word” (Jn 1:1, Rev 19:13).  By God combining each individual letter identity (nail, beginning, & end) into one Word, He has chosen to hide a message for us to find.

Remember Alef = God that begins the alphabet who also created the world (Eph 3:9), and this is being connected or joined to the “Tav” God/Man that will “End” the alphabet and His old/First creation (2 Cor 5:17, Rev 21:1). This has now brought forth a new beginning which was initiated by Him using the “Vav” nail as an upright man (6th letter Vav). This simply provides us insight that shows us the method of God (Alef) becoming a man (#6) that will be pierced by nails (Vav) and this will have to be done on a cross, since the third letter in this 6th word is the 22nd letter Tav, a picture of a cross.

Therefore, we have found an additional doubling of a word called the “Last”. The “Last” letter of our 6th Hebrew word is the “Last” Hebrew alphabet letter. This is just too amazing to consider how these three letters were selected by God to become the 6th Word at this single addressed location of the sentence.

Have you seen and accepted these as factual clues or are they just easily explained away as coincidence? Regardless, we have discovered how a nail represents an upright standing man that God places great emphasis upon, who has a unique name consisting of the beginning and ending of the alphabet, and this all is clearly pointing us to only one man named “Jesus”. But we are far from being finished from seeing the clues in this verse revealing Him. This is only the second (2) amazing, encoded fact that has been revealed so far.

— Amazing Fact 3 —
And the Two will Become One!

Next remember again that the letter Vav is a picture of a connecting “nail”, and it is used by God to represent the word, “and”. “And” is a designed connection (conjunction) between two words, sentences, phrases, etc. bringing the two thoughts into combined united focus together. This is the duplicate concept of a “nail” that joins two boards making them a stronger united single unit.

Therefore, our “Vav” in Genesis 1:1 is joining or reuniting two independent realities. As we know this letter “Vav” is only found once in Genesis 1:1. So we have a potentially new concept coming into the “light” that is addressed in Genesis 2:24 called “marriage” or “covenant”. In this verse God writes, “and they (two) shall be one flesh”. Wow!

Let us briefly establish what God has implemented in Genesis 2:24 using a “Vav” nail concept of connection of 2 into one, because this will become a critical part of the prophecy of the hidden great man in Genesis 1:1. In Genesis 2, God details the creation of a man named Adam, and how he places him in a sleep to open his side and remove a wife. This so far describes what happened to Jesus precisely while hanging “nailed” (Vav) to a cross (Tav).

Jesus literally died physically first and then He was pierced in His side with a Roman spear. It was this piercing that caused an outflow of blood and water (Jn 19:34). His natural body being dead, took on the appearance of sleep where He was then laid in a tomb for 3 days (Mat 12:30). Interesting how the 6th word in Genesis 1 begins with a Vav nail, Piercing the God/Man (Alef), ends with an ending letter Tav cross, and it is exactly 3 letters in length the time spent in a tomb. These parallels are very amazing to what we see happening to Jesus.

Back to Genesis 2, God then implements the heavenly concept of covenant upon the earth where the first man is joined with his wife, and they are both made from the one flesh of the first Adam. This also sounds like a parallel to what will be happening to Jesus and His spiritual bride the church. Look at this verse:

1Co 6:17  But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.

Here is the exact same “Vav” nail concept joining two objects together being applied to two separate spirits, 1) Holy Spirit, being joined to the 2) human spirit. And these two separated spirits become one new spirit and new creation (2 Cor 5:17). This is amazing and is helping us to understand the prophecy of Genesis 1:1 and the fulfillment of it in the New Covenant marriage of the Lord Jesus Christ to the church.

Now remember a female is the weaker vessel according to God’s Word (1 Pet 3:7). This only means she is normally physically not as strong as the husband. Remember this pattern because this is also true for the church and Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ calls himself the bridegroom in Mathew 9:15, and the church is called His chaste virgin to be joined with Him in 2 Corinthians 11:2 and this results in the creation of one “Spirit + spirit” in 1 Corinthians 6:17 that we saw earlier. We should also know that Jesus as the male in the covenant relationship is far stronger than all Christians.

This is a quick introduction to what Genesis 1:1 can represent by showing us how a “great man” could come to the earth to bring about a new covenant which will joins Himself to a new bride which is identified in the New Testament as the church. This is the third amazing clue to consider, but we are not finished with the information that God has included in this verse.

— Amazing Fact #4 —
Who is the Vav Joining Together?

We were introduced to the Vav general meaning of joining 2 separate individuals together as in a marriage/covenant union in the amazing fact #3. And these were pointing us to Jesus and the church. Now it is time to further confirm what we were confirm the letter “Vav” using the concept of the “Vav” as being the word “and”. What is directly said to be connecting in Genesis 1:1? This should help answer a lot of questions that are remaining in the minds of many. This new information should help us to confirm the identity of the 6th word Vav man. We are going to do this, by asking the question “what two words does the “Vav” located in Genesis 1:1 connect as one thought? It is found directly between two very significant Words.

These words are 1) “heaven” (H8064) and 2) “earth” (H776). These are two disjointed locations that are being connected. One is called heaven and is a spiritual location of God’s throne, and the other is primarily the surface of the created natural realm of human inhabitants called earth. These people are called “earth dwellers” nine times in Revelation. But there are also spirits that are abiding inside this dimension that rule the kingdom of darkness.

Therefore, God appears to be revealing another very clear hidden prophecy. Because of the placement of the “Vav” between these two separated realities. There appears that there is a need for reconciliation between God in heaven and humans on the earth. It appears that our God is using a “Vav” (nailed man) named Alef+Tav to be His connector to humans on the earth. Let us observe a New Testament parallel verse concerning what we are finding in Genesis:

2Co 5:18  And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;

It is very interesting to see what is happening to humans that choose to be joined in Jesus. Notice the subjects being named in this verse. First there is God in heaven that created all things. The next pronoun subject named is “us” representing all human earth dwellers. Finally, there is Jesus Christ. Uh oh? Could He be the connecting nail? Wasn’t He God that came down to earth and took on flesh to dwell among us (Jn 1:14), and be with us (Mat 1:23)? This appears to strongly match our 3 Word hidden prophecy found in Genesis 1:1. Do you see it?

We should begin to learn in this verse how God has “reconciled” humans back into favor with Himself by His work in Jesus Christ. This Greek word “reconciled” (G2644) indicates there is an exchange taking place. This is the “Vav” concept of God joining Himself to man so that we might be joined with His Spirit eternally. We find this concept being further described in 1 Peter:

1Pe 2:24  Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

This verse says more than we can teach today but notice again the similar subjects. The verse is about Jesus, who was God in the flesh, that came down from heaven to the earth to bare our human sins providing us an exchange to give us His righteousness. This truth says the righteous God came down to take (G399=bare) our sin penalty on His body while hanging on a cross made of wood from a tree. This strongly implies the heaven to earth connection with Jesus being the literal “Vav” connector that was said to be coming in Genesis 1:1.

Since “heaven” is mentioned first in Genesis 1:1, this strongly indicates heaven is the “source” of the man (Vav=6) that follows. But the next word beyond the “Vav” is “earth”, and this implies the destination location for this “connection” work of God.

Joh 6:38  For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.

Here is a verse confirmation for what we are observing in Genesis 1:1. We can very clearly read that Jesus is claiming to have come down from heaven to the earth. He also very plainly states that this was done to accomplish the works of God that sent Him. There are many other verses like this but that is enough to help us see what is being prophesied in Genesis 1:1 and fulfilled in John 6:38.

Only Jesus appears to qualify to be our coming prophecy man “Vav” who remember is also being revealed as the “end” of this present creation. We know Jesus comes from a pattern of the first man Adam (Rom 5:14) and that He is specifically called the “Last Adam”. “and” also the second “man” making Him to be identified as a type of “Vav” single man.

1Co 15:45  And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.

1Co 15:47  The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven.

Do you see how Jesus is being revealed to have come from heaven again? Doesn’t this order match the Genesis 1:1 order of first mention? We can see very clearly how Jesus was God (Jn 1:1-14) that was made flesh and dwelt among us as a man for 33 ½ years.

Therefore, all these patterns and hidden messages appear to only point us to one man. These facts so far, appear to suggest very strongly that Jesus Christ is our mystery “Vav” man connection that we have been searching for, that is described to be a “nail”. All this information represents “keys” that are helping us unlock God’s beginning prophecy of the “end”. And God is giving us all this key knowledge to cause us to understand the answer to this mystery.

— Review of Facts Revealed So Far —

Up until now we have seen several clues of facts being uncovered in letters, words, and phrases Genesis 1:1. These messages indicate there is someone that can be called the “only”. This is because there is “only” one Vav in the verse. This Vav represents a man because the number 6 value of the Vav is the number representation of man.

We have also found that this only Vav is joined with two other letters that represent the beginning and the ending alphabet letters. This indicates this man was present at the beginning of creation as well as he will be present at the coming ending of this creation. Since this “Alef-Tav” represents the beginning and ending we know that there is a corresponding connection to Jesus being this identity in Revelation 1:8

This information is strongly indicating that the God that created in the “beginning” is the one that will become a man (Vav=Nail) and He will be made the “connection” between “heaven” (the spiritual) and earth (the material). Wow, if you only knew what this meant. This location implies there is a problem that needs to be resolved by an implied separation between God and man.

The informed Bible student will already know that there are two problems that God is solving by becoming a man. The first solution that needed a resolution is the elimination of Lucifer and all evil spiritual beings from heaven. And the 2nd solution that was on God’s heart was the salvation of His very loved sinful humans that resulted with the fall of the first man Adam. This occurred only 2 chapters from Genesis 1:1 in Genesis 3. It was this act of the first man Adam that required another man called the Last Adam and His name is Jesus. He had to come down from heaven to the earth and die to shed His blood to redeem us. We will talk more about this as we continue, but this is a summary of our initial four (4) amazing fact so far that were coded in the first 7 words of Genesis 1:1.

— Amazing Fact #5 —
The Nail and the Cross Intersection Point

Ok, here is our next very amazing fact that we mentioned quickly earlier at the beginning of the section. Remember that there is only one letter “Vav” directly found in Genesis 1:1, and it occurs precisely on the 22nd letter position in the verse removing any spaces. It just so happens that this 6th letter “Vav” also begins the 6th word in the verse. Therefore, we have two sixes that are intersecting and being joined together at the single letter address location “22”. Here is list of what we have found once again:

  1. There is “only one directly written Vav” in Genesis 1:1, and it is the 6th letter of the alphabet.
  2. This 6th alphabet letter Vav also begins the 6th Hebrew Word found in Genesis 1:1.
  3. And both intersect at the exact 22nd letter address position of the sentence.

Do you see anything important in this information? If you do, is this a coincidence? Or do you believe like many that these are signs of God’s infinite intelligent design?

We know that one six represents man (either the first Adam before the fall, or man in general) and we found a double 6 appears to represent an emphasized “Sure and True Man”, who we have learned can point us to the “Last Adam” also known as the “second man”. Now we are talking about the “Last Adam”. Don’t forget that Isaiah said, “declaring” the “end” from the “beginning”, and anything that is called “last” is certainly the “end” of God creating any more “humans” named “Adam”.

These facts appear to cause us to make Jesus the great man that has been encoded as the “Vav” at the 22nd letter position in the verse. Why did God place this Vav nail exactly on position 22? Many people might think it just occurred by chance, but God does everything by intentional purposed intelligent design. There is NOT one letter in the Word of God that has not been pre-planned and well thought out on where exactly to place it.

In fact, God goes to such extreme detail of design, that it would probably be impossible to find every meaning of every single letter’s placement. Therefore, let us consider why He places the Vav nail on top of the 22nd position of the verse.

Perhaps you already can see where God is taking us? How many letters are there in the original Hebrew Alphabet? Yes, there are exactly 22. This too is not a coincidence. God purposefully connects the 6th letter and the beginning of the 6th word to the exact position of where the “Last” alphabet letter in Hebrew should occur. Wow! This appears to be another clue to the identity of the single “Vav” man confirming this man is the “Last” of something. Hopefully, you already know what the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet is. The 22nd letter of the Hebrew Alphabet is “Tav”.

What is the picture and meaning of the “Tav”, the last 22nd letter of the Hebrew Alphabet? Hopefully, you have learned this answer from other lessons like the introduction. But let us ask again, what is the picture of the “Tav”? Once you have seen it, it becomes unforgettable. The “Tav” is the formation of two crossed wooden sticks that produce the picture of the wooden “cross” that Messiah was slain upon. Wow!

Let’s place these new puzzle pieces together.

  1. 6+6 = “a Sure True Man” who is also called the “Nail” represented by the letter “Vav” and He is the connector joining heaven “and” earth
  2. He will be hung (nailed) on top of a wooden tree forming a cross and this is symbolized by placing a “Vav” (6) on top of the 22nd letter position in the verse the address of an implied cross.

These are truly amazing facts that could not have occurred by accident. All these clues together are organized in such a fashion that would have taken an ancient human writer a lifetime to create without supernatural help. But because the Bible is written by 40 authors over hundreds of years, how could all the facts that can be found exist without separate supernatural coordination?  This is just too amazing for all the rest of the Bible to also fit together to reveal this man Jesus Christ. But we are not finished yet with this verse, let us go to the next new revelation that we can find to help confirm what we are observing so far.

— Amazing Fact #6 —
The First and the Last
The End from the Beginning

We have already found a lot of very amazing information that was hidden in just 12 of the 28 letters found in the last 3 words of Genesis 1:1. Remember in the previous amazing fact we found an implied “Tav” because this was the position of the 22nd letter. Remember a “Tav” is the “Last” letter in the Hebrew alphabet, and it occurs as the 22nd letter. Therefore, the 22nd letter position of Genesis 1:1 would be the implied location if we just placed every alphabet letter in order from the beginning. Right?

Therefore, God has created at this implied 22nd letter “Tav” position a mystery, by sovereignly choosing to overlay this position with the Hebrew letter “Vav” (the #6 letter). This choice of the divine author has placed a man and a nail (Vav) on a cross (Tav). That was an amazing prophetical choice for God to hide this using only 2 letters. But the Bible says in the mouth of two or three witnesses let every word of Truth be established.

Therefore, go back to the “Beginning” of the Hebrew text and search for the “First” occurrence of a “literal” 22nd letter “Tav”. Guess what? The “First” time that the letter “Tav” occurs in the text it is found in the very “First” word of the Bible. It is also very significant that the “Last” letter (Tav) of the alphabet is also the “Last” letter of the “First” word.

Have we seen a pattern like this before? Uh oh? We have just found the “Last” letter in the “First” word is a “Tav”. This causes the “First” connection between the words “First” and “Last”. Hopefully you can begin to see where we are going in this amazing fact. Guess what else? This Hebrew word is translated as “In Beginning” also meaning “First”. The number of the occurrences of the words “First”, “Last”, “Beginning” and “End” may become overwhelming to some.

It is amazing how God places a picture of the “Last” letter “Tav” a “cross”, in the “first” Hebrew word that is translated “Beginning” (the chapter recording God’s “First” works). Doesn’t all this sound like the Isaiah 46:10 prophecy about God making known the “End” from the “Beginning”? Also isn’t this amazing that Jesus said He was all these in Revelation 1:8 and Revelation 1:11? Do you remember what He said,

  1. I am the Alpha (Alef) the “First” alphabet letter,
  2. and the Omega (Tav) the “Last” alphabet letter,
  3. the “Beginning”,
  4. and the “End”,
  5. the “First”,
  6. and the “Last”.

Did you just notice the number of claimed names Jesus identified Himself as? Yes, there are exactly 6 names, the same number representing the “Vav”. Is this an accident? We shouldn’t think it is.

These six claims represent the number of the letter “Vav”, and they parallel what God said to us in Isaiah 46:10 saying, “I make known the end from the beginning”. Since Jesus claims to be the end and the beginning and the first and the last, including the “Tav” ending alphabet letter, we will be finding Jesus over and over.

We have found the following facts and pay close attention to how many times there is a mention of “First”, “Beginning”, “Last”, or “End” occurs, which are the names that Jesus claimed to be:

  1. The Bible “Begins” with the “First” word phrase “In Beginning”, which we are now learning can be understood to say, “In Christ” because Jesus has claimed to be the “Beginning”.
  2. The “First” Word of the Bible is H7225 and it is translated as “Beginning” confirming Isaiah 46:10 has directed us to come and search here for the “End”.
  3. We have also confirmed that the Hebrew word H7225 which is translated as “Beginning” in Isaiah 46:10 is the same word “Beginning” found in Genesis 1:1.
  4. We searched for the “Last” letter Tav by “Beginning” our search from the “Beginning” of the Bible and we found its “First” occurrence in the “First” word, of the “First” verse, in the “First” chapter, in the “first” book called “Beginnings” (Genesis in Greek).
  5.  We have further discovered that the “Last” letter “Tav” (#22) was placed by God as the “Last” letter of the “First” Hebrew word which is translated as “BeginningH7225.

Do you believe God is trying to get a message across using all these repetitive occurrences of “First”, “Last”, “Beginning” and “End” that are occurring with the Last Letter of the Alphabet in the First beginning word of the Bible? Perhaps it will help us to see a verse in Revelation:

Rev 13:8  And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

This reference to the “Lamb” is a direct symbol for our Savior the slain Jesus (Jn 1:36) and is referring to His death on a “Tav” cross. The Greek word G2602 is the word translated as “foundation”. But it can also literally mean “conception” as in a thought, idea, or concept (plan) from God or even in reference to a “pregnancy” conceived by the Word of God that will bring forth a birth. Conception is clearly indicating an event that causes a new “Beginning”. This undoubtedly describes Genesis 1:1 accurately.

We can certainly confirm there is an important “cross” found in the “First” and “Beginning” word of the Bible. This cross “Tav” is the “Last” and “Ending” letter of the “First” word. Therefore, this placement is strongly suggesting that this original “Beginning” will bring about and “End” utilizing a “Tav” cross which also must involve Jesus, since He claims to be this Alphabet Letter directly. Wow!

Now for some new additional hidden facts which can be found in this “Beginning” and “First” Word’s hidden message. Where in the 1st word of the 1st verse does the “Tav” occur? In other words, what is the “Tav” letter’s number location (address)?

If you look at the “First” Hebrew sentence and count the letters, the “First” “Tav” is found exactly at the 6th letter position. Therefore, the letter “Tav” (#22) overlays the 6th position for a letter to occur. Isn’t this the home address location of a “Vav” nail? Does this sound familiar? Do you think this is another coincidence?

Didn’t we find that the “First” occurrence of a letter “Vav” (#6), occurred laying on top of the 22nd open letter position? So, we have learned the “First” Vav has an “address” number of 22 the home of Tav. We have just found two super amazing combinations of either a 22 or a 6, overlaying the other, and it just so happens that one is a “nail” and the other is a “cross”. It is highly improbable based upon all the other amazing facts that this is a chance occurrence.

In fact, it is certainly mathematically impossible for all these to happen by chance because they all are communicating a common prophetical message about something that is not going to occur for almost four thousand years from when the first man Adam will be created on “Day 6” of the Genesis 1 beginning of creation account.

As we know we found the 6th letter of the alphabet laid on top of the 22nd position of all the beginning letters of the verse. This was our “First” direct nail to a cross relationship. And we have now just found the “Tav” 22nd letter on top of the 6th letter position an implied reference to the letter “Vav”. Why would God place a cross on top of the 6th position in the sentence? Therefore, both references of the “First” “Tav” and the “First” “Vav” indicate there is a “man” that will come from heaven to the earth to be nailed to a cross. Is God amazing or what? Now to help us confirm this with other verses let us check this verse out:

Joh 19:30  When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.

Ok, this verse sounds a lot like what we have been reading about hidden in Genesis 1:1. Here in this verse of John, God has written about when Jesus was hanging nailed (Vav=#6) on a “cross” (Tav=#22). While hanging on this cross (Tav) using nails (Vav) they had pierced His body both 2 hands and His 2 feet with these nails (Vav). Therefore, Jesus a man (Vav=6) is being literally “connected” (“Vav”) to the cross (“Tav”) using nails (“Vav”) and this appears to be the exact prophecy fulfillment of Genesis 1:1, God’s description from the letters and positions found in the “Beginning”.

Then notice what Jesus says, “It is finished”. This Greek word G5055 translated as “finished” can be defined as “to end” and “to complete” as in the fulfillment of a maximum limit that has been reached. Doesn’t this sound like an “End” as in Jesus fulfilling and reaching the “Last” letter prophecy of the alphabet “Tav” cross?

Is it just another coincidence that Jesus is making a reference to the “End” of something while hanging on the “Last” letter of the Hebrew alphabet? I really do not think this could have been an accident. Therefore, we must ask our self, what has just concluded or has reached the “Last” position of fulfilled limit when Jesus died? Here is the short list answer:

  1. Jesus’ natural mortal life and ministry “on” the earth has just “concluded” by His physical “death” hanging by nails (Vav) on a cross (Tav).
  2. Since the “Tav” cross was the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet as it was written in the beginning and has been fulfilled, and this implies that a new beginning is required.

Now recall that the Bible calls Jesus the “Firstborn from the dead” (Col 1:18). This same verse further gives us the reason for becoming the “Firstborn” of the dead is so that He could have preeminence over all the old creation. This strongly indicates that God’s significant problem with Lucifer and evil in heaven has been solved with the death of Jesus on the cross. Could this be the reason God writes in 1 Corinthians 2:8, that Satan would not have crucified Jesus, if he had known the consequences? This appears to be at least one major thing that God is revealing to us.  But let us move to another amazing fact of Genesis 1:1.

— Amazing Fact #7 —
Genesis 1:1 7 Words and
the 7 Days of Creation Parallels

While there certainly could be many other hidden treasures yet to be found in this single verse, in the honor of the 7 words in Genesis 1:1 and the number 7 as being the completion of God’s work in creation, we will end this section with a “final” amazing fact #7 that is potentially revealing another hidden prophecy. This hidden prophecy also deals with the letter “Vav”, but this time it will be connected directly with the letters “Alef” + “Tav” that we also saw briefly before as two names for Jesus Christ.

The first occurrence of the “Alef” + “Tav” is found in the verse as the 4th word. Then the second occurrence of the “Alef” + “Tav” occurs as the 6th word of the verse. But remember the 6th word occurrence has the added “Vav” nail connector. This is very amazing since this 3-letter word occurs around 3000 times in scriptures. What does all this mean? There is probably more than one explanation for the existence of these two “Alef + Tav” joined letters.

Many modern Hebrew seminary scholars try to say these two letter untranslated words (H853 7000+ times, H854 1200+ times), were added for the purpose of representing “a direct object pointer”. This means its purpose was to show the part of the Hebrew sentence that receives an action.

But how do we explain the selectivity of why only certain verses contain this Alef+Tav pointer? Out of over 31,000 verses why are there are only 9000 occurrences of these two letters and in some verse sentences like Genesis 1:1 there is more than one occurrence? Do the verses that have no “Alef Tav” word need no object pointer, or do these have no direct noun object that is receiving any verb action? And do the verses that have two or more “Alef”+“Tav” words have multiple primary objects that need to be emphasized. These types of inconsistencies appear to add a great level of new complexities.

While this direct object pointer using an “Alef”+“Tav” is possible, it appears to mostly deny what Jesus said to us about the first and last letters being His identity. Plus, Jesus personally told the Hebrew people to search their scriptures because these words were about Him (Jn 5:39). Finally, as of today we should be learning God’s superior intelligence reveals His ability to teach us multiple things using a single letter, word, sentence, etc. Therefore, all these facts could be true simultaneously.

The simplest explanation for these word occurrences is my approach to understanding what they represent and why they are there. This explanation is based upon allowing the Bible to interpret itself and ignoring human reasoning (2 Pet 1:20). With this Biblical approach we have greater assurance and alignment to truth that the fact that Jesus claims to be the first and last letters of the Alphabet 4 times in the book of Revelation means He must be these letters in the Hebrew. This is clearly written in a book that begins “The Revelation of Jesus Christ”.

Therefore, if this book of Revelation is primarily about Jesus and it says this is the “Uncovering” and “revealing” (G602=Revelation) of Him, this indicates that we are being given new information in this book that reveals things that were hidden from us since the beginning. Therefore, if Jesus personally claims to be these two letters 4 times, that is good enough for me. You are allowed to do with it as you please.

Do you know why people never see Jesus in the Old Testament? This is mainly because they are not looking for Him. I guarantee that He can be found in some form in every letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and it is these Letters that make up every word that is written down. Let us get back to our Genesis 1:1 2 Alef+Tav words.

Remember there are 7 Hebrew words in total in Genesis 1:1. I believe these 7 words are a parallel to the “7 days” of God’s work in creation. I also believe these “7 days” represent 7000 years of total human history on the earth. According to God writing through Peter again, we read in 2 Peter 3:8 that 1 day to the Lord represents 1000 years.

Applying this revelation of 1 day = 1000 years and the proposal that each of the 7 words in the first verse is a parallel to potentially represent something happening on that day of creation, this would help us to see the following about these two Alef+Tav untranslated words:

  1. The first Alef+Tav appearance occurs as the 4th word of Genesis 1:1. This appears to be prophetical to imply the “First” physical appearance of the man Jesus occurs on the earth at the “Beginning” of the 4000th year (4th Day). (First Alef+Tav)
  2. Because the “Last” occurrence of the “Alef”+“Tav” in Genesis 1:1 occurs as the 6th Word, this appears to teach us that the next time Jesus will appear on earth is at the “End” of the 6th day, year 6000 from the beginning of creation (Last Alef+Tav).

But remember the 2nd appearance of Jesus is attached with the letter “Vav” nail. This can simply mean this appearance will be the fulfilment of the Zecheriah 12:10 prophecy:

Zec 12:10  And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.

We can clearly read in this verse that Jesus will be returning to the earth as a man with “Vav nail impressions in His flesh”. These nails pierced His body completely through his flesh to attach Him to a wooden cross (Tav). Therefore, the second time Jesus comes to the earth He is prophesied to return on the “Last” of day 6 as a man that has been pierced.

It is also very interesting that the word “me” that was translated in Zecheriah 12:10 is our H853 “Alef+Tav” word. This literally means Jesus is being defined again as the Alef+Tav.  But not like the beginning of His 4000-year “first” public appearance, here in Zechariah 12:10, He is now returning as the man that has been marked by “Vav” nails in which He has become this prophecy of a pierced man. This is too amazing to not be true.

Also do not forget who this man is!  He is Jehovah (YHWH) the God whose name means “Behold the hand, Behold the nail”. Let us move to a new revelation about Jesus being called “the nail”.

3. Jesus is God’s Sure Nail

We are about to go over a prophecy written down by the prophet Isaiah about Jesus Christ. In this prophecy God is directly prophesying about the coming Messiah. But these verses point us to Jesus directly claiming He is to be a type of a “Vav” nail. Let us read two key verses from the book of Isaiah:

Isa 22:22  And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open

Isa 22:23  And I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place; and he shall be for a glorious throne to his father’s house. 

Here is another amazing coincidence, or not? Did you notice what chapter we are in? It is just too amazing that these verses are found in chapter 22 the same number as the letter “Tav” cross. It is also further amazing that these verses begin with verse 22 of chapter 22, a double reference to the “Tav” cross. Just out of curiosity how many chapters are in Isiah? There are 66 chapters which is 22 x 3. Now all of this cannot be a coincidence. God must be guiding this information and helping us to find the exact verses that we need to learn and study about a Vav nail.

As we can clearly read in verse 23 God is saying “I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place”. This is seriously too amazing to ignore. Can we apply what we learned in the previous section to this prophecy? Did we not just find a sure man “Vav” nailed to a “Tav” cross using the first reference of the Hebrew letter Vav a nail in Genesis 1:1? Isaiah was written a long time after Genesis 1:1, how could he have known and understood what he was writing without the Holy Spirit to help?

Now pay attention that this verse in Isaiah is written about a man that is referred to as “Him”. Who is HIM? We could debate who this is for a long time. But God answers this question for us, and this man identifies Himself in Revelation 3:7 in a letter written to the churches. In this verse Jesus is personally speaking and claims to have the “Key of David that no man can open or close”.

Therefore, if Verse 22 is clearly identified to be Jesus, there is no question that the next verse 23 is also.  This literally teaches us that God is directly calling His sent Son named Jesus to be His designed and purposed “Nail” connection to humanity. Let us now examine and confirm this fact using the Works of Jesus described in the New Covenant.

However, there is another amazing clue to help us identify the identity of these verses in Isaiah. In verse 23, there is a translated phrase “and He shall be” that needs to be clearly understood. This word is “H1961”, and it is spelled “Hey” + “Yod” + “Hey”, which are three of the letters of the name of God (Jehovah/YHWH). But wait, this word is prefixed with the letter “Vav”, meaning “And”. Interesting how this is our key study subject today.  Adding the letter “Vav” to the word as a prefix has now completed all the letters that are needed to complete the name of God. This word is now spelled “Vav” + “Hey” + “Yod” + “Hey”. These are the exact same letters as Jehovah, but the letters “Vav” and “Yod” have been switched. Using the ancient Hebrew pictographic letter meanings this word now says, “Behold the Nail, Behold the Hand”. There appears to be a shift of emphasis by leading with the Vav “Nail” first.

But wait, there is more, the word “H1961” is translated as “I AM” in Exodus 3:14. This powerful name is the identity that God chose to give to Moses to tell His people who had sent him to them. Therefore, Hey + Yod + Hey is “I AM” and now add the “Vav” to the front we get the name the “Nailed I AM”. Who is this? This can only be Jesus. We know in John 8:58 Jesus said, “Before Abraham was, I AM”. This is spoken shortly before Jesus is about to be nailed (VAV) to the “TAV” cross. Don’t you think God knew this when He wrote Isaiah?

These are all too amazing facts to ignore. Jesus claimed to be every alphabet letter from the beginning to the end, from the first to the last, and He fulfilled them all and we are learning today about how the “Vav” was displayed and revealed in Yehoshua (Jesus). Now let us shift our focus to the application of the “Vav” Jesus works for the church.

4. How God Placed Us in Christ
To Vav Re-Connect Us with God

The scriptural prophesied work of God that was fulfilled in Jesus is so limitless that it is a great challenge to know, understand, and write about everything that was accomplished. It is truly amazing what God did for us by becoming a human man named “Jesus” (Yehoshua) (Mat 1:23-25). God sovereignly chose to manifest as flesh (Rom 8:3) and become a part of His “First” creation (Gen 1:1).

God accomplishes this work for more than one reason. The first reason that must be known was for the purpose to righteously separate Himself from Lucifer also known as Satan (adversary) and the devil (slanderer, false accuser) (Rev 20:10). Many preachers believe God sovereignly eliminated Satan from heaven the moment he sinned in heaven. But that belief does not align with scripture as we will soon see.

We are about to discover that this defeat of Satan took place by the death of Jesus while hanging on a “Tav” cross nailed by “Vav” nails (Heb 2:14, 1 Cor 2:8). It was His death that began the ending phase of God’s final plan to be initiated for the complete elimination of Satan. This “wicked one” is not cast down from heaven until Revelation 12:9. And Satan’s final elimination from influencing people that inhabit the face of the earth is not completed until Revelation 20:10. These final judgments will be happening very soon.

But the next primary dual purpose of sending Jesus into our world was to save His valuable humans from an everlasting separation from experiencing His sovereign Love for us (Mat 1:27, John 3:16). It was the “sin” of Adam that initiated this departure from the righteous and Holy God, and we required a connector to be re-joined in full righteous fellowship. Jesus became this “Vav” nail re-connection as we will read about in this section.

God accomplished this sovereign work as well as many other things that were performed in Christ as a display of His fulfillment of the letter “Vav” reconnecting with humans. This plan was carried out as a clear exhibit of the omnipotent force of His great power (Eph 1:19-20). God’s work to become a manifested part of His “First” and “Beginning” creation (Genesis 1:1) to die on a “Tav” cross hanging with “Vav” nails was a very humbling, merciful, kind, loving wise choice and it was clearly a major part of His plan of a “Zayin” separation from Satan by implementing a brand-New Creation (Isa 43:9, 2 Cor 5:17, Gal 6:15) which never existed before. God is doing all these prophesied Hebrew Alphabet letter works in Christ for the following reasons:

  1. To initiate and bring to fruition His New Creation and a New Beginning (2 Cor 5:17, Gal 6:15, Rev 21:1).
  2. To phase out and eliminate the cursed old creation (Gen 3:17, Rev 21:1)
  3. To save all humans that choose to believe in Jesus from an eternal separation by providing the ability to know God’s Love (Jn 17:3, Jn 3:16).
  4. To divide Himself from all unrighteousness and evil in both heaven and earth of the present creation (Eph 3:15, 2 Pet 3:13, Rev 21:8).

These works of God in Jesus are all actions of either joining (as a Vav) or cutting and dividing (as a Zayin). Both divine sovereign works are occurring simultaneously every day, even as you are reading. For example, as your mind is being renewed with these new Bible concepts that you may have never seen before, you are being invited to become joined to think a new way about Jesus and God’s work in you. These new concepts are either filling new space in your mind’s belief system like a “Vav” adjoining addition or they are cutting away with a “Zayin” type of hoe or sword the old contradictory beliefs that need to be uprooted and replaced with God’s new written Words of Truth Seed (Nun).

God’s plan in Christ was to produce a way of transitioning out of His First Creation and the present world’s “Old Creation” corrupted systems of governments (Rev 21:1) in heaven and on the earth. God accomplished this transition by Jesus’ death on the “Tav” cross. It was this death that began the separation from the old creation, and it was Jesus’ resurrection that initiated the New Creation making Him the head of every principality, power, might and dominion (Eph 1:20-22).

Both the original heavenly and earthly realms became “Vav” joined with knowing (in covenant) both good (God) and evil (Satan) simultaneously (Gen 3:5, Gen 3:22). However, Satan was the common part of the old creation that brought sin and wickedness into covenant relationship with both realms of the natural and the spiritual after Adam had sinned.

Satan now has a kingdom of rule (Lk 11:18), that is him currently governing the unsaved people of the world (Eph 2:2) as well as 1/3 of the angelic beings that were joined with him (Rev 12;4). This satanic kingdom is called “darkness” (Col 1:15). God is accomplishing this exit from darkness by providing a “Dalet” door named “Jesus” to make available and entrance into His Newly Created Son’s Kingdom of Light (Col 1:13).

This “Dalet” door transition was first made available after the death of Jesus on the “Tav” cross at the transition point of the end of Day 4 and the beginning of Day 5 of God’s Genesis 1 creation days prophecy (~4033 years after Adam). It is interesting to know the “Dalet” is the 4th letter of the Hebrew alphabet and this also appears to prophesy and show us what will be made available to us at the ending years of the 4th millennium.

The “Dalet” Door of salvation is entered by a human choosing to believe and act on the preached Gospel (Good News) message of salvation in Jesus by Faith.  Our faith belief in Jesus being raised from the dead and declaring Him to be our LORD (Rom 10:9-10) causes a spiritual “New Birth” (Jn 3:3) which is a personal human “New Beginning” and a “Vav” connection with God through Faith (Eph 2:8, 1 Pet 1:23). This never seen before “new spiritual birth” results in a completely “New Creation” system of existence (2 Cor 5:17). By joining this New Kingdom, we are living in Jesus Christ the Son of God’s realm of power and authority, that had never existed before in time past, and the result is His Holy Spirit living in us and removal from Satan’s darkness.

Jesus is the cutting Sword instrument of the “Zayin” that divides and cuts Himself and us away from the authority of evil (Satan), while concurrently driving a “Vav” nail to re-connect Himself back to all of those that choose the gift of His “Righteousness”. This work of God will be completed during a phase of work identified by the Hebrew letter “Chet” which is a picture of a wall without doors that separates God and His New Covenant Family from Satan’s evil darkness permanently.

The “Chet” is the 8th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and the number 8 signifies a “New Beginning” as in the first day of a brand-new Week. This simply teaches us it is at the beginning of the 8th day that a “brand-new” creation will be completely transitioned into, and the old creation ended after the final completion of Day 7 of the present old creation (7000 years of human history). This will be taking place after Day 7 of creation representing a 1000-year millennium rule of Christ with a 1000-year period of temporary interruption of Satan’s evil influence upon humans on the earth. This is described to occur in Revelation 20:2-3.

And we may know the “Zayin” is the 7th letter of the Hebrew alphabet that signifies it is on this day that the final “cutting” of God’s Zayin sword will be taking place. It is at the beginning of this day 7 of creation when Satan is bound and cast into hell for 1000 years. This will temporarily eliminate Satan’s rule from the face of the planet. But at the end of the 1000 years, he must be released to attempt to deceive any of the people that were born during this time that had never had the choice to choose between good and evil.

Therefore, Satan will be released to deceive natural people again at the end of the 1000-year reign of Christ and the church (those Vav connected with God). Then God’s last phased plan of the “Zayin” division and removal of Satan (the root source of evil, sin, and temptation) will be initiated (Rev 20:10). Subsequently the plan of separation will be finalized with the permanent removal of all evil, including anyone that chose to sin by submitting to Satan’s deceptions and temptations. These all will be cast into the lake of fire with him (Rev 21:8). These are all the ending completions of the “Zayin” cutting away types of prophecies found in the Old and New Testaments.

Finally, God’s New Heaven and New Earth will come into being, with a total “Chet” wall of separation from all Evil (Rev 21:1-2). No, you may not have studied these letters “Zayin” or “Chet” yet, but this was a quick introduction of the concepts. This was added because these letters “Vav”, “Zayin” and “Chet”, can’t be totally understood without including them together in a single lesson to explain how God prophesied the order of events in the arrangement of the letters.

These decisions to enter the Door of salvation or stand on the outside in opposition to the Kingdom of Light, can be made at any moment of time by the sovereign choice of every human by selecting to believe or not to believe. But this choice is only available if you have breath on this planet to speak. People are either “Vav” uniting in harmony with Christ through right beliefs and confessions, or they have chosen to remain in disharmony with Christ by default or through wrong beliefs.

And by not making a choice or choosing incorrectly, they are becoming permanently “Zayin” separated by death from God by their own willful decisions. This is because when Adam sinned, he became “Vav” joined with Satan (Isa 28:15), and now every human that is born from the first Adam must die (1 Cor 15:22). However, all this is occurring for God’s single common good and purpose to separate God and His infinite good, from Satan and his never-ending evil.

For example, when a man marries a woman, the two become united and joined (Vav) as a completely new family and this is good. But simultaneously they have now been separated (Zayin) from all other families on the earth that now exist as independent units.  Also, on an individual level the man and the woman have now become separated from all other individual males and females, to only be in intimate relationship which each other. These two joined intimate people have simply excluded (divided) themselves from intimacy with all other humans. This was exactly a description of the plan of God for a New Covenant in Jesus Christ.

Hopefully, you can begin to see how these two concepts of 1) a joining together like a “Vav” nail can occur simultaneously with 2) a separating and dividing of a “Zayin” sword. It is essential to understand how these two opposites must be present to work together for God’s single design purpose and His greater plan. If you do not see it yet, please be patient and continue to learn, it will become clearer soon.

Perhaps this might help you embrace this topic more quickly. We know a marriage is supposed to be monogamous meaning they are not intimate with their old boyfriends, girlfriends, or anyone else they should meet after the union occurs. This is God’s primary created example of the foundation of a successful covenant marriage (Gen 2:24). Notice in Genesis 2:24 both the joining together and the dividing separation is stated. This is a God created and designed Law. But these concepts were also a necessary requirement for God in His Old Covenant marriage with natural Israel (Jer 31:32) and these will further be expanded to include Jesus and His covenant spiritual bride in the New Covenant (Eph 5:31-32).

God informed natural Israel that He was a jealous God in Exodus 20:5. God says very clearly that they were not supposed to be unfaithful to Him, to go and worship other gods (Exo 20:3). If they do this, they will make Him jealous, and this would bring about consequences for their evils (Exo 12:12, Exo 23:33). Therefore, Israel was supposed to be “Vav” joined with the LORD God only, and forsake, sever, and divide (Zayin) themselves from all other false gods and idols and nations that worship them. Remember the false gods and idols were parts of Satanic worship of the devil’s demons, sorceries, and witchcrafts.  These were all traps of Satan used to defeat the people of God.

This seems very easy to comprehend for anyone of a divine moral character that knows God personally and intimately. For God is more than capable of being faithful to us, but for many people it has not been that easy for them to be faithful to Him as was displayed in natural Israel (Isa 1:21, Jer 3:8). This is a key reason why God sent Jesus into the world to become His human “Vav” connector.

Remember Jesus Christ is the eternal fulfilment of the Old Covenant pattern of a man standing in the office of the high priest (Heb 2:17). Remember in the Old covenant the high priest acted as a “Vav” connection between God and natural Israel, by entering God’s presence with animal blood for the sins of natural Israel. He did this with sacrificed blood when entering behind the veil into the Holy of Holies. This also was what Jesus Christ performed once with His blood entering into the real temple in heaven. Praise the LORD! Jesus will continue this role between God and man forever. All these High Priest actions fulfilled in Jesus as our “Vav” reconnection to God can be studied in Hebrews chapters 2 through 13. Please go and read them and see what He did for us.

However, God still expects this quality of faithfulness in our decision to be “Vav” joined with Jesus Christ. This faithfulness must include the commitment to be “Zayin” divided from evil. As God said to natural Israel in Leviticus 11:44 “be holy for I am holy”, He says the same to the church in 1 Peter 1:16. Repeatedly in the New Covenant God commands us after we are united with Him, to not be “Vav” joined with evil and unrighteousness (2 Cor 6:14-17). Therefore, God is expecting us to learn from natural Israel and not make the same mistakes to become unfaithful (1 Cor 10:11).

Today we have been studying the concepts hidden in the ancient Hebrew letter “Vav” and how they apply to what Jesus fulfilled for us in the prophecy of this unique letter. This letter “Vav’s” primary picture represents a “peg” and/or a “nail”. We can understand from this picture that this letter symbolically represents a connector plan, process, object, or person that performs a work like a nail that can be driven into two individual objects to “connect” or “reconnect” them as if they were one. It is very much like the modern day “super glue” concept of joining together broken pieces of a vase so that they can be made bonded together again.

It is absolutely essential to understand this “Vav” joining together concept, in the manifestation of the Son of God, Jesus. God’s Holy Spirit intentionally chose to be joined with His favored woman named Mary (Miriam) (Lk 1:30). God’s spoken Word produced a natural seed that was “joined” with Mary’s human “egg” and these two God created elements 1) human egg (Mat 1:20), and 2) divine Word “seed” (Lk 8:11) produced a natural human body (Heb 10:5) that could contain and carry both the blood of God plus the Spirit of God (Heb 9:14). Then this new human body type was the “beginning” of God’s intentional design, creating a prototype for His new creation. This would make Jesus the “First” human temple pattern of the Living Spirit of God (Jn 2:21) and give God the ability to take up residence in future believers’ human bodies (Act 17:24). Now with this foundation built, let us move to other scriptures in the New Testament that teach what was accomplished in Jesus using the “Vav” nail concepts.

Please take note that just because scriptures do not say they are about a nail or a peg, does not mean they are not directly connected to our subject of joining. Rather than look for the obvious “nail” mention, search for the applications for what a “Vav” represents. Think of all the synonymous ways to say “join” and this will help your search. It will amaze us how often we can find these concepts when we are looking for them. This is what we will be doing in the remaining part of this section.

We have already been introduced to the prophecy of this nail connecting God in heaven back to created humans on earth and we will easily find how this was fulfilled in God’s work “In Christ” by reading several great examples of verses in the New Covenant. Let us begin with Ephesians.

Eph 5:31  For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.

Eph 5:32  This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.

This is a direct quotation of Genesis 2:24 that we briefly saw earlier in the lesson. Do not forget that this is God’s law of covenant union and connection with the simultaneous separation and division affecting two individuals. These are a husband and wife that are being joined to form a new family with them also being removed from their parent’s families and any other external temptations.

Remember we were connecting Adam and Eve to be a type and pattern of Christ (Last Adam) and the church (Bride). In that section we confirmed the function of a “nail” was to join two separated things to be like a marriage covenant union of a man and a woman. Concurrently both of these two “newly joined” individuals have also further committed and agreed to separate themselves from all others and this is called commitment and faithfulness. This is exactly what is happening in Jesus Christ and His bride, the church.

These natural marriage concepts suddenly become so much greater when viewed in the spiritual realm in Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:31-32 reveals God’s hidden intention for creating the union of two becoming one in natural marriage was designed for His future purpose of the marriage covenant between Christ and His wife, the church. This is clearly a “Vav” type of spiritual connection taking place between the church and Jesus, with the simultaneous separation of them both by a spiritual “Zayin” cutting away from all sin, evil and Satan.

Consider that the first woman in Genesis 2 was taken out of the First man Adam. Therefore, God made one man first and called both of their name “Adam” (Gen 5:2). Then He took out (a Zayin division) called a woman to create two separate and unique individuals from a single “flesh” (Gen 2:21-23). Then God rejoined the two (male and female) back together by the reunion of two becoming one again in covenant marriage (Gen 2:24). This amazingly describes God’s natural pattern of what is happening in the greater spiritual dimension between Himself and His New Creation (2 Cor 5:17), the church.

Next, we need to understand the spiritual problem of sin that entered the earth in Genesis 3 through the participation of the author of sin Satan coming down to earth from heaven. When this rebellion occurred, God needed a solution for sin in both heaven and earth. But before this sin had occurred on earth, God already had a plan to send another Adam, named Jesus to earth to save humans (Rev 13:8). We must begin to understand God’s purposes for His Works to reconnect (Vav) humans back to Himself. We will find one of the key reasons for Jesus as a uniting “Vav” connector for heaven and earth in 2 Peter:

2Pe 3:13  Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.

If you have not yet seen the great significance of what God has accomplished in Jesus’ death on a “Tav” Cross pierced with “Vav” nails, this verse reveals His entire purpose was to make a new creation wherein only “righteousness” dwelled. What does this mean?

Doesn’t this sound like the “Zayin” sword concept of cutting and dividing by stating God is eliminating “evil” from the “righteous”? This “separation” must then also require that there be a simultaneous opposite of a “Vav” joining. To fulfill the verse this implied joining must represent the New Covenant (Heb 12:24). This New Covenant union that is implied to be taking place, must be between two previously separated individuals (God and the church using Jesus as their mediating connection).

Plainly this spiritual reunion must be a willing unification based upon agreement with each other to be simultaneously “Vav” joined together. Therefore, the church is choosing to be joined with God, His righteousness, His Holiness, and His goodness, while at the same time choosing to be “Zayin” divided apart from Satan, unrighteousness, and all evil.

As we can read in 2 Peter 3:13, there is certainly a God plan for a “New Creation”, which includes a “New heaven” and a “New earth”. This also means that God is 1) dividing and separating all His Old Creation, specifically the sinful evil portion from the righteous forever. We can confirm this reason of division (Zayin) for Jesus’ personal appearance on earth in Matthew 10:34-36 and Luke 12:51-53 which is based upon a prophecy from Micah 7:6.

Most of the natural descriptions in the Old Covenant have parallel and dual occurring spiritual applications that are based upon God’s chosen written natural symbolism. We are not going to be able to teach all these concepts of division today. There are other lessons on this website that speak in more detail about “Understanding Division” and “Understanding the Spiritual Family of God” to name two major sources for understanding what God is doing in Jesus to divide Himself from Lucifer and to join Himself to humans that were separated. Here is this significant prophecy declaring this division will be occurring in the future:

Mic 7:6  For the son dishonoureth the father, the daughter riseth up against her mother, the daughter in law against her mother in law; a man’s enemies are the men of his own house.

We can only give a rapid overview of one part of the prophecy about God’s division to introduce the subject to new readers. We know this prophecy is about Jesus, by Him personally quoting this verse. With this claim, He is clearly describing the dividing of God’s spiritual family was one of the key reasons why He was sent to the earth as a human. He claims in Matthew 10:34 that He did not come to bring peace but rather a “sword” (implying a Zayin cutting division is taking place). Then in Luke 12:51, Jesus is more plain speaking that His coming to the earth was directly to “divide”, and not to bring peace. This is obviously a hidden reference to God dividing Himself from Satan and the “unrighteousness” that is inferred in 2 Peter 3:13.

It is important to see that this prophecy is about dividing a family. First know that God has a family that is named both in heaven and on the earth (Eph 3:15). Second understand that before Adam, this God family only consisted of angelic beings in heaven (Heb 12:22). Please begin to understand that the first Adam was created to be a separated new part of God’s spiritual family that was not connected to the heavenly angels and especially Satan’s evil. This was God’ first “division” of His spiritual family. And this division symbolically occurs on Day 1 of creation where God creates “light” and divides the light from the darkness calling light “day” and darkness “night”. However, this Day 1 of creation was a prophecy for what was about to occur within this first 1000 years of human history.

It is most revealing when studying the Word of God to view what is written and spoken by God from His perspective of dividing Himself from Satan and evil in heaven. God is implementing a Genesis 1 re-creation of the planet earth to accomplish this. We can clearly see the first earth was destroyed in Genesis 1:2. God confirms this in 2 Peter 3:6. This creation has included many new things that never existed before as we are beginning to see. Of course, this work of God peaked with the creation of humans, a law, and a death consequence for disobedience. Hopefully you are seeing how all of this is working together to eliminate Satan with a “Zayin” type of division.

Then we know that we do not get very far past Genesis 1, until we find God’s kingdom purpose continuing to develop to separate Himself from Satan. As we should know Satan existed before Adam’s creation (Job 38:4-7). Since there is never a mention of Satan or anyone else on planet earth when Adam was created, we can logically deduce that Satan’s residence was in heaven. We must recall that Satan’s home in heaven will remain until after the War take place between Michael and his angels who will overcome Satan and his angels in Revelation 12:7-8. It is at this point during the tribulation that Satan and his angels are permanently cast out of heaven, and this takes place over 6000 years after Adam was created.

However, in Genesis 3, it appears that Satan’s interests have suddenly shifted from ruling in heaven and has move down to rule the earth. It further appears that Satan’s desires and purposes have been re-focused upon the corruption (Rom 8:21) of God’s sinless re-created good earth and its inhabitants (Gen 1:31). This intention clearly included his desires to “Vav” join himself to humans so that he could fill the earth with his evil and sin (Gen 6:5) that was then only found present in heaven (Eze 28:15).

Therefore, in Genesis 3:1, Satan suddenly appears in the garden on earth, to craftily tempt God’s newly created separated Adam’s family. However, please do not get confused, by the mention of Adam being called “separated” from God. This separation is plainly stated in Genesis 2:24 where God says the man shall leave his father’s house. Who is the created man’s father? We know from reading Luke 3:38 that Adam’s life came from God making God his father. 

But this implied separation of God from Adam, does not mean that God could not visit and talk with His creation as we can clearly read occurs in Genesis 2 and 3. This only meant that Adam was not a part of God’s heavenly spiritual family or kingdom and that he had been given by God a separated from heaven, earth domain. This domain included a new wife and family of his own, with his own God given authority to rule and manage the re-created earth (Gen 1:26).

This concept of a father to son separation has been passed from generation to generation. It is entirely true in the present earthly realm today, exactly as it was in God’s to His created first man Adam. For example, my son is the husband and father of his own house. He has been joined with his wife and they two are one flesh in the eyes of God. When they were married, they both left their parent’s house. This meant they both gained the independent sovereign abilities to make their own choices and rules apart from their parents’ homes. They are free to ask for their fathers or mothers’ advice, but the decisions are ultimately all in their power to make.

Therefore, this temptation to revolt against God that was brought down from heaven by Satan, was Adam’s sovereign choice to make. Satan directed this temptation intentionally at God’s separated newly created human family to join with them together in rebellion against God. It appears that in Satan’s mind this was an opportunity for him to gain greater power and control of all of God’s creation to exalt himself to be like God (Isa 14:13). But we will notice that this decision to come to the earth has moved him to also be in covenant with humans that must now “die” because of their sins. Uh oh. It is highly likely that Satan did not fully understand what this “Vav” joining with humans could include.

There appears to be a plan of God for moving Satan’s eternal domain found in the heavenly, down to the temporary earth’s surface domain (2 Cor 4:18). We could call this a part of the beginning steps of God’s transition for the separation from all evil from the righteous. This is where we are now and this temporary earthly rule (2 Cor 4:4) appears to be a part of the transitioning steps of God’s plan to eventually move Satan out of the spiritual eternal realm of God’s heavenly Kingdom into the eventual transition of being thrown down into hell finally and permanently separated forever from God and all the righteous.

Remember, it is the heavenly spiritual realm where there is no time, no death, no law, no sin consequences, and God plans for Satan to be brought down into the newly created world of Adam which will begin with a newly implemented concept of time, followed by a law with death consequences for committing sin.

Adam had been created and lived by God’s plan within a temporary separated natural realm of existence, involving the law of stewardship (Mar 12:1-11, Luke 12:42, Luke 16:1-13). This temporary creation involved a timed leased rulership of the earth. Therefore, it was never intended to last forever. The timed lease of the earth that was given to the first man, was to last for 6000 years of human work (Gen 2:5, Mat 17:1), and a 1000-year day of rest (Heb 4:3-11, Rev 20:6).

But after sin enters the world, Adam becomes “Vav” joined with Satan, and falls under the rulership of death (Rom 5:17) which was now within Satan’s power (Heb 2:14). Wow, do you see what has just happened after Adan sinned? Satan has become the temporary “god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4), which is the temporary government systems that were given to Adam (Gen 1:26) but have now been transitioned to Satan’s rule according to Matthew 4:8-9.

This is a major shift from Satan only living within the freedoms of heaven where there are no laws (Gal 4:26). Please read the context of Galatians 4:26 to help confirm the heavenly Jerusalem above is called “free”, meaning there are no “laws” of bondage. This is very important to help us understand why Satan was never dealt consequences for his rebellion against God and why God is implementing a plan to transition Satan from out of heaven.

This rebellion of Adam then places him into covenant with Satan and this meant whatever was Satan’s is now Adam’s, and whatever was Adam’s, was now also Satan’s. This meant both Adam and Lucifer are bound by a limitation within a supernatural bondage to God’s newly created realm of time and laws. Remember Adam’s domain of earth’s stewardship was on a time limit that was set to expire in 7000 years. All this information is found based upon the Genesis 1 prophecies where God declared “I make known the end from the beginning”. But this will not be covered in this lesson due to an excessive increase in lesson length.

Remember that Adam and Eve, only knew God (light) and everything “good” that God had created, including themselves. There was no wicked or evil presence upon the earth after the 6 days of Genesis 1. It was not until Satan (God’s adversary) shows up in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3:1, that evil had entered God’s newly re-created world. Remember from Genesis 1:26 we know that Adam had the authority to cast Satan out but chose rather to disobey God’s single commandment (Gen 2:17).

We can read about this temptation and rebellion occurring in chapter 3 of Genesis. As we know from scripture Satan implements his plans of death and destruction by primarily deception (Gen 3:1, Rev 12:9). In Genesis 3:1 we find how subtle Satan was above all of God’s newly made animal creation. Then Satan begins to speak to the woman and was able to deceive her in her mind to get her to disobey God’s only rule with the consequences of death (2 Cor 11:3). It is clear by Satan’s temptation that he nor Eve believed that a spirit being could die (Gen 3:4).

God then informs us in 1 Timothy 2:14 that Adam was not deceived during chapter 3 of the fall of man. Therefore, Adam’s sin appears to have been a willful and intentional rebellion (Zayin division) against God and an intentional joining (Vav) with Lucifer. Did you notice this was the “Vav” and “Zayin” concepts occurring in reverse from Jesus the Last Adam’s choices and works?

Nevertheless, Adam turned over his God given dominion of the earth (Gen 1:26) completely to Satan (Lk 4:5-6). And Satan became the “god of this world” until God’s appointed time has been fulfilled (Mat 8:29). Also, during this time of Satan’s dominion, “death” was passed upon all humans because we were all “in Adam” when he sinned (Rom 5:12). Now notice what else happened to Adam’s family on the earth:

Pro 25:5  Take away the wicked from before the king, and his throne shall be established in righteousness.

If the first Adam would have cast Satan out from the earth, wickedness would not have entered God’s created good world, and we would be living in the original creation state of only knowing “good” (Gen 1:31). But since Adam chose to “Vav” join Satan’s rebellion, darkness and wickedness has taken hold of the planet and according to Proverbs 25:5, righteousness departed from humans by the law of antithesis truth. If you are not familiar with this Biblical law, it simply states, that whatever is truthfully stated in any verse, the opposite unstated truth is equally true.

Therefore, Proverbs 25:5 also confirms that the state of God’s Kingdom of Heaven before Satan came to the earth to tempt man was not fully righteous either. This simply meant the state of heaven was a mixture of both good and evil, and unrighteous and righteous.

Too many people believe Satan was just cast out of heaven the moment he sinned. But because God is a righteous judge, He was not able to legally do this. Therefore, one reason for our current world’s creation was for us to learn that there is a “righteous”, “fair”, and “good” process that is being worked by God to eliminate finally and completely all evil.

God had purposefully created a “new” concept called “death” within His current world’s creation containing sinful humans. This concept brought about a separation for all that reject righteousness and God’s gifts of salvation. This part of God’s family by their own choices will be called “dead” to God as was the prodigal son in the parable found in Luke 15. God planned to use this newly created concept of “death” to separate Himself from Lucifer and all his wicked angels.

Therefore, we will say this is the beginning of the many steps of God’s “Zayin” plan of separation from evil began using the creation of our present world so that God in Jesus Christ could manifest to die on a “Tav” cross hanging with “Vav” nails. We know “death” was a major part of God’s plan by reading Revelation 13

Rev 13:8  And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

This is an essential verse of truth that exemplifies the overview of the plan of God for eliminating evil. The end of the verse describes the beginning of the plan. Notice God had planned for the death of Jesus (called the Lamb) before our world was founded. Therefore, death is the key part of eliminating Satan and all evil.

This verse in context is about Satan’s manifestation as a man on the earth that will be worshiped by a lot of humans. In this chapter they will take his mark, and this will eliminate their names from the Lamb’s “book of life”. As we can see the Lamb’s purpose for death is two-fold. These are the two unified concepts of joining and dividing that will occur from God’s participation in Christ to die.

To all those that will join the faith in Christ their names are recorded in His book to remain, and this will give them life to know God personally forever. But all those that reject God’s free-gift of life through belief, will be “Vav” joined with Satan taking his mark, and “Zayin” cut away from God’s never-ending life.

For time’s sake we are going to jump forward past the cross to find and learn the ending phased strategies of God to permanently eliminate Satan and all evil from their union with the righteous. For example, notice these verses:

Rev 12:7  And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels

Rev 12:8  And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven

Rev 12:9  And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
Rev 12:10  And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

These verses of scripture in the book of Revelation describe a war that will take place during the soon coming but future 7-year tribulation. This war will be fought between God’s faithful angels led by Michael, and they will be fighting against Satan and his rebellious angels. It is during this final heavenly spiritual war that Satan is finally cast down to the earth as we can read in verse 9. This verse confirms the future and final “casting down out of heaven” event of Satan and all his angels. This also amazingly teaches us that Satan still has access to heaven even today as we can clearly confirm in the following verses of the Bible:

  1. Genesis 28:12
  2. Job 1:6
  3. Job 2:1-2
  4. Luke 22:11
  5. John 1:51

Twice in these five references, angels are directly stated to be “ascending” and then “descending” between earth to heaven and vice versa. God does not say that these were just the “good” angels. It implies these are “all” angels whether good or evil. In Luke we find an implied reference of Satan going before God demanding to sift Peter like wheat. But in Job we find the direct mention of both good and evil angels presenting themselves before God in heaven twice in a very short time span.

This would imply they were going often and in Job 2:2 God directly asks Satan where he has come from. This question was not for God to gain knowledge that He did not already know, but rather it was for our benefit to teach us Satan goes back and forth from the earth to heaven. Satan’s answer was “I am coming from walking to and fro throughout the earth and walking up and down in it”. This sounds like a paraphrase from 1 Peter 5:8. “Your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walks about seeking whom he may devour”.

What we are discovering is the clear fact that all angels have access to heaven today even as you are reading this lesson. And we can visibly confirm this statement by observing what we have just read in Revelation chapter 12.

Notice what Revelation 12:8 said. God says very plainly that before Satan and his angels were cast down, they had a place in heaven. The Greek word G5117 translated as “place” is an essential word to understand. This word literally states Satan, and his rebellious angels had dwelling places with implied addresses of ownership, as well as positions within the government including roles and titles. This is also confirmed in the book of Jude 1:6 where it also describes angels’ dwellings in heaven.

But after this final war in heaven, in Revelation 12, their access and living rights have been finally revoked and their places and positions of authority have been ended in heaven. Wow, this is a view of God’s final prophetic heavenly “Zayin” sword “cutting” plan of division, removing all heavenly evil from those that are called righteous in His heavenly Kingdom.

Next notice in Revelation 12:9 we find the heavenly war results and who it affected. In this verse God identifies the defeated beings as Satan called the dragon as well as the symbolic ancient serpent in the Garden of Eden. But don’t let it pass you by, that Satan is stated to have deceived the entire world and this also includes Christians at some time of human existence. Hopefully, only when they were not saved.

Now notice Revelation 12:10. This verse is amazing because it also confirms Satan’s future removal from heaven will occur during this soon coming heavenly war. Pay close attention to the words “Now has come salvation in heaven, because the accuser of our brethren has been cast down”. This is clearly stating a permanent Satan exit will be taking place and he will finally not be able to “accuse” Christian/righteous people anymore before God. This literally means this is what he has been doing for thousands of years.

We do not have the time to go into all the steps that have taken place to get us here. We can learn God’s major accomplishment to eliminate Satan was to come to the earth in the flesh to die on a cross being hung by “Vav” nails. We could call this the central part of God’s phased multistep plan for the elimination of “evil”. It was at this point that Satan literally believed he had prevailed over God. But Satan was not aware of the next step of God’s plan called the “Resurrection from the dead”. Here is a quick list of the major steps of God’s plan for the final elimination of evil:

  1. God foresaw the need to eliminate evil and decides to create a world with laws (Gen 2:16) and consequences of death for disobedience (Gen 2:17).
  2. God speaks to create this new world in Genesis 1:3-31.
  3. God then created one new man to rule this world (Gen 1:26, Gen 2).
  4. God knowing Satan’s ambitions, understood his desires to rule God’s new separated world and this would drive Satan down to the earth. God allowed Satan to temporarily “Zayin” separate himself from heaven to descend to the earth and become “Vav” joined to God’s new world containing laws, time limits and death consequences.
  5. After the sin and rebellion of Adam, Satan, sin, and death ruled over all humans (2 Cor 4:4, Eph 2:2, Rom 5:17-21).
  6. Now during the 6000-year time of man’s work on the earth, God and humans both were now joined simultaneously with good and evil (Satan). This meant Satan had rights to both the spiritual domain of God and the natural dominion of humans (Gen 3:5, 3:22). This is clearly a transitional plan of God to catch Satan with one foot in the spiritual and the other in the natural.
  7. The sin of Adam left God on the outside looking into His earth creation and Satan can practically destroy this creation by the time of Genesis 6.
  8. This brough God’s judgments upon the earth where only 8 righteous could be saved by an “ark” living through a global “flood” (1 Pet 3:8).
  9. This judgment places a fear of God upon the earth, and they begin to build a tower in Babel to save themselves from anymore judgements (Gen 11:5-8).
  10. This is when further judgments occur, and many new languages are implemented by God to divide the people on the earth. From these divided people come all the nations of the earth.
  11. In the course of time, God chooses one man from all the people of the earth, to create one new physical nation and one forthcoming planned coming new spiritual nation (1 Pet 2:9). This man named Abraham will bring forth “one” promised combined natural and spiritual seed named Jesus Christ (Gal 3:16). This man Abraham is now the spiritual father of everyone that has been and will be saved in Christ (Rom 4:16).
  12. During the next 2000 years of human time, God implements a significant marriage covenant (Vav joining) with the natural children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Jer 31:32).
  13. Further in the Old Covenant process these children of natural Israel are brought under the bondage of captivity in Egypt and God selects a man named Moses to deliver them.
  14. They are delivered by God implementing a final 10th plague on Egypt called the death of the “firstborn” and bypassed by the substitutionary “death” of an innocent sacrificial lamb (Exo 12). Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
  15. Next God implements more “laws” in natural Israel for humans to follow. This is done to establish a High Priest system of mediation between God and man using blood sacrifices. This is done because God desired to personally live on the earth in a temporary tabernacle with them. This is now a pattern of God’s coming New Covenant with Christ living inside of temporary human bodies (1 Cor 6:19).
  16. At the end of 4000 years of human history, God comes personally into the earth being birthed in Bethlehem (Mat 1:23). This birth places God under His given LAW (Gal 4:4). God does this to fulfill all the “Law”, but also to “die” a spotless lamb’s death to pay the penalty for all human sins redeeming humans from Satan using a Zayin cutaway. Finally, this death on the cross also performed another “Zayin” divide, separating God, Himself from all evil at another set future time.
  17. It was after 3 days in hell that God was righteously satisfied for the death of Jesus as payment for “All” human sins, that Jesus is resurrected from the dead.
  18. It was this resurrection that began God’s “New Creation” with Jesus becoming the “Firstborn from the dead”. This new birth brought about a creation type that had never existed at any time in the past. And this gave Jesus preeminence over all other creations in the past, the present and the future.

It was Jesus being raised from the dead that sealed Satan’s future destiny in hell. This is why 1 Corinthians 2:8 claims that if Satan would have known what was planned, he would not have crucified the LORD God on a cross. What happened that Satan did not expect?

God’s surprise is called the first “New Birth” of a spiritual being (Rev 1:5). Jesus reveals this mystery in John 3:3 when He said, “Except a man is born again, he cannot enter the kingdom of God”. Wow, that is a major statement. It is also the exact same “Vav” joining heaven to some deemed righteous, while simultaneously performing a “Zayin” cutting away of others named unrighteous and evil that is taking place.

Was Jesus a man? Yes, He was! Therefore, this statement first applied to Him. If we can read in Colossians 1:18 Jesus is called “the beginning”. What is He the beginning of? It comes in the next connecting statement, “the firstborn from the dead”. Wow, again! A growing number of Bible teachers are beginning to teach what was accomplished in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. However, there are still too many that are leaving out that He became the “firstborn from the dead” while being resurrected. It was this powerful act of God that made Him preeminent (the FIRST, the HEAD, the alphabet letter “Resh”) in God’s never existing before, new creation.

This spiritually imminent New Birth is what Satan was oblivious to. It implemented a “New Creation” (2 Cor 5:17) that also brought about a “Vav” reconnecting “New Covenant” (Heb 12:24) with humans, which is resulting in a New Jerusalem (Rev 21:2), a “New Heaven”, and a “New Earth” (Rev 21:1), and all these new things will exclude (Zayin divide) Satan and all other evil completely. This New Creation is our current phase of existence in God’s plan of removal of evil and Satan. It will last for 2 days, or 2000 years called the church days of Divine Grace.

However, the church age will climax with implementing God’s next steps of His plan. This begins with the church being victorious over God’s enemy Satan. This will be the conclusion to Christ’s works on the cross that laid the foundation of Satan’s defeat and our Victory. This victory will result in the church standing upon Satan’s head with our feet (Rom 16:20). The church is the prophesied woman that will bruise Satan’s head under our feet in Genesis 3:15. Can you hear the screams of blasphemy that just happened? Please patiently put down your stones.

Yes, most teach Genesis 3:15 is about the “Seed” and not the “woman” crushing the serpent’s head. But both are true. Remember where the church came from and who the church is today. The church is called the bride of Christ and Christ is called the bridegroom. But the church is also called the “Body of Christ” like we can read in Colossians 1:18. We also know that Christ is called the “Head” of the corporate church “body” that is “Vav” united with Him to being in Him and Him being in our spirit. Therefore, we know that God says, “As He is, so are we!” (1 Jn 4:17). This appears to say whatever He does through us, is what He does. This would mean if we crush the head of the serpent under our feet, it is the same as if Christ Jesus in us has done it.

Therefore, where are the feet in the body of Christ? They must be in the church that is on the earth today. This is exactly why God writes to the church in Romans 16:20, “the God of Peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly”. This clearly is a statement of prophecy about a soon coming victory over God’s enemy. It is God’s sovereign choice to show Satan that it will be a newly created spiritual woman that will be the one that will crush his head, and not the Almighty God that created him. This appears to lower Satan’s pride significantly to not think that he is so high and mighty above all else. This is powerful if you will accept it.

Quickly, let us wrap this section of the lesson about the simultaneous “Vav” joining with God, and “Zayin” cutting away of Satan and all evil with observing the last steps of the plan of God for Satan’s permanent removal.

Rev 20:3  And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.

This verse in Revelation 20 is when Satan and all his evil spirit servants are cast into the pit for 1000 years. This is the last 7th day of the creation account found in the Genesis 1 prophecy of man’s complete history on the earth during this present creation. This is called God’s Sabath day of rest, and this is very interesting. What we learn from this coming 1000-year day of “rest”, is that it is a time where all humans on the earth that there will be no “evil influences” for humans to be tempted with.

This information clearly implies by the law of antithesis truth, the preceding 6 days or 6000 years of man will be a time when they will be working for God and against evil influences or working with the evil to be against God. These 1000 years of rest from fighting Satan, will bring down the Kingdom of God from heaven which will be ruled with a rod of iron by the resurrected from the dead LORD Jesus, and the resurrected and raptured church overcomers (Rev 2:26-27, Rev 5:10, Rev 20:4).

There will be physical tribulation survivors that did not take the mark of the beast and were not killed by the antichrist, that will be left on the earth. These people would have survived miraculously throughout the entire 7 years of God’s judgments upon the earth, and Satan’s wrath. Now these people will be able to repopulate the earth for the period lasting 1000 years. But after these 1000 years have ended, we can clearly read in Revelation 20:3 that Satan must be loosed for a short time from his pit captivity (Rev 20:7) to deceive, tempt and test people again (Rev 20:8). None of these natural newly born people on the earth have ever experienced any direct temptations. Therefore, it appears God is allowing them to be tested by evil to choose between “Vav” joining with Satan or remaining in “Vav” union with God through Jesus. Let us look now at the final “Zayin” division of Satan and all evil from the righteous:

Rev 20:10  And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

We can clearly read in this verse that there is coming after the 1000-year reign of Christ, the never-ending separation of God from all evil. This is the last time that a “Zayin” cutting away will become final and the “Chet” wall of permanent division fully encloses all evil away from the righteous.

The “Great White Throne” Judgment will take place next after Satan’s elimination, and the unrighteous will be judged and whoever is not found written in the “book of life” will be cast into hell with Satan (Rev 10:15). This is the second death called the spiritual separation from knowing God and all His grace, goodness, mercy, love and forgiveness. This will truly be sad for these people since they could have accepted Jesus their entire life on the earth. Finally, God is completing the “Zayin” separation from evil and His “Vav” union with the “righteous” by ending His first creation after fully transitioning all righteous into His New Creation:

Rev 21:1  And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

Rev 21:2  And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

Rev 21:3  And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

Rev 21:4  And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

Rev 21:5  And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

Rev 21:6  And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

Rev 21:7  He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

Rev 21:8  But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

These are amazing prophetical promises that will be occurring much sooner than you may imagine. Hopefully, these verses make a lot more sense to you now. We can clearly see the culmination of God’s plan being fully realized that was planned from the very foundation of the world. God has spoken this entire plan in outline form in Genesis 1.

Go back and see how the 7-day creation of our current world was an overview for His plan of eliminating evil and “Vav” joining with only righteousness. Five or six times “Zayin” divisions take place. The first three chapters of Genesis have significant amounts of dual meanings attached to them. They contain natural descriptions of what is happening in our world during creation, and these are also symbolic revealing spiritual things that are prophesied to happen in the spiritual world of God’s plan of man’s salvation and Satan’s elimination. However, this will not be covered in this lesson.

5. Conclusion

There are numerous verses in the New Covenant as well as prophetical verses in the Old Covenant that could have been included in this lesson today. Hopefully, you have learned enough to spend your personal time studying this subject on your own. For example, to conclude this lesson, we will only review a few examples of what we have learned that Jesus fulfilled as the “Vav” ancient Hebrew alphabet letter:

1Co 15:24  Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power

Here is another confirming verse that helps unlock the mystery of Jesus as the “Vav”. Notice it begins with then comes the “end” and this connects us to the end being made known from the beginning we learned in the Genesis 1:1 prophecy.  Next notice Paul writes “when ‘he’ shall deliver up the kingdom to God the Father. The “he” here in this verse is Jesus the Son of God that was raised up from the dead to “begin” a brand-new creation (2 Cor 5:17) and He in this process has “been highly exalted far above all principality, power, might and dominion” (Eph 1:21). This is a direct reference to Satan and all his kingdom evil angels. Let us include this verse of Ephesians in our conclusion.

Eph 1:21  Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:

It is essential to notice that the Greek word G746 translated as “principality” in Ephesians 1:21, is also translated as “beginning(s)” approximately 40 times. It is also the same exact Greek word that was translated as “rule” in 1 Corinthians 15:24.

Therefore, we have discovered that there was a “powerful” ruler that existed at the time of God’s beginning of His first creation (Gen 1:1) that needed to be put down and placed permanently underfoot. This spiritual ruler was “Lucifer” and God has been working His plan to remove Lucifer’s evil influence both in heaven and in earth through “Jesus’ death” being nailed (Vav) on a cross (Tav) (1 Cor 2:8) for the last 6000 years.

1Co 15:25  For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet.

As we can confirm from this verse, God is implementing a progressive transfer of power and authority that began in God’s heavenly kingdom that was then transitioned to rule in the current temporary earth realm. Remember God personally came down in the form of a human baby in the middle of this process to “Vav” join Himself with His creation and to place Himself under His law (Gal 4:4).

It should be becoming obvious that this shift of power was a process and not just a one-time single event. We can see a major part of this transition was accomplished after Jesus was resurrected from the dead by reading Matthew 28:18. In this verse, Jesus the risen Son of God proclaims, “All authority in heaven and earth, has been given to me”. Clearly this is a profound statement of a shift in power and delegated authority.

It strongly confirms God’s need to eliminate Lucifer’s authority in heaven and then on the earth and it was accomplished when Jesus became the “First born from the dead”. It was through this “New First Spiritual Re-Birth of Jesus” that initiated God’s “New Creation”, including a “New Kingdom”, a “New Covenant”, etc. as we have learned.

God is amazing and we could have written many more volumes of information about this subject of a “Zayin” certain “Division” of Satan and evil from God and man, a “Vav” destined “re-connection” of all righteousness back to God, and a “Chet” final and permanent “wall of separation” being “built” between all good and all evil.

Thank you for reading and studying the Bible with us. We love you more than you may know. Hopefully this potentially new information did not overwhelm you. Please, be an Acts 17:11 more noble type of Christian and learn to study everything learned here for yourself, looking up every verse reference given and confirm what is taught is what God is saying to the church today. There is too much deception taking place in the world today, and God’s Word is the only source of TRUTH for the sound knowledge of what He has done for us and given to us. Praise the LORD!

Intro Alef Beyt-1 2 Gimel Dalet Hey Vav Zayin Chet Tet Yod Kaf Lamed Mem 1 2 Nun Samekh Ayin Pey Tsade Qof Resh Shin TavAlef-Beyt Chart (Series updated as LORD directs and permits)

Are You Saved? Do you Know Jesus? Life is Short! Jesus wants to Know You! Please come and get to Know Him!

Jesus in the Ancient Hebrew Language – Ayin – The Eyes of God Are Upon Us

(Ver 1.0) This is “Part 17” in the amazing Bible study series focused upon learning how God became a man named “Yehoshua” (Jesus=Jehovah Saves) and how He was hidden in every letter of the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet. We have been going through each letter of the alphabet (but not in alphabetical order) and today we are focused on the 16th letter called “Ayin”. This ancient Hebrew pictogram is the image of an open human eye as in looking, seeing and sight. Therefore, we will be studying about primarily the Eyes of God, and Jesus, and the application of the letter “Ayin” to human sight (natural and spiritual) in this Bible lesson.

The Ayin is another one of the most essential letters representing the very significant participation and involvement of God’s Eyes looking upon the lives of humans on the earth (2 Chr 16:9). Therefore, we will be learning the subject of “eyes” from two views, one is the eternal spiritual application, and the other is God’s created natural application. God sees us from a much higher spiritual vision and viewpoint, than most people see Him or observes other humans. The ways of God are so much greater than human ways of seeing and making decisions and judgments (Isa 55:9).

Therefore, be forewarned that this lesson is an advanced spiritual subject that can potentially be offensive to naturally thinking humans and Christians. Also, it may not take the direction that many readers expect. We are about to discover how the Lord has shifted our focus from just verses about “eyes”, to some of the key applications of spiritual eyesight. This may not seem obvious at first, but these potential new perspectives on eyes will become more alive after being understood.

If you have not read this series from the introduction, it is highly recommended that you go and build upon the foundational subject introduction, before selecting individual letters to study. To do this select “Jesus in the Ancient Hebrew – Introduction”.

Since this lesson is about the “Eyes” of God and man, both in the eternal spiritual and naturally created realms, it is suggested that we begin by asking God to open our spiritual eyes to see whatever He wants us to see about this subject from His higher heavenly perspective. This is a great prayer to pray for every lesson in this series on this website and every lesson subject that you desire to learn taught by anyone. Pray and ask God in faith for Him to do the following as you continue to study:

Eph 1:17  That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you (me) the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:

Eph 1:18  The eyes of your (my) understanding being enlightened; that ye (I) may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,

If you prayed this prayer and meant it, God will be faithful to open your “eyes” to “see” exactly what you need to learn today. Let us begin to study this subject of Ayin eyes with our basic introduction to the letter Ayin. Here is a quick list of the subject topics that will be covered today:

  1. Introduction to the Ayin = Eyes
  2. Introduction to Spiritual Eyes
  3. What Did Jesus Teach About Eyes?
  4. Eyes in Creation – Separating the Light (Seeing Eyes), from the Darkness (Blind Eyes)
  5. Ayin Application to the Believer
  6. Conclusion

1. Introduction to the Ayin = Eyes

This is another very interesting an amazingly essential letter picture pointing us to the plan of God to bring Jesus into the world. It is also a picture representation of hidden things that God will accomplish in Jesus. As you can see in the image that was drawn above, it is the simple picture of an “eye”. But it is not just any kind of “eyes”, it is the picture of the eyes that have been “opened” so that they can “see”, and this is very significant to what God will teach us today. Notice this letter is very prophetical, with God desiring His created man to seek and search for Him (Deu 4:29, 1 Chr 16:11). But it is also a picture of our God like a Good shepherd that is watching over His flock with loving care:

2Ch 16:9  For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars. 

Here is a key verse written about God’s eyes looking down upon humans. This verse claims that God’s eyes are constantly scanning the face of the earth’s surface, and He is looking for a human to show Himself strong to. This verse then states that there are people that have done foolishly that were seen by God, and this will be the cause of their coming wars. Let us look at another verse about the Eyes of the Lord:

Pro 15:3  The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.

There are numerous verses found in the Bible that reveal God has eyes and that He is seeing everything that is going on in the world. There are a lot of humans that do not believe this, including people that call themselves Christians. This information should awaken some today, to consider what they are doing and saying about God and others in the world.

The Ayin picture represents the image of a natural open eye which also has direct application of figurative meanings to the unseen spiritual realm. This is one of the primary reasons why we prayed the prayer in Ephesians 1, asking God to “open our eyes” (Ayin) to see and know Him. We can also find in 2 Kings 2:16-17 where Elisha prayed and ask God to open the eyes of his servant to see that there were more in the unseen spiritual realm that were with them, than were against them in the natural realm. It is very clear that everyone has the potential to see the greater spiritual realities around us with the opening of our spiritual eyes by God, and this will cause the lesser physical realities to become insignificant.

Therefore, the primary meaning of the ancient letter design, is the open or seeing “eye” or more precisely “eyes”, because humans were created with two natural eyes. But the letter picture has several other functional applications in the natural visual realm. For example, the Ayin letter has the following applications:

  1. An eye, or eyes as in “open”
  2. to see,
  3. to perceive,
  4. to look,
  5. to behold,
  6. to observe,
  7. to recognize,
  8. to search and/or find,
  9. to watch,
  10. to witness
  11. a color related to the eyes.
  12. the face connected with the eyes.
  13. to stand before and in the presence of the one looking on

Now let us go through a few of the spiritual applications of the “ayin” eye image:

  1. to learn,
  2. to know,
  3. to understand,
  4. to comprehend,
  5. to have a thought,
  6. to think,
  7. to perceive,
  8. to experience,
  9. to be enlightened
  10. to be alive
  11. to visualize or have a vision,
  12. to be open minded,
  13. to not be closed minded,
  14. to not be unaware, or asleep
  15. to not be dead

As we can see the “Ayin” pictogram of an open eye, also has multiple figurative applications to the hidden human heart representing the combined human soul and spirit.  But wait, there are also a couple other natural application of the eye symbol within God’s designed creation. Here is a short list of them:

  1. A well in the ground containing water looks like an eye and God refers to the earth as a face (Exo 10:5) which is a container for these waters (Gen 24:12, Exo 15:27).
  2. A fountain and a pool of water on the earth can look like a shimmering eye (Neh 2:14).
  3. A fountain of water can resemble a weeping eye (Gen 16:7, Num 33:9).
  4. The human eye can also resemble “furrows” (slits) in the face of the earth representing ground that has been plowed (Hosea 10:10).

These are some of the basic concepts found in the ancient Hebrew letter Ayin and its corresponding Hebrew word H5869. Please note that this was not a complete list and none of these concepts can be covered fully in this lesson today.

But when the Ayin letter is combined with other letters to form new words the application of the open eye becomes immensely greater. For example, “Ayin” + “Nun” can mean the “Eyes Continue” as in a shepherd “Keeps Watch” over his flock, clearly an image of God and Jesus as found in Psalm 23.

The “Ayin” + “Mem” combined letters form the Hebrew word H5971 that is translated as “people”. Remember the Ayin represents the “Eye” or “See”, and the “Mem” represents moving “water” and “blood”. Therefore, combining these meanings we can easily see that these two letters mean “See the Blood” and “See the Water”. The number one ingredient in any living human body is water and if you recall Adam’s name means “God’s Blood”. Therefore, God is calling His people those that have been bought with the blood of God (Jesus).

The alphabet letters Ayin + Dalet + Nun spells the Hebrew word H5731 transliterated as “Eden” which is the name of the garden of God. The Ayin is the Eye. The Dalet is the “door” of entrance or exit to God’s house and this is Jesus. The Nun is the picture of the “seed” representing continuing life, another image of Jesus giving us eternal life. These letter meanings when combined can say “Search (Find and See) the Door to Eternal Life” (Jesus).

Another amazing Ayin word is “AD” (H5703) that can be translated as “everlasting” or “evermore” as in eternity. Recall these were the first two Hebrew letters of “Eden”. God is clearly teaching us that His plan was for man to live forever. But because of Adam’s sin, Jesus was sent to the earth to make a new way to eternal life, and He is definitely the completing Nun seed of God sent to accomplish this (Jn 12:24) to give us eternal life.

The next Hebrew word in the introduction will be “AhTH” (H6258) and this word is translated predominately as “Now” as in the present time. This word is spelled “Ayin” + “Tav” + “Hey”. These three letters have the meaning, Ayin=“look”, Tav=“the cross”, and Hey=“behold” and placing these together we get two directions of view on a single most critical point event of human history called the crucifixion of the Messiah. God called this single event the “fulness or the fulfillment of time” in Galatians 4:4.

We can get the hidden message for AhTH, no matter where “now” is to any human. If now occurred before the cross, God was saying for those to look (Ayin) forward to the cross to come. But if it was after the cross occurred, then God is saying for us to look back in time, to become an amazed believer beholding (Hey) what God has done.

But this Hebrew word H6258 “now” also comes from the root “AhT”, that literally means “time”. This word is spelled “Ayin” (Eyes) + “Tav” (Cross). This appears to teach us that God’s entire reason for creating this thing called “time” was for the coming event of a cross that needed to be eagerly looked for.

Most of the Jewish people were looking for Messiah to come, but completely missed Him and did not realize what happened to save them on a cross in plain sight. These were just some of the amazing hidden coded messages using the “Ayin” letter and there are many others. We may get into a few more of these special words later if the Holy Spirit permits.

Let us move quickly into the letter Ayin numbers. The letter Ayin is the 16th letter of the alphabet. It has a gematria value of seventy. Seventy is the number achieved by multiplying 10 a perfecting factor with the number 7 that represents the perfection of God. Here is a short list of significant 70 occurrences in the Word of God:

  1. Lamech will be avenged 70 x 7 times in Genesis 4:24
  2. All the souls of Jacob that came into Egypt was 70 in Genesis 46:27.
  3. Moses brought the children of Israel to Elim where there was 12 wells and 70 palm trees to camp in Exodus 16:24.
  4. Children of Israel died in the wilderness at the maximum age of 70 or if some were stronger at 80 according to Psalm 90:10.
  5. God tells Moses to bring Aaron, his 2 sons, and Seventy elders of the 12 tribes of Israel to Mt Sinai to receive and accept God’s Law (Torah) (Exo 24:1). The Jewish Sanhedrin was formed and consisted of 70 elder men.
  6. 70 weeks are determined for natural Israel in Daniel 9:24. Seventy times seven is a total of 490 years.
  7. Israel exiled into Babylon 70 years (Jer 25:12).
  8. Jesus tells Peter to forgive people 70 x 7 times in 1 day (Mat 18:22).
  9. Jesus chose 12 disciples and appointed 70 others to go out to heal the sick and preach the Kingdom of God is come near to them (Luke 10:1-9).

These are just a very few of the examples found in the Bible of significant occurrences of the number 70. Each of these would take multiple lessons alone to cover. Therefore, they are only mentioned today for your personal Bible studies.

Every Hebrew letter has a corresponding Hebrew word. This word is the spelled-out form of the sound of the letter. The Hebrew word H5869 is the Hebrew word equivalent for the letter Ayin. This word is spelled “Ayin” + “Yod” + “Nun”. This Hebrew word occurs over 800 times in the Old Testament with it being translated over 400 times as “eyes”, over 200 times as “sight”, over 70 times as “eye” and several other interesting words applying to the eyes, and some were mentioned earlier.

Remember the Ayin Hebrew word H5869 was spelled “Ayin” + “Yod” + “Nun” and this is also very significant. Also remember the letter “Ayin” means “eyes” that “see” or “look”. The “Yod” means the “right hand” of “power”. The “Nun” represents a “seed”. This is profound because this says, “what we see with our eyes has the power to plant a seed (in our heart). This is radical and many humans don’t realize what they are watching could kill them or save them.

This introduces us to the ancient Hebrew cultural concept of the “evil” eye versus the “good” eye. The terms “evil” and “eye” occurs multiple times in the Bible, and they are easy to find by searching the words in your Bible software program or app. An evil eye in many Hebrew minds was a person that was stingy or not kind to give to others, a man focusing upon the consumption of wealth (Prov 28:22). This is very much like the rich man that died in Luke 16 with a beggar that lived outside his gate hoping to eat his crumbs from his tables. This rich man went to hell, implying in the eyes of God this man had an evil eye towards his fellow humans.

Let us go through a few of the other basic concepts and components of seeing “eyes”. We all know that “eyes” are essential for “sight”. This means they are like windows of the body that allow “light” to enter an image into our minds. We just saw this concept about a “seed” that can be planted in our mind by visual images.

But this is only possible because of the presence of the “light” that is shining upon the object being observed. This entrance of light reflected off the object causes the image to enter the body’s interior and the unseen human mind (soul), and this is an essential part for human learning. But all this learning is only possible for eyes that are open, and willing minds that desire to learn.

1Jn 1:5  This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

Here is a major God connection to the human spirit and our spiritual eyesight. God is called light as we can read in 1 John 1:5 and we know that light is the essential element for natural sight. This verse also informs us that in Him is no darkness and we know darkness is one description for blindness and the inability to see natural light. But remember that John 4:24 says God is a Spirit and not our natural light, so this verse is primarily applicable to spiritual concepts like God’s Words (Jn 6:63, PS 119:130).

God’s Words are just ink on a page and without natural light nobody could see and read them. But the same is true in the spirit realm. Without God’s light to illuminate His Words to our mind and spirit so that we will be able to comprehend what He has written for us to know about Him, we can receive nothing from them. Therefore, let us move to Part 2 of the introduction revealing the reality of spiritual eyes.

2. Introduction to Spiritual Eyes

We are now coming into the light, about the concept of two types of human eye doors (Dalet) that can be opened and shut. In the natural realm this occurs from blindness (Jn 9:1), the shutting of the eyes (Ps 132:4), or the placing of a blindfold upon the natural eyes (Luke 22:64) that shut out the light. But these same principles can also apply to the greater parallel reality of 1) spiritual seeing eyes as being eyes that perceive and are opened, or 2) spiritual eyes being shut, closed, or blinded, which is a human that is not understanding what is being taught from the Word of God.

Perhaps you did not realize spiritual eyes do exist. We know the spirit realm of eyes is true because God is a Spirit (Jn 4:24) and He has eyes (Gen 6:8), but also know that His eyes never close to sleep (Psa 121:4). But there is another concept of the eyes of God that teach us that He may turn His eyes away from people when they are living in sin (Eze 7:22). Sin is a problem for God to look upon, this is why Jesus hanging on the cross cried, “My God, My God, why has thou forsaken me?” (Ps 22:1, Mat 27:46). Remember that the cross of Christ for the last 3 hours was in a manifestation of “darkness” (Mat 27:45). It was during this time that Jesus was made sin for us, so that we could be made the righteousness of God (1 Pet 2:24).

Spirit beings called angels must also have eyes, since the Church is reminded to entertain strangers, because some have encountered angels in the natural realm unaware (Hebrews 13:2). Therefore, at least some of the created angels can appear to be identical, as in feature to feature to humans and must have eyes.

We can further confirm this truth by reading about Lot entertaining 2 angels sent to Sodom to destroy these wicked places. The men of that city wanted Lot to bring the visiting men (not knowing they were angels), out of the house so that they could have sex with them. But these angelic beings had supernatural power and they “blinded” the eyes (Ayin) of the humans so that they were not able to see and that ended the wicked men’s desires immediately, since they could not find the door anymore (Gen 19:11). Therefore, some angels look almost exactly like humans. But we can also find where other angels have wings and can use their wings to cover their face in Isaiah 6:2.

We all know that humans have natural eyes to see in the created physical world. But today some are learning that humans also have spiritual eyes as we can read in Luke 16:23. In this verse Jesus informs us of a rich man’s spirit that was in hell, with his body buried on the earth, that could still see Abraham and Lazarus afar off. Therefore, we know spirits of humans apart from their bodies can see in the spirit realm, with their spiritual eyes.

Remember again that we prayed an essential prayer from Ephesians 1 at the beginning of the lesson asking God to “open” the spiritual eyes of our understanding while we are still alive in our human flesh. Therefore, we learn that the spiritual human eyes can also be fully opened (alert and aware), or be in varying degrees of participation, progressing all the way to being fully closed, while we are alive in the flesh. This inner alertness is not dependent upon whether our natural eyes are open or closed. This means the closing of human spiritual eyes in a living human body, has a deeper attachment to perceiving and knowing truth (open), or not seeing it (closed).

2Co 4:4  In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

Remember the story of Lot and two of God’s angels that blinded the natural eyes of evil humans. This ability appears to also be true for evil angels that can blind the spiritual eyes of certain humans. As we can see in 2 Corinthians 4:4, there is a “god of this world” (Satan) that is able to “blind” the spiritual eyes/mind of unspecified humans. God calls this inability to see spiritual light a spiritual “blindness”. This spiritual eye problem was described as the inability to perceive light. But this light that was unable to be seen, is being illuminated from the “glorious gospel” (Word of God). It then informs that this blindness is causing that spiritually blind person the inability to be saved. This is a new radical concept to many.

What we are learning is that there are spirit beings that can keep the Word of God from the hearts and the “mind” of qualifying people. While we are not informed of the basis of this truth and why it is permitted in this verse, we know that God is just and if He must allow this type of blindness to occur it is because of something that the human has done that granted this to happen (Eph 4:27).

Nevertheless, whatever the reason for this access, these evil angels are clearly able to do this to keep some people from being saved. As we observe the world around us, it is obvious that there are a lot of people in this condition. There is no doubt that there are potentially many reasons why this has become so prevalent in these times that we are living.  We will not be able to cover all of them today.

There is one key reason why this blindness occurs. This reason was given to us by Jesus in the parable of the Sower in Matthew 13 and Mark 4. In this explanation of the parable Jesus teaches us that the “Seed” of the Word of God can be easily stolen by Satan because the one, that was listening to the Gospel did not “understand” the words being spoken. This is clearly a direct relationship to the human mind’s inability to “see” and “comprehend” a message. This lack of understanding a message that should be easily understood is what Jesus is speaking of.

One of the key reasons this blindness is occurring in the modern world, has been the removal of the Word of God from all public schools. This was designed intentionally by Satan to keep the truth far away from young impressionable minds. This continues into many colleges and universities through indoctrination of Satanic agenda items of persuadable smooth words to explain that there is no God.

These types of indoctrinations and brain washing schemes and techniques are being introduced even into elementary schools. The darkness of this world is attempting to sweep everyone away from the truth. But the Word of God is Light and Truth and it will always triumph over the lies of the darkness if Christians will get involved to fight for its return and the removal of the binding of the evil dark agenda.

This brings us to the concepts concerning our study subject of eyes (Ayin) called day and night, and light and darkness. People normally sleep in “darkness” and are “awake” and at “work” during the daylight. Therefore, light is the essential requirement for sight by God’s design. Paul writes to Christians in Romans 13:11 and Ephesians 5:14 informing them to “awake” out of their spiritual sleep. This informs us that even Christians being initially saved, can still be living in a state of partial or full darkness.

This sleeping in the darkness, is also like a partial blindness or the shutting of the spiritual eyes causing the inability to understand the Light of the Word of God. But this can be viewed as passiveness or tolerance for evil, like someone that is asleep during the robbery of their neighbor’s house. In the natural realm, this is more like a human that sees evil taking place and does not go to help someone being mugged.

This is a major problem in these days before Jesus returns, for too much of the church. Therefore, there needs to be a renewed Christian desire to move back into His Light to know Him more and understand His Word. This is a lot like the church written about in Revelation 2:4 when they are rebuked for leaving their first love (passion).

This sleep in the darkness, is analogous to Christians spiritual realities of not knowing God who calls Himself “Light” in 1 John 1:5 and it also includes us not fully knowing the Words of God that are called “Spiritual Light” (Ps 119:130). Therefore, without allowing God’s involvement in revealing Himself and His Word, no one living in the absence of God, which is the condition of darkness, would be able to “see” or “understand” anything in His Word of truth. These are all essential concepts to grasp, concerning spiritual awareness (sight), and blindness realities.

If you have ever descended into a large cave, and traveled very deep, and they have turned the lights off to demonstrate the effect of the absence of light, you know the nonexistence of all light is an amazing effect not normally experienced especially in the modern world of electronic devices that light up on demand. Again, this is analogous to God’s light participation and presence that enlightens our eyes to be able to perceive the truth.

We have only been introduced to some of the basic concepts and applications of eyes (Ayin). We have just learned the fact that there are at least two kinds of eyes that are in existence. These were the 1) natural physical created eyes and the 2) supernatural eyes of spirits.

This introduction has also brought us to understand that there are multiple kinds of spiritual beings with eyes, including 1) God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), 2) angels, and 3) humans. So far, we know God is a Spirit (Jn 4:24) and that God has spiritual eyes that can observe both the spiritual and the physical realities simultaneously (Genesis 6:5). But we know from 1 Samuel 16:7 that His foremost focus is upon the internal spiritual heart of man.

The real focus of God in this lesson is the Son of God named Jesus. This was a unique one-of-a-kind Son of Man and Son of God combination. Therefore, Jesus had to possess God’s spiritual eyesight as well as human natural eyesight. We are going to be primarily focused upon God the Son and His human interactions and purposes for appearing on earth, in the rest of this lesson.

But we must not forget that there remains the participation of evil spiritual influences of Satan, fallen angels, and demons in our world that are attempting to take away our abilities to see God’s “Light”. We will get to more of this soon. Let us move to the subject of the teachings of Jesus on “eyes” next to better understand the perspective of the Son of God purpose for being born in Bethlehem.

3. What Did Jesus Teach About Eyes?

This teaching on the “eyes” (Ayin) of God and man is a huge subject. It is impossible to cover everything in this single lesson about “eyes” that were taught by Jesus. Jesus was God, and still is God in the form of created flesh, and it was Him that created the “eyes” (Ayin) (Prov 20:12). Therefore, He knows and understands this subject better than anyone (Eph 3:9). Because we are learning how every alphabet letter is pointing us to Jesus, let us analyze a few key statements that He taught us about “eyes”.

Luk 4:18  The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, 

Early in the ministry of Jesus, He begins to teach the Jewish people from the Word of God. Therefore, in this verse He had just walked into a synagogue and the scroll of Isaiah is brought to Him to read. He searches (with His Ayin Eyes) the scroll and finds this verse specifically. He reads it boldly with the natural eyes (Ayin) of everyone in the temple being fixed upon Him. He then goes and sits down in a chair reserved for the coming Messiah. He tells everyone that “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your ears”. This got their attention like nothing else could have. They had been awaiting their Messiah for centuries.

As part of this verse, we will only focus our attention on a single statement. This occurred when He said, “I am sent to bring the recovering of sight to the blind”. Certainly, this ministry to human eyes was a key part of His divinely appointed earth mission. According to prophecy and his own mouth, God had appeared on the earth in the flesh, “to open blind eyes”.

As we have learned in the introduction, blind “eyes” are those that do not have vision either fully or partially, and either naturally or spiritually, or both. They typify eyes shrouded in “darkness” denying the ability to perceive the “light” clearly. We can see Jesus opening physical blind eyes in Matthew 9:27-30, Matthew 12:22-23, Matthew 15:30-31, Matthew 20:30, Matthew 12:14, to only name a few in one book of the Gospels. Therefore, physical blindness being healed was certainly a key part of the ministry of the Messiah.

But there was also Jesus’ working in the realm of the spirit to remove spiritual blindness that was a significant part of His revealed purpose for coming into the world. This was revealed when He read from the scroll of Isaiah. This spiritual blindness is the inability to find, perceive, know, or understand God’s truth. We still encounter vast numbers of readers on this website like this. This is revealed when they do not leave a comment that they saw anything that blessed them spiritually, or they write about things that are so carnally distracting that it is clear they have no spiritual sight. Jesus spoke of people in this condition:

Mat 15:14  Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

Reading the context that went before in verses 1 to 13, we will find Jesus speaking about religious leaders that understood very little of what they were teaching the people from the written Words of God’s Law. These were people that were supposed to be shepherds in a role that were there to care for God’s sheep (people). These men were adding their own carnal traditions and customs to be above the written words of God and in doing so they made the Word of God ineffectual (Mat 15:6). Jesus called this the “blind” (of spirit) that were leading their “spiritually blind” followers into a pit of destruction.

This was a very strong statement against those that were being spoken of, but it had vast implications of antithesis positives attached to it. The first and foremost unstated reference was that Jesus was implied not to be spiritually blind because He was the speaker. This made Him a spiritually sighted man able to see and understand the Word of God and this was observed by many people that heard Him speak on the Kingdom of God (Luke 2:47, Luke 4:22, Mark 6:2, John 7:46).

There are other examples of spiritually blind leaders of God’s people. Another one that is found in the Gospels is the statements made by Jesus to scribes and pharisees in Matthew 23:15-36. These words appear to be a rebuke to these leaders combined with a warning to repent and change. Repent means to change their ways of thinking and this is a spiritually mind/soul reversal of thought. This clearly indicates they were in a condition of being spiritually blind not able to understand God or His Word clearly. God prophesied about these leaders in Ezekiel 34:1-10 and other places.

Therefore, we have learned and confirmed the following from the mouth of Jesus about eyes:

  1. God came to the earth to open blind eyes.
  2. One kind of blind eyes that are in darkness is natural.
  3. A second kind of blind eyes are spiritual because they understand not what is written in God’s Word.
  4. Being spiritually blind is the condition of not understanding what is learned or taught from the Word of God.
  5. Spiritually blind people can be people that fully see clearly with their natural eyes.
  6. Therefore, spiritual blindness represents the lack of human ability to perceive the Word.

Let us look at a new set of verses that Jesus spoke of about “eyes” (Ayin) revealing His Ayin mission on earth.  We will read four verses in John 12.

Joh 12:44  Jesus cried and said, He that believeth on me, believeth not on me, but on him that sent me. 

Joh 12:45  And he that seeth me seeth him that sent me. 

Joh 12:46  I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness

Joh 12:47  And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.

Here in these verses, Jesus is physically present on the earth teaching the natural people some key spiritual concepts about one of His significant purposes for coming into the world. There is a direct mention of “eyes” that “see” in verse 45 connecting us to the study subject of “Ayin”. But notice Jesus said that He came into the world to be a “light”. This was not a physical light that glowed in the night’s natural darkness. No Jesus is speaking spiritually as He did in His normal types of conversations with humans.

This literally means Jesus is calling Himself the Spirit Light source of knowledge and this simply means He knew and understood the Word of God. Therefore, this indicates His purpose was to open the blinded (darkened) spiritual eyes (minds) that we were just reading about in the beginning of this section. This also further connects us to Jesus being called symbols of the sun, such as the Day Star (2 Peter 1:19), Morning Star (Rev 22:16) and the Sun of Righteousness (Mal 4:2).

We already know that Jesus is speaking about two types of eyes here by additionally stating that one of His highest goals for His personal appearance was to “save the world”. Therefore, we can easily connect that our “salvation” is from this present lost world, and this was related to the opening of our blind spiritual eyes. This is amazing when you see it, no pun intended.

Notice in verse 44, Jesus is speaking of “believing”. We know from Romans 10:9-10, that believing in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, and confessing with our mouths He is our Lord Jesus, we are on the path to be saved. Therefore, we are experiencing and confirming the reality of two sets of eyes (Ayin), these are:

  1. Spiritual Heart Eyes, and
  2. Physical Natural Eyes.

We find this revelation in verse 45, when Jesus said, “when you have seen me (with your natural eyes), you have been given the opportunity of seeing my Father with your spiritual eyes. In other words, it takes believing faith for a human to experience and internally see God in the spirit realm of the “heart”. Here is an overview of some of the essential concepts that Jesus just taught us.

  1. Jesus came to be and bring the “Light” of salvation to everyone in the world (John 9:5). Jesus is speaking of Him being a physical example to show us the true nature of God as a spiritual Light (1 Jn 1:5).
  2. Jesus fulfilled being the Light of the world by teaching the Word of God (Psalm 119:130).
  3. Therefore, Jesus is not of the darkness, nor does He blind the eyes/mind of anyone, since He is the Light source that causes sight (Jn 9:5).
  4. Those people that did not understand what was being taught remained in their darkness of spiritual blindness (Mat 13:19).
  5. Those people that heard and understood His Words were enlightened with their spirit eyes and could believe in their hearts (Eph 1:17-18).
  6. Believing in things not seen is called walking by “faith” (spiritual enlightenment) and not by “sight” (natural) (2 Cor 5:7).

Our foundational Ayin verse of this lesson is Ephesians 1:18. We have seen this verse more than once and in it we will find Paul prayed for the church at Ephesus. Paul specifically mentions to ask God to open their spiritual eyes of their understanding to be enlightened (light to shine). These were all people that could see physically, and they were saved initially in their spirit, yet they still required a prayer to further open their spiritual eyes.

This further confirms that the removal of spiritual blindness is key to continued salvation and spiritual maturity. All these people that are being prayed for, have already received Christ as Lord and Savior. Yet Paul understands they are still very blinded in many areas of receiving, learning, and knowing God’s fullest truth.

If you look up the Greek word G5461 that was translated as “enlightened”, it is amazing how it fits with our discussion of “eyes”, “sight”, and “light”. This Greek word literally means to bring light to someone to cause them to see. But since God writing through Paul connected this to the word “understanding”, we find the meaning is changing from an external natural type of sight to an internal heart and soul illumination. Let us move to a new Ayin lesson from Jesus next:

Mat 6:20  But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:

Mat 6:21  For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Mat 6:22  The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light

Mat 6:23  But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

Mat 6:24  No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

This is one of the deepest spiritual thoughts that we could possibly try to understand in a short description. Yet, we will touch on it because Jesus is speaking about our subject of “eyes” in this chapter context in verses 22 and 23. We should quickly realize that Jesus is speaking of the subject that we were introduced to earlier concerning a good eye (Ayin) and an evil eye (Ayin).

Also, what we will quickly discover is that these verses are crossing into two human realities simultaneously, in practically every verse. These two realities are spiritual sight and physical sight as well as natural light and spiritual light. For example, in verse 20 we see Jesus speaking of storing up “treasure” in heaven.

Heaven is clearly the unseen spiritual location of the throne of the Father (Ps 11:4) and is the place now where the Son is also seated (Heb 8:1). But these words are being spoken from the natural realm of our human choices and works. Jesus specifically declares that when we store our treasures in heaven (the spirit reality), the natural corrupted evils found in the physical world cannot devour or steal them from us. This is amazing because it teaches us that Heaven is a “securely” ruled location, and earth has a different “cursed” system of combined “good” and “evil” that can destroy them on the earth. Therefore, we have new facts of major truth:

  1. There are two realms of existence and access for humans, and these are a). the spiritual and b). the natural, and these occur simultaneously.
  2. The spiritual in heaven is where God’s throne is located.
  3. The earth natural realm is where humans live.

Now combining verses 20 and 21 we confirm these two realms of existence can be manifested or accessed here upon the earth by humans. Jesus makes the clear statement “wherever” we focus our heart that is where our treasure is located. Wow, this is good for us to know. Humans can “see into”, “participate in”, and “focus upon” either of these two realms of existence while on the physical earth. What does this teach us?

  1. Jesus says there are human spiritual eyes and natural eyes, and we can choose to point our human focused desires and priorities towards either.
  2. Jesus is also very clearly confirming the fact that an evil eye is a greedy stingy person only focused upon gaining more physical wealth to bring themselves more money, influence, power, praise, prestige, glory, honor.
  3. But those with the good eye, is focused upon bringing people into the kingdom of God for the Glory of God only (Prov 22:9).

How does a Christian change their eye focus? Jesus enlightened us to the answer in verses 22 and 23. Jesus is teaching us that it is a daily human choice what we focus upon as our priority. In these verses Jesus says, “If our eye is…” and the choices are for us to make our eye “wholly” focused upon the implied good Light like us choosing to be kind, loving, generous, etc. The other choice is for us to change our mental eye focus from doing evil like choosing to see others instead of ourselves only.

An evil eye is also one like Lucifer, that was described to us in Isaiah 14:12-14. In these verses Lucifer says at least 5 times what “He will do and become”. He was clearly focused upon himself, by saying, “I will be like the most high”, “I will exalt my throne above the stars”, etc. This shows self-promotion and greed, and the clear quality of pride. These are character traits of a lot of rich people in the world today, but God will judge everyone, and it will be like Jesus said in Matthew 19:33, “hardly will a rich man enter into the kingdom of heaven”.

In other words, we can choose to focus upon what we are observing all around us in the natural world to our own selfish greed, and we can let those thoughts dominate us, or we can replace that darkness with the “light” of the Word of God to allow it to come into our hearts and minds. God’s words, thoughts and ways filling our minds, will consume our carnal thoughts, and Satan’s evil thoughts of temptation.

Let us end this section with verse 23. In this verse Jesus is describing the “evil eye”. But this verse also has a new revelation to teach us a new concept about light. Reread this verse again:

Mat 6:23  But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

Did you see the contradiction? How can an evil eyed human that Jesus says is full of darkness, also have light? Uh oh? Jesus just opened our eyes to two kinds of light. We know the Word of God brings us “Good” light and this represents Truth. Therefore, evil light must represent lies.

As we should know from 2 Corinthians 11:14, Paul wrote to us, “Satan himself transforms into an angel of light”. We also know that Jesus said in John 8:44, “the devil… for he is a liar, and a father of it.”. Therefore, gaining spiritual “light” appears to be defined more clearly and precisely as the concept of a human obtaining “knowledge”. Doesn’t this make sense?

Weren’t our human minds born as vessels empty of “knowledge”? Are they not being filled and enlightened with new things never seen before every day? But this is where Jesus warns us that there is potentially a lot of “light” / knowledge that is not “good” to know of fill your mind with.

In fact, this is the concept found in Genesis 2. This is where God commands the man not to “eat” from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Eating from a tree of evil appears to represent symbolically “looking” at, and “receiving” the enlightenment of the types of knowledge that are of the darkness. Therefore, this is evil, this information is always based upon the devil’s “lies”. Did you learn anything new? Here is an overview of the basic concepts:

  1. Gaining knowledge is receiving spiritual enlightenment.
  2. There are two kinds of spiritual “light”. 1) Good, and 2) Evil.
  3. Evil enlightenment fills the spirit/mind/body with darkness and lies.
  4. Good enlightenment fills the spirit/mind/body with Light and Truth and this is always Words from the mouth of God.

Now let us take all this new information back to creation written in Genesis 1 to be enlightened further with confirming truths.

4. Eyes in Creation
Separating the Light (Sight),
From the Darkness (Blind)

We are learning that there are multiple types of eyes and created entities that possess them. We know God created birds, fish, mammals, insects, etc., that all had natural eyesight. Finally, there was created man as the ending climax, that we also are learning was given created natural eyes and spiritual eyes that can either see or be blinded. All these eye types were created by the Eyes of the Creator God.

But in this section, we will discuss what took place in God’s Genesis 1 account of His creation about eyes. In this chapter we can find several direct and implied participations of eyes. We will also discover and confirm that there are other concepts concerning eyes like light and darkness that allow or hinder us from sight.

In the previous section it was revealed that viewing objects illuminated with “light” is gaining new “knowledge”. We could also say gaining new “knowledge” comes from “seeing” new “light”. This is why I love the Bible. There is a never-ending supply of “new light” and “new truth” in this book. The more you learn, the more you see, to learn.

All these new eye concepts are essential to understanding why God created the 16th letter of the Hebrew alphabet to be a picture of a “eye” (Ayin). We will start with the very first verse of the Bible in the book of “Beginnings”.

Gen 1:1  In the beginning God created (Alef-Tav) the heaven and the earth.

The very first indirect mention of God’s eyes is found in the first verse of the Bible. The eyes of God are strongly implied to be present in Genesis 1:1. But we can easily discover through study, that God’s unstated eyes and unstated mouth in the creation of verse 1, are very strong participants in the beginning creation of the entire heaven and the earth. In fact, notice that seven times in Genesis 1 God wrote “God saw” a clear reference to the eyes of God participating in creating our present world. These verses are:

  1. Genesis 1:4 “And God saw the light, that it was good”…
  2. Genesis 1:10 “And God saw it was good”.
  3. Genesis 1:12 “And God saw it was good”.
  4. Genesis 1:18 “And God saw it was good”.
  5. Genesis 1:21 “And God saw it was good”.
  6. Genesis 1:25 “And God saw it was good”.
  7. Genesis 1:31 “And God saw everything that He had made, and it was very good”.

We have 7 direct references to the eyes of God at work in creation. Now let us discover the mouth of God at work which represents His spoken Word, which we know is Jesus (John 1:1-14).

  1. Genesis 1:3 “And God said Let there be Light”.
  2. Genesis 1:6 “And God said Let there be a Firmament”.
  3. Genesis 1:9 “And God said Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together”.
  4. Genesis 1:11 “And God said Let the earth bring forth grass”.
  5. Genesis 1:14 “And God said Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven”.
  6. Genesis 1:20 “And God said Let the waters bring forth moving creatures with life”.
  7. Genesis 1:24 “And God said Let the earth bring forth living creatures after his kind”.
  8. Genesis 1:26 “And God said Let us make man in our image after our likeness”.
  9. Genesis 1:28 “Ang God blessed them and said…”
  10. Genesis 1:29 “And God said I have given you…”

In each of these verses it is written, “God said”. This is clearly the working of the Words of God coming from His mouth, but we will further verify this for those that like more details.

We can learn from Psalm 102:5 that the heavens were the “works” of God’s hands (Yod). And the letter Yod (hand) symbolically means that it was God’s “power” that created the heaven and the earth. But where is God’s power? We answer this by reading Hebrews 1:3.

Heb 1:3  Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;

This verse is also about Jesus called by the name “The Word of God” in Revelation 19:13. In this verse we discover that the world is held together by the “Word of His Power”. Therefore, All of God’s Power to not only create but to cause everything to remain created, is found in His spoken mouth “Word Power”. Then in Psalm 33:6 we confirm all of this by reading, “By the Word of the Lord were the heavens made, and all of the hosts of them by the breath of His mouth”.

God was said to be at work creating our present world, for 6 days in Genesis 1 and we should also understand that any good work is usually performed with the participation of eyes (Ayin) as we have observed directly in 7 verses. We learned that God’s hand (power) created the heavens (Ps 102:5). We have all heard of the concept for the necessity of “eye-hand or hand-eye” coordination in human works. This would be like a tennis player that finds the ball coming at them using their eyes, and then calculates and coordinates the desired location to swing their racket to meet the tennis ball to return the volley. Man was made in the image and likeness of the creator God. Therefore, God must do the same kind of eye to hand coordination to create. This will become more real as we continue to study Genesis 1.

We have already confirmed that creation was accomplished through God’s mouth (Peh) speaking creative Words (Ps 33:6) of Power (Yod = Hand) (Ps 102:25). God’s written word further confirms to us that God is “His Word” that created everything that was created by reading John 1:1-3 to name only one reference. In verse 1 of John 1 God says, “In the Beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God”. Next in verse 2 of John 1 we find God is claiming to be at work in the beginning through “Words” and these spoken Words came from the same creator God. But then in verse 3, we find a very direct reference to creation that everything that was made was made by Words of God.

Then we find in John 1:14 that the Word (God) chose to become flesh and that He dwelt among us personally by Him being made the man named Jesus (Mat 1:21). Therefore, Jesus was God in the flesh, and He was the Word of God (Rev 19:13). And He was God with us in human form (Mat 1:23). But what are God creative Words built upon? The correct answer is God’s chosen “Alphabet”.

If you have ever done any serious deep Bible study, you have already discovered that the Bible is a giant puzzle containing many scattered word pictures in random placements of the scriptures that must be aligned and joined correctly to all the other scattered related puzzle pieces to find Jesus Christ fittingly. Everything in the Bible (scriptures, words, letters) points us to Jesus in some form. This is the most important way to find Jesus, knowing we must search for Him on purpose everywhere.

What we are discovering is the existence of connected Hebrew alphabet letters to other letters (Ayin, Peh, Yod) that were purposefully designed by the intelligence of God. We have found that there is a major connection between the eyes of God to the mouth of God and the hand of God in creation at the beginning of all matter, space, and time, and Jesus the spoken Word of God was present and involved in all of it.

In our initial analysis of creation, we find where God has implied eyes, and we are going to confirm this using several other scriptures in this lesson. But what we are about to discover that at first creation of the heaven and the earth, there were also other eyes (Ayin) besides the eyes (Ayin) of God that immediately observed how God accomplished it. These observing created beings were the angels who after witnessing such wonders, shouted for joy. We can read about this in the book of Job and chapter 38 where Jehovah (YHVH) is speaking to the man Job:

Job 38:1  Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said, 

Job 38:2  Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge

Job 38:3  Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me

Job 38:4  Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding

Job 38:5  Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it? 

Job 38:6  Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof

Job 38:7  When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy

As we can see, God is asking Job some questions and demanding him to answer. But God’s questions are designed to reveal Job’s ignorance, and this applies to any human that believes they know completely about anything to how He created the universe. This is because no human was present to observe us being created or this single beginning event of Genesis 1:1.

But we are told in Job 38:7, that the creation event was observed by the “morning star” (Lucifer, Isa 14:12) and the sons of God (angels) and they literally all sang for joy in seeing how this creation was performed. Therefore, we have just seen more eyewitness observers of creation called “angels”. Hence, this further establishes that angels have “eyes” that see, and mouths that can speak. Let us look at the next verse in Genesis:

Gen 1:2  And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

The first occurrence of God’s usage of the letter Ayin is found twice in Genesis 1:2. Here God says, “darkness was upon the face of the earth” and “the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters”. The Hebrew word H5921 (‘al) was translated as “upon” twice and it means “to be above”.

God spelled this Hebrew word H5921 beginning it with our letter “Ayin” which is joined with the letter “Lamed” to form the word ‘al and it occurs significantly over five thousand times in the original Hebrew text. This word H5921 is translated as the English words “on”, “upon”, “above”, “over”, “against” (with a downward aspect), and others.

But the word H5921 individual ancient Hebrew letter meanings “Ayin” (eyes) + “Lamed” (shepherd staff authority) combined say “See, Watch, Observe the Authority” (of God’s power released through spoken words). This strongly implies again that God’s Eyes, Hands, and Mouth of Authority were all sovereignly at Work to create our world in Genesis 1.

What we are continuing to see in Genesis 1:2, is another implied involvement of the “Eyes of God” to describe what God was seeing concerning His creation and how He had observed a state of darkness that had covered the earth to make it formless and void. But we know from studying Isaiah that God did not create the world in Genesis 1 as formless and void.

Isa 45:18  For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else

This is God’s amazing commentary on Genesis 1:1-2. God very clearly writes to us that the earth was never created as “vain.” This Hebrew word is the same one that was translated as “formless” in Genesis 1:2. God says here in Isaiah, the earth was created in a form that was inhabitable originally. Therefore, we know the words describing the earth as “formless”, “void”, and “covered in darkness” and “water” were not the original ways that it was created. Therefore, something, or more accurately someone, destroyed the earth to place it in this state of confused chaotic darkness. We will show who this was soon.

Now let us notice the first mention of God’s direct acts of His work during what appears to be Day 1 of earth’s re-creation.

Gen 1:3  And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

Here in Genesis 1:3, we find the first explicitly stated method to “how” God worked in “all” of His creation. Here we find where God uses His mouth (Peh) to speak the words “Light Be” (or more literal the command “Exist Light”). It was these spoken words from the mouth of God that caused “light” to begin to manifest on the earth to counter the darkness that had previously consumed it. But simultaneously this command began a natural and a spiritual “Light” solution to be initiated to achieve “physical and spiritual eyesight”. Therefore, the first work that God deemed necessary was the re-introduction of light again on the earth. Let us continue to the next verse Genesis 1:4:

Gen 1:4  And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

The “eyes” (Ayin) of God, being first directly spoken of in creation are found in Genesis 1:4. In this verse Moses inspired by the Holy Spirit wrote, “And God saw light causing good, God divided light from darkness”. That was one very literal translation of the original Hebrew words that teach us “light is related to be only Good” and “darkness is the implied antithesis to the good Light, being only evil”. Hopefully, you are beginning to see some things that you have never seen before in these verses.

We should have been observing that the “good light” was not only being re-introduced back onto the earth, but it was also being separated and divided from the evil darkness. To help us better understand what is happening, let us read another clue that God gives us in the book of Isaiah about His creative works:

Isa 46:10  Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:

Learn a potentially new concept given to us from Isaiah 46:10 about how the omniscient God already knows the end before He ever begins to create or recreate anything. Please realize that our God who is living outside of the dimension of time has pre-planned the ending of our created world by foreseeing and declaring it with His spiritual eyes (Ayin) and causing it to become through His spoken words from His mouth (Peh).

This literally teaches us that God’s Eyes (Ayin) see His “good” end results long before He speaks it to come to pass. Do you see how the “eyes” (Ayin) of God are working throughout creation in conjunction with His mouth (Peh)? This is very profound and prophetic for how man is supposed to operate also. Perhaps you will remember that the order of the 16th letter of the Alphabet is Ayin eyes and it is immediately followed by the 17th letter the Peh Mouth. Therefore, God has placed a design connection introducing us to the concept of “seeing” first before “speaking”.

In this God designed process He intelligently thought out a plan to accomplish His purpose of eliminating darkness before He creates the world that we are living within. He does this even by allowing for all the oppositions that Satan, fallen angels, and humans used by the darkness would fight against Him to try to stop it from happening.

Therefore, we must know that Genesis 1 reveals the entire outlined God desired ending of His creation before a human was ever created (Rev 13:8). This designed layout of Genesis 1 has encoded within it some incredibly significant points, which cannot be fully expanded today. There are other lessons found here that teach some of these hidden concepts in more detail. We will only go over some quick few points in relationship with the study subject of “eyes”. But we must know this fact before we move forward.

There are 6 days of work in chapter one, followed by a day of rest at the beginning of chapter 2. This is a total of 7 days, or one week of creation days. What has God hidden in these 7 days? We find the answer by reading Psalm 90:4:

Psa 90:4  For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.

God defines one day to be exactly 1000 years in this verse. We know this is God’s definition because it says, “in thy sight” and this is the Hebrew word H5869 that we have learned is “Ayin” representing “eyes”. Therefore, in God’s eyes He is trying to get us to “see” the days of creation represent 1000 years of human history. This is confirmed in 2 Peter 3:8 saying, “one day is with the Lord as 1000 years”. This is simply teaching us that the 7 total days of creation are a hidden overview of the entire human history within our current world.

This knowledge works out very well when we begin to understand day 1 of creation represents the first 1000 years, and this was the beginning of humans on God’s viewpoint of a time clock. The other significant occurrence that directly happens at the end of days 6 is the creation of man in a sinless mature state of existence. This is a prophecy of how God intends the church to end at the completion of 6000 years. We are currently living within this part of the prophetic calendar now. But let us go back to the beginning of Genesis to discover more about this concept of light being separated from darkness.

We should notice that there was no direct mention of eyes until after God “spoke” in Genesis 1:3. In this verse we saw that He declared spoken words to bring forth His planned light solution into the world to overcome the darkness that had fully consumed earth. And we notice that this “good” work on day one was accomplished with the intention of dividing the good light from the evil darkness. Therefore, we are learning God’s primary “eye” focus was upon His desired “end results” and He was not mentioning His eyes being concerned on the current problem of darkness and evil. This confirms what we read about in Isaiah where God is declaring the planned “ending” from the beginning of creation and we are discovering this plan intimately involves a new creation called “man”.

God is emphasizing a previously introduced subject of “eyes” called “focus” in Genesis 1:1-4. God has hidden an example of how He is “not” focused upon (to see clearly and be concerned about) any current problems caused by darkness. Rather, His focus is to observe and visualize the desired future ending result in His mind first. Then after He has fully analyzed and thought out all the possible solutions in conjunction with all the possible hinderances, He makes the wisest decision and speaks His solution.

After that is accomplished and is manifest, God observes His solution with His eyes and names the light “day” and the “darkness” He called “night”. This represents “categorization”, and “division”, of now two separated identities. Finally, God says this was “Day 1 of creation and it was Good”. Therefore, we are observing the first 1000 years of human history summarized in symbolic language in a short couple of verses.

Remember, we read in verse 2, God said there was only “darkness” (implied evil) that covered the entire face of the deep. This information implied that God has seen the works of the evil darkness, and it caused Him to bring the ending solution of light back into the world. And this light would be used to eliminate the current situation of the earth’s dominance by darkness. Let us go to the end of the Bible to see the future goal of no darkness will be achieved:

Rev 21:23  And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.

Notice this verse is written after the completion of a total of 7000 years of human history (7 days in God’s eyes). Do you see how the problem of darkness and its division are being completely solved in the next to the last chapter of the Bible? God is prophesying through John, that He will be the Light of the World and He accomplishes this through His manifested Son named Jesus Christ.

Please never forget that God calls Himself to be “Light” in 1 John 1:5 and light is the essential element for all “eyes” to see, whether spiritual or natural. Therefore, separating light from darkness in Genesis 1 takes on a completely new realm of spiritual meaning and application when applied to the “True Light” representing Jesus (John 1:9, 1 John 2:8). Also, we know who represents the ruler of darkness from reading and combining several verses.

1Co 2:6  Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought

1Co 2:7  But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory

1Co 2:8  Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory

1Co 2:9  But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him

We will begin with 1 Corinthians 2:6-9 to find these verses are related to our study subject. We find the mention of “eyes” in verse nine confirming the connection to the “Ayin”. We also find the mention of the creation of the world in verse seven. Notice that we see a “ruling prince” in verse six of an implied kingdom in our world who will come to nothing. This spiritual ruler coming to nothing is again mentioned in verse eight as a ruling “prince” who is not the omniscient God called “Light”. This implies this ruling prince is of the opposite realm called “darkness”.

But we also find in verse eight, that the ruler of this world in his incredible ignorance, crucified the Lord Jesus and appears to wish he had never caused this to happen. Why is this? This is because the “death”, “burial” and “resurrection” of Jesus was the major pivotal point in the course of time to fulfill the plan of God to separate light from darkness.

Eph 6:12  For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

This verse written to the church in Ephesians 6 describes God’s and our spiritual enemies using ranking orders. We immediately can seethat this current world ruler is the “ruler of everyone in the darkness of this world”. However, in this same verse we additionally learn that this spiritual kingdom authority of darkness are supernatural beings not of the class of created human flesh and blood (natural) existence.

It is also very revealing to know that the Greek word translated as “principalities” is G746. This Greek word occurs around 59 times and 40 times it was translated as “beginning(s)”. Wow, this is amazing since we read about the angels were the created beings that were present at the beginning of creation. This is a very strong display of who these supernatural dark rulers are.

But we also learn that this kingdom of darkness is still a point of opposition for all Christians who are wrestling against them in the spirit realm by putting on and wearing the armor of God that is subsequently listed in this chapter. Therefore, we have confirmed there is a “kingdom called darkness” who has a royal spiritual ruler with authority. Let us dive deeper into this by moving to Colossians:

Col 1:12  Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light:

Col 1:13  Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:

We also find in Colossians 1:13 that, “God has delivered us (the saved church) from the authority of darkness, translating us into the Kingdom of His dear Son” (Jesus). We additionally notice in Colossians 1:12 that Christians are called the “saints in Light”. Therefore, the Kingdom of Light belongs to God and is ruled by His Son Christ Jesus. Remember Genesis 1:3, God says, “Let there be Light” and then He called this division of time “Day”. The opposite “darkness”, God calls “night” and we are observing 2 spiritual kingdoms being separated as we are reading about in the New Testament. But we still have the need to find which “prince” is the ruler of this night kingdom of darkness? We find the major revealed clue to the identity of this ruling prince of darkness in Acts:

Act 26:18  To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.

Notice the direct mention of our subject of “eyes” to begin the verse. Wow, we are still on target to understand how God wrote words to point us to Jesus as the letter Ayin (eyes) source of sight. It is now much clearer that Satan is the ruler of the kingdom of darkness (no light, no God, and no Jesus), and he has chosen to become the enemy of God and His Son who are Light.

We are discovering in Genesis 1, how these described creative works of God reveal to us how it was His intention to separate Himself (Light) from Satan (the ruler of darkness). In Acts 26:18 we found that Christians who have chosen to turn (repent) and follow God’s salvation in Jesus are no longer in Satan’s darkness (the spiritual realm of no God existence).

But as we saw in Colossians 1:13 His plan was for us to enter the Kingdom of Light and Day by being translated out of our previous darkened state of existence having our “eyes” (Ayin) opened. But guess what, God is referring to spiritual blindness and not natural inability to see light. Therefore, spiritual eyes that have been opened is the God designed process to begin salvation. Let us confirm these realities with these two verses:

1Th 5:4  But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.

1Th 5:5  Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.

The Apostle Paul makes it very clear that Jesus came into the world to take us out of our former life in the darkness by being born-again into the Day as “children of Light (God)”. Do you see the amazing parallels to what was stated in Genesis 1:2-4? We can find parallel subjects of “darkness and light”, “night and day” in both Genesis 1 and all these verses that we are reading in the New Covenant. Therefore, the Genesis 1 verses are God’s prophecies using symbolic terms for the rise of two opposing spiritual kingdoms that were divided by His design.

When did this work begin and when will it end? We know this work of God was initially happening on Day 1 of creation in Genesis 1:3 when God commanded “Light to be”, after the darkness had previously destroyed the world in Genesis 1:2. God confirms this connection was His designed intention by reading this verse in Corinthians:

2Co 4:6  For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

Wow, again! Paul is quoting from Genesis 1:3 where God commanded “Light to Exist”. Paul is confirming that Genesis 1:3 was a prophecy about a coming of God (Light) as a personal appearance into the darkened controlled world. We also learn that that Light that was commanded to shine also applies to spiritual eyesight simultaneously with the realization of the natural light that took place nearly 6000 years ago.

We can now begin to learn that without this dual purposed commanded natural and spiritual “light” of Genesis 1:3, we would be unable to have the necessary light of “knowing” the glory of God in the face of Jesus (2 Cor 4:6)! Wow, again! Where are the eyes of Jesus located? We all know they are on the face of Jesus. Did you know the “eyes” of Jesus are described as “flames of fire” in Revelation 1:14? Do you understand flames of fire produce “Lights”? Do you believe any of this is a coincidence? Certainly, it is NOT!

But when did the rulership of these two opposing kingdoms (Light vs. darkness) officially begin? Was it happening 6000 years ago when God spoke “Light Be”? We should know that this does not work, since Jesus (God=Light) only came to the earth approximately 2000 years ago. Therefore, we have a difference of 4000 years to resolve.

What we discover from reading further in Genesis 1 is that this key rulership division occurs as another prophecy on Day 4 of creation. If a thousand years is as one day to the Lord (Psalm 90:4, 2 Peter 3:8), we find the secret that Jesus was scheduled to be born as the “Light of the World” exactly 4000 years after Adam sinned. Uh oh, that appears to match and potentially solve our previous difference. What happened on Day 4 of creation?

Gen 1:14  And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years

Gen 1:15  And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so

Gen 1:16  And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also

Gen 1:17  And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth

Gen 1:18  And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good

Gen 1:19  And the evening and the morning were the fourth day

In our knowledge that has been acquired about studying light and darkness in Day 1 of creation, what we find on day 4 of creation is very amazing parallels to the same night and day division. We know this represents two kingdoms called light and darkness. But here in these verses we also find two “rulers” of these separated kingdoms. God very clearly states that there are two great lights, one called the “greater light”, and one called the “lesser light”. Hopefully you know by reading the other lessons on this website, these are synonymous and symbolic terms for the sun and the moon. God clarifies this Genesis 1 terminology in Psalms:

Psa 136:8  The sun to rule by day: for his mercy endureth for ever:

Psa 136:9  The moon and stars to rule by night: for his mercy endureth for ever.

