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Jesus in the Ancient Hebrew Alphabet Part 18 – Peh – The Mouth and Word of God

(Ver 1.1) This lesson is “Part 18” of the Bible study series revealing the Lord Jesus Christ, that was hidden by the Spirit of God in His intelligent design of the original Ancient Hebrew Alphabet. The original ancient Hebrew texts dates back to the times of Joseph in Egypt and these styles of writings continue even with Moses who delivered the children of Israel from Egypt. This language writing style was an alphabet comprised of letter pictures. Archeologists have found tablets with this alphabet dated nearly 2000 BC. These lessons are not designed to confirm the pictographic validity. You can find this verification at several other websites. This series only attempts to introduce the spiritual concepts of intelligent design and how they could not have all been created by humans. Especially the designs of 22 specific pictures that all point us to God’s personal appearance in His Son of human flesh, the True Living “God / Man” named Jesus Christ.

Perhaps you are unaware that Jesus was hidden in the Old Testament. Jesus plainly reveals this fact to us at least two times. One of the first times was in John 5:39, Jesus said; “Search the scriptures for in them you believe you have eternal life, but these are they that testify of me”. Jesus was speaking to Jewish people that could read and write in Hebrew. Jesus said in your writings of your Torah scriptures I can be found if you search for me. That was a radical claim. Jesus could be hidden in many different ways by God, and He literally is. But could it be that Jesus can be found in each letter of their alphabet, after all that is what the words in their scriptures are built upon. Jesus gives us a much more direct clue in Revelation 1:8 where He claims to directly be the first and last letters of the alphabet. In Greek these names were written as the Alpha and the Omega, but in the Hebrew language these names are the “Alef” and the “Tav”.

Wow! This is really an amazing concept to the plan of salvation for every human being. God spoke words and these spiritual words became flesh (John 1:14) and this spoken spiritual seed from the Peh mouth of God manifested as a perfect physical seed, that was joined with a woman’s physical egg to create a male child’s body.  This male child would then grow up containing the Creator God’s Spirit that dwelt within Him. And this God / Man could physically walk among us without anyone falling dead from His holiness or glory manifestation on the earth. It also amazingly demonstrates to us how God who created a first Adam, could become Himself a Last Adam, while also being the Son of the first Adam. Uh oh? Just when we thought we were done with controversy we find the Spirit of God Himself had the seed within Himself to create one like Him, made in His image and likeness, and His name is called the Word of God (Rev 19:13). This spoken Word of God was God, and still is His Seed today for creating a brand-new creation (Jn 12:24).

What we have discovered in the Hebrew language is the word “AT” (H853) contain the two letters the Alef and the Tav that Jesus claims to be in the book of Revelation. These are the two names that Jesus has claimed personally to be called by, and this cannot be a coincidence. Certainly, God knows who He is and how to teach us to find Him in His Word. Remember the word “Revelation” in the Greek means the uncovering of something that has been hidden. This Hebrew word is the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet and they occur over 7000 times in the text. This word has been vastly ignored by translators. Many modern scholars believe it only has a grammatical signification to the joined verb. Others have explained it by other explanations of human reasonings. But a growing number of Christians are beginning to see how this word represents a expressive pointer to Jesus. In studying this word, it only makes logical sense, to be applied to the claim of Jesus that these letters are signposts of the Messiah (Alef and Tav) / Christ (Alpha and Omega).

This untranslated Hebrew word H853 when inserted in the middle with the letter Vav, becomes an enormous confirmation for God becoming a man to die as a sign for humanity. This is a small review to some readers, but with new information. The first letter Alef represents God, the Last letter represent a picture of a cross, and the middle letter is a Vav a picture of a nail. Placing these together we can clearly see how these three letters in this order of occurrence, have the meaning of “God nailed to a cross”. This Hebrew word is the word H226, and it is transliterated as “oth”. The first time it occurs is found in Genesis 1:14. In this verse it is translated as “signs”. And this word has the meaning of “an appearing” as in to be lifted up as a signal for all to see. That is a very amazing confirmation revealing that these Hebrew letters do contain signs and messages pointing us to Jesus and His life and death on a cross.

Now for the more interesting confirmation. This Hebrew word “oth” (H226) can also be used today as the word “letter”. “Letter” as in the handwritten “symbol” that is utilized as a building block in creating words. Each “letter” (oth) is an individual symbol of the total 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet (AlefBet). That is just amazing when you accept it as God’s superior ability to show us, how every letter of the Hebrew alphabet is a confirming “sign” (H226) post for the coming of the LORD in the flesh of Jesus Christ. This cannot be a coincidence either. Remember Day 4 of creation is the establishment of the Sun to rule the day, and the moon to rule the night. The Sun is a representation of Jesus called the Sun of Righteousness in Malachi 4:2. Then recall 4 days = 4000 years using God’s definition of a day in 2 Peter 3:8. Now remember when Jesus came into the world! Jesus was born 4000 years (4 days) after the first Adam. Can you see the masterful intelligent design found in the Bible that point us to the “Oth” sign of Jesus Christ’s coming? It is exact, it is precise, and it is amazing!

In this lesson we are primarily focusing upon the letter “Peh” and how it represents an open “mouth”. and very specifically the mouth of God Almighty. But you might like to go to the beginning of the entire series to start with the introduction “Part 1”, and this may be beneficial to you to gain the basic foundation necessary to understand the rest of the entire series.  Thank you for your interest in the ancient Hebrew alphabet. Ask the LORD to open your eyes to help you see if what is being taught here is from Him or not. Then analyze each letter and word given to see if it is actually what is found in the Word of God.

Remember that this lesson is about just one of the 22 letters in total that points us to the LORD (Jehovah) Jesus (Yeshua) Christ (Messiah). But this letter Peh is another of the main letters found in the inner circle of all letters.  This makes it one of the letters of utmost vital importance to learn and know. While every letter is important and reveals a new characteristic of Jesus, God places an infinite value upon His spoken Word. This means this letter representing the mouth of God and His spoken words must not be taken lightly.

We could literally write many volumes of books upon this single letter of the alphabet and its pictogram representing Jesus Christ. For example, we can find in Genesis where the first recorded person speaking any words was the creator “God” (Elohim). By the law of first mention, these spoken words place the primary emphasis of good spoken words (Peh) upon Him. Later in this lesson we will discover that it was Jesus the incarnate Word of God that died for our sins making Him the directly connected creator God appearing in the flesh. One of the last recorded statements spoken in the book of Revelation was Jesus saying “Surely, I come quickly”. Therefore, the first recorded spoken words of God, found in the first chapter of the first book, was written down by Moses who was God’s chosen anointed prophetic writer. Then the last recorded spoken words of God that were written in the last book of the Bible and the last chapter, they were written by John also by one of God’s prophetic chosen anointed writers, and both are about spoken Words that proceeded from the “Peh” mouth of God. Could this be a random coincidence? You should never think anything in the Bible is a coincidence or chance. If this is interesting, please continue to learn this and other concepts about the letter commonly spelled as either “PEH” or “PEY”.

Here is a list of the subjects that will be covered in this lesson. It is a long lesson, so it might be good for some to break the lesson up into one section at a time:

1. Introduction to the PEH – The Mouth

2. God’s First Mention of a “Peh” Mouth is a Pointer Type to Jesus

3. The Word of God Came from the Mouth of God

4. The “Peh” Mouth of God Created the Natural World

5. God Brings Forth Jesus from the Words of His PEH Mouth

6. God’s Heavenly (Peh) Mouth Authority Continued in His Son’s (Peh) Mouth Spoken Words on the Earth

7. Understanding PEH Mouth Applications for Christian Believers Today


1. Introduction to the PEH – The Mouth

This is another amazing essential Hebrew alphabet letter relating to our creator God named Jehovah, that chose to become the man named Jesus Christ in the flesh. This is the 17th letter of the alphabet, and it has a gematria value of 80. There are approximately 4805, “Peh” letters written in the Hebrew Torah. There are two different basic sounds that can be made from this letter. These are very similar to the English letter “P” sounds. The first is like a “soft” “pay” sound, and the second is a harder “ph” like in the English word “phone” sounding like an “F”.  Let us look at one key word that contains the letter Peh as the “F” sound before we continue.

The very first Hebrew alphabet letter “Alef”, when spelled as a Hebrew word, begins with the first letter “alef”, that is then joined with the middle letter “lamed”, and is ended with the final letter “peh”, sounded with the “F” sound. These letters give us a spelled word containing the basic meaning of; “God’s authority in His mouth”. We know this because the alef is the first letter of the alphabet and it is a picture of a “strong ox”, representing one symbol of the power creator God Almighty.  The second letter is the “Lamed”, a picture of the shepherd’s staff, which is his symbol of authority over the sheep and is one weapon for their protections against their enemies that would attempt to take them. The first two letters alef + lamed, also spell the shortened name of God, “El” (H410) and is pronounced “ale”. El is primarily translated as the name “God”. Remember it is “Elohiym” (God H430) that created in Genesis 1. God did this by releasing His power and authority from the words of His mouth (Peh) to create our present world.  

The final letter of the word “Alef” is our study subject today and we are learning that it is the symbol of God’s speaking mouth, or God’s created man’s speaking mouth. What we are about to discover is, that this symbol of the letter “Peh” as an open mouth that represents the words that come out of the mouth. We have already learned in this series, how the “alef” and the “lamed”, are individual pictures and signs pointing us to Christ. Now let us examine the “Peh” and see how God’s words, power, and authority were also connected to reveal the life of Jesus.

This ancient Hebrew letter “PEH” is drawn as the image of an open human mouth. It has the similar shape to the Hebrew letter “Ayin” that is an image of a human “eye”. Perhaps you can look at the picture of the face above and see how the shape of the eyes and the mouth are amazingly similar shapes. Also pay attention that God designed both with doors that can be fully closed or fully opened and with various degrees of openness in between. The major difference is the shape of the “Ayin” is filled with an inner circular figure indicating the pupil of the eye that allows sight. Therefore, both letters are objects on the created face of a human, but one is the human door for speech communication, and eating or drinking food consumption, and the other is two doors that God created for sight and vision to gain knowledge with. Eyes were made to facilitate human sensual learning to gain visual knowledge of God and His created world (Rom 1:20). The mouth “Peh” was also created by God for sensual learning from tasting our food and drink, with our tongue, and this is also a way of coming to know God (Ps 34:8). We will soon find out that the Lamed is also a picture of a tongue.

Let us remember that the “Ayin” is the picture and image of an eye, and it is the letter directly before the “Peh”. God most of the time connects two joining letters to have hidden messages. Wow this is important to see that God placed the “Ayin” eyes immediately before the Peh mouth. What we can learn from this concept, is that God places emphasis upon the eye to gather knowledge and understanding, before the mouth should be opened and engaged to show if we are educated in the subject or we are just speaking words without knowledge. We see this concept in Job 38:4 when God asks Job; “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me if you have understanding?” But before verse 4 was God saying to Job in verse 2; “Who is this that darkens counsel with words without knowledge.” Do you see how God is emphasizing a principle that people should not speak many words unless they first understand what is appropriate to say?

Like most other Hebrew letters, the Letter “Peh” has an equivalent Hebrew word. For the Peh this word is H6310 and is spelled out as “Peh + Hey”. This word H6310 is translated as “mouth” at least 330 times in the KJV Bible and it occurs in the O.T. at least 492 times. The dominate meaning of the Hebrew letter “Peh” must represent the open speaking mouth as opposed to a closed silent mouth. We can see this easily in almost every verse that this word H6310 is selected by God. The open mouth is confirmed in the Hebrew word H6310 to be a speaking mouth, by it also being translated as “commandment”, “word”, “saying”, “sound”, “speech”, and a variety of other words that direct us to sound exiting from the mouth. Some of these other translated words are “command”, “word”, “speech”, “spoken”, “sound”, and etc. Therefore, one additional direct meaning of this Hebrew letter “Peh”, is someone speaking vocal sounds to produce order, and likewise giving commands. All of these meanings begin to point us to Jesus directly.

Another popular word from H6310, is to translate it as “edge” in the King James Bible. Scholars appear to teach this reasoning is because the outlined area of the mouth is a line representing the “lips” and this is the outer edge or rim of the mouth hole of the face. It is very interesting that Jesus speaking to a woman at a well in Samaria asked her for a drink (Jn 4:7), but then Jesus said if you knew who you were speaking with, you would ask me for a drink and I would give unto you living water. We studied this subject in the letter “Mem” lesson. Jesus was claiming to have a “well” of water which is the symbol of the “Peh” and from this well He could speak words that could quench this woman’s spiritual thirst. Jesus further said in John 4:14 that the water (words) that He gave to us, would cause a spring to rise up from inside of us as a well that could cause others to live. This is a very important theme of today’s Peh lesson.

Everyone can see the picture of the mouth and see two edges, called the upper lip and the lower lip, and these lips swing open or are closed according to the human’s usage of their mouth for entrance or exit like a door. Therefore, the human mouth represents an opening in the human body also called the temple of God in 1 Corinthians 2:19. The mouth is used as a two-way door for either entrance (consumption, or inhalation) or exit (speaking, or exhalation). But the complexities of this single God created human component is significantly more massive.

The exact same concept found in the letter Peh representing the human mouth as a physical two-way body door, was first encountered in God’s design of the Hebrew letters of “Beyt”, and the “Dalet” pictograms. If you recall the Dalet represented the door to a tent or tabernacle (Beyt). Then remember that the Hebrew letter Beyt was the picture of the tent or tabernacle. It is amazing to see the parallels that are being presented between these letters. Remember in the New Covenant saved people are called the “temple” or “tabernacle” (Beyt) of the human spirit as well as the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:3, 1 Cor 3:16). Our human body was designed by God to be the residence for His Spirit to help us overcome the world and the devil (1 John 4:4). Our body was designed by God with doors (Dalet) and one of the most essential one was the human “mouth”. This is confirmed in the Word of God:

Psa 141:3  Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.

Look at this verse in Psalm 141:3 and see the connection between the human mouth (Peh) being the same spiritual pattern as the natural tabernacle (Beyt) door (Dalet). Look how this verse offers a prayer to God for Him to place a guard over our mouth (Peh). Then notice the naming of the mouth to be synonymous to a tent door (Dalet). Then remember the tent door was the entrance to the first temporary tent dwelling place of God built by Moses. Therefore, both letters represent a temporary door designed for the temple of God. Both are marked pictures of outlined shapes, that are pictures of an opening hole in a tabernacle. Now see how both of these are two temples of the same Spirit of God. The “dalet” door of the tabernacle of Moses was where the Spirit of God resided behind a veiled door in the Old Covenant, and the “Peh” represents a human mouth door, where the Spirit of God is designed to live within in the New Covenant. This is an amazing prophecy, and fulfilment found in two Hebrew alphabet letters representing parallel door types.

What are some of the other components that are associated with or used by God as a synonym for the mouth? Think about your mouth, what does it have in it? How does it work? What is it used for? Let us list a few of the basic components:

  1. Jaw = The hinge (Vav) that opens and closes the mouth door (Dalet) of the body house (Beyt)
  2. Lips = The outer rim or edges of the mouth well, used to open and deposit into, or release out whatever has been deposited within it, or to be closed representing to remain silent and hold your peace
  3. Teeth = The part of the mouth that has the power to bite and chew (Shin)
  4. Tongue = The taste organ and a major part of the speech sounding component (Lamed)
  5. Cheek = The soft outer skin layer that encloses the interior of the mouth like a wall (Chet)
  6. Mouth = The two-way gate (Dalet) of the body that permits entrance or exit (Peh)
  7. Spoken Words = The release of spirit power and authority (Zayin, Lamed, Mem, Nun, Peh)
  8. Language = That which comes from the mouth (Peh)
  9. Head = Location of the mouth is in the head (Resh)
  10. Swallow = What goes into the stomach and is devoured (figuratively destroyed) (Shin)
  11. Taste = The ability to discern between good and bad flavors (Tongue=Lamed)
  12. Voice/Sound = The ability to call aloud and speak (Lamed, Mem, Nun)
  13. Lies come from the mouth (Peh)
  14. Truth comes from the mouth (Peh)

This is just a partial list of components with some of the Hebrew letters that are used by God to describe their connections with the mouth. You may have not studied all of these letters yet, but we will see them as we continue to learn how they fit with Jesus and the Peh. This lesson will not be able to cover every component and function of the mouth but will give a great introduction to the subjects.

It is most interesting to see the human tongue looks like the shape of the ancient Hebrew letter Lamed. In fact, if we place this letter on top of the human mouth letter Peh, it will look like someone was sticking their tongue out of their mouth. We did not cover this part of the letter “Lamed” in that lesson. But the Lamed must be associated with the human tongue, because this is a major part of the human mouth, that people use to pray to God and to exercise their authority on the earth.

We can look up a Hebrew word H6419 and find that it is spelled “Peh” + “Lamed” + “Lamed”. This Hebrew word is translated as “pray” predominately. It is very interesting to find how God put together letter pictures to define larger thoughts and word concepts. For example, notice in Proverbs 18:21 where God says, “death and life are in the power of the tongue”. Then notice the word translated as “pray” that means to speak to God to learn how we have the “mouth’s authority that is found in his tongue” in the spelling of the Hebrew word. We are clearly beginning to find the power of spoken words that come out of God’s mouth and the created human’s mouth made in the image of God, in this letter “Peh”.

Another letter “Peh” connection we can find is to the “Shin”. The Shin is a letter picture of the two front teeth. The open mouth releases the ability for the teeth to bite something and by applying pressure it can be cut or divided into smaller portions to eat. For an animal this is how they can catch and kill their prey. Remember Peter wrote about “our adversary that goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). Satan is being compared to an animal with a mouth that can kill. Most animals have a mouth with teeth that can clamp down upon their victims and with great pressure from their jaw and their teeth can cause death and destruction. We can clearly see that Satan has a mouth (Peh) that represents the antithesis of the Peh mouth of God and Jesus. Therefore, within natural creation we can learn the mouth has the power to bless or curse or give life or produce death. All of these concepts are essential to know from one mouth body opening.

Also notice that there are three other ancient Hebrew letters that are directly connected with the letter Peh. We can see the picture of the “Alef” as a ox head. The head of an ox is the place of their mouth (Peh), teeth (Shin), tongue (Lamed), and the eyes (Ayin). The picture of the “Resh” is the head of a prince, and someone of authority. The Resh again represents a man of authority like Jesus, that has eyes (Aiyn) to see, a mouth to speak (Peh), and the tongue (Lamed) to exercise their authority (Lamed). Finally, the Hey is a picture of a man with arms raised exclaiming awe or amazement as breathing out in surprise with an open mouth. This letter is certainly directly connected with the “Peh” mouth, where the breath is released to expression of this seen (Ayin) wonder. Do you see how these letters are fitting together like puzzle pieces to describe the LORD and our Savior Jesus Christ?

2. God’s First Mention of a “Peh” Mouth is a Pointer Type to Jesus

This will be a brief introduction to God’s first reference of a mouth in His Word. Hopefully, everyone understands the concept of “typology” and “types”. Think of a “type” within “typology” as being a prototype, example, model, image, or a pattern of something that is a pointer to a far greater coming reality. It is also very similar to a shadow where there is one object or person that casts their shadow upon a wall and someone who knows the object or person can look at the shadow outline and can recognize them without too much difficulty.  In fact, the more you know about them, the easier they are to recognize. This is the exact concept of the first Adam to Jesus. The more we know who Jesus is, the more we find Him in the written outlined pattern of Adam.

Within the Bible if we really know Jesus Christ intimately and personally, we can find type after type of patterns of Him. He is practically everywhere in the Bible, but He is just not always found in obvious plainly stated terms. We find this concept spelled out plainly in Romans 5:14. In this verse Paul writes the first Adam is a “figure” of Him that was to come (Jesus). This Greek word G5179 is defined as “a sample type or model”.

Yet we cannot clearly find when reading about the first Adam in Genesis 1 through 4 where Jesus is easily recognizable as a pattern of this first man. But Romans does continue to help us significantly when we see God’s commentary in Romans 5:18 that because of Adam’s sin everyone on the planet sinned and died, that Jesus could be a man like Adam but in reverse. We can now see that the Last Adam named Jesus Christ, could come and die for all humans to give many that receive Him, a pathway out of their original death penalty end. Do you see how types can be more complicated than a quick surface reading of the words? In this example, God shows there are antithesis types as well as parallel types.

God reveals to us the concept exists very plainly in this verse of Romans 5:14. But guess what, He does not tell you what all the types are in His Word using an alphabetized list. God wanted us to know that they do exist so that we will begin to be diligent enough to search for Christ types in His word in hidden form. Remember Jesus told us very plainly in John 5:39 that He was hidden in their laws and prophets, implying He was everywhere to be found if they looked very hard.

So, what we are going to do here in this section is to find a potential type of Jesus in some human words that are utilized to describe things that are not even human, to see if they could be pointing us to Jesus. If we allow the Holy Spirit to help us, He will certainly show us new things that we have never seen before or even considered. For example, the first usage of the letter “Peh” in the Old Testament is found in God’s mention of a word translated as “face”. This word is H6440, and it is spelled “Peh” + “Nun” + “Hey” and this word for face can be sounded as “Pawneh”. Remember the Peh is a mouth, the Nun is a “seed” and the Hey is “look or behold”. Placing these letter meanings together we can see how this word can mean “behold a mouth of seeds” and that is very interesting, since this information parallels the Parable of the Sower in Mark 4. But this word for face can also be found in the plural form “Peh” + “Nun” + “Yod” + “Mem” with a sound like “paw-neem”. Hopefully that is not too much technical information.

What we can learn is God in this next verse gives us an indirect mention of the “Peh” by showing us this letter begins the word H6440 that is mostly translated as “face”. That is interesting since that is the location of the Peh mouth and this word begins with the “Peh”. God is teaching us that the mouth is of primary importance of features upon the face. Therefore, look at the verse and let us learn:

Gen 1:2  And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

We can clearly see that God is speaking of the condition of planet earth as being in a state of chaos He called “without form and void”. God defines this state of chaos as a covering over of the earth fully by “deep water” (Mem). Remember Mem represents a potential state of great waves and chaos. Hopefully everyone has already studied the letter “Mem” lessons about blood and water. But what we notice here is that the surface of the earth covered with water is called a “face” and that is a parallel to what the human face is also. Like the water that covers what is not seen beneath it, our human face is that surface of the external part of the body that can be seen but acts as an enclosure to cover the inside of the unseen body.

Now consider what we have just learn from Genesis 1:2. The earth is covered with waters and God calls this surface the “face” of the earth. Please recall waters are a representative image of the Mem letter picture. We have already learned how the mouth represents the originating location for “words” (water) and God has just connected this to the “face”, a word that begins with the mouth (Peh). God has just placed extraordinary emphasis in the second verse of the Bible to three concepts.

  1. Face
  2. Mouth
  3. Spoken Words (water)

What we are seeing in Genesis 1:2 is that God describes the surface of our planet as its “face” and it has been destroyed with a massive flooding of water. Could this be a representation of someone’s spoken words? Uh oh! Perhaps this is a clue? We find in Isaiah 59:19, where God describes an enemy that comes in like a flood. This appears to be a reference to Satan. We can confirm this by reading Revelation 12:15, where God describes the serpent (Satan) spewing water out of his mouth as a flood of water, to sweep away the woman’s remnant on the earth. Guess what? All of these references are about a mouth (Peh), emitting waters (Mem=words), to destroy, and etc.  What we are seeing is an implied pattern of Genesis 1:2 that is being repeated and even defined in other parts of the Bible.  

In Genesis 1:2, the world at that time appears to have been destroyed by an enemy that learned to speak words to obliterate God’s creation. Perhaps you disagree with that, but this is what the Bible says. In Jeremiah 4:23-27 there is more of God’s commentary upon the state of the world in Genesis 1:2. However, in Isaiah 45:18 God is much more direct saying “I did not create the earth formless”. This is the same exact word used in Genesis 1:2 to describe the worlds condition. Therefore, God in verse 1 declares He created the heavens and the earth to be inhabitable, and in verse 2 His original state of perfection had been destroyed, and God says plainly “I did not make it that way”.

We are slightly off our main topic. So, let us continue to see what else God reveals about a face with a mouth. We can begin to see in this next verse that a hole in the face of the earth is called a mouth:

Gen 4:10  And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto me from the ground.
Gen 4:11  And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother’s blood from thy hand;

This is the very first mention of the word “Peh” translated as “mouth”. This is also the very first mention of the shedding of human blood (Mem). In this verse we find how the earth a description of a face, can open up her mouth to receive (swallow) things up, the same as the God created mouth (Peh) of a human face.

It is also interesting to find in this verse of Genesis the word “blood”. Blood is the Hebrew word “Dalet” + Mem” that we learned about in the “Mem” lesson. This is the last part of the name “Adam”. When blood is prefixed with the “Alef” strong ox character representing God, we learn the name Adam means “God’s Blood”. Therefore, we find the first mention of a type of God’s blood being shed through the life of Abel, who is another type of Jesus the coming Messiah and savior of the world.

Also notice in this verse the word hand. This is the word spelling of the Hebrew letter “Yod”, spelled “Yod” + “Dalet”. If you recall in the “Yod” lesson, this letter represents a hand and is the first letter of the key name of God “Jehovah”. The “Yod” represents “power”, and it took “Cain’s” ungodly power to kill his brother Abel. It should be obvious that the type of the man “Cain” is a representation of Satan, the murderer from the beginning (John 8:44).

Now in Genesis 4:10-11 we find where the earth has opened her mouth to receive the blood of Abel, and this blood of Abel from within the ground was crying out to God speaking words still after Abel’s death. This is very powerful typology, and it is repeated by God when Jesus was hung on a cross by his natural family brothers.  God says in Hebrews 12:24 that the blood of Jesus speaks better things than the blood of Abel. Notice that both bloods of God have ability to speak but the blood of the sinless Last Adam is far superior to the blood of the son of the first Adam.

This introduction to Christ in Genesis is very profound and could get very deep into types and shadows based upon how far we want to go in what God chose to write about in this first murder. For example, remember that Jesus called Abel righteous, in Matthew 23:35. Then recall that it is very clear that Abel died because of the jealous hand (Yod) of his brother. Both Abel and Jesus were killed by their natural brothers. Now we should be able to see it is very easy to see how these facts of Abel fit the pattern found in righteous Jesus on a cross. Both bloods are said to cry to heaven from the ground. The blood of Jesus was poured out directly while hanging on the cross when the Roman soldier pierced His heart with a spear. But it was only the blood of Jesus that was able to pay the penalty for all of human sin so that we could be saved. Thank you, Jesus.

3. The Word of God Came from the Mouth of God

2Ti 3:16  All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

We must know that the major theme of the entire Bible, is that only this book contains the directly Spoken Words of God. This verse in 2 Timothy proclaims the fact of ultimate truth that “All Scripture” is God breathed. This is what the Greek word G2315 that is translated as “God’s inspiration” or “inspiration of God”. This literally means every written word recorded by a human author came from the “breath” of God. But we are about to discover that God is a Spirit in the next section about the God’s Word from His mouth involvement in creation.

What we will be learning for some and confirming for others is that God’s Words come from His mouth. Then we are also going to see how God’s breath is His Spirit. God is simply using symbolical terms of our human existence to relate to His unseen spiritual way of life. Let us look at this verse in Ezekiel that is interesting to our study:

Eze 37:9  Also He said to me, “Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: “Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live.” ‘ ”  (NASB)

Notice this is God speaking to the prophet Ezekiel to instruct Him to speak (prophesy) to a bunch of dead dry bones. This word translated as “breath” is the Hebrew word H7307 ruach. The first time this word is found is Genesis 1:2 where God said “the Spirit of God” moved upon the face of the waters. Therefore, we can see how this word represents a combination of both spiritual qualities and natural qualities simultaneously. From a human perspective, any human breathing natural air has natural life causing us to know their human spirit lives inside of their body. But anyone not breathing natural air brings the realization that their spirit has departed from their body (James 2:26). We have just learned the breath and spirit have direct connections to the ”Peh” mouth of God and man.

Gen 8:15  Then God spoke to Noah, saying,

What we need to first understand in this lesson of the “Peh” is that our God speaks, and therefore has a mouth and also is a Spirit (John 4:24). There are literally too many verses declaring God’s Words came from the mouth of God to go over them all. If you struggle with this concept that God speaks to us through His mouth and His Spirit even today, then please go and search the Bible to confirm for yourself this is a spiritual reality. We are just unable to teach everything in one lesson that could be taught on this subject. Let us move to God’s mouth as a major part of creating our world next.

4. The “Peh” Mouth of God Created the Natural World

It is essential to learn how our current natural world and our surrounding universe was created by our Designer and Creator God. The modern-day discovery and teaching that the universe began with a big bang, is an amazing confirmation for our Creator God and His spoken Word that came from His mouth (Peh). But our created world did not occur through random selection or evolution from a massive chaotic explosive disorder to become organized into anything of order. No matter how many times you blow up auto parts, they will never assemble themselves into a working automobile by chance.  Everything in our universe is in a state of decay.  This means every ordered newly created item when left alone is devolving into a mass of eventual dust.  Only the Bible correctly explains how the created world contains system after system of ordered design. This order came by Words that were spoken from the Peh mouth of God.

This might seem like a funny subject to include in a lesson about the Hebrew letter “Peh” but this letter has more to do with creation than you may know right now. What we are about to discover from the Word of God is that the world around us was created by God’s spoken words that came from His spiritual mouth (Peh). Without God speaking, nothing would be or could be seen in a natural realm. In fact, there would be no natural realm with dimensions of space and time.

Therefore, without a firm foundation of truth on this subject linking the “Peh” mouth of God to the existence of creation, people are easily swayed into believing the theoretical lies placed into their minds by Satan and people used and influenced without any fear of God. What we are about to see is what some have never learned, and others have seen in part. So, this section will be an introduction to this subject for some, and a further confirmation to others. Let us take a look at a good verse to begin with on a study of the subject “Peh”:

Psa 33:6  By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.

Psa 33:9  For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast.

God declares in His word exactly how the heavens and the earth were created. Ten times in Genesis chapter 1 the word says “And God said”, and then we find the statement “and God saw”. From this basic concept we can logically conclude it was the Words spoken from God’s mouth that created the physically seen objects in our universe. This verse in Psalm 33:6 is just a more direct confirmation of the Genesis 1 revealed creation principles caused by words that came from God’s Peh mouth.

We can clearly see that it was by the “Word” of the LORD, that the heavens were made. Then God declares it was with the breath of His mouth that it came to be. The Hebrew word translated as “mouth” is our key letter “Peh” spelled out. Therefore, we are on target within our study subject. But now God further confirms the concept about the mouth that we are learning about. This subject is the mouth connection to the location of breath and/or spirit of God or man. In fact, without the human ability to breathe (representing to have life) the human mouth is unable to speak. If you remember in Genesis 2:7, God formed the man’s human body from the dust of the ground. But then it says God breathe the breath of life into the body to cause Him to be alive. This fact refutes the theory of evolution. How could a bunch of cells gather themselves together to form lung organs of the more complex respiratory system to breathe air to produce our life, and this single system must work together with at least 10 other independently designed systems in harmony.

But pay attention to the fact that it was only after “breath” was given by God to the human body, that it could speak. This is very profound information based upon many other scriptures. For example, Jesus said in Luke 6:45 that it is from the abundance of what is in a man’s heart that his mouth speaks. Wow, this teaches us that all words whether good or bad come out of the human spirit and mind. We also know from reading James 2:26 that the body without the spirit is dead. This confirms to us that the human body must have a spirit in order to be alive and to speak. Has anyone ever seen a corpse at a funeral speaking? Obviously not, proving the point. This is another confirmation that shows us when God breathed His Spirit into Adam, the man became a speaking spirit made in the image and likeness of God (Gen 1:26).

 Therefore, no words would come forth from the mouth of God without breath and no creation would have occurred in Genesis 1. What we have just learned is that God chose to create our world by His design of speaking words from His mouth (Peh). But the concept of God having “breath” in His mouth might puzzle some since He is a Spirit according to John 4:24 and He certainly existed prior to the creation of the atmosphere and air to breathe.

The Hebrew word H7307 that is translated as “breath”, has different applicable definitions based upon contextual usage. For example, this word can apply to the “wing”, “breath”, “wind”, “spirit”. Some of these are physical manifestations and some are unseen spiritual applications. In fact, most of the times this word was translated in the Bible, the word is made “spirit”. Wow, that is valuable information. Notice the first time in the Bible it is found it is in Genesis 1:2 where it says the “Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters”. What we have just found is the concept of God’s Spirit is His breath. But no creation took place until God spoke. All spoken words even from the natural realm originate from the spirit realm. Let’s quickly verify this with scriptures.

Job 26:4  To whom hast thou uttered words? and whose spirit came from thee?

This is an amazing verse of foundational truth. God wrote us that when we hear words spoken in the natural realm, there is someone’s spirit that it came from. This should concern us. Have you ever noticed someone can be so kind speaking with sweet words, and then suddenly they turn into someone else in a rage spewing forth evil? Have you ever noticed how the spirit of the words being spoken are suddenly and instantly transformed from good to bad? This could be a book all by itself, but we are learning an introduction that words are spirit based, and we know from reading John 10:10 that there are only two spiritual kingdoms with one being ruled by the devil that results in words that produce death, theft, and destruction and the other the Kingdom of Jesus Christ that produce words to give us life and that life in more abundance. Let us look at another verse to help further confirm this concept:

Joh 6:63  It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

We have just seen from the mouth of Jesus the recorded claim that His spoken words were “Spirit” originated. But it actually says much more than this. Not only do the words that came out of His mouth come from His Spirit, but they also carry forth the same Spirit bringing life into the ears of the listeners if they choose to accept them. We are getting into a lot of deep spiritual material that may not be easily accepted by carnal minded or natural dominated people. Let us quickly look at this subject of God’s mouth words being His Spirit expressed. Look at these words found in John:

Joh 1:1  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Joh 1:2  The same was in the beginning with God.

Joh 1:3  All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

These verses have massively confused a lot of people. But they are very plain in what they say, if you want to see it. Verse 1 begins with the statement “In the beginning”, the exact beginning phrase of Genesis 1:1. Therefore, we know this is part of God’s commentary on His creation methods and operations. Now notice the next phrase, “was the Word”. Uh oh! Now God is connecting us to His mouth speaking His words to cause creation. But God is revealing something amazing. In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God. God is confirming to us what Jesus just said in John 6:63. Remember, Jesus said His Words were Spirit. Then we saw in John 4:24 that God is a Spirit.

By God’s created mathematical laws, we can say “In the beginning was the Spirit of God (Words), His Words were with His Spirit, and the Words were God’s Spirit proceeding out from His mouth”. Our God, His Spirit and His Word were all One God supernatural being according to verse 2 of John 1. This is further confirmed by God in 1 John 5;

1Jn 5:7  For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

God confirms in this verse of 1 John 5, that the Father (God), the Word (Son of God), and the Holy Spirit of God are all the exact same God who is One God. We can see this again in Deuteronomy 6:4 where God again says there is only One God and One Lord. But there are still many people especially in Judaism that claims it is impossible for God to have a Son. It is incredibly sad that people do not understand the scriptures or the power of God to see nothing is impossible with God.

