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Is it Possible to be Both a Democrat and a Christian in the U.S.?

Gal 4:16  Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?

(Ver 1.1)  Here in the U.S. we have been living through a very nasty election process costing billions of dollars.  This Bible lesson is intended for my U.S. readers, but the application of the Bible principles taught will apply to any nation where you are permitted to vote.  This of course will be a potentially controversial subject to talk about.  Who knows I may lose some readers by offending them with the truth as Paul did in Galatians 4:16.   But like Paul, I still want to speak the truth on my website, because this is what is needed at this critical time in America.  Can a person be a Christian, be saved, be born-again, go to heaven and still ignore the truth, the Bible and the God of the Bible doing whatever they like?  Whoops I thought this subject was about being a Democrat?  Yes, you are right the main subject is about people claiming to be a Democrat and a Christian and that goes with my preceding statement precisely.  Isn’t choosing to be called a Democrat a human freewill choice of the man or woman?  Am I saying being a Democrat is someone that is ignorant of the Bible?  Well you are going to have to read the entire lesson and decide for yourself.   Let me give you my opening scripture verse for this subject:

Rom 8:14  For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

God declares that His children are led by His Spirit!  Are you His child?  Not if you are not being led by the Spirit of God you are not!    If you claim to be a saved child of God you better learn how to be led by the Spirit of God very fast.   Nowhere in this verse or in any other verse will God contradict this truth!  This verse strongly implies that those that are not led by the Spirit of God are not the children of God. The Spirit of God is never going to lead you into sin.  The Spirit of God is never going to lead you to violate the Word of God.  The Spirit of God will never lead you into hell.  The Spirit of God will only say things to you that agree with the Written Holy Word of God.  If you do not understand this you are free to call yourself a Democrat and choose to make God a liar.  So the question remains, will the Spirit of God ever lead a person to be a Democrat?  Not if it violates the Word of God.  You better find out if being a Democrat is either in agreement or discourse with the Word of God and then decide personally which path you want to follow in.

First, I strongly believe that there are no perfect people in the world; Republican, Democrat, Independent or Christian.  However, does that fact mean that that every Christian should not strive for perfection?  I seriously do not believe that is the case.  Perfection should be the goal of every Christian in order to conform to the image of Christ Jesus’ example.  If you do not want to be like Christ you are definitely reading the wrong website.  Can you find a scripture in the Bible that says that we are free to ignore what God says in His Word and still be saved?  Are we saved independently from the Word of God? I have not found any verses that say we can be saved or remain saved apart from the Bible.  I have found some verses that appear to say the opposite is true.  Jesus was speaking in the Gospels and was quoted to say the following statement that should be strongly considered if you want to call yourself a follower of Christ:

Luk 6:46  And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?

Who was the Lord Jesus talking to?  Notice that this statement was not made to anyone that is not a Christian or at the least thought they were a Christian.  No one is going to call Jesus Lord if they do not believe that Jesus saved them.  Did you notice that?  People came to Jesus saying “Lord, Lord!” and they did this with the forethought He was their Lord.  You see according to the Bible, in order to be saved, an individual must believe that God has raised Jesus from the dead and then must also confess Jesus to be their “Lord” with their mouth (Rom 10:9-10).  Therefore, Jesus makes this statement but, only to people that have called Him their Lord.  No unsaved person has done this nor can they.  What significance does the Lord Jesus place upon His spoken word in this statement directed at Christians?  Is the Lord Jesus a casual, unconcerned or non-caring speaker of random unimportant words like people are?  Do you think that it matters to God if you actually do anything that He says or not?  Is God simply speaking words to hear the sound?  I believe that you can clearly see in this verse that Jesus strongly implies that it matters a great deal what you do in this life concerning what God has spoken.

2Ti 3:16  All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

What has God spoken?  This verse informs us that God spoke the words of the Bible and that every one of them is here for the purpose of righteousness.  The Greek word translated as “inspiration of God” literally means “God Breathed”.  If God’s breath produced them they came from the Spirit of God and these are the Words that you are directed to follow by Jesus own admission.  Why call me Lord, Lord and do not what I say in my written Holy Book of Words?

Whose responsibility is it to get you to do what God says?  Who is going to make you read and learn what is written in the Bible?  Is it not your choice what you do every day?   Seriously pay attention to what the Bible is saying to you, learn it and begin to follow God’s instructions.  It will matter more on judgment day than you can possibly think at this time.  Let’s get another witness of the truth spoken from God about what you need to do:

Jas 1:22  But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.

