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What are the Best Sources for Learning Truth – How Do We Find and Know “If” it is God’s Absolute Truth Vs Satan’s Lies or Human Reasoning?

(Ver 1.0) This is an answer to two questions received recently about where the best resources are found for learning, knowing, and understanding what truth is. Do we need to go to a Bible school or seminary to find truth? Are there great printed books or are there great resource materials on the internet for knowing the truth. Are these materials and resources available for a cost or are there also some that are free?

We should all know going to any book, printed material, school, seminary, college, etc. costs money. If money is no object, there are several resources that could be recommended.  However, since the invention and rise of the internet in the 1990’s, called the information highway by some, the amounts of data that has been accumulated and is being made available is astronomically increasing at a staggering rate exponentially and most of this good information is free.  Praise the Lord!

There are some exceptions, but most of the information on the internet is free and that is great. However, the problem rises very soon for us to be able to discern correctly which resource is legitimate truth and which ones are designed to mislead you, program you, or even to eventually deceive and destroy your faith and belief in the True and Living God. With the new rise of Artificial Intelligence within Applications and Websites, this is also a potential troubling concern for some people to realize and ask a basic question about, who is trying to control what you see and know and why are they limiting the information and spread of free speech.

These are some of the things we will address from a Biblical World View perspective. Yes, we are firm believers that the Bible is the source of ALL Ultimate Unchangeable Truth because it came out of the mouth of God to be written down for us to learn TRUTH. If this belief offends you, you are potentially in the right place to learn how to know for sure if what you believe is true or not.

What is Truth?

What is Truth? Is it different for everyone? Does Truth change? Or is it just our knowledge that changes our perception of “Truth”. Or is there an “Absolute Truth” that will never change? If there is “Absolute Truth” where is it found? Let us start with one definition of truth. 

Truth is defined by some as “reality”. Truth is also defined by some to be “the state of things as they are”. Others define truth to be “facts”.

While all of that is good, it is all very subjective depending on what your basic groundwork of “fact” and “truth” is. If you are grounded upon the Bible, you are on a firm foundation. If you base your “fact checking” on the government, media, or internet, you are potentially being misled into believing “lies” to be “truth”.

Joh 17:17  Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

According to Jesus, God’s Word is the resource for Truth. Who can argue with God?

Do You Hunger and Thirst for God’s Truth?

Psa 107:9  For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness.

Mat 5:6  Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. 

One of the key factors for learning truth is for us to possess a very strong hunger and thirst (internal desire) to seek and search for it. It would be like someone that was lost in the Sahara Desert and was dying of thirst. They would be in desperate search for this liquid substance to live. This is the attitude we must possess for learning God’s truth. Only His Words can give us spiritual eternal “life” (Jn 6:63). But to give diligent search for water is not passive, it requires work to search to find it:

Mat 7:7  Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

Mat 7:8  For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

Today TRUTH is not being presented everywhere you see and hear things. This hungry desire is based upon what Jesus said in Matthew 7:7-8. Here Jesus said we are required to do 3 things, 1) Ask, 2) Seek, and 3) Knock and it will be given, found, and opened to us (applying to many things, but certainly including knowing the truth). You may have heard of “Fake News” recently and this exists everywhere, and this revelation implies strongly that there should be a search for “Real News”. This applies to TRUTH also. There is “Fake Information” being presented as “TRUTH” everywhere also.

For the past 35 years I have been consumed with obtaining, knowing, and understanding all of God’s truth that I am able to receive.  In doing so I have discovered and confirmed without any doubt this book called the Bible is the most amazing, intelligently designed, and wisely written book ever. It could have only originated from a very powerful supernatural being living outside of time and who was able to view and personally influence the over 40 men that recorded the letters and words written on every page. This means God All Knowing and God Almighty. No other source is even remotely possible. 

This book called the Bible is also the all-time bestselling book in human history. The words have been translated into more languages than we are able to learn or know completely. This means this book has the potential power to radically save more than 8 billion people on the planet.  This also means the Gospel is going forth into all the world and Jesus could be returning any second.

How can I make this claim that the Bible is so amazingly designed? I was a computer software engineer for many years.  Working in this environment, God taught me at least three things through this incredible experience. These are 1) the reality of every intelligent design only comes from an intelligent designer, 2) there is a critical need to give attention to every detail found in the design, even the most minor ones, and 3) there are requirements, laws, and rules to maintain order, so that any information and data can be created, understood and for it to be made useful.

For example, any language that will be written must have a basic alphabet. Each alphabet letter has specific rules of design, including shape, size, sounds, etc. These are just fundamental rules to create an understandable book. If you have been reading this website long you are discovering the great order and meaning of the Ancient Hebrew alphabet letters having very significant prophetical meanings about the Lord Jesus Christ.

First, just like a complex software system did not create itself, neither did 40+ non-collaborating men create 66 books within over 1500 years of spread-out time span, and this just happen by accident.  Neither could all these men have created a book that harmonizes and reveals the most amazing information that is possible without an unexplainable outside influence. This just could not happen by chance. When discovered this created book could have only come from God who created everything. This is why Satan, and his world hates this book and have been doing everything possible to eliminate it from being spread and taught. No other book has been so extraordinarily band from nations, schools, cities, governments, etc.   

Second, when you begin to pay attention to every detail of the Bible you begin to realize the extreme intelligence of the designer.  For example, in a computer software language that is used to create written programs and applications, they all have rules and details of structure. Every detail in the Bible’s design matters, exactly like every detail in a software design.

For example, a very old computer language called COBOL, created English like statements. For example, “ADD CURRENT-INPUT-VALUE TO TOTAL.” is a very readable English computer statement based upon simple readable and understandable rules. To be used by a computer it must be “compiled” into machine language to convert what we can easily read into what the designer of the machine’s rules can process. Uh oh? This sounds like the Bible significantly.  Do you remember these statements in the Bible:

Isa 55:8  For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. 

Rom 8:6  For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. 

Rom 8:7  Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. 

What we observe in the Bible are two conflicting rule systems. God’s thoughts and ways are so much higher than a human. We can also see our natural thinking ways are an enemy to how the Spirit of God sees everything. God’s Laws and yes, God operates under self-imposed rules, limitations, constraints of behavior and moral character that a natural unsaved human does not normally conform to. For example, Numbers 23:19 says “God is not a man that He should lie”. This means humans potentially lie continually, where as God will never do this.

Therefore, understand that there are differences of rules, and laws found in the Spiritual design of the Bible that need to be learned with the help of God the Author, for us to begin to understand what was written.  Missing one spiritual rule, is like missing one specific “period” in one certain statement of the computer COBOL language that could cause the entire intended meaning to change. Therefore, like COBOL teaches us that every single letter and punctuation brought meaning to the designer’s design, so it is with the Bible.

Every computer system has imperfections and weaknesses. These are called “bugs” in computerese. But the Bible was written by God to give man the right of freewill choice. This designed choice gives unsaved humans the illusion of flaws causing those to not understand it, but to those who want to know the truth, the details are made known to us by God personally living inside of us to open our ability to understand. This alone proves it is the most amazing book ever.

The Bible is a book written from the level of an omniscient being speaking to people who know nothing in comparison. Yet we can grow in the knowledge of its content and meaning with His help through our very diligent study. This is why most people don’t have a clue what this book says or means, because it is written by the most intelligent Spirit, and we are all barely like 2-year-old children in comparison.

The third reality I learned from the experience with computers and with studying the Bible, is the requirement to understand there are rules behind everything that is written to make any of it understandable, useful, and working in our life. Think of a box of alphabet letters like the game Scrabble pieces. If you shook them out and scattered them on a board in random order, what words would you spell. In most likelihood, none. Therefore, to create understandable and meaningful words we must follow the rules of the language, and this requires intelligent design. So, it is with the Bible.

Just like an ignorant 2-year-old would not understand a complex software system written in Java, so the Bible is the same for someone that does not want to know God.

The Bible students that asked the questions and left the comments are like many others today that have the drive, hunger, passion, and desire to grow to know God’s actual truth. In comparison, there was another recent commenter that said the Bible studies on this website were not read entirely because they are too long.  This could be an example of someone that could be partially committed to learning God’s Word, because of being too distracted by the cares of this world.  To find the truth, Jesus said very clearly that we must “continue” in the Word, until we know the truth. This means no one but God fully knows the truth, and we must continue without stopping, making it our priority.

What I have noticed about successful Bible study are that people that were fully committed to know and hear from God spent whatever time was necessary to hear from God, because it was that valuable and necessary to them. Personal time spent has a much more valuable return on investment, than all the money that could be spent for materials. 