Getting back to John 1, and verse 3 we have another amazing confirmation of creation. This verse says all things were made by Him. Who is Him? This is the same 3 in 1 God we just saw. God the Father, God the Word (Son), and God the Spirit. This is getting even deeper. What we are discovering is that God the Spirit, spoke the Word of God from His Spirit mouth and these Spirit Words became all of the natural substances we see all around us. Wow, praying and believing that you understood that last statement. This causes us to view another verse with a new light:

Act 17:28  For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.

If God just said in John 1 and Psalm 33 that everything, that God created came from His Spoken Words proceeding from His Spirit and we now can understand that Jesus said these Words were God’s Spirit being moved forward to create the seen natural realm. Therefore, everything we can see around us, is God’s Words in a designed physical composition and manifestation. Many scientists have logically called this unseen component of the most rudimentary micro cosmos, the God Particle.  This seen God made expression realm includes our natural planets, the air we breathe, the sun we revolve around every year, the water we drink, and even our physical bodies were made from the created dust of the ground which we can see clearly came from the Peh mouth Words of God Spirit.

This information appears to help us see what Acts 17:28 is claiming. Everything was made By God, For God and With God and we now know “it all Is God”. Therefore, we must be moving within in Him in the created natural realm, and we also know that He is ALL AROUND us in the spiritual realm also. Look at these words written about God being everywhere:

Psa 139:7  Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?

Psa 139:8  If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.

Psa 139:9  If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;

Psa 139:10  Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.

Notice how verse 7 begins saying “where can I go from your spirit”. Now apply what we have learned, and it could say “Where can I go from your Breath”?  Or, it could say “Where could I go from your mouth (Peh) Word Spoken?”

We should all know that God is “omnipresent”, meaning He is everywhere at every time. But this appears to be saying to us something new. David the writer of this Psalm contrasts the heavens being the spiritual dimension and throne of God location, to our naturally created realms of even the seas. God has inspired David to come to the conclusion, that there is no place he can go to, where God is NOT! He in these verses made this assertion about the seen universe, the liquid creation, the gaseous parts of creation and the physical elements of creation. David is implying strongly God is found in all of these created particles and elements.  This appears to confirm God’s creations were made with His Words spoken from His mouth (Peh) are the basic creating substance of every molecule of our universe.

Remember that ten times we find the term “God said” in Genesis 1. What we are seeing in the Bible is the ultimate involvement of the “Peh” mouth of God in all of creation. Without the mouth of God speaking the commands to create our world, we would not be here. Notice that God did not speak random words. Every word had a purpose for a direct intentional result. God spoke specifically chosen words and each word was manifested into physical forms that we can hear, see, taste, touch, and smell. This confirms our world had the most intelligent designer and these are displayed in everything that was created. Simply because we now know that every chosen and spoken Word of God created specifically selected objects, there is No chance of evolution to be possible. No modern science lab can prove that disorder and random chaos can be changed upon its own power to a useful order of meaningful purpose for life.

Some may be wondering what this has to do with Jesus being hidden in the ancient Hebrew alphabet, but we are about to see in the next verse of Ephesians 3:9 something that helps us see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the ages has been hidden in God who created all things through Jesus Christ; to find that it has everything to do with Jesus the Messiah. Let us look at a New Testament verse that reveals Jesus in creation:

Eph 3:9  and to make all see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the ages has been hidden in God who created all things through Jesus Christ;

Here is another one of God’s commentaries about His creation. He specifically reveals and further confirms that He created our natural world through Jesus Christ. Wow, remember what this means! We are soon going to further discover that God answers this question, by revealing to us that one of Jesus Christ’s name is the “Word of God” in Revelation 19:13. Uh oh! We can now begin to see the direct connection to who God is, who the Word of His mouth was and we now should be confident that this physical man Jesus was God, and it was God’s Words being spoken from His mouth (Peh). Let’s continue to learn how God reveals Jesus came to be in the earth, next.

5. God Brings Forth Jesus from the Words of His PEH Mouth

We were just introduced to one of the most important truths of Jesus Christ. The Bible very clearly says God made the world through Jesus, His Spoken Word in verses like Ephesians 3:9. This statement in conjunction with the verse of Psalm 33:6 where God has said that He created our world by the breath of His Pey Mouth, brings us to realize some essential characteristics of our triune God.  For example, when God spoke, His words by His Spirit produced what was spoken and most of the time the spoken Words of His Peh mouth produced “life”. Then we saw in John 1:1 that the Word of God was God and was with Him in the beginning of creation. Finally, we confirmed in John 1:3 that it was God’s Spoken words that created everything that has been made, that was made. Now we need to focus our attention upon John 1:14. Because this one will reveal not only who Jesus was, but how He manifested to be born on the earth:

Joh 1:14  And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

This is one of the most essential verses of the Bible to understanding who Jesus was. We can see that Jesus was a baby that came into the world being born in Bethlehem like every other human (Mat 2:6). But only this child and Son, grew, to become God’s human man that would be able to die for all humans to save us (Acts 16:31). We must know the “Word” that became flesh, is defined by God, to be God in verse 1. In this verse God says, “the Word was God”. Now in verse 14, we find the amazing thing that many people do not believe. The Word of God (who was God) was made human flesh and was born a child in Bethlehem through the virgin Mary (Luke 2:4-7). How is this possible? It is more possible than you might know or understand, and it was all accomplished by God, speaking Words from His Peh mouth!

Remember in Genesis 2:7 that God says He formed the body of the human man from the dust of the ground. Now we have been learning where the dirt of the ground came from, right? We should know it came from the mouth of God. We know in Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. This is the parallel verse of John 1:1. Apply what we have learned from John 1:3. We should know that it was the spoken Word of God that made everything. Since we know from scripture that the basic earth materials, like minerals, gases, liquids and all other elements were created by God’s designed spoken words, we know this creative Spirit power substance was what was used by God to also make all of the livable cells, tissues, bones, organs, muscles, and systems of the human body. Therefore, it would be a very “minor” nothing for God to speak another word or even two letters, to create a sperm cell to impregnate a virgin woman named Mary. In fact, creating a single sperm would be almost trivial to what He had done before in creating our ordered universe. Hopefully, we are all in agreement with what God said in the Bible.

Psa 24:1  The earth is the LORD’S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. 

No one wants to begin any new controversy within the body of Christ. If you can see what the Spirit is saying to us, that is great, but if not, no fights or worries please. None of the revealed “how” God did things, should cause any of us to doubt the fact that He has done them. What God appears to be saying in Psalm 24:1, is that since He created everything with His spoken words, and His spoken words came from His Spirit mouth (Peh) to manifest and create our world, then everything belongs to Him, since it was made by Him, for Him, and can only ALL Be Him (Rom 1:20). It is certain that we can all see the potential theological debate that this prospective new information could produce. But it does agree with a lot more of the rest of the Bible than you might know right now. For example, why was it necessary for God to have a physical Son, to experience natural and spiritual death? Why does Jesus implement a brand-new creation in His blood of a completely New Covenant?  If you have read the rest of these lessons in the series, you should be seeing a pattern.

What we find from deep Bible study, is that there was a major problem with the old creation. This problem was named Lucifer. We find out in Ezekiel 28 that Lucifer was created perfect and beyond beautiful. We find here also that he chose to sin, after being lifted up in pride to revolt against his creator God. In this rebellion we find he took 1/3 of the angels with him (Rev 12:4). We can read very clearly in Ezekiel 28:15 that Lucifer was a created being. Uh oh! Wow! How does God create anything? God speaks His Words from His Spirit mouth and creation happens. Does this mean that the body of the created spirit being named Lucifer is clothed with the Spoken Word of God as Adam was? It does appear to be that way based upon a fuller study. Knowing this, we can more clearly see why a completely new heaven and a new earth is selected to be made at the end of this creation in Revelation 21-22. But that is enough of that controversy for now.

Let us continue to discover God’s connection of our study of the letter “Peh” to the amazing birth of Jesus. We are about to discover that this letter “Peh” symbolically describes the origin of Jesus, and it would be used by God to cause the birth of Jesus Christ on the earth at an exact time desired! The Hebrew word H6310 that is the spelled word of the letter “Peh” is made up of just two letters. This letter is spelled “Peh” + “Hey”. We now know that the letter Pey is a mouth and perhaps you recall that the letter “Hey” represents a man being amazed and surprised saying; “Behold”, “Look” or “See”. Combining these together we get the Peh Word, and Letter meaning “Behold the Mouth” or “Mouth Behold”. But it can also say’ “Behold the Word” spoken. Amazingly this describes Jesus exactly. In fact, this single letter reveals a prophecy of God’s surprise Word manifestation to the earth. We are seeing how God brought the most significant sign and wonder to humanity when He came in the form of a man. Wow, are we amazed? If not, you do not understand much about God’s love for you!

When Jesus was born a child in Bethlehem there was sent to Him in the manger, shepherds to “behold” or “see” Him. This is the letter “Hey” experience announced by angels.  After they “beheld” him they went and told others about what they had seen (Luke 2:15-18). Since we are finding that Jesus was the Word of God that was made flesh, this Hebrew letter and word are clearly pointers for us, to not only see the birth of Jesus, but for us to behold the entire life of Jesus on the earth. Anyone and everyone alive in that day and hour could have come to “Behold” Him and many did. There were many of the nation of Israel that were expecting their Messiah to show up and there were many that actually saw Him before He died.

Why were people expecting Jesus the Messiah to appear? This is because of another connection to our subject of the “Peh” to the birth of Jesus Christ, is to know that God first wrote about Him in the Hebrew language, in literally hundreds of verses found in the Old Testament before He ever appeared physically as a child in Bethlehem.  These writings provided people a source for having faith in God’s Word to be fulfilled and it was fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

Let us continue by reading a New Covenant verse to help us understand the validity of the Old Covenant words:

2Ti 3:16  All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

The Greek word G2315 in this verse is translated as “inspiration of God”. But this Greek word is a compound word comprised of two others. The first word is G2316 (theos) which is translated as “God”. The second Greek word G4154 (pneo) is a word meaning “to breathe hard”. In this combined word we see the concept of “God’s breath” as coming from his mouth (Peh) to speak words. We understand this because the verse is about the written words of God in the Bible. God has just declared all of these words that were written for us to study and learn about Him, came from His personal mouth and were written down by His anointed prophets. We have just confirmed from the Bible that the written words were first spoken words from the mouth of God.

Knowing this let us look at the Hebrew word H5012 which is often translated as “prophesy”. To prophesy was the job of the anointed prophets that were given God’s breathed words to be spoken and written to all humans. This Hebrew word H5012 is spelled “Nun” + “Beyt” + “Alef”. We have studied all of these letters in this series. We should now know the “Nun” represent “seed” that produces fruit, “Beyt” represents the Father’s house, and “Alef” represents God Almighty the strong servant. Placing these meanings together we can arrive at God’s description of what a prophecy is. We can view H5012 using the ancient Hebrew definitions as “Seed sent from the House of God” into the world, to produce God’s fruit. Wow, that is amazing information concerning Jesus.

What we are learning is that before God manifested in a natural human form on the earth, He planted the seeds through His human prophets, to cause Him to come forth in the assigned season (Gal 4:4). Now let us go further and deeper into seeing how the mouth of God and His spoken words were further released to accomplish all of these Old Covenant written “Seed” prophecies. Remember in the Greek language the English word “seed” comes from the Greek word “sperma” where the word “sperm” comes from. We were just speaking about how it was a very simple process for God to speak a word and for it to become one cell inside of the woman Mary for it to be joined with her egg to produce a male child.

But we must also know that Jesus when teaching the people in the flesh, taught a parable of a man that sowed “seed”. Most Word learned and Spirit led Bible teachers believe Jesus was speaking of himself as being this sower in a third-person form of communication. Many call this the “Parable of the Sower”, but it should be more correctly labeled as the “Parable of the Word of God Seed sown by the Sower”. This is because it was the Word of God Seed that is one of the major focused subjects. Then remember the Greek word “Seed” is still “sperma”.  What we learn from this parable is that God’s words are “seeds” that bring forth life and this is exactly what happened in Genesis creation. Do not forget the name of the book of Genesis is the Greek word G1078 and it is transliterated as “Genesis” but has the meaning “beginning”. When reading the book of Genesis, we find two of the central introductory (beginning) subjects are “words” and “seeds”.

This concept of the Word of God in Creation further confirms that the body of Mary came forth from the body of the first created man Adam as one of his future seeds. God made one man, brought forth a woman from his side, and the two of them caused all other humans to be produced from then, including one egg cell in the body of Mary which was half of the two cells necessary to cause the body of the Lord Jesus Christ to be formed and grow. This is very amazing, please do not rush through this. Let us review the facts.

The Word of God created ALL physical matter (Gen 1:1, John 1:1-3, Ps 33:6). The physical matter was the Word of God at its root element (Jn 1:3). The Word of God is the Seed of God’s spoken Spirit (Lk 8:11). God’s spoken Words are God (Jn 1:1). God took the Word created dirt from the ground and formed the body of Adam (Gen 2:14). Through Adam’s body would come the body of the first mother of all humans named Eve (Gen 2:22-23). If we observe the genealogy of Jesus written by inspiration of God in Luke 3, we see there were 76 generations listed from beginning with God the Father and His son, the first Adam, all the way to Mary, that birthed her firstborn son Jesus, the Last Adam.

Mary and Jesus came 4000 years later after Adam (Luke 3 Genealogy). This law of reproduction comes from the established law of Genesis 1:11 and Genesis 8:22. In these verses God declares “the seed is always in itself” to produce the next generation and seed continuance will not end as long as the earth remains. This simply meant from one piece of God created human fruit named Adam, He made one man as a self-contained living entity. This isolated man was capable of producing everyone that would come after him. Remember the woman, Adam’s wife was taken from His body by God (Gen 2:21) after being placed in the garden to keep it. Therefore, the woman that would be mother of all living came from the original body of Adam.

It is from the union of the male sperm to the female egg, that God brought the initial joining of two to become one flesh (Gen 2:24, Gen 4:1). This was the foundational law of the male seed being sown into a woman to create a child and this is exactly the pattern that God used when bringing Jesus into the world through a chosen woman. From the first Adam to Jesus the last Adam, each passing new generation would pass their seed to create the next. However, God interrupted the natural human male contribution in the process of creating the next generation, to become the Father of His only begotten Son Jesus. Remember the Greek word G3439 translated as “only begotten” literally means the “only born” son. This word is the combination of two other Greek root words G3441 (mono) and G1096 (ginomai).  Perhaps you can see that we get several other English words from these two root words. The first prefix being “mono” meaning one. Monotone means a single sound. Monorail means a train running on a single (one) track. “Monogamy” means one marriage.

The second Greek word G1096 is a word we can see means to “cause to be”, and this is a reference to a father’s act of sowing his seed into a woman to cause a child to become. As you know this is referring to the God created reproductive process meaning a birth will soon occur. Since Jesus is called the “first-born” from the dead in Colossians 1:18 and the “first-born” of many brethren in Romans 8:29, we can see these titles conflict with the “only born” title of John 3:16. Therefore, “only born” must be referring to the natural birth of Jesus, and the “first born” title can only be referring to His spiritual re-birth from the dead. It should be obvious that God is proclaiming that His Son Jesus born in Bethlehem through the virgin Mary was His only natural born Son that He would ever produce on the earth. But His Son Jesus born of the Spirit from the dead, is His first man that now has preeminence above all other spiritual beings (Col 1:18). This is very important to know, but it will not be expanded in more depth today!

This description was God performing His planned design of creation by first creating the natural seed reproduction of living human births and then His new creation of spiritual rebirths that are occurring by the spreading of His spoken Word Seeds (1 Pet 1:23). This God created process would be the way He would produce (cause to be) Jesus, and it had occurred over and over again, to create every human including Jesus in the natural.  Therefore, it was the power of God (His Word Heb 1:3) that creates and protects this process for it to continually to occur (Jer 1:12). This means if God could do all of this set up of a process at the beginning, the speaking of another word later to create another seed (Nun) to impregnate a woman named Mary would be no big deal.

Never forget that it was the Spirit of God that dwelt in a tabernacle under the Mosaic Law within the Old Covenant. In this system God could be on the earth in the presence of sinful humans but could only be approached by one High Priest that had to follow a lot of laws and commandments to cover his sins, before he could offer sacrifices for the nation of Israel to cover their sins. If anything was missed or ignored, God’s awesome Holiness would cause the sinner that entered to instantly drop dead in His presence.

But God, in His infinite wisdom brought forth a new tabernacle system in the form of a human body. He already had this system planned out even before Adam was ever created (Jn 17:24, 1 Pet 1:20, Rev 13:18).  Now in Jesus He could walk among people being completely sinless and Holy inside of Himself, with His Holy Spirit being able to speak with people directly and personally. Wow again! It was the new sinless blood of Jesus that offered instant forgiveness of human sins to be able to touch them and to heal them while in human flesh (Mat 9:5). Praise the LORD!

What we have just been introduced to is a key factor for the legal appearance of God in the flesh on the earth. It legally came about because of all the verses that were written about Jesus in the Old Testament, were recorded there to cause Him to manifest.  Wow, I don’t know if you understand this or not, but it is a spiritual law of God. God said before anything appears in the natural realm of existence it must be first spoken in the spiritual realm to cause it to manifest. We can verify this law by reading Genesis 1. Look at every word spoken by God in this chapter. Then notice the Spirit of God was present upon the earth, yet nothing was changed until God spoke from heaven to cause His desired change on the earth. In Genesis 1:2 we see darkness covered the face of the deep. But in verse 3 God said, “Let there be Light” and then there was light. This proves the concept concretely and it occurs multiple other times in this chapter. In each example, God saw a problem, and spoke the answer and then the power of God was manifested to cause the desired change. It is a spiritual LAW!

There are controversies about every subject in the Bible that we can find, and this section of God’s truth will probably have its share of haters. Some make the claim that God is only a Spirit, and does not have any of the same human characteristics of facial features like mouth, eyes, ears, nose, etc. But the Bible clearly says that God has all of these features in a spiritual form. We know from reading Genesis 1:26 that God said: “Let us make man in our image and after our likeness”.  The Hebrew word H1823 translated as “likeness” is defined as to “resemble”, to be a “model” of, and to possess a “similitude” of. The definition of the word “similitude” escapes many, but this word can mean “to have the same qualities of appearance”. This simply teaches us that the Spirit of God in the heavenly realm was the pattern for the first created human being in the natural earth realm. This does not make us God, but we were made to be like Him and this amazed the angels.

After the first Adam sinned and broke God’s single commandment, God had planned another Adam to make an exit door (Dalet) from the penalty of sin and separation from God. Jesus being the second and last Adam fulfilled the requirement to live sinless and to die for us to pay for all human sin (Rom 6:10, Heb 10:26). Therefore, humans, have eyes, ears, nose, mouth and a tongue, that are very similar to God’s Holy Spirit. The fact that the Last Adam Jesus was God in the flesh, proves the first Adam was also a model of the spiritual pattern of God (Rom 5:14). Here are just a few verses that confirm God had facial features and qualities first before created humans:

  1. Breath = Gen 2:7, 2 Sam 22:16
  2. Ears = Num 14:28, Ps 5:1, Ps 17:1
  3. Eyes = Gen 6:8, Deu 11:12
  4. Face = Gen 19:13, Psa 34:16
  5. Mouth = Num 12:8, Deu 8:3
  6. Nose = Gen 8:21, Lev 26:31
  7. Voice = Gen 3:8, Exo 15:26

We just learned that God had facial features, especially a mouth that speaks, and this Hebrew word mouth is H6310, that is our study letter “Peh” spelled out. Therefore, all the words that have ever been spoken by God in the past, or present, or in the future, will originate from His “Peh” (mouth). This confirms God’s great purpose and emphasis for selecting this letter’s original design to show us Him and His Son Jesus. Let us observe a statement in the Bible that was quoted by Jesus in the temptation of Satan (Mat 4:4).

Deu 8:3  And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live. 

Why was this important to know that God has a mouth, and He speaks words? This is because, if we can know God’s Word, we can get to know who God is. God reveals Himself in His Words spoken and written to us. If we can see what He said correctly, then we can learn more easily that we can trust His goodness and then we can place our confident faith in His awesome Words of Promise.

We must notice that in Deuteronomy 8:3 that God’s spoken words produce “Life” in humans. This is amazingly important. Pay attention that God contrasts natural bread for physical life to be like His spoken words for spiritual life. Wow! This is important and why Satan does not want you to know anything about what is in the Bible. But do not forget that it was the Word of God that created the natural plants and trees that we eat from. Therefore, God’s manifested spoken words are being eaten physically for us to live in the natural realm in the form of wheat that is used to make our natural bread. It is just logical to understand the same is true in the spirit realm. Now realize that in John 6:51, Jesus personally claimed to be the literal “bread sent down from heaven”. Wow again! Jesus is plainly declaring to be both God and the Word of God in this single statement!

In fact, since we are finding out in this section how Jesus came into the world, we just learned a foundational verse in Deuteronomy 8:3. We are about to confirm that God becoming a human on the planet earth, was accomplished by God’s spoken words to produce one natural living sperm cell. Let us read this account very carefully:

Luk 1:26  And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, 

Luk 1:27  To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary

Luk 1:28  And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women

Luk 1:29  And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be. 

Luk 1:30  And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. 

Luk 1:31  And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS

Luk 1:32  He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David

Luk 1:33  And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end. 

Luk 1:34  Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man

Luk 1:35  And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God

Luk 1:36  And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren. 

Luk 1:37  For with God nothing shall be impossible

Luk 1:38  And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her. 

This is a powerful message concerning the spoken authority (Lamed) of God’s mouth (Peh) that would produce a “seed” (Nun) that will change the entire human world forever. In verses 26 and 27, we find God sending an angel with His spoken “words” in his mouth to speak to them to a physical human woman named Mary, who was a descendant of David. This is amazing to see that God first spoke the words in heaven (the spiritual realm), and these were carried to the natural realm to be respoken by an angel messenger, and they still had the same exact power when spoken to manifest in the virgin woman Mary.

In these verses we find some statements that appear impossible. For example, we find in verse 37 that Gabriel says, “with God’s spoken word, there is nothing impossible”. The angel then informs her that she has been specially chosen by God to bare His Son named Jesus. Remember the name Jesus is the O.T. name Joshua and this name means “Jehovah Saves”. Then we have learned in earlier lessons that Jehovah in the ancient Hebrew pictogram means “Behold the Hand, Behold the Nail”. All of this hidden information is declaring Jesus to be GOD!

Then the angel messenger from Jehovah, says this child will sit on David’s throne forever. So, we have two fathers being combined into one child. The first Father is God in Heaven, and He would cause His Holy Spirit to conceive this child in Mary. The second father is David, who is a distant grandfather of the woman Mary. Therefore, God chose one natural woman to donate her egg in her womb, and God the Spirit through His spoken word would produce the “Seed” that would manifest to create a new child that was 100% human and 100% God. This had never happened like this in human history. This took Satan by total surprise.

Did you pay attention to the mouth of God speaking words? Did you notice these spoken words became flesh as a “seed” (sperm) to impregnate Mary? This is what the Bible said to us in John 1:14, “The word was made flesh and tabernacled among us”. We know the “Word” was God’s Spirit by reading John 1:1, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”. With God’s word the entire universe was created. Therefore, it was nothing to God speak a word to become a single sperm cell. Is there anything too hard for God?

If we study modern scientific discoveries, we will find that it has been confirmed with photographic evidence that when a sperm cell enters into the egg of the female that there is a “spark” of light that is observable. Clearly this is an amazing sign of vast intelligent design of the creator God. Remember God is Light according to 1 John 1:5. Therefore, the conception of a child is a God event displaying His significant involvement. This is exactly why Satan wants every child to be killed after conception. But this “spark” of light is also prophetic and confirms God can and does have a personal involvement in the creation of every child. This is a clear sign of His ability to produce and create a sperm cell to cause His Son Jesus to become a child also.

God chose to demonstrate to us another important concept. Why didn’t the command to impregnate Mary just be spoken from heaven and it just automatically happen without a messenger angel being sent to Mary? Perhaps this will be a new concept for some. But it is essential for us to know that God requires willing participation, trust and faith (Heb 11:6) from humans to participate with Him in His plan for their life.  If Mary would have rejected the offer, she would not have been the mother. This is because God does not force people to be saved or to do anything. Humans have a freewill choice to participate with God and this pleases God when they do so in “faith” not fully understanding how it will be possible to happen.

We find very clearly in Luke 1:38, where Mary confirmed her faith with her spoken words by saying “Be it unto me according to your words”. Again, this was the messenger of God speaking for God that brought her the message of good news. By making this statement, she has just offered herself to God’s will and work and the Holy Spirit came upon her as it was spoken, and this interaction caused Jesus Christ to be born on our planet. Praise the LORD!

We can more clearly now understand why Jesus called Himself the “Bread sent from Heaven” in John. We can confirm Jesus to be the manifested spoken Word of God, that was sent to the earth and used to impregnate a woman named Mary if she chose to believe God. Now let us move to the ministry of Jesus on the earth to see how the Word of God in His “Peh” mouth caused His heavenly Father’s will in Heaven to be performed on the earth.

6. God’s Heavenly (Peh) Mouth Authority Continued in His Son’s (Peh) Mouth Spoken Words on the Earth

Now we are going to learn more about Jesus in the flesh and how He used His spoken words from His mouth to implement the will of God on the earth that is always done in Heaven. We just learned how God manifested as a man named Jesus after being conceived in the womb of Mary. This process was performed by spoken “Words” of God that were sent to her. This natural birth of God physically present on the earth, brought forth the Kingdom of Heaven directly onto our physical planet. Uh oh? What does this mean? Remember this verse containing the spoken words of Jesus:

Luk 10:9  And heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you.

In this context Jesus is sending out His disciples to go before Him to preach, heal and proclaim the Kingdom of God has come near to them. This is a very profound statement of truth. Jesus is making the direct claim that God’s Kingdom in heaven is now present with humans on the earth, and these men were His chosen ambassador representatives to help these people to know the truth. It is essential to remember God chose to manifest His Holy presence in the form of a human man. We also know from how Jesus taught His disciples how to pray that God’s will is always done in Heaven, but we must pray and ask for His will to be done on the earth like it is done in heaven (Luke 11:2). This strongly implies that the will of God is not always happening on the earth and that bothers a lot of people mostly Christians who believe His sovereign will is always accomplished.

Therefore, knowing now that Jesus’s body held God’s Spirit ruling in heaven to manifest in the natural realm, we can more easily begin to understand that while Jesus was physically present and alive in the flesh, the Kingdom of God from heaven was physically present on the earth to do God’s will. Perhaps you did not realize who ruled the earth and whose kingdom was over all of the kingdoms of the earth. Hopefully, you understand this is Satan that ruled the earth and still does to all those that are walking in rebellions to God’s offered gift of salvation (Eph 2:8). Do you remember what Jesus said? In Matthew 12:26 and Luke 11;18, Jesus said very clearly that Satan has a kingdom, and we must believe Jesus does not lie.  Even in Paul’s letters to the church after the resurrection of Christ from the dead, we are told in Colossians 1:12-13 that those of us in the church as saved believers have been brought out from the kingdom of darkness and are translated into the Kingdom of the Light of God’s dear Son. This simply means that Satan has a kingdom of darkness and continues to rule over all that are in the darkness.

This knowledge would also mean that Jesus was God’s representative upon the earth while He was physically present, and whatever His Father in Heaven said for Him to do, He would do it. Let us confirm this concept in the scripture:

Joh 5:30  I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.

Jesus is claiming to us, that He of His own self could do nothing. This simply says as a human man, without my Spiritual Father, I am harmless, and powerless. But with Him, and by following what He says for me to do, the devils better watch out because I represent God, and the humans should pay attention because I can forgive you and heal you to demonstrate God’s personal character and nature, and this will glorify my Father in heaven. Please just notice Jesus is now claiming that His Father’s will in heaven is now being given to humans on the earth in a very personal and individual demonstration of God. We can begin to see this again in this verse:

Mar 2:9  Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk?

As you can see in the context of this verse, the religious men of that day are thinking that Jesus is guilty of blasphemy because Jesus as a human has just forgiven another man’s sins. What the religious men did not understand, is who Jesus really was. It appears that not only did the manifestation of God in the flesh take Satan by surprise, it took the religious men under God’s law by even greater surprise. Notice what Jesus said next to them:

Mar 2:10  But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (he saith to the sick of the palsy,)
Mar 2:11  I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house.

 Pay very close attention to see that Jesus did not claim to be the Son of God in this statement and that is part of the confusion to them religious men. They knew he was the son of Adam exactly like they were. But understanding how he can be the Son of God simultaneously is where they missed it for knowing and recognizing their Messiah Savior.  However, Jesus makes it very plain that even as a 100% descendant of Adam, He still has the 100% divine “authority” to forgive sin. After all, remember He is the “Lamb of God” that had the redeeming, cleansing, and forgiving Blood of God flowing in His veins (Acts 20:28).

The Greek word “G1849” which is translated as “power” should have been made to say “authority”. This shows us that Jesus as a human was given God’s authority because He was God in the flesh. However, remember God in the flesh (Jesus) also was able to delegate His God given authority to other men that followed after Him. Wow, that includes us all. How then did Jesus exercise this authority to heal the paralytic man? Did you pay attention that Jesus spoke to the man and commanded him to take up his bed and go to your house? Jesus did not pray for the man, but He only spoke a command and it was made so when the man acted upon His words from His Peh Mouth.

God is still demonstrating His power and His authority by speaking words to repair His initial Genesis 1 creation, He called “Very Good”. God created the world with His Words, and His spoken words can still repair, restore and make it complete after what sin and Satan has done to pervert it. Praise the LORD!

There are too many references in the scriptures proving Jesus had heavens authority on the earth, for us to go through them all. Here is another to help you see it:

Mat 8:16  When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick:

As we can clearly see, the people of Israel when they had heard of Jesus, brought many people that were possessed with unclean spirits and were physically sick or diseased. Notice that Jesus must have had heavenly authority working in His ministry on the earth because He simply spoke words from His Peh mouth, and they were delivered. Wow! 

There is a potential controversy taught in some churches. Some claim that Jesus did all of these great wonders to prove His deity. Others claim that He performed the miracles because He was God in His full deity omnipotent power. But neither of these are firm doctrines when balanced with other foundational scriptural knowledge. For example, in Philippians 2:7-8, God declares that Jesus laid aside His deity to become a human and live as we live on the earth. It appears that one main reason that He did this to teach us an example of how we should live. But if this is true, then how is Jesus the man able to do such great miracles? We learn this from Acts 10:38.

Act 10:38  How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.

This is a very revealing verse of scriptural truth. This verse confirms to us that Jesus was operating in the earth as a human man, and not in His divine power. Why would it be necessary for a human with the divine omnipotent power of God, need to be anointed by the Holy Ghost to have “power” to do miracles? The word translated as power in this verse is NOT authority, but rather it is “supernatural ability to do miraculous things”. What you should be learning is that Jesus was God in the flesh, but He was anointed by the Holy Spirit when He was baptized by John in the Jordan (Mat 3:13). This heaven-sent anointing began His 42-month ministry on the earth.

What we are learning is that there is a direct connection of the letter “Peh” pictured as an open mouth to the displayed concept of authority. We have learned in other lessons, that the “Lamed” letter was a picture of a shepherd’s staff. But it is very good to notice how this letter picture was slanted on the page upside down to normal usage by the shepherd walking. Normally the shepherd’s staff has the curve up and the point down when walking. But this letter has the point up and the hook down to the left as if the shepherd is grabbing something with the hook. Uh oh! That could be a shepherd exercising his authority over one sheep.

But notice what else the Lamed picture can represent.  This Lamed letter picture can represent the precise form of a human tongue that is sticking out of an open mouth. Therefore, we have two letters that are connected by design to represent authority. This should make a lot of sense to most people. A person that rules a nation, exercises their authority by speaking commands, orders and directives that must be followed. These commands are given in the language of the nation, coming forth in ordered words. These spoken words from the leader all come from the “Peh” mouth, utilizing the “Lamed” tongue of authority and then things are changed in the nation.

If we are a true Christian, we are in the Kingdom of God, called Light and Day (1 Th 5:5). Jesus Christ is the Lord and King of this Kingdom (Rev 19:16). Jesus when walking the earth in the flesh as man, exercised this power and authority on our planet using His mouth and tongue. We can easily find more examples of this in the Gospels.

Luk 4:31  And came down to Capernaum, a city of Galilee, and taught them on the sabbath days. 

Luk 4:32  And they were astonished at his doctrine: for his word was with power

God’s word declares there was something that made Jesus significantly unique. There was never seen any human exactly as He was. No one in the days that Jesus walked the planet had ever seen anyone like Him. The Greek word translated as “word” in verse 32 is G3056 “logos”. This word’s definition means “something spoken” and can be extended to something that was also written down after it was spoken, like the Bible. God spoke the words to men, and men wrote the words (logos) for others to read. Therefore, we have another direct connection to the mouth letter “Peh” being connected to the mouth of Jesus Christ.

As we can read, the people that heard Jesus teach on sabbath days in Capernaum, were exceedingly amazed because Jesus’ spoken words from His mouth were unlike any teacher that they had ever heard before. They could recognize that the Words coming from the mouth of Jesus were with authority, like no one else. The Greek word G1849 “exousia” was translated as “power” in verse 32, but it is usually more accurately to be sociated with “authority”. “Authority” is not usually directly associated to be the same as the word “power”. The true word translated as “power” is normally found in the Greek word G1411 “dunamis”. This Greek word “dunamis” actually means “miracle working power” as we have seen before. We get the word dynamite from this word. Let us look at a verse that occurs after verse 32, that describes how these two words are actually applied to be different:

Luk 4:36  And they were all amazed, and spake among themselves, saying, What a word is this! for with authority and power he commandeth the unclean spirits, and they come out

Luk 4:37  And the fame of him went out into every place of the country round about. 

God directly uses “dunamis” as “power” and “exousia” as “authority in verse 36 speaking of the exact same people still amazed at what Jesus had just done by speaking mouth words of authority. Notice in between verse 32, and verse 36 Jesus had just cast out a demon from a man. In this act of power and authority, Jesus had a conversation with the unclean spirit first. This spirit inside of the man was questioning Jesus’ authority to do this to him. But Jesus knowing His authority did not answer the spirit and simply said “Shut up and come out” and the spirit obeyed proving God’s right to be walking our planet.

Notice that even the demons within the satanic kingdom of darkness, were questioning God’s right to be physically present on the earth in the flesh, and to cast them out of humans. It is very clear that they believed the earth was in their rightful realm of authority and not God’s. But God knew more than they did, and because God became a human, He had legal access to the planet and could exercise His full authority as the Kingdom of Heaven’s representative to humans. Let us quickly look at just one more example of the Lamed type of authority that found in the Peh mouth of Jesus:

Mat 21:23  And when he was come into the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came unto him as he was teaching, and said, By what authority doest thou these things? and who gave thee this authority?