God speaking through the apostle James says directly to the church in a letter, that they need to do the Word of God and not just hear it only or they will deceive themself.   That is an amazing statement.  Self-deceived people are abundantly found in the church today.  These are people that go to church but still vote for a Democrat.  Of course I understand that many churches are not teaching the Bible and that is even a greater problem.    God says very clearly “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6).  Not being taught the actual Word of God will cause people to be deceived equally.  I believe that it is abundantly clear that the God of the Bible was warning Christians that we better learn what He has said and then do what He has said or we will be destroyed.  Let’s then figure out what God says in the Bible and then see if any of this Godly information disagrees with Christians being a modern Democrat.

Today I’m going to give you at least 4 sound Bible reasons why you cannot be both a Democrat and a Christian.  You are free to disagree with me, but I would suggest that you do not disagree with God and His Word.  What I will say today are not my words but His.


Anyone can clearly observe the Democratic official platform.  The Democratic National Convention (DNC) was held here in Charlotte NC and I heard about this event for months before it happened and every day that it was here it dominated the news.  Anyone can easily verify what I am about to say by searching the internet to find the DNC position.  There are documents, videos, news reports and other evidence to the truth if you are unaware of what I am about to tell you.  First, consider at the DNC that Democrats removed the mention of “God” completely from their official position platform.  They further removed all mention of Israel and Jerusalem as their capital.   Both of these should have been clear warning signs to those that call themselves Christians and Democrats.  If you watched the DNC on TV you would have seen one man stand up and attempt to put God and Jerusalem back into the Democratic platform and he was required by rule to get a majority of the delegates to raise their voice and vote “Yes” in order to pass this position.  He called for the vote once, twice and even three times and each time the NO’s clearly won the voice level vote.  At the end of the third time he simply decided on his own that the “YES” votes won and that ended the voting session.  Many of the delegates in the audience quickly booed the decision and that is a major problem with being a Democrat.  How can you as a Christian associate with any people that are so far apart from the truth?  I do not know how you can, based upon what God says to do in His word:

Pro 14:27  The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.

Did the great majority of the delegates representing the U.S. Democratic Party from every state have any fear of God?  If you believe that you can boo God and be a Christian you are a fool!  If you think you can stand with people that boo God and still be a Christian you are still a fool.   To “fear” God is a Hebrew word that means a human position of humility giving God great honor and respect as He clearly deserves.  What kind of respect is it for Democrats to say to God we don’t want you God mentioned in our platform anymore?   Wow, I do not even know how to begin to justify someone saying I’m a Christian and still calling themselves a Democrat.  What did God say in this verse in Proverbs?  Did He not just say if you fear me you are on the path to life and if you do not fear me you are headed on the path towards death?  You better think a long time about what is being said here.  Let’s look at another verse that applies to this situation of the DNC vote.  Here we had a man that must have thought he was a Christian who wanted God put back into the platform and the majority of his fellow delegates blasted him down and said “NO”.  What does the God of the Bible say about this?

2Co 6:14  Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

Can you read?  To be yoked to something is to be joined with them.  To be joined means to be united in purpose, plans and action.  To be yoked to anything is a clear personal choice unless you are their slave?  Are you the slave to other Democrats or the DNC?  If you are not their slave then you had a choice to be there and to call yourself one of them.  Consider the legal ramification of being present at the DNC?  If someone in the car that you are riding in commits a crime the legal system considers you an accessory even if you knew nothing about what was going to happen.  The guilt by association is a very important topic in the court of heaven.  Because you were voluntarily present at the conference you have become guilty of cursing the God of the Bible even if you did not commit the act.  Just because you are a registered Democrat you are further guilty by association with the group.  Now, shift to what it means to be unequally yoked as this statement is declaring.  I take this to mean you are out-numbered.  It is like a balance scale with you on one side and the rest of the God cursing people on the other side.  If they have tipped the scale in their favor then God says you better not be linked with them.

This is a major problem again from the scriptural standpoint of being called a Democrat.  To be in an organization that does not even desire to have any relationship with God is more than an awkward situation for you.  This man that took the vote should have shook off the dust from his feet and walked away from the cursers instead of doing what he did and continuing to be one of them.  Look at what Jesus said to His disciples:

Mat 10:14  And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.