As we can now plainly see, the Spirit of God defines the greater light to be the sun that rules the day/light, and He defines the lesser light to be the moon that rules the night/darkness. Does this mean that the symbol of the sun represents Jesus, and the symbol of the moon represents “Satan”. Absolutely it does. There are many verses that confirm this reality, but we will only focus upon a few in this lesson. For example, here is a very key verse:

Mal 4:2  But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.

Here is a major application of our natural “sun” that becomes a symbol for the “Son of God” named Jesus. It is Jesus who is our righteousness (Rom 3:22). God very specifically chooses the Hebrew word H8121 that is widely translated as “sun” to suddenly be a symbol of the Lord Jesus Christ. This Hebrew word can refer to the “sun’s brilliance” or it’s “rays” also. But wait, there are other verses that speak of Jesus as the Sun. For example, look at Matthew:

Mat 4:16  The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up.

Here in this verse, we find the parallels of Genesis 1 resurfacing to refer to light versus darkness and God’s separation plan prophesied in His creation works. This is amazingly describing a very major part of this “Ayin” spiritual “eyes” Bible lesson. God has designed a “great light”, named Jesus to be born into Israel. These people will be the ones that are seeing a great light rise.

Pay very close attention that Jesus is called the “Great Light” in this verse like He was prophesied from Genesis 1:16. This verse of Matthew is a quotation of Isaiah 9:2. Isaiah 9:2 uses the exact same Hebrew word H1419 being translated as “great”, that was translated in Genesis 1:16 as “greater”. Therefore, we understand there is a direct connection between Matthew 4:16, Isaiah 9:2 and Genesis 1:16 as they are all speaking of the same “great light”. God has moved in Matthew to identify this Great Light” to be Jesus Christ that was first mentioned to us in creation. This is amazing! But wait, there are more direct connections.

Notice in Matthew that this “Great Light” is being described as a light that has “sprung up”. This Greek word G393 that was translated as “sprung up” is most often translated as “rise”, “arise”, “risen” and “rising” all being descriptive terms of the human point of view of our daily perception of the natural “sun” appearance on the earth’s horizon in the east.

We all know that the “sun” rises in the east and sets in the west as designed by God. This single earth rotation is called a “day” in Genesis 1:5 being described as evening and morning the first day. Notice “darkness” was first, like God observed before He spoke “Light Be” and then light was. Are we seeing the parallels that are directly related to Jesus as the rising Light of the World?

This “rising” terminology describes the morning transition from the state of darkness in the night that is turned into the light of the day. These are all well-known natural acts that occur every single 24-hour day of our lives.

But in Matthew, God is teaching us that this natural phenomenon of a rising sun is a parallel to the “Greater” spiritual reality found in Jesus Christ. The “rising” spiritual Light (Jesus) is the key to understanding God’s plan of salvation for humans to have their eyes (Ayin) opened to “see” and understand His ultimate and superior truth.

As we can read in Matthew 4:16, there were only people that sat in darkness until Jesus Christ was born into the world and began to minister at the age of 30 to teach the Kingdom of God is come near (Mat 4;17). All those that “sat” in darkness were those that could read the Word of God but could not understand much of what was prophesied to come or happen to them. But Jesus the Sun of Righteousness was God’s ultimate solution to overcome this state of gross darkness (ignorance). Peter describes this again for us:

2Pe 1:19  We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:

Pay very close attention to what was just described using naturally created terminologies and synonyms. For example, “day dawn” means a “sun rise” is taking place. The “day star” is another name for our “sun”. Everyone must understand our “sun” is nothing but the closest “star” to our planet. This describes us living in a solar system, where planets revolve around the sun. All these naturally created facts describe the man Jesus Christ the bright morning star in Revelation 22:16, and our “Sun of Righteousness” in Malachi 4:2.

It is also very important to know that the translated word “arise” in 2 Peter 1:19 is the exact word that was translated as “sprung up” in Matthew 4:16 referring to the people that sat in darkness that Jesus came to bring “Light” to. But understand Matthew when speaking of the “Great Light”, He is describing the “physical” presence of Jesus with Him teaching spiritual Words of light (Psa 119:105, John 6:63).

But Peter is describing Jesus after the resurrection and ascension of physical Jesus and now being on the earth in His spiritual presence of the Holy Spirit that abides in us. His Spirit is working presently in each of us simultaneously as an internal unseen rising “Day Star”. This “Day Star” is the representation of the increasing light (Word) and work of the Holy Spirit inside of the human body in the unseen heart (soul and spirit). It is this internal working of God/Jesus that causes the external transformations of the human thoughts and behaviors.

Wow, humans can now overcome their existence in darkness (lack of knowing God who is Light) by believing and placing our total faith in the “Day Star”. If you have never let Jesus, come into your heart, now is a great time to invite Him inside. But, whenever this occurs, this begins the process of the “Day Star” to arise in our hearts (2 Peter 1:19). This allows Him to grow brighter and brighter bringing us ever increasing potential knowledge of God’s Word every day we read the Bible if we choose to cooperate.

Notice the connection to us believing the Word of God to releasing the increasing Light into our hearts. This has just brought us back to the concept of “spiritual eyesight” based upon our faith in the Word of God (Jesus). Remember what we are studying in this series? We are studying the ancient Hebrew Alphabet that was used by God to create words and sentences, to write a book about Jesus. This is why everything in the Bible points us to Jesus. Let us go back to Genesis to learn more about this essential “Light” of God to help our “eyes” to “see”.

Gen 1:16  And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

Remember our New Covenant spiritual Kingdom of Light ruler was named the “Day Star” (Jesus) that arises in our hearts in 2 Peter 1:19. We have already seen in Genesis 1:16 how the greater light is this same “Day Star” of the New Covenant. Now let us go back to the opposite side of Day called Night.

What else does this verse of Genesis 1:16 reveal about the “darkness”? We can all see that the Day will be ruled by the “Greater Light” referring to Jesus, who will be opposed and separated from the “lesser light” (moon) who now rules in the “kingdom of night and darkness”. As we discovered in Acts 26:18 it is the ruler Satan that has dominion over the spiritual kingdom of darkness. Thank God we have been saved out of this deception to now enjoy living in the Kingdom of Light in Christ Jesus.

Praying that everyone’s spiritual eyes have been enlightened to understand how the Ayin “eyes” of God were intimately involved in the Planned Works, and Words releasing the Power of God in creation. Also, how the subject of “Light” that occurs on Day 1 and Day 4 of creation is essentially connected to how people are saved out of the darkness to be brought into the kingdom of Light. God spent nearly 2000 years of human history giving us His written words that came from the breath of His mouth. This was a plan of God to enlighten us within our spirits. It is only by the Light of Jesus Christ that causes our spiritual eyesight to see.

5. Ayin Application to the Believer

There is a personal application to the believer in Christ Jesus found in every letter. The Ayin is no exception. You have probably already learned the primary application is God’s involvement in bringing us “Light” = “Knowledge” & “Truth” to save us. We certainly saw this in the teachings of Jesus clearly being stated. Jesus made it very plain that He was the source of God’s “Light” while He was physically ministering to the physical people on the earth and especially to the Hebrews.

But Jesus is not physically present now. What then are we supposed to be doing since we cannot see physical Jesus right now on the earth? Almost everyone would love to walk and talk with physical Jesus today. Yet Jesus said it was better for Him to go away, because if He did not leave the earth, the Holy Spirit could not come and abide with us and in us. Jesus further explains in John 14, that He would come be with us in Spirit form living on the inside of the physical body of believers. Jesus also claimed that He would personally lead us into all truth because the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth (Light). Therefore, we have the God of infinite Light (Knowledge of all Truth) abiding in us, and He is present 365 days a year, and 24 hours of every day of the week. This is far better than any shorter talk with physical Jesus. That is very awesome when you are awakened out of the darkness to fellowship with Him.

But there is also the human problem of “focus” and “priorities”. Christians in this modern age can be so consumed with the problems of this world, that they are ignoring who they are looking to or at and focusing upon. We see a Bible example of this in Matthew 14.

In Matthew 14, Jesus is walking on the water during a storm and the disciples “see” Him, and believe it is a spirit and they begin to fear greatly. Suddenly Jesus says to them “fear not, it is I”. Then Peter says, “Lord if it be you, bid me to come” and Jesus says “Come”. Peter gets out of the boat and begins to walk to Jesus. This strongly implies that the “eyes” of Peter are fixated upon Jesus.

But then it says in Matthew 14:30 that Peter’s eyes begin to “focus” upon the effects of the “wind”. Had Peter ever walked on water before this day? I seriously doubt it, if Peter had tried he would have hit the water and sunk so fast that there would have been no time to say “help”. What is changing when Peter removes His focus from Jesus and begins to consider the storm?

Our spiritual eye focus is the determining factor for success or failure. What we are focusing upon will determine if we obtain a continuing supernatural miracle or a sinking defeat in the need to be saved from drowning. Peter’s spiritual attitude of beginning to become “fearful” caused his downfall. And this opposite force of faith in Jesus to fear the circumstances caused him to begin to sink. If Peter’s failure had been an instant drop, it would have been so fast that there would not have been any opportunity for his salvation. This appears to teach us that we can evaluate our focus and make minor adjustments to help us to continue into complete victory over the circumstances being presented to us by the devil.

Where is your spiritual focus today? The devil has been trying to introduce fear driven plans to get your eyes departed from thinking on Jesus and the Word of God. This is your application for today, because the evil of the world will be trying more things very soon, some are new, and others are the same plans as before. How you react to them will determine your success. Make a commitment to stay out of “fear” and to get into the Spirit of God to keep Him as your focus by feeding your spirit with His Word. Peter could have simply remembered Jesus told Him to “Come” and this single Word had enough power in it to provide him “faith” to keep him above the water.

6. Conclusion

We have only touched a short time on the study of “Ayin” Eyes. There are so many verses on this subject that it would require volumes of books to try to understand them all. This lesson was only a shortened introduction to the key subjects of “Ayin” eyes and the various types of applications. We have learned of natural eyes and spiritual eyes. But only briefly seen what they teach us. We know one foundational scripture is from Proverbs 15:3. This verse says, “the Eyes of the Lord are in every place beholding the evil and the good”. Therefore, there is nothing that is not seen by God and He will judge.

We were unable to cover the part of the lesson about when Jesus heals a blind man in John 9. But this story demonstrates Jesus’ extreme purpose to bring God’s “light” of knowledge to both the physical and the spiritual realms. This man’s physical blindness that was present from his birth was healed first by placing mud on his eyes and being told to wash in a pool of water. But later Jesus found the man again, to remove his spiritual blindness so that he could believe on the Lord Jesus as the Son of God. This real story demonstrates the fulfillment of Isaiah 61:1 which Jesus read in the temple “I have been anointed, to preach the Gospel, and bring the recovering of sight to the blind” (Luke 4:18).

Joh 9:5  As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.

It is within the context of Jesus fixing the problem of one man’s eyesight of two kinds of eyes (natural and spiritual), that Jesus personally claims to be the “Light of the World”. Now Jesus is seated in heaven at the right hand of majesty. He has placed His loving Holy Spirit inside of us if we have let Him come in to abide. Then Jesus proclaimed that we will be the light of the world (Mat 5:14) to help open the eyes (Ayin) of others that have not yet seen the wonders of His amazing mercies.

This lesson should have taught you an introduction about who Jesus is and why He made the 16th letter of the Hebrew alphabet the essential picture of an “eye”. This is so amazing, that He can’t be praised enough for His Great Words and Works of His Spirit! Praise the LORD!

If you liked this lesson let us know and share it with your friends and relatives. If you have any prayer requests, please share those also. If you need to know Jesus, please click on the link below to help you get started on the path to receiving eternal life to Know the True and Living God named Yehoshua (Hebrew) / Jesus (Greek). May God continue to richly bless you. Thank you for your prayers as we continue to pray for you in this very trying time before Jesus returns. Jesus is coming back to get us sooner than you think, please be ready.

Intro Alef Beyt-1 2 Gimel Dalet Hey Vav Zayin Chet Tet Yod Kaf Lamed Mem 1 2 Nun Samekh Ayin Pey Tsade Qof Resh Shin TavAlef-Beyt Chart (Series updated as LORD directs and permits)

Are You Saved? Do you Know Jesus? Life is Short! Jesus wants to Know You! Please come and get to Know Him!

Understanding the Sovereignty of God – Part 2 – Who is the Sovereign Elect of God

(Ver 1.0) This is Part 2 in the series of lessons teaching us about the amazingly revealed subject of the “sovereignty of God”. If you have not read “Part 1“, it is highly recommended that you go back and start with this introduction. Too many Christians have manmade traditions or reduced doctrinal views of what “sovereignty” represents when teaching about the application of this word to God. Some of the popular mindsets that have been dominating a lot of these religious thoughts on sovereignty, align with the following types of Christian beliefs and confessions:

  1. You just never know what God will do next?
  2. Sometimes God heals some of us and other times He makes us sick to humble us, teach us, or to get some glory for Himself to help save others.
  3. God can do whatever He wants, whenever He wants, to whoever He wants because He is God.
  4. God will open the doors to what I should do, be, or go into, and shut the doors that I should not do, be, or go, into.
  5. If God wants me to have it, He will give it to me!
  6. If God wants me saved, He will save me!
  7. If God wants me healed, He will heal me!
  8. If God wants to bless me, He will bless me!
  9. Lord, if it be your will for my friend, my family, my child, etc., to be healed, delivered, or saved, we ask for your will to be done.
  10. God loves me so much; He won’t let anything bad happen to me…
  11. If God made me this way (poor, sick, gay, crippled, blind, lame, etc.), therefore He loves me and wants me this way.
  12. If God allowed evil to happen to me, He has a purpose for it.
  13. God took my child to heaven because he wanted another angel.

These are just some of the examples of wrong ways people think about God and His sovereignty trying to explain why bad things happened to them. People take a part of the total known or unknown sound doctrine of balanced sovereignty and then only magnify a small section of it to an extreme position that leaves everything that happens to us in the world totally up to God’s will and power. When this happens, God can easily be held responsible for every evil work that anyone, including Satan or any evil person does or makes happen.

In other words, people believe that God causes, commits, or permits all the liars of the world, in politics and of governments to happen, and they must all be doing their evils by the will and purpose of God. This would include mass murderers and genocide in the world blaming it all on God’s will. This would include all the starvation occurring in the world is also God’s will. This would include all terrorism is God’s will, and we could fill up a book with other examples of evil to blame them all on a loving God? This just does not match the revealed character and nature of God in the Bible.

Today, we will only address one part of the subject of sovereignty that is taught in a lot of Christian churches. We are delivering this specific topic only because we believe the Lord desires us to respond to a comment that was received asking a question from the previous lesson. This questioned sovereign position holds the belief of Sovereign Election of certain chosen individuals to receive salvation by His Divine selection only.

This belief of course, strongly implies that all others not selected by God were “chosen” to live on earth, die and go to hell by God’s sovereign design and right of choice. This extreme belief disqualifies the view of any human freedoms to choose whether to be saved or to be lost. This position places all responsibility for salvation only upon God who they claim has sovereignly chosen them. There are also other variations of this belief, but all of these must attempt to explain the other Bible verses that appear to conflict or contradict with this doctrine. We will see several of these conflicting verses in this lesson, and then attempt to balance them all together equally.

If you are aware of another variation of your belief to how this God choice of being Elect is defined, feel free to share it in a comment. But please only comment after reading the entire lesson first, so that we can compare all your Bible verses with the Word of God that will be shared here today. Also, if you are unable to leave a comment containing a belief with Bible verses, please do not bother sharing any personal opinions, they will not be given any value or time to be responded to.

For those readers that have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of your spirit to be saved, what does the Spirit of God say inside to you about this belief so far? Does the Spirit of God inside you give you any witnessed assurance that this belief is correct? Or does He cause you to feel that there is just something not right about God electing to make your choice for you, without your participation to go to hell? The Holy Spirit is the only guide to all truth that we can depend upon. Therefore, stop here and now and ask Him these questions, and let us see what He says to you and then let the Spirit inside’s judgement be your guide with what will be taught today to see if there is any agreement.

There will be no disagreement from Agapegeek, that there are certainly scriptures in the New and Old Testament that seem to imply this belief of “Election” is on the surface accurate. But with deeper study, it just might change our opinions and views to show us that it can be understood to mean something completely different and even to an opposite position. This does not mean anyone ignores the verses taught on election or disagrees with their inclusion in the Bible. It only means once balanced correctly, the interpretations of these verses can be shifted to see something amazingly missed before.

Our primary goal today is to find the truth! We are only desiring to see God’s view on this subject of sovereignty. Therefore, we promise the Holy Spirit to approach the subject with an open-minded position of rest, to be led by the Spirit of God, to go wherever He desires to go and show us whatever He sovereignly chooses to teach us, and we will choose to receive it with a thankful heart and mind.

Could this position of God sovereignly choosing some for salvation and other for hell’s separation, be another example of someone taking a partial truth and exalting it beyond its scope of application to be the only truth, excluding all other truths? Remember this practice of one truth independence can usually lead us into error. This is too often caused when we do not balance all scriptures equally together. Let us dig into this subject to discover if there is something that we may have omitted or missed. Here is a list of the sections that will be covered in our lesson:

  1. Election Confirmed
  2. God’s Wedding Invitation
  3. Jesus the Only One Chosen?
  4. How and When was the Church Chosen?
  5. Resolving Scripture Conflicts for Being Called “Elect”
  6. Conclusion

Election Confirmed!

Let us quickly go over a few of the key verses on the doctrine of “election”. We will begin with the red-letter words of Jesus speaking in prophetical terms about the end of the world that is beginning to happen now.

Mat 24:24  For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect

It is obvious that Jesus is calling a potential person or a group or “set” of “like people” by qualifying and defining them using the term “elect”. This Greek word translated as “elect” is G1588, and it is defined by Strong as “select”, “favorite”, or “elect”. But it is also important to know that this single Greek word is translated as “elect” 16 times and “chosen” 7 times. Therefore, if we are only looking for verses that were translated as “elect” we will miss those that were translated as “chosen”.

This verse and God’s usage of the Greek word becomes our initial confirmation with the potential for somethings we could call “sovereign election”. It is important to note that the Greek word G1588 translated as “elect”, occurs 3 times in chapter 24 of Matthew. Therefore, this chapter seems to have an especially important emphasis on this subject. Here are the other verses in Matthew 24:

Mat 24:22  And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened

Mat 24:31  And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other

What we are observing is a new challenge to define being called “elect”. Most “elect” doctrines of being chosen for salvation, claim they were chosen by God and there is nothing they or anyone else could do, or anything that could happen on earth to not be saved. This means God’s sovereign election stands strong and unchanging, because He is God and He gets His way.

But notice verse 22 of Matthew 24. There is a timing of significant events that occur on the earth, where God describes the time must be shortened, or no one in the flesh was going to be saved. Therefore, God is speaking of elect people as those being saved, with the exception that it is not guaranteed salvation based upon something we are not told yet.

Now let us go back to verse 22, to see something that the translators may have missed in their KJV interpretation. The KJV translators must have believed in a form of the doctrine of guaranteed election, because of the way the verse was translated, and because they added specific italicized words that appear to support guaranteed election. But these italicized words do not occur in the verse. Here is what Dr Robert Young translated the verse to say in his very literal translation:

Mat 24:24  For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect(KJV)

Mat 24:24 for there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and they shall give great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, also the chosen. (YLT)

There are three major differences between these two translations. First, the omission of the italicized words; “it were”, before the word “possible” in the “Young’s Literal Translation”. The changing of the word “very” to “also” as it should be in the “Young’s Literal Translation”. The revision of the word “elect”, to the word “chosen” in the “Young’s Literal Translation”. All these changes help us to see some things much more clearly.

For example, what we are observing is how in these verses of Matthew, whoever these elect ones are, they could possibly be deceived as others were “also” deceived in verse 24 by the false Christ. And in verse 22 these “elect” ones, may not be saved unless God shortens the time of tribulation. What we are observing is a major discrepancy to viewing these “elect” to have a guaranteed salvation.

Therefore, many Christians must be assuming from these three verses in Matthew that these are speaking about the guaranteed pre-selected Christian church as being called the “elect” by Jesus. Yet that belief is even contradicted by what Jesus said in the entre statement, so which is it? Are they guaranteed saved or are they potentially saved based upon not being deceived by the false Christ and time being shorten for their sake to be saved?

What should be cautionary is that many times in the Bible, God uses the exact same word to refer to multiple like related beings. If you did not know yet, these “Elect” could be angels (1 Timothy 5:21), Israel (Isaiah 45:4), the church (1 Peter 2:9), or Jesus Christ (Luke 23:35, 1 Peter 2:6). Therefore, to be a wise Acts 17:11 type of Berean Bible student, we better do a lot more homework to study what is God really talking about.

As you can see this topic of study has suddenly become more complicated than most have thought. We have just been introduced to the potential of multiple identities as a condition to be determined for being called the “Elect”. Also, we have just observed two qualifying conditions that must be met to be in this group called the “elect”. Therefore, to assume each verse is about any single group or identity, is an assumption and must rather be proven with facts of scripture truth to reveal their identity.

However, we have identified and confirmed that Jesus spoke of someone as being the “Elect” that “if possible” could be deceived. And in another verse, He said “those days should be shortened, or no flesh would be saved, but for the elect’s sake, those days will be shortened”. Nevertheless, in the last verse with this Greek word we find the angels gathering the elect (chosen) ones off the earth. Therefore, there is someone that is called by this title.

Let us move to the next section to help us narrow down what this calling of someone as “Elect” means. Because God’s definition of the word will overrule man’s definitions 100% of the time.

God’s Wedding Invitation

Jesus teaches us a parable that could radically shift our focus on what being called “Elect” could be defined as. This parable is an amazing part of our study subject “sovereignty” even if you do not see it automatically at first. Let us please read carefully the story given by Jesus (God’s Son).

Mat 22:2  The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son

Mat 22:3  And sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding: and they would not come

Mat 22:4  Again, he sent forth other servants, saying, Tell them which are bidden, Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready: come unto the marriage

Mat 22:5  But they made light of it, and went their ways, one to his farm, another to his merchandise: 

Mat 22:6  And the remnant took his servants, and entreated them spitefully, and slew them. 

Mat 22:7  But when the king heard thereof, he was wroth: and he sent forth his armies, and destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city

Mat 22:8  Then saith he to his servants, The wedding is ready, but they which were bidden were not worthy

Mat 22:9  Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage

Mat 22:10  So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests

Mat 22:11  And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment: 

Mat 22:12  And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless. 

Mat 22:13  Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 

Mat 22:14  For many are called, but few are chosen

We will notice in verse 2 that Jesus is speaking about the “Kingdom of heaven”. This simply means these coming statements are about God’s sovereign government within the spiritual realm of existence apart from the earth. But then Jesus reveals this hidden spiritual reality is said to be “like” a normal story of a king that could have lived upon the natural earth. Parables always use natural parallels to teach unseen spiritual concepts so we can understand it.

Then Jesus gets started revealing the spiritual kingdom is like a “certain king” and this is a reference to God the Father in heaven that sits on His sovereign Kingdom throne. Therefore, we have the “Most High” as the Sovereign ruler that chooses to have a Son, and then arranges a marriage for His Son. This certainly matches our subject of God as “Sovereign”.

This should be obvious to who the son represents. This can only be Jesus that was God’s Son, who was born of the natural woman named Mary in Bethlehem. Isaiah 9:6 says, “Unto us a child is born, and a son is given” and this was written about the coming Messiah named Jesus (Yeshua).

The next key word in the parable to understand is “marriage”. This is a radically misunderstood concept for a lot of Christians, not knowing how to define this word.

In the eyes of God, a covenant is a marriage and God defines this to us in the Old Testament in Isaiah 54:5, Jeremiah 31:32 and Malachi 2:14, to only name three verses. Therefore, if a covenant of God is a marriage in His eyes, the marriage of this parable’s son is Jesus’s New Covenant, to His bride (Mat 9:15).

Guess who the bride is. If you said the church is the bride, you are correct (Eph 5:32, 2 Cor 11:2). So far, we have defined the parable subjects of the king as the Sovereign God the Father in heaven, and the son as the Lord Jesus Christ the bridegroom. How then does His church bride fit into this parable of a sovereignly arranged marriage by the Father God in Heaven?

In this parable, those that are the servants going out to spread the king’s invitations are symbolic for those that have already believed on the Lord Jesus and are working for God as His Kingdom servants to spread the Gospel (Rom 1:1). These servants represent the bride. They are working for God to get more into the wedding. These believing ones, are going out all over the world (Mk 16:15) preaching to those that are not yet saved. The invitations being given out represent the words of the Gospel of the kingdom (Mat 4:23, Rom 1:15-16), which is the good news of the free gifts of forgiveness, healing, deliverance, and salvation.  

Those that are being invited to the wedding, represents all the people that are in the world that have not heard the Gospel. Notice in Matthew 22:5, that many of these receiving the invitation make light of it and offer excuses like they did in Acts 2:13 and Acts 24:25 to name two examples of this type of world’s behavior.

Then next notice how Jesus says in Matthew 22:6 that others in the world will take more extreme hate filled positions against the Gospel good news, to even beat and kill God’s servants (Acts 5:40-41, Acts 7:51-57, Acts 8:1). God very clearly in this parable says these people that rejected His invitation would be destroyed and their city burned down, and this literally occurs for the first time in 70 A.D. with the destruction of Jerusalem.

In Matthew 22:8 Jesus said, those that were invited were not deemed worthy to receive the gift of the invitation to the wedding, so the king sends out his servants again in Matthew 22:10 telling them to go out into the highways and invite everyone. This again is the great commission of the church to go into the entire gentile world to preach the Gospel to everyone that is living on the earth. This is the heart of God to save all that are receptive to the invitation.

Hopefully, you do understand this parable better now being a representation of spreading the Gospel and how this works. If not, we can read about the process in detail in Romans 10:

Rom 10:13  For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved

Rom 10:14  How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher

Rom 10:15  And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things

Please pay very close attention to the words selected by God. The first key word is “whosoever”. This represents everyone in the entire world, not just a few people that some Christians believe are the “elect” of the kingdom. This is very clearly our first confirmation that the Parable about being invited to come to the king’s son’s wedding feast is for everyone. But the choice to come is personally left completely in the hands of each one that heard the invitation to decide whether they would value the invitation, to choose to come to the wedding.

Romans 10 is a list of personal choices. None of these personal choices are the forced will of the Sovereign God. Please go and read the entire chapter. The first 4 verses are written about many people that were in the natural nation of Israel that corresponded to people that killed the kings’ servant men in the Matthew 22 parable about being invited to a wedding feast, by those that were sent to them preaching the Gospel.

But then in Romans 10:5, Paul begins to write the message of salvation is for “all”, by God’s sovereign choice to send forth the Gospel to the entire lost world and “only” those that “believe” and “confess” Jesus as Lord in Romans 10:9-10 will be saved. Wow, this is what Jesus was speaking about in the Parable. The invitations are spoken to everyone they encounter, and they must believe the good news message by faith and get dressed and go to the king’s palace for the feast (Rev 19:9).

We get the confirmation again in Romans 10:11-12 that this invitation to believe in Jesus is open to everyone in the world. Paul writes very clearly that it is to both the Jewish and the Gentile nations. This is amazing information about God’s sovereign choices and His gift of invitation is always given to anyone that will choose to come. But how do we balance this with the original “Elect” verses? That is a good question. We begin to understand the answer in Matthew 22:14, the last statement of the Parable of the wedding feast invitation:

Mat 22:14  For many are called, but few are chosen.

This is our key linked verse about the sovereign election of God. First, notice the Greek word G2822, that is translated as the word “called”. This word is defined and can be translated as “invited”. Therefore, to call someone to attend is an invitation. Next, notice the Greek word that was translated as “chosen” is the exact same word G1588 that was translated as the “elect”. Change the words “called” to “invited” and the word “chosen” to “elect” and reread it. “For many are invited, but few (choose to become) “chosen”. The italicized words are legally added because this is exactly what was taught to us in the parable. The entire parable is about those that choose to receive the wedding invitation, and it is them making this choice that causes them to be called “elect” (chosen).

Now let us shift to a totally new perspective that has been almost ignored by countless ministers.

Jesus the Only One Chosen by God

This is where we are going to potentially lose more readers. But this is what the Bible teaches us when we see it. If you do not understand the subject of “covenants” this is probably why you do not understand the title of this section. A covenant is between two parties or individuals. Any covenant is a lasting bond of unity exactly as a marriage was designed to be by God in Genesis 2.

However, a marriage like God’s covenants were completely dependent upon the weakest link in the bound contract. It only takes one party of the contract to break the covenant and if there is any imperfection in one, the covenant can be easily broken. This is what happened to the natural nation of Israel for 1500+ years. They were the weakest link in their covenant with God. They repeatedly went and worshipped other idols instead of the true and living God. God called this infidelity becoming a “whore” and God divorced these people in Jeremiah 3:1-8.

However, with God, He has no imperfections and is the strongest covenant partner possible. Israel in the Old Covenant was in a contract with God almighty, but they continually broke it making them the weakest link. This is why the New Covenant was not established between God and the church directly. Instead, our Father God sent His Son named Jesus to become a human and because He was equally God, He could become the God to man mediator.

Because the New Covenant was between God the Father, and God the Son who are both manifestations of God, they will never break this New Creation covenant that was first revealed to us in Genesis 15. Therefore, this covenant is eternally bonded between two ever living beings capable of not sinning to break it and it will never end (Heb 13:20).

If you go and read this story in Genesis 15, you will find Abram taking 5 animals and splitting three of them into two pieces and he places the bodies on the ground. Abram goes to sleep and sees a “smoking furnace” and “burning torch” walking through the covenant pieces. These two symbols represent God (the all-Consuming Fire Heb 12:29) and His Son, Jesus Christ (the Light of the World, John 9:5).

This information about Jesus being the one that is in covenant with God as the human representative, is very important. This makes Jesus the only one that was “chosen” as God’s “elect”, simply because He would remain faithful even when humans fail to remain faithful. We need to establish these assertions with more scriptures that claim Jesus is the only One God has chosen to be in direct covenant with Him. We will begin with Psalms first:

Psa 89:19  Then thou spakest in vision to thy holy one, and saidst, I have laid help upon one that is mighty; I have exalted one chosen out of the people

If you read the next verse, God is directly speaking of David, but by God’s repeated usages of double references between the natural and the spiritual realms, this verse is also speaking of Jesus. Remember Jesus is called the Son of David multiple times.

What God is saying is that He chose David to be King, and the future Son of David, named Jesus to sit upon his throne forever and ever in the future. Let us look at another verse that also points to the coming Messiah:

Isa 42:1  Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles.

God calls the future Messiah, His “elect”. This is very amazing. But was this fulfilled in Jesus? We can discover this is what the Jewish people were expecting reading in Matthew:

Mat 12:17  That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying

Mat 12:18  Behold my servant, whom I have chosen; my beloved, in whom my soul is well pleased: I will put my spirit upon him, and he shall shew judgment to the Gentiles

God writing through Matthew, claims these Isaiah patterns of Messiah were all fulfilled in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, again calling Him the “chosen”. If you can see this, why are you calling yourself the chosen and elect one of God? Can both of you be the chosen one and the Messiah? The answer to that question is “Yes” and “No” but we will need to learn more. But we will look at one more verse about Jesus being the chosen one:

Luk 23:35  And the people stood beholding. And the rulers also with them derided him, saying, He saved others; let him save himself, if he be Christ, the chosen of God.

This is a verse written about the time Jesus was hanging on a cross and all the people were watching and mocking Him. These people wanted Him to prove that He was the Messiah by coming down off the cross. But Jesus told them very clearly, no sign will be given you, except the sign of Jonah. As Jonah was in the belly for 3 days and nights, so the Son of Man will be in the heart of the earth for 3 days and 3 nights (Mat 12:40, Mat 16:4).

Do you see how these statements are moving in parallel to the prophecy of the wedding invitation parable? Yes, the parable is a prophecy about what is happening to Jesus. These Jewish leaders hated Jesus so very much, that they incited a riot mob to demand His death, but this was the plan of God all along.

The main point from Luke 23:35, proves that the Jewish population was expecting the “Chosen one of God, called Messiah” to appear, and Jesus did not match their expectations because of their ignorance of the scriptures. Most were seeing a “conquering Messiah”, while ignoring the “suffering Messiah” in Isaiah 53. Finally, we are going to talk about the church next and all the references that call us “elect”, “chosen”, etc.

How and When was the Church Chosen?

We have observed verses in the Bible that place the titles of “chosen” and “elect” upon Christians, and this is a great hidden mystery to the how and when we were given these names. How did the church achieve this title, if God’s Son Jesus was the one that He prophesied would be chosen? The answer is not that complicated, but it may be resisted because some have never heard of it before. Let us look at scriptures that reveal how we made a choice that qualified us to be chosen by God:

2Th 2:13  But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:

As we can plainly see, the church was “chosen” from the very beginning. The beginning of what? Is this the beginning of time, creation, the world, the church, or what? In Ephesians 1:4 we find where God has chosen the church before the foundation of the world. Therefore, this is long before humans existed and could go back to the beginning of time, and creation. So, we have established the “when” this plan to elect us was established.

Now for the “How” question. We have previously mentioned this reason of “how” it was planned to be accomplished for us to obtain being called His “elect”. But now we are seeing it from a God perspective teaching us how we became chosen even before we were created. Please recall the “wedding invitation” parable of Jesus because this is being restated and expanded here in this verse written to the church.

God writing by the hand of Paul to the church says very clearly, we have been “chosen” to (receive) salvation because God sanctified us (made pure) by His Spirit, and this occurred because we chose to believe God’s words (invitation) which was the (Gospel) truth. Wow! This is just further confirmation that what we did to receive and believe caused God to cleanse our sins and define us as His “chosen”. But this is further confirmed in the next verse that follows:

2Th 2:14  Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Here is just more of the confirming process of what we just read about in verse 13. Remember this was God’s sovereignly chosen process for our salvation, that was planned even before the world began. Did you notice the word “called”? Paul says very clearly that God “called” (literally invited) us by our choice to hear the Gospel. This is the same parallel that we have been observing from the parable of the “wedding invitation”.

God has again connected the facts of Romans 10 with the parable of the wedding invitation to how we have been chosen to be called God’s “elect”. To be called God’s “elect” was designed by Him for us to first qualify to be called this by any human hearing the preached good news Gospel and to believe it. Yes, there is more to it than just that over simplified statement, but that is the basis for all salvation. Let us investigate this a little further to confirm it is true:

Eph 1:4  According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

This is a new way to say the same things that we have already learned. But specifically notice the new revelation that is being offered to us to help explain what is happening when we choose to believe the Gospel of Christ. This very plainly states that Christians were “chosen” only because we were placed “In Him” and this Him, is Christ Jesus. But remember who Him is again? He is the “chosen” one that God could depend upon to keep His eternal covenant. This is why we need to be placed “In Him” spiritually, to insure we never break the covenant by sinning.

Again, God says this was His designed plan of salvation before humans were even created. We must get a hold of what is being taught to us and what God has done to us and for us.

2Co 5:17  Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature (creation): old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

This is one of the many (over 150) verses that claim we as believers have been placed “in Christ” by God’s sovereign choice after we choose to believe. Based upon the number of verses that describe this reality, this appears to be a major accomplishment to achieve our “salvation”.

Why was being placed “In Christ” so essential to God’s plan of salvation? This is important for at least two reasons. The first reason is that we were all “In Adam” when he rebelled and sold us into Satan’s kingdom of darkness. Because we were “In Adam” when he sinned, we all sinned, and we were all given the same “death” penalty (1 Cor 15:22).

But by believing in Jesus through faith we were saved out of the darkness of death to be placed “in” the living kingdom of God’s dear Son called Light (Col 1:13). Wow, now reread 2 Corinthians 5:17 to see the new light that is shining upon us being placed in Christ. According to this verse God has caused us to become a brand new, and a never existed before creation that has also made us a completely new person “In Christ”.

It is this sovereign new creation, that places us “In Him” by faith, that is the chief part of God separating Himself and us from the evil influence of Lucifer/Satan and all his angels that have sinned. Let us consider a verse that maybe some have not understood before now:

Joh 10:9  I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.

Notice what Jesus is saying here. He is claiming to be a “door” for someone that is going somewhere. In John 10:7 we find that He is saying that He is the door for the “sheep” and being a “sheep” is a symbol for the saved Christians. What is Jesus saying them? Could it be that to be saved, you better enter in this door named Jesus? Could this be another way of saying that by us choosing to “enter” Christ the door, we will be saved by being “in CHRIST”? I believe it is. There are too many verses that confirm what we are learning, but we will end this section with this one:

Rom 16:13  Salute Rufus chosen in the Lord, and his mother and mine.

As you can see Paul writing about a random saved man in the church name Rufus, confirms again that anyone in the church is also chosen by God in the same way of choosing to enter the door of salvation named Jesus Christ. Because we that are saved, have chosen to get out of (exit) the first Adam and enter into the Christ by faith, we were all chosen and have become His elect “in Christ”. We accomplished this, not because we were God’s individual choice that was chosen for our personal salvation, but rather it was because we chose Him by believing the invitation of the Gospel, then we were placed “In Him” who was “the Chosen”. Wow! Praise the Lord!

Resolving Scripture Conflicts for Being Called “Elect”

There are countless scriptures in the New Covenant writings that conflict with a “sovereign God election” theological position where only a few people will be saved by a God only sovereign choice. If there were only 2 or 3, that would be enough to raise serious concerns that somebody was in error. But because there are literally dozens of verses, that is too many to ignore. We will only select a few to help limit the size of this lesson.

There must be a balanced approach to interpreting every scripture that God inspired to be written to ensure any confidence that we have found His intended truth. Remember according to God in 2 Peter 1:20, there is no private interpretation of the Bible that is allowed. This simply teaches us that the Bible will always interpret itself.

Also, it is impossible for God to lie, therefore, if we find any apparent contradictions in scripture, we are in need to hear from God to find how to resolve the conflicts using His Word as the only solution source. To do this we will apply what we have learned in the other sections to find out how they resolve the dispute with the “Sovereign God” only salvation belief.

It is only this interpretation of scripture about a human acceptance and belief in a divine invitation, that balances with all the other verses of the Bible on this subject of being called “elect” to represent our union with God’s plan of “salvation”. This was sovereignly chosen for us to believe in what He has done, to be placed in Christ, His chosen one. Here are just a few verses that would directly contradict with only a select few humans being chosen to be saved and all others in the world rejected to go to hell by God’s will:

Joh 3:16  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

This is the most popular verse in the entire Bible, and more Christian can quote this verse than any of the others. Yet this verse contradicts with the sovereign God only choice of human salvation. God says very plainly that He loved the entire human race in the world and wanted to save them all. But again, we see the problem it is only for those that “believe” the invitation of the Gospel that will not perish. Belief is a sovereign human choice. This again confirms that only that choose to believe that become the “elect”. Check out this verse:

2Pe 3:9  The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

First, notice that God is called “long-suffering”, this is a divine characteristic of God. It strongly suggests that God is still waiting for humans to “come” to not perish. This places the responsibility for humans not perishing upon those that choose to repent, and not God.

Also, notice that this verse says, God is not willing that any should perish. Why then if God is sovereign, isn’t everyone saved? If God is waiting for some to repent, this means, they were not first chosen either. If we believe that it is God’s will that he has “chosen” some to go to hell, this makes this verse totally false. It is a major conflict of too many scriptures to believe in only a select few that are chosen by God for salvation, and God is not the one that is confused and needs to change His Word. Therefore, it can only be some Christians that have not seen God’s truth that need to change.

1Ti 4:10  For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe.

God is very clear in this verse that it was His desired intention to save “All humans”. But then God clarifies that it is only those that “believed” the Gospel invitation that will be saved. This is only what fits the parable of the Wedding Invitation. In this parable, the king’s servants went out to invite “everyone”. But it was only those that chose to receive the invitation that went into the wedding feast for the king’s son. Remember many were “called”, but few chose to attend to be called the “elect”.

Rom 10:13  For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

There are too many verses to include them all that say the same thing. This verse claims “whoever” calls on the name of the LORD will be saved. So, either God is forcing someone chosen to call upon Him, or humans have the choice to call and if they do, they will be saved and chosen of God as His “elect” being placed “in Christ”.


Thank you for taking the time to read and study the Bible here with us. We are a fast-growing family of believers that are hungry to know and learn the truth. If you are struggling to believe this lesson over your teachings of your denominational doctrines, it is strongly suggested for you to study the subject of “Human Freewill”. Go through the Bible and look for verses where God gave humans’ choices. Notice the first human choice sovereignly given, was to Adam eating from two selected trees. One choice brought Adam life, and the other choice brought Adam death. Adam disobeyed God and chose death, and we all died because of it.

There are so many verses that represent choices being sovereignly given by God to humans in the Bible that they should overwhelm you and help overcome your sovereign only belief that God is forcing all human decisions. There is a great need to balance the sovereign God given human freedoms to choose, with His desire to save everyone, and potentially your belief that He only selected some to be called His “elect”.

What we should have learned today, is that God gave us choices to make. He has sent His servants and His Son to make a way of salvation out of the automatic penalty of death and hell. We accept this way out of the world, by hearing about His Good News (Gospel) invitation to come to the wedding of His Son. Here is another example of God’s two choices being offered:

Deu 30:15  See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil;
Deu 30:19  I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:

God has placed a binary choice before every human of two possibilities and outcomes. One is a human choice for life and good by accepting His invitation, and the other is a choice for death and evil by rejecting His invitation. Could it be any simpler? You can live by believing and saying the right words.

Pro 18:21  Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

Yes, this verse is true and is literal. There is nothing misleading in the verse. It is plainly stated and is accurate to the infinite degree. Please don’t ignore it anymore. Memorize it and think about it every chance you get. Then apply it to your life. By us believing the Gospel we can do what God has invited us to do and be saved from our death to live eternally “with Him”, “In Him” and “Him in us” as part of His creation strategic plan of salvation:

Rom 10:8  But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;

Rom 10:9  That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Rom 10:10  For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

These are not difficult instructions for beginning your journey of salvation if you have never done this. If you do this for the first time, please leave a comment and this will help place you on the path with the Lord as your lead Shepherd to help you and guide you each and every day. Jesus is the Good Shepherd (Jn 10:14) and He said, “if you confess me, before men, I will confess you before my Father” (Mat 10:32). This is why it is important to leave a comment before the world, to read.

What we have learned is that God has sovereignly chosen the method of salvation, but not the ones that were to be selected. Yes, God is all knowing, all seeing, and understands the end from the beginning. Therefore, He knows who will be saved and who will not. But this does not mean that He chose them to be that way. God has sent out His servants with a wedding invitation to the entire world. Therefore, every human must make their own choices to attend. If you are too busy for Him, you may regret this decision, eternally. However, God wants a bride that wants Him as much as He wants you, not one that is forced to be with Him.

Thank you and again, and we will pray for you all. Jesus could be coming back any day now. Hopefully you are all prepared and ready to meet Him. When this coming occurs this will be when the bridegroom Jesus, comes and gets all of those that accepted the invitation to the “wedding feast” and have made themselves ready by putting on His wedding garment of the “Robe of Righteousness”. This will take place in heaven for seven years. Ready or not it will happen much sooner than you think. God Bless you.

If you would like to read the next lesson, select “Part 3“.

Are You Saved? Do you Know Jesus? Life is Short! Jesus wants to Know You! Please come and get to Know Him!

Bible Answers: Understanding Spirits – What is Spirit Life and Spirit Death – Do Babies in the Womb that Die Go to Heaven?

(Ver 1.1) This is a Bible response to some awesome reader questions, concerning spiritual life and death. This may be one of the most important Bible lessons you can find on this website. There are too many Christians that are unlearned in spiritual basic truths. It is interesting that there has been growing number of unsaved people in the world that know more than a lot of Christians about spirits, but primarily the evil spirit Satan. There has been a growing worship of evil spirits, but my God is greater than all of these.

Christians today, need to know and understand that they are a “spirit” first and a human body “last”. This helps us identify and change our priority of focus. We also need to know our enemy is a “spirit” also and this helps us know how to deal with Satan. But most importantly we need to know about the Greatest and Most High Spirit that is God who created us all and trust Him to help us get through all of life’s unplanned events. Therefore, the reason for this Bible lesson.

A certain reader asks some very deep and relevant questions concerning the meaning of spiritual life and death. Here were the basic questions:

  1. Where does the human spirit come from?
  2. Is there “spirit life” in a human, and if so,
  3. When does spirit life begin?
  4. Is there “spirit death” and, what is it?
  5. and if spirit death exists, when did or does it occur?

From these questions about spirit life and death, we can also derive some other fundamental implied questions that many Christians are asking about today. There are countless numbers of women and men today that have known or personally experienced the death of an unborn child. Whether this was the intentional murder of the child through abortion, or an unintended miscarriage or other unexpected birth complication, we are going to answer these and other questions using only the Bible, which is the Word of God (Mat 4:4), also called the Word of Truth (2 Cor 6:7). Here are the applicable questions that come from the reader’s questions that will also be answered today:

  1. “Does a child that died in the womb, have a spirit?”
  2. “Was a child that died in the womb or out of the womb spiritually alive?”
  3. “Does a child’s spirit that died naturally or was killed intentionally, go to heaven or to hell, or just cease to exist?”

These are all great and thoughtful questions. It must be stated first that I do not desire to give my thoughts, or opinions on anything of this extreme importance, if possible. I will try to avoid sharing my thoughts because my opinions are as worthless as anyone else’s. However, I will share what the Spirit of God has taught me about this subject today based upon the Word of God.

I will also share with everyone at least one key God life experience. This relevant experience is the fact that my wife had a miscarriage over 30 years ago. This was a traumatic unexpected experience for us both. This occurred at a time when I had felt like the LORD had said He would give us another child. My wife had a difficult and drawn-out time of not getting pregnant. But it finally came to pass, and we both felt happy that God had answered.

However, an unexpected miscarriage was a shocking and saddening surprise. There is not much anyone can do once the conceived baby passes and is lost. This pregnancy had ended. It took years of Bible study and listening to the Holy Spirit to try to figure out what had happened and if we would ever see this child again.

It was only in the last few years that God gave me a dream about this loss. I saw a vision of this child in heaven. I saw it was a little girl. From this dream we can have confidence that children that die prematurely can be assured to be seen again in heaven.

However, this night vision while it was a great reassuring comfort, is not sufficient evidence and still must be further confirmed by what God has already taught us from His Word. Therefore, today we will use the Word of God to be assured and confident that unborn children go to heaven, and not by us just experiencing a night vision only. If you are ready to learn what the Word of God says on this essential subject concerning understanding spirits, and their life and death, let us open our Bibles and study.

Introduction to Spirit Basics

We will begin learning the spiritual basics with the straightforward question, “Are spirits eternal”? We will begin to understand this answer by first observing God’s revealed Spirit characteristics:

Joh 4:24  God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

The most fundamental truth about God is found in this verse of John. Here it is revealed that God is a “Spirit”. This establishes the foundation for knowing all other truths about God. This means God before creating the natural universe in Genesis 1:1, existed only in an unseen Spirit form and dimension.

But this verse also establishes that humans must worship God in spirit and in truth. This is your first clue that humans have a spirit, but it also reveals a lot of humans are not aware enough to know about their own spirit. Now let us look at the revealed nature of God’s Spirit:

Psa 90:2  Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God

This is a very plainly stated verse that God existed before the universe was created and will still be God after it. Therefore, God is clearly described to have existed from everlasting to everlasting, claiming God Spirit is an eternal Spirit. This is very logical to understand because time was not created until Genesis 1:1 also. But we will look at another verse to confirm His eternal existence:

1Ti 1:17  Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen.

We have now observed references from both the Hebrew Old Covenant and the Greek New Covenant that the Spirit of God is eternal. This means God’s Spirit will never cease to exist. It also implies that God’s Spirit has no beginning nor any ending. Therefore, we learn it is impossible for God’s Spirit to cease to exist, die a death, or to be destroyed.

Hence, we have established a basic truth about the Creator God of the heaven and the earth being an everlasting Spirit, without beginning and without end. But this is different apparently from all other spirits that are mentioned in the Bible. This is because the Bible reveals to us that humans and angels have a single point of origination that causes their existence.

Whether we call this a spirit birth (Jn 3:3), or a spirit creation event (Deu 4:32), or some other term, these types of spirit beginnings certainly happened. We will now continue with the “first man” named Adam and when and where his spirit came from.

Gen 2:7  And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Let us establish a few other essential spirit basics on this subject from Genesis. The Eternal Spirit of God formed the physical body of Adam from the dirt of the ground. Then as we can observe in Genesis 2, God breathed into the nostrils the “breath” of life and the man became a living soul (Gen 2:7). From these stated truths we learn the body of man was made and formed from pre-existing created red “clay” soil before there was a spirit or life present in the body.

God says very specifically that man’s body was “formed” from this previously created earth substance. The Hebrew word H3335 translated as “formed” describes the work of a “potter” that is squeezing wet clay to make Adam’s human form. This means this work of God was extremely personal and hands on. It also demonstrates divine artistic design and composition.

Even modern science can find and name the basic dirt-like characteristics of the human body. Just some of the significant elements found in the human body are elements like “oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorous”. But there are also found trace elements of minerals like iron, iodine, zinc, fluoride, selenium, copper, chromium, etc. All these elements and minerals can be found in basic earth composition. Yet none of it is “alive” in and of themselves alone. Uh oh!

Therefore, after completion of forming Adam’s body from dirt, he only had a lifeless human shell that had no spirit or any ability to live. We know from reading James 2:7, “that the human body without the spirit is dead”. Therefore, the body of Adam was a lifeless corpse until God breathed into him a spirit that came from God’s breath (Spirit)!

This Hebrew word H5397 translated as “breathed” is a word that comes from a root word meaning “to blow” as exhaling a strong wind of air. This is difficult for some to comprehend since God is not a man (Num 23:19) that has natural lungs to exhale from. Also, as we have seen He is clearly described to be only a Spirit in John 4:24. Therefore, we can easily conclude that Adam’s “life” source and his internal “spirit” came from the eternal Spirit of God.

In fact, Adam’s blood also came from this breathing out of the Spirit of God. How do we know Adam’s blood came from God? We can know this for several reasons, but we will begin by knowing that it was necessary for the “Blood of God” in the body of Jesus, hanging on a cross, that was required to pay for the sins of humans.

God says in Hebrews that it was impossible for the blood of created bulls and goats to pay the debt of man’s sins (Heb 10:4). This verse proves that sinless created animal blood was not sufficient payment for the debt of human sin. This literally means man’s blood was of a much higher value than all other created beings and can only point us to Adam’s blood having come from God.

This fact makes the redemption of humans a very costly purchase price as we can read in 1 Peter 1:19. This verse says that our redemption required the precious blood of Jesus to buy us back, indicating the loss that was given away when the first Adam sinned, was of such great value to God, that it was enough for Him to die personally for us to get us back. This fact demonstrates God’s immense love for His created human children.

The second reason we know Adam’s blood was from God is found in Leviticus 17:11. In this verse of the Law, God reveals the life of the flesh is in the “blood”. Therefore, if Adam had no life before God breathed into his nostrils a spirit, he also had no blood, or he would have been alive already, like all other created animals. You do understand that no other created animals have a spirit? Not a fish, not a bird, and no other land mammal has a spirit. Nothing was made in the likeness and image of God except for “man” (Genesis 1:26). This simply means Adam was not created like animals and that both the “spirit” and the “blood” had to enter Adam’s body for scripture to be truthful.

The third reason is the name that God gave to “Adam”. This name is comprised of three Hebrew alphabet letters. The first is the letter “Alef” and in the ancient Hebrew lettering is an image of an ox, a strong symbol of God. The next two Hebrews letters is the combined “Dalet” + “Mem”. These two letters spell the Hebrew word we translate as “blood”. Therefore, combining these meanings, we have the hidden message from God that Adam means “God’s blood”. Wow! That is amazing!

What we have just discovered is that Adam’s spirit originated as a gift from God. Without God there would have been no life in the formed body of the man. Therefore, what kind of life did Adam have in his spirit after creation? It had to be God’s sinless Spirit that held His nature of eternal life, the man being made in the image and likeness of God (Gen 1:26). God is also perfect in purity and holiness (1 Pet 1:16), and this was also transferred to Adam by God’s Spirit breath. This was God’s original design for man and as we know after Adam “sinned” this caused a new problem for God to solve.

We have quickly established the human beginning of the first man was God giving Adam, His own life, spirit, and blood. But let us now look at some verses concerning an angelic beginning point next:

Eze 28:12  Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus, and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.

Eze 28:13  Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.

Eze 28:14  Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.

Eze 28:15  Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.

These are an essential set of verses to learn and know. They are written by a prophet of God, that viewed some long past ancient events that transpired before humans were created. These verses are speaking of only one angel in particular named “Lucifer” who is further described in Isaiah 14. This description reveals this being was angelic in nature, being called an anointed “Cherub” in verse 14. This being was certainly created as revealed in verses 13 and 15. We have discovered angels were created. This information teaches us clearly that angels were not in the eternal everlasting past, like God’s Spirit was. But rather that they were also created beings with a very specific beginning point, like the first man Adam. We have confirmed that Adam had a spirit, so now let us confirm angels are also spirit beings:

Heb 1:13  But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool?

Heb 1:14  Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?

This verse teaches us that angels were created by God to have “spirits” and that they were designed by God to minister to those that are heirs of salvation. Therefore, these angelic beings have spirits. But what about a physical body like the created man? Are they bodiless or do they have an everlasting physical body housing their spirit? If they have a body, are they everlasting or are they mortal, like man?

This would take a lot to answer these questions completely. But please understand that angels do have physical bodies. We know this because of several stories found in the Bible. For example, please see what Psalms 78:24-25 says. In this verse God claims the manna that He sent down from heaven for the children of Israel to eat in the wilderness was made from heavenly corn that God called angel food. If humans and angels can eat the same bread, this shows us that they are both designed with very similar body types. Therefore, there are important similarities and differences to the bodies of angels and humans and they both were designed as internal “spirit” containers.

Hopefully we will confirm whether these created human and angelic “spirits” have an ending point soon. But for now, the assumption appears to teach us that man and angel spirits have no ending of their spiritual life/existence since their spirits came from God the Eternal Creator Father of spirits (Heb 12:9).

Let us now shift to a very important new subject within our main subject of “spirits”, called “sin” and find its effect upon angels and humans. We will begin with the subject of angel spirits first because they existed before human spirits. If you did not know this fact, it is revealed to us in Job 38:7. In this verse God reveals when the earth and heaven was created, “the morning star sang (Lucifer) and the sons of God (angels) all shouted for joy”. Notice what God writes to us about Lucifer in the account of Ezekiel:

Eze 28:15  Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.

This verse reveals when Lucifer was created (began to spiritually exist and be alive in a body), he was absolutely created as perfect and without flaws. But then God writes “iniquity” was found and this was a major problem for God, causing God to speak some very profound prophecies.

Eze 28:16  By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.

This is an amazing verse of information concerning Lucifer the created anointed cherub. Notice this verse further names him to be a “sinner” that is filled with violence. But God then begins to reveal His plans for this angel. God says, “I will cast you out as profane out of the “mountain” of God. First understand “mountains are significant symbols for governments, like God’s Heavenly Kingdom”. Therefore, God is prophesying the future removal of Satan (Lucifer turned into God’s adversary named Satan) to be cast down and out from the Kingdom of God.

This is your first clue to the concept of spirit “separation”. This would be defined as God removing a sinner from His Holy presence. Whenever God says He will cast Lucifer out, indicates that this means this will be a coming event, and that it did not happen instantly when Lucifer sinned. This also strongly implies to us that Lucifer has a right to be in God’s presence for him to be forcibly cast out. Why would God allow Lucifer to stay in His presence? Here is one potential good reason:

Eze 28:13  Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created

Here we find Lucifer being described to be covered with stones. These 9 stones mentioned can be found on the High Priest’s breastplate that Moses made for God’s earthly tabernacle. This strongly implies Lucifer was the High Priest of the Heavenly temple. If you did not know there was a heavenly temple, please take the time to read the book of Hebrews. God plainly states that Moses’ temple was patterned after the heavenly one.

Just this information alone implies a lot. First there is never a mention of Satan ever being “destroyed” as in our definition of obliterated never to exist. The Hebrew word in Ezekiel 28:16 that is translated as “destroy” is “H6” and this word simply means to be “separated from”. In fact, this Hebrew word is spelled “Alef” + “Beyt” + “Dalet” and placing the ancient Hebrew letter meanings together appear to say to us “God’s House has a “Door”. This door in God’s house swings two ways. One way is for an “Entrance” and the other way is for an “Exit”. Guess which way Satan is headed for in the end?

Isa 14:12  How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

Isa 14:13  For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

Isa 14:14  I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

Isa 14:15  Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

Wow! We are seeing the prophecy that was written over 2500 years ago about the soon coming prophesied “end of Satan”. However, pay attention there is no prophesied death ending (as in cease to exist) speaking of this created angel. God is rather only speaking of Lucifer about to “be separated” from the Kingdom of God. When we say “soon” this is potentially a point of confusion because God teaches us this ultimate end won’t happen for at least another 1000+ years. Read about it in Revelation 20:

Rev 20:2  And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,

Rev 20:3  And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.

Rev 20:7  And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,

Rev 20:10  And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

As we can observe from these selected verses the “spirit” named “Lucifer”, “Satan”, “the serpent”, “the Dragon”, and “the devil” is eventually and totally going to be separated from the “Kingdom of God” forever and ever. This verse 10 confirms angelic spirits live forever, without any way for God to kill them. Thus, spirits once created, live forever!

This is our first clue to finding the definition to what “spiritual death” is to God. What we are learning is that angel spirits that have sinned will be permanently separated from all other spirits being thrown into a “pit” as God said would happen in Isaiah 14.

Please take notice that according to scripture there are at least 1/3 of the angels that have followed Satan. These are rebellious, evil, and appear unrepentant. Therefore, God needed a way to separate Himself being Holy and Pure. This strongly indicates that there is no salvation for the sins of angels probably because they had and have no “blood”.

Remember Adam was created with “blood” intentionally by God’s planned design and purpose. There is no mention of angels having blood in the Bible that we know of. We also know after Jesus was “resurrected” from the dead, His eternal physical body housed His Spirit which returned His physical life, and this body only had flesh and bone (Lk 24:39) and was absent of blood becoming like the angels (Mat 22:30).

Yet please notice in the Bible that there is also no immediate separation from God mentioned for their vast sins. We could explain why this is in great detail, but it would take too much detailed information for this lesson. However, we need to mention a few things to prove this to help us understand that even fallen angels can approach God’s presence even until today. We know this first because we can read the book of Job:

Job 1:6  Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them.

Job 1:7  And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.

We have already seen where the “sons of God” sang for joy when the world was created in Job 38:7. Therefore these beings called the “sons of God” are the created angels. This knowledge helps to understand Job 1:6 much clearer.

Job 1:6 says there was a “day” when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD. The LORD is a governmental authority title for God as the Supreme Judge. Notice that Satan is in this massive presence of angels also and the LORD directs all His words to Satan. This again strongly indicates that Lucifer is the chief or head priest of the heavenly group of living beings.

This is amazing information. Please recall that Lucifer has already committed sins, rebelled against God, and has 1/3 of the angels under his authority. This means all these heavenly angels are in the presence of God as a preplanned event and that after sin, there was no casting down of any of them because they are moving back and forth from the earth as Satan mentions in verse 7 and we can read about in Genesis 28:12 where God describes a ladder that allows movement from heaven to earth.

But let us look at the time after the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus from the dead. It is a fact that Jesus defeated Satan when He was crucified and was raised from the dead. But I have heard a lot of preachers claim that this means Satan no longer has access to go back to heaven for any reason. But this teaching violates and contradicts other verses that teach us differently:

Rev 12:7  And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,

Rev 12:8  And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.

Rev 12:9  And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Rev 12:10  And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

These are some of the most important verses you can learn about Satan’s soon coming demise and ejection from heaven. These verses have NOT occurred and will not occur until after the rapture. In Revelation 4:1 the voice from heaven told John to come up here, so that he could be shown things that would happen here after. This confirms this chapter 12 happens after chapter 4 and it is happening during the 7-year tribulation.

The first thing in Revelation 12:7 we find a spiritual war taking place between Michael and his angels, and Satan and his angels. Satan is unable to prevail in this war and he and all his angels are cast down. Sound familiar? This is the prophesied removal of Satan being cast down from heaven and the Kingdom of God and in verse 8, God says very clearly “Now was their place and position in heaven ended”.

Verse 10 confirms this by saying “Now has come salvation, and strength, and the Kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ”. Wow, that is an amazing statement about the final defeat of Satan. Do you remember reading in Hebrews 1:13 where God says to Jesus, “sit at my right hand until I make your enemies, your footstool”. Apparently, Jesus while defeating Satan, is still awaiting a coming time while seated in heaven for every enemy to be placed “underfoot”. Guess when this occurs. We are reading about it right now in Revelation 12!

But the main reason we are here is because of how verse 10 ends. This is the final confirmation that Satan has access today in heaven. This ending verse clearly states, “for the accuser of our brethren, is cast down, which accused them before our God, day and night”. This is a literal statement about a spirit being named Lucifer going to heaven to accuse Christian brothers and sisters on a 24-hour basis. This heavenly visitation continues until he is cast down permanently.

Therefore, we have observed a lot essential Bible truths about angel spirits from just these few verses.

  1. Angels are created “spirit” beings having a physical body.
  2. Angelic bodies have no blood, are not mortal and do not die.
  3. Angels and humans can eat the same food.
  4. The angelic spirit also does not die or cease to exist.
  5. Sin had no immediate consequence for removal of angels from heaven. We see this from Satan appearing before God in Job 1, and we see this again in Revelation 12 when Satan is finally cast down to the earth after accusing Christians day and night before God for at least 2000 years.
  6. There is coming a single appointed time of separation from God for all sinful angelic beings.

We have only touched on this subject but have established the basic facts on angel spirits. Therefore, let us analyze the sin effect and consequences upon Adam and all humans next.

What happened when Adam sinned? Let us first go to Genesis 2 and notice what caused Adam to sin and why there were any consequences at all:

Gen 2:16  And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat

Gen 2:17  But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die

God has just given man a “law” from a spoken commandment to not eat from a tree called “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil”. If this “law” of commandment is broken, God says in the same day you eat you will die. Uh oh! What kind of death is God speaking of? Hopefully, you do understand that there are “two” kinds of death mentioned in the Bible.

But before we go to this part of our lesson, let us discover, what God says happens to the “spirits” of men and women that experience natural death on the earth? Do they cease to exist? Or do they remain eternal like the Spirit of God and angels. We will learn this answer from reading a real story that Jesus taught us about spiritual life after physical death.

Luk 16:19  There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day:

Luk 16:20  And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores,

Luk 16:21  And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.

Luk 16:22  And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;

Luk 16:23  And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.

Luk 16:24  And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.

Luk 16:25  But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.

Luk 16:26  And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.

Luk 16:27  Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father’s house:

Luk 16:28  For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.

Luk 16:29  Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.

Luk 16:30  And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.

Luk 16:31  And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.

Please do not show your ignorance and be foolish to leave us a comment that this is a “parable” and does not teach us anything about life after death. That is a deception and a lie from Satan to believe that. This is a literal real story of three men that lived upon the earth and died a natural death.

Two of these men have real names. Remember that Jesus never said this was a parable, and if He uses real names in a story and if it is not truthful, this makes Jesus a liar and God does not lie! Therefore, this story literally happened and is a warning to everyone to what could happen to them.

As you can see, the story is about a real man who was a beggar named Lazarus who sat outside another unnamed real rich man’s house. This beggar was in very poor health and appears to be completely disregarded and ignored by the rich man living well inside the house.

Lazarus died and his body was buried, but his spirit departs the earth to go down into an underground area which is called “Abraham’s bosom”. “Abraham” appears to be chief resident in charge in this area before Jesus died on the cross. There are good Bible reasons in Romans 4 and Galatians 3 to name two references that give us clues to why Abraham is of such importance to God and even us, now after Christ died.

However, notice the facts about the rich man after he died physically on the earth. His spirit also descended the surface of the earth, but he was not in Abraham’s realm of temporary existence. He makes the direct claim that he was in a place of fire and torment and even desired for Abraham to send Lazarus to dip his finger into a drop of water to cool his tongue.
Wow, if this story does not scare you into turning your life over to Jesus, there are no other ones in the Bible that are as graphic and plain. What we clearly discover from this real story is that “human” spirits live forever. But there are two direct after-life possibilities of eternal existence. One is a spiritual life after our natural death in an eternal torture in fire, and the other is an eternal life in a place Jesus called “paradise” to the thief that was hanging next to Him on the cross (Lk 23:43).

Also please notice that Abraham claims these two after-life realms of existence, are completely “divided” apart from each other and there is no traveling between them available. This is exactly what we saw was happening in the story of Lucifer and his destined dwelling in a pit. The pit is not the location of the Kingdom of God. These are just some of the basics of human spiritual existence. Let us review:

  1. The human spirit has a spirit origination point.
  2. Despite what some people try to teach, the human spirit is not “reincarnated” from a prior existence.
  3. From God’s description of the first man Adam, this human spirit origination appears to come from God’s Spirit
  4. Also, we have found that human spirits, like angels, have no ending point where they cease to exist or die.

There are many verses that teach us that spirits do not cease consciousness or existence. For example, Paul when speaking of his soon physical death, claimed for him to be absent from his body, is to be present with the risen from the dead eternal Lord Jesus in heaven (2 Corinthians 5:8).

However, we have also seen where human spirits that are alive forever, have two potential destination points for eternal existence after physical death. This appears to be divided into one group figuratively called the “sheep” versus the other opposite group called the “goats” (Mat 25:33).

We have not yet confirmed anything that is called “spiritual death” so far in this lesson. We have only established something called “spiritual separation” after natural death. But this is going to get a lot more interesting as we continue to learn what the Bible says. Let us go and explore the subject of the human spirit’s origination next. This should be very interesting.

Where do Spirits Come From?

This is probably one of the more difficult questions to answer. But God does give us clues in the Bible to help us understand enough to draw a sound conclusion. For example, the Bible strongly indicates by omission, that before the creation of angels and humans, there were no other spirits that were admitted existing, at least that we can find easily in the text. This fact alone points us to God as the source of all “spirits”. Therefore, the first clue given to us by God is that he chooses to write “no clue” about the existence of any other spirits. But there are also other relevant clues.

Clue number two, we can clearly read about the creation of the first man and see plainly that Adam’s spirit originated from the “breath” of God being blown into him. This is another direct reference that spirits come from God’s Spirit. Therefore, we have two witnesses that teach us the source of spirits can only be God. If you can find any contradictory verses that claim otherwise, please feel free to share them and we will look at their truth and application to our subject.

Next, we can read a New Testament verse that also indicates God to be the source of spirits. Let us turn to the book of Hebrews and read this:

Heb 12:9  Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live

As you should be able to see and understand, this verse is a contrasting comparison between two father types. The first father mentioned concerns “fathers of our flesh”. This of course the male that contributed the sperm to form a child in the female womb. This father is a totally natural reference, but it is amazing what it says and does not say.

For example, this verse does not give the sperm contributor any involvement in the baby’s spirit existence. In fact, it completely refutes the baby’s spirit coming from the natural father based upon a comparison to God who is a Spirit (John 4:23) and He is being called the “Father of spirits”.  This statement implies “ALL” spirits come from God the Father of spirits.

Therefore, we have two types of “fathers”, one is physical, and the other is spiritual. We can also take note of words that Jesus spoke in John 3:6 when speaking with a natural man about a new birth that has been prophesied. In this verse Jesus said, “That which is born of flesh, is flesh and that which is born of spirit, is spirit”. While this statement does not attribute the spirit origination being from God, it clearly says a spirit can only create a spirit. That sounds important and this confirms that since God was the only known Spirit to exist before any creation takes place, He is the only Father that can point us to their existence. This also helps us understand why angels are called the ‘sons of God” in the Old Testament.

These concepts are confirmed in another reference found in 1 Corinthians:

1Co 15:45  And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.

1Co 15:46  Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.

1Co 15:47  The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven.

This is a potential new controversy. The Greek word translated as “soul” in verse 45 has a larger scope definition than just a “spirit”. From this Greek word G5590 (psuche) we get the English word “psyche” having the synonyms “spirit”, “soul”, “mind”, “ego”, “essence”, etc. This Greek word has its roots in a word meaning to “blow”, and this simply means exhaling of breath, or to breathe. Therefore, the word “G5590”, figuratively means to have “life” and this goes along with Genesis 2:7, “Adam became a living soul after the breath of God entered the formed earth made body”.

Ok, we are going to quickly give an overview of the triune nature of man for the ever-increasing numbers of new readers and subscribers. Every human is a spirit, has a soul, and lives in a body (1 Ths 5:23). If there is breath in this body, there is physical life and there is access for the unseen internal spirit to communicate with God and the created world simultaneously. If the spirit leaves the physical body, the body is dead and natural communication with physical people ceases and that is not a good situation for those that have not given their lives to God to believe in His Son Jesus Christ. We will get into this more soon because this is what God is calling “spiritual death” as in the process of separation.

What we are learning is the first Adam was a human body created from dirt, and then a spirit was given to him by God, and this caused the combined spirit, soul, and body to be a natural living human able to communicate in two realms. We can see this very clearly in Genesis 2 and 3 when Adam is speaking with and listening to God’s spirit voice, and later he also hears his wife’s natural voice, confirming two realms of communications were taking place simultaneously.

This has only been a quick overview of this part of the subject of where spirits come from. But from all these clues given to us, God appears to be the only viable and powerful enough source to create all spirits, whether human or angelic. This would be a good time to mention that there are no new angels being created that we can easily find in the Bible.  But we know humans are having new babies every day. Therefore, there are still potential new spirits being created today. Let us move into this part of the lesson next and speak about babies that have spirits.

Baby Human Spirits

We need to go and find specific verses concerning naturally born babies on the earth that came out of the loins of the first created man Adam. Here are the basic questions that need answers:

  1. Where do human baby spirits come from?
  2. When is their spirit present? a. before birth or b. after birth?
  3. Are baby spirits alive or dead (separated from God)?
  4. If the Baby physically died before birth, do they go to heaven or hell?
  5. If the Baby physically died after birth, do they go to heaven or hell?

These are a lot of great questions. Does God answer them? The answer is “Yes”. God anticipated every question a human could conceive and places the answers somewhere for us to find in His Word. Are you ready? We will address the questions next.

When is the Spirit Present in a Conceived Baby?

This is a very important part of this topic that Satan does not want you to know about. Satan using cooperating humans living in the darkness of this world, has dehumanized conceptions in the womb, calling them just a blob of tissue and flesh. They have placed upon a real child, the degrading term of calling them just a generic “fetus”. This term causes a desensitized removal of thought that they are a child with an identity and personality that can be named, and that they have no “life” that can be killed.

This plan of Satan facilitates an access way for removing an unwanted pregnancy and makes the decision easier to agree with. This attempts to remove human guilt or regret for eliminating the created growing child and permits a reduction of shame and any temporary pain of conscience. This is where they have killed millions of children in the world convincing people this is not a child, but is this the TRUTH?

This is absolutely, not the TRUTH, and God speaks to this issue over and over and over in His Word. Even modern science is afraid of the TRUTH getting out. They have 3-dimensional sonograms today that show all the details of the new human and their life, a heart that beats, movements of torso, head, arms and legs, feelings, expressions, reactions to sound and pain, and sucking their thumbs and many other things that can be seen easily with modern technology.

Another modern science development has photographed the process of conception and fertilization. This is a truly amazing photo and video to observe. When the “sperm” cell encounters and enters the female egg, there is a significant flash of “light”. Scientists are trying to explain this as only a release of “zinc”, but according to scripture God is Light (1 John 1:4) and this is just a way to explain away God’s involvement in conception and the human spirit creation event at the time of conception.

From a Bible perspective, God is trying to communicate with us that this small light explosion that is clearly visible, appears to be God bringing into the single combined cell a “spirit” that obviously must come from Him (Light). This video is available on the internet when you search “spark of light fertilization”. It is easy to find, and you can judge for yourself.

Let us stop and think about the evidence of just DNA. The mother contributes half of the DNA necessary to conceive. The father of the child contributes the other half of DNA, including the sex determining chromosome either “X” or “Y”. Separated they have no ability to produce a child, but joined together they produce a single cell that is completely alive, and it begins to double itself, over and over until in a very short time, the exponentially increasing number of cells have formed a full featured child. This combined DNA of the egg and the sperm are “Life” and it is alive. Any educated scientist if they found this cell on “Mars” would claim we have found life on Mars. Why is this not considered the same here on earth?

After going through the physical evidence, let us move to the highest authority called the Word of God. God will either contradict the natural claims or agree with them. I believe True Science and the True Word of God Understanding will Always Agree! Let us find out what the Bible says on this subject:

Gen 25:21  And Isaac intreated the LORD for his wife, because she was barren: and the LORD was intreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived.

Gen 25:22  And the children struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I thus? And she went to enquire of the LORD.

Gen 25:23  And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.

Here we have the real story of a promised son of “Abraham” named “Isaac”, who married a wife named “Rebekah”. She was barren and unable to conceive a seed. But Issac seeks the Lord, and she becomes pregnant. Uh oh, what happens next is amazing. Rebekah is pregnant with twins. There are two sons, and they are fighting against each other within her womb already. She also seeks the Lord to find out what is happening to these two womb children inside her.

In verse 23, the LORD God says to her, “Two nations are in your womb”. Let us stop immediately and analyze this statement. God has already placed an identity upon them and said each will create a different nation of people. What would have happened if Rebekah had aborted them? There would be no two nations, and no Jesus Christ since He was in one of the children to be named Jacob.

All this discussion is based upon foreknowledge. We can see that God even knows who will be born first and second, and that the elder firstborn son will serve the younger son that will be named Jacob. God obviously knows all children in the womb, believe it or not. God obviously has a plan for all children in the womb. This literally teaches us that these developing children have a spirit, and a planned life, long before birth.

This story of two brothers in a womb simultaneously teaches they are aware of each other. This is true, because they are already fighting each other, and this war makes their mother very physically aware of what is happening. Therefore, these are confirmed to be living humans that have at least some limited awareness and consciousness. They were not blobs of lifeless flesh. Any woman that has endured pregnancy has experienced this life movement inside. They can kick fairly strong, and this can be irritating, but it proves they are living. If they are living this also means they have a spirit, because the body of Adam had no life or movement until after God places a spirit inside the body.

Let us look at another example:

Jer 1:5  Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

This is one of those amazing hidden verses because a lot of people do not read the Old Covenant prophets. Here in the book of Jeremiah God makes a declaration about the man Jeremiah. God says very plainly that before Jeremiah was even conceived in his mother’s womb God already had a purpose and plan for his life. This is called “foreknowledge” and it is recorded in multiple verses of the Bible. But then notice what else God says.

The next statement is about Jeremiah in the womb. Remember this is a human male that is a descendant of the original human sinner Adam. Therefore, this man should be dead to God according to a lot of preacher beliefs and teachings. Yet God says I have already “sanctified” you while you were in your mother’s womb. This sounds a lot like the twins we just read about again, with God knowing them personally before they were born. This demonstrates God’s awareness and personal involvement in every child that has been conceived.

The Hebrew word H6942 that is translated as “sanctified” is defined as “to pronounce or observe as clean”. This is an amazing concept if you think about it. This is giving us the appearance that God is viewing humans a lot differently than religious minded humans view them. God literally, “knew” this future man, “chose” this future man, and made him “clean” long before he exited the womb of a woman. If God did this only for Jeremiah, He would be a respecter of persons, and the Bibles says God is not this way (Rom 2:11). Let us look at another human conception and birth about another prophet:

Luk 1:13  But the angel said unto him, Fear not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John. 

Luk 1:14  And thou shalt have joy and gladness; and many shall rejoice at his birth

Luk 1:15  For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother’s womb

Luk 1:16  And many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God

Luk 1:17  And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord

God sent an angel to a man named Zacharias that ministered as a priest before the Lord. This meant this man was from the tribe of Levi that allowed him to be in the presence of the LORD in the tabernacle. The angel sent from God gives Zacharias a lot of information that only God could provide based upon “foreknowledge”.

The angel tells him that His wife will conceive, so it will be a natural conception and a natural birth process of 9 months of development. It is also amazing that God knows it will be male, since the father determines this by which “sperm cell” reaches the egg, either an “X” or a “Y” Chromosome will determine the sex of the child. Yet God knows exactly which one will arrive.

Now here is where it really gets interesting. The angel informs Zacharias that the developing male child will be “filled with the Holy Ghost” even while in the womb. Wow, if that is not amazing, what is? God is going to fill a developing baby’s body with His own Holy Spirit to be in full fellowship with the already present John’s spirit even before birth. This information shocks people who say abortions are just a lifeless blob of tissue and flesh. God does not view it this way at all and knows the child and their destined plan and purpose for existence long before they are born. Wake up! Let us read further down in this chapter to see what else is happening to the child John while in the womb:

Luk 1:39  And Mary arose in those days, and went into the hill country with haste, into a city of Juda

Luk 1:40  And entered into the house of Zacharias, and saluted Elisabeth

Luk 1:41  And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost: 

Here is another example of the internal womb “life” of a “living” human body that is alive being connected to a living human spirit. Remember what we learned from the story of Adam. There was no life, no movement, no ability to respond or communicate if there was no “spirit” in the natural body. Uh oh?

When Mary, the future mother of Messiah comes to visit her cousin Elisabeth the baby John “leaps” inside of her when sensing the presence of Messiah. This action of a child in the womb proves human life is present and a human spirit must be inside the flesh. These children in the womb can do things, sense things, and know things, much more than you can possibly imagine, and this is exactly why the devil wants to kill them all.

We have fully confirmed based upon scriptural and scientific evidence that developing babies in the womb have life and a spirit. One popular movie called “Unplanned” documented the life of a woman that previously worked at abortion clinics. This woman was asked to help a physician perform a procedure on a woman. She was tasked at holding the sonogram paddles in place so the doctor could see how to dismember the developing child to kill it.

This woman saw the reaction of the baby at each doctor attempt to pull off its legs, arms, and head. The baby could feel the pain and even moved around to try to keep it from happening. This alone proves there is life and a fighting spirit awareness in these developing children. Please do not allow this to continue taking place.

Is a Womb Baby’s Spirit Alive or Dead?

We have already seen strong evidence in the last section that babies have a spirit, and that they can be known by God and even can be filled with the Holy Spirit before birth. These types of interactions lead us to conclude that human baby spirits are alive unto God like the first Adam was before and after sin. Uh oh! What did I say? Please put down your stones until you learn what else the Bible says, first.

We have also already seen some key answers to know about the spirits of babies in the womb entering at the initial fertilization union of the two joining cells that were designed by God to become one new flesh and spirit life. This strongly implies that these babies in the womb are also fully alive and able to fellowship with God as in the case of John the Baptist in the womb of Elisabeth.

Therefore, we are entering some potential new grounds for beliefs that could certainly be controversial or even contradictory with the world, but also with many churches, pastors, and teachers of the Word of God.

In this section we are going to explore some additional scriptures about children that may rock the religious boat and mind of many Christians, especially those that tolerate or are completely passive for allowing abortions to occur.

This is our first clue that God still creates every human spirit at conception. As the reader questioned, if God gives the spirit, then it must be still made in His image (Gen 1:26). This is exactly a very true fact found in scriptures. We are about to go through some new verses that maybe you have never focused upon to see some things that will potentially change your ways of thinking about what some claim is a dead spirit as defined to be completely separated from God by the sin of the first Adam.

In 2 Samuel 12, we find the story of Bathsheba and David who had an affair and she got pregnant from it. We will not focus on all the sins that David committed during this episode. But rather we will only focus on the child that was produced and what David told us about him.

We know when this child of Bathsheba was born, David was told by a prophet that he would die because of the sins of David. David fasted and prayed hoping for mercy from God, but the child still died. After the child’s death, David said the following:

2Sa 12:23  But now he is dead, wherefore should I fast? can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me.

As you can see, David is speaking of two realms of human existence. One is the natural body life of the child and the other is the after-natural-life experience of a continuing eternal spirit life. David could clearly see that the body of the dead child was still present with him, but now the spirit had departed from the body. This was the opposite of Adam’s body being formed dead and then the spirit entering to give life. In this example, the baby was born with a spirit that left the body causing the body to be dead.

David said some amazing things in this experience that is essential to see and understand about human spirits. David says, “I cannot bring him back to me (here in the natural realm), but I will still go to him (in the spirit realm when I die)”. Also note that David is not talking about him or his child going to hell here in this statement, believe it or not.

Despite Davids’ obvious imperfections, let us help to establish his righteousness. In the book of Acts, David is called a man after God’s own heart (Acts 13:22). If you read the Psalms that were written by David, you can find a lot of his repentance and beliefs is an eternal salvation based upon God’s righteousness. We can also see in Psalm 23, that David called God His LORD and Shepherd. Jesus Christ is also called the “Seed of David”, meaning Messiah and we find Jesus comes to the earth being called the Son of David (Mat 21:9). God had a very special relationship with David, and it looks guaranteed in scripture that David will be in Heaven when we get there.

Therefore, we can understand when David is saying “I cannot bring him back”, he is speaking of bringing his son’s spirit back from a place where righteous people are all presently gathered. Let us confirm the reality that unborn babies and even children not of the age of accountability will be taken to heaven if they die a physical death. We will only look at one statement that Paul wrote about himself.

Rom 7:9  For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died.

If you read the context, you will find Paul writing about the Law. In fact, in verses 1 through 8 Paul is speaking about the binding of the law to people that are under the law and have knowledge of the law. Paul also writes about how “death” separates the human from their bondage from the “law of sin through death”.

Paul makes it very clear in verse 7 of this chapter that he would not have known sin if he had not known the law. Continuing, he says he would not know that “lust” was sinful without first knowing God said “Thou shalt not covet”. Wow, this is more amazing information than you can possibly understand without God enlightening it to your spirit. Your carnal mind is not going to be able to understand this without God’s Spirit helping.

However, this chapter applies to children, and even unborn children. God is saying without the knowledge of “law”, there is not an impartation of guilt, and therefore no sin can be held against a child. Every child in the womb has an almost zero % chance of knowing what is good or evil, right or wrong. This is because they cannot speak or understand these types of complex concepts without maturity and training.

This is why Paul writes in verse 9, “I was alive once without (the knowledge of) the law”. Once Paul grew to the age of accountability, which is normally for Jews at the age of 12, they are considered able to judge right from wrong. But this is because they have all memorized the Torah before this age occurs. It is this knowledge that makes a child accountable for their sins. Once this occurs, they must choose Jesus as Lord to be saved. If this salvation decision is not reached when natural death occurs, the child/adult departs to go to hell.

This is why my wife and I’s miscarried daughter, was seen in a vision being in heaven. This is also why every aborted baby from the womb goes to heaven also. Any death of an unaccountable child will be a transportation into the presence of God automatically. This is because God is loving, just, and must judge righteously about every human the same. If you are still struggling with this information, let us confirm it again with a new set of verses spoken by Jesus:

Mat 24:15  When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) 

Mat 24:16  Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: 

Mat 24:17  Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: 

Mat 24:18  Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. 

Mat 24:19  And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days

These are verses about the rapture of the church to be taken out of the earth by a very sudden departure. These verses are written with warnings to those that have missed the rapture. But will only focus upon verse 19, because this is one about our subject of children and accountability.

In this verse Jesus said, “Woe to those (women) that are “with” child (pregnant), and to those (women) that have breast-feeding children in those days. Why does Jesus warn women about this time? It is not very complicated. This is because these two groups of children in the womb and those born below the age of accountability “WILL be taken up in the rapture”. This again is fair, just, and righteous judgements from God to save them from a certain death. Those humans that were left on earth after the disappearance of children and ready to go Christians, are warned to run away quickly without even taking any food or clothes with them. This means something is about to happen that is at any moment certain destruction.

Wow! Hopefully, this information is convincing you about the truth, that children have spirits, and they are not “dead” or separated from God until they obtain an age that they can know and make a conscious intentional decision to accept or reject Jesus.

This information also brings to question special needs children. What would happen to an autistic child that is not all there mentally? Could they seriously be held accountable to understand everything about what is right or wrong? Many do not believe so. This sounds like an opportunity for a loving God to demonstrate great mercy and compassion. I believe this is God’s heart. You can choose for yourself what you would like to believe.

We have just discovered in two sections the following scriptural facts of truth:

  1. Babies have a spirit at conception.
  2. God knows the baby, plans their destiny and purpose.
  3. God can even speak with the baby in the womb.
  4. All of this means a child’s spirit is viewed as innocent in the eyes of God.
  5. Therefore, baby spirits go to heaven if a death occurs before the age of accountability and sin awareness takes place to give the child the fair right of choice.

This was good news for those that have lost a child. If you have chosen to believe in Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection and you will confess Him as your Lord (Rom 10:9-10), you will be saved to go to heaven and see your child again standing with Jesus’s loving arms around them. Let us shift to the last and another essential subject of how to define “spiritual death”.

Is there Spiritual Death?
What is “Spiritual Death” and
When Does it Occur?

Here is another popular misconception that is preached all over the church. People are widely taught that Adam spiritually died immediately after sinning. But everyone must still acknowledge that Adam lived 930 years until physical death occurred. But when does the Bible say his spirit died? Or does it say? We might be surprised what the Bible says about this subject.

In fact, this belief of spiritual death as it is taught by many pastors and Bible teachers, just does not balance with the rest of scripture when we take the time to study. Remember Paul wrote to us and said, “Study to show yourself approved, a workman, that does not need to be ashamed” (2 Tim 2:15). Therefore, we need to study this subject for ourselves, using a deeper understanding of “all” scriptures on the subject. We will begin this section on spiritual death by using verses that Jesus taught us on the existence of the “spiritually dead”.

Mat 8:21  And another of his disciples said unto him, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father. 

Mat 8:22  But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead.

This is a short but radical conversation between Jesus and a disciple. A certain disciple came to Jesus and asked Him, “Allow me to go bury my father”. Therefore, we have a man that has just died a natural death and his natural son has a desire to bury him, and Jesus’ reaction is more than significant.

Please let us use some spiritual common sense and see that Jesus is speaking of two different states of humans. Or more precisely two types of “death” and the “dead”. The first death type being referred to by the disciple is only “natural” death which is common to all humans after the sin of Adam (Romans 5:12). But the second type of death must be a spiritually viewed type of death because Jesus said let these types of natural people bury their own physically dead.

Jesus is implying to this disciple that he is not a spiritually dead man, therefore, Jesus was telling Him to continue to follow Him. Uh oh! Remember Jesus is speaking to a man that was not yet born again, because Jesus had not died and been resurrected. This means neither were born-again. Not the “dead” that would bury their “dead” (physically) nor the disciple that is following Jesus could be saved. Therefore, Jesus’ definitions of what a living man is, and what a dead man is, is completely different than what we have thought or heard taught before.

What was the difference between these two people types? The disciple that was following Jesus was in face-to-face personal relationship with God in the flesh, and all those not present were not known by God and did not know or speak with God. Could this be what Jesus is referring to? Does a relationship with God make the difference whether we are called living or dead to God?

This is where new controversy begins, that not too many people have ever been taught. What made this disciple spiritually alive, and other humans spiritually dead is something that we need to learn. How can we understand this based upon the fact that we have already seen clear evidence that “spirits” do not ever die or cease to exist?

Remember, we learned this concept from a story Jesus gave to the disciple about a rich man and beggar named Lazarus. In this story, both men died physically and then their spirits were carried away departing to an under the surface of the earth existence in two separated and eternally divided realms of after natural life existence. Do you remember this?

This story is essential to understanding how to differentiate those people who are spiritually alive and dead on the face of the earth while they were both physically alive simultaneously. Then knowing what happens after their natural death where their spirits departed the earth and are then divided apart from each other under the earth. Of course, this was taking place before Jesus was crucified and resurrected from the dead. This means in this story there was not, an access door named Jesus who would facilitate the human access to the Father in heaven.
This is only the beginning to help us understand what is taking place. What we are seeing, are these facts:

  1. Human spirits never die or cease to exist.
  2. However, Jesus labels some living humans on the earth as “dead” even while naturally breathing air in the flesh.
  3. According to scripture these people called dead did not have a relationship with God, speaking with Him and listening to His voice for directions.
  4. Jesus further implies there were some naturally living people on the earth that were already alive in their spirit and we have seen this more than once before in this lesson. These types of people appear to be those in intimate contact with the living God.
  5. From the story of the rich man, he was designated as “unrighteous” type of spiritually dead on the earth that continues to be separated in a lake of fire called the “tormenting” realm. According to Abraham he, must not have read and studied the Torah. Therefore, he did not know God intimately.
  6. But simultaneously the poor beggar named Lazarus is designated by implication to be “righteous” after natural death that departs to be with Abraham in the side of existence called the “comforting” realm. No doubt Lazarus had a lot of time to pray and ask God for help and assistance. There had to be some relationship with God for him to be in the righteous side of the natural dead humans.

That is a lot of new information but let us stop and go back to the beginning and work our way back up to this point of reference with Jesus walking the face of the earth in the flesh.

Please take the time to read Genesis 1, 2, and 3 again. These are all essential basics to understanding life and death both from the spiritual and natural parallel views. Take note in Genesis 1:26 God says, “Let us make man in our image and after our likeness”. Therefore, God is a speaking Spirit that is capable of the highest level of intelligent conversation and speech.

The first mention of God speaking to Adam occurs in Genesis 1:28-29. In these verses God “blessed” them by speaking the first words to them saying “Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth”. Then God gives them dominion (authority) over all the works of God’s hands. This is all pre-sin conversations, and there is no mention of Adam responding. There is a presumption that implies that he heard and listened. This is first indicator that God and His man Adam had fellowship and relationship. This appears to be the plan of God for all His humans, and not just the first two.

Man was created in the same pattern of God, with the same features, characteristic, and capabilities as their Creator God. This means man was also a speaking spirit made on a slightly lower order than God (Psalms 8:4-5). Then we find in Genesis 2:15-17 God places the created man Adam in the garden that the Lord has made. Here God commands the man saying it is good to eat from every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shall not surely eat, for in the day you do, you shall surely die”.

Therefore, we have God being seen in the garden and again we see He is talking with Adam and giving Him one law to not eat from one tree that will cause him to die. Notice there is no mention of two deaths. Also notice God does not define death and what that means. Adam had never seen death before; how could he understand what this was? But he obviously asked no questions causing the presumption that he must have understood enough to not ask any questions.

Next in Genesis 2:19 we find God bringing to Adam every beast and bird for him to give a name. God says whatever the man calls them, that will be their name. This proves Adam knows and understands a language, has an intelligent and capable mind to understand and remember what he is doing. Clearly Adam understood the commandment that God had spoken. All of this confirms there was a relationship with Adam before sin entered the world. This according to the words we saw from Jesus meant Adam was not spiritually dead.

Next in Genesis 3:1, we find the introduction to another spirit being other than, God, Adam, and Eve. God describes this being as a symbolic “serpent” which is defined in Revelation 12 to be a representation for Satan. It is this serpent that tempts Eve and deceives her into partaking of the tree that God commanded them not to eat from. Next, we find Adam taking of the same tree being with her during the entire event. Therefore, sin has just entered the world and death by sin. Yet no one is dead. I wonder why? Did God lie or did we just misunderstand? I vote we misunderstood.

Next, we find God coming to the earth again to walk and talk with His creation in Genesis 3:8. Don’t forget who we are dealing with. God is the Creator of the heaven and the earth (omnipotent). He knows everything (omniscient). He sees everything (omnipresent). Therefore, there is nothing God does not see or already knows what has happened. But we find God the Highest and most Holy Spirit in the presence of 3 spirits that have all committed differing sins.

Do you see a problem here? How is it when preachers say that Adam died immediately in the spirit realm, that God is found in the presence of these dead sinners to be even asking questions to each of them and speaking with them all? This reality is a major problem to defining man or Satan as being spirits that were separated from God immediately after they sinned. We have already seen that Satan will not be cast into hell until at least another 1000 years from now at a specific appointed time. Does this concept of an appointed time for Satan’s spiritual death also apply to men? The answer is Yes! Let us continue to learn.

Here is what the Holy Spirit said to me this morning. God said, “Do you remember that I am the Good Shepherd?” What does a good shepherd do to save one lost sheep? He leaves the 99 and goes to find the lost sheep (Lk 15:4). Uh oh! Do you see that the first Adam was now a lost sheep that has chosen by reason of fear to depart from the presence of God and hide himself, covering his nakedness?

When God came down to the garden to talk with His lost sheep God knew exactly what had happened. God could not forgive the sin because Adam had the “blood” of God and there was not a sinless blood that could be offered to eliminate this sin permanently. However, God already had a plan knowing Adam would fail, He preplanned a Son of Adam who was also the Son of God, that could take away with His sinless blood every human sin from Adam downward.

Remember Jesus claimed to be this “God Good Shepherd” in the flesh (John 10:11). He was God (John 1:1-14), and the High Priest of God (Heb 2:17), the Temple of God (John 2:19), and the Sacrificial Lamb of God (John 1:36) in one combined package. Remember the parable of the lost sheep is found in Luke 15:4. And Jesus said He was only sent by God to the lost sheep of Israel in Matthew 15:24.

So, we have a major problem developing with the definition of spiritual death as being an immediate separation from God caused by human or angelic sin. We can find this problem continuing throughout the entire Old Testament. We find God speaking with human after human that is supposedly been separated from God by spiritual death. For example, the next time after Adam, we find God speaking to Cain after killing his brother Abel. Again, we find God dealing intimately with a lost sheep sinner man one on one. Let us look at another man that was truly amazing:

Gen 5:21  And Enoch lived sixty and five years, and begat Methuselah: 

Gen 5:22  And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters: 
Gen 5:23  And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years:

Gen 5:24  And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.

Enoch is one of the most amazing men in the Old Testament. He only has a select number of verses, but these words contradict the belief of immediate separation from God after sin is present. Notice God writes that Enoch walked with Him for 300 years.

This sounds a lot like Adam with God walking in the garden to fellowship. It should be becoming clear that man was created to have fellowship with God, and this continued even after sin.

Therefore, there is no separation from God if man is willing to communicate with God as we are discovering. It appears man is considered alive to God, if they speak to Him and walk with Him following His directions being in relationship with Him.
But here is the most amazing fact about Enoch. Genesis 5:24 says, that Enoch walked with God so closely that God just took him from planet earth in a rapture like event. This means Enoch’s spirit, soul and body were all removed from the earth simultaneously. This fact alone refutes the belief that all humans were eternally lost and separated from God.

What made Enoch so special to God. We are given to clues to this relationship God to man, man to God relationship. Let us look at the first to realize what causes God to be able to fellowship with some sinners and not others.

Heb 11:5  By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.

This verse is found in the Hebrews 11 “Hall of Faith”. This literally means Enoch pleased God by walking with God in faith. We know this because the next verse after this one says, “But without faith it is impossible to please God, because he that comes to God, must believe that He is (exists) and that He is a rewarder to those that diligently seek Him”. This is the major reason why Enoch was raptured off the planet long before Jesus ever died to save anyone. This is the most significant reason we have that contradicts why humans are not dead spiritually until the appointed time that we have not yet learned. The only other N.T. reference to Enoch is found in Jude:

Jud 1:14  And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,

Here we have another amazing statement that Enoch prophesied about the LORD coming with ten thousand of his saints. This proves Enoch walked with God so closely that God gave him future prophetic visions of Jesus coming back to the earth in the 2nd Advent. These examples, show why God was so pleased with a man that He took him without seeing natural death.

There are countless other O.T. opportunities to view God speaking with human sinners that supposedly had dead spirits. There is Noah in Genesis 6:8-13. There is God speaking to Abraham in Genesis 12-17 and beyond. We find God speaking with Jacob in Genesis 35:1. We find God speaking with Moses in Exodus 3:14.  In Numbers 22:12 we find God speaking with “Balaam”.  We find God speaking directly to Solomon in 1 Kings 3:11.

There are other examples of God speaking with David, Joshua, and many other prophets, priests, and kings. These are all problems for defining man to have a dead spirit that is implied to be separated and unable to hear from God! Let us observe one modern definition for their modern view of spiritual death:

Spiritual death: is the separation of the soul from God. In Genesis 2:17 God tells Adam that in the day he eats of the forbidden fruit he will “surely die”. Adam does fall, but his physical death does not occur immediately; Therefore, God must have had another type of death in mind – spiritual death.

This was a very classic and traditional attempt from human reasoning to define what spiritual death is. This definition uses human thinking and terms with complete disregard for God’s definitions and thoughts. Therefore, we need to refocus what was written, what was said, and what happened to a new God definition and viewpoint for spiritual death to remove the carnal human reasoning factors that can only produce error. Here is the verse as spoken by God to Adam:

Gen 2:17  But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

Here is a new way to view this verse that eliminates the erroneous explanation for why Adam did not die the moment he partook of the deadly poisonous fruit. The key word that is being defined wrongly is “day”. This is because to a human we live every 24 hours as one day. This is not how God is defining or applying this word H3117 that was translated as “day”. There are literally several different ways this “word” is used in the Bible. Here is a list of some of them:

  1. A Day = The Sunny Hot 12 Hours of a Day from Sunrise to Sunset, and the opposite would be Night! (Genesis 1:5, called Light Day)
  2. A Day = 24 Hours of Time from One Sunset to the Next Sunset including evening (night) and morning (light) (Genesis 1:5, the First Day).
  3. A Day = Meaning a Single Connected Period of Time describing an event, as in “the Day of the Lord” when God created the heaven and the earth (Gen 2:4).

These are just three examples of the definition of a “day”. But there are others, and the key one that we need to learn from to apply is found in Psalms:

Psa 90:4  For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.

The Hebrew word translated as “yesterday”, is the same Hebrew word H3117 that is found in Genesis 2:17 used to describe “the Day you eat”. Notice what this verse in Psalm 90:4 says, “A thousand years in your sight, is a day”.

The Hebrew word translated as “sight” is H5869 (Ayin) and this word is normally translated as “eyes”. Therefore, we are getting a new God defined perspective to how He views and sees what a “Day” represents. Instead of us trying to define a “day” to be 12 hours, 24 hours, or the time of an event, let us see if this God view works out better.

Gen 5:5  And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died. 

God writes and informs us that all of Adam’s days that were lived was 930 years. It is interesting how God used the same Hebrew Word H3117 this time translated as “days” in a count of years lived. Let us take out the “plural” form from the verse and say it using the literal “Day” translation:

Gen 5:5  And all the day that Adam lived was nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.

That is amazing when you see it. God has just written to us and said, of the “Day” (1000 Years, Ps 90:4) that God had spoken of in Genesis 2:17, Adam only lived 930 years. Now let us go back and see how this fit in to the words spoken in Genesis 2:17:

Gen 2:17  But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day (1000 years) that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die (930 years).

Here is another nugget of meat to chew on. If we take 1000 years as 1 Day and subtract 930 years of total Adam lifespan, we get the remainder of 70 years. Therefore, 70 years is the remainder of God’s Day definition that Adam live short of fulfilling one day of God’s existence limit for sin. In other words, Adam living short of 1000 years matches God’s Word of warning. It appears that God was speaking of only natural death, so far.

Did you realize that in Psalm 90:4 God used the word Ayin which is the spelled out Hebrew word for the Hebrew letter “Ayin”. This letter and word both mean “eye”. But the Ayin alphabet letter, also has a gematria value of “70”. We are confirming how it was God’s view of a day that was used to define what He spoke when He told Adam when he would die. This Day of death for sinning was within a 1000-year timed maximum God calls 1 Day. God foresaw this happening and now we have eliminated the confusion of the need to define what a spiritual death represents to God also using our own human reasoning.

Therefore, we are still in need of knowing what spiritual death more fully represents to God’s view, omitting our opinions. Do you recall that we found there was an exact time of separation of Satan from God? We found this in Revelation 20. If spiritual death is a separation from God, there appears to be an appointed time when this event begins and then it continues to occur without a course of reversal. Therefore, true spiritual death appears to be a separation from God but only from a timed beginning with a never-ending separation experience apart from God. If this was true for Satan, could it also apply to humans? It appears so, based upon what we learned from reading Luke 16 with the death of the rich man and Lazarus. Let us look at a new scripture that helps us understand this better:

Heb 9:27  And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

Notice what God says and reveals to us in this verse. This verse plainly states, “man is guaranteed once to die, and after this comes the judgment”. Wow, this sounds important. Please never forget, that God is LOVE (1 Jn 4:8)! Also, we must remember that God is longsuffering, not willing that any should perish, but all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9).

Can you see where God is taking us? Remember earlier what the Lord said about “Him being the good shepherd that would leave the 99 saved sheep to go out and find the single lost one”. We are discovering that all humans even, those that commit sins like Adam, or differently than Adam have an opportunity for relationship with God. This would include humans submitting to God, as well as fellowshipping with Him. This as we saw in 2 Peter also involves human repentance for sins.

In other words, God has not closed the door for any human to know Him. He desires us all to be saved. He seeks us out and looks for ways to get our attention to cause us to come to Him and want relationship. This was true from Adam to Jesus, and is still true for the church from Jesus, the Last Adam to the end of this age. Those in the O.T. were given opportunity to gain righteous relationship with God and be saved on credit, waiting for the blood payment of all sin by Jesus on the cross. But us after the death, burial and resurrection, can just hear about Jesus, and turn to believe in Him and confess Him as Lord and we are brought in completely by Faith in His works. Let us end this section with God’s definition of “spiritual death”:

Rev 2:11  He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.

Here Jesus is speaking to the church a warning. Jesus is very clear that those in the church that overcome, shall not be hurt of the second death. Therefore, there is a second death that occurs after the first natural and physical death.

Rev 20:14  And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

Here is God’s definition of “spiritual death”. It occurs when people and angels are cast into the lake of fire in the heart of the earth. The rich man that died in Luke 16 was thrown there and is still there now. He asked Abraham to send Lazarus to his brothers on the earth so they would not come to this place where he was. But Abraham said, they have the Word of God to read so they may not go there. Uh oh? This appears to say reading and studying God’s Words are a part of having a relationship with God.

Here are some basic rules to help us learn the truth to what spiritual death represents.

  1. Spirits do not ever die or cease to exist. Therefore, once a spirit comes into existence, they are alive for ever.
  2. Spirits of humans can choose to walk with God and live being in relationship with Him causes spiritual life.
  3. A human spirit if it is in a human body can be in relationship with God to be saved.
  4. A human spirit in a human body, without any relationship with God is considered dead already.
  5. It is only the spirit that leaves the body of a human without remaining in relationship with God that will be apart from God eternally in the Lake of Fire, called the 2nd death.


Thank you very much for taking the time to read and study the Bible with us. We love you all more than words can describe. The hundreds, and thousands of hours spent here to provide these Bible study lessons is our complete pleasure to share with the body of Christ as well as anyone else that is willing to read.

Hopefully you have learned a lot today, that you never saw before in the Bible. This subject was significantly shortened because of the amount of information that is given to us by God on these subjects. This subject of Jesus coming to the earth to give us spiritual and physical life to saved us from the everlasting spiritual death separation demonstrates His infinite love. Thank you, Jesus! Hopefully you have learned that every human spirit is spiritually “alive” and capable of being saved as long as they are abiding in their mortal body. Any human on earth has the ability to cry out to the LORD and He will answer them. This can become the beginning of your relationship with God.

Do you remember the parable that Jesus taught on the “Prodigal Son”? In this story of Luke 15, Jesus taught about a young son that left his father’s house after demanding his inheritance. This son went out into the world and had a party with all the money until it was gone. Then the desperate son while feeding pigs, came to himself and deceived to repent and return to his father. The father saw him returning a very far distance off and ran to him and kissed him.

In Luke 15:24, the father in this story told by Jesus confirms what being dead represents. While the son was apart from his father, there was no relationship together between them. The father calls this a son who is dead. But it was when the son returned that the father threw a party to welcome his son back into relationship to the family. This is very profound. I taught us death (spiritually) is being separated from Father God. We choose to do this of our own will. Therefore, to return to father is also our choice. This helps us significantly to understand what spirit life is and what spirit death is. by God’s definition.

If you have had an abortion or have lost a child, they are alive and waiting for you in heaven. They are not mad at you. They actually love you very much. There is hope for an eternal reunion in heaven. If you have not forgiven yourself, God loves you so much that He sent someone to write you a letter to help you get through this life. God has already paid for all sins, but we must humble ourselves and go to Him and receive His forgiveness. It is a free gift, just ask and take it by faith. If you have not ever accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, to make a relationship with Him, this is a perfect time to do so. Please go to the link at the bottom and click on it to find out how to be saved from hell.

God bless and keep you all, the day of the Lord’s return is closer than ever. Get ready for His return, and stay ready, it could be today!

Are You Saved? Do you Know Jesus? Life is Short! Jesus wants to Know You! Please come and get to Know Him!

Understanding the Sovereignty of God Part 1 – Introduction

(Ver 1.1) This will be “Part 1” in a series, concerning one of the essential subjects in Understanding God’s “Sovereignty”. This is a Bible Basic topic that is needed to be understood so that we as Christians know what is happening to us and why. But this lesson will attempt to teach new Christians and continuing disciples of Jesus that desire to know God’s Word of Truth, the basic concepts of balancing God’s “sovereignty”, with His revealed, integrity, nature, and character written in His Holy Word.

Today’s lesson is specifically and entirely focused on introducing the controversial and massively misunderstood subject of God’s “Sovereignty”. The Bible has a substantial amount of information on this subject. We can find examples of God’s sovereignty from Genesis to Revelation. But many times, people take these concepts as the only truth, ignoring all other truths.

There are numerous beliefs to what this word “sovereignty” means, and many range from one extreme of error even continuing to the opposite realm of extreme error. In today’s lesson will learn a little bit of what God’s sovereignty represents, but mainly focus a lot on what God’s sovereignty is not. Here are two major extreme areas of certain error:

  1. The first extreme area of error is that God is absolutely “sovereign” and is in control of everything that happens in the world down to the smallest detail. This belief states God plans even evil to achieve an ending good result for the goal to win the final game. It is like sacrificing your pawn in chess as a necessary evil, to later gain a more significant advantage over your enemy. This is commonly based upon the Book of Job and an incorrect interpretation of what is revealed to be happening.
  2. The opposite extreme of error is an atheistic viewpoint that there is no God that is helping or doing anything to stop evil and therefore everything that happens is an accidental fate, or chance. Many call this Murphy’s Law, being based upon the humanistic “bad luck” theory of existence. This belief conforms to “Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong” or even saying, “Whatever, will be, will be”, both not involving the existence of a God that created us, loved us, and wants to help us.

Both extremes are ignorant realms of belief that were intentionally designed by Satan, to potentially lead humans to their demise (Hosea 4:6). Too many Christian minds have been vastly influenced to be deceived into believing corrupted meanings of God’s definition of this word “sovereign”. These tricks of deception can cause some people, even the real saved Christians to believe that everything that happens to us in the world, whether it be something good, or evil, it must be a “sovereign” work of God’s powerful, forceful, and controlling hand. But is that what the Bible teaches us when we want to see God’s actual rightly divided and balanced TRUTH?

In this lesson we will be looking at a lot of Bible verses that may not normally be taught on this subject of the Sovereignty of God. Some of these things we will be looking for our answers to how we address the difficult questions asked by too many people in the church and in the world. For example:

  1. Is God only good? Or is God only evil? Or is God both?
  2. Is God’s Will Always Done?
    • If “no”, why not?
    • If “yes”, does anyone else have the free will to choose anything? Does God override the will of others?
  3. Does God intentionally use evil to achieve and ending that is “good”?
  4. Does God use evil to correct or train His creation?
  5. If God is “good” and “sovereign”, why does He permit “evil”?
  6. If Satan is the source of evil, why didn’t God throw him into hell instantly the moment evil was discovered?
  7. Why does God warn us about people who call good evil and evil good, if His will is always done?

These are all great questions, and you may have others that need to be addressed. If this is true, please leave them in a comment.

Always know that there is a real God, who created everything, He is a God who is very concerned with saving people out of going to hell. This is a major fact of scripture. After all, for our God to come to the earth to become an intimate part of His own creation to personally die on a cross to shed His blood to save us, was the ultimate display of Love from anyone! We can also see that the choice to become a human to die is one of the greatest examples of the “sovereignty” of God. But even this choice must be balanced with the motivation of God’s “Love”, as being one of the primary reasons for this divine sovereign choice. Let us begin to go through the Bible to study this subject, to find if God is to blame for all “evil”.

Here are the topics that will be covered today:

  1. Our Most Basic Question. Is God Sovereign?
  2. Knowing and Balancing All of God’s Divine Characteristics
  3. What God’s Sovereignty Is Not
  4. Rightly Dividing God’s Word. Balancing Sovereignty in the Bible.
  5. Human Ways are Not God’s Ways
  6. Another Deception: Is Lucifer the Sovereign God’s Servant
  7. Conclusion

Our Most Basic Question
Is God Sovereign?

No one should ever claim that GOD is not Sovereign. If this is done, this is the first indicator of deception taking place. For example, teaching evolution without the inclusion of God’s intelligent design and hands on involvement is a major extreme lie. Nothing comes into intelligent order as our universe is, without the involvement of a far superior designer.

Therefore, when God created the entire perceivable universe without obtaining our permission or advice to how it should be made, as we know He did (Ps 33:6), this clearly demonstrates His highest ability to do anything that He pleases.

Then for us to know that He adds humans one by one onto the earth today, in certain locations born to very specific parents without asking permission of any of us that are here, this again signifies the sovereign nature of God. We can clearly see that God did not ask any human if they wanted to participate in His creation, to be born into this combination of a good and very evil world.

Not even the first created human that God called Adam, was a willing participant (Gen 2:7). Nor was Adam’s wife called Eve, asked if she wanted to become the mother of all the living on the earth (Gen 2:18). Neither Adam nor Eve participated in how they were created. No human has ever been asked about their opinion if they desired to participate within creation or that they should have a say in God’s callings, giftings and talents that were given to each of us (1 Cor 2:11).

No human was asked how tall they wanted to be. No human was asked what color hair, what shade of skin, what eye color, what sexual gender, etc. These are all visible signposts of God’s sovereign works. These can be easily found everywhere, and in everyone.

Let us go back before humans were created and enquire were any of the angels asked about their participation before they were created to serve God? Were any of the angels of God asked what role they would play in the Kingdom of Heaven? Were they also created without asking for their approval to cooperate or obey their Creator? If you can find a verse in the Bible that says God needed to check with anyone before they were created, please share it with everyone.

All these facts demonstrate that God is sovereign, and He has far superior abilities and knowledge over any of us. Therefore, if everything came from Him, this logically makes Him greater than everything else that was made by His hands.

This would be analogous to a human creating a rocket ship. The created ship would be of no ability to create itself without the maker’s involvement. Therefore, the created rocket ship would be subject to its sovereign human creator because it had no say for its existence or purpose to be created without the creator’s participation to design it.

But there might be some difficulty or challenge for us to be in complete unity and agreement when we are trying to define the word “sovereign” in the created human relationship with our creator God. This is because humans are not inanimate objects like a rocket ship that is void of emotions, memories, mental reasoning abilities, freewill choice rights, strength, power, etc. Humans were created far differently than a rocket ship that is only capable of an artificial intellect.

Humans were made in the “image” and “likeness” of their creator God (Gen 1:26). This means humans are more like God than any other part of His creation. A human is not a monkey, nor a whale, nor a cow, nor a bird, nor an insect, etc., nor like any of those that cannot comprehend, understand, create, speak, love, or believe. Humans were even created on a higher level than angels (Ps 8:4-5). In these verses the word translated as “angels” should have been “God” (Elohim).

God made us to be and to act exactly like Him (Ephesians 5:1). Therefore, whatever God is, we were made to be of the same class and pattern of similarity with Him but on a slightly lower order (Psalm 8:5).

Knowing and Balancing
All of God’s Divine Characteristics

To define and understand God’s “sovereignty”, we must also know that God possesses other major qualities that are as strong and/or equal as being sovereign. Every one of His God revealed qualities must be balanced together with each of the other qualities. In other words, one God quality is not going to conflict, contradict or oppose any other of God’s personality characteristics. Here is a quick list of some of the major reveal characteristics describing God. He is:

  1. Holy
  2. Eternal
  3. Immutable
  4. Omnipotent
  5. Omnipresent
  6. Omniscient
  7. God is LOVE
  8. Reigns as Sovereign

This list represents the basis of absolute “truth” concerning God’s unchanging personality and characteristics. Each of these qualities could be a separate lesson series. Therefore, they will only be mentioned in a very short introduction of each sub-topic of our main subject of “sovereignty”.

First notice that God is said to be “Holy”. This is an essential topic to know about God. Revelation 4:8 describes 4 created beings that surround the throne of God and day and night, they cry “Holy, Holy, Holy” to the “Lord God Almighty”. This verse also says they are crying “to Him that was, is, and is to come”. This verse is amazing because it mentions 3 of God’s qualities at the same time. Did you see them? These were Him being “Holy”, Him being “Almighty”, and Him being “Eternal”.

Notice that these creatures are declaring with the emphasis of saying it three times, God is exceptionally Holy. Holiness appears to be one of God’s most awesome qualities of needed focus and emphasis. Therefore, this word and description can never be omitted when discussing any other divine characteristic like the concept of what is “sovereignty”.

To be “Holy” must include at the minimum, that God is “Pure”, “Sinless” (Morally Blameless), and it certainly implies that God is of the Highest order of “Perfection” apart from “sin”. This simply means God would never desire to do evil, be evil, or be judged as evil. He is clearly so “Pure” that there is no possibility of evil intents or desires to be in Him.

Next, God is eternal with no beginning and no end (Ps 90:2). Placing this together with God’s Holiness that teaches us there is no existence of “sin” or “evil” in Him, in the past, present, or future. This is more important than you know when defining the word “sovereign”. This simply means there are possible “evil” sovereign rulers that people try to imagine God to be like, and this is impossible based upon His Supreme Holiness.

Next, most agree that God is not shifting, variable or ever changing, and this is called being “immutable” (Mal 3:6, James 1:17). This quality of being unchangeable, combined with God’s quality of Holiness means we can depend upon and trust in what God promises us. If God promised us anything in His Word, it is a violation of divine moral character for God to change His mind. This makes it impossible for God to break a promise unlike humans. We confirm this by reading Hebrews 6:18 where it is clearly stated that it is “Impossible for God to Lie”.

Therefore, we just learned another “limitation” to what it means to be “sovereign” when applied to “God”. We have discovered that God will never “Change”, “Sin” or “Lie” even if He could, because it would violate His true unchanging character and moral values.

Next, God is said to be “omnipotent”, meaning He has supreme power (Col 1:16, Ps 19:1-4, Heb 1:3). This simply teaches that with ultimate power, God is certainly capable of doing anything. Again, this supreme power must be confined to the self-imposed limitations that God has placed upon Himself by His sovereign will. This reveals another quality that God possesses. It is called “self-control”. This means God has enough power to not get angry and say and do things that He would regret later.

Next, most agree that God is “omnipresent”, meaning there is no place where we can be, that He is not already there.  Proverbs 15:3 says, “God’s eyes are in every place, beholding the evil and the good”. This simply means there is no location whether the created natural realm or the spiritual eternal realm, where God is not, which brings us to the next quality omniscient.

The next quality is about God being called “omniscient”. This word means there is nothing that God does not already know (Ps 139:1-6). This means, He sees all, hears all, knows all and is the only one that can always judge righteously in all matters. This literally means that God knows all the internal thoughts and intents of the human mind and heart, even if they are not spoken. Wow!

Next, let us consider what 1 John 4:8 teaches us. In this verse of scripture, God claims Himself to be LOVE. This does not say He has Love; it is more direct to be used as a noun and not a verb. Love as a verb denotes a potential emotional state of varying degrees and potential to shift to the opposite extreme of “hate”. But this would contradict with the immutability of God.

Therefore, every other characteristic of God must be defined in relationship to what Love is as defined by God. We can learn this type of divine love by reading 1 Corinthians 13:1-8. These verses describe a supernatural experience of a type of LOVE that few if any humans have fully attained. This type of LOVE is always patient, always kind and that causes most people to fall short immediately.

This type of LOVE only thinks good God thoughts towards every human, again what human has attained to this? But word descriptions like this give us a picture of a much different type of God than most know or understand. Therefore, we must apply all these words in this verse to our definition of the concept of God’s sovereignty.

Finally, God is considered “sovereign”. Meaning He does not answer to any higher authority. But as we have discovered God has implemented self-imposed limitations upon His desires, thoughts, choices, and actions, that will reduce the scope of God’s choices that He is willing to make. Let us talk about this subject more next.

What God’s Sovereignty Is Not

We are about to discover one variation of a wrong type of sovereignty that is being cast upon God to violate His character and nature that we have just learned. Remember whatever our understanding of “sovereignty” is, it cannot corrupt God’s Good character or standards of moral values.

What does it mean to you, for God to be sovereign? How exactly would you define this word? Does this word mean to you that God is making everything that happens to you whether good or evil to happen? Does God’s sovereignty mean that He is making the angels do everything that they do? Does God’s sovereignty mean that He is controlling every moment of your day, your thoughts, your actions, what you say, what you eat, when you sleep, etc., and that He has made you to be an unwilling participant to not be able to choose anything for yourself?

We could not agree with that type of definition of “sovereignty” in any way. That would make God the creator, a maker of mechanical angels and humans that were only made to be game pieces in a complex game for God to sovereignly move around and control. This would further cause us to believe that we were only made to be like mindless robots, and God was the string-pulling puppet master and our programmer, controlling us all through methods of divine robotic programming.

However, this is what many preachers preach. We have heard preachers say something like, “God has everything under control”. This phrase can be heard on many popular Christian television networks and ministry teachings. But is this a true statement as it is believed? Does God have complete control over the thoughts, motives and acts of every human, angel, devil, or demon within His creation? If He does, then God has a severe problem for us to understand His true nature, characteristics, and moral values based upon what we see all His creation doing to each other.

If God has everything under His full powerful control, and He causes everything on the earth that people claim to happen, our God comes across to us as looking to have a shifting an ever-changing set of values based upon favoritism to be good to some and evil to others. Wouldn’t this cause our God to appear to be double minded or to have a schizophrenic personality? The word schizophrenic comes from two Greek words meaning “split” and “mind”. This sounds like the word “double-minded” we have read about in the Bible.

Would God tell us to not be double-minded (James 1:8) and it would be fine for Him to be this way? If this is correct, then this belief contradicts with being made in His image. No scripture when correctly interpreted is in contradiction with any other.  James 1:8 informs us that a human that is double minded is unstable in all their ways. Then take what God says in James 2:1 and learn that if we have any respect of one person over another, we are committing sin.

Apply what God says to us (His creation made in His image) back to Himself as our Creator. Being made in His image and after His likeness, it is logical to conclude that as He is, we should be the same. Therefore, God must not be double minded or show favoritism, since this is what He instructs us to do. If God is double minded, He also would be unstable, unreliable, and we could not depend upon anything that He would ever say or do. If God has one respect for one person over any other, He too would be guilty of the sin that He told us not to do.

Therefore, to kill some people and then to save others clearly is both double minded and a respect of some people over others. This is very troubling to see that this is how some people believe God is. Consequently, if being made in His image, we are instructed to be single minded and no respecter of persons, that must be how God is also.

But this wrong definition of sovereignty to mean controlling everything, is exactly what people claim God is doing, without realizing it, when they say God creates earthquakes, tornados, cyclones, tsunamis, floods, rockslides, avalanches, etc., that can potentially kill thousands of people instantly. What about plane crashes, automobile wrecks, buses going off a bridge into a river, boats being capsized by a storm, trains that derailed, wildfires started by a man or lightning, terrorist bombs, etc. What about wars between nations where there are many deaths of the populations?

If God is creating situations to kill people today, after He personally came to the earth 2000 years ago, to save all these people (Jn 3:16) that are claimed to have died by an act of God, this is the type of behavior of a split personality like a Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde type of God. This type of God would cause us all to ask, “Whose personality will manifest today?” If you do not know the story of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde it is based upon a fictional story about a single man that takes the appearance as being two kinds of men. One appeared evil and the other was good.

Are we not living in the church age of divine Grace and favor? Most educated Bible scholars agree that we are in the “Dispensation of Grace”. If so, can we trust in and depend upon a loving and caring covenant God to continue in this covenant until the end? Or do we need to fear the hand of God to kill us and throw us into hell suddenly and unexpectantly because we have had a bad day or have made a mistake and lack His perfection? Or maybe we were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, where an evil was happening? Were these God’s doings?

In insurance policies and on news programs, they claim many types of natural disasters are “Acts of God” implying sovereign control and intentions. In church funerals some claim that a premature death of a child was for God’s unknown purpose and plan, and it was known by God’s will and purpose to be for good, and it will work out all for our good also eventually. Therefore, God gets the blame for killing innocent children.

Too many preachers claim God’s ways are mysterious and beyond our ability to comprehend so that we are unable to know or understand why our spouse died young. But they claim after we die and go to heaven, we will suddenly be able to understand it. Other preachers just say, “it was just their time to go”. These types of statements imply to us that every death that has occurred on our planet was a “God” designed, planned, and timed event.

We have only begun to see that none of these types of works should be found in the definition of God’s sovereignty. We are only beginning to see what a one sided and perverted definition of “sovereignty” is. Now let us begin to learn what the Bible says about how to rightly divide God’s word.

Rightly Dividing God’s Word
Balancing Sovereignty in the Bible

We have just briefly discussed one area of extreme “sovereignty” where God is accused of doing every evil type of work against His creation. But “Extremism” is just one potential way to bring error into understanding God’s Word. There is a second major popular source for “error” and “misunderstanding” of the Bible called “exalting one truth to be the only truth” of scripture.

Do you know how many truths are given to us by God in the Bible? There are more truths given to us by God than we can know or understand completely. This knowledge teaches us that what we know about a subject is far less than what we need to learn about the subject. It is pride to believe that any of us are experts on any subject. Only God understands it all.

What does it mean to “exalt” one truth. This simply occurs when a person takes a single verse of scripture to be the only truth, in exclusion to every other verse of scripture truth. This practice of “making a truth” the highest “truth”, promotes one limited amount of truth to be the only truth that is needed to understand the subject fully. But this is a major cause of wrong interpretations and understandings.

God’s book of truth is comprised of limitless threads of precisely chosen words containing specifically selected alphabet letters where each word is very exactly placed in what many people would describe as being in random order. But that belief of randomness is wrong. Every single letter, word, sentence, paragraph, and book has infinite wisdom hidden in its design. This book was written by the “All Knowing” God. He knows exactly why every word was chosen and why it was placed at its location in the Bible.

But we still know that any Bible subject can be found anywhere in the Bible, from the beginning to the end. Any word and subject can be defined, explained, and commented upon by God anywhere else in the Bible He chooses. God can describe ending future events in the first chapter of Genesis. God can describe pre-creation events before humans, in Ezekiel and Isiah or anywhere else He selects. Therefore, not everything in the Bible is in “chronological” order. In fact, most things are not in exact timed order.

Also, God can teach a subject, by providing just a living example of it, without ever mentioning the subject being described or taught. For example, Hebrews chapter 11 is what many call the “Hall of Faith”. In this chapter God describes that each of these mentioned people exhibited significant levels of faith yet reading the stories in the Old Testament in isolation, you would never know this was one of the key subjects being taught.

But one of the most essential elements of understanding scriptures is to understand they are “ALL” about Jesus Christ in some way, even if it is hidden from plain view (Jn 5:39, Rev 1:8). These are just some of the examples of God’s “sovereignty” to how He chooses to lay out truth in the Bible. Not everything is obviously stated, God has sovereignly chosen to hide many truths (Prov 25:2).

This simply means when we look at one verse of scripture, in one book of the Bible, and we are not seeing the other threads on the same subject we are omitting some potentially valuable information to understand our desired subject.

However, each thread of truth overlaps other threads of truth to bring even more revelations of truth connections. Always remember that the ultimate big picture of the Bible will reveal and lead us to Jesus, including every alphabet letter, word, sentence, scripture, chapter, and book, will only guide us to the masterfully designed big-picture image of the knowledge of Jesus (Eph 1:17).

The Bible is like an intricate woven fabric of Truths with many of them placed in what appears to be random order of diversely scattered patterns. God can even in one single verse cause an overlap of multiple threads of truth subjects to be discussed and revealed. These threads can tell a natural story on the surface and a hidden prophetical spiritual story in the same words. This is why we need the Author of the Bible to live in us, to help us and guide us into what He wants to teach us about any given subject.

2Ti 2:15  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth

Why is it necessary for us to rightly “divide” God’s Word? This is a great question. It first teaches us that there are many potential ways to wrongly divide it. We can hear many conflicting viewpoints on scriptures concerning the subject of “sovereignty”, but we must realize that only God’s viewpoint will prevail if we accept it.

Does this mean this lesson on sovereignty is the only right one? Absolutely not, every Bible teacher is ignorant of the complete truth that only God knows. This lesson while not perfect will present how God has revealed the subject to one teacher. You are required to study to show yourself approved as we have just read, to verify everything that is taught here is what God shows you to also be true (Acts 17:11).

We have just explored some basics about one extreme position of authority, that many believe is in error, including us. This belief system discounts human responsibility and participation in the plan of God for our lives. There are too many people that are blaming God for something bad that has happened to them, and we are about to further see in this section that it was not God that was doing it. Let us begin to analyze how to rightly divide the subject of God’s sovereignty.

Are words spoken by people blaming God for evil, truthful? Does any of these types of words that are blaming God for evils and deaths, help us to be comforted in our times of grief? No, they do not. This is because they are not based upon the fuller balanced truth. These types of beliefs and descriptions of God committing evil to kill children, men, women, husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, etc., conflict with the real Bible when discovered, rightly divided, balanced, and understood. Look at this Bible verse to learn a set of necessary new subjects that will help us begin to understand God’s truth on “sovereignty”:

Joh 10:10  The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Uh oh! The concept of “sovereignty” or being “sovereign” is never mentioned in this verse. Therefore, what does it have to do with our subject? This is just one example of how a subject can be hidden within words that never mention a study subject directly.

What we should first know is that this verse came from words spoken by Jesus Christ while on the earth. Therefore, this is the sovereign God manifested in the flesh who is speaking. Knowing this fact alone, it must have something to do with our subject even if it is not directly stated.

Let us begin by asking a basic question. If God is completely sovereign and His will is always done, why is there a thief on God’s created earth who is stealing, killing, and destroying His creation and his created people?  Why doesn’t God do something about this part of His creation while He is encountering him in person?

Based upon what some people believe about God they are claiming God is either the thief or He must be allowing the evil one to do these evil works. Is this “thief”, God’s manifested evil sided personality and mind? If so, this means He is committing evil. But did you ever see Jesus commit any evil acts while on the earth? Jesus very plainly stated, “When you have seen me, you have seen my Father”. Therefore, whatever Jesus did on the earth is a revelation of the true nature of God. Consequently, this teaches us that God is not doing evil from heaven to anyone.

Or is God who is described to be abundant in goodness just allowing evil to occur? If He is allowing evil to exist, why? Does this mean the omnipotent and omniscient God who certainly had the power, ability, and the knowledge to stop all evil has chosen intentionally to ignore evil and just allow it to go uncontrolled?

We also know that God is not this thief because Jesus (God in the flesh) is comparing Himself in John 10:10 to be the life giver, and this is described in direct contrast and opposition to this thief that kills. Therefore, they must be two separate “living beings”, one that is God/Good, and one that is the devil/evil.

It is interesting to see even the words are connected to show what each are. One adds another “o” to “God” to reveal Him as “good”, and the other removes the letter “d” from “devil” to reveal him as evil. Therefore, God “adds”, and the devil “subtracts” and takes away. This is very profound to see. If you apply this knowledge to understanding the book of “Job”, you will figure out who to blame for what.

We must also logically conclude that since God has not fully dealt with this being that is the source of all evil, there must be some reasons why God has not ended this wicked one’s involvement from human life completely. In fact, if you study this out in the Bible, this devil will not be permanently removed until over 1000 years from now. There will be a 1000-year period that he will be confined in the pit, but God releases him for a short time after this to deceive people again (Rev 20:7-8). Wow, there is something going on here that too many Christians are completely ignorant of.

We may get into these reasons later, but the basis of the answer is based upon God’s character that we learned about earlier. God is also the “Righteous Judge” of all His creation, and whatever He does must not violate His standards of “Holiness” or “Righteousness” (Gen 18:25, 2 Pet 2:23). Since many do not understand what this is, they assume incorrectly that God can do anything, anytime, in any way He desires. But as we have seen God has placed self-imposed restrictions based upon His nature and character that limit His “sovereign” involvement.

Let us look at another verse to confirm what we are learning in John 10:10:

Act 10:38  How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.

We also can know from reading here in Acts 10:38 that God anointed Jesus with the Holy Ghost and power so that He could go around doing “Good” to heal all those that were oppressed of the “devil”. This verse is the same contrast given to us in John 10:10 comparing two works of opposition. The one true God is described to be “good”, and the “other” created spirit called the devil is contrasted to be “evil”.

Acts 10:38 further confirms that Jesus the Son of God is “good”. Jesus did good because His heavenly Father anointed Him, with His own Holy Spirit who must also be the source for all “good” (James 1:17). This additionally teaches us a new overlapping truth to why Jesus was not able to do sovereign works as God on the earth. It would not be necessary for Jesus to be anointed if God was manifested in His Son Jesus in His full deity powers, and abilities on the earth.

We learn from reading the book of Philippians that God chose to be manifested on the earth as the man Jesus in the normal likeness of other humans. He was able to do supernatural wonders on the earth only because He was anointed by God to perform these miraculous signs (Acts 10:38).

Philippians 2:7 declares an essential truth to us, about this sovereign God decision. God in Heaven sovereignly chose to become a human on the earth and specifically selected to remove Himself from manifesting His Sovereign powers and abilities while here. He did this to specifically live a life like us, to show us what we would be capable of doing with His anointing upon us.