For example, check out in Matthew 15 when Jesus was teaching nearly 10,000 people. He stood there teaching them for almost three days and they were so hungry for the Words that He shared with them that they no doubt slept on the ground and had not eaten in three days.  And then notice how this spiritual hunger example, compares with someone that does not want to spend a couple of hours to read or listen to one Bible lesson. Who is hungry? Are you that hungry that if Jesus was speaking outside of your city, you would walk out to hear him teach for 3 days? Who has this deep desire to know God and His truth.  If you had any comprehension how many hours were spent hearing from God to write these lessons, and how much time it saved you from doing the same, a couple of hours is nothing to possibly learn one new thing that you have potentially never seen or heard before.

What are Good Bible Knowledge Sources?

What are some good sources for learning God’s knowledgeable viewpoint of His truth?  Where and how do I gain the knowledge of God’s Truth.  Number one is from the personal reading and studying of the Bible which is the source of all truth. But second is to be led by the Spirit because it is God who authored the entire book. And never forget that He is the Spirit of Truth (Jn 14:17) who leads us into all Truth (Jn 16;13). Without His help we will never find the truth because the human carnal mind alone is just like a two-year-old that is just incapable of seeing and understanding spiritual truth. Thank God, He gave us a helper named the Holy Spirit.  

Before I received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit like occurred in Acts 2, I understood nothing that was written in the Bible.  After receiving this experience, He was the ultimate factor that changed me forever and He is our greatest asset to knowing the real Truth, because He is the Spirit of Truth that wrote the book (John 14:7).  

However, the revelation knowledge of the Word was not automatic just by being born again, and then receiving the Holy Spirit baptism. The Holy Spirit led me to ask for it, and this was what began an insatiable hunger and thirst for the greatest quest for knowing Him and everything that He has revealed for us to know about Him.

What happened one morning while I was praying in the Spirit. I found myself suddenly asking God for no reason to give me revelation knowledge of His word. Many months later I discovered this prayer was written in the Bible as a prayer that Paul prayed for the church at Ephesus. In Ephesians 1:16-23. I highly recommend everyone pray this prayer for themselves. Ask the Lord to give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.

After praying this prayer, I noticed while reading and studying the Bible, the words, phrases, and verses that I read would suddenly just come alive to my spirit and leap off the page. I began to see things, know things, and understand things that I had never seen or heard before. It brought such joy, amazement and wonder that it is truly indescribable.

Notice what I said. The same exact words on the page did not change, it was me that God was changing through living inside me and helping me to understand what they meant to Him.  Remember God says His thoughts and ways of thinking are much higher than any lost unlearned and ignorant human.

The next greatest source for obtains the Truth of the Bible is by reading and listening to God’s called humans that are anointed by His Holy Spirit to be teachers of His Word.  I have listened to hundreds of different teachers and have learned something great from them all.  

I am one of those many teachers. I will never claim to be the most important one or the only one that you should learn from.  I am not the all-knowing God. No human knows it all like our God. God purposefully does not give all revelation to anyone.

Bible teachers are like natural doctors and physicians. They are often gifted in certain specialties while others are like general practitioners that try to help everyone grow stronger in the basic knowledge of the truth.   

Remember that no one except God knows 100% of the truth.  Therefore, when we are learning the Bible, we want to judge what a teacher says using two sources of guaranteed Truth.  These are the Bible and the Holy Spirit author that lives inside of us. That is IF you have made Him your Lord and asked Him to come live in your heart.

My favorite non-Bible quote is by Will Rogers. He said, “We are all ignorant, only about different things.”  Keep this in mind when learning from every Bible teacher, including me.   Never accept everything said to be Truth.  But also, never reject anything they say because you have never heard it or don’t believe it is not the Truth.

Prove with your own individual study if it agrees with what you can see the Bible says and what the Holy Spirit inside witnesses to you about what is being taught. He knows whether you do or not.  Become a Berean Bible student like Acts 17:11. They were open-minded and ever willing to learn something new. But they also confirmed what was taught with their own Bible study.  One Bible teacher said be as wise as old cows, eat the good straw and spit out the sticks.  Using this wisdom will allow you to learn from anyone that is truly anointed by God.

Using Modern Bible Study Tools

I have used the eSword Bible study software for almost 35 years.  Is it the best tool?  Probably not. But I chose it because I believe this is where the Holy Spirit led me.  Is it perfect? Nothing is perfect but God. I have found several eSword flaws, bugs, and things that need to be fixed.   This is true for all imperfect human created tools. Yet it had this advantage for myself and for those that studied the Bible with me.  It was free.  

Because it was given away for free, this matched my belief of spreading the Gospel.  There should never be any charges for teaching God’s word according to Matthew 10:8 and 1 Corinthians 9:18. Giving away the Bible and the Gospel for free makes it available to anyone rich or poor.

My current favorite version of eSword now is the Apple version.  Unfortunately it cost about twenty dollars when I purchased it.  I don’t know why the change from free other than the fact Apple charges software developers to use their OS platform whereas Microsoft was free.

The Apple version of eSword is easy to use and it has easy access to an ancient Hebrew language lexicon which is not currently available on the Windows version.  

As far as which Bible I study and write using, you can easily see the KJV Bible is my first and primary study version.  This because of two reasons. The first is that the KJV Bible is free. The second is that it is highly accurate once you learn the old English style of language. It being free eliminates copyright conflicts for publishing.  

There are other Bible versions that I use but only a couple that I will pay for.  One is the NASB and the other is the Amplified.  I like the free Young’s literal version also, but there are many other free Bibles available on eSword. 

Studying the original languages of the written Bible is absolutely essential.  Translators have made many human errors.  We must understand which word was inspired by God, what it means and how it is used in the entire Bible.  But also know God’s definitions of His chosen words overrule human definitions. Lexicons like Strong and Thayer can have mistakes and human traditions imbedded within them.

Here is the basic overview of things needed to find truth:

  1. Being born again by the Spirit of God through hearing His Word, accepting it, believing it, and confessing Jesus as your Lord. Having Faith is the key to receiving from God in every step listed here.
  2. Being filled with the Holy Spirit the author of the Bible who will lead us into all truth.
  3. Asking God to reveal His truth.
  4. Get a good Bible study tool like eSword on Apple.
  5. Having a great hunger and desire to know the truth. This should be the drive for every search.
  6. Having great patience when learning the truth. Like a child going to kindergarten to understand simple basics, know that there is much more that you do not know than you do know. Real deep Truth builds upon layers of other basic truth.
  7. Make it a habitual desire everyday to spend time with God in His word.
  8. In all Bible study have faith to ask God to lead you to what you need to know today that will help you prepare for tomorrow. Then open your Bible believing He is doing it.
  9. Listen and learn from many called, anointed teachers of the Bible. But be led by the Spirit which one and when.
  10. Have an open mind to receive things in the Word you never heard before.  But verify what is taught using your own study and witness of peace given by the Holy Spirit.
  11. Know that all Bible teachers are not God and are ignorant of differing subjects.
  12. Know also that Bible teachers are gifted by God to know certain subjects very well.  Therefore, we can learn great revelation from many of them even when we don’t agree with everything that is taught.  Ask God what you need to know and then be led by Him where you need to go to find the answers.

Bible Schools

Investing money into yourself to attend a great Bible school can save you a lot of time, because of the already designed plan to learn step-by-step. However, like any individual pastor or teacher that we can learn from, understand every Bible school also carries, potential bias of extreme truths.  In other words some Bible schools emphasize “Grace”, and others “Faith”, and others can teach only specific basic truths of salvation only.

Balance is the key to understanding God’s Truth. What you may need to know today, could be missed by one Bible school. Therefore, be led by the Spirit of God. He knows what you should do, where it should be done and when to do it.

Therefore, while I could recommend Bible schools, it best that I do not cause my opinion to sway your decision apart from the Holy Spirit’s guidance.


Joh 8:31  Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;

Joh 8:32  And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Jesus gives us our final insight today on the most reliable source of “Truth”.  First, notice Jesus is speaking with “Believers” in Him. This means they have heard the message about Jesus and believed it to be “True”.  This fact brings about our first division to learning truth. Those that believe not in Jesus will never know the “Truth”.

Next Jesus further reduces the number that will know truth by qualifying that it will only be those that “continue” in His Word. This makes it very clear that “believers” can be deceived and not ever fully know the truth if they “DO NOT CONTINUE IN HIS WORD”. This is sounding a lot like the “Narrow” path that Jesus said led to life (Mat 7:14) and the wide path that led only to eternal damnation (Mat 7:13). Jesus made it very clear that there will only be a few that walk the way of seeking after life.  But there will be many that go to their own chosen way of destruction.

Now notice how verse 31 ended. Jesus said if you continue in my word then you will be my disciples indeed. The Greek word G230 translated as “indeed” of this verse is predominately translated as “truth”. This verse could have read “If you continue in my word, then you will be my disciples truly. This would be in opposition to “be my disciples falsely”. Do you see the severe consequences for not studying the Bible? This means the Bible is the only authority of “absolute truth”.  Do you see how our priority needs to change to become hungrier for the Word of God?