Does this not still apply to us today?  Are you not a disciple of Christ?  I know I am!  Of course this applies to you and I.  If we go and tell someone about Jesus and they reject it, Jesus said that we can walk away free in conscious that we did our job.  I feel like this would have made a much stronger statement than pretending that the “YES” vote won and add God back into the platform.  How long do you think that the DNC will keep God in?  Do you think that God will survive another vote?  I personally do not believe He will.  God and the Bible is being pushed out of the Democratic platform, it is just a matter of time before it happens.

The term “yoked” is a position of servitude whether you accept it or not.  If you desire to be a servant accessory of a people with a position that curses God then you are not a wise man or woman.  Take note with what these verses just said.  What fellowship does a righteous man have with an unrighteous man?  What communion does the light of God have with the darkness of Satan?  I know a lot of people do not understand the differences between what is being stated in 2 Corinthians 6:14 so they believe it is permissible to be labeled a Democrat.  That is exactly why I am writing and teaching this message today.


Let’s consider point number two that was added to the official Democratic platform this year by Obama’s sudden change of position from the last election position.  In the last election Obama was clearly asked about gay marriage and he clearly stated that marriage should be between a man and a woman.  Now suddenly, the DNC and Obama openly embraced and joined themselves to the godless gay agenda by adding a gay marriage stance legitimizing the marriage between two men or two women as being normal and acceptable.  In doing this they have snubbed the Bible and the God of the Bible and they have departed to establish a new independent truth separate from both.  Here is the primary problem with the gay agenda; you cannot find it as a valid doctrine in the Bible anywhere.  In fact if you study the subject closely you will find a lot written about it in the Bible that says it is an abomination to God when people live this way (Lev 18:22).  I know that was an Old Testament verse reference and people are so quick to say that does not apply in the modern world.  Let me quickly show you a N.T. verse that is also equally very clear:

1Co 6:9  Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, (NASB)

God tells the church plainly in this text that homosexuals will never enter into the kingdom of God.  If people cannot be gay and be saved, what makes you think that you can be a Democrat supporting gays and the gay agenda and be saved either?  Perhaps you need a new perspective to the importance of being in agreement with God.  What is agreement?  Agreement occurs when two people make a pact to walk in harmony.  Disagreement is the antithesis and this simply occurs when two people are in opposite sides of any discussion.   If you look up possible synonyms for the term “agreement” you will find one term “covenant” is present.  That truth of covenant raises a new perspective and asks “Are you in covenant agreement with God?” or “Are you in covenant agreement with homosexuality?”.   Technically speaking if you are not in covenant agreement with God then you are not saved.  If yes, then God says you better agree with Him and what He says:

Amo 3:3  Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

You are being forced to make a choice today by reading the truth of God.  If you read what God says and still choose to be a Democrat and support Democrats and the DNC platform then you are not walking in agreement with God but with your godless political party.  That is an extremely poor choice in life to make yet people do it every day.  What God has just clearly stated is that you better agree with what He has spoken or you will not be walking with God.

People who do not make an effort to know what the Bible says are those that have chosen to ignore God’s Word.  Any non-decision to seek the truth is a conscious decision for ignorance of the truth.  Ignorant people will find themselves apart from God based upon what Jesus said to you at the beginning of this lesson.  You are not going to be able to call Jesus your Lord and then ignore what He has said about the subjects like homosexuality.  The two positions are mutually exclusive and incompatible.  If you do not know what the Bible says on the subject of homosexuality you need to find out very quickly.  No, the word is not officially found in the KJV Bible, but that does not mean that God does not give you what He thinks on the subject very clearly using other words.  I have a Bible lesson series on the subject called “What does God think about Homosexuality”.   If after you read this lesson series and choose to still be a Democrat then your blood is not on my hands any longer.


The discussion of abortion is a modern controversial subject that Democrats like to dance around by speaking about it using irrelevant oxymoronic terms like “Women’s Rights” or “Planned Parenthood” and others that twist the reality of child homicide into something legitimate sounding.  They have even gone so far as to call the unborn baby a “fetus” and not a human child even though that is clearly a lie.  The child in the womb is a new complete being after the egg is fertilized.  All of the future DNA of the complete human being is present at conception.  Cells continue to grow in the womb and develop but this same process occurs after birth also.  No human is born a completed mature work.  Therefore, the process before birth continues after birth and finally the child becomes an adult.  The baby developing in the internal water realm is no different than the external baby continuing to develop in the air realm.  If after birth the same attitude of reckless disregard is given as to the unborn life of the water realm baby and care was removed from them the child would not live in the external air realm either.  Developing cells that grow is the definition for life.  If a scientist found cells like this on Mars they would take extreme measures to preserve them.  Why then have ignorant deceived humans chosen not to value this life before birth the same as after birth?  Nothing was added or taken away from the process other than the taking of the baby’s life.  Things have gotten so bad in this area that many abortion procedures done by doctors today are to babies that could easily live outside of the womb with any proper modern care.  These procedures are called partial birth abortions and the baby is partly birthed and then deliberately killed before they can take a breath.   That is a totally insane ungodly behavior for any person to agree with but Democrats like Obama vote for it constantly to continue.