This was certainly a “Sovereign” right of God to do this, wasn’t it? Please do not try to tell anyone that the “sovereign” God can’t do this if He chooses to do so? No one was asked by God for their permission. No one was consulted about it being ok. Therefore, to try to say that God can’t or won’t do this would violate many people’s definition of what it is to be sovereign, or it would make the Bible a book of fiction to contradict Philippians 2:7. According to many, God can do anything he chooses at any time He chooses, right? If not, God is not sovereign.

What some of us have just discovered is that there are two opposing spiritual forces of; 1) God who is good, and 2) the devil that is evil. No Satan is not a match for the Creator God, but he appears to not know this. Nevertheless, Satan is here on the earth and Paul called him the “god of this world” even after Jesus died (2 Cor 4:4). We can then see that we have a lower case “g” “god” that is opposing the “upper Case “G” “God”. But technically there were no capital letters in the Greek language and the same Greek word G2316, is describing them both.

Therefore, we need to learn more about why the “god” Satan is legally here on the earth, and why God reveals to us that He can’t or won’t do anything about him until a certain time in the soon coming future. Most do not understand how God has sovereignly designed the concept of “time” to work. We may be able to touch on this more later. But for now, let us move to another way people incorrectly define God’s Sovereignty.

Human Ways are Not God’s Ways

God has chosen to sovereignly do some things that appear very foolish to the religiously wise of the earth. 1 Corinthians 1:27 plainly states that, “God has chosen the foolish things of our world in order to confound the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of our world, to confound those that think they are mighty”.

Remember that Acts 10:38 additionally confirmed that Satan, aka the devil was the one and only source of the evil works that made all people on earth to be sick and diseased, which must have been intended to potentially kill these people. But Jesus came into the world to reverse this evil by healing them and restoring them to a life of health (Jn 10:10). But look at this verse and what God reveals about His ways that can appear “foolish” to some.

Isa 55:8  For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.

Notice what God says about the differences between created humans and their creator God. He very plainly says that His thoughts and ways of thinking are not like our natural human ways. Neither are our ways of doing things close to how God chooses to do things. This simply means if we are applying our biased thoughts to the definition of His “sovereign” acts, we are probably very wrong.

We can see many examples, of God doing things in ways that are not normal according to how a human would do them. For God to offer His righteousness, salvation, grace, and mercy to us for free when we have not earned it, causes the religious mind to bend.  Religion wants to earn their salvation, deliverance, and healing, but this would give humans a right to brag and be proud (Eph 2:8-9). God is not going to allow that to happen.

This was only a reminder to not think carnally when attempting to understand how to define “sovereign”. God’s idea of being “sovereign” is very far from a religious mindset. If we attempt to define God’s sovereignty to be like human examples, using human governments standards or religious definitions, we are far from His perfection.

Another Deception: Is Lucifer the Sovereign God’s Servant
who Obeys

There have been some Christians that have believed a slightly differing variation of potential deception. These mostly claim that the John 10:10 “thief”, and the “oppressor” of Acts 10:38, is the devil (aka Lucifer and Satan), but they believe that the devil only performs works “for” God as He sovereignly commands. This type of belief the acts were God initiated and Satan is performing works of evil because of God’s purpose and plan.

Others further believe that Satan desires to do evil to everyone but can only do these evil things to God’s creation, after he can obtain God’s directive, or permission to kill, steal and destroy humans. This type of belief is another variation of extreme “sovereign” control of God over everything that occurs in creation but shifts part of the blame to it being Satan’s desire to ask for permission and God’s agreement that it would work out something for good for His usage also.

However, this type of belief violates the basic laws of correct interpretation of all balanced truth. It has elements of partial truth that are being mixed with untruths, resulting in a drink of potential poisonous belief. Remember that we have already seen verses in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 that described the beginning of Lucifer. It is revealed plainly that Lucifer revolted by His own freewill choices to cause pride and sin to be formed inside of him. He was created with neither of these characteristics.

Now, let us just use some basic common sense to begin to understand how this belief is false. For example, no thief on earth would ever ask anyone for their permission to steal or rob from anyone. That just violates the known operandi of a thief. Thieves are lawless by nature and will ignore sovereign governments. They are normally self-centered and motivated by greed. They have no value system for the care of other’s lives or property. They love to work under the cover of darkness and God is only light (1 Jn 1:5).

Can you find a verse in the Bible that informs us about Satan asking for permission to revolt against the Kingdom of God? Can you find a verse of scripture in the Bible where God caused the sinful revolt of Satan against Him? This is the downfall of too many people’s belief about what it means that God is “sovereign”. People are ignoring the sovereign design of God to create beings that have their own “freewill” to make independent choices apart from His sovereign will and desires. Don’t believe this? Look at this verse:

Joh 4:23  But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

What does it mean to “seek”? This word represents an act of “searching” for something desired. Do we ignore this definition and word choice because God is sovereign and always makes happen what He wants to happen, when He wants it to happen? This logically does not make sense and directly contradicts this truth of the scripture.

This verse in John 4:23 is very clearly stating that God is looking for people (who have a freewill choice), to decide to come after Him with their whole heart (spirit). This is the heart’s desire of our Creator. At the time when Jesus spoke this, there were obviously few to none of these types of people on the earth. In fact, Jesus confirmed this when saying, “This people draw near to me with their mouth, and honor me with their lips, but their heart (spirit) is far from me.” (Mat 15:8). We can very clearly see that God wants people that want Him and is not forcing us to do what He desires us to do. Let us look at another verse in the New Testament concerning the subject of human responsibility:

1Pe 5:8  Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

God is warning Christians of providing the devil a point of “access” like an unlocking or the “opening of a door”. This is exactly what 1 Peter 5:8 warns us about. In this verse God says, “Be sober and vigilant, for your adversary the devil, goes about seeking whom he may devour”. The fact that God warns Christians to be sober (not drunk) and awake (not asleep), indicates that we could be living today in a state of unawareness God calls “darkness”, that opens the door for Satan to gain an advantage over us (2 Cor 2:11).

Can we agree that 1 Peter 5:8 is about humans being awake because the devil who rules the darkness is trying to destroy us? Remember normal natural people only sleep in darkness. God appears to be alerting us (the saved spiritually awakened) not to fall back into Satan’s territory of evil within the kingdom of darkness. The Lord is saying that when we leave the Kingdom of God, to drift back into Satan’s domain, we are very easy to be devoured.

Col 1:12  Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light:

Col 1:13  Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:

See what God confirms to Christians saying, God has made us able to become saints in the light. This is God’s New Covenant Kingdom in Jesus Christ. We can clearly see this in verse 13 where God says, He has sovereignly delivered us from the authority of darkness and has translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son.

Now we are learning something very essential for us to know. There are two spiritual kingdoms of authority upon the earth. We can see them described in these two verses of Colossians. There is the Kingdom of the dear Son of God which is called “Light” exclusively. Versus the kingdom of evil that has only those that are spiritually asleep or drunk in darkness.

Kingdom of Light heirs are the saved saints, that God has sovereignly translated and moved out of the authority of darkness (Rom 13;12). These are the believers in Jesus. Are you in God’s Kingdom of Light and Day (1 Ths 5:5)? If you are, remain there! Submit yourself to God daily and resist the devil and the devil will flee from you (Jas 4:7).

Did you notice in the last paragraph we had God’s sovereign choices to how we were saved taking place? But did you also notice there was an implied human participation to us being saved? This necessitates us balancing several scriptural truths to obtain a higher truth understanding. We saw this in a previous verse of John 4:23 where God desired true worshippers but needed humans to have the same desire for Him.

There is a very significant sovereign God side to human salvation, but He does not force us to be saved. This means humans are required to choose what they “hear”, and “believe”. We either believe in God and His Word, or we reject it and are lost (Mk 16:16).

But we know that once we choose to believe and receive His sovereign gift of Salvation, this clearly means God (Light) is not our enemy and is not working with or controlling Satan (darkness) to direct him how he is to come against us. Remember what God reveals about Himself in 1 John 1:5. Here God says, “God is Light, and Him is No darkness!”. This clearly states Light (God) does not associate or cooperate with darkness (evil).

Ask yourself, why would God warn His people in the kingdom of light, if He is the one that is sending this enemy of darkness to teach us a lesson? No, this verse 1 Peter 5:8, clearly reveals our adversary the devil, is not sent from God! Therefore, Satan is not working for God. And there can be “no” covenant, cooperation, or agreement between them.

These verses concretely confirm God is not in total “sovereign” control of humans or the devil, or the events that occur on the earth. We have freewill choices that must be made in obedience to determine our outcome of being devoured or not. God has very clearly written to Christians; to “Fight” (1 Tim 6:12), to “Resist” (Jas 4:7), to “Overcome” (Rev 21:7), to “Reign” (Rom 5:17), “Hold Fast” (1 Ths 5:21) and many other commands. Do you see how God is assigning humans responsibility to be saved? In other words, God still desires humans that want to know Him.

Wouldn’t this make sense that the sovereign God has made a sovereign choice to delegate authority and responsibilities to His creation, and if we choose to not do them, He won’t? God would not warn the people about the devil coming before He sent the devil. If He had sent the devil, we would be watching out for God to devour us.

Those that believe Satan works for God to do His evil, attempts to cause us to accept that Satan does this to fulfill God’s hidden evil purpose on the earth to achieve some kind of divinely designed ending “good”. This belief asserts that God created this “thief” and “oppressor” deliberately for His greater unknowable intentional plan and purpose to achieve a culmination of something positive.

It also teaches us another potential lie, that God’s plan of creation for a perfect Lucifer was only a ruse for the intended real plan to cause Lucifer to sin. But is this logical? Does this type of logic adhere to the known character of a good God? Would any human ever make all perfect new auto parts to first destroy them before they then attempt to build a new better car? This would be an example of someone doing something needlessly destructive so that they can construct a better car rather than using parts that were completely flawless to begin with.

What we are needed to ask, is 99% truth mixed with another element of 1% harmful substance, ok to swallow and believe as the whole truth? Not if the 1% is completely deadly poisonous being enough to kill you. A 100 % T-bone steak is what a canine would love to devour. But insert into it or dust it with poisonous strychnine and it is still enticing enough to deceive because it appears good, but ultimately it can be deadly. This is why we need to do our best to seek and know only what God determines is truth, and not a message of poison from any human or devil.

We have already seen where God made angels and humans in a state of “perfection” and “very good”, and it was their bad choices that caused them to fall (fail). Therefore, this logic of using evil to achieve good sounds like a deceptive trick of this thief named Satan to shift the responsibility off himself to help steal the truth away from us to blame God for doing evil. Can you see this?


Why do people love the extreme sovereign God false message? When someone believes this way, (that God is causing all the evil in the world with occasional times of goodness), it completely absolves them and makes them not responsible for any participation to do what God has told them to do. Therefore, when the will of God is not done in their life, they can say it is not my fault, God must have had a hidden reason for the apparent evil to occur. However, that is a deception, and not the truth. Their belief that they will not be held responsible because of their ignorance, non-participation and full cooperation for obedience is the plan of the devil to possibly send them to hell. It also causes people to never fight against the devil and allows Satan another victory.

It is Satan’s plan to cause people to believe God is to blame for all the evil in the world. This belief shifts the truthful focus for all anger to be redirected away from him. Have you ever met people in the world like this? One man says, “I hate God, for killing my son”. Another lady says, “Why God did you allow me to be beaten up so badly?” Others say, “Why didn’t God stop that from happening to us?” These are classic thought types given to people by Satan. His words are usually “first person” accusation, like it is the person themselves having the thought about God. This is truly a tricky way to deceive people by playing on their emotions to cause them to have a thought to blame God. But they are so very effective thought strategies that come to place the blame upon God or His people, or anyone that is not their spiritual enemy that was working to cause it to happen.

If you have ever felt this way, hopefully you understand the reason why now. Realizing this was a deception from Satan, is one of the first steps to healing and reconciling with God. By repenting before God, a mind renewal occurs and this changing of thought then opens the door for God to help bring about more healing and help to you.

So why do bad things happen to good people? Who says there are any good people? In Matthew 19:16-17, Jesus is confronted with a rich man saying, “Good Master what must I do to have eternal life?”. But Jesus responded to Him saying, “Why do you call me good? There is none good but one, that is God!”  Jesus just taught us that every human is far from God’s perfection of good. Therefore, we all deserve to die and go to hell. But conversely Jesus also said very plainly that only God is fully and completely “Good”.

When we choose to blame God for evil, we are doing so because we are very ignorant to know who God really is. Remember Jesus also said, “When you have seen me, you have seen the Father” (Jn 14:9). We can never see Jesus ever doing anything but good to people because He was anointed with the Holy Ghost and power (Acts 10:38). Therefore, Jesus never killed anyone. Jesus never made anyone sick, weak, or ill. Jesus never made anyone poor. Jesus didn’t even condemn anyone for being a sinner. Jesus simply offered forgiveness, healing, and blessings to everyone that was willing to receive it.

If Jesus manifested the presence of God in heaven upon the earth as it says He did in Colossians 2:9, then humans for the first time were able to see the actual true character and nature of God personally face to face. This true nature of God was hated by Satan and the religious people of that day. Yet Jesus still offered to them “forgiveness” saying, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do”. What an amazing display of LOVE!

If you do not know God’s love personally, and the Son of God who was sent into the world to make God known, it is a great time to believe in Him and ask Him to be the LORD of your life. There is a link at the bottom of this page to receiving and beginning the salvation process. This will open up a new way for living and knowing God. You will be able to talk to Him personally, and He is more than happy to talk to his new child and help you to grow in spiritual maturity. Please do not let this opportunity pass you by. For those that are not in the Kingdom of God, there is no guarantee of any tomorrow. This could be your last invitation, please do not take it for granted.

Thank you for reading and studying this Bible Essential subject of knowing and understanding the “sovereignty” of God. It is very important to know that after we are saved, God desires us to grow up to be led by His Holy Spirit that is living on the inside of our human body (Rom 8:14). He has come to live inside of us for us to know that He will always be near to us to help us (Heb 13:5-6). Satan may try to attack you a fresh again, and again, but God is our ever-present help to always cause us to “overcome” our spiritual enemy (1 Jn 4:4).

Hopefully this has been a blessing to you and clarified some things taught to us in the Bible. We learned that:

  1. “God is Only Good” (Mat 19:17).
  2. “Satan” is only Evil and is a thief that has come to only kill, steal, and destroy people (Jn 10:10).
  3. God is Sovereign (Ps 115:3).
  4. However, God has sovereignly chosen to place character limitations upon Himself to restrict what and how He can do things.
  5. Angels and humans were created good but were also sovereignly given a freewill by God’s sovereign design, to disobey and to choose to become evil (Eze 28:15, Gen 3:11).

Thank you again for taking the time to study God’s Word. May God continue to richly bless you, knowing that He adds no sorrow with any of His abundant blessings (Prov 10:22). The Lord be willing there will be more lessons coming soon. There is just so very much to learn from God’s Word. Thank you for sharing these lessons with those that you know that will be blessed by them as the Holy Spirit leads you. Thank you again for being led by the Holy Spirit to study with us.

If you would like to continue reading and studying in this series, please go to “Part 2“.

Are You Saved? Do you Know Jesus? Life is Short! Jesus wants to Know You! Please come and get to Know Him!

Jesus Our Kinsman Redeemer Part 1 – Introduction

(Ver 1.0) This will be Part 1 in a series that answers a very challenging Bible question using actual Bible verses. The series title is about Jesus Our Kinsman Redeemer.  This will be the introductory lesson to help us establish what a “Kinsman Redeemer” is and why did God elect to fulfill this role to save us? There is a warning up front that this is again a deep spiritual topic that has the potential to offend people. Many people who call themselves Christians are not spiritually mature enough to handle strong chewy meat subjects like this one. Therefore, if you feel you are new to the faith in Jesus, it might be best for you to go and read some lighter soft milky subjects. Please judge yourself and make the personal determination to act mature no matter what you are feeling about the subject today. Thank you and God bless you.


Most Christians have heard the terms “redeemer” and “redemption”, from Bible study and teachings. But we will start with this word to find out what this means in Biblical terms first.  To redeem someone is a term relating to the purchase or the buyback of someone that was previously sold for a price.  In modern times this is like a Pawn Shop where someone takes their expensive piece of Jewelry to sell permanently or temporarily, and they offer them money in exchange for the item. But the value of the item is always far greater than the sum of money that was given to acquire the item.  

This exchange of item for money is always in favor of the buyer of the item and not the seller. The seller must return with more money than was paid to them to regain possession of their sold property. If they never return to “redeem” the item, then the buyer can sell it to whomever they choose for more money.  This is the simplicity of “selling” and “redeeming” and it is clearly taught to us in the Bible.  Let us continue by looking at the Strong’s definition of the Hebrew word translated as “redeemed”.

The Hebrew word H1350 Gawal is translated as “redeem”, “redeemed”, “redeemer” and “kinsman” primarily.  Bible redemption relates to the subjects of a “family”, their heirs or lack thereof, and their possessions. This concept of redemption also directly relates specifically to family deaths and the remaining living family members.

This is a very interesting Bible concept. It takes place when a male family member dies leaving a widow without having an heir. The dead male kin’s property is made available to be bought or redeemed back into the original family ownership by a redeemer close relative. This relative would normally be a brother and he must also marry the widow of the dead brother to have a child heir for the dead. This concept is mentioned multiple times in the Bible, but we will leave that to future lessons in the series. For now, we will look next at a verse that relates to what we have just learned:

Isa 52:3  For thus saith the LORD, Ye have sold yourselves for nought; and ye shall be redeemed without money. 

The Bible is not written in chronological order.  There are clues of truth spread out all over the Bible many times in random order.  This verse is one of these types of clues. God reveals through the prophet Isaiah that Adam sold humanity into bondage but obtained northing of value from the deal.  When Adam sinned, he gave every human over into the bondage of Satan. You see Adam was given complete dominion rulership over the entire planet (Gen 1:26). But he gave it over to the hands (authority) of the devil and we learn this in Matthew:

Mat 4:8  Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;

Mat 4:9  And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

Notice what Satan says when tempting Jesus to worship him. Satan tells Jesus very plainly that every kingdom (king’s domain) in the world was given to him. Then Satan says he will give this realm back to God (Jesus) when He worships him. Hopefully you understand what is happening here. God gave the earth to the first king of the earth named Adam. World ruler Adam sinned willfully and died, and the world’s kingdoms were transferred to Satan’s ownership. This is the financial transaction that was spoken of in Isaiah 52:3. The first Adam sold himself into captivity under the rulership of the darkness of this world and Satan. This made Satan the ruling god of this world (2 Cor 4:4).

This is very essential Bible knowledge to help you understand what God has done to get us back from the hand of God’s enemy Satan. It should be obvious that the first Adam and all his descendants were unable to buy themselves back from this eternal spiritual transaction because everyone sinned (Rom 3:23). This information teaches us why it was necessary for God to implement a different plan to accomplish this human redemption buy back.

But God had a provision of redemption thought out long before He created our world and man sinned (Rev 13:8). Praise the LORD!  We have only briefly touched upon this topic, but we can see it is humans that need redemption from the kingdom of darkness. Therefore, we know that it was by God’s design to redeem us to Himself, but who did it and how as it accomplished. Let us find out next.

Who is our Human Redeemer and What Price was Paid?

We first learned about our need for redemption. We have also seen that it was impossible for man to redeem himself because we were all spiritually dead due to Adam’s sin (1 Cor 15:22). However, this is where God comes to our rescue. Guess how He accomplishes this?  He becomes a new sinless man that contains the untainted pure blood of God and enters the world as God’s 2nd man (1 Cor 15:47) and the Last Adam (1 Cor 15:45). This will become amazingly important as we continue.  Let us go through some selected few verses to help confirm what is being said:

Luk 1:68  Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people,

This is a prophetical statement from the mouth of Zechariah in Luke 1 after the birth of John the Baptist. Notice Zechariah is claiming the LORD God of Israel is being brought forth into the world to visit His creation personally. Then it is clearly stated that the reason for this visit is to “redeem” His people.  This is the plan of God transpiring in the natural realm. But when was the plan made by God? Read this verse to find out:

Rev 13:8  And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

This is a very strong verse of scripture revealing the plan of God was laid out before Adam ever was created. Our God by His omniscient knowledge outside of time already knew the first Adam would sin and we would need a redeemer. Therefore, God Himself, became a man to die and by being slain on a cross, He would shed His blood. Why was shed blood important? That is a great question and let us find the answer:

Rev 5:9  And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; 

As we can see clearly that God’s plan of redemption was for Him to shed His own blood to “redeem” (buy back) people out of every human family, every language, and a people from every nation of the present created world. This is a very strong statement.  This is God claiming not everyone will be saved. Please keep this in mind as you learn. We can find another confirmation for God’s blood sacrifice in the book of first Peter:

1Pe 1:18  Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers;

1Pe 1:19  But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:

This is a verse that teaches us the fulfilment of the previous prophecy found in Isaiah 52:3 about Jesus. Do you remember what Isaiah wrote? This verse said humanity sold themselves (to Satan) for nothing, but they will be bought back without paying money. As we can see in Peter, the world’s money, like silver and gold, is called a corruptible substance. This Greek word translated as corruptible simply means a substance that is decaying away. In other words, naturally created things are not capable of buying back God’s given human spirits from their death resulting from their spiritual sins.  People are infinitely more valuable to God than anything that was created (Mat 10:31).

We can clearly learn from verse 19 that it was the “precious” blood of Jesus Christ that was used by God to “redeem” humanity. This is a very challenging statement for religious minded people that claim they are unworthy sinners. If this was true, God would not have needed to use His own life and blood to buy us back. Think about this for a while. Let us begin to see ourselves as God sees us, as being very valuable and precious.

We have established the fact of truth that it was Jesus who was God in the flesh (Mat 1:23) who paid for our redemption to take us out of our captivity and certain doomed eternal death in hell.  It was God’s own blood that He used to make this purchase. That teaches us God loved us so much that He personally died to save us.

Act 20:28  Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood


This was simply the introduction to the main subject of God’s word about Jesus Christ being our “Kinsman Redeemer”. In this part of the lesson, we were simply introduced to the basic concepts of “what is redemption”? What caused the need for redemption? Who was it that needed to be redeemed? Who fulfilled this role of the required Redeemer? What was the purchase price for the buy back out of the human condition that the first Adam sold us into?  If you can’t answer these questions, it is highly recommended that you go back and restudy this introduction and take better notes.

If you are struggling with understanding any of these answers, it is OK to ask questions. This subject is absolutely a necessity to understand what God has done to show His love through extending His great hands of power to be nailed to a cross (Act 5:30, Col 2:14), to die (Rom 5:10, 1 Pet 2:24), to go to hell for three days to take the punishment for all human sins (Mat 12:30, Eph 4:9), and then to be raised up from the dead to begin a new creation apart from evil (2 Cor 5:17, 2 Pet 3:13).

The Lord be willing in the next lesson in the series, we will focus upon the subject of a Redeemer also being a near relative “Kinsman”, because this was God’s plan and design of our redemption. God becomes a male human baby on the earth born into a manger of a virgin woman named Mary. This woman was a descendant seed of the first man Adam. Mary was also a seed of Abraham and a seed of David. This made Jesus the same as His natural mother. But this baby had a different Father called God. This made Him a new unique type of human that could be called 100% human and 100% divine simultaneously. We will get into this much deeper soon.

Thank you for taking the time to study God’s Holy Word with us.  There are not any other books of writings, that are as amazing as this one called the Holy Bible. The infinite intelligence of its design displays the handywork of God in every word choice. There is more information in this book than you will ever be able to fully grasp in many lifetimes.

If you have questions or comments, please feel free to leave them. As the LORD leads us, we will do our best to read them and possibly address them. Thank you again and God Bless you all, we love you and pray for you continually.

If you would like to continue reading in this series, please go to “Part 2

Are You Saved? Do you Know Jesus? Life is Short! Jesus wants to Know You! Please come and get to Know Him!

Why Study the Ancient Hebrew Language and Alphabet?

(ver 1.1) There could be many skeptics in the church body of believers that resist new revealed concepts found hidden in the Bible. These lessons are NOT intended or designed to introduce new doctrines or beliefs. However, they do contain several basic revelations that many may have not yet seen before while reading and studying God’s Holy Text. This lesson series is only intended to take what the scriptures actually say and teach us about our Messiah, Lord and the Savior of humanity named Jesus and show us how God reveals Him in an ancient Hebrew pictographic alphabet.

This concept of the ancient Hebrew Text has become an incredibly expanding study subject on the internet and in churches. There are many Christians that have received partial revelations about this subject and have started teaching it also. There are multiple pastor teachers on “Youtube” that have had many of the fundamentals revealed to them and they are teaching it to their churches and to those that want to watch it on the internet. Praise the LORD! It is true, that not everyone has seen the exact same things, but we trust God to continue to work in us and through us all, to come to the increasing fullest knowledge of Jesus Christ. Amen.

There are numerous reasons to learn these lessons about the ancient Hebrew Language. One of the first reasons is simply to understand the selected graphical designs of each letter, and how each of them tell us a story of Jesus individually. After learning the basics of each letter we should desire to learn how letters are joined together to create a greater revelation found in each Hebrew root word meaning. Finally, for advanced students it is then beneficial to see how each larger Hebrew word is built upon the foundations of the alphabet letters and the root words that are laid together to build a greater message of hidden meanings.

Do you remember the old saying that a picture tells us a story of at least a thousand words? We are going to explore today just some of the reasons God reveals this is an important subject to learn. Let us get started on this first subject of why we should study this ancient alphabet with Reason 1.

Reason 1: Jesus Personally Claimed to be the Alphabet.

Rev 1:8  I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

You have hopefully seen this claim stated before in previous lessons. Jesus in the Book of Revelation twice declares to be the Alpha and the Omega, written as the first and the last letters of the Greek alphabet. However, the writer of this book was John who was a Jew, Jesus the speaker was also a Jew, and they both most likely were speaking in Hebrew to write the book of Revelation. We know for sure that Jesus spoke Hebrew, because when Jesus appeared to Saul on the road to Damascus, it is written in Acts 26:14 that Jesus was speaking to Saul in Hebrew.

Now we must also understand that in the Hebrew text of the Old Covenant, there is a word that occurs very often and it is mostly completely ignored by translators. This word H853 is created by God using two Hebrew letters. These two letters correspond to the Alpha and the Omega, being the first and the last letters and in Hebrew they are called the “Alef” and the “Tav”. That just cannot be a coincidence or accidental occurrence.
Yes, there are modern day scholars that study the Hebrew language and believe these two letters, while not being translated only are there to place emphasis on primary subject verbs. But please do the studies for yourself. Analyze each word if you have the time and its placement and usages. Notice how it sometimes appears to be random when it occurs, and then notice there are many, many verses that do not contain this untranslated word Alef + Tav. Then notice that there are other verses that can contain this word more than once. Finally, pay attention that almost every verse that this word occurs could apply to Jesus in some direct, or hidden form, whether it be in name, title, typology, symbolism, etc. So, the fact still remains that this word H853 occurs more than 5000 times in the text, and Jesus makes it an emphasized point to say these letters represent me, and this cannot be ignored.

Therefore, if Jesus is claiming to be the first and last letters of the alphabet, it is at the least strongly implied that He is also all of the letters in between these two also. This only makes logical sense, because He is called the literal “Word of God” revealed to us in Revelation 19:13. If Jesus was called the “Word of God” in this verse, this just further confirms that He is the entire alphabet that creates the Words of God also. Doesn’t this make sense? It takes all the letters in the alphabet to write the Word of God. Therefore, Jesus by being called the “Word of God” and claiming to be the first and last letters personally, we can make the easy revelation to see Him as every letter.

Reason 2: Jesus Personally Knew and Referenced the Jewish Alphabet

Mat 5:18  For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

There is a very interesting confirmation for Jesus’ ability to speak Hebrew in this recorded verse from Matthew. Matthew consistently wrote to help Jewish people to find and see their Messiah. In the Genealogy of chapter 1, it is only given to us originating from the fathers Isaac, Israel, and their father called Abraham all proving Jesus to be the promised Seed of Abraham. Now notice what Matthew wrote by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in chapter 5 verse 18. Here in this verse Jesus is speaking of the Old Covenant writings and says very to the point not one jot or tittle will pass away from these writings.

There is some debate about what exactly a tittle represents. Some believe these are only the vowel markings of the word that are very minor in size. This could be a reference to the text marks found in Hebrew during the time of Jesus. But it is the word “Jot” that must capture our primary focus. In this verse the “Jot” is a transliteration of the Greek letter “iota”. Wow, this is another single alphabet letter.

But the “Iota” letter is a transliteration of the original Hebrew alphabet letter “Yod”. Wow again. Now place a few more puzzle pieces together to see what is being communicated. Jesus just picked the most used letter in the entire Hebrew Old Testament writings and said none of these are going to pass away from God’s written word. But wait, what does a “Yod” picture represent? If you have studied this, we know it is the representation of “a hand extended from an outstretched arm”. This picture connects us to the “hand of God”, the “hand of man”, or the “hand of angels like Lucifer”. The “Yod” further represents the concepts of “power and authority” within kingdom realms. These kingdoms include the Kingdom of God, human kingdoms, and the kingdom of darkness.

The Yod is also the letter that begins the name of Jesus in the Hebrew language. The letter “Yod” is the same letter that begins the name of “Jehovah” (LORD) in the Hebrew language. This letter “Yod” also begins other essential words like Israel and Jerusalem. Are there any light bulbs being illuminated in your mind yet? Why did Jesus pick this letter to place such an emphasis upon it saying none of these will pass away from God’s Word? The simple answer is because God places the emphasis upon this letter in His written Word.

Could it also be Jesus was connecting Himself to this letter and again saying this one is me also? Remember what God wrote in Hebrews 1:8. In this verse God is speaking to His Son Jesus and says, “But unto the son, he says thy throne oh God, is forever.” Can you see the direct connection of the throne of Jesus Christ being forever, and not one Jot (Yod) will pass away? I personally believe that it is just another clue to connect us with the ancient Hebrew language.

Reason 3: God’s Intelligently Designed Alphabet

The next reason that becomes self-revealing from the study of this ancient Hebrew alphabet, is that these letter pictures could not have occurred by accident, or by human creation alone without God the Creator of our universe’s personal involvement. There are just too many signposts found in each letter that point us to only one person in the scriptures, and He is called the only begotten Son of God and is named Jesus Christ in English.

God is an amazing God and has a beyond amazing intelligence and level of understanding. The layers of intentionally designed information found in the Bible is like an onion. There is a never-ending supply of hidden treasures to find in the Bible. Jesus talks about this in a short parable:

Mat 13:44  Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.

As you can read the Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field. When anyone comes to the realization that Jesus is talking about His Word and knowing Him by His Word, they will change from never reading their Bibles to spending all of their spare time digging in it, seeking to find and learn new hidden treasures. Why would a man sell everything to buy a field that he had just found a very valuable treasure? The only logical common-sense answer is that he expects to find more treasure in the same field. This is a perfect description of the Bible. The Bibles is the ultimate field containing infinite hidden treasures.

If you are a computer geek or engineer, then you might understand that all intelligently designed, organized and presented data and information, does not occur randomly, without intensive intelligence involvement of a creator. This realization brings us to the amazing conclusion that this book could have only occurred without God being personally involved. The known facts prove this by asking and answering the question, how could one book written over 1500 years of time, by over 40 different individual authors, and each one of their unique writings contain the harmonious union of a single story about the One True God? This could not occur without contradictions or errors, unless there was an external God author that inspired every letter and word! If you would like to debate that the Bible does not have errors, that probably proves your ignorance of what the words mean. It could also say you may be ignoring how the organization of the words were designed, and how even each letter was purposefully organized and chosen to create each word.

When assumed conflicts are encountered, they normally come from a human that does not know how intelligent God is and therefore could never relate on the level with His extreme intelligence. In the book of Isaiah 55;8, informs us that His thoughts and ways are so much higher than our natural human ways. This is exactly why when we become a saved Christian through believing in Jesus, then we are given His personal Holy Spirit to live on the inside of us to help teach us what He hid in this Word for us to find. This is an amazing intelligently designed encryption system. Unless we are spiritually born again, we are totally unable to comprehend some of the simple Bible statements. It is very much like a 2-year-old trying to debate a chess master on the subject of how to play the game to win.

Reason 4: God’s Word Conceals Him

Pro 25:2  It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.

This is an amazing clue to finding Jesus. Before we look for Him, we must know that He is hidden for us to find. We learn this from this verse and others like it. To understand what is being spoken of here, we must analyze the words “thing” and “matter” which is the same Hebrew word H1697 (dabar).

This Hebrew word H1697 is spelled “Dalet” + “Beyt” + “Resh”. If you have studied these individual letters, you already know the “Dalet” is the door of the house, The “Beyt” is the “House” and the “Resh” is the Head, ruler, or Prince of the House. Placing these pictures together in a sentence we get “The door of the House is the “Prince or Head”. As you should know by now this is a prophecy of Jesus as being the Only way into the Father’s house. Jesus stated this very plainly in John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes unto the Father except by me”.

Wow, that is an amazing revelation alone.  Jesus is claiming to all of God’s creation that there will be some that do not or more clearly can never enter the Kingdom of God. This is too complex to go into in great depth. But the bottom line is that Jesus is revealing Satan and his angels will be excluded forever from the Kingdom of God because of their rebellion and sin.
However, there are others that will never enter the Kingdom of God. God reveals these others that will never be able to enter into His kingdom in Revelation 21:8. In this verse the LORD says, “the fearful”, “unbelieving”, the “abominable”, “murders”, “whoremongers”, “sorcerers”, “idolaters”, and ALL LIARS, shall have their part in the lake of burning fire another name for HELL! Remember these are words written down by John from the mouth of Jesus. What we are finding is that not everyone will be saved and if they do not enter into the door when they can on the earth, that door will soon shut when they die a physical death. But let us get back to our subject of “dabar”

Ok, what is God speaking of in the Hebrew “dabar” translated as “thing” and “matter”? I believe this verse should have been translated more literally and said “It is the glory of God to conceal the “Word”, and the honor of kings to search out the “Word”. This Hebrew word H1697 is translated as “Word” more times than any other and this is the literal definition. That information should be causing lights to shine in your heart right now.

Who is the Word of God? Remember, we saw this answer mentioned earlier. God revealed the answer to us in Revelation 19:13, but also, He shows us more of this mystery in John 1:1. “In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God”. We can find out in John 1:1 that the Word of God is God and God is His Word spoken and written simultaneously. Then we learn in John 1:14, “that the Word (God) became flesh and dwelt among us”. This flesh Word manifestation of God was Jesus! Therefore, the Word is God, God sending His Word into the World manifested in human flesh form, and God walked around us in person through Jesus who was born in Bethlehem.

Do you see better what Psalm 25:2 is saying now? God is the “dabar” Word, the “dabar” Word was with God and was God and He the dabar “Word” who became flesh to reveal Himself to humans in a touchable human form. Therefore, it was “The glory of God to conceal Jesus (the Word), and it is the glory of kings (Christians) to search Him out and find Him in the Word everywhere from Genesis to Revelation.

Reason 5: God’s Word Proclaims Him

We are about to discover a few more hidden jewels within the Word of the Living God. God’s Word has a fundamental design to reveal Him, and His nature, His Character, and His Ways to those that desire to know Him personally. But to those that do not desire to know Him, He has built into His Book a spiritual encryption language to block the carnal human mind and thoughts from knowing or understanding it. Therefore, if you are struggling to see what the Bible actually says about the God who is called Love, Light and Truth, it could be you need to pray and ask Him to help open your eyes to see what He has to say today to you personally. These are innumerable valuable hidden truth treasures placed in His Word for us to discover with our faithful and diligent Bible study.  Let us confirm our reasons to study this subject with this next verse:

Psa 40:7  Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me,

This verse is written down about the coming Messiah. God clearly states that there are three very important terms about studying the ancient Hebrew language. These three words are “volume” (H4039), “book” (H5612), and “written” (H3789). We will dig deeper into each word to find God’s treasures.

H4039 translated as “volume” refers to the concept of ancient scrolls made of leather or papyrus sheets that are rolled up after having letters written upon them. But these exist in blank form first awaiting someone’s thoughts to be recorded and preserved. This concept is a parallel to the human heart and mind. When first born onto the earth, each of us is a blank slate awaiting to be imprinted upon. We can see this concept and God’s intention of His Word to fill it, by reading God instruction to us saying, “for us to write His Words and Commandments upon the table of our heart”, in Proverbs 7:3.

The Hebrew word H5612 translated as “book” is very similar to the word translated as “volume” for it also refers to the scroll of a skin or papyrus rolled up, but this word more directly attached the meaning of this document containing a record of handwritten words with letters and also implied or direct numbers. This is a representation of a book that has was previously written upon using an alphabet building words.

Finally, the Hebrew word H3789 translated as “written” moves us to the process and act of writing implying with the usage of a “hand” (Yod) to accomplish this book of records in the volume of the book. This is actually representation of the human level of participation to take words and store them into our heart. But this verse in Psalm 40 while revealing spiritual application for us, is primarily focused upon Jesus as a prophecy.

It is most interesting to know that this verse is further quoted in the book of Hebrews. This is an amazing blessing from the LORD, because it gives us a word for word direct transition from Hebrew to Greek. In other words, it removes any guess work for knowing what Greek word corresponds to which Hebrew word. Let us look at the same words written in the book of Hebrews next:

Heb 10:7  Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.

The Greek word G2777 was translated as “volume” and it corresponds directly by quotation to the Hebrew word H4039. This word in Greek dictionaries is very similar to the Hebrew meaning “a scroll”. But this word also reveals that it means “a little head” as in the top of a round stick that the scroll is rolled up upon.

The Greek word G975 translated as “book” is the Greek word “biblion”. The Greek word G975 is a diminutive of G976 “biblios”. Hopefully you are seeing these are the words that give us our English word “Bible”. And our Bible is the book of writings penned by man from the inspired breath and finger of God.
As you can see, we are getting to some more of the good stuff now. The next Greek word is G1125. This word in an English transliterated word form is “grapho” and as we should know, it is translated mostly as “written”, and this again is implying with the work of a “hand”. In fact, in Biblical terms, we should understand this is the cooperating hands of man, being guided by the powerful hands of God. Both of these references connect us back to the statement of Jesus about the “Yod” (hand) letter never passing away.

According to the Mounce Greek dictionary this word “grapho” means “to engrave, as in to write, according to the ancient method of writing on plates of metal, waxes, tables or tables can also be known as tablets. There are many of these recovered writing surfaces that have been restored to prove and show us the ancient Hebrew Texts. I believe that is an interesting fact of history.

In the Thayer dictionary this word G1125 is further expanded to refer to the handwritings containing alphabet “letters”. As we should all know it is this concept that is the basis for all ancient and modern written words. Every word can only be created by people with intelligence through the proper education and selection of each of the letters made to form the words. Each individual created word can further be expanded to the concept of being organized by the person to convey in writing their thoughts, knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and ideas and many other types of word thoughts. But God designed words to mean so much more than this basic idea of communication of ideas and imaginations.

Hopefully you see where God is taking us. The Greek word “grapho” defined by Thayer means “to write, but it contains the direct reference to the form of the individual letters”. The clear emphasis given to us by this definition is that the shapes of letter matters. This is where many ignore the forms of the individual letters as being unimportant. But many of them have been transformed from the original and ancient writing style to the modern letters we see today.

Just a few examples of this are, the ancient Hebrew “Alef” ox pictogram looks like the English letter “A”. The ancient Hebrew “Mem” wave picture design looks very similar to the English letter “M”. The ancient Hebrew letter “Tav” cross picture is very similar to the English letter “T”.  However, other letters were not so blessed and have been distorted to remove much of the ancient pictographic message from it.

However, let us learn from the Greek word “grapho”. From this word we can derive English words like “graph”, and “graphics” or it can be used as a “suffix” as in “biography” to tell one’s life story.  All of these deal with ideas that are written by hand on either a piece of paper or in computer terms of digitally remembered designs of the same handwritten or drawn information.

Now let us go deeper into modern tech applications. Every website will hire one or more “graphic designers”. What are these people responsible for? They represent the design of the content of that website. This would include picture and photographic designs that are associated with textual content, including the font style, sizes and colors, etc. All of these come from the Bible. God is the ultimate “Divine Graphic Designer” of the Bible. Every picture image came from the mind of God and not a human. Each word style and order of the letters in the messages came directly from the mind of God the Creator of the heaven and the earth.

There is a significant challenge in modern culture, to try to understand the original designs and writings. The alphabets of most languages have transitioned and in modern terminology the font styles can vary so widely that every letter has been perverted to a nature of its own human reasoning. This is where God’s original manuscripts can reveal the same types of challenges, but the general shapes of the letters are still true to original intent and they still convey the basic envisioned picture meaning. It is only when we ignore these ancient original forms and only look at the modern modified variations that we could easily miss about what God hid for us to find, by Him designing Himself into each letter picture. Let us remember what Jesus said again in John:

Joh 5:39  Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

Jesus is speaking to Hebrew leaders who could read and write in their native language.  Speaking directly to these religious leaders, Jesus makes a claim that blows their minds. With this statement Jesus is making the claim that He is Messiah. But this statement is so much more than our simplistic human thinking of His declaration of truth.

Jesus is implying a much deeper truth than to just read from plainly stated verses written about Messiah. All these Jewish leaders knew the Messiah would be a Son of Abraham (Mat 1:1). All these leaders knew Messiah would be a Son of David (Mat 22:42) to rule David’s throne forever. All these leaders understood that He would be born in Bethlehem (Mat 2:6). These types of verses were so plainly understood by most scholars. Therefore, Jesus could not be talking just about these. No, these leaders knew all these verses and did not recognize the God in the flesh man named Jesus that stood before them that fulfilled them completely.

Therefore, Jesus is definitely speaking of deeper hidden truths. What Jesus was speaking of had to be a type of search that contained things that could be easily hidden from them in plain sight. This “search” would require more than just reading and implies a deeper need of “pursuit” behind words to find Him. I personally believe that what Jesus is referring to as Him being hidden, can apply to many layers of methods of deep study. Some of these could be methods that we have not yet fully found or understood, but all of these are placed there in plain sight using simple alphabet letters. In other words, there are no hidden coded messages that required us to do some unencrypting of the text to find Him. Let us go over some new examples of how Jesus was potentially hidden in Hebrew Words containing ancient Hebrew pictogram letters, next.


Knowing this about Jesus possibly being in the Alphabet and the Words built from this Alphabet, we begin by realizing one way for God to hide Himself, was for Him to create an alphabet of 22 letter pictures where every letter tells a part of the story of who He truly was and what He came to do. We find this message in the story of the alphabet letters pictures and in the placement of these letters to create words for greater God thoughts and God ideas. For example, we know God Almighty is the first letter of the Alphabet called the “Alef” representing the picture strong Ox servant, who is self-driven to move towards the final letter picture called the “Tav” representing His death on a wooden cross.

Along this journey and pathway of planned design, God moves through each letter to bring us new knowledge of His plan and the benefits that we will obtain by following after Him with our whole heart. For example, look at the Hebrew word H5414 a root word meaning “to give”. This root word is comprised of three letters with one letter being the same letter that is the beginning as well as ending letters of the word. Uh oh? Do you remember what we read in reason number 1 about Jesus claiming to be the first and the last? Who gave us a gift and what is this gift that is being given?

Remember that Jesus directly claims to be the “gift of God” in John 4:10 to a woman at a well.  In this statement Jesus said, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that said to you Give me a drink…”. We will not teach this story, but pay attention to the fact that Jesus is calling Himself this gift and remember in John 3:16 we find “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish, but have eternal life”. Jesus was offering this woman at the well a drink from His Spirit coming from His mouth and these words could have imparted to her eternal life if she believed. We have just learned that Jesus is the Gift that was given by the Father to the world so that we might be saved.

Now what are the two letters that make up the Hebrew word H5414, translated as gift? The first and last letters are the letter “Nun”. Uh oh, again. Do you recall what this letter means? This letter primarily means “a seed” but has implied applications to be the spoken “Words” of God also. We know this because the “Sower” (Jesus) sowed the Word of God in Mark 4. Therefore, the Word of God is being stated plainly to be “seed”, the letter “Nun”.

We also know that the Word of God is likened to bread in Matthew 4:4 where Jesus quotes to the devil “man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God”. Do you see the progression God has just taken us through? You do understand that wheat is a type of grass that is cultivated to obtain its seed to make bread? You do know that bread is a very basic staple for maintaining natural human life? Therefore, God just said His words of “seed” are the same type of life source for the human spirit of man.

There are other applications to this “Nun” representing Jesus by knowing Jesus is called the “Seed of Abraham” as well as the “Seed of David” in the New Testament. Jesus further makes the direct claim to being a “seed” that came to the earth to die and fall into the ground in John 12:24. Jesus said unless He does this He would abide alone, but if He accomplished this goal, He would bring forth much fruit for God.

Now the middle letter of the word sandwich is the pivotal letter called the “Tav”. Surprise, Surprise! This letter as you should recall is the picture of the “cross”. Remember the cross is a torture instrument for death. Placing these three letters together “The Seed must die on a Cross (be buried) and will arise again (the third day) a new Seed of Life”. We get the attention to detail of the third day by just paying attention to the number of letters in the word being three (NTN).  There are no accidents in the design of scriptures, but there are a lot of misunderstood and yet to be discovered things the Lord will reveal to us if we choose to “search” for Him. He is still hiding in plain sight in this word “to give” (H5414, nathan).


Another awesome hidden Jesus is found in the Word translated as “stone”.  The Hebrew root word H68 that is mainly translated as “stone” is also comprised of just three letters. Again, this is not a coincidence either. Three, is the number of divine completeness. There are three divine manifestations in the Godhead, revealed as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. But what are these three letters?

First let us look up why the word “stone” represents Jesus. We know from reading Mark 12:10 that Jesus speaking to the Jewish people and leaders is claiming to be the “stone”. In this verse He quotes a Hebrew verse found in Psalm 118:22.  In this verse we find the Hebrew word H68 translated as “Stone”. But this is a verse of prophecy about Jesus the coming Messiah that “the builders” and the “keepers” of the Old Covenant were supposed to accept in joy, but rather rejected because they did not know Him.

This Hebrew word “H68” is spelled “Alef” + “Beyt” + “Nun”. This is an amazing Hebrew word containing great layers of revelation in just three letters. In simplistic letter for letter interpretation, we see the Alef as the Strong Servant, the Beyt as the House of the Father and the Nun as the Seed that comes from the Father’s house. Therefore, placing these meanings into a sentence, we get “God will come forth from His House in heaven to bring forth a Seed to the earth to die”, as we learned before in the word Nathan meaning “to give” a gift. This new word “ABN” contains the basic prophetical message of Jesus being born as a Son sent from the Father’s house in heaven and the reason for His appearance was to be a “Seed”. Is this amazing or what? Can we begin to agree upon the intelligent design of not only individual letters, but also of the creation of root words as prophecies?

But wait, there is more. The first two letters “Alef” + “Beyt” spell the word “Abba” the word for Father. The last two letter “Beyt” + “Nun” spell “Ben” the Hebrew word for “Son”. Is this an accident? The Father becomes the Son? This is exactly what happened in scripture. We learn in John 1:1, In the Beginning (the first Letter Alef” representing God) was the Word (the second two letters the Son Beyt + Nun, aka known as the Word of God, Rev 19:13), the Word was with God, and the Word was GOD!

Heb 3:6  But Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end.

We do not have the time to teach the entire revelation in this shortened version but understand the middle letter of these three letters translated as “stone” in the Hebrew word H68, is the “beyt” representing a “house” and a “family” transition from the “Father” to the “Son”. The Son of God has become the Heir of God’s House by His death on a cross. By being raised from the dead Jesus becomes the firstborn Son of God from the dead (Rev 1:5).

Then notice what God revealed to us in Hebrews 3:6. Jesus has implemented (BUILT) a new house of God and He calls us (the Church saved believers in Him) to be the building blocks that will be joined together with Him (1 Pet 2:5). Remember Jesus is the “Chief” (Head) corner stone and all of us that are saved in Him, are living stones to be built with Him as His Body.

Do you see how this is all fitting together containing a hidden puzzle from three letter design of the word stone? Jesus is plainly hidden in the Hebrew Word H68 “ABN’? Psalm 118:22 clearly included this word to relate us to Jesus. But within this word is Jesus’ story and God’s plan found in three letters. That is just too amazing to be an accidental chance occurrence. These organizations of specific letters to tell a story and make a prophecy are too great for us not to be excited about what God has hidden for us to find.


Thank you for taking the time to read and study the Bible on this website. If these kinds of hidden pearls of treasure do not excite you enough to sell all you have to obtain more of them, then you may not be one of His disciples. Remember again what Jesus taught us in Matthew:

Mat 13:45  Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls:

Mat 13:46  Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.

God’s Words and gaining the knowledge of them is more valuable that seeking to gain all of the silver and gold in the world. These words of knowledge and truth will save you, heal you, deliver you and transform you. They renew our mind from the dark filth of this present evil world to move us into the light of the knowledge of the true and living God that came and died to save all of us. Praise the LORD for His immense wealth of all knowledge and wisdom.

Be blessed in the LORD as you continue to learn things that you have never seen before. There is a never-ending supply contained within just the words and the alphabet letters that create them, and these were created and written in His Bible by the Hand of God. If you enjoy these lessons, like and share them with your friends and family. God’s Word will go forth to all the ends of the world, and then the End will Come! Jesus is Coming very Soon! Are you Ready?

If you would like to begin to learn more about this incredible ancient Hebrew alphabet, please go to the beginning of the series “Introduction“.

Are You Saved? Do you Know Jesus? Life is Short! Jesus wants to Know You! Please come and get to Know Him!

Jesus in the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet Part 14 – The Mem Part 2 – The Water

(Ver 1.0) This lesson is “Part 2” of “Part 14” of the Bible study series revealing the Lord Jesus Christ, that had been hidden by the Spirit of God in His design of the original Ancient Hebrew Alphabet. In this lesson we are focusing upon the letter “Mem” and how it represents “water”. If you have not read the first introduction to this mini-series within the larger series, please go to “MEM Part 1” first.  Also, you are able to go to the entire series introduction “Part 1 INTRO” to get the basic foundational information for the entire series.

We have learned the two primary meanings of the ancient Hebrew pictogram of the “Mem” are 1) Water and 2) Blood. We focused upon the subject of blood in the first lesson because the “blood” of Jesus is an incredibly essential subject in the entire Bible for our human salvation. We should have learned that Jesus was the Last Adam. We further learned the named Adam means “God’s Blood”. Based upon this information we should be able to understand that the first Adam rebelled against God and destined all of humanity to separation from God in an eternal hell. But Praise the LORD God who became the “Last Adam” and it was His sinless Mem “Blood” that met His own righteous justice to be able to pay for all of our sins as a free gift.

In the introduction we learned the individual letter “Mem” study is a picture of 3 significant waves of a sea. Therefore, God was focusing this letter primarily upon the subject of moving “Water”. This Mem water symbolism will be the focus of this lesson. We are about to discover the incredible significance of this subject of “water” from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22. For example, the world was destroyed twice by water. The first in Genesis 1:2, and the second is found in Genesis 6. Our present world will culminate with its destruction in fire, the antithesis of water. But the new heaven and the new earth will contain a “river” of pure as crystal water that flows from the throne of God in Revelation 22:1, that water provides us life.

The references to “water” in the Bible, is so much greater than these.  The various forms of the word “water” is found over 700 times. The words “sea” or “seas” occurs over 400 times. Also do not forget some seas and bodies of water have specific names that are mentioned. The words “river” or “rivers” occurs over 250 times. The words “well” or “wells” occur over 50 times. The words “brook” or “brooks” occurs over 50 times. The word “lake” occurs at least 10 times. But there are many other words that are associated with the concept of water that also occur in the Bible. For example: a “flood”, to “drink”, to “wash”, to “draw” from a well, to “fill” a cup, the “depth” of the body of water, the movement of the water called “waves”, and on and on we could go. To cover this subject fully would take writing many volumes of books, derived from countless numbers of hours from a study with the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Today we will be learning only a limited number of subjects of the total amount of God’s important information about Jesus Christ found in the letter “Mem”. In fact, in this second “Mem” lesson about the subject of “water, we will only be covering the following seven titled subjects:

  1. Jesus in the letter Mem Number 40
  2. Jesus’ First Miracle Turning Water to Blood
  3. God’s Spoken Words are the MEM Waters for Spiritual Life
  4. Washed with the (Mem) Water of the Word of God
  5. The Spiritual Cleansing Power of Jesus Water and Blood from Sin
  6. Natural Water Waves Created and Connected with God’s Spirit Voice Sound Waves
  7. A God’s Real-Life NOW Application of the MEM – Calming Life’s Storms
  8. The Mem Water Conclusion

Let us get started with learning this incredible picture of God’s “Mem” letter as being His representation of Jesus Christ.

1. Jesus in the letter Mem Number 40

Remember the ancient Hebrew letter “Mem”, is the 13th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and has the gematria number value of “40”. The number 40 has the basic symbolic meaning for the time of testing, trials and temptations. We find this number as a pattern for these, repeatedly in the Bible. We should know that Noah’s time of testing continued through a time of 40 days of rain that destroyed the rest of the world. We should also know Moses met with God on Mount Sinai for 40 days. Then the children of Israel ate manna for 40 years in the wilderness. There are other examples of forty, but we cannot cover everything today.

It is very essential to observe how the earthly ministry of Jesus begins after a 40-day preparation time of testing. And then we must also notice how the earthly ministry of physical Jesus ends with another 40-day period of speaking a flow of words to the church to help direct them into their arising future. Let us briefly go through both of these confirmation to Jesus being the “Mem” fulfillment of ancient prophecy found in the number 40.

Luk 4:1  And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness,

Luk 4:2  Being forty days tempted of the devil. And in those days he did eat nothing: and when they were ended, he afterward hungered.

We must first understand the direct water connection to the “Mem” with these verses. Before this 40-day trial and temptation of Jesus occurred, He was physically “baptized” into the waters of the Jordan River by John. This meant the physical body of Jesus was “fully” emersed within God’s created substance of “water” (H2O) a definite picture of the letter “Mem”. This is truly amazing and definitely not a coincidence. Jesus appears to know and understand exactly what He is doing all the time while interacting with water.  He purposely chooses to be fully covered by the “water” before He even begins His ministry. Jesus actually said He was doing this to “fulfill all righteousness” (Mat 3:15).

It is very, very important to note what John said about Jesus before he baptized Him in the Jordan river:

Mat 3:11  I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:

Here is your first clue that the “Mem” physical water matter represents a symbolic substance of far greater spiritual application to Jesus.  We can see this by how John compares his physical water baptism of Jesus, to a different kind of future spiritual baptism that is assigned to a coming role of Jesus. We know from studying other verses that John is speaking of a “baptism” that Jesus could only perform after He had ascended back into heaven.

We do not see this coming Jesus baptism taking place until the first time it is mentioned in Acts 2. We are about to find out that this “baptism” of the Holy Spirit would also occur after a 40-day series of events. What do you believe the Holy Spirit is trying to say to us? There appears to be direct connections to the letter “Mem” and the fulfilment of multiple types of “water”. We can see how Jesus began His ministry after being baptized in physical water. But the prophet John claimed Jesus would be baptizing people with the “Holy Ghost” and “Fire” and this clearly began in Acts 2. Notice how all of this information is being communicated by “Words” that were spoken first, and then written down for anyone to read and speak.

It is very interesting to note that the 40-day temptation of Jesus occurs directly after His Baptism into Mem physical water that flowing in the Jordan river. Let us stop and analyze what this means.  The name Jordan is the Hebrew word H3383 and is defined by Strong as a “descender”. This is a major revelation. It describes God’s position of His ultimate highest supremacy has been reduced to become a part of His fallen creation in the first Adam. Think about it! The eternal Creator, and the self-existent God became a created mortal human that could experience death. He did this for several reasons, but one of the primary reasons was to save His creation from permanently being separated from Him.

The picture of Baptism in water is a windowed view into God’s plan and process of salvation. The descent into the water represents His death and burial. The time spent under the water represents His 3 days in the tomb and His time in hell to pay for all of our sins. The rising of the body of Jesus out of the water, represents His coming “resurrection” from the dead, into a newly created realm of fresh eternal life. All of this occurred using the pictogram ancient Hebrew letter “Mem” type of physical water. 

Remember what happened to the children of Israel after they were saved out of Egypt? The Pharoah regretted letting them go, even after all of the problems that God had caused them through 10 plagues and especially the deaths of the first-born of every man and beasts that was not protected by the blood (Mem) of lambs.  So, Pharaoh got his army together and went after them. Here is where it gets interesting. The children of Israel were camped next to the “Red Sea”. Uh oh! This is another “Mem” water supply. This water was at first imagined to be their death not allowing them to escape. But God suddenly divided the “Red Sea” and dried up the ground and the children of Israel went through to the other side.

Then came Pharaoh after them into the “Red Sea”. But God collapsed the walled and divided (Mem) waters and these their greatest hinderance became their amazing permanent deliverance from Egypt. Because the Red Sea flooded the Egyptians suddenly, God caused all of the pursuing Egyptians to drown (Heb 11:29). Wow, this is an amazing picture of what God did for us all in the New Covenant.  Notice the name of the Sea is “Red”, which is the color of “blood”. Could that be a picture of the blood of Jesus that we learned about in “Part 1”? Of course, it is!  Going through the “Red Sea” is a pictured type of “Baptism”. Please notice what Paul wrote by the inspiration of the Spirit:

1Co 12:13  For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. 

The works of God’s plan of salvation was a complete surprise to Satan.  The devil thought by crucifying Jesus on a cross, he had just gained a great victory over God. But God by raising Jesus from the dead, implemented Satan’s defeat and greatly modified the presence of the Spirit of God in every human that would believe.

Paul writes about this by saying the Spirit of God “baptized us (believers in Jesus) into (His) 1 body”, making us all one with Christ. Clearly this greater Spirit baptism, was a type of what happened to the Lord Jesus in the river Jordan and the children of Israel in the Red Sea. The entire body of Jesus went under the water. But now in the New Covenant we can read every Christian has become a “member” of the Body of Christ, which is still a growing spiritual entity today. 

Do you see what is happening here? Notice the “water” concepts being given to us in just this verse. There is a two-fold work of the Spirit of God. Every saved Christian has been placed “inside” the Spirit of Christ as His growing temple and body. But simultaneously we drank this same water (Spirit) to have Him become alive inside of us. That is one of the most important concepts that is needed to be understood after you are saved. It changes our identity from being a dead human, to a new living house of Christ.  Hopefully we will go deeper into this subject as we continue to learn.

It is also noteworthy that when Jesus was baptized and came up out of the water, the Holy Spirit descended upon Him from heaven in the bodily shape of a dove, and the Heavenly Father said in an audible voice “This is my beloved Son, whom I am well pleased” (Luke 3:22).  But what happened to Jesus next after being immersed in water, is a very stark contrast. All of these actions that occurred to Jesus also occurred to us as His spiritual body.

After being fully emersed into the water of the Jordan, the Spirit leads Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. Guess what a “wilderness” is? A wilderness can be defined as an uninhabitable dry desert area.  Notice that we are studying about “water” the Mem letter and Jesus went from 1) a full immersion in a water river, 2) then receiving the Holy Spirit, 3) the fully audible spoken voice of Father God, 4) to being led into a dry place where no water is easily found. Apparently, this dry area of “no water” made Jesus more accessible for the tests, trials, and physical and spiritual temptations of the enemy. It is also interesting to see how what Jesus went through was a fulfillment of what the children of Israel also experienced. These occurred when Israel was being led through the Red Sea (baptism, water and blood), and then going into a dry waterless wilderness of testing and trials for 40 years, before they began to possess their promised land. Where they failed, Jesus came to succeed for us all. At least three times the people of Israel required God’s miraculous provision of water to survive in the wilderness.

These are all important concepts that were just mentioned. We are being introduced to a new set of “Mem” representations. The Mem water letter is a symbolic picture of 1) Physical Baptism, 2) Spiritual Baptism into the Body of Christ, 3) Receiving (drinking) the Holy Spirit, and 4) hearing God’s spoken words.

We in this section are being introduced to the fact that “Mem” represents the Words of God. The more Words of God that we are surrounded with, the safer we are from the attack of the devil. Let us take notice of something that Jesus taught about humans that are inhabited by demons:

Luk 11:24  When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he saith, I will return unto my house whence I came out

Luk 11:25  And when he cometh, he findeth it swept and garnished. 

Luk 11:26  Then goeth he, and taketh to him seven other spirits more wicked than himself; and they enter in, and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. 

Why would demons want to go to a dry place like a wilderness where Jesus was led to go? This is because the devil and his demonic forces know the power of God’s spoken words to cast them out (Mat 8:16). In this example, of Jesus, He says a human can be loosed from a devil temporarily but they will attempt to come back inside the same human mind and body. Uh oh!  Jesus is implying this human was made clean by the “Mem” water but was not filled with the Spirit and the Word to keep their enemy out. This is an introduction to “Mem” realities of water to represent both the Spirit of God as well as the Word of God.

What is interesting is that Jesus when tempted by the devil, each time He would quote the Word of God by saying “It is written…”. This clearly teaches us how Jesus overcame the enemy’s temptations because Jesus had been filled with the Spirit and Word of the Mem water of God. Every time the devil brought a new plan of deception to Jesus, Jesus just spoke the Word of God. Even when Satan quotes a verse to Jesus, which was a new trick, Jesus countered with “It is also written”. So, in the temptation of Jesus, we are observing a battle of opposing Mem “words” of water. This concept will be a theme of the rest of this lesson revealing the spiritual application of physical “water” to be a representation picture of spiritual words.

We have just been going through the baptism “descent” of Jesus into the created realm of death. But let us shift to the time just before Jesus ascended to go back into heaven which is pictured by the coming out of the waters in physical baptism. What we are about to discover is another pattern of “Mem” gematria number 40. What we will read, is the fact that Jesus after being raised from the dead, interacted with His followers for exactly 40 days. During this 40-day time, Jesus would test His disciple to help teach and guide them into learning about faith, but we will not be able to get into this in great depth. Let us read the record of Luke the writer of the book of Acts:

Act 1:1  The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach, 

Act 1:2  Until the day in which he was taken up, after that he through the Holy Ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen: 

Act 1:3  To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God: 

We can all clearly see these three verses are about Jesus. We can further observe that Jesus appeared to His followers to 1) give commandments to the chosen church, 2) to show Himself, and 3) to provide infallible proofs by being “seen” of them for forty days. Finally, the last part of verse 3 says all of this was accomplished by Him “speaking” of things that pertained to the Kingdom of God. Here we again see the pattern of salvation that occurs from “Words of God” being spoken (sowed), and “Words” believed (consumed) and confessed in agreement.

Think about what the Bible says about what Jesus did after being raised from the dead. He appears at the tomb to get his body. He encounters women and tells them to go and tell his disciples that He was alive. That is the first test of faith to see if they will believe what He had told them. Jesus also appears to the disciples later, with Thomas not being present. This is another example of a test. Thomas failed this test and receives a rebuke. These are just a couple of examples of tests that Jesus gave to His disciples and there were others. Jesus performed this by speaking words to people and then these that saw Him telling others so that they could also believe in Him. Clearly this was a training mission to show them how to spread the Gospel. When Jesus spoke to Thomas, He said; “Blessed are those that have not seen and yet believe”. That is where we are today. Do you believe?

Ok, we have only been quickly introduced to the concept of “Words” being Mem water. But we will see this more and more as we study this subject today. Just please pay attention to the fact that for exactly 40 days the number value of the “Mem” letter, Jesus went to over 500 people in the nation of Israel, to appear and teach them about His works that were accomplished on the cross (1 Cor 15:6). In doing this Jesus fulfilled two very significant examples of the number 40 and the picture of water interactions.  We are now going to shift into a new fulfillment of Jesus and the letter Mem.

2. Jesus’ First Miracle Turning Water to Blood

We have learned the connection that the “Mem” pictogram is a representative of both “water” and “blood” in the Part 1 introduction. It just so happens that the first miracle of Jesus has something to do with both of these natural symbols.

Joh 2:5  His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it. 

Joh 2:6  And there were set there six waterpots of stone, after the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three firkins apiece

Joh 2:7  Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them up to the brim. 

Joh 2:8  And he saith unto them, Draw out now, and bear unto the governor of the feast. And they bare it. 

Joh 2:9  When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was: (but the servants which drew the water knew;) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom

Joh 2:10  And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now

We are studying an ancient Hebrew letter called the “Mem” that is a picture representation of water and blood. It is amazing that we see both of these appear in the very first recorded miracle of Jesus. The first thing we need to realize is that this takes place at a “wedding” that Jesus was in attendance. This wedding was no doubt one of Jesus’ siblings either a brother or sister. We can easily deduce this because of the role of Jesus’ mother as a person that was able to order the servants and tell them what they should do to listen to obey her son Jesus. It is practically impossible to ignore how Mary had such authority to do this at anyone else’s house other than her own family.

Now notice there are exactly 6 earthen empty waterpots that are present at this wedding location. The number 6 is a representation for the number of a “man”. Man was created by God at the end of day six on the last work day of creation (Genesis 1). These 6 pots we are told are used for Jewish ceremonial cleansing. Therefore, these water pots normally contained water for people to make themselves clean. Please, remember that we have learned this is a significant quality about water in previous parts on this water letter subject.

Jesus orders the servants to fill the 6 empty pots with “water” (Mem). We can potentially see that the fact that these pots were empty, meant they previously contained wine that was already consumed during the wedding feast. Therefore, the need to be refilled implies this is why Jesus commanded them to be “filled” with Mem water. But everyone knows water was not what they needed to continue the feast, or was it?  We should understand that Jesus who created everything, including grapes knew how wine was made and He knew it must originate from “water” being fed into the roots of vines to flow into the finished fruit of grapes. Jesus appears to be starting with the water, and expecting the rest of the process to occur supernaturally.

After filling the pots, they are ordered to draw and take out from them and go and serve it to the master of the feast. These servants were operating by faith in what they were being told to do. So, they bare the cup to the master, and he took a drink and was shocked. He called for the bridegroom and gave him a high praise saying “Most serve the good wine at the beginning, and then when everyone is drunk, they bring out the cheap wine”. That was a paraphrase, but it conveys the meaning precisely. What the servants and the disciples of Jesus had just witnessed was a supernatural miracle with amazing symbolic representations fulfillment to our letter “Mem” prophetical picture.

We know that the “Mem” is first thought to be a picture of only water. But we have learned that it also represents the internal unseen flowing blood movement in the body of a human, being pumped by the heart repeatedly to every body part for the functioning operation of life.  We also learned that “blood” is predominately made up of “water” and this water is internalized by consumption. This human water to blood transition is what Jesus just demonstrated with His first miracle.  But many will say, this miracle was just a story about turning water into “wine”. That is why we need to learn more about what God says about grapes:

Gen 49:11  Binding his foal unto the vine, and his ass’s colt unto the choice vine; he washed his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes: 

There is more than one verse in the Old Testament, that describe the juice of grapes to be its blood. It should be obvious from squeezing a red grape that it produces red juice that looks very similar to “blood”. What we need to realize is that the “blood” of grapes called Juice is produced from fruits produced upon the branches of vines. In order for the branching to produce juicy fruit, the vine’s roots must take in the “water” (Mem) from the soil and send it up to every branch. This is God’s natural process and it was being accelerated by Jesus performing a parallel spiritual process.

Perhaps you do not understand what is being said yet. Remember Jesus claims to be the “Vine” in John 15:1-5. In this example, Jesus claimed humans were the attached branches that must produce fruit in order to remain connected to the vine (Jesus). Do you see how this will match with the “baptism” concept into one body of Christ? The fruit and its production of juices with good taste are implied to be the Words that Jesus was giving to humans. Now take this knowledge and apply it to Jesus’ first miracle illustration of what happened in turning water into wine:

  1. Jesus the Vine is called upon to provide wine for the marriage feast
  2. Jesus instructs humans to fill 6 pots with water
  3. The empty pots represent the unsaved human body
  4. The water represents the Word and Spirit of God
  5. When filled the servants were commanded to take out water by faith
  6. Then by faith they shared it with the Master of the feast by faith
  7. Taking water out of what is deposited on the inside, is a picture of sharing the Gospel with others by faith
  8. The master receiving the water finds out the word of God is very good
  9. He become saved and gives witness and praise to the bridegroom a picture of Jesus our LORD of His good gifts to serve the best last.

So, we have found a direct application of water being changed to the blood of grapes to be an analogy to be like the process of salvation. It is interesting that this prophecy in Genesis 49:11 is about Jesus, but it is being spoken by Jacob to his son Judah in whom Christ would come.  It is amazing how Jesus’ first miracle was turning water into wine a mentioned type of blood in the Bible. It should be becoming clearer to many readers that Jesus did nothing by accident. He taught us repeatedly that He only did what His Father told Him to do, and only said what His Father told Him to say. This makes everything that He did on the earth something designed to teach us about Him, His nature, His purpose, His works, His identity, and His Father.

3. God’s Spoken Words are the MEM Waters for Spiritual Life

Let us begin this section by reviewing real events that occurred in the Old Testament. We briefly mentioned these earlier in the lesson. The children of Israel during their time in the wilderness were thirsty, and searched everywhere for essential drinkable water. This was a reoccurring problem while they wandered in the desert. Moses in Exodus 15:23 came upon a place called “Marah” (bitterness) that only had “bitter” poisonous water.  This caused a great problem for Moses, because the people murmured against him. The people of Israel chose to place all of the blame for the test of having no water on his shoulders alone. There was obviously no trust placed in God who brought them out of the land of Egypt! How soon they forgot their God that was so good to them, killing all of their enemies drowning them in the “Red Sea” that we saw earlier. Was God someone that would save them, and then leave them to die in a dry land? Many believed this lie of Satan, and turned against God.

God was clearly more than capable of solving their little lack of pure “water” (Mem) problem. It was God that created this substance. He totally understood the chemical make-up and its purpose for life. Notice the connections being made here in this story to the people of Israel speaking negative words of complaints and them standing before a pool of “bitter” waters called “Marah”.  Do you see God’s connection?  God told Moses to get “wood” from a certain tree and cast it into the bitter waters. Moses obeyed and the “mayim” bitter waters became sweet drinkable water for life. I believe the “tree” was a pattern for the work of Jesus to be hung on a wooden “cross” that would result in the Spirit of God coming on the inside of every saved human. This is only one of the illustrations found in the Old Covenant deliverance.  Let us look at another.

When we move to Exodus 17:6, we find Moses faced with another crisis of no drinkable water to be found for the people of Israel. The people again speak negative faithless words before Moses and God. They complained and grumbled loudly to Moses, saying “Is God with us or not?”. This was not the right words to speak before God who heard everything they said. God instructs Moses to stand before a rock and strike it with his staff. Ok, stop right there. In the previous example God had Moses throw “wood” into the pool of bitter water to make it sweet, and now here we see God again using “wood” as a symbol of authority to bring “water” (Mayim) out of an apparently dry rock by striking it.  

Not a lot of readers may understand what is happening here with Mem water and wooden sticks yet, but it will become clearer. Let us look at the third example found in Numbers 20:8. In this chapter we again see the people of Israel without water. God again tells Moses to hold his wooden staff in his hand, and then gather the people before the rock. But we saw that God had changed the instructions for Moses to not strike the rock this time, but rather to just “Speak to the Rock” commanding it to bring forth water with “words” that came from out of his mouth. However, Moses disobeyed God and spoke curses upon the people and hit the rock twice. This was clearly an unbelieving act of faithlessness for Moses and he was not permitted to enter the promise land because of this failure to follow God’s instructions completely.

Psa 103:7  He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel. 

What was God doing in these three examples of water and wood? Believe it or not, God was teaching us and Moses some very powerful ways of the Almighty. We can clearly see in Psalms 103:7, how God revealed to Moses His ways, while only showing his acts to the children of Israel. There is a vast difference between seeing God’s miraculous acts of deliverance and knowing why God did them the way that He decided to perform them, and how they apply to us. What we are about to see is everything had a meaning, a purpose and a lesson for the called out and saved church of God.

These were three cases where water was made available by God’s grace and mercy to a lot of bickering and faithless people.  Let us analyze what we should learn from these three “Mem” water examples. The first example, of bitter waters was a typological picture of Christ coming into the world that was full of bitter poisonous and deceitful words given by the devil’s intent to destroy all humans. Christ was the man that would be nailed to a tree to shed His blood, and He was the only source of a pure truthful word water supply. God revealed His truth through Christ’s pure spoken words. God did this to satisfy all humans that were spiritually thirsty to know Him and His truth. God did this to counter the poisonous words of the Pharisees and Sadducees who were spreading the untrue words of their father the devil.

Ok, the next instance of striking the rock to bring God’s people access to pure waters directly from God occurred when Jesus was beaten to be hung on a cross. Jesus endured such great humiliation and torture for our sake. He was beaten with a whip 39 times, ripping the flesh from His body. A crown of painful thorns was placed upon His head. He was slapped and hit with human hands across His face. His beard was even pulled out. How does this brutalization of Jesus match our second water out of the rock example? We get our first clue by reading in 1 Corinthians:

1Co 10:1  Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; 

1Co 10:2  And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea; 

1Co 10:3  And did all eat the same spiritual meat; 

1Co 10:4  And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ. 

Here in these verses God is revealing how Christ fits into what was happening with the natural nation of Israel. Can you see the comparisons being made by the Holy Spirit? We can clearly see in verses 1 and 2, that there is a direct connection with Israel passing through the Red Sea as it being a type of our spiritual baptism that we receive from Christ. Remember baptism is an entrance into, a covering completely, and a resurrection back to life using Mem water. But verse 4 is where we want to focus. God is plainly informing us that the Rock that Moses struck was another symbolic type for Jesus Christ.

Therefore, God is revealing the fact that Christ was only coming to the earth to be crucified one time. He would only suffer the pain and humiliation once. Being beaten the first time was for out salvation and healing. But Jesus being beaten and crucified twice, would put Him to shame unnecessarily and would be vain. Please read over these verses carefully and notice any words that could relate to the letter “Mem” meanings and applications:

Heb 6:1  Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, 

Heb 6:2  Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. 

Heb 6:3  And this will we do, if God permit. 

Heb 6:4  For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost

Heb 6:5  And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come

Heb 6:6  If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame

Heb 6:7  For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God: 

Heb 6:8  But that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned. 

Heb 6:9  But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak

These are some very amazing and complex spiritual statements being taught to mature Christians. God begins by saying, let us move up from the basic foundational teachings of Christ and let us grow spiritually mature to be able to receive and understand God’s deeper spiritual truths.  Notice that the number 1 foundational doctrine refers us to the subject of “baptism”. This connects us directly to our letter “Mem” bible study. God is informing us very clearly that there are fundamental things that need to be understood about the purpose of water and being baptized.

Let us begin our passage study to focus on verse 4. God begins a warning for people that are saved in this verse. This verse begins by warning every Christian of an impossibility. What this means, is what is about to be described is something that is not possible to recover from if chosen.  God confirms that this verse is about Christians by saying, “those that were once enlightened”. We know from reading 2 Peter 1:19, Hebrews 10:32, and Ephesians 1:18, that being “enlightened” is what happens when an unsaved person receives Christ into their hearts. Next is where God gets into the subject of the Mem. God describes these people as, “having tasted of the heavenly gift”.  

We will focus upon the word “tasted” first. This Greek word G1089 literally means to put some type of food or liquid into your mouth to experience the good or bad flavor.  We can logically conclude, that if the substance placed in the mouth does not taste good, it is spit out of the mouth. Or if it is found tasty and desirable, it is swallowed and consumed to become an internal part of that person physically. Remember the water into wine example earlier. The master tasted the end time wine and found it to be the best he had yet tasted. This is an amazing prophecy of how the knowledge of God and His word will become greater, better, tastier, and more desirable in these last days.

Job 34:3  For the ear trieth words, as the mouth tasteth meat.

We learn the natural concepts of tasting applies to us spiritually. This parallel concept is explained to us in the book of Job above.  When someone hears the Gospel message of Jesus, and receives the Word of God as good, it enters into their heart (spirit) and Christ comes into them to begin a planting and growing of new life on the inside of them.  Therefore, this phrase is also speaking of people that received Jesus and did not reject His new life offered free gift.

Next, at the end of Hebrews 6:4 God ends with describing this person as being a “partaker” of the Holy Ghost. The Greek word G3353 that was translated as “partaker” can also be defined as “participant”, “partner”, or a “sharer”. All of these words relate to a human that invited Christ into their heart to be LORD and Savior, and have become “one Spirit” with Him (1 Cor 6:17). Therefore, God is describing very clearly this person has intimately experienced the “Holy Spirit”. There is no way this is not describing a “true” Christ follower.

God in verse 5, reaffirms this is a Christian by stating again, that this person has “tasted the good word of God”. This is a new detail to what exactly is being tasted. Wow, now we are getting directly into the subject of the “Mem” sweet and pure waters. God’s word to a dry human that has never experienced Him, is desperately in need of God’s word to live.  When someone tastes the Word of God for the first time, it is very much like a human that is stranded in the desert without water. The intense heat of the desert will kill them soon, if they do not find the physical water to live. As we continue this Bible lesson, we will repeatedly see again and again, how the Word of God is His pure Mem water for spiritual eternal life.

Ok, verse 6 is describing a person that has accepted Jesus but has now turned back into the desert to be tricked into leaving Christ to return to the ways of darkness.  It is inconceivable why anyone would want to do this, but the devil is a master at deception. He will do everything possible to get someone to reject Christ, and God must allow this freewill choice to take place. God is not going to force anyone to be saved the first time, or to remain saved until the end.

Notice the ending of the warning! By accepting Jesus Christ as our personal LORD, if we decide to reject Him and turn away from Him, and then attempt to return again, we are putting Him into open shame. God says this person is trying to crucify Christ again. We should know that Christ died once for all, and it is now impossible for Him to die again, because He has a resurrected body, incapable of experiencing death one more time.

Pay attention to the fact that in verse 7, God again speaks about the subject of Mem water. Is this an accident? Obviously not. In this verse God says, “as the earth drinks in the rain from heaven”. This is clearly figurative terminology speaking about spiritual realities. People were designed by God to drink His Word send down from heaven to produce any saving harvestable “fruit”. God is describing a process of the continual drinking a plant or in the spiritual realm a person, to continue its life.

Next in verse 8, God contrasts the saved Christian that continually drinks the Word of God, with the one that ignores taking the time to value the Word enough to spend time to receive it daily. This person is stated to become a dry type of plant that only produces thorns and briers. God very clearly says, this plant will be rejected at harvest time.

Finally, God ends the warning in verse 9, with an encouragement of faith filled words, that this rejection will not happen to anyone that is reading this warning. Are we all receiving this warning? If you believe you can never be deceived to turn away from Christ, then you are on a path of potential destruction. Being aware of your enemy and his tactics will greatly help you to avoid the tricks and the traps of his plans. It is strongly suggested that you go and read down to verse 12. God continues the encouragement to be diligent to continue in the faith until the end.

Rev 22:1  And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.

It is absolutely essential to begin to understand that a “pure and clean natural water supply” is a symbol of spiritual spoken words from the mouth of God, and these waters are able to save and preserve any human life, that will receive them in this mortal life. This supply of water words will continue throughout eternity also. God has a never-ending supply of knowledge that we can continue to learn from.

In the spiritual realm, God views spiritual “pure” water to be pure words. We can very clearly see where pure water comes from, by reading the above verse in Revelation 22:1. In this verse we see that God’s throne is where the Lamb (Jesus) is also seated right now. But this verse is describing the existence of God’s kingdom in eternity after the end of this present world. We know this because words written in preceding verses in chapter 21, God describes the creation of a new heaven and new earth that never existed before. Therefore, chapter 22 is in the coming new heaven and new earth. In chapter 22 we can still see where pure waters containing God’s spoken words, are still flowing from God’s eternal throne. This teaches us clearly that there is still a lot that God would want to say to us throughout eternity.

Perhaps you have heard stories told of man’s attempts to search for a fountain of youthful life. Whether true or not, they point us to a human’s desire of a life without death. It must be our Creator that has placed this desire in the hearts of mankind. We can clearly see that humans are held in bondage by Satan by our fear of this coming “death” (Hebrews 2:15). The fear of the unknown after death is certainly only eliminated by knowing God’s Words of Truth.

God desires us to know Him so that we can live eternally with Him. He has placed His word everywhere, trying to get everyone to search for Him and His words of life. We can read in Proverbs 4:20-22, to confirm God’s Words being “life” to all that find them. We also can read in Deuteronomy 8:3, where God says “man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God, does man live”. Wow, we are further confirming that the pure waters in Revelation 22 are the words of life being spoken from God’s throne.

But what other characteristics describe these pure Mem water words of life? We can read in Psalm 12:6 and Proverbs 30:5 that God’s words are “pure” words.  We can read in John 17:17 from the mouth of Jesus, that “God’s words are truth”. We also know from reading Numbers 23:19 that God is not a man that He should lie. And in Hebrew 6:18 we further confirm that it is absolutely impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we have established a firm foundation that God’s words are pure waters and this is because He cannot ever lie to us.

These concepts of pure waters introduce us to an antithesis truth. We can conclude that since there are pure waters of words of truth producing life coming from God, there must also be other types of watering words that are not from God, and potentially harmful, hurtful and even deadly. For example, the vast amounts of “ocean” water is “salt” based and will kill a person that drinks it. Moses in the book of Exodus 15:23 came upon a place called “Marah” (bitterness) that only had “bitter” poisonous water.  Therefore, we immediately learn there are two types of water representing two types of spoken words. The pure water gives us natural life and this can only be God’s Words. The tainted poisonous types of waters, must represents the enemy Satan’s spoken words that produce spiritual death.

Rev 21:8  But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Notice a list of some of the poisonous water types that God lists in Revelation 21:8 above.  Fearful words are poison intended to kill us. Unbelieving words are designed to lead you away from believing God’s truths.  Fowl tasting words will kill us.  Listening to the words of the murderer Satan will kill us. Words of deception that draw us to witchcraft, or idolatry will kill us. But the one that needs to be emphasized is lying words of deception will lead more people to hell than any others. It is essential to notice the ending of this verse. God is clearly warning every human that there is a second spiritual death, that is by far worse than the first natural death. God describes this death to be eternal existence in a lake of fire. That is just another way to describe “hell”.

We are learning of two realities of possible drinkable waters to give to others or to partake of for ourselves. For example, God’s Words will produce life everlasting and are good and pure drinkable words. We are also seeing how there are enemy of God words spoken by humans and/or demons controlling humans that will poison us to die two deaths. Being a liar will get us into hell. Believing the lies of the devil will also get us into hell. Either way we all have a lot of choices to make every day. We must choose between heaven or hell, life or death, good or evil, in what we are listening to, and what we are sharing with others. Deuteronomy 30:19 declares God has set the choice before us that we have the right to select our ending of life or death, and He strongly recommends that we choose the pure water life words. People everywhere are still ignoring the coming end of their life, when it will be too late to make this choice.

It is amazing how God’s created qualities and characteristics of “water” types, parallel the power of spiritually spoken words. We learn this conceptual fact from reading Romans 1:20, where God declares, “the hidden things of God are clearly seen, being revealed in things that were made, even His eternal power and godhead”. That is an amazing statement to memorize. This teaches us we can learn a vast amount of spiritual information by analyzing naturally created substances and objects, and “water” is one of the most dominant elements on our planet.  Let us continue with knowing “pure water” is a representation of God’s words, by reading some words spoken by Jesus in John:

John 4:7  There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink. 

We can clearly see from this single verse and by reading the context, that Jesus was sitting at a natural well of water all alone, when a woman walks up and finds Him.  Jesus immediately asks the woman for a drink of water from the well. This gets her attention instantly, since she was a Samaritan and she thought Jesus was a Jew apparently from how He was dressed. She immediately questions Jesus about why He was speaking to her, because Jews did not normally do this with Samaritans. In fact, at the end of this story, even the disciples when they came to find Jesus were shocked at Him talking with a Samaritan. We will skip down to verse 10 next to discover the words of response from God in the flesh (Jn 1:14):

John 4:10  Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water

John 4:13  Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: 

John 4:14  But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life

Notice these very radical and exciting words spoken by Jesus the Messiah/Christ. The primary subject is about “Mem” water. But there are two kinds of water that are in parallel being spoken of. The first is natural water that was in the well. Jesus asked a Samaritan woman for a drink of natural water. This got her attention. Then Jesus shifts the conversation to a spiritual drinking water reality. Jesus told this woman, if you knew who you were speaking with, you would have asked me for a drink. Wow! This caused the woman to become even more curious, since Jesus had just asked her for a drink of natural water from the well, and He clearly had no physical water to give to her. Can we agree, there are two kinds of water in this conversation?

Did you observe how even the woman notices that there was a problem with their conversation?  She said to Jesus, that He had nothing to draw from the well with. But Jesus changes the subject back to spiritual water to say “whoever drinks this (natural) water will thirst again”.  “But the water that I offer will cause them to never thirst”. Jesus said very clearly that the water He offered was “living water”. Jesus in verse 14 declares something even more shocking by saying to her, “the water (mem) that I shall give to people, shall be in them a well of water springing up into everlasting life”. Jesus speaks like this again in John 7:

John 7:38  He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

John 7:39  (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.)

These verses sound very familiar, don’t they?  Jesus again speaks of internal spiritual waters hidden inside the body of a human. Jesus used the hidden unseen “belly” as an internal symbolic reference to the unseen human spirit.  Jesus again is discussing “Living Water”. But in this context Jesus introduces another new perspective to what “water” is in the spiritual mind of God. God is revealing that to those that will believe on Jesus to be the Son of God, He will give them the Holy Spirit. And His Spirit living inside of us, will cause rivers to flow out of our belly (spirit).  These descriptions are of “Words” that will be spoken out from the unseen spiritual heart of a human.

Joh 6:63  It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. 

We are learning about a spiritual connection that is astounding. Did you notice what Jesus just revealed? He just claimed, that His spoken words were both “Spirit” and “Life”. Isn’t this what Jesus was telling the woman at the well when He asked her for a drink? Remember that Jesus told her that He would give her a drink of “Living Water” that she could choose to drink, and would cause her to never thirst again? Wow! We are finding amazing parallels to natural water and God’s spiritual living water that He says are His spoken words. Do you see the connection to our verse in Revelation 22:1, where there was a continual flow of pure waters coming from the throne of God in eternity? Do you see how we can partake of this flow now in the natural realm by drinking His waters of life? What have we learned so far?

  1. Pure natural water is a symbol of God’s spoken Word.
  2. God’s spoken Words are from His Spirit and carries the power to join/plant His Word in the heart (spirit) of humans.
  3. We can and must partake of this water now, in order to receive it later in eternity.
  4. Receiving and drinking God’s pure water will produce life eternal in us now.
  5. Not receiving and partaking of this pure water now in this natural life, means we are dead spiritually.

If we analyze the concept of God’s created natural spoken words, we will discover that a human’s voice is a flow of sound waves that are produced by the vocal cords within humans. These sound waves travel and are moving through the atmosphere at over 700 miles per hour. These moving waves can travel from a speaker to a hearer/listener and be received into the ear to communicate a message. This is exactly what Jesus was doing with the woman at the well, and it was these two acts of Jesus speaking and the woman listening that He called giving her a drink.

 These sound waves, are very similar to God’s created water waves found in the letter “Mem” pictogram. We will continually see repeated patterns in the natural and spiritual realms. Both move in waves as long as there is a power or force causing them to occur. For water, this movement can be caused by the “wind”, which is the similar concept for human breath that exhales to produce sound waves. But God gives us some more information in this verse about our words:

Luk 6:45  A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh. 

Everywhere Jesus speaks of the human “heart”, He is referring to our spirit. All humans have a spirit inside our body. Jesus is revealing our heart is a container for our spoken words, just as our belly is a container for drinking natural “water”. This is why Jesus said in John 7:38, “Out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water”. Jesus was speaking of a human that had been filled with His Spirit and His Words and they were being released from their mouths by speaking them to others, to produce a new life in them. Here in Luke 6, Jesus is contrasting two types of fillers that can be contained in a human heart (spirit). These two spiritual realities are the 1) words of evil from the darkness (no light, no Word of God knowledge), versus 2) the forever good Holy Spirit of God that gives us His pure words of Light.

Can we all agree that the picture of the “Mem” as moving water represents Christ speaking God’s words for Eternal Life? These words were initial planting of seeds, spiritual enlightenment (Light), and His “living water” that were combined together in the spirits of every human that would listen and keep them as a most valuable treasure.

4. Washed with the (Mem) Water of the Word of God

Drinking natural water for physical life is absolutely a requirement. Without it we die physically. But the same concept is paralleled by God’s design within the spiritual realm. Consuming the Word of God for obtaining Eternal Life is just one of the primary benefits of God’s Spiritual Drink of Pure Water (Mem). There is only one spiritual water fountain of eternal life and it flows out of the spoken Word of God.  But we all should know that “pure water” is also essential for cleansing a human body, clothing, dishes, pots, pans, floors, walls, and etc.  If anyone attempts to wash their clothes in a muddy creek the clothing will never become clean. This same concept is true in the spiritual realm. But God’s pure Word has the built-in benefit for cleansing of the human soul and mind.

John 15:3  Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.

As you can clearly read in this verse, Jesus is speaking to His disciples and informs them of the power of His spoken words to make them “clean”. Remember this was spoken before they could be saved, because Jesus had not yet risen from the dead. And obviously, Jesus is not speaking of a natural external cleaning that is taking place either. This means Jesus was again speaking metaphorically about spiritual truths. Jesus’ spoken words were never filled with lies, deceit or deception. This means His words were from God and were completely pure. This made them the ultimate cleaning and purification agent to change every human that would focus to hear them. It should be very clear from this statement that Jesus is declaring His words to be cleansing waters, to remove the unclean words from their human “minds” that were previously spoken to them while growing-up in the lost world.

By Jesus speaking directly with His disciples for over three years, they gained a lot of knowledge from the mouth of God. This means they were being 1) enlightened, 2) seeds were being planted, and 3) water was causing it all to begin to grow that we learned previously. But simultaneously God’s Words were doing something else also. You see, when we grow up in the world as a child, we are being heavily influenced by the words spoken from people that are being ruled by the “god of this world” (2 Cor 4:4). It is the devil that is able to work in everyone living in his kingdom of darkness. Our minds need to be renewed or refreshed (cleansed), and our ways of thinking need to be transformed. The only way this is possible is by us constantly drinking in the Pure Water of the Word of God.

God’s pure water words (Mem) have the power to cleanse our minds from the dirt and filth of this world.  Let us look at another verse to confirm this work of His Word:

Eph 5:25  Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; 

Eph 5:26  That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, 

In this context of these scriptures, we find God speaking to husbands and wives. But hidden in this discussion is the fact that God reveals a mystery that Jesus is the husband and the church is His bride. Jesus is described to be sanctifying and cleansing His bride with His spoken words. The Greek word G4487 is translated as “word” in verse 26, and it is the word “rhema”. This Greek word primarily means the spoken words of God. But do not forget these words have been written down in the Bible so that we can learn to speak them to give them a voice.

Notice that what was happening to the disciples of Jesus before they were saved, still continues with the entire church after our salvation and infilling of the Holy Spirit. Every human still has a defiled mind, filled with Satan’s lies, deceptions, distractions, useless information, and things that are designed to fight against us knowing God fully.  This is why everyone saved in the church is told to do this:

Rom 12:2  And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. 

It is interesting to know that when we are born again, we receive a brand-new spirit that never existed before. This newly created spirit is completely pure and clean. But the other two parts of the human triune composition are not made newly fresh. In fact, they are the exact same. The human flesh just needs to be imagined to be dead being crucified and this will place it into subjection of the new man inside. But the soul of man consisting of the 1) mind, 2) will, and 3) emotions must be renovated by the Word of God to be made clean and fully saved (James 1:21).

Like physical water consumed into the human stomach and is processed to renew life, and to become a part of the human body, God’s spiritual water of His Word does this in the unseen mind. Now just apply the natural water concepts to the spiritual water parallels of God’s words. God created a system of cleansing and eliminating impure, unclean words deposited in our minds, using the infinitely more powerful spoken Words of God. We could call this Heavenly or Spiritual mind washing. There are probably many people, that have heard the term being “brained washed”. A lot of people think this is automatically and evil and bad thing, and it can be that, in certain examples. But washing our minds with the “Pure Water of God’s Words” we are getting only His truth.

These God truths are doing things in us that no other words can produce in our minds.  When we consume God’s Words we are being “transformed”, this Greek word G3339, represents a “metamorphosis” type of process for changing caterpillars into butterflies.  That is amazing what we are learning about God’s Words of Power and what they are capable of doing if we choose to drink them in. As long as Satan can convince you to only be drinking his words, and ignoring the words of God, you are an easy prey to be consumed by him (1 Peter 5:8).

The Mem concepts of water being used as a cleansing agent, is very powerful and necessary. Only people that drink-in the Word of God daily will become less likely to be deceived. The more Words of God we drink, the more words of “Life” we make a part of us. This knowledge is what greatly helps us to recognize the tricks, traps, lies and deception of the devil.

Every human mind on the earth is in desperate need of cleansing from the impurities of the devil. The corruption of the world has been joined into every part of our culture. No one can watch a movie, a television show, an internet video, or even the news and not have their minds corrupted by some demonic lies to influence and guide them into the darkness and away from the light of God’s Truth. The deception in every public school system and higher education colleges and universities are greatly affecting the minds of almost all children in varying degrees of perverseness.

The only way to eliminate this word and image filth that is being poured out to be consumed by people today, is to immerse yourself under the flow of God’s words. Think of God’s spoken words as being like a faucet that when turned on is pouring out pure cleansing waters. Think of the human mind as being a cup of dirty water. Since we cannot literally pour out our memories and thoughts to start with a new mind, we must approach the cleansing of the unclean mind differently.  These unclean words in our minds, can only be washed out by pouring more clean words into our minds than we are receiving of the unclean. By focusing upon the clean words of God, our old ways of thinking will be replaced by the new ways of God word.

Try this experiment at home. Take a cup filled with muddy waters. This is clearly not anything that a normal human would want to drink. But how do you make it drinkable without pouring it all out, cleaning the cup, and starting over with only clean water. The solution is to set the cup under a full flow of pure water. Notice what happens to the cup of muddy water? The muddy waters are running out of the overflow of the combined clean and muddy water. But eventually the water is practically pure, because of the continual flow of good and no more additional dirty. The water in the cup has gone from undrinkable filth to good and purer water to consume. This should help everyone know how to clean up their mind with the Word of God. How much time do you spend drinking the words of God versus drinking the dirt of your enemy? Let us now move to a new subject.

5. The Spiritual Cleansing Power of Jesus Water and Blood from Sin

We could write books and books of information on the concepts hidden in one letter Mem. This section will be only a quick overview of this topic due to the potential overwhelming length of this Bible lesson. We are about to enter into topics that we have seen before on the surface to find there is so much more that God speaks about it in His Word.  We will briefly review an event that happened to a “leper” man in the book of Mark, chapter 1:

Mar 1:40  And there came a leper to him, beseeching him, and kneeling down to him, and saying unto him, If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.

Mar 1:41  And Jesus, moved with compassion, put forth his hand, and touched him, and saith unto him, I will; be thou clean.

As we can see there was a leper man that came to Jesus believing that He could help him, if it was His will to do so. This is where many humans are today in their faith. They all know God is powerful enough to do anything for them to help them in their situation, but “Will He?”. This leper found out very quickly that God is always very compassionate and He is willing to save anyone. This man was saved from a slow and painful death. It was a physical death sentence, found in the process of leprosy. It was completely a hopeless situation. But not with God!

The natural symbolism of physical “leprosy”, is a representation of spiritual sin. The external death and decay of the human being a leper was even more demeaning, because the law forced the man to walk about screaming “unclean”. This was done to warn others to not come near him, and also die. Leprosy was a highly contagious disease and almost always resulted in “death”. This makes this story even more amazing. By Jesus reaching out and touching this man’s body, this man knew Jesus was either crazy and had a death wish, or He was answering His question that it was His will to heal Him. Most believe it was the answering and removing the man’s doubts to receive his healing.

But notice how this man worded his request. He knew that he was unclean (dirty, sinful) and he said Jesus you can make me clean! Wow, in doing this he is calling Jesus the Pure Water of Life that cleans all sin, and disease.  That is a pretty amazing connection to Jesus being the ultimate fulfillment of the Mem letter prophecy. What we are learning is very profound. There is a direct connection between physical leprosy and spiritual sin. Leprosy would cause natural death and spiritual sin causes spiritual death.

Both are curable with two realities of words which represents water as we have learned earlier. Jesus answered the leper’s question with the words “I will”, and then further spoke more spiritual water saying “Be clean” and the man was made clean. Do you remember the paralyzed man that was let down from the roof into the room where Jesus was preaching? This story occurs in Matthew 9:1-8. In this real event Jesus connects the forgiveness of sins to be no different than the healing of paralysis.

Jesus looked at the paralyzed man and said “Your sins be forgiven”. The religious men in the house, thought in their “minds”, “This man blasphemes. No man can forgive sin, only God”. It is very unfortunate that they knew not this man Jesus was God in the flesh. Jesus perceiving their thoughts said to them “Which is easier? To say your sins be forgiven or to say rise and walk”. With these words God was making a connection that human sin was the source cause for this man’s paralysis. But Jesus then said, “That you might know the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sin, Rise take up your bed and walk”. The man was healed when he believed and obeyed what Jesus had said to him.

We have quickly learned a basic concept of becoming clean from both sin and sickness is found in the process of receiving the Word of God (Mem water). God’s word received by faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus will causing anyone that will receive it and confess Him as Lord to be saved. The Greek word translated as “saved” is “sozo”. This word is all encompassing, being spiritual, and physical salvation. We are not able to fully teach this concept today, but we will end this section by reminding everyone that Jesus is named the Word of God in Revelation 19:13.  We also know in John 1:1 “the Word was in the beginning, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”. Then in John 1:14 we receive the revelation that “The Word became flesh and tabernacled with humans”.  Relate this information to the reality we are learning the God’s Words are His Waters of Life and Cleansing and we are beginning to learn new things that are incredibly applicable to our lives being saved, made new, and our minds cleansed and transformed.

Let us move to a new subject about the works of Jesus found in the Gospels next.

6. Water Waves Created with God’s Voice Sound Waves

We have already been introduced to this concept of natural Mem water and its waves, being a representation of spoken words that proceed from the mouth of God. We are further beginning to see that these spoken words are also capable of saving us from spiritual death. We additionally saw in the Gospels that Jesus spoke words to cast out devils and to heal people. We have also seen where these Words have the power to cleanse our minds from worldly influencing spiritual words being contributed by Satan through people. Now we are going to further explore and confirm that God’s naturally created waters, are a pattern of God’s spoken words, in more depth. What we can see from the picture of the Mem waves of water, is a strong resemblance to them being like sound waves. Let us allow God to reveal this concept to you from His Word.

We are going to confirm these parallel concepts more directly with scriptures. It is always essential for every word of truth to be established from the mouth of two or three witnesses in the Word of God.

Rev 1:13  And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. 

Rev 1:14  His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; 

Rev 1:15  And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.

Here are three verses describing the Lord Jesus in the Book of Revelation. In verse 13 we are told that someone was standing in the middle of the seven churches and He is like the Son of Man/Adam. This can only be Jesus the head of the church body. We are not going to go through every description, but rather we are going to focus upon the last statement in verse 15. In this statement, Jesus is described to have a voice as the sound of many waters. Wow, what is this describing? Let us first just focus upon the obvious fact:

  1. The sounds of the words from the mouth of God, are being compared directly to the sounds of many waters.

As you can tell, we are studying about the concept of the ancient Hebrew letter pictogram as it represents natural waters like a large sea. Now think about the basics of natural water waves and what voice sound waves are. The similarities of these two created realities are amazingly similar patterns of the same exact reality. In fact, the view of the Mem pictogram could very easily represent the picture of “sound waves”. Here is a picture of sound waves that will be included next:

Do you see any similarities between waves of water and sound? It should be obvious! But God further confirms this in His Word also. God never ceases to amaze us with all of the intelligent hidden information found in His Word.  Read again Revelation 1:15. This verse ended with “His voice as the sound of many waters”. Then look at the Greek words for voice and sound.  You will notice this is the same exact word G5456 “phone”.  This is the word we get our “telephone” or “smart phone” from. What do these devices do? They take your voice and your voice sound waves, and transports them into radio frequency waves that move your voice to a receiver phone that can answer. Once connected, the two people are able to have a conversation like they were standing next to each other. All of this is a an amazing parallel to the movement of water waves.

God has established a remarkable direct connection of sound waves and water waves, using one Greek word “phone”. From the mouth of God comes sound waves and this voice sound is directly connected to be like water waves that make sounds. If you look up the Greek word “phone” you will find this word is translated as mostly “voice”, or “voices” 131 times. But it is also translated as “sound” and even “noise” in other verses. By God selecting to use the same word is a fact that water waves make sounds the same as voice waves. We are discovering how these two realities were specially designed to teach us a lot of hidden truths that we have potentially never seen before. Here is another connection where we can see this confirmation:

Mat 3:17  And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. 

This verse occurs after Jesus was baptized in the Jordan river by John. Jesus had just come up out of the “water”, and the Spirit of God had just descended upon Jesus as a dove, and then God speaks.  Here this verse says “a “voice” (Greek phone) was heard from heaven saying “This is my beloved Son”. Wow, talk about a long-distance phone call, this was one of the longest in human history. But the concept came forth and reveals that even the Spirit of God the Father in Heaven can produce natural sound waves that can be heard by natural humans.

Num 14:27  How long shall I bear with this evil congregation, which murmur against me? I have heard the murmurings of the children of Israel, which they murmur against me.

God confirms to us that while He sits in heaven, He is able to hear everything that we speak on the earth. These children of Israel were murmuring against God at least 10 times. God judged righteously and said these people will not enter into my promised land. What we are learning is about a vastly profound heavenly connection. God’s spoken sound waves can come to us from heaven, and we are able to hear Him in our natural ear. And His ears are more than capable of hearing everything we say even when we think nothing of it. Sound waves appear to be a cross-over way of communicating between two realms of existence, being natural and spiritual.

Most will be able to see this connection to our letter Mem water pictogram. The concept of moving waters is duplicated in the movement of sound. Especially in direct relationship to God sending His Word to humans on the earth. But the title of this section was about God speaking words and His voice sound waves becoming creation. This occurs over and over in the Bible. We first see this in Genesis 1. 10 times in these verses it is written “And God said”. Then God lists what He said, and the manifestation of those words suddenly appeared in the natural realm. God begins with speaking “Light Be”, and then “Light Was”. This is the basic concept of how creation took place by God’s design and purpose.

What we learn from this is God spoke sound waves with His voice and these sound waves became what we can physically see, taste, touch, smell and hear around us. We will eventually discover that everything that was created came into physical existence this way. Every object that you can see is moving. Every object that you can see has a frequency and a vibration of movement. This can describe sound waves almost precisely. Sound waves have frequencies and movement and these God created frequencies are still in existence in His creations. We can further confirm creation was made from the Word of God by understanding the fact that God’s Word is powerful:

Heb 1:3  Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high; 

Hopefully we can understand in this verse and by reading Genesis 1, that God created physical realities with His spoken Word, and this Word contained His power. Then we notice this word of His power is still holding everything together. This teaches us that sound waves are at the rudimentary level of all of creation.

Therefore, we have just learned that the elements of every created natural substance have a measure of the power of God’s word in them, and it is this power that is still holding them together (Heb 1:3). Humans have learned in the last 100 years to release this hidden power by splitting these atoms. These nuclear devices have become the world’s most destructive forces. But it confirms what the Bible teaches us is precisely correct.

God’s word is so amazing, and if this does not excite us to want to learn more about Him, then we are probably spiritually dead. Let us move to a new topic of Mem next.

7. A God’s Real-Life NOW Application of the MEM – Calming Life’s Storms

The essential fundamental spiritual concept of the letter Mem water picture, is “spoken words”.  There are a number of applications that are found in this letter, that can be used for real-life situations. We have been primarily focused upon the concept of “Good” God Mem Waters for life and cleansing. These pure waters represent the Words of God!  But there are very negative types of waters and waves that need to be addressed further. This is because all Christians have a spiritual enemy named Satan. He is an adversary that had illegally taken over the “god” role of this planet, until Jesus came into the world to take back this authority. Once taken away from Satan, Jesus delegated His Kingdom authority to everyone in the church (Mat 28:18-19).

We will begin this section of applying the Mem, with another confirmation review that water is a type of spoken word.

Pro 18:4  The words of a man’s mouth are as deep waters, and the wellspring of wisdom as a flowing brook.

Did you notice what God reveals about human spoken words again? This was exactly what we saw in the Revelation 1 description of Jesus’ spoken words.  The word translated as “waters” in this verse is our “mayim” Hebrew word representing the spelling of the “Mem” letter in word form. God directly connects spoken words to represent a likeness of physical “deep waters”. The physical deep waters produce waves, and spoken words produce sound waves. The parallels are incredible. There are several other verses in the Bible like this one, but for the sake of time we will only use limited verses in this section to confirm a human’s words are like water to God. However, we have seen other confirmations when we studied the spoken words of Jesus earlier to be like living waters.

Now notice another type of water that we were also introduced to earlier:

Psa 69:2  I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing: I am come into deep waters, where the floods overflow me.

The Hebrew word translated as “mire” is literally describing “muddy” waters. That description of waters is NOT positive for human consumption to produce life. In fact, it appears to show these waters are designed to be used for death. Uh oh! Confirm this by observing the writer follows by saying, “deep” waters are about to cover me. Remember the Hebrew word “waters” is our spelled “Mem” letter Mayim.  We can read in this verse the writer is being overcome by two kinds of waters called muddy, and deep. But these are not natural waters. In order to understand verse 2, we need to first understand what verse 1 said:

Psa 69:1  Save me, O God; for the waters are come in unto my soul.

David the writer of this Psalm is crying out to God for salvation from the deep and dirty waters mentioned in verse 2. But the area of attack is not directed at his body, or his physical lungs trying to drown him dead. No, this attack is spiritual in nature. We know this by God’s word mentioning waters are flowing to “come” unto David’s soul. The soul of man is comprised of their “mind”, “will” and “emotions”. This layer of humans is connected with the spirit. Therefore, we are learning this attack is of a spiritual nature.

Please notice the Hebrew word H935 translated as “come” in verse 1. This word is defined as, “to enter in to fill a void”. Now notice the waters in these verses are coming to fill an empty void. What exactly is the symbolic empty void that is attempting to be filled with symbolic dirty waters? We learned this area is found in the human soul. Then, remember the birth of every human from the first Adam? Every human enters the world with a mind that is an empty vessel at birth. A newborn child, has no knowledge, or ability to ever try to take care of themselves. God created mothers with the loving and caring gift for feeding and caring for their child with milk. The mother has a built-in feeding system containing the ability to nourish their new child. These loving mothers are the reason why any of us exist today. God designed every new human mind with a need to be filled with truth, and not garbage like we see being described in this Psalm. Good fathers and mothers perform this task of filling their children’s’ minds.

Therefore, in Psalm 69:1 we can see where someone is attempting to overwhelm David’s mind with waters (words) that he needs God to save him from. What does the modern massive news media attempt to do with their words today? They are attempting to flood our minds, with agenda motivated false words that produce “fears”. These resulting negative emotions then allow other powers to control your actions and words if you agree with what they have spoken. This is describing exactly what David is experiencing.

This type of warfare taking place in the life of David, is utilizing the spiritual weapon of symbolic water.  This is a spiritual battle using the Mem type of “words”. David is crying out to the LORD because He is able to save him from these deep polluted waters that are desiring to kill him. What do deep polluted waters represent in the spiritual realm? These deep polluted waters represent massive numbers of untrue, unclean and impure spoken words mixed with a little pure truth. These types of waters are representations of any words originating from the devil.

Only God’s Words are completely pure without any possibility of filth. Therefore, unclean words represent words of distraction, deceit, untruths, deception, confusion, misdirection, or any other negative words that did not come from the Creator God! Also, not only do the words matter, but the motivation that caused them to erupt externally is a major contributor. If evil words come forth, it could be because of greed, hatred, revenge, or hurt. The number of contributing factors producing unclean words, are too large to mention them all. Just know for sure that any words spoken by God is because of His good plans and love motivations to help us.

The concept of “deep” waters, is a representation of massive amounts of “words” sent upon you to overwhelm you and to either carry you away from knowing God’s pure watering words, or to overflow you to get you to give up on God. Therefore, we are seeing how even God’s words can be diluted or polluted to kill us by overwhelming us to not hear correctly from Him (Mk 7:13). Let us look at an example of how Jesus dealt with situations like this in the Gospels.

There are multiple accounts of Jesus working with water that are significant. One of the major accounts was when He was sleeping in one of the big fishing boats when a large storm had risen against them to threaten their crossing of the sea. Read these verses very carefully:

Mark 4:35  And the same day, when the even was come, he saith unto them, Let us pass over unto the other side.

Mark 4:36  And when they had sent away the multitude, they took him even as he was in the ship. And there were also with him other little ships. 

Mark 4:37  And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full

Mark 4:38  And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish? 

Mark 4:39  And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm

Mar 4:40  And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith? 

Mark 4:41  And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him? 

This is a very informative real account of one “water” event in the physical life of Jesus living on the earth in mortal flesh. First, notice in this story that Jesus was never in fear! He knew that He was only scheduled to die on a cross (Tav). Therefore, nothing could happen to Him before that timed event. Jesus was in complete “faith” enough to go to sleep and rest. This is very similar to when “Peter” was placed into prison in the book of Acts. He was going to be killed by the Roman soldiers the next morning, and he too was fast asleep, not worried about it in the least. Peter must have learned this action of faith from Jesus in this boat full of water.

Notice that the disciples were in a panic. Several of them were professional fishermen, and had no doubt been through sudden night storms before. They completely believed this one storm was so bad that they were all about to die. Then they woke Jesus up and asked Him a dumb question. “Jesus, don’t you care?”. Of course, Jesus cared. The disciples could have asked a much better faith question, but letting fear dominate them they were about to get rebuked after Jesus dealt with their problem.

Nevertheless, Jesus arose and first “rebuked” the wind. Wow, let us stop right there and analyze this. The Greek word G2006 translated as “rebuke” can also be defined as someone giving a command to “forbid” something from starting, or continuing. This was a confirmation to us all, that Jesus possessed great authority even before He died on a cross. It is also our first indication that there was something that needed to be stopped that was coming against them to kill them. Wow! Jesus countered this plan of destruction with His spoken words that represent waters flowing from His mouth.

We can see how Jesus used His authority implemented with sound waves to cause the calm, by His choosing to speak to an unseen force of moving air, forbidding it to continue as the cause of the chaos. It is obvious that Jesus knew it was the wind that was the root cause of the problem. Ok, we just made another direct connection to the definition of the “Mem”. The “Mem” picture of a raging sea also contains the meaning of a state of “chaos”. This is the negative of the great potential of good usages for “water”. “Chaos” is the opposite of “Peace” which Jesus is calling for. Wow, this is really good. Let us look at a different account of Jesus rebuking something to cause a different kind of peace:

Mark 1:25  And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, and come out of him.

Notice in this context that Jesus is speaking sound waves again to an unclean spirit, that was inside of a human man. This demon was speaking to Jesus questioning His authority. But Jesus ignores the devil’s words and rebuked him by saying, “Hold your peace”. That was just a nicer way of saying “SHUT UP”. Wow, again! Notice the implied meanings here in this example, to when Jesus was seen rebuking the storm. The first priority is for us to notice that both situations were examples of Jesus rebuking the source cause of a chaos situation, in order to cause “peace” (calm, silence). But one was a silencing of a devil in a man, and one was the calming of a “wind”. Were these different things or are they actually the same termination of speaking spirits that were both causing the identical patterns of “chaos”?

The Greek word translated as “wind” can also mean a “breath of air”. Anyone speaking words from their mouth is exhaling air. It is interesting to understand that the demon possessed man was using the man’s own vocal cords and lungs to produce the words that were spoken to Jesus. Do you see the parallels to the storm? Therefore, the cause of the storm winds could be from the mouth of God, an angel, a human, or the devil. These are the only speaking spirituals beings that were created by God. But we know this storm wind was not being caused by God, the Father of Jesus. If the storm winds were caused by God, then this would have been Jesus the Son of God working against His own Father God, and that is impossible since Jesus said He could do nothing of himself, and only did what He saw His Father do (Jn 5:19).  

Therefore, this breath of storm wind had to come from another spiritual source. Some may try to say this was just a bad natural weather event, but the reaction of the professional fishermen, seem to indicate this was nothing like a storm that they had ever seen. Please go back and read the story of Job in chapter 1 to help us confirm what is being taught here. God told Satan in chapter 1, that Job was in his power. The term “power” is the Hebrew letter “Yod” meaning hand. This simply meant Job was under Satan’s authority to do what he desired. However, God placed limitations upon the level of destructions.

However, in verse 19 of chapter 1 of the book of Job, we find where a very strong wind came from the wilderness to kill Job’s children that were in a house. This Hebrew word H7307 translated as “wind” can also mean a “breath”.  Therefore, this powerful wind also had to be caused by Satan, since it was not God that was causing it in heaven. God is in the process of defending Job and speaking well of him, and it was only Satan that was present to accuse Job. What we are learning are the parallels to what happened to Job, and what was happening to Jesus, who was also spoken well of by God in heaven, are both from the same causing source.

We need to believe that both storms were caused by Satan. We know from John 10:10 that whatever happens that causes “death”, “loss”, or “destruction” is from the thief, a name for Satan. And Jesus said in the same verse that He only came to give us life. Therefore, rebuking the wind to preserve “life” came from God in the flesh, and He accomplished this by rebuking the devil’s attempt to kill them all and end the life of Messiah, and His disciples.

Then notice the second thing that happened. Jesus looked at the waves of the sea (Mem) and told them to “Be Still and to be filled with Peace”. That is interesting application for our study. It sounds like when David was seeking God to still the waters that were trying to overwhelm and fill his soul. Do you see the parallels? Everything that happens to Jesus in the Gospels is designed by God to teach us something that we need to apply to our lives in some way (1 Cor 11:1, Eph 5:1).  

This sea calming, is Jesus sending a message with His command (Mem spoken word sound waves) to cause the wind to stop and the waves to be eliminated. Pay attention that the second demon silencing example, was Jesus doing the exact same things that He had done to the natural water waves. Jesus spoke in this situation to silence the demon spirit’s (breath, wind) voice producing sound waves, and that silencing would bring peace to the soul of the tormented human. But the parallels to Jesus telling the unclean spirit to “Hold its peace” are remarkable.

Let us also remember that it was the Word of God that created this “sea” body of water. This would indicate to us if God’s words could create it, He could still speak to change it, or even calm it instantly.

Now finally notice the problem that Jesus focused upon after calming the storm. Jesus turned to the disciples and said, “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith”. This was a clear divine disappointment and rebuke for their lack of action to do what He had just done. Jesus was claiming that they could have had faith instead of fear and they could have spoken to rebuke the situation and it would have obeyed them.

Do you recall that Jesus had given to His disciples the authority to cast out devils and to heal the sick, the same that He did? We can read about this authority being given to the 12 in Luke 9, and 70 others were given the same authority in Luke 10. Therefore, by the disciples seeing how Jesus operated in authority and them casting out demons personally, they had to have been introduced to knowing what to do.

It does not matter who’s mouth the rebuke of God’s word comes from, because the Word of God has the same power behind it, if the speaker has faith. Don’t believe me? This is what Jesus said in John 14:12. Also Jesus said this to His disciples after He spoke and cursed a fig tree, and it died:

Mat 21:21  Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done.

Jesus just taught His disciples that what He was doing by speaking with authority to a gale, waves, trees, they could also do the same. Why is this important to our subject of an ancient Hebrew letter picture of waves? This is because “waves” of water can be symbolic of evil words of the enemy of God, that produce “chaos”, “disorder”, “confusion” in the human life. The only answer to these attacks is for humans to counter these attempts to destroy them with words of authority that cause the source of opposition to become silent which allows the “peace” of God to again rule in our lives.

Ok, we need to see what we have learned so far, and make sure we understand it. The overwhelming storm waves were initiated by Satan, to cause the death of Jesus and His disciples. Jesus had already said “Let us go to the other side”. By declaring His faith to make it to the other side safely, He could rest in His spoken words. He then went to sleep expecting to arrive at any moment and He was unconcerned about any storm while resting peacefully, despite the coming overwhelming circumstances.

However, any waves are never present without cause, intentional, or otherwise.  Someone, or something had to cause the waves. In this case of the sea storm, there were intensely strong winds that were causing the massive waves. We can still see the direct parallels to our verses of David in Psalm 69. Jesus’ solution in the Mark 4 sea example is to rebuke the “winds” first. Jesus was wise enough to know that dealing with the root cause is always the primary answer.  Again, we see the solution in this case is for someone to speak words with their voice to produce sound waves that would cancel and still the wind causing the waves of the sea. We saw this happen again when Jesus rebuked the demon and told him to hold his peace.

These are amazingly confirmed in the Bible. The Hebrew word H1826 is the word “damam”.  It is spelled “Dalet” + “Mem” + “Mem”. This is not a coincidence. This word and it’s spelling is a confirmation of what we have just learned in this section on how to bring about silence. We will start our confirmation with the ancient Hebrew “Dalet” letter first:

Psa 141:3  Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips. 

If we read in this verse, we will be able to confirm that our human mouth is a “door”. Perhaps you recall that the “Dalet” is a picture of a tent door. Our human bodies are the temporary tent tabernacle of the Holy Spirit and our mouth is the door to our internal spirit location. I have heard of more than one testimony of people that when they died physically, their spirit exited their mouth and stood up above their lifeless body to watch the doctor’s operation taking place. When they were brought back into their bodies, they came back inside by sliding inside of their mouth to fill it like a hand, slides into a glove.

That is very important to understand. We have the freewill choice to determine what we allow to enter this mouth door of our body to be consumed internally. But we also have the freewill choice to allow or stop what goes out of our mouth in spoken words with God’s help. We just read about one example of this in Psalm 141:3, when a man asks the Lord to help him guard his mouth. Never forget that when your voice is released, it can never be taken back. Jesus literally said in Matthew 12:26, that we will give an account for every idle word that we speak in the day of judgment. This literally means your naturally spoken words are able to be recalled by God in the spiritual realm later.

But this is where it gets exceedingly more interesting. Remember our Hebrew word for silence is a mouth door (Dalet) with two Mem waves of water. This appears to be saying that one mouth is speaking spoken words against another set of words that were already spoken from a different source. This indicates these words being spoken by this door mouth are being directed at words that were already spoken by an unknown or unnamed speaker. Wow, how many are paying attention? This word that has a mouth that is releasing words in expressed sound waves directed at another set of sound waves is translated as “silence”. This word can also mean to bring calm peace. Do you see how this word is a picture of what we just saw in the silencing of the storm and the demon’s voice?

The parallels are amazing! Do you understand the concept of noise cancelling headphones?  They were designed by a man that discovered, if you reverse the sound waves being produced, that they will cancel out the sound waves that are being heard by the human without the headphones. This is very profound because this is exactly what Jesus was doing in both examples. Jesus in both cases of noise and disturbance being produced, spoke peace to it. In every case example the reality of a flat line realm of silence was the resulting end.

What have we learned? We have learned if the world is bringing you a storm to kill, steal or destroy you, you better open your mouth and speak to it, saying the opposite. For example, if you get a doctor’s report (voice) containing the words “You have cancer and only have a few months to live”, it is time to put the Word of God in your mouth every moment of every day saying “I will live and not die, and declare the works of the Lord” (Ps 118:17). If you are feeling extremely sick, ill or having no strength to get out of bed”, it is a good time to quote God’s word back at your situation.  Say “No, you don’t in my body”, God has said “Let the weak say I’m strong”. I speak and say “I am strong in the LORD and in the power of His might”.

Your spoken words of God, can change your situation from death to life, from defeat to victory, and from chaos to peace. Praise the LORD! We will end this section with this message of how Jesus defeated the devil during His temptation. We learned at the beginning of this lesson that Jesus was tempted by the devil for 40 days in the wilderness. Forty is the gematria value of the “Mem”. This occurred directly after He was baptized in Mem waters of the Jordan. So, we are continuing to travel the path of waters and words. 

The temptation of Jesus was Satan coming to Him with words. Notice the temptation of Jesus was a three-wave attack. We can see with each wave of temptation Jesus’ response was to quote God’s Word saying “It is written”.  So Jesus canceled the wave of Satan with the wave of God’s words. Wow, this occurred three times and the devil gave up, went away, and the devil’s plan of attack bringing temptation to sin ended. Wow! This sounds really important based upon what we have been learning.

Heb 4:12  For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

God changed this analogy in this verse about words. It is still words, and waters, but now it is also a sword. This is the Hebrew letter “Zayin”. The letter “Zayin” is primarily a steel farming instrument, but it is also representative of any “steel” instrument like a sword. For example, a sword is a “Zayin” wartime battle instrument to defeat an enemy. But a “Zayin” plow is a peacetime seed sowing instrument. Both of these represent “words” of God. We must conclude that we should speak God’s words in both times of our lives, war or peace.  But when we put the sword of God’s word in out mouth, this means we are in a spiritual battle or war. This war is not with physical weapons or fleshly enemies, but it is fought against spiritual enemies with spoken “words”. We fight this good fight with God’s armor and one piece of this ensemble, is the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God!

8. The Mem Water – CONCLUSION

Joh 4:13  Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again:
Joh 4:14  But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

Jesus speaking to the woman at the well said, “Whosoever drinks of the water that I give, will never thirst again”. Wow, what an amazing promise! Of course, Jesus is speaking spiritually and not naturally. The water that was being offered to everyone, is His spoken and written words! These words are powerful enough to do things most Christians have not yet imagined. The answer to every problem of life, is only found in the Word of God.

We have learned at least two functions for the use of pure water.  One primary use is for internal consumption to produce and maintain life. The second is for external usage, created to cleanse. The first becomes a part of our internal spiritual life, and the second is used by God to cause a display of purity to others. There are also 3 realms where water of the word is evident. The first is the spirit of every human. By accepting the Word of God into our heart and confessing Jesus as Lord, we are born-again spiritually. This makes our spirit a new creation and one with the Spirit of God. Therefore, every real saved Christian, is completely pure in their spirit.

But there is a second internal realm called the soul, that is still filled with very unclean waters of worldly teachings and doctrines of devils. These are impure words that have been corrupted by Satan as a way of keeping humans from knowing God’s Words of life. This realm of the soul must be cleansed daily and continually with the pure water of the Word of God to renew our minds. Everyday living life in the world, we are hearing and seeing things that are trying to drive us away from God. This is the main reason why we need to continue drinking in God’s Word. But there are engrained things that we have experienced in our lives from our past that must also be cleaned away. The Word of God does this for us in our minds, and memories if we will allow Him to work.

The third realm of human existence is the external view of each human. This is the parts of life, where people see what we say, what we do and how we act. This realm of existence can only be changed by the first cleansing of the two internal realms in the order of mention, spirit first and soul second. The Word of God is the living pure water that can and will work to make us like Christ, if we will cooperate with God and receive Him.

Are you thirsty for more pure watering words of the knowledge of God and His Son Jesus Christ?  God gives this amazing offer to anyone and if you have never drunk from this water, then you do not know what you are missing:

Isaiah 55:1  “Listen! Whoever is thirsty, come to the water! Whoever has no money can come, buy, and eat! Come, buy wine and milk. You don’t have to pay; it’s free! (GW)

We are learning in this lesson, that pure water was created by God to teach us of our total dependence upon drinking in His Word, to obtain eternal spiritual life. God provides us in this verse an incredible offer. God begins the invitation with seeking for those that are “thirsty” to know Him. Are you thirsty every day to know Him better than you did yesterday? God continues the invitation by directing us to come to His Mem waters to satisfy our thirsts. He says we can come and eat, and drink with Him and it will cost us nothing. God is offering you eternal life for free.

When we are not physically asleep in the natural realm, we can all be thirsty frequently. So it is, in the spiritual unseen realm also. But the majority of the unsaved world are ignoring this thirst as normal, primarily because they are asleep spiritually (Eph 5:14). When someone realizes this, and awaken from their spiritual sleep, they are driven by their spirit to thirst for a cool refreshing drink of water from the Word of God.  But even saved Christians can become dry or hardened in their heart so that God’s word is unable to water the “seed” (Nun) of salvation that He has attempted to save them with (Mat 13:21). This is because these humans have become dull of knowing their own spiritual unseen part of them, and they are easily torn away from their beliefs in Jesus because of their trials, tests and persecutions that the enemy can bring. Without drinking the fresh pure watering Word of God continually, we are dominated with a past dry desert wilderness sensation, and do not understand what we are fully missing, that God desires to give us.

Notice God is offering us His food, water, milk, and wine, in Isaiah 55. All of these are symbolic types of the Word of God. God said in 1 Peter 2:2 to desire the “pure water” of God’s Word as newborn children desire milk. God’s spiritual food is a type of physical bread, like the daily manna that He sent Israel in the wilderness. Natural bread is made by combining grains that are ground into flour and mixing this with water. Then Jesus said in Matthew 4:4 that man cannot live upon bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.  In Acts 2:13 on the day of Pentecost, the disciples were acting strangely and speaking in new tongues, and the people outside accused them of being full of new wine. In these verses most can easily see the connections of speaking words from God to the symbolic substances of water, bread, milk and wine. We will only review one other verse to confirm:

Amo 8:11  Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD: 

Here is a problem that is coming upon the world. There will be a time when God sends a famine upon the earth. But as you can see this is not a lack of bread and water, but rather a coming time when the Word of God will not be available to be heard. This is because the church will be caught up away from this world directly before the tribulation begins. What we can certainly confirm that bread, and water represent figuratively the Word of God. We will end this lesson with a verse describing the beginning of God’s amazing future new pure world that we saw earlier:

Rev 22:1  And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. 

As we can see in the last chapter of the Bible, God has a plan to continue to supply His saved people with His pure waters (Words) of life. These words of God will continually flow out of His mouth and will produce a river that will satisfy our thirst to know more about Him and His ways. This is an amazing thought to consider. God has so much knowledge, understanding and wisdom that it won’t matter how long we will stand before Him to hear His words, there will not end the amount that He has to give us. Wow!

Hopefully this lesson was a great blessing to you and helped you to see and know God better.  God’s Word is the most amazing book that I have ever encountered. I have noticed that there appears to be a never-ending supply of information, knowledge and application to us, just in this one limited big book, that we call the Holy Bible. This book as only around 750,000 to 800,000 words depending upon the translations. It has only around 31,000 verses.  It has around 1000 chapters. It was divided into only 66 books written by around 40 different authors over the course of around 1500 years of human time. Yet with this large limited book is found an infinite number of truths and words of wisdoms written to help us learn about who Jesus is and who we are in Him.

Then notice what God says in John 21:25. God says in this verse, “that there are many other things that Jesus did, that if written the world could not contain the books”.  That is the confirmation to show us how limited we are in knowing much about Him and what He is able to share with us throughout eternity. This simply means when we enter into His presence we will never be bored or thirsty.

God bless you immensely with the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of Him that loves us and gave His life for us. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for leaving your comments. Thank you for sharing these lessons with your friends and family to help us spread the good news of the LORD Jesus Christ. Amen.

Intro Alef Beyt-1 2 Gimel Dalet Hey Vav Zayin Chet Tet Yod Kaf Lamed Mem 1 2 Nun Samekh Ayin Pey Tsade Qof Resh Shin TavAlef-Beyt Chart (Series updated as LORD directs and permits)

Are You Saved? Do you Know Jesus? Life is Short! Jesus wants to Know You! Please come and get to Know Him!

Jesus in the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet Part 14 – The Mem Part 1 – the Blood

(Ver 1.0) This lesson is “Part 14” in the Bible study series revealing the Lord Jesus Christ, that had been hidden by the Spirit of God in His very intelligent design of the original Ancient Hebrew Alphabet. This is also “Part 1” of the individual letter “Mem” study. There is absolutely too much essential information to be placed in only 1 lesson. We are about to find that the letter “Mem” is a picture of moving liquid. It primarily represents two types of liquids. The first is “water”, and the second is “blood”. There are also several other figurative meanings found in the picture of the “Mem”. We will mainly focus on the subject of “blood” in this first lesson, but there are times when both will be mentioned.

This alphabet lesson on the “Mem” is another truly amazing subject uncovering extraordinary, veiled information in one letter of the Hebrew alphabet. This single letter has a massive amount of spiritual information pointing us prophetically to Jesus. The “Mem” is one of the most essential letters to understand of the entire 22. If you have not read this series from the beginning, it is recommended that you go and do so with the “Part 1 Introduction” first. There is just too much information that has been given in each lesson that will not be fully repeated in the others. But this lesson will stand alone for those that desire to see only the application of this one alphabet letter “Mem”.

Please also understand that these are “advanced spiritual Bible lessons” from the word of God and are potentially offensive to the unsaved, immature carnal, or newly born Christian. Therefore, before you read these lessons, please pray and ask the LORD should I even be reading this? Then analyze what should be my response if I do not agree with what is being taught about Jesus? Please accept a suggestion. No matter what your reaction, please walk in love, and please do not leave an unsolicited evil accusation about anyone or anything you don’t agree with. God is Love! And you only prove you don’t really know Him, by speaking evil of His children (Mat 12:34).

Today we will be learning only a limited number of subjects of the total amount of God’s important information about Jesus Christ found in the letter “Mem”. In fact, in this first “Mem” lesson, we will only cover the introduction to the letter “Mem” and the subject of it representing “Blood”. There are literally many volumes of books that could be written on each letter and how it applies to the work of God in Christ Jesus. Here is a quick list of the contents of today’s sections:

  1. Introduction to the Ancient Hebrew Mem
  2. Jesus’ BLOOD is One of the Foundational “Mem” Symbols
  3. Jesus To Die the Death, Another Prophecy Fulfilled on the Cross
  4. Jesus God’s LAST ADAM – The Blood of God Sacrifice
  5. God’s (Alef) + “Blood” (Mem) + “Cross” (Tav) = TRUTH
  6. Jesus the First and Last – Mem Water and Blood Prophecy Fulfillment
  7. The Mem Part 1 Blood Conclusion

Let us get started with learning this incredible picture of God’s “Mem” letter as being a representation of the Blood of Jesus Christ.