Here in Matthew, Jesus is being questioned this time by the religious leaders of Israel. It is most likely that it was the same spirits that were being cast out of humans that had now influenced the leaders of Israel to continue their questioning. If you don’t believe or know that demons can give people thoughts and feelings, then you might be deceived or just unlearned of the truth. These religious men asked Jesus two questions. First, “by what authority do you do these things?” Then second, “Who gave you this authority”. Jesus countered their questions with saying answer my question and I will answer your questions. This was the wisdom of God, because they refused to answer His question.

These were just some of the basic scriptural evidences, that prove Jesus had Kingdom authority from God, and that God backed this given authority through the Holy Spirit that had anointed Him to provide the “miracle working power” to heal the sick and cast out devils. What we have just observed are absolute truths that teach us that God manifested on the earth to bring powerful heavenly authority to do His works to save humans. We should be able to see how this “Peh” ancient Hebrew letter a picture of an open speaking mouth, was being fulfilled in the mouth of Jesus repeatedly. It is very difficult to separate anything God has done to create or save us, from His Words spoken from His mouth (Peh). The importance of the spoken Words from the mouth of God are infinitely more valuable than anything else you can seek for.

7. Understanding PEH Mouth Applications for Christian Believers Today

This lesson series has been attempting to not only include direct references for every ancient Hebrew letter’s application to point us to Jesus Christ, but to also show us how these letter picture concepts contained in every letter, apply to us being a Christian right now. Hopefully, everyone is learning how both applications are relevant. This idea is derived from us knowing today who we are in Him and who He is in us (Rom 8:10). Because we are His saved church, we are also His physical body of Christ/Messiah on the earth (Rom 12:5). He is called the head, and we are called His body (Col 1:18).  Just because He is not here physically, does not mean He is not here spiritually. We better know that He is living on the inside of us through His Holy Spirit (1 Cor 1:30). Therefore, whatever He accomplished physically on the earth before to bless others, can still be done spiritually through His Body of believers by placing our faith in Him and even greater things (Jn 14:12).

This teaches us that what applies, identifies, and defines Him, applies, identifies and defines His body as well (1 Jn 4:17). Once we begin to see who we are in Christ, who God is in Us, and what God has given to us being one with Him (1 Cor 6:17), we will be amazed to know that God expects us to act the same as what Jesus did on the earth (Jn 14:12). This is the Genesis 8;22 seed law and principle of how multiplied growth works. Because of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, God’s one single man / God seed, God has produced much fruit of the earth through His Grace. The Seed of Jesus was designed by God to become spiritually multiplied by many, many millions of us working with His Spirit in simultaneous union to grow greater numbers of members in His body for His glory (Jn 12:24).

Instead of God living in one Old Covenant tent tabernacle, or in the one anointed human body of the God / man temple named Jesus (John 2:19), God in the New Covenant has implemented a new living and growing temple strategy (2 Cor 6:16). This is one that God has created using Jesus as the “Chief Corner Stone” (Eph 5:20) to align us into a unified corporate temple building, made without human hands or physical involvement of works (Acts 7:48). This temple is one, where we are each a designed component made by God to be living stones being built together into a new creation house of God (1 Pet 2:5). Satan does not want us to know this, so we may encounter trials and test if we try to share God’s truth.

We must know how the mouth (Peh) spoken words are intricately designed into God’s Old and New Covenants. Just as God created the current first Adam world system with the words of His mouth, we become a New Creation in Christ the Last Adam by speaking the words “Jesus is my Lord” in our mouths (Peh) combined with the belief that He was raised from the dead in our hearts, this is revealed clearly in this verse:

Rom 10:9  That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

It is plainly stated in Romans 10:9 how a human is saved out of this evil world through their mouth, working together with their faith. But is that the only application of the Peh mouth that is taking place for a Christian? No, it is not! The initial salvation is not the only mouth action that God requires in our Christian life. There are at minimum four main applications of the human Peh mouth in becoming and living the Christian life. These are:

  1. Receiving salvation.
  2. Spreading the Gospel Seed/Word of God to others so that they can receive salvation.
  3. Confessing with our mouths in Agreement with God’s Peh Mouth Words.
  4. Ruling and Reigning to Overcome the Devil and his world.

We will not attempt to cover these in-depth today, but this section will introduce the subjects. We have already seen the salvation part of joining Christ’s new creation body believers, so we will quickly look at the process of spiritually growing the body of Christ and our mouth involvement:

1Co 3:6  I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. 

In this verse Paul was attributing his part of the process of salvation as planting seeds. We know from the Parable of the Sower in Mark 4 the seeds were the Word of God. Therefore, to get someone saved there needs to be heard the spoken Words of God that can enter into the heart of an unsaved human. Paul further says the process continues growth to produce fruit, by watering and attributes this work of also preaching God’s Word to Apollos.  Let us look at some other verses about the mouth involvement in spreading the Gospel:

Rom 10:13  For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Rom 10:14  How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

Rom 10:15  And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

Paul gives us the overview of the salvation process designed by God in these verses of Romans 10.  As you can read, there are at least 5 basic steps to be saved from the effects of our natural father the first Adam, and his passing of sin and eternal separation from God to every human (Rom 5:12):

  1. Someone must call on the Lord (using the words of their human mouth) to be saved.
  2. But first they must believe (God’s Mouth Words)
  3. And before they believe a human must preach the Word of God with their mouth
  4. But before they can preach they must be sent by God’s mouth
  5. But all of this was only possible because the preacher went through this exact multi-step process before speaking the Word of God to the potential new believer.

Wow, that is really a lot of Peh mouth and word dominated involvement in salvation, and this is the exact concept defined in Genesis 1 creation where the seed is always in the fruit to produce the next new generation. We became Christ believers by believing God’s Words, spoken through a preacher’s words and us confessing words unto salvation. We then take these same Words of God to further spread the Seed for other to believe, because we heard the voice of God tell us to go into all the world and preach it to them (Mk 16:15). God is truly amazing!

But wait there is more mouth participation in being a real Christian. Confessing with our mouth right words and believing with our hearts to be saved is only the beginning of the process of working out our personal salvation (Php 2:2). Look at this verse:

Col 2:6 As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him:

Do you understand what God has written in this verse through the apostle Paul?  What God is saying is that exactly how we received Christ by believing in our heart and confessing with our mouth (Peh), that is how He designed us to live in Him. This teaches the mouth of a Christian is continually to be active in our everyday Christian walk. Uh oh!  Is that happening when we get angry, sad, hurt, or when something unexpected happens to us? This “mouth” application is another vast subject of Christian living, it is too much to teach completely in one section of one lesson. It should probably be an entire series in itself. For this concluding section we will only focus upon a small part of the subject.

Heb 3:1  Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus;

It is important to know Jesus is in heaven as our personal High Priest eternal representative before God. Jesus acts as the mediator of a better covenant (Heb 8:6) that allows us personal access to the Holy God (Heb 4:16). But notice what Jesus is the High Priest of, God wrote Jesus works with our “profession”. However, this is the same word found in Romans 10 that is translated as our “confession”. This Greek word is G3671 and it literally is defined as “to SAY the SAME words”. Wow, this is obviously important. In Psalm 27:6 David wrote “Therefore in His tabernacle I will offer sacrifices of joy and sing praises unto the LORD”. Do you see how this applies to New Covenant believers today?

God is using Old Testament patterns to reveal New Covenant spiritual realities. Notice today we are the tabernacle of God’s Holy Spirit living on the inside of us (1 Cor 3:16). Remember also that we are called a royal priesthood in 1 Peter 2:9 and this makes us eligible to bring offerings to the LORD. Then notice what types of offerings are being brought before God? These offerings are spiritual word of mouth sacrifices being made in Psalm 27:6. There is a sacrifice of joy coming from out of our mouth giving thanks that we are saved and not going to hell. This is combined with an offering of our praises unto the LORD because He is so good and merciful to save us. That is one type of confession or profession from Hebrews 3:1, but there are others.

For example, we learned profession meant “to say the same thing”. This simply teaches us that whatever God says to us, we are to put these words in our mouth and confess them back to Him and possibly to share with others as the LORD leads and directs us. Do you see the working of Words from God’s mouth how they will continue in the church age and forever in eternity?  There is so much more that could be taught on this confession subject, but we must move to the final words of our mouth about our authority in Christ.

Rom 5:17  For if by one man’s offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)

It is interesting what trust that God places in His creation to do the right thing with His help, instead of what the first Adam did to us by listening the words of Satan in Genesis 3. Notice that Romans 5:17 is about these two Adams, the first and the Last Jesus Christ. Because the first Adam made all to die, now the Last Adam makes a way for any that believe in Him to live. But not just to live and go to heaven with God, instead God says we can rule over our enemy Satan right here on the earth while in our mortal flesh.

This verse literally confirms what Peter said that we are a royal priesthood. In this verse of Romans God uses the word G936 literally means “to rule as a king”. This is further confirmed to us in 1 Timothy 6:15 and Revelation 17:14 where the LORD Jesus Christ is named to be “The King of kings, and the LORD of lords”. The believers in Christ are these lords and kings that Jesus rules over.

Therefore, how do kings’ rule? They are people that can give a command of words and they are carried out. This gets us back to our mouth connection as being a Jesus Christ believer. Thank the LORD God for His great works and praise Him for all that He has given to us that works through our Peh mouths.


We have been studying about words and the mouth that produces them, and the “Peh” letter is a picture of these two elements. Our study of the Peh alphabet letter is extremely essential to understanding who God is and who God made us to be. While this is the 17th letter of the alphabet and appears to be minor because of its position in the order of the alphabet, it turns out that without this letter there would be no creation, and no people on this planet. This letter’s gematria value is 80. That is interesting because 8 has the Biblical meaning of a new beginning, a new creation, a new order, or even a covenant incision and the number 10 when used as a multiplier has given the multiplied number the increased value of completeness or perfection. This would teach us that God’s ultimate perfection of His new creation will come through His mouth. It is also interesting that after 7000 years (=7 days), God begins a new creation and a new world order absent of sin, sickness, death and evil.  This would make this new heaven and new earth that is coming, happen on the 8th day (=8000 years) within God’s timetable of a new first day of His week of work for His bride.

For this concluding subject we must embrace that the Kingdom of God was a Word system of government, power, and authority in heaven before the beginning of creation. Then we must understand that the physical universe was created from the spiritual kingdom of God’s spoken Words. And it was all these spoken Words from God’s mouth, that are currently holding our world in place (Heb 1:3). Then we must understand that God declares He does not change (Mal 3:6). Finally, we must connect these truths to the fact that the first created man Adam was made in the “image” and “likeness” of God to rule the earth (Gen 1:26) and he failed to exercise his authority to keep Satan out of our world (Gen 3:17). Therefore, God solved this sin separation problem by becoming Himself, the Last Adam, to live an example for how humans needed to successfully rule the planet.

We should know that God still reigns today in heaven by speaking righteous words of judgments (1 Pet 2:23). We are taught very clearly in Hebrews 4:12 that the Word of God is sharper than any double-edged sword. A double-edged sword is a symbol of the mouth (Rev 1:16), but more specifically it is the symbol for the words that come out of the mouth to either build-up or destroy others. This simply means everyone that becomes a Christian has a mouth that has the authoritative power (Luk 10:19) to stop the devil from stealing, killing or destroying us (Jn 10:10) because of what Jesus has accomplished for us and given to us (Lk 10:19, Mat 28:18-19).

But God’s mouth and spoken words will always be sharper, meaning more powerful than whatever words that any other spirit-being could say against Him to try to overcome Him. Therefore, it is best for us to always “hold-fast” to saying only what God says about us and others (Heb 10:23). In Hebrews 10:23 we have learned that this word translated as “profession” is the Greek word G3671. Remember that this Greek word literally means “to say the same thing”. Not to say the same things that the devil and the world says, but rather to ONLY say what God says to us and about us.

Today what we are observing in our world, is a battle of words for the control of human minds. We can see a great example of a beginning of God’s war of words in Isaiah 14:12-17. In this exchange we find where Lucifer has spoken words about what he will do to exalt his throne, and God counters these words with other spoken words about what will happen to Lucifer to cause his downfall. This is so amazing to see and learn what was happening in the spirit realm between God and the anointed ruling angel Lucifer.

It should be obvious that Lucifer had learned from God how to speak words that create and work to accomplish a desired result, by watching what God had done to create the universe (Job 38:4-7). In Lucifer’s pride and beauty, he lifted himself up to create his own kingdom rule independent of God. This spiritual angelic being Lucifer, must not have fully understood who he was dealing with. It has taken many, many years for God to implement His surprise plan of a New Covenant and a New Creation in His Son Jesus Christ, but this will bring about a new heaven and a new earth, wherein only righteousness lives (2 Pet 3:13). This teaches us the unrighteous ruler of the darkness of this world will never be present in the new heaven or the new earth (Rev 20:7, 21:27).

We have been learning that the Kingdom of God is a spiritual Word and Mouth system. We can find so much evidence that this is true. We have also been learning that God’s creation of our universe, and man on the earth, was also a word-based system. We have seen a lot of evidence of this so far in this lesson that it was. Next, we have been answering the question to see if our New Covenant system in Jesus that we are living in right now, is also based upon God’s system of spoken words in our Peh mouth? We are seeing that this answer, like the other systems are also  yes! Remember God reveals in Ecclesiastes 1:9 that says the thing that has been, is that which shall be again, there is nothing new under the sun.

The spoken Words of God from His mouth, are the highest and most important words to learn. The spoken words from the mouth of Jesus are equal to the words of His Father in heaven, since He only spoke what He heard His Father say.  But the entire Bible was created by God to teach us about Him, and His character and nature and He is personally revealed to all humans in His personal appearance of the LORD Jesus Christ.

Thank you for reading and studying the Bible on Agapegeek where God is glorified, and Jesus is Exalted as LORD! Praying these lessons have been a blessing to you all. We will continue to pray for each of you. It is a great blessing to know you will do the same for us. God Bless you and keep you in His perfect peace (Shalom). May the Grace of God be multiplied unto you through the amazing knowledge of God!

If you would like to leave a question or comment, please feel free to do so. As the LORD willing, as He leads and permits, these will be responded to. Thank you for your kindness in advance.

Intro Alef Beyt-1 2 Gimel Dalet Hey Vav Zayin Chet Tet Yod Kaf Lamed Mem 1 2 Nun Samekh Ayin Pey Tsade Qof Resh Shin TavAlef-Beyt Chart (Series updated as LORD directs and permits)

Are You Saved? Do you Know Jesus? Life is Short! Jesus wants to Know You! Please come and get to Know Him!

Corona Who? Who or What is Our Primary Focus?


(Ver 1.1) God Bless you today. This is Part 1 in a series of messages addressing a need for hope & encouragement in the days of potential coronavirus  stress.  Thank you for reading and sharing your comments. It seems that almost everyone in the world is focused upon only one thing. Human normalcy of a daily scheduled routine existence has escaped many of us. Many have lost their jobs and income. These types of loses seem minor compared to others that have lost their life on this earth. The News media is consumed with one story. A solitary focused upon an agenda that is opposed to God. The underlying motivation of the message is focused upon producing fear in everyone. But, the Word of God says in 2 Timothy 1:7 that “God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and love and of a sound mind”. Therefore, the media message does not speak for God whatsoever. Recognizing the source of the message will help me redirect my focus upon God. I hope that helps you also.

I know that, I personally can easily become consumed with watching the developments of this pandemic on the news. This is clearly Satan’s attempt to keep me from the Word of God. Perhaps you recall the Parable of the Sower. The enemy came immediately after the Word of God was sown to eat it up to stop it from producing fruit. How is Satan able to do this? It is not like we think. Because everything that is happening occurs in the spiritual realm of my mind. Things today are changing so rapidly. What is happening today in the news reminds me of a scripture from the book of Isaiah that describes Satan’s methods to try to overcome me:

Isa 59:19 So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.

This verse starts by speaking of a people that fear the name of the LORD. This is a good fear and not related to the type of Satan’s fear being produced from the Coronavirus reports. This corona-virus is nothing but an alternative form of “terror”. This “terror” does not come from people blowing themselves up or chopping your head off, no this is a different type of “terror” from an unseen, invisible with the naked eye source. But the result is still the same. The news media is feeding this terrorism for ratings and money. Let’s know that!

Look at this verse’s ending statement. God speaks of the enemy coming in like a flood. That is an amazing statement and it describes the news media today very clearly. Spoken words are symbolized in the Bible as a type of “water”. Fast moving waters are described symbolically as representing many spoken words. This type of analogy is like a flowing river or a flood. For example, Jesus said in John 7:38, “He who believes in me, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water”. These waters are good types of words that Jesus spoke of. But in Isaiah 59:19 these are not positive life producing words being called a flood. The flood of words being spoken of here are only words that produce fear, anxiety, panic, worry, doubt and insecurity. The intended result of these types of rapidly flowing words are used by Satan to produce death the opposite of what Jesus said should be coming out of a believer’s mouth.

The message from God to me is to not stop listening to the news completely but rather to change my priority to focus on the Name of the LORD and fear Him alone. When I fear God more than what can kill me here on this earth, I will begin to see things from a new perspective. Here is a verse that should be considered during this time of uncertainty:

Mat 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

This is truly a profound statement. Corona-virus can kill some people’s body, but not their soul (spirit, mind, will and emotions). Satan is trying His best to get me to take my eyes off the Word of God. How about you? My prayer today is that I not let Satan’s distraction of a flood of negative words in the news to get me down. I pray that for all of you also. I plan on spending more time reading and studying the Word of God than I do watching the news. In the next lesson, the LORD willing, I will try to continue this series by helping to balance taking natural common sense precautions with standing firm upon the Word of God’s Truth. Thank you for reading and please leave a comment. God Bless you.

If you would like to read the next lesson please click “Part 2“.


Today, if you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal LORD and Savior or you do not have the confidence to KNOW what would happen if you died suddenly it is time to get your life in order.  I believe NOW is time to resolve your uncertain eternal destination after this life ends and before it is too late.  Some might think I’m not a bad person and have not committed any bad crimes, but God says our righteousness is like filthy rags compared to His standard of Holiness.  By default, without making a choice we are all headed to a lake of fire that burns very intensely to be separated from a loving God that already forgave us.  That is a very sad reality.    One wise man has said NO ONE is ready to live, until they are ready to die.  Please go to “Salvation” and read and pray the prayer to receive the free gift of forgiveness & eternal life.  This will be the greatest decision that you will ever make.  Thank you and God bless you.



A Prophetic Word for the Season that We Live In 2011.

I was sent this prophetic word by God from an email from a church today and I feel like it would be a great thing to share with everyone.  When the Spirit of God uses someone to bring a message to His people, I believe we should all pay attention to it.  I would recommend that you read it carefully and try to recognize the voice of the Spirit of God that I heard within it.  You are welcome to share it with anyone else that you like.  If you ever hear a prophetic Word from God in your church service I would love to hear about it and you can send it to me and I will try to pass it along to everyone!  To all those that have an ear to hear let them hear what the Spirit of God is saying to the church.   God Bless!

In worship, I saw myself laying hands on my daughter and praying for her as she headed back to CFNI for the summer.  I then heard this word in my spirit…

 It’s time, it’s time to raise up this generation!  Time to impart, time to lay hands on, time to stir up the gifts, time to clothe with armor and with the commission to go!  To go into the world’s system as lights, as salt, as warriors – not afraid, not consumed with things, but with passion for the cross…to love God, hate sin and, in turn, love the focus of God’s heart, the apple of His eye…people!

 No more pushing the kids away because we are too busy, but blessing by laying on hands and speaking the Word of the Lord into their hearts.  Don’t miss the window of time.   They are ready to be raised up and challenged.  If not, the world will seduce them into its trap of greed, pride and pleasure, drawing them away from the call of God.

 Say to this Joshua Generation, it’s time to go over and possess the Promised Land.  Say to this David Generation, it’s time to defeat the giants in the land, worship God with abandonment and establish the throne for the soon-coming King of Kings.  Say to this John the Baptist Generation, listen for the Word of the Lord, then rise up and prepare the way for the Lord.

 This generation will see My glory and tremendous miracles.  The nations will rise up and cry out for the Good News.  Prepare the shield, prepare the sword, and prepare the hearts.  They will have faces like lions and hearts like a lamb.  Rise up O Blessed Generation.  You are destined to usher in the King of Glory!

Understanding Bible Faith! Having Faith While Living in the Modern World? Part 5

(Ver 1.3)  This is Part 5 in a series of advanced studies about the subject of Bible Faith.  Today’s lesson will be a further expansion of the basic foundational truths surrounding faith and a discussion of the differences between having faith today in the modern world versus that of having faith back when Jesus walked the face of the planet.   Are there any differences to having faith today to that of when Jesus was walking among us?   In the modern world we are faced with an enormous set of challenges.  There are the distractions of technology, the media and the internet.  We have had numerous natural disasters, economic pressures, threats of violence, wars, riots, terrorism and other things that can consume our focus in recent days.  Maybe you have been where I have been and have thought the same things that I have thought.  I have personally thought it would have been nice to live in the days when Jesus was physically walking around and living with us.   Life was just so much simpler back them and you could have seen the God of creation in the flesh.  Wouldn’t it have been nice to see Him physically speaking, healing, walking on water, raising the dead and doing the things that we can only read about today?  Sometimes people think that if I had just lived back then, it would have been easy to get healed and I would not have to put up with this disease anymore.  I wouldn’t have to put up with this sickness or this disease if I only lived when Jesus was here.  If, I could have just gone to see Him and bam I would have been healed like everyone else.  However, when you study the Bible you actually come to a much different understanding of reality and that is what I will discuss today.   If you have not been reading this series of lesson from the beginning I would suggest that you go back and start with “Part 1”.

I want to start today by turning to the book of Mark chapter 6 and reading a story of Jesus that is often ignored.  In this story of Jesus, He is visiting some old friends and relatives and we see a very different reality of how difficult it was back then to get healed even from the Son of God walking among you.

Mar 6:5  And he could there do no mighty work, save that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them.

Mar 6:6  And he marvelled because of their unbelief. And he went round about the villages, teaching.

People like to think that Jesus was God in His omnipotent power and that He could do anything that He wanted to on the earth when He was here.  However, that is not what the Bible actually teaches us.  According to these verses in Mark 6, it says that Jesus wanted to heal them, but He could not.   Wow, that is very earth shattering to the theology of many confused Christians.   This verse does not say that “He would not heal them”, it says very clearly that “He could not heal them”.   That clearly tells us this is not God in His omnipotent power.  What would cause God not to be able to do anything?  What would limit God’s ability on the earth?  You should really think about that before you try to answer.  If you have been reading this series of lessons on Bible faith you have learned that Jesus rebuked people for having no faith and praised others for having great faith.  Jesus would always emphasize a person’s faith and no other factors were given for anyone getting healed.  So if no one gets healed here in this story in Mark 6, why didn’t they?   Verse 5 says Jesus tried to do His mighty works there, but was not able to and then in verse 6 it reveals to us why He could not do anything there.  In verse 6, it says Jesus marveled at their unbelief.   The term “marveled” comes from a Greek root word to “to see” or “to perceive”.  Jesus saw that they had no faith and was astonished.  If you learned what I taught in the last lesson, you saw that believing was a key factor for having faith that grows and works.  You first had to hear, you then had to understand what you heard and next you had to believe what you heard.  This was the people’s problem in this chapter of Mark 6.  These people heard that He was anointed, understood what it meant, but refused to believe it by a purposeful act of their own freewill.  Pay attention to what I just said, it was not Jesus’ choice to not give them faith; it was there choice not to believe that caused them their problems.  That is the first thing that you need to know about that I did not cover in the last lesson.  You see I could not cover everything in one lesson or I would have overwhelmed you with too much information all at once.    What you need to realize is that faith is more complicated than just four simple steps and miraculously you are healed, saved and delivered from every problem.  Your “will” is a determining factor to whether or not you believe what you hear.  What I am trying to show you is that faith is an internal choice that you make after you hear and understand.   You can choose to believe or you can choose not to believe, it is always your choice.  You can read in John chapter 5 about a story where Jesus teaches us this lesson about faith and you will see this point being emphasized.   In John 5:6 Jesus approaches a lame man at the Pool of Bethesda and says this to him “Will you be made whole”?  Why is Jesus asking this man, this question?  Apparently it is not all up to God’s will but it was up to this man’s will to whether or not he was to be made whole again.  That was a very direct question that reveals the man’s will played a major part in the man getting healed.   What we must realize is that Jesus is not diminishing the man’s faith to be a factor; He was only emphasizing the man’s will needed to be adjusted.  The man when asked this by Jesus said “I don’t have anyone who will help me”.  In other words the man was making an excuse why he was not healed by blaming others that did not help him and this was what Jesus was trying to correct.   Jesus was in effect saying to him it is not their fault that you are not healed, it is your own fault and that does not go over well with people who like to blame everyone else and not take any responsibility upon themselves.

Let’s discuss briefly what is your will?  Your will is a key part of your internal unseen soul realm.   Your soul is made up of your mind (ability to think, reason and your memory), your will (ability to choose and make choices) and your emotions (love, hate, happiness, sadness, etc.).  Your will determines what you do today.  If you get up in the morning instead of lying in bed all day, then you exercised your will to get out of bed.  If you ate breakfast, you exercised your will to determine what to eat and then to eat.  Your will is a conscious decision to do something.  Jesus is basically informing us that if you are going to get healed then it is up to your will and not God’s will that makes it happen.  In other words if you are waiting on God to heal you, you are not going to get healed.  Let’s examine the woman with the issue of blood again and see what she did that fits this reality.  She heard about Jesus, understood what she heard and believed it and then she did what?  She made a decision to go get healed.  If she had done nothing or waited for Jesus to come to her she would not be mentioned in the Bible.  It was only because of a conscious act of her will that she is found in the Bible at all.  So a decision that she made with her will played a huge role in the fact that she got her healing.  I wish that was all of the factors, but that is not all of the factors and it gets more complex than this.  So hang in there as we learn some more about faith’s prerequisites and partners to get answers using your faith.

Let’s get back to Mark 6 and see why these people did not let Jesus do any mighty works there.  These people failed in step 3 of God’s faith building Bible class.  Unbelief is a diametrically opposed force to faith.  You cannot have faith and unbelief at the same time and get healed; they in effect cancel each other out.  There is one story in the Bible that seems to show you can have both, but I believe that faith and doubt can occur in two different realms of reality.  Real Faith is of the heart, and doubts can occur in your mind.   What you are supposed to learn today is that Bible faith is of the heart or the spirit and it does not occur in your mind.  However, to get faith into your heart takes a trip through your mind and I’ll talk more about that soon.

Luk 24:25  Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart  to believe all that the prophets have spoken:

Where does Jesus say you need to believe?  You can actually see that Jesus is associating true faith to the spirit of man.  To believe with your heart is the goal that you are after.  That also implies that you can believe with your head as a mental choice and not with your heart.  The mental realm is a doorway to your spirit, but it is not your spirit.  In order for God’s word to work you are going to have to get it into your spirit.   How do you do this?  In elementary school as children, you would say the multiplication tables over and over out loud until you knew them by heart.  Guess what that is how you get God’s word into your heart also.  When you get something in your heart abundantly you do not have to figure out the answer, it will just automatically come out.  In other words when asked what is 6 times 9 you would just say 54 and you do not have to do a calculation to figure out the correct answer.  This is what you are after with the word of God also.  You should be able to say exactly what the Bible says about your situation without looking it up.  You do this by speaking and mediating on it day and night as God told Joshua in Joshua 1:8:

Jos 1:8  This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

This is God speaking to you today.  If you think that this is a private message to Joshua, you do not understand God very much.  God is saying that you must keep His words in your mouth all the time.  The Hebrew word translated as “meditate” means to “murmur”.  To murmur is a term that means to speak under your breath as in to mutter to oneself.    God is telling Joshua how to be successful in life and this applies to you also.  The net effect of this action is God builds faith in the heart of Joshua and he is able to lead his people into the Promised Land.  It is very difficult to explain the difference between head faith and heart faith.  If you learn God’s word and say it over and over until you get it inside your spirit, you will know when you have it and I won’t have to explain it to you.  There will come a time when it will be obvious to you also.  I will talk more about this soon.

What caused these people Mark 6 not to believe?  You can obviously learn that believing with your heart is a key component to whether you will get healed or remain the same from this lesson.  The people in Mark 6 were the people of Jesus’ hometown where He grew up as a child to become a man.  All of these people knew Him intimately and personally, they saw Him physically for many years and yet after being baptized by John and anointed by God, they refused to believe that Jesus was anointed by an act of their will.  You see the problem they had was that they could not overcome the mental conflict that was occurring in their minds when they recalled all of the years that He was with them and never did anything extraordinary.   They had put Jesus into a box of familiarity and it caused them to miss the great works that He wanted to do.  Apparently living back in the days of Jesus is not that much of an advantage to getting healed as I thought originally.  It would seem that the more you knew about Jesus the less likely you were to believe that He was anointed and chosen of God.  Did you ever think about this?  Why did Jesus choose a bunch of strangers to be His disciples?  It was simply because they did not know who He was that allowed them to follow Him blindly.  It would appear from this information that knowing Jesus would have been a major stumbling block to you getting healed rather than the other way around.  So after I read this story, I was glad I did not live back then and see Jesus personally.

In the last lesson on Bible Faith that I did, I gave you one of the greatest faith lessons found in the Bible about the woman with the issue of blood who was sick for 12 years and when she had heard of Jesus she risked public stoning and pressed through the crowd to touch His garment and she was healed.  I have been using this story repeatedly because it holds valuable lessons on how faith works that we need to understand.  In this lesson I further described that Jesus said it was her faith that had caused her to be made whole.  In studying this story you should become aware that it was only this woman who got healed and no one else present was healed who was in the crowd.  When Jesus asked “Who touched me”, the disciples told Jesus that everyone is touching you.  Why were all of these people touching Jesus?  They must have needed something.  I do not think that Jesus was seen to be a rock star personality in those days.  Jesus did not get up and sing love songs and the women would faint and scream.  The crowds of people were there because Jesus had claimed to be anointed by God, but yet none of these people knew that it required more than just a physical touch to get their answer.  What we learn from this information is that Jesus does not place any priority on people, but He does place a huge priority on faith.    I want to go over another scripture in this story that I intentionally left out of the last lesson to teach you some additional factors about this woman’s faith.   I want to show you why this woman had faith and no one else in the crowd did and we will begin reading in verse 27 of Mark 5:

Mar 5:27  When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.

We can clearly assume that everyone that was there to touch Jesus that day was there because they had heard the same thing that this woman had heard and that was He was anointed by God.  So hearing was not the issue for anyone present, everyone present must have heard about Him the same way.  They all must have understood what an anointed one meant.  They all must have believed that He was anointed.  They all came to touch Him, but only one woman got healed.  It must have been another factor that caused this woman to get healed while others did not and that is why I want to show you what is found in verse 28:

Mar 5:28  For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.

We understand from reading this verse that it is out of sequence in time.  In other words these are words spoken by the woman before she got to Jesus.  Do you understand that?  I want to describe the Greek word translated as “for” first in the verse.  You see this word in the Strong’s means “to assign a reason”.  In other words God is giving us the reason for this woman’s faith.  That means it is important to understand.  I alluded to this factor in my last lesson and I talked a little bit about it earlier when I mentioned Joshua, but today I want to emphasize it with some extra teaching on the subject of “speaking your faith”.  If you have read my other Bible lessons, you know that I teach a lot about the power of words spoken.  Here is another example, of this reality using this lesson in Mark 5.  We already saw in verse 31 that Jesus said, “Daughter, thy faith has made you whole”.  Therefore, we know that the woman had faith before she got to Jesus.  Here is how I know that the woman possessed faith before she ever physically saw Jesus:

Luk 17:6  And the Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you.

Here is God speaking to you right here and right now.  God says “if you had faith, you would say”.  The opposite truth to this statement is “if you had no faith you would be silent”.  Wow, that is really good stuff.  Does God say that speaking is doing faith?  Remember what step four of my last faith lesson was?  God said you must 1) hear, 2) understand, 3) believe and 4) do.   Step four is always doing your faith.  We can clearly see that based upon God’s word here in Luke 17:6 that this woman had faith and was doing her faith because she has said something positive.  Remember earlier I tried to teach you that real faith was of the heart and you get this faith by speaking to yourself over and over.  This is what this woman must have done.  Jesus taught us that “from the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks” (Mat 12:34).  So whatever comes out of your mouth is what you have abundantly put into your heart.  We can clearly understand that this woman had faith from her heart that God says resulted in her healing and that she possessed this before she arrived to where Jesus was because she was saying something.

However, it was not just saying something that was important; it was really more what she believed and then what said.  She said “If I touch His clothes, I will be made whole”.   Was this prophetic?  Was this an amazing coincidence?  You have to understand the power of words to see that she got exactly what she said.  We should all learn to watch what we say after reading stories like this in the Bible.  The woman is never focused on her sickness; her words are only directed at her being whole.  If you walk around talking about how bad you feel and how sick you are, you are probably going to stay that way.  God is teaching you a concept found in the Bible that is radically different than any concept you get from your doctor.  Thinking positively, believing positively and speaking positively will result in good things happening to you.  Do you remember what God says in Joel 3:10 “Let the weak say I am strong”.  Why would God almighty teach weak people to say what they are not?   Wow that is very strange isn’t it?   However, God’s ways are not our ways and if you want the God kind of results you are going to have to change to do it His way.  This is the major difference between this woman who got healed and the others who touched Jesus but did not get healed.  It is obvious to me that none of the others believed or said that they would be made whole.   They were just there to try it out and see if anything happened.

It is virtually impossible to teach about faith and not talk about spoken words.  These two subjects are intimately connected to each other.  The woman with the issue of blood was in effect calling herself whole before she was whole.   This is a Bible faith concept revealed to us in Romans 4:17.  In this verse God tells us that He called Abraham a father of many nations before He became the father of many nations.   In this story of Abraham God changes the name of Abram to Abraham and this causes him to start saying what God said.  Abraham was an old man now, but as soon as he starts saying “I am Abraham” which means “father of nations”, He becomes a father that year.  God uses your words to produce the results in your life whether you want to believe it or not that is how it works.  This faith concept of calling things that are not as though they are, will also work for you today.  If you are sick and you want to get healed, be like this woman and start calling yourself whole before you are whole and don’t stop doing this just because it looks worse tomorrow than it does today.  This woman could have given up and said there are just too many people for me to get through to Jesus.  It is just too hard and it looks impossible.    But, she went and made her way through the crowds of people pushing to get to Jesus and when she made it and touched His clothes and she was healed.  Would it have mattered if she said “I might be healed”.  I think it would have mattered a lot.  You see might is a word that implies “might not”, or “depends upon something” I don’t know or some other factor that demonstrates a lack of confidence.  If you have no confidence in the Word of God or the anointing you would say “might” or “maybe”.  But, if you have great confidence and expect to get healed when you touch Him, then you would say “I will be made whole”.    Because the woman had faith in God’s word and His anointing she could say this the way that she did.  So I just introduced you to two new determining factors or faith partners that contribute to you having faith.  Your confidence level determines your expectation level and these two factors are essential to receiving anything from God.  I further showed you that “saying” is a part of doing and some tines it can be all you need to do.