Today the determining factor for whether any baby lives or dies has been given into the hands of the woman carrying the baby.  That right there is another ignorant presupposition of the truth.  Who died and made this woman a god who decides who lives and dies?  Did the woman get pregnant by herself?   Here is where creative deceived people introduce a new argument of justification for the existence of abortions.  They say “what about incest and rape”.  They then use these minority cases to justify the existence of every abortion regardless if the woman consented to the sex or not.   God states in Genesis 2 that the two shall become one and this is a law of God’s created design.  Just because Satan has perverted it by enticing men to rape does not mean the whole result is evil.  One evil act never justifies another evil act.  The formed baby in the womb was not a participant in the evil so why is another evil taken out on them?  That just does not make logical or Biblical sense.  I recall no Bible verses that say if a man commits evil we need to kill an innocent child for retribution.

Take for example the young lady that had been kidnapped as a child by an evil man and forced to live with him for years and years until she finally escaped.  She was repeatedly raped and even got pregnant and had a child.  This child was still important and loved by God regardless of how it was conceived.  After the woman escaped the captor went to jail but she and her baby went home.  Perhaps in this case you believe we should kill the baby immediately after saving it from captivity?  What then is the difference between now and before in the womb?  Were they not both created through evil?  Surely this justifies us killing born healthy babies if they are conceived by evil acts.  If we kill evilly conceived babies after birth what stops any baby from being killed if they cry too much, are the wrong sex or whatever.  When is it murder and when is it allowable or permitted?  I do not see any lines that should ever be crossed personally.

When a woman determines that she does not desire to carry the baby to term, she chooses to commit murder and she terminates the life that God had placed inside of her by going to a clinic or by taking a pill these days.  You may quickly respond and ask who did you say put the life in her?  According to the Bible God says He put the life of the child inside of the woman.  Here is a verse that is about abortion but does not directly name the term:

Jer 1:5  Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

You can clearly see that God reveals that what the Democrats and liberals call the “fetus” in the woman was already known by God.  God clearly says “I formed you there inside of your mother”.  God also clearly says that I called you to be a prophet before you were ever born into this world.  What if Jeremiah’s mother chose to have an abortion today?  Would the prophet have been born?  Would God have stopped her from being so foolish?  I seriously do not understand why people cannot see that God will not override a woman’s will to murder her own child.   The woman’s body is the woman’s body but the child in her was not placed there by the woman so she has no right to remove it.  The child’s body is never a part of the woman’s body.  The child’s body is an independent new being awaiting arrival into this world.

In making these uninformed decisions the woman has engaged accomplices that help her.  The doctor is the instrument of murder that she uses to kill the life in the baby and I find that fact incredibly ironic.  The doctor takes a Hippocratic oath to save life and instead for money has chosen to ignore that oath and kill their own kind because an activist  judge somewhere said it was a legal act to perform.  Everyone involved in this act is a willing guilty participant or accessory and they are all ignoring God, the truth and the Bible in making this decision or even allowing this decision to be made.  That is just stupid if you ask me, but stupid is as stupid does.

In the United States alone there have been millions of abortions performed since it was legalized by a minority.  That is an awful lot of blood that is on the hands of women, doctors, judges, voters and politicians.  WHAT did I just say?  I said the blood of the murdered babies will be held on the account of all those that voted to allow this practice to continue.  If you do not think so, I would not want to be you on judgment day.  I did not do a complete teaching on this subject and I have other lessons that will expand it in more detail.  If you go and read “What does God think about Abortion” it will address more Bible verses that teach us about this very important subject.