1. Introduction to the Ancient Hebrew Mem

The ancient Hebrew letter “Mem”, is the 13th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and has the gematria number value of “40”. The letter “Mem” can be spelled as a Hebrew root word with these three letters: “Mem” + “Yod” + “Mem”. The Hebrew root word H4325 (mayim) are these three letters, and this word is defined to be “water”. This Hebrew word H4325 is translated into “water”, or “waters”, over 500 times in the Old Testament. Therefore, the primary meaning of the letter “Mem” is “water”. This should be obvious by simply observing the pictogram of the letter “Mem”. Everyone should be able to see how this picture is of three waves. This wave concept has a far-reaching application to many designs within God’s creation.  For example, here is a short list of waves that we encounter today all around us:

  1. Tidal Waves of the Ocean
  2. Tsunami Waves of an Earthquake
  3. Storm Waves of a Hurricane or Typhon
  4. Light Waves radiating from the Sun and Stars
  5. Sound Waves of a Concert
  6. Voice Sound Waves of a Preacher
  7. Microwaves heating our foods quickly
  8. Radio and Television Waves Broadcast from Towers
  9. Cell phone waves allowing talk, text and internet world communication

These are just a sampling of God created waves that are practically identical with the exception of substance, frequency and magnitude of the wave being generated and measured. The opposite of a wave is silence, calm, peace and this is important to know. We will only be focused upon the water wave movement concept in this introduction, and how this type of moving liquid represents blood and life.

There are many different types of “waters” in the world. As you can see by the picture of the letter, this type of water has the meaning of moving liquid by God’s designed picture of 3 waves. It is also noteworthy to see that the picture contains the implication of “continuance” or “continual movement” as the waves could never end, if the writer desired to continue to draw more and more waves.  Also notice that this letter “Mem” picture looks a lot like the English letter “M”. But the English letter does not have the design of “continuance” as both ends of the letter are abruptly terminated with a straight line and not a diagonal line of the “Mem”. On the other hand, the English letter “W” does more closely resemble the design of the “Mem”, but with a pointing upward termination point.’

Let us get back to the concepts of waves and water briefly. Water is always a collective body contained within boundaries of limitations, The larger the body of water, the greater potential for more massive waves. The greatest waves on earth are the most powerful and potentially destructive. These normally occur in the earth’s oceans and could only occur naturally by a massive earthquake or an asteroid collision. We can clearly read about an asteroid hitting an ocean on the earth and killing many in Revelation 8:8-9.

In recent times we have already observed the activation of an enormous Tsunami wave on December 26, 2004, when an earthquake of over 9.1 magnitude caused a massive wave in the Indian Ocean, that killed over 225,000 people. Therefore, waves and their sizes, and their causes are very important to understanding this subject of the “Mem” designed picture more completely. For examples, all waves have causes and are a potentially powerful force that can be directed for good or for evil purposes. This is the classic scenario of “cause” and “effect”. If you observe a wave, we must stop and know there was somethings that caused it. Then we must begin to understand its purpose or intention for releasing this power. The concept of moving waves is definitely a picture of power being released and the larger the waves, the greater the power that caused them.

Just keep this in mind, for later when we directly study the next subject of “water” in a subsequent lesson. But it is important to interpret every verse in the Bible by God’s dividing line verse of good versus evil. In John 10:10, Jesus said the “thief” only came to steal, kill and destroy, but I have come, to give you life and that life in full abundance”. Therefore, if anything like a wave came to kill, it was from Satan, and all other waves that we can experience to gain pleasure those were from God as good.

Now let us observe some other concepts and details concerning water, because this is what the letter “Mem” primarily represents. The “Mayim” Hebrew word is plural, but it can be translated as being either “singular” or “plural”. Sometimes the contextual usage is only speaking of one body of “water”, and other times multiple bodies of “waters”. Liquid “water” is an interesting concept. One large glass of “water” could have the same amount of total liquid volume as two smaller cups of water divided. So, the word “mayim” or the letter “Mem” are not very specific to the amount or volume of the liquid that is being referred to. In other words, a body of water, could be a giant ocean, a major sea, a river, a lake, a stream, a pond, or a puddle, etc. They are all containers that describe limiting features of the content called “water” and “waves” can occur in each by the application of power and energy.

Let us now go much “deeper” into exploring God’s created elements and characteristics of natural water. The chemical make-up of water is “H2O”. This represents two parts hydrogen, plus one part oxygen. That is the concept of “1+2=3”. But these 3 are clearly 1 water molecule. Obviously, it takes three parts (plural) to make the singular one water molecule. Water can also be found on the earth in 3 forms, 1) vapor (air), 2) water (liquid) and 3) ice (solid). There are also three areas or realms of water on our planet. There is a lot of water particles in the atmosphere. These water particles produce varying degrees of humidity, fall like rain, and produce dew. Then there are the bodies of water on the surface of the planet. The amount of water on the surface is massive, but without it you would not be alive on this planet. The final area of water is under the earth’s surface. According to some scientists today, they estimate that there is as much water under the surface of dry ground as there is in all of the oceans. This is why even in the desert a well can be dug, to reach life sustaining waters. Did you notice all of the groups of three we just found in the basics of water? I wonder if this is why God placed three waves in the design of this letter?

This information teaches us that letter “Mem” represents an essential life source, and Jesus claims to be this source of life in these two verses:

Joh 14:6  Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. 

Joh 10:10  The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly

Hopefully, we can all begin to see how just these two verses apply to the concepts of Jesus representing “living waters” that was designed by God to produce human spiritual life. If you study this more fully you will soon find how essential “water” is to the existence of humans on this planet. Now apply that truth, to Jesus being this “water” symbol that came to give us spiritual life to enjoy here on earth, as well as to live eternally alive with Him.

There are a number of simultaneous applications of the picture letter “Mem” as water. One of the first things that is noticeable about the picture diagram, is that it is not a representation of a “flat line” body of calm water. Whenever water is especially calm it is observed to be motionless. Other words that could apply, are “idle”, “stationary”, “still”, “peaceful”, “passive”, and etc. The concept of a “flatline” is found in many other realms of created entities that are wave like in nature.

For example, the term “flat line” is very important in the medical field. Whenever a patient’s heart stops, their life monitor “flat lines” and this sets off an alarm for immediate attention. This is our first observation of how flowing blood is a representation of the “Mem”. It is when the blood in the body stops moving that death has occurred normally. This information appears to teach us, that flowing waters represent “life” if directed appropriately for this usage. The opposite of this would generally teach us that, no movement or waves could be applied to mean “death”. But was have already learned that “waves” or “floods” of waters to an extreme are also designed to produce death and chaos.

Most should already know that God is good and that He is the highest positive application of the symbol of the Mem “water” picture for “good” and “life”. The other negative side of the application is Satan, who is called God’s adversary (Zec 3:2). The name Satan actually means an opponent or adversary and he is the root cause of all “evil”. Therefore, good waters are from God, and evil waters are from “Satan”, and we do not yet know everything that this picture is used by God to teach us. All we know so far, is that water (Mem) can be a source for great good to produce life, and then it can also be moved to the opposite extreme, to steal, kill or destroy people (Jn 10:10). We can begin to learn this concept simply by observing the picture of waves. Please keep this in mind as we continue to learn. Here is the quick recap of what we have learned so far about the “Mem” pictogram meaning:

  1. The Mem is a picture of Flowing or Moving Water representing “Life” until taken to extremes
  2. The movement of Mem water waves has the “power” to move or change things
  3. Water is a plural word with an unknown quantity of total H2O molecules and all of these can be labeled or named as one collective body
  4. There is always something or someone releasing energy to cause the movement of the water that produced the waves
  5. Water can be used for either “good” and life or for “evil” to cause death

Now let us reaffirm the good nature of water. Our planet without the created waters upon the three areas of existence, the 1) surface, the 2) atmosphere, and the 3) under the surface, would be a lifeless planet like Mars. Water is one of the three major created components that make life available to our existence. These 3 components are called 1) water (Mem), 2) light (Qof) and 3) seed (Nun). Perhaps you may recall that all three of these essential components for continued human life are represented by ancient Hebrew alphabet pictograms. The water is our current subject of the “Mem”. The light is found in the subject of the letter “Qof”. And the “seed” is found in the letter “Nun” that immediately follows this letter Mem. It is interesting for us to see how God made the Mem (water), and the Nun (seed), so directly linked in the alphabet, because we will soon learn that they both are powerful natural representations of the same spiritual subject.

The next meaning of the letter “Mem” also relates to the subject of water. It should be known upfront that the human body composition is comprised of up to 50% to 65% “water”. This internal water content is absolutely essential for a healthy human life. Now for the real connection of water to our body. The “blood” in the human body can be up to 80% water. Therefore, blood and water are both representations for the letter “Mem”. This is further confirmed because our “blood” is not laying still, but is rather being pumped with every heart beat to circulate our “blood” over and over and over throughout our body. It is very easy to see how moving and flowing “blood” in the body is a picture of “life” and is a “good” God created designed representation for the moving liquid found in the letter “Mem”.  Therefore, the moving liquid picture of the “Mem” represents “blood” and “life” in many verses.

We should know that taking water into our body for our healthy life is accomplished by “drinking” it with our mouth. Remember the letter “Peh” is a picture of an “open mouth”. It is amazing how all of the letters are tied together by God’s intellectual design. The water goes into our mouth, and is swallowed into our stomach and is used by the body in a large capacity of life’s functions. The human body can only generally survive without consuming water for 3 days. This is another interesting pattern of the number 3. The process of water is a cyclically repeated pattern necessary for continuing life on this physical planet. Therefore, we have the concept of moving natural water going externally from the body to internally inside the body for a good and healthy life

But what other good purposes does water possess externally? One of God’s key usages externally is for cleaning. Water has an inherit quality to have a dissolving nature to it. If we stir in sugar into a cup of water, the sugar substance is dissolved and the water becomes sweet tasting with no visible or observable indicators of this sweetness. But this quality design feature can also do the same with “dirt”. Whether we need to clean our clothes, our house, our car, our body or whatever, flowing and moving water is an essential created material for this usage. God knew this when He created it and He will apply this meaning to our study also.

Finally, it is noteworthy in our introduction to remember God writes of the blood of Jesus in 1 John 1:7. In this verse the Holy Spirit made a point to say it is the blood of Jesus that cleans us from all “sin”. We are beginning to notice that water and blood are used by God in parallel patterns. The water is used by us to clean our bodies and clothes and the blood of Jesus was used by Him to clean us to make us able to be with Him eternally. We have added to our list that the “Mem” represents the subjects of:

  1. The essential force for internal Life and Health
  2. And external cleansing agent from filth
  3. The cleansing blood of Jesus to remove human filth of sin

Ok, that was enough for a quick introduction to the “Mem” water and blood letter. We have seen how the letter can be either used for good or evil, but when applied to God who is always good, it is an essential element for cleansing us from all sinful unrighteousness externally and for giving us new life as a new creation internally in our human spirit. We will now turn our attention to the letter “Mem” and its application to represent “blood”.

2. Jesus’ BLOOD is One of the Foundational “Mem” Symbols

For all humans, one of the most essential hidden messages of prophecy found in the ancient Hebrew “Mem” pictogram, is the representation of flowing, living blood. Because the picture is of a moving liquid, it is very logical to associate this concept with the constant “movement and flow of blood”. As a saved Christian we should already understand how this living blood picture fits with the essential work of Christ in our human salvation. For example, without consuming the blood of Jesus, no human could ever be saved. Notice what Jesus said to us in John:

Joh 6:53  Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. 

These are difficult words to accept for many. It is important to understand that Jesus is not teaching cannibalism in this statement. This is a figurative representation for a far superior spiritual reality. Nevertheless, Jesus used the natural substance of Mem “blood” to help guide us for the need of His sacrifice on a cross (Tav) and without this substance no human would have any eternal life.

If you are not a Christian, you may not believe this yet. Those that received salvation could only do so, because of the willing sacrifice of divine blood of one God/Man named Jesus Christ. In a human male of about 180 pounds, he could have had at least 1.2 to 1.5 gallons of blood. It was this Mem image of flowing blood, that purchased out redemption out of a human sin debt, that could only be paid for by God Himself. This is why this symbolic meaning of the picture is by far one of the most significant meanings that is needed to be understood.

What we need to understand, is that there was a problem with every human born from the first created man named Adam. Because he rebelled, and sinned willingly, we all rebelled and sinned at that very instant having the death sentence passed upon every generation. We must understand that before sin entered into the world, Adam’s blood was created sinless and he was able to live forever. But after sin, his corrupted sinful blood was passed down to us all. Acts 17:26 informs us that God created all nations on the earth from “one blood (Mem)”. Because of Adam’s sin, the entire bloodline of every human descendant became corrupted (1 Cor 15:50). We see this principle again in 1 Corinthians 15:22 where God says, “For as in Adam, all die”. It was Adam’s DNA in his seed (Nun) that produced the next line of blood-stained generation of humans, and this continued even to today.

This is why we all needed a savior, even if you think you never did anything bad enough to be sent to hell for. Because God knew all of this, this is the reason why, Jesus brought into the world a “New Sinless Divine Blood”, that was not defiled or corrupted by the first Adam’s sin. We learn this fact from reading in 1 Peter 1:18-19. In these verses God says, “We were not redeemed with corruptible things, … But with the precious blood of Messiah/Christ”.

In this section, we are only focused upon the “primary” importance of the “Mem” representing the “blood” of Jesus Christ. In doing this, we must go back to Exodus 12 and establish God’s pattern of the coming Messiah by observing Him found in the blood of a lamb. Exodus 12:1 begins by saying “And the Lord spoke unto Moses”.  The Hebrew word H559 that was translated as “spoke” is spelled “Alef” + “Mem” + “Lamed”. Please recall the “Alef” is a picture of an ox representing “God as a strong servant”.  Then recall, the “Mem” is a picture of “water” and/or “blood”. Finally recall the “Lamed”, is a picture of a shepherd’s staff representing his “authority”.

Placing the meanings of these three letters together it says, “God’s (Alef) water/blood/words (Mem) of Authority (Lamed)”. Since God was doing the speaking to Moses with this word, we can certainly see the application of that description to what was taking place. We have only been introduced briefly to the fact that the “Mem” represents physical water and blood. But we will soon learn that this natural “water” symbol, can also represent spiritual spoken words of authority. We will get to this fact soon. Keep these in mind, because all of these meanings have an application to Jesus.

Now notice the named “Moses” also begins with the letter “Mem”. Most know the story of Moses. Moses was born during a time where all male babies were commanded to be thrown into the Nile River (Mem) to be drown (Exo 1:22). This river was a very large flowing “Mem” water supply of Egypt. Therefore, Satan was trying to use God’s created supply of water (Mem) designed for life, as an instrument of death. Do not forget later when Moses is sent to deliver Israel from Egypt that the first plague sent was God turning this water supply from water into blood (Exo 17:7). That is a major pattern of confirmation for the symbol of “Mem” representing both water and blood.

In fact, in Exodus 17:7, the word translated as “waters” is the word H4325, which is the word form of the letter “Mem” that begins and ends with the letter “Mem”. Then notice the Hebrew word translated into the word “blood” is H1818, and it ends with the letter “Mem”. We are about to discover how all of this is being designed and connected together by God as prophetical patterns of the coming Jesus. Let us get back to the story of Moses being saved by God from Satan’s River of death.

Most recall, that all male babies were commanded to be killed in the river. But Moses was saved by him being hidden for 3 months, and then being placed in an empty container translated as an “ark”.  By Moses being placed above the waters of death, it was this “ark” that saved him. This Hebrew word H8392 translated as “ark” is spelled “Tav” + “Beyt” + “Hey”.  The “Tav” we should know by now is the last letter of the alphabet a picture of a “Cross”. The “Beyt” is a picture of the “Tent House” and the “Family” inside the house. Finally, the “Hey” is a picture of a man with hands raised, meaning “Look”, “Behold”, and “See”. Therefore, we can see how an “ark” of salvation is a prophetical picture for Christians beholding the revelation (Hey) of the cross (Tav) that is creating a new family of God to enter into (Beyt).

It was Moses floating above this water that saved him, when he was drawn out by a daughter of Pharoah’s house. Moses’ name actually means to be “drawn” from water. Remember, that it was this daughter’s father that ordered the Hebrew babies to be killed. Therefore, the enemy also became the deliverer for Moses, without fully knowing it. God is amazing, isn’t He? It should amaze us how God can use what was intended for evil to be used for deliverance. This is how the life of Moses was saved by God’s selection usage of water. We have also just confirmed the concept about water being of two opposing usages for good and life, or evil and death. That is an important factor or type, to not forget. It will reappear as we study this subject.

So far, we have just covered multiple applications found in Exodus about blood and water and we find them all as references to the letter “Mem”.  Now let us move faster, or we will never get finished. Reading down the chapter 12 of Exodus, we find where Moses was told that every house (Beyt) must take a “lamb”. This Lamb must be without blemishes. It was to be taken into the house (Beyt) for 4 days, and then it was to be sacrificed on the 14th day of the month, when the moon was “full”. On that evening, the lamb was to be slain and its blood (Mem) was to be collected and placed on every post of the door of the house (a prophetical type of Tav). Let us stop there an learn more fully the word translated as “blood” that we were briefly introduced to earlier.

This Hebrew word H1818 has the sound of “dawm”, and it is spelled with two letters, the “Dalet” and the “Mem”. Did you notice these two Hebrew letters that are translated as “blood” are a picture of the first Passover? So, we have the major part of the story of Passover told to us in two letters that are translated as “blood”. That is not a coincidence. The “Dalet” is the picture of the Father’s house door posts where blood will be applied for his family to enter into to have every life saved. The “Mem” is obviously the picture of “blood” that is applied to the doorposts (Tav). This application to God’s heavenly house (Beyt) and eternal life, found in two letters translated as “blood” for Christ’s work on a cross to save us is amazing. What we are about to read in this chapter is a picture of God’s spiritual house. We will not get into this part of the lesson in depth today.

But for natural Israel, this act of obedience to place the lamb’s blood on the doorposts, is exactly what saved the children of Israel from the death angel coming to take the firstborn of each family house. That was the good news for the people. But the reversed bad news was for the “lamb”. The “lamb” that was slain on the first “Passover” had to die and its blood had to be placed upon wooden posts in order for no one inside the “door” to die.

This was called a substitutionary work for human salvation. Instead of the human in the house dying, the lamb died in their place. It was the outward display of a lamb’s blood that prevented the death angel from taking anyone’s life hidden in the house (Beyt). All of this found in Exodus 12, should be a clear picture of Christ’s death on a cross for all humans. It was because of His death that no other human has to die spiritually. You can read more about this in other lessons on this site. But we will observe a few of the obvious verses to confirm this:

  1. John the Baptist calls Jesus the “Lamb of God” in John 1:36.
  2. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 5:7, that Jesus was the “Passover” sacrifice for Christians.
  3. In John 10:9, Jesus said “I am the door, if any man enter in, he shall be saved”.
  4. In 1 Peter 1:19 God says we were saved by the “precious blood of Christ, without blemish and without spot.

That was just a small sampling of verses written to the church about Jesus our Passover and His saving blood (Mem) sacrifice on a cross. There are many other references concerning the blood (Mem) of Jesus that obtained our human salvation. His blood did more than you have seen or know. But yet it is possible to learn more, by simply studying “Blood” verses in the New Testament about this subject. Hopefully, you can see how this picture of a “Passover Lamb” was fulfilled in the life and blood (Mem) of Jesus. Let us move to another part of the “Mem” blood subject.

3. Jesus to Die the Death, Another Mem Prophecy Fulfilled on the Cross

This was amazing when it was discovered recently during Bible study time with the LORD. The Hebrew word that is translated as “to die” (H4191) is spelled with 3 letters. The first letter is our study subject “Mem”. This “Mem” letter is joined with the middle letter “Vav”, and finally, the word ends with a “Tav”. Do you recall what these pictures represented?  The letter “Mem” is our study letter representing moving water and blood symbolically. The letter “Vav” is the picture of a “Nail”. The letter “Tav” is the picture of a “cross”. This spelling contains the clear hidden prophecy of Jesus’ bloody death by Him being nailed to a cross. As you can see this is described by God in picture story telling form found in just 3 alphabet ancient letter designs. God knew this would happen when Moses wrote the Torah, and placed His death again, in hidden alphabet letter meanings for the word translated as “to die”. It was hidden right in front of us for many years.  Let us look at the first verse in the Bible, this word is selected for us by God:

Gen 2:17  But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die

Wow, if you only knew the hidden facts in this verse. As we can read this verse is God describing to the first created man Adam, that there was one tree of the knowledge of good and evil that he must not eat from. In this verse one hidden mystery that is profound occurs at the end of the statement. The words are “thou shalt surely die”, and these two words are really just the same word. They are the same word H4191 written twice. There are several potential explanations for why God wrote it this way. Some teach that when a word is doubled there is a major emphasis and this is probably a reason why the word “surely” was placed in the translation.

But I believe it is best to allow the Bible to interpret the Bible. For this reason, we can find Jesus speaking in Revelation 2:11 saying to the Churches, “He that overcomes, will not be hurt of the second death”. This literally means there are two types of death. The first is natural death, and the second is spiritual death. Most humans are only concerned about the natural death of their bodies, because they do not understand that they are a spirit, that will live forever.

Knowing the fact that there are two types of death, that are destined for some humans that do not ever repent to receive salvation to overcome the devil, helps us to understand why God placed 2 words “to die” in a row in Genesis 2:17. In one appropriate translation it could say, “in dying, you will die”. But it also appears that because the first Adam willfully disobeyed God, all of mankind was destined to die twice. Uh oh! That is the reason why this word is spelled the way it was. Jesus Christ chose “to die” twice in our place by placing His blood upon a wooden cross, to die physically, and simultaneously He died spiritually when He was separated from His Father in heaven, by spending 3 days and 3 nights in hell (Mat 12:40).

We can clearly see how Jesus completely fulfilled this prophecy of Genesis 2:17 for payment of all human sin by becoming our substitute. This is why God could say in 1 Corinthians 15:22, “For as in Adam, all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive”. Because Jesus shed His “Mem” blood hanging nailed (Vav) to a cross (Tav), God’s justice payment was satisfied, and no other human needed to go to hell. To be “born” twice, will insure only one physical death and for some saved humans in the end of the age, a “no death” exit. This message was hidden in the “Mem” + “Vav” + “Tav” Hebrew word translated as “to die”. Hallelujah, and all praise be to the merciful LORD.

4. Jesus God’s LAST ADAM – God’s Mem Blood Sacrifice

We are about to get into some more amazing hidden prophetical statements that were concealed in the Old Testament about who Jesus was. If you have read other Bible lessons in this series you should already know that Jesus is called the “Last Adam” in 1 Corinthians 15:45. In this verse Jesus is compared directly with the “first Adam” introduced to us in Genesis 1, 2, 3 & 4. Reading in Romans 5:14 God reveals a secret that the first Adam as a patterned type for the Last Adam. In all these verses, God says the first Adam was created as a living “soul” pattern, for the “Last Adam” named Jesus who would be made by God to be a “quickening Spirit”. That is an amazing statement of comparison. What we are focused upon is the fact that both men are called “Adam” by God. This name has a lot of major implications attached to it.

We are primarily concerned about the letters found in the Hebrew name “ADAM”. We are about to discover something very amazing hidden in this name. First, we must know that the last letter in the name is the study subject “Mem” representing both blood and water. The Bible word “Adam” is the Hebrew word “H121”. It is not a translation of the Hebrew word, but rather it is a transliterated pronunciation of the Hebrew letters “ADM” (Alef+Dalet+Mem), pronounced as “Aw-dawm”. The first letter of the name Adam is “Alef”, the strong ox representing God. The second letter of the name is the “Dalet”, representing the “door” of the tent tabernacle or the movement in or out through the opening where a son is born. The last letter is the “Mem”, representing our substances of water and/or blood indicating life.

Now let us remember what we have just learned about the word H1818 that is translated as blood. Please recall this word is pronounced “dawm”. It was spelled as Dalet + Mem and just so happens to be the last two letters in the name Adam. These two letters are symbolic of the human heart as a “door” (Dalet) that allows movement of the blood (Mem) throughout the body. Most humans are aware of the physical heart muscle that pumps the human blood into all the rest of our body. This physical muscle is named the “heart”. It operates by contracting and expanding automatically, in the conjunction with the opening and closing of valves as if the opening and closing of doors (Dalet). The physical heart figuratively represents your spiritual house, and the valves represent the doors of the heart house. It is the Mem “blood” that was placed inside of us by God to pass in and out of our beating heart. The normal human heart beats over 100,000 times a day in order to keep us physically alive. Most humans take this action completely for granted.

What we are about to find is that this physical “heart” organ represents an unseen spiritual state. The human spirit is also called by the same named “heart” in the Bible. It is this spiritual location that Jesus wants to enter into to fellowship with us all. For example, notice this verse in Revelation:

Rev 3:20  Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. 

Let us stop and analyze an invitation that Jesus gave to every human on the earth. We will begin by first noticing the reference in the words of Jesus to a “door” (Dalet) that he is standing before knocking.  Jesus is definitely the God servant Ox figure of the Alef. Therefore, we have the Alef standing before the Dalet. These are the first two letters of the name Adam.

You see we learned in the “Dalet” lesson that Jesus is our door for salvation, and by us choosing to enter into this door, we can be saved. But Jesus is not the only door that is necessary to be opened in order for us to become fully saved. Every human has a spiritual door provided for God access, that must also be opened by the human spirit in order to be necessary for their salvation to occur.

By a human opening their heart’s door, they are allowing the Spirit of Christ to come inside to give them eternal life by Him being their LORD. Both doors (Jesus and human) must be entered into by both covenanting partners and these acts produce a union of becoming one Spirit (1 Cor 6:17) in two realms of existence. Jesus wants you to invite Him into your heart, and He will enter your newly created spirit (2 Cor 5:17), to bring you into the presence of the Father in heaven. This is the LAW of marriage found in Genesis 2:24 for the first Adam that is re-applied by God spiritually in the Last Adam (Jesus). But this covenant of marriage is between Christ and His bride the church body (Eph 5:31-32).

Now that you know that, we need to get back to our Hebrew letters found in the name “Adam”. We just discovered the Dalet + Mem means moving “Blood” as if alive. Now let us add the first letter “Alef” and place it before the root word “blood”. Remember, that the first letter “Alef” has the most basic meaning of being a representation of “God”, who is the ultimate “beginning” and strong servant.  The last part of Adam is “Dalet” + “Mem” (H1818) meaning “blood”. Combine these and we get “God’s blood” or “the blood of God”. Wow! That is pretty amazing information. God has hidden the fact that found in the very first human man, was His very own “blood”. That is pretty remarkable and we can confirm this by reading and studying more in Genesis:

Gen 2:7  And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

OK, we can read that the body of the man was formed from the dust of the earth. But it had no life until God breathed into Adam His breath (Spirit). God is a Spirit (Jn 4:24). Therefore, God does not breathe created “air” (oxygen). What then did God place in the body of Adam to cause him to become a breathing human? What is God saying to us here? Notice that this action giving life is called the “breath of life”. That is pretty amazing based upon what God says in Leviticus:

Lev 17:11  For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul. 

Did you notice what God reveals about the life (H5315) of a human body that causes it to be alive? God clearly reveals that it is “blood” that causes physical “life”. God had to place His “blood” in the body of the created man to cause Adam’s physical life to come alive. But that is not all of the truth necessary to know everything that happened to the first Adam when God “breathed” into his nostrils.

Jas 2:26  For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. 

Can you begin to see the direct connections being made by the LORD? God says in James, that a human body without their spirit is dead. Then in Leviticus God declares the life of a human body is in their blood. What did God just say? God just said, that if there is no human spirit or blood in their physical body, there is no physical or spiritual life present. This was the case for the body of Adam in Genesis 2. It was not until Adam received the breath of God that life came inside the body. Where then did Adam’s blood and spirit come from? Both of these could have only come from God.

There looks as if there is a new revelation appearing, about the fact that when God breathed (His Spirit) into the nostrils of the lifeless body of the first Adam, that He placed His personal life, inside Adam to give Adam a sinless blood and him a sinless living spirit simultaneously. Uh oh? This information could probably be causing a lot of religious minded people to potentially close their minds. But it is what the Bible says. Adam when created was in a form of a being that could have lived forever, if they had not eaten from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It was only after sin, that death entered into the world.

What we are learning is that the first created Adam, was created more like the Last Adam Jesus than we might have realized. But because God knew the end from the beginning, God also knew that the first Adam was going to sin and fail. And this fact is why God placed the “Last Adam” inside of the first Adam as a “seed” (Nun). By pre-planting the physical “seed” (Nun) of the “Last Adam” in the physical body of the first Adam pre-sin, God already had the solution for post-sin from the very beginning (Alef). God reveals this by calling Jesus the “Son of Man”. The Hebrew word H121 transliterated as Adam is the exact same word (H120) that was translated as “man”.

These Bible truths may or may not be a new revelation for you, that Jesus our Savior was designed by God into the foundation of the world from the very beginning. God implemented this strategy of making Jesus the pre-planned “slain Lamb of God” from the foundation of our world (Rev 13:8). We can understand that because God knew the end from the beginning (Isa 46:10), He already planned a solution implementation to pay the penalty of human sin and rebellion even before it became a reality need. We are learning that Jesus was not just a thought in the mind of God during creation but was rather a part of God’s designed solution implementation. God’s nature is to provide the solution before the problem is ever known. Nothing surprises Him in the least.

God provided a future body of the Last Adam Jesus the savior of the whole world, by placing His physical body seed “IN” the body of the first Adam when he was created. This is the truth, or otherwise Jesus could not ever be called by the title “Son of Adam/Man (H120)”. But there is a lot more challenging new information to combine with this one. For example, Jesus the Last Adam, is also called the “Son of God” as well as being the “Son of Adam”. That is a new mystery that needs further revelation. How can Jesus the Last Adam, also be a Son of Adam as well as the Son of God? And what else does all of this information about two Adam’s imply?

We need to discover another major new Bible concept, that God says the “first Adam” was also a “son of God”. That may be more challenging than anything that you have ever learned in the Bible. But we are about to discover why this is so important in relationship to our “Blood” Mem letter study.

Please remember in Luke 3:38 that the first Adam was called “the son of God”. I know the word “son” is not in the Greek text, but it is implied strongly by the reference of every pair of men being a father and son relationship that pass their “seed” bloodline to the next generation. Are you going to try to tell us that everyone pair is a father and his son, except the last pair, God and Adam? That would not logically make any sense. Patterns are prophecies of truth in the Bible. Remember this information was already confirmed by knowing that the three letters of the name of Adam meant “God’s blood”. Now notice what God says in this verse:

Act 17:26  And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; 

God has declared that all people from every nation on the earth, originally came from the blood of God that He placed in the body of the first Adam in Genesis 1-2. There are no races of people, no matter what the tone of the skin color or the physical characteristics. Every human has the same original parents named Adam and Eve and their blood could have only come from God. The fact that all humans came from one woman named Eve, is scientifically proven by observing human DNA origins going backwards from woman to woman until the single common woman that is called our mitochondrial-Eve by Wikipedia. Go read about it for yourself. This information was first published nearly 30 years ago.

What we are learning is very profound. We can begin to see the value that God places upon every human and why it was necessary for Him to come to the earth in person to redeem us. This is why God says in Hebrews 10:14 that it is not possible for the blood of created animals like bulls or goats to take away (human) sin. Why would this be? If man had been given the same kind of blood as animals, it would surely be possible for their innocent blood to pay the price for human sin. Or if God gave His blood to the animals like He did to Adam, that would make us all of the same type. But because humans were the only one that was given God’s blood, God required the same or greater payment to save us. Hebrews 10:14 is just one more confirmation. But let us look at other references in the first chapter of Genesis to further confirm God’s blood was placed inside of Adam:

Gen 1:26  And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

The Hebrew word translated as “Likeness” in Genesis 1:26 is very important to our subject of the first Adam being God’s son, and having God’s blood. This Hebrew word “H1823” translated as likeness is made with combining 4 Hebrew letters. These letters are the “Dalet”, “Mem”, “Vav” and “Tav”. Wow, now let us place these meanings of each of these letters together to see that they say “Blood” (Dalet+Mem), “Nailed” (Vav) to a “Cross” (Tav). This was obviously God’s original plan for Jesus.

But another definition for this Hebrew word translated as “likeness”, has this meaning in the Ancient Hebrew Lexicon as; “A son from the blood of his father resembles his father”. What we have just reaffirmed is the fact that the first Adam was a son of the creator heavenly Father. This is what amazed the angels that observed God’s creation of the first man Adam (Job 38:7). God places His own Spirit life and blood inside of the body of His created man, and this made him different than any other creation up to this point. The angels in heaven could look at the created first Adam and see a direct family relationship to creator God. It is very much like people can look at my son, and see my characteristics in his looks, actions, characteristics, etc.

Jesus the second man, and last Adam, also possessed the singles pure blood (Mem) of God. It was the fact that Jesus lived His life without sin, that gave Him the right to pay the price of all of us human sinners that were born in the first Adam’s family blood line. Believe it or not this is the truth. God even tells us of this in the Hebrew word prophecy found in the letters of the word translated as “Truth”.

5. God’s (Alef) + “Blood” (Mem) + “Cross” (Tav) = TRUTH

One Hebrew word translated as “truth” is H571. This is an amazing word to our Bible study. This word is spelled with three letters. The first letter is the “Alef” representing Jesus the strong Ox servant. The second letter is our study letter “Mem” representing “blood”. The last letter is “Tav”, representing “the covenant mark of the cross”. Placing these three letters together God gives us the prophecy of “God/Jesus blood on the cross is ultimate truth”. Remember what Jesus said to us in John 8:32? In this verse of very profound revelation, Jesus said, “You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free”. Wow, do you see God’s connections to knowing who Jesus was, and whose Spirit and blood was found in His body, by His selection of the spelling of this Hebrew word translated as “TRUTH”? 

Jesus just mentioned the word for “Truth” twice in this single statement in John 8:32. Within the context you can clearly see that Jesus is speaking to Jewish people. There is no doubt in my mind or heart, that He was speaking in Hebrew the word “Truth”. Remember that Jesus very plainly claimed to be the “Alef” and the “Tav”, four times in the book of Revelation. This word “Truth” is indirectly connected to that claim because of the beginning and ending letter of the Hebrew word. This would tend to teach us that Jesus also understood what the “Mem” in between represented as being His “blood”.

We have just learned something very significant about two Adam’s. Both of these men originally contained the sinless blood of Almighty God. The first Adam rebelled against God, and this did not faze Him, because He had already planned another Adam to save us all. Because God Himself became this second and last Adam, God could insure and guarantee our salvation personally. We also see why it was necessary for Him to come because of His original man being designated to be so valuable by God placing His own blood inside of his body.

It is the “Mem” spotless blood of Jesus that is the primary emphasis to our study of this ancient Hebrew alphabet letter. Without this blood sacrifice on a cross, we would all be lost and going to hell with Satan. That is the “TRUTH” (Alef+Mem+Tav). Hopefully, you are learning and seeing some new amazing things that were hidden in the spelling of words with God’s “Blood” in them. We will only go through one final section in this lesson, ending with a description of how the water and the blood symbols of the “Mem” were found in the life of Jesus from beginning birth to the ending death.

6. Jesus’ the First and Last – Mem Water and Blood Prophecy Fulfillment

Isa 7:14  Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. 

We are beginning to wrap up this Mem blood study, by connecting the beginning and the ending of the physical life of Messiah Jesus. Never forget the basis of this entire series originates from the fact that Jesus directly claimed 4 times in the book of Revelation to be the Alef and the Tav, the beginning and the ending. From this information, Jesus implied He was also every other letter of the alphabet that fell between the first and the last. This certainly included the “Mem” water and blood letter.

What we are about to see, is how the life’s beginning and the ending death of Jesus were clearly connected and woven together by God’s designed plan using both of the major Mem symbols of water and blood. We are about to discover how both the beginning of the Jesus’ life and His ending physical death involved His human interaction with natural water and blood. Wow! This is impossible to be a coincidence. This knowledge simply confirms the infinite foreknowledge of God to incorporate every Hebrew letter into the life and ministry of Jesus. It clearly demonstrates God’s extreme intelligent design of every detail including the alphabet letter choices.

What we are about to discover is that the “entrance” of Jesus into the world involved the interaction of both Mem “water and blood”. Then we can notice the exact same two interacting components in the death of Jesus. Let us begin first with the birth of Jesus first using the above prophecy found in Isaiah 7:14.

Why was it necessary for the Messiah to be conceived within, and born from a “virgin” woman? God very specifically prophesies this plan hundreds of years before it was fulfilled in the virgin woman named “Mary”. Think about it? Any woman could get pregnant. Even Sarah at the age of 90, who was well passed the time of having a child normally, suddenly and miraculously had a God promised child. Sarah was a type of the mother of Jesus. Yet she does not come close to matching the profile of the virgin Mary, other than both being miraculous conceptions. It appears this birth of Christ was going to be even more miraculous than that birth of Isaac. In Isaiah 7:14, God reveals this birth will be for a “sign” (H226).

This Hebrew word H226 translated as “sign” is spelled “Alef” + “Vav” + “Tav”. The combination of these three letters reveals the meaning, “God nailed to a cross”. This word can also literally mean the “mark of a covenant agreement” between two parties. We all know Jesus claimed to be the “Alef” (beginning) and the “Tav” (End) four times in the book of Revelation. The joining nail in between these two letters represents a bonding connection. Placing this information together we can get another image of the “beginning” of Jesus being joined with His “end”, and amazingly this occurred in the Gospels very plainly. Let us examine why God selected a virgin woman first as the beginning for Christ’s physical birth.

1Jn 5:6  This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth. 

1Jn 5:7  For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. 

1Jn 5:8  And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one. 

These are amazingly parallel verses found in the New Covenant about our subject letter “Mem”.  Notice the mention of “Truth” at the end of the verses related to the Spirit of God.  Then notice that four times in these three verses, “water” is mentioned directly. Four times in these three verses, “blood” is directly mentioned. Therefore, there is no doubt that we are directly over the target letter “Mem” subject.

Remember in the introduction we were talking about three components H2O that were designed by God to describe one element called “water”. This pattern is found again here, being repeated amazingly in great detail. Let us begin by noticing verse 5 is describing the birth of Jesus.  This is strongly implied by God’s usage of the Greek word G2064 that was translated in verse 5 as “came”. To come is a term indicating that a person has been in a previous place and has now manifested in the current location, representing physical earth.

This simply means that Jesus came down from heaven, being sent by His Father who was still there, and it was accomplished by the Holy Spirit overshadowing a woman named Mary. It is very important to note upfront that the child Jesus spent 9 months inside this woman before He “came” into the world.  Then you better not forget how this time was spent?  These 9 months were God as a developing child surrounded by “Mem” water.  That is your first clue that God is about to reveal something more intense is coming.

We can learn all about this reading in Luke chapter 1. God the Father sent an angel to Mary to inform her that she is being favored by God. She is told that she would have a child. She asked the angel how this would be possible, since she had not “known” a man. This simply meant that she was a virgin. That was a great question. The angel then informs her that the Spirit of God would come upon her to cause this child to manifest. Again, we find the entire trinity in the conception of Jesus. The Father in heaven, sent the angel with the “Word” message, the Holy Spirit would come upon Mary, and the Son of God would manifest. That is all another amazing three in one interaction of God.

Ok, that brings us back to what is a virgin and how is this connected with 1 John 5:6?  Notice in this verse of 1 John, God reveals Jesus was born with both blood and water being mixed together.  How is this possible during child birth? Normally it is not possible. There is never any blood present during normal childbirth. But Mary was a virgin. This meant her hymen was still present in her birth canal. This little piece of skin was designed by God to produce blood flow when torn. Normally this occurs the first time the woman has sexual relations with her husband, but Mary had never experienced this until after Jesus was born (Mat 1:25).

Can we see what God is revealing here? Normal childbirth labor occurs with breaking of the membrane to release the flow of water in the womb. It was this Mem “water” that Jesus the Son of God grew in, until He could be born. When Mary’s water broke, the normal gush of moving fluid exited and was followed by the head of the baby Jesus. During the exit from the womb, Jesus had to have broken the hymen and that would also cause Him to pass through the blood of His mother. Do we understand that the sole created purpose of the hymen in a female, is to bond in covenant with her husband? That sounds a lot like the description of the Hebrew word “H226” that was translated as a “sign”. Do you believe this was a beginning sign for something major that was happening in one of the first works of God in Christ’s birth? Take a look at another verse of significant revelation concerning the birth of Messiah:

Gal 4:4  But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, 

As we can see, God sent His Son Jesus, by Him being “made” inside of a Hebrew virgin woman named Mary. Jesus spent the normal duration of 9-months to fulfill the birthing time. But please notice the major emphasis for why He was born of this woman Mary. According to God, Jesus was born of Mary because she was under the Law of Moses, and this fact made her child Jesus to also fall under the same LAW!  Uh oh? Let us say this again. Because Mary His mother was under the Law of Moses, Jesus her firstborn son, also was placed under the full Law of Moses. Why was this necessary?

Some ask the question, isn’t it His law already? Didn’t God speak this law to His servant Moses directly? We are not able to teach this revelation as fully as is needed today. God had a problem in heaven after Lucifer sinned and rebelled causing 1/3 of the angels to fall with him. Did you know there were no laws in heaven when Lucifer rebelled against God?  Did you also know that in Romans 4:15 God says where there is no law, there is no transgression?  This is one of the main reasons why God created Adam on the earth.

God brought about a nation from Abraham that He could introduce His “LAW” through. It was this fact of being under His LAW, that Jesus, who was God in the flesh, manifested. By God placing Himself under the Law of Moses in the flesh, He placed all of His creation under the same LAW and this included Lucifer and every other angelic being, good or evil. Notice what God reveals to us in this verse about the LAW:

Rom 3:19  Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. 

God’s Law of Moses only applied to those natural people that were born under His law. This appears to imply that it did not apply to God, nor any other angelic being, nor any other nation that was not in the Old Covenant. This is very amazing implied information being given to us. God appears to be revealing to His saved church, one significant reason for Him being born on the earth, was to place Himself under His own law. What was the reason for this act? According to what we just read; it was to “silence” the mouth of everyone in the world. Who is the god of this world that needed to be silenced?  2 Corinthians 4:4 says Satan is the god of this world that blinds the minds of every unbeliever. Uh oh, we are learning some great new information.

Using this information and other verses in the New Testament we will find that because Jesus could live the LAW as a sinless man, He could pay the price to allow for human salvation, while simultaneously legally rejecting salvation for Satan. Jesus seems to have accomplished this condemnation by His death on the cross:

Joh 16:11  Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged. 

Notice what Jesus reveals about Himself and His soon coming crucifixion on the cross. This soon coming event of His Tav cross death, according to Jesus appears to be one of the final nails in the coffin on Satan.  This is very enlightening information being given to us by God Himself. This is also a very eye-opening new way to look at the verse 1 Corinthians 2:8 for some. In this verse God reveals “If Satan would have known the reason for the life of Jesus, He would have never crucified the LORD of glory!”. Are you beginning to see why? Jesus living in the flesh under the Law of Moses, and never breaking the LAW, could have lived forever in His sinless state or existence. He would have never been able to die. If there would have never been a death, there would have been no burial. If there would have been no burial, there would have been no resurrection from the “dead” of anyone. But because Jesus was the “Firstborn” from the dead, He gained preeminence over Satan for eternity separating God from the realm of darkness totally and completely. This could all occur because God came into the world born of a woman under the law through His water and blood interaction.

We will not go through all of the other verses of 1 John 5 in this lesson today.  It would take literally books of new information to reveal everything God is saying to us about the spirit, blood and water connections in the life of Jesus.  What we should conclude is Jesus was intentionally born into the world passing through both “water” and “blood”, which are the two major meanings of the “Mem” pictogram. But now let us move to the end of the life of Jesus to see how these same two substances are again mentioned and joined together at His ending death. Please notice, that none of this is a coincidence.

It just so happens that one of the last recorded events that befell the natural body of the LORD Jesus, occurred while the body was still hanging on the cross. During this event there occurred the mixing of both Mem “blood” and “water”, that fell upon the ground. And this sounds like the birth of Jesus exactly.

Joh 19:33  But when they came to Jesus, and saw that he was dead already, they brake not his legs: 

Joh 19:34  But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water. 

Joh 19:35  And he that saw it bare record, and his record is true: and he knoweth that he saith true, that ye might believe. 

Joh 19:36  For these things were done, that the scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of him shall not be broken. 

Joh 19:37  And again another scripture saith, They shall look on him whom they pierced. 

This is really amazing how God accomplished this work. God by His infinite foreknowledge knew everything that would take place on crucifixion day including the exact time that it would occur. We are only going to focus upon verse 34 for our Mem study lesson. Soldiers were coming to every man crucified, to break their legs to speed up their deaths since it was getting close to 6 PM that began the new day Sabbath evening. Jews demanded that these 3 men, not be left on the cross to defile their Sabbath. Isn’t it interesting how the number 3 has appeared again. When the soldiers came to Jesus, they were surprised that he was already dead.

But for good measure to ensure His death, one soldier took a spear and with its sharp point pierced the body into the heart of the Lamb of God. Instantly after the spear was extracted from the body of Jesus, both blood and water flowed out upon the ground. Wow, that is both of the major symbols of the Ancient Hebrew Mem letter picture. This just cannot be a coincidence; it is definitely another major sign of the intelligent design of an all-knowing God.

Notice the connection in this passage again to 1 John 5:8. The Spirit of Jesus leaves His physical body, and the body is dead. Then the spear is placed into the physical body and the “water” and “blood” is poured out on the ground. What did John say in 1 John 5:8? These three agree in one, the spirit, the blood and the water. Did not all of these just leave the body of Messiah? What were the three witnesses saying in agreement?

  1. Without the “Spirit” the body is dead,
  2. Without the “blood” the body is dead,
  3. Without “water” the body is dead.

What we have just seen in this section, was the beginning birth process and entrance of Jesus involved by a passing through Mary’s natural bodily “water” and “blood” fluids. But before this natural birth of Jesus occurred, she heard the Word of God and believed it to receive it. Then the Holy Spirit comes upon Mary passing even to her spirit through her bodily fluids of both “water” and “blood”, in order to cause her to be physically impregnated in her womb. When this happened the Word of God became “Flesh” (Jn 1:14), and this grew a new manifestation of God as an unborn child called the Son of God, Jesus. God’s Spirit now lived inside of a natural woman in a sack of “water”, surrounded by her “blood” being fed by an attached umbilical cord.

Now consider this additional factor of Mem “water” and “blood” in this birth process. The union of Mary’s physical egg with God’s Word/Seed caused a baby to begin to develop. In as few as 5 weeks this God/Man baby had the basic structure of a heart that caused the flow of “blood” through the continuing to grow body’s circulatory system. Wow, this is amazing. Now we have a self-contained body unit inside of His mother’s self-contained body unit. Mary’s body being a daughter of Adam, Abraham, Judah and David had sin’s corruption within it. What allowed God in the flesh to be inside this sinful woman and her not to drop dead in God’s presence inside?

The answer is found in the previous stated fact that declares Jesus’ body to be a self-contained independent temple of God. The growing baby inside Mary’s womb, as we learned previously had the incorruptible blood of God, that was sinless and spotless. It was just one drop of this powerful blood that was immediately able to pay the full sin debt of all humans in the entire time of man’s history on the earth. It was also this blood that had allowed God in the flesh to touch the sinful woman Mary’s body, and her not fall dead instantly. In the mind of God, the Lamb of God growing inside Mary’s body had already been slain when Adam sinned. This is why Jesus could walk up to sinful humans and say to them in advance before His natural death, “your sins are forgiven”. He knew what was going to happen in just a short time.

That was a lot of uses by God, of Mem “blood” and “water” interactions. We will see even more examples of this in the next lesson that will focus upon the subject of “water” predominantly, the Lord be willing. But all of these cooperating works in agreement of God’s Spirit, Water, and Blood is what gave Him the legal right to be physically born as a human baby into the world (Jn 10:1).

Now combine the beginning entrance of Jesus into the world, with the legal witness of His exit out of the world. As we learned previously God’s usage of “blood” and “water” and His Spirit were witnesses to both situations. Did you know “blood” is a witness? We read in Genesis 4 where the blood of Able cried to God from the ground. This established the fact that “blood” speaks even after death as a witness to his murder. Did you know also, that the Blood of Jesus also speaks? In Hebrews 12:24, we find where God says “The blood of Jesus speaks better things than the blood of Able”. Now we have just learned some amazing truths.

We have also established a fact that both the birth and the death of Jesus were witnessed by three realities of the same substances. The first was the Spirit of God. The second was the “blood” of God, and the third was the word of God. I know you thought that was supposed to say the “water” of God. But in the next lesson, we will confirm this Mem “water” represents God’s spoken Words. We can already begin to see this reading in John 1:1 where God says, “In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God”.

Now combine John 1:1 with Genesis 1:1-3. “In beginning God (Elohim + Alef-Tav) created the heaven and the earth, and the Spirit of the Lord brooded over the waters, And God said, “let there be light”.

There appears to be an even greater usage of God of His water and blood hanging on a cross than we might have ever seen before. Remember that it is the blood that was poured out of the vessel of the body of Jesus that establishes the New Covenant creation of God. This is why Jesus could cry with a loud voice hanging on the cross “It is Finished”, speaking of God’s old creation containing Lucifer.  The ending last natural work of Christ on a cross was for Him to supply an offering of His blood and water for the full one-time payment and cleansing of all human sin. That is amazing! Thank you, Jesus! It was the witness of these three elements, Spirit, Blood, and Water (Words), that gave God the legal right to raise Christ back from the dead, after the first Adam’s human sin penalty was fully paid for in three days.


It was God’s powerful, wonderful and amazing Mem “Blood” that purchased us out of an eternity of spiritual death separation abiding in hell. It was God’s blood that caused every human sin to be able to be cleansed and removed from God’s judgment. We have been focusing upon the Mem “Blood” substance representing the blood of Jesus, our LORD and Savior. We have explored several Hebrew words that contain the “Mem” blood letter. We learned about Jesus coming to the earth “to die” two deaths that were revealed to happen in Genesis 2, if Adam sinned. God had pre-planned the solution to this problem by already establishing a pathway of blood for the Last Adam to be born as a baby child in Bethlehem.  

We further studied the fact that the name “Adam” means “God’s Blood”.  We further studied the Hebrew word translated as “Likeness” confirmed Adam had the blood of God in His body. This teaches us how valuable created man was to God from the very beginning. The first man Adam was made slightly lower than God Himself and certainly above the angelic class of beings. But He fell below them becoming in need of a great sacrifice to save us.

We also learned the Hebrew word translated as “TRUTH” is Jesus the Alef and the Tav joined with the “Mem” blood connector.  We will always be eternally grateful to what God did to become a human to bring about a clean blood supply from heaven to pay the price of all of our sins.  Thank you, Jesus!  This was only “Part 1” of the Mem study subject. The LORD willing, we will learn the Mem “water” application to Jesus in “Part 2”.  We appreciate your time in studying the Bible with us. Satan literally hates these lessons because they are blessing so many people.

Intro Alef Beyt-1 2 Gimel Dalet Hey Vav Zayin Chet Tet Yod Kaf Lamed Mem 1 2 Nun Samekh Avin Pey Tsade Qof Resh Shin Tav Alef-Beyt Chart (Series updated as LORD directs and permits)

Are You Saved? Do you Know Jesus? Life is Short! Jesus wants to Know You! Please come and get to Know Him!

Jesus in the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet Part 21 – The Resh – The Head of the Body

(Ver 1.1)This lesson is “Part 21” in the Bible study series revealing the Lord Jesus Christ, that had been hidden by the Spirit of God in His design of the original Ancient Hebrew Alphabet. This lesson is another truly amazing subject uncovering extraordinary, veiled information in one letter of the Hebrew alphabet called the “Resh”. If you have not read this series from the beginning, it is recommended that you go and do so with “Part 1” first. There is just too much information that has been given in each lesson that cannot be fully repeated in the others. But this lesson will stand alone for those that desire to see only the application of this one alphabet letter.

Please also understand that these are “advanced spiritual lessons” from the word of God and are potentially offensive to the unsaved, immature carnal, or newly born Christian. In the last published lesson, an immature commenter left some hateful remarks because of their potentially wrong or differing beliefs. Can we please understand how childish of behavior that is? Why would anyone say ungodly things to anyone, especially a Bible teacher telling others about Jesus? A real Christian would never do this.

Therefore, before you read these lessons, please pray and ask the LORD should I even be reading this? Then analyze what should be my response if I do not agree with what is being taught about Jesus? Please accept a suggestion. Walk in love and please do not leave an unsolicited evil accusation about anyone or anything you don’t agree with. God is Love! And you only prove you don’t really know Him, by speaking evil of His children (Mat 12:34).

If you do not feel you are a spiritually growing and mature believer in Christ, please judge yourself now, and consider to ask yourself what would Jesus want me to do? No lesson published here is given to cause any human to stumble away from the LORD. Thank you in advance for your participation in desiring to know more about Jesus today, than you did yesterday.

Today we will be learning only a limited amount of God’s important information about the letter “Resh”. There are literally volumes of books that could be written on each letter and how it applies to the work of God in Christ Jesus. Here is a quick list of the contents of this lesson’s sections:

  1. Introduction – The Ancient Hebrew Resh
  2. God Exalts Jesus Higher than ALL
  3. Jesus the Resh Prophecy Fulfillment
  4. Jesus God’s New Covenant Prince
  5. Jesus God’s New Covenant High Priest
  6. Jesus God’s Head King and Head Priest
  7. Jesus God’s New Covenant HEAD (Resh) of the Body
  8. Personal Application of God’s Resh to Rule
  9. The Resh Conclusion

Let us get started with learning this incredible picture of God’s Resh letter being representation of Jesus Christ.

1. Introduction – The Ancient Hebrew Resh

The ancient Hebrew letter “Resh”, is the 20th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and has the gematria number value of “200”. The letter “Resh” can be spelled as a Hebrew root word with these three letters; “Resh” + “Alef” + “Shin”. The Hebrew root word H7218 are these three letters, and it means “to shake the head”. This Hebrew word is closely sounded as “Roshe”. A “head” is a very clear representation of what the ancient Hebrew letter “Resh” represents literally being translated this way as “head” or “heads” over 300 times. This meaning has direct application to the LORD Jesus in many verses and we will learn this soon. Head is the literal definition of the letter (Resh) and the word “Roshe”, but there are also additional figurative applications for what a “head” represents. Let us explore some of the other times this word is translated into the application of something beside a man’s physical head.

For example, the Hebrew word H7218 was translated as

  1. “Head” – 264 times,
  2. “Chief” – 97 times,
  3. “Top(s)” – 75 times,
  4. “Beginning(s)” – 14 times,
  5.  “Captain(s)” – 10 times,
  6. “Sum” – 9 times,
  7. “Companies” – 8 times,
  8. “First” – 6 times,
  9. “Company” – 5 times,
  10. “Principal” – 5 times,
  11. “High” – 3 times,
  12. “End” – 2 times,
  13. “Rulers” – 2 times,

These are not all of the words that H7218 was translated into, but it is enough to teach the basics. For example, we can clearly see a pattern of rulership authority of government, political, military, or religious leadership. We can also see a well-defined meaning and application of someone or something that is above or begins the rest of the focused subject.

Let us look and learn about a few of these word selections and usages by the LORD in His word. For example, let us look at this verse with the word H7218 translated as “beginnings”:

Num 28:11  And in the beginnings of your months ye shall offer a burnt offering unto the LORD; two young bullocks, and one ram, seven lambs of the first year without spot;

When the word H7218 is translated as “beginnings”, it can be applied to mean the “first” of a series of similar other items in a numbered or accumulated sequence. It is very much a description of a mathematical “set”. All members in the set are of like kind, with “first” of importance being determined by “order” of reference or preference. In this verse of Numbers 28:11, God uses the word “Roshe” (head) to represent the “beginning” (head) day of a month. In literal Hebrew terms, it was understood that this first day of the month could be called “the head day of the month”. Or the first day of a new year could be called the “head day of the year”. Or the first month of the year could be called the “head month of a new year”. So, the first month of a new year could be viewed as the head of the other 11 months, that would follow in sequence.  This too is an amazing concept, for us not to forget and it will apply to Jesus. Now let us shift our focus to another application that is also similar to a head representing a new beginning within a different application:

Gen 2:10  And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads.

The first time the word H7218 (Roshe) is used by God is found in Genesis 2:10 . In this verse God describes a river that flowed from the garden of God called Eden. This river was divided into the “heads” of four other rivers. This description is an amazing hidden concept that figuratively teaches us that a “head”, means a fresh start or beginning of something new with each branch being a new name. God gives us the names of these four new rivers that originate from one, in the verses that follow in chapter 2, as Pison, Gihon, Hiddekel, and Euphrates. Notice how these four new rivers did not exist until they came from one greater river life source. All of this is highly symbolic spiritual information that cannot be fully covered today. But we will do a quick overview of some of the basic concepts being taught by God.

It is good to understand that this description of 1 originating river in Genesis 2, applies to represent 1 father. This father at its source is the head of a family, and he is called “abba” (Alef+Bet) in Hebrew. Remember the “Alef” is a picture of the “Head” of an ox representing a strong servant and ultimately God Himself.  He is the source of the spiritual “seed” (Word) for creating new life in all of his newly born children (Heb 12:9).

Remember that a newly born physical or spiritual “son” in the father’s house (Beyt) is the Hebrew word “Ben” (Ben+Nun). The word ben means “the father’s house (Beyt) continues in his seed” (Nun). Now notice another new connection to our story of the Resh. The Hebrew root word for “river” (H5104) is “NR” and is spelled “Nun” + “Resh”. Do you see how the ending letter of Abba, “Beyt”, begins the word for the “son” of the father? Then do you see how the ending letter of the “son”, the “Nun” begins the Hebrew root word for “River”. Then notice the ending letter for the river, is the Resh, which we are discovering is a potential new “Head” of a son. Therefore, we have transitioned from one head (Alef Ox head) to another human head (Resh) by the passing of a “seed” (Nun). This is how practically every major part of creation was designed to operate by God.

We are beginning to learn that a father river is a type of a natural or spiritual father that branches with “seed” to create a new generation in his son.  The son is also a river of “seed” that is capable of producing another generation or branch of the originating father’s family.  In spiritual terms we are speaking of God as the ultimate father of spirits (Heb 12:9). Then we can see how God the Father sent a flow like a river of His word (Seed=Nun) to create His Son (Resh) Jesus Christ (Lk 1:38). Then it was this Son of God walking on the earth that speaks the waters of life out of His mouth to begin (Resh) a new creation of believers (John 4:10). This is all spiritual application that is being manifested in the natural. We have the Abba God (Mk 14:46) being spoken to by His Son Jesus. We can find that the source of Jesus’ strength was from his Father (Jn 8:32), like the main river that is described in Genesis 2.

To help confirm these concepts, let us examine the root word letters for “river” to see how they relate to a father and son. These letter as we recall are the Nun + Resh. The Nun as we know is a picture of a “seed”. This certainly relates to a “son” who is the seed of their father. The “Resh” represents a head of a man, which can mean first, beginning, top, leader, prince, and etc.  One relative meaning of these two letters can reveal to us, “a New Seed Beginning”, which could also say “a new Seed Ruler”. Just as one natural father passes his seed to create (begin) a new son, so a father river flows to create any number of new “branch” rivers (sons). As long as the children rivers remain attached to father the feeding river, they will never run dry and die. This is exactly what the first Adam did incorrectly by disconnecting from God, who was his primary life source. This separation came from Adam committing rebellion to sin against God. But this is precisely what God repaired in the Last Adam, named Jesus, who chose to remain connected to His Father (Jn 5:30). We have just confirmed that a “Resh” represents a new “beginning”. That is very important to remember. Let us further confirm what we have learned about fathers and sons with a new verse containing our subject:

Exo 6:14  These be the heads of their fathers’ houses: The sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel; Hanoch, and Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi: these be the families of Reuben.

Notice in this verse, God uses the word H7218 (Roshe) in a similar way as we have just learned about the heads of 4 rivers. Here in Exodus 6:14 the word H2718 is used to describe the “Roshe” (head) of a family house (Beyt). Here we find a father named Rueben who is the firstborn son of Jacob, and he is also being called a father who progenerates four sons of his own.

We will briefly explore the Hebrew word “BR” pronounced as “bar”. This Hebrew word is made of the “Beyt” + “Resh”. The “Beyt” means a family house and the “Resh” is our “Head” study letter. Placing these two letters together we arrive at the meaning “a house of heads”. This Hebrew word is applied to 3 or 4 different meanings. The first is that of “Grain”. A planted field of wheat or corn seed, produces multiple stalks of corn or wheat with each head containing more seed to produce, more of the same kind. These are the Hebrew words H1250 (corn or wheat) and H1251 (field).

Now the other word we need to focus upon is H1248. This word is translated as “son”. So, a “house (Bety) of heads (Resh)” can also mean a father that produces many sons. This obviously applies to Jacob who had 12 sons that we can study in Genesis and in our Exodus verse about 4 heads from the house of Rueben.

Can you see the repeated patterns of Genesis 2:10? One father river named Rueben just branched off and begat and began, 4 new branch river sons (heads) named “Hanoch, Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi. We have just confirmed how patterns are repeated in God’s word and the concepts of one can be applied to the other. All of these concepts can and do apply to God’s unseen spiritual truths also. Let us move to another application of what a “Resh” represents as a “head”.

When H7218 is translated as the word “top or tops”, it is frequently joined with the word H2022 translated as “mountain” or “mountains”. For example, in Genesis 8:5 Noah is first able to see the “Roshe” (head) of the mountains as the flood waters begin to subside. So, we can see how this word applies to the tip, apex, peak or crowning top of a mountain or even potentially any other object. This concept teaches a “head” represents the “crowning” highest point of a much larger body under it. So, we have a physical description again, that can be applied to a spiritual application. For example, please read these verses about a mountain and what they represent:

Rev 17:9  And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.

Rev 17:10  And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

If we could, we could spend days talking about this chapter of Revelation. However, we just want to stop and focus upon our subject of a Resh (head). Notice in verse 9 it begins with the words “here is the mind that has wisdom”. Most people should understand that these next words about to be given are applied to be a spiritual application. Then notice our “resh” subject is the main topic since God is describing someone with “seven heads”. This sounds very similar to our river subject in Genesis 2 with 4 heads.

Now notice the connection of “heads” with mountains. This is not an accident or a chance occurrence. Finally, notice how this information transitions, into rulers in the next verse. God defines these heads of mountains to be “kings”. What we have learned is how God again uses natural patterns to describe far greater spiritual truths. So, we have found another direct set of connections of the heads (top leaders) of mountains to represent kings and kingdoms. All of this is a very important concept to remember in relationship to Jesus, who He is and what God is doing through Him.

Deu 1:13  Take you wise men, and understanding, and known among your tribes, and I will make them rulers over you.

When the word H7218 is translated as “rulers”, God is speaking of men that would “lead” another group of followers in the way that they should go. For example, in this verse of Deuteronomy 1:13, God selected the word “Roshe” (head) to apply to wise men selected to be the top, first or head person to “lead” each tribe of Israel. Do you see the pattern of mountain tops again?  This is clearly a position of honor, power and authority, thus God requiring these to be wise. This is an official position and could represent a king, a prince, a chief, or captain as well as other roles. This too is an important concept that should be remembered when applying this concept of “head” to Jesus.

Eze 38:2  Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him,

At times the word H7218 is translated as “chief”, and it also applies to a person or spiritual being in higher authority over others. For example, in Ezekiel 38:2 we find God applies this word “Roshe” to represent the “chief” (head) prince that is ruling a physical place location called “Meshech and Tubal”. We can see how a “head” prince can figuratively be the title of the top or highest royal ruler, with others implied to be under his authority. We have been confirming with numerous examples of how a “Resh” head represents a leader with authority. These are remarkable descriptions of Jesus, please do not forget it. But let us transition into another application for the letter “Resh” that also directly relates to Jesus:

2Ch 24:11  Now it came to pass, that at what time the chest was brought unto the king’s office by the hand of the Levites, and when they saw that there was much money, the king’s scribe and the high priest’s officer came and emptied the chest, and took it, and carried it to his place again. Thus they did day by day, and gathered money in abundance. 

2Ki 25:18  And the captain of the guard took Seraiah the chief priest, and Zephaniah the second priest, and the three keepers of the door: 

In 2 Kings 25:18 and 2 Chronicles 24:11 God uses the word H7218 “Roshe” (head) to describe the high, or chief priest.  This title clearly made this single man someone that was the leader of the rest of the priests, as well as being “the” representative of the entire nation to go before God with blood sacrifice offerings every year. Most of you should already understand how this matches precisely to point us to Jesus. But we will talk in more detail about this very soon.

Most can view the ancient Hebrew pictogram of the “Resh” and see the clear image of a man’s head turned to the side. This profile image is normally facing in the direction of west on a normal map. Remember the Hebrew language is read from right to left or from sunrise east to sunset west on the directions of a map. This would cause the right side of the page to be the east side of the writings or could be called the beginning or first letter and word of what is to come. Therefore, the right side could represent what was read in the past, and the left side can represent what is coming in the future. It is interesting that this man’s head is looking to the future and not focused upon his past.

Another very profound characteristic of this picture is found on the top of the man’s head in the letter “Resh” picture. As you can easily observe, there is an appearance of a cap, or a crown. This is a key identifying characteristic of a practicing Jewish male. It is also a sign that this man is potential royalty like a prince or king. That is amazing since we should know that Jesus was all of these. Jesus was a real practicing Jew, a Prince, and a King. We will see this more soon.

We have learned from the Hebrew word H7218 that is transliterated as “Roshe”, and consists of the same letters that make up the “Resh” letter (Resh+Alef+Shin). This word taught us that the “Head” represents the top of the body. It also has a vast amount of implied information that is associated with it. For example, here is a list of some of the key items of a head:

  1. The “first” part of the human to exit the womb at birth.
  2. The control center for neurological impulse reception and response.
  3. A body with no head is dead and vice versa.
  4. The head can turn in limited terms independently from the body.
  5. The head is implied to be leader or center of control of the rest of the body.
  6. The head is implied to be the part of the body that is making decisions and leading the rest of the body under authority.
  7. The head is the primary source of knowledge. All 5 physical senses (sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing) functioning in the head, with the rest of the body only experiences a touch feeling domination.

That was a very quick introduction to the basic concepts revealed by God in the Bible about the letter “Resh”. It must be understood that this word is used both literally and figuratively to represent one of the following:

  1. A head,
  2. A Leader,
  3. A Prince
  4. A Chief,
  5. The Top
  6. The Highest
  7. The First
  8. The New Beginning

We will find Jesus being called these in enough verses to confirm to us, that Jesus has been chosen by God to fulfill the prophecies found in the letter “Resh”. Yes, these concepts can and do also apply to other spiritual, physical and natural beings, and items found in creation and this is important to know because that was one of God’s major purposes in Christ, was to fix those beings and things in creation that chose to rebel against Him. Let us get started in our more detailed study of Jesus in the Resh.

2. God Exalts Jesus Higher than ALL

1Ch 29:11  Thine, O LORD, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and thou art exalted as head above all

Notice this verse written about the LORD in the Old Testament. It clearly implies that there are multiple dimensions of created authorities that God must rule over. The Hebrew word H4984 that is translated as “exalted” comes from a root word defined as “to lift up” above others. This implies so very much in the Bible and requires us to ask who are all of these others that God must be lifted up to be higher over?

In the list of translated words that we found in the beginning introduction, we should have noticed that many of the terms are synonymous relationships for the same concept. For example, “head”, “highest”, “top”, “chief”, “principal”, “ruler”, “captain”, etc. all describe someone that has been promoted above others. These terms concern the subject of leadership “authority”. Authority is a powerful subject in the Bible. This letter “Resh” represents a symbol of a man in “authority”.

The Hebrew word H2022 is one word that is translated as “mountain”. A mountain can be defined to be the “head” of the earth’s terrain. H022 is spelled “Hey” + “Resh” meaning behold the head. So, we have a direct association with a mountain being a head symbol of authority. You can find this symbol being used by God in Revelation 17:9. It is very interesting that even Christ was crucified on a hill named “Golgotha”, which has the meaning the “skull”. This makes Christ’s death to be associated with the head (Mat 27:33). But let us focus on the associated concept of “authority” first.

Perhaps you recall the “centurion” that comes to Jesus asking for Him to heal his servant in Matthew 8:6?  This man gave us all a lesson about authority. He told Jesus, “You don’t have to come to my house, just speak the word only, and my servant will be healed”. Jesus marveled at this man’s faith and said, “I have not seen such great faith, not even in Israel”. The centurion explained to Jesus “I am a man under authority, and I have soldiers under me, I say to this one go, and he goes”. If you were ever in the military, then you understand ranking authority and the order of command.

In the position of order, being the top leader or chief of an organization gives this person “highest” priority of rights to make the key important decisions for everyone working for them. But they also hold the responsibility of success or failure of their decisions. But one way a leader’s decisions are not successful and it is not their fault is when those under their authority are rebellious. This was God’s problem with Lucifer in heaven. Lucifer was one of the created angelic class of beings that was in a “chief” role of authority. We can see in Revelation 12:4, that Lucifer caused 1/3 of God’s angelic beings to be swept away by his craftiness. This implies that they were all under his authority. That is very significant.

Being the “top” of a kingdom, organization, group, or whatever, means this person may be the beginning of that entity, or they could also have inherited their position from a former leader. For the Kingdom of God, both of these are true with Jesus Christ. God the Father spoke words and created everything good that we can see around us. But Lucifer and his sin of pride and rebellion, was the first to corrupt the perfect creation of God. This was a very significant problem. Therefore, God created a world containing a new man made in the image of God without any sin or evil being present (Gen 1:26-31). Believe it or not, this was a new kingdom on the earth. This human kingdom only had one law, and it was God’s intent for them not to eat of one tree, but Adam rebelled.  Therefore, the sin consequence of “death” entered into the world to be passed upon everyone born into the world.

It was the created man named Adam that was made to be the “first”, the “top”, the “chief”, and the “head in the likeness of a “resh” prince, over God’s freshly re-created world system. When we study Psalm 8:4-5 we will find God’s description of Adam’s placed order of authority. We will learn in these verses that there are no created beings higher than Adam in authority in the order of rank other than “Elohim” God. God was the only one that was not put under Adam’s authority. But notice this designation of authority included every angelic being, including Lucifer, the serpent. We can clearly see how by creating a “man” God has a plan to eliminate “Satan’s” power and authority.

Remember that the “first” (Resh) Adam is a direct pattern of the “Last (Resh) Adam” named Jesus (1 Cor 15:45). Many do not yet understand that our current world system is only an interim step from the first world system that was made by God previously (2 Pet 3:6). This first physical world system perished and was destroyed by a global flood found in Genesis 1:2. God provides a description of this destruction without any man being created in Jeremiah 4:23. But we know this destructive chaos state was not how God originally created the first world system by reading Isaiah 45:18. In this verse God declares He creates nothing without form in a state of chaos, and says the earth was made in the beginning to be habitable. But that is a different Bible study.

Therefore, we have concluded the current world is not the original world system corrupted by Lucifer who is also a Resh ruler of that old government. But our current world given to Adam’s Resh rule is also not the final world system outcome, because God is creating a brand-new Resh rule system in Christ (1 Cor 5:17). This new world will be fully implemented with the creation of a new heaven and earth coming in about 1000 years (Rev 21:1).

We do not have the time to fully teach this reality of truth today, about the previously created world system. But the introduction to the subject can be found in the lesson series “The World that Was” on this website. What is important to understand, is that if Satan can get people to discount or dismiss the first world system that was completely destroyed, it is much easier to get them to ignore the coming new world system reality that is taking place already in Jesus Christ. This is what Peter taught us in 2 Peter 3:4. In this verse speaks of people who say “Where is the promise of His coming?”, and “all things have continued the same since the very beginning of creation”. In other words, nothing has changed and this is exactly what the devil wants you to believe. Satan is still proclaiming today, “Nothing has changed since I ruled originally, and nothing will ever change”. But this is a lie.

But we are all living physically now in God’s second created world system of Government with Adam as the original “Resh” prince of the world. We should all know, that this “first” man Adam joined forces with Lucifer to rebel against God (1 Tim 2:14). This willful rebellion caused the old heavenly problem of sin to enter into the new world order of authority. This agreement (covenant) with death entered into by Adam (Isa 28:18), also gave Satan the number one top ranking position (Resh, head) over God’s newly created world system (2 Cor 4:4), as well as in heaven (Exe 28:14). Uh oh, can you sense a lot of readers shutting their minds off after reading all of this potential new information found in the Bible? Just please be patient and learn some potentially new things that may have never been seen by some in the Bible.

By committing sin, Adam sold out humanity for nothing (Isa 52:3), for us to bow to a new line of authority of evil that was never found present before. Before Adam sinned, they knew only created “good”, and the Creator God, who is always good. It was sin that introduced “evil” and the ruler of this dark evil named Satan into the present world. Many don’t believe that, but that is what 1 Corinthians 4:4 teaches us. Satan is called the “god” of this world system. We should also know that it is people in this world that live in darkness that are still under his control (Jn 12:46, Eph 2:2). Let us talk next briefly about covenants and how they factor into authority and rule:

It is very interesting to see that the Hebrew word “Yada” (H3045) that is translated as “know” in Genesis 3:22 designates a covenant relationship between two physical or spiritual beings. We can understand the covenant association of the word H3045 (Yada) by reading Genesis 4:1. In this verse God says “Adam ‘knew’ (H3045) his wife and she bare a son”. This term to “know” or “knew” is clearly associated with two individuals that are in an intimate “covenant” relationship being “one flesh” (Gen 2:24 first Adam) or “one Spirit” (1 Cor 6:17 Last Adam).

The root word of “Yada” is “Dah”. These two letters are the “Dalet” and the “Ayin”. The “Dalet” is the picture of a tent door”. The “Ayin” is a picture of the human eye. Placing these two meanings together we learn this word means the human or the spiritual “eye door”, or the “door of the eye”. We can see how the eye is one key opening in the human body to gain the knowledge of God. You are using your eye door to learn about Jesus hidden in the ancient Hebrew language, and if you have a text reader you can also hear the words being spoken with your ears. Either way the “knowledge” of God is entering into your spirit and this knowing and believing, opens your ability to receive the Spirit of God to be saved.

Joh 17:3  And this is life eternal, that they might KNOW thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. 

As you can see in these spoken words of Jesus, anyone “knowing” God and Jesus they are saved to receive life everlasting. It is your continuing experiential knowledge of the true God and His Son that He sent, that guarantees your salvation. But let us continue with our “Resh” study of two Adams and see how the covenant concept applies within this subject. 

In Genesis 3:22 God makes the statement that the “first” Adam has become like God Himself, “knowing” (H3045) both good and evil. This is amazingly important information. By this statement, God claims that He was in covenant relationship with the good and the evil (rebellious) created angelic beings. But now the created “first” Adam on the earth who only “knew” (H3045) the good/God, was also in the exact same situation as was previously only found in heaven a place of previous perfection. This is a good time to remind you of the Bible fact that Satan is also called a “prince” (Resh) ruler. Therefore, we have at least three “Resh” figures, being connected. These are 1) Lucifer/Satan, 2). the first Adam, and the ultimate ruler 3) the Last Adam, Jesus.

This is one of the main reasons why God became a human made like the image of sinful flesh. He did this to condemn “ALL” sin in His own body (Romans 8:3). Through the physical death of Jesus on a cross 2000 years ago, and His spiritual death of being in hell for 3 days, he has made ALL sinners condemned by the work of God on a cross.

Joh 12:31  Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out. 

Joh 12:32  And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. 

As we can read, Jesus’ death on a cross was a judgment upon the “prince” of this world. We know the term “If I be lifted up from the earth” is referring to Jesus hanging on a cross in the realm of the earth’s atmosphere. We know this because in John 3:14 Jesus compares his coming crucifixion to be the fulfillment of the Old Testament event of Moses lifting up a serpent on a pole. Moses did this to physically heal the snake bitten people of Israel that were dying a death of poisoning (Num 21:8). God’s work through Moses was a symbolic representation for what God would do in Christ for the world. This amazing work would save all that believe in Christ, from Satan’s (the serpent’s) poisonous lies, that were sending us to an eternal death apart from God.

Jesus is informing us that by Him being crucified is guaranteeing Satan’s ending destination in hell. He did this by being made “sin” (2 Cor 5:21). Also note that “sin” is a synonymous term for Satan (1 Jn 3:8).  When Christ defeated sin for all mankind, He defeated Satan’s authority over us (Col 1:13).

We can call the location of Christ’s crucifixion in the physical atmospheric realm to be the first heaven. It is the first heaven of human existence where Satan the Resh prince of the kingdom of darkness rules (Col 1:13). Hopefully you understand that just as there are three created worlds, there are also 3 heavens mentioned in the Bible. The first being the earth’s atmosphere (Eph 2:2). The second heaven being the physical universe containing galaxies, stars, planets, etc. (Gen 15:5). The third heaven being the spiritual heaven location of the throne of God (2 Cor 12:2).

When God is said to have condemned “sin” with his death of Christ in Romans 8:3, this judgment included Lucifer and all of his rebellious angels as we read in John 12:31. This is probably more new information that you have never heard before. But not knowing of something does not cause the information to be true or false. This is why we are reading Bible verses and learning truth. The Spirit of Truth that wrote the Book is on the inside of you to either help you see it or to deny it is the truth. Trust God, not man!

We must ask questions when we read scriptures. God is not afraid of your questions. He is the author and knows exactly what He wrote and what He meant when He said it. Start by asking God about His need for coming to the earth personally to be born a baby under His own law (Gal 4:4). Then ask why did this personal appearance of Himself in human form need to die? We just saw a major part of this answer in Romans 8:3 with his work of condemning all sin in one body. Now ask God another great question. If Lucifer aka Satan had been sinning since the beginning (Jn 8:44), then why was Satan and all of the rebellious angels not cast into hell immediately? What kept God from judging the perfect Lucifer instantly?  The answer to that question is beginning to be opened to us in Romans 2:27. In this verse God declares where there are no laws there are no sins.

Are you now beginning to see why God created a new world with a new first Adam that had only one law? Then 2400 years later after sin entered into the world, God introduces to the world through the natural nation of Israel, a huge book of many complex laws. All of this was designed to trap Satan under these laws to condemn him, and simultaneously teach all humans that we had to have a savior to free us from the penalty of sin, which is death. Both of these were accomplished in Jesus who is the Last Adam. Jesus in comparison also introduced to us in the New Covenant, only one new commandment called “LOVE” (Jn 13:34). The parallels to the first Adam are amazing.

This brings us to so many new questions for God to answer. But we will stop there. What we all need to see, is that the ultimate answer to every question, is revealed in the works of God in Jesus Christ. God solved every problem that He had with Lucifer, and humans had with sin and Satan as their “god”. All of this was accomplished by Jesus becoming a new “Head”, a new “Leader”, a new “Prince”, a new “King”, a new “Chief”, all in a new “Creation”. These are the “Resh” letter concepts.

We have just gone through a quick introduction to a very deep subject that most have never seen or understood. We were introduced to three Kingdom systems of government that were implemented within three created world systems. The first world system was destroyed on the earth, but continued in heaven. The second world system with the first “Adam” ruler was created as a separate system with one “law” transition into many laws after sin entered into the world system. The created being Lucifer became the “god” of the first Adam’s world. This is why God brought Jesus under this world system, to die and save humans from their eternal death. But in doing this Jesus was also exalted above every name that has ever been named. This had to include “Lucifer”. God confirmed this in Phillipians 2:9:

Php 2:9  Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name

In exalting the risen from the dead Jesus, God initiated a brand-new creation that had never existed before apart from Christ. This divine action of the “Most High” God excluded all previously created beings, again including Lucifer. We can see this confirmed in this verse:

Eph 1:21  Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: 

Here we have the reference of Jesus being lifted up far above, every prince (Resh), power (authority), kingdom as well as every name. Then this verse ends with the powerful statement about this has also been extended into the “world” that will be coming. Hopefully, this is all being received as a marvelous work of God.

Now in this present evil world, everyone that enters into Christ has become a part of the transitional new creation rulership of God’s Kingdom on the earth (2 Cor 5:17, Rom 5:17), still waiting for the coming fulness of the final new creation apart from all evil. God’s new creation is growing mightily today, and will be moved completely into the coming new world. The current world system will be suddenly terminated and will never be seen again by those that were saved out of it. At the ending of the current world, the heaven and the earth will be destroyed and a new creation with Christ’s rulership will continue eternally. Lucifer and all evil, will be eternally locked up and eternally separated from all good. Thank you, Jesus! Let us now continue to see other applications to the Resh being the fulfillment of the LORD Jesus.

3. Jesus the Resh Prophecy Fulfillment

Let us continue to get into some more of these amazing “Resh” concepts that we have been learning about. It is essential to see every Hebrew alphabet letter as a prophecy of the coming Messiah. God designed it this way. Jesus acknowledged this by saying in John 5:39, “Search your scriptures for in them you believe you have eternal life, and these are they that testify of me!” Did you notice what Jesus just said? Jesus has just claimed to be hidden in every scripture, and this cannot be completely true, unless He is also hidden in every alphabet letter that create the words of the scriptures.  For example, we already know Jesus claimed to be two alphabet letters directly by saying I am the Alpha (Aleph) and the Omega (Tav). By making this direct claim, Jesus has just implied I am the rest of the letters in between also.

Therefore, we must be able to find the coming Messiah LORD Jesus, in every alphabet letter. And God will be revealing His work in Jesus, for His New Covenant through a letter with a picture of a man’s head that represents a prince. In our Resh Letter we are learning of the prophecy of Jesus as a “Resh” (Head) of God’s Kingdom. We will also discover that these prophetical concepts of the “Resh” letter, have been fulfilled in Jesus precisely. Let us go through a few more of these verses in the New Testament:

Heb 2:9  But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man. 

Heb 2:10  For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings. 

The underlined words are the ones that we will focus upon in these two verses. We can clearly begin by noting these words are a description of Jesus. Next, pay attention that Jesus is described as “crowned” with glory and honor. That is clearly a promotion that is taking place above others. In this verse we can also see the ones that Jesus is being promoted over, are called “angels”. Wow, that sounds like the class of beings ruled over by Lucifer who was the anointed cherub that covered them (Eze 28:14). The word “cover” appears to be another term for someone that is over others, and in this case, it appears to be angels.

Notice in this verse 9, that Jesus was “made” a little lower than angels, in order for him to “taste” death for every human under the power of death that Satan (Lucifer) possessed (Heb 2:14). This manifestation of the eternal Creator God on the earth to die, appears to be an implied temporary demotion. Remember angels do not ever die (Lk 20:36). Pay close attention to the revelations being given about what happened after the death of Jesus on a Cross. We find that the risen from the dead Christ was “crowned” as a clear “Resh” head symbol of rulership. This crowning appears to be a very clear promotion, based upon the context of Him being made lower than the angels in verse 9. This appears to be God “exalting” His Son Jesus to be far above all angels, including Lucifer.

It is primarily verse 10, that caused us to come to this passage. We can see at least one word definition that is connected with the Resh. In the translation of this verse Jesus is called the “Captain” of our salvation. This Greek word is G747 and it is defined by Strong, as “a chief leader”. The majority of the time it was translated as “prince” and we will get to this application soon. But we have confirmed that Jesus is called a “chief” and a “leader” of the people that are being saved. These people represent New Covenant members of the church.

1Co 15:27  For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him. 

This verse is very deep and we will only focus upon the first statement. This verse says God has put all things under the feet of Jesus, with one stated exception. To be placed under someone’s feet is a term of being raised up into a place of high authority and power for the person whose feet are above whoever it is that is being stood upon. But it is also a symbolic statement of “victory” over a defeated enemy.  In this case this is Jesus who is exalted to a place of superiority gaining the victory over Satan.

Eph 1:19  And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, 

Eph 1:20  Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, 

Eph 1:21  Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: 

We can again confirm how Jesus was raised up to be exalted into a superior place of authority. This great working of the power of God is amazing, because it took place exactly when the devil thought he had won the victory. Jesus has been exalted to the right hand of God and is now seated waiting for the appointed time to come to get His church bride.

If you look up the Greek word for “all” (G3986) it is defined as the “whole” of the defined set of the subject being discussed. In other words, there are no individuals or subsets of the set that have been excluded. In this case of verse context, God is referring to every part of the first and second created worlds and all of the authorities that were given power within them. These verses have directly mentioned the existence of a “current” world power system, as well as a “future” world power system. This only leaves the one world that existed before our world that is not directly being mentioned here.

Therefore, Jesus was raised up over EVERY authority and power that God created from the very beginning of Genesis 1:1. This teaches us that Jesus was raised up to be the “head” over, an almost complete list of the living or dead. This “ALL” would exclude God the one who spoke and created the world we live in. God is not an enemy of God and Jesus is God! Therefore, the only enemy of God that He is still awaiting the complete victory over, is death (1 Cor 15:26).  Finally, notice that the name of Jesus was also placed in authority over every other name in creation. How was this accomplished?

Act 26:23  That Christ should suffer, and that he should be the first that should rise from the dead, and should shew light unto the people, and to the Gentiles. 

Ok, this is a verse of radical truth. Because Jesus died in the current world system under the law of death, He could become the “first”, or the “beginning” of all the dead, to be raised from this current created “sin and death” world system (Rom 8:2). Being the “first” makes Him the “beginning”, and “Head” (Resh) of God’s new creation world system (2 Cor 5:17).  As the “beginning” of God’s “new” creation, Jesus simultaneously became the “end” of the previous system on the “Tav” cross. With the death on the ending letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Jesus has just begun to repeat with the first letter of the alphabet. This was what Jesus was claiming in Revelation 1:8.

This is a great time to review the spelling of the Hebrew first letter “Aleph”.  This letter is spelled as a word with the letters “Alef” + “Lamed” + “Peh”.  The “Alef” is an “ox” representing God and His power and strength. The “Lamed” is an implied shepherd holding a shepherd’s staff indicating the implied presence of sheep under his authority, thus this letter is describing a “Resh” type of leader individual with authority. The final letter is the “Peh” and this represents the picture of the human open mouth pointing us to the meaning of speaking words. Wow, now put all of these together in a sentence for God’s pointer representation of the prophetical letter “Alef”. These three letters would say, “God’s strong shepherd with authority ruling with words”. If that does not describe Jesus in His present and future capacity, I do not know what does. You can see that this is how Jesus is going to rule with a sword of words coming out of His mouth (Heb 4:12, Rev 19:15) at the end of the book of Revelation. Let us get back to Jesus as the “firstborn from the dead”.

Yes, every human under the first Adam has died since sin entered into the world. But not one of them has ever been raised from the spiritually dead until Jesus. Every righteous human that died in the past before Jesus, went to a cavity under the earth called Abraham’s bosom (Luke 16:22). But with Jesus’ physical and spiritual death, He was resurrected from the dead to be the “first” born-again from the dead (Rev 1:5). If we read Colossians 1:18 we find Jesus called the “Firstborn from the dead” as well as the beginning. Both of these concepts reveal the fulfillment of Jesus as the “Resh” head of a New Creation.

This is an essential concept for all Christians to understand. It was our God that chose to end the old creation to begin a new creation and the new is growing and becoming exceedingly great in Christ. By entering into Christ, the head of the “new” creation, God has removed the penalty of the law of sin and death that was previously given to the first Resh Adam. This was spiritually removed only for those that have been saved “in” the Last Resh Adam (Jesus) (Romans 8:2). The physical death penalty will be completely removed after the fulfillment of the time period allotted and reserved for the current world death system to operate which is coming sooner than you think. We could talk about all of this a lot more, but let us move to a new synonym, revealing Jesus our New Covenant Prince (Resh) next:

4. Jesus God’s New Covenant Prince

Isa 9:6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace

We will begin with a favorite Christmas card verse in Isaiah. We will only focus upon three key facts in this verse. We must initially realize this verse is a prophecy of the coming Messiah/Christ who is Jesus. We will notice how we are seeing the prophecy of a coming “Son”. This is the “Ben” (Son = Beyt + Nun) of the “Abba” (Father = Alef + Beyt). Next notice the reference “the government will be upon his shoulders”. Where is the “head” located? Uh oh! Yes, it is found on the shoulders. What is a government to God? It is always a “Kingdom”. Remember that when Jesus began to minister, He preached, “the Kingdom of God is at hand” (Mat 4:17). We can clearly see how Jesus came to bring God’s heavenly kingdom to the earth as one of God’s designed intentions. This further implies that Jesus is God’s coming new beginning “Head” King.

Then we must understand the last statement title of Christ in this verse. Jesus is called the “Prince of Peace”. We can see in this description how Jesus is associated with being a ruler within a kingdom called Peace. We also know from Romans 15:33 that God is called the God of Peace. Therefore, Jesus is God and God’s kingdom of peace will be ruled by Jesus.

Next, it makes logical sense for us to ask what is Peace? The Hebrew word H7965 is translated as “Peace” and it is the very common Hebrew word “Shalom”. Shalom (peace) has broadly inclusive application of more than just “Peace” in western terms. This term can apply to being externally “safe”, “well”, “happy”, “healthy”, “prosperous” as well as being blessed with experiencing internal spiritual “peace”. Remember when Jesus was about to die and ascend back into heaven, He said “My peace I leave you” (John 14:27). This indicates that those that have joined God’s new kingdom of “Peace” in Christ have what Jesus obtained and given to us right now.

Now the Hebrew word H8269 that was translated as “Prince” in Isaiah 9:6, is additionally translated predominantly as “prince” or “princes” (plural) approximately 209 other times. In other verses it is translated as; “captains” or “captain”, “chief”, “rulers” or “ruler”, etc. It is clearly a word that is defined to represent a person who is in the high role or responsibility of kingdom/government rule and authority. Let us analyze the letters that make up this word.

The Hebrew word translated as prince H8264 is spelled as “Samekh + Resh”. We can immediately see this word contains our study alphabet letter. The ancient Hebrew “Samekh” letter can be viewed as the picture of a “hand holding a staff”. Do you remember what we saw in the “Alef” beginning letter previously? There appears to be a God connection happening to this word. This letter implies a man that is walking in his authority, and consequently turning to move in a potential new direction. Remember, every human choice is a potential new direction of travel. We learned in the “Lamed” lesson that the staff represents the authority in the man’s hand that is holding it. If he is a shepherd leader, or a prince, then he is carrying this responsibility in order to protect, lead, move or travel calling for those sheep that will choose to follow him.

Thus, when we combine this letter “Samekh” with the “Resh” representing a man’s head, we can see how the basic meaning of the word combination is “to turn the head”. This turning of the head would only include those “sheep’ like people that were under the authority of the prince. But this prince ruler could choose to lead the people under him, in a new direction, for either good or evil depending upon his heart. This concept implies that there was a change from the previous self-willed direction as well as their past desires. This is amazingly describing salvation, with our Chief Shepherd (Jesus), calling to His sheep (the church) to abandon following Satan in darkness, to now follow after Him in the Light. This is us following a new leader, going in a new direction for a new way of life.

What we are learning is the man in authority of a kingdom has the ability to turn the heads of those that are “submissive” under his rule. We can see how Christians have been translated out of the kingdom of darkness and Satan’s authority in Colossians 1:13. We are studying the subject of “Christ” as “Prince”, but we find Satan called this repeatedly in the New Testament also, but it is a different kingdom. A division has taken place in heaven, and all authority in heaven and on the earth has been given to Jesus. In doing this, God created the beginning (Resh) of a brand-new creation, initiating a New Covenant, for a new spiritual nation of people, with a new commandment, with a new King, and a new High Priest. Praise the LORD!

Act 3:14  But ye denied the Holy One and the Just, and desired a murderer to be granted unto you; 

Act 3:15  And killed the Prince of life, whom God hath raised from the dead; whereof we are witnesses. 

As we can clearly see Jesus is called the “Prince of Life” in this verse. This was after Jesus was raised from the dead. Therefore, we have the fulfillment of the Isaiah “Resh” prince prophecy already having been fulfilled. But the title of this prince is designating Christ’s work to be associated with Him bringing dead humans a “life” departing out from their previous death realm that they were under in Satan’s control. Notice, verse 14 begins with the people selecting a “murderer” over the Prince of Life. This “murderer” is a spiritual reference to Satan’s kingdom who is called the “murderer from the beginning” by Christ in John 8:44. We clearly have two prince ruler choices for human who rule over two different kingdoms. If you are not in the “Light” of life you are in the “darkness” of death by default.

Act 5:31  Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. 

Here we find another message of Jesus being called a “Prince” and a “Savior” working together in two accomplished roles, through His one death on a cross. This is truly amazing how God can accomplish or reveal many things through a single word or work.  This was only a quick review of Christ being called by the direct title of a “Prince”. This title confirms Him to be a fulfillment of the “Resh” letter prophecy as a desired good spiritual ruler. Let us move to a new role of Jesus that we learned was associated with the concepts of “High” and “Chief”.

5. Jesus the New Covenant High Priest

We have just observed Jesus being called a prince. But now we will learn how Jesus will also be called by a new title related to being the “Head” (Resh). Many Christians should already know that after Jesus died upon the cross, He was buried for three days, and then arose from the dead, He became a new type of mediating High Priest of God’s New Covenant. The first act of Priesthood was for Him to present His blood in the heavenly temple (Heb 9:12). You might remember that after Jesus arose from the dead, He was at the tomb to be united with His resurrected body and He told Mary not to touch Him, because he had not yet ascended to the Father (John 20:17). This ascending heavenly offering of His personal blood brought about eternal payment for sin with one sacrifice on the cross.

In being exalted to this High (Resh) Priest position in Heaven, He is now our God/Human covenant representative before God’s throne. Because God became a human, He could faithfully fulfill the righteous role of sinlessness, when the rest of the first Adam’s human descendants could not. Jesus the Last (Resh) Adam was physically born to die, to become the first (Resh) born-again spiritual New Covenant High (Resh) Priest. It was the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the cross that was taken into heaven and placed upon the heavenly greater mercy seat, that brought an end to the hostility of sin against all of mankind (Eph 2:16). Jesus was not only the unblemished sacrifice Lamb of God (Jn 1:36), but He also arose from the dead to be made the new heavenly “High Priest”.

You may or may not realize that there was an older heavenly high priest that Jesus traded with to become this role? We do not have the time to teach this fully, but we should already have the idea, that this being was Lucifer. One of the key reasons we know this is from reading Ezekiel 28:13, where Lucifer was described wearing a covering of every precious stone. God lists 9 precious stones in this implied “breastplate” gold covering. This is very profound because it is directly related to the Old Covenant “High Priest” breastplate described in the Law in Exodus 28:17-20. There are 9 stones of precise ordering and selection, with each stone being identical. The major difference between these two gold covering breastplates (heavenly and earthly), is that Lucifer is missing the 3rd row of stones. God appears to be giving the human high priestly order a one-row advantage, over Lucifer with these three additional stones.

Ezekiel 28:14 appears to describe the heavenly priest Lucifer’s duties, speaking of him being upon the holy mountain of God, walking up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. In these verses God describes this created being to be the anointed cherub. Lucifer is also described to be a living musical instrument, indicating that he was the leader of heavenly praise and worship in the beginning (Eze 28:13). This created “cherub” as a covering is another major clue to who or what Lucifer was created to be.

For example, God in Exodus 25:13 informs Moses to build the ark of their covenant and make two anointed cherubs as a “covering” over the “mercy seat” placement of God. This too represents some very deep parallels to Ezekiel 28, because Lucifer is called the “covering” cherub. Therefore, we have many connectors being made to a previous world system where God’s covering and priestly duties revealed in the Old Covenant, were implied to be performed by a heavenly being named “Lucifer” in the beginning of creation.  But enough about the enemy that was defeated by the cross. Let us now turn our attention off of Lucifer and the Old Covenant and see what God is doing in Jesus in the New Covenant. Here are a few verses that reveal Jesus to be the new covenant “High” (head) Priest:

Heb 2:17  Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people

Heb 3:1  Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus

Heb 5:5  So also Christ glorified not himself to be made an high priest; but he that said unto him, Thou art my Son, to day have I begotten thee. 
Heb 5:6  As he saith also in another place, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec. 

Heb 8:1  Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens

Heb 9:11  But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building; 
Heb 9:12  Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us. 

All of these verses in Hebrews speak of very deep spiritual parallels to what the Old Covenant high priests did as repeated patterns for what was coming in Christ’s (Messiah) one time sacrifice. The Old Covenant was designed by God to show the futility of sin for man. Without Christ, animal blood sacrifices should still be taking place today in Jerusalem. We can learn many things from these verses and their surrounding contextual verses, but that is not our study today. The main point is Jesus is called the “High” Priest of the New and better Covenant (Heb 8:6, Heb 12:24). Remember that He only offered Himself once for all of time and for every human within this duration of human history beginning with the first Adam in Genesis 1, and continuing to the end found in Revelation 22.

Let us quickly analyze the word translated as “high priest” in the N.T.  The Greek word “G749” that is translated as “high priest” consists of two other Greek root words. These two words are “G2409” meaning “priest”, and “G746”. It is G746 that we need to focus upon. This was translated as “high” in the English language, but it is actually defined and translated as many of the same things as our “Resh” and “Roshe” (Head) letter and word. For example, here is a list of the main words that were translated from this Greek word G746:

  1. Beginning(s), 40 times
  2. Principalities or Principality, 8 times
  3. First, 4 times
  4. Began, 1 time
  5. Magistrates, 1 time
  6. Power, 1 time
  7. Rule, 1 time

The parallels to the Resh “head” as a leader of others is profound. It is extremely important to see how this word is also used to describe a “prince”. In the Old Covenant there were no men with the dual roles of being both a King and a priest. But it is clearly stated in Hebrews 5:5 that Jesus was created by God to be a High Priest after the order (type) of Melchesedic. It was Mechesedic that Abraham met with and he was both a king and a priest. Let us move into this concept next:

6. Jesus God’s Head King and Head Priest

We will begin this section with the Old Testament prophecy of Jesus’ dual Head roles being both a king and a priest simultaneously. This is also very important to know about what God has done for us in Jesus Christ. We will look at a verse in Psalm 110:

Psa 110:4  The LORD hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek. 

This is a very strong statement about an oath the LORD (JEHOVAH) made about the coming Messiah/Christ.  This man Melchizedek was a very special and unique one-time occurrence in the Old Testament. Melchizedek had no mention of parents or origin and no mention of death or ending reign, rule or his termination of priesthood. He is only mentioned in Genesis 14:18, after Abram took back everything that his enemies had stolen from him. In returning home with the spoils, Abram encounters Melchizedek, the King of Salem. We find that in this meeting Abram paid tithes of the spoils to this one King and Priest.

Heb 7:11  If therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood, (for under it the people received the law,) what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of Melchisedec, and not be called after the order of Aaron?

Heb 7:12  For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law. 

Heb 7:13  For he of whom these things are spoken pertaineth to another tribe, of which no man gave attendance at the altar.

Heb 7:14  For it is evident that our Lord sprang out of Juda; of which tribe Moses spake nothing concerning priesthood.

Heb 7:15  And it is yet far more evident: for that after the similitude of Melchisedec there ariseth another priest,

Heb 7:16  Who is made, not after the law of a carnal commandment, but after the power of an endless life.

Heb 7:17  For he testifieth, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec. 

These are amazing verses of comparison being spoken by the Holy Spirit. We have three high priests being compared together in one passage of verses. The first, is the one man named Melchisidec who was the king and priest of Salem that Abram met before the law of Moses came 430 years later. Then we have the Law given to Moses concerning the Levitical and Aaronic high priest lineage of men that served but were separated from their high priestly duties by their natural deaths. Finally, the greatest transition came with Jesus Christ who was testified to be a priest forever after the order of Melchisedec.

There are a number of important facts of truths in these seven verses. We are told Jesus came from the tribe of Judah in whom we know no priest came from because of the Law. We are also told that because Jesus came from the tribe of Judah, there was manifest the need for a change of Law. We know this new law was from Jesus giving us the new commandment of “Love” (John 13:34). The major fact revealed is that Jesus is also a simultaneous “High” Priest and King made in the likeness of “Melchisedec”. Let us end this section by looking at the prophesied fulfilled coming of this final reality in Revelation 19:

Rev 19:16  And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.

Please read the context to verify this is speaking of the LORD Jesus. The contextual verses can be describing none other than the LORD Jesus riding a white horse, coming from heaven with His saints following Him to take out all of the rebellious kings of the earth. It is most interesting that Jesus is called to be the “KING” of kings. This realization makes Jesus the “Head” King of the rest. Now place this information with what we can read in 1 Peter to observe the connections being made to the identity of the kings and priests that Jesus is KING and LORD of:

1Pe 2:9  But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:

Peter writing under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, says “we” (the church) are a royal priesthood. Uh oh! That is what Jesus is written to be. But Jesus is given the designation of the “Resh” to be the “Head”, of the rest of us that have been made like Him. We are about to learn how this was accomplished by God calling us the body of Christ. Wow, that is our next subject concerning the prophesied coming “Head” (Resh) in Christ.

7. Jesus God’s New Covenant HEAD (Resh) of the Body

God has implemented some very amazing spiritual things in the LORD Jesus concerning the New Covenant and the church. These new things in the spirit realm are patterns of previous things in the natural realm. In Ecclesiastes 1:9 God reveals to us that there is never anything actually completely “new” in the world. In this verse God reveals the concepts of designs being repeated so that new things were actually patterns from previous things that already happened. That is very deep, but this is how God chose to operate to help us understand what He is doing more clearly in Jesus:

Eph 1:22  And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church,

Eph 1:23  Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.

These two verses are a part of one of the most amazing inspired prayers recorded in the Bible. The power that this prayer releases is beyond what many can imagine. It begins in verse 17 with the request “Give to us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him”. It would be worth your time to pray this prayer for yourself for at least 3 months, 3 times a day. The Bible will become a different book to you and you will see things that you have never seen before.

Notice in these two verses, God in writing about Jesus declares Him to be the “Head”. That is the symbol of the “Resh” that we are studying. Therefore, we are on target to learn something some may have not yet found.  The Lord says Jesus is the “Head” over all things pertaining to the church. But this is not the complete revelation of the mystery. A head could be a figurative representation of a leader or ruler, but God in the next verse describes a literal connection of another type. Notice in verse 23, the church is called His “body”.

This is amazing, when you see it. The literal picture of the “Resh” has a missing body. It is not like the “Hey” alphabet letter that is a picture of the entire head, and body. Think of the created human body. It is comprised of a massive number of cells that are joined together to form one body. Each individual “cell” has its own specific job and function within the body to support the others. There are even specific cells that are designed by God to seek out, find, and destroy unwelcome invaders.

But the head of the body is the control center. Without the head, the body is dead. This was our exact condition when we were lost unsaved people. But by receiving Christ, we became a part of God’s new creation in Christ. This made us a single new member of the growing body of Christ. You do know your physical body is capable of growth and addition of new cells? This is the pattern of God’s body of Christ in the Spiritual realm.

It would be good if you could go and read 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 where God expands this topic about Christ’s body being made up of “many” separate members. But for the sake of time, we will end this section with two more verses that are important to our “Resh” study:

Col 1:17  And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

Col 1:18  And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.

Verse 17 says Jesus was God who existed before any creation took place. It continues by stating that through Jesus (the Word of God) created these things, everything that was made is still being held together by Him. Yes, we incorporated other verses into that interpretation but they are found in the Word of God, and if this is new to you, it could be a challenge to accept at first. God’s word is so amazing in what He reveals to us, that people can struggle to accept it.

Verse 18 is our key verse connection to the “Resh”. Remember the “Resh” means a “head” which implies the “first” or “beginning” of something. Jesus is declared to be the “Head” of the body. Here we are also told again “the body” is defined to be the “church”.  Then notice the next statements. Jesus is called the “beginning”. This is another perfect match to our original Hebrew letter and word “Resh” and “Roshe”. It is also a match for the Greek word G746 that was translated as “head” predominantly and “beginning” 40 times. In fact, this word “beginning” in this verse is this Greek word G746 other times translated as “head”.

Now for the ending popularly ignored statement of the verse. Jesus is again called the “Firstborn” from the dead. Wow, how many people preach Jesus was “born twice”? We know this statement cannot be referring to the Mary physical birth in Bethlehem. It could not mean that, because in that birth He was called the “Only Begotten” Son of God. If there is ONLY one, there is conflict with Him being called the “FIRST” that implies there are others to follow. No, in Romans 8:29 God confirms this second birth is Christ becoming the “FIRST” of many other brethren. This too is referring to the church. We will end with one of the final statements of Jesus written in the New Testament:

Rev 22:13  I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

In this last chapter of the book of Revelation Jesus again confirms our reason for studying the ancient Hebrew alphabet. He directly claims to be the first and the last letters of the alphabet. He then claims the titles of the “beginning” (Head), and the end. He further expands the connections with the titles of the “first” and the “last”. In all of these statements we are seeing that how things were before “sin” and “rebellion” entered into creation, will be how it ends with a new creation in Christ. We are continually learning a new concept, that sin, sickness, poverty, evil, and all of the works of the devil will be purged and cleansed from existence.

How many times in this short section containing references to less than 8 verses, do you find references to “head”, “first”, “beginning” which are all direct references to the fulfillment of the ancient Hebrew letter “Resh”?  God is just confirming what has been right in front of our eyes for hundreds and hundreds of years. Praise the LORD!

8. Personal Application of God’s Resh to Rule!

How do we apply our lesson of Christ as the “Head” to our personal lives now? This is a good question for everything we learn in the Bible. The Bible is the Word of God and is amazingly relative and applicable to our lives even in these very last days. Or more importantly, especially because we are in these last days before He returns.

The answer is found in several verses that we learned were about Christ our “Head”. Because we are informed that we are His body physically on the earth today, we can walk in, live in, and experience everything that He has given to us as a free gift. Think about how our head (Christ Jesus) is today seated in heaven. Is He worried about anything? If you answered no, then why are we worried?

Is Jesus wondering how He is going to make it through today? If you answered no, then why are we? Is Jesus sick today in heaven with cancer, tuberculosis, diabetes, corona, flu, or anything else?  If you answered no, then how can that be in His body? Are you, His body? We learned that you are, if you have made Christ your LORD and Savior. There are immense benefits given to the body of Christ. Please read this verse and see what God says to you in it:

1Jn 4:17  Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.

Here now God says we can be perfect (mature) in our love walk. This seems to be the determining factor for the rest of what is to follow next. In other words, there is a condition to the next promise. We will jump to the ending promise where God says “because as He is (now in heaven), so are we in this world (NOW). Uh oh! That is a challenging promise. I don’t know of anyone that is “perfect” in love completely 100% of the time, and this might be the reason why so many are experiencing un-Christ like experiences.

Another reason why people are being overcome by the devil, instead of them overcoming him, is probably their ignorance for who they are in Christ. If we do not know who we are in Christ, as His body, and what He has done for us and given to us, we will be unable to act by faith to achieve the complete victory. Yes, there are many saved Christians that are not experiencing the fullness of their salvation. Remember we read about this in Ephesians 1:23? In this verse we are told the Head of Christ’s “fullness” is the one that desires to fill all in all. That is a strange statement to some, but it is claiming that not everyone that is in the church has the maximum (fullest) capacity of Christ’s manifestation that is possible to exist in them.

How do we get more of God’s fulness to operate and manifest within us?  In 2 Peter 1:2 the LORD gives us a clue of one factor. God reveals “Grace and Peace are multiplied to us, through the knowledge of God”. Therefore, we need to know God more to get more grace. How do we get to know Him? We read and study the Bible. It is primarily this banned book in schools, that will cause someone to become “full” of God and His Grace. Once the knowledge of God comes, we all have the opportunity to reign in life here and now as a “king”. We read this in Romans 5:17:

Rom 5:17  For if by one man’s offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.) 

Notice the contrast of two Adam (Resh) rulers in this verse. The first Adam allowed Sin, Satan and death to enter to rule in this world. But the second and Last Adam’s defeat of Satan, causes a completely different ruler to reign, that is you and I as the body of Christ.

God says in this verse that saved Christians that have possessed the “abundance of His Grace” (Spirit and Word knowledge), and the gift of righteousness, will reign in life (NOW) as a king by what Christ has done for us and given to us. That is literally awesome. These verses inform us that if we read, study and learn the word of God we will find more grace, and if we obtain this knowledge, we will learn that our enemy has already been defeated and it is only our ignorance of who God made us as Christ’s body that allows Satan to dominate us. If you knew how much authority you had in Christ right now, it might shock you why you have let the devil do what he has done to you.

1Co 2:16  For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ. 

Jesus is the KING of kings and if we are saved, and found in His body, we are the “kings” that Jesus is the KING of.  But notice in 1 Corinthians 2:16 we find a reference to a mind. But not just anyone’s mind, this is the mind of Christ our Lord and Savior. A mind is usually associated with the human’s internal brain found in the Head.  This Mind of Christ is being connected directly to individual people named as “we”. This “we” people are the readers of the letters written to the church. Therefore, we have just connected the “body” of Christ with the “Head” (Roshe) mind of Christ.  In this verse God reveals that the physical body of Christ on the earth, should believe and be operating as if we were under the power and control of our Head’s (Resh) named Christ.

Christians are NOT supposed to be the one in control of our lives now! We are supposed to allow our Christ Head to be our LORD, and we are supposed to “hear” Him, and “obey” Him. That makes sense, right? The big toe of the right foot does not tell the little finger of the left hand what to do. If the big toe hurts it can send a message to the “Head” and pray for assistance, but it is the “Head” that will react how He desires. Jesus will always be the “Head” member of His body. He will choose your role in His body. He will gift you with the spiritual anointings to perform your role. If we try to make these choices we will fail and will not be able to produce the “fruit” that He desired for our lives. Let us end this section of application with a new subject:

Exo 15:26 … for I am the LORD that healeth thee.

We are only going to focus upon the last statement in this verse. Here God reveals Himself with His Covenant name “JEHOVAH RAPHA”. The Hebrew word translated as “healeth” is H7495, RAPHA. This word is three Hebrew letters “RPA”, and it originates from a root word “RP” or spelled “Resh” + “Peh”. The first letter of the root, is our Hebrew key study letter a man’s head (Resh), and the second letter is a “Peh” that is a picture of a man’s mouth that is open as if speaking words. Wow! Why would God connect these two letter pictures together in a word that was translated as “heals”?

Do you know what this 2-letter root word means? It literally means “heal”, but it is applied to be with taking “medicine”. This is making sense, because most humans take their medicines orally with their mouth, and these are the pictures in the letters of this word. Therefore, God is revealing that a man’s head that is in need of healing is connected with his open mouth. A lot of people may not have a clue where God is going next with this application of His selected word and letters found in “Rapha”. So, we need to go to a new verse in Psalms to help us better understand what God is revealing:

Psa 107:20  He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. 

Notice what this verse says. God is sending “words” to “heal” (Rapha) someone. The Hebrew word translated as “healed” in this verse is the exact same one attached with God’s name “JEHOVAH” in Exodus as “RAPHA”, H7495. How does anyone send words to someone? Remember, we are not speaking of modern smart phone “text” messages in the days of Moses. If you are God in heaven, you speak them to your prophets and they write them down on scrolls for us all to read. According to what we can read in the Bible, that is exactly what God did to help us to receive healing.

In other words, God spoke words from heaven to become spiritual “prescription medicine” for us on the earth. He sent them to His people on the earth through mediator human prophets that heard from God, and wrote them down to be read in every generation. These written words were designed to be read in the temple out loud by the priest as a prescription to heal human bodies. But this only works, if God’s people would learn how to take (receive), this kind of spiritual medication. God required His people to hear and to believe the words and this began the healing process. We can see this happening in the Gospels with how Jesus administered healing in many of the examples that were written.

Let us analyze the spelling of the entire word H7495 (RAPHA), to become clearer on what God is teaching us. The root word “RP” is added with the ending first letter of the alphabet “Alef”.  This results in “Resh” + “Peh” + “Alef” and is sounded as “Rapha”. Now this is more amazing than you might understand at first. Remember we learned earlier about two “heads”? Remember that one head was the “OX” (Alef)? Do you remember that the “Alef” represents the strong powerful servant image of God’s Christ? Do you remember the other head in the word was the “Resh” representing a man’s head? What did God put in between these two letters representing “Heads”? We have learned that it is a mouth (Peh) that speaks words. Wow, hopefully you are beginning to see something amazing happening.

Both, God represented by the strong OX (Alef) and created man represented by the “head” (Resh), have mouths that “speak” words. This implies such a vast amount of spiritual information. God has just implied that a man to be healed and brought back to life from death must speak the same words as if they were one mouth. Do you remember what Jesus said in Matthew 4:4?  Jesus said “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God”. Do you see the connections being made here? They are astounding!

How do you take medicine? Most normal medicine comes in a liquid or a pill form, and one needs to put it in their mouth and swallow it. How does the doctor give you the medicine? They usually speak what you should take and even write it down on a prescription and you take it to get filled at the pharmacy. This is called a “prescribed” medicine. What does the word “prescribe” mean? It has two major meanings. Notice one root word of “prescribed” is “scribe”. That is a term of someone that wrote some words down on a page. We are now fully connected to the Bible text. The root word “pre” means before as in a “prefix” or beginning of another word.

The first definition of “prescribe” means to speak to set down a rule, law or direction. We must realize that this is how Moses received the “Law” of the Old Covenant that was written in ancient Hebrew. God spoke the words, and they became God’s Law on the earth. Wow, that is our first definition. Now the other is concerning how medicine is given out. The doctor “orders the use of a medicine” through the process of speaking or writing a “prescript(ion)” and in doing so they have just “prescribed” an ordered treatment. Do you see how these two are being intimately connected by God’s design?

But God is not talking about literal and physical medicine. Did you notice that Jesus compared eating physical bread for physical life, to be like eating God’s words for spiritual food and life? Guess what this means? This means we are supposed to put God’s words in our mouth to speak them out loud. And this is a picture of humans saying what God says in full agreement, as if we were connected with the same mouth. Do you see how this fits the pictures of the three letters found in “Rapha”? God is promising us that if we say His sent words, that this will heal us. But remember that just like taking natural medicine in the earth’s physical realm may not be immediate positive results, so too it can be in the spiritual realm of receiving.

We should all know that it is the “head” where the mouth is located. Isn’t Jesus the “head” (Resh) of His body called the church? Isn’t there only one mouth on this complete head-to-toe body? Now are you seeing the connections being made to the word “Rapha”? We have a one-man body (church) connected below the one head “Resh” (Jesus) with us all being called “Christ” (2 Cor 6:15). God is presenting us a new concept of unity with Christ. God intends us to be speaking the same words as He speaks. When we speak what God has said about us, we are in agreement with Him as if we were one common mouth. But when we speak what the devil places in our minds, we become a one mouth in agreement with evil.

God has spoken, “See, I have set before you this day, life and good, or death and evil” (Duet 30:15). Therefore, the choice to live or die is in our own hands, but actually our own mouths (Prov 18:21). If you look at the verse directly before this one, we will find a verse that is quoted in Romans 10. This verse says “The word is very near to you, in your mouth and in your heart”. This should be familiar to many. Today, God is instructing us how to live and to be healed is by us keeping only His words, in our mouth. This is one of the key applications of the Resh letter for the Christian church today.


We have been going through a brief study of the ancient Hebrew letter “Resh”. We have learned that this ancient pictogram was an image of a man’s head facing to the left. The direction of left represents someone who is looking forward to the future and not reflecting, remembering or focusing upon the past. Remember the Hebrew language is understood by reading right to left. What is on the right, is what was read in the past. Therefore, what the eyes are focused upon at the present is the now, and what is on the left is the coming future.  Obviously, this is opposite in the English language.

That sounds a lot like our God and His Son Jesus. We should know from reading Psalm 103:12, God has removed all of our sins as far as the east (right) is from the west (left). As you know by now, Hebrew reads from east to west on a flat page. Therefore, this man is looking in the same direction as the verse and does not remember what was in the past “east” direction.

As with every other letter that we have studied so far, we can see the picture was designed by the Holy Spirit to be a prophecy about Jesus, the coming Messiah and savior of the world. We have seen how the picture was an image representing a “man”, a “head”, a “leader”, a “chief” or “high” priest, a “prince” (ruler), a “beginning”, the “first”, the “top” of a mountain and others that could not be covered today. All of these relate to the “works” of Christ/Messiah. Hopefully, you can see these for yourself. If not please take the time to dig deep for the hidden treasures of God. Verify everything taught here. Believe nothing that is stated unless you see it for yourself. There are research centers available online that can verify the pictogram images that were found on ancient tablets. These date back to the times of Israel’s deliverance from Egypt. The “AHRC” (Ancient Hebrew Research Center) is one good source of learning material. Please go and study there also.

We have clearly seen in the New Testament that Jesus was called a “Prince” and a “King” in many verses. We can also clearly find Jesus called a “Son of Man” in many verses. We also can find many verses describing Jesus as our “High Priest”. We also discovered Jesus to be directly called the “Head” of the “body of Christ” (the Church). This is more than enough evidence to confirm Jesus was the letter “Resh”.

Thank you again for reading and studying the Bible, the Word of God, and the ancient Hebrew Language with us. We definitely love you and work very hard to be led by the Holy Spirit to teach the subjects that magnify Jesus as LORD! If you do not yet know Jesus to be your personal LORD and savior this is the best day to make that decision. Please click the link at the bottom of the page and go read the simple one-page explanation of how much God loved you to die for you, to bring you back into close “fellowship” with Him. After receiving Jesus Christ, as your LORD and Savior you will be able to get up every morning thanking and praising Him and asking Him to guide you throughout the day in everything, He wants you to do with your new life.

Please press like if these lessons are a blessing to you. Leave a comment or ask a question, if you feel led by the Holy Spirit to do so. Share the lessons with your friends and relatives to help spread the saving message of how God was in Jesus manifested to reconcile and save the world, and because He did this, Jesus can now live in us to give us full and direct access to God.  Praise the LORD!

Intro Alef Beyt-1 2 Gimel Dalet Hey Vav Zayin Chet Tet Yod Kaf Lamed Mem 1 2 Nun Samekh Avin Pey Tsade Qof Resh Shin Tav Alef-Beyt Chart (Series updated as LORD directs and permits)

Are You Saved? Do you Know Jesus? Life is Short! Jesus wants to Know You! Please come and get to Know Him!

Jesus in the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet Part 5 – The Dalet

(Ver 1.1) This lesson is “Part 5” in the Bible study series about the Lord Jesus Christ, being hidden by the Spirit of God in His design of the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet. This is a truly amazing subject of immense importance. The Jewish people of the natural nation of Israel, have been the keepers of God’s written Hebrew Words for nearly 3500 years. Their faithfulness to keep it intact and preserve it accurately, as it was spoken to Moses and the prophets directly from the Spirit of God, is amazing. But what is most amazing to many, is how every letter of their alphabet, pointed them to their coming Messiah, and they totally missed His personal appearance, even crucifying Him on a cross (Tav). We of course are no better than they, because all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Rom 3:23). If it were not for the grace of God, everyone would still be headed to hell in complete spiritual blindness to what God has freely done for us all and given to us in Christ Jesus.

Today’s lesson will focus upon another one of the most essential letters in the Hebrew Alphabet relating to Jesus, called the “Dalet”. The “Dalet” is the 4th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The number 4 is very significant, and we will see this very soon. We should have already learned a lot about Jesus as letters of the Alef-Bet from reading the other lessons written in this series. If you have not read the series from the beginning, you might like to go to “Part 1” to begin with the introduction to the basic concepts.

The letter “Dalet” we are about to discover is certainly one of the major ancient Hebrew alphabet letters, that describes Jesus precisely. God created a natural pictogram for the letter “Dalet”, that contains massive amounts of hidden symbolic, literal, implied natural and spiritual truths, etc. All of these reveal Jesus to us directly or indirectly.

Today we will be learning only a limited amount of this important information. There is literally volumes of books that could be written on each letter and how it applies to the work of God in Jesus Christ. Here is a quick list of the contents of this lesson’s sections:

  1. Introduction – The Dalet Door
  2. Jesus Found in the Number 4
  3. The 4th Son of Jacob – Judah
  4. Dalet + Vav + Dalet = Jesus God’s Promise to David
  5. The Door Prophecy of Jesus’ Words
  6. Jesus Declares His Legal Entrance into the Human Realm Through a Door
  7. Jesus the Ark Door of Our Salvation
  8. Jesus Our Passover Door
  9. Jesus Our New Covenant Door
  10. The Conclusion

Let us get started with learning this incredible picture of the ONLY “Door” of access to the Father, named Jesus.

1. Introduction – the Dalet Door

The ancient Hebrew letter “Dalet” is the 4th letter of the alphabet, and also has the gematria number value of “4”. Most can view the ancient pictogram of the “Dalet” and see the basic image of a door. But we can confirm this by studying the Hebrew word H1817 that is often translated as “door”. This Hebrew word is comprised of the Dalet, joined with the “Lamed” and ending with the “Tav”. This pictogram has a powerful meaning and can be understood to say, “The Door (Dalet) of (true) Authority (Lamed) will be hung on a Cross (Tav)”. This sounds like God. But this is just one of our foundational prophecies of our Savior Jesus.

These three letters placed together spell the word “Dalet” and represent the isolated letter “Dalet” in word form. This word occurs approximately 90 times in the Old Testament and is translated as “door” or “doors” 70 times, Therefore, this Hebrew word is confirming the pictured representation precisely as being a “door”.

Here is a key to understanding correct Bible interpretation. In the Bible God calls multiple things by the same name. The subject “Door” is literally no different. There are many separate things that can be a door in the Bible. The first is always the literal natural plain representation as a physical door to a house. But we are about to discover today, that many other physical things can be called doors, including the human mouth (Peh). There are also spiritual doors, figurative doors, etc. that must be taken into account to see how they apply in our study of the Dalet.

Please notice that our “Dalet” door picture has exactly 4 basic drawn connected line components. Interesting how we just found the number 4 again. There are two side posts found in God’s door design, with one top lintel post, and one implied threshold bottom surface (Exo 12:22). Adding these together we get 4 rudimentary components of a basic door design. The drawing of the ancient Hebrew “Dalet” has all four of these 4 elements in the shape of a rectangular box, with the top “lintel” post being a greater extended length. This extension appears to imply the top extended lintel post is of a greater importance. This information should help us know that it is definitely not a coincidence that the letter “Dalet” is a basic picture of a door. Knowing this we can conclude that this letter was God’s specifically planned 4th letter of the alphabet for His own very important purpose to teach us about Jesus. It is absolutely imperative to know that nothing in the Word of God is there by random participation.

But realize that these four door elements, are really just the supporting structure for the main component called the “door”. The 4 side posts are basically just limitations for the main component called the “Door”. If Jesus is the “Door” and He was God, and He was, this would be another very prophetic imagery being given to us. Remember the 4 post design points us to the physical human realm of limitations for mankind within the 4-dimensional space and time realm. What we are suddenly learning is the “Door” picture appears to provide the representation of God our living Door, becoming a “man” and limiting Himself to the features of His created human realm. This is exactly what God says He did in Philippians 2:7. Wow, we have one of our first major contributions confirming the Dalet design defines the Word of God’s appearance upon the earth as a human, to die on a cross. Now consider this next factor and how it can be a prophetical picture of the work of God in person, in human form.

We must add the center swinging door access component to our total of 4 side posts, increasing the total number of major components to 5 connected parts. It is essential to know that the 5th letter of the Hebrew alphabet is the “Hey”. This letter occurs twice in the name of God, Jehovah. This letter has the direct meaning to say “Look”, and “Behold” as in someone who is excited and taking in an extended breath of air to shout “WOW”.  I wonder if that is why the word “Wow” occurs so much in our Bible studies? I believe it is! What we are observing is when God appears in the human realm, there will be many that are amazed and excited and will shout “WOW”. But there are others born of the devil’s seed that will not react the same way. Which one are you?

It is very interesting that the number 5 is a symbol of God’s Grace in the Biblical study of God selected numbers. We should certainly be aware that if these 5 door components do represent God’s personal appearance, then it was only because of this work of divine Grace, that we were saved. Wow, another match for the confirmation of the ancient Hebrew “Dalet” design to represent Jesus’ death on a cross.

But also, do not forget that it requires “nails” to hang a door upon “hinges”, to allow the door the ability to swing open or be closed. But that type of door was normally only available in a more permanent type of house dwelling like we will read about in the Exodus Passover. For our pictured “tent” dwelling the actual door was usually very different. In a tent type of dwelling, the door was normally just a rod where a veil or curtain was hung but this was also accomplished by nails. It is this veil that we will soon see is also a picture of the coming Christ.

Every “Beyt” tent house must have a “Dalet” door. We learned in the “Beyt” lesson that God and Jesus both have a house and a family associated with them. It was the Father’s House in Heaven that begat His Son’s House. It is the “door” (Dalet) that covers the entrance or exit to the “Beyt” house dwelling, that allows legal entrance into the house and family dwelling. It is the interior area behind the door that was set apart for only the family or their special guests. This area was where they lived inside out of the exterior elements, where they slept, and were protected. Then exiting the house through the door represents the concept of going to work to bring food into the house. Therefore, the “door” represents the basic concept of “movement” from inside to outside, and vice versa.

The concepts that are implied in this “Dalet” door diagram are vast. Every tent or house has walls of separation. But a walled structure without any gate or door, means no exit or entrance to the house. Those on the inside, could not exit, and those on the outside, could not enter without a door. This lack of a door implies a total divided separation of the lives of those on either side of the separating walls (Chet). The Chet is the 8th letter of the Hebrew alphabet and is a picture of a wall, and we have not covered this letter. However, we still know that in the spiritual realm there are doors of access between heaven (spiritual) and earth (natural). We can read about Satan coming from walking on the earth to present himself before God in heaven in Job 1:7. It is very interesting that Satan tells God he has been going “to” and “fro” and “up” and “down” in it. This is another connection of the number 4, that reveals Satan could access the natural realm.

But we find another type of spiritual separating existence like a “wall” in the Luke 16:19-31 story that Jesus tells of two men that died. One poor man named “Lazarus” died and went to Abraham’s bosom. Another rich nameless man died and went to hell. In this real story we learn there is a great gulf between these two spiritual realms, and there was no way from within either place that someone could travel to the other place at any time for any reason. Hell is an example of a permanent spiritual wall (Chet) of separation. Please beware now while you can still learn how to not go there in this lesson. Abraham told the rich man in this story that the way to not come to the place of flames, is found in the implied letters, words, sentences, paragraphs, and books written by Moses and the prophets (Luke 16:29). That is exactly why we are studying this subject of an exit door today.

Therefore, we have just learned that the presence of a “Dalet” doorway in a walled existence represents “Freedom of Movement”. Consequently, we have found another major component for what a “door” represents in the eyes of God, and we need to apply this door characteristic to how it represents Jesus. We can begin to do this by remembering what Jesus said about Himself in John 14:6. Jesus in this verse clearly claims to be a type of “door” access to His Father, by stating “No man comes to the Father except by me”. This is very clearly Jesus saying He is personally going to limit access to His Father in Heaven, and this must be one of the major reasons why He is becoming this “Dalet” door letter representation. This is the function of every door to limit access to selected individuals.

Have you ever seen pictures of the place called Buckingham Palace where the Queen of England abides within? There are outer walls, and gates on the outside of a Palace dwelling. Then there are doors with guards on the outside of the Palace house walls (Chet). This makes entrance into her realm of normal interior existence severely limited to only those who she permits to see her. And they do this by entering into her Palace door (Dalet).

This is exactly one of the major reasons why Jesus has come to the earth to die on a cross (Tav), believe it or not. We can begin to learn this is true by Jesus stating in Luke 12:51, “Think not that I came to bring peace upon the earth, I tell you no, but rather division”. This is another entire book subject of immense importance about our study subject. In this statement Jesus just claimed to have come to bring a “Chet” wall of separation. If we study to find this reason for why Jesus needed to become a wall (Chet) correctly, we will find it was because of Lucifer’s rebellion in heaven. Knowing this we must then realize the reason for Jesus becoming a Dalet “Door” was it is the “door” keeper that grants access to some, while simultaneously separating access for all others (Lucifer). We should see this in some of the examples of doors as we continue to learn.

We have just been introduced to a few of the direct or implied applications for this letter to represent the work of Christ. One major application of Jesus as the doorway of access to His Father, is found in the book of 1 Timothy. In 1 Timothy 2:5, Jesus is described to be the human/God mediator between God and we that are in Him. Because we are “IN HIM” we have access directly to God the Father. Because He (Jesus) is IN us, God the Father has direct access to us by His Spirit. Wow!

This was God becoming the “doorway” solution for the human problem of permanent separation from Him. He became one of us, so that we could become one of Him. Wow, that is describing Jesus to be a “doorway” (Dalet) between two previously permanently separated walled (Chet) realms of existence.

Let us continue to learn other applications of a “door”. A “door” can also represent an “opening” to have an opportunity that you could pass by, if you do not choose to walk through it. This too points us to Christ, because He died once for all humans to have at least one opportunity to enter into the “door” of eternal life. But this opening of opportunity passes us by after we enter into another “door” called natural death (Job 38:17, Psalm 107:18). This is why normal unsaved people w/o demons, have such a great fear of natural death. While saved people who have entered the “Door” of Christ, know where they are going if and when they die.

I recently had a friend that passed from this world. He was a Christian, so we believe he just passed from the earth physical realm into the presence of the Lord Jesus in the spiritual realm (2 Cor 5:8). It is because of our belief in Christ Jesus in this lifetime that causes the door of Jesus to be entered to be in the presence of God in heaven.

We have only been introduced to the subject of the Dalet briefly. But we will list some of the key points that must be understood to continue. A Dalet is:

  1. A door of entrance or exit into or out from a house and/or family
  2. A representation for a decision point to stay on one side of the wall or the other.
  3. Choosing to enter the house, is a cross (Tav) over point of freewill choice.

