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Jesus in the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet Part 3b – The Beyt – Part 2

(Ver 1.0) This is “Part 3b” of the Bible study series, revealing “Jesus Hidden in the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet”. This is also “Part 2” of the very important ancient Hebrew letter “beyt” study. This series is designed to reveal the patterns of the Lord Jesus, hidden in the ancient Hebrew Alphabet pictograms. He can be found in every letter, but there are some letters that just appear to be most valuable to understanding Him. The “Beyt” is one of these letters. If you have not read the series from the beginning, it is recommended that you go and start with “Part 1”.

Today, we will continue our learning of the second letter of the ancient Hebrew alphabet called the “Beyt”. If you have read “Part 1” of the Beyt subject, you already know this letter represents a “tent” diagram where a family is planted, resides and grows. This letter also represents and identifies, all of the family members that are currently living in the house of their “father” or have come from his house. It is the “father’s name’ that marks the house. For example, notice this verse:

2 Sam 3:1  Now there was long war between the house of Saul and the house of David: but David waxed stronger and stronger, and the house of Saul waxed weaker and weaker. 

Here is a great example of two houses that were at war with each other. The house of Saul was a type of evil, opposing God’s selected servant David. In this verse we learn that houses can grow weaker or stronger. Therefore, it can greatly matter, whose house you choose to belong to and to who you are choosing to be in, either God’s house or the house of the devil.

In the natural realm this was chosen for you by your father Adam. Adam chose to join his “house” with Satan in rebellion, and everyone born in the natural family of Adam is destined to die (Rom 5:12). But in the spiritual realm, Jesus came as the “Last Adam” to create a new family for every human’s choice to live (Jn 10:10). Wow, it seems like an easy choice to make, but the deceiver tricks people into making the wrong choice (Rev 12:9).

This is why we are learning about two opposing spiritual houses and families, one of God and the other of His adversary the devil (Act 26:18). In Revelation 13, the beast representing the devil’s family, demands for humans to take his “mark”. We learned a “mark”, represents a family house’s name of the father. And in Revelation 13:17, we can understand this beast’s mark is joining people with the house of Satan and an eternity in hell (Rev 19:20). If you did not know that Satan was a father, and has a family, please read what Jesus revealed in John 8:44.

But Jesus in Revelation 2:17, offers those that desire to be joined with His family, the gift of receiving His name as their choice. Two spiritual families with two spiritual names of the heads of these family members. The house and family of God, is a very desired family to want to be in. We can identify people in the Old Testament that had this desire. For example, David:

Psa 27:4  One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple. 

One of our key subjects today will concern King David, the writer of this Psalm. It is very clear that David valued the “House of the LORD”. It is very clear that David desired to be in God’s family. David also makes it clear the spiritual house (beyt) and family, that we seek after determines our family association.

David was only interested in dwelling in God’s house and family. David could read about the alternative house to dwell within, in the Old Testament. Approximately 10 times, God wrote to remind the children of Israel, of their time in the “house (beyt) of bondage” (Exo 13:3, Exo 20:2, Deut 6:12, Deut 8:14). This was God using the natural nation of Egypt who held the natural family of Israel in bondage, as a “type”, for the unsaved people of the world. In the world today, people who do not belong to Jesus, are all in captivity in the house of Satan, under spiritual bondage to sin. But Jesus came to “set all of the captives free” (Luke 4:18).


We have already learned a significant amount of new information found in the one picture of a house tent that people in the Old Testament lived within. We have learned that this picture represents a “house” that was built by a man, in hope of being a future father. We have learned that this tent dwelling is empty at the beginning, and needs to be filled with a “new” family.

We learned there are two positive ways for any good father and husband to fill his house with his family. However, we were just introduced to one new negative method of entering an evil family. The devil uses tricks, traps, deception, and lies, to take people by force into his house of darkness. But Jesus, is always loving and good, He only offers people the positive right of choice to voluntarily join with Him in His house. We will soon learn today about God’s purpose of creating a new house and family of God by us entering into the LORD Jesus.

Unsaved natural humans can be rebirthed into God’s new spiritual family by being “born again” (John 3:3). This process occurs, by hearing the Gospel (God’s seed planted in the spirit of a human), believing in the Son of God as the risen from the dead Savior (spiritual conception), and confessing Jesus as their personal Lord (new birth activation) (Rom 10:9-10). This incredible new life experience (1 Cor 5:17) continues as we experience spiritual growth to maturity. This process is also a new marriage covenant relationship with the LORD Jesus who is the Son of God (Eph 5:31-32).

The son in the “beyt” family was essential to carry on the family name (mark), and to be given the primary part of the inheritance of his father. It is this son’s family responsibility to take the bride selected by his father. Then, these two will be joined to go out of their family houses of their fathers and mothers, to marry each other, and build their own “beyt” house and family. This was God’s stated Law of marriage found in Genesis 2:24. It is a pattern of what we will be discussing today about Jesus’ work for His Father.

Today, we are going to begin this study of Jesus in the “beyt”, with an analysis of a major promise made to one King named David. This promise was concerning a future son, that would come from a seed from his own body. This son was called a coming seed from the house of David, he is foretold to rule over his father’s “house” (beyt) of David and the kingdom of Israel forever (Luke 1:32-33). It does not appear that David was personally revealed the name of this future eternal King. But we discover in other parts of the Bible, this man is Jesus Christ the eternal risen from the dead LORD! Let us begin to learn what this has to do with a “beyt” family and house.

House (Beyt) + Seed (Nun) of David
Joined to the House (Beyt) + Seed (Nun) of God
Forms Jesus, the Son of David, the Son of God

We are now going to study a very important promise that God made to King David, about a coming son that would originate from one natural seed (nun) of David, and one spiritual seed (nun) spoken from God. These two seeds represent the continuation of two “beyt” houses and families of God. The Kingdom of God “seed” (nun) contributed in this promise will be sent from God’s greater heavenly spiritual house (beyt) to the earth.

This spiritual “seed” will be spoken by a heavenly messenger named Gabriel to a virgin woman named Mary” (Luke 1:26-27).  The promised natural “seed” that will be contributed by David also happens to be the virgin woman named “Mary”. The virgin Mary was the natural seed “daughter” of King David. It will be the virgin woman Mary’s faith, that will receive the spiritual spoken “seed” of God. It will then be the power of the Holy Spirit that will overshadow her (Luke 1:35), to fulfill the promise that was made to David.

We are beginning to be introduced to an amazing concept designed by God. It occurred when one natural seed named Mary, that came from the house of David, was prophesied by a prophet of God named Samuel, as a promised spoken to David. The end of the promise, was about the implied coming of a female “seed” (nun) of the house (beyt) of David. This woman would be joined with the spoken spiritual “seed” sent from God’s heavenly house (beyt). It will be the union of these two “seeds” being joined together, that will unite the natural and the spiritual realms to form one new unique divine human “seed”, called the promised Son of David and the Son of God. This final “promised” fulfilled combined seed, would be named by His Father God, Jesus (Luke 1:31).

This is the promise that we will be studying in God’s Word and it is so amazing, that it causes a lot of people to not believe in it as being possible. But too often humans limit what God is able to do. We will only be going through a few key verses found in the Old Testament in this section, to focus on God’s single promise spoken to David. This promise was spoken by God in the Old Covenant family, and houses of Israel, Judah, and David. We will also be viewing selected verses in the New Testament to confirm what God is saying in the Old Testament. Let us get started.

We should all at least be beginning to know that the name “Israel” originally came from heaven, which is the spiritual location of the house of God. We have learned how this name change from Jacob to Israel, appears to be a marriage covenant name transfer of one of God’s hidden heavenly names. We know this from reading multiple verses in the Old Testament, where God says “the house or the people who are called by my name”, like in 2 Chronicles 7:14, Jeremiah 7:10-11, 14, 30, and Jeremiah 32:34, to list a few.