What is the definition of a liar?  When a man says one thing and then does something else does that make him a liar?  In my Bible I believe that is a very good definition for a liar.  What is the definition of a deceiver?  A very good definition of a deceiver is anyone that causes someone else to believe what is not true.  One good synonym for a deceiver is a “con artist”.  A “con artist” is anyone that tells you what you want to hear in order to get what they want from you.  A “con man” uses words to entice human behavior for their own personal gain.  Technically speaking a liar is a deceiver and a deceiver is a liar by definition.   Let me show you a verse that Jesus spoke to us all and you then tell me what it says on these subjects:

Rev 21:8  But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

So tell me what your God just said?  Is God a liar?  I strongly believe that God is not a liar and in this statement I believe it to be an accurate and literal announcement of truth.   If after reading this verse you still believe that it is permissible to be an abortionist murderer or a liar then I think that you are already deceived into believing a lie.  There is a missing message in many churches today called “Holiness”.   This old holiness message was previously taught strongly by many preachers but it is widely ignored in the modern Grace dominated church.  Because people believe that being holy is no longer a factor or a requirement for being a Christian they can justify being a Democrat and believe a man like Obama when he stood up in 2007 and said “I’m a Christian”.  Nothing done by Obama in the last four years has proven that statement true.   In fact his actions have proven the opposite.  Jesus very clearly taught us that we will know them by their fruits (Mat 7:16).   Jesus was speaking spiritually but said this spiritual fruit would be displayed externally in this natural realm in order for us to observe it and even possess the ability to judge it.  If you do not know what the fruits of the Spirit are perhaps you need to go study the subject closely because Obama has none of these that I can observe.  Let’s establish if Christians need holiness:

Eph 1:4  According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

1Pe 2:9  But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:

1Pe 1:15  But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation;

1Pe 1:16  Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.

Both Peter and Paul were led by the Spirit of God to teach on the subject holiness.  Essentially God declared Himself to be Holy and commands that we are also to be the same Holy type.  This gets back to the goal of perfection.  If you are not striving to be perfect like God then you have already admitted defeat.  The Bible clearly says that God is a Holy God!.  The Bible also says that God does not lie (Heb 6:18).  Therefore anyone intentionally lying is not of God and will have their part in the lake of fire as Jesus clearly says.  I could spend a lot of time listing every lie publically spoken by Obama but that is a waste of my time and yours.    Other websites have done a good job at documenting many of these, just go and search the web and you will find more statements than you care to hear about.  If you have time to watch a video on YouTube I would suggest that you go watch these examples of lies spoken by Obama.  This video is by far not a complete list.  For example, Obama declared marriage to be between a man and a woman before being elected in 2008 but yet he has done everything in his power to reverse that even now making the clear position statement that marriage is beyond God’s definition.  Make sure you understand the definition again for a liar.  A liar is someone that says he will do one thing and then does something else.  I will expand the definition of a liar to be anyone that speaks anything that is not the Truth of God and that is a much broader definition.  Here is the video of lies, go check it out for a starter course:


Exo 32:1  And when the people saw that Moses delayed to come down out of the mount, the people gathered themselves together unto Aaron, and said unto him, Up, make us gods, which shall go before us; for as for this Moses, the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we wot not what is become of him.

The concept of voting is found in the Bible if you actually look for it.  The word vote does not need to appear for the message to be revealed.  For example here in this story we have a nation of people in a desperate state of circumstances much like the United States today.  Their Godly leader Moses has left them, they think and now we see them making a cry for a change.  You do realize that voting is nothing but you asking for a desired outcome?   Do you remember what these people have been through?  They had just been delivered by God from a very oppressive harsh nation and a people that oppressed them greatly.  The power of God was displayed over and over until Pharaoh finally bowed to the overwhelming display of God.  The Israelites all had witnessed this deliverance but now in the wilderness when things were again tough they voted for change in gods and leaders.  Was this the right decision?  Was this the right choice?  If you continue to read down in the chapter you will find that it clearly was not!

Here is my point for this entire lesson.  Can you vote against God and expect a good outcome?   Whenever the Democrats voted to throw God out of their platform were they not repeating the historic act that was given to us by God to learn from?  Do you not understand what God says here about Israel?  God tells us in the New Testament that these things were written as examples but not examples to follow but for examples not to follow (1 Cor 10:11).  When a nation departs from God, the Bible and His ways they have also abandoned His hand of protection, His blessings and His favor.  When the people vote against God they open the door for judgment to follow.   Seriously do you feel the need to be judged?  Continue to vote against God and His Word and you will be.  Stop and read this next Bible example of a popular vote recorded in the Bible for us to learn from:

Mat 27:17  Therefore when they were gathered together, Pilate said unto them, Whom will ye that I release unto you? Barabbas, or Jesus which is called Christ?

Mat 27:18  For he knew that for envy they had delivered him.

Mat 27:19  When he was set down on the judgment seat, his wife sent unto him, saying, Have thou nothing to do with that just man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him.