These were only some of the basic concepts found within God’s “Dalet” door design. Perhaps these were enough to raise your interest levels in learning more of some of the details of Christ being our only exit door. We are about to discover that Christ died on a cross to give “access” for lost humans to enter “INTO” Him as a “door”. In choosing to do this by faith we receive salvation and deliverance from the bondage of Satan. Satan held us behind a wall (Chet) of “sin” where we were bound because of our fear of the looming eternal death door that was imminent for us all being “IN” the first Adam (Heb 2:15). Who do you want to be IN? Jesus is the correct answer for life. Are you ready for some new details you probably have never seen before?

2. Jesus Found in the Number 4

There are many well educated people including, Christian teachers, Jewish Rabbis and Hebrew teachers, who view the number 4 to represent the human realm of natural existence without God. For example, there are 4 dimensions of natural existence called, height, width, length, and time. These 4 dimensions severely limit humans to forward time and 3-dimensional space. Compared to God who can be everywhere all at the same time, and even apart from time, humans have a severely limited natural existence.

Also notice that there are 4 major directions of travel found on a natural compass, called north, south, east and west (Gen 13:14). One year of our calendar time is divided into 4 separate seasons (Gen 1:14). The night watches of the city guards standing on the gated walls, were separated into 4 divisions time (Mat 4:25). On and on we could go with the number 4 being very important in the natural human realm. 

When we know the “Dalet” is the fourth letter in the alphabet and it represents a door that could be Jesus, we can begin to search for patterns of the number 4 that stand out, to also point us to Jesus.

We can find that the number 4 is a very significant number in God’s Old Covenant creation, because of the significance of His usage of the number 4 as a prophetical type and pattern for His coming personal appearance on the earth. The very first time Jesus appears in the Bible as the “Alef” and the “Tav” which he claimed to represent in the book of Revelation 4 times, is found in Genesis 1:1. In this verse the Alef+Tav appears as the 4th word and is untranslated and ignored by translators. This is just the first amazing coincidence for the number 4 in the first verse. Now let us see another in days of creation also found in Genesis 1.

Four is the total number of days that passed to bring in the entrance of the LORD Jesus Christ into the world as the joining of two doors (Dalets) representing God and man. This revelation utilizes the God created prophetic pattern of Genesis chapter 1 where the 6 days of creation are a complete history of all human natural time including what is happening now. This prophecy was understood by God’s prophet writing in Isaiah 46:10, where God says “I make known the end from the beginning”. Therefore, we know we can read the creation account of the beginning and see the end laid out.

But in order to further understand the timing we must find God’s definition of one day found in either Psalm 90:4 or 2 Peter 3:8. In these verses God defines 1 day in His eyes to represent 1000 years of normal human time. It would appear God’s definitions of time are significantly different than the natural human perspective. Therefore, the 4th day within the God created six days of work, and 1 day of rest, would prophetically reveal a time period that would occur 4000 years after creation began.  This 4000 year, or 4th day would fall within the total of 7000 years or 7 days for the completion or end of our natural world. It just so happens this 4-day representation is the precise amount of time from when Adam sinned, until Jesus died on a cross in our place, to save us from the required death penalty (Gen 2:17).

There are also many other patterns of 4 that are found significant and we will talk about some of them in this lesson as we go. For example, for our introduction, let us remember that Jesus waited exactly 4 days to raise “Lazarus” from the dead. This story represents another significant prophecy pattern of the number 4, revealing the timing of the spiritual work of Jesus to save mankind from their condition of spiritual death. Remember Lazarus had been buried for 4 days, with a large stone “door” (Dalet) covering his tomb. What we find in this real story are multiple symbolic types that are being revealed as greater spiritual realities in Christ.

The dead man Lazarus, represented a type of all humans since Adam in a state of spiritual death (being separated from God). The dead man Lazarus laid in the tomb until he stunk, and so was the smell of humans in God’s nostrils (Amo 4:10) after 4000 years without Christ. Remember the tomb was a separated place containing only the dead and darkness. This is clearly a type of the world where Satan was ruler of darkness (Eph 6:12). The stone (G3937) should become obvious to represent Jesus himself, because it is the only “Door” for human exit from the darkness and death realm moving into the light and life realm. This we will discover today, describes Jesus precisely in His work on the cross. Hopefully you know this story found in John 11:38-44. If not, please go and study this story again, looking for all of the examples given to Jesus our Rock and Door called the savior of mankind (1 Cor 10:4), and Lazarus as the type of the dead separated human race.  We will review a little more of this story to help you recall how this relates to our lesson of a “Dalet” door.

Remember, the man Lazarus was in darkness and separated from light who is God (1 Jn 1:5). Then recall there was a closed door “stone” that would not allow access to the light (John 9:5) for those on the inside of the tomb sleeping in darkness (Eph 5:14). But Jesus will also become the door of human salvation as we will learn later by hanging on a cross (Tav).

In doing God’s work on a cross, we will find that Jesus would become a new door of exit, to grant human access back into the fullness of God’s light. Also, remember the dead man Lazarus was wrapped in grave clothes, that will be removed after exiting the tomb door, and these will be exchanged for new clothes for life. Today this symbolism is being lived out in the church who were once dead in our sins, and are now alive and told to put on Christ in Romans 13:14. So we find another pattern of Lazarus’ resurrection to be an image of the church as raised from the dead people that have a new life wearing “Christ”. This occurs when we are born-again, to receive a new spirit. When this occurs God removes our old grave clothes meaning that we have exited the darkness of our old man which was in the first Adam to now be in Christ wearing light (Rev 12:1).

In this Lazarus prophecy, there was a very clear exit of a man, from the darkness where he lay asleep (dead), and there was a very clear passage back into the light to meet with Jesus, face to face. This describes the life and death condition of all humans, originating from the first Adam that caused us all to die, until we believed in Jesus being raised from the dead, in exactly 4 days or 4000 years of total human history.  

We have just seen Jesus in the flesh raising an actual dead man named Lazarus. Jesus waited exactly 4 days to arrive to bring him back from the dead. So, Lazarus, was alive like the first Adam before he sinned, and then he died and was in darkness for 4 days stinking. The stone door was opened picturing the crucifixion of Christ on a Tav cross. The dead man was raised as a type of the second birth back exiting darkness and returning into the light of life. All of this was provided by the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Finally, there was an exchange of death clothes for life clothes representing being clothed in Christ. We will only go over quickly one other parable that Jesus taught to see His emphasis upon the number 4.

In Luke 13:6-9, we find “4” verses that describe a symbolic “fig” tree. In this parable, Jesus described a “certain man” as an owner of a garden. This is clearly God who planted a Garden in Genesis 2 for His created man to tend. God spoke His first commandment to His created man in Genesis 1:28, saying “Be Fruitful”. This fruit is clearly what God desired of His creation to produce for Him, because it is how God’s creation will end in Revelation 22.

Now look at the 4 verses in Luke 13. We have a land owner that comes to a gardener that is caring for a “fig” tree. This tree is approached by the owner and He is searching for fruit on this “tree” for 3 years and finds none, so he tells the gardener to cut it down. But the gardener pleads for the owner to wait one more year and allow him to fertilize and care for it to give it another chance. This is clearly a type of mercy and compassion being exhibited. But notice how long this “fig tree” is given by the owner? It only has a total of 4 years to produce fruit, and if no fruit is produced then the limit of the owner’s patience has ended.

Wow, now we can see another amazing parallel into the 4000 years or 4 days of creation of God’s patience for His creation to produce any fruit that is worthy. If you recall there is another major encounter with a fig tree that Jesus uses to teach His disciples. In Mark 11:12-14. In these verses, God the creator of heaven and the earth in the flesh comes to a “fig tree” looking for fruit to eat. But He finds none! Does this sound familiar? Remember this encounter is occurring precisely 4 days (4000 years) after Adam sinned and failed to produce any fruit. Do you remember after Adam sinned that God says Adam clothed himself with fig leaves (Genesis 3:7)? This a direct connection to what Jesus is doing in the Gospels with telling a “Fig” parable and cursing a fig tree without any fruit.

Jesus speaks to this fruitless fig tree a curse that caused it to die in less than 24 hours. This was clearly God declaring the end of one natural garden that was planted in the first Adam. This teaches us that God is implementing a New Creation spiritual Garden in Christ, the Last Adam. FYI, this new garden is guaranteed by God to produce “fruit” because of His personal attention and participation. Praise the LORD!

This was just a very limited introduction to the number 4 being directly connected to Jesus as the Dalet Door. We will soon notice that the number 4 will continually pop-up like it was designed specifically by God, which I believe it was. But let us now get into some new detail picture representations of the “Dalet” letter to help verify how these examples of the number 4 in prophecy, and in the natural can fit with what the “Dalet” represents to be in Jesus Christ.

3. The 4th Son of Jacob – Judah

This is a section that will certainly be one that many will find amazing when discovering it. Do you remember the name of JEHOVAH was spelled using the Hebrew letters “Yod, Hey, Vav, Hey”? Do you remember that this name meant “Behold the Hand, Behold the Nail”, using ancient Hebrew pictogram letter representations? These letters of the primary name of God in the Old Testament points us to a man that will be nailed to a cross. This makes this name of God to be a profound revelation of the Creator God exiting heaven, to come to the earth personally in the form of a Man that can die on a cross (Tav). What is also interesting to understand, is the fact that this name of God consists of exactly 4 Hebrew letters, the same number of lines drawn in the ancient Hebrew “Dalet” pictogram. This is not a coincidence either.

Do you remember that Jesus’ name Yeshua, contains the name of “Jehovah” added to the Hebrew word for “Saved”? This is another amazing pointer to exactly what the nail prints in the hands of Jesus has done for everyone that believes in Him. But now we are going to add the “Dalet” to this mystery. What happens when we add the 4th letter Dalet as the 4th letter in the name of Jehovah? This would make the new name “Yad, Hey, Vav, Dalet, Hey”. Do you know what name this is, in the Hebrew language?

This is actually a very significant name found in the plan of God to manifest in His chosen man named Jesus Christ (Messiah). This name “Yod, Hey, Vav, Dalet, Hey” is the name of Judah. Who is Judah? He just so happens to be the 4th son of the twelve sons of Jacob. That is a lot of coincidences of the number 4 being connected together, isn’t it? We should all know and understand that Jesus is called the “Lion of the Tribe of Judah” in Revelation 5:5. We can clearly see in the genealogy of Jesus in Luke 3:33 that Juda is one of the key fathers of the coming future King David and his son the ultimate eternal King of Kings called Messiah, and Jesus.

Therefore, we have some very amazing connections taking place with the “Dalet” addition to the name of Jehovah who becomes a man to die for all of humanity’s salvation. How does the meaning of Jehovah change when we add this “Dalet”?  We would have “Behold the hand, behold the nailed door”. Some people try to find fault and criticize any and everything possible to discredit what is taught. Some say, we are taking the two “Hey” letters out of order and placing them first. While this is not wrong, it does not change the actual saying in any way to keep them in their proper order. In the proper order, the name Judah would be “The Hand, Behold! The nailed Door, Behold”. Can you see how this door being nailed is found in the name of Judah? Now pay attention to a prophecy of Jacob about his son named Judah:

Gen 49:10  The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be. 

This is a strange prophecy of immense application to Jesus. First notice the statement that begins by saying “a scepter” will not depart from Judah. A scepter is normally viewed as a royal staff signifying the holder’s ruling authority and power. This is clearly Jesus who is stated to rule with a “rod” of iron in Psalm 2:9 and Revelation 19:15. We also must conclude that Jesus would certainly come from a “seed” that is exiting from between the legs of Judah as stated in Genesis 49:10. Jacob’s words spoken of Judah are clearly a prophecy of Jesus that would be born of a virgin woman on God’s calendar on the 4th day of mankind’s history. On this 4th day’s entrance into the world, Jesus would become a living doorway to exit out of one kingdom of darkness that Satan rules, to enter into God’s New Covenant kingdom of light that we found in the Lazarus prophecy.

The essential take away of this section, is for us to learn and understand that God “Jehovah” in heaven needed a “door” to be placed in His name to give Him legal access back to humans on the earth after sin, and for the humans on the earth to obtain legal access back to Him. It also simultaneously teaches us that Jehovah needed an “exit” door for His adversary Satan and all of his followers. God became Jesus to become this additional “Dalet” Door inserted letter into His name to teach us and to prophecy what He was about to do in Christ. We will learn more about this as we continue to confirm these words and concepts in other verses.

4. Dalet + Vav + Dalet = Jesus God’s Promise to David

Here is another important name in the Genealogy of Jesus Christ that contains a huge prophetical picture diagram for the work of God in Christ. There are several verses that we learned in the “Beyt” lesson concerning God’s promise to King David, that his future “Seed” would build a house for the LORD. We learned in that lesson, that this “Beyt” house being built was a combined Son from two dimensions of existence.  One was the natural realm where David was being promised, and the other was from the spiritual heavenly realm where God was going to send His “Seed” (Word) into the world to become joined as the simultaneous Son of Man, and the Son of God. There was a lot more scriptures in the “Beyt” lesson if you do not recall this, please go and reread it to help you see what is next.

We only want to focus upon the name of David today in this lesson. It is very interesting that the name of “David” contains two “Dalets” connected by one center “Vav”. This is not a coincidence. The letter “Vav” is a picture of a nail, in the ancient Hebrew. This letter identifies symbolically the joining of two things by implied covenant bond, because the two separated items become one together by nails.  This is still the law of Marriage from Genesis 2:24, and Jesus is the nail, plus the two doors needed by God to be joined.

What God is confirming is why He selected this man named David to be the King, that would bring the Messiah into the world, and God hid this information in David’s name. Only Jesus could be the true God/Man that could enter two doors of two separated realms of families and houses (Beyt), simultaneously. Because Jesus was 100% a man, and 100% God, only He could provide God a united and joined doorway path for the two separated realms to have close contact. Without Jesus being a common joined door (Dalet), the death of humans occurred when standing unworthily in God’s Holy presence. But because Jesus died and shed His blood for us as a God/Man Door go between, we have been completely reconciled to full intimate relationship with Him being placed in Christ (2 Cor 5;17).

In other words, Jesus could grant humans safe admission into the Holy God’s presence in the spiritual heavenly realm becoming a human door of access, and He can approach God, His Father, because He was also fully and completely God. Jesus became the sinless/spotless Lamb to die for us to provide this access coming from two directions to occur. This is profoundly prophesied in the name of David. The first letter “Dalet” is one side of the problem, and the ending letter Dalet was the other side of the problem. These two doors that were separated, are being connected together because of the power of the “Vav” “Nail” in the center. Of course, the “Vav” nail also represents Jesus, but we have not taught on this letter yet. This will hopefully come later; the LORD be willing.

Just know that Jesus had a physical body tabernacle (Beyt), that granted the Spirit of God personal access into the physical realm. This was a new and living “Dalet” door for God to have access to the natural realm. Perhaps you have never seen this in the Bible, but here is an important verse to learn from about Jesus being a new “Dalet” door:

Heb 10:20  By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh; 

Notice this verse begins with the description of a new and living way. This is God referring to a “doorway” that provided Him entrance into the natural realm, and humans a close and direct access for us to hear, from the Spirit of God personally or at least as close as possible in this temporary form.

If you look up the Greek word G2665 that was translated as “veil” in this verse, you will see in Strong’s that this word is referring to a curtain door that covered the entrance into the Most Holy location in the tabernacle of God. God informs us in this verse, that this veil being implemented for His new temporary Tabernacle “In Jesus”, was the flesh of Jesus that covered the Holy Spirit on the inside. Wow, this was an amazing advancement for God fellowshipping with humans on the earth from the Old Covenant process.

But it is also important to realize that this was only a temporary transitional phase of God’s plan of salvation for humans. Jesus said to the Jewish leaders in John 2:19, “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up”. Then in verse 21, John clarifies that Jesus was speaking spiritually of His natural body temple, and not their physical stone building.

Please just understand that God could personally walk around sinful humans without anyone falling dead legally because He came into the world as walking and living tent with a veil covering in His flesh that protected them. We have just seen a major confirming set of verses that claim Jesus is a veiled tent Dalet type of doorway.

Then remember, that Jesus had the same Holy Spirit on the inside of His mortal body before He was about to die, as He did later in His eternally resurrected body. This teaches us that God had made a onetime doorway transition path from the natural to the eternal spiritual realm using the same veiled doorway in the flesh of Jesus. Did you get what was just said by the Holy Spirit? Can you see how this relates to the joining of two doors by usage of a “Nail” (Vav) in the name of David?

This reveals to us, that whoever, chooses in the living natural realm to enter into the joined door of Jesus, can now approach God in the Spirit realm by faith, without shame or condemnation (Romans 8:1). Wow, this is all found in the ancient Hebrew pictures of the name of “David”. Did you know that God could give such awesome direct prophecies even in the names of real humans? As an interesting side note about how Genealogy names can contain prophecies of Jesus, here is a sentence of prophecy provided by combining the meanings of the names in Genesis 5 from Adam to Noah:

“Man was appointed mortal sorrow, but the blessed God shall come down teaching His death shall bring the despairing, rest and comfort”.

We do not have time to go through all of the details of every name that makes up this prophecy. But this hidden message found in real people’s name implies God was at work in directing human affairs a lot more than many realize. Let us finish this section about the name of David prophecy.

If you go and read the book of Ezekiel, 4 times God speaks of David as His servant that will shepherd His people and reign over them “forever”. This is not speaking of the literal King David as a natural human. We all know this man named David was a sinful man who died, and was buried in a grave, and he too needs a savior. No, these verses are simply using “David” as the name of the natural “father” to associate with Jesus his son.

Study it, believe it, or reject it, whatever you want to do, but it is God hiding truth in plain sight and it is not that hard to find.  Praise the LORD!

5. The Door Prophecy of Jesus’ Words

We could write another book on this single detail of the “Dalet” being Jesus the Messiah. Therefore, we willonly cover this topic as a very rapid overview of information that contains significant more specifics. We will not even include all of the verses to shorten the content and this means you need to look up the verses found in Ezekiel 47:1-12. We will however put verse 1 as a beginning:

Eze 47:1  Afterward he brought me again unto the door of the house; and, behold, waters issued out from under the threshold of the house eastward: for the forefront of the house stood toward the east, and the waters came down from under from the right side of the house, at the south side of the altar. 

When we read this verse with our spiritual eyes opened, we begin to see a significant amount of symbolic spiritual information being revealed. Please notice what is being prophesied by the prophet Ezekiel is about a door, a house and this location contains an “altar” for sacrifice. This sounds a lot like what we encountered in the last section about Jesus being found in the name of “David” as a joined temple doorway of the natural and the spiritual.

We will begin by noticing the verse is about a “house” (Beyt) and a “door” (Dalet) in the house. Then we observe water (Mem) flowing out of the house’ door. What could this possibly represent so far? Natural water is a symbolic spiritual representation of spoken words. We know this by several verses, including John 15:3, and Ephesians 5:26. Both of these verses are about the Word of God that is able to make humans clean by them hearing what is spoken to them. Please take the time and read these verses to confirm that you see this for yourself.

Another key verse is Jesus speaking in John 7:38, where He says “He that believes on me, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water”. In this verse Jesus is again emphasizing a description of New Covenant believers, being filled with His Holy Spirit, to produce “rivers” of flowing water. That description is a good direct explanation of what we read in Ezekiel 47:1. The only challenge for some, is the fact that Ezekiel is prophesying using symbolism, and Jesus is speaking in literal spiritual terms mixed with the metaphor of rivers as words, and in Ezekiel words are waters. Now we need to learn about a new application for the “Dalet” door design found in a human body temple:

Psa 141:3  Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips. 

Now, how does God connect the “Dalet” to rivers of words? We just read the answer in Psalm 141:3 above. This verse is very clearly claiming the human mouth is a literal “Dalet” door that opens and closes by lip movements. We are all aware that the mouth is a two-way door of entrance and exit. We can breathe air in and exhale air out with our mouth. We can drink natural water and eat physical food with our mouth. It is also possible to vomit out of our mouths if there is an upset stomach type of condition.

Pro 23:8  The morsel which thou hast eaten shalt thou vomit up, and lose thy sweet words. 

Notice this verse is using the natural vomiting metaphor as a spiritual application to words spoken. This is not our main subject, but it is very profound. It has direct spiritual applications to all of the people that have become the “body of Christ” on the earth. But let us go over a new claim that Jesus spoke to us all, while He was physically present upon the earth. Jesus said this:

John 6:63  It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. 

Jesus is speaking and declares a very radical statement about spiritual realities. Jesus from what we read in Ezekiel 47:1 was the first spiritual God house upon the physical earth that was releasing waters of life to heal people. In the physical body of Jesus lived the Holy Spirit. He guided Jesus to speak everything that He said. Jesus literally claimed these words were coming out of the door of His mouth as rivers to give us all life. Let us confirm this with another statement:

Joh 4:14  But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

Do you see the water transfer being exposed in this statement? Jesus said if we will drink of the “water” (words) that He spoke, we would never thirst again, and this accumulation of drinking in His Words, would result in our ability to fill up our well (spirit), so that we could spring up words for “everlasting life”. Wow, this is really amazing. Here again we are witnessing the connection (a Yod, a nail) between two doors, being repeated. But in this metaphorical usage this spiritual door only has in common spiritual words that flow from Spirit to spirit.

Jesus is literally claiming to speak words that would fill a dry location, and when this location was being filled, it could continue to be filled, by them hearing His words. These spiritual words spoken would keep filling until overflowing, then these words would begin to leak out to become a wellspring of eternal life for ourselves and others. Jesus teaches this concept in Luke 6:45, when He said “A good man out of the treasure of his heart brings forth that which is good, … for out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks”. Wow this is so amazing.

We could go through every verse in Ezekiel, but that is too much information for this lesson. But please notice some of the key points related to our subject of the “Dalet” a door. We should know that these verses are about the family of God, that entered the “Dalet” door Jesus. We will learn this detail very soon. But we also must know that this is about good God “words” as our living water source of eternal life.

If you read down further in Ezekiel you will find a man that measures the depth of the water exiting the “door” of the house. It is amazing that he measures the water that exits the door, 4 times. Remember the “Dalet” is the number 4. Then we find these words being spoken (waters) are very clean and not polluted words of death. We know from reading James 3:11, that bitter and sweet waters (words) cannot both proceed from the same fountain door opening which is a mouth (Peh). The Peh is just another Hebrew letter not yet covered, and this word literally contains the meaning of the “mouth” and “the power of the words being spoken by its usage”. Surely you can begin to see the intelligent connections and design of God found in the entire alphabet.

Finally notice the comparisons of this prophecy to God’s grand finale in Revelation 22:1-2. These verses in Ezekiel and Revelation are direct prophecy and fulfillment viewpoints. In Revelation 22:1, God sits on the throne with the Lamb, and out of them flow “rivers” as clear as crystal. This represents ultimate purity and holiness in their spoken words. From this river flows life, that feeds the trees of life on both sides of the river. These trees are the saved people of the earth and we are told that we will produce brand new spiritual fruit by drinking in God’s pure words spoken to us, every month (Isa 61:3). What we have learned is a very profound introduction to spiritual doors, and flow of spiritual words for life. I pray this will inspire you to thirst for more, of knowing Him and His Word.

6. Jesus Declares He Legally Entered into the Human Realm
Through a Door

We will not teach this topic in depth today either, but it will be a continuation of some of the concepts that we have learned previously about “doors”. This topic will focus upon a new “Dalet” door type that is not yet fully understood by many Christians. Remember in the “David” lesson God gave us two doors being connected by one nail. We were introduced to one door representing the human natural realm, and the other door representing the heavenly spiritual God realm and Kingdom. It is Jesus that becomes the “Nail” (Vav) to connect these two realms and we will verify in this section, how Jesus entered into the earthly realm legally to do this by going through the human door of entry.

We will only cover the first legal door “Dalet” entrance in this section into the world.  Let us look at some key verses on this subject:

John 10:1  Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. 

Joh 10:2  But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. 

This is a radical claim of authority that Jesus the “Last Adam”, is declaring in opposition to Satan’s illegal entrance into our world, at the time of the “first Adam” (Genesis 3). There are two direct spiritual powers being spoken of here. The first spiritual power in verse 1 is referring to the “lesser light” of Day 4 of creation, who rules the Kingdom of darkness. This is clearly Satan as he is also being called the “thief”. Later in this chapter of John 10, we are informed in verse 10, that he only came into the world to “steal, kill and destroy” from humanity. This is plainly speaking of “Satan” and his theft of the ownership and rule of the kingdoms of this world (Luke 4:5-6), that are under the authority of his darkness.

We need to understand the symbolic references that are being made by Jesus to teach us how to apply this information to the spiritual kingdom realms that are being spoken about using figurative natural expression. The first and most important reference is the “sheepfold”.

What is a spiritual “sheepfold” in the context of this discussion? We need to begin by looking up the Greek word G833 that was translated as “sheepfold”. This Greek word literally means an “open air” realm of existence. This can certainly apply to the concept of a sheepfold, where there is a large open air, green pasture, that is fenced in. This type of enclosed area would require an entrance and exit capability that provides access through a “gate” that could be opened and closed. The keyword meaning of this enclosed area is defined with the word open “air” environment. Knowing this, let us read about our enemy Satan’s realm stolen domain:

Eph 2:2  Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: 

Now we are discovering something very important to help define what a “sheepfold” was in the mind of God. In this verse of Ephesian 2:2, God speaks of Satan being the “prince of the power of the air”. This is a description of the “atmosphere” that surrounds our planet. It is this area of “air” that limits normal human realm reaches. So far no one has ever created another kingdom on “mars” or the “moon” because there is no suitable atmosphere in either. So, we can conclude the “sheepfold” of God was the planet earth that Satan had no legal access into.

In John 10:2, Jesus shifts the focus off of the illegal robber and thief Satan, that climbed into our world illegally, and is now focused upon Himself as the “Good Shepherd” (Jn 10:11) that entered into the world through the legal door. Wow, what is the legal door using spiritual definitions? How do spirits legally come into our world? To understand this we better just focus on how Jesus came, since He clearly says He entered legally by the “door”.

Ok, this is not rocket science. It is actually not complicated at all. God became a child in the womb of a woman named Mary, in order to gain legal entrance into our world. The fact that God was born of a human woman, gave Him the complete and legal right to enter our planet as a human to save us. However, we should also remember that God in Jesus completely stripped Himself of His full deity powers to become like the rest of His creation, in order to not to be accused by Satan to be illegal on the planet, like he was. We learn this plainly by reading Philippians 2:5-8.

There is a significant amount of symbolism to transfer and understand about the unseen spiritual world realm. We cannot cover this in greater detail. Just understand that the sheepfold is the planet realm of breathable air. The sheep are all humans on every part of the globe. The “thief” that climbed in illegally was Satan, the ruler of the darkness. The “good shepherd” that gained access by entering into the legal human “Dalet” entrance door was Jesus Christ. God is writing and speaking of His created world on planet earth, where He first planted a garden named Eden, and there He placed His chief created ruler named Adam to oversee the works of His hands. Adam rebelled, disobeyed and sold us to Satan, and he becomes the god of this world (Ps 8:4-6).

This was why God entered the “door” of legal access, being born of a woman into our world, to redeem us from this evil power that was sending us all to hell. By Jesus becoming the “Last Adam”, He had the legal right as our “kinsman redeemer” to buy back what was stolen from us by our sin debt. He accomplished this payment by shedding His blood, with His death upon a cross (Tav). Thank you, Jesus! We will discuss the last part of John 10 containing another “Dalet” door of exit from our world soon.

It is just very profound that Jesus comes into the world on God’s “day 4” of creation to be born a child in Bethlehem. It is more than a coincidence that God accomplishes this using a “Dalet” “door”, the fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet.  Let us now stop and go over a couple of Old Testament patterns of “Dalet” doors that represent Jesus the Christ.

7. Jesus the Ark Door of Our Salvation

We are going to review a couple of the Old Testament examples of Jesus as the door of salvation in the New Covenant, with the type of the door of the ark. As you should know God called a man named Noah to build an ark. God describes this story beginning in chapter 6 of Genesis:

Gen 6:16  A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; with lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it. 

God begins in this verse speaking to Noah some key building strategies. There must be a window at a certain height. There also must be a “door” in the “side” of the ark that is lower than the window. The door will become obvious to be the entrance into the ark for everyone to be saved from the coming destructive flood. It will be this “flood” of water that will kill every living creature, that has not found salvation and safety inside of the ark.

Gen 7:1  And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation. 

Here is God instructing Noah and his family members to enter into the “door” (Dalet) of the ark. They have been declared “righteous” in the eyes of God in their generation. Ok, let us stop and relate this to Christians quickly. Are Christians called righteous? There are many verses that reveal we have been made righteous by entering into “Christ” (Rom 3:26, Rom 5:17, 1 Cor 1:30).

Now pay attention to the word this “generation”. God is again connecting what is happening here to the coming church age. Remember what Peter wrote about the church? 1 Peter 2:9, God through Peter writes “You are a chosen generation”. Isn’t this what was happening to Noah and his family? They came into the ark, and they were saved out of the destruction of this natural world. We as Christians are entering to a spiritual door, and we will be saved out of the pathway leading to eternal damnation.

Gen 7:13  In the selfsame day entered Noah, and Shem, and Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah, and Noah’s wife, and the three wives of his sons with them, into the ark; 

There are at least 130 verses in the letters written to the churches, that claim we are “IN HIM”, “IN WHOM”, or “IN CHRIST”. All of these verses reveal something we have been given as a gift from God about Christians entering into the “Door” (Dalet) of Jesus. These verses further imply that Christians have exited the world that will be judged very soon. We see a direct correlation to entering into Christ, with the entering into an ark for Noah.

Gen 7:15  And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh, wherein is the breath of life. 

Gen 7:16  And they that went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God had commanded him: and the LORD shut him in. 

Wow, so Noah, his family, and every animal entered into the ark “door” (Dalet) and God shut the door!  This was the sealing of complete salvation. Before this, everyone still had the “freewill” choice that would have allowed them to not go in, or to exit before the door was shut.

These were just a few of the key verses that reveal much more than you probably understand at their first glance. There is a very significant lesson this website that describes some of the key concepts about this subject, called, “Pitch within, and Pitch without”. This lesson will not be repeated here. Therefore, please go and read about it to gain a greater understanding of what is happening here about a “Door” representing Jesus.

There were other significant parallels being given concerning the spiritual church of God to our salvation, by entering into a door of Jesus. Please recall that Jesus in Matthew 24:37 said very clearly that when He returns to the earth for His church, it will be the same as it was in the days of Noah.  Jesus is making a direct comparison of these two events. We will hopefully learn more about these concepts and parallels as we continue.

8. Jesus Our Passover Door

The Old Covenant is full of types and shadows that point us to Christ being a type of “door” (Dalet). We will continue with Exodus chapter 12 and the children of Israel being “freed” from their bondage from Egypt. In this true story, there are found multiple spiritual parallels to the church and Christ. Moses was God’s chosen deliverer of Israel, is a direct type of Jesus Christ. The children of Israel are a direct natural type of saved spiritual people and nation of the New Covenant, called the church. Egypt is a type of the world’s darkness and the kingdom of evil. And Pharoah that refused to let God’s people go free, is a direct type of Satan our ruler and prince of the power of the air, our adversary.

We will not go through every verse in this chapter. There is another series found here that provides a lot more detail on this subject.  There were a series of great signs performed by God through Moses to convince Pharoah to let His people go, but none of them worked, because of his pride, arrogance, and desire and hunger for power and control. This sounds exactly like the devil today.

Therefore, God brought about one last plan.  This was a judgment against everyone called the “death” of the “firstborn”. This judgement would affect anyone that did not believe the words of God spoken through the chosen servant Moses. God told Moses to take a lamb into every house (Exo 12:3). How, did the lamb get into the house? Obviously, he was led through the door (Dalet). How many days did the lamb stay in the house? Curiously it was for “4” days (Exo 12:6). Is all of this just a coincidence or chance occurrence? Obviously not. This is just another confirmation of God’s superior knowledge of the Hebrew alphabet and the “Dalet” being designed as a “door” as the 4th letter of the alphabet.

Then the lamb in the house, had to be killed and its blood collected in a bowl. It was this blood that was then instructed to be placed upon the “doorposts” of the house (Exo 12:7). Wow, another coincidence? Eventually, people are going to have to see the intelligent designs being given to them, aren’t they” I sure pray they do!

God says in Exodus 12:23, that when He passes over each house that contains blood on the door, He would not allow the “destroyer” to come inside to kill any of the “firstborn” in that family. But in every house without the “blood” found present on the doorposts, the “firstborn” of man and beast were slaughtered. It is most interesting that on this day of “Passover” the “moon” was at its peak fulness. Remember “Satan” is the symbolic moon. This too is symbolic for what was coming in Christ’s work and blood to become our door of release and freedom from our captivity in the kingdom of darkness.

I would strongly recommend that you go and read and study the series of lesson on “God is Love” found here. In this you will find, God’s concepts of the hidden parallels between a “Passover” door and the doorposts, and Jesus being a hung as a “door” (Dalet) of salvation for us to enter, being nailed to a cross. Both set of wood posts had blood of a lamb, and both sets of posts had a door hanging on them, etc. By entering into the Passover door, the family was saved from death, and by entering into the body of Christ by Faith, we are also spiritually and eternally saved from hell. The parallels are amazingly eye opening.

What we should find, is this Passover door w/ blood covered posts, is a pictured type and shadow of the far greater Lamb of God sacrifice on a cross. In this sacrifice God’s firstborn natural son (Heb 1:6) died in our place, so that we do not need to. Remember that Jesus is actually called the “Only Begotten” Son of God in John 3;16. Only begotten simply means a naturally born Son of God that was born of a natural woman. It was Jesus’ primary reason for being born as a mortal man, so that He could physically die as well as spiritually die as a gift of substitution.  Thank you, Jesus!

9. Jesus Our New Covenant Door

We would all love it if Jesus, would just come out in the open, and directly say “I Am the Hebrew Dalet”, like He does with the “Alef” and the “Tav” in Revelation 1:8. However, even in the Alef and the Tav we must still recognize that we are required to make the necessary language translation, from the Greek “Alpha” and “Omega”.

God would have made it so much easier for us to search, find, and see Jesus if He had chosen to write the entire Bible in one language to everyone. However, this is not His chosen method of communication. He does this for a lot of very wise reasons, and one was because He was desiring to reach the entire world to save everyone. At that time the majority of the world all spoke “Greek”, and that language would allow Him to reach so many more people. God also likes to hide Himself in His writings, to cause us to want to desire to find Him. This is what we are doing by searching for Jesus to be the “Door” of the New Covenant.

Today we have already found a lot of information about Jesus’ relationships to “Doors”. Now we are going to see how Jesus claimed to be the “Dalet” exactly, but just not as a direct corresponding alphabet letter in Greek. Today, using this “Dalet” letter, Jesus is rather observed to be calling Himself to represent the pictured symbol of a “Dalet” door pictogram design. This information again is written by God using the Greek language to record it. But it is this Greek description that matches precisely to the “Dalet” ancient Hebrew pictogram. Let us stop and read the Words of Jesus written in Red Ink, to see His direct claim. We will do this by returning to John 10. In this verse we are going to find a “New” door that was not previously mentioned:

John 10:7  Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. 

The Greek 2374 translated as “door” literally means a portal or entrance as in opening or closing. This is truly a profound statement of spiritual truth. Jesus is not speaking literally or naturally as in the physical realm of doors. Jesus is rather speaking figuratively of a spiritual type of access to God. Wow, this is eye opening, if you accept it. Ask yourself, these two questions and see if you already know or can find the answers:

  1. Who are the “sheep” that Jesus the door, is giving entrance into the Kingdom of God?
  2. Who are the “non-sheep”, that Jesus is locking out from entering into the Kingdom of God?

If you did not know already that you were one of His sheep, it is time to get saved so that you will know Him and His voice personally. In John 10:14 Jesus claimed to be another symbol called the “Good Shepherd”. In this verse Jesus said, “I know my sheep, and My sheep know me”. From this we learn People are obviously His sheep but these people are only saved people in verse 9:

Joh 10:9  I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. 

Jesus confirms that human salvation is the key to know Him as the Door and the Good Shepherd. Then in the next verse Jesus claims the access to entering this Door to become His sheep is to believe:

Joh 10:26  But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you. 

This verse is Jesus proclaiming what Paul wrote being inspired by the Holy Ghost later. Paul said in Ephesians 2:8 “By grace are we saved, by faith”.  Our participation in believing what God said is the key to becoming and remaining His “sheep.

To answer question 2, Jesus reveals two kinds of animals in His parables. Notice these next words of Jesus to better understand the soon coming of His glory:

Mat 25:31  When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: 

Mat 25:32  And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: 
Mat 25:33  And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. 

Mat 25:34  Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: 
Mat 25:41  Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: 

There are two groups being divided. These parallel the two parties involved in John 10. Remember in this chapter there was Jesus called the “Good Shepherd” and the “Door” of the sheep. And He is at enmity with another called the “thief” and the “stranger” that entered into God’s sheepfold illegally to “steal, kill and destroy” them (John 10:10). This enemy and evil one, is of course, the devil called Satan.

Finally notice the “sheep” that are set on His right hand by the angels and they enter into the Kingdom of God. This is opposed to those are called the “goats” that are divided on His left hand that are blocked from entering into Jesus, the Door of Heaven. These are vital “door” and “gate” concepts being taught. There is only a one Door access into eternal life. Jesus became this “Door” to also be the “Doorkeeper” or “Porter” that allows access and acceptance versus blockade and denial of entrance into God’s Kingdom. Jesus Christ is the ONLY DOOR access into the Kingdom of God.

This is a good time to remember the two kingdoms that we were introduced to in the beginning of this lesson teaching the number 4 of the Dalet. On Day 4 (Dalet), the “Door” (Dalet) was born in a manager in Bethlehem. 33 ½ years later, Jesus died upon a cross (Tav).  Three days later, He arose from the dead, and our “Faith” and “Confidence” in this resurrection grants us entrance into “Christ” the Dalet “Door”. Surely you can begin to see that all of this was prophesied in the letters of ancient Hebrew alphabet.


Rev 4:1  After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter. 

John was given a personal view of an “opening Door” in heaven. This Dalet type of Door appears to be another reference to the LORD Jesus Christ. He appears to open His mouth proclaiming loudly with a sound like that of a trumpet; saying “Come Up Here” (1 Cor 15:52). We know very clearly that this trumpet sound, is a voice and is stated to be a talking Spirit from God’s spiritual realm in heaven. This voice is clearly speaking to people on the earth that are NOT yet physically or spiritually with Him in heaven.

This calling up, is the catching away of the bride of Christ (Rev 21:9), as the door of the end of the two days of the Church age of Grace closes (1 Ths 4:16). At the time revealed in Revelation 4:1, the fulness of the Gentiles has entered into the salvation door of Christ (Rom 11:25) and we are going up to meet with Him in the air (1 Ths 4:17). This is a new door opening of an appointed opportunity to be prepared for, and it is a very soon coming happening, believe it or not. Glory to God!

We have gone through a lot of potentially new information for many about the different concepts of the types of “Dalet” doors, and how they relate to a picture of Jesus Christ. You hopefully recall some of the types of Dalet doors we have covered:

  1. Being born of a woman as legal entry into the physical realm.
  2. Being saved from the world’s wide path of hell, by entering into the “Door” of Jesus Christ.
  3. Taking advantage of life’s most important “doors” of opportunity are many: for example, 1) to hear the Gospel, 2) to believe and receive Jesus and get saved, 3) to study and learn the Word of God, 4) to open your mouth door to preach and teach the Gospel, 5) to be ready to get raptured, etc.

There is a lot more information in God’s Word that was not able to be covered today about “doors”. This lesson has already exceeded 10,000 words and that was above the initial desired target.

We concluded our lesson with a direct claim of Jesus being the ONLY “Door” for His sheep. It is this “Door” that directly represents our study letter Dalet and Christians are His sheep.  In this chapter of John 10, we can clearly see Jesus claiming to have figurative “sheep”. We can find out in many verses that believing Christians are His sheep, but we will go back to the Messiah prophecy of Isaiah 53 to help us know this role could be anyone in the world that accepts Jesus as LORD:

Isa 53:6  All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. 

Do you see the direct connection that God makes of people to be like sheep? According to this verse all people in the world wandered away from knowing God, going into their own ways. But God had mercy upon us to lay upon Himself every sin. Wow, that is an amazing display of God’s Love. Also in John 10, Jesus claims to be the “Good Shepherd” of the sheep who gives His life for us. He is truly the best shepherd that any person would want to follow. We can connect Jesus as our Lord in the description of Him in Psalm 23. This Psalm written by David, one of our subjects today was speaking of His future Dalet Door Son directly. It is also interesting that this chapter is describing Jesus as the ancient Hebrew letter “Lamed”, that has not been covered yet. Hopefully, this letter will come, the LORD be willing.

Thank you for taking the time to read and study God’s amazing Word with us today.  If you do not love God and His word, it will be too late very soon to get to know Him easily. Jesus will be returning to the earth to catch His sheep away to be with Him in heaven. During the tribulation time it will be harder to give your life to Him than you can possibly imagine. The pressure of the enemy to take His mark, will be nothing like you have ever seen. It is best to turn your life to Him ASAP, and now is the perfect time. Please go to the link below and click on how to get saved. Do it now, because you are not guaranteed a tomorrow.

God loves you very much, we love you and bless you!  We will continue to pray for you and ask the same for us. Never underestimate the power of the devil to lie to you and to deceive you. You believe you are above deception; you are already deceived. Be warned! Always place your trust in Jesus, and His work that is freely given to us. Remember always 1 John 4:4 “You have overcome them, little children, because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world”. God bless you all!

Intro Alef Beyt-12 Gimel Dalet Hey Vav Zayin Chet Tet Yod Kaf Lamed Mem 1 2 Nun Samekh Ayin Pey Tsade Qof Resh Shin Tav Chart (Series updated as LORD directs and permits)

Are You Saved? Do you Know Jesus? Life is Short! Jesus wants to Know You! Please come and get to Know Him!

Jesus in the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet Part 15 – The Nun

(Ver 1.2) This lesson is “Part 15” in the Bible study series about the Lord Jesus Christ, being hidden by the Spirit of God in His design of the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet. There are some that question the validity of this study. This is a good and understandable attitude towards anything anyone teaches about the Bible. I praise you for having this attitude towards everything you read about God, the Holy Spirit, Jesus or His Word. Question everything. Do your own research. Study every subject lesson for yourself. Do not take anyone’s word as truth, without your personal involvement to verify, and re-verify it personally. There is a number of good sources of information on this subject on the internet. Just go to “DuckDuckGo” and type a search for the “Ancient Hebrew Alphabet Pictogram”, and many research sites should appear to get you started. There are even a lot of good charts and alphabet letter pictures on search engine “Images” sites. Please study and learn for yourself. Then don’t believe anything they say either. I have found some the Spirit of God in me, gives me peace about and others that I have rejected as being off the middle ground of balanced truth.

I have only studied this subject in recent years. When this came to my attention, I too was skeptical. Then I bought an iPad and downloaded the eSword Bible App, and this came with a good starter lexicon concerning Ancient Hebrew pictograms. The more I researched the subject, the more it came alive in my spirit. The Holy Spirit bore witness with my spirit that this was such a very amazing intelligent supernatural design. You see, if this was only human created drawings, it would not contain such deep and rich hidden meanings. But if it was God inspired, He is able to place hidden information about Jesus in every little part of the drawing. Then by Him placing specific picture letters together, He is even more wise to have the ability to tell a complete story containing prophetical applications to what He was going to do in the future. I cannot tell you how amazing this has become to me, and I pray it will for you also.

Today’s lesson will focus upon one of the most essential letters in the Hebrew Alphabet relating to Jesus, called the “Nun”. The “Nun” is the 14th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. We should have already learned a lot about this letter, by reading from the beginning of the series, especially in the “Beyt” lesson. If you have not read the series from the beginning, you might like to go to “Part 1”.

The letter “Nun” is one of the major ancient Hebrew alphabet letters, that describes Jesus precisely. God created a natural pictogram for the letter “Nun”, that contains massive amounts of hidden symbolic, literal, implied natural and spiritual truths, All of these reveal Jesus to us directly or indirectly. One individual asked me how do we know these letters mean what is taught here? There are many reasons, but I will give you a few of the major explanations, that give us confidence:

  1. The Hebrew language usage of the “Nun”, defines the basic individual letter meaning using the definition of the word “Nun” (H5125, Nun + Nun = Sprout).
  2. The ancient Hebrew letter “Nun” pictogram, looks like a sprouting “seed”
  3. The ancient Hebrew letter “Nun” resembles the image of a sperm cell that was only possible to view by supernatural participation in its original design.
  4. Jesus makes the personal claim of being what the image of the “pictogram” letter “Nun” signifies.
  5. Jesus had made the personal claim to be the actual Alphabet letters like the first letter “Alef”, and the last letter “Tav”, and this implies He could be all of the letters between them also.
  6. Other Bible writers make the direct claim that Jesus is the pictogram representation and/or the letter’s definition.
  7. The Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit that this information is the Truth.
  8. After studying ancient Hebrew letters for a significant time, it should become apparent and revealed that these letters were placed there by supernatural intelligent design and not by natural human reasoning.

No one here in any Bible lesson being published, is saying believe us, we are always right. That is very foolish to believe we would make this claim to everything we teach is 100% correct. Have you ever met anyone, that is 100% correct besides God? I have not and neither have you.

If you are new to the ancient Hebrew alphabet study concepts, do your own homework, study and prove us wrong. Be an Acts 17:11 good Berean type of Bible student and verify everything, anyone teaches. Use your iPad and your “eSword” Bible App. Then select a Hebrew Strong’s number, to view the word meanings in the included ancient Hebrew lexicon. You can read about the word sources, the letter meanings, and the basic messages that the combined alphabet letters are communicating. It is an excellent beginner’s tool.

I hope this encourages you to read this lesson with an open heart (spirit), and mind. Spiritual realities are easily rejected by naturally thinking people. God is a Spirit and those that worship Him, MUST worship Him in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:23-24). Let us move into the Spirit, moving with the Spirit’s flow, and let us open our spiritual eyes and ears, to hear from the Spirit about what He says to us in this awesome letter “Nun”.


The ancient Hebrew letter “Nun”, is the 14th letter of the alphabet, and has the gematria number value of “50”. Fourteen and fifty are both very significant numbers in God’s Old Covenant, because of the significance of each usage as prophetical types. Fourteen is the total number of years Jacob had to work for the bride that he loved. He was tricked by his father-in-law after their 7-year agreement, and He was then forced to work for an additional 7 years for Rachel (Gen 29:20). Jacob is a direct type of Jesus. But we will not be able to teach this concept today.

Fifty represents the year of total “freedom”, called “Jubilee” (Lev 25:10). In the 50th year, all debts were canceled, all bond slaves went freed, and all land sold to pay debts, were restored to the original family owners. Wow, that sounds a lot like Jesus’ work on the cross (Tav) already.

There are many that view the year of Jubilee as being related to the very soon coming “catching away” of the church (1 Th 4:17). I am definitely a supporter of this belief. There are many parallels between these two events that we will be unable to learn about in this lesson. But notice, in both events, land ownership is returned to the rightful family owner. We should know that the world system is currently under the control of Satan (2 Cor 4:4). This dominion of land ownership will be legally transferred back to Christ’s ownership, during Revelation 5 events, with the opening of a scroll implied to contain the title deed of the earth. Also, please understand that both events, Jubilee and rapture begin with a loud “trumpet blast”, and then people are freed (Lev 25:9, 1 Cor 15:52).

Most see the basic pictogram of the “Nun”, as the representation of a concept of a “sprouting seed”, as in an herb seed, a fruit seed, a vegetable seed, etc., which is being planted and watered to grow a “new” plant of the same kind as the “seed” contributor. It is interesting that a sprouting “seed” must have water, to produce any new life. The seed in a desert without rain, has little chance of producing any life. But when the “seed” is touched with rain in the dry desert, this place becomes a different living environment, until the rain water stops.

It is very interesting that the Hebrew letter directly before the “Nun”, is the “Mem” and this letter is a picture of “water”. God has connected these two letters together by His design in the Hebrew alphabet. These two pictures relate to almost every living thing in creation. Without the existence of three essential elements, “light”, “water”, and “seeds”, there would be no life right now on this planet.

It is most interesting that this pictured ancient “Nun” letter, significantly resembles a greatly enlarged male sperm cell which is called a “seed” in Genesis 38:9. The above photo is a picture of a magnified sperm cell. Many can see this meaning in the “Nun” representation. It is a significant reminder that when a human is conceived in the womb, that the child grows and develops in a sack of water. A water connection is a reoccurring pattern in the majority of environments where a “seed” produces a new life.

Many can also see the representation of the ancient Hebrew pictogram as an image of a “tadpole”, or hatching fish egg. This causes many to believe the letter represents “fish”. Therefore, the letter “Nun” continues the pattern of the meaning of a “seed” that is interacted with “water” to produce and sustain new life. The letter “Mem” directly preceding the “Nun” are definitely connected together by supernatural intelligent design. Let us go deeper into the concept of “seed” as a continuation of life.

A sprouting seed, represents the “continuation” of “life”. Each new generation of human life, or an animal’s life, or a tree or plant’s life, was reproduced by the spreading of “seed”, into a female of the kind, or the ground soil. There is an essential law of God about “seed” given to us in Genesis 8:22. In this verse God decrees His designed law of perpetuation for all created life. This verse says “As long as the earth remains, “seed”, time and harvest will never cease”. Wow, this law is the reason why you are here, alive, and able to read this Bible lesson right now. You were once just a seed in your “father”. But now seeing you we all can understand that your “seed”, was joined with an “egg” to grow in water, until it produced your ability to experience “life” by birth. This is exactly why Satan has been trying to kill every human on this planet before they receive this life experience. It is only a living human full of Christ, that has the ability to crush Satan’s head (Romans 16:20).

It is this representation of a microscopic reproduction cell, that proves it was supernaturally created by the Creator God, and not by a human’s simple mind who did not have a microscope to see what this cell looked like when it was first written in tablets nearly 3900 years ago. The fact that this letter “Nun” is joined with the letter “Beyt” and is transliterated as “Ben”, that God writes in the Bible as a “son”. The Beyt represents a house and a family, and the “Nun” represents a “seed” and placing them together we get “the family continues in the new son”.

In human terms, it is also interesting that it is the sperm “seed” (Nun) that will determine the gender of the produced child. It is also interesting that the father’s seed contributor donates ½ of the necessary DNA to create the child. Wow, again we see amazing truths about how Jesus came to be called the Son of God, simultaneously being called the Son of Man, and how this was accomplished by His Father God, sending His Word to a “virgin” woman named Mary. Mary received God’s “seed” (Word) into her spirit (Luke 1:38) and she conceived. Perhaps you need to be introduced now, to the concept that the Word of God is called “seed” in Luke 8:11. Therefore, the Seed of God was God’s Word, and this was made manifest as a human male (John 1:1-14). We have just been introduced to the concept of the “Nun” being a symbol of the Word of God. Please keep this in your mind as we continue.

The letter “Nun” like other letters, has a corresponding Hebrew word called “Nun”, that is used in the Old Testament. This word is H5125 and Strong and the NASEC gives the definition of this word as “be continued”, “perpetual”, and “propagate”.  This primitive root word provides another word H5126, that is used for the name of the father of Joshua, who was called “Nun”. Joshua in the Old Covenant, is another major “type” of Jesus in the New Covenant.  

This fact of Joshua being the son of Nun, connects Jesus to being a “Seed” from His Father God. This is a very amazing connection to our subject of Jesus, because Joshua is the exact same name of Jesus, just in two languages. Jesus is the transliterated Greek name of Joshua, and Joshua is the transliterated Hebrew name for Jesus. We are beginning to be introduced to a major clue, teaching us that the LORD Jesus Christ, was produced from the “seed” of God.

Therefore, this letter “Nun” fundamentally represents “seed”, plural or singular. If you have never studied this subject in the Bible, it is an awesome essential Bible study to learn. You should find at the very least 10 separated and distinct things that God labels as “seeds”.  There is a lesson series on this website that is called “Understanding Seeds”, if you would like to learn more. What we are going to do with this concept, is to search our Bible for the word “seed’ and continue to learn.

There are two major God created laws concerning “seed”, found in “Genesis’. We already learned in Genesis 8:22, a “seed” sowing was God’s designed “propagation” method for life’s continuance. Therefore, a “seed” by God’s definition means, a “seed” must be “sown”, from a current living entity, in order to produce that life to continue to exist, in the next generation. Wow, that is really amazing, even if you do not yet understand what God is speaking of.

The first mention of “seeds” in Genesis is chapter 1 and verse 11. In this verse God gives us His Law, “the seed within itself”. God created “herbs”, “grass”, and “fruit trees”, as mature living life organisms, and He declared each of these life forms, had its own “seed” in side of itself to reproduce, remain and continue on the earth. This identical law was reapplied, in the design of the fish, bird and animal realms, as well as the human domain. This is why Genesis 8:22 said seed (Nun), time and harvest will never cease as long as the earth remains.

This was a quick overview and introduction to the letter “Nun” meanings and applications to being a representation of Jesus Christ. Let us now go into a few very essential details on this letter pointing us to Jesus.

2. Jesus Christ Our Natural “Seed” (Nun) – New Covenant Representative

In the Bible, Jesus claims that He is two types of “seed” (Nun) of the New Covenant. We will begin with the natural “seed” first. As part of this claim by Jesus, God reveals Him to be our human and divine representative that is able to keep His covenant for all mankind, if they will humble themselves, submit, and accept Him as their Lord. Let us begin our detail study of Him being a “seed” (Nun), by viewing what God says about being fully humans. We will accomplish this by searching for Jesus as a “Seed” (Nun) where He is directly connected, by the Holy Spirit’s inspiration through the New Testament writers:

  1. Romans 1:3, Jesus called the “Seed” of David
  2. Galatians 3:16, Jesus called the Promised Seed of Abraham
  3. 2 Timothy 2:8, Jesus confirmed to be the “Seed” of David
  4. Hebrews 2:16, Jesus confirmed to be the “Seed” of Abraham

These 4 references represent the major direct references of Jesus being a natural human “seed” (Nun) of men. However, from these four verses, we can clearly see how Jesus is being called a natural “Seed” (Nun), of two major Bible men. Both of these men were given direct heavenly promises about a coming “Son”, which we know from these verses, is revealed to be Jesus the Christ.

This knowledge of a human “seed”, representing Jesus, brings us to also recognize the fact that Jesus is also called a “Son” many times in the New Testament. We learned in the “Beyt” lesson that a “Son” is the Hebrew word “ben”. You should remember that this word is comprised of two letters, the “Beyt” + “Nun”. In ancient Hebrew letter meanings, this can signify “The Father’s House continues in His Seed”. Knowing this, we can clearly see how Abraham’s and David’s house will continue forever in their risen Son, named Jesus Christ. Let us continue this section of the human “Seed” being Jesus with a potential new expanded view.

Remember, Jesus is called the “Son of David” in at least 12 verses in the Gospels. At least three times in the Gospels, Jesus is called the “Son of Abraham”. What we are learning is a pattern of Jesus being the human “Seed” from two earthly houses of two fathers. But also remember that David was in, and from the house and family of Abraham. So, we are now being introduced to the concept of generations through the passing of “seed”. This occurs when one man’s name, house and family can only continue, as long as his seed remains alive to be passed down. If the father dies, and leaves no heir to his house, the family name has ended.

If you read the Luke 3 genealogy of Jesus you will find Jesus came from the natural “seed” of many fathers, being passed down many times. If Satan could have killed one of these fathers before his seed of “Christ” could be passed, this would have been a very significant situation for God. This is exactly why Satan, who did not understand which seed Christ would come from, has tried to kill all children throughout all of history. But this Luke 3 genealogy and Jesus himself, makes another shocking claim in the Gospels that few pay attention to.

One of the key mentions of Jesus as a “Son” (ben=Beyt+Nun), occurs in around 82 N.T. verses. God calls Jesus by the title of the “Son of man” in multiple Bible verses. But Jesus called Himself, the “Son of man” more times than any other name or title. He did this in every book of the Gospels. If Jesus was speaking Hebrew, which I believe He was to Jewish people, He said “I am the Son of Adam”. This is because the Hebrew word H120 that is often translated as “man”, is also the same exact word that is translated as “Adam”, the first man’s name. This would make Jesus the Christ, also a “Seed” of Adam. This is completely amazing when you learn Jesus was being called the Son of Adam, is also called the “last” Adam (1 Cor 15:45), and the “second” man (1 Cor 15:47) by God in the New Covenant. These essential facts gave Jesus the legal right to be the first Adam’s, kinsman redeemer. The kinsman redeemer is revealed by God in multiple verses, but the book of Ruth and Boaz as a type of Christ, is one of the best examples. Wow, we could write a book about that subject also. But we need to move on to another direct claim of Jesus saying He is another very special type of spiritual “Seed” (Nun).

3. Jesus Claims to be a New Spiritual Seed (Nun)

We must learn in this lesson that Jesus made direct claims to being a “seed” (Nun). Remember what a “seed” was created to be.  A “seed” has the great potential to create “new life” of the same kind as the source of the seed contributor. But Jesus was a new unique man, that was a “Seed” from two families that become one in Christ. We have already seen the natural family of man contribution to Jesus. Now we will explore the spiritual God contribution.

Every “seed” produces new life of the exact same kind as stated in the law of “seed” producing after its own kind in Genesis 1:11. God establishes a law of reproductive same kind of new life, for His and our benefit. We must understand there was a need for “new life” after Adam died and let Satan become the God of this world (2 Cor 4:4). Adam sealed the fate of every human to eternal death, but God became a man to initiate a brand-new creation (2 Cor 5:17), to give us His newly created life. We are about to learn that God accomplishes this by becoming a combined physical and spiritual “Seed” Himself to die. Thank you, Jesus. Praise the Lord!

But a “seed” must be buried into the ground in order to create this new life.  A seed literally was designed by God to die, and to be buried. We will discover in this next verse that Jesus makes the direct claim to being this very specific type of “seed” that will produce our new life. It is this gift of new life that will again permit humans to resemble Him, and to be remade into His designed image and likeness. But this newly created human will have something better than Adam originally had, and that was God living in Him, and not just coming to visit Him, walking in the garden. What Adam lost; Jesus the Last Adam restores to new, but it is greatly enhanced and designed not to fail. Let us read the verse, and then analyze the words being spoken:

John 12:24  Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn (Nun=Seed) of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. 

Can you see that Jesus just claimed to be a “seed”? It might be a little concealed by the choice of word the translator selected. The Greek word that was translated as “corn” is G2848, and this word literally means a single “kernel” of seed. In an ear of corn, each kernel is a “seed” that is able to produce an entire new corn stalk when planted. This corn seed can also be ground into corn meal to produce bread. But a corn kernel is not the seed type that Jesus claimed to be.

What type of “seed”, did Jesus just claim to be? It is found in the translated word “wheat”. This Greek word G4621 means a grain, but it is mostly used to represent “wheat”. It is used 14 times in the N.T. and 12 times it is translated as “wheat”. It is most important, to know Jesus is speaking symbolically and figuratively when using this analogy. Jesus is only using the natural to teach us about a much greater spiritual “seed” concept.

This “seed’ type of wheat, is actually very accurate based upon other words that Jesus reveals about Himself. It is the grain heads of the wheat stalk, that makes ground-up flour that humans bake wheat-based bread with. Now relate quickly about bread being baked, and apply this to what Jesus did for us as a spiritual “seed”. Jesus would be killed, and then buried in the ground for 3 days physically as a natural “seed”. But His spirit that came down from the father, would spend these same 3 days in hell, a place that is a very hot oven to pay for our sin debt. This would appear to connect Jesus to being like bread also. It is very interesting to notice this is exactly what Jesus claims to be, that is made from the grain of wheat:

John 6:51  I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. 

We get the confirmation for which type of “seed” (Nun) that Jesus is claiming to be, by reading John 6:51. Here Jesus makes another astounding claim to be the “living bread” sent down from heaven. Here Jesus is speaking to the Jewish people who knew the story of Moses and the children of Israel in the wilderness. We can clearly understand how Jesus said the manna that was sent by God from heaven to feed Israel, was a type of who Jesus was when He appears to them in the flesh. Jesus is calling Himself, a far greater spiritual bread that is alive. The “manna” that God fed them with in the wilderness only provided physical strength and temporary life, but Jesus is claiming to be a spiritual bread that will save them eternally. Remember bread is made from “crushed” grain seed (Nun), mixed with “water” (Mem). Remember water is also a type of a life-giving essential substance, and this represents the Spirit and the Word of God. We have again repeated the pattern of the combined “Mem” and “Nun” connection. Now notice this prophecy of Jesus found in Isaiah:

Isa 53:10  Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand. 

Hopefully, you understand this chapter is Messianic and concerns Christ’s death on a cross (Tav). But notice the Hebrew word H1792 that is translated as “bruised”. This word describes a “crushing” experience of a “seed” that is done to produce bread. The Hebrew word H2233 is the word we found in Genesis 8:22 that God gave us in His law of “seed”, time and harvest for producing fruit.

We have just gone full circle from New Testament claims of Jesus being the “seed” that was given to produce brand new life in dead humans, returning to the law of “seed”, time and harvest, and finally the prophecy of how God was going to perform this plan in His Son Jesus Christ. What was the plan?

Jesus actually gave us the answer in John 12:24. Jesus claimed to be a spiritual “seed” that would be crushed for our human sin penalty, His body would be bruised, and then be nailed on a cross and die. Then the physical body of Christ a “seed”, would be buried in the ground. Jesus just described this spiritual work by giving everyone a natural farming lesson of how to produce increase. One planted grain of wheat seed can produce many other seeds when matured. These produced “seeds” can continue to grow new plants. This process can produce exponential growth over the process of a short time.

How did the whole Church body of Christ, go from 1 seed Jesus Christ, to the church size it is today? This answer should be self-evident. We can read after the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, He met with His disciples and breathed on them in John 20:22. This was the first generation of church new-life beginnings. Then we see 120 people in the “upper” room on Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit falls upon them and now the church body has multiplied by 10-fold. 3000 men outside of the building suddenly heard the commotion going on, and they come to believe in Jesus after Peter preaches the Gospel to them, and now there are at least 3120 people in the church body in only a very short time. This is suddenly almost a 30-fold growth. Can you see the exponential growth taking place in the body of Christ?

This “Seed” principle of new life, is why Satan is very sorry for killing Jesus on a cross (1 Cor 2:8). It was this concealed “Seed” (Nun) plan of God that doomed Satan to hell, and it was God guarantee of a new “Seed” in Christ, that will cause a victorious church in the very soon coming end of this world.

This exponential growth of seed time and harvest, was how God designed all natural things to function. It is this natural “seed” pattern of continuance and growth that was implemented in the unseen spiritual realm to operate also. It is amazing how one man named Adam with his wife named Eve, could produce over 7 billion people currently on the planet in 6000 years. This is what is happening in the end-time church also, before He returns to harvest His wheat, separating it from Satan’s tares of the world which will be burned in hell (Mat 13:25-30).

4. Jesus the Word (Seed) of God

One of the most significant mentions of Jesus being a Spiritual Seed is found in the New Testament. But to understand this foundational concept, let us first remember what Jesus taught us in the Parable of the Sower. Hopefully, you know this parable already. It will not be covered in depth in this lesson. In this parable, Jesus teaches about sowing “seed” (Nun) into four types of ground. 3 types of seed fail to produce “fruit” and one type of ground produces 3 levels of varying measures of “fruit”.  In the explanation that Jesus provides, Jesus is the implied “Sower” of the “seed” (Nun). Jesus the Sower we are told is “sowing” the specific type of seed, named as the “Word of God”. The soil ground is defined to be the heart of humans. Those that receive His “Seed” and produce “fruit” are those that are saved. We should all be able to apply this knowledge to the “Nun” concepts we have learned so far, of a “sprouting” seed to produce new life. Humans being saved is the goal of Him sending His “Nun” Seed into the world.

What we have just established is God declaring His Word to be His “Seed” unto human salvation. But this is a double reference, because Jesus is called the Word of God in several scriptures. Please begin with John 1:1 and read down to verse 14. It begins, “In the beginning, the Word=Seed was with God, and the Word=Seed was God”. We have just discovered that God’s Word was God, and we paired this truth with the parable of the Sower definition of what “Seed” is, and we have God’s Word is His Seed, and His Seed is God that saves us. Wow, I pray you understood.

Then in John 1:14, God declares to us all, that God the Word (Seed/Nun) was made “flesh” and “dwelled” among us. The Greek translated as dwelled, means to “tabernacle” with humans. This personal tabernacling was a prophetic fulfillment of the type given to us in the God patterns of the tabernacle given to Moses.  This is why the “Beyt” alphabet letter in the image of a “tent” tabernacle is so significant. This “Beyt” tent was a prophetic picture of God personally dwelling in a human body on the earth to die for all sins.

But let us place the Bible facts together. God came and tabernacled (Beyt) with humans, and this was accomplished by Him (the Word Nun Seed) being sent as a “seed” (Nun) which impregnated a “virgin” woman named “Mary”. The physical Nun Seed child of God, named Jesus was produced by the spoken “Seed” of God’s Word and this was joined with Mary’s natural egg to become a male son, and a human child named Jesus. This male son, was a son from two joined dimensions of reality. The mother was a completely physical/natural woman, born from Adam’s sinful lineage to die. And the Father of Jesus was completely the spiritual God creator of heaven and earth. This made Jesus the “seed” of natural men like Adam, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, David, etc., as well as equally the spiritual “Seed” (Nun=Word) of God the Father of Heaven.

Let us confirm Jesus is called the Word/Seed of God, in other verses quickly. It is essential to understand that in 1 John 5:7, that the trinity of God is being called to be one God, in the triune form of the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit. In this verse God has revealed Himself to be the Father, the spoken Word of God representing His “Seed” (Nun), and His Holy Spirit.

In Revelation 19:13 Jesus is again called by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit as to be named “The Word of God”. This makes Jesus using the referenced definition of the “Seed” = “Word of God”, in the parable of the Sower, to be God’s Seed (Nun). Therefore, we have been given three witnesses within the New Covenant that claim Jesus is God’s spoken Word that was a “Seed” that became flesh to be born as a baby, and then to die as a man. This is very profound and significant revelation for many Christians to consider and learn.

God created His entire creation using Word/Seed (Nun). Therefore, God’s Word is the substance that created the world we live in and is also the substance that still holds it together. This is why Acts say “In Him we live and move and have our being” here on the earth. Then God does the most radically unexpected thing ever imagined by angels, devil, demons, and humans, He becomes a part of His creation by sending His Word/Seed (Nun) to become flesh to contain His Spirit. It was this combination of human and divine that saved us from our eternal demise of hell. This act was the ultimate expression of God’s Love for all humans. We should be in awe of this work, the devil certainly is, and it took him by complete surprise.


We are going to conclude this lesson on the sprouting “Nun” Seed of God being the LORD Jesus with a few verses of prophecy. We should all be able to see how these verses confirm the “Nun” Seed of God concepts for what we have learned today:

Isa 43:19  Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. 

The letter “Nun” represents a generation of “New” life. The letter “Nun” is clearly revealed in this verse of Isaiah. God declares through the prophet Isaiah, “Behold, I will do a new thing”. This represents the “Seed” continuation law of new life found in Genesis. God created this law to place into effect the way of salvation for every human. Jesus was this “Way”, and He claimed He was the only way for true life in John 14:6.

The Hebrew word H6779 that is translated as “spring forth”, is another “seed” (Nun) confirming characteristic. This word literally means “to sprout” as a seed in order to grow new life. God revealed this same concept in Isaiah 42:9 and we know this is written about Jesus because He tells us in Revelation 21:5, “He is making everything new”.

Now notice in this verse of Isaiah 43:19 the repeated pattern of joining a “seed” with new waters that will flow in a previously dry wilderness. Symbolically we know both of these references are referring to God’s Word. The lack of water is a location where the Word of God was not taught. The “seed” is still the Word of God that will be spread by it being taught. Do you believe God connecting the “Mem” (water) and the “Nun” (seed) together in Christ is a coincidence, or could this just be another major example of His supreme intelligence? You should know what I think already!

The last Messianic verse we will review is also about Jesus being a new tender plant that came from a Nun Seed:

Isa 53:2  For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. 

A tender plant, and its roots come from a “Seed” (Nun). The Hebrew word H3126, again carries the meaning of a “sprouting seed”. Jesus in these words is being stated to be, a new growing plant, which originated from a “seed”. This aligns with the concept of the “Seed” (Nun), that Jesus claimed to be. Jesus said, unless a “grain of wheat” (Nun) die, and is buried, it abides alone.

Notice in this verse the repeated connection of the “Mem” (water) (or lack thereof), with the “Nun” (seed) again. Jesus is foretold to be born as a tender plant in a land where it is void of the true teachings of God’s Word. Jesus makes the reference to the Pharisees; your traditions make the Word of God of no effect (Mat 15:6). Jewish leaders were teaching the people only human thoughts of their traditions and not the True Word (Nun) of God. But God would send His Seed Son into this dry environment to bring them light and potential new life.

What we are observing, is the plan of God to do a brand-new creation in Jesus Christ, His Seed of New Life. These verses were written about Jesus, many years before Jesus came to the earth in the flesh to die. The ancient Hebrew alphabet was designed by God to foretell of this event, even many years before Isaiah wrote about it. Wow, what an amazing God we serve.

Peter wrote in 1 P Peter 1:23, that Christians are born again not by corruptible “Seed” ((Nun), but by the “Incorruptible Word of GOD!”. These are two types of seeds that every human must experience in order to enter the kingdom of God (John 3:5). The first seed is natural, the second seed is supernatural. Being born of only the first guarantees your eternal death, because in in the first Adam we all die. But being born-again by the “Seed” of God guarantees your eternal life (1 Cor 15:22).

There could have been a significant amount of other spiritual information, that could have been shared in this overview and introduction lesson on the Nun. However, this information provided should have been enough to get you interested into digging into the Word of God for yourself. It should have given you a hunger to know God more today, than you did yesterday. God became a man named Jesus, so that we could become one with Him as His New creation (2 Cor 5:17).

Thank you very much for reading and studying the Bible with us. We love you more than you know, and pray for you, please do the same for us. Jesus is coming back to the earth, sooner than you can imagine. If you are not ready to meet Him, it will be a very sad day for you to miss Him. If the LORD is willing, there will be more Bible lessons coming. God bless each and every one of you with the “Spirit of wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of Him”. Be blessed in Him

Intro Alef Beyt-1 2 Gimel Dalet Hey Vav Zayin Chet Tet Yod Kaf Lamed Mem 1 2 Nun Samekh Ayin Pey Tsade Qof Resh Shin Tav Chart (Series updated as LORD directs and permits)

Are You Saved? Do you Know Jesus? Life is Short! Jesus wants to Know You! Please come and get to Know Him!

Jesus in the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet Part 23 – The Tav

(Ver 1.1) This lesson is “Part 23” in the Bible study series about the Lord Jesus Christ, being hidden in the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet. Today’s lesson will focus upon the last letter in the Hebrew Alphabet called the “Tav”. The “Tav” is the 22nd letter of the Hebrew alphabet. We should have already learned a lot about this letter, by reading from the beginning of the series. But if you have not read the series from the beginning, you might like to go to “Part 1” to start.

The letter “Tav” is one of the two alphabet letters, that Jesus directly claimed to be represented by personally in the Bible. We have already learned that Jesus said in Revelation 1:8, 1:11, 21:6, and 22:13, that He was the “Alpha” and the “Omega”. These are the first, and the last letters of the Greek alphabet. This was Jesus claiming to figuratively be, not only the beginning, and ending of all things, but also Him making the plain declaration that He is even literally every alphabet letter that makes up the languages that we can know Him by. Please make a note that Jesus made this claim in Revelation, 4 times. This number will become a repeated pattern in this lesson.

We must understand that the words of Jesus claiming to be one language’s first and last letters, would definitely apply Him to be found in the exact same corresponding letters, of every language. God knows every language in existence. Just because you speak a language like English, and the New Testament is written in Greek, this does not mean we all have to learn to speak Greek. This means the Greek Alpha and the Omega, could have been translated to be the A and the Z, and it would teach us the same concepts given to us by God from Greek.

Do you remember what Jesus Himself, claimed in John 12:24? In this verse of scripture, Jesus claimed the He was a “corn of wheat” seed. He then said that He would remain alone, unless He died, was buried in the ground to sprout, and then to bring forth much new fruit. Wow, this is very amazing news about His “death” on a “Tav” cross, and what happened afterwards. But please realize Jesus is speaking of Himself as being a spiritual seed, and that this planting will be of Him being raised from the dead, in order to produce His new spiritual fruit called the new creation of the church.

This knowledge should help us understand that these translation concepts, must also include the original Old Covenant Hebrew language, since Jesus was born a Jewish man. Most likely Jesus gave this alphabet representation claim to John by speaking to him in the Hebrew language. And John would have made the translation, from Hebrew to write it in the Greek language for the world to read.

We can easily reach this conclusion, because when Jesus appeared to Saul of Tarsus, being described in Acts 26:14, Jesus spoke from heaven to Saul in the Hebrew tongue. Remember Jesus was still in heaven when John received this revelation. Therefore, if Jesus spoke the Revelation verses to John in Hebrew, like He spoke to Saul in Acts, then these letters written in Greek would have been the Hebrew alphabet beginning and ending letters, called the “Alef” and the “Tav”, respectfully.

It is essential to realize that in the Hebrew text of the Old Testament, the “Alef” and the “Tav” are combined to form a mostly untranslatable word. This Hebrew word is H853 in the Strong’s, and it occurs in over 5000 verses of the text. In most of these verses, we can find Jesus being secretly referred to in the words, with God using figurative types, shadows, allegory, and other forms of writings. This is exactly why Jesus looked at the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem, and said to them, “Search your scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life, but these are they that testify of me” (Jn 5:39). Remember, that Jesus was speaking to people who were Jewish, and He was referring to the Old Covenant Hebrew language when describing of their testimony of His personal hidden identity.

These words of Jesus combined with His spoken words in Revelation, claiming to be two direct alphabet letters, should cause us to begin to believe, that if the beginning letter and the ending letter of an alphabet is about Jesus, then every letter in between must also have something to “testify” about Jesus being LORD. So let us get started with the specific last and ending Hebrew letter “Tav”.


We have already briefly seen the “Tav” in previous lessons in the series. The letter “Tav” has been assigned a numeric value of “400”. The “Tav” Ancient Hebrew letter pictogram, is a visual image of a cross. The letter sound in the English language is like the letter “T”. Like most Hebrew letters, there is also a word of the same “Tav” sound. This Hebrew letter sound alike word is “Tav” H8420, and it means “a mark”. Therefore, the basic meaning of the letter “Tav”, is that of a “mark”.

A mark is some kind of inscription, line, or figure that emphasizes or distinguishes something or someone. Marking a date on a calendar makes that date special to someone. But a mark could be a person’s signature. Usually, people sign their name as their mark on contracts or legal agreements, but for those unable to sign, they could simply scribble their identifying “mark”.

This Hebrew word that is translated as “mark” is comprised of two Hebrew letters. The first is the “Tav”, and the second is the “Vav”. The “Tav’, as we are learning is a “cross” picture, and the “Vav” happens to be the picture of a “nail”. A “nail” will certainly leave a mark in the body of a man hanged on a cross. One of the meanings of the letter “Vav”, is that of making a “connection”. People do this by nailing two boards together. The separated boards become joined together by the “Vav” nail. Humans were separated from God before Jesus was connected to the “Tav” cross with a “Vav” nail. Do you think any of this was a coincidence? Of course, it was NOT!

This word H8420 is used in Ezekiel 9 twice, in verses 4 and 6. In this context people who are not in favor of the nation of Israel’s sin, received a mark (Tav) on their foreheads. Everyone that does not have this mark to save them, is slain. This appears to be a type of a parallel of soon coming end time events that are described in the book of Revelation.

In Revelation 13:7, people are doomed to hell by receiving the “mark” of Satan’s beast. But in Revelation 7:4 God seals 144,000 men to save them, by placing a mark in their foreheads. Then, in Revelation 22:4, the people who do not receive the mark of Satan, receive the name “mark” of the Lamb in their foreheads. We can begin to see how there are two “marks” and “names” in which all humans can choose between. The “Tav’ mark represents God’s name and family, and this certainly appears to be the wisest human selection. The other option is to receive Satan’s name as a mark (Rev 13:7), and stay in his family.

Therefore, the letter “Tav” has at the least, six specific, indirect and direct meanings assigned to it as being the “mark” of God.

  1. The number 400
  2. A “cross” mark as pictured
  3. Jesus as the “Last”
  4. The Cross, God’s “goal” or “mark” to obtain
  5. The “sign” or “mark” of a covenant
  6. The “name” and “mark” of the family house we belong

These are just a few of the major meanings found in the letter “Tav” that we will be learning about today. Let us begin with understanding more about the letter “Tav” number value 400, first.

1. TAV – 400

The “Tav” letter has a specific number value of 400 assigned to it. If there were any other number of letters in the ancient Hebrew alphabet, the number 400 would not have fallen on this last letter “Tav”. Therefore, there must be a pre-designed higher intelligence meaning, for this specific number to be associated with this specific cross letter picture.

Remember, that Jesus spoke 4 times in Revelation that He was the last letter of the alphabet, and 4 x 100 = 400, the number value of this last letter. It is interesting that the number 100 is the value of the Hebrew letter “Qof”. This letter is drawn as a picture of a rising sun. In Malachi 4:2, God writing about Jesus says “The Sun of Righteousness, will arise with healing in His wings”. Therefore, we are observing another prophecy of the number 4 being multiplied by 100 as a sign of a man that dies on a cross (Tav), and He will arise (Qof) from the dead to give us His righteousness. We can figure out that Jesus thought that this was talking about himself, since He was the one that claimed to be the letter “Tav”, 4 times. But what does the number 4 have to do with a rising “Qof” (100) sun, in association with the timing of a cross (Tav)? We are about to find other potential prophetic associations with the number 4, 40, 400, and 4000 as we continue.

The number 4, in its various forms, is actually very significant as a pattern in the recorded records of the Old Testament. We should know by reading stories in the Bible, that the number “40” is associated with a time of “testing”, “temptation”, and “judgement”. There was Noah that entered into the Ark, when it rained 40 days to destroy the world. There was Moses that met with God on mount Sinai for 40 days (Exo 24:18), and this time delay away from the people of Israel, caused them to fail a very important test (Exo 32:1). Later in Numbers 32:13, the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness for 40 years to eliminate one generation that refused to possess the promise land. Everyone should also know that Jesus was tested by Satan, for exactly 40 days in the wilderness (Mk 1:13). After the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb, Jesus met several times with His new, New Covenant family on the earth for 40 days (Acts 1:3), before ascending into heaven to sit down. Finally, remember that Jesus waited 4 days before He raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11:39). That will become very significant to our lesson soon.

There was exactly 400 years stated in Genesis 15:13, when God tells Abram, that his seed would be in bondage to a nation that was not of God. There, they would be treated harshly, and be as servants and slaves. But God said He would judge that nation, and his people would be delivered, and come out from them with an abundance of His blessings. This was God speaking of the natural nation of Israel that would be delivered from Egypt, through God’s chosen servant named Moses.

This Old Covenant story of deliverance, is full of types, shadows and prophetical patters of the coming New Covenant, implemented by Jesus Christ on the cross (tav). We learn this truth by reading 1 Corinthians 10:11, where God says the words written in the Old Covenant are “ensamples” for us in the New Covenant. The Greek word translated as “ensamples” is G5179, and this word means a “die” as struck, a “stamp”, or a “scar” as a mark. Especially remember the “scar” reference, because this is a very specific type of “mark” (Tav) symbol, that we will see again soon. But the main definition states that the Old Covenant was a “type” of the New.

God informs us by using this specific Greek word selection, that the Old Covenant, has applications for covenant examples, and covenant warnings for everyone in the New Covenant. These words were given for us to learn from, to not repeat their mistakes. But what does the number 400 associated with a natural nation being freed from physical bondage, have to do with the church? Could it be that it is because the church is called a spiritual nation (1 Pet 2:9) by God, and we have been freed from our spiritual bondage from Satan (Col 1:13), a hostile enemy of God?

Let us please remember, that from Abraham to Christ was approximately 2000 years, and from Adam to Abraham was also approximately 2000 years. Adding these together we have a total of 4000 years of human history from the first Adam to Jesus, who is called the “Last Adam” (1 Cor 15:45). Isn’t that interesting that we are studying the “last” letter in the Hebrew alphabet, and Jesus is also called the “last” Adam? It should be easy to see the “Tav” connections to Jesus taking place.

Then, know that no human was ever spiritually saved until after the Last Adam, Jesus died on the cross that is representative of the last letter (Tav). When Jesus was resurrected from the dead, He was raised up 4000 years after the first Adam sinned to allow Satan to rule over our world (2 Cor 4:4).

It should be becoming more obvious now, how the “Tav” being a cross, the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and having the number value of 400, is a prophetic pictured image and timed prediction of the crucifixion of Jesus. God is shining a light upon the timing of Jesus’ coming death on a cross, as a pattern of the number 400.

Therefore, the number of 4000 years appears to be the essential timing for God’s detailed work of salvation. The number 4000 is simply “400” (Israel’s natural captivity period) multiplied by 10. The number 10 is the Hebrew Letter “Yod”, and this letter has the meaning of “work”. Can you begin to see the connection, to what God was doing in Jesus on the cross, was His greater work of all human spiritual salvation?

If Israel, was in physical bondage for 400 years, why can’t the number 4000 years, be a greater reality relating to humans being in spiritual bondage to Satan, the time from Adam to Jesus? 400 years of physical bondage, must be a type of the greater 4000 years of spiritual bondage. But how do we confirm this transition?

It is interesting that in the Hebrew mindset, multiplying any number by the number 10, can be viewed as “a completeness of order”. Or in other words, multiplying a number by 10, brings that number to a stated “fulness” of “completion”. Therefore, multiplying 400 x 10 = 4000, causes the number 4000 to be the fulfilment of the prophecy of the number 400 as a type. God confirmed this pattern with reading in Galatians 4:4. This verse states Christ’s appearance on earth, happened at a very specific planned and timed event within all of human history, and God called this event “the fulness of time”. This word can also be understood to be the “fulfilling of”. For example, Romans 13:10 says “love is the fulfilling of the law”. Do you see the concepts being taught by this word selection?

If we look up the Greek word G4138 that was translated as “fulness”, we learn it can be defined to be “completeness”, as in a cup that has been filled. It appears that God has reused specific patterns of events of previous time periods that happened to natural Israel, to reveal prophecy of Jesus’s work for all humanity. Please remember, that patterns are prophecy (Ecc 1:9). And, the Spirit of true prophecy is always a testimony of Jesus (Rev 19:10).

This one Old Covenant pattern describes their physical bondage to, and deliverance from Egypt. This recorded natural event and timing, appears to represent something spiritual, that happens to the New Covenant church through Jesus. Hopefully, you are already knowledgeable to what this work of Christ was.

In studying the Bible for many years, I have come to the conclusion that the 7 days of creation described in Genesis chapters 1 and 2, are an outlined prophetic view into the entire history of man upon the earth during this age. If we apply God’s time of one day representing 1000 years, as defined by 2 Peter 3:8, and divide 4000 by 1000 years, we arrive at 4 days within God’s defined scale of all human time as 7 days or 7000 years total.

Now take this number back to “Day 4 of creation” and see what God did. If we read Genesis 1:13-19, we will find God’s description of day 4 of creation. On this day God set two rulers into place. The rulers were called the greater light, that rules the day, and the lesser light, that would rule the night.

These two lights are called in other parts of the Bible, the “sun” and the “moon”. These two ruler separations, represent two “kingdoms”. The Day is the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, who we know is called the “Sun of Righteousness” in Malachi 4:2. We saw this earlier in this section with the mention of the “Qof” Hebrew letter that is the number 100.

The kingdom of “darkness” and the “night” is the dominion of the devil (Col 1:13, Eph 5:8). It is amazing that by humans choosing to enter into God’s “Kingdom of Light”, they have been freed from the spiritual kingdom of the darkness of this world (Col 1:13). There are multiple other lessons available here to confirm all of this with many scriptures. It is most interesting that this event of dividing spiritual night from spiritual day, took place 4000 years after Adam sold us into Satan’s authority, and this was prophesied exactly on Day 4 of creation.

Therefore, we can see how the “Tav” representing the number 400 has significant value and application to the work of God to die on a cross, and this occurred 4 days in God’s spiritual timeline, when Jesus died 4000 years in the timing of the human calendar. These 4000 years represented spiritual captivity to a spiritual enemy of God and man. There is much more that could be written about this, but this was the quick overview of the number 400 of the Tav, and how it relates to Jesus’ deliverance of humanity on a cross (Tav).


The first and most obvious meaning of the letter “Tav”, is taken from the plain, direct, and clear picture of it, as a Roman style “cross” of execution. We all need to take the Bible as “literally” as possible when reading and studying. Think about how intelligent God is compared to us. Then imagine Him not being able to “Say what He means and mean exactly what He says”. This is why I believe firmly that every pictogram of the Ancient Hebrew alphabet was designed by God, to get across a plain message meaning of the picture, to point us to the main subject of the entire Bible, named Jesus.

The first known crucifixions in human history, took place 500 years before Christ. This means this cross letter was written in Hebrew texts, 500 – 1000 years before Christ would die upon a cross. The first usage of a cross occurred during the “Persian” empire. It was used to make examples of at least 3000 people during the time of Darius, the King of Persia. But this method of execution became especially perfected during the Roman empire when Jesus was physically living in Israel.

Observing the picture of the ancient Hebrew letter, we all can plainly see that the “tav”, represents two crossed wooden poles, that are overlapped to form the exact shape of a common style of Roman execution device, called a “cross”. Today, many people wear this symbol as jewelry, with most not having a clue to its meaning, purpose or what God has accomplished for us in Christ hanging on a cross (Gal 3:13, Rev 5:9).

The death sentence on a cross was designed for ultimate pain, and a slow death. This “crossed” wooden pole device was implemented as the cruelest, and most humiliating method of a slow death. This method of death took place by “nailing” a human’s feet and hands, to two crossed wooden posts. The posts were made of the wood from trees, that were able to hold the large nails. This combination was able to secure the weight of the human, being hanged on it. With every breath the crucified human would have to force themselves upward creating ultimate pain, to allow air into the lungs and to exhale. Eventually the human would not have the strength to breathe again, and would suffocate.

We should all be able to understand that a “tav” represents crucifixion. We know from reading the Gospel eye witnesses accounts, Jesus was crucified and died. We can find that Jesus was hung upon a cross from 9 am (Mark 15:25) until 3 pm (Mark 15:34), a period of 6 hours, with half of them in sunlight and half of them in darkness (Mark 15:33). We can also read in Psalm 22:16, and Zechariah 12:10, that Jesus was prophesied to be “pierced” in His flesh. We know these prophecies were fulfilled in Jesus by reading John 19:31, and Revelation 1:7. This information clearly confirms the “Tav” as a cross, in the eyes of God, was speaking about Jesus.

This “Tav” cross death of Jesus and the release of His blood to die, is exactly what has been pictured in the ancient Hebrew alphabet letter “Tav” for approximately 3500 years when Moses first wrote the Torah. I call this God, hiding His truth in plain sight.  Now let us look at the important concept of this letter being the last in the alphabet.


The fact that the “Tav” is the last letter of the alphabet, causes it to figuratively represent “completion”, “conclusion” and “closure”. As we know from studying Revelation 22:13, Jesus directly claimed to be, “the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last”. This was a very profound statement. In this statement He used the first and the last letters of the alphabet. Therefore, all of the words of Jesus in Revelation 22:13, were in clear agreement with the “Tav” being the “Last” letter.

Obviously, being the last is the opposite of being the “first”. When two human captains are picking a team for a game from a selection of possible players, usually they pick the best player first, and the least desirable player last. Therefore, being called “last” in a normal human mindset, usually carries the connotation, that the final option being chosen, discussed or observed, is not the best choice. However, in God’s mindset, He usually saves His last option, or selection to be His greatest work.

We have already seen where Jesus is called the “Last Adam” in 1 Corinthians 15:45. So this was the first picture of Jesus as being called a final, or ending “Adam” (man), that is implied to never occur again. Clearly, we learn Jesus was God’s best selection saved for “last”, and only He could save us all.

Mat 20:16  So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen. 

Wow, could these words being spoken by Jesus, reveal something very profound that was happening in God’s work hanging on a cross?  I believe it does. Keep this in your mind as we continue learning about Jesus being called the “Last”. See if you can think how God’s Last Adam could possibly become a new beginning to be called the “First”? This is going to be amazing, and I hope you can see, and receive it. We will continue, by looking at some “last” words of Jesus while hanging on the Tav cross.

This “last” Hebrew letter “Tav”, further becomes directly connected to Jesus’ recorded death while hanging on the cross (Tav) by us observing this letter was a cross, and it helped manifest the death of Jesus. But we should know that it was actually Jesus’ choice to give up His spirit willingly (John 19:30), that caused His death (James 2:26). Everyone in Israel was shocked that Jesus was already dead including the Roman soldiers when they came to Him to break His legs to force death quickly (John 19:33).

Before the willing departure of His spirit, Jesus spoke some very specific “last” spoken words. One of His “last” recorded statements, was with Jesus crying out, “It is Finished” (John 19:30). This Greek word G5055 translated as “finished’, literally means to be “completed”, “concluded”, or “fulfilled”. It is definitely true that everything that the Holy Spirit wrote would happen to Jesus was being fulfilled. We can read in Matthew 26:54-56, Mark 16:49, and John 19:36 to name three, that many scriptures were “fulfilled” in the work of Christ’s death on a cross. Therefore, the words “It is finished” may mean, “Everything spoken of me, has been completed”. But that application could not be completely accurate, because Jesus had not yet risen, not yet ascended into heaven, and not yet returned to the earth to reign 1000 years, etc. Or maybe we are not seeing clearly what God has just accomplished in the words “It is finished”.

When anyone speaks the Hebrew alphabet, beginning with the “first” Alef and continuing in alphabetic sequence, they will always arrive at the Tav “last”. The alphabet speaker could be described as being “finished” speaking when they arrive at the last letter “Tav”. Isn’t that interesting? When were the “First” recorded words of God found in the Old Covenant Hebrew text?

Do you remember how God created our world in Genesis? Creation was accomplished with God’s spoken words. 10 times in Genesis 1 it is recorded “God said”. Therefore, God created everything in our world using “spoken” words that held His power to create. God formed these words from selected specific alphabet letters. Are you beginning to see how alphabet letters that form words, could be viewed as potential creation building blocks? Could this be the reason Jesus is claiming to be the alphabet letters “Alef” and “Tav”?

Who is God’s Word? The “Word of God”, if you do not know is Jesus Christ, the second member of the trinity (1 Jn 5:7). The Bible says in John 1:1-3, that God in the beginning, through His spoken Word, created everything that was created. In John 1:14, God writes that the “Word”, who is God, became flesh as the man Jesus. Colossians 1:16 further confirms that God created everything that exists in heaven and on earth, by Jesus Christ whether they are things that are visible, or invisible realities. Now remember in Revelation 19:13 that Jesus is named the “Word of God”. Therefore, we have Jesus the Word of God who was God, being spoken by God, to create our physical world. If Jesus, is the WORD of GOD, which He clearly is, He must also be the individual alphabet letters that create the words.

God’s chosen words of creation were made from specially selected alphabet letters. The precise organization of each specific chosen letter to form the correct words, caused everything in the mind of God to manifest in our newly created world, after God spoke them. Think about this! Do you even know what this is saying, based upon us knowing John 1:1? This verse says, that in the beginning before there was anything created, there existed the Word, and this Word was with God, and this Word was God the Creator! Therefore, these spoken words that created are still God? The answer is yes, He is still the Word.

All of this information, is saying to us that the spoken words of God created everything that we can see around us in our universe. This information claims that the “God Particle” that is being searched for by modern scientists are, divine “sound waves”. These spoken words of creation, made up of alphabet building blocks, are the seed elements that are holding all of the universe together (Heb 1:3).

Wow, this is a very amazing revelation to many Christians, but it can become still even more amazing. Could Jesus who is God’s spoken living word, who created everything, and is holding all of our world together, could He say anything that could cause His creation to begin to “end”?  Remember, in Matthew 24:35 and Luke 21:33 that Jesus makes the direct prophecy, that both heaven and earth will pass away. But when does this coming end, begin? Could it be at the cross?

Remember according to John 14:24, Jesus claimed whatever He spoke only came from what He heard His Father tell Him to say. We also know it was this Father God that spoke the Word (Jesus) to create the universe. What then would you think happened when the same creator God who said “Let there be Light”, would come to the earth to die, and while hanging on a cross, He says “It is finished”? What would manifest in all of our creation, through these words spoken by Jesus the creator of heaven and earth? Do the spoken words of Jesus hanging on a cross, still have the same power to cause changes for life or death to occur? The answer must be YES! Therefore, we must ask this question, what did these pre-death spoken words upon a cross (Tav) the last letter, cause to occur when He said “It is Finished”? What was being “completed”, “closed” and “concluded”? When you figure this out it will help set you free completely from the devil.

By Jesus speaking “It is Finished”, causes us to see potential new meaning for these words using His claims of being the first and the last, and the “Alef” and the “Tav”. When He died on the cross, His physical mortal life’s work was definitely “finished”. His mortal work to pay for the penalty of the first Adam’s sin, was completed with His death. But that was not everything that had to happen to save us. Maybe, you do not yet “fully” understand the power of God’s three little words “It is finished”, but they will become more amazing as you study the Bible. We will only be able to be introduced to this potential new concept in this lesson, or we would need to write an entire book to teach it more completely.

But also remember after death, that Jesus had to spend 3 days, and 3 nights in the heart of the earth (Mat 12:40), and then He had to be resurrected from the dead by the Holy Spirit (1 Pet 1:3). Believe it or not, this God designed resurrection from the dead reality, began a brand-new creation that never existed before (2 Cor 5:17). Jesus died upon the feast of “Passover” to save all humans from the old creation, and He was raised from the dead on the feast of “first fruits” to begin a brand-new creation of freedom from Satan. Satan is a type of Pharaoh holding humanity as captive slaves, and his spiritual kingdom of the dark world is a type of Egypt.

This information alone, should be turning on several light bulbs in your heart and mind. Why does God in His Word, claim that there is coming, a new heaven and a new earth? God says this will happen in Isaiah 65:17, 66:22, 2 Peter 3:13, and Revelation 21:1. Why are there exactly 4 verses in the Bible that use the words “new”, “heaven”, and “earth”, in them? In these “4” verses God clearly reveals there is coming a new heaven and new earth. We can foresee from reading Revelation 21:1 that this new heaven and new earth will come to completed “fulness” after the 7000 years of total human history.  This represents the fulness of the one week of God’s Genesis 1-2 creation pattern of prophecy.

Wow, is God’s current created world going to end totally at a sudden and surprising single moment of time, or will the ending be a transition period of delay, with a possible big grand finale? If it is a delayed event, that means it is all future. But if it is a transitional phased overlap, that means it could be happening now, which it is. Therefore, when did this ending, begin to happen? What did God accomplish to guarantee the final ending outcome that He desired?

From what God has revealed to us in scriptures, there was a new creation transitional event that occurred at the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.  We are learning that God initiated a new creation transition by planting a new “seed” named Jesus. This new seed Jesus, died and was planted in God’s current old creation. It was this new surprising “seed” planting, that will result in an amazing new reality, and Satan was clearly caught off-guard by this plan (1 Corinthians 2:8). It will be this new “first seed” planted that will grow, and increase to produce God’s desired “fruit” of harvest that He has waited for, for a long time (James 5:7). This new creation was initiated by God, and began to manifest at the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Perhaps you do not understand the concept that Jesus was a “seed”, so let us cover this briefly.

Many “new” creation things happened at the resurrection of Jesus. For example, at His resurrection, God initiated a New Covenant that never existed before between the risen Jesus and any believer in Him (Heb 8:18). In the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, God created a new Kingdom of Light, without any darkness in His Son Jesus (Col 1:13).  Remember also that God created a new royal priesthood and a new holy nation (1 Peter 2:9) and Jesus is called the King of all kings, and Lord of all lords of these people (Revelation 19:13). In the New Covenant, Jesus gave a “New Commandment” of Love, to govern in the hearts of everyone in His new creation (John 13:34). In this new creation is being built a “New Jerusalem”, and this new Holy city has never existed before (Revelation 21:2). In the resurrection of Jesus Christ, God raised the God man Jesus, from the dead “first”, before everyone else. Jesus Christ, is now called “the Firstborn from the dead” in Colossians 1:18, and Revelation 1:5.

Why was it necessary for Jesus, the sinless Son of God to be born-again, and to be named the “first” one that this happens to? Uh oh! There appears to be a new connection revealed, that is recurring to Jesus being called the “Alef”, the first letter of the alphabet, the “beginning”, and the “first”!  We have just found a new reoccurring pattern being revealed. That is about all we can cover on this subject today. But hopefully it will raise your curiosity to find more on your own.

But remember this key! The resurrection of Jesus from the dead, initiated a New Kingdom, house and family of God called “Day and Light”, and this kingdom was separated from the “night and dark” kingdom ruled by the lesser light Satan, as we saw earlier in the Genesis 1 prophecy. This new life that Jesus experienced first, simply initiated His immortal eternal work after death. All of this information implies, that there was something very significant that was wrong with God’s current creation, that needed to be fixed using a new “beginning”. The full transition of God’s new beginning in Christ, is still awaiting completion to occur. This will transpire after the full “end” of our current creation. Check out this verse that Paul wrote about this creation transition that was being eagerly awaited to come to fruition.

Romans 8:19  For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. 

Do you see what God is saying here? The word “creature” literally means “creation”. God is saying His current creation in heaven and on the earth, are earnestly awaiting the full appearance of the “sons of God”.  This is an astounding statement, since Paul himself wrote 2/3 of the New Testament, and when he wrote this book Paul said creation was still awaiting the appearance of the Sons of God. If you do not know what this means, let us take it back to the pattern of the Genesis 1 old creation.  On the end of Day 6 came God’s creation of a fully mature righteous man and woman, and God gave them dominion over the entire planet. This is believed to be a pattern for what is being waited for, at the end of day 6 or 6000 years, when the church is awaited to spiritually mature enough to use their spiritual authority over their spiritual enemy Satan.

This new coming beginning, was decided by God to emerge in a new-birthed spiritual Son, who was the uniquely combined earth and heaven participant, named Jesus. Jesus the God/Man, was the “first” one to be born and risen from the dead.

Let us conclude with a discussion of one possible meaning of the “Tav” as a letter that represents the “Last” or “ending” of God’s original creation (Gen 1:1). We have learned that “to be finished”, means a termination has been initiated by the death of Jesus on a “Tav” cross. We can confirm this by reading this verse in 1 John:

1Jn 3:8  He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. 

First take notice this verse claims the devil has been sinning from the beginning of creation. Do you understand what this verse is saying? God clearly says Jesus was “manifested” as a human (implied to die), in order that the works of the devil can be “destroyed”. But this Greek word G3089, translated as “destroyed” does not mean to cause the devil to be demolished, as in obliterated or cease to exist. Hopefully you do know that you cannot kill a spirit being like Lucifer.

This new knowledge implies to us, that Satan has done a lot of evil to corrupt God’s creation in both heaven and on the earth. God personally becomes a man (Mat 1:23), so that He could use a single “Tav” cross work, to move His current creation into a transitional time for undoing all of these works of evil, and to begin a new creation that never existed before. This is confirmed in the Greek word definition. This word means to cause to be “loosened” from. Anything that needs to be loosed, implies something was previously “bound”. In our case all humans were in bondage to Satan for 4000 years, and were bound for hell. Therefore, Jesus’ resurrection started a new creation work to untie the devil’s bondages that he has placed upon those in heaven and on the earth to whom he was in covenant with.

Then after God’s work in Jesus dying on a “Tav” cross, He reveals to us a new beginning for a new spiritual way of living in a new kingdom, and these two works occurred simultaneously, but with three days of separation apart. Wow, did you notice what God just said? There was three days of tomb transition for the one-man Jesus, to move from being fully dead to becoming fully alive forever.  This appears to be prophetical time that will reveal the 3,000-year time period of God’s old to new spiritual transition. After these 3,000 years, Satan will be fully and completely eliminated from the earth. This is again the concept of one day representing 1000 years as we used in the 7 days of creation.

This time will include the 2000-year (2 day) church age, which is followed by the 1,000-year (day of rest) time of the millennial reign of Christ. We are at the end of the 2,000-year church age, so the return of Christ is very imminent.  Only after 3000 years from the resurrection of Christ will; 1) the devil and all evil be placed in final eternal bondage (Rev 20:10), 2) the old heaven and earth creation can be consumed with fire (2 Peter 3:7), and 3) a new heaven and a new earth can be created (Rev 21:1).

It appears from Jesus’ words that He was proclaiming “His physical work on the earth as a mortal man was to die for human sin, and to redeem mankind out of the kingdom of darkness, was completed”. This work was His most direct accomplishment, by Him fulfilling the plain picture of the “Tav”. But as we have learned, there is another meaning for it is finished, by what happens directly 3 days after His death. This act of God clearly “signifies” and “marks” a creative new beginning, that had never been available before. This resurrection work of God in Christ, sealed the coming demise of Satan, and lifted Christ followers into a new creation reality of living “in Christ”. Being made “In Christ” a new creation, we are now far apart from the evil of this world, having been fully reconciled to be with God forever. Praise the LORD!


We have covered this subject in other lessons, but it is worth reviewing again, for all the new readers and subscribers that were led by the Holy Spirit to come and study the Bible here. This Hebrew letter “Tav” has an interesting application for the church today. We are told in Matthew 16:24, that Jesus said, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross (Tav) and follow me.

What was Jesus saying to us, by speaking the words for us to take up our cross (Tav)? He has basically instructed us to stop living for ourselves and for our independent purposes. In other words, He says come end your mortal life and become a born-again spiritual follower after dying to self. In order for us to take up a “Tav” cross and follow Jesus, we are required to come to the “cross” and pick it up. Let us talk about this concept in more depth.

This “cross” symbol of the “Tav” can be viewed as a turning point of opportunity for every human. We could also call it, God’s most significant “cross” road choice for a new direction, provided for all of mankind. This cross picture represents a map of two roads with a center intersection.  When we arrive, and we will all arrive at this decision point, we are standing at the center of an intersection that represents the ultimate eternal decision point for eternal consequence.

Every human has been given the freedom right to choose to remain moving in the direction towards the “mark” of eternal death in hell, or we can repent and change our direction point to life eternal. We do this by choosing to believe in Jesus, and to change directions towards knowing God’s eternal life cross “mark” destination. This is God’s purpose for everyone, and He provided it, by the death of the LORD Jesus who came to bring us into His Light and Life of knowing Him.

From the death of one Man named Jesus hanging on a cross, He has provided every human the only available exit point, from continuing on the default wide highway path to hell. Jesus said the majority of the world would choose this path of destruction, but no one is forced to do so. Jesus died on a cross (Tav) to become the only exit gate/door from the chosen road Adam gave to us leading to eternal death.  God in Jesus selected to become the right human choice for us, by Him freely offering anyone the gift of eternal life. We simply need to believe in Him being nailed to the posts of a wooden cross, experiencing death for us in hell, and then being raised back from the dead. This act of LOVE gave us something, unexpected, new, meaningful, powerful and profound to believe in.

One of the ultimate messages of the “Tav” (cross), was God giving to us a new cross (Tav) “mark” to travel towards. And it is by our faith in His visible marked signpost of His death, burial, and resurrection, and us calling Him our Lord, that gives us the confident “hope” of our same resurrection experience in the soon future.

By Jesus calling Himself the Alef and the Tav, being the first and the last letters of the Hebrew language, He was giving us a major clue to who He was and what He was doing for us. Please recall, that the Alef is the first letter of the alphabet, and the “Tav” is the last letter. And by joining these two letters together we get the Hebrew word H853 and this word occurs more than 6000 times in the Old Testament. I still believe that every occurrence points us to Jesus in some way.

The first letter Alef as we should know, is the “Ox” picture as a strong servant. The last letter picture as we have learned today is the “Cross” picture in ancient Hebrew, meaning a “mark” or “sign”. Placing these two together we arrive at the meaning, “driving the servant ox to the mark”. Remember, in ancient times, farmers would be placing a yoke upon their strong oxen, and then attaching them to a plow. The land owner would then place a “marker” in the distance to plow towards. This was done so that they could travel in straight lines through the soil to plant seeds, to produce fruit. Doesn’t that sound interesting?

Do you realize that these two letters (Alef+Tav), just described the work of God to save every human? You do know this, if you have studied the parables of Jesus in the Gospels. It would be worth your time to go now, and re-study them and find how many have something to do with farming and producing fruit. You will find in these natural examples, that sowing is done with God’s Word and if fruit is produced this growth causes human salvation.

What we have found, is that in these two letters (Alef+Tav) that Jesus claimed to be, were the combined overview of the entire plan of salvation and the work of God to spread His saving seed, which is the Word of God. God sent His Seed into the world and He became His Son. Jesus was God the manifested strong servant, to sow seeds into the hearts of everyone that would listen. All that listened intently and placed their determined confidence in Jesus, would be saved to enter into the New Covenant church creation.

We can further expand this topic with the fact that when we are saved, we are loosed from Satan, and newly bound and joined together with Christ like two yoked oxen that are pulling and working together to reach the end mark for our life’s calling. Jesus invited us all to “take His yoke, because it is easy” in Matthew 11:29. In this statement, Jesus is claiming that He is the “Alef” who is God, for us to be yoked with.  To be “yoke” means to be in covenant with, and this is our next subject.


The next very significant meaning of the letter “Tav”, is it also being defined as a “sign” or a “mark”. But this mark is different than the life target mark we learned in the previous section. This “sign” or “mark” was implemented by God first in the flesh. This was an external mark as a scar, that was performed when making a covenant between two individuals.

This type of covenant “mark”, occurs multiple times in the Bible, and is still done in many places around the world today. Let us describe the basic process of what God is teaching. During the making of a covenant between two humans, each of them would use a sharp instrument, like a knife to make a cut mark in their flesh, either on their hands or wrists to cause blood to flow. Both bleeding covenant partners, would then mingle their blood by touching their cut hands or wrists together, and this would cause the covenant to be bonded as long as they were both alive. This cutting of the covenant, would also result in a lasting visible personal “mark” called a scar.

An individual covenant scar could be seen on that person’s body, as a continual reminder to him that he was in a covenant with someone else. Or one covenanted human could show his covenant mark on his hand or wrist, to remind his covenant partner of their covenant commitment to both keeping the promises of the covenant. This mark could also be shown to anyone else on the earth, even an enemy to verify that they had a covenant relationship that their enemy would have to deal with, if they attacked them. If someone was smart, they would make a covenant with the strongest person they could, and this would ensure their peace and safety against all enemies. Wow!

The very first covenant making event between two humans, occurred in Genesis 2. God created one man, named him Adam. God saw that it was not good for Adam to be alone, and God put Adam to sleep and took a rib from his side. This type of surgical procedure would normally cause the flow of blood. From this rib. God made a woman, who would be Adam’s wife. This was the God created model for a male and female marriage covenant (Gen 2:24), and it is the pattern for every ongoing marriage covenant, including Christ and the church (Eph 5:32). From that day forward Adam could have shown Eve the scar in his flesh, as a sign/mark that they were both made from one body. Wow!

Do you remember when God made the covenant with Abram in Genesis 17? As part of this covenant, God required that every male, was to be circumcised. And by anyone not agreeing and submitting to this mark in their flesh, caused that man to not be a part of that covenant. This cutting of Abram’s flesh, left an external covenant scar, and it could not be undone or redone.

At least, three things resulted in performing this covenant act. First, there was the initial cutting of the flesh, and this caused pain, and bleeding. Second this made a permanent mark upon the man’s flesh as long as he was alive. Third, making this covenant, made this man unique, separate and different than all of the rest of the people on the earth, because he had a covenant with the “Most High” God, and they did not. Finally, it is important to know that God’s covenant mark was normally, never seen by other humans, since it was uniquely private and covered.

This pattern of circumcision continued throughout the history of the natural nation of Israel. But God also killed animals in the Old Covenant, and their blood was sprinkled on all of the covenant people coming out of Egypt in Exodus 24:8. Therefore, the pattern of cutting flesh, producing blood and causing it to be mingled upon those agreeing in covenant, is continuing.

But now we jump to the New Covenant in Jesus, and find that the patterns of these natural covenant marks are still taking place. But they are now being implemented by God in the unseen spirit realm, instead of the external natural human visible flesh realm:

Heb 12:24  And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel. 

Heb 13:20  Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant

It is very clearly written in the New Testament, how the shedding of the blood of Jesus on a cross (tav), implemented a brand-new God covenant between any human (Jew or Gentile), that would receive His blood. Because Jesus shed His blood, we are not required to cut our external flesh and bleed to create a visible flesh covenant mark. But this does not mean that no flesh has any scars in it, in the New Covenant.

Here is an important fact of all God covenants ever made. No created being, has been able to keep a God covenant. The first known revealed covenant in the Bible with Lucifer the highest angelic being failed, because of his rebellion. The Adamic Covenant between God and man, failed because of his rebellion. The marriage covenant with Israel also failed because of their rebellion. Because God is Holy and His standards of perfection are so pure, God had a challenge of how to save his most loved creation man, who He had made in His image, after His likeness.

Therefore, in God’s wisdom, He solved this problem by becoming a man in His creation that could, and would keep His necessary covenant standard of perfection. Then by Grace through Faith in Jesus, God included every human that would believe in His work, the right to be identified before God in the name and the body of Jesus, who is our eternal mediator between every imperfect human and the Holy God (Heb 12:24).

It is very essential to recall, that because Jesus’ body was hung on a cross for us, the external scars in His hands and feet from the nails, and the Roman spear that punctured His side, will always be a visibly “marked” reminder to all humans that are identified to be “in” Him. This will be an eternal reminder of His great love, grace, mercy and sacrifice (Jn 20:27) that took place to save us. Every time we will see Jesus during our eternal existence, the external physical scar reminders will be sufficient proof to cause us to remember, what He did for us. We can easily recall, how our saving covenant was implemented through His flesh and blood given for us freely. But there is also another new spiritual covenant “mark” given to every saved human. This spiritual mark is unseen with natural eyes, and it is very much like the mark of Abram.

Jesus did not personally need any internal spiritual marking to take place for His saving work. But humans did. Humans will receive a new immortal body at the resurrection. But when we were saved, we received a brand-new spirit (2 Cor 5:17), and God did a spiritual covenant work inside of us, as His “signed” evidence of our salvation. Instead of an external “mark” like Abram, Christians are given an internal spiritual reminder mark for the benefit of our spiritual enemy the devil to see. This new internal “mark” takes place only in our unseen spirit:

Rom 2:28  For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh

Rom 2:29  But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God. 

Col 2:11  In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ

Wow, do you see how God places His new covenant mark inwardly upon the unseen human spirit? Do you see how it is done by divine spiritual hands, and not natural human hands? These are amazing parallels that are patterned after the Abram covenant. Any human can be made clean by receiving the finished work of Jesus’ shed blood by faith. And the new covenant mark (tav) is made by the Spirit of God inwardly in our hearts when we believe, and confess Jesus as LORD.


The next significant meaning of the “Tav” alphabet letter, is that of a representation of a family “name”, or the “mark” of the family house. We are going to learn a potentially new concept for some, and for others it will be a review of some items we learned in the description of the Ancient Hebrew letter “Beyt”.

As an introduction to a Tav family mark, please allow me to write about some personal human family examples of a family mark. This human example, is patterned after the Tav God created concepts. This natural human example, will help some to understand the spiritual concept that is taking place by God’s spiritual handiwork.

My great grandfather, owned and raised some livestock, many years ago. This was a common type of human farm work 150 years ago. But there existed the possibility of losing one or more of them, because of broken fences, unexpected storms, natural disasters, or other potential unforeseen problems. These lost, loosed or stolen animals could present significant ownership problems and disputes when they were lost or found by the true owner, or other human neighbors. The loss of any owned livestock would be a significant risk for a greatly reduced personal income and wealth.

Therefore, to resolve the legal disputes, and losses of income, the owner would mark their cattle externally, with their identifying family mark.  This mark would be a unique sign or symbol identifying the owning farm or ranch, and it helped to eliminate the risk of loss. Can you begin to see how this “mark” is very similar to the covenant mark we learned previously? This concept clearly represents a “mark” of identity and a relationship of ownership.

This “marking” of cattle was called “branding”. And it was done by a custom-made medal device, usually made of iron. This device could be called a branding iron. The branding iron end, containing the identifying family “mark”, would be placed into a fire of intense heat, to make it glowing red hot. The hot end of the iron containing the mark, would then be applied to the leather cow hide of the living animal. And this action would leave the lasting scar, that would identify the animal for its entire life. So, this process is almost identical to what we learned about before in the “covenant mark” discussion about Abram. This is why this concept of marking a beast for a mark of ownership, sounds a lot like the same covenant terminology and patterns. Both concepts left a visible “mark”. This human implemented process of branding, copies the pattern of a God created family covenant mark, like circumcision.

I included a picture of my great grandfather’s branding irons, above. These were handed down from generation to generation. No, they are not still being used today. But they teach us and remind us about God’s created concepts that He has done for us in our spirit by placing His mark upon our heart. Just as the children of Israel were circumcised 8 days after birth, to receive God’s “covenant mark”, so it is with the New Covenant. The number 8 represents a “new beginning” and when a child of the living God is circumcised at their new birth, God places His Holy Spirit inside of our spirit as a “seal” of the covenant that has taken place (Eph 4:30).

What we are learning, is the fact that every human belongs to someone. We are either owned by God, or owned by Satan. If we read 1 Corinthians 6:20 and 7:23 we will find God with the price of the blood of Jesus, “bought” us out of the kingdom of Satan. We can clearly see that a very significant financial transaction took place to transfer ownership from being lost to being saved. Silver and gold were not a sufficient price, for this legal purchase. It required the life blood of God Himself to make this purchase (Ps 72:14, 1 Peter 1:19).

Satan was the default owner of every human, after Adam sold himself, and all of his children, to the devil (Isa 52:3, Rom 5:19). if you have not given your life to Jesus, and made Him your LORD, intentionally and voluntarily, you are still an owned slave of Satan (Rom 6:20). Because, God worked such a great work to save us He has caused a legal transfer of ownership to be made available to every human. This concept teaches us that God gives us the freewill choice to which family we will belong. Therefore, we have not been permanently “marked” yet! As long as a human is living on this earth, they can make that choice, but any delay would cause a great risk of not entering into God’s family. Now let us explore the concept of how and when we are “marked” for ownership within one of two families, for final ownership.

Let us look this God identifying family mark by reading in one ending verse in Revelation, found in the “Last” book and the “Last” chapter:

Rev 22:4  And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads. 

This verse in context is describing God’s people. It very clearly states that God will write upon us, “His Name”. Uh oh, sound a lot like a branding, but I do not believe it will hurt. But this concept will be Him giving us His personal ownership “mark”. This act of receiving God’s name as His family mark, is the same as when a loving wife marries her husband and takes his name to be her own. This is what Christians lovingly do with God.

In this section we have been talking about this “mark” concept because the Hebrew word H1004 translated as “house”, has its roots in two Hebrew letters. The first letter of the word, begins with the second letter of the alphabet called the “Beyt”. You should recall that the beyt, represents a tent dwelling, and has the meaning of a house, and the family that lives within the house. Therefore, this letter also signifies the location of the Father’s house, where the Son comes from.

The last letter of the word H1004 translated as “house”, is the last letter of the alphabet the “Tav”, representing a “mark”. Placing these letters together, we get the meaning, the “mark of the house”. God uses this word to teach, each house is formed and governed by the home’s founding father’s name. The strong father would be the designated family originator, like the “House of the LORD”, the “house of Jacob”, the “house of David”, and etc.

To conclude this section of the lesson about a family mark decision point of a cross, we need to remember that Satan has a family house, and is a father of many children that do evil (Jn 8:44). Satan demands humans to take the permanent “mark” of his name in Revelation 13. Everyone that does this, will be forced into hell with Satan, and an everlasting torment with him. This too will be like the concept of getting branded or tattooed. Satan will coerce people with very strong motivations to willingly take his mark. He will do this by starving people. Everyone without his mark will not be able to buy or sell normally through the government created system.

When this motivation is not enough, there will be stronger consequences for not taking his mark. If seeing your relatives starve was not enough, Satan will cause everyone not taking the mark, to have their heads cut off (Rev 20:4). All of this will be a last desperate measure for Satan to control the planet entirely. But those that have read the Bible and believe what God says will happen will never take the devil’s mark, no matter what.

Please evaluate which marked family you are in right now! Please make the wise choice to live and not die, by receiving the “mark” of the cross (Tav). Believing in Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, and calling Him your LORD, will insure a new family life.


Thank you for reading and studying this Bible series about the ancient Hebrew alphabet containing the hidden meanings that point us to Jesus Christ. God gave us this language with intentional intelligent design pointers. These “signs” were pathway directions to obtain eternal life. These signs were multi-dimensional. These clues existed in plain sentences, the words contained in the sentences, as well as every letter that created the words. Wow!

By finding and following God’s freely given “signs”, we could live with Him, know Him personally, and never die spiritually to be separated from Him. This is why Paul wrote this verse indicating his direction of travel was to achieve the end destination of a very specific “mark” (Tav).

Php 3:14  I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus

This is an amazing verse about our study subject of the “Tav”. As you can read, the end of Paul’s calling of God in Christ Jesus, was a direct prize to obtain. Paul said this prize was a called “mark” for him to travel towards. This describes the definition of the last ancient Hebrew letter “tav” precisely, especially when joined with the first letter of the alphabet. This is because Paul also called himself a servant (purchased voluntary slave) of Jesus Christ (Rom 1:1).

The Greek word G4649 in Philippians 3:14, was translated as “mark”. This word has the base meaning of “to peer”. Peering can be defined as someone who looks “intensively”, and “searchingly” to find, or reach to obtain a destination. Therefore, this “mark” is a personal “goal” to achieve to reach in this human life before death. This is clearly speaking of humans to become Christians, and then continue on the right path looking to obtain the reward, of what Christ has given to us all on a cross.

These words are both an encouragement to continue as well as a warning not to quit. Paul wrote about this in other verses like this chapter in Corinthians:

1Co 9:24  Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. 

In this chapter God writes through Paul, about a race contest that we are running in. God says if we continue running His race to achieve his ending mark, we will obtain an incorruptible crown of life. This should encourage everyone to continue.

Thank you again for taking your valuable time to study the Word of God. Hopefully these lessons are a blessing and will give you the strength to continue your race to obtain God’s final “mark” of victory.

Intro Alef Beyt-1 2 Gimel Dalet Hey Vav Zayin Chet Tet Yod Kaf Lamed Mem 1 2 Nun Samekh Avin Pey Tsade Qof Resh Shin Tav Chart (Series updated as LORD directs and permits)

Are You Saved? Do you Know Jesus? Life is Short! Jesus wants to Know You! Please come and get to Know Him!

Jesus in the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet Part 3b – The Beyt – Part 2

(Ver 1.0) This is “Part 3b” of the Bible study series, revealing “Jesus Hidden in the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet”. This is also “Part 2” of the very important ancient Hebrew letter “beyt” study. This series is designed to reveal the patterns of the Lord Jesus, hidden in the ancient Hebrew Alphabet pictograms. He can be found in every letter, but there are some letters that just appear to be most valuable to understanding Him. The “Beyt” is one of these letters. If you have not read the series from the beginning, it is recommended that you go and start with “Part 1”.

Today, we will continue our learning of the second letter of the ancient Hebrew alphabet called the “Beyt”. If you have read “Part 1” of the Beyt subject, you already know this letter represents a “tent” diagram where a family is planted, resides and grows. This letter also represents and identifies, all of the family members that are currently living in the house of their “father” or have come from his house. It is the “father’s name’ that marks the house. For example, notice this verse:

2 Sam 3:1  Now there was long war between the house of Saul and the house of David: but David waxed stronger and stronger, and the house of Saul waxed weaker and weaker. 

Here is a great example of two houses that were at war with each other. The house of Saul was a type of evil, opposing God’s selected servant David. In this verse we learn that houses can grow weaker or stronger. Therefore, it can greatly matter, whose house you choose to belong to and to who you are choosing to be in, either God’s house or the house of the devil.

In the natural realm this was chosen for you by your father Adam. Adam chose to join his “house” with Satan in rebellion, and everyone born in the natural family of Adam is destined to die (Rom 5:12). But in the spiritual realm, Jesus came as the “Last Adam” to create a new family for every human’s choice to live (Jn 10:10). Wow, it seems like an easy choice to make, but the deceiver tricks people into making the wrong choice (Rev 12:9).

This is why we are learning about two opposing spiritual houses and families, one of God and the other of His adversary the devil (Act 26:18). In Revelation 13, the beast representing the devil’s family, demands for humans to take his “mark”. We learned a “mark”, represents a family house’s name of the father. And in Revelation 13:17, we can understand this beast’s mark is joining people with the house of Satan and an eternity in hell (Rev 19:20). If you did not know that Satan was a father, and has a family, please read what Jesus revealed in John 8:44.

But Jesus in Revelation 2:17, offers those that desire to be joined with His family, the gift of receiving His name as their choice. Two spiritual families with two spiritual names of the heads of these family members. The house and family of God, is a very desired family to want to be in. We can identify people in the Old Testament that had this desire. For example, David:

Psa 27:4  One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple. 

One of our key subjects today will concern King David, the writer of this Psalm. It is very clear that David valued the “House of the LORD”. It is very clear that David desired to be in God’s family. David also makes it clear the spiritual house (beyt) and family, that we seek after determines our family association.

David was only interested in dwelling in God’s house and family. David could read about the alternative house to dwell within, in the Old Testament. Approximately 10 times, God wrote to remind the children of Israel, of their time in the “house (beyt) of bondage” (Exo 13:3, Exo 20:2, Deut 6:12, Deut 8:14). This was God using the natural nation of Egypt who held the natural family of Israel in bondage, as a “type”, for the unsaved people of the world. In the world today, people who do not belong to Jesus, are all in captivity in the house of Satan, under spiritual bondage to sin. But Jesus came to “set all of the captives free” (Luke 4:18).


We have already learned a significant amount of new information found in the one picture of a house tent that people in the Old Testament lived within. We have learned that this picture represents a “house” that was built by a man, in hope of being a future father. We have learned that this tent dwelling is empty at the beginning, and needs to be filled with a “new” family.

We learned there are two positive ways for any good father and husband to fill his house with his family. However, we were just introduced to one new negative method of entering an evil family. The devil uses tricks, traps, deception, and lies, to take people by force into his house of darkness. But Jesus, is always loving and good, He only offers people the positive right of choice to voluntarily join with Him in His house. We will soon learn today about God’s purpose of creating a new house and family of God by us entering into the LORD Jesus.

Unsaved natural humans can be rebirthed into God’s new spiritual family by being “born again” (John 3:3). This process occurs, by hearing the Gospel (God’s seed planted in the spirit of a human), believing in the Son of God as the risen from the dead Savior (spiritual conception), and confessing Jesus as their personal Lord (new birth activation) (Rom 10:9-10). This incredible new life experience (1 Cor 5:17) continues as we experience spiritual growth to maturity. This process is also a new marriage covenant relationship with the LORD Jesus who is the Son of God (Eph 5:31-32).

The son in the “beyt” family was essential to carry on the family name (mark), and to be given the primary part of the inheritance of his father. It is this son’s family responsibility to take the bride selected by his father. Then, these two will be joined to go out of their family houses of their fathers and mothers, to marry each other, and build their own “beyt” house and family. This was God’s stated Law of marriage found in Genesis 2:24. It is a pattern of what we will be discussing today about Jesus’ work for His Father.

Today, we are going to begin this study of Jesus in the “beyt”, with an analysis of a major promise made to one King named David. This promise was concerning a future son, that would come from a seed from his own body. This son was called a coming seed from the house of David, he is foretold to rule over his father’s “house” (beyt) of David and the kingdom of Israel forever (Luke 1:32-33). It does not appear that David was personally revealed the name of this future eternal King. But we discover in other parts of the Bible, this man is Jesus Christ the eternal risen from the dead LORD! Let us begin to learn what this has to do with a “beyt” family and house.

House (Beyt) + Seed (Nun) of David
Joined to the House (Beyt) + Seed (Nun) of God
Forms Jesus, the Son of David, the Son of God

We are now going to study a very important promise that God made to King David, about a coming son that would originate from one natural seed (nun) of David, and one spiritual seed (nun) spoken from God. These two seeds represent the continuation of two “beyt” houses and families of God. The Kingdom of God “seed” (nun) contributed in this promise will be sent from God’s greater heavenly spiritual house (beyt) to the earth.

This spiritual “seed” will be spoken by a heavenly messenger named Gabriel to a virgin woman named Mary” (Luke 1:26-27).  The promised natural “seed” that will be contributed by David also happens to be the virgin woman named “Mary”. The virgin Mary was the natural seed “daughter” of King David. It will be the virgin woman Mary’s faith, that will receive the spiritual spoken “seed” of God. It will then be the power of the Holy Spirit that will overshadow her (Luke 1:35), to fulfill the promise that was made to David.

We are beginning to be introduced to an amazing concept designed by God. It occurred when one natural seed named Mary, that came from the house of David, was prophesied by a prophet of God named Samuel, as a promised spoken to David. The end of the promise, was about the implied coming of a female “seed” (nun) of the house (beyt) of David. This woman would be joined with the spoken spiritual “seed” sent from God’s heavenly house (beyt). It will be the union of these two “seeds” being joined together, that will unite the natural and the spiritual realms to form one new unique divine human “seed”, called the promised Son of David and the Son of God. This final “promised” fulfilled combined seed, would be named by His Father God, Jesus (Luke 1:31).

This is the promise that we will be studying in God’s Word and it is so amazing, that it causes a lot of people to not believe in it as being possible. But too often humans limit what God is able to do. We will only be going through a few key verses found in the Old Testament in this section, to focus on God’s single promise spoken to David. This promise was spoken by God in the Old Covenant family, and houses of Israel, Judah, and David. We will also be viewing selected verses in the New Testament to confirm what God is saying in the Old Testament. Let us get started.

We should all at least be beginning to know that the name “Israel” originally came from heaven, which is the spiritual location of the house of God. We have learned how this name change from Jacob to Israel, appears to be a marriage covenant name transfer of one of God’s hidden heavenly names. We know this from reading multiple verses in the Old Testament, where God says “the house or the people who are called by my name”, like in 2 Chronicles 7:14, Jeremiah 7:10-11, 14, 30, and Jeremiah 32:34, to list a few.

It will be this man Jacob that is renamed Israel by God that will bring forth God’s promised “seed”. God made this promise to Abraham, his grandfather. This marriage covenant is spoken of in several verses, but Jeremiah 31:32 is one of the clearest. Therefore, we should all know that God was in a marriage covenant with these people and He was their Husband and the entire nation was collectively called His wife.

Jer 31:32  Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt (aka, the house of bondage); which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD

But we must also know this future promise to Abraham was repeated in a promise to David concerning the same identical one seed (nun), that would be called the Son of David (Mat 1:1), and the Son of God (Mat 8:29), simultaneously. So, we are seeing the potential for two houses, the beyt of David, and the beyt of God being combined, to produce one joint Son. Let us review how this is possible according to the Bible.

Remember in the ancient Hebrew alphabet, that the “beyt” + the “nun” = a son (H1121). The “beyt” is a tent house, and the “nun” is the father’s seed that is contributed to cause his house, family, and name to continue, by the passing of his “seed” (nun) to a new generation. God combined these two letters, to give us the Hebrew word for a “son”. It is the passing of natural or spiritual “seed”, that is being sown by, in, and from the owner father’s “house” (beyt), that will produce their physical or spiritual heir. It is also interesting to know that one key Greek word translated as “seed” is “sperma”, in which we get the English word “sperm”. This information gives us one of the main concepts that was spoken of by God calling Jesus the “Seed of David” (John 7:42).

We have not covered the letter “nun” in detail. This is a future lesson in the series, God be willing. But there are at least 10 things found in the Bible, that are called by the name “seed”. The male sperm is one of them (Gen 38:9). And a born child is another reality that is called a “seed” (Gen 4:25). For our subject today, the other key “seed” that is most relevant is the Word of God (Luke 8:11). The Word of God is the most powerful and prevalent spiritual “seed” found in the Bible (1 Pet 1:23).

It is also essential to know that it is the father that determines the biological “gender” of the child. If the father contributes an “X” chromosome the child is female, and if a “Y’ chromosome, the child is male. The female mother only contributes one “X” chromosome every time to produce a child. Therefore, the mother nor the born child has a choice in this matter of gender determination, period. Consequently, it is only the human, or spiritual father’s seed contribution and the hand of God’s guidance, that can create a child as a female or a male. This will become very pertinent to our discussion of Jesus being formed as a male child, from two joined families, as we continue. Let us look at a verse that helps us to see what God is doing in Jesus:

Rom 1:3  Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh; 

So far, all of this information up until this point simply means that Jesus the born child of Mary in Bethlehem, had a natural father named David. Jesus came from David’s DNA, as God writes in Romans 1:3. In this verse God said “Jesus was MADE (G1096) from the “seed” of David”. The Greek word translated as “seed” is the Greek word G4690 “sperma”. This word proves Jesus came forth from the “sperm” of David the King. We should agree this “seed” represented Mary, a daughter of the House of David.

Then notice the Greek word translated as “made”. This word is the Greek word G1096 “ginomai”. From this Greek word we get the English words “gene’, “generation”, “genetics”, “genealogy”, and “genome”. All of these words relate to “DNA”, “RNA”, etc. being transferred. What we have just confirmed, is that Jesus had a natural father’s family and house that represents David. It had to be David’s natural sperm “seed” that would be passed down multiple generations to create a female child “seed”, named Mary. It is this female child born Mary from the house of David, that would grow to be a virgin woman capable of receiving spiritual “seed” from God’s powerful spoken word (Heb 1:3).

Mary, God’s selected female seed was born in the house (beyt) of David, and she would have an “egg” inside of her body with David’s DNA, that would cause her to “make” his natural son named Jesus. This information represents the maternal half of the family line of Jesus. It is because of the one male seed of David’s generational house, that would contribute an “X” chromosome, at the exact perfect time in human history, to cause the birth of a “female” seed of David, named “Mary”. It is Mary that will birth Jesus her firstborn son (Mat 1:25), and God’s only begotten Son (Jn 3:16).