You should have learned today that I prefer “free” Bibles, “free” teachings, and “free” resources of truth. Paul confirms this belief in 1 Corinthians 9:18 when he said it would be an abuse of his power to charge for what he taught. This means go on the internet and search for subjects that the Holy Spirit is laying on your heart to learn. Take the time to read or listen to studies that offer an internal Spirit witness confirmation that this is someone that God has led you to learn from. Then trust that “peace” to continue to study more of their lessons and determine if they still bring you that same joy and peace. If they do this is the Holy Spirit agreeing that you are in the right place.

Remember what else Paul said about where he obtained his knowledge of the truth:

Gal 1:12  For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Notice that Paul who wrote 2/3 of the New Testament, claims he received almost everything directly from spending time with the Author of the Bible. Paul claims this knowledge of the truth did not come from any human, including the apostles. But obtaining this knowledge took Paul years to acquire and you can learn it much quicker by just reading the books that he wrote inspired by the anointing of the Holy Spirit. So, it is also today. God still anoints teachers, preachers, evangelists, etc.

Ask and then trust the Holy Spirit to lead you to the resources that are freely available today. There are too many available that can help save you hundreds of hours of isolated study. God has given “revelation” to so many on so many differing subjects. Many are available for free.

Thank you for taking the time to read this lesson. But also thank you for being led here first to find it. If this has been a blessing to you, share it with others. God Bless you and help you to hunger and thirst for the absolute truth of the Word of God.

Is the Rapture of the Church a Reality in the Bible – Part 8 Jesus is Coming Soon

(Ver 1.0) There are many scoffers and rebukers of this Bible truth. Satan wants every Christian to not believe and have faith in the sudden and surprising return of Jesus Christ to catch away His bride. If you are a skeptic of this soon-coming reality it would be wise for you to go and read this series from the beginning. There are too many confirmations within typology and patterns given to us in the Bible for us NOT TO BELIEVE in this blessed hope (Tit 2:13).  If you have not read the entire series, please go to “Part 1” now.

Many Christians that criticize the “harpazo” catching away theological position found in the Bible. They instead accuse other Christians that believe in this reality, people who believe in “escapism” theology. Meaning we should never feel like we should be persecuted.  Yes, we are guaranteed “persecution” as promised by Jesus (Jn 15:20). However, we are NOT ever promised to go through the wrath of God according to Romans 5:9. God will never punish the righteous with the wicked as Abraham so pointed out speaking to God in Genesis 18:25. Jesus addressed this escapism condemnation by speaking to believers this statement:

Luk 21:36  Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. 

If you are Christ’s bride, called the church (ekklesia), then we are supposed to pray to God to be counted “worthy” to escape this world’s evils and this will happen when the “catching away” suddenly takes us up by sudden surprise a divine display of His great power.

Obtaining Faith for the Rapture

Today is Super Bowl Sunday in the USA. Wouldn’t this be a great surprise for the world to have Jesus catch away the church during the Super Bowl. Who would be looking for Him to come today? Who would go up in a rapture if they were not expecting to go? Many people believe everything happens in life automatically if it is the will of God. But is this what we are observing happening in the world today?

If 2 Peter 3:9 says “God is not willing that any should perish, but that all come to repentance, does this mean everyone is guaranteed salvation? Absolutely not! There are thousands and millions of people going to hell every day and every month. If you believe rapture is not for you, and it happens, do you believe you would go? It would be shocking if this would happen according to the Bible. Jesus said very clearly “According to your faith, be it unto you.”

What we begin to learn from God in the flesh, is not everything that God desires to do is automatically becomes a reality to every human. God desires to save everyone, but everyone must receive the free gift. This logic requires us to also believe in a “rapture” event also. Think about it!

There are many people that believe in “Pre-Trib”, there are many others, that believe in “Mid-Trib”, there are others that believe in “Post-Trib” and finally, there are others that believe in in a No-Catching-Away. Could everyone be getting exactly what they believe? Could there be three catching away events? Could there be come that are not caught up at all? If you begin to view the Bible from this perspective, you might be surprised this would confirm why there are such conflicting views with each having scriptures to confirm their belief. Because everyone can view the same verses and select the one that they believe is truth ruling out all other verses.

Php 3:20  For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:

The Greek word G553 is a word that means “To Expect Fully”. This very clearly teaches us that expectant “Faith” is our duty in awaiting our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ to appear in the clouds to take us up. Remember the angels in Acts 1, said “This Jesus that you have see go up will return in like manner”. This will be the rapture event when He stands in the clouds calling us up to meet Him as our bridegroom that calls out to His bride to bring us into the 7-year wedding feast in Heaven. This will be taking place while the wrath of God is being poured out upon the earth. Let us look at another rapture verse with the same Greek word G553:

Rom 8:23  And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.

This is a very interesting verse that is often overlooked as being related to rapture.  However, notice the Greek word translated as “waiting”. This is the same word to fully expect. What are we fully expecting to happen? We are waiting for the “redemption” of our bodies! When does this take place? It happens when we are caught up in a nano-second of time to meet Him in the air as described in 1 Corinthians 15:52 and 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.

Only the Lord Jesus Christ has a fully redeemed and resurrected body in heaven right now. Everyone else already in heaven is awaiting this redemption and it will occur first. But then the redemption of the living people on the earth will immediately take place after the dead in Christ bodies go up first.

However, there is a requirement to believe in this happening just as believing to be saved is also a requirement. Believing must be fully joined and persuaded in our hearts with pregnant expectations of His coming as we are seeing in scriptures. We obtain faith for the promises of God from His word (Rom 10:17). Read these rapture verses out loud and get them into your heart. This will cause you to become ready.


I recently witnessed someone have a heart-attack with 99% blockage. If they had not been at the right place at the right time with access to help, they would be dead right now. Are you ready to meet Jesus? Are you expecting that He could appear any second? Is your mind on Him or on football? Today could be the day of His return, and yet who is ready? Who is looking for Him while they are partying and drinking their beers? God have mercy on us all and let us begin call out to God that we be made worthy to escape this coming tribulation. God make us ready to meet you. We love you and long for your return, but we also desire all our family and friends to also be ready. Even so Lord Jesus, come quickly.

If you have never received Jesus Christ as you personal Lord and Savior there is a link at the end of this post. This will be the most important decision of you life to begin your journey of salvation. Remember God loves you so much that He sent you here to read a way to know Him forever. Jesus died to make a way out of the darkness into His marvelous Light and today is the day of salvation, now is the time to accept Him before the time for all of humanity closes the door.

We love you all, Jesus Loves you all. Thank you for reading and praying for us. God will Bless us all.

Are You Saved? Do you Know Jesus? Life is Short! Jesus wants to Know You! Please come and get to Know Him!

What is Communion/Eucharist – What does it mean to Drink my Blood and Eat my Flesh?

(Ver 1.0) This Bible lesson is a response to a comment that was received recently from someone that caused us concern about what the content of the message contained. It was felt that this comment should not be handled privately but should be made into a public Bible lesson. This lesson will not be a long study, but it is still an essential truth about who our God is and what He has sovereignly chosen to do and to be. This lesson may not be for everyone. But hopefully it will be a blessing to some that may have the same question in their mind about the loving and infinitely good God that created us all.

However, this is a WARNING UPFRONT to caution readers that this Bible lesson may be offensive to some. It may not be considered politically correct which none of the Bible truly is. It is God’s Word that brings us Light, and this is highly offensive to those that love the darkness (Jn 3:19). But this lesson will be given in a spirit of Love, speaking the truth intended to only bring a gentle healing (Eph 4:15). To those that desire to know the True God and see His truth, this lesson should be easy to receive. Potentially others could be offended.

We will divide this lesson into the following sections:

  1. Introduction
  2. What Happened to the physical body of Jesus?
  3. Knowing there is Spiritual Realm and Natural Realm
  4. Can God Lie?
  5. Absolute Truths Come from the Mouth of God
  6. Conclusion


Our commenter was responding to a lesson on what Jesus taught us in John 6 about we must drink His blood and eat His flesh to receive eternal life. There was a significant amount of discourse in this comment given on the subject of “the differences between literal and figurative” expressions spoken by God and by Jesus while in the flesh on the earth.

It was obvious our commenter took the words of Jesus to be literal and they claimed that this is how the Holy Spirit entered into them by them literally eating and drinking the physical body and blood of Jesus Christ. But what does their definition of “literally” eating His flesh and drinking His blood, mean to them?

Was this 1) a literal cutting from the flesh of the body of Jesus Christ piece by piece as Jesus’s words implied in John 6? Or was this just 2) a “figurative” sampling of man-made bread and wine that is representative of the actual reality of flesh and blood, as some believe in a ceremony called “Communion”? Or there are even some that believe 3) these naturally created human elements of bread and wine, when ingested in a religious ceremony called a Eucharist, become the literal flesh and blood of Jesus by some miraculous wonder. That is a tough lesson and is far more complex to be fully taught completely today. But we will go through some of the key thoughts today to try to understand how to view this subject from the eyes of God.