As you can begin to see, Bible faith is a complex subject that is related to many other subjects.  We have seen that being willing to hear something new is the introductory level of obtaining faith.  Then we learned that you must hear the Word to get faith started.  I then showed you how understanding what you heard is a determining factor to having correct Bible faith.  I then showed you how believing is an essential factor to having Bible faith.  Today I introduced you to your will playing a role in what you decide to believe.  Then I taught you that doing is a part of having your faith work for you.  Today I introduced you to “speaking” as being a part of doing and getting faith abundantly in your heart.  I also showed you that what you say will be dependent upon your level of confidence in what you believe.  Finally, the woman with the issue of blood expected to be healed when she touched Jesus, so expectation is another essential piece of having faith that receives.  If you don’t expect to get healed you will not get healed.  Bible Faith is complex, like a transmission in a car is complex.  If you do not think so, you should go unbolt your transmission off of your car and take it apart and see if you are smart enough to put it back together correctly.  It takes a lot of training and experience to be a great transmission mechanic and to rebuild a transmission.  This is the same way with faith.  There are many cross related subjects that you must study to fully understand this complex Bible subject.  I wish I could simplify it more, but I did not write the Bible and I did not invent faith so I must learn to work with God’s definitions and the information given to us in the Bible, just like you must do the same.

When you begin to understand how faith works, you will better understand the examples of faith given to us in the Bible, especially in the Old Testament.  Take for example, the famous story of David and Goliath.  Did faith have anything to do with what happens in this story?  You should go back and read it again and see what you see that is different now.  David heard there was a giant and asks what will be done for the man who kills this giant.  It would appear that hearing was a factor in the story.  When you read this story notice what David says very carefully and see if he is not speaking words of faith.  It is a very powerful faith filled story with words that come from the mouth of David.  David said “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine?”  In other words who is this one that is not in covenant with the almighty God of Israel?  Then David says to Goliath “this day will I take your head from your shoulders and feed your carcass to the birds of the air”.  Before David did anything, he always said what he would do.  Then David did it acting out his faith in His God.  This story exhibits David’s high confidence level in his God’s ability and thus David expected to win the battle and not to be defeated.  There were no doubts in the heart of the future King of Israel.  But, also realize that before David killed the giant Goliath, David had faith experiences with a lion and a bear.  In other words, faith is a progressive undertaking of experiences and previous victories that causes your confidence level to increase.  If you start small, your faith can grow to the giant killing level, but if you start with the giant level, you might be easily defeated.  Here is a modified list of faith factors that has increased significantly since the last lesson, but hopefully you can see and understand them better now.

  1. Bible Faith is based upon truth in the Bible.
  2. Being open to the truth allows truth the opportunity to come to you.
  3. Hearing the truth is the beginning of obtaining Bible faith.
  4. Understanding God’s Word spiritually will open the door to allow it into your heart.
  5. Believing and speaking the Truth will plant it firmly in your heart in abundance.
  6. Choosing to decide to believe it and do it are both conscious acts of your will.
  7. Your confidence in the truth determines your level of effort, your commitment and your expectation level for it coming to pass in your life.
  8. Expect the answer to occur even when it looks impossible.  Expecting is like ordering a package from the internet and knowing it will arrive any day very soon.
  9. Do what you said and receive the answer.

These are the basic steps and factors to having Bible faith in the modern world.  It just so happens to be the same as we found in the days when Jesus was walking the face of the earth that we learned about from the woman with the issue of blood.  These faith steps also apply to other Old Testament saints like David and Joshua.  Faith has not really changed at all, and Jesus has certainly not changed.  So whatever He did back then is what is available to you today.  I know you cannot touch His physical garment, but you can do everything else that the woman with the issue of blood did and get healed the same way by touching His Spirit.  God still sees your faith today and it will still work the same.  The Spirit of God is everywhere all at once and His power is available to you right now, but it is only accessed by your faith.   In closing I want to emphasize one point that I have seen in the past.  There are some people who believe if they throw away their medicine they will be healed.  They look at this as an act of their faith.  However, that is usually presumptive foolishness that gets you killed.  Taking medicine does not heal you and not taking medicine certainly does not heal you.  There are no examples in the Bible of people throwing away medicine and getting healed anywhere, so you cannot base your faith on this.  Go to the doctor, take your medicine and believe and say that God has healed you and made you whole anyway.  When you are healed you will know when not to take any medicine.  Your words are much more important to your healing than you not taking any medicine.  You begin to say that you are healed and whole and still take your medicine.  “Let the sick say I am whole”, that is what Joel 3:10 could say if you want to see it that way.  I also want to say that I write these lessons speaking about sickness because many people need to be healed and that is why I have focused in on only one part of receiving from God.  But, I want to emphasize that every part of the steps that I just listed will work for whatever you need from God.  Maybe it is a job?  Maybe it is some money to help pay your bills?  The only things that is going to change on my list is what scriptures you need to hear in order to get faith for your need.  The Bible contains God’s promises and the New Covenant is built upon better promises than the Old Covenant.  So go find the promises of God written about your need and use those to build your faith for what you need today.  The rest of the steps are still the same.  I hope that clarified a question that someone might have had about faith and how to make it work for a different need other than healing.  Thanks for taking the time to study the Bible with me and to see God’s truth.

If you would like to continue reading in this series of Bible lessons on Faith you can go to “Part 6“.

Understanding Spoken Words in the Bible! Elijah’s Words and Prayer for Rain! Part 11

(Ver 1.3)  Today is Part 11 of a series of very advanced lessons on Understanding Spoken Words in the Bible.  You may have noticed if you read my Bible lessons that I teach a lot on this subject and one reason is that the Bible says a lot about this subject.  I figured out that any subject that God emphasizes this much must be an important one for me to learn about and to know.  Therefore, I spend a lot of time looking at these verses on this subject and they have shocked me into changing what I say dramatically.  If you understand this subject just a little bit you will know this is true for you also.  I will warn you that today’s lesson is potentially very advanced and only for mature spiritual Christians.  This is because the topics and things said may be hard to swallow for younger immature Christians.  So please judge yourself before you continue reading this Bible lesson.  If you are not comfortable with controversial topics then please just go read someone else’s blog for today.  If you have never studied this series of lessons on Spoken Words, I would strongly suggest that you go back to “Part 1” and start your reading there first.

When you study the Bible, you do not read but 1 chapter in Genesis and you can see that God speaks words in order to create our world that we live in.  At least seven times in this chapter of Genesis it says “And God said” and God would say something and then shortly it would come to pass.  It is interesting to note and to analyze what God said and then to see who He was speaking it to.  Did you ever realize that in Genesis 1 you cannot find where it says that God was ever speaking to anyone in particular?  In other words God was not speaking to someone specifically in a conversation like we have them between ourselves.  God would speak words directed at no one but a problem that He perceived and then things would change based upon what He said.  Therefore, no one had to hear God’s words spoken for them to be effective and to cause something to change.  It’s kind of like the old saying if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?  According to what the Bible says, the tree heard it even if no one else did.  For example, God would look at the darkness that covered the earth and say “Light Be” and then light was.  So obviously the darkness heard what God said even though we did not.  So we learn from this that your words have the same potential and they do not have to be directed at or heard by anyone in order to effect changes in your personal world.  God spoke the answer before the problem and then the answer was made manifest.  Read Genesis 1 and see what God says “Let there be light”, “Let there be a firmament”, “Let the waters be divided”, “Let the earth bring forth grass” and on and on.   Every one of these cases represents a problem followed by a spoken solution.  This is a concept taught in the Bible where God describes as “calling those things that be not as though they were”.  Do you understand this concept?  If you do not understand this concept you should go and read Roman 4:17 and the surrounding verses to see what God says about this subject of speaking words before you see them happen.   The concept of calling for what is not seen is exactly what God did in Genesis 1.  God saw there was no light and said there was light and then the light came in.  You can see this principle demonstrated in Genesis 1:3, 1:6, 1:9, 1:11, 1:14, 1:20 and 1:24.  It is a very powerful lesson from God being given to us.  God plainly sets us an example of what we should be following in the world today.  Then in Genesis 1:26, God said “Let us make man in our image and after our likeness and let them have dominion…”.  So if God said this, did this happen like the other 7 times God said?  You can clearly see that everything God said in Genesis 1 came to pass exactly like he declared it, so these words spoken about man would be no different.  If man was designed by God to be like God, then we would have to be open to operate like God does.  We of course do not always have to believe this, but this is usually just because we have not been taught these concepts from the pulpit.

Today’s lesson is concerning prayer and spoken words; their relationship and their essential unified association to each other.  It is usually self-evident to most people that prayer should involve speaking words to God.  When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray like John taught his disciples, Jesus gave them some example words to speak to God.  Many times people take this example prayer that some call the “Lord’s Prayer” and just parrot the words back up to God like this is being effective.  However, this was not what Jesus was teaching us to do.  You can teach any parrot to say these words and that would not be praying at all.  God is not stupid; He has heard these words before, so these words are not intended to replace your words that you normally speak.   Also, Jesus taught more than one set of verses on the subject of prayer so we must try to put all of them together and then learn from them all.  Here is something else that Jesus said about prayer:

Mat 6:7  But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

As you can see Jesus says for us not to be vain in repeating the same words over and over to God thinking that we will be heard.  This verse implies that it matters what we say in prayer.  If you pray the Lord’s Prayer repeatedly in your prayer life, are you not being vainly repetitive?   So that sounds like a problem to me.  Do not use a model prayer as the only basis for what you pray.  You may certainly at first use this prayer as a model construction for your prayer and then change it to your own words.  The Lord’s Prayer starts with praise to God and the acknowledgment to who God is and then the prayer asks for God’s will to be done in the earth.  Finally, the prayer gets to us asking for what we need in our lives and the forgiveness of our sins is one thing that we should ask for.  But then you should also understand that this prayer was taught to the disciples before Jesus died on the cross.  Therefore, this was a model of an Old Testament prayer to God and not necessarily a New Testament prayer to God.  For example, Jesus said to pray that the Kingdom of God be established in the earth; and guess what the Kingdom of God is inside of me right here and right now, so this prayer has been answered, so why would I pray that again?  I’m smart enough to know that the Kingdom of God has come inside of me already so I do not need to ask for this to happen again.  If God has already fulfilled it, then you do not need to pray for what has already occurred.  Do you understand this?  You might can pray that the kingdom of God be expanded and grow, but technically speaking Jesus never taught us to pray that sinners would get saved.  The only verse that I have found about praying for sinners in the Bible is when Jesus tells His disciples to “Pray the Lord of the Harvest to send forth laborers into His harvest”.  This is the salvation principle of God sending sowers, a preacher or worker to speak the truth in love to an unsaved person so that they can hear and believe in Jesus and then be saved.  So prayer is an awesome subject to study in the Bible and we will get to more of this subject later.  But, today I want to speak on specifically about spoken words in relation to prayer.  You cannot technically pray without using words, but we also speak words all day long and how do these words affect what we pray?

I cannot find anywhere in the Bible where God honors silence or silent prayer.  In fact when I was studying about angels it would appear that the scripture says if the man would have been silent, the angels would not have been sent.  You can read this in Daniel very clearly.  Daniel prayed to God and fasted for 21 days until the angel of God finally showed up with the answer to his prayer.  So Daniel’s silence would have resulted in no angels being sent, the angel Gabriel told Daniel for your words I was sent (Dan 10:12).  This is a problem in many religious circles where they hold a moment of silence for some individual that maybe has just died.  This might be considered giving someone respect or honor but your silence is doing no good other than that.  What if when Jesus went to the tomb of Lazarus and stood before it in a moment of silence and then left?  Would Lazarus had been raised from the dead?  No, I do not believe that he would have.  So we can then see what Jesus did to cause Lazarus to be raised, can’t we?  Jesus makes the statement to God, “I thank thee that you have heard me”.   Jesus implies something that is very important to our lesson today, and that is God is listening to your words.  You then see Jesus speaking to the dead man and calling his name “Lazarus come forth”.  Was Jesus calling Lazarus alive with his mouth and the words that just came out?   So silence would not have brought the answer to Lazarus.  To give honor or respect to someone is probably not a bad thing to do, but it will not change the situation.  It is like here in the south when we see a funeral procession going by we normally pull over in our cars and stop out of respect for those who are driving by.  This is a common practice in the southern parts of the United States and I believe it promotes an attitude of Christian love towards those who have just lost someone from this world, so I believe it is a positive thing to continue doing even though there are no Bible verses that say to do this.

Jas 5:16  Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

This is one of my key Bible verses today that introduces the rest of the subject of prayer to come.  You can clearly see that God is instructing us to pray and not just for ourselves.  This verse ends in the statement that the prayers of a righteous man or woman have great power in them.  Because Christians do not believe this, they do not do it.  Many times it is a self-image problem; they do not feel like they are righteous enough to ask God to do anything.   Fortunately for us it is not our righteousness that we are depending on; if it was we would all be in trouble.  It is the righteousness of Jesus Christ that permits us to come boldly before the throne of God without guilt or shame (Heb 4:16).  So here is the next verse that follows this one about your prayer:

Jas 5:17  Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months.

So here I go today with the basics on this lesson about prayer and words.  As you can read in this verse, God says that Elijah was a man just like one of us.  What people should understand is that the people that God uses in the Bible were not special or different or unique in their appearance, characteristics, problems, situations, challenges or life’s little nuances from us today.   Too many Christians think in the terms that prophets like Elijah possessed something special that we do not have that allowed him to accomplish great things in the Bible that we simply cannot do.  However, that is certainly not what this verse is saying, is it?  Elijah according to God and James who is writing this account is said to have prayed to God and this caused it not to rain on the earth for a period of 42 months.  This is actually a very interesting statement that God makes to us, since if you have ever read the story of Elijah you can’t find where Elijah ever prayed this in a way that we would call prayer.  So what is God trying to teach us from this statement?  I believe God is saying sometimes we need to expand our definition of what prayer is.

Jas 5:18  And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit.

So here is another verse that says Elijah prayed and God caused it to rain again.  We have now seen two verses that said Elijah prayed and God answered the prayers because they were effective.  It sounds like to me that this would be a good subject to go back into the Old Testament and see what God says to us about how Elijah accomplished these miracles of no rain and then rain again.  You can find this story of Elijah starting in chapter 17 of 1 Kings:

1Ki 17:1  And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the LORD God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word.

Here is the beginning of some words that Elijah spoke that almost floored me.  This is the exact same Elijah that James wrote about so get that first and foremost into your head.  Then realize that this verse is the very first verse in the Bible that mentions the name of Elijah.  So therefore, we can conclude that there are no prayers of Elijah to God that are mentioned in the Bible up to this point.  So we have a major problem that needs a resolution; either God did not record Elijah’s prayer in the Bible or Elijah did not pray the way that we would consider prayer to be performed.  I personally believe the second is true and God gave us the exact information in the Bible that we needed to know to learn about what prayer is and what prayer is not.   Remember what Jesus said “Father I thank thee that you heard me”.   Do you think that God was listening to the words that Elijah said to Ahab?  Let’s reexamine what Elijah says; God tells us that Elijah was speaking to Ahab and Elijah said “The Rain will obey my Words!”  I know this was my paraphrase of what he said, but it is very close to exactly what He says to Ahab.  I mean did you see it?  Elijah had to believe something in order for him to make this kind of statement; the drought had not started yet so these words could be considered to be a prophetic prediction of something that has not occurred.  Or as we have seen in Genesis 1, John 11 and Romans 4, it could be that Elijah was calling those things that be not as though they were.  We of course know that Elijah was a prophet of God, but remember what James said, the New Testament says Elijah was man just like one of us.  In other words what Elijah did, we can do.  Wow, I don’t know if you believe that or not, but I do.  I know that just blows the minds of religious people to think this way, but I’m just reading the Bible.

In reading this chapter of 1 Kings you can see that God speaks to Elijah and tells him what to do only after he has spoken to Ahab.  God tells Elijah to go to a brook where God will sustain him and Elijah goes there and stays until the brook dries up for a lack of rain on the earth.  God then tells Elijah to go to a city where a widow woman has been commanded by God to provide for him.  The widow is obedient and God blesses her and even when her son dies, the prophet of God raises the child back to life.  So God is definitely heavily involved in this chapter of the Bible and this is how this chapter ends:

1Ki 17:24  And the woman said to Elijah, Now by this I know that thou art a man of God, and that the word of the LORD in thy mouth is truth.

The Widow woman says “The Words of the Lord in your mouth are true”.  It is very interesting to see what this woman saw and says.  Keep in mind that James said this was a man like us, and then reread this chapter with this in mind, looking for what he says.  Are the words that come out of your mouth, can they be considered the truth of God’s Word?  The words that you speak, will a stranger woman that you just met see that they are the words of God?  Your words that you speak are much more important than you can possibly imagine.  I believe your words help to identify you.

1Ki 18:1  And it came to pass after many days, that the word of the LORD came to Elijah in the third year, saying, Go, shew thyself unto Ahab; and I will send rain upon the earth.

Here is the first time that God tells Elijah to go back to Ahab and tell him that it will rain again.  You cannot find where Elijah asked God to do this, can you?  This appears to be a God initiated  conversation and not Elijah’s prayer for God to send rain, doesn’t it?  So how did God tell Elijah this?  Was it some loud audible voice from heaven or is this not how God speaks to you?  God only spoke to me once in an audible voice so I believe this is not how God normally speaks to His people in the earth.  Every other time that God speaks to me it has been as a still small voice in my spirit and I believe this is how God spoke to Elijah in telling him what to do also.  Otherwise God is doing something different or something special for Elijah that he doesn’t do for us today and this is not what James told us in the New Testament.  It is also special to note and to understand that prayer is not about just you speaking to God.  If you are the only one speaking in a prayer conversation with the Almighty then you have a major problem on your hands.  You should be quiet enough to let God speak back to you since He is so much smarter than you are.  It would be much more valuable to hear what God says at prayer time than for Him to hear what you have to say constantly.  Do you understand this concept of listening in prayer?  Just pay attention and give God the opportunity to speak, you might be shocked at what He says for you to do.

1Ki 18:41  And Elijah said unto Ahab, Get thee up, eat and drink; for there is a sound of abundance of rain.

In this chapter of 1 Kings, Elijah goes to king Ahab after God told him it was going to rain and makes some more statements that are absolutely faith based words.  In this chapter Elijah challenges the prophets of Baal to a Godly duel of power exhibitions and demonstrations.   This was an exhibited display of the confidence that Elijah had in his God’s ability.  Why were there 450 prophets of Baal in the camp of Israel?  Why did Israel put any of their confidence in these false religions and religious leaders?  That is a very good question to consider!  In this chapter Elijah calls down the fire of God to consume the sacrifices that were drowned in water first.  Keep in mind we have just had a drought of over 3 years long and Elijah is pouring water on his altar.  Does this sound like the actions of a man in a drought?   Here we see in chapter 17 that Elijah told the king that it will not rain for my words and then in chapter 18 and verse 41 Elijah says that he hears the sound of the abundance of rain.  Yet it has not rained a drop in over 3 years.  Is this a problem?  Or can you see that what Elijah is doing is what God did in Genesis 1?  I’m going to ask you this more than once today; are you a man or a woman that is also like Elijah?  You should really read James 5 a few hundred times before you answer that question.

1Ki 18:43  And said to his servant, Go up now, look toward the sea. And he went up, and looked, and said, There is nothing. And he said, Go again seven times.

These lessons found in the life of Elijah are very profound.  Elijah told Ahab there was a sound of rain when there was no rain.  Then Elijah tells his servant to go and look for the rain and the servant comes back and reports he did not find any rain and Elijah tells him to go and look seven more times.  What is Elijah doing?  Is there anything that you should learn when faced with a drought in your life?

1Ki 18:44  And it came to pass at the seventh time, that he said, Behold, there ariseth a little cloud out of the sea, like a man’s hand. And he said, Go up, say unto Ahab, Prepare thy chariot, and get thee down, that the rain stop thee not.

So the seventh time the servant went to look to the sea, he comes back to Elijah and tells him that he saw a small cloud coming out of the sea.  Do you understand how rain is formed?  These are the water cycles of the earth’s evaporation from the seas that forms clouds and then the weather patterns that carries this moisture in the atmosphere to then fall back down to the earth as rain?   Here we have Elijah knowing how this weather phenomenon works before there were any modern weather forecasters.   What was Elijah doing?  Do you remember what Elijah said in 1 Kings 17:1?  Elijah told the king that the rain would obey his words.  Elijah said that it would not rain for these years until he said it would rain.  The prophets of Baal and the things that God did to them were some of the reasons that Elijah could make these claims that God could back his words, but this is the lesson that Elijah and God is trying to teach us today.  I believe that this lesson applies to us in the modern world.  Elijah said he heard rain when there was not rain then said go and look for the rain until they say a cloud form.

1Ki 18:45  And it came to pass in the mean while, that the heaven was black with clouds and wind, and there was a great rain. And Ahab rode, and went to Jezreel.

So what is God trying to say to us?  Elijah said it would not rain and it did not rain, Elijah then said it would rain and it did rain a bunch.  I did not see one time in these two chapters of 1 Kings, where it said Elijah prayed for no rain or rain.  Only James calls what Elijah did prayer and that is a very profound revelation.  I only saw one time where it could be implied that Elijah may have asked God for rain and this was in verse 42:

1Ki 18:42  So Ahab went up to eat and to drink. And Elijah went up to the top of Carmel; and he cast himself down upon the earth, and put his face between his knees,

You can clearly see in this verse that Elijah assumed a position of humility and this is associated with an attitude of prayerful inclination towards God.  However, I’m going to be really picky and tell you that it does not say Elijah prayed and it does not give us any words of prayer that Elijah said to God.  So what do we do with this lack of information?  We can assume that Elijah prayed and God thought that this prayer was not important enough to include in the Bible or we can assume that Elijah didn’t pray like we think of prayer and then we have to go back to James and figure out how did James know that Elijah did pray since God does not say he did in 1 Kings?  Did James assume like others or did God teach James a greater definition of what prayer was?  You also have to understand that God told Elijah that it was going to rain in 1 King 18:1 so why pray for what God has already said will happen.  Do you understand this concept?  I believe that these two chapters of 1 Kings should expand our definition of what prayer is in the eyes of God.  Your words are heard by God and then God uses these to fulfill what you have said.  I know that does not go over big with everyone, but I believe this is what God is saying.

So how do you apply this story of Elijah to us today?  I believe that it crosses over into many things that we do in many ways.  A couple of years ago the region of the country where I lived was going through a drought situation that was becoming significantly greater.  Over the course of a few months, the lake levels had dropped lower than they had been since I lived here.  Water rationing was mandatory and you could not water you grass or outdoor plants, wash your cars or do things to waste water.  It was getting crazy here so I finally decided to do something about it.  That sounds pretty arrogant doesn’t it?  That statement makes me sound like I am God or something.  However, I learned from the story of Elijah the principles given to us from James that I could do what Elijah did.  So one day during the drought I looked out at the clear blue sky and started talking to the weather patterns, jet streams, pressure zones and the climatological situations to change in order to bring us rain on my house and city.  So did it change overnight?   Like the story of Elijah I went out and looked at the sky several times before it finally rained but then the drought was over and it rained a bunch.  You see I believed the Word of God was true and that what God said Elijah did, I could do.  I never prayed a prayer and asked God to send rain; I only looked out at the problem and spoke to it to change to bring me rain.  You of course could say that this was just an amazing coincidence that I did what I did at just the right time before it rained or you can look at the Bible and declare with me that God is not a liar.  After over 3 years of no rain Elijah said he heard the sound of an abundance of rain and after a few more days it occurred.  So either what happened to Elijah was an amazing coincidence also or you are just stupid and don’t want to see what God is saying in the Bible to us.  Here is a verse found in the Bible that directly applies to what we just read about in the life of Elijah:

Mar 11:23  For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

Jesus makes a radical statement here that most religious people readily reject.  Jesus says if you speak to a mountain and believe what you say will come to pass, it will happen.  So is speaking to rain any different than speaking to a mountain?  Are they not both inanimate objects without the ears for hearing?  However Jesus clearly implies that they can hear in this verse found in Mark.  This is a paradox of Biblical proportions.   You see if you are a commander in the army and issue an order you just expect it to be obeyed and carried out.  This is the same type of reasoning that Jesus is giving to us in this verse in Mark 11:23.  Jesus is implying that the mountain is waiting for an order to obey in order to be moved.  If no order is given, then no movement is made.  If you speak to it and tell it to go and believe what you say will happen, then Jesus clearly said the order will be carried out.  You are not concerned with how it is carried out, only the fact that it happens like you said.  Mountains can be symbolic representations of problems in your life, even like a real drought.   Can you see how this verse applies to what Elijah said in 1 Kings?  Everything that Elijah said was what happened in the earth, because he believed it would happen.  Elijah obviously believed in his words and they came to pass just as he had spoken.  God called this prayer in James 5 and you should understand this drastically changes what we should be saying in our daily lives.  Too many Christians pray and ask God for help and then go around speaking the opposite of what they prayed.  It would sound like to me based upon what we learned from Elijah that these words cancel each other out.  If you pray for God to help pay your bills and then look at your bills and say I can’t pay you, then you have canceled your prayer out.  What we have learned in the story of Elijah is God’s definition of prayer is much greater than our definition of prayer.  Your words of prayer could be the words that you speak to a king in the earth and tell him that it will not rain for your words.  These are powerful concepts that are being transferred to us from God and if you get a hold of them they will change what comes out of your mouth.  So I’ll end this lesson with this question again; Are you like an Elijah?  God Bless!

Understanding Seeds! Seeds and Weeds! Part 11

(Ver 1.4)  Today is Part 11 of a very important series of lessons on Understanding Seeds in the Bible.  We have covered a lot of very significant information that will not be repeated so I would highly recommend that you go back and start your reading with “Part 1”.  Today is a follow up to some concepts that I have talked a little about before.  However, today we will get into the aspect of weeds in a much more in depth study from the Word of God which will certainly challenge you to think.  I will probably introduce you to several brand new concepts found in the Bible on this subject so be prepared to learn.  Let’s start by stating the basic concepts of weeds.  Weeds are plants that you did not plant!  This is the basic concept that is critical to understand.  If you wanted thorns and thistles growing in the front yard you would have planted them.  But, if you are like me you put out weed killer to eliminate these types of plants so that your grass will grow and be healthier.  Weeds grow in the same soil as plants from good seeds and in fact weeds also come from seeds, but just not the seeds that we plant intentionally.  I personally believe that weeds are a result of the sin of man and God’s curse and we will probably talk about this more as we go.  I would venture to say that weeds are a caused effect.  Nothing happens by accident in the world.  There are always causes and effects to everything.  These are basic laws of physics implemented by God’s design.  If you see waves in a pond of water you know that something caused the waves.  So you must realize that God when He created our world and looked out on it and said “It was very good”, that God did not create weeds.  I do not consider weeds to be good, but maybe you do.  It is a highly subjective topic.  Regardless, if weeds are present we know that something caused them to be here.  So let’s review some things that we covered before and then go into more details in other parts of the Bible.

If you recall we covered several parables on seeds and one that Jesus taught that said the Kingdom of God is like a man who planted wheat seeds in his field.  This parable is often called the parable of the Wheat and Tares.  In this parable, while the man was sleeping an enemy came and sowed the seeds of tares among the seeds of wheat.  It is interesting to note that by only looking at the ground at this point in time you cannot tell this was done.  The implication was given to us that this was done secretly when the owner was away from the field and the owner only finds out about these weeds after time goes by and both kinds of seeds come up and grow together.  In this parable the owner of the field is clearly God.  The field can be viewed as the mass of humanity which is a type of the soil of the earth that we live in where seeds are planted.  The good seed is again the Word of God.  The weed seed was sown by God’s enemy Satan and these are the words not from God.  The good seed produces the desired crop of righteous people on the earth; these are those who have chosen the narrow path and the weeds are those people who have been deceived and chosen the evil wide path to destruction.  In this parable the servants (symbolic angels), go and ask the owner if they should pull up the tares, but the owner says let them grow together, or when you pull up the tares you also take out some of the wheat.  So the harvest is representative of the end of the age that we are currently living within and the time for this harvest is extremely short.   The harvesters are the angels of God who will gather God’s crop into God’s barn in heaven and then cast the weeds into the fire to be burned.  You can read this parable in Matthew 13:24-30 if you would like to, but I covered the greatest parts of it in enough detail that you should understand these concepts pretty well.  What we learn from this parable is a fact that God did not plant the weeds.  God did not cause the weeds to be planted and in fact this parable states that God had nothing to do with the weeds.  That is one of the key pieces of information from this parable to understand, so get a hold of that.

In the parable of the Wheat and Tares God introduced us to the concept of both seeds and weeds and this is my primary subject today.  How are they related, where did they come from and who is responsible for each.  It is clear in this first parable that the weeds are the evil people who have bought into Satan’s deceptions and are not saved.  The wheat plants are the good people who have been saved by accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior and these are called the righteous seed in the Bible.  So in this parable the concept of weeds is related to people.  However, in another lesson the concept of weeds is potentially something completely different.  Maybe you recall in the Parable of the Sower that Jesus taught us some more seed concepts that were extremely important to know.  In the parable of the sower, the soil was the hearts of men and women in the earth.  The good seed was of course the Word of God still.  The sower was the preacher that would proclaim the Gospel of Christ and the Word of God.  This parable also contained the concept of weeds being introduced in it, but this time the weeds were not specifically people, they were the things that caused people distractions in this world so that they did not produce fruit unto to God.   It is critical to understand the difference in these two parables and to also put them together correctly so that you understand the similarities and the differences.  Both parables are about the primary subject of seeds and both parables contain the concept of weeds.  However, if you look at the first parable you could attempt to claim that the weed people were predestined to be weeds and the wheat people were predestined to be God’s harvest, but that interpretation contradicts the information given to us in the parable of the Sower.  We must balance both parables to understand the subjects being taught.  In the Parable of the Sower, everyone had the same opportunity to hear and understand the word of God, but clearly only three out of six soil types produced any fruit unto God. Here was Jesus’ explanation of these weeds:

Mat 13:22  He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful.

The first thing that you need to understand from this verse is that thorns are weeds; something that was not planted by the original farmer.  So we can see that Jesus calls seed among the thorns to be those people who care more about things in this world than they do the eternal things that God says in His Word.  Part of the root of this problem is given to us as being the deceitfulness of wealth and money.  Often when people get a hold of money on the earth, they think they are in need of nothing including a savior.  You can read about this parable of the sower in Matthew 13: 3-9.  So we have two different parables with seeds and weeds using two different perspectives.  However, they have more in common than you can imagine.  They are actually the same people from two points of view.  Those who are the tares in the first parable are those who have let the weed seeds of Satan dominate them.  In fact the first three types of soil are all tares in the first parable that we looked at.  These are those who have rejected the truth, refused to hear the truth, let others in the world talk them out of the truth or as we have seen love things in the world more than they love the truth.  Both of these parables resulted in the same two separate groups of people, those who are weeds and are burned and those who produce fruit unto God and are harvested into heaven by the angels.  So let’s examine this subject in other areas of the Bible and see what else God says to us about weeds and seeds.  Where is the first mention or implied reference to weeds in the Bible?  I will give you a clue and tell you that it can be found in the Garden of Eden.

Gen 2:15  And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.

Here we have the description of God’s creation.  God planted a garden and caused to grow every tree that was good for food the Bible says.  This subject so far sounds very similar to the two parables that we just read about where Jesus told us of God’s attempts at planting seeds into His gardens from two different perspectives.  Both of these parables involved planting good seeds that came from God to produce good crops and an enemy comes into the garden to cause weeds to try to overcome God’s garden.  Isn’t this what happened in Genesis 2 and 3?  I believe that it is exactly what happened in these two chapters and we will begin to see that more clearly as we go.  In Genesis 2:15 God describes the man’s purpose for being in His garden was to “dress” it and to “keep” it.   Both words denote delagated human resposibility and accountablity.  The first word is a word that means “WORK”!  To work a garden implies one thing, that there are potential enemies and weeds that may come in and therefore you must do something about them to keep them out.  Work involves two aspects in gardening, first caring for the plants that are good by feeding and watering them and eliminating the enemies and the plants that are bad to protect the good.  The next Hebrew word translated as “keep” is very similar to work and it means to “watch” and “protect” the garden.  A watcher or protector is someone who is given the task and responsibility to not only work the garden, but is required to protect it from any enemies who could potentially come and destroy it.  Wow, two words of instructions was all that is necessary from God and they say so much to us in light of the parables that we have just seen about seeds and weeds.  What we begin to understand now was that it was not God’s responsibility to keep the enemy out because that was given to Adam for him to do.

Gen 3:1  Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

Here in chapter 3 of Genesis we now are deeply into the subject of an enemy coming into God’s Garden where he should not be.  Therefore, we are currently entrenched in the middle of the parable of the wheat and tares that we have looked at in the beginning of this lesson.  We see this enemy, the symbolic “serpent” coming to Eve and he begins to plant weed seeds into her mind that caused the doubts of deception to grow.  These are examples of the weed seeds of the enemy that God was teaching us about in the two parables we just reviewed in Matthew 13.  God places a man in His garden and then leaves him in charge and goes away and now the man is responsible to “dress” and “keep” it.  Satan brings the evil seed of the tares to Eve and she speaks them out for her husband to hear and he willfully hearkens to the voice of his wife and they are now captive to the deception of their enemy.  Adam had the opportunity to guard and protect the garden of his heart, but he allowed Satan’s words through his wife’s voice dictate his decision to intentionally sin.  I hope you understand what I just said as an overview of this story.  If not, you can go and read my detailed lessons on Genesis 3 and hopefully you will grasp these subjects more clearly.  I will drop down in Genesis to help you see a part of what I just said:

Gen 3:17  And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;

Here is a key verse that reveals to us God’s actions for the intentional sin of His man Adam.  You can clearly see that God says Adam listened to Eve’s voice and not to Satan’s voice.  There is no mention that Adam ever heard Satan speaking directly.  Do you understand this?  Probably not, because of the erroneous teaching of many tells us that there was a physical talking snake in the garden and if Adam was there he would have heard it all.  However, that is not what the Bible says at all.  You should go read my lesson on “Was there a Talking Snake In the Garden?”.  Then you can see that God says something else about the ground being cursed for Adam’s sake.  God then says that Adam will eat from it all the days of his life in sorrow.   What was “IT” that Adam is said to be eating from.  You can potentially say the ground that God just cursed, but I do not see it this way in the light of other verses found in the Bible.  I believe God was saying because you Adam chose to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you will eat from it all the days of your life.   Isn’t this what Adam was just found guilty of partaking from?  So what was the ground in the two parables that we looked at?  The Garden soil was clearly the hearts of men and women.  So what does all of this mean?  If you search your Bible and read the references for this Hebrew word that is translated as “cursed” they almost always have something to do with someone who disobeys the Word of the Lord.  God says something for them not to do and they do it and a curse is brought upon them as a consequence for their sins.  However, curses are just the opposite of blessings.  So how does God or people for that matter bless someone or curse someone?   If you have read my other lessons you know that you bless people with the words of your mouth and you also curse people with the words of your mouth.  James 3:10 said “blessing and cursing from the same mouth, this ought not to be”.   So curses are spoken words that produce negative results in our lives or in the lives of those the words are spoken to.  I think I will continue to the next verse in Genesis just to show you the connection to weeds again in this story.