It would be good if you could go and study the Luke 3 genealogy of Jesus. Remember a “genealogy” means the passing of “genes” from one seed (nun) to another, creating each new generation. In the Luke 3 genealogy, we will find how seed, after seed was passed from Adam, all the way to Mary, who gave birth to Jesus the Christ in Bethlehem. In this family lineage includes Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, David, and many other male seeds.

But the last “seed” is required by God to be “female”, so God could be the Father in the naturally created child making process. This requirement would allow God to fulfill His role as the male head of the house and family, as well as determine the gender of the child named Jesus, who also must be God’s male Son heir. Knowing this we can better understand the prophecy of God given to David the reigning King of Israel in the book of 2 Samuel and chapter 7. Let us begin to read and study the O.T. prophecy:

2Sa 7:5  Go and tell my servant David, Thus saith the LORD, Shalt thou build me an house for me to dwell in? 

God sent a message to King David. David personally desired to build the LORD a more permanent house (beyt). This new house was intended to be a more enduring dwelling, rather than the original temporary and portable tent tabernacle. Remember God’s previous temporary house was in a tent constructed originally by God’s directions given to Moses (Exo 25:9). This is very essential for us to know, that the temporary earthly tent tabernacle of God, was a human created tent of a “pre-existing” heavenly dwelling pattern (Heb 8:5). This sounds very important, if you can see it.

Therefore, we are directly connected with two houses following one pattern. There was the original heavenly “temple” that we can believe was created by God as permanent, and this is being contrasted with a new earthly house that must obviously be a temporary “tent” structure. This is the reason that God chose the symbol of a “tent” as the design of the “beyt” alphabet letter. It should be becoming very obvious that this “old” and “ancient” design, is not the final plan of God’s dwelling.

No doubt God placed this desire for a future permanent dwelling, in David’s heart. But God did this, not to fulfill David’s desires in his natural lifetime, but rather to prophesy God’s divine plan for David’s, and God’s shared Son, named Jesus, to fulfill this desire. Notice that the last sentence just called Jesus, both the son of God and David. We found this truth in Romans 1:3, where God called Jesus His Son, made from the seed (nun) of David. This represented two fathers, and two houses, one was the spiritual God, and the other was the natural man, David. Let us examine some of the words Jesus spoke on this subject, while present physically on the earth:

Mar 12:35  And Jesus answered and said, while he taught in the temple, How say the scribes that Christ is the Son of David? 

Do you remember this question that Jesus asked the Jewish rulers in the temple?  In Mark 12:35 Jesus said, “how say the scribes that Christ is the son of David?”. Then Jesus begins to quote a verse that David personally wrote about Messiah:

Mar 12:36  For David himself said by the Holy Ghost, The LORD said to my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool. 

Jesus reminded the Jewish people, what David had written while being inspired by the Holy Ghost, “The LORD said to my LORD, sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool” (Psalm 110:1). This is an amazing verse of scripture that contained a very significant hidden mystery. This verse is quoted 5 times in the New Testament, making it very important for what God is doing in Jesus. Let us start our understanding of this statement, by observing what God says in Isaiah:

Isa 66:1  Thus saith the LORD, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest? 

Notice what God says through the prophet Isaiah. God is talking about His house in two locations, asking a very specific question to the humans on the earth. He begins by saying, “Heaven” is the seat of His throne. Then He says, the “earth” is the footstool for His feet. In other words, God is saying to humans, there is no way you will ever be able to fully build me a house, where I can completely fit or rest. Wow, this is very profound, but we do not have adequate time to cover it in depth. However, we are going to be introduced to God’s solution to this problem very soon. Let us continue to see what Jesus said next about this subject:

Mar 12:37  David therefore himself calleth him Lord; and whence is he then his son? And the common people heard him gladly. 

Jesus continues speaking to the Jewish rulers, using the information found in the hidden riddle, written by David in Psalms. Jesus said in Mark 12:37, “If David calls the Christ his LORD, how then can He be his son?” This is supernatural wisdom of the Christ, demonstrating God’s superior knowledge, and their inferior lack of it.

Jesus had just tried to make them think and to answer this very profound question. Jesus was not saying that the Christ was not the son of David, but rather He was trying to get them to see that the son of David, must also be the Son of God, in order to fulfill the prophecy of David.

We have further confirmed how one man named Jesus was coming into the world from two houses, one natural of the house of David, and one spiritual from the House of God the Father from heaven. This is an amazing revelation, that teaches us that God is solving two problems in two houses (beyts), by combining them through a common one Son solution. A lot of readers will not yet understand that statement, but do not reject it because it is not understood. It will hopefully come into better light shortly.

2Sa 7:6  Whereas I have not dwelt in any house since the time that I brought up the children of Israel out of Egypt (the house of bondage), even to this day, but have walked in a tent and in a tabernacle

David is then given more information about God’s plan of salvation. We can see a confirmation that when the people of natural Israel were delivered from Egypt which we know is also called the “house of bondage” by God. We should know that God came down personally by His Holy Spirit, and lived with natural Israel, in a temporary “tent” (beyt) dwelling. We know this was when He made them His Old Covenant natural wife, and natural family. This would be a sign of God bringing Himself down from heaven, to establish His family and His name in the earth. Wow, are we not studying about a tent alphabet picture? Do you see any new connections?

Do you remember that God said His feet will be located on the earth at rest in Isaiah 66:1? But here in 2 Samuel, God says He is walking in a “tent”? Notice both scripture descriptions involve God’s “feet”. But the Isaiah reference is a God of a future seated position of rest, and the 2 Samuel reference, is a God of temporary feet movement. If you did not know, the “rest” position is the New Covenant house of God in Jesus, where Jesus is seated in heaven awaiting His enemies on the earth to be made His footstool (Heb 1:13). But the “walking” about in a “tent” (beyt), is an Old Covenant God position in a temporary transition state of mobility, indicating no rest is taking place. Wow, that is “deep”.

One thing we need to see implied in this verse of 2 Samuel 7:6, is God did have a great desire for a permanent dwelling for His Spirit, but it was not going to be a temple made of bricks and stones. Acts 17:24 confirms this by saying, “God has made the world and everything that is in it. Seeing He is Lord of heaven and earth, He will not dwell in a temple made by human hands”. That was a paraphrase, but it conveys the essence of the inspired message about two houses (beyt) in heaven and on the earth. What we are beginning to see, is that God had already provided His Holy Spirit, with a living temporary temple (tent), to dwell in, by forming the human body from the dust of the ground (Gen 2:7). Let us continue with some of our main verses of 2 Samuel 7:

2Sa 7:12  And when thy days be fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom

2Sa 7:13  He shall build an house for my name, and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom for ever. 

For the sake of time, we skipped down to verses 12 and 13. These two verses are about one man’s solitary “seed”. As we know, this man was named David, the earthly king of the natural nation of Israel. We can see in verse 12, that David will sow one seed (nun) that will come from his physical body, and it will “continue” until it produces one son (ben) that will continue David’s throne eternally.

We can clearly see in these verses, that this coming seed that will eternally rule, will only come after David is physically dead and buried. This implies a long period of time has passed before the “seed” will come forth. Between David and Jesus was approximately 1000 years, so that is a significant passage of time, before David’s promised seed would be fulfilled.

Did you notice that in these two verses of 2 Samuel, that God said twice, that “He would establish ‘his’ kingdom”? Whose Kingdom is God speaking of?  Also did you notice verse 13, that God said “He will build a house (beyt) for my name (the family mark)”? Could this name be called the house of “Israel” that is on the earth and in heaven?  So, we have the combination of the establishment of a kingdom that is to be joined with the building of a house (beyt) for God. This will be combined with the joining of two kingdoms, one of David and one of God. Wow, this can only be speaking of one man, that came from two “seeds”.

This is no doubt the new “Kingdom” of Jesus Christ. What we are observing is this future “seed” that will have a combined eternal kingdom found in two realms of existence. One is David’s natural throne, and the other is the spiritual Kingdom of Heaven. This may be difficult for some to accept, but Jesus confirms this after His resurrection in Matthew 28:18. In this verse Jesus said, “All power in heaven and on the earth, is given to me”. Why would Jesus speak of these two different realms of authority and power, being combined in Him? Why would it be necessary for God to hand over the power of earth to His Son Jesus? An even more amazing question, is why would God the Father of heaven, need to hand over heavenly authority to His Son Jesus also? Why was all of this necessary for God to accomplish? These are excellent questions to which to learn the answers. We will probably not be able to cover these questions in this lesson.

Now notice one of the “beyt” house key lesson concepts, mentioned in verse 13. In this verse we see God promising David that it will be his “seed” (nun), that will be building God’s house (beyt). Wow, this is a very radical promise, and it has nothing to do with a physical building made of bricks, and mortar. This is definitely pointing us to a spirit realm reality and fulfillment, which we will see very soon.

Remember in this section, we are exploring the concept of a two-letter word containing the “beyt” + “nun”. This formed Hebrew word is “ben”, and in English it is the “son”. We are learning that this promised “Son” must be Jesus, the Christ, and this Son must be the Son of God, equally as the Son of David a human. This also confirms the concept of two houses being combined into one “new” family. The key word is “new”, because this type of a production of a “son”, had never been accomplished before by God (Isa 43:19). God has planned the joining of one natural house on the earth from David, with the other a divine house in heaven from God, to create a never before seen new “heir”.

What we have arrived at in our Bible study journey, is the awesome truth that God came into the world to be “born” a human and divine Son. This child grew up into the man that God named Jesus, who is called the Son of Man (Adam), the Son of Abraham, the Son of David, and the Son of God. This made Jesus the Son of two realities named Israel, God the Creator, and Jacob the renamed originator of the natural nation of “Israel”. The name Israel literally means, “He will rule as God!” As you can see, we are being introduced to a brand-new concept that is amazing. The Spirit of God who dwelt, lived, ruled in a kingdom throne in heaven, came personally into the natural world, to begin a new spiritual family for Himself. In doing this great work He would also come to save the human house and family of Adam, that entered into a covenant with death and hell (Isa 28:15-18).

Jesus was, and still is, the only man that is capable of continuing the majestic Kingdom of His Heavenly Father’s name of “Israel” into a New Covenant house (beyt) family. Simultaneously, Jesus is the only son of David, that can fulfill the promise of reigning on his throne over natural Israel, eternally. We have just confirmed that one seed (nun) came into the world and this seed has come from Abraham, and David to fulfill promises given to them. It was this “seed” (nun) that came from the houses (beyts) of God (Israel in Heaven), Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Israel on earth), Judah, and David, that is fulfilled in one united Son named Jesus Christ (Israel of God that will rule forever in heaven and on earth – Galatians 5:16). We are about to learn about this new “beyt” house of the LORD Jesus, the “eternal Son (beyt + nun) of God” next.


So far, we should have learned that God has selected one man named Abraham, and from his house (beyt), chose only one seed (nun) to be his begotten son named Isaac. And from Isaac’s house (beyt), God selected one seed (nun), to be his chosen son named Jacob, who God renamed to be Israel. And from Israel’s house (beyt), God selected one seed (nun) of 12 tribes, to become a son named Judah. And from Judah’s tribe, God chose one future seed (nun) to bring a son (ben) named King David, to continue to bring forth a female daughter seed (nun) named Mary. And from all of these continuing generational seeds (nun), God at the right time brought forth His promised seed (nun), and made His promised “Son” to be the Savior of the entire world (Heb 2:16), named Jesus Christ.

God’s promised “Son” (ben) of salvation, would actually be God, the Word (seed) becoming human flesh. We know this because Jesus is a name that means “Jehovah Saved”. Jesus’ name contains His Father’s name, and one of His main purposes, for becoming a Son. We have also learned that the name Jehovah means in ancient Hebrew pictogram form, “Behold the hand, Behold the nail”. This means the work of Jesus is found in the name of His Father. But there is more evidence that Jesus was the manifestation of God making Himself into human flesh to die on a cross.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God, and He created everything good that can be seen (Jn 1:1-3). Then in John 1:14 we read about “The Word (seed) of God was made “flesh” and dwelled among us”. This simply means Jesus was Jehovah the unseen God being made manifest in flesh (Heb 1:3). As you may know, all of this is really much deeper, than can be described today. But consider this fact, and see what God has said in the prophetic verse of Jeremiah that comes directly before Jeremiah 31:32, that we looked at earlier:

Jer 31:31  Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah

As you can see this verse is about the subject of two “beyt” houses. This verse is about Jesus the Christ, and is not about a natural nation of people. God is foretelling to His Old Covenant natural people, in His previous family household, that there is coming a brand-new family covenant house with a brand-new family tent door entrance (Jn 10:7). This New Covenant was one that never existed before, that He will be making with the House (beyt) of Israel and the House (beyt) of Judah. These natural people certainly did not yet realize or understand what this meant. This was because they did not yet understand that the seed of the Messiah was already in them, and simultaneously in the Seed (Word) of God, when this prophecy was spoken.

Isa 7:14  Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel

Notice this verse is very profound. God Himself will provide a “sign”. This declares God’s personal participation in the sign being given to them. The virgin being spoken of is the coming woman named “Mary”, who was the natural “seed” of David. But God then says this virgin would conceive and become pregnant with a son. This is exactly what we are reading about in the 2 Samuel promise to David. This verse confirms again, that this divinely given sign, would be God Himself impregnating Mary, with His Word. This would be done to produce a physical child, but this Son would be named “Emmanuel”, that means “God with Us” in human form. Wow, this is really amazing how God spreads the truth out in the Bible. Let us look at the New Covenant writings to the Hebrews to help us understand what God is speaking of in Jeremiah 31:

Heb 8:8  For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah: 

As we can see Paul quotes the Jeremiah prophecy concerning two “beyt” houses, in chapter 8 of the book of Hebrews. Here in this verse, God says there was a major problem with this Old Covenant, and it was this “fault found” and other issues that cannot be taught today, that causes God to implement the New Covenant through Jesus. Notice this verse in Jeremiah is quoted in the New Testament, revealing these words are concerning, and written to, and about the church.

We now know that Jesus is the prophesied Son of God the Father, and we know that He is also the chosen Son of David. We know this New Covenant is with Jesus, because verses 1 through 7 are speaking of Him as being the High Priest of a much better covenant than the one that God the Father, had made with the natural children of Israel in the Old Covenant. Take a look at this next direct contextual verse, that will prove we are studying the same subject about a “beyt” house and family of God:

Heb 8:2  A minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man. 

Wow, this is one of those profound verses about our subject of the combined “beyt” house of God and David. Remember we read in 2 Samuel that David wanted to move God out of the temporary “tent” and into a more permanent house, but it was not for him to do. This promise was made to Jesus, and he has become the High Priest of the “True Tabernacle” that the LORD “pitched”.  The Greek word G4633, translated as “tabernacle”, literally means a “tent”. Remember a tent house is what the “Beyt” is a picture of. That is an amazing direct connection with God’s plan for His Son, Jesus to build the house of God and the House of David into one combined new family. Let us quickly confirm Jesus is a Son that is creating a new family for God:

Heb 3:5  And Moses verily was faithful in all his house, as a servant, for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after; 

Heb 3:6  But Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end

Can you see that these two verses are about two (beyt) houses? Verse 5 is speaking of Moses’ faithfulness to create the temporary tent house of God in the Old Covenant. But that is being compared with another house (beyt) that is much greater. This house (beyt) in verse 6 is about the “Son” (beyt+nun), named Jesus Christ. It should be very clear to you that this is called the House of Messiah, our combined Son of David, and the Son of God.

Hopefully, you can see the connection to the “prophecy” of David’s desire to build God a permanent house. God promised David that it would be “one” seed that would fulfill his desire to build a house for the LORD. We can confirm that this new house is fulfilled in Christ. But now notice how God describes this permanent temple as being the church. Pay closer attention to the fact that God places the responsibility of remaining in the new “beyt” family and house of Jesus Christ to those that have voluntarily joined His family. Let us continue to learn more details about this plan of God and how it has been implemented in the church:

Eph 2:19  Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God

Eph 2:20  And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; 

Eph 2:21  In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord

Eph 2:22  In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit

Wow, these are all amazing verses of truth. Do you see the connection of God’s Son Jesus, in the “beyt” house alphabet letter prophecy of David? These verses are directly focused upon the prophecy of Jesus the Son of David, that would come to the earth to build God a permanent dwelling (house).

Notice what we see, in verse 19 by the mention of people in the church choosing to come into the “household” of God. The Greek word G3609 translated as “household”, means “domestic”. The term “domestic” is defined as “as relating to a family”. This word is related to the term “domain”, which represents a realm of authority of the head of the house. This leads us to the word “dominion”, which represents a realm of sovereign kingdom rule. We can see how people that were called “strangers”, and “foreigners” in verse 19, are speaking of people that were abiding in another kingdom house (Satan). But they have now left that evil family rule, to be saved by entering into God’s new family Kingdom formed in His Son Jesus Christ.

Verse 20 reveals God’s radical concept that originates from His designed plan to build a permanent temple for His Spirit. Jesus came to the earth to save people from their death, to “build” them into a new house for the Holy Spirit of God to dwell in. The Greek word G2026 that is translated as “build”, comes from the Greek word G3618, meaning “to be a house builder”. Wow, this is such great accuracy in fulfilling prophecy. We can further see how Jesus in called the chief corner stone of the “building” project. This makes the glorified, and resurrected “body” of the LORD Jesus Christ, the chief building corner stone, that we were all, aligned and joined with. Each newly saved human, becomes a new living stone. Each person is only one of many others, that will be formed into a new spiritual temple of the living God. Jesus is not only the builder; He is also the primary part of the building.

Verse 21 confirms the building plan of God using His Son Jesus, to build together a brand-new Holy Temple. Notice in this verse it clearly says this house of God is “growing”. Wow, do you remember what we read about in the beginning about the house of Saul, at war with the house of David? In this verse God says the house of Saul grew weak, and the house of David grew strong. Do you see how every verse in the Bible has something to do with Jesus, yet? God has placed duplicate natural patterns from Old Testament stories that relate to future Kingdom of God spiritual fulfillments.

Finally, Ephesians 2:22 further confirms all of the people in the church, are being built together for God’s habitation of the Holy Spirit. We find this additionally confirmed in the book of 1 Peter:

1Pe 2:5  Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. 

1Pe 2:6  Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded

What does it mean to be a “living stone”? This verse is God referring to humans in two realms of existence, that we have been learning about in this lesson. We learned of Jesus being born of the physical “seed” of David. In this natural human dimension of life, there exists death and this is what Jesus experienced for us. Then there is the more essential spiritual heavenly life that Jesus possessed, by Him having the Spirit of God living inside of His Body. Jesus after resurrection from the dead, was raised to be physically immortal as well as spiritually immortal. He was the first example, that we are all desiring to follow. This why He is called the “chief corner stone”.

Eternal spiritual life for a lost physical human, is only possible after the Holy Spirit comes inside of a mortal human body. Unsaved people today have a temporary basis for natural physical life, but lack the personal experience of joining with God’s spiritual “eternal life” defined in John 17:3, as “knowing God”. Spiritual death is present now in the mortal body for the lost, but it is finalized by them being separated from God, and not knowing Him, in their eventual realm of eternal existence in hell after physical death.

If you are truly saved, you have the Spirit of the living God inhabiting your physical body (1 Cor 6:19). His Spirit inside your body has been joined with your human spirit (1 Cor 6:17) to become a new creation that never existed before (2 Cor 5:17).  We can clearly read we are God’s new “spiritual house” in 1 Peter 2:5 and we now can begin to understand why it was necessary for Jesus to build this new “beyt” house and family of God.

To complete this section of God’s new House of Jesus Christ, it is most interesting to learn about the Old Testament Hebrew man named “Joshua” which is the same name as “Jesus” in English. Joshua was a definite type of the coming LORD Jesus. Therefore, God’s selected name Joshua must reveal something, and it does.

Exo 33:11  And the LORD spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend. And he turned again into the camp: but his servant Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man, departed not out of the tabernacle

 In Exodus 33:11, we find God speaking of Joshua. We find Joshua being called a servant that we learned was the first “alef” ox picture letter. Then at the end of the verse we find that Joshua departed not from the tabernacle. This word means a “tent”, the beyt second alphabet letter. Finally, we find Joshua being called the son of “Nun”. Remember beyt + nun = a son. Wow, this is not a coincidence that we have been learning about all of these subjects.

This Hebrew name “Nun”, comes from the Hebrew word H5125, which just so happens to be formed with three Hebrew letters. There are “two” nun letters representing seeds, that begin and end the word. And these two “seeds” are joined together in the middle with a “vav” representing a nail. These are not amazing accidents; these are just more intelligent design confirmations.


Psa 23:6  Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever. 

Here in this verse is found our combined subject of God’s and David’s houses. David moved by the Holy Spirit declared his final “dwelling” will be in the house (beyt) of the LORD! By Him making this choice, David says the LORD’s goodness and mercy will follow him all of his mortal living days. David could foresee in the spirit, that this natural life was not his final home destiny. And that His coming “seed” would be the LORD, and He wanted to make sure that this would be his choice. If you have not made this choice yet, to join the good house (beyt) of Jesus Christ, this is the perfect time to do it. There will be a link at the bottom of this lesson to direct you how to join the best family possible.

Hopefully, this lesson was an eye-opening experience to see how one ancient Hebrew alphabet letter called the “beyt”, was fulfilled in Jesus Christ. There were literally many verses, and several other lesson subjects, that were omitted from this study. These omissions were due to the unlimited amount of information found on this subject in the Bible. If you are a curious wise Bible student, it would be recommended that you continue to dive into this subject of the old house and family of God originally in heaven, being transitioned on the earth through Moses, versus the new house and a family of God in the Son Jesus Christ.

Here is a list of questions that were not answered in this study:

  1. Who was in the family of God in heaven before Adam?
  2. Why did God create an earthly family through Adam, if He already had a permanent family in heaven?
  3. After Adam sinned and rebelled to join with Satan’s family and the kingdom of darkness, why did God want to save any of us?
  4. Why did God need a Son (ben=house+seed) from heaven to come to the earth, to be joined with a natural son (ben=house+seed) of a natural man named David?
  5. Why did God come to the earth personally to save us?
  6. How did God save us through Jesus His Son (son=house+beyt)?
  7. Why did God create a new Covenant, a new family, and a new house (beyt) in His Son Jesus Christ?

Thank you for taking your valuable time to read and study the Bible with us today. We are so very blessed to be a blessing to everyone that chooses to receive what the LORD has taught us to share with everyone in the world. If you would like to comment, ask questions, or share this lesson with others, please do so. Join with us to get the Word of Truth out to the entire world. God has blessed you to help you join His family, believe in Him, and act like you are blessed!

Intro Alef Beyt-1 2 Gimel Dalet Hey Vav Zayin Chet Tet Yod Kaf Lamed Mem 1 2 Nun Samekh Ayin Pey Tsade Qof Resh Shin Tav Chart (Series updated as LORD directs and permits)

Are You Saved? Do you Know Jesus? Life is Short! Jesus wants to Know You! Please come and get to Know Him!

Jesus in the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet Part 2 – The Alef

(Ver 1.1) This will be “Part 2” in the Bible study series, revealing the Lord Jesus in the ancient Hebrew Alphabet. Today, we will begin with the first letter of the alphabet called the “Alef”. This is one of the two most obvious letters that Jesus claimed to be directly related or named by. We learned this from the 4 statements of Revelation, where Jesus said “I am the Alpha and the Omega”. We also learned from these references that these signify the beginning and the ending, since this is clearly what they are in Alphabetic terms. What we have concluded based upon this revelation, is that all of the letters must represent Jesus in some form of identity. Therefore, the reason for these lessons.

If you have not read the series from the beginning, it is recommended that you go back to “Part 1” to begin.


The Alef is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It has a number value of “1”. The sound of the letter is transliterated into English as “alef” or “alif”. This letter in the ancient Hebrew paleo pictogram representation, is as the image of an “Ox” or “Bull’s” head. It is noted by possessing two large horns on the top of its head with its snout pointing downward to the earth’s ground. Again, this letter also signifies the meaning of “beginning”, since it begins the alphabet.

This picture representation of an ox is very profound in association with our main subject of Jesus. An ox was a “servant” type of animal. It was identified to be useful because it is a very powerful and strong animal. It was used by ancient civilizations as the main worker in the farm harvest field. This beast was used to plow the ground in order to plant and sow seed for crops. The ox also was used during the harvest of grain to break up the harvested fruits of grain heads to make required substance of use for bread making.

This was only a quick introduction, and it should be easily seen how this ox picture letter introduces us to the concepts of the work of Jesus Christ. This work was fulfilled on the earth, during His physical natural appearance in Israel, approximately 2000 years ago. We will now go through some Bible examples of this letter representation to verify this relationship to being Jesus.


Let us begin this part of the lesson, by comparing Jesus’ first coming to being a fulfillment of a servant, like the pictograph ox prophesied by the Alef, the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet.  We will not go over every verse possible, but rather will only hit the major highlights, beginning with Old Testament prophets:

Isa 42:1  Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. 

Isa 43:10  Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me. 

Isa 52:13  Behold, my servant shall deal prudently, he shall be exalted and extolled, and be very high

Isa 53:11  He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities

Zec 3:8  Hear now, O Joshua the high priest, thou, and thy fellows that sit before thee: for they are men wondered at: for, behold, I will bring forth my servant the BRANCH

As we can read in these 5 verses from Isaiah, and Zechariah, Jesus is clearly prophesied to be the coming “servant” of the LORD. These are certainly speaking of His first coming appearance, in His natural human mortal form. Clearly these can be compared to be like a symbolic ox pictogram. These should be very interesting to you.  They should also help you to see how they were fulfilled when we confirm Jesus in the New Testament to be God’s servant:

Mat 12:17  This was to fulfill what was spoken through Isaiah the prophet:


Matthew writes plainly about Jesus being the fulfillment of the Old Covenant prophecies that call Jesus, God’s coming “Servant”. Matthew is literally quoting Isaiah 42:1. If we go back to Isaiah and examine the Hebrew word that God selected to describe Jesus, we will find that it is H5650. This Hebrew word was used to define a slave or bondservant. It is used by the LORD to describe this condition of slaves, approximately 800 times. Therefore, we have no doubt what God was describing Jesus to be, when He would come into the world. Let us move to another interesting account of what Jesus claimed to be when present on the earth:

Mar 10:42  Calling them to Himself, Jesus said to them, “You know that those who are recognized as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them; and their great men exercise authority over them.

Mar 10:43  “But it is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant;

Mar 10:44  and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be slave of all.

Mar 10:45  “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” (NASB)

Wow, these are amazing words spoken by God in the flesh while physically walking among us (John 1:14). Jesus makes the personal claim to be a servant to every human on the earth. He further claims He did not come into the world to be served, but to serve all of us, by giving His life as our ransom. This was God buying us out of our spiritual slavery to Satan (Rev 5:9) through His shed blood (1 Peter 1:18-19).  In doing this great saving work of a servant, He is also claiming to be the “Greatest” among us ALL, which He was.

Let us now move to another set of verses about Jesus being the fulfillment of the prophesied servant of the LORD:

Php 2:5  Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus

Php 2:6  Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God

Php 2:7  But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men

Php 2:8  And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross

These are more amazing verses of ultimate truth. Verse 5 identifies the key subject of the next 3 verses, “Jesus Christ”. Then in verses 6 and 7, we find very radical claims, that this humble man named Jesus the Christ, was God personally appearing in the form of human flesh. This reveals an Old Covenant hidden divine mystery. These verses should raise important questions in your mind. How could this natural looking human named Jesus, be God who created us? This is where we find the answer in Luke 1:37, “For with God, nothing shall be impossible”. But, why would the eternal Spirit of God who made us, be made manifest to become like us within His physical natural creation?

Remember, Jesus looked like an unspectacular human (Isa 53:2), he walked (John 7:1), and he talked (John 18:1), like humans, but His words were observed to be spoken with noted authority (Mark 1:22). He got hungry (Mat 21:18), He ate (Luke 21:41-43), He slept (Mark 4:38), and He prayed (Mat 26:36) like any normal human. And He died (Luke 23:46), like the natural sinful humans, that were hung with Him on crosses, except His legs were not broken (John 19:32). Yet He had not sinned even once (Heb 4:15)

These are radical truths and questions to think on. But these facts demonstrate a confirming revelation, that God’s ways are not our normal human ways (Isa 55:8), and He is nothing like most humans have imagined growing up in the natural world. We think of God in so many ways that are not truthful and did not exemplify Jesus Christ’s example.

For example, God gets the blame for every major disaster that occurs in the world today. God normally gets questioned about, His existence because it appears that He does nothing to stop all of the great evil that we can see all around us. But all of these thoughts of reasoning are promoted by the devil to get us to not believe in a God as a loving Creator.

We can see very clearly in verse 7, where God took upon Himself an appearance of the form of a strong but lowly “servant”. This is a major confirming reality for Jesus calling Himself the Alef, a picture of the ox.

Notice we can see the true revealed nature of God in verse 8. This verse identifies God’s heart to be filled with immeasurable LOVE! The God who created everything around us, that has infinite knowledge, understanding and wisdom, power and ability, could come to the earth in the form of a slave servant to die for you and I? Wow, what a God we should want to serve. His example that was set before us to become a humble servant, should cause us all to humble ourselves to become like Him. Let us move to a new topic about the God man servant Jesus, learning about oxen “yoked” together.


Mat 11:28  Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 

Mat 11:29  Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 

Mat 11:30  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. 

Notice that these words are usually written in Red Ink, because they were spoken directly from the lips of Jesus while here upon the earth. Jesus begins by asking people to come to Him in order to be relieved from the extreme burdens of this world. In order to not be “burden” with the sin and death of this world, we are told to take upon us a new concept about servant oxen. This is really a new concept to many Christians.

There are too many people in the world, that do not know they are in bondage as slave to sin and Satan. They are living their lives, having fun, living without a care in the world, not knowing they are being trapped into an eternal destiny of captivity in a lake of fire. Jesus is asking us, very plainly to leave that evil bondage to take a much better path for an easier servant life path next to Him.

Did you notice in verse 29, Jesus said to take “His” yoke?  Did you know that Jesus claimed to have a personal yoke? Do you recall when we read about this was part of an ox in the introduction? The servant ox that was working in the field, would always have a yoke placed around its neck. This would be where the master would hook the plow for the strong animal(s) to pull forward to make a straight row. Jesus is identifying Himself to be this ox wearing the yoke, believe it or not!

You also might recall in the Part 1 introduction, we learned about the “Alef” and the “Tav” being Jesus’ identifiers, by His own claim. We learned this symbol occurs over 7000 times in the Old Testament. We also learned how this symbol was an ox plowing to a mark. It just so happens this mark was a cross in the ancient Hebrew Paleo alphabet. This was not an accident. We will hopefully get this letter later in the series, the Lord be willing.

Jesus is asking us in Matthew 11, to “join” with Him in doing God’s work for the coming world harvest. We do this by coming alongside Him, by being “joined” with Him in covenant marriage (Isa 54:5). This concept was established in God’s LAW in Genesis 2:24. God states in this verse: “for this cause shall a man leave his father and his mother and cleave to his wife”. The term “cleave” literally means to be joined together, like with glue.

A farming “yoke” joined a pair of animals together. In Biblical days, an older mature beast was hooked up with a younger new worker, in order to train them into service to learn how the work would be done. The more mature animal would show the younger new animal how each of the farming tasks were performed. This is exactly the normal Christian life, or at least it should be.

Jesus our mature brother, gives us His yoke and we come alongside Him, to learn what He has for us to do as a fellow laborer. Because He is God, our work is not as hard as we think, or at least it should not be. If we try to work in the flesh, we will be cumbered with a lot of stress, but if we work in the Spirit of Christ, we will find that this is where He claimed “His burden would be light, and His yoke is easy”. It is only when we do it our way, that we will struggle, stumble and can even fail.


Can you see it? This is pretty amazing and potentially new information for some. But all of this was found in the Bible. The Alef first letter of the ancient Hebrew alphabet is a picture of a bull or an ox. This animal is useful as a servant in a field. This letter represented Jesus the ultimate “Greatest Servant”, that died for all of our sins!

We are told to become a yoked servant to Jesus. This yoke provides us eternal security, as long as, we stay yoked with Him. Because God loves you so much, He will give you the “freewill” right to become detached if you choose to. This usually happens when Satan tries to place some enticing trap to distract you off of the yoked path being with, and in Jesus. This is not necessarily one “sinful” act, but it can begin that way. It would also be an opportunity to become rich or famous in the world. Whatever it is, it is your choice to who, you will join yourself to. Either direction you take, you will be joined to, or yoked with either Satan or Jesus, there are no third options available.

Thank you for reading and studying the Bible with us. We are blessed to be a blessing to everyone that will receive the Word of God. God is so very awesome, loving and kind. If you do not know Him today, it is past time to take off Satan’s yoke and for you to offer yourself as the servant of the “Most High”. Praise be to the LORD in advance, for everyone that accepts Him today. Please click on the link “Are You Saved?” to help you get started, and then leave a comment to tell Satan and his world you have renounced and left his ways, for the way of Christ.

God Bless you until next time, the LORD be willing.

Intro Alef Beyt-1 2 Gimel Dalet Hey Vav Zayin Chet Tet Yod Kaf Lamed Mem 1 2 Nun Samekh Ayin Pey Tsade Qof Resh Shin Tav Chart (Series updated as LORD directs and permits)

Are You Saved? Do you Know Jesus? Life is Short! Jesus wants to Know You! Please come and get to Know Him!

Jesus in the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet Part 1 – Introduction

I believe we can find Jesus in every letter of the ancient Hebrew alphabet. This belief is founded upon the fact that Jesus in the Book of Revelation, claimed to be the Alpha and the Omega, at least four times. We explored this in the last lesson that was published when discussing the name of Jehovah is comprised of 3 letters used 4 times to say in the letter definitions “Behold the hand, Behold the nail”.

(Ver 1.0) This will be “Part 1” in a new Bible series, the Lord be willing. Today will be the subject introduction. This lesson series will be foundational information designed for every believer. In these lessons we will explore the subject of the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet and how each of these 22 letters can represent, and reveal Jesus in some form, role, characteristic, pattern or work.

It should be becoming clearer to you, that God hid Jesus in letters, words, sentences, paragraphs, and etc., to help us learn to search to find Jesus. We will be learning that the Bible is constructed around layers of intentionally designed natural and spiritual information, with everything ultimately, pointing us to Jesus. We could say the word of God is like an onion. There is the outer skin coating, that is on the visible surface, and we by just touching, smelling and observing this outer shell layer, can gain the strong realization that there must be much more to it, that is yet to be uncovered and seen.

Think of the outer surface layer of the Bible as being the basic information about the book. There are 66 books, written by 40 different authors, divided into two major divisions containing two major human covenants. The first division is called the Old Testament, and consists of 39 books written predominantly in the Hebrew language. And the final division is called the New Testament, and consists of 27 books, written in the Greek language. There is of course a lot of other basic information like book names, author names, etc. that are not going to be covered.

The Old Testament begins with the basic account of the creation of our world, God’s creation of man and his wife, the rise of sin, and the introduction for a great need for our salvation. God initiates a human interaction with His creation to cause His plan to come into manifestation.

He does this by selecting one man named Abraham, that a natural nation named Israel would come from. We can read many real stories about real people and how God built a Covenant relationship with them. Therefore, there are real historical people with actual real names that tell a great surface story of human origin and history. Everything we can read in the Bible really happened as stated, and is the true account of many people, and things interacting with God over 4000 years.

But perhaps you remember Jesus telling the Jewish people, “Search the scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life, but these are they that testify of me” (John 5:39). That is an amazing claim that implies that He was hidden almost everywhere in some form in the underlying layers of hidden verse information. It could be He was found in hidden symbols, patterns, practices, feast holidays, ceremonies, names, titles, or descriptions. Or He could be hidden in natural human typological patterns as in the first man Adam (Romans 5:14). Or it could be that He was hidden in allegorical stories of real people, like Abraham and Sarah (Galatians 4:24).

Knowing how extremely intelligent God is, we can begin to see that Jesus can even be hidden in the letters of the alphabet. This is a great mystery, but God said that this was what He would do in Proverbs:

Pro 25:2  It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter. 

This verse is amazing. God is claiming to be God and to have an intelligence factor of such great capacity that He can hide Himself in plain sight, using words that we can all read, even knowing all of the word definitions, and still completely miss what He wanted us to search and find. This is such great evidence of a complex design technique that is only possible coming from an infinite intelligent designer.

This is even more impossible based upon the fact that all of this is happening, from someone using 40 different authors that many never met each other, and it was written spread out approximately 1500 years. The beginning authors were all dead, when the ending authors began to write. Therefore, they could not have collaborated together, to plan any of this hidden Jesus to happen. This is one of the main reasons why a computer geek loves Him and His Bible so very much.


Let us begin our introduction to alphabet letters, by talking about a very prevalent hidden Jesus in the Old Testament writings using just two letters. Remember Jesus claimed that He is the Alpha (the first letter of the Greek alphabet) and the Omega (the last letter in the Greek alphabet).  Jesus made this claim 4 times and it was written using the Greek alphabet in the New Testament book of Revelation. But we do not actually know if Jesus spoke this to John in this Greek language.

It is very possible that Jesus spoke at least 3 languages, and Greek and Hebrew were at least two major known languages for that region and at that time. For example, the sign above the head of Jesus hanging on the cross, was written in Hebrew, Greek and Latin (Luke 23:28). It is possible that Jesus spoke this to John in Hebrew, and John wrote it down in Greek to teach and reach the world. We know from reading Revelation 9:11 John wrote the same name in both Hebrew and Greek. Therefore, John knew both languages. This information should make us wonder, why were these two Greek letters Alpha and Omega, so very important for Jesus to claim, and for us to know. That is a great question to ask God. He must be giving us a clue to something significant to learn about.

Could it be that these two letters that Jesus claimed to be, mean something more than just sayings on the surface that He is the beginning and the ending of an Alphabet? Can we ask, do these Greek alphabet letters, transfer and apply to the Old Testament writings with the Hebrew alphabet? Could it also be possible that these two letters that begin and end one alphabet also indicate the other letters in the middle are also representations of the same Author GOD?

I believe that the Alpha and the Omega are revealed clues and pointers to how we can search, find, and discover Jesus in the Old Testament alphabet. Remember the book of Revelation is supposed to be the uncovering of Jesus and it represents the completion of God’s Words to the church.

I have become a believer that the Alpha and the Omega alphabet letters do transfer into the Hebrew language. What we are about to discover, is that these first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet occur over 7000 times throughout the Old Covenant books of the Law, Psalms, and the Prophets. This is an amazing coincidence or more likely a great design pattern given by the designer to hide Jesus in the first and last letter combination of the Hebrew alphabet.

The first Hebrew letter “Alef” is combined with the last Hebrew letter “Tav”, and these two letters form a word that was mostly ignored by every translator of the Bible. These translators either thought these letters represented an unknown Hebrew word, or had an untranslatable Hebrew word meaning. If only these translators would have read the book of Revelation, and applied what Jesus said they might have potentially placed Jesus in many other places that have been hidden from us.

When I searched the Hebrew text for the Strong’s number H853, the Alef and the Tav hidden word combination was found 7302 times in 5650 verses, in one Bible software. Other Bible software had slightly different numbers of occurrences and verses but they were all close enough not to be disputed or argued.

Wow this is very amazing new information to many people. This means translators largely ignored or removed nearly 14,604 alphabet letters from what they were attempting to translate into a language that others could learn from. This was omitted information that should have been considered essential for us to understand our creator God with. This sounds like a major problem. What if we did this with a classic literature book? If someone ignored thousands of letters when translating it, wouldn’t that cause you to wonder what you may have missed?

That information should become a potential concern to everyone. There could be a lot of good information that is being ignored by a lot of the natural people of Israel, and Christians to learn about Jesus. Thankfully, there are a growing number of people that have come to this conclusion, and are beginning to learn more every day about what we have missed, and you can find some of them on the internet. Let us go over some things that help us see how there are definitely things that we have missed.


The first time this word Alef-Tav occurs is found in the fourth word of the very first verse of Genesis 1:1. I will list the word in the text as A-Z for an English translation presentation. Consider what Genesis 1:1 could have said, if they had added the omitted word:

Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God A-Z, created the heaven and the earth.

The English equivalent A-Z (first and last letters of the English alphabet), could have been changed to the “God Alef-Tav” as in a Hebrew representation, or the “God Alpha-Omega” in the Greek application. If you know much about the New Testament you can find how this A-Z addition to the Old Testament harmonizes with the truth identifying Jesus as the creator of everything, we see around us that is good. We can find these confirmations in John 1:1-14, Ephesians 3:9, Colossians 1:16, Hebrews 1:2, Hebrews 11:3, and Revelation 3:14, to name a few.

Can we begin to see how Jesus is being directly named in Genesis 1:1, to be the creator God that made the heavens and the earth? This is really more important than you may know. There are vast numbers of people that do not believe Jesus was God in the flesh. Instead, they label Him to be a mere human man that died 2000 years ago as a prophet. Vast numbers of people believe Jesus was a good man but no greater than any other prophet. But clearly Jesus claimed to be both the Most High God who is the Creator and this was first written in Genesis nearly 3500 years ago.

As you can see, if translators would have added these two alphabet letters in their translations, humans could have been curious to learn to at least ask what these two letters of the alphabet meant. This could have potentially caused more people to search for, who or what this represents. The answer to the curiosity would have become apparent, when people reached reading the book of Revelation, where Jesus gives us the definition of these two individual letters as representations of Himself. WOW!


The second time this A-Z word is selected by God in His descriptions comes in just three verses after the first. In Genesis 1:4, we can read the next usage:

Gen 1:4  And God saw the A-Z light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 

If we had time to write a book about this verse, we could learn a lot of things about seeing Jesus here. But for the quick overview think of what Jesus claimed in John:

John 8:12  Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. 

Compare what God said in Genesis 1:4 to what Jesus just claimed, and then tell me, both of these verses are not about Jesus coming into the world? When the A-Z God spoke into the darkness of Genesis 1 and said “Light Be”, He was making a decree for the darkness of the world to end. This was literally God speaking to the destruction and chaos that had been caused by Lucifer’s rebellion and bringing Himself into the world as the coming Jesus to undo the works of darkness (1 John 3:8). Remember Jesus was called, “the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Revelation 13:8).

Are we not witnessing the account of the creation of the current natural world in Genesis 1? Therefore, are these not the words that were spoken by God A-Z to create our world foundation? We again find another book-end conclusion like the A-Z identification of Jesus in Revelation. But in this one God confirms that He was revealing His plan to bring “A-Z the Light of the World” with His first order of creation “Light Be”. God is defining and explaining what was happening in the introduction of Genesis with the climatic conclusion of Revelation. God provides further confirmation of Genesis 1:4 to be about Jesus in 2 Corinthians:

2Co 4:5  For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake. 

2Co 4:6  For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 

These are radical words being taught. There has not been enough people in the world that have seen what Jesus the A-Z, has accomplished for ALL Christian believers. God reveals a part of His foundational works of Genesis 1:4 to be about Jesus’ work on the earth, by teaching us it is the internal light of the knowledge of Christ in the human spirit, that eliminates the darkness of Satan from us.

There are at least 12 verses in Genesis chapter 1 that share this H853 Hebrew Alef-Tav word. I have just included the first two, but you are welcome to go find Jesus in the others.


Today’s final great Old Testament verse, that confirms how Jesus, the self-proclaimed “Alpha-Omega”, was being hidden in O.T. scriptures is found in the prophecy of Zechariah. I will again include the word in the verse as “A-Z”. Take a look at chapter 12 and verse 10:

Zec 12:10  And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon (me) A-Z whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn. 

This verse is so profoundly obvious to be written about Jesus. The word “me” in the English translation is actually the “Alef and Tav” (H853) word in the Hebrew. This is one of the times when the translators decided the word Alef-Tav should be made to mean “me”. This decision is one of the few times they chose to potentially help the sentence to point us to Jesus. What we are observing is another major confirmation that Jesus claimed to be this person being written about in this book of the Bible. We know this, because we know this is Jesus’ name in the book of Revelation as He claimed to be the Greek “Alpha and Omega”.


These were only three verse examples given that we took the time to find and introduce to you. But we know this is enough to establish the truth, because God commands us in the mouth of two or three witnesses, let every truth be established. All of these three verses point us to the True Jesus in the New Covenant. Therefore, we have enough evidence to at least conclude, it is a worthy Bible search to look for Jesus in the ancient Hebrew.

There are only 7300 other hidden words like these three A-Z examples, found in the O.T. Bible. This is your mission, if you should decide to seek Him. But this was an awesome place to begin your Bible study to find the hidden Jesus. Do exactly what Jesus commanded us to do and begin to search the scriptures for Him. Jesus promised that you will definitely find Him, if you diligently seek Him (Jeremiah 29:13).

The LORD be willing, we will do another short lesson, just on the first letter “Alef” next. Then, if the LORD be willing, we will go through each and every Hebrew letter in order. Thank you for taking your valuable time to read and study the Bible with Agapegeek. We value your faithfulness, support of prayers very much. We love you all and will continue to make mention of you in our prayers. May God abundantly bless and keep you.  Always remember Jesus is LORD, and He is coming back very soon.

Intro Alef Beyt-1 2 Gimel Dalet Hey Vav Zayin Chet Tet Yod Kaf Lamed Mem 1 2 Nun Samekh Ayin Pey Tsade Qof Resh Shin TavAlef-Beyt Chart (Series updated as LORD directs and permits)

Are You Saved? Do you Know Jesus? Life is Short! Jesus wants to Know You! Please come and get to Know Him!


(Ver 1.0) This is now “Part 10” in the advanced Bible study series of lessons revealing, “The True Identity of the Woman in Revelation 12”. If you would like to read from the beginning, you may like to go to “PART 1” first. Today’s lesson is also “Part 3” of the miniseries within the full series called “Why the Church”.  If you would like to read from the beginning of the mini-series, you may like to go to “Part 8” now. Regardless of where you begin to study, this series is only intended for spiritually mature Christians. If you feel this does not describe you, please do not attempt to continue to read any of this series. It could cause some to be offended, and that is never our intention. Love demands that you judge yourself.

This mini-revealing series is designed to answer a lot of Christian’s deep questions to; how this woman could possibly be the church in the light of the apparent divine identity of her child as being the Christ? Many good people see the natural words, and description written to us, to indicate this woman could only be the virgin Mary, or the natural nation of Israel.

We thank you very much for taking the time to read and study the Bible with us at Agapegeek. Whether you love the word of God or you just have a curiosity about the book written by human men containing the words of the Living God, you are not here by accident or chance luck. Within the Kingdom of God, there are no coincidences. God loved you so much that He sent an angel or spoke directly into your spirit to give you a thought to search and find this website. God wanted to say some spiritual truths, to you that your natural mind was unable to hear directly from Him on your own current spiritual ability to understand. I praise the LORD only to be used in this way, because without Him, I could do nothing.

Many Christians are challenged by the God given design of the book of Revelation. I believe the Holy Spirit spoke to me, and said the book of Revelation is a compilation of word images. God spoke these written words through His mouth, using His Spiritual tongue, to paint us a visually organized spiritual set of word masterpieces. These pictures were given to us from the ultimate Word Artist. His paintings are the most valuable images, and understanding them are of far greater value than owning a Picasso, or Rembrandt.

In Revelation 12, there are plainly many words, that can only be taken as symbolism, like a dragon, and a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet. These clear symbolic references are then mixed with natural descriptions, like a pregnant woman, who is crying out in pain, travailing in birth, laboring to be delivered, etc., that can easily be taken as a literal specific human event, like the birth of Christ in Bethlehem.

Think about what was just stated about these Revelation words being word pictures. Did you ever see the drawing that someone did of a beautiful woman? But then did you ever notice that if you looked as that picture with a different perspective the beautiful woman became a witch? Or did you ever notice the 3-dimensional photos, where on the surface it just looked like a lot of random colors and dots, but when your focus changed, it became an amazing 3-D picture of another object like the space-shuttle?  

This is exactly what is happening in the book of Revelation, with us changing our normal human natural focus into God’s spiritual higher divine perspective. These word images do two things with amazing clarity of wisdom. These words conceal the truth with natural word thoughts that can be taken one way to hide the truth. But then they can simultaneously reveal the truth, by us only receiving the Holy Spirit to allow Him to help us change our view using the Light of His Word.

Now consider this truth. God writes about every major thing that will happen in the future, but He does it in a way to keep it from being known by His enemies. The author of the book of Revelation, who is the Holy Spirit, appears to hide the meanings of His strategies and plans from the devil. But simultaneously it appears that He desired for His saved children on the earth to be able to read and discover the real actual meanings at the right time. How can God do this using only words?

He could do this by utilizing coded message. He could write the book of Revelation using an obvious message that everyone would think that it is. But using His other writings that were written to His children, He could help then to understand the keys found in the letters, and then He could use these keys to help us find the correct definitions and meanings for what was not available to His spiritual enemies.

This is the strategy of encryption using unlocking key techniques used in software everywhere today. What if God knew that people would possess, the internet, computers, and smart phones? What if God leveraged His foreknowledge of the future to hide information about what would occur during the tribulation, because people on the earth would have this technology at the end-of-days, to solve the mysteries with His help? What if this is true?

Could this new transformative spiritual information, help us to change our perspective about what a pregnant woman wearing our closest star, and standing on the moon giving birth to a child could mean? Can we begin to see the heavenly spiritual word images, instead of the earthly natural viewpoints?  Why can’t this woman mean something greater than us just trying to understand it only using natural literal imagery? Couldn’t Satan simply read about what the book of Revelation said, 2000 years ago, and then just prepare a counter-strategy, far in advance to keep it all from happening? I pray that opening will help a lot of people that are still struggling to see from God’s viewpoint.


In the last lesson we were introduced to some very new radical Bible ways to change our natural perspectives into higher spiritual perspectives, of how to see the woman in Revelation 12. Many have struggled to understand how the church is pregnant and could give birth to the Messiah. But God taught us how this picture of a pregnant woman wearing the sun, and standing on the moon, can represent the spiritual church using common well known natural descriptions. We covered 7 major points in the last lesson. It was a long essential study, but today there will only be one single but very significant subject to help shorten the length of the study. Let us review a short list of items that should have been learned in the last lesson, to help us understand that the woman in Revelation 12 is definitely the church:

Rev 12:2 A pregnant woman. Can this represent the church?Galatians 4:19 Paul gives birth again to cause the Spirit of Christ to be formed in new believers
Rev 12:2 The woman travailed with birth painGalatians 4;19 Paul also travails using the exact same Greek word to give spiritual birth
Rev 12:2 The woman cries out in pain (Today this is called going into labor)1 Cor 3:8, 1 Cor 15:58, Gal 4:11, Php 1:22, 1 Th 3:5, Rev 2:2, to name only 6 verses that reveal the church is in labor to produce new children of Christ.
Rev 12:2 The woman waits to be deliveredGal 4:27, Tit 2:13, Rom 7:24, 1 Cor 15:24, 2 Cor 1:10, Gal 1:4, 1 Th 1:10, these are just 7 verses of connections to the church waiting to be delivered
Rev 12:4 The woman brings forth the fruit of her wombGod’s desire was for man to be fruitful (Gen 1:28). God is waiting patiently to harvest this fruit (James 5:7, 18)

We will not spend any more time reviewing the last lesson. But if you have not read this one, it is highly recommended that you go back to “Part 9” and read the series overview. However, understanding today’s subject is not dependent upon reading it. Today’s Bible lesson will stand alone if you would like to continue reading.


Recently during the last lessons, we have had comments that try to claim the woman in Revelation 12, represented a God designed rare occurrence within His heavenly creation for a sign. This event took place in the 2nd heaven on September 23, 2017. It is undeniable that it occurred. In this created event the claim is made that our sun was in the Zodiac constellation of Virgo. During the night sky on this date some have concluded that the stars making up the constellation Virgo were clothed with our sun. An alignment took place that had another constellation above her head named Leo. This Leo was said to be her crown of 12 stars. However, normally Leo consists of only 9 stars, but during this date, three planets could be seen in the formation of Leo. This they say was the 12-star crown.

Now, is where it becomes more interesting when observing the heavenly natural layout, with Revelation 12 verses 1-3. There was the moon and a serpent constellation aligned under the feet of Virgo. Then there was the planet Jupiter that revolved around inside of the belly of Virgo for approximately 9 months before exiting Virgo between her legs, like a type of birth.

This is truly amazing but, this event should only be viewed as a visible sign or symbol that gives us the desire to point us to know that it is now the time, for us all to go and discover what God wrote about in the book of Revelation. Beyond this meaning, it cannot be interpreted to mean anything else without Bible verses that confirm it. If you know of any you are free to share them.

At the beginning of the lesson, we talked about the era of technology that we are living in. This is clearly what Daniel spoke of in Daniel 12:4 when he prophesied that at the end, there would be a massive increase in knowledge and many people would be traveling around the world rapidly. This confirms God knew the end from the beginning.

It also confirms God knew when this constellation could be seen by human technology to help us to confirm that we were living near the time that this event in Revelation 12, needs to be understood. But what if this was only given by God to help us know the times, we were living in to help us prepare for His soon coming?

There are many issues that come to mind, if we try to make this event that occurred on September, 23, 2017, to be the fulfillment of Revelation 12:1-5. First, we must ignore that the same woman is mentioned in almost every verse to the end of the chapter. If the woman in Revelation 12:1 is a constellation, then the same woman in verse 17 is also the constellation or we are being very inconsistent in our interpretations.

The second major problem occurs by the fact that this is now 2022 when writing this lesson. This would be almost 5 years after the event and Revelation 12 must have commenced and it only lasts for 42 months. We must be inside of the tribulation very deep already, and obviously we are NOT! Therefore, the only way to view this constellation event, is to say it is a pointer signpost to investigate the true meanings of the words and cannot be the actual fulfillment.

Finally, another problem that comes to mind are the words of Jesus Christ. In Luke 17:20, Jesus says very clearly “The Kingdom of God cometh without observation”.  This only means we are not going to see the Kingdom of God or Jesus coming with our natural eyes until it will be too late. Let us now go into the meat part of today’s Bible lesson. This subject will be about what Jesus thought and said concerning His physical mother Mary, when confronted with this subject while living in the flesh here on the physical earth.


We are going to explore some far-reaching words of the LORD Jesus, to help us better understand, and confirm the true identity of the Woman in Revelation 12 as being the church. Do you remember the nursery rhyme called “Are you, my mother?” In this story a newly hatched baby bird, goes to look for his mother”. He asks everyone he meets, “are you, my mother?”. This bird goes to many different parts of God’s creation and asks each of them all the same question. He goes to a kitten, a hen, a dog, a car, and sees a plane. On and on until he is returned to his home nest where he finally meets his mother, and the mother asks “do you know who I am?” The little bird answers “yes you are my mother, and you are not a kitten, a hen, a dog, a car, or a plane, etc”.

This is an interesting child’s story, but it does have application to our subject of a child in Revelation 12. Would the child in Revelation 12, ask everyone, are you, my mother? That is what people in the church are doing? Or would he already know before his birth and proclaim, you are my mother, and you are not Israel, Mary, or anyone else that is natural flesh? It just so happens Jesus the Christ (Messiah in the flesh), answers this question of “who is my mother in Revelation 12”, long before the book would be written. But His words are possibly unknown, ignored, explained away, or completely rejected by those that have not seen, or do not want to see the truth. Let us read the real story and see what He reveals to us:

Mat 12:46  While he yet talked to the people, behold, his mother and his brethren stood without, desiring to speak with him

Mat 12:47  Then one said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to speak with thee

Mat 12:48  But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren? 

Mat 12:49  And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! 

Mat 12:50  For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother

These are vastly misunderstood words, that were spoken directly from the Creator God’s own mouth (John 1:1-4). If you read verse 46 carefully and thoughtfully, you discover a major problem developing with the belief of Israel and Mary being the woman in Revelation 12. Verse 46 says Jesus’ mother Mary the once virgin and Jesus’ half-brothers who were all the natural children of Israel, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, and finally Joseph and Mary (Mat 1, & Luke 3 genealogy). 

Take note what Jesus does in verse 47, after being told that His natural family members including His mother Mary, were outside the house desiring to speak with Him!  Jesus, practically ignores all of them, by answering the messengers in verse 48, with a question.  Jesus asked them “Who is my mother, and brothers”?  Sounds like a nursery rhyme question, but instead of asking those present, are you my mother, He asks them do you know who my mother is? This was an obvious question revealing Jesus already knew His spiritual mother, since He could only be speaking spiritually, and not naturally.

Please understand, that if Jesus was speaking naturally, He must have amnesia, or some mental deficiency. Then pay attention to what Jesus’ true intention was, for this mentally challenged behavior. Jesus looks at His disciples while extending His hands toward them saying, “Behold, My mother and brothers”. WOW! Please do not ignore what Jesus just said. This is Him revealing the main reason, why He spoke and acted in this manner.

Jesus, is either a ranting lunatic or He knows something we don’t! We should believe the second. Therefore, the only logical conclusion is to settle that Jesus was speaking of a radically different mother, and brothers that were NOT of the natural nation of Israel, and Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and finally Mary. Think about it?

The natural nation of Israel was sitting all around Him. He was teaching them something radically wonderful about Himself. His natural mother and natural half-brothers were standing outside of the physical house. Respectfully, Jesus should have acknowledged Mary to be His physical birth mother and his half-brothers, to be his natural co-family members. But there is no mention of any of them. Should we call Jesus a liar? Let us look at a new verse that reveals who the natural nation of Israel believed Jesus to be:

Mar 6:3  Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended at him

What we learn from reading the natural perspective of the people of Nazareth, they believed that Jesus was the elder son of the carpenter named Joseph, and Mary. They believed Jesus had 4 younger brothers named James, Joses, Judah, and Simon. They believed he had an undeclared number of sisters. All of this was true from the natural perspective and viewpoint. Wow, could this be the reason why the people today have not seen the wisdom of God in Revelation 12 yet? I believe it is.

What we are observing in scripture are two viewpoints of the same man named Jesus. All of the natural humans were uninformed and ignorant of the truth. They believed He had a human father. They believed He was born in Nazareth. They clearly did not desire to ask any questions to learn the truth, so God in the flesh was asking them a question to help them change their perspectives. Does this apply to our study lesson today? Could their limitations of knowing who and what was possible for God be limiting their ability to receive higher spiritual truth?

It must be true, because we can notice how the Spirit of God in Jesus, was not looking upon their natural earthly perspective when He asked them the question, “Who is my mother”. WOW, I pray that we are all spiritually awake with our spiritual eyes being enlightened. Let us analyze another verse that confirms how Jesus thought spiritually at the young age of 12 years old, about his natural family:

Luke 2:48 – And when they saw him, they were amazed: and his mother said unto him, Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us? behold, thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing. 

Luke 2:49 – And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?

Take notice of this story that occurred when Jesus was only 12 years old. The natural family had traveled to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover. When they were returning home, Mary and Joseph finally noticed that the eldest son Jesus was not with them. It took them 3 days to find him and they discover him in the temple listening and teaching. When He is confronted by His mother Mary, saying “Son, why have you done this to us?” and “because your father and I have sought for you in sorrow”.  

What was Mary’s perspective? It seems like in just 12 years’ time, she had let slip that her son’s father really was the Holy Spirit! Could she have become more naturally thinking, while Jesus in the same time had become more spiritually minded? We must ask this question, because Jesus’s words disagreed with His natural mother’s words. Therefore, since Jesus was God in the flesh we know His truth, is not calling Mary a liar, it is only a higher truth that trumps the natural perspective.  Jesus is being well aware of His true Father’s identity when He asked them both two questions, “Why did you seek me?” and “Did you not know I had to be about my Father’s business”?

The only way to resolve this naturally viewed perspective problem found in two Bible examples of natural versus spiritual truth conflicts, is for us to change our perspectives, that these words of Jesus in Luke 2:49 and Matthew 12:49 were from a higher spiritual view of reality. This new way to see can help overcome our natural mind’s way of thinking, to be renewed to change our perspective to say and believe, Jesus is speaking spiritually and we were previously just thinking naturally from the very limited bit of spiritual knowledge that we had. 

The prophet Jesus was in no doubt speaking prophetically in both statements about His spiritual family roles. In Luke 2:49, Jesus was speaking about His role on the physical earth as a physical man, to bring the spiritual Light of the Word to humans living in the flesh, and to die for all of our sins. Then in Matthew 12:49, when Jesus asked them the question, “Who is my brother and mother”, He was envisioning the future work of God after being raised from the dead, for the new coming reality only found in the New Covenant truth of the need to be born-again spiritually. Wow!

We can understand this by who Jesus is pointing to in Matthew 12:49, when He declares them to be His mother and brothers. It was impossible for these 12 men being pointed to, to be His physical mother and brothers. Therefore, we reject this natural belief immediately, to look for a new higher spiritual truth, since Jesus only speaks truth. All of these men, became the foundational members of the church body, with the exception of Judas. These are the men that would be like Paul, to be used by God to give birth to the soon coming new church members.

These were the men that when Jesus was raised from the dead in John 20:21-22, He appeared to them and said “Peace be unto you, as my Father has sent me, so I send you”. Jesus then breathed on all of them, with His mouth, and He told them to “Receive the Holy Spirit”. This was the beginning of the spiritual church body and bride of Christ. Jesus had just transferred the Spirit of God from the inside of His single Last Adam resurrected body (1 Cor 15:45), to His human disciples. They immediately received the same life-giving Spirit of Christ that He had on the inside of Him, and they were born-again. They received this gift, in order to now spread it continually to many others utilizing a spiritual new birthing process.

Now recall that we have learned in this series, that Jesus was called the firstborn from the dead (Colossians 1:8). Then in Romans 8:29, Jesus was called the first born from MANY brethren. The Bible begins to make so much more sense, when we begin to understand what God is saying from His perspective. This is the church rising to come up to a higher and more mature level of Christian spiritual life.

What we are now further confirming, is how Jesus can be called an “Everlasting Father” in Isaiah 9:6, in one prophecy. The only naturally born Son of God in another verse (John 3:16). And the “Firstborn” having many other “brothers” in Romans 8:29. God writes about the same Messiah from more than one perspective. Sometimes, He is God’s ONLY naturally born Son, and sometimes He is referred to as the first spiritually born Son of God with many other born-again believers. Not rightly dividing the Word of Truth is one of the main reasons why many Christians are confused.

This new knowledge should help us to better understand how Jesus could be looking at His disciples in Matthew 12, and call them by at least 2 different family relationships. First, Jesus will become an “Everlasting Father” to his new spiritual sons, through Him personally breathing upon them His internal Holy Spirit in John 20. Then we should be learning that these same apostles, can also be called His spiritual brothers by them being born-again of the same Holy Spirit as Christ was raised from the dead by. Jesus was their personal spiritual Father, by Him sowing the Word of God into their human spirits for 3 ½ years. Jesus claimed that they had been made clean by the washing of the water of His spoken words in John 15:3.

What we have also learned from reading Galatians 4, is that human male church members can travail in birth until Christ is formed in other humans to get them born again. Therefore, these human male disciples that were the founding members of the church body, can also give the new-birth to new spiritual children through laboring for Christ, to spread the Seed of Christ, in order for the Spirit of Christ, to come inside of each of us from generation to generation.

This concept represents one of the laws of God found in Genesis, called “the seed within itself”. God’s design of self-perpetuating natural entities like trees, plants, animals, and humans, would be extended into the spiritual realm to, and for His church to continue to grow and spread. However, God realized that humans needed His help not to mess it up, like the first Adam and He gave us His Holy Spirit on the inside to insure we do not fail.

What we are observing is the fact that Jesus in the flesh, knew His Spirit of Christ would be what is given to future added church members through the labor of those disciples that were seated with Him in the room. This is exactly why Jesus could point at them, and say “Behold my mother and brothers”.  Let us now review verse 50 of Matthew 12, and learn why Jesus made this new inclusion of a new female type called sisters, in His family:

Mat 12:50  For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother

There are many ignorant people that do not believe, that women should sow seeds to get anyone else saved. But according to Jesus the Christ, the Head of the Church, this is NOT what He was teaching the founding members of His body. Notice Jesus begins by saying “WHOSOEVER shall do the will of my FATHER!”. This is an all-inclusive statement including male, and female, bond or free, Jew or Greek”.  Let us continue to learn by reading some important information to what is being taught now:

1Co 12:12  For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. 

1Co 12:13  For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. 

Notice what the Holy Spirit said in these verses. In Verse 12, He compares the naturally created human body that is made up of trillions of individual cells all being called by one name, is the same as the body of Christ being made up of millions and billions of individual human believers, with all of them being called Christ. Wow! We are ONE in Him. But these verses did not mention females. This is corrected in the letter to the Galatians:

Gal 3:28  There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. 

Paul must have obtained a new revelation from Jesus, because his statement to Corinth has been dramatically enhanced to include female humans into the same body of Christ. We can see how this new statement potentially resolves a possible issue found in Matthew 12:50, where Jesus had included both HIS brothers, and HIS sisters, to be called HIS same spiritual mother.

We must stop thinking on such a limited natural mindset. ALL Christians, are much more in Christ, than many have realized. Too many Christians are limiting what God can do with anyone that chooses to be “in Christ”, and who also lets “Christ live in them”. Every believer whether male or female, has been given the exact same great commission to go into all of the world and preach the Gospel as His physical body living on the earth (Mark 16:15).


Thank you so very much, for spending your valuable time to read this essential end-time spiritual prophetic Bible study. We have just been presented some radical new spiritual information that was taught by Jesus to the church about who this Revelation 12 woman represents, in the spiritual mind and view of God. Today, Christians have been largely ignoring these words of Christ and it is past time for this to cease. We must stop seeing the Revelation 12 male child to be the physical man Jesus, who was actually the one that was speaking in Matthew 12 to reveal to us the truth. Since they have jumped to the conclusion that the child is natural Jesus that would die on the cross, they further the confusion by claiming the woman standing on the moon and clothed with the Sun is Israel.

However, the Holy Spirit inside of Jesus, through the omniscient foreknowledge of God was inspired by Him, to teach us some important clues about the coming future book of Revelation in Matthew. Because God foreknew Christians today would struggle to see the true identity of the woman in Revelation 12 to be the church, He answered all of our questions, with us saying “how can this pregnancy be, seeing we know not a man”, just like Mary was asking the angel, and He did this long before we asked Him the question. Wow! Praise the LORD, what a God we serve!

What we are learning today, is if we are a spiritual woman who is pregnant and laboring to be delivered, then the pregnancy, the child, the labor, the delivery are also all spiritual truths, and not physical truths. The spiritual truths of God, still trumps the natural truths of man every time. Remember what Jesus said, “I only speak what I hear my Father say” (John 12:49).

Jesus, when asked to speak to His earthly mother and brothers, makes one of the most radical statements found in the Bible. To the human mind dominated by natural reasoning Jesus sounded crazy, when He pointed to His human male disciples, and called them His mother and brothers. In the natural these men were neither.

At the very same time, Jesus totally ignored Mary and the natural nation of Israel brothers that were standing outside of the house. Don’t you think that God in the flesh, knew exactly what He was saying, and doing at this dramatic moment of time?  Can you see how He was helping us to understand something before we even knew that we needed to understand it? Isn’t this the nature of our God? Doesn’t He already provide for us everything that we need before we need it?  This would be the nature of a God, who knows that you need before you even ask!

Did the first man Adam, and his natural wife have to starve and wait for a year before they had physical fruit to eat? Why then would the second and last Adam, and His wife the church, need to wait for our spiritual food of life to eat from? Glory to God!

Hopefully, everyone can begin to see how Jesus’ perspective was on a higher spiritual dimension of thought and reason. This is the way that we should begin to think more consistently. God said in Isaiah 55:8, “My thoughts are not your thoughts”. Do you believe He said this to demean us, or do you think that He could be challenging us to come up higher and think like Him? It should be obvious because He is love that He is only challenging us to think His way. Thank you, Jesus!

Thank you for taking the time to read and study the Bible with us. We love you very much, regardless of if you agree with us or not. God loves you the same whether you agree with Him or not also. But yet God wants us all to rise above the natural human level of perspective. Hopefully, the LORD has helped us all to do this.


(Ver 1.0) This is now “Part 9” in the advanced Bible study series of lessons revealing, “The True Identity of the woman in Revelation 12”. But today’s lesson is also “Part 2” of the miniseries within the full series called “Why the Church”. This mini-revealing series is designed to answer a lot of Christian’s deep questions to how this woman could possibly be the church. Many see the words written to indicate this woman could only be the virgin Mary, or the natural nation of Israel. This is based upon the fact that her child will rule with a rod of iron, and this MUST be Jesus in some form. No doubt this is the popular belief, and it logically stands to reason why it is believed to be this way.

What this lesson series is attempting to do, is to help you change your vision from a natural reasoning viewpoint into a heavenly God spiritual viewpoint. God sees things in ways that the carnal human does not even begin to comprehend. Therefore, it is again highly advised that you go and pray the prayer found in Ephesians 1:17-23. This will ask God to give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in knowing HIM who is Christ Jesus. Opening your spiritual eyes to see what has been accomplished by God in and through Jesus Christ. Make this prayer personal and believe God heard and answered you.

Today’s Bible lesson will deal with the Bible interpreting itself on the subject of what the pregnant woman represents and her child represents, from a Holy God perspective, and viewpoint. This should be of interest to a lot of Christians. Because it will answer a lot of questions about how this woman in Revelation 12 can represent the church. Are you excited and expecting to learn? If you really are, then you are ready to begin.

If you have not read the first part of the miniseries or the entire full series, please at least start with “Part 8 – Why the Church”, or “The True Identity of the Woman in Revelation 12 PART 1”. There are too many details already covered that are not able to be restated in this lesson.

First, we need to repeat the series warning.  This series was written for spiritually mature Christians. For those that are newly born again, or younger Christians, you may want to go study some more basic Bible foundational subjects before trying to digest some deep eschatological study that may be hard to swallow. This decision could possibly help you not to be offended at what will be a very deep spiritual subject filled with complex spiritual information and application, about a highly controversial topic. Thank you for judging yourself before continuing.

We pray that you love God, and His Word as much as we do. We are infinitely blessed to have the author of the Bible living on the inside of us to help us all understand the mysteries of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We want to say before you begin, we love you all very much. This lesson series is founded upon divine love and no other motivation is present or hidden. Please know this before you leave any mean or nasty comments.

One of the first things to answer about the woman in Revelation 12, is to determine, if she is natural or spiritual. Is she literal, or a figurative symbol for a greater hidden spiritual message? Answering this question, can only be established based upon the context descriptions of her.

We can remember, that she is seen in heaven in verse 1. This causes us to begin to lean to understand that she is a spiritual reality. But then we see she is clothed with the sun and standing on the moon. Both of these CANNOT be taken literally, and this almost seals the confirmation that she is a spiritual being. The major confirming sign that this chapter is speaking of spiritual realities, is the mention of the dragon and the ancient serpent, who God defines to be Satan and the devil. This being is certainly a spirit being, therefore, the woman can only be interpreted as spiritual also.

Please remember the basics of eschatological hermeneutical principles. Here is a fundamental rule to begin “If the plain sense, makes perfect sense, seek no other sense”. Because the first verse in Revelation 12, does not make plain and perfect sense, this forces us to seek God for the actual true sense. People have tried to answer this problem by searching the Bible for any references to the “sun, moon, and stars”. They have then found one reference in Genesis 37:9 in the dream of Joseph.

This was used rapidly to confirm in their minds that the woman can only be the natural nation of Israel, since that is what the dream was about. But they ignored the placement of these objects on and around the woman because these facts do not make plain sense. Because the placement of these objects is important, and they were defined by Jacob to be clear symbolic references to specific individuals, we should try to apply this information into the Revelation 12 interpretation of the symbolic elements. But few have tried to do this.

We will be exploring a lot of great new hidden secrets of God concerning the church. What we are discovering is that the woman in Revelation 12, represents a victorious church that has overcome the enemy Satan. It must be understood that the two key chapters to understanding Revelation 12, is to first understand Genesis 3 and then understand Galatians 4. These two chapters have direct connections to what God wants us to learn about Revelation 12. But we will also be going over other verses to help us. Let us look at some new insights about what we learned in the last lesson, before we continue to today’s subjects.


In the last lesson we did an overview of some of the key aspects and descriptions found in Revelation 12:1. We all know there was a woman, that appeared in heaven. She is said to be clothed with the sun. We have learned that this means she is clothed with Jesus, the Sun of Righteousness (Malachi 4:2). But there is much more to this sun symbol than just this single great revelation. For example:

Eph 6:11  Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 

Notice what this verse says to us. God says put on His armor. Then we find in the book of Romans:

Rom 13:12  The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light

Ok, now we are gaining important insight into what type of clothing we in the church are supposed to be wearing. Our spiritual armor is called “the armor of light”. Wow, what does the sun do for our world? The sun gives us light by day. Now we are confirming we are in God’s kingdom of Light and the Day (1 Thessalonians 5:5). We are supposed to take off the works of darkness, and put on this (sun) light armor.

By casting off our clothes (works) of darkness, what happens to them? They fall to the floor of course. If they fell, are they under us, or above us?  Uh oh? This is just more confirmation that the moon under our feet in Revelation 12:1, are things that we have put off and thrown down and this allows us to be standing above the moon. Do you see how this truth concerning the church matches the description of the woman so far very well?

This new information about clothing being like works for good or evil, implies that we are supposed to be doing works for God’s Kingdom of His dear Son, and not the works of the enemy. What we must conclude is that wearing the Sun in Revelation 12:1 is the same as wearing Light as an Armor in Romans 13:12, and this must be connected with doing good “works” for the Kingdom of God on the earth. Can we agree so far? This will get much clearer soon as you continue to read.

But also notice in Ephesians 6:11 God says by wearing His full armor, the church (we) will be able to stand against the enemy. Notice the mention of standing. Does this involve the feet? Of course, it does, and we see a woman in Revelation 12:1 with her feet, which are implied to be standing on, and above the moon. We have already determined very clearly; the moon is the representative symbol of the ruler of the darkness who God calls Satan (Ephesians 6:12).

Again, we have this connection being made in Romans 13:12, with the mention of “night” and “darkness”. Being connected with the armor of “light” and the mention of “day” being at hand. The woman in Revelation 12, is certainly standing in the Daylight of the Sun. We are experiencing another confirmation for who the woman in Revelation 12:1 really represents, and how the church is planned by God to overcome the devil, by wearing God’s defensive weapons and by wielding God Spiritual Sword, called the Word of God. Amen.


Let us review one of the foundational verses for this miniseries of lessons about WHY the church is the woman in Revelation 12. We should be attempting to rise far above the normal natural human perspective of things that anyone can read in the Bible. We can read in Isaiah 55:8, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, and my ways are not your ways”. It is very clear from this statement that God claims to be smarter than us, and to think and see things different than we do as humans. This is one of the reasons, Jesus came to the earth to help reveal God’s higher thoughts and ways to us, and here is one thing that He said about this subject of perspectives:

John 3:12  If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things? 

Remember again that Jesus gave us this “key to help us in understanding God’s thoughts”. Knowing this will be a huge benefit to understanding a great portion of the book of Revelation. We must begin by understanding that God is a Spirit (John 5:24). If God is a Spirit, and it was Him who designed and authored the book of Revelation (2 Tim 3:16).  God selected a writing technique utilizing many major patterns from natural symbolic objects and realities, that reveal unseen existing higher spiritual truths, entities and realities.

But here is a potentially new revelation for you. God expects you to become a mature Christ follower. He expects His church to grow up spiritually (1 Peter 2:2). This simply means we are not supposed to remain as carnal thinking humans. This should help you to see the necessity to change our thoughts to conform to His. This is essential for understanding the book of Revelation.

Today we will focus on the natural subjects of the process of a physical woman’s pregnancy, labor, and delivery of a child. In this analysis, we will confirm and apply what this natural process represents, in the spiritual birth process that is taught to us in the Word of God. Probably most of you have never thought of this or studied this subject, until now. Is a spiritual woman’s process of giving spiritual birth, the same types of experiences as the natural birthing process? That should sound interesting to a lot of Christians who want to know the truth.

We will be going through additional verses in Revelation 12, starting with verse 2 and possibly continuing to verse 6. What will help you to see these verses differently, is by changing your perspective and expectation for who you may have ignorantly “pre-judged” her to represent. To “pre-determine” who she represents before you see all of the evidence, blocks your ability to see any truth that God really desired you to see. There are a lot of Christians that are closed minded to change any viewpoint. Some have called these types of people, “concrete Christians”, meaning they are thoroughly mixed up and firmly set, and almost impossible to change even with the greatest message of truth. We pray no one reading fits this description. Please, decide to be an Acts 17:11, more noble type of Bible student.

This is a common tactic of the devil, to block God’s revelation from being seen. As long as Satan can get us to seek words that makes this woman to be only natural Israel, then that is what we will see and find. This fact of what we seek for, determines what we find, is based upon the law Jesus spoke to us in Matthew 7:7. Therefore, instead of seeking to find natural Israel, just ask God to help you to seek the truth, and you are promised to find it (John 16:13).

Imagine in your spirit, that the Holy Spirit came to you in an audible voice and said “This woman is the Church”. Would you ignore this personal God visitation to help give you this revelation? Some people do this all the time. But not with an audible voice from God. No, God uses pastors and teachers of the Word of God by giving them the revelation, and then helping them to present it to the rest of the Body of Christ. This method of divine operation is so easy to bypass and ignore as false teaching, simply because a message did not conform to what you believed it said. Uh oh?

Therefore, allow the Holy Spirit that lives in you to bear witness with what you are reading today. If the Holy Spirit, makes you feel very unpeaceful, then please reject and ignore everything that this internal feeling occurs upon. It is possible, that God will give you peace with certain parts of the message and not every part. If that occurs, then be as wise as an old cow feeding in a pasture, eat the good green grass and spit out the bad tasting sticks. But if the Holy Spirit gives you perfect peace in your spirit, then that should be a sign to you, that this should be given your attention. Finally, are we ready to go? Let us turn to Revelation 12:2 and begin our study.

Rev 12:2  And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered

Rev 12:3  And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. 

Rev 12:4  And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born

Rev 12:5  And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne
Rev 12:6  And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days

Ok, these are really awesome word selections displaying an intentional intelligent design and designer behind them. God’s intelligence is so far beyond ours, that we easily miss the spiritual truths that He is speaking using a naturally coded message. Remember that it is much easier for us to understand the spiritual truths, by first coming to understand the corresponding natural truths. Let us list some of the major new qualities and descriptions of the woman in Revelation 12 verses 2 through 5:

  1. Verse 1 informed us that there is a woman in heaven who is “with” child in verse 2.
  2. Therefore, she is crying out, while travailing in labor in the spirit realm.
  3. She is experiencing pain while waiting to be delivered.
  4. An evil dragon stood before or against her.
  5. The dragon waits to devour the male child as soon as he is born.
  6. After birth her child was caught up to God and to His throne.
  7. The woman goes into a wilderness prepared by God to be fed for 3 ½ years.

We will not go into tremendous detail, but we will try to take each point, one by one. However, this lesson will not be able to touch on every subject, because of the length of the lesson that this would cause. It is wise to warn you that this will still be a long Bible lesson. It is recommended that you break it into seven separate study sessions, unless you have the time to do it all in one study. Today we will focus our study upon seven sections of information which are:

  1. A Woman with child, which will take us to the next subject.
  2. Can the spiritual church of Jesus Christ, have a spiritual child or children?
  3. Then we will learn about how God reveals the spiritual woman the church has children.
  4. Next, we will review what are the differences between spiritual and physical births.
  5. Next, we will address, the spiritual concept of labor.
  6. Next, we will address the spiritual subject of fruit.
  7. Finally, we will address the spiritual subject of delivery.

If you notice these are all components found, or implied in the natural concepts of birth that were listed within Revelation 12, but instead of looking at them from the physical perspective, we are going to shift into the higher dimension of seeing them from God’s spiritual viewpoint, revealed in the Holy Bible. If you are ready, let us get started.


What do these natural words, descriptions, and symbols teach us? First, we must begin by understanding that everything stated in these verses (1-6) are predominately spiritual truths that are being taught to us with a mixture of both supernatural, and common descriptions of natural realities. Please take notice that the words spoken DO NOT teach a natural how to guide for human pregnancy. No, God is only using concepts that most are already familiar with to help reveal the hidden unknown spiritual message.

Without this foundation, you will be very confused. Let us go over a quick list of what we should be able to see in Revelation 12:1-6:

  1. Remember that a woman (wife) in a relationship with God always represents a covenant partnership. We can learn this in several verses, but research Jeremiah 31:32 (Israel), and Matthew 9:15 (Church) to see two references.
  2. This statement implies that this woman was previously a physical reality upon the earth, before she was taken into heaven. We can confirm her simultaneous existence in both heaven and on the earth, reading verse 6.
  3. Therefore, we can conclude that God/Jesus must have taken this woman up to be with Him at the throne. Does this sound like a type of rapture for those that were ready with oil in their lamps? In this story 5 virgins were not prepared and did not enter into the wedding. These could represent the people that were left on the earth who repented and returned to Christ. We will find more evidence coming to support this view soon.
  4. Also, this verse implies that this woman’s appearance in heaven was because she is considered righteous and not of the kingdom of darkness. We will see this more clearly when we look again at her clothing.


  1. Is the church viewed as a spiritual woman to God?
  2. Can a spiritual woman give birth?
  3. Is a spiritual woman’s child also spiritual?
  4. What does it mean to be spiritually pregnant?


This is a very major and significant question that must be answered accurately, in order for us to believe, and confirm that this woman in Revelation 12 could represent the church. It is plainly stated in Revelation 12:2, that this woman was pregnant, and she was crying out while travailing with labor pains, waiting to be delivered. Please remember that this Greek word used to describe the pregnant “woman”, is the same word used to describe the Lamb’s “wife” in Revelation 19.

This is a lot of amazing information that we just read. This clearly describes the natural process of birth. But does this information also have spiritual applications for the church? I believe with all of my heart that it ALL DOES. To begin, we will only focus upon answering the question, can the spiritual church body (Romans 12:5), have a spiritual child?

The Greek word G5043 that was translated as “child” twice in Revelation 12, verses 4 and 5, describes the male child that was born to the woman. But this same word is used many times in the New Testament to describe both natural, and spiritual children. A search of this word in the New Testament reveals a lot of valuable information.

Also, it is very interesting to notice that this exact Greek word is never used to describe the baby Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem of the virgin Mary (Israel). It is only used to described the physical child that was born of Elizabeth, whose name was John. But for Jesus, it is NOT used. This appears to be another strike against the child in Revelation 12 being the newborn baby Jesus. Let us go to the first book of the Corinthians next, to see what Paul wrote to the church:

1 Cor 4:14  I write not these things to shame you, but as my beloved sons I warn you. 

This is a very interesting verse of truth. Paul writing to the church in Corinth, calls them “his” beloved “sons”. It just so happens the Greek word translated as “sons” is the exact same word G5043 translated as “child” in Revelation 12. Is that a coincidence? I ask that question a lot, to get you to think. There are no coincidences in the Bible. If this is a spiritual parent child relationship, we should begin to ask, is Paul their spiritual father or mother? Uh oh? That sounds like satanic gender confusion.

We all should know the Apostle Paul was a human male. We also should all know that Paul was an unmarried bachelor (1 Cor 7:8). Therefore, it is impossible for Paul to have had natural children in this verse in 1 Corinthians 4:14, and he must be speaking spiritually. Let us read down a few verses and see another usage of this same Greek word:

1Co 4:17  For this cause have I sent unto you Timotheus, who is my beloved son, and faithful in the Lord, who shall bring you into remembrance of my ways which be in Christ, as I teach every where in every church. 

Here, we can confirm again, that a male name Timotheus, is being called a spiritual child of his spiritual parent also a male named Paul. Wow, if that is not amazing, I do not know how to then get you awake. This described parent and child relationship is purely spiritual, and not physical. We should believe that these types of spiritual revelations, are the reason why Satan is bringing up the confusion of natural sexual identity. Satan will attempt to use this evil, to turn people away from the spiritual truth of God’s word.

It is interesting that this same pattern is repeated again in 1 Timothy 1:2, and 2 Timothy 1:2, where Paul calls Timothy his dear son (child) in the faith. This is again repeated in Titus 1:4 where Paul calls Titus, his own son (child) after the common faith. We are seeing a pattern of spiritual truth that must NOT be ignored. God confirms very clearly that there exist spiritual births that come by spiritual parents.

Now who is PAUL? Paul is a male member of the early corporate church body. He is one of the chief spiritual leaders of the Christian faith. He wrote 2/3 of the New Testament, so he definitely knows what he is talking about. Paul should be considered to be a representative of the spiritually mature part of the body of believers, since he was the one that was teaching them how to grow spiritually (1 Cor 3:2). Since Paul is one major member of the entire church, Paul qualifies to be called a spiritual woman bride. Paul is confirming that the church can have spiritual children with some of the body being a mature parent, and new believers of the body being their child (G5043). Can we all agree so far? It only gets more amazing from here.


Please take note that this is the next most significant question for us to answer, in order for us to determine if someone specific in the church, or the church as a combined whole can conceive, bare, and bring forth a spiritual child. Let us take a look at a verse in Philemon:

Phm 1:10  I beseech thee for my son Onesimus, whom I have begotten in my bonds: 

Here is Paul writing to the church and claiming to have given birth to a son while being bound in chains. The Greek word G1080 that is translated as “begotten” literally means to “procreate”. This word procreate can mean, “to multiply by sowing seed”. This word can certainly apply to both the natural methods of procreation, and the spiritual methods of procreation.

It can also be applied to the father as the seed supplier, or the mother as the seed receiver. Therefore, which one is Paul claiming to be? It is entirely possible that Paul is claiming to be both. That is a difficult new question to answer in detail, in this Bible study series, but it is answered in the Bible very clearly.

What is the answer? The answer comes from Genesis 2. This is where God gives us the details of Adam’s creation and how his wife came out of his side. This was the exact pattern that occurred in the Spirit realm when Christ died on the cross and was raised from the dead to become the second man (1 Corinthians 15:47). Jesus is also called the Last Adam in 1 Corinthians 15:45.

To help us confirm that what happened to the first Adam, is what happened to the second Adam (Jesus), we must also know Romans 5:14, where God teaches clearly that the first Adam was a “figure” of Jesus to come. The Greek word translated as “figure” means” a “sample type”, “pattern”, “model”, and “style”. Wow, that is powerful.

This knowledge teaches us that what was recorded to happen to Adam, will be the prophetical “pattern” for what must happen to Jesus during His manifested presence upon the earth. But Jesus will make the right choices and His wife and bride will NOT be deceived. Again, we have the prophesied victory of a woman over Satan spoken from God’s mouth in Genesis 3. God’s Words WILL come to pass, and the time is now for the victory.

But we did not answer the question, how can a natural male in the church be both the spiritual mother and the spiritual father of new spiritual children in the church?  The answer is still found in Genesis 2. Adam was put to sleep, and Jesus was put to sleep on the cross. Adam’s side was opened to remove Eve, Jesus’ side was opened to pour out blood and water to save His church bride. Because the first natural woman was taken out of Adam, the last spiritual woman was taken out of Jesus. But God said in the Law of Covenant Marriage in Genesis 2:24, the “two shall be one flesh”. We learn in 1 Corinthians 6:17, that whoever is joined (married in a covenant) to the LORD is ONE SPIRIT! This teaches the concept of two being called one, as long as one is a male, and the other is the female joined in matrimony.

Please remember Eve, is a prophesied pattern of the spiritual church and not natural Israel. Then recall in Genesis 3:10, Adam calls His wife by the name Eve, because she is the mother of all living. Wow! This is where Christians are missing a major revelation of the church’s role in the kingdom of God immensely. This pattern of Eve being the mother of all the natural living human race teaches us that the church must also be a mother to all the spiritually living born-again believers in Christ. How does this occur? How is this even possible?

If Eve is one pattern of who the church is, and she was a mother the natural living, then this matches the description of the pregnant woman in Revelation 12 being a spiritual mother of the spiritual living. It is possible a lot of people will not be able to comprehend this immediately. Especially spiritually immature Christians. But we will soon see more evidence for what is being taught by the Holy Spirit. Thank you, Jesus.

We do not have time to cover this part in depth. This should be a Bible study series, all by itself. But there are more than enough facts of spiritual truth being given to you to continue to study and confirm more of this with other scriptures. I would suggest that you go and read the Bible study about “How did the church became the body of Christ”.

You might also like to read and study verses like “Romans 12:5”, and “1 Corinthians 12:12, 27”. In these two verses, the church members are called the body of Christ on the earth. This clearly is God calling His female church bride by the male name Christ, also being His body. Therefore, we can confirm how the woman bride is being given the same name as He does (Christ) through the covenant that we have entered into with Him. Wow, this is awesome when you see it. How can spiritually born-again people on the earth be our risen savior’s body, while He is physically seated in heaven? This is how God reveals hidden spiritual mysteries. God reveals this problem and answered it very clearly in Ephesians 5. We need to move on to a new verse that may help people to see what is being taught.

My special reader asked, “How can the woman be the church, since we did not birth the Messiah”. My response should be, “SAYS WHO?” What we are about to confirm using the Bible, is that the church actually does birth the Messiah, but our spiritual child is not the physical Jesus born in the form of a baby, in a manger in Bethlehem. Remember to stop thinking carnally, and look for the spiritual realities of God in scripture.

Gal 4:19  My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you, 

This is one of the most amazingly obvious proof texts confirming the church to be the woman in Revelation 12:2. Notice that this is Paul writing to a different church in Galatia. He uses the same terminology “children” to describe his relationship with them. The Greek word G5040 translated as children comes from the Greek word G5043 used in Revelation 12. Therefore, God confirms that we have a direct connection that He is speaking of the same subject.

Then notice the Greek word G5605 that is translated “travail in birth”. Wow, this is the exact same Greek word used to describe the woman in Revelation 12:2. Now we have two direct word connections and this one is overwhelming and irrefutable. It just so happens that Galatians 4 and Revelation 12 are the only times this word is used by the Holy Spirit in the ENTIRE BIBLE. That makes this the ultimate qualified match.

Mary is never described using this word, and certainly not Israel either. This evidence of intelligent divine design, narrows the possibilities of choice that could have been easily changed by God, selecting and using different Greek words in either verse. There are many other possible word selections to describe child birth. This specific identical word choice, simply confirm that the woman in Revelation 12, can be NONE OTHER THAN THE CHURCH!

We must conclude that Paul by travailing the same as the woman in Revelation 12, is proclaiming to be that woman. Whether Paul knew this in his mind or not, it was what the Holy Spirit inspired him to write. Therefore, God is ultimately making the match.

Ok, here is what we MUST notice in this verse. My reader said the church never gave birth to Messiah, but here is the clear evidence proving the church does give birth to Messiah. The Greek word G5547 is translated as Christ. This is the Greek word for the Hebrew word translated as Messiah (H4889). Both words mean “the anointed one”.  Clearly God has just confirmed the Church does give birth to Messiah, but this Messiah is definitely not the natural child in Bethlehem. Are we all awake yet?

What else is important to learn from this verse? Notice that Paul said I travail in birth AGAIN, until Christ be formed in you. This is amazing! Paul is claiming to be a female that gives birth to children. Paul is also claiming this is NOT HIS first-time laboring to give birth. The word “again” clearly implies there have been MANY births, and we can see this from all of the children references that Paul claims to be the birth mother of. Wow, this is amazing if you will receive it.


This is a majorly deep spiritual topic today, and our prayer is that it does not escape your understanding of God’s Truth. We have talked more than once in this series of lessons about this subject, that was brought to us by Jesus in John 3:3-6. Jesus taught clearly to Nicodemus and us, revealing that there are two types of “births” possible, and they DO NOT MIX. For humans, the natural comes first, and then and only then does the spiritual re-birth become possible. You should remember that we have already established from John 3 that only a spiritual woman can give birth to a spiritual child. Therefore, Paul as a born-again spiritual participant in the New Covenant, is qualified to give birth to new spiritual children who have the Spirit of Christ. Let us look at an important verse:

Rom 9:8  That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed. 

Here is an essential concept concerning two kinds of children that come from two kinds of seeds, resulting in two kinds of births. The first was the natural human child birth process, and the second is introducing us to the “promised spiritual re-birth” process, that was also mentioned by Jesus in John 3.  God begins by comparing children of the flesh that came from natural Israel, with the children of the promise. Uh oh? What God is doing is informing us, that He promised all humans, that He would have spiritual children. Please go and reread Galatians chapter 4. Because this is a vital chapter needed to understand Revelation 12. Here is just one verse to pay close attention to:

Gal 4:23 – But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise. 

In chapter 4 of Galatians, God gave us an allegory using Abraham, Sarah and Hagar to confirm to us an exceedingly important spiritual truth. Sarah and Hagar had two types of children because of who they were naturally. These two symbolic sons that were birthed, by two different symbolic women, represent the concepts of flesh births, versus spirit births. The first son born was Ishmael, and he is called a son of the flesh and the son of the bond (slave) woman because he came by the will of man. But then came Isaac who is referred to as the promised son who came from Sarah, and she is called the “freewoman” who came by the will of God.

We learn in Galatians 4, that this son named Isaac, was a type of the spiritual Christ that the church comes out from. This makes this type of Isaac the promised child, who is the risen from the dead spiritual Jesus Christ (Romans 7:4).  I pray no one is choking on the meat that the Holy Spirit is trying to feed us. I will encourage you that once you see this truth, it is impossible not to see it everywhere in the Bible. Notice what else God said to us in Galatians 4:28:

Gal 4:28  Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise. 

Paul writing to the church (the members of the body of Christ) in Galatia, and he is calling them, both his brothers as well as children, is confirming that they were, as well as we are, the promised spiritual “Christ” child spoken of to Abraham. This is an amazing revelation. But you really need to go back to Galatians 3 and study to see that the promise given to Abraham was the promise of the Spirit that will be birthed in every believer in Christ. Please read this very carefully stated truth in Galatians 3:14. If you are lost with this new information, be patient and do not throw it away. It is the truth. Let us explore this more by explaining how we can be called simultaneous brothers with Christ and other believers, and be called promised children of God, and Christ at the same time.

We are named Christ, because we are the body of “Christ” (1 Corinthian 12:27). Each individual believer represents one spiritual member, in the one spiritual body of CHRIST with every believer being joined to Him and every other believer to form this ingenious new spiritual body (Romans 12:5, 1 Corinthians 5:4). This new growing body of the Spirit of Christ, can also be called the temple of God (1 Corinthians 6:19).

This new spiritual design of joining believers as cells in a human body, or bricks in a temple, is practically identical to the created human body consisting of potentially trillions of individual cells, and all of them being joined together are called by the name that was given to us by our natural parents, when we were born naturally. The human body comes from the union of just two physical cells. But from these two cells, they grow by division, and spread out to every other cell, increasing until full maturity. Even after maturity, cells die and are replaced with new cells in most tissues.

This human natural growth process from two joined cells, is the exact same process that is happening in the spiritual realm for the spiritual body of Christ. Jesus was called the firstborn from the dead in Colossians 1:18. In this same verse Jesus is also called the “head” of the body (of Christ) in order that He might have preeminence.

It is the head that controls the body and not the other way around. This makes HIM LORD and not any other individual spiritual cell joined to Him (in Covenant) in His spiritual body. Are you getting this, because this is an amazing new revelation for many Christians? In His new spiritual body, He is the head, and we are HIS body members (Ephesians 1:22-23), with all of us together being called Christ. There is no sane way to separate a person by naming His head Christ, and His body (the church) something else. They are called by ONE name.

Jas 2:7  Do not they blaspheme that worthy name by the which ye are called? 

In this verse James inspired by the Holy Spirit, writes about Christians being spoken of by other humans wrongfully. God is making the claim that when they do this, they are blaspheming the “worthy name” which they are called. This name has to be “Christ”, because no other human name can be worthy.  There are many spiritual aspects of being one with Christ, and here is another factor for us being called by His name as a born-again believer:

Rom 16:7  Salute Andronicus and Junia, my kinsmen, and my fellowprisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me. 

Paul makes a comparison of order and likeness. Paul informs us that Andronicus and Junia were his kinsman. This Greek word G4773 literally means a relative by blood. But you can tell by the names of these people in Rome, they are probably not Jewish. Therefore, Paul is not speaking naturally and this can only be a spiritual relationship by the blood of Jesus. Yes? This was the message of these men were like me.

Then comes the mention of order. Paul is teaching us next how these Christians became members of the same spiritual family, by entering into CHRIST. But we also can notice that Paul said these entered into Christ, before he did. This truth is based upon our natural time line. We are recognizing another parallel, between the natural and the physical birth process of organized order that is noted by God.

Therefore, we are learning of two simultaneous realities that occur at a new spiritual birth into God’s Kingdom. This is a very essential truth to learn. When you are born-again by believing in Jesus being raised from the dead, and confessing Him as your Lord (Romans 10:9-10), you are reborn into a brand-new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). This means this had never existed before Jesus was raised from the dead. He became the first born from the dead and each of each us after enter into Him in order of believing.

When this happens to you by believing in Him, you enter into Christ, and the Spirit of Christ also enters into you, and you reside in both the natural, and heavenly dimensions simultaneously. WOW! Did you know this already? If you did, do you understand the power that was needed to accomplish this (Ephesians 1:19-20)?

What we are learning today is awesome.  We should now have begun to understand that Jesus seated in heaven right now, is the physical raised from the dead man, named Christ in the spirit realm. He is the mediator of the New Covenant (Hebrews 9:15) that we are in. But simultaneously born-again Christians living on the earth. are also called by His name Christ, because we have His Spirit on the inside of us. We are IN HIM, and HE is in us. This was God’s plan from the beginning and His wisdom is amazing!

If it would help you, please take note of Genesis 5:1 where God describes Himself creating man as a male and a female. God then says He called both of them by the name “Adam”. This matches what God did for Christ Jesus and His Church, by calling us both Christ.

Ok, everyone needs more verses to confirm the truth. God says in the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses, let every word be established. Notice in 2 Corinthians 6:15, God through Paul writes what fellowship does “Christ” have with “Belial”. The church is very clearly stated to be named “Christ”, and if we join ourself to a devil, we are joining the body of Christ to that same spirit. Paul is writing that this should never be. Do you see this?

Now look at 1 Corinthians 6:15, and see that this is the exact same truth. In this verse, God through Paul says the church as a member of the body of Christ, we must not allow Christ to be joined to a harlot. This is just one of several other places where the church is referred to by the name of Christ.

But how does this work? We learn another important piece of the puzzle in Romans 8:10. In this verse God reveals that it is the Spirit named “Christ” that comes to live on the inside of our human body. Wow, because every born-again Christian has the same Spirit of Christ, we are all of the same name of Christ and represent one living and growing spiritual body of a child on the earth.

This brings up another new point. What happens when a Christian dies? Their spirit departs the earth body of Christ and goes to be with the spiritual body of Christ in heaven (Philippians 1:23). This helps to solve how a spiritual woman in heaven in Revelation 12:1, can still have parts of her same body as a remnant left here on the earth to battle with the dragon in verses 6 and 17. But this is probably a different topic for later.

So, we have learned how the spiritual process of a child growth and development can be understood, by us viewing a natural child’s development process. This will be brought up again in this lesson later, so please do not forget it. But remember this is what we are seeing happen to the woman in Revelation 12 with a growing child in her womb.

God was a genius in transforming one natural seed named Jesus (John 12:24), into a growing corporate spiritual entity consisting of millions and even billions of individual spiritual cell members. He did this in His own one Body and then He calls us by the same name Christ. And this is legal because we all have the same Spirit of Christ abiding on the inside of us. Wow! This truth has a far-reaching application to help us understand, and explain how the church will end up victorious over the devil. It also teaches that God views us (the church) the same as HIM. Let us take a quick side journey to help someone that needs to know how their prayers can be answered:

Joh 15:16  Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. 

This verse shows us why we can come to The Father in prayer with confidence, and ask Him our request. We can do this boldly because we ask in His name, and the Father in heaven will answer, because of who we are in HIM, and not based upon who we are on the earth, or what we have done. It is also important to notice the mention of bring forth fruit. We will be talking about this concept in a soon coming section in much more detail. Just take note of the connection being made by God’s design.

Now that we are beginning to learn and understand, how the church can be represented to be one body of one spiritual growing child. We need to explain, how new spiritual cell members in this growing body, came to exist. In the natural realm there are a lot of cell divisions that occur and each are just grown into a new body component, but in the spiritual realm it is slightly different. But this helps to explain how we can be both brothers and children of the same cell that birthed us. This is actually very similar to the natural if you think about it.

We are spiritual brothers because we are from the same spiritual Father (Holy Spirit, also known as the Spirit of Christ in Romans 8:9). We are spiritual children of others in the church, because we have God’s Spirit of Christ that was birthed on the inside of us from sowed Word (seeds) into our hearts shared by others in the body of Christ. These spiritual laborers, got each of us born-again spiritually, while they were travailing in birth, to bring us out of the flesh, and into the spiritual Kingdom of God. Praise the LORD!

We can further confirm what was just taught by analyzing Galatians chapter 3 that is directly connected with Galatians 4. In this chapter we learn two very important concepts about Abraham. First, we learn Abraham’s promised seed (son) was CHRIST by reading Galatians 3:16. In this verse the LORD says the seed is singular and not plural that God was speaking. Wow, that truth is ignored by a lot of Bible teachers. The main take away is for you to know God said His promised seed was only CHRIST! Please take note the name JESUS was omitted from this verse, even if we understand this was who came first to be born as the CHRIST.

Galatians 3 continues with a discussion between the promise and the law that was unable to nullify the promise because it occurred over 400 years before the law came. Then notice in Galatians 3:26 where God says we in the church have all become His children through our faith in CHRIST Jesus! Pay attention to the flipping of the order of the names, and take a note that God did not say “Jesus CHRIST”! God is so specific to even the order of words, that reordering them has a meaning about things beyond our imagination.

Now pay close attention to Galatian 3:27. This is another direct connection to Revelation 12 where the woman was clothed with the sun. Here we see how when we now in the church, are baptized into CHRIST, we have put on CHRIST. Again, this is amazing spiritual information that occurred when we were born-again. But it still directs us to Revelation 12 to confirm it is the church that is represented there.

Now for the sake of time we will jump to Galatians 3:29. In this verse God wrote about the church again, and here He says “If you be CHRIST, then are you Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the “promise”. Ok, if you study you will notice that I changed the translated possessive tense word “Christ’s”, to “CHRIST” not being the possessive tense. However, this Greek word 5547, Christos is translated as “Christ” the majority of the times it occurs. In other words, this word occurs 569 times in the New Testament, and it is translated as Christ in 553 of them. It would therefore, be legal to make it fit the majority if it works, and makes plain sense in context. I believe it does.

Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that there are times that it does appear to be correctly translated as “Christ’s”, with something belonging to Him. This is legitimate either way in this verse of Galatians 3:29. Whether we belong to His spiritual body, or are being called by His name Christ, it is the same end result as we have learned.

Notice the mention of a promise again? These are amazing connections being made.  Do you understand what the LORD is saying? I mean really, do you? This is a radical statement of your identity, and who you now are to GOD! God just called you Christ! God just said you are Abraham’s promised seed. Being the promised seed child, you have become a spiritual heir and a joint-heir with CHRIST (Romans 8:17). Let us back up in Galatians 3 and see what you may have missed:

Gal 3:14  That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. 

What may help you in understanding, is go back to Galatians 3:14. Notice again what this verse said. Also notice this time God included the name Jesus before CHRIST. This qualifies the reference of CHRIST, to be only the physical man Jesus who died for our sins. It is by our faith in His finished work for us, that Abraham’s “promised” blessing is able to come upon the entire human race. This we can learn was the promise of the Spirit to live on the inside of us through faith in JESUS CHRIST ALONE! It was only us being born of the Holy Spirit, and being joined with the Holy Spirit, that gives us this opportunity to be named CHRIST. This was the promised GOSPEL that was preached to Abraham (Galatians 3:8), even if he never understood it on the earth (Matthew 13:17).

This potentially new spiritual information may be overwhelming to some. It will take some a lot of prayerful thought and study to come up to a higher dimension of spiritual growth to see it. No one is claiming to be GOD.  No one is claiming to be JESUS. We are just reading what God has done for us and acknowledging this is an amazing gift of sonship being freely given by HIS GRACE and we receive it all by our faith.

Let us move to a new concept that was just introduced to us. This new concept is called “labor” and it is what the woman in Revelation 12 is described to be doing.


It is very important to know that when a woman is in travail producing a new child, she is said to be in “labor”. Uh oh? This is just another random coincidence, isn’t it? Absolutely not! There are many verses in the letters written to the church that describe us (the church) working laboriously and painstakingly for our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Uh oh? Notice what Jesus said about this subject in Matthew:

Mat 9:37  Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; 

Here we have Jesus speaking to the foundational church members of the Body of Christ. Jesus was focused upon the great need of so many people that needed to come to know HIM! He is making a prophetical statement concerning a future spiritual harvest of saved human spirits (James 5:7), and their saved souls (James 1:21).

However, He is expressly declaring the need for many “laborers” to accomplish this. Wow, this is amazing when you see how this is connected to Revelation 12, and the woman that is laboring in travail. In fact, you may already can see it, since we have already found where Paul was travailing in labor in Galatians 4, to give birth to Messiah, in the people coming into the church. This work of God is certainly sharing the Gospel good news with other people and sowing spiritual seeds to produce new spiritual fruit. Notice this verse next:

1Co 3:9  For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building. 

Wow, again we see the concept of workers in labor together with God. As a Christian, we were created in CHRIST to do works for God (Ephesians 2:10). We do this with Him, because He lives in us to help. Notice the term husbandry to define the church, because this will come again in the next section. This means we are God’s spiritual garden on the earth.

God further calls us His physical building on the earth. The building corresponds with us being His temple that we saw earlier. The LORD is using multiple natural concepts to help us to understand how the spirit realm was created and is operating today. What we are discovering is the spiritual concept of Christians that perform labor for God is the spiritual realization of the natural description of a woman in Revelation 12 in labor.

This is becoming such an accurate picture of the woman in Revelation 12, that it can’t be denied. Can you begin to see the new spiritual perspective, of how this woman was given to us by the Holy Spirit using natural realities can fit with what we are doing in the church today? Can you understand, how excited I was to hear from God at 3 AM to receive this information?

Women could describe the experience of giving birth so much better than I could. But one noticeable feature of the process is the pain. This can result in loud outcries. Another observable quality of giving birth, is that the woman’s labor pains become more and more frequent, and closer together and they usually increase in intensity as the ending finale birth comes. Did any of this sound like what might happen before Jesus comes to take us out of the world and our labors to get people saved?

Can you potentially see that persecution from the world, has been increasing in intensity and come more frequently? If you have not, then you are not laboring for God’s cause. We need to see what else the Bible says about laboring, to take us into the next phase of the revelation.

1Co 3:5  Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man

1Co 3:6  I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase

1Co 3:7  So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. 

1Co 3:8  Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour

Notice these verses are using natural farming concepts. But farming is also an analogous concept to having a natural child in birth. Both of these subjects are parallel natural realities projecting information about the spiritual birth process that Paul was describing in his letter to the church.

The spiritual birth process is based upon the principle of “seed”, “time” and “harvest”. Wow that was a lot to process. But notice the ending statement in 1 Corinthians 3:8 is about each worker in the church receiving a reward for doing their labor. Wow, is that not more than amazing, with us seeing the woman in Revelation 12 being in labor? Connect this back to the Galatians 4 example of the labor with Paul working to get Christ the Messiah formed in the church in Galatia. Please tell me that you are seeing this.  If any of this is registering on your spirit, leave a comment to help encourage others.

Remember in Revelation 12, we had a woman wearing a victorious royal crown. Could this be a part of her reward for enduring her spiritual labors for CHRIST?  I personally believe this is a part of the reward as we can see from 2 Timothy 4:8, to name just one example. We need to move on to the next subject. Now we are going to add a new spiritual dimension to connect us to what is happening to the church and parallel to what is described about the woman in Revelation 12.


We have been learning new spiritual God perspectives that come from the Word of God to understand the natural descriptions about a woman in Revelation 12. So far, we have discovered that the woman is standing on the devil in a position of victory in Revelation 12:1. We have also seen she is wearing a royal victor crown as a symbol of her reward for victory. We have also learned that she is wearing Jesus, the Sun of Righteousness as her clothing revealing to us her position of authority being IN CHRIST (Romans 5:17). This new information confirms that she is a spiritual being and her identity can only be the church.

But we are now beginning to see in Revelation 12:2, that she is pregnant and travailing to give birth to a spiritual Messiah in the hearts of people that are becoming new-born believers. We have also seen how this process begins to correlate together of her enduring signs of crying, travailing, being pained, waiting for the birthing full process to come to completion. We learned this could certainly be the combined natural and spiritual process of how the church “labors” in the world, for Christ to minister by spreading God’s Word (Seed), into the hearts of unbelievers, to get others saved out of the world of our spiritual enemy. Please realize that this time of completion for laboring for Christ, is soon coming to an end.

But now, let us think about the natural birth process to help us understand what else God could be teaching us from the spiritual process of producing a natural child by receiving His Seed in our hearts. Do you know what this natural and spiritual concept of childbirth, is referred to as, in the Bible? You are about to find out that it is called “producing fruit”. If you did not already know this, please get your spiritual eyes opened to what the Holy Spirit is about to say. Let us begin by reading a verse in James:

Jas 5:7  Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain. 

We were introduced to this topic in the previous sections. Notice this verse is about the coming of the LORD. This coming has to be for the catching away of His church bride. If this is the woman in Revelation 12, it is our hoped for “deliverance” from the world. Notice that this verse is speaking of God being a gardener, who has planted a lot of seed, and is waiting very patiently to produce something that is good for harvesting. Wow, did that turn on any lights in your mind and spirit? If not, Satan must have you very blinded with his darkness (2 Cor 4:4).

This verse in James is speaking of people. This is the only thing that is precious enough to cause God to wait and endure all of the evil of the world. God is looking for “precious fruit” to harvest. This fruit came first from Jesus sowing the Word in our hearts as taught to us in the Parable of the Sower. From God’s perspective, the end outcome of planting any of His good Seed is to produce good fruit, in the hearts of humans.

We confirmed in 1 Corinthians 3:5-8, that it is the church that has been assigned this responsibility to continue the sowing, and watering process to produce fruit in humans. Remember what Paul said in Galatians 4? “My little children, of whom I travail in birth again, until Christ be formed in you”. I believe sincerely that Paul was travailing, and waiting for these carnal Christians to become fruitful and to be on the path of spiritual maturity. Why do I say this? Because this “fruit” is what God is waiting for in James to harvest.

Now, here is another truth that helps to confirm this belief that this pregnant woman in Revelation is pregnant spiritually indicating she has produced a lot of fruit, and is waiting to be delivered. Let us remember Jesus’ natural birth to help us better understand this spiritual birthing process being described in Revelation 12.

Luke 1:42  And she spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. 

Do you see how Elizabeth described the unborn natural baby Messiah child, that was in the belly of the virgin Mary? She called her baby inside her physical womb, to be her “fruit”. Wow, this is God revealing an amazing parallel concept between the natural and the spiritual ability to produce “fruit” from planted seed. It is very obvious that a natural child is called a woman’s fruit of her womb. God is again using natural farming concepts to describe the natural birthing process, and this means both of these are teaching us hidden spiritual concepts about fruit, that we cannot see with our natural eyes.

It is very interesting to remember what Jesus said about fruit in Matthew 7:15-16. God in the flesh who we see waiting and wanting to harvest the precious fruit of the earth in James, informs us that we will be able to determine who is real and who is fake by examining their fruits. What is He speaking of? It is NOT apples, cherries, or apricots. God is saying if what they say is a blessing to produce a new-birth in some other human, this will be a sign of their external fruit. By observing their labors to produce fruit, you will know if they are real Christians.

Let us go back to the Parable of the Sower again. In this parable that Jesus taught us, He said He was the Sower and He came to sow the Word of God! The soil in this natural to spiritual parable was the heart/spirit of a human. The parable compares soil (human spirit) types, differentiating between those that produced fruit and those that do not produce any harvestable fruit.

Matching this information with other parables, and the verse we just read in James about God being the ultimate farmer, waiting for fruit, we know that those that produce fruit belong to God, and those that do not produce fruit, must belong to the evil one, Satan. This is revealed more clearly by the parable of the wheat and tares (Matthew 13:24-35). The wheat is harvested into the barns of God, and tares are burned in the fires of hell.

Now we have determined there are two types of people in the world. Those that belong to God and produce fruit to be harvested and those that belong to Satan that are called weeds that are eternally separated from God. But applying this to what we have just learned we know the woman in Revelation 12 has fruit in her womb. We should now understand that the womb is soil of the spiritual heart of a human. The spiritual fruits that are produced in the spirit, represent a human’s good works for the kingdom of God, and the fruits of the spirit (Gal 5:22).

It is very interesting to see how in Galatians 5, this was God’s selected location to discuss and define “fruit” directly after chapter 4. In this chapter 5 spiritual comparison we find the differences between producing good versus evil fruits. This is definitely applicable to what we have been learning. Do you believe this is just a coincidence? It cannot be! This is just a confirming method of God’s intelligent spiritual design.

Finally, notice that a woman that is unable to bear fruit in her womb is called “barren”. This is also discussed in Galatians 4, but we don’t have the time to go into this part of the deeper lesson. Please just notice the fact that the woman being in travail in Revelation 12, has the visible evidence of having produced fruit in her spirit (the spiritual womb and soil) of God’s Garden (Genesis 2:8). This is the location of where His WORD was planted as a seed to produce “fruit”. Wow, that is an amazing new way of viewing the woman in Revelation 12. Can you see it?


We need to wrap this lesson up quickly. We have been receiving the “Seed” of God into our spirits, while studying this subject. What we need to remember, is that in the natural process of childbirth, there is usually always a “deliverer” involved to catch the baby. This has occurred this way in every normal natural childbirth since Adam and Eve. This deliver is usually, a mid-wife, doctor, or nurse, or they could be the spouse’s husband. I believe the husband Joseph was the deliverer of Mary. But in the spirit realm this person who delivers the church, is definitely the LORD Jesus Christ.

What we find in Revelation 12, is two connected verses concerning the pregnant woman on this subject of delivery and an implied deliverer. In verse 2 and verse 4 God mentions the woman is waiting to be delivered. This is the Greek word G5088. This word has a very amazing definition that corresponds to what we have been learning about. Let us review the Strong’s definition:

G5088 to produce (from seed, as a mother, a plant, the earth, etc.), literal or figurative: – bear, be born, bring forth, be delivered, be in travail.

This Greek word contains a double wow factor. This only means it applies to the literal natural and to the spiritual by figurative application.  Notice this word applies to natural things being produced from physical seeds. This included a human mother (woman), a tree, a plant, etc. including the earth’s natural soil. All of these are naturally created realities that parallel the spiritual realm. Notice the spiritual woman in Revelation 12, is travailing in labor awaiting to be delivered. How does this apply to anything for the spiritual church? A lot of light bulbs should be illuminating in your spirit all of the sudden from this new description. Please let us read these verses and analyze them in the NEW light of what we are seeing in Revelation 12.

Luk 21:27  And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.

Luk 21:28  And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

These verses are obviously speaking of the physical man Jesus, with Him being referred to as one of His physical human titles the “Son of Adam”. As the risen Jesus departed from the earth in Acts 1 for a cloud to receive Him, He will also be returning in like manner from a cloud. But this return is for the catching away of His bride, as spoken about in the Parable of the 10 virgins (Matthew 25:1).

Jesus was teaching in this context about the signs of the times for His return. Please pay attention to the last command. Jesus speaking to His followers, told them when you see these things, “look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is very near”. Now look up the word “redemption” and see how Strong defines G629 as being a “deliverance”. This is another amazing parallel to the woman in Revelation 12 being pregnant.

Every time a woman experiences pregnancy, she goes from not being outwardly seen as pregnant, to being obviously seen to even be called big or great in her pregnancy. Or another way to look at it, is to say her delivery day is “drawing near”. The Greek word G1448 that was translated as “drawing near” is also defined as “soon approaching”. Consider what this is saying about the potential of a birth in Revelation 12.

If this woman is the spiritual church, and being delivered of this child represents the rapture, by God using naturally coded symbolic terms, this should dramatically change how we are to view what is being revealed. We should be able to see from God’s perspective, that this description of the woman in Revelation 12, could be a detailed view of the end-time church and the rapture event, followed by the mention of the people that have repented and were saved after the rapture.

It is just so essential to see that the Greek word G726, that was translated as “caught up” in Revelation 12:5, speaking of the child after He was delivered, is the word “harpazo”. It is this exact word that is used by God to describe the rapture event in 1 Thessalonians:

1Th 4:16  For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 

1Th 4:17  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord

No place in the New Testament, is this Greek word “Harpazo” used to describe the physical risen from the dead man Jesus, being taken up to heaven. The absence of Jesus being taken as man and not as a baby, and the church being “caught up” to heaven to be with the LORD, are two amazing confirmations to the woman in Revelation 12 being the church.

Also, the Greek word G4536 that is translated as “trump” in 1 Thessalonians 4:16 announcing the rapture event, is the exact same word used by God to catch John up to heaven in Revelation 4:1. This is just another major connecting force, that cannot be denied. This would teach us that the woman’s labor of the child coming to completion, is the same event of deliverance that is being described in Revelation 4:1, and 1 Thessalonians 4:17.

It is highly recommended that you go search the New Testament and look for all of the verses that has anything to do with deliverance, or a deliverer. We should all know that the deliverer of the Church is Christ. There are also other key Greek words that mean to be delivered, like the woman in Revelation 12 is waiting for. These include “redemption”, “redeem”, “save”, “salvation”, and “savior”. Of course, there are many forms of these words and others that could not be mentioned today. But all of these confirm the spiritual truth, that the Church body of Christ, is a woman waiting to be fully delivered. For example, please remember this one:

Tit 2:13  Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; 

As you can read in Titus 2:13, the church is waiting for out savior Jesus Christ. The Greek word G4990 translated as “Savior” literally means a “deliverer”. That is what we could also call a person that is catching up a baby in a hospital. Wow, I don’t know how anyone can deny what the Holy Spirit is teaching today.

But notice again, that this day of deliverance is called a blessed expectation event. Again, we see a woman who is expecting to be delivered. The Greek word G1680 is the word translated as “hope”, and this word means “expectation of something good”. It can also be defined as a feeling of “pleasurable anticipation”. What this is describing occurs when a normal husband sees his wife after a long time of separation, and vice versa, the wife’s feeling for the appearance of her husband after a long separation, like a long trip. WOW!

I believe the woman in Revelation 12 represents the church from what the LORD has shown us. I believe the process of childbirth, represent every person that was, and is being born-again by planting seed in the hearts of unbelievers. I believe the growing child in the spiritual womb of the woman, represents the spiritual body of Christ growing to completion to be taken up to heaven. Therefore, I believe the woman’s final birth of the child is the completion of the church age. This soon coming completion or fulfilment of the 2 day or the 2000-year period of the church (2 Peter 3:8), is where God ends the current ongoing time of GRACE for salvation. After this God will return to the 70th week of Daniel’s prophecy to finalize His dealings, with another woman named natural Israel, for one week of years. If this is correct which I believe the scripture is teaching us, then the rapture is represented by the child’s finale birth in Revelation 12. This is why the child is immediately caught up into heaven and to the throne of God after the final birth has occurred.

In other words, the spiritual growth and birth process of the CHRIST child has been fulfilled and it is time for her to be taken up (Romans 11:25). The laboring has been accomplished. The birthing has been finalized. The woman has been brought to full safety and protection in heaven and the marriage supper of the LAMB can be celebrated. This would help us to understand how the description of the woman in Revelation 12:1, begins with a sight of a woman “appearing” in heaven. These words mean someone in the spiritual realm was looking on with wide open eyes viewing someone in heaven that was called very remarkable. Who else can this be but the body of Christ that the prophets and righteous men desired to see being fulfilled in total completion (Matthew 13:17)?


We have covered a lot in this lesson, and it has gone into so much new spiritual information that it is probably good to end now. Hopefully, the Holy Spirit has given you a lot of good spiritual meat to chew on for a long time. What God has taught us, is to look for His ways of understanding natural things so that we can apply them in the spiritual realm and find truth to see what He has prophesied in the book of Revelation. One question comes to mind that will mentioned in this discussion of a woman who is expecting deliverance. When will this occur? We can begin to learn this in this verse:

Rom 11:25  For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. 

As you can see God is speaking of the natural nation of Israel, and comparing them, to be separated from the largely spiritual Gentile church body of Christ. God calls His church a mystery, but He has been revealing us, with increased intensity in these last days. But notice in the last phrase of the verse. God indicates that there is coming a “fulness” to the Gentiles.

Now notice what the Greek word G4138 that was translated as “fulness” means. This word means “something that is filled as a place, a container, a time period, etc.”. Think of this in the terms of a pregnant woman. There is a limited capacity inside the womb. There is also a set time for delivery where her body just says I’m ready. God says in Matthew 24:36, that no man knows the exact day or hour of this event of Jesus coming to deliver us. But we all can see the signs and seasons, and know how close we are to this happening. I guarantee you, that it is closer than you think!

You should have a lot of take aways from this lesson. We were not able to answer every question, or go into every verse. This would definitely require many lessons to cover it all comprehensively. But remember the natural birth process of a woman, and a seed planted in a garden, should cause us to better understand what is happening in the unseen spiritual realm.

A child represents fruit using natural to spiritual symbolism. But it also represents the Spirit of Christ the Messiah being birthed inside humans to grow the church. Therefore, we have learned how the woman qualifies to be taken up into the spiritual realm of heaven to appear before God in Revelation 12:1 and 4:1.

There are multiple ways to react to what you have just learned? You can reject it completely or partially. You can also accept it partially or completely. If you have heard this taught before, I would love to hear about it and where it was shared. If you have never heard about this before, please share it with every Christian you know, if the Holy Spirit inside of you agrees with it. If not, that is OK, please just share why you feel something was not peaceful. No matter what, thank you for reading the lesson.

If you have any feedback, questions, or comments please leave them. They are greatly appreciated and encouraging. If you need prayer for any need, it is also nice to receive these requests. We will certainly pray if we are able to agree with you scripturally, and the request does not violate the written word of God according to His will for your life. We love you all very much no matter who you believe the Revelation 12 woman is. We hope and pray you will love us also. Love NEVER Fails!

If you would like to continue reading in this Bible study series, please click on “Part 10” now.


(Ver 1.0) This is Part 5 on the essential right NOW warning message series of Bible lessons from the LORD. We have been going through a series of Bible prophecy lessons learning from the patterns given of enemy “serpent” witchcraft tactics. Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 2:11, we should not be ignorant of Satan’s devices (schemes), yet many people are. In this verse God through Paul, says the ignorance of Christians gives Satan the advantage over them. This teaches us that whatever we don’t know, potentially allows Satan to deceive even the elect (Matthew 24:24). How many Christians have you seen that have become deceived by what is happening in the world today?

These studies have been mostly revealed, from the perspective of the book of Revelation. Today’s lesson will potentially be the climatic conclusion of the series. We will be focused on God’s definition of witchcraft and how God says this evil will affect people in the last of these last days. If you have not read this series from the beginning, it is highly recommended that you go back and start with “Part 1”.

It is important to note, that this lesson series, is not designed or intended to cause division or contention. But we are living in a time of tremendous polarization. It is like a line has been drawn in the sand by God, and people are being given the choice, do you want to stand with God in the Kingdom of Light, or do you want to choose the devil and stand with the kingdom of darkness? The middle ground fence balancers, are now being forced to make a choice. These two kingdom choices are becoming so very clear today. The darkness is becoming increasingly darker, and the Kingdom of God is increasing in brightness, daily.


We have been learning about a spiritual enemy who was originally identified as “Lucifer” (Isaiah 14:12), who was one of, if not the highest-ranking created angels in heaven. It is highly recommended that you read Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28, because these two chapters contain key information about the fall of this perfect created spiritual being.

God reveals to us in Genesis, about this fallen angel, as a symbolic “serpent”, that entered the garden of Eden, to tempt, and deceive God’s newly created man and woman on the earth (Genesis 3:1). We are informed this “serpent” was actually the adversary spiritual being we read about in Isaiah and Ezekiel, that was now identified, and named as “Satan”, and “the devil” in Revelation 12:9.

We have already read key verses from Genesis 3:1, and Revelation chapters 1, 6, 12, 13 and 19. In the last lesson we were focused upon a key verse we discovered contained a lot of hidden parallels to what we have been going through in the last 2+ years. A lot of people will try to say that these are just coincidental biased interpretations. But how well do they match? How many matches are enough to convince anyone to see what God wrote, and not us?

You should have seen in Revelation 6:2, an unknown and unnamed rider that is controlling a “white coated” horse having only a bow and a crown (Latin corona). These symbols, logically represent a type of king, prince or government ruler, that desires to deceive people into believing he is the coming Christ found returning to the earth in Revelation 19.

These symbols further imply that he is a ruler of a kingdom utilizing a peaceful conquest strategy, without the normal weapons of war. But we are taught in the verse that he remains committed upon conquering the world without violence through implied deception. This type of conquest appears to indicate a weaponry using a very unconventional type that could possibly make the rider look like a hero. This method of conquest could possibly win the hearts of the people for them to want to raise him to power as a replacement type of Christ. Clearly this would mean the presence of great deception taking place and probably great fear of some unseen motivation that causes a desire for an evil overseer.

Today we will be moving to chapter 9 of Revelation, because this also has a great number of parallels to what we have, and are still experiencing today.  Let us begin to study what the Holy Spirit wants to teach us today.


We will now go and focus on some very new critical verses, and words of warning given to humans from God in the Bible. These words will help us to support what has been given to us so far from the Holy Spirit. Today, we will be led to read verses written in Revelation chapter 9. We are about to find a lot of information, that should be appearing in our newspapers and online news feeds. But for the evil reason of deception this information is being silenced by the Jezebel evil ruling system, and the false prophets.

We will only be going to go through selected verses found in the book of Revelation chapter 9, due to reader time constraints. We are NOT attempting to do an in-depth or comprehensive study of all of the information. We are primarily looking for parallel concepts that show what we may be experiencing now. These will all be possible repeatable patterns of current serpent attacks. We will start with verse 3:

Rev 9:3  And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power

Just like the dragon, and the serpent in Revelation 12 is not a literal physical dragon or serpent, the mention of locusts and scorpions are also not to be taken literally. We can determine this by where they came from. In the previous two verses, we find these symbols being released by unlocking them from the bottomless pit. This clearly indicates that they were spiritual beings that were confined to be released here to do an extraordinary, and special type of evil. Even though these symbols are not natural creatures, their natural features and qualities of each creature can reveal hidden unseen qualities of how the spiritual beings they represent are operating on the earth. 

For example, a locust can be a consuming creature, eating up everything that comes across their path.  These creatures are also swarming entities. This means they overwhelm the target of attack with so many of them they are practically unstoppable. But these are very special types of locusts because they are described to have the authority of a scorpion. Most know what a scorpion is in the natural.

But for those that do not know or understand what a scorpion is, we will give a quick overview. A scorpion is a type of insect with 8 legs, two front grabbing pinchers, and a long tail containing a poison injector stinger. Clearly this an ominous type of evil creature, that is being released upon the earth during these last days.

Do you remember in the last lesson the comparison between a serpent fang injection system, being two fangs causing two injections? Now in comparison a scorpion while being a similar poison injector system, is limited to only a single injector at a time. But still the delivery of a toxic mixture of poison that affects the nervous systems is identical. This if very interesting in the light of what we have been experiencing with our two-injection serpent mark system, that is followed up by one or more single booster marks.  This is just an interesting coincidence to read about in the Bible. Whether it is happening now as a forerunner to the tribulation real event, you will need to decide for yourself. But wait to read the entire lesson before you make any rushed judgment.

Please just take a serious look, that this is at least the third time we have encountered the strongly implied usage of “poison” by GOD’s word choice selections. We have seen a “poisonous serpent”, and another greater “dragon fiery serpent” (Revelation 12:4), and both are related to have a poisonous 2 fang system in their mouth. Then we saw a rider in Revelation 6, on a white coated horse carrying a “toxon” that we get our words “toxin” and “toxic” from. This word choice is implying a poison tipped arrow system would be shot into the rider’s victims. Now we are observing a new type of poison injection system here in Revelation 9, that uses the symbol of “scorpions” and their tails.

This subject of poisonous injections, appears to be a very significant reoccurring theme found in the book of Revelation, and we are about to see the ultimate clue to how this poison delivery plan is attempting to be spread throughout the world as we continue.


Let us please continue our Bible study on Serpent poison and witchcraft, by reading Revelation 9:20, and pay close attention to the God selected words and the main points, that are being emphasized with underlines.

Revelation 9:20 – And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: 

This verse, could be taken from today’s lead stories, and headline news, if the false prophets of the world were honest, and sincere enough to report on them. We notice first, God mentioning that there are people in the world that have not been killed by a “plague”. What is a plague? One dictionary defines this word as the spread of a “virulent infectious disease”. That certainly applies to what we have been experiencing.

Recently, there was a crown bio-weapon released from a red dragon worshipping nation, that was spread to the entire globe. This has been labeled by the false prophets to be a natural occurring “pandemic”. A pandemic is defined as a virulent epidemic, that crosses many national boundaries. This just so happens, to be an amazing example of an ingenious modern day evil strategy for a peaceful world conquest. This type of warfare can be easily won without firing one visible weapon. This type of warfare only needs a pathogen that is 120 nm in size. This cannot be observed with the natural human eye. Remember we learned about all of this type of technique with the rider of the white coated horse found in Revelation 6:2.

But, according to Strong’s definition a plague is not the only explanation of this Greek word. This word’s definition could also apply to what people have been taking, to try to cure the spread of a deadly plague like disease. This Greek word G4127 also means “a stroke”. What is a stroke? This word stroke is defined as “an act of striking the human skin with an instrument, or a weapon to potentially cause pain, bruising, and bleeding”. Certainly, this could describe a serpent fang or scorpion tail injection, could it not? This could be applied to be a way of potentially describing a person, that has taken several metal jabs in their arm with a sharp hollow injector, called a hypodermic needle.