Mat 27:20  But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas, and destroy Jesus.

Mat 27:21  The governor answered and said unto them, Whether of the twain will ye that I release unto you? They said, Barabbas.

Mat 27:22  Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? They all say unto him, Let him be crucified.

Mat 27:23  And the governor said, Why, what evil hath he done? But they cried out the more, saying, Let him be crucified.

If you read this story with your spiritual eyes wide open, you will see another popular vote being manipulated by the elders of Israel and their priests.  Pilate clearly saw that it was because of envy that they were moved to do this thing to Jesus so he after being warned by his wife created a choice to vote on between two men.  One man Jesus was entirely good and one man named Barabbas was entirely evil.  Who do you think these men represent in our election?  Well, let me ask you who is in favor of murdering babies and allowing gays to marry?   Both of these are evil in the eyes of God.  Well Barabbas was elected to live and Jesus was condemned to die and this was the outcome of a popular vote of the people.  What does God say about this in the Bible?  You probably don’t know this either but this is God’s opinion of that kind of vote and voters:

Isa 5:20  Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Wow, I do not understand how anyone can be a Democrat today knowing what I know from the Bible.  God warns people if they call evil as good and good as evil that there are consequences for these types of votes.  If America elects this evil Obama president again, there will be consequences and heaven help us all.  If you read down in this chapter you will find what God says will happen:

Isa 5:24  Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the LORD of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.

These curses are because the people have abandoned the God of Israel and His Holy Word.  Major parts of the U.S. have just gone through a long drought that left the farmer’s crops and ranch industries decimated.   Do you think this is a chance accidental happenstance?  When a nation kills millions of babies and promotes gay life styles as the new normal I believe this opens the door for these types of events to occur.  Let’s end this Bible lesson with the conclusion of the Jesus vs. Barabbas vote:

Mat 27:24  When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it.

Mat 27:25  Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.

Pilate washes his hands of the matter and says this man’s blood is not on me.  The people of Israel declare let his murder and blood be upon us and our children.  In their minds they totally believed they were doing something good but their actions were not based upon any common sense or the truth of God.  Pilate could see it, do you see it?  I completely understand that God’s purpose was for Him to come to the earth and die.  I totally agree that God accomplished exactly His plan to the very detail.   However, if you believe that God manipulated the people and forced them to kill Him you are one of those confused people that believe God is a giant puppet master controller of our every move and that people lack any ability of choice.  God can use human nature without causing it to happen.  God knew what would happen before it happened so this is foreknowledge and not forced manipulation.  Unsaved people today have not really changed much have they?  They are still calling good evil and evil good.   Still killing good babies and letting murders walk free.  What was the outcome of this vote for Israel?  Did you realize that there was a consequence for their actions?

If you did not know it Israel was completely destroyed and leveled shortly after this event in history.  In the year 70 AD the entire city was decimated.  The natural nation of Israel ceased to exist for almost 1900 years after this.  The people of Israel were scattered broadly throughout the world and were continually oppressed and persecuted.  The curse that they placed upon themselves followed them from generation to generation.  It was not until the near extermination of the entire Jewish race under Hitler that prophecy began to come back into focus for this natural nation of people.  Do you think that rejecting the Word of God had anything to do with what happened to them in history?  Are there any parallels to what happened to the nation of Israel and what is happening here in the United States today?  I believe very strongly that there are many direct parallels and if we do not change quickly and embrace God and His Word as a nation again we will experience the same outcome.

So can you be a Christian and still vote for evil?  Can you be saved and ignore the Bible?  Can you vote against God and still be for God?  Seriously if you do not understand that this is not possible then your blood is not on my hands as I have already stated.  No not everything a Democrat does is evil and that is not my point here at all.  What you need to see is that it only takes a little bit of poison to kill an animal if it is mixed with a lot of good desirable food.   If Democrats were entirely evil people there would be no contest in this election, no one would vote for them.  But, since they lace their good deeds with poisonous intentions people are deceived in eating it all.  I have warned you, and I have sounded the alarm.   I am just one man on the wall willing to take the risk to blow an alarm sound of warning to the people of this nation.  You can do whatever you like going forward but the consequences will come for your vote for evil sooner than you realize.  This was the message that the Holy Spirit placed on my heart and I was just the messenger.  I pray that your eyes were opened and that I saved at least one person from deception.  If only one person was helped then it was worth all of my time and effort.  God bless and we will get back to the other Bible subjects as the Lord leads.