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Jesus in the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet Part 18 – Peh – The Mouth and Word of God

(Ver 1.1) This lesson is “Part 18” of the Bible study series revealing the Lord Jesus Christ, that was hidden by the Spirit of God in His intelligent design of the original Ancient Hebrew Alphabet. The original ancient Hebrew texts dates back to the times of Joseph in Egypt and these styles of writings continue even with Moses who delivered the children of Israel from Egypt. This language writing style was an alphabet comprised of letter pictures. Archeologists have found tablets with this alphabet dated nearly 2000 BC. These lessons are not designed to confirm the pictographic validity. You can find this verification at several other websites. This series only attempts to introduce the spiritual concepts of intelligent design and how they could not have all been created by humans. Especially the designs of 22 specific pictures that all point us to God’s personal appearance in His Son of human flesh, the True Living “God / Man” named Jesus Christ.

Perhaps you are unaware that Jesus was hidden in the Old Testament. Jesus plainly reveals this fact to us at least two times. One of the first times was in John 5:39, Jesus said; “Search the scriptures for in them you believe you have eternal life, but these are they that testify of me”. Jesus was speaking to Jewish people that could read and write in Hebrew. Jesus said in your writings of your Torah scriptures I can be found if you search for me. That was a radical claim. Jesus could be hidden in many different ways by God, and He literally is. But could it be that Jesus can be found in each letter of their alphabet, after all that is what the words in their scriptures are built upon. Jesus gives us a much more direct clue in Revelation 1:8 where He claims to directly be the first and last letters of the alphabet. In Greek these names were written as the Alpha and the Omega, but in the Hebrew language these names are the “Alef” and the “Tav”.

Wow! This is really an amazing concept to the plan of salvation for every human being. God spoke words and these spiritual words became flesh (John 1:14) and this spoken spiritual seed from the Peh mouth of God manifested as a perfect physical seed, that was joined with a woman’s physical egg to create a male child’s body.  This male child would then grow up containing the Creator God’s Spirit that dwelt within Him. And this God / Man could physically walk among us without anyone falling dead from His holiness or glory manifestation on the earth. It also amazingly demonstrates to us how God who created a first Adam, could become Himself a Last Adam, while also being the Son of the first Adam. Uh oh? Just when we thought we were done with controversy we find the Spirit of God Himself had the seed within Himself to create one like Him, made in His image and likeness, and His name is called the Word of God (Rev 19:13). This spoken Word of God was God, and still is His Seed today for creating a brand-new creation (Jn 12:24).

What we have discovered in the Hebrew language is the word “AT” (H853) contain the two letters the Alef and the Tav that Jesus claims to be in the book of Revelation. These are the two names that Jesus has claimed personally to be called by, and this cannot be a coincidence. Certainly, God knows who He is and how to teach us to find Him in His Word. Remember the word “Revelation” in the Greek means the uncovering of something that has been hidden. This Hebrew word is the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet and they occur over 7000 times in the text. This word has been vastly ignored by translators. Many modern scholars believe it only has a grammatical signification to the joined verb. Others have explained it by other explanations of human reasonings. But a growing number of Christians are beginning to see how this word represents a expressive pointer to Jesus. In studying this word, it only makes logical sense, to be applied to the claim of Jesus that these letters are signposts of the Messiah (Alef and Tav) / Christ (Alpha and Omega).

This untranslated Hebrew word H853 when inserted in the middle with the letter Vav, becomes an enormous confirmation for God becoming a man to die as a sign for humanity. This is a small review to some readers, but with new information. The first letter Alef represents God, the Last letter represent a picture of a cross, and the middle letter is a Vav a picture of a nail. Placing these together we can clearly see how these three letters in this order of occurrence, have the meaning of “God nailed to a cross”. This Hebrew word is the word H226, and it is transliterated as “oth”. The first time it occurs is found in Genesis 1:14. In this verse it is translated as “signs”. And this word has the meaning of “an appearing” as in to be lifted up as a signal for all to see. That is a very amazing confirmation revealing that these Hebrew letters do contain signs and messages pointing us to Jesus and His life and death on a cross.

Now for the more interesting confirmation. This Hebrew word “oth” (H226) can also be used today as the word “letter”. “Letter” as in the handwritten “symbol” that is utilized as a building block in creating words. Each “letter” (oth) is an individual symbol of the total 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet (AlefBet). That is just amazing when you accept it as God’s superior ability to show us, how every letter of the Hebrew alphabet is a confirming “sign” (H226) post for the coming of the LORD in the flesh of Jesus Christ. This cannot be a coincidence either. Remember Day 4 of creation is the establishment of the Sun to rule the day, and the moon to rule the night. The Sun is a representation of Jesus called the Sun of Righteousness in Malachi 4:2. Then recall 4 days = 4000 years using God’s definition of a day in 2 Peter 3:8. Now remember when Jesus came into the world! Jesus was born 4000 years (4 days) after the first Adam. Can you see the masterful intelligent design found in the Bible that point us to the “Oth” sign of Jesus Christ’s coming? It is exact, it is precise, and it is amazing!

In this lesson we are primarily focusing upon the letter “Peh” and how it represents an open “mouth”. and very specifically the mouth of God Almighty. But you might like to go to the beginning of the entire series to start with the introduction “Part 1”, and this may be beneficial to you to gain the basic foundation necessary to understand the rest of the entire series.  Thank you for your interest in the ancient Hebrew alphabet. Ask the LORD to open your eyes to help you see if what is being taught here is from Him or not. Then analyze each letter and word given to see if it is actually what is found in the Word of God.

Remember that this lesson is about just one of the 22 letters in total that points us to the LORD (Jehovah) Jesus (Yeshua) Christ (Messiah). But this letter Peh is another of the main letters found in the inner circle of all letters.  This makes it one of the letters of utmost vital importance to learn and know. While every letter is important and reveals a new characteristic of Jesus, God places an infinite value upon His spoken Word. This means this letter representing the mouth of God and His spoken words must not be taken lightly.

We could literally write many volumes of books upon this single letter of the alphabet and its pictogram representing Jesus Christ. For example, we can find in Genesis where the first recorded person speaking any words was the creator “God” (Elohim). By the law of first mention, these spoken words place the primary emphasis of good spoken words (Peh) upon Him. Later in this lesson we will discover that it was Jesus the incarnate Word of God that died for our sins making Him the directly connected creator God appearing in the flesh. One of the last recorded statements spoken in the book of Revelation was Jesus saying “Surely, I come quickly”. Therefore, the first recorded spoken words of God, found in the first chapter of the first book, was written down by Moses who was God’s chosen anointed prophetic writer. Then the last recorded spoken words of God that were written in the last book of the Bible and the last chapter, they were written by John also by one of God’s prophetic chosen anointed writers, and both are about spoken Words that proceeded from the “Peh” mouth of God. Could this be a random coincidence? You should never think anything in the Bible is a coincidence or chance. If this is interesting, please continue to learn this and other concepts about the letter commonly spelled as either “PEH” or “PEY”.

Here is a list of the subjects that will be covered in this lesson. It is a long lesson, so it might be good for some to break the lesson up into one section at a time:

1. Introduction to the PEH – The Mouth

2. God’s First Mention of a “Peh” Mouth is a Pointer Type to Jesus

3. The Word of God Came from the Mouth of God

4. The “Peh” Mouth of God Created the Natural World

5. God Brings Forth Jesus from the Words of His PEH Mouth

6. God’s Heavenly (Peh) Mouth Authority Continued in His Son’s (Peh) Mouth Spoken Words on the Earth

7. Understanding PEH Mouth Applications for Christian Believers Today


1. Introduction to the PEH – The Mouth

This is another amazing essential Hebrew alphabet letter relating to our creator God named Jehovah, that chose to become the man named Jesus Christ in the flesh. This is the 17th letter of the alphabet, and it has a gematria value of 80. There are approximately 4805, “Peh” letters written in the Hebrew Torah. There are two different basic sounds that can be made from this letter. These are very similar to the English letter “P” sounds. The first is like a “soft” “pay” sound, and the second is a harder “ph” like in the English word “phone” sounding like an “F”.  Let us look at one key word that contains the letter Peh as the “F” sound before we continue.

The very first Hebrew alphabet letter “Alef”, when spelled as a Hebrew word, begins with the first letter “alef”, that is then joined with the middle letter “lamed”, and is ended with the final letter “peh”, sounded with the “F” sound. These letters give us a spelled word containing the basic meaning of; “God’s authority in His mouth”. We know this because the alef is the first letter of the alphabet and it is a picture of a “strong ox”, representing one symbol of the power creator God Almighty.  The second letter is the “Lamed”, a picture of the shepherd’s staff, which is his symbol of authority over the sheep and is one weapon for their protections against their enemies that would attempt to take them. The first two letters alef + lamed, also spell the shortened name of God, “El” (H410) and is pronounced “ale”. El is primarily translated as the name “God”. Remember it is “Elohiym” (God H430) that created in Genesis 1. God did this by releasing His power and authority from the words of His mouth (Peh) to create our present world.  

The final letter of the word “Alef” is our study subject today and we are learning that it is the symbol of God’s speaking mouth, or God’s created man’s speaking mouth. What we are about to discover is, that this symbol of the letter “Peh” as an open mouth that represents the words that come out of the mouth. We have already learned in this series, how the “alef” and the “lamed”, are individual pictures and signs pointing us to Christ. Now let us examine the “Peh” and see how God’s words, power, and authority were also connected to reveal the life of Jesus.

This ancient Hebrew letter “PEH” is drawn as the image of an open human mouth. It has the similar shape to the Hebrew letter “Ayin” that is an image of a human “eye”. Perhaps you can look at the picture of the face above and see how the shape of the eyes and the mouth are amazingly similar shapes. Also pay attention that God designed both with doors that can be fully closed or fully opened and with various degrees of openness in between. The major difference is the shape of the “Ayin” is filled with an inner circular figure indicating the pupil of the eye that allows sight. Therefore, both letters are objects on the created face of a human, but one is the human door for speech communication, and eating or drinking food consumption, and the other is two doors that God created for sight and vision to gain knowledge with. Eyes were made to facilitate human sensual learning to gain visual knowledge of God and His created world (Rom 1:20). The mouth “Peh” was also created by God for sensual learning from tasting our food and drink, with our tongue, and this is also a way of coming to know God (Ps 34:8). We will soon find out that the Lamed is also a picture of a tongue.

Let us remember that the “Ayin” is the picture and image of an eye, and it is the letter directly before the “Peh”. God most of the time connects two joining letters to have hidden messages. Wow this is important to see that God placed the “Ayin” eyes immediately before the Peh mouth. What we can learn from this concept, is that God places emphasis upon the eye to gather knowledge and understanding, before the mouth should be opened and engaged to show if we are educated in the subject or we are just speaking words without knowledge. We see this concept in Job 38:4 when God asks Job; “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me if you have understanding?” But before verse 4 was God saying to Job in verse 2; “Who is this that darkens counsel with words without knowledge.” Do you see how God is emphasizing a principle that people should not speak many words unless they first understand what is appropriate to say?