It will be this man Jacob that is renamed Israel by God that will bring forth God’s promised “seed”. God made this promise to Abraham, his grandfather. This marriage covenant is spoken of in several verses, but Jeremiah 31:32 is one of the clearest. Therefore, we should all know that God was in a marriage covenant with these people and He was their Husband and the entire nation was collectively called His wife.

Jer 31:32  Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt (aka, the house of bondage); which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD

But we must also know this future promise to Abraham was repeated in a promise to David concerning the same identical one seed (nun), that would be called the Son of David (Mat 1:1), and the Son of God (Mat 8:29), simultaneously. So, we are seeing the potential for two houses, the beyt of David, and the beyt of God being combined, to produce one joint Son. Let us review how this is possible according to the Bible.

Remember in the ancient Hebrew alphabet, that the “beyt” + the “nun” = a son (H1121). The “beyt” is a tent house, and the “nun” is the father’s seed that is contributed to cause his house, family, and name to continue, by the passing of his “seed” (nun) to a new generation. God combined these two letters, to give us the Hebrew word for a “son”. It is the passing of natural or spiritual “seed”, that is being sown by, in, and from the owner father’s “house” (beyt), that will produce their physical or spiritual heir. It is also interesting to know that one key Greek word translated as “seed” is “sperma”, in which we get the English word “sperm”. This information gives us one of the main concepts that was spoken of by God calling Jesus the “Seed of David” (John 7:42).

We have not covered the letter “nun” in detail. This is a future lesson in the series, God be willing. But there are at least 10 things found in the Bible, that are called by the name “seed”. The male sperm is one of them (Gen 38:9). And a born child is another reality that is called a “seed” (Gen 4:25). For our subject today, the other key “seed” that is most relevant is the Word of God (Luke 8:11). The Word of God is the most powerful and prevalent spiritual “seed” found in the Bible (1 Pet 1:23).

It is also essential to know that it is the father that determines the biological “gender” of the child. If the father contributes an “X” chromosome the child is female, and if a “Y’ chromosome, the child is male. The female mother only contributes one “X” chromosome every time to produce a child. Therefore, the mother nor the born child has a choice in this matter of gender determination, period. Consequently, it is only the human, or spiritual father’s seed contribution and the hand of God’s guidance, that can create a child as a female or a male. This will become very pertinent to our discussion of Jesus being formed as a male child, from two joined families, as we continue. Let us look at a verse that helps us to see what God is doing in Jesus:

Rom 1:3  Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh; 

So far, all of this information up until this point simply means that Jesus the born child of Mary in Bethlehem, had a natural father named David. Jesus came from David’s DNA, as God writes in Romans 1:3. In this verse God said “Jesus was MADE (G1096) from the “seed” of David”. The Greek word translated as “seed” is the Greek word G4690 “sperma”. This word proves Jesus came forth from the “sperm” of David the King. We should agree this “seed” represented Mary, a daughter of the House of David.

Then notice the Greek word translated as “made”. This word is the Greek word G1096 “ginomai”. From this Greek word we get the English words “gene’, “generation”, “genetics”, “genealogy”, and “genome”. All of these words relate to “DNA”, “RNA”, etc. being transferred. What we have just confirmed, is that Jesus had a natural father’s family and house that represents David. It had to be David’s natural sperm “seed” that would be passed down multiple generations to create a female child “seed”, named Mary. It is this female child born Mary from the house of David, that would grow to be a virgin woman capable of receiving spiritual “seed” from God’s powerful spoken word (Heb 1:3).

Mary, God’s selected female seed was born in the house (beyt) of David, and she would have an “egg” inside of her body with David’s DNA, that would cause her to “make” his natural son named Jesus. This information represents the maternal half of the family line of Jesus. It is because of the one male seed of David’s generational house, that would contribute an “X” chromosome, at the exact perfect time in human history, to cause the birth of a “female” seed of David, named “Mary”. It is Mary that will birth Jesus her firstborn son (Mat 1:25), and God’s only begotten Son (Jn 3:16).

It would be good if you could go and study the Luke 3 genealogy of Jesus. Remember a “genealogy” means the passing of “genes” from one seed (nun) to another, creating each new generation. In the Luke 3 genealogy, we will find how seed, after seed was passed from Adam, all the way to Mary, who gave birth to Jesus the Christ in Bethlehem. In this family lineage includes Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, David, and many other male seeds.

But the last “seed” is required by God to be “female”, so God could be the Father in the naturally created child making process. This requirement would allow God to fulfill His role as the male head of the house and family, as well as determine the gender of the child named Jesus, who also must be God’s male Son heir. Knowing this we can better understand the prophecy of God given to David the reigning King of Israel in the book of 2 Samuel and chapter 7. Let us begin to read and study the O.T. prophecy:

2Sa 7:5  Go and tell my servant David, Thus saith the LORD, Shalt thou build me an house for me to dwell in? 

God sent a message to King David. David personally desired to build the LORD a more permanent house (beyt). This new house was intended to be a more enduring dwelling, rather than the original temporary and portable tent tabernacle. Remember God’s previous temporary house was in a tent constructed originally by God’s directions given to Moses (Exo 25:9). This is very essential for us to know, that the temporary earthly tent tabernacle of God, was a human created tent of a “pre-existing” heavenly dwelling pattern (Heb 8:5). This sounds very important, if you can see it.

Therefore, we are directly connected with two houses following one pattern. There was the original heavenly “temple” that we can believe was created by God as permanent, and this is being contrasted with a new earthly house that must obviously be a temporary “tent” structure. This is the reason that God chose the symbol of a “tent” as the design of the “beyt” alphabet letter. It should be becoming very obvious that this “old” and “ancient” design, is not the final plan of God’s dwelling.

No doubt God placed this desire for a future permanent dwelling, in David’s heart. But God did this, not to fulfill David’s desires in his natural lifetime, but rather to prophesy God’s divine plan for David’s, and God’s shared Son, named Jesus, to fulfill this desire. Notice that the last sentence just called Jesus, both the son of God and David. We found this truth in Romans 1:3, where God called Jesus His Son, made from the seed (nun) of David. This represented two fathers, and two houses, one was the spiritual God, and the other was the natural man, David. Let us examine some of the words Jesus spoke on this subject, while present physically on the earth:

Mar 12:35  And Jesus answered and said, while he taught in the temple, How say the scribes that Christ is the Son of David? 

Do you remember this question that Jesus asked the Jewish rulers in the temple?  In Mark 12:35 Jesus said, “how say the scribes that Christ is the son of David?”. Then Jesus begins to quote a verse that David personally wrote about Messiah:

Mar 12:36  For David himself said by the Holy Ghost, The LORD said to my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool. 

Jesus reminded the Jewish people, what David had written while being inspired by the Holy Ghost, “The LORD said to my LORD, sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool” (Psalm 110:1). This is an amazing verse of scripture that contained a very significant hidden mystery. This verse is quoted 5 times in the New Testament, making it very important for what God is doing in Jesus. Let us start our understanding of this statement, by observing what God says in Isaiah:

Isa 66:1  Thus saith the LORD, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest? 

Notice what God says through the prophet Isaiah. God is talking about His house in two locations, asking a very specific question to the humans on the earth. He begins by saying, “Heaven” is the seat of His throne. Then He says, the “earth” is the footstool for His feet. In other words, God is saying to humans, there is no way you will ever be able to fully build me a house, where I can completely fit or rest. Wow, this is very profound, but we do not have adequate time to cover it in depth. However, we are going to be introduced to God’s solution to this problem very soon. Let us continue to see what Jesus said next about this subject:

Mar 12:37  David therefore himself calleth him Lord; and whence is he then his son? And the common people heard him gladly. 

Jesus continues speaking to the Jewish rulers, using the information found in the hidden riddle, written by David in Psalms. Jesus said in Mark 12:37, “If David calls the Christ his LORD, how then can He be his son?” This is supernatural wisdom of the Christ, demonstrating God’s superior knowledge, and their inferior lack of it.

Jesus had just tried to make them think and to answer this very profound question. Jesus was not saying that the Christ was not the son of David, but rather He was trying to get them to see that the son of David, must also be the Son of God, in order to fulfill the prophecy of David.