Gen 3:18  Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;

Thorns and thistles are clearly both weeds produced from evil seeds.  They are not produced by the Word of God so we can assume that these are produced from the seeds that Satan has just sown in God’s Garden of man’s heart.  In the parable of the sower God repeated “thorns” for us to make the connection to this story in Genesis.  What were thorns in this parable?  God said thorns represented “the cares of this world” and the “deceitfulness of riches”.  Do you think these apply to Adam in this story?  I certainly do.  I believe that God had just given the man and his wife the earth and Adam now believed that he was self-sufficient and did not need God’s help anymore .  Adam at this time thought he had everything under control, but soon he would find out that he did not have anything under control when his Son Cain would kill his first born son Able.  This was the beginning of Adam’s realization that what he had done was not so great after all.  The sin that Adam introduced into the world was only beginning and the evil seed influence was only going to get worse before it got any better.

So God tells Adam that “IT” will produce thorns and thistles.  So let’s back up and determine what “IT” is?   If you recall the Bible says that Eve spoke words to her husband and God said that Adam “hearkened to the voice of his wife”.  To hearken means to obey or do what she said to do.  If Adam did something that he should not have done because his wife said for him to do it, what was this thing that God is talking about?  Let’s back up and see what the Bible says Eve said.

Gen 3:2  And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:

Gen 3:3  But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.

These are the only spoken words of Eve recorded in this chapter.  So either this is the key to what she said or it is not.  I believe that it is!  If Eve said to the serpent then she spoke words that potentially her husband could hear.  These words were partially correct but yet they contained some subtle differences to what God had said.  God did say you could eat of the trees of the garden, but God never said that you cannot touch it.  God simply said you shall not eat it or you will surely die.  So how is the middle of the garden different than the garden?  If God plants a garden and tells Adam every tree that is good for food I have given you for food but says this one in the middle of the garden is not for you, what is God saying?  If you read my other blogs you already know this answer, but I’ll go into some new perspectives to help you see it a new way.  I believe God was differentiating between two gardens in these statements.  There is a major difference between natural things and spiritual things and you should understand this if you are a Christian.  God gave man natural things as food and Jesus said that it is not what you put in your mouth that makes you unclean, so we know it was not anything that Adam physically ate that caused him to sin.  If you do not understand this you should go read my lessons on “Does Eating Fruit Kill You”.  So where is this middle garden that God is talking about where the tree of knowledge of good and evil is present?  Let’s do a word search for the Hebrew word translated as “midst” and see what we find.  I’ll start with one that I like in Proverbs because it is definitely related to my subject today:

Pro 4:20  My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.

Pro 4:21  Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.

Remember that the Word of God is the Good Seed of God.  So what does God tell us to do with this seed?  God starts by saying “attend” and this is a critically related word that can mean to “hearken”.  Sound familiar?  This is an intentional act of listening, hearing, understanding and doing.  God then follows this up with “incline” your ears unto my seeds (words).  Then God says for us to keep them before our eyes and then to keep them in the “midst” of our hearts.  The word “midst” is the exact same Hebrew word used to describe the location of the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil in Genesis 2 and 3.  Do you get a hold of what God is trying to say here?  It is the heart of man that is the location of God’s garden.  It is the heart of man where God wants His seeds to grow.  It is also the heart of man where weeds grow from the enemy of God, Satan.  You can read about the heart of man being the middle of man in Psalm 22:14, 40:8, 40:10, and 143:4.  Some of these are difficult to see because the same Hebrew word is translated as “within”.  But, you should be able to find it if you look for it and see that within you is the spiritual heart location of God’s garden.  Knowing this fact you can now begin to see that where spiritual fruit comes from as well as where spiritual weeds are also grown.  These are spiritual concepts of seeds and weeds and are completely relevant to our discussion today.

Please allow me to take you to some more words of Jesus that are clearly and directly related to the story of Adam and Eve in the garden and hopefully this will help us to see the connections a little clearer of seeds and weeds.  You might recall that I spoke these next words in connection to two groups of people in the world and here is what Jesus said to us about them:

Mat 7:13  Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in there at:

Mat 7:14  Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

So we can clearly see that these two groups of people are traveling separate paths.  Those who are not of God are going down the easy path through the wide gate and the broad way to destruction.  Those who God calls saved are those that are traveling down the narrow path and way through the narrow minded gate of righteousness.  These are two distinct groups, two ways and two paths; one leading to life and the other leading to death everlasting.   These are symbolic representations of either seed paths of good or the seed path of evil.  There are many more opportunities in the world for evil seed than there is for the good seed.  God only wrote one book of Good Seed and the internet, libraries and book stores are full of millions of books that you can choose to read that distracts you from the good seed.  So let’s examine the next verse and see how it fits with what we are talking about in this lesson:

Mat 7:15  Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

Here is a word of warning from Jesus our God that we need to watch out for certain types of people in the world.  The people specifically mentioned in this verse are called “false prophets”.  A False Prophet would be the opposite of a True Prophet.   A prophet is always someone who prophesies so we learn that not everyone that prophesies is from God in this verse.  What are prophecies?   These are spoken words aren’t they?  Spoken words are a type of seeds, get it?  God says beware the seeds of the false prophet and do not allow them to grow in your heart.  These types of people will come in the form of harmless looking sheep, but they will secretly be wolves.  So they disguise themselves to appear harmless and this is the first part of deception that you should become aware of.  Now learn the connection in the next verse that I was attempting to get to in the previous 3 verses of Matthew:

Mat 7:16  Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

Jesus says you will know people by their fruit.  In other words when people come to you in sheep’s clothing and speak subtle words to you, stop and observe them for a time period to see what kind of fruit they are producing in their life.  In this verse Jesus connects or technically disconnects real fruit from weeds.  Jesus says that you do not get grapes from thorn bushes and you do not get figs from thistles.  Why did God use the exact same words in speaking to Adam that ‘it” would produce for him?  God clearly tells Adam that thorns and thistles would result from something that he has done and now we are clearly given the location of these weeds and as we can see from what Jesus said these are spiritual weeds and they are the opposite of bearing spiritual fruit.  Are you beginning to see and understand the connection that God is making to us in the Bible?  Do you understand spiritual weeds better today than you did before you read this?  I pray that you take this and continue to study the subject and go and find more verses that reveal and confirm this spiritual reality.  I hope you enjoyed my advanced Bible lesson on Seeds and Weeds and please go and tell a friend what you learned.  God Bless!

If you would like to continue reading this series of lessons on Seeds you can go to “Part 12“.

Understanding the Power of the Spoken Word in the Bible! Keeping Your Mouth Pure!

(Ver 1.1)  Today is “Part 10” in a series of lessons on spoken words found in the Bible.  If you have not read this series from the beginning I would suggest that you go and start with “Part 1”.  Truly one of the most important subjects found in the Bible is the power of spoken words.  God clearly created everything that we can see in our world by His spoken words and the Bible says in this same chapter of Genesis 1 that God made man in His image and after His likeness.  So man possesses the same capabilities and characteristics that God possesses in of course a controlled set of circumstances and in a more limited capacity.  In other words we are not going to go out and create any new worlds like God did with just our words.  But, that does not mean we do not control our personal view of this world with our words.  I guess most Christians just ignore verses in the Bible about this subject and refuse to believe them and that is very unfortunate for them, because God’s Words are still true and they work for them or against them whether they understand them or not.  It is very much like the laws of gravity.  I do not fully understand the law of gravity, but I know enough to cooperate with it so that I do not fall off of a cliff and hurt myself.  I could spend a lot of time on this subject and probably will, but today I’m going to start in an O.T. book of the Bible that is not widely taught from by many preachers.  This is the book of Ecclesiastes and we will read in chapter 5.

Ecc 5:1  Keep thy foot when thou goest to the house of God, and be more ready to hear, than to give the sacrifice of fools: for they consider not that they do evil.

Here we have a verse that is easily misunderstood and ignored by Christians.  What is the primary subject of this verse?  This verse is primarily about your personal relationship with God.  But, it also has some very important instructions given to us concerning our relationship with God.  Did you notice what this verse says?  It says it is better to listen than to speak when holding a conversation with God.  Why would this be important?  Did you know that you cannot learn anything or even hear anything important if you are the one doing the talking?  You might think that you know something worthy of God’s time and ear, but God clearly says that you do not.  What is the “Sacrifice of Fools”?  If you study the Bible you can see that God says the words that we speak to God in praise are called the sacrifice of our lips to Him (Heb 13:15).  So what is the opposite of the sacrifice of praise to God?  I believe the opposite would be you speaking the words of self-exaltation, or any words promoting something other than God.   In other words stating with your opinion or your personal thoughts and ideas of what the truth is to you, these would be the words of a fool according to God.  That is one of the primary reasons that I do not watch much reality TV on our channels here in America.  These are the words of fools who do not understand that what they are saying is evil.  Isn’t that what God just said in this verse?  Here is a very good definition of what is evil in the eyes of God.  These are people speaking things without any basis of factual information or knowledge of the truth?  These are empty words from people with empty minds.  These are fools in the eyes of God.  God clearly tells us as Christians we should be swift to hear and slow to speak (Jas 1:19).  So this verse has some very important instructions given by the inspiration of God for us and we can learn from them or we can choose to ignore them like many do.  These are strong words from a strong God and it gets even better than that, read this next verse:

Ecc 5:2  Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing before God: for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few.

Wow, it is so incredible what the Bible says, isn’t it?   God implies that He hears every word that you speak and in fact in previous lessons on this subject you might recall that I taught that we will all give an account for every idle word that we have spoken according to Jesus himself (Mat 12:36).  This verse starts with do not be “rash” with your mouth!  Did you know that you can be rash with your mouth?  In previous lessons on words I taught on the sword of your mouth being able to cut two ways; either blessing someone or cursing someone.  This is the power that you have in your mouth according to the Bible.  You should always speak blessings over your children and encourage them with your words.  There are many children in our world that have never heard their parents say they were proud of them.  There are many children in the world that have never been told that they have great potential to do great things in the world.  These are the children that have been cursed by their parents saying they are stupid, dumb and incapable of anything positive.  These would be examples of “rash” words being spoken in the world.

The next statement in this verse demonstrates an old principle that I have previously taught on in the series.  This part of the verse says let not your heart be hasty to utter, say, speak, declare, etc.!  Wow, again did you understand the connection?  The words that we speak came out of us from the abundance of the understanding in our hearts (spirit) (Mat 12:34).  This is again why it is better to listen to God and allow Him to speak, since His understanding is infinitely greater than yours.  This is a very important principle being given to us.  The words that you speak come from what you have deposited in your spirit.  So if you do not like what you are saying you are in need of a heart transplant, spiritually speaking of course.   Jesus you might recall said “The words that I speak to you, they are spirit…” (John 6:63).  If Jesus’ words were spirit, then guess what your words are also spirit, just understand the difference that many times your words are coming from an ignorant spirit and most definitely are not the words of an unlimited knowing Spirit like God.   I say that but you can change that by learning to speak the written words of God and that makes your words seem wiser even if you do not yet fully understand the full meanings.  Finally this verse again confirms that it is best for us if we let our words be few when speaking to God.  This is always a good idea whenever dealing with anyone in the world.  If you are the one doing all of the talking then you will never learn anything new.  So being a good listener is the key to learning the truth.  I’m going to skip down to verses 4 and 5 for my next point on spoken words:

Ecc 5:4  When thou vowest a vow unto God, defer not to pay it; for he hath no pleasure in fools: pay that which thou hast vowed.

Ecc 5:5  Better is it that thou shouldest not vow, than that thou shouldest vow and not pay.

These are very important concepts to learn from concerning your spoken words.  God is giving us a very specific principle in these two verses.  What is that principle?  It is to say what you mean and then for you to literally do what you say!  In other words don’t tell someone I’ll meet you at 2:00 in the board room and never show up.  What does that make you if you say one thing and then do something else?  It is called being a liar and that is not a positive characteristic for anyone in the eyes of God.  In these two verses it very clearly says that it is better for you to not say anything than it is for you to say something and to never do it.  The example given is clearly about your money.  If you tell God you are going to give Him something and then you never do it then you have made yourself a fool in the eyes of God.  This is a very important life lesson.  I worked with a man who would tell people I’ll have that for you tomorrow and something would always happen and he never could fulfill what he promised.  The character of that man was now in question by everyone and everyone soon learned that you could not depend on anything that he said.  People need to be able to place their confidence in your spoken words.  If God said “I will do this for you” and then never did it, what would that make God’s character like?  That would not be good for God’s reputation would it?  If you cannot backup your words with your actions then you need to shut up and stay quiet.  It is much better to be perceived as an ignorant man then it is to open your mouth and prove it to everyone.  Here is another verse that speaks to us along these lines of our actions

1Jn 4:20  If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?

Is God talking about your words and your actions in this verse?  You bet He is!  If a man says “I love you God” but yet treats everyone in the world with contempt, God says that man is a liar.  A liar is someone who speaks words and then does not follow through with the effort to make them happen or to display them to others.  There is a direct connection between your words and your actions so learn the lesson of God and see what He says.  You should learn from God’s Word that He is faithful to perform what He has promised because God’s character is never in question.

Ecc 5:6  Suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin; neither say thou before the angel, that it was an error: wherefore should God be angry at thy voice, and destroy the work of thine hands?

Here we have another verse that declares the importance of your words.  Did you know your mouth is what causes your flesh to sin?  If you did not know this then you just learned something very important today.  Your mouth is connected to your spirit and your spirit is the eternal part of you that will be judged someday by God.  God does not judge your flesh, get it?  Did you know that you are not a body?  Your body is the flesh and bone house of your spirit so your flesh is not responsible for your sin, you are!   Here we have a principle being given to us and it has far reaching consequences.  How are people saved?  This is not a trick question, but one that most Christians cannot answer correctly.  People are saved by their words that they speak.  If you read Romans 10 you will see the connection between your words and salvation.  If you confess the “Lord Jesus” with your mouth and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dean, you shall be saved!  Here is the heart and mouth connection being given to us again in relationship to being saved.  So what is the opposite of being saved?  It still involves a heart and mouth connection but it is the complete opposite of those words found in Romans 10.  Instead of Jesus being your Lord, you think that you are the lord of your life and do not require anyone else.  So you think wrong and speak wrong and thus are not saved.  People like this are deceived by Satan who is really in control of their lives and he is their lord whether they believe it or not.

If you have been reading my series of lessons on angels you already understand a little bit about the importance of words spoken and angels doing, working or being sent by God to help you.  So what is the connection of this verse with the previous two about vowing to God?  Why does it say you are speaking to your angel?  Have you ever seen an angel and have you talked with one?  Most of us have not so this verse implies that angels are listening to your words the same as God is listening to your words.  So you cannot say “I vow to God” and then say “Oh, I made a mistake” and expect God or the angels to help you.  If you say something you always have the choice of whether or not you will do it.  God will not force you to do anything.  However, this verse in context with the others that we just read about words clearly tells us that your voice can cause God to become very angry with you and He can “destroy” the work of your hands.  The work of your hands is the job that you do to make money, your business, your employer, your income producer, etc.   God can bless this or God can cause it to fail and it is clearly linked to your mouth in determining which one God will do.  If you do not understand this you need to study the Bible a lot more and learn how to be blessed by God.

So today I took you through 5 or 6 verses found in Ecclesiastes about spoken words and their connection to your relationship with God as well as showing you the need to aligning your words to your actions for the continued blessings of God to come upon you and overtake you.  What you say has more bearings on what you get out of life than anything else that you do here.  Learn today to be quick to hear from God and slow to speak so that you can continue to learn from Him.  Let your words be few in general to everyone, unless you are told to speak to people and say something from God like I was today.  I pray that you will continue in the Word of God and continue to be led by the Spirit of God in everything that you do.  God Bless!

If you would like to continue reading this series of lesson on spoken words in the Bible you can continue with “Part 11“.

Understanding Spiritual Warfare! The Battle within and the Battle without!

(Ver 1.3)  This is “Part 1” in a series of lessons on the subject of “Spiritual Warfare”.  This is a new subject for me and a lesson designed for the benefit of those who have been attacked by Satan and do not understand why it has occurred or what to do about it to keep it from happeing again.   Many new Christians are immediately attacked and persecuted because Satan wants to stop God’s Word from developing in their spirits and becoming mature and fruitful.  New Christians are the most vulnerable and usually do not know what to do about this and do not generally understand why God even allows this to even happen to them.  There are many complex factors involved in understanding this problem and I will attempt to at least give you an overview of what is happening in the spiritual realm and why it can occur and what you can do to overcome it.

Within any battle that we face it is always best to first recognize that we are in a battle.  Not knowing that we are in spiritual battle is the number one reason why Christians do not fight the enemy.  This is the basic fact that allows us to prepare and face this enemy that we cannot see with our physical eyes.  Since we are born physical beings on this planet and we grow up dominated by our flesh realm senses we are forced to learn about the reality of spiritual things in order to become effective in this hidden unseen realm.  Too often we find that our senses rule our world and guide our lives.  If something hurts you physically you learn not to do that anymore.  If something feels good or tastes good you learn to do that again.  However there is an unseen part of you that is the real you and this being is your spirit inside your physical body.   If you are a Christian this is where God resides also.  The spirit world is more real than the natural world the Bible says.   God tells us that the natural world is “temporary” and the things that are unseen in spiritual world are those that will be eternal (2 Cor 4:18).   One of the first things that you need to understand is that we are in a spiritual battle and not a physical battle.  People many times want to protest abortion clinics or homosexual events and act like this is doing some good.  These people who are doing these ungodly things are just deceived individuals who are being guided by spiritual forces that are behind them.   Therefore, your picket signs and protests are not doing anything to solve the real spiritual problem.  It is like a doctor who is treating the symptoms and ignoring the cause of the disease.  Your focus is on the wrong things.

2Co 10:3  For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:

You can clearly see that God tells us that we are in a war.  However God does not tell us that it is a physical war with guns and swords.  We as Christians should be fighting this war differently than people in the world fight wars.  This is the greatest deception that Satan has over many Christians, they are focused on external things and ignoring internal things.  God tells us in this verse that “terrorism” is not our war as Christians.  The United States has been in a war against terrorism for almost 10 years now.  We will never win that war with guns.  If you go and kill a few terrorist, there are soon 10 more to take their place.  This is because of the spiritual forces that are backing them.

2Co 10:4  For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;

God tells us that we have spiritual weapons of war at our disposal.  However, God tells us that these weapons are clearly NOT physical weapons like guns.  Your gun will not do you any good against a spiritual enemy that you cannot see.  Satan has too many ways of fighting you supernaturally and no physical weapon will do you any good against these spiritual war techniques used by Satan.   I recently heard about a man in the U.S. that was obtaining natural guns and weapons to help Jesus fight the devil when Jesus returns.  This man’s ignorance of spiritual things will only make Christians appear as extremist fools to the world.  Let me give you a scripture that informs us when this spiritual battle that I have been talking about begins.

Heb 10:32  But call to remembrance the former days, in which, after ye were illuminated, ye endured a great fight of afflictions;

God tells us a key battle technique of Satan.  Satan attacks you when you are the weakest and most vulnerable.  Sometimes it appears to you to be seemingly overwhelming opposition and this is by design.  Since new Christians do not understand why they are being attacked many times they give up and turn back to their old life styles and ways of thinking and then Satan has won.  This verse in Hebrews tells us that a new Christian when first given “illumination” is attacked the hardest.  This is when they are the weakest, simply because they do not know how to fight this enemy.  Jesus tells us in Mark 4 that Satan comes immediately to steal the word of God from the hearts of people who have just heard the good news (gospel) of Jesus.  By attacking them early and often with overwhelming force they are many times easily overcome.  Mature Christians should be smart enough to know this and help new Christians overcome these attacks, but many Christians are too self-centered to see what is going on beyond their four walls.  Ignorance is a Christian’s greatest weakness.  Keep Christians ignorant and they will be no threat to Satan.  Let’s research the spiritual weapons at our disposal in this battle that I mentioned earlier.  I’ll begin with a verse Romans 13:

Rom 13:12  The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.

One of the other most important things to know is that there are two kingdoms of operation in our world today.  This is the root of all spiritual battles that we face.  There is the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light.  These are the kingdoms of Satan and God respectively.   As you can see God tells us in Romans 13:12 to put on the armor of light.  Light is of the Day and darkness is of the night.  I wrote a series of lessons on the subject of “Understanding Night and Day” and if you do not understand these spiritual kingdom concepts you should go and read them quickly.  The weapons of Light are the spiritual weapons of our warfare being spoken of in this passage.   It is important to realize that Christians are no longer within Satan’s kingdom of darkness, but yet we still war against this spiritual kingdom daily.  When this transfer of spiritual kingdoms occurred was when you believed in Jesus Christ and confessed Him as your Lord as it stated in Romans 10:9-10.  Because of the transfer of kingdoms we have a new ruler and Satan no longer rules our life unless we permit him or allow him to do so either intentionally or unintentionally.   Being in the Kingdom of Light gives you new power over the kingdom of darkness.   Light always conquers darkness in the natural realm but you need to learn how this works in the spiritual realm.  We fight this kingdom of darkness in the spiritual realm by taking up God’s spiritual weapons of light which we will now get into in more depth:

Eph 6:11  Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

God again commands us (Christians) to put on His armor so that we can fight and win this spiritual battle that we are clearly in ALL together.  I want you to go and read 1 John 1:5.   This verse declares that God is Light and in Him is no darkness.  Therefore when we put on God’s armor we are putting on the armor of Light.  Do you understand this?    Satan is the devil and the lord of the darkness that we are arrayed against and it is clearly not the people of this world that we fight against.  However Satan does use people to get to us and we may talk about that in more depth in the future.  This verse in Ephesians teaches s me why killing terrorist is not the complete answer to our evil problem in this world.  You see God wiped out everyone in the world 4500 years ago in the flood of Noah except for 8 righteous people and because we still have Satan in the world, evil and wickedness is almost as great as it was in the days of Noah.  However, do not make me out as a pacifist either.  I believe that we must defend our country with guns and weapons at the same time that we use these spiritual weapons of God to attack the root causes of the problem.  If you want to be a pacifist you will soon discover that evil doers will not be afraid of coming to your city to do you harm.

Eph 6:12  For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Again God tells us very clearly that people are not the root cause of the evil problems that we face on the earth.  God again tells us that the rulers of the darkness of this world are those that we are at spiritual war with.  These are clearly spiritual enemies and not physical ones that we can perceive with our 5 senses.   If you notice this verse  says that we fight against the rulers of the darkness of this world.  Those are simply Satan, his demons and the fallen angels that rule kingdom of darkness.   I would also like you to notice the Greek word “powers”.  This Greek word is G1849 and it literally means superhuman force or power.  This is obviously not any natural or physical strength or power and must be considered to be a spiritual power of great ability.  Not knowing that your spiritual enemy has any spiritual power is probably a good reason why Christian people are not fighting against him.  If we keep reading in this chapter we find out what these spiritual weapons of light consist of that we are to put on to use against our spiritual enemy Satan:

Eph 6:14  Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness

The first weapon is the weapon of truth.  This means you are at least required to learn the truth.  Only by you knowing the truth, will you not be easily deceived.  To know the truth is more involved than you just reading your Bible.  It requires you studying the Bible and you digging into the deep things of God’s Word.  You can very easily know some basic truths and not understand the more advanced things that will get you out of the jams that you are in right now.  Learning always starts with reading, but study is necessary to gain understanding.  Only by you gaining understanding can Satan never steal the truth that is in you.  The next weapon on the list is called the “breastplate of Righteousness”.   This first involves you knowing who you are in Christ.  You need to go through your Bible and read the New Testament letters written to the church and see what you have and what you are in Christ.  Christ is your Righteousness!   It is only by His Righteousness that we have any righteousness.   Go through the letters written to the church and learn and memorize the words that say “In Christ”, “In Whom” and similar words of association.  This will help to identify your position and the free gifts of association being given to you as an heir of salvation.

Eph 6:15  And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

Every weapon of our warfare if you haven’t noticed goes back to the Word of God in some form or fashion.  God’s Words are always at the root of everything that we do, say and live.   I think I said this already, but the spiritual battle is over the Word of God being resident in you.  Look at this verse speaking of your feet.  God says put the “Gospel of Peace” on your feet.  The Bible tells me that God waits for His enemies to be made His footstool (Heb 1:13Heb 10:13).  Where are God’s feet in the earth today?  These feet are in the Body of Christ who is the church and the spirit of God is within us.   So if God is going to “bruise the head of the serpent Satan” with someone’s feet today, how is God going to do that?

Rom 16:20  And the God of Peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

This verse written to the Church informs us that it is our feet that God will use to bruise Satan’s head before Jesus returns for us.  This implies we are to go out from this world as victorious.  How is the God of Peace going to do this?  Only by us putting the Gospel of Peace upon our feet will He do this.  You can see that we are back to the Word of God again.  The Gospel of Peace is certainly the Word of God being preached to the world.  The message of salvation, the message of deliverance, the message of emotional and physical healing and the message of safety.  These are key definitions of the Greek word “Sozo” (G2982) that is translated as “make whole”, “save”, “deliver” and “heal”.

Eph 6:16  Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

The next weapon in the Armor of Light is the shield of Faith.  This is supposedly the most important weapon to defend off the satanic attacks.  Faith is probably one of the top three subjects to study in the Bible in my opinion.  But, what is Faith?  Faith is based upon believing the Word of God.  So we are again back to reading and studying the Bible.  The Bible tells us that “Faith” comes by hearing and hearing comes by the Word of God” (Rom 10:17).  When the devil attacks you God says you should be firmly grounded in the Word of God for all of your defensive armor of God.  We can now look at the final two items found in the Armor of Light and one of these is the only offensive weapons we possess if you exclude the Gospel of Peace on our feet.

Eph 6:17  And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

To take the helmet of Salvation means to “receive” salvation which was freely given to us.  I’ve aready told you the definition of “salvation” from the Greek.  Again we are back to the basics of the Word of God.  You heard the Gospel which was the Word of God preached for Salvation and you accepted it and believed the truth and now you are saved.  Finally, the last weapon is called the Sword of the Spirit and this is plainly called the “Word of God”.  You have to study the Bible to figure out what this means.  Jesus said the “Words that I speak they are Spirit and they are Life” (John 6:63).  So the words that Jesus spoke were the Sword of the Spirit from his mouth.   In Revelation 1:16, 2:16, 19:15 and 19:21 Jesus is described as having a sword coming from His mouth that He uses to eliminate those that oppose Him in the end of the world.  We can clearly understand that this symbolic sword represents the Words of God being spoken.  To take the Sword of the Spirit in our armor means to speak what God has written in His book called the Bible.  When you speak the Word of God your words carry the same power as if God spoke them.  For example, if someone is coming against you in an attack, you could say “No weapon formed against me will prosper” (Isa 54:17).  This is putting the Word of God in your mouth to counter what Satan is trying to do against you.  You do not go up and say this to a human being, remember they are not your problem.  You say this in the privacy of your home to Satan who is the root cause of the attack.  Do you understand this?

Eph 6:18  Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

The very next verse in this context is also a key part to the successful spiritual fight that you are in.  When immersing yourself in the Word of God you also pray the Word to get God’s wisdom and assistance on the matter you are facing.  This next verse in Ephesians says “Praying Always”.  That means never ceasing to pray.  Pray when you study the Bible, and pray when you are not studying the Bible.  There should not be a time during the day when you are not open to pray to God or open to hear from God.  I have been doing a series of lesson on Angels and today I stopped that to answer a reader who was being attacked by Satan.  But, there are multiple times in the Bible, where God sent angels only after people prayed.  This means that if they had not prayed, there would have been no angels sent.  I believe prayer is an essential part of your continuing relationship with God.  This verse also places special emphasis on a particular type of prayer that is called “Praying in the Spirit”.  This of course is not a popular subject in some churches in America and they have no clue what this even means.  Some think it is just an extra praying with added emphasis, ability or time.   However, this is not what it means.  Praying in the Spirit is praying in tongues and if you have never done this you are missing out on one of the most powerful ways that God has to communicate through you the perfect will of God.  You see God is smarter than you are and since you do not know everything and do not know how to pray perfectly in every situation that you face, God gives us a method that will never fail.  You of course have the choice to not believe me and do it your way and remain at the level that you are at right now.  However, if you want more of God and to know Him better, then ask Him to fill you with His Spirit and see if it does not radically change your life, like it did mine.

I guess that is enough for one day on how to counter the attacks of Satan.  I know I did not cover everything in complete detail and I did not include everything that you should learn.  However, I try to do the best that I can in the limited time and length format that I have.   Please allow me to quickly recap the spiritual weapons of your warfare:

  1. The Belt of Truth (The Word of God is truth John 17:17)
  2. The Breastplate of Righteousness (Jesus the Word of God is our Righteousness)
  3. Gospel of Peace upon our feet (the Word of God given for our salvation)
  4. The Shield of Faith (Rom 10:17 Faith comes by hearing the Word of God, there get faith in God’s to build your shield).
  5. Helmet of Salvation (By grace ye are saved through faith Eph 2:8 again pointing us back to hearing God’s Word).
  6. Sword of the Spirit (plainly defined to be the Word of God).
  7. Praying in the Spirit. 

Understanding that you are in a spiritual war is the first place that you need to arrive at.  Understanding who your enemy is, is the next place to step up to.  The next thing is for you to take up the armor of God that you has been given to you and make good use of it.  The next thing that you should clearly understand is that the Battle is all about the Word of God.  Satan is attacking you to take the Word of God from you.  If he allows the Word of God to get in you, then you are an extremely dangerous person that can use this Word to come against him.  Therefore, spiritual warfare is fought with spiritual weapons against a spiritual enemy.   Finally praying is another key element to the spiritual fight that will allow you to be successful in life.  I hope and pray that I have given someone out there some level of help in what they are facing in life today.  It would be the greatest testimony of all if I can do that alone.  God Bless!

Understanding Angels! Put Your Angel to Work! Part 5

(Ver 1.0)  This is now Part 5 of a series of studies about the spiritual reality of angels found in the Bible.   We have covered a lot of information that is not all going to be repeated, so if you have not read these lessons from the beginning, I would recommend that you go back and start with “Part 1”.   What are angels good for?  What do they do for us?  Do they have specific jobs and assignments?  Who gives them these assignments, God or Us?  Does everybody have a personal guardian angel?  If so why do bad things happen to so many people?  There are just so many hard questions to try to answer.  I definitely will not answer all of these today.  We can certainly find some of the answers to some of our questions and still not understand that there are many other factors involved in what we get in life.  The Bible is a book full of highly complex issues and even if we learn one of these factors completely, that does not mean we can explain everything that controls what happens to us in life.  Many of these spiritual laws of God have been revealed to us in the Bible, but yet we still do not fully understand them all and how each one works, interacts and reacts with the other given spiritual laws.  What do we do?  I believe that we just do the best that we can and continue to learn as much as we can as we trust God to show us and teach us what else we need to learn.   God certainly has hidden a vast amount of spiritual wisdom and knowledge in this book that contains His Truth, so let’s study it today and see what He says us.  Today we will explore some more accounts of what angels have done for people in the Bible and thus see what they can possibly do for us.  You see the Bible says that God shows no favoritism and that He is no respecter of persons.  Meaning what He has done for one He must do for all.  Of course it is more complicated than trying to make everything totally up to God.  Sometimes God does things for people only because they have done the right things to allow God to bless them.   In order to obtain the same blessing that they got, you must do what they did and that is not as easy as you might think.  You might not know everything that did and thus it is impossible for you to do what they did.  So do not put everything that happens to you in the world entirely in the hands of God’s responsibility, you also have a part to play in what happens to you and you are required to make right choices as we will learn more about in these lessons.

Heb 1:14  Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?

If you read the context of this verse found in Hebrews you will clearly see that God is talking about angels.  God calls angels “spirit” beings that minister.  These angels as we have seen have the capability of manifesting into the natural realm and becoming physically seen by humans.  But, also note the qualification for the angel’s service being given to us.  These angels are only sent for those “who are heirs of salvation”.  Wow, that really narrows the scope doesn’t it?  Do you qualify as one of these people?  If you do then you have angels that are sent to minster for you.  Did you notice that it did not say minister “TO” you but that it says “FOR” you?  There is a big difference between those two words.  It is like saying I have someone working “ON” me vs. someone working “FOR” me.  If you look up the word translated as “ministering” it has a great definition.  It means “attendance” as a servant.  Angels are you spiritual “attendant”.  It can also mean “aid” or “official service”.  So what is it that angels are supposed to be doing for those that are heirs of salvation?  That is of course a trick question.  Did you know if you do not tell your “servants” what you want them to do, that it is Ok for them to do nothing and think that is what you want?   Only by giving your servants some specific assignments, tasks and jobs do you ever get servants that will know they are doing something that pleases you.  God is telling us to put our angels to work for us and you need to learn how to do that.  It is very much like owning a large company and hiring people but you not telling anyone what you hired them for.  They come to work every day and sit and just wait for something to do.  They take home a pay check for doing nothing.  I’ve seen many people who I have worked with before who do this.  Let’s look at an example in the Bible of how to put your angel to work for you.

What did angels do for people in the Old Testament and why did they do it?  By studying the Bible and asking these two questions we are about to find some of these answers.  We will find some examples and see how they ministered for these Old Testament saints.  We will start by looking at a verse in Genesis 24.  By reading the context you will see that this is the story of Abraham when he is very old and he sends out a servant to find a wife for his son Isaac.  Abraham makes the servant take an oath and swore that he will fulfill his last request.  Let’s start with a verse near the end of the chapter where Abraham makes a statement that is very relevant to my subject today:

Gen 24:40  And he said unto me, The LORD, before whom I walk, will send his angel with thee, and prosper thy way; and thou shalt take a wife for my son of my kindred, and of my father’s house:

Abraham declares that the angel of the Lord will be sent with this servant to help him find a wife for his son Isaac.  How does Abraham know this?  Reading this chapter I did not see Abraham pray to God and ask for an angel.  Did God tell Him that an angel would go with his servant?  I couldn’t find that in the Bible either.  You should really ask more questions when you study the Bible.  You see I do not think Abraham did anything but declare what his angel was going to do and thus he put his angel to work for him by faith.  The servant takes camels and gifts and goes on his journey to look for a wife for Isaac.  But, there is no mention of an angel going with him like Abraham said.  It appears that the servant went alone.  What happened?  What we can see in this verse is a great statement of how angels minister “FOR” those of the heirs of salvation.  Abraham certainly qualifies for a “heir of salvation”.  We can read in verse 11, that the servant goes to a city of Abraham’s relatives where he sits by a well and prays.  As you continue to read in this chapter you find that a woman appears at the well.  How is it that just the right woman comes to the exact well that the servant is sitting by at just the right time and no others come first?  Have you ever thought about that? 