Like most other Hebrew letters, the Letter “Peh” has an equivalent Hebrew word. For the Peh this word is H6310 and is spelled out as “Peh + Hey”. This word H6310 is translated as “mouth” at least 330 times in the KJV Bible and it occurs in the O.T. at least 492 times. The dominate meaning of the Hebrew letter “Peh” must represent the open speaking mouth as opposed to a closed silent mouth. We can see this easily in almost every verse that this word H6310 is selected by God. The open mouth is confirmed in the Hebrew word H6310 to be a speaking mouth, by it also being translated as “commandment”, “word”, “saying”, “sound”, “speech”, and a variety of other words that direct us to sound exiting from the mouth. Some of these other translated words are “command”, “word”, “speech”, “spoken”, “sound”, and etc. Therefore, one additional direct meaning of this Hebrew letter “Peh”, is someone speaking vocal sounds to produce order, and likewise giving commands. All of these meanings begin to point us to Jesus directly.

Another popular word from H6310, is to translate it as “edge” in the King James Bible. Scholars appear to teach this reasoning is because the outlined area of the mouth is a line representing the “lips” and this is the outer edge or rim of the mouth hole of the face. It is very interesting that Jesus speaking to a woman at a well in Samaria asked her for a drink (Jn 4:7), but then Jesus said if you knew who you were speaking with, you would ask me for a drink and I would give unto you living water. We studied this subject in the letter “Mem” lesson. Jesus was claiming to have a “well” of water which is the symbol of the “Peh” and from this well He could speak words that could quench this woman’s spiritual thirst. Jesus further said in John 4:14 that the water (words) that He gave to us, would cause a spring to rise up from inside of us as a well that could cause others to live. This is a very important theme of today’s Peh lesson.

Everyone can see the picture of the mouth and see two edges, called the upper lip and the lower lip, and these lips swing open or are closed according to the human’s usage of their mouth for entrance or exit like a door. Therefore, the human mouth represents an opening in the human body also called the temple of God in 1 Corinthians 2:19. The mouth is used as a two-way door for either entrance (consumption, or inhalation) or exit (speaking, or exhalation). But the complexities of this single God created human component is significantly more massive.

The exact same concept found in the letter Peh representing the human mouth as a physical two-way body door, was first encountered in God’s design of the Hebrew letters of “Beyt”, and the “Dalet” pictograms. If you recall the Dalet represented the door to a tent or tabernacle (Beyt). Then remember that the Hebrew letter Beyt was the picture of the tent or tabernacle. It is amazing to see the parallels that are being presented between these letters. Remember in the New Covenant saved people are called the “temple” or “tabernacle” (Beyt) of the human spirit as well as the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:3, 1 Cor 3:16). Our human body was designed by God to be the residence for His Spirit to help us overcome the world and the devil (1 John 4:4). Our body was designed by God with doors (Dalet) and one of the most essential one was the human “mouth”. This is confirmed in the Word of God:

Psa 141:3  Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.

Look at this verse in Psalm 141:3 and see the connection between the human mouth (Peh) being the same spiritual pattern as the natural tabernacle (Beyt) door (Dalet). Look how this verse offers a prayer to God for Him to place a guard over our mouth (Peh). Then notice the naming of the mouth to be synonymous to a tent door (Dalet). Then remember the tent door was the entrance to the first temporary tent dwelling place of God built by Moses. Therefore, both letters represent a temporary door designed for the temple of God. Both are marked pictures of outlined shapes, that are pictures of an opening hole in a tabernacle. Now see how both of these are two temples of the same Spirit of God. The “dalet” door of the tabernacle of Moses was where the Spirit of God resided behind a veiled door in the Old Covenant, and the “Peh” represents a human mouth door, where the Spirit of God is designed to live within in the New Covenant. This is an amazing prophecy, and fulfilment found in two Hebrew alphabet letters representing parallel door types.

What are some of the other components that are associated with or used by God as a synonym for the mouth? Think about your mouth, what does it have in it? How does it work? What is it used for? Let us list a few of the basic components:

  1. Jaw = The hinge (Vav) that opens and closes the mouth door (Dalet) of the body house (Beyt)
  2. Lips = The outer rim or edges of the mouth well, used to open and deposit into, or release out whatever has been deposited within it, or to be closed representing to remain silent and hold your peace
  3. Teeth = The part of the mouth that has the power to bite and chew (Shin)
  4. Tongue = The taste organ and a major part of the speech sounding component (Lamed)
  5. Cheek = The soft outer skin layer that encloses the interior of the mouth like a wall (Chet)
  6. Mouth = The two-way gate (Dalet) of the body that permits entrance or exit (Peh)
  7. Spoken Words = The release of spirit power and authority (Zayin, Lamed, Mem, Nun, Peh)
  8. Language = That which comes from the mouth (Peh)
  9. Head = Location of the mouth is in the head (Resh)
  10. Swallow = What goes into the stomach and is devoured (figuratively destroyed) (Shin)
  11. Taste = The ability to discern between good and bad flavors (Tongue=Lamed)
  12. Voice/Sound = The ability to call aloud and speak (Lamed, Mem, Nun)
  13. Lies come from the mouth (Peh)
  14. Truth comes from the mouth (Peh)

This is just a partial list of components with some of the Hebrew letters that are used by God to describe their connections with the mouth. You may have not studied all of these letters yet, but we will see them as we continue to learn how they fit with Jesus and the Peh. This lesson will not be able to cover every component and function of the mouth but will give a great introduction to the subjects.

It is most interesting to see the human tongue looks like the shape of the ancient Hebrew letter Lamed. In fact, if we place this letter on top of the human mouth letter Peh, it will look like someone was sticking their tongue out of their mouth. We did not cover this part of the letter “Lamed” in that lesson. But the Lamed must be associated with the human tongue, because this is a major part of the human mouth, that people use to pray to God and to exercise their authority on the earth.

We can look up a Hebrew word H6419 and find that it is spelled “Peh” + “Lamed” + “Lamed”. This Hebrew word is translated as “pray” predominately. It is very interesting to find how God put together letter pictures to define larger thoughts and word concepts. For example, notice in Proverbs 18:21 where God says, “death and life are in the power of the tongue”. Then notice the word translated as “pray” that means to speak to God to learn how we have the “mouth’s authority that is found in his tongue” in the spelling of the Hebrew word. We are clearly beginning to find the power of spoken words that come out of God’s mouth and the created human’s mouth made in the image of God, in this letter “Peh”.

Another letter “Peh” connection we can find is to the “Shin”. The Shin is a letter picture of the two front teeth. The open mouth releases the ability for the teeth to bite something and by applying pressure it can be cut or divided into smaller portions to eat. For an animal this is how they can catch and kill their prey. Remember Peter wrote about “our adversary that goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). Satan is being compared to an animal with a mouth that can kill. Most animals have a mouth with teeth that can clamp down upon their victims and with great pressure from their jaw and their teeth can cause death and destruction. We can clearly see that Satan has a mouth (Peh) that represents the antithesis of the Peh mouth of God and Jesus. Therefore, within natural creation we can learn the mouth has the power to bless or curse or give life or produce death. All of these concepts are essential to know from one mouth body opening.

Also notice that there are three other ancient Hebrew letters that are directly connected with the letter Peh. We can see the picture of the “Alef” as a ox head. The head of an ox is the place of their mouth (Peh), teeth (Shin), tongue (Lamed), and the eyes (Ayin). The picture of the “Resh” is the head of a prince, and someone of authority. The Resh again represents a man of authority like Jesus, that has eyes (Aiyn) to see, a mouth to speak (Peh), and the tongue (Lamed) to exercise their authority (Lamed). Finally, the Hey is a picture of a man with arms raised exclaiming awe or amazement as breathing out in surprise with an open mouth. This letter is certainly directly connected with the “Peh” mouth, where the breath is released to expression of this seen (Ayin) wonder. Do you see how these letters are fitting together like puzzle pieces to describe the LORD and our Savior Jesus Christ?

2. God’s First Mention of a “Peh” Mouth is a Pointer Type to Jesus

This will be a brief introduction to God’s first reference of a mouth in His Word. Hopefully, everyone understands the concept of “typology” and “types”. Think of a “type” within “typology” as being a prototype, example, model, image, or a pattern of something that is a pointer to a far greater coming reality. It is also very similar to a shadow where there is one object or person that casts their shadow upon a wall and someone who knows the object or person can look at the shadow outline and can recognize them without too much difficulty.  In fact, the more you know about them, the easier they are to recognize. This is the exact concept of the first Adam to Jesus. The more we know who Jesus is, the more we find Him in the written outlined pattern of Adam.

Within the Bible if we really know Jesus Christ intimately and personally, we can find type after type of patterns of Him. He is practically everywhere in the Bible, but He is just not always found in obvious plainly stated terms. We find this concept spelled out plainly in Romans 5:14. In this verse Paul writes the first Adam is a “figure” of Him that was to come (Jesus). This Greek word G5179 is defined as “a sample type or model”.

Yet we cannot clearly find when reading about the first Adam in Genesis 1 through 4 where Jesus is easily recognizable as a pattern of this first man. But Romans does continue to help us significantly when we see God’s commentary in Romans 5:18 that because of Adam’s sin everyone on the planet sinned and died, that Jesus could be a man like Adam but in reverse. We can now see that the Last Adam named Jesus Christ, could come and die for all humans to give many that receive Him, a pathway out of their original death penalty end. Do you see how types can be more complicated than a quick surface reading of the words? In this example, God shows there are antithesis types as well as parallel types.

God reveals to us the concept exists very plainly in this verse of Romans 5:14. But guess what, He does not tell you what all the types are in His Word using an alphabetized list. God wanted us to know that they do exist so that we will begin to be diligent enough to search for Christ types in His word in hidden form. Remember Jesus told us very plainly in John 5:39 that He was hidden in their laws and prophets, implying He was everywhere to be found if they looked very hard.

So, what we are going to do here in this section is to find a potential type of Jesus in some human words that are utilized to describe things that are not even human, to see if they could be pointing us to Jesus. If we allow the Holy Spirit to help us, He will certainly show us new things that we have never seen before or even considered. For example, the first usage of the letter “Peh” in the Old Testament is found in God’s mention of a word translated as “face”. This word is H6440, and it is spelled “Peh” + “Nun” + “Hey” and this word for face can be sounded as “Pawneh”. Remember the Peh is a mouth, the Nun is a “seed” and the Hey is “look or behold”. Placing these letter meanings together we can see how this word can mean “behold a mouth of seeds” and that is very interesting, since this information parallels the Parable of the Sower in Mark 4. But this word for face can also be found in the plural form “Peh” + “Nun” + “Yod” + “Mem” with a sound like “paw-neem”. Hopefully that is not too much technical information.