We have further confirmed how one man named Jesus was coming into the world from two houses, one natural of the house of David, and one spiritual from the House of God the Father from heaven. This is an amazing revelation, that teaches us that God is solving two problems in two houses (beyts), by combining them through a common one Son solution. A lot of readers will not yet understand that statement, but do not reject it because it is not understood. It will hopefully come into better light shortly.

2Sa 7:6  Whereas I have not dwelt in any house since the time that I brought up the children of Israel out of Egypt (the house of bondage), even to this day, but have walked in a tent and in a tabernacle

David is then given more information about God’s plan of salvation. We can see a confirmation that when the people of natural Israel were delivered from Egypt which we know is also called the “house of bondage” by God. We should know that God came down personally by His Holy Spirit, and lived with natural Israel, in a temporary “tent” (beyt) dwelling. We know this was when He made them His Old Covenant natural wife, and natural family. This would be a sign of God bringing Himself down from heaven, to establish His family and His name in the earth. Wow, are we not studying about a tent alphabet picture? Do you see any new connections?

Do you remember that God said His feet will be located on the earth at rest in Isaiah 66:1? But here in 2 Samuel, God says He is walking in a “tent”? Notice both scripture descriptions involve God’s “feet”. But the Isaiah reference is a God of a future seated position of rest, and the 2 Samuel reference, is a God of temporary feet movement. If you did not know, the “rest” position is the New Covenant house of God in Jesus, where Jesus is seated in heaven awaiting His enemies on the earth to be made His footstool (Heb 1:13). But the “walking” about in a “tent” (beyt), is an Old Covenant God position in a temporary transition state of mobility, indicating no rest is taking place. Wow, that is “deep”.

One thing we need to see implied in this verse of 2 Samuel 7:6, is God did have a great desire for a permanent dwelling for His Spirit, but it was not going to be a temple made of bricks and stones. Acts 17:24 confirms this by saying, “God has made the world and everything that is in it. Seeing He is Lord of heaven and earth, He will not dwell in a temple made by human hands”. That was a paraphrase, but it conveys the essence of the inspired message about two houses (beyt) in heaven and on the earth. What we are beginning to see, is that God had already provided His Holy Spirit, with a living temporary temple (tent), to dwell in, by forming the human body from the dust of the ground (Gen 2:7). Let us continue with some of our main verses of 2 Samuel 7:

2Sa 7:12  And when thy days be fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom

2Sa 7:13  He shall build an house for my name, and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom for ever. 

For the sake of time, we skipped down to verses 12 and 13. These two verses are about one man’s solitary “seed”. As we know, this man was named David, the earthly king of the natural nation of Israel. We can see in verse 12, that David will sow one seed (nun) that will come from his physical body, and it will “continue” until it produces one son (ben) that will continue David’s throne eternally.

We can clearly see in these verses, that this coming seed that will eternally rule, will only come after David is physically dead and buried. This implies a long period of time has passed before the “seed” will come forth. Between David and Jesus was approximately 1000 years, so that is a significant passage of time, before David’s promised seed would be fulfilled.

Did you notice that in these two verses of 2 Samuel, that God said twice, that “He would establish ‘his’ kingdom”? Whose Kingdom is God speaking of?  Also did you notice verse 13, that God said “He will build a house (beyt) for my name (the family mark)”? Could this name be called the house of “Israel” that is on the earth and in heaven?  So, we have the combination of the establishment of a kingdom that is to be joined with the building of a house (beyt) for God. This will be combined with the joining of two kingdoms, one of David and one of God. Wow, this can only be speaking of one man, that came from two “seeds”.

This is no doubt the new “Kingdom” of Jesus Christ. What we are observing is this future “seed” that will have a combined eternal kingdom found in two realms of existence. One is David’s natural throne, and the other is the spiritual Kingdom of Heaven. This may be difficult for some to accept, but Jesus confirms this after His resurrection in Matthew 28:18. In this verse Jesus said, “All power in heaven and on the earth, is given to me”. Why would Jesus speak of these two different realms of authority and power, being combined in Him? Why would it be necessary for God to hand over the power of earth to His Son Jesus? An even more amazing question, is why would God the Father of heaven, need to hand over heavenly authority to His Son Jesus also? Why was all of this necessary for God to accomplish? These are excellent questions to which to learn the answers. We will probably not be able to cover these questions in this lesson.

Now notice one of the “beyt” house key lesson concepts, mentioned in verse 13. In this verse we see God promising David that it will be his “seed” (nun), that will be building God’s house (beyt). Wow, this is a very radical promise, and it has nothing to do with a physical building made of bricks, and mortar. This is definitely pointing us to a spirit realm reality and fulfillment, which we will see very soon.

Remember in this section, we are exploring the concept of a two-letter word containing the “beyt” + “nun”. This formed Hebrew word is “ben”, and in English it is the “son”. We are learning that this promised “Son” must be Jesus, the Christ, and this Son must be the Son of God, equally as the Son of David a human. This also confirms the concept of two houses being combined into one “new” family. The key word is “new”, because this type of a production of a “son”, had never been accomplished before by God (Isa 43:19). God has planned the joining of one natural house on the earth from David, with the other a divine house in heaven from God, to create a never before seen new “heir”.

What we have arrived at in our Bible study journey, is the awesome truth that God came into the world to be “born” a human and divine Son. This child grew up into the man that God named Jesus, who is called the Son of Man (Adam), the Son of Abraham, the Son of David, and the Son of God. This made Jesus the Son of two realities named Israel, God the Creator, and Jacob the renamed originator of the natural nation of “Israel”. The name Israel literally means, “He will rule as God!” As you can see, we are being introduced to a brand-new concept that is amazing. The Spirit of God who dwelt, lived, ruled in a kingdom throne in heaven, came personally into the natural world, to begin a new spiritual family for Himself. In doing this great work He would also come to save the human house and family of Adam, that entered into a covenant with death and hell (Isa 28:15-18).

Jesus was, and still is, the only man that is capable of continuing the majestic Kingdom of His Heavenly Father’s name of “Israel” into a New Covenant house (beyt) family. Simultaneously, Jesus is the only son of David, that can fulfill the promise of reigning on his throne over natural Israel, eternally. We have just confirmed that one seed (nun) came into the world and this seed has come from Abraham, and David to fulfill promises given to them. It was this “seed” (nun) that came from the houses (beyts) of God (Israel in Heaven), Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Israel on earth), Judah, and David, that is fulfilled in one united Son named Jesus Christ (Israel of God that will rule forever in heaven and on earth – Galatians 5:16). We are about to learn about this new “beyt” house of the LORD Jesus, the “eternal Son (beyt + nun) of God” next.


So far, we should have learned that God has selected one man named Abraham, and from his house (beyt), chose only one seed (nun) to be his begotten son named Isaac. And from Isaac’s house (beyt), God selected one seed (nun), to be his chosen son named Jacob, who God renamed to be Israel. And from Israel’s house (beyt), God selected one seed (nun) of 12 tribes, to become a son named Judah. And from Judah’s tribe, God chose one future seed (nun) to bring a son (ben) named King David, to continue to bring forth a female daughter seed (nun) named Mary. And from all of these continuing generational seeds (nun), God at the right time brought forth His promised seed (nun), and made His promised “Son” to be the Savior of the entire world (Heb 2:16), named Jesus Christ.