Therefore, this Greek word G4127, can be 1) applied to be figuratively describing something as a widespread “calamity” as a possible virulent plague, or 2) equally as well as the application of a manmade instrument to produce a human pain using a stroked lacerations for the punctured release or access to human blood. It is used both of these ways in the New Testament. The disciples were beaten and wounded with stripes (weapon strokes) in the book of Acts (Acts 16:23-33), and plagues are used in the book of Revelation (Revelation 11:6, Revelation 16). This would appear to indicate that this Greek word, could have dual application and meaning to both types of plans that could cause human deaths in this chapter. Just read and study the whole chapter, and if you see it great, if you don’t, no worries. No one here, is forcing anyone to believe anything.

However, if you choose to view this information in Revelation, we must admit there is certainly something that will cause a major “calamity” in order for it to cause 1/3 of the world’s population to perish (Revelation 9:13). Any “disastrous event of this magnitude type would be marked to be clearly intentional for genocide. Did you know there are a lot of globalist people promoting a global warming narrative, that have called for a major population reduction? Isn’t that just another interesting coincidence? By releasing a cleverly designed bio-weapon, this would facilitate both the reduction in population and world conquest, simultaneously. Please, take another look at the beginning of this verse:

Revelation 9:20 – And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, …

Notice what verse 20 says next. “None” of those that have survived this massive “plague” of death, would repent for the “works of their hands”. God says these spiritual inspired evils are coming from the “works” of human hands. This Greek word G2041 that was translated as ‘works”, can be defined as a “job in a human occupational field”. Certainly, the white coated medical field and drug industry, would qualify to fit what God is speaking of. No one is making the claim everyone in this field is the devil, no that would be stupid if we thought that way. And we all should believe that there are many other people in other occupational fields, that could have jobs that also qualify to be cooperating with the evil agenda. However, please just, analyze the truths given to us by God’s Word and make your own personal determinations. To at least some there should be a seen connection to the white coated horse industry.

What type of occupational works do these people need to repent for? A need to repent implies that these surviving people are the ones that are working these evils. However, instead of repenting they choose to worship devils and idols of gold and silver, etc. Almost no one today, worships literal idols. No, these idols are symbolic modern-day items, like homes, possessions, powers, fortunes, and fame. However, this could be a strong potential reference and Bible description, of some people in the white coat industry. Do you remember what the Bible says in Mark? Let us stop and read a small part to refresh our memory:

Mark 5:25 – And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years, 

Mark 5:26 – And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse, 

Here God selects one woman’s medical condition to teach us what happens to a lot of people. Notice this woman has a medical condition with a blood issue. There are a lot of medical conditions and issues, that disturb or attack the human blood, and the “crown” disease, and its fang solution both work through the blood. Verse 26 informs us this woman suffered a lot of different things, like treatments, and even possible medicine potions that were given to her by physicians. Finally, notice this woman had to spend every bit of money she had to receive this painful treatment. Notice even though none of the things the physicians did to help the woman worked, they gladly took her money. Now go back and compare this information to what we just read in Revelation 9:20.

Whoever, God is speaking of in Revelation 9, they refuse to repent for the work they are doing to, or for someone, and obtaining and worshiping objects of wealth and possessions seems to be their god? This could describe a lot of people, but use the other clues that are given to us to figure out what can narrow the possibilities. I think we need to go to verse 21 next to learn what else these people do not repent for doing.

Revelation 9:21 – Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts

In this verse, God is speaking of the same living people on the earth that are being used by the serpent Satan, to carry out his plan of evil depopulation and the control of humanity. We know already that in this chapter, 1/3 of the total world’s population are being killed through this phase of the evil plan. Using current (2021) population numbers, there are nearly 8 billion people living on the earth. This would indicate at least 2.5 billion people will be killed during these coming timed events. That qualifies as massive depopulation.

Now pay close attention to the next statement concerning the fruit of their works that are not being repented for.  The very first word is “murders”.  This Greek word G5408 literally means a “slaughter”. This is why the word “genocide” should rise up in our spirits. What happened in the 1940’s to the Jewish population in Europe and Asia? 

A lot of our national and world history is being removed from children’s textbooks in classrooms. This world conquest event was a planned attempt by one man possessed by the serpent, to become the world’s ruler. He did this at first by coming to power in only one nation peacefully portraying himself to be like a savior. He used the same techniques that we can observe that are happening today. There was the immediate taking control of the national media and the silencing of every opposing voice of opposition to portray only one acceptable version of truth.

This very nefarious and evil man was named Adolf Hitler, and he rose to power in Germany. But soon he tried to exterminate every Jew off of the face of the planet. He implemented a “mark” system of population identification. They were slaughtered, shot, burned, drowned, gassed, and had medical experimental surgeries done to them without consent or anesthesia, and on and on we could go. There appears to be a lot of matching patterns found in this information that are being repeated now, and in the book of Revelation.

He also created a vast and powerful army that went to conquer nation after nation. Millions of people died during this time of history.  But Adolf Hitler did not commit these murders by himself. He had a lot of people cooperating, tolerating, and committing these murders for him.  It appears that God says this will be repeated in the coming tribulation also. But in actuality Satan could be trying to get it to reoccur and happen now.

We will briefly skip to the last word in the verse translated as “thefts”.  This Greek word means to steal or take from someone something that is not rightfully or legally earned. We know from reading John 10:10, that Jesus declared; “the thief (Satan) only came to steal, kill and destroy”, and this describes the key strategic results of evil.  Could this possibly be related to our verses in Mark 5, where the woman with the issue of blood gave all of her money to physicians?

Can you see how this woman in Mark 5, was potentially driven by fear to do what she did for 12 years? Can you potentially see how people could use their “plan-demic” to keep us in bondage to fear for the next 12 years?  Can you potentially see how a lot of physicians, might become motivated to only help her knowing they have no cure, to only take her money? Again, not every Physician is this way. We all know the disciple Luke, who wrote the book of Luke and Acts, was a physician. So, if you are working in this profession and are not like those that do things to get rich for money, Praise the Lord. Let us now focus our attention on the pivotal phrase that needs our full attention.


Revelation 9:21 – Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts

We have arrived at the most important clue in this entire Bible discussion and study. Our climatic word involves the revelation of our key subject of witchcraft. God says in verse 21 of Revelation 9, no one repented for any of their “sorceries”.  What are “sorceries”? It is definitely NOT what you think, unless you already have studied this Greek word in your Bible. If Harry Potter is only what you think of when you see this word, you would be very wrong.

The Greek word translated as “sorceries” is G5331. This Greek word is transliterated as “pharmakeia”. This is one of the main Greek words that we get our English words: 1) Pharmacy, 2) Pharmacist, 3) Pharmacology, and 4) Pharmaceutical, from. Wow, this is the most major Bible clue we have come across in this study, and it helps us greatly narrow what is happening in many verses found in the book of Revelation. It is also an amazing parallel to the white coated horse being used by the rider to spread a deadly toxin to conquer the world.

The Strong’s concordance defines this word G5331 as “medication”, and mentions the “pharmacy” as the supplier source. The Thayer Bible dictionary defines this word as “the use or administering of a drug”. Thayer also defines this word to potentially represent, “poisoning” someone with a substance. It appears from this information that medicine can be used for either good or evil, depending upon the motivations of the one that is supplying it, or the one requesting it for a supply of some need or desire. But we must be led by the context of this word’s usage. It is being used and selected by God when describing people who refuse to repent for their thefts and murders during a plague event, containing global massive deaths.  I pray eyes are opening, minds are understanding, and spirits are discerning the differences between good and evil applications and intentions for drugs. No legitimate usage of a good medicine, requires a mandate to force someone to take it. Ask yourself why is this occurring? Think by not taking the mandated “fang” marks, the only person they are hurting, is themselves, unless this mark means and does something else, that we are NOT being informed of?

Rev 21:8  But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death

The Greek G5331 word, comes from G5332 transliterated as “pharmakeus”, and this word means a “drug”, as in a “spell giving potion”. This word also is applied to people that administer these magic potions called “pharmacists”, with extensions of implications to also be stretched to be called “sorcerers”, or “magician”. It is only used by the Holy Spirit in the above Revelation 21:8 verse. This verse very clearly states people who are participating in this group of like evil, will spend eternity in hell.

Both Greek words carry the implication to be the work of “magic” by “magicians”, called “pharmacists”. But these trained white coated individuals are only the distributors. Therefore, by extension we can apply these concepts to the modern people that are actually creating, and manufacturing these potions in mass for the mandated mark distribution. All of these white coated workers are casting potential spells upon people, by giving them human created treatments for some potential cure, or relief purposes, and in doing so, are obtaining a lot of money for their work. This is sounding more and more like the woman with the issue of blood in Mark.

It is also very noteworthy to see that the Greek word G5332, carries the meaning of a “poisoner”. If that does not match what a natural “serpent” does, I do not know how to convince anyone better. We have now increased our number of references to serpent “poisonous toxins” by one more, and there are potentially others that we will not cover in this lesson. But this one is major and real, and it has serious application to what we are living through right now.

Ok, these are some very hard and challenging clues to accept. The white coated industry field has potentially done a lot of great things for people in recent history. But like anything else good, when placed in the wrong hands, with the wrong motives, and wrong desires, it can easily be turned to do something very evil, so quickly. The white coated workers, have been viewed as a positive modern accomplishment, by the majority of humans. This trust is why so many humans are rushing to be given an untested and unproven, serpent fang injection into their arms. After all, all of us are being told that it is totally safe. We are being brainwashed to believe that we are only doing what is best to save everyone else around us?  Right? If we cared about others, we would all participate blindly in full confidence they were all smarter than we are.

However, anything that comes from an end-time government does not appear to be doing anything good for their people, according to the Bible. Can you find Bible verses in Revelation or other places that teaches any government in the last days is working to save you?  Here is the main challenge. Some man-made medicines do help some people if they are used perfectly. But no one knows of any man-made drug that has no potential side-effects. Every prescription or non-prescription drug has a warning label of potential deadly side effects, including death from an overdose. This should be obvious why the Bible says they are all potential poisons.

There are a lot of possible physical problems, caused because of evil attacks of intentional or unintentional drug usage, that cause chemical imbalances in the human blood, organs, and tissues. What we learn from drug usage, and misuses, is that there can be the potential for a drug to be designed to do someone evil. The worst-case scenario, would be to cause intentional death to occur to someone. Or a lesser evil case result, would be to get someone to be easily under the power, control, or authority of another to make them like a willing slave or servant.

We could literally talk for days about the positive and negative uses for drugs. But the motivation for creating every legitimate, and major drug, from a creator and manufacturer, appears to have become, a “greed” for money. We learn this fact, that any drug that is deemed useful to help people, after the patent has expired, it then becomes legal to be manufactured by generic medicine producing companies. Suddenly, all of these companies greatly reduce the cost for the drug because of the competition between the companies. Suddenly these types of drugs are not even considered as a solution for saving lives for a crisis situation. No, the only solutions are new patentable drugs that can make a company a lot of money.

Could it be this is why God said these people in Revelation 9, needed to repent for their idol worship of gold and silver objects? This at least implies the application of “greed” being a major factor for the plagues that occur even today. If big-pharma companies, did not make billions of dollars, would there have ever been a requirement to force people to be inoculated? It is hopefully becoming obvious how this information is coming to life to describe what is happening in our world right now.

I do not know of any of these white coated companies that are labels as a “non-profit” corporation. That makes them automatically in it for the “profit” of money. This is exactly why there are so “few” disease cures. If a disease is completely cured, there is no longer any future income to be made.  Even the illegal drug makers, sell their products to make a lot of money. The more addicting a product is, the more profit they are bringing in.


We will conclude this lesson series with a reminder. Satan is a master deceiver. He has been deceiving angels and people, exponentially longer than you have been alive. If you believe you can never be deceived by him or anyone being used by him, you simply prove you are already deceived. There are just too many words of God written to people and Christians to warn us of this possibility of becoming deceived.

In these last days, there is such a massive global level of deception occurring. It has been planned and coordinated in the dark spirit realm. There is no way that people are clever enough to have perpetrated this level of coordinated global evil without dark spirit influence. It has crossed national boundaries, ethnic boundaries, racial boundaries, media and political party boundaries, even financial corporate giant boundaries and technology company boundaries.

Do you believe evil people are smarter than God? That should be an obvious answer of NO!  Do you believe Satan, is smarter than God? That answers should also be an obvious NO! But why have these less intelligent beings, now appear to have defeated God’s people on the earth? That is what a lot of people believe based upon the current circumstances.

Is God a Liar? Is His Word True? These also better be obvious questions to answer correctly for you.  God is not a liar. God’s Word is Absolutely True. Ok, let us ask some tougher questions. Does God’s Church bride lose to Satan? Is the Church of the Living God, defeated and go through the tribulation?  This is where people with faith will stand strong, despite the circumstances and take their authority to end this global conquest plan. You are either with God, or you are fighting against Him. Which one is it? Join the battle to submit to God’s Lordship, and begin to resist the devil with the rest of us. Greater is He that is in US, than he that is in the world!

Be a strong believer, in victory and shun defeat. Resist the serpent agenda. Don’t cooperate with the serpent. Pray continually and praise God even more for His Powerful ability that can be trusted. Faith filled prayers, worship and praise should fill your homes, automobiles, work places, cities and nations.

Where will you place your faith? Will you trust the false prophet narrative? Will you trust the Jezebel ruling government leaders? Will you place your trust in the white coat horse industry to be your savior? Who is really being transparent with you? Who can you really trust? Will you base your faith on God and His WORD? Will you trust in Him, or take a fang mark? Will you trust your job for your supply, or your God? IT IS TIME TO CHOOSE A SIDE AND MAKE A STAND!

It is best to end with good news after hearing about all of the potential negative end time works of the enemy serpent. Christians have been given authority over the serpent and his scorpions, according to Luke 10:19. However, this delegated authority does not guarantee our safety or our victory over him. But it will work for us, if we believe it, and exercise it as a reigning king on the earth (Romans 5:17). According to Ephesians 6:12, we are not fighting against the people being used by the serpent to do his evil. It is always the spirits that influence and possess these people that we are in an unseen battle with. Please join in unity with all of the body of Christ, and come against these unseen spiritual workers of the world. Bind them according to Matthew 18:18 and stop their takeover of the world. In Romans 16:20 God prophesied He would bruise the serpent under our feet before we are raptured. Believe this is happening now!

Finally, if you are a Christian working in the White Coated industry, please accept our thanks and encouragement for your heart to help people live. This is what is needed today. It is an extreme blessing to go to someone that loves to be a blessing to people, and that will pray for us, as well as to help people get well. Thank you again for being led by the Spirit of God to make wise bold right choices to save lives.

If you are a worker in the Jezebel government and you know Jesus, it is time to take a stand for Him. Pray for those in authority over you and ask God to remove everyone that is not willing to repent and be saved. The same is true for the Jezebel false prophet propaganda networks. Pray for these people to have a laborer of God to be sent across their paths to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. If you are a Christians working with them, ask God to use you to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God’s end time harvest is taking place before He comes to take the church away. Time is becoming very short. Be led by the Spirit of God in every moment of the time we have left.

Thank you for taking the time to read and study the Bible with us. We love you all very much. Be blessed to be a blessing. Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, with the world. If you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal LORD and Savior, now is the time to ask Him. There is a link that follows to help you make that choice in believing faith. God bless each and everyone. If you have a question, comment, or prayer request, please feel free to leave it in a comment, and as the LORD, leads us we will do our best to acknowledge it. Thank you again for your prayers and we will pray for you.

If you have not read the summary overview of the series, you may like to continue to “Part 6” now.

Are You Saved? Do you Know Jesus? Life is Short! Jesus wants to Know You! Please come and get to Know Him!

Bible Answers: Solving the Mystery of Israel – God’s Firstborn Versus God’s Covenant Wife

israel_sign(Ver 1.1) This Bible lesson is a reply to a great reader question about the natural nation of Israel. This is an advanced Bible subject. Therefore, this lesson is potentially offensive and is intended for mature Christians that desire to learn something new in the Bible with an open heart and an open mind.  Please judge yourself if this is your desire and motivation before continuing to read about a potential Bible subject from a fresh perspective.  This lesson will be about a conflict that occurs between scriptures concerning the natural nation of Israel.  We will learn several concepts about this name “Israel” that may have never been taught to you before.  I warn you up front to help set your expectations so that I do not become your enemy by showing you something new (Gal 4:16).  Please stop and pray and ask God to help everyone see what He wants us to learn in this Bible study.

Also, this is another in-depth Bible lesson with a lot of great Bible verses to study.  I would recommend that you break it into sections and maybe do one section a day and this will spread it out over a period of time and hopefully not overwhelm anyone with too much new information at once.  I give a lot of Bible verse references and I do not address them each in detail.  Therefore, it would be highly advisable that you go and look up each verse, read it carefully, study the context, look up each Greek or Hebrew word and verify in your mind that it is saying what you think it says and use that information to apply to this lesson.  This is being a noble Berean type of Bible student mentioned in Acts 17:11. Please do not believe a word I say in any Bible lessons without you verifying it in your own Bible study. Place your trust in God and the Spirit of God on the inside of you to help you see the truth.

Some Christians think a Bible study is just reading a chapter a day for 15 minutes and bang you are done.  But that is not what a real Bible study is, even if God says something to you that is helpful to get you through that day. No according 2 Timothy 2:15, God tells us to “Study to show yourself approved, a workman unto God that will not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth”.  This verse claims Bible study is more than a casual reading.  God has implied that we are to dig deep to be able to understand His Word correctly.  Meaning it is not easy and not automatically understood.

Finally I want to say something very important to help people not get offended easily.  I love the natural nation of Israel.  I love the people living in the natural nation of Israel.  I desire everyone both Jew and Gentile to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ (Rom 1:16).  So if you read something in this lesson that causes you to think I am a racist or a hater of anyone, you are wrong.  Are you ready study now?  Let us step into an initiation of the controversy within scripture.


According to Jeremiah 3:8, Jeremiah 3:14, Jeremiah 3:20, Jeremiah 31:32, Ezekiel 16:8, Ezekiel 16:32 and Isaiah 54:5-6 to name only a few verses, where the natural people of Israel are called the Old Covenant wife of the Lord God.  These teach us that God’s Old Covenant relationship between the natural blood line descendants of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and his 12 sons and all the natural people that descended from Jacob was that of a husband and a wife.  These people were called God’s covenant wife (H802) until they committed adultery and whoredom (Eze 16:17, Jer 3:9, Hos 2:2) with so many other gods and idols.  God finally handed these people a bill of divorce (Deut 24:1) that ended that covenant as we can read in Hosea 2:2, Jeremiah 3:8, Isaiah 50:1, and Galatians 4:30 to name just a few. These are simply basic facts of scriptures that need to be understood.

However, there are not a lot of ministers and teachers of the Bible that I know of, that have taught this part of the subject of Israel.  But the bottom-line conclusion is that the natural nation of Israel was considered by God to be His set apart woman and His wife (H802).  This officially occurred when she entered into a freewill covenant relationship with God on Mt Sinai where God gave them the Law (Jer 31:32, Gal 4:24).

There are several other Bible lessons that go into this in more detail on this website, if you have never studied this subject.  I would suggest that you begin with “Understanding Bible Covenants” first.  But we have seen enough verses to understand Israel was an Old Covenant female wife in covenant relationship with God her Husband.  Let us continue with this introduction to see the apparent contradiction of scripture about Israel.


The opening lesson introduction statements and verses were probably very controversial to many new Bile students. But we now need to get into a deeper discussion that represents a suggested conflict within scripture.  This potential conflict characterizes the root of my reader’s question. Let us get started in learning what was the question and the mystery that is raised within our minds creating some difficult and potentially strong levels of confusion to many Christians.  For example, my reader pointed out that in Exodus 4:22-23, the natural nation of Israel while they were in bondage in Egypt, they were potentially called by God, His “firstborn son”. Here is my reader’s exact question and comment:

“I have a question and you can post this on the blog if you want. I understand how earthly Israel is one of the wives of God, but Israel is also called God’s firstborn son in the Old Testament (Exodus 4:22-23). How do you reconcile Israel being both a wife and a firstborn son to God the Father? I am having trouble figuring out the connection and would appreciate any info you could share on that.”

What a tremendously thoughtful and excellent deep Bible question about an apparent conflict of scripture.  How can a group of natural people be a male firstborn son and a female covenant wife simultaneously?  Can you see the potential confusion that this creates?  Let us continue this section of the lesson by reading the verses in question:

Exo 4:22  And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD, Israel (is) my son, (even) my firstborn:
Exo 4:23  And I say unto thee, Let my son go, that he may serve me: and if thou refuse to let him go, behold, I will slay thy son, even thy firstborn.

It is clear from reading Jeremiah 31:32 and other verses that natural Israel was called God’s covenant wife making God their covenant Husband.  But here in Exodus 4 we can clearly see an apparent conflict emerging.  The people of Israel before entering the covenant marriage on Mt Sinai to God (Gal 4:24), were potentially referred to in Exodus 4 as God’s “son” and “firstborn”.  Therefore, we have God the Father declaring someone or a people His firstborn son in relation to their existence in Egypt.  That is an amazing contradiction.  Are they His wife? Or are they His son?  Or are they both simultaneously?  There appears to be a factor of great gender confusion being suggested in scriptures.

Anytime an apparent contradiction occurs in the scripture it is a time for rejoicing.  Every perceived conflict should be viewed as an expectant great opportunity to learn, because God does not make any mistakes and there are no conflicts when understood correctly.  I have found that whenever I encounter something that looks like a conflict at first in the Bible, it is caused because I do not understand the correct point of view of the subject from God’s spiritual perspective. In other words, I was usually thinking too naturally and not enough from a spiritual viewpoint.  We all know God is a Spirit (Jn 4:24) and we should know that His Spirit thoughts are much higher than our natural thoughts (Isa 55:8).  Therefore, I seek and ask God to reveal to me, His Word from His viewpoint.

For example, Jesus told us in John 5:39 that if anyone would search the scriptures of the Old Testament, we would find Him (everywhere) in them because they were (ALL of) those that testified of Him. This teaches us that Jesus is hidden in every word, sentence, paragraph, chapter, and book somewhere using some technique of spiritual concealment.  Wow, that means Jesus must be found here in Exodus 4 somewhere. Therefore, when I see any potential conflict, I immediately begin my hunt for conflict resolution by searching for Jesus.  Let us get started.

Let us begin this part of the lesson by removing the italicized translator added words and punctuation from the verses in question in Exodus.  This may help us to see something new.

Exo 4:22  And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh Thus saith the LORD Israel my son my firstborn: 

By the removal of two added words and from this verse and the translator’s commas, it changes the focus tremendously.  The translators believed they were adding focus to the natural people and nation, but they have only detracted from God’s statement that this verse was about Jesus.  “Thus, saith the LORD Israel My Son My Firstborn”.  By removing the added italicized words, it appears the word “Israel” is a name of God’s firstborn son.  This should begin to open our eyes to see something that we may have not seen before.  But let us verify this using scripture rather than my opinion.

We will begin the verification process with a dive into the Hebrew word used by God to describe Israel.  The first word H1121 was translated as “son”.  This Hebrew word literally means a male child that is born to carry the name and blood of the family into the next generation.  Without the continued male line in the family the family name ends.  This is why God created the law where if a firstborn son marries a wife and does not have any children, then his brother was to marry his brother’s widow.  They would then try to have children for his dead brother in order to carry on the family name.  Ok, we can see this concept first mentioned in Genesis 38 when Judah has 3 sons, and his oldest son marries a woman named Tamar, but he dies before having any children.  She then marries the next son, and he refuses to have children for his dead brother, and he dies.  The third son is never given to Tamar and so Tamar dresses as a prostitute to have a child through her dead husband’s father Judah.  Tamar does get pregnant thought Judah.  Thus, the family lineage of Jesus through Judah was preserved by a righteous act of Tamar’s deception (Gen 38:26).

All of this was a God designed connection called a “kinsman redeemer”.  This occurred when one blood relative took the wife of a dead relative to have children for him to continue the family name. We can read about this concept again in the Book of Ruth exclusively as a type of our redeemer “Jesus”.  Ruth was a Gentile, and a type of the church and Boaz was the type of Jesus the kinsman redeemer that redeemed humanity out of the chains of bondage of Satan’s dark kingdom..

It is also noteworthy that the Hebrew word “H1121” translated as “son” is what Jesus was called in the Bible repeatedly.  Every time in the Gospels when Jesus called Himself the “Son of man” or the “Son of God”, the word “Son” was equivalent to this Hebrew word H1121. Right there we have two possible connections to sonship in Exodus 4 and Jesus. First, Jesus was a “Son” (H1121) of Adam and second, He was the “Son” (H1121) of God simultaneously.  This was accomplished because Mary the mother of Jesus was a virgin daughter ancestor of Adam that was impregnated by the Holy Spirit (Mat 1:20).  Let us go to the word “firstborn” next.

H1060 that is translated as “firstborn”.  This Hebrew word comes from the Hebrew word H1069 and it does mean a natural childbirth that opens the womb of a physical women for the first time. Could this potentially also be a hidden reference to Jesus?  I believe it is.  We know this by reexamining the birth of Jesus in Matthew and Luke to confirm how Mary got pregnant and then notice what this resulting child is called.  Please go read both accounts and notice all the details.  Pay close attention to Matthew 1:25 and Luke 2:7 to begin.  Both verses claim that Mary brought forth her “firstborn” son.  Wow, that sounds like the exact wording and phrase used by God in Exodus 4, especially knowing who the Father was to this child by reading Matthew 1:18 and Luke 1:32.  Both verses claim Jesus’ Father was God the Holy Spirit!

Now ask God this question about our brand-new conflict rising before us in scripture.  Was Jesus Christ God’s firstborn Son or was natural Israel in Exodus 4 God’s firstborn son?  I mean it CANNOT BE BOTH!  It is impossible to have 2 firstborn sons.  Even when Jacob is described as birthing 12 sons from 4 different women, there was only 1 “firstborn” to Jacob.  According Genesis 35:23 the firstborn son of Jacob was Rueben. The second son’s birth regardless of the mother is always the second son to the father even if it was her first.  The first son’s birth regardless of the mother is always the first son. This is also true even if they were conceived simultaneously as twins, only one son can exit the womb first (Gen 25:24-25). There is always only one “first” and one “second”.  Therefore, a natural nation of Israel cannot be God’s “firstborn” son while we see Jesus also being called His “firstborn”.

We get the further resolution to this new conflict of two potential “firstborn” sons by reading John 3:16. In John 3:16 God says “For God so loved the world that He gave His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON…”  The Greek word G3439 translated as “ONLY BEGOTTEN” means “only born”.  John 3:16 defines Jesus to be God’s “ONLY” naturally born Son.  This truth of Jesus being the ONLY NATURAL BORN SON is further confirmed by God in John 1:14, John 1:18, John 3:16, John 3:18, and 1 John 4:9.

If Jesus was God’s ONLY naturally born Son, then He must also be God’s “FIRSTBORN” Son. This is basic logic and common sense.  An only child is both the first and the last child.  We can further confirm Jesus being the “Firstborn” of God by reading these verses: Romans 8:29, Collosians 1:15, 1:Collosians 1:18, Hebrews 1:6, Hebrews 12:23, and Revelations 1:5. In every verse the Greek word G4416 that was used to describe Jesus being Mary’s firstborn son is used to describe Jesus as being God’s “Firstborn” Son.  We have just confirmed using scripture that Jesus is the ONLY BORN SON of God and the FIRSTBORN SON of God.

Therefore, the natural nation of Israel would not qualify to be called by this name or title of “firstborn” even though it was the message that was given to us by translators in the English Old Testament. Uh oh!  The controversy continues unless both verses are about the same firstborn Son named Jesus with the same common name Israel. Could this be possible?  I believe it is.  God just gave us a great confirmation that it was His Son Jesus that He was referring to in Exodus 4.  But we are not done yet and there is more evidence to consider.  We need to continue our Sherlock Holmes type of Bible Study to discover and examine all the clues.


We have been going through Exodus 4:22 and 23 trying to learn who God is speaking of as being His firstborn son with a name of Israel.  I want us to examine some new clues given to us by God in the Gospels.  I hope you read and noticed that in the book of Matthew chapters 1 and 2, God provides us amazing evidence in the narrative of the natural birth of Jesus and His early childhood.  We will be reading some truly relevant verses about Jesus starting in Matthew 2:13. Please read these verses over carefully and notice how they appear to relate directly to Exodus 4:

Mat 2:13  And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
Mat 2:14  When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt:
Mat 2:15  And was there until the death of Herod: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt have I called my son

Wow, we are discovering some especially important information about God’s Son and the natural nation of Egypt in verses 13, 14 and 15. God purposefully connects Jesus to the natural nation of Egypt very plainly. As we should know, the ruler Herod was angry that the wise men did not return to tell him of the location of Jesus.  Herod then killed every male child under two years old in Bethlehem and continued his search for Jesus in case he missed him in other locations of his ruling region.

The angel of the LORD was sent by God to warn Joseph of this plan and he told Joseph to take Jesus into the nation of Egypt. Joseph was told to stay there until he was given the word to leave and return to his home in Nazareth. Then Matthew makes an extraordinary claim. Matthew reveals that this action of Joseph would be the fulfillment of an Old Testament prophecy saying, “Out of Egypt, I have called my Son”.  This prophecy can be easily passed over or ignored by many Bible students.  Let us go back into the Old Testament and examine God’s original prophecy that is quoted by Matthew:

Hos 11:1  When Israel was a child, then I loved him, and called my son out of Egypt. 

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge gives us the necessary links to the verse of Matthew 2:15 by connecting this fulfillment back to both this verse in Hosea 11:1 and the Exodus 4 verses in question.  The original Exodus 4 divine statement of Israel being God’s Son that was being called out of Egypt is indirectly related to being fulfilled in the child Jesus in Matthew 2. Therefore, the Hosea 11:1 verse that we just read is very plainly and directly related to Jesus and Egypt.  I find this amazing to see how God speaks many hundreds of years before Jesus was born on the earth and then tells us in Matthew all of this was fulfilled in the life of Jesus.  This just continues to confirm what Jesus said that all of the O.T. was written about Him.

We should realize that God’s spiritual timings are not based upon normal human expectations.  We learn from reading in 2 Peter 3:8 that one thousand years of human time is just the same as a single day to God.  We can logically deduce that God spoke of Jesus coming out of Egypt as if it were occurring when Moses took the people of Israel out Egypt.  But this interpretation creates the conflict with other scriptures that declare this woman being taken out was going to be His Old Covenant wife and that would still not qualify to be the fulfillment of Matthew 2.

I would suggest that you go and read Ezekiel 16 to help us see God has always viewed the natural nation of Israel to be a covenant female.  In this chapter of Ezekiel 16, God described the birth of a discarded baby child that is thrown away in the pool of her own blood. This chapter further goes to describe how God took pity on this baby girl and commanded her to live and took care of her to grow up.  We can then read how she matures sexually and how God clothed her with fine clothing and jewels. This is the description of these natural people being a woman that were saved out of Egypt.  But then we still have a problem with the contradiction of Israel being a male in Exodus 4 if we take the literal English translation as a present tense fact and not a future tense prophecy.

Romans 4:17 reveals and teaches us a divine principle that God calls things that are not yet visibly seen and observable as if they were already manifested into our natural reality. We first learn this concept from Genesis 1 where several times God would say something like “Light Be” and then “Light was”.  This is how God works throughout the Bible.  Before He does a thing, He would speak it and then it would come to pass only after He had spoken it.

After creation God reiterates this principle speaking through the prophet Amos.  In Amos 3:7 God says, “Surely the LORD God will do nothing except He reveal His secret to His servants the prophets”. We learn from this concept that the prophet Moses writing in Exodus was declaring a future secret concerning Jesus. This is the pattern of God declaring His secret plan for future years before the timing of them happening.  This principle was certainly repeated by the prophet Hosea 11:1 about Jesus coming out of Egypt and I believe it is the same being said by the prophet Moses writing in Exodus 4.

Let us get back to Hosea 11:1. Did you notice what Hosea 11:1 said?  It is easily missed.  We know from reading the quotation in Matthew 2 that this verse was a prophecy of the child Jesus being taken to Egypt and then back out of Egypt at God’s direction.  But this verse begins with a very radical declaration “When Israel was a Child…”. Notice that it does not say “When Yeshua (Jesus) was a Child”. Ok, that continues the subject and repeats the question that is vital to understanding a lot of the Bible.  Who exactly is Israel?  It appears from what we are seeing so far that Israel is a name of God and Jesus.  Let us analyze this Israel name subject in more depth in our next section.


Most Bible preachers and teachers that I have learned from believe the name “Israel” is only defined in the Bible as a natural nation of people that originated from Jacob and his 12 sons. And it just so happens, that it was these people that moved to Egypt after their son and brother Joseph was sold into slavery (Gen 37:28) where he eventually became the second in command in Egypt. Remember there was a famine in the land but before it occurred a dream was given to Pharaoh and only Joseph was able to interpret the dream (Gen 41:14-15). It was this famine that was hidden in the dream that drove Joseph’s father to send some of his remaining sons into Egypt to buy them food. While in Egypt they met with Joseph and eventually reconciled, and the entire family moved to Egypt.  One of the key brothers of Joseph that is noteworthy was Judah.

Judah was the brother that saved Joseph from being killed by his other brothers.  It was Judah that suggested they all sell Joseph into slavery.  It was this act of salvation that caused them all to eventually be saved by Joseph from starvation and end up in Egypt.  But my key point in this story is that Judah is also the name of the son of Jacob that will bring forth their Messiah named Jesus the Christ. This is an extremely important point to remember. We will try to get to this in depth later. But, for now we have just confirmed how these people came to exist in Egypt.

Now, let us consider how all of these natural people obtained the name “Israel”.  To know this, we must read Genesis chapter 32:

Gen 32:24  And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day.
Gen 32:25  And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him.
Gen 32:26  And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.
Gen 32:27  And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob.
Gen 32:28  And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.
Gen 32:29  And Jacob asked him, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name? And he blessed him there.
Gen 32:30  And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.

We can clearly see a divine encounter taking place between Jacob and a supernatural being in the form of a “man”.  I am not going to attempt to teach this entire encounter.  We only need to focus upon the name change that takes place. Here after wrestling this supernatural man, this man asks Jacob his name and says from henceforth your name will no longer be called “Jacob” but rather “Israel” because you have obtained “power” with God and men and have prevailed.  Jacob then asked this man his name and then uses the information given to him to name the place where he was wrestling “Peniel”.

Peniel is a Hebrew word that means the “Face of God”.  From what we have been reading and studying in Genesis 32, we can surmise that Jacob has just been with God or at the least a supernatural representative of God.  We can further deduce that Jacob was given God’s name during this encounter.  Wow, I hope you got that. I am totally convinced that “Israel” was one of God’s names first and that it was passed down to the earth as a marriage covenant name change for His chosen natural people that would come from him. Our traditional human marriage covenant name change, for the wife to take the husband’s name was a God created idea.  I do not know why so many people have not seen this before. The evidence for this conclusion is all over the Old Testament.  Read these verses to help us see what God is saying to us:

2Ch 7:14  If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 

Isa 65:1  I am sought of them that asked not for me; I am found of them that sought me not: I said, Behold me, behold me, unto a nation that was not called by my name

Jer 7:10  And come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, We are delivered to do all these abominations? 

Jer 7:11  Is this house, which is called by my name, become a den of robbers in your eyes? Behold, even I have seen it, saith the LORD

Jer 7:30  For the children of Judah have done evil in my sight, saith the LORD: they have set their abominations in the house which is called by my name, to pollute it. 

Jer 32:34  But they set their abominations in the house, which is called by my name, to defile it. 

Dan 9:19  O Lord, hear; O Lord, forgive; O Lord, hearken and do; defer not, for thine own sake, O my God: for thy city and thy people are called by thy name

I do not have time to go over every verse that I just listed.  There are plain references in these sample verses that claim God’s natural people on the earth are all called by His name.  This is probably one reason why Satan hates these natural people so very much. In a couple of these verses it may appear to indicate that it is just the city Jerusalem or the tribe of Judah alone that have His name, but that would be a rush to judgment without giving the verses enough thought.  For example, if I said the city of Jerusalem is my capital.  It requires me asking which Jerusalem and which nation is Jerusalem the capital of?  The correct answers would be that God is speaking of the natural Jerusalem on the earth in the middle east and it is the capital of the natural nation of Israel.  Therefore, the greater binding covenant name above Jerusalem would be Israel.  And all of the people living in the subset of the city of Jerusalem would still be called by the larger mathematical set name Israel also.  These are just basic laws of mathematical sets.  Every subset category is still a member of the larger encompassing set.

This is also true for the people within in the tribe of Judah.  Judah was the one brother that was used by God to bring Jesus into the world. The single tribe of Judah is still under the national heritage of their father Jacob who was renamed Israel.   All these people that came from natural Jacob would all be labeled by God as a part of Israel.  It is important to notice how the corporate nation containing all 12 tribes originated from one man that was renamed Israel by God.  But there are other verses that we may also need to consider helping us confirm the truth.  For example, read these verses and notice what they say:

Exo 5:1  And afterward Moses and Aaron went in, and told Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Let my people go, that they may hold a feast unto me in the wilderness. 

Jos 8:30  Then Joshua built an altar unto the LORD God of Israel in mount Ebal, 

Jer 7:3  Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, Amend your ways and your doings, and I will cause you to dwell in this place. 

There are approximately 200 verses that have the similar phrase “God of Israel” in it.  Please think with me and consider what the word “of” means.  We should begin by defining the word “of”.  “Of” can generally mean the first noun comes from the source or origin of the following noun. It would be like us saying the people of Jerusalem.  That clearly would indicate that the people being spoken of came from a city named Jerusalem.  But when God says “the God of Israel” it would seem to be an indication that God came from Israel and that does not really make sense, does it?  That would appear to be another contradiction since we know someone from heaven came down to give Jacob this name and therefore the name definitely came from heaven.

The antithesis of saying “the God’ of Israel” is found in Galatians 6:16 where God wrote the “Israel of God”. The Galatians 6 verse is clearly speaking about an “Israel” that originated from God, but the phrase “God of Israel” seems to be saying something different or is it. In the first example the God of Israel appears to indicate that God is the lower object that is contained within the higher object that is named Israel.  But in the Galatians 6 example the “Israel of God” that cannot be the same type of relationship as Israel appears to be a lower object that is contained within the larger object God.  This is just getting too complicated, isn’t it?

I am going to propose another possible solution to this complexity.  I believe the word “of” can be eliminated completely and this might solve our problem and help us confirm Israel is God’s name at the same time. This is the same principle that we used earlier by removing translator added italicized words. If you analyze the original Hebrew text in parallel to the English words being stated, you will find that there is no Hebrew word that is translated as “of”.  Therefore, it appears to be a translator suggestion to what they thought the other actual words meant.  I mean the translator could have written “God in Israel”, “God by Israel”, “God from Israel” as well as the “God of Israel” or even a multitude of other prepositional English words.  These prepositions have been added by translators thinking they help us understand the words given to us by God, but sometimes they distract from the original intended meanings.

Let us go back and reread Exodus 5:1 removing the inserted English preposition “of” that is not in the Hebrew.  It would read “Thus saith the LORD GOD ISRAEL”.  That statement makes a tremendous amount of plain sense to me knowing what I know now. We all should know that God sits in the heavens (Mat 22:32, Heb 1:3).  We now have learned that God gave Jacob a name “Israel” that came from heaven (Gen 32:28). Therefore, we have a direct connection of the name Israel coming from God in heaven.  Based upon this information it would not be an abuse of scripture to say, “Thus says the LORD GOD ISRAEL”.

Most of the English prepositional words like “the”, “of”, “in”, “by”, “from”, “with”, etc. were added by translators thinking they were helping to clarify the Hebrew words mentioned in God’s ordered sequence.  Most of the time they did a great job and they do help us.  But please understand there was not a Hebrew word found in the original Hebrew language text that could be translated “of” or “the” in any of these verses. For example, back to Exodus 5:1 if we remove all the words added by translators, God said in the Hebrew “Thus(H3541) saith(H559) LORD(H3068) God(H430) Israel(H3478)”.

If you like the added word “of” in “God of Israel” more than the “God Israel” that is fine, and I will not debate you.  For now, I see it more clearly with the omission of the word “of” as being one of God’s names that was given to Jacob in Genesis 32.  If you are an advanced Hebrew scholar and would like to share your thoughts on this wording “God of Israel” versus “God Israel”, I would love to hear your comments to learn more about it. But, I now think that we need to move to a different and even deeper study of the name “Israel” that should turn up the intensity of the light on this subject.


Israel_MeaningThis part of the subject study of the word “Israel should be a Bible study all by itself. But I will give the shortened overview to help us understand that the name Israel is particularly important to our understanding of the Bible.  Let us analyze the definitions given to us by dictionaries like “Strong’s”.  The Hebrew word translated as “Israel” is H3478.  Here is the definition given to us by “Strong”:



From H8280 and H410; he will rule as God; Jisrael, a symbolical name of Jacob; also (typically) of his posterity: – Israel.

First notice this word H3478 is made up from the combination of two other Hebrew words.  The first “H280” means “to prevail or to have power as a prince or a ruler”.  Then that word is combined with “H410”.  This word H410 literally means “to have strength or to be mighty” and it is translated as “God” over 200 times in the Old Testament. This Hebrew word is typically viewed as a shortened form (EL) of God’s plural name “Elohim” and is often found in many other Hebrew names.  In fact, this short form of God’s name occurs in at least 150 other names found in the Bible like “Samuel” that means “heard of God”.

What I would like you to consider for a takeaway is for us to see that Strong defines this word Israel as “He will rule as God”.  Then ask the obvious questions. Who is he?  And who can rule as God?  Is the answer the natural man Jacob? Is the answer Satan?  Or is it possible that He who will rule as God is the conquering and victorious Jesus?  I believe it can only be Jesus.  We can see several clues revealing this to us in the Bible.  For example, read Revelation 12:5 which is a description of male child that is birthed by a woman that is stated to rule with a rod of iron. This male child is not named but he must represent a form of God. Then read Revelation 19:15 where a grown man riding on a white horse comes back to the earth from heaven to rule all nations with a rod of iron.  Reading back up in Revelation 19:13 we find this man’s name is the “Word of God”.  This of course is another name for Jesus (God the Son).

From just these few examples, I have concluded that Israel (HE WHO WILL RULE AS GOD) is Jesus the risen from the dead Christ.  And if we are in Him and overcome our flesh, the devil and the world, then according to Revelation 2:25-26 we read this promise:

Rev 2:26  And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:
Rev 2:27  And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father. 

Here we have the Highest Ruler Jesus speaking to the churches and He says that whoever overcomes and keeps His works till the end, to them He will give power over the nations and they will rule with Him with a rod of iron.  That is an amazing statement of truth.  This should give us motivation and hope for a significantly better future. It is self-evident to me that only Jesus qualifies to rule over every nation on the earth. It further says to me that only Jesus is qualified to delegate this authority to anyone else.  Therefore, the name Israel can only be God’s name and only He will rule as God!  Let us conclude this lesson with a new particularly important perspective.


We have been studying to determine who God was speaking of in Exodus 4:22-23 that is called His Son.  We have seen in these verses where God spoke to Pharaoh of Egypt through the prophet Moses and commanded him to let God’s Firstborn Son go or else Pharaoh’s firstborn son would be killed.  We all should know the context of this command.  This occurred during God’s first Passover.  Pharaoh made the wrong choice and did not let God’s Son go.  The children of Israel were then told to obtain a lamb to slay it, and to place it’s blood upon the doorposts of the houses.  We all should know that this slain lamb was a symbolic representation of Jesus the firstborn Son of God.  Jesus was God’s Lamb that would be crucified hundreds of years later, on a cross on Passover.  It was this lamb’s blood on the doorposts of homes in Egypt that instructed the death angel to bypass  their houses and all their firstborn were saved. But the firstborn of every house of Egypt without any lamb’s blood their firstborn child died, including Pharaoh’s.

Here is the main point. When God was speaking of His firstborn Son to be freed from bondage, He was looking forward in time seeing the Son of God that would be born from the people of the nation of Israel that were being held in bondage in Egypt. All the living descendants of Jacob/Israel were being held captive slaves in this natural nation of Egypt. And if they were never freed, how could their Messiah Jesus have been born in Bethlehem?  How could there have been a temple built in Jerusalem?  How could there have been David the King of Israel, and on and on we could go.  God was calling things that were not yet manifest as if they were already real when He commanded His Firstborn Son to be freed from Egyptian slavery.  Wow, I pray you are receiving what the Holy Spirit is saying to us.

I need to show you a principle that is revealed to us in the book of Hebrews that is a MUST to understanding a lot of the Bible.  I have taught this principle in other Bible lessons because it applies to many other subjects and it represents a fundamental law of God called the Law of Seeds.

Heb 7:5  And verily they that are of the sons of Levi, who receive the office of the priesthood, have a commandment to take tithes of the people according to the law, that is, of their brethren, though they come out of the loins of Abraham:
Heb 7:6  But he whose descent is not counted from them received tithes of Abraham, and blessed him that had the promises.
Heb 7:7  And without all contradiction the less is blessed of the better.
Heb 7:8  And here men that die receive tithes; but there he receiveth them, of whom it is witnessed that he liveth.
Heb 7:9  And as I may so say, Levi also, who receiveth tithes, payed tithes in Abraham.
Heb 7:10  For he was yet in the loins of his father, when Melchisedec met him

Verse 5 begins with a description of Levi and his descendants being given the responsibility of High Priests in Israel.  God then says these descendants were commanded to receive tithes of their brothers in the other tribes of Israel. God ends the verse with the radical statement that all of these people came out of the “loins” of Abraham their father. That was the fundamental law that you need to see.  When God showed me these concepts I was literally blown away.  Think of the implications that this truth is revealing to us.  For example, God knows the exact sperm cell and their order of impartation into a female to cause every impregnation of every born child down the entire family blood line.  We can clearly see that God is into every detail of our life.  This is a divine characteristic of Him.

family_tree1Notice what God said in verse 5.  Remember that Levi was the great-grandson of Abraham.  Levi came from the family lineage of his father Jacob/Israel.   Then Jacob going down the family tree came from his father Isaac.  Isaac continuing down the family tree then came from his father Abraham.  Yet God speaks of them all as a corporate single individual sperm cell being one together, from one source and one father.  Wow!  You may not understand this concept of a sperm cell.  A natural sperm cell is called a “seed” by God in the Bible.  You can read about this concept in Genesis 38:9 in the story we looked at earlier about Onan who married Tamar his dead brother Er’s wife to raise up a seed for him.  In the case of Jesus it was God’s word that was His Seed that impregnated the virgin Mary.  Read down to verse 9 to find out the most important concept that applies to our lesson.

Did you notice what God says in verses 9 and 10?  God makes it very plain that Levi who received tithes three generations later after Abraham also paid tithes to Melchisedec because he was that one sperm cell in the “loins” of his father Abraham when it happened.  Wow, Wow, and Wow!   This is the law of fruit with seeds inside itself given to us by God in Genesis 1:11.  There is an old concept that  says “No one knows how many apples are in one apple seed.  That is a part of what God is teaching us, “No one knows how many children are in one Abraham “seed” except God.  We notice this concept being repeated by God in 1 Corinthians 15:22 where God says “in Adam (his seed) all die, but in Christ (His Seed) all shall be made alive”.  What God is saying is because Levi was a seed inside Abraham, whatever Abraham did was what all of his descendants from that seed also did.  Again, Wow!

Can you see how this law of Seeds from Genesis 1 applies to what God said in Exodus 4:22-23?  Since Levi was in an Abraham seed, so also was his brother Judah.  Since Jesus came from the tribe of Judah, Jesus also paid tithes to Melchisedec like Levi. This is such a radical revelation. Why do you think it was so important for God to put Jesus’ genealogy in the books of Matthew and Luke?  These genealogies show us who Jesus was in all the way back to His natural father Adam.  Jesus was in Adam when he rebelled and caused everyone that comes from him to also die.  This teaches us that Jesus was born into the world to die.  It also helps us to understand how God says in Revelation 13:8 that Jesus was the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.  God had Jesus planned to come into the world when He created Adam.  Jesus was the preplanned seed of redemption inside of Adam before there was any need for Him to come.  This is a great descriptive example of the Omniscience of God.  He knew what was going to happen before it happened and it was already taken care of in His mind and His designed actions when creating our world.

Therefore, Jesus was the continuing seed in all of His natural family lineage loins including when they were being commanded to be released from Egyptian captivity and slavery in Exodus 4:22-23.  This confirms how God’s commandment to Pharaoh to let go His “firstborn” was a directive to speak of His coming Firstborn Son Jesus the Christ.  When God was speaking of releasing the nation of Israel in Egypt, there was present one seed (sperm cell) in this group of all the people that contained His firstborn Son.  Please understand that I am not making up facts of truth.  God teaches us very clearly in Galatians 3 this one seed concept speaking of Abraham.  Read this verse that confirms the one seed concept:

Gal 3:16  Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. 

We can plainly read when the promises of God were given to Abraham and his seed that God was only focused upon a single seed that was Jesus Christ.  God again saw every detail and selected one sperm cell and made His promise to that one seed that would continue until Jesus came into the world.  Wow!  I don’t know how anybody is not totally amazed at God’s wisdom.  Praise the LORD!


We have been discovering some radical new information and how to understand and apply it to JESUS.  Thank you to my reader for a great Bible question.  We just learned how God commanded the entire nation of Israel from Pharaoh’s captivity while He was speaking of just one Seed that would become His, Firstborn Son, named Jesus being born in a manager in Bethlehem some 1400+ years later.  Is there anybody like God?  I don’t think so!  We have just given the resolution of a major conflict of scriptures simply by seeing the verses from God’s higher perspective.  We have discovered that Jesus said all of the verses in the Old Testament testify about Him and now we are beginning to see how this can be with a lot more clarity.  I pray that you can see how God could simultaneously be speaking of natural Israel, His covenant wife while declaring His natural born ONLY SON was in her to command a world ruler to let Him go.

Today we should have learned the following facts of information:

  1. Israel was a given name that came down from God in heaven.
  2. The name Israel was given to one man named Jacob
  3. But in Jacob were the seeds for the entire nation so everyone is called Israel
  4. Israel is a name that means “He will rule as God”
  5. Israel became God’s Old Covenant wife being a nation of people referred to as a single female bride
  6. Israel committed adultery and whoredoms with other gods
  7. Israel was divorced by God ending the covenant
  8. Israel became captive slaves to Egypt
  9. God raised up a deliverer of Israel named Moses that was faithful to God to bring His message to Egypt
  10. God commanded Pharaoh to let His Son His Firstborn go or else Pharaoh’s son would be killed
  11. We now know from the N.T. that Jesus is the “Only Born” Son of God
  12. We now know also from the N.T. that Jesus is the “First Born” Son of God
  13. Therefore we know that natural Israel the nation cannot be the same
  14. We can now conclude that God’s Firstborn Son that was being commanded to be freed was a prophetic reference to Jesus who was a single seed in the natural nation of Israel and whatever happened to them would happen to Jesus
  15. Pharaoh released the natural nation of Israel (God’s Son) without fully understanding who he was freeing.
  16. Israel is Jesus’ name and He will rule as God now and in the future 1000 year millennium. 

These were some of the key points that should have been understood in today’s advanced Bible lesson.  I would highly recommend that you go back and reread lessons like this more than once.  It was too much information to get it all with one reading.  I hope and pray that everyone gained some spiritual knowledge that helped them understand God’s Holy Word.  I also pray that you learned how to study the Bible more than just to read what the Bible says on the surface.  This desire should cause us to begin to see things more like God sees them and to look for Jesus in every word.

It is my number one goal to teach people how to fish for their everyday truth food in Bible study and not to just give someone a single fish snack Bible lesson for the day.  I love God and the Bible more than life itself.  The Word of God is the most amazing Book that is available anywhere in the world.  I pray that you saw something new in this Bible lesson that you have never seen before and that this increase in your spiritual knowledge.  I pray that every new revelation that you receive from God, will help to open your eyes to become a severely starving and thirsty Christian that only knowing more about Jesus will satisfy.

We love you and we thank you and God bless you very much for spending your very valuable time reading and studying the Bible with us on “Agapegeek.Com“.  We are always extremely blessed to be a blessing to our readers and subscribers.  Please leave us a comment, press the like and share this lesson if it was a blessing to you.  Also if you have a Bible Question that you have been struggling with, please leave it as a comment and if the Holy Spirit leads, I will attempt to answer it.  Thank you.

If you need prayer for absolutely anything that Satan is trying to do to you in this crazy end time, please leave us a comment with that information and we will pray for you.  Help us to spread the good news of Jesus Christ, because Jesus is coming back very soon.


High-Tech companies are trying to silence us.  If you are using the most popular search engines as your source for information they are tracking everything you do on the internet and you have no privacy or rights.  They also filter what you see on your searches to their biased ungodly preferences using corrupt algorithms that are biased against all Conservative Christian voices.

I highly recommend that you change immediately your search browser to the “DuckDuckGo” browser and search engine to protect yourself and keep these high-tech monopoly companies from placing Christians at the bottom of the search results to silence us.  Also get off of Social Media like Facebook.  I stopped using this over 5 years ago.  I recommend Parler as a free speech alternative platform  Thank you and God Bless you all very much.

Modern Examples of Deception to Avoid Part 5 – The Deception of Criticism in the Church!


(Ver 2.2) This is Part 5 in a Bible study series that is designed to help us to learn from examples of deception being used by Satan in the modern world that we as Christians should endeavor to avoid. Every Bible study in the series is intended to be helpful as an independent lesson. But if you would like to study the entire series of lessons from the beginning, you can go to “Part 1” first.  This lesson series should help Christians to learn that there is more than one type of deception being used by Satan to deceive them.  But, today’s lesson will focus only on how some Christians have been deceived into believing that they are the only Christians that are truly saved causing them to believe they are the only ones that are knowledgeable and right in all their doctrinal beliefs. 

This type of deception tends to cause these people to denounce all other Christians of differing beliefs to be called names such as “false prophets”, “false teachers”, “heretics”, “ministers of heresy”, etc.  Does that sound very Christian to you?  This type of behavior sounds more like the devil’s modern-day plot called “the cancel culture agenda”.  These people go so far with their mob mentality that if anyone does not agree with their beliefs, they are shouted down to silence them.  These types of mobs are very intolerant of any words that conflict with their beliefs.  They hate people that speak anything contrary and they call out their opponents with demeaning names for public shaming, like being called a “racist”.  If this does not shut the opposition up, they move to the extreme of mob violence and eventually to the even highest extreme of murder to silence people that disagree with them.  Wow, what a world we are experiencing. 

This lesson is a complete rewrite of an older lesson from years ago.  It has been completely updated and revised to hopefully be more kind and helpful.  Let us get started in our lesson.


1Co 8:1  Now as touching things offered unto idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth. 
1Co 8:2  And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know.

The writer of 2/3 of the New Testament recorded a word of warning inspired by the Holy Spirit for the church.  Please agree that Paul would qualify to have more knowledge of the truth than most other Christians both then and now.  But Paul who knew so much warns us to not allow our presumed knowledge of the truth to get us into Satan’s trap of pride.  The Holy Spirit instructs us clearly to walk in love when dealing with other Christians before we try to teach them what we think we know.  I have heard it said this way, that people do not care how much you know until they know how much you care. 

Please notice what verse 2 said.  God says, if we think we know anything about a subject, we must first realize that we could be significantly ignorant to understand that we do not know the entire truth of the subject.  That was my paraphrase of the verse.  But we can see that this was what the all-knowing God was trying to teach us limited humans. I believe these two verses describe the initial stages of the downfall of Lucifer.  We can learn that it was this type of thinking that Lucifer was imagining in his heart reading in Isaiah 14.  Lucifer obviously was self-deceived into believing he knew as much as God.  This same pattern of self-deception can be repeated with humans and Christians also today. 

This truth teaches us that deception can occur two ways.  Christians can be deceived by others (1 Jn 3:7) or we can also deceive ourselves (1 Cor 3:18, James 1:26).  A Christian that studies the Bible can fall into the same Lucifer type of self-deception and self-exaltation because of our pride in what we think that we know about God and His Word.  You might recall that in 2 Corinthians 12:3, Paul informs us that God allowed a satanic thorn in his flesh to keep him from being self-exalted in pride from all of the revelation of the Word of God that was given to him. If Paul would have filled himself with pride for everything that he knew, he could have fallen to not fulfill what God’s plan was for His life. This is a great description of what happened to Lucifer, when he fell in pride.  Remember what Proverbs 16:18 says “Pride goes before destruction…”  Let us also recall what Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 13:11-12:

1Co 13:11  When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things
1Co 13:12  For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known

These verses teach us two truths about Paul’s knowledge of the Word of God.  First, spiritual knowledge is a process of growing out of an unlearned childish state who lacks any understanding and speaks a lot of childish ma ma, da da, and goo goo words to finally becoming a mature Christian that puts away all of this kind of baby speaking.  Then in verse 12 we can see how Paul who knew more than most of us about the Word of God declares he did not know it all.  He admits that we (Paul and us) still only know a small part. Wow, that is the opposite of a prideful attitude of thinking that he had a complete knowledge of the entire truth. Newborn Christians have such a limited capacity of seeing spiritual truth. And when these types of Christians criticize others, their words can be used as weapons to offend other Christians to fall away.

If you are a Christian, you should know that this prideful pattern of self-deception occurred several times in the Bible with humans.  For example, this is what the Pharisees did to Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior!  Religious Pharisees believed they knew so much about truth that they killed their Author of truth on a cross.  This type of deception is what is happening in the church and the world today.

We can see very clearly that there are still a lot of pride filled Pharisees types in the world.  Where did they get this command to criticize others? Who has exalted them to be the anointed, appointed, and called instrument of God’s swift justice? Is it God?  Where did these people obtain the gift of criticism? This must be a spiritual gift that we missed reading about in 1 Corinthians 12.  Did you find this gift in your Bible?  In 1 Corinthians 12:4 God does say there are many different Gifts but ONLY 1 GOD that gives them all. So, does it make sense to you, that if God has given some in the church gifts to build up the church, that there would also be other gifts that are designed to divide, destroy and tear it down?  That sounds like the works of two different opposing Gods to me.

There are deceived Christian people that believe that God is a God who is intolerant of human ignorance.  There are even Christians that seem to believe that God is swift to judge ignorant misguided Christians. Could it be that many of these types of Christians believe they know more about the Bible than they do?  Could it be possible that these types of people are not pleased with other Christians who are not as perfect as they believe they are? Could it be this is because of a type of prideful attitude towards others that we learned Lucifer had towards God?  Why do Christians judge other Christians just because there are differences in Bible knowledge and beliefs?  Could it be our pride or prejudices that cause us to call some Bible teachers false just because we do not agree with them? 

I believe that we are deceived if we believe that it is only us that have the mind of Christ and only we hear from God.  I believe we are deceived if we believe that the Spirit of God only resides in us.  I believe we are deceived if we believe the Spirit of God does not teach anyone else but us and our church leaders.  I believe that we are deceived if we believe the Spirit of God does not use anyone else but us and our denomination. I believe that we are deceived if we believe the Spirit of God shows favoritism and has selected only a choice few in our own group to carry forth the truth.

Surely you have noticed people who openly criticize and condemn TV and internet preachers as being false prophets and false teachers?  Do they do this to save others from going to hell? Could listening to something that is not true be the main reason for going to hell?  If it is, we are all going to hell because no one is teaching 100% of the truth because no one but God knows 100% of the truth!  I believe listening to these presumed false preachers and teachers is not a sin or going to send anyone to hell.  This is why God wrote us an instruction how to deal with this in Acts 17:11.  Here in this verse God said to be a more noble Berean type of Bible student and look up in your own Bible daily to prove if what was taught to you was the truth. 

If you hear someone criticizing and condemning Bible teachers for what they teach, please ask them “What is the basis that makes someone false or true teacher?”  If they say it is the Word of God, then that is the pathway to knowing the truth. Ask them next for the Bible verses for their beliefs that contradict what was taught.  If they give you some, go and read them and study them yourself.  See if this is what the Holy Spirit is saying to you about the truth.  But, if they say that it is their opinion of what they think the Word of God says, that could be a reason for deception.  Who says our opinion is right or complete enough to judge?  Are we God?

We can see so many of these types of Pharisee types all around us.  Especially on the internet.  But there are some on TV that make similar claims.  It is amazing how easy it is for Satan to deceive people to judge others that they do not know personally or have ever met in person.  I believe these types of criticizing judges are not examples for real Christians to follow or try to emulate. In fact, Jesus warned us that we should do surgery to remove the large beam from our own eye before we do some minor surgery to try to remove the small speck from our brother’s eye (Luke 6:42).

In 1 Corinthians 14:1 God commands us to “Pursue LOVE, yet desire earnestly spiritual gifts, but especially that we may prophesy.  In verse 3 Paul defines for us what it means to prophesy.  He says to prophesy is for us to speak to the church for 3 reasons:

  1. Edification
  2. Exhortation
  3. Comfort

The Greek word translated as “edification” literally means to build a house.  That is the opposite of tearing the church down with words of criticism.  The Greek word translated as “exhortation” means to “call someone to be near” as in give them an invitation based upon love to come in.  The Greek word translated as “comfort” is a word that implies that we need to “encourage” people.  This would include telling someone about what they are doing right, good, and well.  This means that Christians should bring an emphasis to what is positive in someone in the body of Christ and not negative. This would teach that we should be looking for what they are doing good and not spending all our time trying to tear them down.  In other words we should not be examining their every word spoken or written to look for something to trap them or to use to twist against them.  No, we should rather be focused to look for the good words that they say and let the others that we may not agree with right now, maybe either just let them go by or go and study the verses to see if they are a true and better choice for our beliefs.  I heard one wise preacher teach this concept by saying “Any old cow is smart enough to eat the good straw while spitting out the bad tasting sticks”.  So just because someone is not perfect and does not know everything perfectly as we view it, it is still not wise to reject everything that they teach.


My primary concern about these types of deceived people that attack Christian ministers the most, is the fact that there are so many new Christians that can be  easily influenced to stumble and fall away from moving forward to fulfill God’s plan for their lives.  I believe that it is essential for new Christians to grow up to be spiritually mature and to learn to hear from God for themselves.  But deceived Christians who share criticism of other Christians can change the direction of a new Christian’s life very easily.  Ungodly criticism gives the impression to some that we are fighting between each other while we ignore our real enemy Satan. Why would God desire for Christians to fight against Christians?  Are there not demonic spiritual enemies to war against (Eph 6:12)?

New Christians can be distracted by incomplete or unsupported words of condemnation given by people that claim to be believers.  These people can sound so intelligent and can sound so sure and confident in their minds of their judgments.  But confidence and intelligence does not make anything true. God may be attempting to lead a new Christian into learning something fresh that He desires them to learn.  But Satan’s deception can keep new or even some mature Christians from searching in their own Bible to know if what is said is true or not (Acts 17:11).  The ignorance of new believers to understanding advanced spiritual Bible truths makes them much simpler to deceive than someone who has studied the Bible for over 20+ years and was raised in a good church from a young age.  This is exactly why Paul was incredibly careful at times to only bring milk subjects to certain new Christians.  Paul knew that the deep meat subjects were potentially very highly offensive (1 Cor 3:12) to new babes in Christ. Notice what Paul warned the church in this verse:

Rom 14:13  Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother’s way. 

Could it be this is what is happening when people judge without having sufficient experience and understanding of the Bible?  I believe it is exactly what is happening in the modern church.  There is nothing new under the sun.


When any Christian judges a Bible teacher that teaches something different than what they are accustomed to, this can demonstrate a person’s pride in their own knowledge of the Bible.  Usually when someone hears some words that do not make sense they become easily offended at the message.  This type of becoming offended can then be followed by their rapid poor choice for speaking opinionated judgements to others.  When these rapid judgments are heard by others, they can cause them to become offended also. This can then result in the placement of a spiritual stumbling block that we just read about in the last section. 

But we need to see and learn that there are several potential reasons for why someone does not agree with what is taught by others.  Most rapid poor judgments are based upon a presumed belief that someone that is different is purposefully teaching something to deceive them. But in fact, there are other reasons that need to be considered to help eliminate our poor snap judgments.

Human disagreement of the Bible can come from one of four main areas of potential misunderstanding.  The first possibility is that the teacher may be confused on the subject or ignorant of something else in the Bible that you know that needs to be known by them to better understand the subject.  That is called ignorance on the part of the teacher and we are ALL ignorant about many things found in the Bible.   Ignorance is not a sin, nor does it make anyone a false teacher. In fact, I have learned a lot of things from Bible teachers that I did not agree with 100%.  These types of ministers were very sincere in studying and teaching the Bible but did not see certain things in the Bible that I had learned from my own study.  I figured out that these teachers were not intentionally deceiving anyone, and their heart was full of good intentions to provide their message to others.  But this is one of the primary reasons that disagreements of Bible truth can occur.  It is very normal to find this happening in any church and with any teacher. We are all on differing levels of knowing the Bible. I understand that you could know something that I have not yet learned and vice versa you may not know something that I have learned.  Also, some of us are on a first-grade level of learning the Bible and others of us are at the advanced doctorate level of learning the Bible and others of us are somewhere in between. Therefore, I have learned to give other Bible teachers a lot of grace and mercy and I pray that you will do the same for me and for other teachers.

The second possibility for a Bible disagreement is that the teacher could have just misspoken or written something in haste that was just an honest mistake or accident.  I have seen many teachers and speakers do this that were both Christian and non-Christian teachers.  If you have read all the Bible lessons on this website, no doubt you may have seen where I have made several unintentional errors, typing mistakes, misspellings, grammatical errors, etc.  These types of unintentional errors are also normal and do not make anyone a false or even a bad teacher.  This just proves that we are all still imperfect humans.

Once, I remember a man that pointed out that I attributed something to Luke in a lesson that he was reading that I should not have done.  After I read it, I knew that I had done this in haste and that I should not have written it in the way that I did.  I thanked him for his comment that pointed this out and I quickly made the correction.  Even though this error occurred in typing a lesson too fast, was without intent, and was corrected, he informed me that he would not be reading any more of my Bible lessons.  He was obviously looking for an extremely high standard of perfection that would only fit his level of acceptance in study material content and that was sad.  Because of him being offended, there is no telling what he might have missed out on that God wanted to show him. 

Imperfections in speech or in writing can cause someone to be offended and this keeps a lot of people from receiving and knowing a lot of truth.  But as we learned previously, mistakes do not make anyone a false teacher, it only shows they are learning mortal humans.  In fact, God purposefully uses the most foolish imperfect people in the world to confound the wise perfectionists (1Cor 1:27). 

Now for reason number 3 that causes people to be easily offended at the teachings of some ministers.  We must understand a simple basic truth that not everyone listens perfectly to hear what is really being said.  We can see an example of this in John 12:28-29.  Here Jesus was praying to the Father and the Father answers Him from heaven with an audible voice. Some that were standing around said it was just thunder and others claimed they heard a voice of an angel.  We can clearly learn that not everyone heard the same words, the same way.

There are many words that sound like other words.  There are literally many ways for some words to be used that do not mean what someone is hearing them to say.  Slang words are one simple way for messages to be easily misunderstood. Figures of speech are another way to misunderstand the teacher.  Other words just have multiple definitions and that is a great challenge.  Unless everyone is on the same level of every word’s meaning and application there are just a lot of potential ways for a message to be misunderstood.  Therefore, we all need to stop and think before we get offended at something that we think that someone said. 

Finally, for possibility number 4.  Some differences in agreement concerning the Bible subject being taught is possibly some bad news for many Christians. From my experience in studying and teaching the Bible over the last almost 30 years, “I have found that the more I learn, the more I discover that I yet do not know”.  This fourth possible conflict situation occurs when a teacher teaches something that someone may consider heresy, but it is only a revelation found in the Bible that they have never seen before.  I have found that baby Christians that know the least about the Bible are usually the most vocal critics of things they have never seen in the Bible.  Therefore, this type of Bible teacher is not even close to being a false teacher.  We learn that the root problem occurs because of the ignorance and improper attitude of the listener who was offended.

We find this type of conflict occurs with more than just the Bible.  I have observed this where doctors that are general practitioners are wise enough to not go into brain surgery without having been trained in that specialist field.  No, the general practitioner is smart enough to refer the patient to a trained specialist and there are almost never any conflicts between these two types of educated professionals. 

I have seen the medial conflict normally occurs between the ignorant unschooled patient that has only read one opinionated article on the internet and their doctor who is more knowledgeable. It is the doctor that has spent years of education and practice and has studied the subject constantly that is opposed by the ignorant patient.  Most doctors are only trying to help them. However, the doctor is usually never offended at the ignorance of the patient, it is almost always the patient that is offended at the trained and educated doctor.  Maybe the patient searched the internet and found an article that said to do something new and crazy to cure their problem. But when they approach the doctor with their proposed answer, the patient becomes easily offended because they believed a potential false internet article that was overruled by the doctor’s advanced training.  Do you see how this analogy of the doctor and patient could apply to Bible teachers and students?

Ok, I will admit that there is a possible fifth explanation for differences in Bible teachings and Bible understanding agreement that causes someone to be offended.  It is possible that Satan has deceived a minister to accept a lie and they are teaching it like it was a true revelation from the LORD.  These types of ministers come in two types.  The first is the one that is deceived and does not know it and the second is one that is just intentionally lying to be used as Satan’s tool for the deception of others.  I believe type two is a rare occurrence.  Most preachers and teachers desire to know and teach the truth in a loving and kind way, but they just do not know the entire truth. 

We can find examples of these types of preachers that preach and teach in the subject of the rapture.  Some believe there is no-rapture, others believe pre-trib, others mid-trib and others post-trib.  There is absolutely no way that all four types of ministers are teaching the truth.  At least three of the four must be teaching something that they believe is the truth but is not in actuality the truth.  This type of conflict does not make anyone of these ministers a false teacher, it should however teach us to go into our Bible and find out what the LORD is saying to us.  Do not follow people, follow the Holy Spirit and the Bible. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you into the truth in His Word.  Then open your Bible and begin your search.  Jesus promised us that if we ask and seek, He will answer, and we will find (Luke 11:10).

I knew a minister that fell into deception once.  He started a church and it grew into an exceptionally large group of over 5000 people.  He was an excellent anointed Bible teacher, and this was why the church increased.  However, deception began to creep into the teachings many years later. This was probably from the people that he began to associate with. Within a short time, he was divorced, and the church went from over 5000 members to ZERO and does not exist anymore.  What do we learn from this example?  It did not take Christian criticism to topple his ministry.  The ministry collapsed on its own weight of deception.  Please do not misunderstand me.  There was Christian criticism.  There was worldly news media criticism.  There were government investigations into the church. But it was mostly people who knew the Bible that walked away from the church that caused it to go down.  Please read what this wise man said about some real God teachers in Acts:

Act 5:38  And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought:
Act 5:39  But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.

Can we understand the wisdom being taught to us here?  These were the religious men of the day that believed in their heart that they were right, and they knew more than these unlearned men that were preaching Jesus.  But who was right? Was it the Pharisees or these called of God preachers?  Obviously, it was these called of God preachers named Peter and the other apostles that were with him that were teaching the truth.  What did this wise man say to do to them?  Notice that he recommended that everyone ignore them and see if it was the work of man or the work of God.  If it were the work of God, he said that they would be the ones that were guilty of fighting against God.  And if it were the work of only men, it would fail under its own weight and come to nothing. That is an amazing revelation to learn.


What is revelation?  The Greek word G602 means “to reveal” or “to disclose”, or “to uncover”.  This implies something was previously hidden for it to be made available to be revealed.  G602 comes from the Greek word G601 that means “to uncover”.  Again, this implies something that was previously covered to not be seen or recognized because of a shield that hid it.  Proverbs 25:2 claims “It is the Glory of God to conceal a thing, and the honor of kings to search out a matter”.  It appears after studying verses like this that God has purposely hidden things for saved Christian people to search and find.

What we have learned is that God has concealed a lot of information in the Bible in order that He could take the cover off it at the appropriate time. He does this for two main reasons.  The first is for us to search His Word to learn, know, understand, and apply it to our lives.  The second is to keep the information from His enemies.

The Greek words G601 or G602 occur in 44 verses of the New Testament.  I believe God is trying to teach us that there are many secrets that were hidden in the Bible to be found.  God calls these “mysteries”.  God’s mysteries are the source for God’s revelations.  The Greek word G3466 translated as “mystery” means “secrets” as in to shut the mouth and not tell anyone.  This is the concept of keeping a silent.  But God’s design was not to eternally lock these secrets of His message up permanently by not speaking to us, but rather He designed His Word in a coded fashion to allow Him to uncover them in succession, to be known in His timing.   This Greek word occurs in 27 New Testament verses and occurs first in Matthew:

Mat 13:11  He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. 

Jesus speaking to the foundation of His church builders tells them the secrets of the kingdom of heaven were given to them to know, but to others it was not been given.  Wow, this teaches us even more about the subject of how there exists some people that can see selected truths while others are unable to perceive them simultaneously.  What we are learning is the fact that two people can be reading or hearing the exact same words being taught from the Bible and both could be understanding an opposed meaning or interpretation of the exact same words.  How can this be?  Aren’t the word definitions and meanings the same for both?  However, we learn that the entire issue of understanding pivots upon the point of view of the reader or listener.  God teaches us this here:

1Co 2:14  But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 

Here we discover the main factor for argumentative Bible conflicts. God describes factor for understanding truth to be dependent upon the human condition of being saved or being unsaved and potentially the issue of the duration of how long someone has been saved.  Unsaved people are completely natural minded with five senses dominating their thinking.  However, saved people are in varying levels and stages of spiritual growth, development, and maturity.  Therefore, a newborn baby Christian that needs to be fed only milk subjects may not be able to swallow (understand) very much of the deep meat (spiritual) type subjects that are hidden in the Bible.  God called this process a renewal of the Christian mind to be a process of transformation from thinking naturally to thinking spiritually (Rom 12:2, Eph 4:23). 

When a new Bible student begins to read the Bible in complete spiritual ignorance there is a never ending supply of revelation and uncovering available from the hidden spiritual words and meaning that God can make available if they desire to know the truth, learn how to look for them and ask God to reveal them.  The Holy Spirit on the inside of a Christian desires to lead every Christian into a deep and intimate personal understanding of the Word of God (Luke 12:2). 

This is one reason why many carnal thinking Christians can be easily offended at hearing something that the Holy Spirit has taught others on a higher level of spiritual understanding.  The main source of conflict and challenge is that this new Christian has not yet encountered, discovered, or seen the subject in their Bible yet.  Are we all together on this concept of why some people are offended at some teachers and why they may call them a false teacher, but they really are not?

There is this major problem with teaching new revelation from the Bible on the internet and on TV.  There is no filter on an advanced spiritual teaching to keep a natural thinking Christian from being offended by it. Therefore, many will reject and come against it like they did the message of Peter in Acts 5.  Christians do this based upon prejudices and a much too rapid rush to judgment before they can test the message using a deep study in their Bible.  I know I have said this several times in this lesson but this is a main take away for reading and studying this lesson.

There is almost always resistance to change or any new addition to traditional Bible teachings by human nature.  This resistance is like me trying to show my 2-year-old son how to tie his shoes and he says to me “No, I do it”.  Can you see how unlearned Christians can act the same way today?  This is an incredibly significant deception taking place in the church.

Please go back and read the Gospels again.  Notice how many times Jesus was teaching and giving people a message that was essential for them to know who He really was and the listeners’ reaction was to pick up stones to try to kill Him or to throw Him off a cliff to kill Him.  Was Jesus telling the Truth?  Of course, He was!  He was the author of the entire Bible and it was impossible for Him to lie.  Jesus proves that truth is not always seen or accepted, and it can even move people to commit murder.

This was a common pattern that occurred in all of church history.  Paul came out and taught things that offended many Jewish believers.  These early Jewish believers thought these new Gentile believers had to be physically circumcised.  But Paul opposed this by teaching a new revelation saying “He is not a Jew that is one outwardly circumcised in the flesh, but he is a Jew that is one circumcised inwardly in his heart” (Rom 2:28-29). Can you see the two natures in conflict in this example?  Paul was thinking on a higher level of spirituality than the natural Jewish believers that were focused on some outward visible flesh priorities. Paul won this argument because it was the truth. 

Then there were other church history examples.  When Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the church door, because he had found things in the Bible that were not agreeable with the church’s practices of selling indulgences, he sparked a nerve in deceived church leaders.   The deceived leaders excommunicated him from their church.  But, most of Martin Luther’s sound teachings are still being taught today in protestant denominations.  He experienced the same type of religious opposition as Jesus and Paul.

Well I have had the same issues.  I have had people leave me comments informing me I am of Satan.  They are so kind to tell me that I am teaching heresy.  They even claim to be praying to God to shut down my website because of the deception that I am teaching.  I have learned to ignore them and pray for them.  I know what God says in Numbers about Balaam speaking to King Balak who wanted him to curse natural Israel.  Balaam said “I have received a commandment to bless, and He has blessed, and I cannot reverse it” (Num 23:20). People cannot curse what God has blessed.  Thank you, Jesus.


I am not someone who claims to know everything in the Bible. But like most other Christians, I have learned a few things in my life. One truth that I have learned is that there is no one human on the earth that knows and understands the entire Bible perfectly. I do not know anyone on the earth today that understands even a majority of the truth of the Bible.  There have been many people that have written exhaustive commentaries on the Bible with a lot of good information that we can learn from.  However, none of these represent the complete truth or understanding of the Bible.  Many of these commentaries can even contradict each other in certain subjects and verses.  Also, there are usually a vast number of scriptures that have no explanation because the writer did not understand it enough to comment on it.

No one knows 100% of the truth and you should have the same realization.  We must begin every day of our life understanding that only God knows everything!   This attitude gives us a more complete perspective of our humanity limitations for us to become humbler to accept and learn something new from God every day.  With this type of adjustment in attitude we might just discover something new in the Bible that we have never seen before.

I have discovered through guidance by the Holy Spirit and deep study that the Bible is much more complex than many humans think.  Humans are incapable of understanding everything that the Bible says without God’s tremendous assistance.  Some do not believe this, but it is still true.  I recently heard of one gentleman who said, “there is nothing hidden in the Bible”.  He was implying everything could just be read and understood automatically in the surface text.  I wonder if this ease of understanding that he believes in, is why there are thousands of Christian denominations in our world? 

Here is a basic fact of truth that we must agree upon.  God’s intelligence is so far beyond our intelligence that there is no comparison to be made between us and Him.  Therefore, any human that claims that they are the only teacher of all truth is an instrument of the devil sent to confuse and deceive us.  Jesus in speaking to the Pharisees said this:

Mat 23:15  Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.

Wow, these are very blunt and direct words, aren’t they?  I see Pharisees in our world at work today everywhere.  They sit in their arrogant churches, mosques and synagogues and seek converts to become a more diligent police force for the spread of their version of the truth.  These are the self-appointed thought police of their religions.  Instead of being like Jesus they want to ram their religion down our throats and if we do not submit, they will eventually try to kill the unbelievers who resist them.   Their philosophy is either you change to our beliefs or we will silence you.  That is a demonic attitude and does not resemble the true nature and character of God in any way.

Unfortunately, there are deceived people who try to control others. But I do not recall where God ever says for anyone to go into all the world and attack every teacher, prophet or religion that disagrees with your belief.   That is not LOVE! After Jesus was crucified and raised from the dead, He asked Peter three times “Do you Love Me?”  Peter said, “Yes Lord” every time.  Then Jesus said, “Go and FEED my SHEEP!”.   Notice, that in John 21, Jesus never told Peter to confront the false feedings of false shepherds.  No Jesus just implied for Peter to become a type of good shepherd and go “feed” His sheep with good healthy “food” of truth.  Jesus confirmed this before He left this world. 

I believe we have learned that one problem with most people who attack others is based upon the fact that they just do not know much of the truth to teach.  It is very much like modern politics.  If someone on the right makes a point of truth that cannot be countered with a higher or greater truth by the left, then that person on the left just begins to hurl accusations of racism to silence the speaker on the right.  So, these types of people like to tear down others around them using biased charges to distract from their own ignorance.  So, going forward Christians should only concentrate on doing this command of Jesus:

Mar 16:15  And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Mar 16:16  He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

This is another selection of the last words spoken by Jesus to His followers.  Jesus said very clearly to “GO and PREACH”.  In other words, He did not command anyone to go and confront, or go and criticize, or go and persecute, or go and hate, or go and force feed, or go and teach against any perceived evil doers to their face.  Jesus never mentioned that Christians should go and try to silence the false teachers.  Jesus only said for us to go into all the world and spread the good news food of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  That means teach the GOOD TRUTH as we know it and understand it.  This is the opposite of condemning others.  The good message was that of reconciliation and salvation and not attacking those who are different.  By Christians attacking others we become the same as the unsaved world.  How does acting the same as evil people convince them to change to become Christians?  It does not and that is the problem.

By doing the sayings of Jesus, we can all become a better Christian.  Jesus said if we do His Word, we will be like a wise man that built his house on the rock and when the storms of life come upon us, we will withstand them and be unshaken and will not fall (Luke 6:38). Therefore, Christians should primarily focus on bringing the “Good News” to people.  The Truth of the Good News of Salvation is what is needed to help others change their beliefs.  If we are NOT speaking truth in love, then we are no different than a radical mobster hurling a brick.  The only difference is that we would be a deceived person attempting to hurl mean words.


Let us pray a prayer and ask God to help us not fall into Satan’s trap of condemning other people by calling them a false teacher just because they do not say or teach everything that we believe in 100% agreement.

Heavenly Father forgive me for any words that I have spoken against any of your servants.  You said in Romans 14:4 that we should not judge your servants, because you are able to make them stand or fall.  Lord God help me to be humble enough to admit that I could be wrong in my beliefs and give me the grace to go and study your Word to see if there are things that I need to change in my personal beliefs.  Help my beliefs in your Word to conform and grow into the knowledge of your higher level of Spiritual Truth.  Oh, God do not let me be deceived.  Help me to discern between truths and lies quickly and accurately.  Help me to only accept your Truth and to reject any false teachings of deception.  But, also help me not to be critical of anyone that is not teaching what is 100% truth as you have shown me.  Help me to pray for any Bible teacher that is not 100% accurate in every area and I will pray that the God of my Lord Jesus Christ, the father of glory may give them the Spirit of wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of Jesus Christ to know your truth (Eph 1:17).

Dearest God help the body of Christ to unite in one accord in these last days as your Son prayed in John 17:20-21.  Allow the Spirit of truth, love, peace, and harmony to become the dominate common bond of unity between every believer.  Help us all to be faithful laborers within your harvest field to spread the Good News to anyone that you place across our path. Grant unto us the boldness to speak and declare the Gospel at every opportunity.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

If you would like to continue in the Deception series please go to “Part 6“.

Modern Examples of Deception to Avoid Part 6 – Why I’m Not A Christian Anymore! A Christian’s Response to a Deceived Man!


(Ver 1.1)  This is now “Part 6” in a significantly important Bible study series focused on the subject of modern examples of deception found in the body of Christ for Christians to avoid.  If you would like to read the series from the beginning you can go to “Part 1” first.  But please understand this lesson will stand alone to be useful and applicable for increasing our spiritual maturity.   I have never seen such an increase in the levels of deception in my lifetime.  Politics has become significantly corrupt being empowered by Satan’s deception.  The news media has been corrupt being used as instruments of propaganda for deception.  But we need to know how Satan operates to deceive us and that is the intended design of this Bible study series.   I was reading internet blogs the other day and I ran across one that particularly stood out to me.  This man had become disillusioned with God, the Bible, Christianity and Christians and he published a list of his top 20 reasons why he walked away from being a Christian.  As you read you should discover that this man was raised in country that permits Christianity to exist.  You should also notice that his parents raised him to be a Christian by taking him to church.  But, somewhere in his life he became offended at Christians that do not live up to his standards.  He became deceived and this is why we are going to read his reasons for departing from the faith.  So this is a Christian’s response to a deceived man for us to learn from so that we hopefully do not fall into the same trap presented by Satan.

This may be a very controversial subject but we must understand that there are warnings found in the Bible that inform us not to be deceived to turn away from following after Jesus.  Here is what I have learned.  I see works of deception implemented by Satan to deceive people from remaining faithful to continue in the Word of God to search for, find and believe the truth.  If a person finds or is raised in the Word of God initially but does not follow through till the end, they are like the stony soil or the thorny ground that never produced fruit for their salvation.  I believe this is what today’ Bible study is all about.  We are going to examine 20 statements that this man said were his personal reasons why he turned away from being a believing Christian (Heb 3:12).  He was raised by parents who started him on the pathway to being saved but he became spiritually deceived and this caused him to turn around to go in the wrong direction.  This is a great example for any new Christians to learn from in order to not repeat the same mistake.


The Bible says a fool says there is no God (Ps 14:1).  In the world today a person that does not believe in God is called an atheist.  But, God gives this type of person a different title description.  I am really not sure if this man who walked away from God still believes there is a God or not.  If he does and chooses to not seek Him that sounds just as foolish as not believing that there is a God.  In Romans, God says this to people that are not seeking Him:

Rom 1:18  For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
Rom 1:19  Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
Rom 1:20  For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse

God clearly says that He can literally be seen and known by observing the things that He has created.  Therefore, every human will be without excuse on judgment day.  That is a very strong warning to us all.  If someone began their life in Christ Jesus but then they turned away to not produce any fruit the eternal consequence are amazingly sad.  But the consequences are very similar to someone that has never heard the Gospel.  We learn from this that no human will be able to stand before our Supreme Judge God and give an excuse for why we were deceived or did not believe.

This man we are about to review is just an example of someone who still has a tremendous amount to learn about God and His Truth.  Hopefully he has not closed his mind to God completely.  Hopefully he will come to his senses like the Prodigal son, to come back home to hear God’s truth, and to listen to His messengers.  Let us all pray that he will run back to the Father’s house and receive God’s blessings.


So here is the list of 20 excuses of this deceived man and my response to each one individually.  Please read what I wrote and think how you might answer each one.  If you have any better responses, please share them in a comment.  Thank you in advance.  I will also mention for full disclosure this is a condensed list of his objections to being a Christian.  I could not put the entire narrative in this lesson or it would have been too long.


1.  God is wrathful, jealous, hateful, and kills nations of people like it is a bodily function. He is certainly not just or “holy” in nature.

Please tell me which god you are talking about?  You are not seeing accurately about the real God of the Bible.  These are a confused set of assumptive judgments about a God that must have never been known or experienced. These accusations appear to be based upon great ignorance and a lack of understanding of the Bible and definitely contain deception. 

We will start with what is true.  Yes God is Jealous (Exo 34:14).  He is not pleased with people who say they serve Him but, only half heartedly.  Too many Christians go to church while simultaneously becoming focused upon other gods (Deu 11:16).  What about this is bothersome?  If you were married and your wife fooled around with other men would you not be jealous?  Jealousy is not a sin.  Let us move to hate.

There is no hatred found in God except for His hatred for evil (Prov 6:16).  God is a Holy God and He commands us to be Holy also (1 Pet 1:16).  God’s Holiness demands justice for sin.  If there are any acts of judgments upon humans it is because God’s patience has ended and His judgements are executed for cleaning up the effects of evil on the earth.  We can find this in Genesis 6:5-7, for example.  Let us move to God’s commands to kill nations next.

There are examples in the Old Testament of God commanding the people of Israel to kill every man, woman and child in the promise land.  That sounds really hateful, but this was just another act of justice and an attempt to keep the children of Israel from being deceived to follow after these nations false gods which would result in judgment against Israel (Exo 23:31-33).   These godless idol worshipping nations were under Satan’s kingdom of darkness influence.  They could not be convinced to change to know the true God so they were judged.

There existed in Bible days many godless nations in the world.  Many of these had to be judged for their sins of great evil.  Many of these had to be eliminated completely so that they would not corrupt God’s covenant people.  This is the way of a Holy God in the Old Testament.  This changed in the New Covenant because of God’s grace. 

Why would humans ignore the existence of evil and human sin to deny the requirement for divine justice and consequences for these wrong human choices?  For humans to judge God as being unjust is clearly a denial of a truthful need for justice.  If a nation allows murder to occur without consequences the increase of murderous acts would explode.  Every time a human would bet angry at someone, it would result in the loss of someone’s life.  That would be unjust and unfair, not punishing the person for committing the crime.

Worse still is someone calling God a murderer for judging righteously.  Evil sins have consequences (Gal 6:7).   Here are a few key verses to learn and understand:

1 Jn 4: 8 “God is Love and he that does not love does not know Him
Jn 3:16 “God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son so that whoever believes in Him would not perish, but have eternal life“.
Job 4:17 “Shall a mortal man be more just than God?  Shall a man be more pure than his creator?”
Zep 3:5 “The LORD is righteous within her; He will do no injustice.  Every morning He brings His justice to light; He does not fail.  But the unjust knows no shame”.


2.  The act of throwing people into infinite torture and punishment for not believing in a Jewish guy from 2,000 years ago was God’s son, or unknowingly worshiping the wrong god, is extremely cruel and sadistic.

Why do you think that people like me spend so much time trying to get people like you to believe in this Jesus?  I mean there must be a good reason for this extraordinary effort?  I believe this effort of preaching the Gospel of Truth is extremely important and worth every second.  There are countless Christians on TV, the internet, in books and in person who try to get unsaved people to see and receive the truth!  People must think that we are all stupid for wasting our valuable time warning people about hell.  However, Jesus commanded us to go into all the world and preach the good news to every person on the earth (Mk 16:15).  Why would He do this?  It is because He wanted to warn them about hell and tell them that God is not mad at anyone (Col 1:20).   God has forgiven the sin of every human by the personal shedding of His blood once (Heb 9:26).  But while this gift of not going to hell is offered to everyone it must be received by every human on God’s terms (Rom 10:9-10).    God made it so simple to get saved and avoid hell.  All that we have to do is believe in Jesus was the virgin born Son of God who died for our sins on a cross and after 3 days He was raised from the dead and then we must confess Him to be our LORD and we are saved.  Why is this wrong?  If I told you that I was going to give everyone that came to me a million dollars but you had to do somethings to receive it, does that make me unjust or unfair? 

The real question that needs to be asked is not why a loving God would allow anyone to go to hell, but rather why would any human reject the free offer of salvation from a loving God to not die and be eternally separated from Him?  Let’s review some verses that confirm it is a human choice where they spend eternity:

Mar 16:15-16  And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.  He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned”.

Joh 3:16  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life

Rom 10:13  For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved


3.  The statements, “God works in mysterious ways,” or “It will all make sense in heaven,” are little more than irrational cop outs. This God allows horrible atrocities to be committed against innocent men, women and children every day.

This is probably one of the few reasons that I agree with you on.  Christians can be as ignorant as non-Christians sometimes.  Because Christians do not know how to answer a question using the Bible truth correctly they make up a religious answer like “God Works in Mysterious Ways”.  That is totally a cop out and I would say that it is the wrong thing for them to say.  It would be far wiser for a Christian to say “I don’t know” than to give anyone an opinionated biased untruthful answer like one of these. 

But, that does not answer the real question to why God allows evil to be done to presumably “innocent” people. Ok, let us start with asking some basic questions, 1) what does it mean to be innocent, 2) who is innocent and 3) is there anyone that can be considered completely innocent? To be “innocent” is like someone pleading “Not Guilty” while being charged with murder.  But this does not necessarily mean they are innocent and not responsible in some way for the death.  They could plead “Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity”.  This would change our viewpoint dramatically.  Now we understand the person is taking responsibility but claiming they did not understand what they were doing when they did it.  That is not being “innocent”.  

I personally do not know of anyone born on earth that is truly “innocent”.  Romans 9:10 quotes a O.T. verse and says “There is none righteous, no not one”.  Then in Romans 5:12 God makes it even more plain by saying “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon ALL men for that all have sinned”.  Wow, that simply means there are no sinless people in the world and death can occur to anyone because of sin that our father Adam committed.  You see in Hebrew 7:9 God reveals to us that whatever our fathers before us did, is what we are guilty of doing because we were in their body.  Wow, that leaves none of us innocent or sinless.   But, that still does not answer why God allows bad things to happen to sinners.

I have to answer this question this way.  In Genesis  1:26 when God created humans He says “Let them have dominion over all the earth”.  This was God giving humans responsibility to rule over, manage and control His creation.  Based upon this information God must allow whatever humans allow to happen since He has delegated this task and responsibility.  Therefore, if humans allow a Hitler to kill millions of Jews on the earth, God must allow it.  God is not committing the atrocities nor does He permit them to occur unless we allow them. 

We must begin to realize the consequences for Adam’s sin and rebellion against God’s command.  In fact, the Bible informs us that the creator God is not the “god” of this current evil world system (2 Cor 4:4), God says that Satan is.  We can further confirm this truth by understanding the temptation of Jesus in Matthew 4:8-9 when Satan takes Jesus up to the top of a high mountain and shows Him all the kingdoms of our world.  He then tells Jesus if you will worship me, all of these I will give to you.  Since Jesus did not dispute this claim to be a lie, we understand the rulership of kingdoms given to Adam in our current world were taken from him and transferred to Satan’s control.  What we are learning is God is not in sovereign control of what humans do.  God will let you go out and commit 150 murders tomorrow, if that is what you want to do. 

So who is doing all of the evil, humans or God?  If humans are doing the killing then humans are doing the evil and not God.  If humans become wise enough to make the right choice to accept and believe in Jesus Christ this transfers a human from Satan’s kingdom of darkness and evil to God’s Kingdom of Light.  Then God comes to live on the inside of a Christian to help them to not do evil, Praise the Lord!   Christians still must continue to be in the Word of God consistently to renew their minds in order to change old human habits of doing wrong.  God is helping me and He will help anyone else who desires to change to do the same.

But, if other people love evil more than a desire for knowing God and doing good they have that right of choice.  A few terrorists went and killed over 2000 people on 9/11, it was their wrong choices that committed the evil and NOT GOD!  God is sovereign!  Yes!  But, God is NOT a Grand Puppet Master pulling everyone’s strings controlling them by force to do what He wants them to do. Humans were created with a “freewill” and given the right to make up their own minds to do right or wrong.  When we blame God, we are shifting the human responsibility given to Adam for stopping the evil off of our choices and that is what Satan wants us to believe.

God wrote us the Law in the O.T.  In this are found 10 key commandments.  These are laws like “thou shalt not lie”, “thou shalt not commit murder”, “thou shalt not commit adultery”, etc.  Yet God cannot force anyone to follow them and obey.   It works exactly like this in our world.  There are laws for people to not steal, commit murder, etc. and yet people ignore these everyday also.  So who is to blame?  It is NOT GOD!

Will forcing people to do no evil in the world fix those who are evil in their heart or mind who want to commit these atrocities?  What would you suggest that God do with all of these evil people to stop them?  Are you saying that God should kill them?  I think that was your reason #1 complaint that you thought that God kills people for no good reason.  But, I have proved that God has plenty of valid reasons to execute justice.

No the only solution for eliminating evil is to change the human heart and mind of every evil human and get them saved to know the LOVE of GOD!  That is exactly what I am trying to do.  Therefore, I’m not blaming God for evil people, I’m just telling them how they can change to live a life that is so much better than committing any evil following after Satan’s plan.

1Jn 4:19 We love him, because he first loved us


4.  Bloody animal and human sacrifices are illogical demands by a divine god as payment for petty wrong human doings. These actions are no different than the rituals of archaic pagan religions. Not to mention the bizarre ritual of symbolically drinking human blood and eating human flesh.

You speak of “petty wrong human doings” in this reason and God allowing horrible “atrocities” in your previous reason.  You obviously accuse God of allowing these horrible atrocities and men of doing only petty minor offenses.  That is another example of shifting blame where the blame is not truthful.  We have already seen that God says there are no righteous people without Jesus and that we have all sinned.  Now combine this with James 2:10 that says “whoever keeps the whole law but offends in one point, is guilty of breaking every law”.   Wow, that is not exactly  good.  That means if you don’t commit murder but yet tell one lie you are technically guilty of murder in the first degree.  Therefore, there are NO PETTY SINS!

Let us examine your issue with blood, animals and sacrifice.  God never performed, commanded or allowed human sacrifices.  If anyone was killed it was for a just legal judgment based upon their own evil behavior.  The need for the bloody sacrifice of animals in the Old Testament was to teach people the consequences for committing sins. God lays out the requirement for blood to cleanse human sin in Hebrews 9:22.  In this verse God says “Almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without the shedding of blood is no remission of sin”.  In the O.T. the high priest would take a pure and spotless animal like a lamb and kill it.  The innocent blood would make a temporary atonement for human sin. But, this was required every year since people kept sinning continuously.  God was trying to teach humans that another final greater payment for sin was required.

This teaches us why Jesus had to die on a cross.  His personal choice to come to the earth to be our sacrifice by shedding His innocent blood once and for all, was what was needed.  This was God’s greatest payment for human reconciliation and redemption and it alone satisfied His pure and Holy justice requirement to save us from hell.  Only the blood of God Himself could pay the price that was necessary.  Now, no other blood ever needs to be shed either animal, human or divine.  Blood sacrifices have ended and this is now a mute point and a wrong reason not be a Christian.  Thank you Jesus! 

As far as your references to the saying of Jesus to “eat my flesh and drink my blood”, you are missing the point that was being made.  Jesus was speaking figurative and not literally.  People do this all the time.  We say “it is raining cats and dogs”.  That does not mean it is literally happening.  This is why people are so easily deceived or offended at the Words of the Bible.  They take many words out of context, misapply them, misunderstand them or just misinterpret them and this leads to deception.  I will not attempt to explain fully what Jesus was talking about in this reply.  But, in order to understand it, we must understand that His flesh was the Word of God.  We know this by reading John 1:1-14.  Jesus was trying to tell people in order to have eternal spirit life they had to have the Word of God in their spirit.  


5.  If God loves us and wants us to know and believe in him, why be so completely invisible? What is the purpose of being so illusive to those who believe and worship him?

This is actually a great question.  But, I do not believe that you understand the God that I know.  I believe God talks to me and converses in personal conversations with me to lead me, guide me and help me become more like Him.  I believe He teaches me new things every day and I talk to Him and say thank you a lot.  This is called a relationship.  Real Christianity is NOT  RELIGION.  If someone does not experience this God that I am describing, then God appears silent.  God is an extreme Gentleman.  He does not force Himself upon anyone.  He chooses to not speak normally unless you focus on Him first in silence.  Notice how I described my relationship.  I believed in Him.  I believed He was leading and guiding my footsteps and helping me daily.  I also believe that I hear and know His voice and that He speaks to me personally because He loves and cares for me individually.  How does that compare to your beliefs?

Psa 102:2  Hide not thy face from me in the day when I am in trouble; incline thine ear unto me: in the day when I call answer me speedily. 

The Bible does claim that God hides from humans at time.  I believe He does this to help us.  I also believe that God chooses to be invisible to those who do not believe in Him.  Then I have learned that God normally speaks to those who want to hear from Him and are listening.  Hebrews 11:6 says “But without faith it is impossible to please God, for he that comes to God must believe that He exists and that He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him”.  God just laid out conditions for His fellowship and relationship with a human.  We must have faith to believe that He exists even if we never see Him or hear Him.  If we could see Him easily there is no requirement for faith to believe in Him.  This removes faith completely and replaces it with personal experience and knowledge.  We can experience God but we must normally come to Him first by faith alone.  We are required to believe that if we diligently seek  Him that He will see our faith and reward us with a personal relationship producing experience.  Uh Oh.  It sounds like our human ignorance of God’s requirements could be limiting us from learning the truth.  Could these choices that we are making be the reason why we are not hearing from God?

Then there is another potential problem, in that you may not know how God speaks so you do not recognize when He speaks.  You might be expecting God to speak to you like your parents did.  Maybe in a loud audible voice calling you by your full name?   However, God does not speak normally in audible voices that everyone can hear with their physical ears.  Nor does God normally appear visibly and prove His existence to anyone.  However, this does not mean that God did not leave us enough evidence of His existence, if we wanted to find them.  This also doesn’t mean that God does not speak in our heart with a still small voice that may appear as an inner thought.  There could come a thought into our mind that we say “Where did that come from?”  We weren’t thinking anything and suddenly we think about something unexpectedly.  That is either God or Satan.  If we don’t know the Bible we may not be able to know who it was that was speaking to us.

If God proved to everyone that He was real and existed, we would have no further choices by faith to make in life in regards to God.  Also, salvation would no longer be voluntary, it would become compulsory.  God will never overrule our right to be wrong or rebel.  Either we learn to speak and hear God on His terms or we should learn to expect God will appear silent.  Here are just a couple of Bible verses to think about on this subject:

Jer 23:23  “Am I a God who is near”, declares the LORD, “And not a God far off?

Psa 14:2  The LORD has looked down from heaven upon the sons of men To see if there are any who understand, Who seek after God.


6.  God never manifests himself or performs miracles as he regularly did for the Israelites in Old Testament stories.

This is another narrow minded perspective based upon a lack of understanding and a vast assumption based upon human ignorance.  Who says God does no miracles today?  This type of attitude can only logically exist in a person that believes they are equivalent to God, who is everywhere and knows everything that is happening at the same moment.  The Bible claims God is omniscient (Heb 4:13).  The Bible says God is everywhere at once in the world (Prov 15:3)?  Do you have cameras in every corner of the world?  Do you know every human being?  Have you interviewed every human being to see if God has done anything miraculous, great and spectacular for them?  If not this is a very deceived and ignorant reason to abandon a God who is.  Since no human can prove or disprove that God has done nothing miraculous today, it is not even close to being a relevant reason not to be a Christian.

But, I will tell you that God has done many, many miraculous things for me.  The first and most important is that He saved me from my pathway that I was walking that would result with me going to hell.  That is the greatest miracle that I know of.  Since being saved He continues to do miraculous things in my life.  He filled me with His Holy Spirit and that is more than an amazing miracle of everything that He did in the Old Testament.  He has led me by His Spirit to change me from being a former very sinful evil man.  He is transforming me into a person that closer matches the example that He set in Jesus every day.  That is another great miracle.  These are just a few of the great miracles He has done for me personally.   I could go on, but hopefully you get the idea.  Perhaps you are searching for the spectacular and missing the most amazing supernatural things that God does today.  Please find out what He will do for you by seeking Him with your whole heart.  He will answer and you will find Him.


7.  Prayers are never answered. Certainly not in the way Jesus described. Prayer has absolutely no affect on the world around us.

Here we go again.  This is another example of extreme ignorance.  God deals with a similar man in the book of Job. In Job 38:2 God asks Job “Who is this that darkens counsel with words without knowledge”.  God goes on to ask Job “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth, tell me if you have understanding”.  Wow, this is how almost every human is.  We all think we know so much when in truth we know almost nothing about anything.  

I assume you are again reasoning based upon your own personal experiences.  Could it be possible that you are just praying the wrong way.  Could it be possible that you did not understand how Jesus taught us to pray.  Jesus teaches us prayer several times and we should learn them all.  Also, God says very clearly in the Bible that there are a lot of reasons why prayers are not answered.   These can include human sin and iniquity as two of the main reasons why God will not answer a prayer:

Isa 59:2 But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, And your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear.

I can hear your next question.  What sin do I do?  Unfortunately sin is so much more than we know.  Sin does not have to always be just the commission of an evil act like murder.  For example in Romans 14:23, God teaches us that whatever we do that is not of faith is a sin.  Right now, when people do not walk in faith believing God is worthy of our respect, honor, trust and love, we are in sin. Not acting in faith alone makes almost everyone a sinner at sometime or the other.   But that is not the only type of sin we can be guilty of.  There are sins of omission also.  That occurs when we are able to do something that is right, honest and good but we make the choice to go out of our way not to do it.

What other things stop prayers from being answered?  James 4:3 teaches us that people do not receive answered prayers because they are asking for things to satisfy their lustful desires.  We can pray for a new mansion to live in or a new luxury car while not being thankful and a good steward of taking care of the one that we have.  I heard of a lady once that prayed and asked God to give her someone else’s husband.  Hopefully we can understand this was not a Biblical prayer that could be answered.  Oh, well that is enough of this subject. 

There are many other reasons why God does not answer human prayers but I will leave you with this one.  God says in Mark 11:24 “whatsoever things you desire when you pray, believe you received them, and you will have them”.  This is one of the most important prayer verses that I know of.  God informs us that we must believe and have faith that we have the answer to our prayer request immediately after our prayer has ended.  This can be potentially a long time before we see the answer.  This means we can stop the answer from arriving by our doubts and unbelief or simply if we choose to stop believing before the answer comes.  This is how Jesus taught us to pray.  Did you know this before now?  Were you doing it this way?  We can confirm this prayer, faith and believing principle in relationship with answered prayer delays by reading Daniel 9.  Daniel prayed and the answer was sent immediately but did not arrive for 21 days later.  So while waiting Daniel continued his praying and fasting until the answer came.  The angel that brought Daniel the answer informed him that he was being held up by a spiritual being that resisted the answer from arriving.  That is another amazing reason why prayers can not be answered.  Christians must realize we are in an unseen spiritual battle with demonic powers.  Ok, let us move on.

So when you say prayers are not answered you are not speaking for me.  I know God hears and answers my prayers.  There have been too many examples.  God’s goodness never ceases to amaze me.  Thank you Jesus!  Here is a verse that we should memorize:

Mar 11:24  Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. 


8.  Jesus did not fulfill major Old Testament prophesies or even fulfill his own promises and predictions.

Wow, you obviously have not read and studied the Bible.  Jesus fulfilled over 100 very specific named prophecies found in the O.T. by coming to the earth in the flesh. The mathematical odds of probability for this happening to one person is way beyond the odds of accidental or random chance.   Just fulfilling 8 of these prophecies would be like some one taking one silver dollar and placing an “X” on it and then mixing it with enough silver dollars to cover  the entire state of Texas in many layers 2 feet deep.  Then this someone that hid the silver dollar asking you to go and pick just one of them randomly blindfolded to see if it is has the “X”.  What are the odds that you could find that one?  Well Jesus fulfilling all of these 8 prophecies was like Him finding the one silver dollar by walking directly to it and picking it up while being blindfolded. 

There are so many books and references on this subject, if you are interested in learning the truth.  People need to try to do some real research and study before making any such false claims.  This is another example of God saying “Who is this that darkens counsel with words without knowledge”.  Please go into your Bible and read it.  Find the prophecies.  They occur beginning in Genesis and continue to the last book of the O.T. called Malachi.  Prove to me and the many  other Christians that we are not right, if you can!  Give us the Bible verses that Jesus did not fulfill.  I know that you cannot do it!


9.  The authors of much of the Bible are unknown. And of these unknown authors, the men who wrote the gospels likely never even met Jesus considering they were written 40-70 years after his death. A far cry from reliable testimony.

This is just another example of tremendous human ignorance and speaking words without any knowledge in the subject of Bible study.  The Bible is so well documented and verified that it is foolish to even compare it with any other book from history.  There are more ancient copies of this book to verify its accuracy than any other book, by far.  This is exactly one reason why the Bible is the most popular best selling book in human history.  The news papers have ignored this book as the best seller to diminish its significance.   But, not reporting the truth does not eliminate the truth.

I will also tell you that every author of practically every book of the Bible is well known.   The only book that I know of that has no direct mention of the author is the Book of Hebrews.  But even this book has distinguishing qualities that point us to Paul as being the writer.  Every other N.T. book is well identified to be written by the eye witnesses to the literal events and accounts.  There are only two books that have been researched and written about from the accounts of eye witnesses and these were the books of Luke and Acts both written by Luke.  Matthew, Mark, John, Peter, James, John and Jude were all personal eye witnesses that knew Jesus personally.  Please do some serious study before spreading untruthful gossip that you have heard.

God knows who wrote every book of the Bible.  The Old Testament Hebrew words are frequently quoted in the New Testament writings.  Many times the O.T. author’s name was confirmed with the quotation.  For example, Jesus quoted the O.T. to inform us that Moses wrote the books of Genesis through Deuteronomy in Mark 10:4-9.  According to Jesus who was God, He was asked about the law of divorce written by Moses and Jesus responded by quoting another law written by Moses in Genesis 2.  Wow, that proves the author beyond any reasonable doubt.  What we just learned from reading Mark 10 is that Jesus claims the ultimate author of every Book of the Bible was God!  You obviously are looking for any false excuse to try to justify your decision.  Here is another Bible verse to learn and memorize.  This verse contains the word “inspiration” that means “God breathed”:

2Ti 3:16  All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 


10.  The Bible is repeatedly contradictory with itself, reality, and the laws of morality. Couldn’t God inspire a less poorly written book?

The response of natural young children to any advanced subject is normally the same as people who do not understand the Bible.  If we gave a 6 year child a textbook on Advanced Calculus or Quantum Physics and asked them to share their opinion on what it meant, they would probably say it was a stupid, and a silly written book.  They would ask where is all the pretty pictures?  Where is the real story of the bunny rabbit and the bear?  Because someone does not understand what is written, they can easily believe it has a lot of errors and contradictions. 

God who is the most intelligent individual we will ever attempt to understand is so far above our level of intelligence that anyone can be deceived to think that we should just be able to read the Bible for the first time and understand it all.  But, things in this world don’t perform like this for our children, so why expect God’s word to be automatically understood by any of His spiritual babies?  Also notice what 1 Cor 1:27 says about how God chooses specifically foolish things of our world to confound those people who think they are wise.  

I was a computer software engineer in the information technology industry for most of my business career.  I worked on very large scale complex computer systems  These designed software projects were so large that understanding the entire system was a major undertaking.  For example they all contained a large data design layer, large sets of business logic, contained with layers of rules and complex divisions of user information and while also containing input, more processing rules and presentation layers.  All of these layers had complex sub-components with individually designed objects and modules that had to fit together and work cooperatively based upon guidelines to produce the understood desired and anticipated end result.  Why is this important?

From my years of computer experience, I have discovered that the Bible is by far a much more complex set of designed components than any human software design.  In the Bible, every single letter, word, sentence, verse, paragraph, section, chapter and book was specifically placed to work together in an integrally designed method of cooperation and collaboration, and design that is not easily replicated without very advanced computer assistance.  Since none of these modern computing devices existed at the time the books were written it is impossible for them to have been written without a very major God participation and control. 

This has taught me that the Bible was designed and produced by a far greater superior intellect than any human could possibly imagine.  The Bible was so well designed that it contains a self correcting set of rules to counter an enemies attempt at destroying or corrupting it.  The Bible also contains multiple recorded predictions of things that would happen in the future.  These were recorded many hundreds of years before they happened.  This proves the book’s origin came from outside of the dimension of time.

If you search the Bible you will find that there are codes and encryptions not easily possible using modern human computers.  These hidden codes were designed and placed intelligently under layers of plain Hebrew words that all had real meaning that can be understood. Many times these hidden codes confirm what was written in the plain text that they were hidden in.  Wow!   I hope you understood this complex claim.

Then there are parables where God uses created items to describe hidden spiritual realities in great detail.  This teaches us that whoever designed and created these natural items like “seeds”, “trees” & “fruit” to name only 3 also wrote the Bible.  There are also real historical recorded events that are implemented using allegory that teach the same types of hidden spiritual information using literal verifiable human events.  Also in the Bible, there is typology, there are patterns, there are symbols, and there are other hidden messages, and concealed information that can be revealed by the author at His will.  This is called “encryption”, “concealment” that can be read later by design of the author using “revelation” or the “uncovering” of the hidden divine truth. 

This book of 66 book divisions, written by 40 individual writers over the course of around 1600 years is so well planned, designed, organized and implemented, that it anticipates every question that anyone can raise and it resolves them all with an answer somewhere in the book.  It contains solutions for every human challenge conceivable.  God placed such unlimited information in this book that studying it everyday for 12 hours a day for 100 years, we would not come close to understanding everything that He wanted to teach us from it.

Please approach the Bible with a different attitude along with embracing some humility and you should be able to begin to understand that God’s intelligence is infinitely beyond your capacity to grasp everything that He says right now.  God will come down to our two year old child level of understanding Him, if we are sincere and we want to learn.  However, God also expects us to grow up and mature spiritually during the process. 

1Co 2:14  But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned

God says that a natural human is like a two year old child that will never understand the complex spiritual things of the Spirit of God.  Because people do not understand the Bible, only proves how natural minded they are.  God wrote a complex book of intelligent complex spiritual information, wisdom and knowledge that is impossible for non-spiritual or spiritual babies to understand.  But, God wrote the book in this manner to allow people to have their own free thinking choices and make their own individual decisions.  


11.  The Bible is open to interpretation. Everyone interprets it in the way that suits them best or serves their purposes.

You know here is another area that I have to agree with you on.  Many unsaved people and Christians’ attempt to understanding the Bible is just wrong.  Too many are looking for confirming words and teachers to approve their life style choices and their sins as to being acceptable to God.  People often read the Bible with a wrong lensed point of view or motive.  We could call it reading the Bible with a pair of rose colored glasses that causes our viewpoint to be shifted or out of focus with God’s way of seeing the intentions and the meanings.

However, much of what people call science is also open to interpretation.  Do you discredit and reject all of science, because every scientist does not agree about any or every subject?  You can find just as many opinions and theories of how the universe began, and quantum mechanics operates, etc. as you do with any church doctrinal differences.  If you gathered 100 people in a room and discussed any subject, how many could you get to agree about anything?  So your argument is baseless and without facts and is just erroneous. 

We do not throw out the Bible or Christianity just because we cannot get everyone to agree.  We are the only one that needs to agree with what God shows us in the Bibles.  I am responsible to God to learn what He wants me to know.  You are responsible to know and understand what God wants you to know. If you don’t agree with that which I believe He has shown me in the Word of God that is really not going to change my belief. 

Please pick up your Bible and ask God to reveal to you what He wants you to know and then start reading slowly and carefully.  If a word stands out or raises a question look it up and study it.  Find out what it means and how it is used in other verses in the Bible.  Find out and learn God’s definition for the word.  There is so much to learn.  For example this verse answers your concern:

2Pe 1:20  Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation

Even God agrees with you.  God says we should not place our own human interpretation upon any of His Words.  God makes the claim that He explains every word somewhere in the Bible.  Every word, every phrase is explained somewhere but we are given the responsibility to search and find what He means.  My basic rule of interpreting the Bible, is based upon one main rule that we just read in 2 Peter 1:20 “THE BIBLE INTERPRETS ITSELF”.  Let’s use the Bible to understand the Bible, OK?


12.  Throughout history, Christians have justified horrific actions by the Bible and its teaching.

Another poor excuse without any real knowledge to confirm the concern.  Maybe you are talking about the crusades or something else, I do not know.  The errors and mistakes of humans who called themselves Christians, do not discount or invalidate God or the Bible.  If you are looking for Christians to be perfect you will be sadly disappointed.  If you are looking for Muslims to be perfect, you will be sadly disappointed also.  If you are looking for Buddhist to be perfect you will be sadly disappointed.   There are no perfect people in the world, we all make mistakes. Please remember that Jesus is the only human to live on earth that is recorded to have never sinned (Heb 4:15).  

Just because someone says they are a Christian, that does not make them a real Christian.  Jesus tells a story of people who will say “Lord, Lord didn’t we do many things in your name”  and Jesus says “Sorry depart from me, I don’t know you” (Mat 7:23).  These people thought they knew Jesus and thought they were saved Christians, they thought they were doing the right things, but they were not.  So while you compare yourself with others you make yourself to look superior.  Just please read the Bible and compare yourself with the perfection of Jesus and His example to live our life and this should cause you to want to change to be like Him and not me or any other human. 


13.  The Bible promotes hate and persecution against women, homosexuals and those who worship other gods or no god at all.

You are obviously not going to the right churches!  True Christianity is a church that Loves others and does not promote hate!  Just because someone stands up with a sign that says “God Hates Homosexuals” is just their worthless opinion.  There is really no difference between their worthless opinion, your worthless opinion or mine.   If God hated Gays He would not have died for them to help them get saved (Jn 3:16).  The wrong words and actions of people who say they are Christians, could lead you to go to another church if that is God’s will. 
Pray for these people that are not being led by the Spirit of God.  But do not give up on God and the Bible.  There are many good churches who do not promote evil, hatred and bigotry.  But, I am also saying that these good churches should not tolerate sin either.  Sin is still sin.  God loves the sinner, but He hates the sin that they do (Prov 6:16).   There is a major difference between hating sin and hating people.  We can all change and repent of our sin.  God can change our heart so that we do not want to sin anymore.  Just don’t get offended at someone to walk away from the only hope you have of not going to hell.


14.  According to the Bible, nearly 70% percent of the people in the world will burn in hell because they don’t believe Jesus was the son of God.

I do not know where you get your figures, I guess you pulled it out of the air and made it up.  However, if you know that is what the Bible says and still want to go to hell you are deceived.  However, you are also probably very close to knowing the truth.  Matthew 7 13 is where you are referring to.  This verse is Jesus recommending that we go through the straight and narrow gate rather than taking the easy way of the wide gate that will permit many to be deceived to enter into it.  Please notice in the Bible who it is that is working to deceive people to take this wide way by embracing Atheism, Islam, Buddhism, Mormonism, Jehovah Witnesses, and the thousands of other choices that lead to human destruction.  Satan is called the master deceiver in Revelation 12:9 who we are told will deceive the entire world.  Without Jesus on the inside of us to help us not be deceived and reading our Bible to learn the truth, we are certainly on the wide path to hell. 

However, if we reject His loving offer for salvation and still go to hell by being deceived by Satan that was still our choice.  People make a lot of stupid choices.  That is not God’s fault.  That is a human’s choice.  Please don’t follow the majority to hell.  Follow Jesus and run to Him.  He will not let you go to hell.


15.  The only reason I was a Christian was because I was indoctrinated into the religion as a child as a result of the culture and region of the world in which I was born.

So what would your chance of salvation be, if you were indoctrinated as a Hindu, Buddhist or Muslim?  Would it be better or worse?  Do you think that the truth is found somewhere else?  Where is your internal and eternal peace found?  Rather than being deceived into believing that the truth is somewhere else, why not be thankful that your parents were pointing you in the right direction for you to have the opportunity to see the truth?  Say thank you Jesus for allowing you to be born where you were.  Say thank you Jesus for giving you the opportunity to be born in a Christian family who took you to church.  Be thankful and not deceived.


16.  Christianity has no more rational or factual foundation than any other religion on earth that I openly reject.

Your ignorance of God and the truth of the Bible is overwhelming me. The evidence and facts found in the Bible are amazingly different than any other religion.  Plus I already told you that true Christianity is not a religion, but rather a personal relationship with the real creator God.  A religion is just man’s attempt to please a God that they do not know.  We all must choose this day who we will serve (Jos 24:14).

Not choosing to follow Jesus to make Him our LORD and Savior is a default choice to choose Satan as lord.  There are only two spiritual choices one of the LIGHT and DAY with Jesus ruling and the other as DARKNESS and NIGHT with Satan as ruler.  It is a binary choice and no choice is a choice.  I pray that you will make the right selection.


17.  The Christian church is disjointed and can’t even agree with one another.

So are the Muslims all in agreement?  Are the Hindus all in agreement? Are the Atheist all in agreement?  Isn’t Islam divided into the Sunni and the Shia?  Don’t they fight and kill each other regularly?  Your argument for the rejection of Christianity is sad.  As I said before, if you get 100 people together, you will probably see that 50% of them will believe one way and the other half another way.  It is extremely challenging to get everyone to agree on anything.  Have you ever tried to listen to eye witness testimonies at a trial?  The questioning prosecutor, usually can’t get two eye witnesses to agree on everything that they think they saw perfectly.  This is just human nature and part of the inequality of human knowledge, education, life experiences, points of views, prejudices, etc. that make everyone unique individuals.  We all have different gifts and abilities.  Some see things logically, some do not.  Some see things emotionally and others do not.  Does that make all of them wrong?  Just because my perspective and viewpoint of a verse is different than another teacher does not mean either of us is 100% right or 100% wrong.   I love the quotation of Will Rogers who says “We are all ignorant, just about different things!”  Therefore,  each of us in our varying states of ignorance on any subject, should become more tolerable for each other.  because “Only Gods is All Knowing”!  


18.  Christians are not at all ethically or morally different from non-Christians.

You obviously do not know any real Christians or you are not going to the right church.   You should try hanging around the right people and quit judging others.  We already know that there are no perfect people in the world (Rom 3:23).   Even Christians will make a mistake.  You are only responsible for your behavior.  I am only responsible for my behavior.  You can’t change me and I can’t change you.  Only God can change anyone to make them more like Christ and that is if only they want to cooperate.  So when we see a Christian that is not doing what is right, let us show a little compassion and pray for them (1 Jn 5:16).  Let us avoid being a hypocrite that does not see the plank/beam in our own eye while trying to remove the speck in his brother’s eye (Mat 7:3-5).

Rom 14:13  Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother’s way


19.  Today, powerful church leaders steal, lie and molest young children. The church repeatedly attempts to cover up these atrocities, only to reluctantly apologize as a last resort.

So you are still looking for a perfect Christian to prove to you that God is real.  Men and women could always let us down.  Therefore if we are looking to humans to help save us we may be looking in the wrong places to find God.  I do not defend the mistakes of priests, preachers or church leaders that should know better than to do some of the things that they have done.  But, they are not my God and I do not reject God because some have failed.  My eyes are not on a human.  My eyes are focused upon Jesus and I will pray for anyone that has done anything wrong.  I only look to Jesus the author and finisher of my faith (Heb 12:2) and I refuse to let what others do affect me.

Finally, I will say that leaders in the Christian faith are often more heavily attack by devil than are other Christians that are under them.  If a devil can help one preacher fail as an example of true Christianity this defeat trickles down to cause many others to be easily deceived.  Therefore, we are instructed to pray for our spiritual leaders.  This is the opposite of speaking evil about them and spreading rumors.

Heb 13:18  Pray for us: for we trust we have a good conscience, in all things willing to live honestly. 


20.  It is absolutely irrational to continue to believe archaic teaching with the amount of knowledge we’ve gained through science and technology. The Bible reads like a book of primitive folklore, not divinely inspired insight into our true reason for existence.

So again you are so wrong.  You have made yourself wise in your own eyes and as a result you demonstrate to real Christians how easy it is to be deceived.  You have placed too much value in the words of human science and technology and not enough in the Bible that contains the words of Creator that made the science.  Let me ask two very simple questions.  How often has science changed its message in the last 200 years?  My answer to that is constantly.  How long has it been since the Bible’s message changed?  I’ll answer that question and say “NEVER”.  Yet the Bible is still the most widely purchased best selling book in human history.  If so many people can see the importance of the words on the page then maybe you should ask God why can’t I see it?

Not long ago scientist believed the universe was an infinite dimension of space that contained a fixed and static number of stars and planets.  Some even claimed the Milky Way Galaxy was the only galaxy.  Some even believed our sun was the center of the entire universe.  Now science has radically shifted to believe the universe as a whole is finite, and had a set beginning point that originated with a big bang.  They have discovered this truth because of the expansion of the universe at an amazing rate of speed.  Yes, we have learned a lot through science. But did you know that almost everything that science is discovering was already written about by God in the Bible in hidden forms using non-technical descriptions.   You see God created everything we are discovering and He said in the Bible I make known the end from the beginning.  Since God can know the end before the beginning we understand that God exists outside of the dimension of time and must have been the creator.  Genesis 1:1 clearly teaches us that our universe including the dimensions of space and time all had a beginning.  Wow, I wonder how Moses would have known about this over 2500 years ago?  

We already can see that scientific knowledge changes day by day.  Whereas the Bible never changes.  Therefore, since God knows the end has already informed us about what is coming very soon, the Words of God written in the Bible are extremely relevant, consistent and applicable for us all today.  There is no revised edition of the Bible with corrections, it still has the same words that were true 2000-3000 years ago.   There is still more that science does not know, than what science does know.  The textbooks cannot keep up with the revisions and changes, they are happening too fast.  You are placing all of your faith in a moving target and God says He never changes (Mal 3:6).  God’s Word will never change either (Luk 21:33)  Jesus is the same today as He was 2000 years ago (Heb 13:8).  That is consistency that we can count on. 

You place a lot of value on unproveable human theories.  Almost every science lecture that I have observed mentions the word “Evolution” as a way of brainwashing humans into believing something that is fictional.  After all the years of archeological research, no valid missing links have been or can be found.  I wonder why?  Then there is false concept that a universe could violently explode and expand while originating complexly designed living creatures.  The complex digital information contained within the Human DNA alone proves an external designer and maker.  No complex designed order is originated by disordered confusion.  The belief that this can occur over billions of years violates the second law of thermodynamics.  This law states everything of ordered design is consistently moving downward into a state of disorder.

Nobody can make us see the truth and it is not my responsibility to force anyone to believe anything.  We all have to make our own personal choices and God says in Gal 6:7 that He will not be mocked because a man will reap whatever choices that we make.  Please make an effort to not be deceived into believing a false reality that someone has invented in their own mind with the help of hidden spirits tricking them into believing.  We have not talked a lot about negative spiritual influences that occur in our world.  But there are literally millions of unseen beings that influence people into thinking such false realities.  I pray that your spiritual eyes would be opened and that you would be able to see God and to know Him and the reality of His truth. 



I pray that someone has seen something new to think about.  I also pray that others will be able to learn from how one man was deceived to walk away from Christianity because of a lack of understanding of what the Bible really says.  This is one of Satan’s greatest advantages over humans.  Satan has existed on our earth for at least 6000 years and most of us have been here for less than 100 years.  He has been deceiving people far longer than you have learned to resist the deception.  The only thing that will give us an advantage over being deceived is by us learning what the Bible says with God’s help.  We are told that we have the advantage if we are born again and saved because “God the greater one comes to live on the inside of us to help us overcome him” (1 Jn 4:4).  His presence will help us if we learn to cooperate with Him, listen to His voice, to learn what we need to do and obey to not be deceived.  I would recommend that we pray and ask God for this help.


Lord God I come boldly to the throne of grace that I might obtain your mercy.  Help me to know how to resist the devil’s deceptions that are found all around me.  Help me to discern between truth and lies on the television news networks.  Help me to avoid deception from my school teachers and college professor.  Help me to not embrace any false scientific theory denying your existence and your work in creating our world.  Reveal to me Bible verses that explain science from your perspective.  Help me to not be deceived by the empty words of politicians.  Open my eyes to see and know your Word because your Word is truth.  I give you first place in my heart and mind to allow the Holy Spirit of Truth who lives on the inside of me to overrule any deception that enters my thoughts.  I give you complete control and permission to bring to my mind the Bible verse that will defeat any deception.  Thank you for loving me so very much that you came to live inside of me.  You are my Good Shepherd and I am one of your favorite and blessed sheep.  Thank you for leading me into all truth.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

If you would like to continue reading and studying in this Bible series, please continue by going to “Part 7” now.

Names, Titles, Descriptions and Symbols of the Antichrist in the Bible

(ver 1.0) This is Part 5 in a series of lessons revealing the multiple Names, Titles, Descriptions and Symbols of significant Individuals in the Bible.  This lesson will focus only on the subject verses of the Antichrist found in the Bible.  This is a living document of references to the Antichrist.  It will change and be updated as I find additional scriptures or you can submit verses that you have found to be added.  A Name is a direct reference to the individual.  A Title is a given direct identifying appellation signifying status or function.  A Description is something that represents the individual in expressive words.  A Type is a real named person, place or thing in history that can be viewed to apply as a pattern of the spiritual individual not directly named.  A Symbol is a natural object that describes the characteristics or features of a spiritual being that you cannot see or understand without first understanding the symbol.

We should all know that we are living during the last of the last days of the church age of Grace on the earth.  The end of our age and the soon coming of tribulation judgments has been well documented with Biblical prophecy written thousands of years before. The signs of this end and the rise of the Antichrist is clearly observable.  At no time prior to now has the rise of Globalism increased to set up a false world ruler.  This ruler will be able to deceive much of the world easily.  Using modern technology, he will be able to control and limit human behavior by forcing them to receive his mark of allegiance or else they will not be able to buy, sell, or eat. The preparations for his appearance are happening right now.  No doubt he is alive somewhere on the earth awaiting the departure of the church, to rise to power after the resulting chaos.  He will be an eloquent speaker and will present his false expectations, solutions, and explanations using clever words and phrases.  He will be a masterful deceiver, a speaker of non-truth appearing as truth.  His entire experience of physical power and rulership will be short lived of only 7 years when he will be defeated and thrown into hell by Jesus Christ.  People who are not ready for the rapture better learn quickly what will be taking place during these 7 years or they will not have any further opportunity to be saved and there only option will be to go to hell with him.  Let us look at some of the Bible verses used by God to describe this man and learn how we can share this information with our friends and family.