What we can learn is God in this next verse gives us an indirect mention of the “Peh” by showing us this letter begins the word H6440 that is mostly translated as “face”. That is interesting since that is the location of the Peh mouth and this word begins with the “Peh”. God is teaching us that the mouth is of primary importance of features upon the face. Therefore, look at the verse and let us learn:

Gen 1:2  And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

We can clearly see that God is speaking of the condition of planet earth as being in a state of chaos He called “without form and void”. God defines this state of chaos as a covering over of the earth fully by “deep water” (Mem). Remember Mem represents a potential state of great waves and chaos. Hopefully everyone has already studied the letter “Mem” lessons about blood and water. But what we notice here is that the surface of the earth covered with water is called a “face” and that is a parallel to what the human face is also. Like the water that covers what is not seen beneath it, our human face is that surface of the external part of the body that can be seen but acts as an enclosure to cover the inside of the unseen body.

Now consider what we have just learn from Genesis 1:2. The earth is covered with waters and God calls this surface the “face” of the earth. Please recall waters are a representative image of the Mem letter picture. We have already learned how the mouth represents the originating location for “words” (water) and God has just connected this to the “face”, a word that begins with the mouth (Peh). God has just placed extraordinary emphasis in the second verse of the Bible to three concepts.

  1. Face
  2. Mouth
  3. Spoken Words (water)

What we are seeing in Genesis 1:2 is that God describes the surface of our planet as its “face” and it has been destroyed with a massive flooding of water. Could this be a representation of someone’s spoken words? Uh oh! Perhaps this is a clue? We find in Isaiah 59:19, where God describes an enemy that comes in like a flood. This appears to be a reference to Satan. We can confirm this by reading Revelation 12:15, where God describes the serpent (Satan) spewing water out of his mouth as a flood of water, to sweep away the woman’s remnant on the earth. Guess what? All of these references are about a mouth (Peh), emitting waters (Mem=words), to destroy, and etc.  What we are seeing is an implied pattern of Genesis 1:2 that is being repeated and even defined in other parts of the Bible.  

In Genesis 1:2, the world at that time appears to have been destroyed by an enemy that learned to speak words to obliterate God’s creation. Perhaps you disagree with that, but this is what the Bible says. In Jeremiah 4:23-27 there is more of God’s commentary upon the state of the world in Genesis 1:2. However, in Isaiah 45:18 God is much more direct saying “I did not create the earth formless”. This is the same exact word used in Genesis 1:2 to describe the worlds condition. Therefore, God in verse 1 declares He created the heavens and the earth to be inhabitable, and in verse 2 His original state of perfection had been destroyed, and God says plainly “I did not make it that way”.

We are slightly off our main topic. So, let us continue to see what else God reveals about a face with a mouth. We can begin to see in this next verse that a hole in the face of the earth is called a mouth:

Gen 4:10  And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto me from the ground.
Gen 4:11  And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother’s blood from thy hand;

This is the very first mention of the word “Peh” translated as “mouth”. This is also the very first mention of the shedding of human blood (Mem). In this verse we find how the earth a description of a face, can open up her mouth to receive (swallow) things up, the same as the God created mouth (Peh) of a human face.

It is also interesting to find in this verse of Genesis the word “blood”. Blood is the Hebrew word “Dalet” + Mem” that we learned about in the “Mem” lesson. This is the last part of the name “Adam”. When blood is prefixed with the “Alef” strong ox character representing God, we learn the name Adam means “God’s Blood”. Therefore, we find the first mention of a type of God’s blood being shed through the life of Abel, who is another type of Jesus the coming Messiah and savior of the world.

Also notice in this verse the word hand. This is the word spelling of the Hebrew letter “Yod”, spelled “Yod” + “Dalet”. If you recall in the “Yod” lesson, this letter represents a hand and is the first letter of the key name of God “Jehovah”. The “Yod” represents “power”, and it took “Cain’s” ungodly power to kill his brother Abel. It should be obvious that the type of the man “Cain” is a representation of Satan, the murderer from the beginning (John 8:44).

Now in Genesis 4:10-11 we find where the earth has opened her mouth to receive the blood of Abel, and this blood of Abel from within the ground was crying out to God speaking words still after Abel’s death. This is very powerful typology, and it is repeated by God when Jesus was hung on a cross by his natural family brothers.  God says in Hebrews 12:24 that the blood of Jesus speaks better things than the blood of Abel. Notice that both bloods of God have ability to speak but the blood of the sinless Last Adam is far superior to the blood of the son of the first Adam.

This introduction to Christ in Genesis is very profound and could get very deep into types and shadows based upon how far we want to go in what God chose to write about in this first murder. For example, remember that Jesus called Abel righteous, in Matthew 23:35. Then recall that it is very clear that Abel died because of the jealous hand (Yod) of his brother. Both Abel and Jesus were killed by their natural brothers. Now we should be able to see it is very easy to see how these facts of Abel fit the pattern found in righteous Jesus on a cross. Both bloods are said to cry to heaven from the ground. The blood of Jesus was poured out directly while hanging on the cross when the Roman soldier pierced His heart with a spear. But it was only the blood of Jesus that was able to pay the penalty for all of human sin so that we could be saved. Thank you, Jesus.

3. The Word of God Came from the Mouth of God

2Ti 3:16  All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

We must know that the major theme of the entire Bible, is that only this book contains the directly Spoken Words of God. This verse in 2 Timothy proclaims the fact of ultimate truth that “All Scripture” is God breathed. This is what the Greek word G2315 that is translated as “God’s inspiration” or “inspiration of God”. This literally means every written word recorded by a human author came from the “breath” of God. But we are about to discover that God is a Spirit in the next section about the God’s Word from His mouth involvement in creation.

What we will be learning for some and confirming for others is that God’s Words come from His mouth. Then we are also going to see how God’s breath is His Spirit. God is simply using symbolical terms of our human existence to relate to His unseen spiritual way of life. Let us look at this verse in Ezekiel that is interesting to our study:

Eze 37:9  Also He said to me, “Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: “Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live.” ‘ ”  (NASB)

Notice this is God speaking to the prophet Ezekiel to instruct Him to speak (prophesy) to a bunch of dead dry bones. This word translated as “breath” is the Hebrew word H7307 ruach. The first time this word is found is Genesis 1:2 where God said “the Spirit of God” moved upon the face of the waters. Therefore, we can see how this word represents a combination of both spiritual qualities and natural qualities simultaneously. From a human perspective, any human breathing natural air has natural life causing us to know their human spirit lives inside of their body. But anyone not breathing natural air brings the realization that their spirit has departed from their body (James 2:26). We have just learned the breath and spirit have direct connections to the ”Peh” mouth of God and man.

Gen 8:15  Then God spoke to Noah, saying,

What we need to first understand in this lesson of the “Peh” is that our God speaks, and therefore has a mouth and also is a Spirit (John 4:24). There are literally too many verses declaring God’s Words came from the mouth of God to go over them all. If you struggle with this concept that God speaks to us through His mouth and His Spirit even today, then please go and search the Bible to confirm for yourself this is a spiritual reality. We are just unable to teach everything in one lesson that could be taught on this subject. Let us move to God’s mouth as a major part of creating our world next.

4. The “Peh” Mouth of God Created the Natural World

It is essential to learn how our current natural world and our surrounding universe was created by our Designer and Creator God. The modern-day discovery and teaching that the universe began with a big bang, is an amazing confirmation for our Creator God and His spoken Word that came from His mouth (Peh). But our created world did not occur through random selection or evolution from a massive chaotic explosive disorder to become organized into anything of order. No matter how many times you blow up auto parts, they will never assemble themselves into a working automobile by chance.  Everything in our universe is in a state of decay.  This means every ordered newly created item when left alone is devolving into a mass of eventual dust.  Only the Bible correctly explains how the created world contains system after system of ordered design. This order came by Words that were spoken from the Peh mouth of God.

This might seem like a funny subject to include in a lesson about the Hebrew letter “Peh” but this letter has more to do with creation than you may know right now. What we are about to discover from the Word of God is that the world around us was created by God’s spoken words that came from His spiritual mouth (Peh). Without God speaking, nothing would be or could be seen in a natural realm. In fact, there would be no natural realm with dimensions of space and time.

Therefore, without a firm foundation of truth on this subject linking the “Peh” mouth of God to the existence of creation, people are easily swayed into believing the theoretical lies placed into their minds by Satan and people used and influenced without any fear of God. What we are about to see is what some have never learned, and others have seen in part. So, this section will be an introduction to this subject for some, and a further confirmation to others. Let us take a look at a good verse to begin with on a study of the subject “Peh”:

Psa 33:6  By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.

Psa 33:9  For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast.

God declares in His word exactly how the heavens and the earth were created. Ten times in Genesis chapter 1 the word says “And God said”, and then we find the statement “and God saw”. From this basic concept we can logically conclude it was the Words spoken from God’s mouth that created the physically seen objects in our universe. This verse in Psalm 33:6 is just a more direct confirmation of the Genesis 1 revealed creation principles caused by words that came from God’s Peh mouth.

We can clearly see that it was by the “Word” of the LORD, that the heavens were made. Then God declares it was with the breath of His mouth that it came to be. The Hebrew word translated as “mouth” is our key letter “Peh” spelled out. Therefore, we are on target within our study subject. But now God further confirms the concept about the mouth that we are learning about. This subject is the mouth connection to the location of breath and/or spirit of God or man. In fact, without the human ability to breathe (representing to have life) the human mouth is unable to speak. If you remember in Genesis 2:7, God formed the man’s human body from the dust of the ground. But then it says God breathe the breath of life into the body to cause Him to be alive. This fact refutes the theory of evolution. How could a bunch of cells gather themselves together to form lung organs of the more complex respiratory system to breathe air to produce our life, and this single system must work together with at least 10 other independently designed systems in harmony.

But pay attention to the fact that it was only after “breath” was given by God to the human body, that it could speak. This is very profound information based upon many other scriptures. For example, Jesus said in Luke 6:45 that it is from the abundance of what is in a man’s heart that his mouth speaks. Wow, this teaches us that all words whether good or bad come out of the human spirit and mind. We also know from reading James 2:26 that the body without the spirit is dead. This confirms to us that the human body must have a spirit in order to be alive and to speak. Has anyone ever seen a corpse at a funeral speaking? Obviously not, proving the point. This is another confirmation that shows us when God breathed His Spirit into Adam, the man became a speaking spirit made in the image and likeness of God (Gen 1:26).