God’s promised “Son” (ben) of salvation, would actually be God, the Word (seed) becoming human flesh. We know this because Jesus is a name that means “Jehovah Saved”. Jesus’ name contains His Father’s name, and one of His main purposes, for becoming a Son. We have also learned that the name Jehovah means in ancient Hebrew pictogram form, “Behold the hand, Behold the nail”. This means the work of Jesus is found in the name of His Father. But there is more evidence that Jesus was the manifestation of God making Himself into human flesh to die on a cross.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God, and He created everything good that can be seen (Jn 1:1-3). Then in John 1:14 we read about “The Word (seed) of God was made “flesh” and dwelled among us”. This simply means Jesus was Jehovah the unseen God being made manifest in flesh (Heb 1:3). As you may know, all of this is really much deeper, than can be described today. But consider this fact, and see what God has said in the prophetic verse of Jeremiah that comes directly before Jeremiah 31:32, that we looked at earlier:

Jer 31:31  Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah

As you can see this verse is about the subject of two “beyt” houses. This verse is about Jesus the Christ, and is not about a natural nation of people. God is foretelling to His Old Covenant natural people, in His previous family household, that there is coming a brand-new family covenant house with a brand-new family tent door entrance (Jn 10:7). This New Covenant was one that never existed before, that He will be making with the House (beyt) of Israel and the House (beyt) of Judah. These natural people certainly did not yet realize or understand what this meant. This was because they did not yet understand that the seed of the Messiah was already in them, and simultaneously in the Seed (Word) of God, when this prophecy was spoken.

Isa 7:14  Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel

Notice this verse is very profound. God Himself will provide a “sign”. This declares God’s personal participation in the sign being given to them. The virgin being spoken of is the coming woman named “Mary”, who was the natural “seed” of David. But God then says this virgin would conceive and become pregnant with a son. This is exactly what we are reading about in the 2 Samuel promise to David. This verse confirms again, that this divinely given sign, would be God Himself impregnating Mary, with His Word. This would be done to produce a physical child, but this Son would be named “Emmanuel”, that means “God with Us” in human form. Wow, this is really amazing how God spreads the truth out in the Bible. Let us look at the New Covenant writings to the Hebrews to help us understand what God is speaking of in Jeremiah 31:

Heb 8:8  For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah: 

As we can see Paul quotes the Jeremiah prophecy concerning two “beyt” houses, in chapter 8 of the book of Hebrews. Here in this verse, God says there was a major problem with this Old Covenant, and it was this “fault found” and other issues that cannot be taught today, that causes God to implement the New Covenant through Jesus. Notice this verse in Jeremiah is quoted in the New Testament, revealing these words are concerning, and written to, and about the church.

We now know that Jesus is the prophesied Son of God the Father, and we know that He is also the chosen Son of David. We know this New Covenant is with Jesus, because verses 1 through 7 are speaking of Him as being the High Priest of a much better covenant than the one that God the Father, had made with the natural children of Israel in the Old Covenant. Take a look at this next direct contextual verse, that will prove we are studying the same subject about a “beyt” house and family of God:

Heb 8:2  A minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man. 

Wow, this is one of those profound verses about our subject of the combined “beyt” house of God and David. Remember we read in 2 Samuel that David wanted to move God out of the temporary “tent” and into a more permanent house, but it was not for him to do. This promise was made to Jesus, and he has become the High Priest of the “True Tabernacle” that the LORD “pitched”.  The Greek word G4633, translated as “tabernacle”, literally means a “tent”. Remember a tent house is what the “Beyt” is a picture of. That is an amazing direct connection with God’s plan for His Son, Jesus to build the house of God and the House of David into one combined new family. Let us quickly confirm Jesus is a Son that is creating a new family for God:

Heb 3:5  And Moses verily was faithful in all his house, as a servant, for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after; 

Heb 3:6  But Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end

Can you see that these two verses are about two (beyt) houses? Verse 5 is speaking of Moses’ faithfulness to create the temporary tent house of God in the Old Covenant. But that is being compared with another house (beyt) that is much greater. This house (beyt) in verse 6 is about the “Son” (beyt+nun), named Jesus Christ. It should be very clear to you that this is called the House of Messiah, our combined Son of David, and the Son of God.

Hopefully, you can see the connection to the “prophecy” of David’s desire to build God a permanent house. God promised David that it would be “one” seed that would fulfill his desire to build a house for the LORD. We can confirm that this new house is fulfilled in Christ. But now notice how God describes this permanent temple as being the church. Pay closer attention to the fact that God places the responsibility of remaining in the new “beyt” family and house of Jesus Christ to those that have voluntarily joined His family. Let us continue to learn more details about this plan of God and how it has been implemented in the church:

Eph 2:19  Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God

Eph 2:20  And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; 

Eph 2:21  In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord

Eph 2:22  In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit

Wow, these are all amazing verses of truth. Do you see the connection of God’s Son Jesus, in the “beyt” house alphabet letter prophecy of David? These verses are directly focused upon the prophecy of Jesus the Son of David, that would come to the earth to build God a permanent dwelling (house).

Notice what we see, in verse 19 by the mention of people in the church choosing to come into the “household” of God. The Greek word G3609 translated as “household”, means “domestic”. The term “domestic” is defined as “as relating to a family”. This word is related to the term “domain”, which represents a realm of authority of the head of the house. This leads us to the word “dominion”, which represents a realm of sovereign kingdom rule. We can see how people that were called “strangers”, and “foreigners” in verse 19, are speaking of people that were abiding in another kingdom house (Satan). But they have now left that evil family rule, to be saved by entering into God’s new family Kingdom formed in His Son Jesus Christ.

Verse 20 reveals God’s radical concept that originates from His designed plan to build a permanent temple for His Spirit. Jesus came to the earth to save people from their death, to “build” them into a new house for the Holy Spirit of God to dwell in. The Greek word G2026 that is translated as “build”, comes from the Greek word G3618, meaning “to be a house builder”. Wow, this is such great accuracy in fulfilling prophecy. We can further see how Jesus in called the chief corner stone of the “building” project. This makes the glorified, and resurrected “body” of the LORD Jesus Christ, the chief building corner stone, that we were all, aligned and joined with. Each newly saved human, becomes a new living stone. Each person is only one of many others, that will be formed into a new spiritual temple of the living God. Jesus is not only the builder; He is also the primary part of the building.

Verse 21 confirms the building plan of God using His Son Jesus, to build together a brand-new Holy Temple. Notice in this verse it clearly says this house of God is “growing”. Wow, do you remember what we read about in the beginning about the house of Saul, at war with the house of David? In this verse God says the house of Saul grew weak, and the house of David grew strong. Do you see how every verse in the Bible has something to do with Jesus, yet? God has placed duplicate natural patterns from Old Testament stories that relate to future Kingdom of God spiritual fulfillments.

Finally, Ephesians 2:22 further confirms all of the people in the church, are being built together for God’s habitation of the Holy Spirit. We find this additionally confirmed in the book of 1 Peter:

1Pe 2:5  Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. 

1Pe 2:6  Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded

What does it mean to be a “living stone”? This verse is God referring to humans in two realms of existence, that we have been learning about in this lesson. We learned of Jesus being born of the physical “seed” of David. In this natural human dimension of life, there exists death and this is what Jesus experienced for us. Then there is the more essential spiritual heavenly life that Jesus possessed, by Him having the Spirit of God living inside of His Body. Jesus after resurrection from the dead, was raised to be physically immortal as well as spiritually immortal. He was the first example, that we are all desiring to follow. This why He is called the “chief corner stone”.

Eternal spiritual life for a lost physical human, is only possible after the Holy Spirit comes inside of a mortal human body. Unsaved people today have a temporary basis for natural physical life, but lack the personal experience of joining with God’s spiritual “eternal life” defined in John 17:3, as “knowing God”. Spiritual death is present now in the mortal body for the lost, but it is finalized by them being separated from God, and not knowing Him, in their eventual realm of eternal existence in hell after physical death.

If you are truly saved, you have the Spirit of the living God inhabiting your physical body (1 Cor 6:19). His Spirit inside your body has been joined with your human spirit (1 Cor 6:17) to become a new creation that never existed before (2 Cor 5:17).  We can clearly read we are God’s new “spiritual house” in 1 Peter 2:5 and we now can begin to understand why it was necessary for Jesus to build this new “beyt” house and family of God.

To complete this section of God’s new House of Jesus Christ, it is most interesting to learn about the Old Testament Hebrew man named “Joshua” which is the same name as “Jesus” in English. Joshua was a definite type of the coming LORD Jesus. Therefore, God’s selected name Joshua must reveal something, and it does.