What happened to the literal physical naturally born body of Jesus? We know He was nailed to a cross (Jn 19:18), after being beaten by Roman soldiers (Jn 19:1). He hung on the cross approximately 6 hours (Mat 27:45) and died after His spirit left His body (Jn 19:30). The physical body was then buried in a tomb and sealed with guards standing outside for three days (Jn 19:38-42). On the third day the LORD Jesus was raised up from the dead and his physical natural physical body was glorified by God to be changed into an eternal resurrected body.

However, there are important facts to take note of. We know from John 20:17 that the resurrected body of Jesus and His Spirit, was on His way to see His Father in heaven when He saw a woman that was at the tomb. He told her not to touch Him because He had not yet ascended to His Father (Jn 20:17). In Hebrews 7:27 we learn another fact that Jesus was being made a High Priest for all of humanity on this first trip to heaven. We further learn that He was going up to offer up His blood to His Father in heaven, for it to be poured out in the Heavenly Most Holy Tabernacle (Heb 9:12) as the onetime payment for all sin.

Finally, notice what happened after Jesus returned from the Heaven Spirit realm back to the earth realm of natural humans. He appears to the disciples behind closed doors without opening one door. He looks at them and says “Behold, my hands and my feet and see that it is me”. This clearly means that His resurrected body still had the marks from the nails while hanging on the cross. Then He said, “See a spirit has not flesh and bone as you see I have” (Lk 24:39).

Pay close attention to see that Jesus never claims to have any blood in His body after His post-resurrection trip to heaven. This would be a problem for a literal interpretation of eating His flesh and drinking His blood after being raised from the dead. From Bible evidence there does not appear to be any blood in His resurrected body.

Plus, there is the Bible fact that Jesus did not ever offer His resurrected body as food to anyone to be saved after His resurrection. After all He did appear to humans for 40 days in the flesh and we can only find Jesus eating natural food with humans and never His flesh (Jn 21:12-14, Lk 21:41-43). Therefore, we are beginning to have some major problems with the commenter’s reasonings and interpretations of scriptures in John 6.

Finally, please notice that the physically resurrected body of Jesus went up to heaven in fulness being completely intact in Acts 1:9. The disciples witnessed this fact and the angel that was with them said to them “You men of Galilee, why are you staring up into heaven?” in Acts 1:11. Then the angel said to them, “this same Jesus which was taken up, shall return in like manner”. This simply means the literal physical resurrected body of Jesus went up with Him and will also return fully intact upon his return.

Therefore, the statements by Jesus to eat His flesh and to drink His blood appear to mean something completely different than a literal interpretation.


Therefore, we need to find the true interpretation of eating flesh and drinking blood. From the comment that was the implied meaning to the commenter. But is that what God said or meant? Does it really matter if we think what was written, meant something that God did not really say? Do remember what God said in Isaiah?

Isa 55:9  For as the heavens (the spirit realm) are higher than the earth (the natural realm), so are my ways (Spirit) higher than your ways (natural), and my thoughts (Spirit) than your thoughts (natural).

Wow! Isaiah wrote a very significant amount of truth for us to learn from. Within parentheses were added the God concept that is revealed in other parts of the Bible. It is absolutely essential for Bible students to interpret the Bible using the other words found within the Bible, and this will help eliminate the problem being addressed with the reader’s comment and analysis of what was spoken.

What was God saying in Isaiah 55:9? Our God who is the highest and greatest intelligent being ever, is explaining how His Spirit eyes sees things differently and His omniscient mind thinks things from a higher perspective of ultimate truth, than the limited human natural eyes and carnal human mind reasoning. The Apostle Paul emphasizes this problem in this verse:

1Co 3:1  And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ.

Do you see the Isaiah 55 connection? Paul could have said “Brothers, I could not speak unto you using “heavenly” words, ideas, concepts, and descriptions, because for now you are far too “earthly” focused. This is the exact same concept that Jesus spoke of in John 3:

Joh 3:12  If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?

Do you see the same principles being taught by Jesus in this statement? Jesus is saying the same thing that Paul said in 1 Corinthians 3:1. And this John 3 statement was certainly based upon what is exactly stated in Isaiah 55 about God’s spiritual ways being way above the comprehension of childlike naturally thinking people. Jesus is literally saying “I am speaking to you using natural things, to point you to the far higher and greater spiritual dimension that you are unable to comprehend.

It is very easy to see how there could be a lot of confusion surrounding these words spoken by Jesus in John 6 about eating flesh and drinking blood until you see that Jesus is attempting to teach the greater spiritual truths using easier parallel God created natural realities. What we are being introduced to is an awesome concept for learning the truth in the Bible.

One God given rule of correct scripture interpretation is found in these statements above. Humans before being born-again are wholly natural thinking people. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 2:14, that the natural thinking man can never receive the things of the Spirit of God. Paul continues by saying, for these spiritual things are “foolishness” to the earthly thinking human. Finally, Paul reveals, Spirit Words from God are only discerned from spiritual minded humans. Do you see the problem being presented? This was a sovereign God design of hiding spiritual information from people who are not really committed to know the God that is speaking.

We were designed by God to only be able to fully view the spiritual truths hidden in scriptures correctly, only after being spiritually born-again (Jn 3:7), from God’s higher Spirit perspective and viewpoint. We can only do this by renewing our minds with His truths and rising above the natural realm of normal human thinking. This can only come from spiritual growth by reading His Words and being led by the Holy Spirit to see what they mean (1 Pet 2:2). Next, as a part of this study, we are going to focus upon one part of the comment to answer an important question.


The commenter is unknown to us and everyone else, we will “in the spirit of love”, not identify the commenter. We also will not provide the entire comment and only address the most shocking points that insult, slander, and defame the character of God who made us all.

Here is the opening of the longer comment that was submitted:

The Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.
Jesus is not subject to OT laws like not eating flesh with the blood in it.
He made them. He can break them. He is God after all.

Suppose. Suppose God wanted us to literally eat his flesh and drink his blood. Would that be okay with you? Or would he need special permission?

Wow, these are very sad, hurtful, and offensive allegations, accusations and statements about the revealed character and nature of God who describes Himself to be “Love” in 1 John 4:8. Is it possible for God who is LOVE, to break His own commandments and laws? What is the character and nature of true “LOVE”? In other words, does the Creator God command His created man to do something that He would not do?  Does God give us a commandment and then make exceptions in certain cases for Himself to do otherwise? Is any of this fair and just? The commenter’s reasonings teach that God could be completely immoral and disobey whatever he told us to do simply because He is God. Is that the kind of God you know?

For example, if God instructed man not to eat any flesh with blood remaining in it in the Torah Law of Moses (Gen 9:4, Lev 17:14), then the commenter is saying that God must have changed His mind while Jesus was speaking to people on the earth when He told them to eat His flesh and drink His Blood? From this, the commenter is saying that God can do any of the following:

  1. God made the Law; therefore, He can break His Law.
  2. Jesus was never “subject” to the O.T. Laws (Torah) like eating flesh with blood in it.
  3. The final statement was “If God desired us to eat flesh with blood, does He need to ask any human if that is ok to do”?

Many human statements given without deep thought and allowing God’s personal involvement and participation with His Holy Spirit to instruct us and help us understand what is written, can bring about confusion with other unknown truths that could be found in the Bible, if searched. There are No Rightly Interpreted Bible verses that contradict with any other Bible verse. That would make the Bible just a human book of mistakes, instead of what it truly is, a book written by a far superior Spirit intellect attempting to communicate with people that know very little about anything spiritual as we ought. But since God is omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, He is smart enough not to forget what He says nor contradict what He meant. Today, we are about to discover that the Bible teaches us the following essential facts concerning God’s divine nature and character:

  1. Num 23:19 “God is not a man that He should lie”. This verse reveals whatever God says is a true statement and it cannot change.
  2. Mal 3:6 “I am the LORD and I change not”. God being unchangeable and Immutable are two other ways of saying that He will not say and believe one thing today is true and a completely opposite thing tomorrow is also true. Nor will He say one thing today and do the opposite tomorrow.
  3. Heb 6:18 “It is impossible for God to lie.” Here is another challenge to the claims that God does not need to always do what He says.  If God said He would do something and then changed His mind, He would be called a liar. This truth further binds God to do exactly what He says by His own sovereign choice and design.
  4. Duet 1:17 “You will not respect person in judgment”. Rom 2:11 “There is no respect of person with God”. Here is an example of how God commands man to be like He is. God is described to not respect any person, and He commands people to do the same. This teaches us God’s intent is for humans to do exactly what He says and does.

In these descriptions of our God, He is “Truthful”, “Honest”, “Fair” and “Just”? Perhaps some do not believe that God is “truthful” (Jn 15:26), “honest” (Num 23:19), “fair” (2 Chr 19:7), or “just” (1 Pet 2:23)? Perhaps some may not believe the Bible is God’s spoken words that instructs what He does and what we should do also. Or that it also teaches us who He is, what He does, and that neither of these will ever conflict. In other words, who God is, is what God desires for us to become. Then also what God does, must be exactly what God wants us to be like (Gen 1:26).