 Therefore, no words would come forth from the mouth of God without breath and no creation would have occurred in Genesis 1. What we have just learned is that God chose to create our world by His design of speaking words from His mouth (Peh). But the concept of God having “breath” in His mouth might puzzle some since He is a Spirit according to John 4:24 and He certainly existed prior to the creation of the atmosphere and air to breathe.

The Hebrew word H7307 that is translated as “breath”, has different applicable definitions based upon contextual usage. For example, this word can apply to the “wing”, “breath”, “wind”, “spirit”. Some of these are physical manifestations and some are unseen spiritual applications. In fact, most of the times this word was translated in the Bible, the word is made “spirit”. Wow, that is valuable information. Notice the first time in the Bible it is found it is in Genesis 1:2 where it says the “Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters”. What we have just found is the concept of God’s Spirit is His breath. But no creation took place until God spoke. All spoken words even from the natural realm originate from the spirit realm. Let’s quickly verify this with scriptures.

Job 26:4  To whom hast thou uttered words? and whose spirit came from thee?

This is an amazing verse of foundational truth. God wrote us that when we hear words spoken in the natural realm, there is someone’s spirit that it came from. This should concern us. Have you ever noticed someone can be so kind speaking with sweet words, and then suddenly they turn into someone else in a rage spewing forth evil? Have you ever noticed how the spirit of the words being spoken are suddenly and instantly transformed from good to bad? This could be a book all by itself, but we are learning an introduction that words are spirit based, and we know from reading John 10:10 that there are only two spiritual kingdoms with one being ruled by the devil that results in words that produce death, theft, and destruction and the other the Kingdom of Jesus Christ that produce words to give us life and that life in more abundance. Let us look at another verse to help further confirm this concept:

Joh 6:63  It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

We have just seen from the mouth of Jesus the recorded claim that His spoken words were “Spirit” originated. But it actually says much more than this. Not only do the words that came out of His mouth come from His Spirit, but they also carry forth the same Spirit bringing life into the ears of the listeners if they choose to accept them. We are getting into a lot of deep spiritual material that may not be easily accepted by carnal minded or natural dominated people. Let us quickly look at this subject of God’s mouth words being His Spirit expressed. Look at these words found in John:

Joh 1:1  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Joh 1:2  The same was in the beginning with God.

Joh 1:3  All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

These verses have massively confused a lot of people. But they are very plain in what they say, if you want to see it. Verse 1 begins with the statement “In the beginning”, the exact beginning phrase of Genesis 1:1. Therefore, we know this is part of God’s commentary on His creation methods and operations. Now notice the next phrase, “was the Word”. Uh oh! Now God is connecting us to His mouth speaking His words to cause creation. But God is revealing something amazing. In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God. God is confirming to us what Jesus just said in John 6:63. Remember, Jesus said His Words were Spirit. Then we saw in John 4:24 that God is a Spirit.

By God’s created mathematical laws, we can say “In the beginning was the Spirit of God (Words), His Words were with His Spirit, and the Words were God’s Spirit proceeding out from His mouth”. Our God, His Spirit and His Word were all One God supernatural being according to verse 2 of John 1. This is further confirmed by God in 1 John 5;

1Jn 5:7  For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

God confirms in this verse of 1 John 5, that the Father (God), the Word (Son of God), and the Holy Spirit of God are all the exact same God who is One God. We can see this again in Deuteronomy 6:4 where God again says there is only One God and One Lord. But there are still many people especially in Judaism that claims it is impossible for God to have a Son. It is incredibly sad that people do not understand the scriptures or the power of God to see nothing is impossible with God.

Getting back to John 1, and verse 3 we have another amazing confirmation of creation. This verse says all things were made by Him. Who is Him? This is the same 3 in 1 God we just saw. God the Father, God the Word (Son), and God the Spirit. This is getting even deeper. What we are discovering is that God the Spirit, spoke the Word of God from His Spirit mouth and these Spirit Words became all of the natural substances we see all around us. Wow, praying and believing that you understood that last statement. This causes us to view another verse with a new light:

Act 17:28  For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.

If God just said in John 1 and Psalm 33 that everything, that God created came from His Spoken Words proceeding from His Spirit and we now can understand that Jesus said these Words were God’s Spirit being moved forward to create the seen natural realm. Therefore, everything we can see around us, is God’s Words in a designed physical composition and manifestation. Many scientists have logically called this unseen component of the most rudimentary micro cosmos, the God Particle.  This seen God made expression realm includes our natural planets, the air we breathe, the sun we revolve around every year, the water we drink, and even our physical bodies were made from the created dust of the ground which we can see clearly came from the Peh mouth Words of God Spirit.

This information appears to help us see what Acts 17:28 is claiming. Everything was made By God, For God and With God and we now know “it all Is God”. Therefore, we must be moving within in Him in the created natural realm, and we also know that He is ALL AROUND us in the spiritual realm also. Look at these words written about God being everywhere:

Psa 139:7  Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?

Psa 139:8  If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.

Psa 139:9  If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;

Psa 139:10  Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.

Notice how verse 7 begins saying “where can I go from your spirit”. Now apply what we have learned, and it could say “Where can I go from your Breath”?  Or, it could say “Where could I go from your mouth (Peh) Word Spoken?”

We should all know that God is “omnipresent”, meaning He is everywhere at every time. But this appears to be saying to us something new. David the writer of this Psalm contrasts the heavens being the spiritual dimension and throne of God location, to our naturally created realms of even the seas. God has inspired David to come to the conclusion, that there is no place he can go to, where God is NOT! He in these verses made this assertion about the seen universe, the liquid creation, the gaseous parts of creation and the physical elements of creation. David is implying strongly God is found in all of these created particles and elements.  This appears to confirm God’s creations were made with His Words spoken from His mouth (Peh) are the basic creating substance of every molecule of our universe.

Remember that ten times we find the term “God said” in Genesis 1. What we are seeing in the Bible is the ultimate involvement of the “Peh” mouth of God in all of creation. Without the mouth of God speaking the commands to create our world, we would not be here. Notice that God did not speak random words. Every word had a purpose for a direct intentional result. God spoke specifically chosen words and each word was manifested into physical forms that we can hear, see, taste, touch, and smell. This confirms our world had the most intelligent designer and these are displayed in everything that was created. Simply because we now know that every chosen and spoken Word of God created specifically selected objects, there is No chance of evolution to be possible. No modern science lab can prove that disorder and random chaos can be changed upon its own power to a useful order of meaningful purpose for life.

Some may be wondering what this has to do with Jesus being hidden in the ancient Hebrew alphabet, but we are about to see in the next verse of Ephesians 3:9 something that helps us see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the ages has been hidden in God who created all things through Jesus Christ; to find that it has everything to do with Jesus the Messiah. Let us look at a New Testament verse that reveals Jesus in creation:

Eph 3:9  and to make all see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the ages has been hidden in God who created all things through Jesus Christ;

Here is another one of God’s commentaries about His creation. He specifically reveals and further confirms that He created our natural world through Jesus Christ. Wow, remember what this means! We are soon going to further discover that God answers this question, by revealing to us that one of Jesus Christ’s name is the “Word of God” in Revelation 19:13. Uh oh! We can now begin to see the direct connection to who God is, who the Word of His mouth was and we now should be confident that this physical man Jesus was God, and it was God’s Words being spoken from His mouth (Peh). Let’s continue to learn how God reveals Jesus came to be in the earth, next.

5. God Brings Forth Jesus from the Words of His PEH Mouth

We were just introduced to one of the most important truths of Jesus Christ. The Bible very clearly says God made the world through Jesus, His Spoken Word in verses like Ephesians 3:9. This statement in conjunction with the verse of Psalm 33:6 where God has said that He created our world by the breath of His Pey Mouth, brings us to realize some essential characteristics of our triune God.  For example, when God spoke, His words by His Spirit produced what was spoken and most of the time the spoken Words of His Peh mouth produced “life”. Then we saw in John 1:1 that the Word of God was God and was with Him in the beginning of creation. Finally, we confirmed in John 1:3 that it was God’s Spoken words that created everything that has been made, that was made. Now we need to focus our attention upon John 1:14. Because this one will reveal not only who Jesus was, but how He manifested to be born on the earth:

Joh 1:14  And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

This is one of the most essential verses of the Bible to understanding who Jesus was. We can see that Jesus was a baby that came into the world being born in Bethlehem like every other human (Mat 2:6). But only this child and Son, grew, to become God’s human man that would be able to die for all humans to save us (Acts 16:31). We must know the “Word” that became flesh, is defined by God, to be God in verse 1. In this verse God says, “the Word was God”. Now in verse 14, we find the amazing thing that many people do not believe. The Word of God (who was God) was made human flesh and was born a child in Bethlehem through the virgin Mary (Luke 2:4-7). How is this possible? It is more possible than you might know or understand, and it was all accomplished by God, speaking Words from His Peh mouth!

Remember in Genesis 2:7 that God says He formed the body of the human man from the dust of the ground. Now we have been learning where the dirt of the ground came from, right? We should know it came from the mouth of God. We know in Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. This is the parallel verse of John 1:1. Apply what we have learned from John 1:3. We should know that it was the spoken Word of God that made everything. Since we know from scripture that the basic earth materials, like minerals, gases, liquids and all other elements were created by God’s designed spoken words, we know this creative Spirit power substance was what was used by God to also make all of the livable cells, tissues, bones, organs, muscles, and systems of the human body. Therefore, it would be a very “minor” nothing for God to speak another word or even two letters, to create a sperm cell to impregnate a virgin woman named Mary. In fact, creating a single sperm would be almost trivial to what He had done before in creating our ordered universe. Hopefully, we are all in agreement with what God said in the Bible.

Psa 24:1  The earth is the LORD’S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. 

No one wants to begin any new controversy within the body of Christ. If you can see what the Spirit is saying to us, that is great, but if not, no fights or worries please. None of the revealed “how” God did things, should cause any of us to doubt the fact that He has done them. What God appears to be saying in Psalm 24:1, is that since He created everything with His spoken words, and His spoken words came from His Spirit mouth (Peh) to manifest and create our world, then everything belongs to Him, since it was made by Him, for Him, and can only ALL Be Him (Rom 1:20). It is certain that we can all see the potential theological debate that this prospective new information could produce. But it does agree with a lot more of the rest of the Bible than you might know right now. For example, why was it necessary for God to have a physical Son, to experience natural and spiritual death? Why does Jesus implement a brand-new creation in His blood of a completely New Covenant?  If you have read the rest of these lessons in the series, you should be seeing a pattern.