Exo 33:11  And the LORD spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend. And he turned again into the camp: but his servant Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man, departed not out of the tabernacle

 In Exodus 33:11, we find God speaking of Joshua. We find Joshua being called a servant that we learned was the first “alef” ox picture letter. Then at the end of the verse we find that Joshua departed not from the tabernacle. This word means a “tent”, the beyt second alphabet letter. Finally, we find Joshua being called the son of “Nun”. Remember beyt + nun = a son. Wow, this is not a coincidence that we have been learning about all of these subjects.

This Hebrew name “Nun”, comes from the Hebrew word H5125, which just so happens to be formed with three Hebrew letters. There are “two” nun letters representing seeds, that begin and end the word. And these two “seeds” are joined together in the middle with a “vav” representing a nail. These are not amazing accidents; these are just more intelligent design confirmations.


Psa 23:6  Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever. 

Here in this verse is found our combined subject of God’s and David’s houses. David moved by the Holy Spirit declared his final “dwelling” will be in the house (beyt) of the LORD! By Him making this choice, David says the LORD’s goodness and mercy will follow him all of his mortal living days. David could foresee in the spirit, that this natural life was not his final home destiny. And that His coming “seed” would be the LORD, and He wanted to make sure that this would be his choice. If you have not made this choice yet, to join the good house (beyt) of Jesus Christ, this is the perfect time to do it. There will be a link at the bottom of this lesson to direct you how to join the best family possible.

Hopefully, this lesson was an eye-opening experience to see how one ancient Hebrew alphabet letter called the “beyt”, was fulfilled in Jesus Christ. There were literally many verses, and several other lesson subjects, that were omitted from this study. These omissions were due to the unlimited amount of information found on this subject in the Bible. If you are a curious wise Bible student, it would be recommended that you continue to dive into this subject of the old house and family of God originally in heaven, being transitioned on the earth through Moses, versus the new house and a family of God in the Son Jesus Christ.

Here is a list of questions that were not answered in this study:

  1. Who was in the family of God in heaven before Adam?
  2. Why did God create an earthly family through Adam, if He already had a permanent family in heaven?
  3. After Adam sinned and rebelled to join with Satan’s family and the kingdom of darkness, why did God want to save any of us?
  4. Why did God need a Son (ben=house+seed) from heaven to come to the earth, to be joined with a natural son (ben=house+seed) of a natural man named David?
  5. Why did God come to the earth personally to save us?
  6. How did God save us through Jesus His Son (son=house+beyt)?
  7. Why did God create a new Covenant, a new family, and a new house (beyt) in His Son Jesus Christ?

Thank you for taking your valuable time to read and study the Bible with us today. We are so very blessed to be a blessing to everyone that chooses to receive what the LORD has taught us to share with everyone in the world. If you would like to comment, ask questions, or share this lesson with others, please do so. Join with us to get the Word of Truth out to the entire world. God has blessed you to help you join His family, believe in Him, and act like you are blessed!

Intro Alef Beyt-1 2 Gimel Dalet Hey Vav Zayin Chet Tet Yod Kaf Lamed Mem 1 2 Nun Samekh Ayin Pey Tsade Qof Resh Shin Tav Chart (Series updated as LORD directs and permits)

Are You Saved? Do you Know Jesus? Life is Short! Jesus wants to Know You! Please come and get to Know Him!

Jesus in the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet Part 3 – The Beyt Part 1

(Ver 1.2) This will be “Part 3” in the Bible study series, revealing the Lord Jesus hidden in the ancient Hebrew Alphabet. Today, will be “Part 1” of the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet, called the “Beyt”. The current plan will be to go through each letter, as long as the LORD directs and permits. We may or may not go through every letter in the correct alphabetic order. God is appearing to direct us into the more significant alphabet letters first. That does not mean any are not important, it only means, that God appears to place significant emphasis upon selected letters, like the Alpha (Greek)/Alef (Hebrew), and the Omega (Greek) /Tav (Hebrew) as direct names and titles of Christ. We learned this in the book of Revelation. We are about to discover that the “Beyt” is another letter that God places extraordinary meanings that apply to Jesus within.

If you have not read this Bible series from the beginning, it is highly recommended that you go back to “Part 1” to start. Today’s lesson will be divided into at least two or three separate parts. There is an extraordinary amount of information, and revelation found in the Bible about today’s Hebrew alphabet letter “beyt”. Here is a list of today’s lesson subjects:

  1. Introduction to the Beyt
  2. Basic Bible Concepts of the Tent (beyt) “House” and “Family”
  3. Alef (Strength) + Beyt (House) = The Father
  4. Hey (Behold) + Beyt (House) = Love
  5. Tet (Surround) + Beyt (House) = Good
  6. Beyt (House) + Nun (Seed) = The Father’s House Continues in His Son
  7. The House (Beyt) Name of the LORD
  8. Conclusion

Finally, please be advised this entire lesson series may have potential new information, and revelation from the Bible, that you may have never seen, or heard before, or even imagined could be hidden in the Bible. It will also be a very spiritually mature lesson needing a lot of serious thought and study. This means it will take you significant time to begin to understand what the Lord desires us to see. Don’t plan to rush through it, and think you can get everything that is given.

Any new information is potentially offensive, and could result in your immediate judgment to condemn it as being false teachings. But that is exactly what God says would happen. In Acts 17:11, God gave praise to the church at Berea, because they were more noble than the church at Thessalonica. The Bereans did not automatically reject the new revelations given to Paul by God, simply because they had never heard them before. Rather, they studied daily in their Scriptures to confirm what was taught, was actually what their written Word of God said.

If by chance you disagree with any part of this lesson, or even find a typographical error, wrong Bible verse reference, or any other unintentional mistake, know everyone is human and can come short of perfection. Therefore, it would be a great blessing for you to share whatever you believe needs attention in a comment. Thank you in advance for your kind participation, in helping us to share the Word of God.

Please determine to be a Berean type of church member. Any new revelation will always be found in the Bible, if it is a true reality from God. Also, the Holy Spirit inside will always bear witness with your spirit when His written Word needs to be confirmed.

ALL new information brings to us knowledge, but new revelation from God, brings us the opportunity for the change of God that is needed in us!

1. Introduction to the Beyt

The Beyt is the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It has a number value of “2”. Two is significant because of the Law of Marriage found in Genesis 2:24, where God says two separated individuals (a male and a female), will become one new (united) family. Remember the first Hebrew alphabet letter was the alef. This letter was a picture of a single ox, and it represented “strength”. Therefore, using the number of the second letter, could represent two weaker individuals, that when joined together can be stronger in unity.

Perhaps you will recall that we learned about the first letter “alef” which represented a strong “ox” having a yoke to plow the field, as preparation for harvest. We learned that this letter has very strong pointers to Jesus. Remember in Matthew 11:29, Jesus called for us to take His “yoke”, indicating He was this letter’s prophetic ox servant. By Him using the call for us to be “yoked” with Him, we are symbolically being called out of the world, to be joined with Him in united marriage as one (alef).

This being joined with the Lord to labor with Him, is one of the very significant parts of the works of Christ to save humanity. We must understand this because Romans 5:14 declares Adam, to be a figure (modeled pattern or type) for Jesus to come. That subject alone could be a book by itself. But the short take away for this number of two, becoming one, is the fact that Jesus is now joined to His wife on the earth, and because of this union, we are saved and Him joined with us, makes us much stronger, than our enemy. We will speak about this more as we continue.

Today’s letter is transliterated into English as “beyt” or “bet”, but it has other potential sounds when combined with other letters. This letter is equivalent to the Greek letter “beta”. It is interesting that the complete set of letters that are used to make up the known language, are called the “alef” + “beyt”, or “alphabet”. From an alphabet all other words are formed and originate. Remember this as we continue to learn.