If some do not believe God has these qualities that proves these people may know a little bit about God, but they probably have never experienced a personal close relationship with Him. That should be truly concerning. Now let us go deeper into the Word of Truth to learn more about if we should drink His natural blood and eat His natural flesh:

Joh 13:34  A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

We can find multiple commandments written to humans to do things that God has described as His character. For example, notice in the verse above.  We know in 1 John 4;8 God says He is LOVE. Then Jesus said in John 13:34 that we should love each other on the earth exactly as He personally demonstrated and showed us His love to us. How many people fully do this? Can you name one? Many people can act very kind to someone for a short time, until they are enraged and suddenly, they become a totally different personality with unimaginable changes in character.

People must redefine the true nature of God’s character of LOVE that is clearly described to us in 1 Corinthians 13 to justify their ability to not be held accountable for doing what He commanded us to do, Himself. According to the definition of the God kind of Love called “Agape”, people are supposed to rejoice in truth in verse 13. Therefore, God claims in His word that He will never lie to us as we previously saw in Numbers 23:19 and He will always do exactly everything that He has said.

If this part of the Bible is not true, then this would be easy for us to say the rest of the verses in the Bible is not true either. Either God must obey His written revealed Word, or He has suddenly become a liar and we better know we learned in Hebrews 6:18 God says it is “IMPOSSIBLE for Him to LIE”. This simply means if He has said it, He must also do it, or His character has changed to become like a human sinner. This would appear to teach us that we are following a book of fables that we cannot trust. But that should not be a description of His Word or His character. We can find it written over and over that we can Trust Him (Prov 3:5).

This is troubling for many religiously minded people in the world that define the word “sovereign” to means God can legally do anything and it is ok, because He is God. But we better be seeing things differently in the Bible because this is not truly stated as the definition of God’s sovereignty. There are many places in the Bible where God has said things, and He must place Himself personally under the words, commandments, and prophecies, to fulfill them.

Gal 4:4  But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,

Notice what God said in this verse about His personal appearance upon the earth. God declares that there was a predetermined set time for His arrival, and if he would not have appeared at this set appointed time, it would have demonstrated to us that He was not powerful enough to fulfill exactly what He said would occur.  But we all know, this did not happen.

The next part of this statement makes it perfectly clear that during God’s manifested presence in human flesh (Heb 2:14), He purposefully chose to place Himself under His own written LAW (Torah) fully and completely. This chosen placement of being under the LAW of Moses forces the truth that if He would have violated any of the written LAWS, He would have become a sinner like the rest of humanity (Rom 3:23). This simply teaches us that Jesus fulfilled every requirement of the law while here on the earth in a physical form. Why did the sovereign God choose to do it this way?

Mat 5:18  For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Here is another statement from the mouth of God the creator of the heaven and the earth. Jesus personally said, “Not one jot or tittle of the law will pass away, until ALL BE FULFILLED”. That should cause us to believe something differently than what our commenter said. Since it was impossible for a human to keep the LAW, we know that only God could do this, and this is exactly what He chose to do. In other words, if God does not follow His own commanded LAW, He would be unable to fulfill it. Or are we going to redefine what “fulfillment” means next?

The Greek word G1096 translated as “fulfilled” means to “come into existence”. Wow, that changes a lot about how we should view these scriptures. They are not suggestions; they are all things that will come to pass and will be accomplished by God personally. In other words, they must ALL be viewed in the light of Jeremiah 1:12. In this verse God says, “I watch over my word to perform it” (NASB). This verse simply confirms the truth, that God will do everything that He has said.

Therefore, if He commanded a man not to eat flesh with blood, God as a man, would not do that either by His own choice of fulfilling the commandments. This would also mean that Jesus would never contradict the law by telling others to disobey the law either. This shows us that this would only be God sovereignly abiding by what He said, and He needs no one’s permission to make His spoken words good, and these words will never change.

We all know from scripture that the LAW was given to Moses directly by God (Neh 10:29). This makes the “LAW” the words from God’s mouth. According to Jesus, He claimed all these words were a divine prophecy that MUST be FULFILLED. This simply means God CAN NOT DO ANYTHING ELSE but make sure everything that He said completely happens as He said it would. This teaches a potentially radical need for a shift of focus to what was said. God is not declaring that we should all still be sacrificing offerings of animal sacrifices. No, we should change to learn that Jesus came into the world to accomplish the whole law for us, to save us in our inability to fulfill them for ourselves.

But we should know for 100% fact that the Bible is the inspired Word of the Living God according to 1 Timothy 3:16. This verse simply means the Bible came out of the mouth of God and was given to us by His Holy Spirit. This should make it simple to know that a Holy God is not someone that can lie and if we think He can say something and it does not restrict what He can do, we are potentially amazingly deceived. Him being a “sovereign” God does not make it acceptable for Him to lie, to steal, to murder, to be unjust or anything else that violates a pure definition of His character of LOVE, or His spoken words of LAW.

Did Jesus ever lie in the Gospels? Can you find a verse containing a lie from the mouth of Jesus? No, there are no lies from the mouth of Jesus. This also means that there are no lies from His Father God either.  Jesus made it very clear that “He only spoke what His Father said to speak” (Jn 12:49). Therefore, when Jesus said, “if you have seen me, you have seen my Father” (Jn 14:9), we can know what we see Jesus doing is what we know God does.

This teaches us that Jesus is the manifested true nature and character of the God who created us (Col 2:9). Therefore, if we cannot see Jesus do what you claim, then His Father could not do it either. Both manifestations of God are NOT LIARS. God must do exactly what He says, and He is bound to His spoken words eternally because His Words are Him. Remember what John 1:1 teaches us. In this verse God said “In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God. This simply means the Word of God does not ever change like we learned in Malachi, where God said that He never changes.

Yes, there are still spoken words that have yet to be fulfilled, because Jesus was also a prophet (Mat 13:57), and He told us of things that will soon come to pass at the end of the age (Mat 24). But unfulfilled words are still not words that are untruthful. Time does not cause words to be lies because they have not occurred. It only means we are supposed to expect them to happen at any moment, because they were spoken by God who can never lie. Isn’t this easily understandable? If God said it, the words were the truth, and they must happen to eliminate the possibility of a lie.

God’s words will always come to pass, and He will not violate them, and He must do whatever is necessary to make them occur. This is a better definition of being “sovereign”. No matter what the opposition, rebellion, lack of cooperation from humans, or the devil’s works to try to make them not happen, God is committed to make sure everything that He said that will happen, to happen. This completely contradicts a belief that God can say something and then not be bound to make it happen or follow it, that is not what “sovereignty” means, it is more like insanity to believe that God is an unreliable example for us to follow.

We can also find verses like Ephesians 5:1 where a human Christian is commanded to be “an imitator” of God. Therefore, if God does not have to keep His word, and can violate it, we are free to do the same by human logic. This would make us all “liars” (Rom 3:4), and on our way to hell according to Revelation 21:8.

Our commenter claims that since God sovereignly created His law, it is within His right of further sovereign choice that allows Him to violate the same laws. The commenter claims, “After all He is God”. Let us evaluate this reasoning by using basic morals that should be found in human relationships.

If a man marries a woman and they both promise to love, honor, cherish and be faithful to each other until one die, is it OK for them in 6 months or even 60 years to change their mind? In today’s Christian church this is the casual lie that has been embraced as acceptable. This is the same attitude that is being projected upon the God that created us. The logical reasoning is that if God can change His mind and it be OK, then all humans also can simply do the same. We are suddenly changing out the real God to be made into the image of a lost sinful human and ignoring His original designed intent for humans to be made into His image and conformed into His likeness (Gen 1:26).

This is the danger of not knowing the real Creator God or His written Word, people can be easily deceived into believing things that are baseless and unscriptural about a subject of critical importance. If we do not understand the very basics about God’s character and nature, we can be carried away to believe almost anything.


Continuing, let us learn that God is a Spirit of Truth. Psalm 31:5 describes God to be the God of Truth. This simply confirms whatever God says can be received by us to be unchangeable “Truth”. Then in John 14:6, Jesus said, “I AM the “way”, the “truth”, and the “life”. Jesus confirms that He is the God of truth in personal manifestation, using simple God created algebraic laws within mathematics. Then in John 15:26 we find a prophecy that Jesus will ask the Father to send the Holy Spirit who was also called the “Spirit of Truth”. So, we have one God in three manifestable personalities and presences, and they are ALL Named and called the TRUTH.