What we find from deep Bible study, is that there was a major problem with the old creation. This problem was named Lucifer. We find out in Ezekiel 28 that Lucifer was created perfect and beyond beautiful. We find here also that he chose to sin, after being lifted up in pride to revolt against his creator God. In this rebellion we find he took 1/3 of the angels with him (Rev 12:4). We can read very clearly in Ezekiel 28:15 that Lucifer was a created being. Uh oh! Wow! How does God create anything? God speaks His Words from His Spirit mouth and creation happens. Does this mean that the body of the created spirit being named Lucifer is clothed with the Spoken Word of God as Adam was? It does appear to be that way based upon a fuller study. Knowing this, we can more clearly see why a completely new heaven and a new earth is selected to be made at the end of this creation in Revelation 21-22. But that is enough of that controversy for now.

Let us continue to discover God’s connection of our study of the letter “Peh” to the amazing birth of Jesus. We are about to discover that this letter “Peh” symbolically describes the origin of Jesus, and it would be used by God to cause the birth of Jesus Christ on the earth at an exact time desired! The Hebrew word H6310 that is the spelled word of the letter “Peh” is made up of just two letters. This letter is spelled “Peh” + “Hey”. We now know that the letter Pey is a mouth and perhaps you recall that the letter “Hey” represents a man being amazed and surprised saying; “Behold”, “Look” or “See”. Combining these together we get the Peh Word, and Letter meaning “Behold the Mouth” or “Mouth Behold”. But it can also say’ “Behold the Word” spoken. Amazingly this describes Jesus exactly. In fact, this single letter reveals a prophecy of God’s surprise Word manifestation to the earth. We are seeing how God brought the most significant sign and wonder to humanity when He came in the form of a man. Wow, are we amazed? If not, you do not understand much about God’s love for you!

When Jesus was born a child in Bethlehem there was sent to Him in the manger, shepherds to “behold” or “see” Him. This is the letter “Hey” experience announced by angels.  After they “beheld” him they went and told others about what they had seen (Luke 2:15-18). Since we are finding that Jesus was the Word of God that was made flesh, this Hebrew letter and word are clearly pointers for us, to not only see the birth of Jesus, but for us to behold the entire life of Jesus on the earth. Anyone and everyone alive in that day and hour could have come to “Behold” Him and many did. There were many of the nation of Israel that were expecting their Messiah to show up and there were many that actually saw Him before He died.

Why were people expecting Jesus the Messiah to appear? This is because of another connection to our subject of the “Peh” to the birth of Jesus Christ, is to know that God first wrote about Him in the Hebrew language, in literally hundreds of verses found in the Old Testament before He ever appeared physically as a child in Bethlehem.  These writings provided people a source for having faith in God’s Word to be fulfilled and it was fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

Let us continue by reading a New Covenant verse to help us understand the validity of the Old Covenant words:

2Ti 3:16  All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

The Greek word G2315 in this verse is translated as “inspiration of God”. But this Greek word is a compound word comprised of two others. The first word is G2316 (theos) which is translated as “God”. The second Greek word G4154 (pneo) is a word meaning “to breathe hard”. In this combined word we see the concept of “God’s breath” as coming from his mouth (Peh) to speak words. We understand this because the verse is about the written words of God in the Bible. God has just declared all of these words that were written for us to study and learn about Him, came from His personal mouth and were written down by His anointed prophets. We have just confirmed from the Bible that the written words were first spoken words from the mouth of God.

Knowing this let us look at the Hebrew word H5012 which is often translated as “prophesy”. To prophesy was the job of the anointed prophets that were given God’s breathed words to be spoken and written to all humans. This Hebrew word H5012 is spelled “Nun” + “Beyt” + “Alef”. We have studied all of these letters in this series. We should now know the “Nun” represent “seed” that produces fruit, “Beyt” represents the Father’s house, and “Alef” represents God Almighty the strong servant. Placing these meanings together we can arrive at God’s description of what a prophecy is. We can view H5012 using the ancient Hebrew definitions as “Seed sent from the House of God” into the world, to produce God’s fruit. Wow, that is amazing information concerning Jesus.

What we are learning is that before God manifested in a natural human form on the earth, He planted the seeds through His human prophets, to cause Him to come forth in the assigned season (Gal 4:4). Now let us go further and deeper into seeing how the mouth of God and His spoken words were further released to accomplish all of these Old Covenant written “Seed” prophecies. Remember in the Greek language the English word “seed” comes from the Greek word “sperma” where the word “sperm” comes from. We were just speaking about how it was a very simple process for God to speak a word and for it to become one cell inside of the woman Mary for it to be joined with her egg to produce a male child.

But we must also know that Jesus when teaching the people in the flesh, taught a parable of a man that sowed “seed”. Most Word learned and Spirit led Bible teachers believe Jesus was speaking of himself as being this sower in a third-person form of communication. Many call this the “Parable of the Sower”, but it should be more correctly labeled as the “Parable of the Word of God Seed sown by the Sower”. This is because it was the Word of God Seed that is one of the major focused subjects. Then remember the Greek word “Seed” is still “sperma”.  What we learn from this parable is that God’s words are “seeds” that bring forth life and this is exactly what happened in Genesis creation. Do not forget the name of the book of Genesis is the Greek word G1078 and it is transliterated as “Genesis” but has the meaning “beginning”. When reading the book of Genesis, we find two of the central introductory (beginning) subjects are “words” and “seeds”.

This concept of the Word of God in Creation further confirms that the body of Mary came forth from the body of the first created man Adam as one of his future seeds. God made one man, brought forth a woman from his side, and the two of them caused all other humans to be produced from then, including one egg cell in the body of Mary which was half of the two cells necessary to cause the body of the Lord Jesus Christ to be formed and grow. This is very amazing, please do not rush through this. Let us review the facts.

The Word of God created ALL physical matter (Gen 1:1, John 1:1-3, Ps 33:6). The physical matter was the Word of God at its root element (Jn 1:3). The Word of God is the Seed of God’s spoken Spirit (Lk 8:11). God’s spoken Words are God (Jn 1:1). God took the Word created dirt from the ground and formed the body of Adam (Gen 2:14). Through Adam’s body would come the body of the first mother of all humans named Eve (Gen 2:22-23). If we observe the genealogy of Jesus written by inspiration of God in Luke 3, we see there were 76 generations listed from beginning with God the Father and His son, the first Adam, all the way to Mary, that birthed her firstborn son Jesus, the Last Adam.

Mary and Jesus came 4000 years later after Adam (Luke 3 Genealogy). This law of reproduction comes from the established law of Genesis 1:11 and Genesis 8:22. In these verses God declares “the seed is always in itself” to produce the next generation and seed continuance will not end as long as the earth remains. This simply meant from one piece of God created human fruit named Adam, He made one man as a self-contained living entity. This isolated man was capable of producing everyone that would come after him. Remember the woman, Adam’s wife was taken from His body by God (Gen 2:21) after being placed in the garden to keep it. Therefore, the woman that would be mother of all living came from the original body of Adam.

It is from the union of the male sperm to the female egg, that God brought the initial joining of two to become one flesh (Gen 2:24, Gen 4:1). This was the foundational law of the male seed being sown into a woman to create a child and this is exactly the pattern that God used when bringing Jesus into the world through a chosen woman. From the first Adam to Jesus the last Adam, each passing new generation would pass their seed to create the next. However, God interrupted the natural human male contribution in the process of creating the next generation, to become the Father of His only begotten Son Jesus. Remember the Greek word G3439 translated as “only begotten” literally means the “only born” son. This word is the combination of two other Greek root words G3441 (mono) and G1096 (ginomai).  Perhaps you can see that we get several other English words from these two root words. The first prefix being “mono” meaning one. Monotone means a single sound. Monorail means a train running on a single (one) track. “Monogamy” means one marriage.

The second Greek word G1096 is a word we can see means to “cause to be”, and this is a reference to a father’s act of sowing his seed into a woman to cause a child to become. As you know this is referring to the God created reproductive process meaning a birth will soon occur. Since Jesus is called the “first-born” from the dead in Colossians 1:18 and the “first-born” of many brethren in Romans 8:29, we can see these titles conflict with the “only born” title of John 3:16. Therefore, “only born” must be referring to the natural birth of Jesus, and the “first born” title can only be referring to His spiritual re-birth from the dead. It should be obvious that God is proclaiming that His Son Jesus born in Bethlehem through the virgin Mary was His only natural born Son that He would ever produce on the earth. But His Son Jesus born of the Spirit from the dead, is His first man that now has preeminence above all other spiritual beings (Col 1:18). This is very important to know, but it will not be expanded in more depth today!

This description was God performing His planned design of creation by first creating the natural seed reproduction of living human births and then His new creation of spiritual rebirths that are occurring by the spreading of His spoken Word Seeds (1 Pet 1:23). This God created process would be the way He would produce (cause to be) Jesus, and it had occurred over and over again, to create every human including Jesus in the natural.  Therefore, it was the power of God (His Word Heb 1:3) that creates and protects this process for it to continually to occur (Jer 1:12). This means if God could do all of this set up of a process at the beginning, the speaking of another word later to create another seed (Nun) to impregnate a woman named Mary would be no big deal.

Never forget that it was the Spirit of God that dwelt in a tabernacle under the Mosaic Law within the Old Covenant. In this system God could be on the earth in the presence of sinful humans but could only be approached by one High Priest that had to follow a lot of laws and commandments to cover his sins, before he could offer sacrifices for the nation of Israel to cover their sins. If anything was missed or ignored, God’s awesome Holiness would cause the sinner that entered to instantly drop dead in His presence.

But God, in His infinite wisdom brought forth a new tabernacle system in the form of a human body. He already had this system planned out even before Adam was ever created (Jn 17:24, 1 Pet 1:20, Rev 13:18).  Now in Jesus He could walk among people being completely sinless and Holy inside of Himself, with His Holy Spirit being able to speak with people directly and personally. Wow again! It was the new sinless blood of Jesus that offered instant forgiveness of human sins to be able to touch them and to heal them while in human flesh (Mat 9:5). Praise the LORD!

What we have just been introduced to is a key factor for the legal appearance of God in the flesh on the earth. It legally came about because of all the verses that were written about Jesus in the Old Testament, were recorded there to cause Him to manifest.  Wow, I don’t know if you understand this or not, but it is a spiritual law of God. God said before anything appears in the natural realm of existence it must be first spoken in the spiritual realm to cause it to manifest. We can verify this law by reading Genesis 1. Look at every word spoken by God in this chapter. Then notice the Spirit of God was present upon the earth, yet nothing was changed until God spoke from heaven to cause His desired change on the earth. In Genesis 1:2 we see darkness covered the face of the deep. But in verse 3 God said, “Let there be Light” and then there was light. This proves the concept concretely and it occurs multiple other times in this chapter. In each example, God saw a problem, and spoke the answer and then the power of God was manifested to cause the desired change. It is a spiritual LAW!