This letter “beyt” in the ancient Hebrew paleo pictogram representation, appears as the image of a “House” or “Tent”. It is noted by its characteristics of being like a simple architectural diagram, of the floorplan of a modest tent dwelling. One potential meaning for this simple beyt tent diagram, is to represent a “space” that needs to be filled by entering in.

To accommodate this need, the tent diagram has an entrance door at the top of the letter, that allows the outside individual to enter into the house to rest, sleep, eat, take shelter from weather, etc. Therefore, this letter beyt can represent the meaning of coming “in” to the house. Consequently, the letter diagram can represent an internal space for peace and safety. When this letter is used as a prefix, it has the application of being “in”.

Another key representative definition of this Hebrew letter is the “family” that resides in the house. Therefore, this letter can also mean, “coming into the family”. In God given family terms, there are two primary ways of permanent access into a family’s house. The first is by “covenant” invitation (marriage) (Eph 5:31-32), and the second is by being birthed inside the tent (family) (John 3:3). This is logical, sense this interior of the tent was also where the birthed child was normally conceived.

This was the quick overview of what this beyt letter represents in Bible terms. But it is a single little picture that contains literally vast amounts of implied application. There is an old quote that says, “A picture tells a thousand words”. This is the path the LORD is leading us into. We are discovering what one little picture of a tent means to God and how it applies to the LORD Jesus Christ. Let us get started.

2. Basic Bible Concepts of the “House” and “Family”
of the Tent (Beyt)

We have already learned that the “beyt” represents a tent house where a family resides (abides), grows, and originates from. In this section of the lesson, we will be introduced to some of the God inspired concepts hidden in the letter picture of a house (beyt). Some of these have been revealed to us in the Bible after Jesus arose from the dead, but the basic foundation will be found in the Old Covenant and with the combinations of other ancient Hebrew letters joined to the “beyt”.

As part of this individual letter study of the “beyt”, we are going to go through a small number of other Hebrew words that are created by joining another important letter to the “beyt”. Some of these letters, we have potentially not yet studied. This intelligent letter joining process, may introduce a new concept to some. We are about to see that each letter being combined to make up new words of the language, are done so by a purposeful strategy. Nothing is randomly selected in the Bible. There are no accidents, or coincidences of spelling or word choices. Everything in the Bible is present because of the extreme intelligence of a far superior intellect than any human.

This is a good time for an introduction, to this new concept of the joining of letters together in the Hebrew “alphabet” by intelligent design. We just learned in the letter introduction, that the word alphabet came from the combination of alef + beyt. And from the almost infinite combinations of these alphabet letters, can come every other word that could be formed and spoken. Wow! That is an awesome concept, but it becomes even more amazing when we learn “what” these two combined letters “alef” and “beyt” are defined to mean.

It is very important in our study to know that there is a two letter Hebrew word formed from these exact same letters, in the exact same placed order of “alef” + “beyt”. The “alef” begins a Hebrew word that when it is combined with the “beyt”, is most often translated as a “father” of the house. This word represents the head family member of the entire household. This is the Strong’s Hebrew word “H1”. This word occurs in the Old Testament over 1200 times, making it a very significant subject for God in His Word.

This is an excellent time to introduce you to a God selected key individual named Abraham. The name Abraham is H85 and is a contracted word that includes the word “H1” translated as “father”. The name actually means “a father of nations or a multitude”. This is exactly what God said to Abram in Genesis 15:5. God informed Abram to look at the stars and count them, because this number represents how many children he could have. Yet at this promise, Abram was an old man, and his wife Sarai was barren.

We could spend a lot of time studying the name Abram and Abraham. Both names contain the word H1 father (the alef + beyt). But God added one letter to Abraham, called the “hey” which means “behold”. This letter changed Abram’s name from “exalted father”, to Abraham meaning “father of many nations”. This was God naming Abraham to help cause His Genesis 15:5 prophecy, to happen. This will have to be another lesson, since we are focused only on the “beyt” of God today. But the subject of Abraham will return soon in this lesson for another major reason.

Abraham appears to be one of the most significant chosen men in the Old Testament. From him comes the nation of Israel, and many other nations of the earth. The Islamic religion and people came from his relationship with a slave girl from Egypt named Hagar. But it was the promised child through Sarah, that will bring forth the promised “seed” called the Messiah/Christ. And because of Christ, Abraham becomes the spiritual father of every believer in Christ (Rom 4:16). Therefore, Abraham becomes the father of 3 of the major world religions. But being in Christ as Christian, is the only nation that saves us.

Remember the “alef” letter represents an “ox” with great strength, and we have just learned that the “beyt” represents a tent house or the family in the tent. Therefore, the meaning of these combined letters is, “the strength of the family and the house”, and this is God pointing us to Himself as being the ultimate “Father” with the ultimate house. Remember that it was God the Father, that spoke all of the creation into being. It is God the Father, that progenerated every other spiritual being either angelic or human.

Eph 3:14  For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 

Eph 3:15  Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, 

These two verses give us a foundation to the rest of this Bible lesson on the “beyt”. First, verse 14 begins with naming God as “Father” to whom every human should bow to. Then in the same verse it is written that it was this Father God who is the Father of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. The fact that Jesus is called LORD, designates that Jesus is also, God the Son.

Next, in verse 15, we have the confirmation that God has a family that is in both heaven and earth simultaneously. We have just discovered some amazing facts about God in the Holy Bible. These include the following statements:

  1. God is a Father (Hebrew H1 Alef+Beyt),
  2. God has a Son named Jesus
  3. God has a family
  4. Part of God’s family is in heaven
  5. Part of God’s family is on the earth

Let us observe a few other implied facts of truth from these two verses. Notice, because there is no mention of the realm of hell in these verses, we can logically conclude that there are no family members of God under the earth. Yet we still find people like in Luke 16, that go to hell. This would imply these people were not a part of God’s family, and this implies the existence of another possible family that belongs to someone else. We will find by studying the Bible correctly, that this spirit being is Satan, an adversary of God (John 8:44).

Next, we can further logically conclude that because God is stated to be a Father, with a son named the LORD Jesus Christ, He is implied to have a wife that gave birth to His son. Hopefully, you already know that a wife in a relationship with God represents the people, that are in covenant with God (Jer 31:32).

In verse 15, God is plainly revealed to have a family, and based upon our knowledge of the “beyt” so far, we must conclude that He must also have a house, where His family abides. This just further confirms that God has a covenant wife, and children that define a God designed family. Could this be why the devil is attempting to redefine the God created family unit? It would seem if the devil could convince everyone to rethink the family unit being one male, one female and their children, he could get people to throw out the rest of the Bible.

Then based upon John 4:24, we know God is a Spirit, and therefore His family, wife, children, and family house must be a spiritual certainty. However, we understand that we primarily learn about these unseen spiritual realities, by observing God’s created natural patterns of houses, and families that are firmly established in the Bible (John 3:12).

That was a quick introduction to the New Testament family of God. We have seen clearly God to be a spiritual “Father”, and the head of a house and family. We can begin to observe and understand how the ancient Hebrew letter applies to God the Father. But now let us go back to the Old Testament to analyze further, this Hebrew word H1 for father.

3. Alef (Strength) + Beyt (House) = The Father

Notice the order of mention of the letters. The ox alef is the first letter of the word “father” (H1) and the “beyt” the second. The ox-alef represents the strength of a father, and he is the head of the household, which is represented by the second letter the tent-beyt. This combination order signifies that “the father, and his strength is in his house”.

Throughout the Bible, it was always the strong father in a house, that made the key family decisions. This even included the choices of who their children would marry. Is there any reason why you cannot see how this description matches your knowledge of who is “God the Father”? We can actually find this patterned example of God the Father, written in the life of Abraham, by him sending a servant (type of an ox), to get a wife for his son Isaac in Genesis 24.

Please go and read this story to help you see the patterns of word selections that God uses to describe the life of Abraham and his son Isaac. We learn in Galatians 4, that this story of Abraham, Sarah, Hagar and their children were selected by God because they allegorically inform us of the hidden spiritual family of God the Father in heaven. If you don’t understand this, it is too much information to share here. There is another lesson series specifically written to describe this amazing revelation. Please go to “Understanding the Spiritual Family of God” to help you.