The first verse that we read in Genesis said that the angel will “prosper” your way.  In other words you do something and the angel will do something to make it successful.  Did you see that this is a partnership arrangement?  If God and the angel were only responsible for getting a wife for Isaac, it would have been best for Abraham and his servant to do nothing and let the angel do his job.  However, this was not how it worked was it?   The servant went forth to a land and sat by the well waiting and knew what to pray and say and suddenly the right woman appears first before any others could come.  Do you understand that angels can influence people to do things and even say things?  Angels do this most of the time by simply putting thoughts and suggestions into your head (mind).  It does not say the angel appeared to Rebecca and told her anything.  You can assume that the angel came to Rebecca and suggested that she needed to go to the well and Rebecca agreed in her mind and went.  You can also see that the angel must have told her what to do and say when she got there to the well in order for everything to work out the way that it did.  You can also assume that since every other woman who was usually sent to the well to get water also did not show up first because these other women were given suggestions to wait and they did.  It is a fascinating concept being given to us.  Angels can affect what people do and when they do it.  Did you know that many of the people on September 11, 2001who should have normally been in the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City were not there for some strange reason?  These two buildings normally contained over 35,000 people on an average day by 9 AM.  This does not account for the number of tourists and others who could visit on any given day to reach way beyond that number.  All of these people who would have normally been there were not there the day that the planes flew into them and less than 3000 died that day.  When the terrorist struck the Towers, the buildings were amazingly not full to capacity like they normally were.  Was this a chance accident or were there angels trying to suggest that these people needed to be somewhere else this morning?  I heard many people say that for some reason they had to run an errand and do something else and fortunately for them it saved them.  I find that just too amazing to be a coincidence or a chance accidental occurrence.  I completely believe that angels of God were at work trying to save as many people as they could from what Satan was trying to do.  You of course can believe whatever you want to about it.

What we discover in reading chapter 24 of Genesis is that Abraham said some very specific words and instructions for his angel to follow in faith and things worked out for his servant in an incredibly orchestrated non-accidental fashion.  The odds for going to anywhere and being in the right place at the exact right time to meet a someone that you do know who says and does exactly what you expect is mathematically impossible to say the least.  So I believe that Abraham’s words put the angel of God to work for him to cause these things to occur.

Num 20:16  And when we cried unto the LORD, he heard our voice, and sent an angel, and hath brought us forth out of Egypt: and, behold, we are in Kadesh, a city in the uttermost of thy border:

When this verse says that people cried unto the Lord, they are said to be praying to God.  If you are praying then you are saying words, yes?  Apparently angels are sent and respond to words that are spoken by people on the earth.  We have actually already seen this fact in the story of Zacharias in Luke and Daniel from an earlier lesson on angels.  Here is a key verse that I gave you before:

Dan 10:12  Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words.

The angel was sent by God in response to the words/prayers of someone on the earth.  Daniel spoke words and the angels responded to those words.  If Daniel doesn’t speak words, guess what no angels are going to show up and do anything.  This is a revealed Bible principle of how you put your angels to work for you.  What we are seeing is a definitive pattern that informs us that angels respond to our words.  So let’s go back to what I said earlier, that Hebrews said angels are servants sent for the heirs of salvation?  How would you put someone to work for you in a company on the earth?  You hire them with your words and then tell them what you want them to do for you with more words.  I believe that this is very simple concept of how angels work for us.  You can choose not to believe it and it will not affect me one bit, however it might affect what your angels do for you.

Psa 103:20  Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word.

The angels of God do things based upon spoken words.  Clearly when God speaks they are attentive and listen to what is being said.  You can again see in this verse that angels are extremely “strong” beings and definitely not to be taken for granted.   So what other factors cause angels to work on our behalf?  I’m not sure if we can fully say the answer to that question.  I can see that the words that we speak and pray to God have definite effects on what they do.  If you have read my other lessons on spoken words, you should already understand and know what we say matters.  God clearly tells us that our words affect our outcomes in life.  There are certainly more instances in the Bible that I believe I could discuss today.  For example, David when he slew Goliath was he that good of a shot by David’s ability or was there an angel from God helping him?  You see it does not say there was any angel present, but there was certainly something supernatural taking place that we are not clearly informed of.  David certainly said all of the right words before his angel and God so I believe that this allowed them to help defeat the giant Goliath.  If God told us everything about every story in the Bible there would be no secrets and no hidden information to learn from the Bible; everything would be obviously right in front of us.  God obviously did not do this and conceals information in almost every story found in the Bible.  So we are forced to put the puzzle pieces together correctly to see what is revealed to us and what is hidden from us.   I believe that God purposely hides information about angels from us so that we do not worship them as gods.  So God balances the information in the Bible so that there is just enough to inform us and not too much too exalt angels higher than where they should be.

So I believe very strongly that our words affect our angels and what they do “FOR” us.  Only by choosing right words like David, Abraham and Daniel do they respond in ways that are positive to us.  I’ll try to show you in my next lesson how what we can say and do can cause a negative outcome on what angles do for us.  If you know of other stories in the Bible about angels I would be happy to hear about them.  If you have personal experiences with angels I would also be happy to hear about them.  God Bless!

If you would like to continue reading this series of lessons you can go to “Part 6“.

Understanding Seeds in the Bible! The Kingdom of God is Like a Man that Sowed Good Seed! Part 5

(Ver 1.2)  This is now part 5 of a series of lessons on seeds in the Bible.  Hopefully if you have been reading this series you have started to understand the importance of knowing and fully understanding this subject.  Jesus seemed to indicate that this subject was the key to understanding every other subject in the Bible.  God has designed and implemented a wide variety of natural objects and laws as views into the spiritual realm that we do not know very much about.  The natural laws concerning “seeds” are just one prime example of this revelation.  God believes that you can plant just a single seed and expect a vast harvest.  God planted the man Jesus Christ as a seed and He has been waiting for all of the fruit of this sown seed for the last 2000 years.  Since I can not fully explain everything or repeat everything that is said in every blog, I would strongly suggest that you go back and and start reading with “Part 1” if you have not read from the start. 

In the last lesson we discussed that Jesus was a seed.   As you may also recall I also implied in a previous lesson that Adam was a seed.  However, Adam was a natural seed and Jesus the Last Adam was a spiritual seed.  In Genesis 1, God spoke to Adam and told him to be “fruitful” and to “multiply”.  These are seed concepts that we have already discussed in some level of detail.  Fruit comes from seeds and the fruit has the seeds to produce more fruit.  This is the natural law of multiplication.  Most seeds that you plant in the ground always produce multiple or multiplied new seeds.  If you plant a seed of corn in the ground it will grow a new plant that can have anywhere from one to eight new ears of corn on it.  Each ear of corn can contain anywhere from 200 to 400 new seeds.  So doing simple math, we can say one kernel of corn seed is potentially multiplied into as many as (8 x 400=3200) new seeds.   If you take these 3200 new seeds and plant them; potentially you get 3200 x 3200 new seeds that is more than multiplied growth, it is now becoming exponential growth.  This represents the power of a single seed in the Bible.  It only takes one seed to have potential explosive growth.   God started with just one man named Jesus and this has resulted in a very large number of believers today.  This is exactly why Jesus could say the Kingdom of God is like a man that plants a seed.

Today I want to explore some new concepts of seeds in the Bible using another parable that Jesus taught us.  In this parable the Kingdom of Heaven is again being spoken of and a man is again planting seeds into the ground.   It seems that Jesus used this seed analogy repeatedly to try to teach us new spiritual things.  So let’s see what Jesus is saying now:

Mat 13:24  Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:

So while Jesus is declaring another parable about a very similar subject, He is at the same time giving us additional information about the spiritual laws of seeds.  In the last parable, Jesus qualified the noun seed with the adjective “mustard” meaning he limited the scope to a specific type of seed.  In Matthew 13:24 Jesus does the exact same thing, but this time says this is “good” seed.   With the addition of a simple adjective of “good” Jesus teaches us that there are also “bad” or “evil” seeds in the world.   In my front yard I sometimes call these weeds, because these can be thorns and thistles and they are never anything that I planted.  What we immediately conclude is that not every seed is “good”.  Remember what God said was the “good” seed.  Jesus taught us in the parable of the Sower that the seed was the “Word of God”.  Obviously the Word of God is the Good Seed that potentially produced the Good Fruit.  So what is “bad” or “evil” seed?   I think we are about to find out:

Mat 13:25  But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

It is important to note that God’s good seed is planted to produce “wheat”.  Wheat is a very specific crop with a very specific purpose.  It is critical for you to see if God would have wanted corn, He would have planted corn, if God would have wanted potatoes, God would have planted potatoes.  What we learn is that God’s seed is specifically designed to produce a very specific crop for a very specific purpose.  Wheat is normally ground up and we create flour with it and this is the key component to making bread.  It is interesting Jesus talked about He was the bread of life.  We can clearly see an association between Jesus the grain of wheat seed being sown to produce the future bread.  After Jesus arose, the explosion of the Word of God grew very significantly.  This growth was in both the new written words of the New Testament and the increased understanding of the Old Testament.

Many will try to interpret this parable and say things that it does not say.  According to the Bible, God does not sleep or slumber, yet Jesus as a physical man certainly slept.    However, now we are not talking about just God anymore.   We must recall what the soil represented in the Parable of the Sower.  The soil represented people in the world.  Now that changes everything.  People do sleep both physically and spiritually.  Natural sleep is a pattern for spiritual sleep.  We all normally sleep at night and work during the day.  These are symbols and typology for the hearts of man also.  Those in the night are those in darkness and they are spiritually asleep.  God has given to us the “Good Seed”, the True Word, but yet God is not here personally to give it out and teach it to us in the flesh anymore.  So this is a parable about the good seed creating the new spiritual Kingdom of God.  Where exactly is the Kingdom of God located?  Many will try to say it is in heaven, but this is not what Jesus taught.  If you read in Luke 17:21, Jesus told us that the Kingdom of God is now “within us”.   We therefore know that this Kingdom of God is within our spirits, right here and right now.  So what do you call those that have the Kingdom of God in them right now?  You call them Christians, those that are in the light!  The opposite to those in the light are those who are in the darkness.  These are those who spiritually sleep and slumber.  These are the men who slept that Jesus is talking about in this parable.  God didn’t begin to give us the Bible (good seed) for over 2000 years of human history.  The Bible has grown over the next 2000 years from a few books into our current 66 books of the KJV Old and New Testaments.   This is another example of the multiplication of seed.  While men were in the darkness and spiritually asleep, Satan came and sowed tares.  We clearly see that the tares came from a false, bad, evil set of words being spoken. You can call them lies, falsehoods, deceptive words, deceits, fabrications and you can even call them “leaven” even though we have not really discussed what symbolic “leaven” is yet.  Leaven is something you mix with wheat and it changes the bread makeup.  This is a spiritual principle that Jesus taught us to beware the Leaven of the Pharisees.   The Pharisees would constantly take the word of God and add their own rules and words on top of the true words.  Thus they diluted the truth with lies.  I hope that you do understand who this enemy of God is?   It is certainly Satan who has sown the seeds of the tares.  Satan is a spiritual being created by God who was found to have sin in him.  As we have learned that field represents the hearts of man.  So we have seen that an enemy has come and planted “bad” seeds into the hearts of people in the world today.

Mat 13:26  But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.

What we have clearly learned from what Jesus taught us is that God has enemies.  Spiritual forces that manipulate and deceive people into believing things that are not from God.  God has given to us the “Good Seed” and this implies that Satan has sown “Evil Seed”.  That means that not everything that comes along being taught is what God said.  We can clearly see that false religions in the world are a trick of the enemy to distract and deceive you.  We can also understand that false teachers will also come along and try to deceive you with enticing words. 

All of this is just the practice of people teaching right or wrong things.  The sowers are the teachers in the world today and the seeds are the words spoken.    It is very rare that any man on earth teaches the pure Bible concepts without tares.  Why is this?  It is primarily because no man knows the entire Bible and everything that is in it and everything that it means.   There is no man on the planet that is God who knows everything.  So therefore, we must all become tolerant of each other’s ignorance and strive to come up higher and learn the truth.  We are all on the paths of learning, or at least we should be on these paths.  If you are not still learning new things then you are stagnating in a cesspool of ignorance.   God tells us all to “Get more knowledge, but with all of your getting, get also understanding”.  Jesus taught us to “continue” in the Word.  To continue is an ongoing process, a never ending state of learning.  Only by continuing, Jesus said you could be called His disciples and only then would you actually know the truth and be set free.

This parable continues to discuss many things concerning the Kingdom of God.  God tells us that the seeds of the Kingdom will continue to grow with the tares of the enemy as long as it is not time to harvest.  God tells us, if he would have torn out the tares, he could have taken out some of the wheat because the roots can be entangled with each other.    However, there is coming a harvest time and I believe it is very near.  It would appear to me that those in the darkness are growing stronger in their evil ways.  The evil in the world is running rampant and unless God does something soon this will not be a good place to be.

Seed concepts are critical to understand for every Christian.  I believe that if you grow spiritually you will be able to know the times and the seasons and be able to recognize the times of the impending harvest.

If you would like to continue reading this series you can go to “Part 6“.

Understanding God’s Spiritual Power and the Power of Spirits!

(Ver 1.1) Today is the next lesson, “Part 9” in the series on understanding the Bible subject of spoken words.  If you have not read this series from the beginning you should go and start reading with “Part 1“.  Most Christians possess the belief that God is omnipotent.   “Omnipotent is a theological term that is technically not found in the English translation of the KJV Bible.  However the word “Almighty” (H7706, G3841) is found in the KJV Bible and it means “omnipotent.  The word “Almighty” appears some 57 times in the KJV Bible with only 10 occurrences appearing in the New Testament and 9 of these are found in the book of Revelation.  It appears to me that God emphasized His power and ability more directly in the Old Testament and has given the subject less emphasis in the New Testament based upon His word selection and distribution.  The 9 instances of “Almighty” in Revelation seem to be related with God’s sovereign ability to execute judgment.   Judgment is not a predominate theme of the New Testament except when you come to the book of Revelation.  I did not say that you cannot find judgment in the N.T., I just said it was not the dominate theme of the church age.  If you recall when Jesus was walking the earth, people brought a woman to Jesus who was caught in the act of adultery and Jesus’ response should have been that of a judge according to the law; however Jesus was mercy driven with compassion and told those who were without sin, to cast the first stone.   However, did you ever think that the only one without sin in this group was Jesus and that He should have been the first one to cast the first stone, but did not?   The mercy of God is a much greater predominate theme in the N.T. than the judgment of God.  But that is another different subject to discuss at another time.  Today we are talking about the subject of spiritual power and the power of spirits.  Let’s look at the “Power” of God first.  Does God have ALL Power?

2Co 6:18  And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

The Greek word G3841 translated as “Almighty” is a word meaning “all powerful” or “omnipotent”.  God has the power, strength and ability to do anything.  The power of God is massively demonstrated throughout the Old Testament.  From the creation account in Genesis 1 all the way to the flood of Noah, to the scattering of people at the tower of Babel, to the demonstration of power before Pharaoh in Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea, to the miracles in the wilderness.  There are just too many examples found in the Bible to list them all.  So we can easily understand that God has great and awesome power.  But, does God hold “ALL” power?  That was my question originally.  Meaning ONLY God has any power?  A lot of religious people think in these terms and miss what the Bible says on the subject.

Let me introduce you to a new concept and another term used to describe nature and character of God other than as the “Almighty”.   This new term that I will show you is used in the KJV Bible approximately 48 times; again 38 times in the Old Testament and only 10 times in the New Testament.  This term or name of God reveals Him to be the “Most High God”.

Gen 14:18  And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God.

Reading this verse we can clearly see that God is described as being “Supreme”.  Meaning among spirits there is none greater or more powerful than He is.  God is at the top of the spiritual food chain, proverbially speaking.  What do we learn from reading this verse?  If there is a “Most High God”, then there are other gods that are below him in rank, power and ability.  That statement might get some people upset at me, but yet I’m just reading the Bible and seeing what is written there.  Can you understand what was said by God?  You do understand that the author of the Bible does not need to qualify the name “God” with the adjective modifier of “Most High” if there are no other gods that exist?  It only takes limited basic logic and very simple reasoning to see what God says in this verse.  Of course some will try to say that God is the only “True God” and all of the others are just false imaginary gods.  However, the title “True God” is also found in the Bible and it is a different Hebrew word than “Most High”:

Jer 10:10  But the LORD is the true God he is the living God, and an everlasting king: at his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation.

We can clearly see that the LORD is called the “True God”.  So we can automatically conclude that there are also false imaginary gods that also exist.  But this verse also claims God is the “Living God” meaning these false imaginary gods are only defined as those that are dead or have no life in them.  A false god would be like when people in the world worship idols, the objects made by the hands of man.  These idols are “false and dead gods” and they have no power on the earth whatsoever.   Another example of a false god would be like those found in mythology.  False, gods like Atlas, Hermes, Mercury and etc.  These are gods made up in the minds of men that do not have any basis for existence.  So what we have learned is that there are several different types of gods in the world.  We created the following list diagram explaining what we have just learned with our God on left and others mentioned or implied on the right.

Biblical Title of God Antonym Opposite
Almighty God Limited god
True God False god
Living God Dead god
Most High God Lesser god

So what is my point?  Where am I going with all of this?  What I want you to see and learn is there are other gods in the world other than our Almighty God.  I am not talking about Greek mythology or Roman mythology or any other kind of imaginary, fictitious of mythological deity powers.  What I am about to show you are created spiritual beings in the Bible that God has called other types of “gods”.  You can clearly see these gods exist by the implications that we have just read in the Bible from the names given to us by our God.  Here is a N.T. verse that you should be aware of, but I’ll remind you of it:

2Co 4:4  In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

So who blinded the minds of all those that believe not in this world?  This verse is not speaking of humans since they are the ones that have their minds blinded.  No this verse is speaking of another spiritual power that exists in the world.  This spiritual power is Satan and he is called the “god of this world”.  This Greek word translated as “god” in this verse means “deity”.  It can also mean “supreme”.   This word occurs over 1000 times in the N.T. and is most often used for references to our God.  For example in Matthew 1:23 where Jesus is described as “Emanuel” translated as “God” with us it contains the same Greek word.  However, in 2 Cor 4:4 we have a new mystery being stated using the same Greek word in reference to Satan.  Who gave Satan this title?  Or did he steal it from someone?   If Satan is called a god by the Most High God, do you accept it?  In other words is God a liar?  You see that is the problem with many Christians, they do not know that Satan exists and who he is.  So if Satan is a god, what type of god would he be?  He is not the “Most High”, nor is he the “Almighty God”.  I cannot call him the “True God” either.  He is certainly alive so he might fall into the living god category.  It really depends upon your definition of death.  Satan is not a physical being so he cannot die naturally.  If you do not know it, you cannot kill a spiritual being or cause them to cease to exist.  But, yet the Bible does talk about a “spiritual death” which can be defined as a separation from God.  I believe that Satan is now and has been separated from God ever since the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  The Bible tells us that if Satan would have known what was going to happen to himself, he would not have crucified the Lord of Glory (1 Cor 2:8).

Is Satan a lesser god than the Almighty God, I believe he is definitely on a lower spiritual plane than God Almighty.  Satan is not omnipotent, and he is not omniscient, and neither is he omnipresent.   So Satan qualifies as both a “lesser god” and a “limited god”.  So the question arises does this god Satan have any power?  I had one reader tell me that he didn’t think anyone could create anything other than the Most High God.  God is the only being that has the power of creation.  I’m not sure if I agree with that statement totally.  Where in the Bible does it say that only God can create anything?  If you know of a Bible verse like that I would be very pleased if you would share it with me.  Also, please do not assume that I am saying anything that I have not said.  God Almighty is the creator of everything that we see around us in our world.  But, many people think that Satan has no power to do anything and that is just not what the Bible says.  At least 3 times in Revelation the beast, the false prophet and Satan are stated as having done “miracles” (Rev 13:14, Rev 16:14, Rev 19,20).    A miracle is defined as a “supernatural” sign and wonder.  That tells me that Satan has significant abilities that he has not fully demonstrated to us.  That tells me that Satan is not powerless.  I learned a lot from what Jesus taught about Satan:

Luk 10:19  Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the pwer of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Apparently Jesus did not think that Satan had no power either.  There are two words in this verse, both translated as “power” but they are dramatically different Greek words.  The first word translated as “power” (G1849) was spoken to us (the church) and it means spiritual “Authority”.  Jesus gave the Church legal jurisdiction over Satan (serpent) and the rest of his demons (scorpions).  The second word (G1411) translated as “power” is in direct reference to a symbolic serpent and some symbolic scorpions.  These are the symbolic representations for the enemy of the church called Satan and his demons.  This word for “power” means “miraculous power” or the “ability to do supernatural miracles”.    So what is a miracle?   A miracle would be anything that occurs that is not of the ordinary course of nature.  If you scrape your leg and it bleeds, it will heal in the ordinary course of time and nature.  However, if you lost your leg in a motorcycle accident and it grew back from a stump that is a miracle.  So according to Jesus, Satan is capable of doing supernatural miracles.  So do you understand that a spiritual being like Satan has a miracle working type of power?  Jesus told us in John 10:10 that the thief came not but for to kill steal and to destroy.  The thief is again a reference to “Satan”.  To have power to kill and destroy something is the opposite power of giving life and creating new things.  So does Satan have spiritual power and ability to do something supernatural in our world?  I believe that the Bible says that he does.  God’s word at the very least implies that Satan has great power in the spiritual realm.  However, He is still well under the level of the Most High God in power and ability.

Then there are other references in the Bible that says people are gods.  Jesus looked at the Jews in John 10:34 and said “is it not written in your law that I said ye are gods”?  Jesus was quoting a scripture verse written in the O.T. in Psalm 82:6 where God told them they were gods.  People in the church today struggle with believing that concept.  Does man have the power and ability to do things in the spiritual realm or are we just limited to the natural realm?  We understand from Genesis 1:26, that man was created in the image and in the likeness of the Most High God.  If we were created to be like God Almighty that would mean that we had the similar features and characteristics that God had.  If God had all power, we must have been created with the likeness of this power on a lower scale.  You might call us gods of a lesser power.   Here is another verse found in Psalms that speaks about the creation of man:

Psa 8:5  For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.

As you can see, this verse places man in certain spiritual rank and position of ability.  However, the translators really dis a very poor job with this verse ignoring what the original Hebrew language said.  The translators did not believe that man had any spiritual significance.  You see the Hebrew word (H430) translated as “angels” in this verse is the Hebrew name for God called “Elohiym”.  This is the name of the Supreme God used in the O.T. Bible over 2000 times, and it is translated as “God” the majority of the time.  What we discover from reading this verse, is that man (Adam) was created to be a little lower than the Supreme Most High God.  That does not sound like anyone with No power or ability.

We are children of the Most High but not of the same ability to create worlds, planets and universes.  One of our greatest weaknesses is that we lack the knowledge.    While knowledge has increased rapidly in these last days that we live in, the ability of man to create real life in a test tube has not even come close to God’s knowledge.  Man can create robots and simulated life but, we are not God and cannot create a human body.  So man has creative power in a very limited form.  Man can write new songs, books and create new movies.  While all of these acts demonstrate God’s ability in us, we are still not anywhere close to God’s ability.  We are lords, gods, and kings; we recognize our position but do not exalt ourselves above that position.  We recognize that we have power, but note the fact that we are NOT all powerful.  We can see ourselves as being so valuable to God that He came to purchase us with His own life and blood.  We can therefore know that we are not worthless, we are not powerless and that we have great value to God.  Knowing who you are and who you are not is very critical to knowing God.  Recognizing your correct position in the spiritual food chain is critical for you to know your purpose in life.  To know that you are not a nobody,  while you recognize that you are also not the Most High.

So who knows how many religious people I have offended by telling the truth.  If you are offended I’m sorry, but get over it and learn.  We have learned from the words of God in the Bible that there are other spiritual beings in the Bible that are called gods.  These spiritual beings have some power or limited power below the scale of the Most High God who holds Supreme Power.  But, what is power?  How does God define power in the Bible?  To our natural minds power is simply someone’s strength and ability to use it.  Naturally speaking the bigger your muscles are the stronger you are in this realm and this feature makes others think of you as being more powerful.  Take the example of Olympic weight lifting.  The strongest man can lift the greatest weight over his head.  The winner is the one that lifts the most.  That feat makes him the strongest man of the strong.  That was a sports analogy of power. But, this is not what God says is power in the spiritual realm.  What gives a spiritual being power?

Heb 1:3  Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;

You can read this verse and totally miss what God is saying.  In this verse, God is informing us that His Word is His Power.  The Word of God = the Power of God.  Many modern Bible translations mix the words up in this verse and translate it as God’s “powerful word” or “mighty word”.  However, if that is what God wanted to say he would have written it that way.  God is not stupid; people are just ignorant and come up with these incorrect translations.   The “Word” of His “Power” is exactly what God wanted you to see.  This informs us that ALL of God’s power is in His Word.  If you translate it the wrong way it only says God word has some of His power and this means that there is other power somewhere else not in His word.   So if God’s Words are His Power, what are words?  Words are thoughts, ideas, knowledge, understanding and wisdom expressed in a spoken language.   I hope that you understand these basic concepts.  To say that God is the Most High God would inform us that God holds ultimate knowledge, understanding and wisdom above all other spiritual creatures.

In the book of Revelation, Jesus is described 5 times as a being with a “sharp two-edged sword” coming out of his mouth (Rev 1:16, Rev 2:12, Rev 2:16, Rev 19:15, Rev 19:21).  In Bible days when this was written, the sword was the weapon of war and wielded much power and strength by the one that was using it.  It would be like someone with an AK-47 rifle today.   These verses found in Revelation again confirm and demonstrate the location of the “Power” of God as being in His mouth and His spoken words.  In Revelation 19:15 Jesus uses this sword to smite the nations that oppose him.  In a recent news article I heard about a group of militia in some state that was arming themselves to help God fight the coming anti-Christ.  I just laughed at their ignorance.   Your little AR-15 will be no match for the Sword of God.  What we have discovered is that God’s word is where His power is located and we can clearly understand this by reading Genesis 1 to observe how the world was created.  In Genesis 1, God saw a problem, God said the solution and then the solution was.  It is just very basic to conclude that it was the act of God speaking that released God’s power to create.   I hope that you understand those concepts because I am not going to explain them in more depth today.  Let’s move on to see what God says about this power in other verses in the Bible:

Heb 4:12  For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Now we learn some new concepts.  The sword of God’s mouth is not all of the swords that exist in the spiritual realm.  If God’s sword is more powerful and sharper than all the rest, that makes God’s Sword the Sword Almighty, and the Most High Sword.  But, do you see that there is more than one sword in the world?  That is telling us that Satan has a sword coming out of his mouth, you have a sword coming out of your mouth and I have a sword coming out of my mouth.  That implies power of a lesser or limited capacity.  These are all just simple concepts, derived from reading the Bible.  If you recall in Isaiah 14:13 Satan uses the sword of his mouth to say the following “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit…” and on I could go.  Satan was wielding his power and making great plans to raise himself up to the Most High level.

But, God wielded His sword and said “Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit”.  Whose sword is sharper?  Whose sword is greater?  Whose sword will prevail in the end?  These are valuable lessons for your life.  Humble yourself and do not allow pride to exalt your own power, ability or knowledge to cause you to think that you can also be like the Most High.

If you would like to continue reading about the power of words you can go to “Part 10“.

O Lord, Guard The Door of My Mouth!

(Ver 1.3)  This is now “Part 8” in a series of lessons about spoken words.  If you have not read this series from the beginning I would suggest that you go and start with “Part 1“.  Did you ever realize that your mouth was an opening to your spirit?  You are a spirit being that lives in a physical body.  Your physical body has doors and windows that allow your spirit to express itself and to learn new things.   Your ears are a window to sounds, words and things to hear from God with.  Your eyes are also windows for light, to observe and see things that are around you.  These are one way gates into your spirit.  But, your mouth is a two way gate that breaths air in and exhales air out.  Your mouth also takes in natural food and drink for the nourishment of your physical body.  But, the most important thing that your mouth does is speak words that originate from your spirit.   Your mouth is the only exit for spiritual expression that you have.  Your spoken words are the keys to everything that you do in this world.   I will go a step further and tell you that your spoken words are the keys to everything that happens to you in this world.  For example, your spoken words will become  the key to your salvation or your damnation to hell.   You may not understand that statement but it is based upon scripture and how God designed the process to work.   Let’s start the Bible study by confirming that your words are the spiritual expression made manifest in this world:

Mat 15:18  But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.

As you can clearly see from what Jesus teaches us, the words of your mouth are an extension of your spirit.  Whenever the Bible talks about your heart, it is usually a figurative meaning  referring to your internal spirit.  The spirit of your being is the innermost real you that will live forever and I hope you understand this.  The heart of a man is similar to the heart of a tree or the heart of an apple.   The term is used to describe the center inner core of the object and that is the unseen spirit of the human in God’s triune design.  Let’s look at another important verse that Jesus speaks on this subject of words originating from the human spirit:

Joh 6:63  It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

Jesus again tells us where words come from.  The Spirit of God that was inside of Jesus’ body produced the words that gave us life.   Jesus clearly tells us that it is the spirit that causes the flesh to live.    He then says that His words are this Spirit!  What we learn from what Jesus was teaching is that every person has a spirit and this unseen spirit is expressed in the spoken words coming from out mouth in our world.  The only difference between our words and God’s Words, are His words are based upon infinite knowledge, understanding and wisdom and ours are too often just baseless ramblings built upon our own extraordinary ignorance.  Let’s continue researching the connection between the spirit and the mouth, because God says in the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses let every word be established (Mat 18:16):

2Th 2:8  And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the SPIRIT OF HIS MOUTH, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

In this verse in 2 Thessalonians, God says that Jesus will do something with the Spirit of His Mouth that will consume the wicked.   What do you think this is?   Do you think that Jesus will breath fire like a dragon or are you smart enough to know that God just has to say a couple of words and whatever He says happens.  What we learn from this verse is further conformations of spoken words being directly connected to spirits.  Spoken word are not really just a connection to the spirit but more the displayed expression of the spirit.  Technically speaking spoken words and spirits are one in the same in the eyes of God.  God’s words are God and God is His Word (John 1:1).

Mat 12:34  O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

As you can read again, Jesus connects the heart/spirit of man to the spoken words of a man.  Jesus speaking to the Jews, says how can you speak anything good?  You have to have good in your spirit before you speak anything good from your lips.  Jesus is implying that we can speak something good, but first we have to deposit something good in us in abundance.  These are verses that demonstrate to us that man was made in the image and likeness of God.  Jesus clearly links us to be like God in this capacity.  Our words are linked to our spirit, just as His words were linked to His Spirit.

I have been doing a series of lessons on the spoken words coming from your mouth.  We have learned from God’s word that we can curse people with our words and we can bless people with our words.  We can speak good things and we can speak evil things.  We can proclaim the truth and we can speak lies.  The mouth is a weapon of incredible potential that we can do great good with or create great harm to ourselves and others.   The same mouth has the potential to achieve great good in the world as well as great deception.  That is why the Bible writes us a verse of prayer that asks God to place a guard at the door of our mouths.  If you go to Europe and other places where they have palaces, the occupants are many times protected from the evil of others on the outside by placing guards at the gates of entrance or exit.  This is not what the Bible is saying but the concepts are still applicable.  Let’s start by reading the verse that reveals our mouth to be a door in need of a guard:

Psa 141:3  Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.

A watch is someone who stays up to guard an entrance of a city.  In Bible days a city would have great walls around it and they would place men on top of the walls during the day and night to watch for danger.  Their job was to stay awake during those specific hours and to keep vigilant watch for any approaching danger.   When danger was observed, the watchman would sound an alarm to wake the city to counter the impending danger.  While you might try to apply this to the verse in Psalms, it really doesn’t make a lot of sense in that regard.  You might need to watch what you eat occasionally, but God is speaking more about spiritual things that you need to keep a watch on than any natural things that are trying to enter in your body.  Let’s get one more witness to the fact that our mouth is a gate before we continue:

Mic 7:5  Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide: keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom.

What we have is another verse found in the Bible that says your mouth is a gate.  A gate is a door or entrance to a realm that you either want to keep people out of, or keep things within.  You never design a building without doors, otherwise you can’t go in and you can’t get out.  So what is God trying to keep from exiting your mouth by placing His guard upon it?  Why would it be bad for you if something came out that shouldn’t come out?  That is an amazing question to ponder!  If your wrong spoken words had no consequences attached to them, it really would not matter if we had a guard, would it?  However, God is implying that your words have great consequences positive or negatively upon your life and that is a potentially bad thing for you if you do not understand the concepts being revealed by God.

Pro 6:2  Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth.

When you learn to see what the Bible says, you become infinitely more aware of what you say.  According to God, the words of your mouth can cause you to become a captive of your enemy.  A snare is a trap.  A trap is a deceptive device that renders you a captive.  As you can clearly read in this verse, God says that you are “taken” (caught in a pit) by the words of your mouth.  These have to be wrong negative spoken words or that would mean that any words spoken could be a pitfall for us.  That statement would also indicate by the law of antithesis that you can be “freed” by the right words of your mouth.  The things the Bible says about your words are some of the strongest warnings that God gives us in the Bible.  It is so obvious to me that many people do not heed the warning of God and speak some crazy things.  People let words come out of their mouths that I’m sure must cause God to cringe with disappointment.

Pro 18:21  Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.   

God declares that your tongue has power.  If you refuse to see this or to ignore it, does it cause it not to be true?  If you do not believe in gravity, would that affect the law of gravity if you wanted to jump off a tall building?  Of course it does not, you are still going die.  Your wrong belief never overrides the truth.  The same is true of ignorance, your ignoarce of the law does not affect your punishment for the violation of that law.  So when God says that Death or Life is in the power of the tongue, does that make it not true, if you do not believe it?   Again it does not!   What God is revealing to us is that we have been given choices to make.  What we achieve in life or that which happens to us in this life is determined by the choices that we made and words that we have spoken.  Obviously many people do not believe this and they can’t figure out why things have happened in their life.  Some think it is just bad karma, bad luck, or possibly just amazing coincidences or accidents that occur in their lives.  Maybe you can discover a Bible verse that says that, but so far I have not found any.

So if God wants you to pray and ask Him to put a guard on your mouth, what is He trying to keep you from saying?  It could be just simply that you should say only good things to people, good things about people and not to speak negatively about others and that is certainly applicable.  However, God seems to indicate from the verses that we have studied today that there is much more to it than that in the Bible.  If you can be taken captive or a prisoner just by your wrong spoken words or even die because of your words of death, would it be important not to speak those words that cause those negative results?  I believe that it is entirely meaningful given the verses that we have just studied.  So a watch on the gate of your mouth is not a physical guard to keep things out.  I believe it is a spiritual guard that keeps you from harming yourself and others that you live with speaking words with negative consequences.  What about your children, for example.  If your words can affect you they can also affect your family and those that you are responsible for.  Only you can allow God to place a guard on your mouth.  God will not violate your rights or your will.  God will also not force you into saying anything correctly.  As you learn to cooperate with God, you will learn more about how the words of your mouth have great significance and are very important to keep under control.  You should go and review the book of James and see what God says about the tongue and how important it is to manage.

If you would like to continue reading this series of lessons on spoken words, you can go to “Part 9“.

A No Fault Religion! A Blameless Sinner Theology!