There are controversies about every subject in the Bible that we can find, and this section of God’s truth will probably have its share of haters. Some make the claim that God is only a Spirit, and does not have any of the same human characteristics of facial features like mouth, eyes, ears, nose, etc. But the Bible clearly says that God has all of these features in a spiritual form. We know from reading Genesis 1:26 that God said: “Let us make man in our image and after our likeness”.  The Hebrew word H1823 translated as “likeness” is defined as to “resemble”, to be a “model” of, and to possess a “similitude” of. The definition of the word “similitude” escapes many, but this word can mean “to have the same qualities of appearance”. This simply teaches us that the Spirit of God in the heavenly realm was the pattern for the first created human being in the natural earth realm. This does not make us God, but we were made to be like Him and this amazed the angels.

After the first Adam sinned and broke God’s single commandment, God had planned another Adam to make an exit door (Dalet) from the penalty of sin and separation from God. Jesus being the second and last Adam fulfilled the requirement to live sinless and to die for us to pay for all human sin (Rom 6:10, Heb 10:26). Therefore, humans, have eyes, ears, nose, mouth and a tongue, that are very similar to God’s Holy Spirit. The fact that the Last Adam Jesus was God in the flesh, proves the first Adam was also a model of the spiritual pattern of God (Rom 5:14). Here are just a few verses that confirm God had facial features and qualities first before created humans:

  1. Breath = Gen 2:7, 2 Sam 22:16
  2. Ears = Num 14:28, Ps 5:1, Ps 17:1
  3. Eyes = Gen 6:8, Deu 11:12
  4. Face = Gen 19:13, Psa 34:16
  5. Mouth = Num 12:8, Deu 8:3
  6. Nose = Gen 8:21, Lev 26:31
  7. Voice = Gen 3:8, Exo 15:26

We just learned that God had facial features, especially a mouth that speaks, and this Hebrew word mouth is H6310, that is our study letter “Peh” spelled out. Therefore, all the words that have ever been spoken by God in the past, or present, or in the future, will originate from His “Peh” (mouth). This confirms God’s great purpose and emphasis for selecting this letter’s original design to show us Him and His Son Jesus. Let us observe a statement in the Bible that was quoted by Jesus in the temptation of Satan (Mat 4:4).

Deu 8:3  And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live. 

Why was this important to know that God has a mouth, and He speaks words? This is because, if we can know God’s Word, we can get to know who God is. God reveals Himself in His Words spoken and written to us. If we can see what He said correctly, then we can learn more easily that we can trust His goodness and then we can place our confident faith in His awesome Words of Promise.

We must notice that in Deuteronomy 8:3 that God’s spoken words produce “Life” in humans. This is amazingly important. Pay attention that God contrasts natural bread for physical life to be like His spoken words for spiritual life. Wow! This is important and why Satan does not want you to know anything about what is in the Bible. But do not forget that it was the Word of God that created the natural plants and trees that we eat from. Therefore, God’s manifested spoken words are being eaten physically for us to live in the natural realm in the form of wheat that is used to make our natural bread. It is just logical to understand the same is true in the spirit realm. Now realize that in John 6:51, Jesus personally claimed to be the literal “bread sent down from heaven”. Wow again! Jesus is plainly declaring to be both God and the Word of God in this single statement!

In fact, since we are finding out in this section how Jesus came into the world, we just learned a foundational verse in Deuteronomy 8:3. We are about to confirm that God becoming a human on the planet earth, was accomplished by God’s spoken words to produce one natural living sperm cell. Let us read this account very carefully:

Luk 1:26  And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, 

Luk 1:27  To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary

Luk 1:28  And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women

Luk 1:29  And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be. 

Luk 1:30  And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. 

Luk 1:31  And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS

Luk 1:32  He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David

Luk 1:33  And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end. 

Luk 1:34  Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man

Luk 1:35  And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God

Luk 1:36  And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren. 

Luk 1:37  For with God nothing shall be impossible

Luk 1:38  And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her. 

This is a powerful message concerning the spoken authority (Lamed) of God’s mouth (Peh) that would produce a “seed” (Nun) that will change the entire human world forever. In verses 26 and 27, we find God sending an angel with His spoken “words” in his mouth to speak to them to a physical human woman named Mary, who was a descendant of David. This is amazing to see that God first spoke the words in heaven (the spiritual realm), and these were carried to the natural realm to be respoken by an angel messenger, and they still had the same exact power when spoken to manifest in the virgin woman Mary.

In these verses we find some statements that appear impossible. For example, we find in verse 37 that Gabriel says, “with God’s spoken word, there is nothing impossible”. The angel then informs her that she has been specially chosen by God to bare His Son named Jesus. Remember the name Jesus is the O.T. name Joshua and this name means “Jehovah Saves”. Then we have learned in earlier lessons that Jehovah in the ancient Hebrew pictogram means “Behold the Hand, Behold the Nail”. All of this hidden information is declaring Jesus to be GOD!

Then the angel messenger from Jehovah, says this child will sit on David’s throne forever. So, we have two fathers being combined into one child. The first Father is God in Heaven, and He would cause His Holy Spirit to conceive this child in Mary. The second father is David, who is a distant grandfather of the woman Mary. Therefore, God chose one natural woman to donate her egg in her womb, and God the Spirit through His spoken word would produce the “Seed” that would manifest to create a new child that was 100% human and 100% God. This had never happened like this in human history. This took Satan by total surprise.

Did you pay attention to the mouth of God speaking words? Did you notice these spoken words became flesh as a “seed” (sperm) to impregnate Mary? This is what the Bible said to us in John 1:14, “The word was made flesh and tabernacled among us”. We know the “Word” was God’s Spirit by reading John 1:1, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”. With God’s word the entire universe was created. Therefore, it was nothing to God speak a word to become a single sperm cell. Is there anything too hard for God?

If we study modern scientific discoveries, we will find that it has been confirmed with photographic evidence that when a sperm cell enters into the egg of the female that there is a “spark” of light that is observable. Clearly this is an amazing sign of vast intelligent design of the creator God. Remember God is Light according to 1 John 1:5. Therefore, the conception of a child is a God event displaying His significant involvement. This is exactly why Satan wants every child to be killed after conception. But this “spark” of light is also prophetic and confirms God can and does have a personal involvement in the creation of every child. This is a clear sign of His ability to produce and create a sperm cell to cause His Son Jesus to become a child also.

God chose to demonstrate to us another important concept. Why didn’t the command to impregnate Mary just be spoken from heaven and it just automatically happen without a messenger angel being sent to Mary? Perhaps this will be a new concept for some. But it is essential for us to know that God requires willing participation, trust and faith (Heb 11:6) from humans to participate with Him in His plan for their life.  If Mary would have rejected the offer, she would not have been the mother. This is because God does not force people to be saved or to do anything. Humans have a freewill choice to participate with God and this pleases God when they do so in “faith” not fully understanding how it will be possible to happen.

We find very clearly in Luke 1:38, where Mary confirmed her faith with her spoken words by saying “Be it unto me according to your words”. Again, this was the messenger of God speaking for God that brought her the message of good news. By making this statement, she has just offered herself to God’s will and work and the Holy Spirit came upon her as it was spoken, and this interaction caused Jesus Christ to be born on our planet. Praise the LORD!

We can more clearly now understand why Jesus called Himself the “Bread sent from Heaven” in John. We can confirm Jesus to be the manifested spoken Word of God, that was sent to the earth and used to impregnate a woman named Mary if she chose to believe God. Now let us move to the ministry of Jesus on the earth to see how the Word of God in His “Peh” mouth caused His heavenly Father’s will in Heaven to be performed on the earth.

6. God’s Heavenly (Peh) Mouth Authority Continued in His Son’s (Peh) Mouth Spoken Words on the Earth

Now we are going to learn more about Jesus in the flesh and how He used His spoken words from His mouth to implement the will of God on the earth that is always done in Heaven. We just learned how God manifested as a man named Jesus after being conceived in the womb of Mary. This process was performed by spoken “Words” of God that were sent to her. This natural birth of God physically present on the earth, brought forth the Kingdom of Heaven directly onto our physical planet. Uh oh? What does this mean? Remember this verse containing the spoken words of Jesus:

Luk 10:9  And heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you.

In this context Jesus is sending out His disciples to go before Him to preach, heal and proclaim the Kingdom of God has come near to them. This is a very profound statement of truth. Jesus is making the direct claim that God’s Kingdom in heaven is now present with humans on the earth, and these men were His chosen ambassador representatives to help these people to know the truth. It is essential to remember God chose to manifest His Holy presence in the form of a human man. We also know from how Jesus taught His disciples how to pray that God’s will is always done in Heaven, but we must pray and ask for His will to be done on the earth like it is done in heaven (Luke 11:2). This strongly implies that the will of God is not always happening on the earth and that bothers a lot of people mostly Christians who believe His sovereign will is always accomplished.

Therefore, knowing now that Jesus’s body held God’s Spirit ruling in heaven to manifest in the natural realm, we can more easily begin to understand that while Jesus was physically present and alive in the flesh, the Kingdom of God from heaven was physically present on the earth to do God’s will. Perhaps you did not realize who ruled the earth and whose kingdom was over all of the kingdoms of the earth. Hopefully, you understand this is Satan that ruled the earth and still does to all those that are walking in rebellions to God’s offered gift of salvation (Eph 2:8). Do you remember what Jesus said? In Matthew 12:26 and Luke 11;18, Jesus said very clearly that Satan has a kingdom, and we must believe Jesus does not lie.  Even in Paul’s letters to the church after the resurrection of Christ from the dead, we are told in Colossians 1:12-13 that those of us in the church as saved believers have been brought out from the kingdom of darkness and are translated into the Kingdom of the Light of God’s dear Son. This simply means that Satan has a kingdom of darkness and continues to rule over all that are in the darkness.

This knowledge would also mean that Jesus was God’s representative upon the earth while He was physically present, and whatever His Father in Heaven said for Him to do, He would do it. Let us confirm this concept in the scripture:

Joh 5:30  I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.

Jesus is claiming to us, that He of His own self could do nothing. This simply says as a human man, without my Spiritual Father, I am harmless, and powerless. But with Him, and by following what He says for me to do, the devils better watch out because I represent God, and the humans should pay attention because I can forgive you and heal you to demonstrate God’s personal character and nature, and this will glorify my Father in heaven. Please just notice Jesus is now claiming that His Father’s will in heaven is now being given to humans on the earth in a very personal and individual demonstration of God. We can begin to see this again in this verse:

Mar 2:9  Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk?