Therefore, no matter who is speaking, whether it be God the Father, God the Son, or God the Holy Spirit, none of His spoken words will ever contradict any other past, present, or future words spoken, since Truth cannot be changed. This was confirmed when God said in Malachi 3:6, “I am the LORD and I change not”. By placing an unchangeable God with His unchangeable Words this is the definition of “Absolute Truth” coming from God’s mouth. Because the Bible comes from a God that can never tell lies, His written Words are the most reliable and highest forms of never-ending truth that are available to humans.

There is a modern-day culture that is attempting to transform the Christian belief system based upon unchangeable Words of God, into an absurdity of relativism of there being “No Absolute Truths”.  In other words, whatever I want to believe about God, or the non-existence of any God is my choice, and it must be acceptable to everyone.  Then multiply this single person belief by 8 to 9 billion people and we have only chaos, confusion, and disorder.

This has been a slowly encroaching plot over the last 60+ years, to get people to accept one single lie as a normal truth after the next. But suddenly since 2012, the pattern of deception has increased and grown exponentially to lie after lie, every day of the week and almost a new lie every minute of the day. We cannot watch modern television news media and hear much if any, truth whatsoever, no matter what network you are watching.

But the removal of absolutes, is a perversion attempting to sway society away from a common unified set of truths, is a planned attack to destroy humanity and send them to hell. What are we being taught today in schools that violates God’s written fixed Truths?  We are seeing this happen more today than before in our lifetime. Here is just a short list of insanity ignoring absolute truths:

  1. One internet article from an intellectual PHD has been published in 2023 and has said that there are at least 81 identifiable genders of the human species. It is interesting that God who created us, said there are only 2 (Mat 10:6). That is a major problem, but who is correct? Romans 3:2 says let God be true and every other man a liar.
  2. People in the world claim that there are massive racial biases and hatreds in much of the population. This is being taught as absolute truth in schools and by governments. But God’s Word says we are all one race from the same two parents Adam and Eve (Gen 2-3).
  3. The world says now that a marriage can be between two women, or two men and this must be called normal. But Jesus said in the beginning God only made two humans, one male, and one female and God called them a husband and a wife. (Mat 19:4)
  4. A biologically confirmed male can be a female by human choice is normal and acceptable. This is being taught in schools ignoring scientifically irrefutable evidence of DNA, and the Absolute Truth of the Bible saying God formed us in our mother’s womb (Jer 1:5).
  5. A biologically confirmed female can be a male also ignoring scientifically irrefutable evidence of DNA and the Absolute Truth of Bible.
  6. Children can be murdered up to and even after birth now in more than one state. This is refuted in the Bible very clearly. First, the sixth commandment written is, “Thou shalt not commit murder” (Exo 20:13). A child is someone known by God before they are conceived (Jer 1:5). Babies are given a spirit at conception, that can hear, that can feel pain, that are aware (Gen 25:22-23, Lk 1:41). And this same internal developing body, soul, and spirit in their mother continues to grow and mature for years after being born. Modern 4D sonagrams are displaying the truth that these children inside the womb are the same as those outside of the womb. Please search and see for your self.
  7. Children are the responsibility of the state, and the parents have no rights to determine their children’s future or what they are indoctrinated with by the state. It is interesting that this is exactly what Nazi Germany did in the 1930’s. This is another attempt at the same agenda that removes God’s designs of family and places easily brainwashed children into doing whatever the governments want them to do. This is clearly a design of Satan to turn children against their parents to commit the sin of breaking the 5th commandment so that children do not honor their father and mother (Exo 20:12).

Humans, especially the youth, are being indoctrinated with ever changeable values to not know any of the “Absolute Truth” of God.  They have been taught that they came from apes, and now it has moved into the lie, that if I desire to identify as a monkey, that is my choice and you must accept me and support me, as I have declared and call me by whatever label I have chosen, regardless of evidence or facts. This philosophy is a very dangerous cliff to be walking to near to.

Isa 5:20  Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

God warns of this coming change in culture in this verse of Isaiah 5:20. God says to us all, “Woe, unto those that try to call “evil”, “good”, and “good” “evil”. These same people will try to pervert “light” can call it “darkness” while calling “darkness”, their “light”. God goes further to say that these same people will begin to train people to call everything that is “bitter”, “sweet”, and everything that is “sweet”, a new type of “bitter”. This is complete insanity to those that have any common sense and know the truth and refuse to change to believe their lies.

This perversion of cultural shift has become dominant in the entertainment industries, like movies, television, and music. We have popular number one songs that claim, “I’m Bad” to mean something that should figuratively be a symbol of being “good” or “great”. We have government laws and mandates that claim women’s healthcare rights when it is really nothing but an agenda for “abortion” murder rights. There are examples after examples of these types of wrongs ignoring absolute truths of God’s written Word.

Regardless of what people think, say, or believe, there are “Absolute Truths”, and there will always be unchangeable laws of created truth that will never fail, and they all come from God! Nothing you can say or do, can overrule any of these God given and established laws (Heb 4:12). God has said in Deuteronomy 30:19, “I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing, therefore choose life…”. We are going to be faced with this choice every day of our lives, to choose the lies of the devil, or the truth of God. God was smart enough to tells the right answer. He said very plainly “Choose Life”.


One of the most interesting things about the commenter’s written words about a Bible lesson found on this website, is the fact that there are “No SUPPORTING” verses used to confirm and verify the given statements. This places the commenter’s opinion in isolation apart from the written Word of God, our only source of Absolute Truth. Do you recall what God said in Amos 3:3? Here God says, “How can two walk together, unless they agree?”. Please pay attention to find if there are supporting scriptures to agree with God in any lesson, and who is not providing any scriptures of agreement with God, and therefore only speaking an opinion.


What the commenter claims was, that if Jesus said for us to eat His flesh and to drink His blood, then it must be literal. It did not matter if the spoken words of Jesus the Son of God, violated the commandments of His Father God, that were given to Israel because He was God and could do whatever He wanted. They reasoned that because Jesus said He was the LORD of the Sabbath that therefore He could violate His Father’s own laws. We have hopefully learned from scripture that this is pure foolishness.  We have already seen the facts in the Bible that Jesus was completely born under the LAW and He said He came to fulfill the LAW and not to ignore it. You can never in any verse of the Gospels find where Jesus violated a single LAW. NEVER!

If He had violated His written LAW, this makes Him a sinner of the Commandments of God. Paul wrote in Romans 4:15, “that where there is no LAW, there is no violation of the law”. But we previously learned in Galatians 4 that Jesus Christ was born purposefully to be held accountable “under the LAW”. This meant any disobedience by Jesus is a violation of the written LAW and this would cause “sin” to have occurred. Hebrews 4:15 testifies that “Jesus was tempted in every way to sin like we are, but yet without any sin having occurred”. This literally means Jesus kept the LAW!

Therefore, Jesus Christ was unable to break a law to sin, for this would also make His Father a liar. God is the source of all truth. God must fulfill and keep His truth and is therefore bound by every word that comes out of His mouth and these words will never pass away. They are forever absolute truths.

What we have learned today, is the fact that Jesus used natural substances like human flesh and natural blood to teach us about far greater and higher spiritual realities. This simply means it was never God’s intention for Jesus to give His literal physical human body for an eatable substance for anyone to consume naturally, to obtain their spiritual salvation. This would not make a lot of sense for God or for us.

Eph 2:8  For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 

Eph 2:9  Not of works, lest any man should boast.

The book of Ephesians is very clear that natural works will never save any human. God says to save the spirit of a human it takes “faith”. Faith is of the heart (spirit). Therefore, we do not get spiritually saved by doing natural human work and especially by physically eating anyone’s touchable physical body or blood and placing it in our natural physical stomach. There is too much flesh involved in this process.

But what was the body of Jesus Christ made from? We can read in John 1:14 that the “Word” of God was made “flesh” and dwelt among us. We previously learned that the Word was God (Jn 1:1), and we should know that God is a Spirit (Jn 4:24). Now we are beginning to learn more about what Jesus was speaking of.

Jesus’ salvation offered to us in the New Covenant comes from us receiving the spoken Word of God into our hearts (spirits) by faith and then confessing the risen from the dead LORD Jesus to be our LORD (Rom 10:9-10). Therefore, the symbolic flesh of Jesus is representative of the Word of God. This was the short answer to the much deeper question of what the blood and body is being told to us to be consumed.

We get a deeper application to the understanding of spiritual things in 1 Corinthians 11:24-25 where Paul describes the last supper that Jesus partook together with His disciples. Notice this was the “Passover” meal that is being participated in by Jesus and it was written to do this in the Old Covenant Law. Then Jesus said after taking the unleavened bread, this is my body. Next, He took the cup and said this is the New Covenant in my blood, this do often in remembrance of me.

Wow this can be a separate lesson by itself. However, notice that Jesus said we are eating and drinking this bread and blood many times, not just once? How many times do we receive the Holy Spirit to begin our walk of salvation with Him as our helper? Guess what, it is only one time. The Bible does not tell us that we eat and drink over and over, to become saved, again and again. After we receive the Holy Spirit once by faith, He comes in and abides and we become joined as “one” spirit, the Holy Spirit with our human spirit (1 Cor 6:17). This only occurs once.