(Ver 1.1)  This is now “Part 7” in a series of lessons on spoken words.  If you have not read this series from the beginning I would suggest that you go and start reading with “Part 1“.  Man is guilty of one very poor behavior trait that is a major short coming in everyone’s life at some point.   It would seem that people like to think that no matter what happens to them or how bad the results, it was not their fault!  We have all been faced with the reality of doing something wrong and then being faced with the consequences and suddenly we come up with all kinds of reasoning, excuses and blame shifting of why we did what we did.  People would much rather shift the blame to someone else, either God or their spouse, or their children or maybe their boss, or maybe those in authority, or whoever is just available or present.  It was because of this reason or that reason, or it was their fault.  It would seem to me that people want a God and a religion that alleviates them from any personal responsibility or even accountability to what transpires in their lives.  I call this the popular modern “No Fault” Religion, and the “God of the Blameless Sinner Theology” philosophy.  If you do not realize it, this is not what the Bible says, it is nothing that Jesus ever taught, nor is it something that you can correctly interpret from the Bible.  Let me give you a definition for the term “No Fault” that we have in the world found in the insurance business:

NO FAULT: in which a claimant is compensated for actual economic loss without blame being assigned to a particular party; in which neither party is assigned blame

A “no fault” policy is one that allows for compensation regardless of who’s is said to be at fault.  In other words no one gets the blame, no one holds any responsibility in any matter and everything is put back to the way it was before it all happened with no admissions of guilt.  This concept has crept into the human life of reasoning and even into Christian theology.  In the legal court system they have developed a Latin term that gives some people an alternative way to plead their case.   This term is called “Nolo Contendere” and it neither declares your innocence or your guilt, but shifts the responsibility to the judge to decide.   In other words the person pleading this way in court neither admits quilt nor declares their innocence.  They are in effect saying it was not my fault, I hold no responsibility in this matter.  This is just another example of the “No Fault” Religious Philosophy that has been growing in prevalence in the church.   However, we need to learn what God says about the situation and our responsibility in every matter and then you will see there is a major difference  with God’s approach.

I want to start by giving you an example of this behavior found in the Bible.  In the book of Genesis, God puts man in the garden.  God tells the man that he can eat from every tree but one.  Satan comes along and deceives Eve into eating and then Adam follows her example, and they both are now hiding out in the garden of Eden from God.  God calls out to Adam and Adam reluctantly answers.  Adam tells God he was afraid and hid himself because he was naked.  God then asks him directly, “Did you eat from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from”.  This is Adam’s modern theological response to God’s question:

Gen 3:12  And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.

Adam obviously shifts the responsibility of his actions to his wife.  In other words if God had not given me this woman, I would not have been in this situation.  The ultimate responsibility was being shifted to everyone, but Adam.  Adam took no responsibility for anything that he had done.  It is a classic example, of the philosophy of a “No Fault Religion”!   Adam says I did it, but it was not my fault.  Isn’t it funny how people do this still today?  God then asks the woman in the garden, “What is this that you have done?” and again we see the classic “No Fault Religion” response of the woman:

Gen 3:13  And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.

Eve immediately passes the buck to the serpent, it was the serpent’s fault and not mine.  If it were not for the serpent, I would not have been deceived.  It was his fault and not mine.   In this story, suddenly God stops asking questions when he comes to the serpent.  It seems God’s is tired of hearing people pass the buck and He starts telling each of them the consequences of their actions.  God names a list of things that will happen to each party involved and suddenly there is no more to say.  So was it anybody’s else’s fault that each did what they did?  Or was this just man’s attempt to shift the responsibility off of them to someone else?  Normally this is exactly the motivation for this act of selfishness.  If Adam and Eve had not been caught red handed, figuratively speaking, they would have probably never had admitted to doing anything.  However, once confronted with overwhelming evidence people immediately start by shifting the focus to someone else to get the judge’s eyes off of them, or so they hope.

In some recent news article in America, I ran across this attitude still being used today.  In a local story in one of our surrounding cities, a woman took a gun, that looked like a real handgun and robbed a drug store and got several illegal pills.  The woman then calls her mother and tells her what she has done and that she plans on killing herself with the pills by overdosing on them.  A few minutes later, her car is spotted by the police and they surround her.  After all she had just committed an armed robbery.  The woman’s mother had called 911 to report the situation and tell them that the gun that she had was only a BB gun and not a real gun, so please don’t shoot her.  Before the police could get this information, the woman gets out of her car and points her real looking gun at the police officers.  The officers had no choice but to shoot her.  So now the family of the woman gets on the local news and starts shifting all of the blame of everything that happened to the police.  They should have known better than to kill an unarmed woman.  They should have handled the situation differently.  Do you see the pattern of what the family was saying?  Was it all the policemen’s fault for protecting themselves and the safety of others and for killing this woman unnecessarily?  Does this woman have any responsibility in what happened?  Obviously NOT according to her family!   Does the family have any responsibility of not recognizing the signs of depression or suicidal changes in this woman’s behavior, Obviously NOT according to the family.  According to the family, nobody is to blame except the ones that shot her and that is crazy thinking.  I do not understand how people can come to these conclusions and how the news media can even report them as legitimate pieces of news.  We live in a crazy world that has things completely backwards.

Let me give you another example, of stupid behavior and thinking.  It seems that the family of Michael Jackson is now suing in civil court the doctor that allegedly administered the drugs that killed their relative Michael Jackson.   Isn’t it amazing that if Michael had no money that he would not have been able to pay a doctor for dangerous prescription drugs.   I do not attempt to justify what the doctor did, however it was not entirely the doctor’s fault.  Michael Jackson was a addicted to drugs.  He thought that he needed them to perform and that he needed them to sleep.  Do you think if there was no doctor present in the house, that Michael would still be alive  today?   I do not know, but yet do you think that it was just the doctor’s fault and Michael held no responsibility to what happened to him?  In my opinion, I would say Michael holds more of the responsibility than anyone else, but his family obviously does not agree with that reasoning.

How can people get any more stupid and still be alive?  Do people have any responsibility in what happens to them?  Does the Bible say it is not your fault that you are in the mess that you are in right now?  Does the Bible put all of the blame for everything that happens to you on Adam, Satan or someone else?  Did Jesus ever heal someone and tell them, I’m so sorry this happened, it was just not your fault that this happened to you?  If you search and actually read and see what the Bible says on the subject, you will find that is just not the case.  People actually hold more of the responsibility of what happens to them,  than anyone would care to admit.  Let’s see what Jesus said in one example:

Joh 5:14  Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee.

Jesus after healing this man in John 5, told him “I’m sorry this happened to you, I know it was just not your fault!”   No, Jesus did not say this, did He?  Jesus actually warns this man that what you do affects what you get in life.   Jesus tells the man very clearly NOT to go and intentionally sin again, or his sins would allow or cause something worse to potentially happen to him.  There is a clear implication that what happened to him was caused by something that he had previously done in the first place.  Isn’t that what Jesus said?  What we see in the Bible is a Spiritual Law being spoken of.  Many Christians are not familiar with this Spiritual Law even though it governs their daily lives, 24×7.  Here is the Spiritual Law that Jesus was talking about:

Gal 6:7  Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

This is a broad statement with broad implications and consequences attached to it.  These are the words of the Living God and He tells us very clearly that He will not be mocked!  What does it mean to mock?   What is mocking?   Jesus was mocked at His trial and even as He hung on the cross, the Bible says.  The Bible says that Jesus endured words from people saying “Hail the King of the Jews”.   To mock someone or something means to ridicule them, slander them, make fun of them, speak words out of your mouth that are the opposite of praise!  It can also be the way you say it, that makes it disrespectful.   You could say something good in a sarcastic way and this could be mocking someone.  It would seem to me that God is at the very least referring to what people say in Galatians 6:7.  Isn’t that what God is talking about in this verse?   God gives us a farming principle and an agricultural law in direct relationship to what people say.  God tells us very clearly that whatever we plant, that is what we harvest in life.  You can apply this to things we do, but primarily God is talking about your words.   If you read the Gospels you will find that Jesus talks a lot about farming principles, crops and agricultural things like that.  However, Jesus was not a literal natural farmer and he was not talking about natural things at all.  Jesus was discussing spiritual things in relationship to natural things that we could observe and understand.  Do you realize that it is almost impossible for God to discuss spiritual things with people who barely know anything about natural things?    In one of the parables that Jesus reveals to the people, he discusses the Sower and the soil.   In this parable the soil was of course, the hearts of men.  Then the seeds that were planted in this soil were the “Words of God”.   We are taught that God’s words are seeds that produce the good harvests in our life.

Did you know if God’s words are the positive seeds, then every other person’s words are also seeds and they can become negative seeds if they are opposite to what was spoken by God?   Man was created in the image and likeness of God.  Meaning that man was an exact duplication of the God kind of being!   The angels of God could look at Adam and recognize God’s spiritual DNA.  We were not created on the same level or at the same capacity as God’s ability, but that does not mean we have no power to control what happens in our lives.  What is a seed?  Have you ever planted a real natural seed in the soil and watered it and watched it develop over time and grow?   A seed is a self contained system that has propagative properties to produce postive or negative things.   A seed holds properties to replicate it’s kind and produce more of its species.  Seeds rarely work by themselves and are dependent upon other factors.  Correct soil, light, temperature and water are just a few of the dependencies that many seeds require.  All of this is very similar to e the place of words in the world.   People say things constantly and most of them they do not mean or even believe will happen.   People say “that just kills me”,  “I laughed until I died”, “You gave me a heart attack”, and other crazy sayings.  If people’s words would suddenly come true, most of the time none of us would be here right now.

If words are seeds that people plant, and these seeds produce crops in your life then what have you been planting?  Can you look back on things that you have said in the past and see anything about what you have and are experiencing right now?  Maybe, yes and maybe no?   Nevertheless, the Bible if you study it correctly never alleviates you from any responsibility.  If you die and go to hell, you will not be able to plead it was not my fault.  You hold great amounts of responsibility to what happens in your life.  If you turn down the wrong street at the wrong time, if you choose to take a flight that will crash, if you go to the wrong side of town, if you eat the wrong foods, if you drink the wrong drinks, if you buy the wrong drugs, if take the wrong drugs or if you do whatever.   You see what you choose to do in life matters.  Where you choose to go in life matters.  Who you associate with in life matters.  Who your friends are in life matters.   What you eat matters.  What you drive matters.  Where you walk matters.  Where you go to church matters.  I’ll go further than that, and say what you think also matters.   What you say matters.   Your decisions and choices in life ALL have consequences attached to them.  Wise choices come only from knowing God and His Word and poor choices come from listening to Satan.  The Bible says that those who are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God.  That also means that there are plenty of  those who are not being led by the Spirit of God and they therefore make bad choices in life.  Jesus told us that wide is the path to destruction and narrow is the path that leads us to salvation, peace and safety.  Now realize that God has set the choices in front of you and you are the one making the choices for your life.  If you don’t like what you are reaping right now look back and see what you have been planting!  Then change what you plant!

If you would like to continue reading this series of lessons on spoken words you can go to “Part 8“.

Understanding Spoken Words! From the Abundance of the Heart the Mouth Leaks!

This is now Part 5 in a series of lessons about spoken words found in the Bible.  If you have not read this series from the beginning I would suggest that you go and start reading from “Part 1“.  God woke me up this morning and spoke to me.  I read a guy on the internet and he blogged about God being allusive and hidden and so he concluded that God must not exist.  A few minutes ago God woke me up in the middle of the night to convey some things to me about spoken words.  People who say God does not talk to them do not know how God speaks so they are not listening to what He says.  Today I want to discuss spoken words in the context that they are proof that God exists.  Have you ever thought or asked yourself why people are communicators?   Humans are social creatures that like to talk.  Do you think that if no one was there to listen you would talk so much?   What if you were on a deserted island and there was no one there to talk to, would you still talk to yourself or to God?  Being made in the image and likeness of God we can clearly see that man was made for a purpose.  By the design of God, man was made with the ability to communicate with God.  God listens to your words no matter where you are or what you say.  There is a direct spiritual connection between your mouth and God’s ear.  Since there are billions of people on the planet and only one God, I do not know how He keeps track of everyone’s words at the same time, but He does and it must be easy for Him to do.  God tells us in Matthew 12:36  that every idle word that we speak, we will give an account of each of them in the day of judgment.   So apparently God has some ability to record and recall every word spoken from every human being that has ever been alive on this planet.   Being a computer programmer, that is some amazing demonstration of power.  That makes Google look like small potatoes.    Google over the last 12 years or so has accumulated literally astronomical amounts of data, but this pales in comparison to what God is tracking in heaven.

Just the existence of your mouth and your tongue proves that someone was there to hear you even when you didn’t think that someone was listening.  It goes to a simple debatable  point that men sometimes try to make about a tree falling in the forest and no one being there to hear it, they always ask does it still make a sound?  You see what difference would the sound be if there was no hearers.  The sound would be just waves of energy that go nowhere and mean nothing.  Atheist have a problem with answering why we are how we are.  How we got here and why we have these intelligently designed features like a mouth that communicates with others and ears that have the ability to hear the sounds that others make.  Nothing in the world that has any useful purpose got here by chance or accident.  It is absolutely STUPID to think that man just evolved into what we are today.   There is too much evidence to the contrary. 

I have written hundreds of pages and thousands of words on a blog, why?  Because someone takes the time to read some of them.  Because I write, proves that you are out there reading.   This is a very simple concept and a very profound truth.  Because we can speak words, proves that God is listening to them.  You might not like my logic or you might just ignore my logic, but nevertheless it is based upon truth.

Jesus taught us that our words have a spiritual connection to them.  People do not understand this, clearly they are oblivious to the truth.   Words spoken are not meaningless or mindless, even though many words are spoken without any thought given to them.  This is what Jesus spoke to the Jews one day:

Mat 12:34  O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

The heart of man, is the spirit of man.  If you do not understand this you should study and use your brain to figure it out.  Jesus clearly gives us a direct connection of the words that people speak to what they have in their spirits.  You could say what comes out of your mouth comes out of your spirit.   Jesus tells this group of people because of the evil that they have abundantly in their heart, it is impossible for them to speak anything but evil.  Jesus repeats this statement in Luke 6:45.  Good men speak good things because it is what they have abundantly in their hearts.  Evil men speak evil things, because it is what they have abundantly in their hearts.   This is some amazingly important information, yet people generally do not attempt to understand the significance.  Here is another set of words spoken by Jesus about His words:

Joh 6:63  It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

This is again some very significant information about the spiritual realm.  The spirit has precedence and dominance over the flesh.  The only reason your body is here reading this blog is because your spirit is in your body to give it life.  To quicken in the KJV Bible means to “give life to”.  Why is this important?  It is very important because of how Jesus ends this verse.   Jesus said “My Words are spirit and life”.  Jesus was informing us where the words came from, that He spoke.  His words were from God’s mouth and God’s Spirit.   Because God put abundantly good things into the heart of Jesus, Jesus was able to speak good things that caused people to live.  You cannot separate God from His Word.  You cannot separate the Word of God from God either.  Both of these are the same person.  God’s words are God’s Spirit!

So what does all of this have to do with you and I?  If you can agree with these things that I have said from the Bible.  How do they apply to the here and now?  Since you were made in the image and likeness of God, you can easily make some assumptions that if God’s words are His Spirit, then your words are your spirit.  After all that is what Jesus said, from the abundance of what you have in your spirit, your mouth speaks.   Jesus is described in the Bible as having the “Sword of the Spirit” coming out of His mouth.  This is just another way to say what Jesus said in John 6:63.   The sword of God’s sprit is His spoken words.  The sword of your spirit is also the words of your spirit and what is abundantly in it.  Many people in the world, utter curse words and blaspheme God’s name in every other sentence.  This represents what they have abundantly in their hearts.  Whatever you have abundantly in your heart is what will leak out of your mouth, this is a law of God and the way things work and connect to the spiritual realm from the natural realm and vice versa.  Your mouth produces words that originated from the spiritual realm.  These words are a result of whatever you put in your spirit, good or bad.  In Proverbs God said this:

Pro 18:21  Death and Life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

Those are some of the strongest words found in the Bible about the words that come out of your mouth.  This verse in Proverbs tells you very clearly that your tongue has power and as a result of what you say, you either live or you die.   Please keep this in mind and learn what God is trying to get you to see.   God Bless!

If you would like to continue reading this series of lessons on spoken words, you can continue with “Part 6“.

Blessings and Cursing from the Same Mouth, This Ought Not to Be!

(Ver 1.2)  This is now Part 4 in the series of very important lessons on spoken words found in the Bible.  If you have not read this series from the beginning I would suggest that you go and start reading with “Part 1“.  The Bible contains some of the strongest language on what people say.  Either Christians are not aware of this or they simply ignore it and pretend that it does not apply to them.  God says in His Word that it is impossible for Him to lie.  We can obviously see that with men and women in the world this is entirely possible.  In my earlier blogs on spoken words I talked about the sword of your mouth and how it cuts two ways.  A double edged sword proceeding out of your mouths, is a symbolic representation that tells us words have spiritual power.  You can speak good things or you can speak evil things.  Speaking evil things is much more than just speaking lies, as well as speaking good things is more than just speaking the truth.  There is an established precedence in the Bible that spoken words establish blessings and in the opposite realm spoken words can also establish curses.  Today I will explore this subject in more depth.  Let me give you my foundational scripture reference s from the Book of James, let’s read them carefully:

Jas 3:8  But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.

Jas 3:9  Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God.

Jas 3:10  Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.

You can clearly see that God is talking about your mouth, your tongue and the words that they produce. It is mentioned in verse 8, with the concept of the tongue being a potential poisonous serpent.  That does not sound good, does it?  Then in verse 10 it says your tongue can produce both blessings and curses.  What are the blessings and cursing that this tongue produces?  We are not talking about curse words, those 4 letter words that mature Christians do not normally say, although these could be a small part of what God is talking about.  Let’s get a Bible example of cursing something.  In the book of Mark, Jesus is visiting Jerusalem and traveling in and out of the city.  One day Jesus on his walk, views a fig tree and walks up to it and finding no fruit on it, Jesus does the following:

Mar 11:14  And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever. And his disciples heard it.

Many people read these stories in the Bible, but ignore the point that is being made.   Was the words of Jesus a blessing to the tree or a cursing to the tree?  Jesus looks at the fig tree and does not find any fruit on it.  I do not believe that Jesus is angry at the tree, but I do believe that He chooses to use the barren fruitless fig tree to demonstrate a very powerful spiritual life and death lesson to His disciples.   Jesus does not pray, or ask anyone else to do anything.  Jesus simply looks at the tree and speaks words directly to it.  Please notice that these words were not positive.  The negative words were directed only at the bare fig tree, but they were loud enough for everyone near Him to hear them.  The next day Jesus and the same disciples are passing back by the same fig tree and Peter stops everyone and says this:

Mar 11:21  And Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away.

Peter tells Jesus, that the fig tree which He had cursed was dead.  Jesus had just spoken  negative words to something inanimate and living and Peter remembered it and called it speaking a curse.   Notice that Jesus did not dispute it or deny it.  The definition of this word “cursed” in the Strong’s means to “doom” and to “execrate”.   To speak words that have a very negative effect on something is a better definition of the word.  Jesus spoke some very simple words and said “No man eat fruit from you hereafter forever” and that resulted in the tree dying within 24 hours.  Of course Jesus was God and this does not apply to you and me, and if you think that is true then you are wrong.  Nowhere in the Bible does it say that God came to the earth in His omnipotent Godhead powers.  In fact if we study and search the Bible we will find the opposite being taught to us.  In Acts 10:38 it says God had to anoint Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost power to do miracles.  If Jesus was God in full power of the Godhead, Jesus would not need to be anointed by God, would he?  Then in Hebrews 2:17 it says Jesus was made like us, his brothers.  Jesus was a natural man and the Son of God at the same time.   Jesus Christ the God Man became like the rest of us and chooses to become like one of His creations:

Php 2:7  But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:

Php 2:8  And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

These two verses in Philippians are very interesting.  The term that Jesus “made of himself no reputation”, can be taken as He removed or separated Himself from His Deity power.  Think about the “reputation of God” and then compare that with the reputation of Jesus Christ (the Anointed).  These verses tell us very clearly that God became like a man.  He looked like a man, he walked like a man, he talked like a man, he got tired like a man, he slept like a man, he ate like a man and went to the bathroom like a man.  If God was here in his full deity power, you would not see some of the things that we see in the Bible.    Jesus got hungry and thirsty, Jesus slept,  Jesus wept, I mean look at the characteristics of God and see how they change in the life of Jesus Christ.  While hanging on the cross Jesus said “I thirst”.  Would God in his omnipotent power ever be thirsty?  If Jesus Christ was here in the full deity power of the Almighty it would have been impossible to kill him physically, yet we see Jesus dying on a cross.  Then there is the temptation of Jesus in the Gospels that I mentioned in the last lesson in this series.  Jesus fasts for 40 days so he is obviously hungry and weak physically.   Satan tries to get Jesus to do something simple for an Almighty God to do, by turning stones into bread.  This is not something that is hard for God to do, is it?  Why is this consider a temptation to God the omnipotent?   It would only be a temptation if God had stripped himself of his deity power and was here on the earth operating within the limitations and constraints, like a normal human male.  Do you understand this?

Heb 4:15  For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

How is it even possible to tempt an omniscient God?  A God who knows everything is unable to be tested or tried like a human yet that is what this verse said happened.  Therefore, we cannot believe Jesus was God in His full deity abilities or this would invalidate the truth found here in Hebrews 4:15.  If God is God and has the power and ability to create whatever He wants, whenever He wants how is it possible to ever tempt Him?  You see in this verse in Hebrews it clearly says that Jesus can identify with how we feel.  Because He was tempted in the exact same way that we are tempted, yet He did not sin.  Was it possible for Jesus to sin?  If it was not possible for Jesus to sin, it would not be a temptation to Him.  If He was here as God, it would have been impossible to tempt Jesus with anything.  Do people understand that Jesus was tempted in every way just like we are?  How is this even possible if He is here in His Omnipotent Glorious Ability?    Obviously it is not possible, so what does that teach us?

There are just so many references in the Bible to the man Jesus Christ not being in His omnipotent Godhead power that I cannot give you them all.  I will give you another couple of examples of Jesus healing the sick.  Was there anything that hindered or kept Jesus from healing anybody?   You see if Jesus was God in his omnipotent power, no one would ever not get healed, if that is what God wanted to do.  Do you agree?  However, we find some conflicts with this thinking in the scriptures.  If you read the 6th chapter of Mark you find some very interesting things occur.  Jesus is visiting his hometown and place where he was raised as a child.  But, when Jesus tries to heal people there, this is what the Bible says:

Mar 6:5  And he could there do no mighty work, save that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them.

So it did not say that Jesus would not heal anybody, it said He could not heal anybody.  A mighty work is easy by any of God’s omnipotent standards, yet Jesus is unable to do anything mighty here, so obviously we have a situation that is very hard to explain away.  Either Jesus was not operating in His Godhead Omnipotent power or there is a force greater than God that kept him from it.  What do you think it was?   I do not believe there is any force greater than God’s power so Jesus must have made the decision not to use this power.  There are many other scriptures that you should take note of, but I will stop there for now.

The Jewish O.T. Bible says “God is not a man” (Num 23:19), therefore, the majority of the Jews did not recognize Him when He became a man in Jesus.  Today we have the same foolish philosophy and reasoning in the reverse being projected that says Jesus was God in His full deity power and this is how He did all the miraculous things that He did.   People put God in their religious box and expect Him to abide by their rules and this is a major mistake.  Is God still God?  If God chooses to do something different than what you like to think about on how God is supposed to act, can He only do that?   If God wants to come to earth in the form of a man without using His deity powers in manifestation, can God do that?  Is it legal?  Is it even possible?  I believe it was God’s choice to what He did and how He does it without our input or consultation.  Obviously we need to realize that we have a lot to learn.

So let’s explore the flip side of the coin and look at the blessings.  A blessing like a curse is a word based expression that someone speaks out of their mouth that results in a positive outcome.  There are a lot of examples of this in the Bible and I will give you only a few of them:

Gen 1:22  And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.

There is an established pattern of words of blessings found in this verse in Genesis.  Can you see how these words contrast with the example that Jesus showed the disciples when speaking a curse to the fig tree?  By the law of first reference also called the law of first mention, we can discover that Spoken words from God can contain blessings.  Blessing are what I will call “word containers” filled with love, favor, goodness and mercy within them.  The words of curses that Jesus spoke were containers filled with poison.  Uh oh.  I believe we are now learning something very profound.

If God would have said nothing, there would have been no blessing from Him given even if He thought great thoughts about them.  What we should realize is that silence is not always a blessing.  I just like to call silence “Empty” buckets waiting to be filled.  In many service times in churches people stand up for a moment of silence, thinking they are paying honor or respect to someone or something.   I have not found a Bible verse to confirm this practice, have you?   Could silence be something that Satan wants us to do instead of speaking a blessing over them?  Could this silence simply be those empty containers awaiting to be filled with a positive expression?  I believe that we can learn a very valuable spiritual lesson from this verse in Genesis.  God speaks positive words as full containers of blessing to His children and the result was a positive God given outcome that occurred in their lives or we could also say this was God’s vision of possibility that was being transferred to his creation.   I believe that this was the establishment of the spiritual law of either Blessings and Curses from spoken word containers being taught to us.  God was teaching Adam and Eve by His awesome example, however, I’m not really sure if they got it.

Let’s move into the 27th chapter of Genesis and see the story of Isaac and his son Jacob.  We know that Jacob became the Father of the natural nation of Israel.  But, how did this occur, since he was not the firstborn son of Isaac?  If you recall the story, I’ll shorten it in order to get to the part I need to get to.  Jacob got Esau to sell his birth right for a meal.  Later, Jacob’s mother helps Jacob implement a plan to get the blessing from his father Isaac.  Isaac comes to his father when he was very old and he brings him a meal and some drink.  Jacob is also dressed like Esau and smells like Esau.

Gen 27:23  And he discerned him not, because his hands were hairy, as his brother Esau’s hands: so he blessed him.

Isaac is tricked into blessing the younger son Jacob, thinking that he is blessing Esau.

Gen 27:27  And he came near, and kissed him: and he smelled the smell of his raiment, and blessed him, and said, See, the smell of my son is as the smell of a field which the LORD hath blessed:

This is the beginning of the blessing, but not the end of it.  What we again see is the established pattern of God being passed down upon the generations.  Just as God blessed Adam and Eve with His words, Jacob is now getting the words of blessings of his father.

Gen 27:28  Therefore God give thee of the dew of heaven, and the fatness of the earth, and plenty of corn and wine:

Gen 27:29  Let people serve thee, and nations bow down to thee: be lord over thy brethren, and let thy mother’s sons bow down to thee: cursed be every one that curseth thee, and blessed be he that blesseth thee.

Jacob receives the words of blessings from his father Isaac.  Jacob then goes out with the blessing and his brother Esau comes in from hunting and asking for the blessing.  But, Isaac is very surprised saying “who are you”?   Who was it that I blessed earlier?

Gen 27:33  And Isaac trembled very exceedingly, and said, Who? where is he that hath taken venison, and brought it me, and I have eaten of all before thou camest, and have blessed him? yea, and he shall be blessed.

If you read this carefully you will discover a principle, it is not as easy to take back your words after they have already been spoken.  There are just a lot of Christians who do not have a clue what I just said and how it applies to them.  If they say something by mistake they simply think it is OK to start over and do it again.  It’s funny Isaac did not take this position or attitude.   Isaac knew what was done was done.   The blessing was given and it would not be taken back.   Like I have said before, your words have more power and significance than you can imagine.

Gen 27:34  And when Esau heard the words of his father, he cried with a great and exceeding bitter cry, and said unto his father, Bless me, even me also, O my father.

Esau pleads with his father for him to bless him also.  But, Isaac says that it is too late:

Gen 27:35  And he said, Thy brother came with subtilty, and hath taken away thy blessing.

This chapter in Genesis contains some amazing information, if you learn to apply it to your life in the here and now.  Words are significantly powerful and can bless others, transfer blessings, transfer authority and ownership,  and they are a legal contract in the eyes of God.  Like Isaac you should learn to be a man or woman of your word, stand up and stand behind your words.  Mean what you say and only say what you mean.  Esau did not get a blessing from his father, because the blessing had already been given to Jacob.  This represents character and moral fiber that few have in our world today.

There are just so many stories in the Bible about the blessings of God, I’ll just give you one more example from the O.T.    This next story is also from Genesis and occurs in the 48th chapter.  Joseph brings his two sons to Israel to be blessed.  Israel is presented the sons with the older son on his right hand and the younger son on his left hand.  The older son is expected to receive the Right Hand of blessing and the younger the Left Hand of blessing.  But, Israel crosses his hands over and speaks the blessing upon his grandsons.   Again we see a principle that Words are the mechanism of blessing containers being transferred upon these children.  But, the hands are also being placed here with great significance and meaning.

Gen 48:20  And he blessed them that day, saying, In thee shall Israel bless, saying, God make thee as Ephraim and as Manasseh: and he set Ephraim before Manasseh.

Joseph was not happy that his younger son got Israel’s right hand blessing.  So there must have been meaning and significance to what happened.  If it did not mean anything, it would not have mattered would it?  The right hand of blessing is intended for the older son and Israel gave it to the younger.  The net result was the younger son became a greater people in the eyes of God.  So what you do and what you say matters and makes a difference in the life’s of your children.   Learn the lessons from the Bible of the power of the blessing and then learn not to curse your children with your the words of your mouth and they will achieve and rise to level of what you have spoken over them.  Words are seeds that grow in young hearts.  If you tell your children they are nothing and nobody good, that is exactly what they become.

Mar 10:16  And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them.

People while Jesus walked the face of the earth realized the potential for the blessing still existed.  People would bring their little children to Jesus for Him to bless them.  There were those who tried to stop people from bringing their children to Jesus, but Jesus rebuked them and told them not to do this.  Jesus said this is a spiritual law and a foundational way of the Kingdom of Heaven.  To touch someone and speak positive words of blessings has a benefit that you probably do not fully understand.  Children today are growing up and their parents put curses upon them rather than blessings.  As a result the children grow up cursed.  Your children will live up to your words, either positive or negative.  What you transfer into them, is what they will achieve to.   What you speak over them, is what they will become.  It is a spiritual law found in the Bible.

If you like to continue reading this series of lessons on spoken words, you can go to “Part 5“.

The Sword of Our Mouth! Our Words Cut Two Different Ways!

(Ver 2.0)  I have taught on this subject of the significance of the spoken words of our mouth a couple of times now.   Today’s lesson will be Part 3 in the series and I will be talking about something that is completely new and different to many Christians.   However, if you haven’t read this series from the beginning I would suggest that you go back and start with “Part 1“.  This lesson will be focused upon God’s usage of the symbolic nature of a “double edged sword” to describe spoken words.  If you have read through the Bible you should already be aware of how God teaches us very clearly that Jesus has a double-edged sword coming out of His mouth.  We will see verses in this lesson that describe Jesus is able to destroy those who oppose Him with this symbolic sword.  This double-edged sword is widely accepted by theologians as a figurative representation of the power of God’s word spoken.  If we do not understand this concept, I will attempt to expound next in this lesson on this subject to clarify it and to help us better understand the concept of the power of spoken of words.  Let’s start by reading some foundational verses found in Revelation:

Rev 19:21  And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.

God is truly an awesome God!   It shocked me a while back when I heard about a group of people in the U.S. that were getting together to form a militia to help God fight the coming Anti-Christ.  They were gathering guns and ammo like it would be useful to God’s victory over evil.  Where do people get these types of foolish ideas?  I really have no clue.  These people obviously do not know God, the Bible or understand the omnipotent power of God.   This verse in Revelation 19 reveals to us that the LORD Jesus will be sitting on a white horse and He will be able to kill everyone opposing Him, simply by speaking some choice directed words at them.  That is a clear example of the power of God in action.  God says something and then it happens.  Pretty awesome, isn’t it?  You can learn concept this from reading the Bible starting in Genesis 1 and going all the way through to Revelation 22.  God’s spoken words will always prevail and will always come to pass.  Let’s examine some additional verses because the Bible instructs us to establish every truth in the mouth of two or three witnesses (Mat 18:16):

Rev 2:12  And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges;

Rev 2:16  Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword1 of my mouth.

Jesus speaking to the church in Pergamos, warns them to change or else they will also see the sword of His mouth come against them.  We can easily understand that God is a Spirit (John 4:24) and that God is not talking about a literal physical sword coming out of the mouth of Jesus.  We must therefore, conclude that this described sword  is a symbolic representative for the spiritual force that exists in the power of God’s Spoken Word.  I really hope that you understand this concept.  Did you notice that God says this figurative sword has two edges?  Two edges describes a weapon that can cut in either of the two directions depending upon which way a person swings it.  Two edges could could also symbolically mean something else.  The words of our mouth can be a blessing to someone or a curse to someone.  There exists two possible realms of opposing types of words in the world.  In the last Bible lesson we observed two types called “idle” or “lazy” words versus “working” and “productive” words.  But there are others like  “good” words or “bad/evil” words, “positive” words or “negative” words and words of “blessings” or words of “cursing”.   All of these are examples of a sword that can be used for two different purposes.

I find it fascinating that the English word “sword” is the letter “S” followed by word “word”.  I believe the letter “S” can stand for “Spirit” and we will learn more about this very soon.  The power of any sword or spoken word is always the same.  It is non-existent until used or spoken.  Therefore the power of any weapon will forever be dependent upon the directed purpose of the user.  In much the same way how a natural gun is used in the hands of the shooter, a spiritual weapon can be used for two completely different purposes.  The natural gun can be used as a positive weapon to help feed or protect people or as a negative weapon to hurt or rob from people.  These are parallel truths concerning the words of our mouth.  What I would like to do is give some additional scriptures that help to confirm what I have just said so let’s take a look at these:

2Th 2:8  And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

God is speaking prophetically in this verse about the coming events in Revelation.  The wicked one described here is the future antichrist who will soon be revealed.   The double edge sword we read about in Revelation in the mouth of Jesus is now called something completely new and different in this verse.  The symbolic double-edged sword of Revelation is now defined to be the “Spirit of His Mouth”.   This is still the same equivalent description of God’s Spoken Word that is infinitely powerful.  God’s spoken word has ALL of the ability to destroy or literally consume anyone who is opposing Him.   Do you understand that God’s spoken words are His Spiritual Power released?  This is an awesome revelation of something that is found within the character and nature of God the Almighty.  God is often described in the Bible to be omnipotent, but what is that makes God this way is what we will explore now:

Joh 6:63  It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

You can see a second confirmation that the Spoken Words of God are Spirit!  This verse was Jesus speaking to us and He says that His words are this Spirit that quickens.  To quicken is an old English term that means to give life to us.   God’s words are declared to be a force of life to us.  Because of what God has spoken to us we can live.  Now recall, what we previously read in Revelation.  In those verses God states His spoken Words are something that produces death.  These represent the same spiritual power directed two different ways for two different purposes.  This is an example of a double-edged sword.  A knife can be used to kill someone or it can be used to save someone’s life if used in a wise knowledgeable way by a surgeon.  Wow, these are very important lessons to learn and apply to our spoken words.

You will notice if you study the Bible, that Jesus chose His words very carefully and never shot off His mouth with random thoughts.  His words were always focused, directed and had a purpose.  Much of what Jesus said to people were words recorded by the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament.  In John 12:49 Jesus said He was told what to speak by His Father in heaven.  How many of us can say that?  How many of our words come from the God in heaven?    We should learn to become more like Jesus because, God’s words were always active, relevant and important.  Now let’s look at what the Bible says about the Power of God?