As you can see in the context of this verse, the religious men of that day are thinking that Jesus is guilty of blasphemy because Jesus as a human has just forgiven another man’s sins. What the religious men did not understand, is who Jesus really was. It appears that not only did the manifestation of God in the flesh take Satan by surprise, it took the religious men under God’s law by even greater surprise. Notice what Jesus said next to them:

Mar 2:10  But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (he saith to the sick of the palsy,)
Mar 2:11  I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house.

 Pay very close attention to see that Jesus did not claim to be the Son of God in this statement and that is part of the confusion to them religious men. They knew he was the son of Adam exactly like they were. But understanding how he can be the Son of God simultaneously is where they missed it for knowing and recognizing their Messiah Savior.  However, Jesus makes it very plain that even as a 100% descendant of Adam, He still has the 100% divine “authority” to forgive sin. After all, remember He is the “Lamb of God” that had the redeeming, cleansing, and forgiving Blood of God flowing in His veins (Acts 20:28).

The Greek word “G1849” which is translated as “power” should have been made to say “authority”. This shows us that Jesus as a human was given God’s authority because He was God in the flesh. However, remember God in the flesh (Jesus) also was able to delegate His God given authority to other men that followed after Him. Wow, that includes us all. How then did Jesus exercise this authority to heal the paralytic man? Did you pay attention that Jesus spoke to the man and commanded him to take up his bed and go to your house? Jesus did not pray for the man, but He only spoke a command and it was made so when the man acted upon His words from His Peh Mouth.

God is still demonstrating His power and His authority by speaking words to repair His initial Genesis 1 creation, He called “Very Good”. God created the world with His Words, and His spoken words can still repair, restore and make it complete after what sin and Satan has done to pervert it. Praise the LORD!

There are too many references in the scriptures proving Jesus had heavens authority on the earth, for us to go through them all. Here is another to help you see it:

Mat 8:16  When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick:

As we can clearly see, the people of Israel when they had heard of Jesus, brought many people that were possessed with unclean spirits and were physically sick or diseased. Notice that Jesus must have had heavenly authority working in His ministry on the earth because He simply spoke words from His Peh mouth, and they were delivered. Wow! 

There is a potential controversy taught in some churches. Some claim that Jesus did all of these great wonders to prove His deity. Others claim that He performed the miracles because He was God in His full deity omnipotent power. But neither of these are firm doctrines when balanced with other foundational scriptural knowledge. For example, in Philippians 2:7-8, God declares that Jesus laid aside His deity to become a human and live as we live on the earth. It appears that one main reason that He did this to teach us an example of how we should live. But if this is true, then how is Jesus the man able to do such great miracles? We learn this from Acts 10:38.

Act 10:38  How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.

This is a very revealing verse of scriptural truth. This verse confirms to us that Jesus was operating in the earth as a human man, and not in His divine power. Why would it be necessary for a human with the divine omnipotent power of God, need to be anointed by the Holy Ghost to have “power” to do miracles? The word translated as power in this verse is NOT authority, but rather it is “supernatural ability to do miraculous things”. What you should be learning is that Jesus was God in the flesh, but He was anointed by the Holy Spirit when He was baptized by John in the Jordan (Mat 3:13). This heaven-sent anointing began His 42-month ministry on the earth.

What we are learning is that there is a direct connection of the letter “Peh” pictured as an open mouth to the displayed concept of authority. We have learned in other lessons, that the “Lamed” letter was a picture of a shepherd’s staff. But it is very good to notice how this letter picture was slanted on the page upside down to normal usage by the shepherd walking. Normally the shepherd’s staff has the curve up and the point down when walking. But this letter has the point up and the hook down to the left as if the shepherd is grabbing something with the hook. Uh oh! That could be a shepherd exercising his authority over one sheep.

But notice what else the Lamed picture can represent.  This Lamed letter picture can represent the precise form of a human tongue that is sticking out of an open mouth. Therefore, we have two letters that are connected by design to represent authority. This should make a lot of sense to most people. A person that rules a nation, exercises their authority by speaking commands, orders and directives that must be followed. These commands are given in the language of the nation, coming forth in ordered words. These spoken words from the leader all come from the “Peh” mouth, utilizing the “Lamed” tongue of authority and then things are changed in the nation.

If we are a true Christian, we are in the Kingdom of God, called Light and Day (1 Th 5:5). Jesus Christ is the Lord and King of this Kingdom (Rev 19:16). Jesus when walking the earth in the flesh as man, exercised this power and authority on our planet using His mouth and tongue. We can easily find more examples of this in the Gospels.

Luk 4:31  And came down to Capernaum, a city of Galilee, and taught them on the sabbath days. 

Luk 4:32  And they were astonished at his doctrine: for his word was with power

God’s word declares there was something that made Jesus significantly unique. There was never seen any human exactly as He was. No one in the days that Jesus walked the planet had ever seen anyone like Him. The Greek word translated as “word” in verse 32 is G3056 “logos”. This word’s definition means “something spoken” and can be extended to something that was also written down after it was spoken, like the Bible. God spoke the words to men, and men wrote the words (logos) for others to read. Therefore, we have another direct connection to the mouth letter “Peh” being connected to the mouth of Jesus Christ.

As we can read, the people that heard Jesus teach on sabbath days in Capernaum, were exceedingly amazed because Jesus’ spoken words from His mouth were unlike any teacher that they had ever heard before. They could recognize that the Words coming from the mouth of Jesus were with authority, like no one else. The Greek word G1849 “exousia” was translated as “power” in verse 32, but it is usually more accurately to be sociated with “authority”. “Authority” is not usually directly associated to be the same as the word “power”. The true word translated as “power” is normally found in the Greek word G1411 “dunamis”. This Greek word “dunamis” actually means “miracle working power” as we have seen before. We get the word dynamite from this word. Let us look at a verse that occurs after verse 32, that describes how these two words are actually applied to be different:

Luk 4:36  And they were all amazed, and spake among themselves, saying, What a word is this! for with authority and power he commandeth the unclean spirits, and they come out

Luk 4:37  And the fame of him went out into every place of the country round about. 

God directly uses “dunamis” as “power” and “exousia” as “authority in verse 36 speaking of the exact same people still amazed at what Jesus had just done by speaking mouth words of authority. Notice in between verse 32, and verse 36 Jesus had just cast out a demon from a man. In this act of power and authority, Jesus had a conversation with the unclean spirit first. This spirit inside of the man was questioning Jesus’ authority to do this to him. But Jesus knowing His authority did not answer the spirit and simply said “Shut up and come out” and the spirit obeyed proving God’s right to be walking our planet.

Notice that even the demons within the satanic kingdom of darkness, were questioning God’s right to be physically present on the earth in the flesh, and to cast them out of humans. It is very clear that they believed the earth was in their rightful realm of authority and not God’s. But God knew more than they did, and because God became a human, He had legal access to the planet and could exercise His full authority as the Kingdom of Heaven’s representative to humans. Let us quickly look at just one more example of the Lamed type of authority that found in the Peh mouth of Jesus:

Mat 21:23  And when he was come into the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came unto him as he was teaching, and said, By what authority doest thou these things? and who gave thee this authority?

Here in Matthew, Jesus is being questioned this time by the religious leaders of Israel. It is most likely that it was the same spirits that were being cast out of humans that had now influenced the leaders of Israel to continue their questioning. If you don’t believe or know that demons can give people thoughts and feelings, then you might be deceived or just unlearned of the truth. These religious men asked Jesus two questions. First, “by what authority do you do these things?” Then second, “Who gave you this authority”. Jesus countered their questions with saying answer my question and I will answer your questions. This was the wisdom of God, because they refused to answer His question.

These were just some of the basic scriptural evidences, that prove Jesus had Kingdom authority from God, and that God backed this given authority through the Holy Spirit that had anointed Him to provide the “miracle working power” to heal the sick and cast out devils. What we have just observed are absolute truths that teach us that God manifested on the earth to bring powerful heavenly authority to do His works to save humans. We should be able to see how this “Peh” ancient Hebrew letter a picture of an open speaking mouth, was being fulfilled in the mouth of Jesus repeatedly. It is very difficult to separate anything God has done to create or save us, from His Words spoken from His mouth (Peh). The importance of the spoken Words from the mouth of God are infinitely more valuable than anything else you can seek for.

7. Understanding PEH Mouth Applications for Christian Believers Today

This lesson series has been attempting to not only include direct references for every ancient Hebrew letter’s application to point us to Jesus Christ, but to also show us how these letter picture concepts contained in every letter, apply to us being a Christian right now. Hopefully, everyone is learning how both applications are relevant. This idea is derived from us knowing today who we are in Him and who He is in us (Rom 8:10). Because we are His saved church, we are also His physical body of Christ/Messiah on the earth (Rom 12:5). He is called the head, and we are called His body (Col 1:18).  Just because He is not here physically, does not mean He is not here spiritually. We better know that He is living on the inside of us through His Holy Spirit (1 Cor 1:30). Therefore, whatever He accomplished physically on the earth before to bless others, can still be done spiritually through His Body of believers by placing our faith in Him and even greater things (Jn 14:12).

This teaches us that what applies, identifies, and defines Him, applies, identifies and defines His body as well (1 Jn 4:17). Once we begin to see who we are in Christ, who God is in Us, and what God has given to us being one with Him (1 Cor 6:17), we will be amazed to know that God expects us to act the same as what Jesus did on the earth (Jn 14:12). This is the Genesis 8;22 seed law and principle of how multiplied growth works. Because of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, God’s one single man / God seed, God has produced much fruit of the earth through His Grace. The Seed of Jesus was designed by God to become spiritually multiplied by many, many millions of us working with His Spirit in simultaneous union to grow greater numbers of members in His body for His glory (Jn 12:24).

Instead of God living in one Old Covenant tent tabernacle, or in the one anointed human body of the God / man temple named Jesus (John 2:19), God in the New Covenant has implemented a new living and growing temple strategy (2 Cor 6:16). This is one that God has created using Jesus as the “Chief Corner Stone” (Eph 5:20) to align us into a unified corporate temple building, made without human hands or physical involvement of works (Acts 7:48). This temple is one, where we are each a designed component made by God to be living stones being built together into a new creation house of God (1 Pet 2:5). Satan does not want us to know this, so we may encounter trials and test if we try to share God’s truth.

We must know how the mouth (Peh) spoken words are intricately designed into God’s Old and New Covenants. Just as God created the current first Adam world system with the words of His mouth, we become a New Creation in Christ the Last Adam by speaking the words “Jesus is my Lord” in our mouths (Peh) combined with the belief that He was raised from the dead in our hearts, this is revealed clearly in this verse:

Rom 10:9  That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

It is plainly stated in Romans 10:9 how a human is saved out of this evil world through their mouth, working together with their faith. But is that the only application of the Peh mouth that is taking place for a Christian? No, it is not! The initial salvation is not the only mouth action that God requires in our Christian life. There are at minimum four main applications of the human Peh mouth in becoming and living the Christian life. These are:

  1. Receiving salvation.
  2. Spreading the Gospel Seed/Word of God to others so that they can receive salvation.
  3. Confessing with our mouths in Agreement with God’s Peh Mouth Words.
  4. Ruling and Reigning to Overcome the Devil and his world.