Therefore, eating physical Passover elements of bread and wine, are NOT our salvation, only the refreshing of our spiritual remembrance as a memorial for what Jesus did for us 2000 years ago and a continual reminder for what we received by our faith once in our present natural life.

The Old Covenant was the natural pattern and a prophetic pointer for the coming New Covenant spiritual reality. The New Covenant partaking of physical elements of Communion or Eucharist is a spiritual memorial or monument found in our mind, for us to remember what was accomplished in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.

Thank you for taking the time to read and study the Bible at “Agapegeek”. God loves us more than we can imagine, but He will only take those with Him, that have accepted Him fully. Jesus is returning to catch away His Church Bride, and the wise virgins were ready when He came. The foolish virgins, who were not prepared, were not let in when He came. Which kind are you? It could happen much sooner than you think. Jesus said very clearly that it would happen at an hour when you think not.

If God wills, we will get back into other subjects that we have been learning previously, unless He directs to teach something new like today. God will continue to richly bless each of us, and His grace and peace will be multiplied to each of us through our growing knowledge of Him.


(Ver 1.0) This is the season for celebration. Many people enjoy times with their family in giving and receiving gifts. This seasonal time has been abused. This seasonal time of remembrance has become only commercialized to some. To others it has become a pagan holiday to be avoided. But to many others it is still a time of peace, love, joy and thankfulness for the True and living God’s arrival onto the planet earth in a manifested physical human form.

This blows the minds of a lot of people. How could the awesome, omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent Creator become a part of His creation? Why would He do this? Behold this child that was born in a manger in Bethlehem, He is the Savior of the entire world.  Come let us find and see Emmanuel, which is interpreted: “God with us” (Mat 1:23). If this is not enough cause to rejoice, then you do not understand very much about who He was, and what God has done by being born a baby human. He has made a way for humans out of this dark evil world by us choosing to join with Him in unity. This plan brought us His brand-new creation! But how does one become “born-again” to be a new creation ( 2 Cor 5:17)? The answer is found in a question that Jesus asked to His disciples:

Mat 16:13  When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? 

Jesus asks his 12 close followers, the most significant question a human could answer. Jesus certainly had no doubts and knew exactly who He was. But how many people around Him knew who the Son of Man was? The disciples’ answers Jesus question with what they had heard people say about Him:

Mat 16:14  And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elijah; and others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.

Some say You are John the Baptist, some Elijah, some Jeremiah, and some just one of the prophets. None of the answers was correct. People obviously did not have a clue who this man was, that was walking with them. Do you know that what other people think, believe or know about Jesus will never help you personally? Even today some people still say, that He was just a prophet. Others think less of Him than that. So, Jesus makes the question more personal:

Mat 16:15  He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?

This is the most important question you can answer today to save you from an eternity in hell. If you can answer this question correctly, you will be saved from a state of endless separation from the God who created you. Take notice how Peter one of the disciples answered correctly:

Mat 16:16  And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.

Wow! This was Peter’s winning “all in” response with no hesitations or doubts attached to it.  This statement held such great confidence. Notice that Jesus did not deny the answer. People today have the same opportunity to give Jesus the correct answer. By anyone today confessing this reality of truth, causes us to make a personal confident affirmation that Jesus was God born in a manger in Bethlehem. It further affirms the belief that Jesus was a man that lived 33 ½ years on the earth in the flesh. Jesus was a man who was hung on a cross. Jesus was a man that died and was buried in a tomb for 3 days and nights. But it also means He was raised from the dead being the first born within a new creation. Then by acknowledging to Jesus that He is the Christ/Messiah, the Son of the Living God, we confirm to Him and everyone else that He is risen and alive forever more. Praise the Lord!

Therefore, during this time of out celebration of the birth of the Lamb of God in a manger, let us remember how blessed we are to know Him personally and to fellowship with Him daily. Romans 10:9-10 proclaims that if anyone will believe in their heart that Jesus was raised from the dead, and then confess with our mouth that Jesus is MY LORD, they will be saved! This is the number 1 priority for this website, to get people saved and then to bless them with the knowledge of the true Living God, so that they will never depart from this faith in Jesus Christ.

God bless you if you prayed this prayer for the first time. Please leave a comment acknowledging your decision to follow Christ. Jesus said very clearly, that if you acknowledge me before men, I will acknowledge you before my Father in Heaven (Mat 10:32). It is absolutely essential for you to go and tell someone, and it does not have to be this website. You can go to your friend, a neighbor, a loved one, a family member. Just please tell someone, I made Jesus my LORD and Savior, and then open your Bible and begin to fellowship with Him. Ask Him to speak to you from His written Word to show you what He has given to you as a free gift.

Thank you to all readers and subscribers that pray for us on We are blessed immensely to have the pleasure to spend time with those of like precious faith (1 Peter 1:1). God bless you all and “be a blessing” to someone today and have a very Merry Christmas! Please never forget the Greatest Gift that you can ever receive is from our Father in heaven, His name was Jesus Christ and He is LORD!

Please Vote for Righteousness in 2022

Today is one of the most critical elections in the entire world.  The current U.S. election is a vital place for all Christians to wake up, unite, and stand up against the spiritual enemy Satan and what he is trying to implement in a one world godless takeover agenda. According to many scriptures the church is prophesied to leave this world before the tribulation as the victorious overcoming bride of Christ.

Therefore, expect massive victories today to continue to manifest in great numbers. But this will only fully come to pass with all of us hearing the voice of the LORD, believing Him, and obeying to participate in doing your God given responsibility to vote. We walk by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We overcome the world by our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

We have had Christians in the past that criticized us for speaking of world political strategies of Satan. Some have even unsubscribed because they were blinded by the enemy to not care about our children’s future ability to worship God and share the Gospel to others freely.  Any passive lack of participation is the same as a vote for Satan’s agenda and your defeat.

Notice the Biblical examples given to us by the Lord God. Pay attention that the children of Israel were given the promised land in the book of Exodus, but the nation of Israel still had to participate to fight and take it from their giant enemies that were living in it. Today, the church is no different than them. But today our giants are the spirits of darkness. God gave this nation Israel in the Old Covenant as a pattern for victory or defeat based upon whether we choose to believe God and win or live in a fear of the fight to automatically lose.

Become a strong and courageous voter today, like the example of Joshua and Caleb. Be on the “faith in God” side of this spiritual battle, and not on the side of defeat like the other 10 spies of Israel that died in the wilderness. Utilize the God given authority that Jesus has given to us all, and vote in faith, believing it will be counted accurately and fairly without any obstacles, obstructions or cheating. Bind the spirits of darkness that are working in those that are doing evil. We will overcome this enemy by the blood of the Lamb. Greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world! Thanks be to God who always causes us to triumph.

Thank you and God bless you all very much. Join with God in the Gideon 300 group of victorious warriors that win. To God be all of the Glory for the great things that He is doing in the world in these last of the last days before His return. God loves you and we love you all. Be blessed and be a blessing to everyone. Amen!

Understanding Bible Faith – Faith, Patience and Time Delays Part 19

(Ver 1.1) Today is “Part 19” in the Bible study series describing the subject “Understanding Bible Faith”.  Faith is a Bible essential theme and topic. I will warn you up front that I have been working on this lesson very fast for only a short time today.  It probably has more than one typing and grammar items that is less than perfect and needs to be fixed and I will attempt to do that in subsequent revisions, the Lord willing. Please just extend me mercy as God does to us all and forgive my haste to get out what I believe, the Lord was saying to me today and wanted to say to everyone around the world and especially in the United States during these challenging times.  As a reminder the document version number begins every Bible lesson.  Version 1.0 (Ver 1.0) is the initial publication and this is what is emailed to everyone initially who subscribes.  But later I will usually make changes and improvements as time and the Lord permits me..  Therefore, if you get an emailed version it is still advisable that you go and review the online version because this one will be improved over time.  I hope that helps new readers and subscribers understand my geek computer programmer style of writing updates.  Let us go back to the subject of faith.

Faith can be found and has been described by God from Genesis to Revelation. We should have learned from reading Hebrew 11:6 “But without faith it is impossible to please God”. That should cause us all to stop and evaluate yourself and ask “Am I in Faith?”  In 2 Corinthians 13:5 we are all commanded to “Self-evaluate or do a self-examination to determine if we are in the faith”. This means if we are worried about what we prayed for, or in fear it is not going to happen in time, or just simply doubt that God hear or will answer us, then we are not in faith and must change course as soon as possible.  I know that we can all be challenged to fall into Satan’s trap of doubt and unbelief almost daily.  I’ve been there and if you have been saved very long, you also have been through the exact same test.  This is why we must learn to recognize the signs of faith failure during the tests of time and delays.