Heb 1:3  Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;

We can now see and learn from another verse about the Word of God.  This time God reveals to us that “All” of His Power is in His Word.  The Greek written here does not say “His powerful Word” it says “The Word of His Power” and that makes a huge difference.  Some translators tried to change the meaning to “powerful” word but the KJV Bible stayed true to the original Greek and preserved it as an accurate truth.  Here is the difference, does God’s Word have power or is it His Power?  Can we try to think why this is important?  If God said I am LOVE it would be completely different than Him saying I have love.  I believe this principle is what God was saying to us in Hebrews 1:3 to His spoken Word.  I believe that God is attempting to give us a revelation that His Word is His Power and His Power is His Word.

Therefore, we cannot separate God the omnipotent from His omnipotent Word or we could say His Word is God (John 1:1)!  This is why John 6:63 said the Words that Jesus spoke to us were from God’s Spirit and they contain His life giving Power for those who received them.  Always remember that God’s Words are Spirit!  God’s Words are Life!  God’s Words are His Power!  As we have seen before they are also a weapon against His enemies.   So we can all begin to understand that the Spoken Words of God can give life to some that will receive them and can take life away from others who do not accept the free gift of salvation.  That is the nature of a double=edged sword.  One aspect and application is always positive and the other is very negative.  That was a summary of several foundational truths that the Bible teaches us about the Word of God and the Sword of the Spirit.

So how does this apply to us?  What good does all of this information do me?  Are there any benefits to speaking God’s Word for me?  In other words what’s in this lesson for me?  We all know that God is all powerful, so how does this power help me?  Start by asking yourself this question.  Why did God give us a huge book of His Written HOLY Words?  Does the written Word of God have any visible power rising out from the pages?  Obviously not!  Therefore, these written words can only help me if I can learn to speak them.  I beleive that only by learning to believer and speak His Word will it ever help us.  I beleive this is “one” of the main reasons why God gave us His written Word.  God gave us His Word so that we can put it in our minds (Eph 4:23).  He also gave us the Word so that we could put it in our hearts (spirits) to believe it.   Finally, I believe that He gave us His Word so that we can now choose to put it in our mouths to speak it (Mat 12:34).

Heb 4:12  For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than ANY two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of( soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Let me introduce you to a hidden secret, in the Bible it says God is not the only one with a “two-edged” sword in his mouth.  In fact we do not have to think very hard or for very long before we figure out that every created human in the world can open their mouth and speak words either positive or negative.  This also includes other created spiritual beings like angels, demons and Satan.  All of these beings were created with mouths which emit words that come from their spirits (Mat 12:34).  But, this verse in Hebrews says plainly that God’s sword is sharper and more powerful than any of the others that might exist.  This verse clearly informs us that the other mouths have power in them, but implies that they are in a limited capacity compared to God’s spoken Words.  Do you get this concept?

If man was made in the image and likeness of God (Gen 1:26), like the Bible clearly says we were, and if God’s Words are sharp and powerful, then our words must have a limited resemblance to His.  But, here is the major  part of God’s contribution to man, God gave us His spoken words written in a book form in order to permit us to put them in our mouth to speak them.  And the Bible says that God watches over His word to perform it (Jer 1:12).  Wow, I hope you understand what I just said.  The implications are far reaching if you can accept it and believe it.

Eph 6:17  And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

In Ephesians chapter 6, God commands the church to put on the armor of God.  Each of the armor pieces described to us is a symbolic representation of a spiritual truth of the completed freely given work of God to and for humans.  In fact every piece of armor is something that God has already provided to us freely.   It is now up to us to make the freewill choice to take each item and put it on.  This aromor included the Shield of Faith, the Breastplate of Righteousness, the Belt of Truth, the Helmet of Salvation, and the Shoes of Peace.   God is telling the church that there is a spiritual war and we must get ready for it.  So far all of the weapons of armor that I just mentioned were defensive  types of weapons to keep us safe from the blows of the enemy Satan.  But, then in verse  17 of Ephesians 6, God finally tells the church to take the “Sword of the Spirit”, which is directly defined to be “the Word of God”.  How is this Sword of the Spirit going to help us?  I believe very firmly that we now have the direct implied connection to our mouths!   Can’t you see this?  The only way that we can use the Spiritual Sword of the Word of God against an unseen spiritual enemy to our advantage is to speak it.  Leaving the Bible on our coffee tables will do nothing to keep the devil out of our houses.  This is a very powerful, spiritual Bible law being revealed to us.  What you say is far more important than what you can possibly imagine or know right now.  Take a look at this verse in Isaiah:

Isa 59:21  As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the LORD; My spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed’s seed, saith the LORD, from henceforth and for ever.

God is prophesying an awesome new covenant reality that is now established with us in the church and God says that He will put His Spirit upon us and His Words in our mouth.  Can you see the direct connection between our mouths speaking His spoken words with His Spirit?

God literally says that these words will not depart from our mouths, nor from the mouths of our seed.  Who are those called the Seed of Abraham?  We in the church are the seed of Abraham (Gal 3:29)!  Who is the Seed of the Woman?  You probably do not know this, but Jesus was the chosen Seed and we the church are in that Seed of the Woman (Rev 12:17).  God’s Word will not depart from our mouths and we will overcome Satan by His Blood and His Word that He has given to Us (Rev 12:11)!  I taught you earlier that this was a Biblical Spiritual Law being revealed to us.  Let’s look at an Old Testament example of this.

Jos 1:8  This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

The lessons found in the Bible through intense study are usually very deep and complex and have many hidden truths associated within them.  Because we do not understand them completely we can easily just read over a truth and not grasp that these words apply to us and what we should be doing today.  Here in the book of Joshua God uncovers the secret to a human’s success on this planet.  It is a basic spiritual principle and law that is not very difficult to follow if we can understand it.  God tells Joshua that He should speak His word both Day and Night.  We could say that means constantly and continually or every waking moment.   God was teaching Joshua about the Sword of the Spirit that will cause him to be a great success in this world.  But, there is also an implied opposite truth found in this verse.  God says by impled antithesis that if we do not speak the Word of God we will not be a success.  Do we want to be prosperous and successful in life or dismal disappointed failure?  God is telling us how to do both, right here!  We have to make the choice.  We are not forced to do either but usually being passive results in failure and this is many people’s wrong defaulted selection.

Remember when Jesus was tempted by Satan in Luke 4:1-13?  Three times the enemy came to tempt him into a subtle trick.  But, here is the lesson learned from this example.  Every time the enemy Satan came with a temptation, Jesus brought out the Sword of the Spirit called the Word of God and said “IT IS WRITTEN”.  Wow, that is extraordinarily critical to learn from and apply to what Satan does to us.  You see the Bible says that Jesus was tempted the very same way that we are tempted (Heb 4:15).  But, He was wise enough to use the sword correctly as a living example.  I pray that this will be a benefit in your life today.

I guess I have gone long enough in this lesson and given you plenty of new things to think about.  The sword of your mouth is either going to be a blessing or a curse to you and to those you direct it at.  While your negative words will never be able to put a curse on me, they will cause curses to come upon you and your children.  What we say is so completely important that it cannot be emphasized enough for us to think before we speak.  If we do not have a Bible verse that backs up what we are about to say, we probably should not say it.

If you would like to continue reading this series of lessons on spoken words you can go to “Part 4“.

Speak to Your Rock! Pt 2 – Do Idle Words Keep You Out of The Promise Land?

(Ver 1.6) Today is the second lesson on the subject of the significance of our spoken words.  I know this is a very controversial subject and one that many Christians do now subscribe to believe in.  However, regardless of what we believe about it, our beliefs do not change what God and the Bible says and the results that we get from the God’s established Spiritual Laws that are found within the Bible.  In the last lesson on this subject, we learned about “Why Moses Didn’t Enter Into Promise Land”.  God said it was because of Moses’ unbelief, He told him that he would not be able to lead God’s people into the promised land that He had already given to them.  Unbelief is one of a Christian’s greatest enemies in receiving a promise from God.  This can include the unbelief of what the Bible says or the unbelief of what the Spirit of God is leading us to do.  It could even be the unbelief of what a Bible teacher teaches us from the Bible.  I am not saying that I am anything important personally in you hearing from God, unless I say what the Bible says and that should make what is said important.  All we need to do is read the Bible and see what it says and then believe it, to see that what is written is true or not (Acts 17:11).  People should recognize that there are crazy people on the internet doing the same thing that I am doing to help people,  many automatically discount what is said as being the same crazy ramblings.  By automatically dismissing what someone says, many people at times miss what God had wanted them to know.  Not everyone on the internet is crazy, and some of them have some very profound deep things to teach if we are open to them.   Learn to judge every teacher by the Word of God and remain open and prepared to change your thinking and beliefs.  God is doing some really great things in the world today and those who are open to them will enjoy their benefits.  If you would like to read this series from the beginning, I would suggest that you go back and start with “Part 1“.

So today I want to discuss more about the Bible topic of “Spoken Words”!  But not just any spoken words, let’s talk about those that Jesus called “Idle Words”.   What are “Idle Words”?    Let’s start by reading the lesson’s foundation Bible verse.

Mat 12:36  But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

Wow!  That is an amazingly strong statement from Jesus.  Jesus is obviously directing our attention at our spoken words.  But, not just any spoken word, but rather one specific type.  God tells us personally that the “idle words” that we speak will be judged by God on judgment day.  I mean that could be a very scary statement for some people to even think about.   Obviously I can see too many people do not believe what Jesus said or either they do not understand what the verse means.  Otherwise, they would probably keep silent more often.  In today’s world idle words are all around us, on our cell phones, on our tablets in our emails, on internet websites, on Facebook and Twitter on TV, on radio,  raining down from our satellites, printed in our magazines, news papers and fictional books.   I mean we are bombarded by idle words coming at us from a multitude of different ways.  How many of these text messages that we get or send can be considered idle words?  Try to examine your Facebook experience and see how many words are crossing your path that can be called idle words.  I know of some people and I won’t mention any names that appear like they are never quiet.  To hold a phone conversation with them is impossible, because they are the only one speaking and you just have time to say “yea” or “uh?” occasionally.    Some people spend hours and hours on the phone talking to everybody about everything.  How many of these kind of people do you know?  I pray that you are not one of them.   It would appear on judgment day that we may have to sit or stand around and listen to everything that people said on this earth for a very long time.  Doesn’t that sound fun?  No!  I do not think any of us will be very happy on judgment day.

I am generally a quiet person.  It has been my personality to listen more than to speak. If you knew me, I believe that you would agree.  I know many Other people are different, I know that and I do not fault them for being different.  But, nevertheless I believe we need to learn what the Bible says about the definition of “Idle Words”.  These are the words that God says we will personally have to account for, so what are they?   It would appear that we need to learn to avoid these types of “idle words” like the plague.  But that can only begin with us first learning about what they are.  Here is the definition of the word from Strong’s:


From G1 (as a negative particle) and G2041; inactive, that is, unemployed; (by implication) lazy, useless: – barren, idle, slow.

The concepts given to us in the Bible can so easily go over our heads.  Because we don’t understand them, we may simply ignore them.  This Greek word G692 means “unemployed” or “inactive”.   That is a concept that most Christians do not have a clue what it means.  The Greek word is the combination of the negative particle combine with the Greek word G2041 that literally means to work or toil.

I’m not going to do any jokes right here either, because that would be an example of more idle words.  You see idle words are contrasted to be opposite to “employed” words “productive” words, “active” words or “working” words.  These are all employment, work and job related terminologies but now they are being related to us in association to what we speak.  God is saying that our words ought to be working for us and not just be idle or lazy.   What we should learn are working words change things. God used His working words to change darkness to light in Genesis 1. Does God expect us to do the same? The answer is Yes! So how do we get our words work for us?  Working words are a concept found in the Bible word “edification”, where we use our words to build up like as in a construction project.  In the last lesson about Moses’ big mistake, God told Moses to Speak to the Rock and this is an example of working words.  Instead of obeying Moses spoke to the people and called them rebellious. God said to Moses to speak to the Rock and get the answer and instead Moses spoke the problem and did not enter into the Promise Land.  If you did not read this lesson you should, it is one of the best ones that God has given to me up to this time.  What Moses did was an example of “Idle Unemployed Words”.  Instead of using his words to work for him and get the answer, Moses spoke the problem and failed to enter into the promise land.

So we can start to understand now that God says every, lazy, idle, useless, unemployed, inactive,and non-constructive word that we speak we will be judged for all of them.  How many words in the course of day do we “employ” that are “productive” to get good “results”?  The clear implication to this verse is for us to change what we say to words that “work” for us!  As Christians we should become aware of the words that we speak.  We should think about what we say before we say it.  Just because a thought comes into our mind, that doesn’t mean that we should speak it out.  This is a common trick of the devil.  Satan gives people thoughts in an attempt to get them to speak them out.  Why is this so important for Satan to do this?  Believe it or not your spoken words gives Satan entrance to come in and kill steal and destroy from you.

People do not understand what God said in Numbers 14:28, that whatever I hear you say that is what I will do to you.  People do not realize that God is listening to what they say.  People do not realize that God does to them whatever comes out of their mouths good or evil.  That is very strong!  Many times people like to think that God is in complete and total control of everything that happens to them.   In their thinking they do not believe that they have anything to do with what happens in their lives.  They believe that it was either bad luck, or just a coincidence, or an accident or just an unfortunate set of circumstances that they are faced with.  But, God has established and given to us spiritual laws in the Bible and this is one of them that every believer needs to grasp immediately.    You can very easily discount what God says and what the Bible says.  But, if you do that it still does not mean that what happened to you is not something that you at least contributed to making it happen.

Let me give you another New Testament verse that repeats what Numbers 14:28 says.  This is a Bible verse that is obviously very controversial and hard for many believers to grasp and believe.   This verse is found in Mark chapter 11:

Mar 11:23  For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

Jesus gives us the spiritual definition of Numbers 14:28 and clarifies a few details that were not clearly given to Moses.  Many times we will learn that God teaches things in progressive stages.  He will give us a little bit in one place and let us take it in in small parts and then He will give us a little bit more as we are able to chew and swallow it.  This way we are not overwhelmed or choked with too much of the new Words of God.  Paul taught this way also.  Paul told some I wanted to feed you meat but you were unable to partake and I fed you just soft milk (1 Cor 3:2).    So God teaches us a few meaty things in Mark 11:23 about how the spiritual law of spoken words work.  I guess I should start by giving you the context of this verse in Mark 11.  Jesus was traveling through the countryside and He sees a fig tree with leafs on it.  Jesus then goes up to the fig tree looking for figs to eat.  Finding none, Jesus speaks to the fig tree to curse it and the disciples heard Him.  The next day they all walk by the same fig tree.  Suddenly one of the disciples notices that the tree was withered and dried up from the roots upward.  So what was Jesus doing?   Was Jesus just mad or upset at the tree because it didn’t have any fruit on it?  No, I do not think so.  Was Jesus showing off and saying to them “look what I can do and not you”?   No, I do not think so.  Did Jesus say “This happened because I’m God and you are not”?   Again, No, I don’t think so.   Or was Jesus teaching them and all of us an object lesson on the spiritual law of spoken words?   I believe that Jesus was telling them a spiritual secret and demonstrating the spiritual law of spoken words to His disciples so that they would learn a valuable lesson in life.  You’ll have to make up your own mind in what you believe and figure it out if Jesus was talking to you also.  I would personally pray and ask Him to show you what it means.  Jesus is no respecter of persons and what He did for one he will do for everyone.

You can see that a “disciple” of Christ is a word that means a student, a learner, a pupil.   Are you one of these?  Maybe you think you know everything and you are the master?  If you do you are in trouble and being covered and blinded by your ignorance.  If you are a Christian you must be a Christ follower forever, a student of Christ forever, or in other words His disciple forever.   Only He knows everything and we don’t.   So whatever Jesus says to Matthew, Mark, Luke or John, I believe He is talking to you and I also!  Please do not think that you know more than they do.   Learn what Jesus was trying to teach them and we will become what He wanted us to become, more like Him.

So what was the lesson of Mark 11:23?   Jesus told them and us that if we would speak to the mountain and believe that what we say would happen, we would get exactly what we say.   There are so many lessons to learn from this one verse that I cannot teach them all, nor do I claim to know them all.  A mountain is a symbolic representation of a negative situation or set of circumstances that we are facing, possibly an obstacle, either physical, mental, spiritual, financial or whatever we are faced with that appears to be a challenge.  Jesus told us to speak to it and tell it to be removed and it would obey us, if we believe.  Why is it necessary for us to both speak and believe?  What we say and what we believe represents us putting our faith to work.  That is the opposite of being idle or unemployed.  All people both speak and believe either positively or negatively about things that around them.  They either speak an expect good things to happen or speak and expect bad things to happen to them.  Speaking and believing involves a decision that we make that even though the problem looks big and impossible to move,  Jesus said that it would have to obey us and what we said to it would have to be done!

How many Christians believe this truth?  I can see there are a growing number, are you one of them.  If you are not one of the ones that believes the LORD JESUS then begin to notice what you say and believe and see if it is not what you get eventually.  This principle works for you or against in the positive or the negative, because it is a spiritual law!  I know this boggles the minds of religious unbeliever who do not believe what Jesus said.  You see I did not write these verses in the Bible, I’m just a news reporter doing my best to show them to you with a greater emphasis of importance.   These verses have been in the Bible for hundreds of years and people have just ignored them.  We are responsible for the information that they say and how they apply to our life.  God told Moses in Numbers that the Rock would obey his spoken working words, but Moses spoke to the people and called them “rebels”.  God told him his words would bring the answer and he ended up enlarging the problem.  Moses didn’t believe God and didn’t enter into the promise land and this is definitely a lesson for us all today.

Let’s look at some more example verses with the Greek word G692 translated as “idle” just to obtain a greater subject knowledge.  This Greek word occurs only in 6 verses and is only used 8 times in the N.T.  Jesus used this word in describing the man in the parable that went out to hire workers in his field. He goes to men and asks them why are you idle?  They answer no one has hired us and then they go to work for the man.  It is self-evident what the word means by studying this parable in Matthew 20:1-6.   Not working is the definition of “idle”.  Therefore, here is another verse in the N.T. that contains this same word:

2Pe 1:8  For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Greek word for “Idle” is found in this verse in 2 Peter 1:8.  However, it was translated as “barren” in this verse.  “barren” might mean the basic same thing as inactive or unproductive.   But, I believe that God is seeking that we should avoid this situation of unemployed word from occurring in our life.  I know it does not directly say “words” in this verse, but think about what the verse is saying, “in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus”?   Isn’t that words?   Isn’t “knowledge” obtained by words and we can’t say anything unless we have knowledge to do so”  Also it would seem that “Idle” could be considered to be synonymous to being “unfruitful”.  God is telling us in this verse in 2 Peter that we should not be either of these.   You see to be “barren” can also mean to not bear any fruit.   Jesus cursed the fig tree in Mark 11 because it was barren.  Do you think he was symbolically giving us some valuable clues to spiritual things?  It is also interesting to see the context of this verse.   Let’s look back at a preceding verse:

2Pe 1:4  Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

The promised land, symbolically represents these “exceeding great and precious promises” that God has given to us in His word.   As this verse says, that these promises have already been given, we are now required to possess them.  To become a partaker is the same as to become a possessor.   God had given Moses and Israel the promise land and told them to “partake” of it.  They did not believe God and therefore failed to obtain what was freely given.  The promise land represents the blessings of God.  The promises of God also represent the blessings of God.  Because Moses did not believe he remained in the curses in the wilderness and died there.  This is a powerful type and shadow of what we have facing us today.  There are giants in our spiritual promise land today trying to intimidate us and keep us out of possessing it.  How do we do this?  We speak only words that are “useful”, “employed”, “working”, “productive”, “active”, “positive” and “fruitful” words.  Then we avoid all spoken words that are “idle”, “unproductive”, “inactive”,  “negative” and “unfruitful”  words.    This is the lesson of Moses found in Numbers 14 and Jesus and the fig tree in Mark 11.  These are the words of Jesus found in Matthew.  Avoid these “Idle Words” and you will be very glad when it comes to the judgment day and you have a much better opportunity to possess the promises of God in your life today.  Thank you for studying the Bible on this website and please leave a comment if you would like to share your experiences in this area of life.  God Bless!

If you would like to continue to read this series of lessons on spoken words, you can go to “Part 3“.

Speak To Your Rock! Why Moses Didn’t Enter into the Promise Land!

(Ver 2.4)  If you have ever read my blogs you know that I can be controversial.  I say things that are new and different.  But, I can only say what God teaches me to say and I have learned that God is different than anyone else I’ve ever met.  So if I say what God says to me, it will probably be different than what most men say and teach.  Today I want to explore some scriptures that God taught me many years ago.  Why didn’t Moses get to enter into the promise land?  What kept Moses out from the promised end of God’s plan?  The examples written in the Old Testament are there so that we can learn not to repeat the same mistakes that they made.  If we can learn these lessons from Moses, I think we can apply them to our situations today.  We have a better covenant, established upon better promises, yet we do not possess them automatically.  Even though God had already given the children of Israel the Promised Land, they were required to do something to possess it.  This is an extremely valuable natural typology of a pattern that is repeated in the spiritual realm for the church.  So let’s examine what kept Moses out of possessing God’s Promised Land.

I want to examine verses in the book of Numbers.  In chapter 20 of Numbers, Moses has a big problem again.  He is attempting to lead the people of Israel through a desert, there is little to no water to drink and the people and the animals are all very thirsty.  Moses goes to God and asks for help and God responds with a set of specific instructions, so let’s now start reading with what God says to Moses in the desert.

Num 20:8  Take the rod, and gather thou the assembly together, thou, and Aaron thy brother, and speak ye unto the rock before their eyes; and it shall give forth his water, and thou shalt bring forth to them water out of the rock: so thou shalt give the congregation and their beasts drink.

God gives Moses a very specific set of instructions with a limited number of steps.  These are not complicated steps, but yet people sometimes hear what they want to hear, instead of what God says and that get’s them into trouble in a very big way.  As we read through the rest of this chapter we find that Moses did not do what God said to do.  Let’s examine carefully the specific set of instructions that God gave:

  1. Take Your Rod.
  2. Get Your Brother Aaron.
  3. Gather the People before the Rock.
  4. Speak to the Rock.
  5. Give Everyone a Drink.

Five little things God told Moses to do.  There were five little specific steps of instructions from God.  Was this complicated?  No!  Was this different?  Yes!  God had never given these instructions to Moses before, so maybe Moses had a struggle with them or maybe Moses just assumed he knew what God had said.  Maybe he heard in his mind something different?  I do not know, I do know that it is interesting that Moses is the one that wrote this book of the Bible and if he made a mistake or didn’t understand it why did he write about his short comings?  Interesting question isn’t it?  What I learned from observing the instructions of God is that He rarely repeats exactly what He said for you to do before.  If God told you to strike the rock last time, then guess what you will probably be doing something different the next time.  I’ll talk more about that later.  Let’s read through Numbers and examine what Moses did, instead of following God’s instructions:

Num 20:9  And Moses took the rod from before the LORD, as he commanded him.

Num 20:10  And Moses and Aaron gathered the congregation together before the rock, and he said unto them, Hear now, ye rebels; must we fetch you water out of this rock?

Moses makes a great start to obeying God, but a really lousy ending.    Let’s examine what Moses did according to these two verses and list the steps that he took:

  1. Moses Took the Rod.
  2. Moses Met with His Brother Aaron.
  3. Moses and Aaron Gathered the People Together Before the Rock.
  4. Moses Then Said to the People.

The first 3 steps seem to be perfect matches to the instructions that God gave to Moses.  So when did God ever tell Moses to say anything to the people?  I know that you have to say something to them to gather them or assemble them before the rock, but when did God tell Moses to speak to the people after they were all gathered together?  Did God tell Moses to preach to the congregation?   Did God say to tell the congregation anything at all?  I do not think that He did.  This represents the beginning of the downfall of Moses.  As soon as you start deviating from the plan of God, you begin to miss it and you fall into disobedience and there is the root of his problem.  If we continue reading in the next verse we will see what Moses did next:

Num 20:11  And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock twice: and the water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their beasts

Did you see what happened next?  Let’s continue our list of what Moses did and analyze them to see what they say to us.  We are now on step 5 of what Moses did.

5.  Moses Lifted His Hand.

6.  Moses Smote the Rock.

7.  Moses Smote the Rock Again.

8.  Moses Gave Everyone a Drink.

You can see that Moses did eight things to God’s 5 step plan of instructions.  How many things is that, too many?  Of course that is 3 things too many.  God never told Moses to raise his hand.  God never told Moses to strike the Rock.  Why did Moses have to hit the rock twice?  I think it was simply because nothing happened the first time Moses hit the rock.  I believe that God realized that Moses wasn’t going to follow the plan so He was merciful and gave them water to drink anyway.  Moses had to hit the rock twice before anything came out and I bet you that Moses was a little concerned after nothing happened the first time that he struck the Rock.  What we must realize is that even though God still gave the people a drink, Moses’ actions taken had grave consequences attached to them.  So what was God’s response to Moses and Aaron’s actions taken?  Was God pleased?  Of course not, God says something that is very profound:

Num 20:12  And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron, Because ye believed me not, to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given them.

God reveals the reason Moses struck the rock instead of speaking to the rock, as being a case of his unbelief.  Moses apparently had a problem with speaking to an inanimate object and expecting anything to happen from just your spoken words.  I’ll bet you a lot of Christians are still like Moses today.  God was trying to teach His servant Moses a valuable lesson about the spiritual law of words.  Words have authority and power behind them and God was attempting to raise Moses’ expectation level and spiritual awareness.  We know that previously in the wilderness that God had told Moses to strike the rock to bring out water for the people, but this time God changed the plan.   If you did not realize it, God hardly ever does the same thing twice.  By God’s instructions, Moses was supposed to speak to the rock before the people.  So while the people were watching, the people would have learned a valuable spiritual lesson also.  But, Moses failed and as a result God told him that he would not enter into the Promised Land that he had already given to them.  That is a sad lesson, but that is not the entire story.  You see you have not gotten the symbolism in this story found in Numbers.  It is very important to see that this story is covered with types and shadows of spiritual things to come.  The children of Israel are a type of the church.  Moses and Aaron are types of the leaders in the church.  The Rock is a type of Jesus Christ.  The Promised Land is a type of the Word of God, the promises of the New Covenant.  The wilderness can represent the time of trials or tests in the life of believers.  The water is most often representative of the spiritual drink of God’s Word.

1Co 10:4  And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.

1Co 10:5  But with many of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the wilderness.

1Co 10:6  Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted.

So what are the lessons that we the church should learn from this one story in the Bible?

Let’s go back through the story again and this time look for the spiritual typology.   God tells Moses to take his rod.  The rod represents a symbol of power and authority.  It can also be a symbol of correction.  You can rule with a rod of iron and that would represent a strict control of intolerance or of a swift set of consequences for disobedience.  However, God never tells Moses to do anything with this power symbol.  God then tells Moses to get with Aaron his brother.  I feel like this represents church leadership talking together and working together for a common goal for the good of the people.  Then God tells these leaders to gather the people.  The people represent the church and they should be meeting together to witness the example of the leadership of God’s plan in order to learn what God is doing.  Now, here is the real lesson from the story.  I believe that we can see and learn a lot from the next instruction that God gives to Moses.  Step 4 God said for the leadership to “speak to the Rock”.  What did the Bible say was the Rock?  The Rock represents Jesus Christ.  So what is Jesus Christ?  Jesus Christ is the answer to your every problem.  What was Moses’ problem?  No water or angry upset rebellious people?  Obviously Moses’ problem was his own people.  You need to understand this, because it is very important to see.  People are the biggest problem in any church.  If it weren’t for people, church would be a great place to be.  People are the biggest challenge any minister faces.  People like to talk, gossip, complain, criticize and many other ungodly things.   People will start divisions, confrontations, internal fights, and just complain about anything they think that doesn’t fit with what they want to see happen.  People will start petitions, call for church meetings and votes to try to run the show and all along disregard God’s appointed leadership, his anointing, His plans and His purposes.  God has placed leadership in the church.  Pastors and teachers are called by God and appointed by God to do a specific job in a specific way.  Most of the time God deals with the leadership of the church and tells them exactly what to do and say to the people.  This is a significant learning point from the patterns found in the story of Moses and the children of Israel.  God never addressed the congregation or spoke to anyone in the congregation directly about how to run the the group or what to do.  God always went through His chosen leader recognizing spiriutal organization and sturcture.  This is how a church is supposed to operate today.  In the church it is a little bit different in that God is inside of every believer and He will speak personal direction to each individual believer.  However, God still recognizes spiritual order and He will not tell anyone in the church how to run the church other than the pastor.

Where was Moses’ downfall?  What was the first thing that Moses did that was not on God’s instruction list of 5 specific steps?  If you recall the downfall came when he started talking to the people.  This is a critical lesson for preachers as well as for the congregation members to take note of.  Here is the principle that Moses failed in.  Moses had a problem with the people in that they were thirsty which caused them to be rebellious.  Why didn’t Moses just speak to the Rock and get the answer to his problem?  Instead of speaking to the Rock and getting the answer, Moses called the people “rebellious rebels”.  Here God is trying to teach Moses a lesson concerning a spiritual law of speaking the answer and Moses chooses to speak the problem instead.  Wow, did you just hear what I said?  That was more than worth your time reading this lesson if just you understood that one very important point.   This is a critical lesson to learn and apply to our situations today.  God never said to speak to the people, and speaking to the people who were the problem was not going to bring Moses the answer.  You know if you tell someone who is a thief that they are a thief, it will never cause them to come up higher and change?  If you speak to rebels and say they are rebels, they will never learn to change.  Speaking to your problem and saying they are your problem will cause them to continue as they are and they will remain your problem because of your words spoken over them.  The people of Israel never learned any lessons from this experience.  Moses never learned any lessons either.  God told Moses that he was not going to lead the people into the Promised Land because of his unbelief.  Moses was probably one of the greatest Old Testament prophets of God and he came far short of the destiny that God had intended for him.  Can’t you see how his example of failure applies to you and can it help you not to repeat his mistake?   If you can, it will radically change what you say to who and when.  Many times it would be better to keep your mouth shut and not say anything than to speak the problem and remain in unbelief and miss out on God’s answer to your problem.  God told Moses that if he would only speak to the rock, that the rock would obey his words.  That statement boggles most Christian’s religious minds.  God will do what I say?   If you would only study the Bible and what it says about the words that you speak, you would certainly change many of the things that you say.  The problem is that most Christians fall into the same unbelief category and continue to speakto and about their problems.  Earlier in the book of Numbers, God revealed two things to Moses and Israel that have a direct bearing on everything that I just said about Moses.  You see it would be unjust if God punished Moses for doing something that God had not already told him to do and explained to Moses how things will work.   If we go back and read we will discover that God had already given Moses two spiritual laws to learn and to follow.  Take a look at what God says in these verses:

Num 6:22  And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,

Num 6:23  Speak unto Aaron and unto his sons, saying, On this wise ye shall bless the children of Israel, saying unto them,

Num 6:24  The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:

God taught Moses and Aaron, that they could bless Israel with the words that came out of their mouths.  By Moses speaking these positive good words over the people, God was able to bless them and cause them to prosper.  As you read down in this chapter, Moses and Aaron are supposed to say several other words of blessing and then in verse 26, God concludes that “I will bless them“.  Here is the principle given, you speak blessings and I will bless them!   Did you get that concept?  That is exactly the opposite of what Moses said and did.  Moses looked at the people and called them “Rebels”.  Can God bless these words?  What you find is that Moses ended up cursing his own people with his words and that is a major problem.  God cannot bless Israel because Moses did not follow the instructions of God and the spiriutal laws of God.  To emphasize the point even clearer to Moses in couple of chapters God tells him directly something that is very hard to misunderstand:

Num 14:28  Say unto them, As truly as I live, saith the LORD, as ye have spoken in mine ears, so will I do to you:

These words were spoken directly to Moses and Aaron, the leadership of the nation of Israel some 6 chapters earlier than the “speak to the rock” chapter in Numbers 20.  God reveals to Moses a spiritual law concerning his words that he speaks.  This spiritual law applies across the board to everyone in the congregation as well as the leadership.  God tells Moses that I will do whatever you say.  This verse tells me that God listens to the words that come out of your mouth.  Whatever you say, that is what God will do to you.  I know most Christians do not believe this.  That just doesn’t make any sense does it?  Why would God do that?  I do not know, but yet it is exactly what the Bible just said, isn’t it?   I guess Christians think these people in the wilderness were different than us today.  They were not really examples that we can learn anything from.  I guess people do not realize they are our examples and we better learn from their mistakes, or we will be doomed to repeat their failures.  There are many other Bible verses that I could go into right here to confirm what I have just said.  You can study them for your selves and see if they are there, or you can simply ignore them all and think they do not apply to you.  I’ll give you one confirmation to the words that I have just taught on and this is information found in the book of Psalms:

Psa 106:32  They angered him also at the waters of strife, so that it went ill with Moses for their sakes:

Psa 106:33  Because they provoked his spirit, so that he spake unadvisedly with his lips.

As you can read this is God’s commentary on the story of Moses that we just studied.  In these verses God tells us that the children of Israel made Moses angry.  God calls this the waters of strife.  By making Moses angry we are informed that his spirit was provoked to speak unadvisedly with his lips.  You can clearly see from this verse that it was what Moses said that was his problem and not his striking the rock.  You should learn that what you say is also potentially your greatest problem area and learn to control your tongue even when angry or being upset.  You can clearly see a connection of what you say coming from your spirit inside of you.  This is an extremely valuable lesson to see and to learn from.

One of the most important subjects in the Bible to study and to understand is that about your spoken words.  God tells us that He is listening to what we say and that He will do to us whatever we say.  If we speak evil, that is what we will get.  If we speak good things, that is also what we will get.  Your words only affect your outcome and what you get.  Because, the children of Israel, murmured and complained to God about their situation that is what they got.  The older generation did not enter into the promise land, except for Joshua and Caleb.    What made Joshua and Caleb different?  What caused Joshua and Caleb to enter in where the other people their age all died?  You should go back and read that story very closely and see what Joshua and Caleb said, when the others said the exact opposite.  God did to Joshua and Caleb what they said and the others also got what they said.  This is a prevalent reality found throughout the Bible, from cover to cover.  You can read practically any story in the Bible and you can observe very closely exactly what they say, then read ahead and see what they got in life.  It amazes me when I study the Bible like this and see what God’s response is to what people say.  I know there are other spiritual laws in the Bible also; this one is not the only spiritual law that affects what people get in life.   But, this one is certainly one of the ones’ that people do not have a clue about.  Elvis Presley said he would never live to be older than his mother and he did not.  My grandmother said that a crazy driver would be her end and two teenagers racing ran into the side of her car and killed her.  If you look at what you have today and analyze it with what you said in the past, it will almost always add up to the same results.  Learn to be careful what you say even in jokes.  I’ll try to do more lessons on words in other blogs, but I have gone long enough today.  God Bless!

If you would like to continue reading this series on words, you can go to “Part 2“.