Name, Title, Symbol, Type for the Antichrist DescriptionScripture Reference
Abomination (G946) of Desolation (G2050)Detestation of Idolatry that Lays WasteMat 24:15;
Abomination (H8251) that makes desolate (H8074)Idolatry that DevastatesDan 11:31;
Adversary (H6862)Opponent, Antithesis of God and GoodPsalm 74:8-10; Isa 59:58-59; Lam 4:12; Amos 3:11
Angel (G32) of the Bottomless Pit (G12)Angel destined for the center of the earth;Rev 9:11;
AntiChrist (G473 + G5547)An Opposite Messiah1 Jn 2:22;
Assyrian (H804)A potential source for the origin of the AntichristIsa 10:5; Isa 14:25:
Beast (G2342)Wild AnimalRev 11:7, 13; Rev 19:19-20;
Belial (H1100)Wickedness, evil, worthlessNah 1:11, 1;15
Bloody (H1818) man and Deceitful (H4820) ManBloody as loss to cause deathPsalm 5:6
Branch (H2159) of the Terrible (H6184)A pruned twig of power, oppression and violenceIsa 25:5;
Chief (H7218) Prince (5387)Head RulerEze 38:2;
Crooked (H1281) Serpent (H5175)The fugitive serpentJob 26:13; Isa 27:1;
Cruel One (H394)Terrible, Violent, DeadlyJer 30:14;
Deceitful (H4820) ManDeceiver, FalsehoodsPsalm 5:6
Destroyer (H4873) of the Gentiles (H1471(Destroyer of foreign nationsJer 4:7;
Enemy (H341)Hater of GodPs 55:3; Jer 30:14;
Evil (H7451) Man (H120)Bad and evil manPs 140:1;
Father of liesOriginator of DeceptionJn 8:44; 2;
Great (G3172) Star (G792)Mighty & Strong StarRev 8:10;
Head Over Many CountriesLeader of the earthPsalms 110:6
Idol (H457) Shepherd (H7473)Worthless good for nothing shepherdZech 11:17;
King (H4428)World Ruler;Dan 11:36;
King (H4428) of Princes (H8269)Ruler of the underworld captains/rulersHos 8:10;
King (H4428) of Babylon (H894)Ruler of Confusion and Chaos (Babel)Isa 14:4-20;
King (H4428) of fierce (H5794) countenance (H6440)Strong Face KingDan 8:23;
Lion (H738)Violent BeastJer 4:7;
Little (H2192) Horn (H7162)Small Rising RulerDan 7:8:11; Dan 7:21-26; Dan 8:9-12; Dan 8:23-25;
Man (G444) of Sin (G266)Human of Offence/Sin2 Ths 2:3
Man (H582) of the Earth (H776)Mortal of EarthPs 10:18;
Merchant (H3667) with Balances of Deceit (H4820)A Canaanite with unfair deceitful scalesHos 12:7;
Mighty Man (H1368)Powerful warriorPs 52:1;
Nail (H3489)He who thought he was secureIsa 22:25;
Prince (H5057) that shall come (H935)Future RulerDan 9:26;
Prince (H5057) of Tyrus (H6865)Ruler of the RockEze 28:2-10;
Profane (H2491) Wicked (H7563) Prince (H5387) of Israel (H3478)Pierced King IsraelEze 21:25-27;
Proud (H3093) Man (H1397)Arrogant WarriorHab 2:5;
Rod (H7626) of (my) AngerA Ruler with or of angerIsa 10:5;
Son (G5207) of Perdition (G684)Son of Ruin, Loss, Waste2 Ths 2:3;
Son (H1121) of the Morning (H7837)Lucifer son of early light (morning)Isa 14:12;
Spoiler (H7703)Large strong personIsaiah 16:4;
Vile Person (H959)Someone disesteemedDan 11:21:
Vine (G288) of the Earth (G1093)False Vine of the Soil (a weed)Rev 14:18);
Violent (H2555) Man (H376)Incarnate man of violencePs 140:1, 11;
Wicked (G459)Lawless Man2 Ths 2:8;
Wicked One (H7563)Morally wrong manPs 9:17; Ps 10:2; Isa 11:4; Jer 30:23;


Parable_of_sower_5(Ver 1.1) This is Part 5 in the Bible Study series of the most significant Parable in the Bible.  Jesus said if you do not understand this parable, how then will you understand any parable (Mk 4:13)?  That makes this parable on a greater level or a higher plain of importance than all the others.  Of course, all of them are still important to us.   If you have not studied this subject from the beginning, I would highly recommend that you begin with “Part 1” first.  We will be unable to go over every detail previously provided in this series.  For example, in earlier lessons we obtained an excellent overview of the sower, the seed and the fruit.  These were three positive symbols given to us in the parable by Jesus.  In these lessons we should have learned that the Seed represents primarily God’s spoken Word, but that there was also an implied negative counterpart to it that comes from Satan.  This negative seed type will result in distractions and deceptions that we can label as “weeds”.  Spiritual “weeds” originated from the curse spoken to Adam in Genesis 3:18 when God said the soil would produce “thorns” and “thistles”.  Today we will learn more about what these represent.

Finally, we learned about fruit in our last lesson.  This subject is the positive intended outcome for God’s incredibly positive Word when planted in good soil.  I am convinced that “fruit” is God’s spiritual goal and plan for every human who will cooperate and receive His Word into their heart.  I am also convinced that fruit represents requirements or specifications for salvation.  This brings us to today’s subject of the soil.  The soil represents the unseen heart of a human.  However, this invisible heart is NOT the physical blood pumping organ that keeps our human body alive.  No, the heart of a human is the unseen captive eternal spirit being on the inside of our body.  Our human spirit becomes one with the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6:17) after we receive the Word of God, believe, and confess Jesus as our Lord.  There was more to our lessons than that, but that was a quick review.  We will now continue with this subject and the specific topic of “soil” and “soil types”.


I would like to begin this study of the “soil” with an overview of the soil types found in the Parable of the Sower.  Soil represents the heart also called the spirit of a human.  This is the internal unseen spiritual part of the triune composition of every human (1 Th 5:23).  Our heart element is the human portion that will never cease to exist (Lk 16:22-23).  We should also understand that Jesus gave us 4 specific divisions of spirit/soil types in the Parable of the Sower.  It is also important to note that this parable occurs in 3 Gospels Matthew 13, Mark 4, and Luke 8.  All accounts of the parable agree, but with some specific details only being mentioned in one parable.  This is a major reason why we should read every one given to combine them into an accumulated list of facts to conclude every truth that was taught.  It is very much like a crime that occurs with three different witnesses that observe the event from three different angles of perspective.  Each witness testimony must be true from each individual perspective but when it is balanced together the combined agreement of testimony provides the most accurate overall information of what happened.  Here are the main 4 soil types as described by Jesus:

  1. Way Side (Mat 13:4, Mk 4:4, Luk 8:5)
  2. Stony Ground (Mat 13:5, Mk 4:5, Luk 8:6)
  3. Thorny Ground (Mat 13:7, Mk 4:7, Luk 8:7)
  4. Good Ground (Mat 13:8, Mk 4:8, Luk 8:8)

We are going to go through each soil type individually picking out the details of Greek Words to help us understand what Jesus said.  We will list every descriptive explanatory verse from Matthew, Mark and Luke to learn from.  Let us get started with the wayside soil.


highway of dirtThe first type of soil mentioned by Jesus is called the “way side” soil.  This soil type comes from the Greek word G3598 that literally means a “road” or “highway”.  That is an informative descriptive term with widespread implications attached to it.  Any well-traveled road in Bible days was a soil that was compacted from constant chariots, carts, and human foot traffic as well as other animal hoofs (horses, donkeys, and camels) loaded with people or goods.  The soil would be so compressed that scattering seed upon it would do no real good.  The seed would rest on the top of the packed surface and would be easily eaten by any birds that were nearby.  Let us review the three explanations that Jesus provided to help us understand what this soil type represents:

Mat 13:19  When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side.

Mar 4:15  And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts. 

Luk 8:12  Those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved. 

Can we notice the symbolism?  This ground type is called “Wayside”.  Remember this is the Greek word G3598 that means a “road”.  How would this symbol correspond to a human heart/spirit?  What does it mean when someone or something is being walked on symbolically in the Bible?  This condition of being walked upon normally indicates a person or a nation that has been defeated, conquered, overcome, and beaten in a battle.  God told Joshua in the book of Joshua chapter 1 “Everywhere the sole of your feet shall tread, I have given you”.  God was representing to Joshua that wherever he chose to begin walking by faith in the promised land, he would be victorious over those people that were occupying it.  God used the symbolism of “treading” upon to describe this victory. Tread is an action verb that means to walk with your feet as in “step on”.

In the Parable of the Sower the wayside soil represents a human heart that has been hardened by Satan to not be able to hear and understand the Gospel.  We see this plainly stated in Matthew 13:19. In this verse God declares this soil type heard the Word of God but since they did not understand it, it was easily stolen by Satan.  This soil type indicates this person can be easily distracted, deceived, and defeated by Satan.  This is implied because of the reference to the “birds of the air” that represent the devils in the world.  Unclean and evil spirits can easily come to trick the wayside soil’s mind to prevent the seed from being sown.

Notice that in Luke 8:12 the primary objective of the Word being sown is to cause the human to believe it for their personal salvation.  In contrast, the primary objective for the devil’s work is to deceive the soil to not believe the Word so that they will not be saved.  This corresponds with 2 Corinthians 4:4 where God informs us “Whom the God of this world blinds the minds of them that believe not, lest the light of the glorious Gospel (Seeds) of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them”.  Pay close attention to presence of a spiritual battle of two opposing kingdoms.  One is of darkness (blindness from Satan) and the other is of the light (from God).  Now recall Psalm 119:130 that says, “the entrance of thy Word bringeth light and understanding to the simple”.  God’s plan is to help people receive and understand the Word and Satan’s focus is to make sure that this does not occur.

This “Wayside” soil type represents the only human heart that is incapable of being saved as it is because of the darkness covering their minds.  The inability of the Light of God’s Word to enter their minds causes this lack of understanding and this results in their continued captivity to the darkness.  This is exactly why Satan removed the Bible from public schools in the USA in the 1960s.  As a result of the elimination of God’s truth being taught in public-school the brains of ignorant children have grown up creating an easy age of deception.  Anything sounds good and true when it is not compared to the actual truth.  This blindness will remain unless parents teach the truth of the Bible at home.  I personally believe that this Wayside soil type was never saved through hearing the Word of God, nor can be.  But that does not mean this person cannot be changed to become a different soil type through prayer and a process of seed planting.  Let us review what we have just learned:

  1. The objective of God giving us His Word is for our salvation through hearing and believing.
  2. The objective of Satan stealing the Word is so that humans will not believe and be saved.
  3. One strategy for humans not to be saved is for the Word of God to never be heard.
  4. Another strategy for humans to not be saved is for the Words not to be understood.
  5. Wayside soil humans are already hard hearted defeated captives of the kingdom of darkness.

We will talk more about this soil type later when we get into some examples.  Let us move on to soil type #2.


white stones and green grass on the wild stony ground

Mat 13:20  But he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that heareth the word, and anon with joy receiveth it

Mat 13:21  Yet hath he not root in himself, but dureth for a while: for when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word, by and by he is offended

Mar 4:16  And these are they likewise which are sown on stony ground; who, when they have heard the word, immediately receive it with gladness

Mar 4:17  And have no root in themselves, and so endure but for a time: afterward, when affliction or persecution ariseth for the word’s sake, immediately they are offended

Luk 8:13  They on the rock are they, which, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, which for a while believe, and in time of temptation (G3986) fall away.

The stony ground is the next soil type described by Jesus.  Jesus refers to this soil as a type of intermixed hardness of stone under the surface with an implied thin layer of softness of one human heart on the outside.  But clearly Jesus claims that the presence of the hard rocks and stones does not allow for the development of adequate roots from the seed to grow deep enough to endure the heat of being a Christian.  Jesus said when the sun comes up and shines on this growing seed, it lacks sufficient moisture, withers, fades, and is too weak and dies. Luke 8:13 describes the heat of the sun to be a time of temptation.  Literally this word represents a satanically inspired testing time to see if someone really believes the Word of God that was spoken to them.  However, Matthew describes it in a much clearer manner in Matthew 13:21. Here Matthew teaches us that the heat of the sun represents “tribulation” and “persecution”.  “Tribulation” represents satanically inspired “pressure”, “stress”, “worries”, etc.  The word “persecution” literally represents human “sufferings”, “oppressions”, “harassments”, “intimidations”, “discriminations” and can even be physical and mental “tortures” for believing in Jesus and letting others know about the same message that was sown in them.

Notice that Jesus said in Matthew and Luke that this soil type received the Word of God with “Joy”.  Jesus said in Mark this soil type had significant “gladness” after what they heard what was taught from the Word of God.  This is particularly important because the Word of God is called the Gospel, and this simply means “good news”.  The Word of God should make us extremely happy.  Why should we be happy?  The Good News is based upon Jesus paying the price for our sins dying on a cross, being raised from the dead and giving us His righteousness in exchange so that we do not have to go to hell.  Wow, that makes me happy!

I think everyone that has ever been saved has experienced persecution and satanic testing at one time or the other.  Notice this soil type indicates that the person began the Christian walk with joy at the beginning of the process of generating fruit.  But did not endure through the pressure of persecution to become fruitful.  This clearly teaches us this soil type was on the path to being saved but chose to not remain saved because of the pressures of friends, relatives, or other worldly people.  Jesus indicates strongly that this soil type heard the Word of God, believed it, and was saved for a short time but then turned away because of Satanic attacks and tests.

I want to quickly address two important facts of truth that were mentioned by Jesus in this soil type.  Jesus clearly teaches us that producing “roots” before we produce “fruits” is essential to the process of our salvation.  How is this accomplished?  Also, Jesus clearly said there is a stone and a rock that can be found that causes us not to remain saved.  How can we get these rock elements out of our hearts? Let us address removing the stone first.  We will turn to 1 Peter chapter 2 and read starting in verse 6:

1Pe 2:6  Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded

1Pe 2:7  Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner, 

1Pe 2:8  And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed. 

Jesus is clearly observed to be compared with a stone.  This is an analogous typology that represents a potentially greater spiritual truth.  We clearly find the presence of believing the Word of God in this discussion.  Therefore, it is right in line with what we are studying and read in the stony ground explanations.  Notice the Holy Spirit teaches us that whoever remains in faith by believing in Him (Jesus) will not be confounded.  What does the Greek word G2617 translated as “confounded” mean?  Strong defines this word to mean “to shame down”.  Thayer says it means to “put to shame” or to “make ashamed”.  Uh oh!  We are catching on to some of the reasons why people fall away after believing the Good News with a joyful heart.  Remember this concept because it is important.  Feeling a sense of shame after believing the Word of God is what Satan will try to get a Christian to do by using persecution and pressures of the world.  It can also be the fact that some of the Words that were heard were not understood enough or at all.  We will see this later in an example.

“Persecution” is a major stratagem of Satan.  Many weak newly born-again believing Christians will not be able to withstand against the outward peer pressures when someone comes and calls them a stupid idiot for believing in an old book of fables and fantasies.  Of course, the Bible is not either of those, but that does not mean the devil is not going to try to convince someone that it is, with his lies.  I want us to also focus on the Greek word G4625 that is translated as “offence” in verse 8.  This word represents the inner-working mechanism of a trap that causes someone to become ensnared and trapped again, back into captivity that they were previously released and freed from after believing in Jesus.  Wow, this sounds important. Please recall what Jesus said that He came to do in Luke 4:18. In this verse Jesus said, “God had sent Him to preach deliverance to the captives”.  Preaching is sowing seeds and these seeds if they are believed, will release people from a spiritual prison that they did not even know they were in.   Satan will attempt to persecute new believers to get them to return to their past lifestyle and way of living in darkness.

Ok, we need to keep moving with the subject of producing roots.  Hopefully you learned that persecutions does come in this life and these are designed to try to get us to turn away from, believing, knowing and growing in the Truth of the Word of God.  What are roots and how do we cooperate with allowing them to grow.  I do want to emphasize that the first step after receiving and believing the Word of God is for us not to become offended at the words of other people that do not know the truth in the Bible.  But there is more to it than this.  We also need to pray and ask God to give us boldness to be able to share His Word with others free from any shame that could result by others rejecting it or laughing at it.  Getting rid of “stones” that cause the roots to fail will help us move closer to a fruit bearing season  Let’s move to root development next..

We must continue in the Word of God to allow God’s seed to be watered.  Without continued watering any natural or spiritual plant seed will wither and not continue to grow.  Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 3:6 “I planted, and Apollos watered, but God gave the increase”.  The word “increase” simply means God produced the “spiritual growth and maturity” through the continued entrance of every word of God spoken into our ears. We also learn from Ephesians 5:26 that the Word of God represents His Water.  Therefore, the continued watering of the Word of God, is an essential part of our spiritual growth to produce roots and fruits.   Let us review another part of the root subject by reading in Ephesians 3:17:

Eph 3:17  That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love

Eph 3:18  May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; 

Eph 3:19  And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.

Ok, did you see the connections from the parable of the Sower?  We have the main subject of soil by the reference to the human heart.  We have the factor of faith remaining in the human heart by a human choice.  We also have the subject of deep developing unseen roots in the human heart that are connected to continued believing.  Remember what roots do for a seed and the developing plant that comes from the seed.  The roots provide essential nourishment for the plant production of eventual fruit when the plant becomes mature.  By continual hearing of the Word of God our faith grows stronger and the unseen roots are the symbol for this strength.  As we have seen essential nourishment of plants is water and that represents the never-ending flow of the Word of God.

Remember what Psalm 1 teaches us.  God says in Psalms 1, “blessed is the man that does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly”.  Counsel represents words of advice, guidance, and direction.  These words being referred to are obviously not the Words of God.  Then in verse 2 God says, “This man’s delight is in the law of the LORD”.  These are the wise words of God.  So, we have a battle of words being revealed to us.  There are two sources of words to choose from and continuing with the Word of God exclusively is the wise choice to make us strong.

Then in verse 3 God says this man is like a tree planted by the rivers (of water/His Word) that brings forth his fruit in season”.  Wow, we have some great connections being made by the Holy Spirit to the Parable of the Sower.  A tree feeds from the river because of the well-established root system.  The river represents the Word of God.  The continual supply of the Word of God will produce “fruit”, and this is the goal of salvation that God’s Word is designed for.  We have just discovered another trait of fruit failure.  This comes from Christians not developing good changed habits of putting God and His Word as their number one priority after first believing.  It would seem to imply that because of continued bad habits people are hardened in a part of their heart to become easily offended.  Ok, let us quickly review the major points of the stony ground.

  1. Stony Ground received and believed the Seed of God at first.
  2. Their hearts were initially filled with Joy and Gladness and began the process of producing roots and fruits.
  3. But when persecution, trials and tests came upon them to test their faith, they became offended and ashamed of the Word of God unable to stand strong and defend the Truth.
  4. The stony ground could not endure the test of Satan and fell away being dry leaving to go back into their previous way of life because of a lack of Water from the Word of God.
  5. The stony ground was initially saved but left the faith because of Satan’s attacks, temptations, tests, trials.
  6. Stony ground was not able to develop new habits that will result in new thinking, that will result eventually in new actions.

I pray that this was helpful in your understanding this Stony soil type.  We will review some of these types later in the examples.  But, for now let us move to the Thorny Ground overview.



Mat 13:22  He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care (G3308) of this world, and the deceitfulness (G539) of riches, choke (G4846) the word, and he becometh unfruitful (G175).

Mar 4:18  And these are they which are sown among thorns; such as hear the word

Mar 4:19  And the cares (G3308) of this world, and the deceitfulness (G539) of riches (G4149), and the lusts (G1939) of other things entering in, choke (G4846) the word, and it becometh unfruitful (G175).

Luk 8:14  And that which fell among thorns are they, which, when they have heard, go forth, and are choked with cares and riches (G4149) and pleasures (G2237) of this life, and bring no fruit to perfection (G5052)

Ok, soil type 3 is called the “thorny ground”. Jesus teaches us that this thorny ground human was also able to receive the Word of God like the previous stony ground and it is implied that they believed it and were in the process of bringing forth fruit.  Also notice that it is implied that this soil type does not have hard places of offences or shame.  Jesus further implies this truth in Matthew 13:23 when the seed in this soil type begins the process of first taking root and then the next moving into the process of growth to initiate them producing fruit.  We know this because the Greek word G1096 that was translated as “becometh” before the word unfruitful implies the process of being fruitful must have been initiated, in order for it to be terminated and chocked out by the thorns that were growing in the same soil simultaneously.

What then were these thorns?  Jesus taught us that the thorns represented “worldly cares” and “deceitfulness of riches” in Matthew 13:23. And in Mark 4:19 Jesus adds the “lusts of other things” to the list of thorny issues.  Lust is a Greek word that means to set our heart on something that has the appearance of good in our sight but has evil motives and intentions resulting in our future destruction.  Luke 8:14 reveals the choking thorns to be the previously mentioned “cares” and “riches” and these are added to a new concept called the “pleasures” of this present life. This is a remarkably similar concept to “lusts” that do not satisfy us.

Let us start this with understanding the word “cares”. “Cares” is the Greek word G3308 and it represents the concept of “distraction” or “isolation”.  If Satan can distract a Christian with something that is not necessary and important but appears desirable, then he has their focus removed from what God desired them to see in His Word.  If that does not work, another strategy is to separate a Christian from obtaining support and encouragement from other Christians.  Both are tricks that can be used to cause a Christian’s fruits to be choked out.  But Christians can apply 1 Peter 5:7 and allow God to take all our cares that are attempting to distract or isolate us when we choose to cast them upon Him.  We allow Him to carry them and solve them.  We do this while we don’t even worry about them.

“Pleasures” is the Greek word G2237 that means “sensual delight and desires”.  This is a truly clear reference to a person that is walking in the flesh and not in the spirit. These wrong desires and lusts based upon the five physical senses (sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound) appear to take control of the human heart to not allow God’s good seed to produce mature fruit.

The Greek word G5052 was translated as “fruit to perfection” but it literally means “to ripen fruit”. This Greek word that means “to ripen” was combined with the absolute negative G3756 word that declares no ripe fruit was produced.  God is teaching us that because of the presence of thorns (pleasures and lusts) distracting the believer from the Word of God, the human fruit of salvation begins but is never completed.   What other distracting and choking thorns apply to you?  What is taking your time away from the Word of God to focus most of your time on a 5 physical sense item in life?

Thorns could represent a lot of things in the human world.  But these could include a person that desires and lusts for wealth, fortune, fame, power, control, a celebrity status, stardom, recognition, casual physical sexual relations, highs from drugs or alcohol, maybe it is even cooking and eating too much, or dieting, etc.   There are many tricks of the devil used to entice a human away from God, His Word, and His salvation.  Let us go over a list of key points that we have observed about the thorny ground.

  1. The Thorny ground received the Word of God and is implied to have believed it to begin the process of producing fruit for their salvation.
  2. There are no mentions of being hardened by symbolic stones in this soil type and it is implied by this omission that Satan could not offend them to turn them away from God’s Word by using “persecution”.
  3. Therefore, Satan tried a new tactic and strategy to divert the believer away from God. Satan places enticing elements of fortune and fame before them and these elements tend to become a greater and greater distraction from being watered by the Word of God daily.
  4. The end-result of this soil type is a barren bush that has no matured ripe edible fruit. The thorn plants growing in the same soil has become their dominate desire and has completely choked out any possibility of “fruit”.
  5. Therefore, the thorny ground represents another unsaved human spirit.

We will see some examples of this soil type later in the Bible Study.   Let us now move to the good soil overview.


Crops grow on fertile farm land panoramic before harvest

Mat 13:23  But he that received seed into the good (G2570) ground is he that heareth (G191) the word, and understandeth (G4920) it; which also beareth fruit (G2592), and bringeth forth (G4160), some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.

Mar 4:20  And these are they which are sown on good ground; such as hear the word, and receive it, and bring forth fruit, some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some an hundred.

Luk 8:15  But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience

Finally, soil type 4 called the “good ground” is the only human heart condition that produces the precious fruit that God is seeking (James 5:7).   I would like to go through a few of the key words selected by the Holy Spirit to describe this soil type.  The first is G191 that was translated as “heareth”.  This word literally means “to give audience”.  This is the deliberate choice of human participation to listen closely to what is being said.  If I go to church and while the preacher is speaking, I am looking at my phone to see who wants to do something after church, am I giving audience to the speaker.  It would be like someone paying $300 for ticket to a concert and they spend the whole evening outside the arena at the food and drink line.  When something else takes our priority over what is really the most important subject of the evening that is a wrong human choice.

One of our main subjects in this Bible study on the Parable of the Sower, is the Word of God called “Seed”.   This should be our number one desire whenever we can give audience to hear it.  Notice this topic specifies there are personal decisions and choices made to participate. This is important to know.  The next Greek word is G4920 and it was translated as “understandeth”.  This word means “to put together”.  It comes from another Greek word “G4862 that literally means to be in “union” with.  Wow, this is important even if we do not fully understand it.  To be in union is marriage covenant terminology.  It would be like Adam “knew” his wife and they had a son (Gen 4:1).  Having and participating in gaining knowledge and understanding of the Word of God contributes to the presence of a covenant relationship.  Finally, the Greek word G4920 translated as “understand” contains the implication “to act piously”.  In other words, after we understand the Word of God, we are supposed to be wise enough to apply it and do it.  Wow! Notice what Jesus said in this verse:

Mat 7:24  Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine (Seeds), and doeth them (Act on them), I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:

It would appear, that just hearing and beginning to learn the Word of God is only an initial part of the process for bearing fruit unto salvation.  This could be another factor for why some Christians only produce a 30-fold return.  These 30-fold soils may only be applying a small part of the Bible while ignoring other parts.  God is teaching us that we must “act piously” to continue the spiritual growth process.  This simply means that we should become wise enough to do what the Word of God tells us to do.  Never forget what Jesus says to some people, “Not everyone that says to me LORD LORD will enter into the kingdom heaven, but only he that does the will of the Father shall enter” (Mat 7:21).   How do we know the will of the Father?  We read His Word and do it.

The next Greek word in Matthew 13:23 is G2592.  This word was translated as “beareth fruit”.  It is defined by Strong as “to be fertile”.  There is an implied application that this is our responsibility of choice to make our self “to be fertile”.  I believe humans have a lot more accountability than we care to acknowledge in this fruit bearing process.

Let us move to the next Greek word G4160.  This Greek word was translated as “bringeth forth” in the KJV Bible.  But it is defined by Strong as “to make or do”.  In other words, this is another Greek word that is assigning human responsibility in the fruit producing process.  It represents a verb of human preference, choice, and action.  Jesus used this same word in Matthew 4:19 when He spoke to the future disciples in their boats and said, “Follow me and I will make (G4160) you fishers of men”.  Clearly, we can see Jesus’ commitment of personal responsibility to teach them to become a human fisherman.  But we can better understand that Jesus was not going to force them to do this and they needed to cooperate and begin to take steps to follow.  No, Jesus ask them to come, but it was their choice to follow.  This is exactly what the Parable of the Sower is teachings.  Jesus wanted to save us, so He chose to spread His Seed/Words in our ears so we could permit them to enter our hearts.  Then we are required to cooperate to listen to begin the process of receiving them and after believing them to begin the seed growth process by doing them.  The first soil type failed completely in this process.  The second and third soil types failed later during the ongoing process to not bring forth fruit.  But Jesus is talking about the good soil, these people have decided to be a faithful follower of Jesus and His Words to “bring forth” the fruit He desired.

This good soil type desires to hear the words of God, values the Word of God sown more than any other thing found in the world and overcomes every Satanic persecution and distraction to remove it from their heart.  This type of ground chooses to be well watered by participating in every opportunity where the Word of God is being spoken and focuses on absorbing and understanding every Word of God that was spoken.  What Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 3:6, “I planted, and Apollos watered, but God gave the increase he was very clearly cooperating with the God designed process of salvation by planting God’s Word in their hearts and then Apollos continued the maturing growth process of the fruit by watering the initial seeds with more of the Word of God.  But the people that were listening had to be cooperating with this divine process by intensely listening with an open mind to hear and understand (Acts 17:11).  These are the types of good soil that produced fruit.   Fruitful people primarily concentrate on the Word more than anything or anyone else in the room that could disturb them.  These people do not get consumed or entangled with the short-term pleasures of sin in this world and they continue in the Word of God until they produce as much fruit for salvation as is possible.

It is particularly important to notice that Jesus taught us that some in the good soil type produced 100-fold, while others fell shorter at 60-fold and then finally others fell even shorter at producing only a 30-fold return of fruit to seed and water ratio.  This simply proves that not every Christian is going to produce the fruit level that God intended or desired for them to deliver to Him.  But we must ask and answer why this variation of fruit occurs.  Is it God’s choice, Satan’s work or a human choice that causes many to have no fruit and some to have varying levels from 30 to 100 times fruit production?  I believe we can find the answer confirmed in another parable that Jesus taught us:

Joh 15:5  I (Jesus the Word) am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me (human choice), and I in him (a divine choice), the same bringeth forth much fruit (30 fold 60 fold or 100 fold): for without me (Jesus the Word) ye can do nothing

Joh 15:6  If a man abide not in me (human negative choice), he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire (hell), and they are burned

Joh 15:7  If ye abide in me (human positive choice), and my words abide in you (human choice), ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you

We can see how Jesus claims to be a symbolic vine and His implied believers in Him are described to be His symbolic branches.  We can clearly see how these branches wither and die if they choose to not remain in Him.  The factor of human choice is mentioned directly 4 times in these three verses.  We can further see that there is an implication based upon verse 7 of John 15 that it is the amount of the Word of God that we let come in us and remain in us that will determine the level of fruit production.  Jesus is the living Word of God (Rev 19:13).  But I believe God is saying we are to keep His written Word in us every chance we get.  We can see this in other places in the Bible that confirm this truth (PS 1).  Therefore, I believe the key to no fruit, little fruit or much fruit is the amount of time that we spend in the Word of God.  Finally, notice this amount of Word remaining in us, is also a contributing factor for God answering our prayers.  But that is another topic.

Let us list some of the key points given to us by Jesus in the explanation of the good soil:

  1. The Good Soil Always Produces Fruit in season.
  2. Based upon previous soil types this fruit that is initiated endures to become matured fruit.
  3. This fruit is produced because they first heard the Word of God.
  4. This person chose to receive the Word (let it enter their minds and heart while ignoring every distraction)
  5. Keep the Word (regard the Word as Valuable and Important enough to try to remember it)
  6. Aggressively pursues to understand the Word of God.
  7. Ignores all persecution to continue in the Word of God.
  8. Exalts the Word of God far above any other natural or physical desire or pleasure.
  9. Chooses to “bring-forth” fruit with “patience” over an extended period of time.
  10. Continues in the Word of God to allow it to transform and renew their mind to water the seed that has been planted.

Let us move on to the subject of the human heart/spirit for a better understanding of soil types.


first_wordI would like in this Bible study to move next in the subject of the “soil” to God’s first mention of the word “heart” in the Bible.  This is one great, common, and fundamental technique of sound Bible interpretation and understanding God’s design of His Word.  It is very much like when a baby is born and the parents eagerly await the first word of their baby.  Will it be “mama” or “dada” or “big truck”.  God implemented this design on purpose to help us understand every major subject of the Bible.  We will use this established law of “First Mention” to discover some very important basics to the subject of the “heart” of man.  We will do this by searching for this word “heart” in our Bible program and then going to the verse where it is mentioned and read the context.  We will find that this word is first used by God in Genesis chapter 6 and reading with verses 5 and 6:

Gen 6:5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart (H3820) was only evil continually

Gen 6:6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

This chapter of Genesis can be considered widely controversial to many Bible teachers and students.  God placed some things in this chapter that are exceedingly difficult for people today to accept.  The time frame of this chapter was shortly before the flood of Noah.  We read in verse 5 one part for the need for God’s judgment to practically destroy the entire earth and to start fresh with just 8 people that survived.  Notice in verse 5, that God was observing His human creation on the earth and He remarked that they were greatly wicked.   Many will assume that this was the physical acts of their flesh and I believe that was the external lack of positive fruits that could be observed.  But I believe God was more interested in what was happening in their internal spiritual condition first.  God teaches us that He sees things not as man sees them but since He is a Spirit, He judges’ a human spirit first.  Let us review an evidence of this truth:

1Sa 16:7  But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart (H3824).

We learn something especially important by reading 1 Samuel 16:7. God speaks to the prophet while he is looking on the outward qualities of the man standing before him.  God’s prophet was judging in his heart based upon the man’s outward appearance.  But God clearly tells us this is not His focus or His priority.  It is very clearly stated that God judges a human based upon their unseen heart.  Ok, we have just learned that the unseen part of the man is God’s principal focus.  All three verses that we have read so far have the key word “heart” (H3824 and H3820).  By the way H3820 is a form of the word H3824 so there is a direct connection.  Let us get back to Genesis 6 now.

In Genesis 6:5 we learn that God was genuinely concerned that man’s heart had become very wicked.   I would like to point out that the Hebrew word H120 that is translated as “man” can also be transliterated as “Adam”.  It is the same Hebrew Word.  But here God is not speaking of one Adam as an individual but rather as all humans collectively comprised of every descendant that came from Adam’s body. That would include people today.  Keep that in mind.  God then teaches us that these Adam descendants were very wicked.  Wicked is a Hebrew word (H7451) that means “bad or evil” in the sense of natural behavior or moral intent and desires.  God then begins to describe the initiating process for this wickedness.   God says that man’s wickedness originated from an internal spiritual process dealing with the human “imagination”.

What is imagination? And do people today still use this divine gift of imagination?  Perhaps you have been to Disney World.  They thrive on making a fortune taking advantage of their human imaginations.  Perhaps you have heard of Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the Little Mermaid, and on and on.  Obviously, human imagination is still thriving in our world also.  This should give you some idea that imagination is alive and well in the modern age. But what is it exactly?

Here is where we begin to go much deeper into a complex subject.  Imagination can be either good or evil or positive or negative.  The Hebrew word H3336 that is translated as “imagination” literally means “a form”.  This Hebrew word comes from H3335 that literally means “to squeeze into a form” or “mold into a shape”.  This represents a process concept that can be visualized very well from the observable actions of a potter that is molding a shapeless useless lump of soft clay into a lovely pot which is useful.  A potter is normally using and applying their imagination to change a lump of useless stuff into something especially beneficial.  That concept of imagination represents creativity and design.   No exquisitely designed vase has ever “evolved” from a lump of clay of its own will power over a very long period of time.

God uses the Hebrew word H3335 in Genesis 2:7 when He formed the body of man from the dust of the ground.  Wow, I pray you are paying attention.  Remember God says in Genesis 1 everything that He created was good and was summarized to be collectively “very good” in Genesis 1:31.  But, before this we know that man was “made” in the image and likeness of God in Genesis 1:26. Therefore, we learn that God must have transferred a portion of His divine ability into humans to design and make non-functional things into useful objects. Exercising this ability can be considered human imagination being applied on a lesser level than the God kind of awesome imagination.  This human imaginative ability had to be a divine pattern of intelligent design.  A human that can manufacture good objects had to come originally from God the utmost imaginative intelligent designer and creator. However, man in Genesis 6 was not using this God given gift of their imagination for creating anything good.  No, we are told that all of man’s thoughts were coming up with designs and plans for only evil.  That is a major problem that required God’s attention.

Finally, Genesis 6:6 God gives us some new information that He has a heart.  God uses the identical Hebrew word H3820 translated as “heart” in verse 5 describing man’s heart to refer to His divine heart.  Therefore, we learn where man obtained their spirit from.  In verse 6 God’s heart is grieved for the current state of man’s heart being so evil.  Uh oh!  Did not God create humans in the state of good at the beginning?  Didn’t He use His omnipotent power to create them the exact way that He desired?  We just learned that man was created in a described state of “very good”.  But, now 5 chapters later in Genesis 6 God is very regretful that He even made them.  Does this sound familiar?  Do you remember what God said about Satan when He was created?  Reread Ezekiel 28:15 where God says, “You were perfect in the day you were created until iniquity was found in you”.   That is a remarkably similar description to what just happened to Adam’s lineage almost 1500 years later in Genesis 6.

What we are learning is the concept of “freewill”.  Apparently, God’s created angels and human both had been created with the ability to make their own independent decisions to do as they please even though they had everything that they already needed to be happy.  It was Satan’s choice to rebel even though it was not morally permissible or acceptable in the eyes of God to do so.  It was this way with God’s human creation also.  It is still this way in humans today.  Every person has the freewill to make whatever choices they wish either good or evil daily.  Adam and Eve had everything they needed including fellowship with their Creator but they too rebelled.  This concept of “freewill choice” will play a major role in us understanding the heart of man in the Parable of the Sower.  We have already seen this in Parable but now let us examine some relevant Bible examples to prove it further.



I would like us to go through a few Bible examples of these important soil types that the LORD has taught us about in this subject.  I love to use the Bible to understand the Bible.  God’s design of His Word is so immensely amazing. He has designed this book masterfully as a well-integrated set of truths using positive and negative examples for us to learn from.  For example, He teaches us a simple parable of sowing seed and that represents a great beginning, but then He places living models and patterns of these basic truths right in front of our eyes to confirm what was metaphorically taught in the parable.   We are going to begin this section by reading a story of Jesus teaching and healing a lame man.  In this story please look for the presence of at least two different soil types (humans) that Jesus (the Sower) is sowing His Father’s Words.  Notice how each of their hearts received the Word and then notice their responses and attitudes:

Mar 2:1  And again he entered into Capernaum after some days; and it was noised that he was in the house

Mar 2:2  And straightway many were gathered together, insomuch that there was no room to receive them, no, not so much as about the door: and he preached (Sowed) the word (Seed of God) unto them (All Soil Types/hearts).

Luk 5:17  And it came to pass on a certain day, as he was teaching (sowing Seeds from the Word of God), that there were Pharisees and doctors of the law sitting by (Soil Type 1), which were come out of every town of Galilee, and Judaea, and Jerusalem: and the power (G1411) of the Lord was present to heal them (EVERY SOIL TYPE)

Luk 5:18  And, behold, men (Soil Type 4) brought in a bed a man (also Soil Type B) which was taken with a palsy: and they sought means to bring him in, and to lay him before him. 

Luk 5:19  And when they could not find by what way they might bring him in because of the multitude, they went upon the housetop, and let him down through the tiling with his couch into the midst before Jesus

Luk 5:20  And when he saw their faith (Soil Type 4), he said unto him, Man, thy sins are forgiven thee. 

Luk 5:21  And the scribes and the Pharisees (Soil Type 1) began to reason (In their Minds), saying, Who is this which speaketh blasphemies? Who can forgive sins, but God alone

Luk 5:22  But when Jesus perceived their thoughts (Negative Words of Unbelief in the Minds of Soil 1), he answering said unto them, What reason (Negative Judgments Based Upon Your Ignorance), ye in your hearts (Soil 1 spirits)

Luk 5:23  Whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Rise up and walk? 

Luk 5:24  But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power upon earth to forgive sins, he said unto the sick of the palsy, I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy couch, and go into thine house

Luk 5:25  And immediately he (Soil 4) rose up before them (Soil 1), and took up that whereon he lay, and departed to his own house, glorifying God

Luk 5:26  And they (Soil 1) were all amazed, and they glorified God, and were filled with fear, saying, We have seen strange things to day.

Mar 2:12 And immediately he (Soil 4) arose, took up the bed, and went forth before them all (Soil 1); insomuch that they (Soil 1) were all amazed, and glorified God, saying, We never saw it on this fashion.

Many times, in the Bible God uses direct comparisons of opposite beliefs, attitudes, motivations, desires, reactions and results to teach and confirm to us very profound truths.  In this story of a lame paralyzed man that could not walk, is found one of these examples of opposing soils types.  You probably noticed that I included a few verses from the story found in Mark to fill in details that were not included in Luke.  Please note that I do not plan to teach every verse.  I pray you read it over closely and paid attention to the underlined words and my added explanations in the parentheses to help identify a few of the important differences between these two soil types that I called Soil 1 and Soil 4.

What was the number one difference between these two types of soil?  Perhaps you noticed in Luke 5:17 that the Power of the LORD was present to heal everyone but only 1 lame man received anything from Jesus!  Please do not let that bypass your focused attention.  What was the reason for Jesus not healing everyone?  It should become obvious that it was the positive faith combined with their attitudes of purpose and determination within their hearts of the men in Soil Type 4 that were radically different from the negative attitudes found within the Soil Type 1 hearts.

The house where Jesus was teaching was jammed packed with people of Soil Type 1.  They were sitting everywhere and even blocking all the doors and windows.  On the surface this would appear to be a positive desire to hear the Words of God spoken by Jesus.  But we learn from other scriptures that many of the Sadducees and Pharisees desired to trap and trick Jesus into saying something that could be used against him in a kangaroo court (Mar 12:13, Luk 11:54, Luk 20:20).  We know the end of the story by reading the Gospels.  Jesus was taken before the Roman government and the demand for His execution was not going to be denied.  Therefore, we begin to understand what type of soil these religious leaders sitting with Jesus in the house represent.

Notice the especially important contrast of the 5 men we called Soil Type 4 on the top of the roof of the house. They possessed determination and confidence that Jesus was their answer to the lame man’s problem.  Pay close attention to verse 5.  This verse claims that Jesus saw their (the 5 men of Soil Type 4) faith.  What is faith?  I pray you have read the Bible Study Series called “Understanding Bible Faith”.  Romans 10:17 is where we learn how faith comes to every human.  According to this verse in Romans, God reveals that these 5 Soil Type 4 men, have already heard the Word of God from Jesus and have believed His Seeds planted in their hearts.  This is dramatically an opposite of the religious men sitting in the house and blocking the doors to not allow any others soil types to come in.

It should now be plain that these men on the inside of the house Soil Type 1 were the Wayside Soil type.  These were men that had a hardened surface of pride, that would not allow the Word of God to penetrate their hearts.  It was this trampled-on soil type that was easy for Satan to steal the Word Seeds up quickly before entering their hearts.  But, notice how Satan did this sly work.  Satan used their own thoughts and said to their minds “who is this that blasphemes, who can forgive sins except God”.  Do you understand that most of Satan’s thoughts that are placed in your mind are given to you as if you had thought of them?  This is a masterful trick of deception.  People are most easily tricked when a thought is believed to be from their own mind spoken in the first person about them self or someone else.  Satan’s thoughts are almost always spoken in the human mind as if it was our own personal thought.  That was a gift from the Holy Spirit and worth reading this entire lesson if you won’t forget it.

These men inside the house were simply distracted from believing this man named Jesus was more than a man, that had just forgiven a lame man’s sins and healed him.  In fact Jesus was the creator God in the flesh standing in front of them in a human form (John 1:1-14).  No one present in the house before the lame man was able to think correctly and choose to have an open mind to receiving the truth.  These religious men did not know enough and did not want to learn.  They did not know Jesus was born in Bethlehem the city of David (Micah 5:2).  They did not know His mother’s lineage was directly from King David (2 Sam 7:13, Luke 3:31).  They also did not know He was born of a woman that was a virgin who had never had physical sex with any male and according to Isaiah 7:14 this made Him God as well as a human son of David simultaneously.  By fulfilling just these 3 prophecies Jesus is proven to be a human child of Mary and the Son of God.  Therefore, according to Hosea 4:6, God says His people are destroyed for their ignorance and because they have no desire to learn the truth.  Finally, another reason other than pride, desire and ignorance is based upon their prejudicial beliefs.  Human beliefs based upon our personal preconceived information absent of the real facts is a major blindness that causes people’s eyes to be unable to receive the truth. It was only the lame man that received the healing through Jesus, even though the Bible clearly says, “the power of God was present to heal them all”.

Here is what I take away from this example of these two soil types.  Most of the people that were present listening to Jesus were unable to be saved because they refused to listen and see (receive) truth from the correct perspective.  Most of these men were educated and sophisticated religious types of leaders with roles of power and influence.  They also believed things mostly based upon their five physical senses.  We know this from reading Luke 5:26 and Mark 2:12. These two verses claim that they left Jesus being amazed saying, “we have seen strange things” and “we have never seen it done like this before”.  This confirms they only were looking at natural things and ignoring the spiritual words being spoken to them.

But, the five men that had faith from hearing the Word of God went away rejoicing and giving all the glory to God having received the healing that was always there. These 5 men with faith that I called Soil Type 4, they represent Jesus’ “Good Soil” and they were on the way to being saved.

Joh 5:34 But I receive not testimony from man: but these things I say, that ye might be saved. 

The Greek word that is translated as “saved” in this verse is “sojo” G4982.  Mostly it is translated as “save” or “saved” but it also means “healed” or “made whole”.  According to the last statement in John 5:34 Jesus claimed that His words that were being sowed into the human lives on the earth, they were designed by God to “save” us.  We get a further confirmation of this truth by reading what Paul wrote to the Roman church:

Rom 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power (G1411) of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

Notice what God says in this verse.  The Gospel of Christ is the “power” of God which has the potential to produce human “salvation”, but only to those that believe it.  In other words, God’s Word is sovereignly powerful to save anyone, if they choose to receive it, believe it and act on it.    The Greek word translated as “power” in Romans 1:16 is the exact same word selected by God in Luke 5:17 to describe the “power of the Lord” that was available to heal everyone present.  This is not a coincidence.

We are gaining significant understanding that soil types have a role to play in the powerful Word of God seed sowing salvation process.  God clearly teaches us these concepts by giving us 4 soil types and only 1 good seed type being sown by one good sower.  Jesus was sowing seeds to the Jews first while walking the land of Israel.  But, after His death, burial, and resurrection, the Word of God Seed for salvation began to be spread to Gentiles.  Natural seeds work like Spiritual Word seeds.  The concepts are significantly similar in operation by God’s design.  A natural seed that remains in a packet unopened represents a preacher that keeps their mouths shut to never share their seeds inside them with anyone.

We know that everyone present in Luke 5 and Mark 2 when Jesus healed the lame man could have been healed by the same “Power of God” by receiving, believing and acting upon the same Words that were being spoken by Jesus.  This firmly convinces me that it is the human’s choice what type of soil we want to be. I do understand that it takes the Holy Spirit’s drawing of humans to also be saved (John 6:44).  But that does not mean God only draws to Him some to be saved and not others. This also does not mean that the Words (Power of God) are being spoken only to a few and not to everyone present at the same time.  That type of belief would be a doctrine of “bias” and “favoritism”. Many religious people put all the responsibility of who is saved and who is not only on God’s sovereign choice.  This belief eliminates a man’s responsibilities of choice and freewill to believe or not to believe like John 3:16 claims.  “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life”.

Can we begin to see how the choices to what we hear and believe and how we hear can result in our spiritual, mental, and physical outcomes?  I know speaking personally of my own experiences of making good and bad choices, I have either succeeded or failed to receive what God wanted for me for years because of my beliefs or unbelief.  Let us go on to a new example of two other soil types found in the Bible.


To begin we will read from the book of Luke and chapter 10:

Luk 10:38  Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha (Soil 3) received him into her house

Luk 10:39  And she had a sister called Mary (Soil 4), which also sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard his word

Luk 10:40  But Martha was cumbered (G4049) about much serving (G1248), and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me

Luk 10:41  And Jesus (the Sower) answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful (G3309) and troubled (G5182) about many things

Luk 10:42  But one thing (G1520) is needful (G5532): and Mary (Soil 4) hath chosen (G1586) that good part (G3310), which shall not be taken away from her.

Here are two more of the basic four soil types being taught to us from one real life true Bible example.  We will call these the MARY (Type 4) and the Martha (Type 3) soils.  I am sure you can already begin to see which of the 4 soil types each woman represents from the Parable of the Sower.  We will deal with the positive Mary Soil Type 4 first.  She was described by Jesus in verse 42.  This verse contains two great Greek Words that need to be understood to appreciate the Parable of the Sower.

The first Greek word was G1586 and it was translated as “chosen”.  This word clearly teaches us that it is the human’s right and freedom to choose to listen to the Words of God being spoken or not to listen to the words of God.  Mary was intensely listening and paying attention to every word coming out of the mouth of Jesus.  Mary made Jesus and His Word her number one priority. We understand this by the Greek word G3310 that was translated as “part”.  This word informs us of Mary’s choice to be with Jesus instead of doing other things of less significance.  The Greek word G3310 shows us Mary was “participating” with receiving the Words of Jesus and Martha was not.  Mary made it her number one main concern to listen intently with her whole undistracted heart and Marth did not.  We understand this by the Greek word G1520 that was translated as “one thing”.  One thing means there were no other things on her mind.  In other words, Mary was only thinking of what Jesus said and not what she was going to eat for lunch or whatever else could distract her.  Wow, this is important.

Remember the focus of thoughts from the last soil type example of the religious rulers?  They appear to be focused on what Jesus said to accuse Him of blasphemy.  But Mary was listening with no wrong motives and was open to hear whatever was spoken even if she did not fully understand it all immediately, or agree with it, or receive it completely.

Mary “chooses” to be a type of good soil by focusing on Jesus and His words and making it her focused precedence without prejudicial judgments.  Also notice that she took a place of humility at His feet listening very closely to every Word that was being sown into heart.  Humility is a key to receiving anything from God and this attitude was the opposite of the position taken by the religious leaders in the house at Capernaum.  Mary clearly gave Jesus more of her selfless priority than anything else that she could have been doing to work, cook or serve him.  All these works can be good unless they cause us to become distracted from knowing and hearing from Jesus.  That is especially important to learn.  What we focus upon and place our priority upon in our mind will determine what type of soil we choose to become.  Also, the humbleness of our heart will allow the Word to enter while the pride of what we think we know already will close our mind from receiving.

Obviously, Martha was a representative type of a negative non-fruit producing soil.  She was very distracted by worldly priorities of doing good works of service for Jesus instead of sitting at His feet to make Him her priority.  These choices that Martha made choked out the Words of Jesus that were being spoken to everyone in the house.  The Martha Soil Type 3 fits the thorny ground soil type very well.  Jesus clearly said she had “cares” that caused her to think that hearing from Jesus was not as an important focus as her works of service for Him. What was the primary difference that caused the Marry soil Type 4 to be wiser than the Martha Soil Type 3? They were both sisters living in the same house.

Here is where some Bible teachers would attempt to claim that this was God’s sovereign selection or election.   One woman named Mary was created to be saved and the other named Martha was not chosen.  But that cannot be true.  Humans love the sovereign God belief that everything in life that happens to them was His choice.  This removes the responsibility for their bad choices and places them upon the shoulders of God to blame Him alone.  It is the classic blame shifting we read about in Genesis 3.  Adam said it was this woman that you gave me.  Eve said it was this serpent that deceived me.  This is a major deception of the enemy.  Satan likes humans to believe they have no responsibility for their own bad choices.  However, using God’s evidence given to us from the Bible proves this is NOT TRUE.

No, here we have an example of two soil types that were determined by their own individual priorities, desires, and choices.  One woman named Martha cared more about doing some worldly good serving things than listening to the Word of God.   Maybe you know people like this in your church?  They are great volunteers and servants but if you asked them about the Bible, they might have difficulty to know what it says or means.  Wow, does that mean we should not serve or do good works?  Absolutely not!   This only means the soil type should make the Word of God and fellowshipping with Jesus their number 1 priority above serving.  When God is speaking, we should shut up, stop what we are doing and listen.  We should change our focus off the world and make Him our goal.

Let us ask the question what would have happened if Martha had made the same choice as Mary?  Do you believe that Jesus would have let everyone in the house go hungry?  I remember when Jesus fed 5000 once and 3000 another time after everyone listened without complaining of their hunger.  These large numbers of people were further examples of the good soil type.  They were hungrier in their spirit for His Words than they were for any natural food in their stomachs.  What did Jesus finally do?  I know you remember that He fed them from a small amount and after this they had a lot of food left over.  God was able to multiply a small amount of natural substance to feed them all.  Let us move into another example of the thorny soil.


Mar 10:17  And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running (SOIL 3), and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life

Mar 10:18  And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God. 

Mar 10:19  Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother

Mar 10:20  And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth

Mar 10:21  Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me

Mar 10:22  And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions

Mar 10:23  And Jesus looked round about, and saith unto his disciples, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God

Mar 10:24  And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!

This is an incredibly significant example of how a man’s desires for his natural possessions and wealth overruled his desires for God’s Kingdom.  We can tell by the way the man approached Jesus, that he was humble, honest, and sincere.  He had a significant desire to know the truth.  He even knew a lot of the Bible commands and trusted in his service to obey them.  But when the truth was presented in love to him by Jesus it caused a new problematic change in his focus and attitude.  Suddenly the rich man took his eyes off Jesus and in his mind reflected on everything that he had accumulated to exalt them more than his desire for eternal life.  Jesus was deeply saddened by this man’s reaction and bad choice.  The rich man was also saddened but still turned away from following Jesus and longer.  This was not a wise choice.  In contrast we can read about Moses who was raised in Egypt by Pharaoh’s daughters and he obtained everything that the world could possibly offer, fortune, fame, a life of luxury and power, etc.  But, according to Hebrews 11:25:

Heb 11:25  Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;

According to God’s Word Moses made the right wise choice to suffer affliction rather than to enjoy temporary pleasures for a short season of his life.  The eternal rewards of making wise choices like Mary and Moses will pay off with far greater benefits than living life here on earth to get only get rich..


Joh 6:51  I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world

Joh 6:52  The Jews (Soil Type 1) therefore strove among themselves, saying, How can this man give us his flesh to eat

Joh 6:53  Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you

Joh 6:54  Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day

Joh 6:55  For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed

Joh 6:56  He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him

Joh 6:57  As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father: so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me

Joh 6:58  This is that bread which came down from heaven: not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead: he that eateth of this bread shall live for ever

Joh 6:59  These things said he in the synagogue, as he taught in Capernaum. 

Joh 6:60  Many therefore of his disciples (Soil 2), when they had heard this, said, This is an hard saying; who can hear it

Joh 6:61  When Jesus knew in himself that his disciples (Soil 2) murmured at it, he said unto them, Doth this offend you

Joh 6:62  What and if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before? 

Joh 6:63  It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words (Seeds) that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life

Joh 6:64  But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who should betray him. 

Joh 6:65  And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father. 

Joh 6:66  From that time many of his disciples (Soil 2) went back, and walked no more with him

 This is a long set of verses that center on the primary subject of “How to receive Eternal Life”.  Jesus is speaking about spiritual truths that are difficult to understand for unsaved and naturally minded Christians.  It is noticeably clear that Jesus is the Sower in this story. He is there in the synagogue teaching God’s Words.  This is clearly the “Seed” of God being spread verbally from His mouth.  If the soil (people present) received it, it would allow the fruit growing process to start or continue.  However, there are two major problems revealed in this passage taking place in the hearts of a lot of the people that were listening.  First, they did not understand that He was speaking of Spiritual things called “Bread” also known as “Words” and they were only thinking of physical natural bread.  They were also “ignorant that His flesh did come from heaven sent to them by the Word of God (John 1:1-14).  God did this by sending His Word to the heart of Mary who received it, believed it and conceived it to produce the male child Jesus in her womb (Luke 1:38).  Therefore, we have a factor of ignorance and a lack of understanding that caused a significant problem.  Let us look at the next problem.

Problem number two was revealed by Jesus in John 6:61. Here Jesus asks them “Does this offend you?”   This Greek word translated as “offend” is G4624 and it comes from G4625 that we have looked at earlier that means “to set a trap” in order to capture or recapture a free and living creature.  The Greek word G4624 means “to trip or cause to stumble”.  This is a fully accurate description of one of Satan’s key strategies to stop people from being saved.  Many of Christ’s followers admitted they did not understand what He was talking about in John 6:60. They said, “This is a hard saying, who can hear it”.  They were saying, “Who can participate with these words?”  It was the wrong thinking of these disciples that caused their offence in their heart.

John 6:66 is the final confirmation of which soil type these disciples that could not participate with the Word of God.  This verse says, “from this day they turned back and walked no longer with Jesus”.  These were obvious personal choices that they made to begin to “walk with Jesus” and to “walk no more with Him”.  It was the Words that Jesus spoke that caused them to make both decisions.  With the first words that they heard, they must have received and believed them with gladness.  But the later words in this example were suddenly offensive to cause them to be turned away.  What made them offensive?  We should have just learned it was their lack of understanding and their choice to not continue to participate to learn what they meant.  This was a great specific example of Soil Type 2 called the “Stony Ground”.  Jesus’ words became a stumbling block of offence and Satan used it masterfully to get them to all turn away.


We could go through example after example in the Bible of the four types of soil given to us in this Parable of the Sower, but I will leave that to you.  I would highly recommend that while you are reading the Bible, pay close attention to why some received, believed, and were saved and why others that heard the same words were not.  There are always reasons given in almost every reference.  Just look up the Greek words that are used to describe each situation and individual.  Notice what was said and how it was heard.  Was it taken as it was intended or was it misunderstood as something totally different like we read about in John 6 about Jesus’ body being Bread from Heaven?

I hope and pray that this lesson was a blessing to you.  I really am blessed to write them and give them to you to read, study and learn.  Also, I am blessed to hear your comments and questions.  I pray that everyone will be ready to meet Jesus, because I believe He is coming soon.  God Bless you all until the next lesson.

Ten Reasons Based Upon the Book of Revelation to Believe in the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church

Rapture Of The Church1(Ver 1.1) This is now Part 7 in the important Bible study series concerning the “Rapture” also called the “Catching Away” of the Church.  We have not studied together in this lesson series for a long time.  But I felt led to share some new thoughts on this subject.  I believe in the light of everything that has been occurring in the world recently with the coronavirus pandemic this subject should gain an increased value for our focus and awareness.  Personally, I believe we are rapidly approaching the end of the church age. There are too many signs that are happening in rapid succession for us not to realize Jesus is coming back to get us very soon.  Today’s subject is focused upon the catching away of the Church by Jesus Christ.  The Church is His Bride, His Body and His Building (Temple) and we should be looking forward to His soon appearance coming in the air to take us up to heaven.

I will warn you that this is another long Bible lesson.  Therefore, you may want to read and study it in sections.  There are approximately 13 section topics.  There are three foundational sections to begin the lesson, followed by ten reasons from the Book of Revelation to believe in a pre-tribulation rapture. Each section could be divided into a single day devotional if that is how you would like to study it.  Others might just like to read the entire lesson like a book.  However you choose to study, please be blessed as we learn to understand the awesome Word of God!



We will begin with a truth written by the Apostle Paul to a Pastor named Titus.  Paul was an encourager.  Paul had endured extreme persecution like few have ever had to endure.  Yet, Paul remained optimistic and positive throughout his life.  What caused this hopeful optimism?

Titus 2:13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;

hope_titus_2_13Christians are experiencing and observing such a rise of evil in the entire world.  But in the center of every evil, like Paul we can remain optimistic to expect Jesus could come and get us at any moment.  What kind of evil had Paul been going through serving Jesus that caused Him to be so cheerful and positive writing to Pastor Titus?  We can read in 1 Corinthians 11 that Pau had been given 39 stripes on his back, 5 times by Roman guards.  Three times Paul had been beaten with iron rods.  Paul was stoned at least once and dragged outside the city being left as dead.  Three times he was sailing in a ship that was shipwrecked.  Paul had to tread water for a long night and day in at least one of these shipwrecks.  Paul was threatened by robbers repeatedly.  Paul informs us that he had been in the condition of severe hunger and thirst frequently.  He also described experiencing extreme conditions of cold and being without clothes.  Paul wrote about all of this while in prison chained to guards.  These were not all the listed trials and troubles that Paul endured, but these words were written to help us to be encouraged to endure.

How many of us today have come close to what Paul had to go through?  Isn’t it amazing how encouraging Paul was despite all the evils that had been done to him?  Notice in Titus 2:13 how Paul encouraged Titus nearly 2000 years ago.  Paul instructs Titus to place his confidences in an unusual concept that was called the “blessed hope”.  Paul defines this as the appearance of Jesus Christ our Savior.  What does this mean to you?

Please allow me to tell what it means to me.  “Looking for” is the Greek word G4327 that means “to wait patiently with confidence”.   “Blessed” is the Greek word G3107 that means “to be supremely blest and happy”.  “Hope” is the Greek word G1680 that means “confidently expecting”.  “Appearing” is the Greek word G2015 that means “to come into visible manifestation”.  And “Savior” is the Greek word G4990 that means “a deliverer”.  So, what is a deliverer?  A “deliverer” is the person that provides something that has been promised and is now expected to arrive at any moment to fulfill the commitment.  Wow, why is this important?  This is what the verse means to me:

Paitiently waiting for the great God Jesus Christ, my supreme blessing with all of my confidence expecting His glorious promised personal appearance to rescue me at any moment!


That is exactly what I believe God is saying to us in this verse.  But can we confirm what was the promise given to us by the LORD Jesus that will be delivered, honored and fulfilled soon?  I believe we can.  Here is one essential promise made by the LORD Jesus that will be fulfilled to the church very soon to answer our blessed hope:

Joh 14:3  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there you may be also. 

Jesus, our bridegroom tells us that he must go up to His father’s house to prepare a place for us.  Before He goes, He promises us (His bride) that He will return for us.  And then when He returns, He will “receive” us up to be where He is.  Jesus does three things and tells us that we are the focus of what He will do three times.

1.    I go (ascension into heaven)
2.    And prepare a place (at my Father’s house) For you
3.    I will come again (at the trumpet sound) For you
4.    And receive (rapture, take) You
5.    So that where I am (in heaven) There you will be also

Where is Jesus right now?  According to New Testament Jesus went up to heaven (Acts 1:9).  Now notice the word translated as “receive”.  This is the Greek word G3880 and it is a compound word containing G2983 that literally means “to take” as in “to get hold of”.  This verb implies a divinely forced departure and that sounds a lot like the rapture to me.  Now remember what the angels told the church leaders while they were watching Jesus go up:

Act 1:11  Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.

joyful-hope1No matter what you are experiencing today in the world, after reading this entire Bible lesson you should have this same confident joyful expectation of His soon appearance to take us up to be where He is away from all of this evil in our world today.  Let us all divert our eyes off of the temporary troubles, trials and tests of this world to focus them on the eternal things and Jesus Christ.  Let us move to the next reason to believe Jesus is coming soon.




1Th 5:2  For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
1Th 5:3  For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
1Th 5:4  But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.

surprise-faceWe have been experiencing a crisis in 2020 that literally has engulfed the entire planet very suddenly and unexpectedly.  People on earth have been dramatically affected in one way or the other.  The number of reported deaths from this plague seem to still be growing all around us.  I believe we are witnessing a significant warning sign of things that are prophesied to happen during the tribulation.  Major unexpected disastrous events and lawlessness will continue to arise with greater intensity and frequency. There will be plagues, famines, earthquakes, volcanos, droughts, floods, tsunamis, hail, tornados, cyclones, hurricanes, typhoons, meteors, etc.   These will be occurring more frequently leading up to and during the tribulation.  Here in 1 Thessalonians, Paul is writing to Christians in the church (you and I) and he says this time of tribulation will not come upon Christians like a thief as it will the rest of the world.  This is because Christians should be aware of the Bible prophecies that inform us of the general timing of this end.

Christians should be wiser than the unbelieving world and be able to observe the indicators that are occurring around us (Mat 16:13).  Christians must desire God’s illumination, receive His light, understand His light, love His light, and walk in His light in order to recognize these world events and to not be deceived by Satan’s attempt at darkening our minds.

I do not believe the church will leave this world as a beaten and defeated bride.  But I believe that we must be ready and expectant of Jesus’ return at any moment.  I pray we can agree and look forward to His soon return.  This Bible study will stand by itself if you would like to read it alone.  But, if you have not read this series from the beginning, you may want to go back and start with “Part 1”.  Let us get into our lesson on the catching away of the church and why we can believe and have confidence that this will happen before the Revelation description of the tribulation event begins.



sodoma and gomorraToday’s lesson will focus on ten key reasons from the Book of Revelation that the Rapture is a precursor (indicator, pointer, forerunner) event to the Tribulation and not an event that occurs during or even after the tribulation.  I believe that we the people in Christ can come to the firm belief that a “catching away” of the church must occur before the seven years of God’s judgment and world tribulation can commence.

I know there are other good people that believe differently.   I have heard several Bible teachers that claim the church is going through the tribulation either partially (mid-trib) or fully (post-trib).  But those beliefs just do not balance with what the LORD has shown a lot of other Bible scholars.  Even if you do not believe every reason that is given in this lesson, please at least keep an open mind and go and study what is stated here to see if this is what the Bible actually says.

Please allow me to provide a simple overview of basic end time eschatology as I understand it from my studies.  Jesus Christ is the Bridegroom (Mat 9:15, Mar 2:19) that has gone up into heaven to His Father’s house (John 14:2) to prepare a place (John 14:3) for His bride (the church, 2 Cor 11:2, Eph 5:32). Suddenly without warning He is going to come back for us (1 Cor 15:52), and the church is required to make herself ready (Rev 19:7) for His unexpected appearing (Mat 25:10).  Shortly after the catching away of the church the antichrist is revealed to the world (2 Th 2:3) and tribulation is initiated (Mar 13:19).  This time of tribulation will continue a total of 2520 days, which is equivalent to 84 months (Rev 11:2 + Rev 13:5), which is equivalent to 7 years.  While this judgment of the people on the earth is taking place (Rev 6:17), the wedding supper of the LAMB happens in heaven simultaneously (Rev 19:9).  Then Jesus riding on a white horse returns to the earth with the church saints riding behind Him to rid the earth of all evil (Rev 19:14).  Satan, the beast and the false prophets with all those that have taken his mark are cast into hell for 1000 years (Rev 19:20, Rev 20:2) while Jesus and His Saints rule a new kingdom of peace upon the earth.  Satan is then released from hell to deceive anyone that he can (Rev 20:7-8).  Satan with his new followers are finally defeated.  The Great White Throne Judgment of all unbelievers takes place (Rev 20:11) with a permanent end to the surface earth dwelling of all evil being thrown into hell (Rev 20:15).  This completes God’s recorded judgement of evil.   And then the earth and the heavens will be burned with fire (2 Pet 3:7) and a new heaven and new earth is established (Rev 21:1).  That was a lot of general overview information of end time events lacking many details.

But some believe that even though Jesus knows about the judgement that is coming upon the earth during the tribulation, He is going to permit His future bride (aka His body) to stay here on the earth to be raped, beaten, or even killed by a brutal evil world ruler.  They claim that “This will be used to test the bride before He can come save her”.  What loving husband who is knowledgeable and who could save His bride from His own judgments upon the unjust world would sit idly and allow this to happen to her?  Would any loving and caring husband who judges evil righteously do nothing to save His already justified and forgiven clean future wife?  What kind of sadistic husband would this make our God and Jesus our covenant husband?

These are incredibly good questions to consider.  Is God Love? Yes (1 John 4:16). Does Jesus Love His Bride? Yes! (Eph 5:25). If a sane natural husband would not permit this to happen to his future wife before the wedding, why would an infinitely greater supernatural God who is all knowing and all powerful not be far more gracious and kind?

Do you remember what Abraham asked God when he was negotiating for the life of his nephew Lot?  Abraham asked God “Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?”  Wow, do we NOT know that this statement still applies today to the subject of the church bride and the tribulation?  Abraham asked God in Genesis 18:24 and 25 these questions:

Gen 18:24  Peradventure there be fifty righteous within the city: wilt thou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein?
Gen 18:25  That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right? 

What wisdom Abraham displays before our LORD.  Abraham is pleading his legal case before the supreme court of heaven and says to our JUDGE “To slay the righteous with the wicked, that be far from thee to do, shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?”.  Wow again!  Yet we have Christian ministers even on TV that claim God will not do right and will commit or at least permit this kind of evil on His bride during the tribulation.  What kind of God are we serving today?  Is there a perverted justice system in heaven now?  Has the Judge now changed to be a different kind of God than Abraham’s God?  If our God has changed, then Malachi 3:6 is a lie.  Malachi 3:6 says very clearly “I am the LORD and I change not”.  Also, according to Jesus, we need to learn God’s commentary on this story of Lot.  He says something that is truly relevant to our discussion of the rapture:

Luk 17:28  Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;
Luk 17:29  But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.
Luk 17:30  Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.

According to the words of Jesus our LORD and Savior, He claims “as it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be when He will be again revealed to the earth”.  Jesus very clearly states the righteous were first taken out of the city before ANY judgments of God would begin.  This is a noticeably historical clear pattern of the righteous being removed the judgement of evil people.  This means this must be what occurs in any similar future situation before the judgment and demise of the unrighteous in the tribulation.  I believe that is an excellent foundational reason to believe in a “Pre-Tribulation” rapture and we have not even started to read and study in Revelation.

Let us go and explore some more good reasons found in the book of Revelation to believe in this Pre-Judgment catching away by force (G726=Harpazo) of God’s righteous saints.



missing_word_1The church is explicitly mentioned by name 19 times in the Book of Revelation.  Eighteen times the Greek word G1577 transliterated as “ekklesia” occurs in 18 verses of chapters 1, 2 and 3.  This word literally means “a called-out people”.  But suddenly this called out woman named the church is not referred to by name again until chapter 22 five verses before the end of the entire book. Therefore, the church is mentioned directly before the tribulation and directly after the tribulation at the end by name but never during the tribulation.  Ask yourself this basic question.  What happened to the church after Chapter 3 until chapter 22?  Why is the Holy Spirit suddenly no longer speaking directly about the “ekklesia” after chapter 3 by name?  Is this a hidden clue and indication for what happened to the church?  I believe this is exactly what is happening by God’s design.

I believe this is very important and we must remember there are 18 direct named references to the church on the earth (called “ekklesia”) in the first 3 chapters of Revelation and then not again until the end of the book after tribulation is completed. Could this be a sign and a hidden clue for what will happen to us? I believe it is.

Also remember that there are 7 specifically named churches by physical location given to us in chapters 2 and 3.  All the other references are general “church” or “churches” references.  I believe that the direct mention of this name is a revelation that confirms the church is physically present on the earth before the tribulation commences but not after.

There is no doubt in my mind that Jesus was speaking to physical born-again people in these 7 letters to the churches.  But beginning in chapter 4 a dramatic change takes place and none of these names or locations are referred to again.  Not the 1) “ekklesia” in general or, 2) not the specific local church in Ephesus (Rev 2:1), 3) not the specific church in Smyrna (Rev 2:8), 4) not the specific church in Pergamum (Rev 2:12), 5) not the specific church in Thyatira (Rev 2:18), 6) not the specific church in Sardis (Rev 3:1), 7) not the specific church in Philadelphia (Rev 3:7) and finally 8) not the specific church in Laodicea (Rev 3:14).  What must have occurred in the future prophecy starting in Revelation 4:1, for there to be no further direct physical mention of the church on the earth in the book of Revelation?

Ok, we are going to explore something new that also applies to our study.  If we search the Bible, we will not find the literal name “church” in the Old Testament either.  Why is the church name not found anywhere in the Old Testament?  However, maybe you have read O.T. verses and can see that many of these do apply to the modern church.  In fact, we should know that we can find many O.T. quotations in the New Testament that the Holy Spirit used to explain church principles, concepts and doctrines.  But the church is never directly named in the O.T.  This seems to indicate that the church was hidden and concealed in the O.T. and I believe this too is a pattern for why the church is not mentioned directly by name during the tribulation.

The only logical explanation that I have found for there to be no direct mention of the “ekklesia” after Revelation 3, is that the church has been taken up and off the earth into heaven by a divine forced sudden departure.  This lack of mention of the church appears to be an indicator for the sudden exit from within the natural realm to now be only seen within the hidden spiritual realm.  The lack of any further mention in Revelation provides us the foundation to believe we are hidden and concealed from natural human view and can only be seen by those in the spiritual dimension.  Let us get back to Lot and end this introduction.

A pre-tribulation rapture fits perfectly with the pattern described to happen to Lot being taken out of Sodom first by angels.  We could say Lot was saved by angels using a pre-fire and brimstone taking out.  In other words, if Lot had been removed out of the fire by angels during the middle of the fire and brimstone falling none of them would have survived.  Nor could Lot and his family be taken out after the end of the fire and brimstone judgment because survival would not have saved them.  I hope we are seeing something new in this that we have never seen before.

Therefore, these parallels from what has happened to Lot in the past teaches us that the church must be removed prior to the tribulation.  If this does not occur the pattern for what has occurred in the past does not align correctly with what must occur in the rapture of the church in our future (Ecclesiastes 1:9). I believe the church will be taken up into heaven by angels to be raised into an elevated new spiritual perspective.  If we read the story of Lot after the angels removed them from the city of Sodom, they were also told not to stay in the plain to be destroyed but rather “to go up” into the mountains.  Within typology “going up” into a mountain is like going up in a rapture event (Gen 19:17).  They were also told never to look back at the destruction.  I believe this is another of the direct parallel typology for us in the church while in heaven not being able to see the judgement that will be occurring on the earth.  Finally, in Genesis 19:22 the angel informs Lot that the destruction of Sodom cannot begin until they have fully departed.  All of this is types and shadows of things that will happen to us.

We will end this important foundational section with one final point.  The Greek word G1577 “ekklesia” is formed by combining two Greek words.  The first is “ek” G1537 and this was often times translated as “out”.  This word represents a prepositional term that means “origin” as in the point where motion or action proceeds.  I hope that did not pass you by.  We need to understand that a rapture is a “motion event”, moving us from point A on the earth to point B up in heaven.  The second Greek word “kaleo” G2564 literally means “to call aloud”.  It comes from another Greek root word G2753 “to incite by word”.  Two synonyms for incite could be to 1) “initiate” or 2) “cause” something to happen by speaking.  This is like a king giving a command and expecting it to be carried out immediately.  Is this name an accident or a divine design?  I believe it is the later.  We have just learned that the literal name of the church “ekklesia” signifies a rapture event.  That just cannot be a chance occurrence.  God is teaching us that our name “church” represents someone (God) giving a royal command to take us out of this world.

God’s word is filled with intentional connected design patterns.  And all this information is one of the most profound revelations that teaches the church has been physically removed from the earth and has gone up into heaven to be hidden with our Bridegroom after the end of chapter 3 of Revelation.



Rev 3:22  He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

stoptalkingThere are 7 verses in chapters 2 and 3 of Revelation where John writes a command to the churches.  We can read this spoken command in Revelation 2:7, 2:11, 2:17, 2:29, 3:6, 3:13 and 3:22.  This phrase always starts with “He that has an ear, let him hear”.  Who are these people that are supposed to hear? We find out the answer by continuing to read the end of the verse command.  “What the Spirit says to the churches” is how these verses all ended.  Therefore, we in the church are required to hear what the Spirit is saying to us here on the earth right here and now. Some people who believe they are Christians do not believe the Spirit of God ever speaks to them.  According to these verses He is speaking if we choose to tune our ears to listen and hear Him.  That sounds like it is a personal choice to listen.  It also implies God is speaking and trying to get us to hear even if we are not listening.  Why are we going over these verses and why are they important to us learning about a pretribulation rapture?  Great questions, I am so glad you asked.

Think about how the book of Revelation was laid out and designed by the Holy Spirit.  There is not one word given that is there by random chance.  Many Bible teachers and scholars believe that the list of 7 churches selected by Jesus to write to in Revelation 2 and 3, fit the pattern description of the entire 2000-year church age.  If Jesus had listed the churches in any other order or selected any different church, the pattern would not match according to these teachers and scholars.  While this is not firm evidence it is a significant matter to consider.  If this selected church pattern is true, it would cause us to easily believe that the church age has ended after chapter 3 and what follows is a different dispensation of time outside of God’s ordered period of Grace.

Think with me and consider this fact from Romans 5:20 where God declares “where sin abounds, Grace does much more abound”.  Where in reading the book of Revelation, does it ever appear that Grace is abounding to hold back the judgment of evil?  Can we see the potential conflict, if the church remains on the earth during this 7-year time?  Please do not misunderstand what was just said.  There are elements of divine grace being displayed many times in Revelation, but these are provided during a time of the simultaneous descriptions of divine destructive judgements like we read about in the story of Lot.  Did Lot have to hide in the city while the fire fell?  Did God have to put a divine umbrella over Lot before or while the fire fell?  No, the LORD took him and his family completely out of the city and then judgement started.

If the church is present during the book of Revelation judgments of God, that would appear to nullify verses found in Romans 5 and 6 and 2 Corinthians 8:7 and other that claim the Church is under God’s Grace. Let us continue and read another verse that will assist us in solving the issue of God’s grace versus His judgments and where the church is during this time of judgment:

Rev 13:9  If any man have an ear, let him hear. 

Here is another one of the main points that we need to see and understand.  The phrase “He that hath an ear, let him hear” occurs a total of 8 times in the Book of Revelation.  It occurs once in each of the letters to the seven churches where God includes the ending phrase “what the Spirit of God says to the churches”.  But there is a similar phrase that is used by God in Revelation 13:9 where the complete phrase has been modified significantly.  Let us analyze the two phrases to find the exact changes taking place by the Holy Spirit’s choice.  I will give Revelation 3:22 with all the Greek words first from the KJV.  Then we will see Revelation 13:9 from the KJV with all Greek words and then we will read from the NASB with all the Greek Words:

REV 3:22 He who has(G2192) an ear(G3775), let him hear(G191) what the Spirit says to the churches. (KJV)

(KJV)REV 13:9 If any man(G1536) have(G2192) an ear,(G3775) let him hear.(G191) (KJV)

REV 13:9 If(G1487) anyone(G5100) has(G2192_ an ear(G3775), let him hear(G191_ (NASB)

In Revelation 13:9 God adds at the beginning of the phrase a new word that means “whosoever”, “anyone” or “any man”. Then He completely removes the ending phrase “what the Spirit says to the churches” at the conclusion of the verse.  This is a radical change to who this verse is being written and spoken to.  It completely shifts the target audience that is instructed to listen and hear and converts the phrase to a conditional announcement with “If” in front of it.

In Revelation 13: 9 of the KJV God added one new Greek word G1536 and it is a composite of two other Greek words G1487 and G5100.  G1487 occurs in over 300 verses and it is most often translated as “if”.  If is a word that introduces conditionality to the next statement that follows.  Conditionality simply means there are requirements for one or more instructions to be met.  Wow, this was NOT the message given to the churches in the 7 church letters of Revelation 2 and 3 that had no conditions.

G5100 is the next compound word of G1536 and it is a word that is often translated as “any man”.  The Strong’s definition says it means “any” or “some”.  God appears to be asking “if any man” as in, “is there anyone that can still hear what I am trying to say on the earth?  This is what I believe, is God’s plea for a human still living on the earth to seek His love, mercy, and grace to be saved.

Revelation 13:9 informs us that God is no longer speaking direct words to His saved church and has shifted His message to anyone else on earth that still desires to want to listen to Him.  This clearly implies that the church is not present on the earth to hear these pleas but, it does indicate God is still available to save if any desire to hear Him.

What is God teaching us with this?  It must be the fact of truth that the churches are no longer physically present on the earth to be spoken to during this 7-year time of tribulation.  That is the only logical explanation of this clue that makes any common sense.  The only people that could possibly hear what the Spirit was saying on the earth during Revelation 13 would be those that needed to hear and wanted to listen to potentially get saved by believing in Jesus.  I believe this is the only valid interpretation for the shift of the intended audience from the exact same phrase “has an ear let him hear” being repeated 8 times in the book of Revelation.  I pray that everyone will see and agree.

There is truth in every verse of the Bible but often it is overlooked because of our lack of understanding of God’s designed requirement for us to search for it (Prov 25:2).  I do want to make a quick final point in this section.  I believe some people will get saved during the tribulation.  We can see indications of this in Revelation 7 when God speaks of 144,000 being sealed from 12 named tribes.  There are also other verses that indicate this like Revelation 20:4 describing people who had their heads chopped off for having the testimony of Jesus Christ.  Salvation will still be made available for anyone who has not taken the mark of the beast (Rev 19:20, Rev 20:4).    Let us move to reason 3.



judgment_begins_house_of_GodToo many Christians today emphasize the Grace of God without balancing the Justice and Judgment of God.  We are living at the end of God’s Church Age of Grace.  However, the Bible clearly teaches that there are still consequences for Christian sin in the church today (Gal 6:7, Rom 6:23 1 Jn 5:16, Jas 1:15, Rom 6:16, etc.).  A lot of people ignore these verses and that is sad.  I could list many others for you, but I will focus on only a couple of scriptural examples that stand out in contrast to the extreme unbalanced Grace message.  Acts chapter five reveals 2 Christians named Ananias and Sapphira that fell down dead in a long church service being preached by Peter.  Extreme Grace teachers attempt to explain this away as two people that were not saved.  That make this God’s judgement upon unbelievers and we should read Revelation to know this judgment will not occur until these 7 years.  But if that were true and God judged sinners and liars in the world today, then everyone that ever lied or sinned would be dead and no one be available to get saved.  This unfounded interpretation that these two were not saved Christians would mean God would be unjust if He did not judge everyone that committed the same sin with the same verdict of immediate death.

No, these two people had to be saved, born again people that made a huge mistake while a gift of the Holy Spirit (a Word of Knowledge) was in manifestation.  I believe that Judgment fell on them as an example to other saved Christians in the church to not repeat the error.  As a result, a great “fear” of God came upon everyone that witnessed this judgment or heard about it.  This should include you and I also.  You see a fear coming on the church would not result from a sinner’s death.  If you do not believe this interpretation is correct that I just gave you, please keep reading to find out what Peter wrote about it in his letter to the churches.  I will go into that after one more example.

Another judgment of a saved Christian in the church of Corinth took place in 1 Corinthians 5.  Paul was not present in the flesh but still heard about a man that had taken his father’s wife so that he was committing fornication with his stepmother.  Paul was writing about this to the church as a warning for us in the church to not commit the same immorality.  Paul said I have turned him over to Satan for the destruction of his flesh that his soul might be saved (1 Cor 5:5).  Paul was speaking about a Christian man that was being judged for his sin while alive on the earth.  Paul claimed that he was going to die young before his old age as a consequence for his sin.  This is how God in the church age of grace operates.  If you go and read and study 2 Corinthians, you may learn that this young man changed and repented and did not die young.  This is a great example of how 1 John 1:9 works in the age of grace.  Sin can be confessed to Jesus and God is faithful and just to forgive us.

Yes, God does show us grace.  But God still says that sin has consequences if not confessed.  Ok, this information is potentially offensive to a lot of Christians.  I do not want to offend anyone.  But like Peter and Paul taught us we in the church must be warned.  Let us review a particularly important verse that applies to what this section is about.  This verse applies directly to the example we reviewed in Acts 5 because the Apostle Peter was present then and this is what he wrote about judgment falling on the unsaved world.  Uh oh, I mean the church.  Read this verse very carefully and see how it applied to Acts 5 and 1 Corinthians 5:

1Pe 4:17  For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? 

God is warning the church through the Apostle Peter that the time to be judged for our willful intentional sins has already commenced during this age of Grace.  God is simply saying Christians should not be like the world.  We should not be doing what the world is doing. According to this verse the world will not be judged during this age of grace, but the church will be judged for doing what they do.  Wow, this is important.  We all need to analyze what the world is doing and make sure we are not following them.  Christians should be following the direction of the Holy Spirit and the Bible.

Notice what Peter wrote.  He divided people into two categories.  Those in the house of God and those not in it.  Therefore, we know that God’s judgment begins in the house and family of God long before it is initiated to those that are not in God’s family.  In fact, Peter implies that if it is hard for believers in Christ to be saved, how much harder will it be for those that do not obey at the end of age during the tribulation.  Wow, again.    Let us read another verse that comes to us from the next letter written by Peter.

2Pe 2:9  The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished: 

Here is another verse that compares God’s different types of dealings between the righteous opposed to the unrighteous.  This verse again confirms that the righteous will not be judged and punished with the unrighteous people.  Did you notice the timing of the unrighteous judgment?  Peter wrote and called it the “day of judgment”.  That phrase is used 9 times in the New Testament from Matthew to Jude to describe God’s time of judgment during the tribulation.  Some might try to say this is the Great White Throne Judgment after the tribulation has ended, but that is a very limiting and restrictive definition of the phrase “a day”.  A day can many times represent more than a 12-hour period of daylight.  Figuratively a day can represent an entire period of time even up to a period of 7 days of years (one week of years).

Rev 14:6  And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,

Notice we have a revealed angel that we will talk more about later in another reason.  But he is going about the earth to preach the gospel to Christians.  Whops, that was a sarcastic slip.  No He was present on the earth to preach the gospel to “those that dwell on the earth”.  This is a frequent term used in  Revelation for people that are not saved.  This angel is preaching to every nation, race, and language of unsaved people.  That statement tells me the church is not here on the earth to hear this message.  Let us read the next verse:

Rev 14:7  Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.

Notice what this angel, says to the people that are left here dwelling on the earth during the tribulation.  This supernatural being flying in the air about the earth uses the exact same Greek word G2920 that we read about in 2 Peter for “judgment” day.  Here we have a more narrowed viewpoint on the timing for God’s judgment to be limited to an “hour”.  I believe this still represents a greater expanse of time than just 60 literal minutes.  I believe this is also a figurative expression connoting a longer time but a time that is significantly shorter than a day that we read about in Peter’s letter.

Notice that this angel during the tribulation claims the “judgment of the LORD has come” to the earth.  That makes it sound like it is something new.  But this is the same type of judgment that we were told which first started at the House of God way back when Peter wrote this in his letter nearly 2000 years ago.  The only difference what is happening in the church today and what will happen in the tribulation then is the fact that the future judgment in the tribulation is only against the unrighteous (unsaved).

We just went through a lot of information that was not found in the book of Revelation to help us understand what the book of Revelation is saying.  God is informing the church that we will be judged long before this end time 7-year tribulation judgment of the unsaved world begins.  This is just another presentation of the evidence of God’s truth in His Word to say, “the righteous church will not be judged at the same time as the unrighteous world”.  That belief would be unjust and would not align with Lot’s removal from Sodom.  However, as we have seen that does not mean that we in the church will never be judged.  It only means God is working on His bride now here on the earth to help clean us up so that we can be ready for his catching away.

I would highly recommend that you go and reread chapters 2 and 3 of the Book of Revelation.  These 2 chapters contain the 7 letters written to the physical churches on the earth. Notice in the letters how Jesus speaks of what is good in the churches and what is not.  If any changes are required to cause them to fulfill their purpose and call, Jesus is very direct in warning them to repent.  For example, check out what Jesus says in this verse to a church:

Rev 3:19  As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

I am amazed at some modern extreme grace teachers who claim Christians never have the need of any repentance.   Jesus very clearly teaches us that if He loves us, He will rebuke and chasten us.  When Jesus does this to anyone, we need to listen, hear and obey to do what He says and be very quick to repent.



Rev 3:10  Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.


We have looked at this verse before in a previous lesson, but it is so incredibly good that we will review it quickly as another confirmation from the book of Revelation for our belief in a pre-trib rapture.  This verse was written to the specific church of Philadelphia in Revelation chapter 3.  But it technically applies to every church as does each of the letters because of the statement “what the Spirit says to the churches (plural)”.  Notice what Jesus just said to this church in Philadelphia!  This is a very profound promise.  Jesus says because you have kept the Word of my patience, I will also keep you from the hour of temptation that will come to try them that dwell upon the earth. Remember we learned in the last section that “them that dwell on the earth” is a phrase that refers to unsaved earth inhabitants.  That information alone separates the church from the unsaved to be treated differently.

We learned in Part 5 of the series that God is not the tempter or tester of humans.  I will not repeat all the verses that were provided to prove that statement.  Here we understand Jesus is speaking of saving us from a coming time in the future and we can begin to read about this in Revelation 6:

Rev 6:15  And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
Rev 6:16  And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath (G3709) of the Lamb:
Rev 6:17  For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand

These verses describe a horrific time to be alive on the earth.  It includes everyone physically alive by the description of every bondsman and every free man.  That leaves no one out.  What do these people cry?  They are crying for the mountains that they are hiding in to fall on them.  Why would anyone that is sane want such a thing to occur?  The answer is given to us in verse 16.  They say, “Hide us from the face of Him that sits on the throne”.  We could think that this is our Almighty God in general or God the Father in particular.  But, the focus of who is sitting on the throne is narrowed to the “LAMB” by the Holy Spirit’s choice.  Uh oh?  Isn’t He the One the church is in covenant with?  Isn’t He the Bridegroom of the church?  It appears to me that “wrath” coming down from heaven, from the LAMB and occurring in the first 42 months of the tribulation proves His church bride is not present on the earth to be judged with the unrighteous.

We must see this because this is essential.  The LAMB of God is pouring out His justice upon the earth and all its people.  But He is our covenant making and covenant keeping faithful Husband.  Does this sound right for Him to be pouring out wrath upon us with the world?  What is He mad and angry with us about?  I just do not understand why someone would claim the bride of the LAMB would be treated the same as the unsaved world.  Let us confirm this with scripture:

1Th 5:9  For God hath not appointed us (the church) to wrath (G3709), but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ (the LAMB),

Either God is a liar (NOT), or the church cannot be on the earth when Jesus our sacrifice LAMB pours out His wrath.  The exact same Greek word G3709 for wrath is used here in 1 Thessalonians as was selected by the Holy Spirit in Revelation 6:16 describing the wrath of the LAMB.  So, either Jesus Christ is not the LAMB (NOT), or the church is not in the flesh on the earth during these 7 years.  Which one do you believe is the truth?  Notice the Greek word translated as “salvation” in 1 Thessalonians is G4991 and this word could be translated as “rescue” or “safety”.  It comes from another Greek word G4990 that is used for titles of the LORD Jesus and it was translated as “Savior” and “Deliverer”.  We were introduced to this word in the first section of the lesson.  This word translated as “salvation” informs us that we will be removed from the place of danger and hurt like Lot was rescued and taken to safety prior to the destruction of Sodom.  Ok, Let us look at another verse that describes Jesus as “Savior” and confirm that we belong to Him.

Php 3:20  For our citizenship is in Heaven, from which also we are looking for the Savior (G4990), the Lord Jesus Christ,

Are you looking for your “Deliverer”?  Are you expecting your “Savior” to come and get you?  Are we expecting a “Rescue” out of the coming judgment wrath of the LAMB on this earth or are we expecting to be judged with the unrighteous?   Those are great questions to ask and answer while we still can.  I believe He is coming sooner than we think.

I would highly recommend that you go back and read “Part 5” in the series for more details on this subject of the church being saved from the tribulation to come.  This belief and interpretation will align very well with the patterns that we have found describing Lot being taken out of the city before the judgment fell on the ungodly.  God will NOT judge the righteous with the unrighteous.  That behavior would violate HIS character and nature and would cause Him to be unjust.  Since the judgement and penalty of our sins have been taken out on Jesus Christ on the cross, we will be spared from any future tribulation judgments.  To judge the church again would represent “double-jeopardy”.  God’s justice system demands that He does what is right and not judge the righteous with the evil people that have not accepted Jesus as Savior.  I will end this section with one more confirming verse:

Joh 3:36  He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. 

Notice what Jesus says here.  There are two different types of people being compared.  One is called “believers” and other is called “unbelievers”.  The believing group has “eternal life” and the unbelievers do not.  Now notice the mention of our subject of “wrath”.  This is the same Greek word as the previous verses.  The Holy Spirit writes very clearly that it is ONLY the unbelievers that will have the wrath of God abiding on them.  This is just another way of teaching us the church cannot be present when God’s wrath is being poured out.  Remember this is Jesus speaking to us.  Are you a believer?  If you are not yet a believer, you can become one right now.  Let us move to the next reason.



Rev 4:1  After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.

This is one of the strongest reasons for believing in a pretribulation rapture.  I believe this is a major factor for trusting in the LORD to rescue His church before the tribulation of God’s judgment.  Recall the design of the book of Revelation that was mentioned before.  The book begins in chapter 1 with the revealing of Jesus and is then followed by His praises, directions, and admonitions spoken directly to His churches in chapters 2 and 3.  After this , suddenly the references to the physical church on the earth stop.  The church by no further direct references can be said to disappear from the book until the end.  Wow, I believe this is a great general overview for the pattern of the entire church age.  Let us see if this fits with the life of Jesus on the earth.

Jesus was born and revealed to the world in a manger in Bethlehem.  After this He grew up in Nazareth in wisdom and age, was baptized by John when he was 30, and then he went about teaching, preaching, and healing everyone that would come to Him.  After this, He died, arose from the grave and after 40 days went up to heaven.  Does this seem to be a similar pattern for the church and the book of Revelation? Yes, I believe it does. Now let us see what God says by analyzing some of the details of Revelation 4:1, to learn how it could possibly fit into the pattern of the church age.  Let us read the beginning of verse 1 in chapter 4:

Rev 4:1  After this ….

Notice how Revelation chapter 4 begins by God’s design.   Verse 1 opens with the phrase “After this…”.  I want us to focus and ask the question about the first two words of the verse asking “After WHAT?”  This phrase “after this” indicates something that had previously happened has been terminated and something new is about to be initiated.  “After this” represents a progressive sequenced order of events.  This is like I did in the paragraph above describing the life of Jesus on the earth.  What has just happened before this statement?  Remember there are no chapter and verse divisions in the original writing.  The answer is Jesus was just speaking to His church and suddenly stopped.  These two words imply heavily what is about to happen next occurs only after Jesus has finished with His “church”.  This implies that the church age is done, finished, and completed.  The age of Grace has ceased.  Uh oh!  These two words appear to represent an important transition.  Let’s continue to the next phrase.

Rev 4:1  After this I looked,….

I just want to focus quickly on the word “I looked”.  This is G1492 and it means became aware, I saw, or I observed something.  It is generally used in the past tense.  It implies in this verse that John had observed something new that had not previously been seen or known to him.  We also get this impression by noticing the next word in the phrase:

Rev 4:1  After this I looked, and, behold….

Now notice the word translated as “behold”.  This is the Greek word G2400 that is used in 213 verses of the N.T.  It is a word that denotes a measure of surprise or awe.  Perhaps you noticed that I like to use the word “Wow” in my Bible lessons to express the same amount of emphasis and wonder.  In many of God’s usages of this Greek word we can clearly see the immediate supernatural involvement of God or angels sent by divine direction to do something that is unexpected, new, and amazing.  This word usage in Revelation 4:1 appears to imply that God is about to cause a departure from normal human affairs to do something supernaturally spectacular.  I would recommend that you go read through these verses to get the concept being described.  The idea being given to us by God in these combined initial phrases in Revelation 4:1 appears to say something sudden and unexpected is about to divinely occur at the end of and after the Church age.  I wonder what that could be?  Let us continue to read and find out:

Rev 4:1 …a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither,…
Rev 4:2  And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.

Notice what just happened unexpectedly.  God provides us a description of five-steps in a process:

1). a door in heaven will be opened,
2). a voice like a trumpet sounds
3). shouts “Come up here”
4). immediately John was in the spiritual realm
5). Having been “taken up” to stand before the throne of Jesus.

Wow, that is amazing! Why is all of this mentioned directly before beginning the description of the seven years of tribulation? Does any of these words help us in the church to understand God’s timing of events?  I believe it does and that this literal past event that happened to John close to 2000 years ago, represents a prophecy of the soon coming event we call the “rapture” of the church.  God does this repeatedly in the Bible.  He uses one historic real and specific event to be a type, or we could call it a pattern of a greater future spiritual event that has not yet occurred.  Asking good questions is essential to understanding the Bible.  Therefore, let us ask some more good questions.

Why did God do this catching up of John?  Was it necessary for God to give John this vision of what would be happening later at the end of the church age in heaven?  Obviously, it was not necessary.  For example, we can read about Peter receiving a spiritual vision of future a future event on the earth, while he was praying on a rooftop in Acts 10:9-10.  There is no mention of Peter being taken up to heaven during this message from God. We need to understand the difference between these two visions within the early church leaders. Peter’s vision was given from the church’s perspective on the earth in the physical realm.  But John’s vision was given to him from the perspective of the church being transformed into the spiritual realm standing in heaven with Jesus personally.  Wow, that sounds important to know.

Also, I do not recall any O.T. prophet that was caught up into heaven to be shown what was going to happen to Israel in the future and then returning to the earth to write about it?  Moses going up on a mountain to meet with God is the closest event like this that I know of.  Can we see how John’s vision is a major change of how God had dealt with prophets many times before?  I believe that is a significant clue.  I will admit that Paul was caught up into the third heaven in 2 Cor 12:2-4. I believe that this was a confirming pattern of human experience for a future rapture event that could suddenly occurs to the church.  In fact, these verses use the exact same Greek word G726 (harpazo) that that we have been looking at in this series.  I believe 2 Corinthians 12:2-4 was given to us as a proof text to the fact that raptures have occurred in the past as well as it provides us evidence that they can and will happen again in the future.  But I still believe that Paul’s experience was for a different divine purpose and experience than John’s in Revelation 4:1. I believe this because Paul was not permitted to write much about his experiences in any detail.  I believe John’s experience of being taken up was for revealing God’s detailed plan for the timing of the rapture more than to just prove that a sudden going up could occur.  We all have a choice to believe this or not, but I choose to believe it this way.

God’s placement of this catching up of John is at the perfect location in the book of Revelation to reveal a pretribulation rapture.  I believe I have said this before but please notice that this catching away event occurs immediately after Jesus had finished dealing with the churches and before the beginning of the tribulation.  I believe that there cannot be any better placement within the book of Revelation that God could more clearly represent a “pre-tribulation” catching away of the church without just openly stating it in the plain text.

Please stop looking for every truth to be plainly stated.  That is NOT how God wrote the Bible.  Jesus proved this by informing the Jewish people to “search their scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life, but these are they that testify of me” (John 5:39).  We can see from this one statement that the truth of Jesus was hidden and had to be searched out to find Him.

Rev 4:1  After this …. must be hereafter.

Ok we need to notice how the beginning and ending phrases of verse 1 match.  Notice these were translated as “After this” and “must be hereafter”.  The ending phrase “be hereafter” is identical to the beginning phrase “after this” in the original Greek.  Both phrases come from two Greek words G3326 (meta) and G5023 (tauta).  This phrase occurs several times in the Bible and it is often translated as “after this”, “after that” or “after these things”.  This phrase teaches us the truth concerning a series of events limited within the fourth dimension of time that must occur in a precise determined order.  We can learn that something new or different is about to happen that has followed something else that just concluded.  In other words what will happen next is something fresh that occurs after what has past, and these previous things are now implied to have ended.

I am going to ask again to make sure no one missed it.  What are the things that have ended that God was just talking about in chapter 2 and 3?  The easy answer from what we read must be God’s dealing with the church on the earth has ended.  That makes great logical sense to me.  Then at the end of the verse God uses “meta tauta” again to say, “after this event”.  What event did God just do to John?  God took John up in a rapture into heaven to stand before the throne of Jesus.  Therefore, what comes after this rapture by God’s design, begins to teach us of something brand new that has never previously occurred to this extent or in this order. These words and the combining of them with named precise events are describing the separate distinct and ordered pattern of events in succession that must occur.  I believe this is the plan of God.

  1. Jesus deals with the Churches
  2. After this the Church Age Ends
  3. Followed by the Rapture of the Church
  4. Followed by the 7 years of Tribulation and Judgment of Israel and the world

Let us review some other important descriptive facts found in Revelation 4:1 to add to our consideration of why this verse represents the church rapture.  If we read verse 1 carefully it appears to parallel the pattern description of the rapture found in 1 Thessalonians 4 because of God’s specific word usage and selection.  Read this verse in 1 Thessalonians 4 and see if you can agree there is a divine connection between these two verse event descriptions:

1Th 4:16  For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump (G4536) of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
1Th 4:17  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up (harpazo) together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 

God uses the exact same Greek word translated as “trumpet” both in Revelation 4:1 and here.  This Greek word is G4536 and it is only found in 11 verses in the entire N.T.  It occurs 4 times after Revelation 4:1 in chapters 8 and 9 dealing with 7 angels with 7 trumpets.  These are called the trumpet judgements.  After these verses, this Greek word is NOT used in any other verse of Revelation.  Uh oh?  I thought a great number of people believed in a mid or post-tribulation rapture?   Why would there be only a mention of a trumpet rapture event before the tribulation begins describing someone going up into heaven?  I think that should be a potential problem for believing in anything but a pretribulation catching away of the church.  We could talk a lot more about this, but we will move on to another connection to consider.

Notice the fact that in conjunction with a trumpet being mentioned a shout occurs.  1 Thessalonians does not mention the shout phrase but it does say clearly it occurs.  Now notice in Revelation 4:1 the actual shout is given “COME UP HERE!” but we are told it is a shout.  That appears to confirm another very profound parallel to the same descriptions.  Let us move quickly now to a rapture reference found in 1 Corinthians:

1Co 15:51  Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
1Co 15:52  In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump (G4536): for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 

Notice the profound process being described here by the Holy Spirit.  God writes this is a mystery.  This teaches us that the message has been and potentially still is hidden. We all understand this because there is still such a great debate occurring in the church with us wondering when the rapture will occur.   Notice what Paul writes. Paul says not everyone will die a natural death.  But we shall be changed.  Changed is a Greek word that means made different and we know this is speaking of becoming incorruptible and immortal by reading the context.  Then the Holy Spirit says in a moment or a twinkling of the eye this change will take place.  The Greek word G823 (atomos) means something that is indivisible.  That is a description of such fast rapid event that we cannot even fully imagine it.

Notice the word selection of the Holy Spirit to select and use the exact same word found in Revelation 4:1 for “trumpet”.  This word was translated as “trump” in Thessalonians, but it is the same Greek word we just read here. God is connecting these verses by designed divine word choice.  Also note that this reference to the G4536 trumpet in Revelation 4:1 is the last trumpet blast used to call up people into heaven used by God.  That would appear to match what we are reading here in verse 52 of 1 Cor 15 saying the “last trump”.  The Greek word G2078 translated as “last” is not used this way in the book of Revelation at all.  It occurs 7 times in Revelation, twice to describe last plagues and 5 times to describe Jesus Christ as the “first and last”.

What I am trying to say is that Revelation 4:1 appears to be the “LAST” trumpet to call up anyone in the book of Revelation.  The other trumpet references appear to be judgments being released on the earth.  This information just appears to help confirm the timing of the rapture to occur before the tribulation begins.  Can we begin to see these parallels?  I do not believe this is an accident.  I believe all of this is a divinely designed pattern of repetition given to us by God to teach us.  Let us move on to the next reason.



1Co 3:12  Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble;
1Co 3:13  Every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is.
1Co 3:14  If any man’s work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward (G3408).
1Co 3:15  If any man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.

Receive_a_crown1According to the New Testament there is coming a judging of the works of Christians.  While works cannot ever save us, they do appear to cause us to be rewarded after this life is over.  The Greek word G3708 that was translated as “reward” literally means “pay for service”.  God is teaching us that we will receive a payment for what was done for His glory on this earth to fulfill His will.  Many theologians view this rewarding like a prize for running our race of life well on this earth as Paul wrote of in 1 Corinthians 9:24. That could be a part of it.  But these verses also speak of human works that will be burned up and consumed as if they did not matter to the reality of our eternal reward.  For example, many people are doing nice religious things, but I believe they are in vain to just make them look important. A lot of Christians do not ask or want to know what the will of God is to hear His plan for their life.  It is like the old joke, Jesus is Coming, look busy!  Ok I will give you a list of a few of these earthly types of works that will cause a heavenly reward.

  1. We Endure Persecution or False Accusation While Rejoicing (Mat 5:11-12)
  2. When We Love Others that Hate Us (Mat 5:46)
  3. When We Give to Others or the LORD in Secret (Mat 6:1)
  4. When We Pray Privately Hidden from Public View (Mat 6:5)
  5. When We Fast Secretly Not Making It Known Outwardly (Mat 6:16)

There are a lot of other examples given to us in the Bible.  None of these are normal human behavior that comes naturally.  I believe these works are totally different than the types of works we do in the natural and must be learned and acquired by repetition.  People go to work at a company and want to be acknowledged and praised by everyone.  Natural humans are proud of their accomplishments, promotions and enjoy the recognition of other people.  But, God’s reward system for what we will receive in heaven is far different.

When does this judgement of fire for rewards occur?  There are some who believe it occurs after the tribulation.  There are two main judgements described in the book of Revelation.  The final judgment occurs in Revelation 20:11 and it is called the Great White Throne Judgment (GWTJ).  This is the judgement that occurs for all unbelievers that have rejected God’s gift of salvation.  Their names are not recorded in the book of life (Rev 20:12).  This GWT Judgment is for the spiritually dead and not for the spiritually living.

We also should know that there is a judgment for believers.  This is called the Bema Seat Judgment (BSJ).  This judgment is for believers in Christ Jesus only.  These believers are the symbolic “wheat” and “sheep” that are gathered to be saved.  They are compared with the rejected tares and the goats in the parables that Jesus taught on about the division of people on the earth (Mat 13:25-31, Mat 25:32-33).  The righteous are described to be on His right hand and the unrighteous were on His left hand and these are the ones that will be judged in the GWT Judgment and then cast into hell.  It appears that we should all seek and learn how to be in those that are on His right hand.  So, let us analyze if there is any indication from scripture when this Bema judgement occurs.  Here is an especially important verse to learn:

Rev 11:18  And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward (G3708) unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

God describes the church being judged, during the tribulation here in Revelation 11:18. It would be logical for Christians to conclude that the church must already be present in heaven for this described event to occur.  How do we know we are there?  We can use the words given and search for them in the N.T. to see if the church is ever called by these names and titles or described with these characteristics.  For example, the Greek word G40 which was translated as “saints”.  This word is referred to multiple times in the New Testament and it is used to describe Christians.  Paul uses this word in almost every letter written to church members as a title and description of their character.  I would recommend you do a search and read these verses. But I will list a few to get you started.  Read Romans 16:15, 1 Corinthians 1:2, 6:2, 2 Corinthians 1:1, Ephesians 1:1, 3:8, Philippians 1:1, Colossians 1:2 to name a few that confirm how church members are called “saints”.

Next notice the key word G3708 that is again translated as “reward”.  This word alone connects us directly to what God described in 1 Corinthians 3.  Here are the “rewards of payment” for our labors on the earth being given out to His servants and saints.  The Greek word G1401 translated as “servants” is used in Acts 16:17 by a demon possessed woman screaming near Paul and other Christians.  She cried, “these are servants of the Most High God who show us the way to salvation”.  I can imagine that she was saying it in a mocking way and not in a complimentary promotional way.  But nonetheless she has labeled them correctly as servants of Jesus the exact same word used to describe those being rewarded in heaven in Revelation 11.

Paul calls himself a servant in Romans 1:1 and Galatians 1:10. I believe we can see the connection between Christians being labeled as “servants” and “saints”.  Finally, the last phrase that should seal the truth that God is speaking of the church rewards is G5399.  This Greek word G5399 means to “fear or revere as in awe”.  It describes a person with a respectful attitude for God’s omnipotence (power). G5399 is the opposite of people who take God’s name in vain swearing or cursing Him.

G5399 is used directly in Acts 10:2 to describe Cornelius the centurion that was sent and angel messenger from God to go and get Peter.  Servants of Cornelius came to the house where Peter was receiving a vision of God instructing him about the people that were coming to see him and why.  Peter followed them and went to Cornelius house.  Peter preached Jesus to Cornelius and his family and they were the first Gentiles saved in the book of Acts.  Therefore, we know God is speaking of people who honor and believe in Him and are saved.  Christians are commanded to fear God in Colossians 3:22 and 1 Peter 2:17 to provide just two confirmations of how the church should be in awe of God.

Ok, I am going to go over quickly another important factor on this subject of timing.  This Bema Seat Judgment appears to be referenced somewhere near or after mid-trib.  The beginning of chapter 11 to verse 18 describes the event of God sending two witnesses that stand in the streets of Jerusalem prophesying the Word of God to everyone still on the earth.  We will talk more about this later in reasons #6 and 7.  But understand that the two witnesses preaching spans the entire first half of the tribulation.  Therefore, chapter 11 represents a new overview from a different perspective during the same time found in the description of chapters 4 through 10.  God simply singled out a specific event which overlaps with the entire 42-month first half tribulation period.  What I am trying to say is that when the tribulation begins God sends two witnesses and they remain through all of the events reported previously in chapters 4 through 10 when they are killed, and their bodies lay in the street for 3 ½ days and then they are raised from the dead to stand up and then they slowly are caught up into heaven after God says “Come Up Here”.  This calling up to heaven is remarkably like what we read about in Revelation 4:1 for John’s catching up.  However, this description uses the Greek word G305 which implies a slow ascent that can be visible to any human that is looking on them as they go up.  Also, notice in chapter 11 there is no mention of any trumpet.  Therefore, this event is not the “harpazo” for a sudden unseen disappearing.  This event just does not match with the description of the rapture as we have seen.  We just cannot say with great confidence that this going up slowly of the two witnesses represents a type of the rapture of the church.  We will see this more clearly as we continue to study.

Therefore, we can conclude that somewhere in the middle of the tribulation it appears Christians will be rewarded for their works done on the earth.  This does imply that our works were completed and that we are present in heaven to receive them.  Some will try to stretch these 2 witnesses going up to heaven to represent the church is raptured at mid-trib but there are too many issues that do align with scriptures to cause that belief to be accurate.




Pleasant_surprise_comingThis reason is an extremely basic common-sense explanation for a good belief in a pre-tribulation rapture event using the type and pattern of John’s sudden unexpected rapture in Revelation 4:1 as our representative. Did John expect to be shouted up into heaven in Revelation 4:1?  If He did it does not say it. No, I believe Revelation 4:1 was a sudden unexpected departure from earth.  We should know that John wrote the book of Revelation at close to the age of 92 while a prisoner of Rome on the penal colony located on the Isle of Patmos.  It was while he was a prisoner that this vision of the future was given to him.  While we might expect John was anticipating removal from the island, I don’t believe he was expecting it to be a direct trip to heaven without seeing physical death first.

This concept of sudden unexpected removal is based entirely upon the dominate belief from basic church doctrine called “Imminence”.  That is a word that we do not use very often in modern conversations or hear preached often from many pulpits.  This basic doctrine teaches us that Jesus’ coming in the air to catch away the church is not dependent upon any other Biblical event that must happen first.  Imminence means Jesus’ coming is close, near and could happen at any unexpected moment.  This means it could literally happen while you are reading this Bible lesson.  Did the Apostle John the writer of Revelation, believe in the doctrine of Imminence?  I believe if you read what he wrote you will say that he did:

Rev 1:3  Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.

John begins the book of Revelation with a reminder that this prophecy will be fulfilled in a time that is very near.  This Greek word G1451 that was translated as “at hand” literally means “it is near”.   If it was close 2000 years ago can you imagine how close it is now?  That was the beginning of the book of Revelation and at the end Jesus gives us a further confirmation:

Rev 22:20  He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

The Greek word G5035 was translated as quickly and it is defined as “shortly, without delay, suddenly and soon”.  Therefore, the book of Revelation begins and ends with the warning of this prophecy coming upon the world quickly and unexpectedly.  It is also important to understand the rapture of the church is NOT the 2nd coming of Christ.  These are two separated events that occur 7 years apart.  In the rapture Jesus does not set foot on the earth and the church is called up to meet Him in the air.  This is also not a yo-yo rapture trip where we are called up to quickly come back down to rule during the millennium.  No, the rapture event is the only prophesied event that is not dependent upon anything, the 2nd coming is completely dependent upon many other prophesies that must be fulfilled first.

If we do not believe in “imminence”, that could be a major problem that distorts our belief of Revelation.  This non-belief in imminence would also allow Christians to live any lifestyle they want or desire without the fear of God.  If everyone knew when the rapture would occur, we could all just fall on our knees and repent a few seconds, hours, or days before and then expect to be taken up to be with Christ.  But if we do not know when it will occur there is no other way but for us to focus and stay ready, prayed up to be following the Holy Spirit every second because He could come when we did not expect Him.

Mat 24:36  But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
Mat 24:37  But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Mat 24:38  For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
Mat 24:39  And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Mat 24:40  Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
Mat 24:41  Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
Mat 24:42  Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come

This is only one passage that confirms the Church “Doctrine of Imminence”.  But it is always one of the clearest references to being ready, that I know of.  This passage of scripture should not be overlooked concerning the rapture of the church.  Notice Jesus said He did not even know when He would return exactly.  This makes me laugh at all the preachers and teachers that try to calculate dates and times.  You may recall a few years ago a man that I will not name predicted May 21, 2011 as the return of Jesus day.  Wow, that day came and went, and this man looked very foolish to many that were paying attention.  His belief denied the existence of the “Doctrine of Imminence”.  According to this man all the days between his day of prophecy and that specific calendar date had to pass before Jesus could come.  Do you understand the basic “Doctrine of Imminence” better now?  Can you see how this will fit within our knowledge of the outline of the book of Revelation?

four_horsemen_1Please go and read the entire book of Revelation again from beginning to end.  God gives us the description of the entire seven-year tribulation period in graphic detail using an ordered sequence of events.  In Revelation 6 we begin to see Jesus opening a scroll with seven seals in heaven.  Each seal in the numbered order is broken and each triggers an event occurrence that is not good for the people left on the earth.  During this opening there are also four horsemen described, one white, one red, one black and one green.  Each is released in the specific order to bring on other specific events of judgments on the earth. All of this is required to happen in the first half of the tribulation.

Now, remember what we read in Revelation 11?  We read two witnesses had to preach for exactly 42 months and then they were called up into heaven and then the Bema Seat Judgment commences.  But this knowledge defeats the belief of mid-trib and post-trib raptures because they both fail the “Imminence” test.  If mid or post-trib was when the rapture occurred, we would all watch the two witnesses for 42 months, see them get killed, lay in the streets for 3 ½ days then we would know that we needed to repent and get right with God to be taken up and judged.  We could literally almost set the date of departure and judgment.  God gives us the precise number of days the two witnesses preach.  This is 1260 days.  Just get your calendar and start marking the days. But that is like the preacher saying Jesus is coming on May 21, 2011.  That does not work with the solid “Doctrine of Imminence”.  The conflict completely disqualifies a mid-trib or post-trib rapture.

When we read the entire book of Revelation.  We need to notice in Revelation 7:1 that God gives the identical phrase “meta” + “taupa” again?  This teaches us God’s standard of a specific ordered sequence of events is still taking place throughout the first half of the tribulation. Next in chapter 8 after the seventh seal was opened and 7 angels were given 7 trumpets, and this begins another set of judgements upon the earth.  These also are given to us in the order that they will literally occur.  There is considerable hardship and death described in the book of Revelation and it will be a time like no other in the history of mankind.  Finally, we get to Revelation 16 and the 7 bowls of God’s wrath that will be poured out again in ordered sequence.  The term “meta” + “taupe” (after this) occurs in Revelation 7:1, 7:9, 9:12, 15:5, 18:1, 19:1 and 20:3.  All of these references describe events that occur in chronological order within the seven year time frame called the tribulation.

We could map out and link together one event after another from all this information and many have done this.  Using this specific timeline of events we may not be able to place the mid-trib or post-trib rapture of the church to an exact minute or second, but we could get it close enough to know when we needed to get ready for Him to come.  But before this, we just need to sit back, hide and wait for Him.  I think that is a major problem with NOT believing in an unexpected imminent appearance of Christ to take us out of the world.  Can you see how believing in a mid-trib or post-trib catching away becomes dependent upon so many specific events occurring within the dependent given order?  If these events listed in Revelation have not occurred, we could just sit by and wait for them to happen and then get all ready.  Only a pre-tribulation rapture which could occur at any given moment in time makes any sense to believe in.

Perhaps you still do not believe in a sudden unexpected departure?  I would recommend that you go and read the parable story of the 10 Virgins in Matthew 25.  Because this is another example of an unexpectant imminent rapture event.  In this parable a man that is a type of Jesus suddenly comes to his bride and only half of them are prepared to meet Him with full burning lamps, and only they enter into the open door before it is closed.  This is a perfect example of a rapture based upon the parable typology and the traditional accounts of the Jewish wedding ceremony.  This coming of the bridegroom happens while the other virgins went away to get ready by buying lamp oil for the groom’s (Jesus) sudden coming at midnight.  Ok, lamps are symbols of the church.  Oil in the lamps are a symbol of being full of the Holy Spirit.  However, when the foolish virgins return to the wedding the door is locked, and they are no longer able to enter the wedding feast.  Even when they knock, Jesus says depart I never knew you.  Wow, that is a perfect example and pattern of a door in heaven suddenly opening and only John going up to enter into it.

The traditional Jewish wedding is the same process.  The man sees a woman that he is interested in and approaches her to make the proposal.  Gifts and payments are made to her family.  A marriage contract is entered into and the groom goes away to prepare a place for his wife.  The woman prepares herself to be ready because at any unexpected moment he may come to take her into the wedding feast at his father’s house.  This Jewish wedding feast continues for 7 days or one week.  This is the reason why, in John chapter 2 Jesus was called upon to turn water into wine by Mary because they had run out of the wine that was supposed to last all week.  This was a very quick overview of the traditional Jewish wedding, but it fits the marriage of Jesus and His bride perfectly.  There are so many N.T. verse that confirm this and I’ll give you a homework assignment to go and find them all.

Remember what Jesus taught us in Matthew 24 about only one being taken and the other left as they both slept.  Or one was taken and one left from the two that were grinding at a mill.  Or one was taken and one left as they were working in a field.  Again, these examples are a 50% parallel reaffirming the 5 wise virgins and 5 foolish virgins’ percentage.  I am not making any predictions, but it is possible that only 50% of people who say they are Christians could be taken and the others may be left on the earth.  Also notice how these people that were taken were on two sides of the planet and everyone that was qualified was taken simultaneously whether sleeping in darkness or working in the daylight.  Finally, notice that there is NO way that any of this description fits anything that is happening during the 7-years of tribulation.  Everyone being described by Jesus is living life doing normal everyday activities like it was during Noah’s day before the sudden destructive flood of judgment.

This is another reason why I know this coronavirus is a quickly passing pandemic.  I do not see how everything we have just read that was spoken by the LORD Jesus or is found in the book of Revelation could fit anything but a pre-tribulation rapture event based upon the “Doctrine of Imminence”.  The sound doctrine of imminence nullifies the pattern a MID-TRIBULATION or a POST-TRIBULATION catching away event because of the stated events that must first occur that everyone will see in plain sight.  So, if anyone is a mid-trib or a post-trib believer it must be a very sad day because it is impossible for Jesus to come back today!



Rev 11:3  And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.

two_witnesses_of_revelation_1Here is another great reason why I believe the church must be raptured up to heaven before the beginning of the seven years of tribulation.  God sends two witnesses that some believe are Enoch and Elijah and others believe they are Moses and Elijah.  But whoever they are they appear in the streets of Jerusalem for exactly three and half years, also known as forty-two months, or it can even be known as 1260 days.  These are all the same way to describe the first half of the 7 years of tribulation.  God very clearly informs us in Revelation chapter 11 that He will send two witnesses to the city of Jerusalem in order to prophecy to the world.

Now may I suggest that we all think about what is being revealed by God in this verse?  What was the great commission given to the church right before Jesus ascended into heaven?  Didn’t Jesus command the church to go into all the world and preach the gospel (Mar 16:15)?  It appears to me that the only logical reason that God would need to send His two witnesses back to the earth from heaven would be because the church is no longer on the earth to preach to anyone on the earth.  Wow, I do not know how anything else could possibly be true.  Did the church suddenly all get murdered?  Did the church all go into silence and hiding in bunkers?  What else can it be?  Think about it!  For 42 months these two witnesses are declaring the Word of God to the people of Jerusalem and the earth.  Suddenly they are killed, and their bodies lie in the streets of Jerusalem for 3 ½ days and then what happens?  The world sees them be raised from the dead and then they go back up slowly into heaven.  If the church is still present on the earth, then the word of God is still being preached but if not, then what happens in the book of Revelation next after the two witnesses? Does the gospel of Jesus just stop?  We will find our answer in Revelation 14:

Rev 14:6  And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, 

Why would God almighty have an angel preach the Gospel if the people in the church were still on the earth?  This just does not make any logical sense.  The only reasonable explanation for this need to preach from two witnesses or an angel must be because the church would not be here on the earth to do what Jesus commanded us to do.  That is what I believe.  So, we have just learned of two different types of preachers that are found on the earth during the tribulation besides the church.  There were the two witnesses that preach the first 42 months and there is the angel preaching to humans somewhere in the last 42 months.  This is profoundly amazing.  The church must be gone!  Praise the LORD!




To correctly interpret the book of Revelation there is a dependency to first understand the book of Daniel.  The book of Daniel was written years before Jesus’ first physical entrance on the earth.  But these words were hidden and sealed from understanding until the time of the end (Dan 12:9).  However, the book of Revelation we are told was not sealed because the time was near at hand (Rev 22:10). Therefore, the book of Revelation helps us to unveil the book of Daniel and vice versa.  Too many Bible students fail to go back to understand the Book of Daniel.  In chapter 9 of Daniel it contains key information that informs us of important details of the tribulation period in Revelation.  Daniel teaches us that this period of time during the tribulation is a length of seven years and that it is primarily focused upon God’s dealing with the natural people of the nation of Israel.  Knowing this information provides us a good foundation for why the church is not explicitly mentioned by name after chapter 3.  This also helps us to understand that the “rapture” of the church must have already occurred.

Let us talk very briefly about why these two books are intimately connected.  One distinct connection are the references to a beast with 10 horns.  We see this in Daniel chapter 7 and in Revelation chapters 13 and 17.  The horns we are told represent kings but that is not important for this lesson.

There are several direct connections but one that is significant is the connection of the term “Time”, “Times” and “Half a Time” (aka dividing of time).  This phrasing is an incredibly unique terminology that I have only found in the books of Daniel and Revelation.  Most scholars that I have heard teach on this subject, agree that this phrase is speaking of 1 Year + 2 Years + half a Year.  Adding those together we get 3 ½ years total.  That matches perfectly with the references to 1260 days (Rev 11:3, 12:6) and 42 months (Rev 11:2, 13:5) and 3 ½ years (Rev 12:14) all found in Revelation.  We can also read this specific phrase “time”, “times” and “dividing time” in Daniel 7:25 and in Daniel 12:7 where we find “time”, times” and “a half” and this matches Revelation 12:14.

Rev 12:14  And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. 

Now let us read one of the key verses that is required for understanding the seven-year tribulation we can also labeled as God’s last week dealing with nation of natural Israel:

Dan 9:24  Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people (natural Israel) and upon thy holy city (Jerusalem), to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.

There are a lot of Bible scholars and teachers that agree this verse is speaking of seventy weeks of years and not seventy weeks of days.  A Week is a representation for the number 7.  Therefore, if we multiply 70 times 7, we arrive at 490 years of total time that God is referring to for the nation of Israel.  However, these 490 years do not occur in consecutive order.  You see in verses 25 God begins to describe that there will be 7 weeks of years before the city of Jerusalem will be rebuilt.  Next will follow 62 weeks of years (=434) and then Messiah will appear in the city Jerusalem.  In fact, someone has done this calculation and found that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey on the exact day when these 469 years were fulfilled.  Now let us look at the specific tribulation week that we are concerned with in Revelation.  It is being described by Daniel in chapter 9 and verse 27:

Dan 9:27  And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. 

This verse is concerning a prince called the anti-Christ.   Most educated Bible scholars agree this verse is teaching events that occur within the 7 years of tribulation using the term “one week”.  We are told that this man will make a covenant with the Jewish people on the earth and this is presumed to be a peace treaty of some type.  But, according to this verse in the middle of this 7 years (3 ½) he appears to break the covenant and bring desolation upon the earth.  I am unable to go into every detail in this very quick overview format of the book of Revelation.  Therefore let’s wrap this section up.

Please just understand the connections being made and how Daniel was a book written about God’s dealing with the natural nation of Israel for a total of 490 years.  I believe that this information helps us to understand why the church on the earth is not mentioned after chapter 3 by direct name.  I believe since God is dealing with natural Israel primarily in this book of Revelation the church must have been taken into heaven before this week of years can begin.  We know this because we have just seen that God sends two witnesses to stand up and preach in the city of Jerusalem for 3 ½ years.  Now remember what happens to them at the end of these 42 months.  These two witnesses are suddenly killed, and their bodies lay in the streets of Jerusalem for 3 ½ days and then they are raised back to life.  This seems to correspond to what we just read in the book of Daniel about the anti-Christ breaking the peace covenant and this is when the “Great Tribulation” breaks out and angels are then revealed to be preaching the gospel.  Wow, this sounds like we are now understanding more of why the church is not mentioned after chapter 3.  Let us go to the final reason in this lesson for why I believe the church has been raptured from the earth while these 7 years are taking place.



This reason is another common-sense revelation.  This reason for believing in a PRE-TRIBULATION rapture is based upon what was given to us in Revelation chapter 19 and then what is implied but was not explicitly stated to how it occurred.  We will begin reading in verse 6 and then go through verse 14.  The passages begin by describing the church in heaven at the marriage supper of the lamb in verses 6 through 10.  Then this is immediately followed in verses 11 through 14 with Jesus coming back to the earth with the church riding behind Him to rule and reign with a rod of iron for 1000 years.

The Marriage Supper of the Lamb

Rev 19:6  And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.
Rev 19:7  Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.
Rev 19:8  And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.
Rev 19:9  And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.
Rev 19:10  And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. 

The Rider on a White Horse

Rev 19:11  And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. Rev 19:12  His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
Rev 19:13  And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
Rev 19:14  And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean

OK, we just cannot go through every verse and every word found in the Greek because it would take too long.  Focus on verse 7 to begin.  We have the marriage of the Lamb and the mention of His wife having made herself ready.  This corresponds very well with Jesus’ description of the bridegroom coming suddenly to the five wise virgin that had made themselves prepared and ready for His coming.  It also corresponds to Ephesians chapter 5 in discussing husbands and wives where God speaking of this as being a great mystery concerning Christ and the church.  In Ephesians 5:26-27 Paul writes of Christ sanctifying and cleansing His bride with a washing of the water of the Word of God.  I cannot teach that subject fully either.  You can go and read about the bride of Christ in other series on this website.  Notice how this woman is described in Revelation.  She is clothed in fine white linen in verse 8.  Then notice these people are clothed in the exact same garments that are coming back riding on white horses with Jesus in verse 14.

I believe verse 11 is also relevant to take note of.  Verse 11 teaches that heaven must be opened for Jesus and the church to return.  That sound like the parallel to the 5 foolish virgins knocking on the door after it was locked shut and Jesus saying, “depart I never knew you” (Mat 25:12).  I would recommend you read and study the subject of weddings in the Bible.  The wedding feast is also described in a parable given in Matthew 12:1-14.  We don’t have time to read and study that either but know this is message spoken to Jews about a King (God the Father) inviting the Jews to come to the wedding of His Son (Jesus) and they did not come so He commanded His servants to go and invite others (Gentiles) to come into the wedding feast that had been prepared.  In this parable one man comes into the wedding without the proper wedding attire and he is promptly discovered, questioned and cast out to regret not having the proper wedding clothes.

If these people being described in Revelation are wearing the proper wedding garments we can easily believe they are the church and we are coming back to the earth with Jesus after this wedding feast.  Therefore, how and when did the church go up to be with Him in heaven?    We had to be there in heaven for longer than a quick snack and rapid return?  In other words, a POST-TRIBULATION sudden taking up and an immediate coming back down just cannot fit what many teach.  In fact, a MID-TRIBULATION 3 ½ year pattern of going up and coming back does not fit the wedding feasts Bible pattern either.  Let’s quickly establish verses that teach the church is coming back with Jesus to rule:

1Th 3:13  To the end he may stablish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints.

God clearly describes the church will be returning to the earth with Jesus in this verse.   Holiness is a pattern description for a pure bride wearing white and clean garments that we were reading about in Revelation 19.  Also, it is interesting to see the word “all” describing His saints.  This Greek word means the whole.  There is another New Testament prophecy concerning this return to the earth found in the book of Jude:

Jud 1:14  And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,
Jud 1:15  To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him. 

I believe these verses are describing the exact Revelation 19 return to the earth of Jesus and His church, but only in greater detail. It is remarkably interesting to note that we are coming with Him to judge the ungodly sinners.  This is just further confirmation that the church is not present on the earth to be judged with them.

When did the church get to heaven to return to the earth with Jesus in Revelation 19?  I cannot find a catching away in the mid-tribulation theory found in Revelation.  I certainly cannot agree with a post-tribulation catching up of the church to be immediately returned either.  Neither of these beliefs match the typology of Noah’s flood or Lot’s taking out of Sodom.  In both examples the righteous were taken out before any of the judgment of the wicked began.

The only legitimate answer that fits typology and and patterns found in ancient Jewish wedding feasts is the pre-tribulation catching away of the bride.  In the ancient Jewish wedding ceremony several things occur in a specific order.  I will list this so that we can see how they match the pre-tribulation rapture.

  1. The Groom approaches the Bride and proposes marriage
  2. Gifts are given to the bride’s family
  3. A legal contract agreement is accepted by both husband and wife
  4. The bridegroom promises to go to his father’s house to prepare a place for his new wife.
  5. He leaves her and does not see her until the father instructs him he is ready to go and get her.
  6. He leaves the father’s house to go and get his bride
  7. The bride never knows when he will return for her so she must be constantly ready and expecting him with eager anticipation.
  8. The bridegroom sends his servant ahead of him to announce his appearance.
  9. The bride rushes out to meet him and they immediately depart for the father’s house.
  10. A wedding feast then commences at the father’s house.
  11. This wedding feast normally lasts for 7 days where they eat and drink and celebrate the marriage has come.
  12. Now the bride and the bridegroom leave the father’s house to enter into their new house to be together forever.

This was just a fast overview of the process.  But, please notice the parallels that are given to Christ and the church.



The only balanced timing for the church rapture event that matches all of the patterns given to us in scripture is found in Revelation 4:1 (pre-tribulation).   God provides us a profound clue to the timing by using John being caught up into heaven before he was shown the future events transpiring in the tribulation.  This was a divine pattern for the “PRE-TRIBULATION” rapture.  I have become convinced that this is only event time that matches typology taught by Jesus in Matthew 24, the doctrine of Imminence, God’s dealing with Israel during the 70th week and the end of the church age of God’s divine Grace.  We have just read 10 direct and indirect reasons that help us establish an incredibly good solid foundation for the belief in the PRE-TRIBULATION rapture!  We could have found others.  For example, we did not speak of the Jewish wedding pattern.  Weddings in Jesus’ days on the earth were usually a 7-day feast celebration with food and wine.  This is why, Jesus was asked to turn water into wine in John 2 by Mary.  Jesus turns 6 very large containers full of water into wine because there were more days to celebrate than the day He performed the miracle.  Seven days is a week, right?  Why does God call this a week of years in Daniel?  Is this another clue to our covenant marriage event occurring in heaven?  Could it be that our Covenant Wedding feast will be celebrated for the entire week of tribulation on the earth?  I believe it will.

I pray you were blessed and are willing to go read and study these verses for yourself to confirm if this is what the Holy Spirit is saying to you.  If you believe there are any challenges to what was written here, then please share them in a comment.  If the Holy Spirit bears witness with your spirit, this is truthful, then please leave that as a comment.  God bless you and let us all know that Jesus is coming soon!



Today, if you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal LORD and Savior or you do not have the full confidence that you KNOW what would happen if you died suddenly, it is time to get your life in order.  I believe NOW is time to resolve your fear of an uncertain eternal destination after this life ends and before it is too late.  Some might think I’m not a bad person and have not committed any bad crimes, but God says our righteousness is like filthy rags compared to His standard of Holiness.  By default, without making a choice we are all headed to a lake of fire that burns very intensely to be separated from a loving God that already forgave us.  That is a very sad reality.    One wise man has said NO ONE is ready to live, until they are ready to die.  Please go to “Salvation” and read and pray the prayer to receive the free gift of forgiveness & eternal life.  This will be the greatest decision that you will ever make.  Thank you and God bless you.