This story of Abraham sending his servant to obtain a wife shortly after Isaac was planned to be sacrificed by Abraham in Genesis 22, was a significant pattern for the coming work of God through His Son Jesus. Remember, that Jesus was both God’s sacrifice (Isaac), and His servant (ox), that would be sent into the world to save us. But it was also the Holy Spirit that would be sent into the world to live in the bride of Jesus, to help her get ready for the wedding. We learned about Jesus being as an ox servant in the first alphabet letter’s lesson on the “alef”. Knowing this gives us the strong indicator that God the Son, is planned to be a father of a coming house in the future, like Isaac was. It is interesting to read in Isaiah 9:6 that Jesus is prophesied to be the “Everlasting Father (H1)”.

It was God the Father, that selects the wife for His Son that He would die for, to save her. It was the blood of Jesus (God’s strong alef servant), that was used to purchase, and redeem her from another close relative’s family, like Isaac’s wife was. We need to transition into a new Hebrew word and learn about the subject of the “son”. This will be our foundational introduction to the “Son” title of Jesus. We are going to be introduced to a new ancient Hebrew letter that is combined with the “beyt”, by God’s awesome intelligent design. This new letter connects Jesus into the House of God.

4. Hey (Behold) + Beyt (House) = Love

We are going through a few words that are created by joining other letters to the “beyt” study letter. If we join the “hey” meaning “behold” with our “beyt” meaning house or family, we get “behold the house”. Or in other words we could say “look to the house”. This can also be defined as, “provide for the family”. It is interesting that children born into a family have absolutely no voice in determining who their parents are, or what house they will live in. This would include who their relatives will be, and what were their family tree origins (tribe, nation, etc.). No, this family birth decision must be considered only a gift from God.

Therefore, this Hebrew word carries the implied meaning of “gift” or “give”. This information defines the concept of “love”. The parents of the house should love the child that they were given from God. We know from reading 1 John 4:8, that “God is love”. Therefore, we must understand every human family must love each other and God, because God first loved them (1 John 4:19), and created them (Malachi 2:10). The fact that God declares that He is love, confirms that God has a house and a family that He can love. We just learned this by observing the Hebrew letters “behold” (hey), and “house” (beyt), that were combined to form the Hebrew word for “love”. It was this word H157, that gave us the meaning and definitions of the letter, to be the root of a “love gift” from God.

We are being introduced to a foundational “beyt” family concept. God has created the subject of love to be strongly tied to the subject of a beyt “house”. This would seem to imply that “love” was, and should continue to be the motivation for every God style “beyt” house and family.

This love concept would be initiated by a man loving a woman, and these two joining as a husband and a wife, to form a new family. Then love producing a family of children, with the wife becoming a mother, and the husband becoming a father (alef + beyt). These should be very simple basic concepts, but the devil is doing his best to try to destroy this foundation of true love, in a “beyt” type of God created house.

Let us now move to another basic characteristic of the God intended design for His “beyt” house.

5. Tet (Surround) + Beyt (House) = Good

We have just seen how God’s type of house and family is founded upon “Love”. This is an essential part of any “good” family. We can clearly learn from Genesis 1, that the entire world that He created for humans, contained only “good”. In fact, God called His creation at completion, “very good”. This teaches us there was “no” evil found in the work of the LORD. Adam and Eve had the manifested true nature of God the Father at the beginning.

What we learn from this is the Hebrew word H2896 that was translated as “good” is designed from the connection of two Hebrew letters. The first letter, is the “tet” and we have not yet studied this letter. But in ancient Hebrew it represents a picture of a “basket”. A basket represents a place of containment. When we place “fruit” in a “basket”, it is contained or surrounded by the basket. This is a very interesting selection of letters when placed together with the “beyt” our tent house letter that we are studying.

This Hebrew word H2896 simply means “to surround the house”. But it is the kind of father in the house as the chief authority, determines what kind of house and family someone experiences. This Hebrew word H2896 is normally translated, defined and associated in the context of being in God’s family. Therefore, God’s house is always defined to be “good”.

Psa 122:9  Because of the house of the LORD our God I will seek thy good. 

There are a lot of verses, that could be used to show God’s house and family to be good, but this one was a great example. Now, it is how we define “good”, that will determine what type of “god” we see Him to be? God warns us in Isaiah 5:2, “woe to those who call evil, good, and good, evil. This teaches us we better make the correct determination of this definition.

According to the Bible, and the ancient Hebrew definitions, to surround a house with “good” means the house is surrounded with “grace”, “beauty”, “love”, “health” and “prosperity”. This is very meaningful, because these characteristics describe the LORD God and the LORD Jesus precisely. Their heart is only “good” continually towards those in their “family” and “house”. A good house, is a functional and an organized house. There should never be any strife, confusion, or chaos in a “good” type of God house.

Let us now move to the God intended product, of the true love and good God based “beyt” house next.

6. Beyt (House) + Nun (Seed) = The Father’s House
 & His Name Continues in His Son (Seed)

Let us dive into another Hebrew word that is “very” significant to our God family, and house subject being about Jesus. Since we have seen in Ephesians 3:14, that God is the Father of the LORD Jesus, we need to look at the Hebrew word H1121 “ben”. Interestingly, this word begins with the letter “beyt” (the house) and is joined with the 14th letter of the alphabet the “nun”. We have not yet covered this letter, but it is a picture of a sprouting seed, and this letter represents continuance. The picture of the “nun” alphabet letter actually resembles the image of a magnified “sperm” cell, produced from a “father to be”.

The sperm cell in the Bible, is called a “seed” in Leviticus 15:16. It is the exiting of this sperm cell from the father’s body, that can cause a son to be formed. This information should help you to see what the Hebrew word “ben” (son) means.  Placing these two letters (beyt + nun) together we obtain the meaning “the house continues”, and this word is translated as “son” over 4000 times. Therefore, this concept and word is extremely important to God.

It is noteworthy to see that the “beyt” is the first letter in this Hebrew word “son”. This is the opposite of the Hebrew word for the Father where the “alef” ox was the first letter in the word H1. The Father is always greater than the house he lives within. He is the builder of the house and exists before the house. Therefore, the house while important comes second, representing the father coming into his house. But this word H1121, the son comes from his father’s house as a seed (Genesis 4:25). The son is born in the house, and in the family of his father, and then exits out of the house to create his own family house and dwelling. Do you see the importance of the order of the Hebrew letters? Even the order has prophetic meaning.

This was an introduction to a couple of new concepts called generations and inheritance. The firstborn son of every family was normally given the responsibility to continue the family name to the next generation. Every father was always pleased when they had a son, because he knew that his family and his name would continue. This was Abraham’s huge problem in Genesis chapters 12 to 16.

Sarah was barren and unable to have children. Abraham had resigned to make a child of one of his servants, his heir (Gen 15:3). But God had mercy and intervened in his situation and promised him that he would have a child from his own “seed” (Gen 15:4). Did you notice how God included the Hebrew letter “nun” (the seed) in His promise to Abraham? That is not an accident either and has huge hidden truths in it. We will get to this as we continue this series, the LORD be willing.

Let us look at another witness to confirm from the mouth of the Son of God named Jesus, personally that His Father (who is love), has a family house:

Joh 14:2  In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 

This verse spoken by the Son of God, describes a very good house of His Father. These words confirm that Jesus was, and is the Son of God, and that His Father has a house (beyt) in heaven. We also notice that Jesus’ position on the earth, confirms that He had come out of His Father’s heavenly house as the promised “seed”. This confirms the design of the Hebrew word ben for “son” to be the “beyt” (God’s house) first, and the “seed” (son of the house) second. The word H1121, is very prophetical for the work of God, sending His Son Jesus Christ into the world.