We will not attempt to cover these in-depth today, but this section will introduce the subjects. We have already seen the salvation part of joining Christ’s new creation body believers, so we will quickly look at the process of spiritually growing the body of Christ and our mouth involvement:

1Co 3:6  I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. 

In this verse Paul was attributing his part of the process of salvation as planting seeds. We know from the Parable of the Sower in Mark 4 the seeds were the Word of God. Therefore, to get someone saved there needs to be heard the spoken Words of God that can enter into the heart of an unsaved human. Paul further says the process continues growth to produce fruit, by watering and attributes this work of also preaching God’s Word to Apollos.  Let us look at some other verses about the mouth involvement in spreading the Gospel:

Rom 10:13  For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Rom 10:14  How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

Rom 10:15  And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

Paul gives us the overview of the salvation process designed by God in these verses of Romans 10.  As you can read, there are at least 5 basic steps to be saved from the effects of our natural father the first Adam, and his passing of sin and eternal separation from God to every human (Rom 5:12):

  1. Someone must call on the Lord (using the words of their human mouth) to be saved.
  2. But first they must believe (God’s Mouth Words)
  3. And before they believe a human must preach the Word of God with their mouth
  4. But before they can preach they must be sent by God’s mouth
  5. But all of this was only possible because the preacher went through this exact multi-step process before speaking the Word of God to the potential new believer.

Wow, that is really a lot of Peh mouth and word dominated involvement in salvation, and this is the exact concept defined in Genesis 1 creation where the seed is always in the fruit to produce the next new generation. We became Christ believers by believing God’s Words, spoken through a preacher’s words and us confessing words unto salvation. We then take these same Words of God to further spread the Seed for other to believe, because we heard the voice of God tell us to go into all the world and preach it to them (Mk 16:15). God is truly amazing!

But wait there is more mouth participation in being a real Christian. Confessing with our mouth right words and believing with our hearts to be saved is only the beginning of the process of working out our personal salvation (Php 2:2). Look at this verse:

Col 2:6 As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him:

Do you understand what God has written in this verse through the apostle Paul?  What God is saying is that exactly how we received Christ by believing in our heart and confessing with our mouth (Peh), that is how He designed us to live in Him. This teaches the mouth of a Christian is continually to be active in our everyday Christian walk. Uh oh!  Is that happening when we get angry, sad, hurt, or when something unexpected happens to us? This “mouth” application is another vast subject of Christian living, it is too much to teach completely in one section of one lesson. It should probably be an entire series in itself. For this concluding section we will only focus upon a small part of the subject.

Heb 3:1  Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus;

It is important to know Jesus is in heaven as our personal High Priest eternal representative before God. Jesus acts as the mediator of a better covenant (Heb 8:6) that allows us personal access to the Holy God (Heb 4:16). But notice what Jesus is the High Priest of, God wrote Jesus works with our “profession”. However, this is the same word found in Romans 10 that is translated as our “confession”. This Greek word is G3671 and it literally is defined as “to SAY the SAME words”. Wow, this is obviously important. In Psalm 27:6 David wrote “Therefore in His tabernacle I will offer sacrifices of joy and sing praises unto the LORD”. Do you see how this applies to New Covenant believers today?

God is using Old Testament patterns to reveal New Covenant spiritual realities. Notice today we are the tabernacle of God’s Holy Spirit living on the inside of us (1 Cor 3:16). Remember also that we are called a royal priesthood in 1 Peter 2:9 and this makes us eligible to bring offerings to the LORD. Then notice what types of offerings are being brought before God? These offerings are spiritual word of mouth sacrifices being made in Psalm 27:6. There is a sacrifice of joy coming from out of our mouth giving thanks that we are saved and not going to hell. This is combined with an offering of our praises unto the LORD because He is so good and merciful to save us. That is one type of confession or profession from Hebrews 3:1, but there are others.

For example, we learned profession meant “to say the same thing”. This simply teaches us that whatever God says to us, we are to put these words in our mouth and confess them back to Him and possibly to share with others as the LORD leads and directs us. Do you see the working of Words from God’s mouth how they will continue in the church age and forever in eternity?  There is so much more that could be taught on this confession subject, but we must move to the final words of our mouth about our authority in Christ.

Rom 5:17  For if by one man’s offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)

It is interesting what trust that God places in His creation to do the right thing with His help, instead of what the first Adam did to us by listening the words of Satan in Genesis 3. Notice that Romans 5:17 is about these two Adams, the first and the Last Jesus Christ. Because the first Adam made all to die, now the Last Adam makes a way for any that believe in Him to live. But not just to live and go to heaven with God, instead God says we can rule over our enemy Satan right here on the earth while in our mortal flesh.

This verse literally confirms what Peter said that we are a royal priesthood. In this verse of Romans God uses the word G936 literally means “to rule as a king”. This is further confirmed to us in 1 Timothy 6:15 and Revelation 17:14 where the LORD Jesus Christ is named to be “The King of kings, and the LORD of lords”. The believers in Christ are these lords and kings that Jesus rules over.

Therefore, how do kings’ rule? They are people that can give a command of words and they are carried out. This gets us back to our mouth connection as being a Jesus Christ believer. Thank the LORD God for His great works and praise Him for all that He has given to us that works through our Peh mouths.


We have been studying about words and the mouth that produces them, and the “Peh” letter is a picture of these two elements. Our study of the Peh alphabet letter is extremely essential to understanding who God is and who God made us to be. While this is the 17th letter of the alphabet and appears to be minor because of its position in the order of the alphabet, it turns out that without this letter there would be no creation, and no people on this planet. This letter’s gematria value is 80. That is interesting because 8 has the Biblical meaning of a new beginning, a new creation, a new order, or even a covenant incision and the number 10 when used as a multiplier has given the multiplied number the increased value of completeness or perfection. This would teach us that God’s ultimate perfection of His new creation will come through His mouth. It is also interesting that after 7000 years (=7 days), God begins a new creation and a new world order absent of sin, sickness, death and evil.  This would make this new heaven and new earth that is coming, happen on the 8th day (=8000 years) within God’s timetable of a new first day of His week of work for His bride.

For this concluding subject we must embrace that the Kingdom of God was a Word system of government, power, and authority in heaven before the beginning of creation. Then we must understand that the physical universe was created from the spiritual kingdom of God’s spoken Words. And it was all these spoken Words from God’s mouth, that are currently holding our world in place (Heb 1:3). Then we must understand that God declares He does not change (Mal 3:6). Finally, we must connect these truths to the fact that the first created man Adam was made in the “image” and “likeness” of God to rule the earth (Gen 1:26) and he failed to exercise his authority to keep Satan out of our world (Gen 3:17). Therefore, God solved this sin separation problem by becoming Himself, the Last Adam, to live an example for how humans needed to successfully rule the planet.

We should know that God still reigns today in heaven by speaking righteous words of judgments (1 Pet 2:23). We are taught very clearly in Hebrews 4:12 that the Word of God is sharper than any double-edged sword. A double-edged sword is a symbol of the mouth (Rev 1:16), but more specifically it is the symbol for the words that come out of the mouth to either build-up or destroy others. This simply means everyone that becomes a Christian has a mouth that has the authoritative power (Luk 10:19) to stop the devil from stealing, killing or destroying us (Jn 10:10) because of what Jesus has accomplished for us and given to us (Lk 10:19, Mat 28:18-19).

But God’s mouth and spoken words will always be sharper, meaning more powerful than whatever words that any other spirit-being could say against Him to try to overcome Him. Therefore, it is best for us to always “hold-fast” to saying only what God says about us and others (Heb 10:23). In Hebrews 10:23 we have learned that this word translated as “profession” is the Greek word G3671. Remember that this Greek word literally means “to say the same thing”. Not to say the same things that the devil and the world says, but rather to ONLY say what God says to us and about us.

Today what we are observing in our world, is a battle of words for the control of human minds. We can see a great example of a beginning of God’s war of words in Isaiah 14:12-17. In this exchange we find where Lucifer has spoken words about what he will do to exalt his throne, and God counters these words with other spoken words about what will happen to Lucifer to cause his downfall. This is so amazing to see and learn what was happening in the spirit realm between God and the anointed ruling angel Lucifer.

It should be obvious that Lucifer had learned from God how to speak words that create and work to accomplish a desired result, by watching what God had done to create the universe (Job 38:4-7). In Lucifer’s pride and beauty, he lifted himself up to create his own kingdom rule independent of God. This spiritual angelic being Lucifer, must not have fully understood who he was dealing with. It has taken many, many years for God to implement His surprise plan of a New Covenant and a New Creation in His Son Jesus Christ, but this will bring about a new heaven and a new earth, wherein only righteousness lives (2 Pet 3:13). This teaches us the unrighteous ruler of the darkness of this world will never be present in the new heaven or the new earth (Rev 20:7, 21:27).

We have been learning that the Kingdom of God is a spiritual Word and Mouth system. We can find so much evidence that this is true. We have also been learning that God’s creation of our universe, and man on the earth, was also a word-based system. We have seen a lot of evidence of this so far in this lesson that it was. Next, we have been answering the question to see if our New Covenant system in Jesus that we are living in right now, is also based upon God’s system of spoken words in our Peh mouth? We are seeing that this answer, like the other systems are also  yes! Remember God reveals in Ecclesiastes 1:9 that says the thing that has been, is that which shall be again, there is nothing new under the sun.

The spoken Words of God from His mouth, are the highest and most important words to learn. The spoken words from the mouth of Jesus are equal to the words of His Father in heaven, since He only spoke what He heard His Father say.  But the entire Bible was created by God to teach us about Him, and His character and nature and He is personally revealed to all humans in His personal appearance of the LORD Jesus Christ.

Thank you for reading and studying the Bible on Agapegeek where God is glorified, and Jesus is Exalted as LORD! Praying these lessons have been a blessing to you all. We will continue to pray for each of you. It is a great blessing to know you will do the same for us. God Bless you and keep you in His perfect peace (Shalom). May the Grace of God be multiplied unto you through the amazing knowledge of God!

If you would like to leave a question or comment, please feel free to do so. As the LORD willing, as He leads and permits, these will be responded to. Thank you for your kindness in advance.

Intro Alef Beyt-1 2 Gimel Dalet Hey Vav Zayin Chet Tet Yod Kaf Lamed Mem 1 2 Nun Samekh Ayin Pey Tsade Qof Resh Shin TavAlef-Beyt Chart (Series updated as LORD directs and permits)

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