The Greek word G3614, that is translated as “house” literally means a residence or an abode for a family. Thus, we have confirmation that God in heaven has a house (beyt). The word translated as “mansions” is a very poor translation of the Greek word G3438. This word only means “staying” as inside a residence. Both of these words imply a dwelling place for a family, and this aligns with the meaning of our Hebrew letter “beyt”.

This verse is also a covenant marriage union between a husband and his engaged wife. Thus, we are being introduced to the fact that the man Jesus, came to the earth to bring a woman as a covenant wife, back to His Father’s house in heaven.

We are observing another implied occurrence of the two becoming one. This is because the son, named Jesus is speaking to His future covenant bride, and telling her that He will be going to his Father’s house in heaven, to prepare for her a newly built house (beyt), for them both to be together in, as a new family. It is the Father’s role in heaven to determine when the time for His Son’s return to get His bride. Hopefully, this should all be familiar to you.

All of this information about God’s house and His Son are why we are now going to search and study the phrase “house of the LORD”.

7. The “House” (beyt) Name of the LORD

Psa 23:6  Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever. 

According to the Psalmist David, to have a desire to “dwell” in the “house of the LORD” forever, should be everyone’s primary goal to obtain to. However, notice that David begins with speaking of goodness and mercy, connecting this goodness with him dwelling in the house of the Lord. This would strongly imply, that humans on the earth when David wrote this were not currently living in God’s final house location or family.

Also, the Hebrew word H3427 that was translated as “dwell”, can be defined, “to marry”. Marriage is still one of the primary ways to enter into a “beyt” type of family house. Since this chapter 23 begins with saying the LORD is my Shepherd, should help you to see this chapter is a prophetic picture of the coming LORD Jesus’ house and family. We know this by reading John 10:11 where Jesus claims to be the ultimate “Good Shepherd”. But we will see more of this later.

In the past sections we were introduced to the concepts of the house and family of God the Father, and God the Son. We learned that God has a family in heaven and on the earth and that His Son Jesus came from the heavenly house, to bring back to His Father, a wife from the earth. This concept teaches the fact that God has a “beyt”, and Jesus will have a “beyt”. It therefore, makes logical sense to search for the phrase “House of the LORD” (JEHOVAH), to learn what God reveals about His personal family in the Old Covenant.

My Bible search program “eSword”, on the personal computer found this exact term “234” times in “213” verses. I highly recommend that you go and download “eSword” for free to use in your study of the Bible. The Microsoft Windows version of the software is a free download. But the Apple version has a cost, because Apple charges a significant fee to software developers to make their software available on their platform. However, the software is so good, I have it on my iPad and highly recommend this version also.

If you did not know that you could search for an exact phrase, this is a good thing to learn. In the search window of “eSword”, there are numerous options available. In one dropdown selection box, there are 4 options of search types. These include:

  1. “Search for all of the words”,
  2. “Search for any of the words”,
  3. “Search for the exact phrase”, and
  4. “Regular Expression”.

I selected the third option for this search. But the other options are useful depending upon what you are looking to find. Each search option is basically self-explanatory, with the exception of “Regular Expression”, and that option permits a much more complex search for a specific character pattern in the Bible. This type of exploration is a very advanced type of searching, and you should learn to master the simple, before you advance to try the complex.

It is important to know that using the selection of “Search for exact phrase”, does not work in the KJV+ translation or any other translation with embedded Strong reference numbers. Always do your phrase searches in a version of a Bible with only the basic Bible translated text like KJV.

It is also noteworthy to see, that by selecting the exact phrase option in my search for “house of the lord”, in the KJV Bible, I eliminated 319 verses that would come up if I had only searched for a verse that had every word. Knowing this, reduced my labor and effort of study, and this was a great time saver. If you do not care about the word order or the specific phrase, or amount of time you spend, then it is normal to only search using option 1, “search for all the words”.

In this lesson today we will only focus upon one word found in the phrase “House of the LORD”. In this phrase is found the Hebrew word H1004. This word was translated as “house”, and it comes from the root of a two-letter word that consists of the “beyt”meaning a house, and the “tav” meaning a mark. We have learned today that the “beyt” represents a house, and the family that lives in the house. You hopefully recall that we have learned in the “Part 1” lesson, that the “tav” is the symbol of the “cross” meaning the mark. Combining these two letters together we get “The Mark of the Family”. This is designating that the head patriarch’s “name”, is the individual “mark of their entire family” tree.

It is this family mark of the father’s name, that normally distinguishes one family from another family and today there are a lot of different families, but them all originating from Adam’s family. For example, in modern terms, the “Jones” family is different than the “Smith” family, because they had a different father. Wow! This teaches us a potential new concept about a house (tent). It teaches us there is one primary owner of the tent, and he is the builder of the family, as well as the father of the house, and the house is called by His name alone.

It also confirms why Jesus called God His Father (John 20:17), and said the father of the religious leaders of Israel, was Satan (John 8:44). In knowing this we have just revisited the existence of two spiritual “houses” (beyt), and two “family heads”. The greatest Father, is God’s house and family in heaven, and now in Christians (1 John 4:4), and the other was of the devil on the earth. In these two houses (beyt), we have one evil destroying father, and one good, loving and saving Father, God. Again, it was the blood of Jesus that redeemed humans from the bondage of being in Satan’s house through the rebellion of Adam.

This was only a short introduction to the subject of the “house of the LORD”. But we have just learned about the mark of the family’s name coming out of a house to move to his son in the next generation. Since this was selected by God as the symbol of the tav that represents a “cross”, this would strongly imply the cross, has a lot to do with the plan of God and His Son. It is only by God’s design that each fruitful father, has “seed” in himself, to continue his family name into the next generation, in his son. We will talk about this concept more as we continue to learn.


We have been going through a lot of potentially controversial new Bible information. If you have gone through this lesson today, without being offended at anything that was taught, it is a miracle of God. We give all praise to the LORD. If you have understood everything that was taught, you are by far a very spiritually awake and mature Christian. But it is wise to reread these lessons to receive what else the Holy Spirit may desire to say to you through them. We praise the LORD for giving you the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of Him. We have only seen the introduction to the subject of Jesus being represented by the tent house “beyt” letter.

We should now be coming into a relationship with some of the basic concepts found in the Ancient Hebrew “beyt” pictogram. This was a picture diagram of a very basic tent drawing with a single door. The door grants entrance, and provides exit to the family that lives within the tent house. We have discovered that Jehovah God has a house. We learned how to search for the exact phrase “house of the Lord” and we can find more than enough verses to confirm the existence of this God house truth.

Since God has a tent house, we understand God existed before the house was built. We further learned that this dwelling place was built by the Father to establish a location for His family. In God’s human design the father accomplishes this first, by bringing His bride into the house through a covenant “union”. Then the two of them can have children, to fill their house. We also learned the father of a house has a “name” and this name is the “mark” of the entire family that is produced from the seed that was “in” their father.

God had a Son as we read in Ephesians 3:14. His son is named the LORD Jesus Christ, making Him a new physical manifestation of God (1 Jn 4:9). This Son of God manifestation was our salvation. The name Jesus literally means “Jehovah Saved”. Wow, this is something to shout about!

We have also been introduced to several new Hebrew letters that have yet to be covered. Included in today’s lesson we saw the “Nun”, the “Dalet”, the “Lamed”, the “Tet”, and the “Tav”. Each of these letters have profound connections to Jesus Christ and our “beyt” letter. By combining these letters, we saw the father was the “Alef” + “Beyt”. We learned the son was the “Beyt” + “Nun”. We learned the house of the LORD had a named mark. The house of the Lord was the source of love. The house of the LORD was where goodness could be found. The common letter to all of these concepts was the “beyt”. This is causing the “beyt” to be very essential in the design of a good “God House”.

We will go through these new letters and more, the Lord be willing. But you should have seen enough to learn how connecting letters together can have great prophetic meanings.

Thank you for taking the time to study with us on Agapegeek.  We are extremely blessed to have you spend your valuable time to learn what the LORD has given for us all to see.

If you would like to read the next lesson, click Part 2 of the “Beyt”.

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