Uh oh? What did God say to us?  Are there delays?  What does the factor of extensive time do to cause us to doubt God?  What is different about today from when we first started to believe and stand over 70)\+ days earlier?  Are we feeling any stress?  Are we experiencing any pressures, or fear of what might happen if God does not come through to answer us?  Wow, if you are human like I am, we all have been there and done that and can buy and wear that faith vacation T-Shirt.   I am trying to recommend that we do not depart from the lifestyle of faith to leave it and take a vacation from it.  Amen!


This election process that we have been going through in the United States of America is one of the greatest trials of faith that I have ever witnessed. It appears that evil has declared victory and appears to have won at every turn removing our natural hope.  Just when we appear to have seen a way to victory a door is slammed shut by the devil.  Do you know God allows this to happen on purpose to cause our “faith” to be stretched? Satan tries to break our faith by turning every hopeful situations into sudden defeat and lost opportunity for victory.  This happens in almost every trial of our faith whether, physical illness, emotional challenges, financial needs, relationships, jobs, etc.

What we must begin to learn is that when all of the natural possibilities for human solutions have been exhausted, it should be the beginning for us to finally stop and just relax to trust in God’s supernatural possibility of us believing in His Word only. It is a severe mistake to leave God as our last resort possibility for our solution.  Do you know what I mean?  I recall the story in 2 Chronicles 16:12 where King Asa was diseased in his feet.  Asa failed to seek the Lord first and to expect God to answer to what he should do about his problem.  Instead, Asa went to physicians and he died, never seeking or trusting God.

In another example found in 1 Chronicles 10:13-14 King Saul enquired of an evil spirit rather than focusing upon the LORD only and he was also killed for doing evil in the eyes of God.  God turned over the kingdom of Saul to David.  These were just two examples of humans not seeking and trusting in God first but they teach us what we should not be doing right now by not seeking God first and ignoring the other possible solutions.

Now let us examine a different type of challenge.  God came to Abraham in Genesis 15 and promised him personally that he would have children that numbered like the visible stars of heaven.  That was an incredible promise directly from the mouth of God.  That sure sounds like that should have caused Abram to never doubt what was going to happen.  Then over the course of time and many years going without the promised son coming from his wife Sarah, they began to waiver and look for their own solutions.  Sarah gives up completely that she will have the child and she turns over her slave woman Hagar to her husband and they had a child of the flesh named Ishmael in Genesis 16.

It only took one chapter for Abram and Sarai to lose their faith and try a human possible solution without trusting in God.  It would appear from reading this that it was the factor of time that played into causing their belief that they needed to have God solve their problem.  Wow, is that not what is happening in the church today?  Are not one Christian after another giving up the fight and losing heart not to believe and trust in God? I believe it is exactly what is happening in the U.S. 2020 elections.

We have placed all of our focused confidence and trust in looking for human possibilities instead of just focusing our faith and trusting in the Word of the LORD only.  Just as Abram and Sarai got their eyes off of God’s promise and trusting that He would fulfill His promise so are many people doing the exact same thing right now because of what the circumstances and long delays appear to be saying.  We are focused upon only what is possible and failing to focus only upon the God of the impossible.


Luk 18:27  And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.

God has been waiting for the church believers and the world to get their eyes off of all of the possible human avenues of winning the election to defeat evil. We have placed our confidence in the election, the vote counters, the President, the Vice President, the Attorney General, the Justice Department, the FBI, the state legislatures, the State and Federal Courts, the Supreme Court, Congressmen, Senators, the Electoral College, etc. and have had our hopes dashed every time.  I wonder why?  Could this be our wrong focus?

Now finally with only a couple of days before the apparent looming deadline, a lot of Christians have totally given up all hope and resigned to believe the evil will rule us for the next 2 or 4 years completely.  So many have abandoned their faith in God’s promises to hear and answer their prayers simply because it looks so bad and too much time has passed.  Wow, but this is when God always comes through for His people if they do not give up.

Over and over in the Bible God waited patiently for all possibilities of human solutions to be eliminated so that He would receive all of the Glory for the victory that He is about to give us.  Did you hear what I just said?  I am sticking out my neck in faith saying God’s victorious breakthrough is about to come to pass, don’t give up!

What do I base my faith upon?  How can I claim victory is still going to happen?  I first have learned from reading the Bible that this is exactly when God never failed to show up for His people and show off His majestic hand and arm of power.  Remember Abraham and Sarah?  Abraham was 100 and Sarah was 90 when their victory came.  It was totally impossible for them to have a baby for themselves.  Yet they DID!  That was just one example of a God miraculous victory being placed upon display as an example to learn from.  Only God could get the praise for their son named Isaac.

Take the children of Israel being freed from captivity from Egypt. There was 400 years delay of them in captivity before God’s process of deliverance was initiated.  There was pharaoh’s edict for murdering all of the male children so that a deliverer could not be born.  There was a delay of the deliverer escaping Egypt for 40 years because he killed an Egyptian.  There was the intense delay with the battle of wills between the ruler Pharaoh and the man of God Moses.  Whose will, would give in or give up first?

There was the display of God’s power in 10 plagues.  Yet the evil ruler lied and did not let the people of Israel go until the last plague.  Finally, the death angel took the first born of every creature except those that had the blood on the door post.  That was finally the straw that broke the back to defeat the evil ruler’s will.  Moses led the children of Israel from Egypt and proceeded to go forth following God.  Then the evil Pharaoh had a change of heart and started to pursue them.  He brought his soldiers and chariots and overtook them.

The children of Israel were at the ends of their pathways of human possibilities for escape, freedom and victory and faced certain death.  Their backs were up against the Red Sea and the Egyptians were on the other side of them.  There was no possible way to escape the apparent end. From the natural perspective of circumstances, it would be certain defeat. Yet God was not concerned and when the human possibilities were ended, the supernatural possibility opened up by God’s design.

Do you see how this is a perfect parallel to how we are right now on January 16, 2021?  There are only three days till evil triumphs and we can choose to believe that report of impossibility or we can stop and take our eyes off of the human impossible pathways for victory, to remain looking at only the unseen God of the supernatural possible pathways to victory. He can open a brand new way where we have not even imagined just as He did for the children of Israel and the Red Sear. This will allow God to get all of the Glory and all we need to do is believe.  Why is that hard to stop looking at the natural and praise God for the victory?

Do you trust God?  Do you believe God is still powerful enough to be able make a way when there appears to be no way?  I do!  I choose to believe in a God of miracles and it really does not matter if January 20, 2021 comes and goes and I still do not see the answer.  I’m not going to allow the circumstances to overcome my beliefs.  By beliefs in God’s Words and Promises will overcome my circumstances.  I will stand with God’s promises until I see the victory. Aman!


Rom 4:18  Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be

Rom 4:19  And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sara’s womb

Rom 4:20  He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God

Rom 4:21  And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform

Remind yourself of these verses for every faith situation you find yourself in.  God uses Abraham in these verses as our example of a man to be repeated and followed because, he believed in supernatural hope when in the natural realm of possibilities there was no other hope available to him.  Again, this is when victory can manifest and only God is given the glory.

These are some of the most amazing verses of faith in the Bible. God teaches how one man took his eyes off of his natural circumstances to place all of his beliefs and confidence only in his God’s ability to answer no matter what the world declared against his victory.  Abraham is commended to not waiver in his faith by giving all of the Glory to God even before he saw his child named Isaac be born.  Can you believe and praise God even before the answer comes?  Can you say “Glory to God for the answer” even if you do not see how it could happen?  If you can, then you are in the right place at the right time for victory.  If you can praise God and say glory to God you are strong in faith no matter if you feel strong or not.  Clearly the 100 year old Abraham did not feel strong and he still had a child.

Let us not go by our feelings.  Let us ignore the news media and circumstances.  Let us ignore the calendar.  Let us ignore what our spouse, family and friends are telling us to do, to give up.  Please just join with me and get back into faith and give God all of your praise and give Him all of the glory just believing He is the same God that He was to Moses, Abraham, Joseph, David, etc.  All of these people had significant delays before their victory came forth.


I’m not going to have time to tell you everything that I base my faith upon in this quick encouraging faith lesson.  But I will tell you that on December 8, 2020 God woke me up in the middle of the night and said “Joe Biden would admit defeat and fraud had taken place”.  Wow, does that sound impossible or possible?  Most people would say that is impossible.  Yet I believe that this is what the LORD said to me and I choose to believe Him and not what I see.  God tells us that the “just” shall live by faith and not walk according to what we see.  There are other things that I have been encouraging myself daily with, but I will end upon this that occurred recently.  I listen to the Bible almost every night using an MP3 player while I fall asleep. Whenever I wake up, I become conscious that the Word of God is still playing in my ear and many times God is saying something to me that really stands out and this is what I recently was given by the LORD:

Luk 1:49  For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is his name.
Luk 1:50  And his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation.
Luk 1:51  He hath shewed strength with his arm; he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.
Luk 1:52  He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree.
Luk 1:53  He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away.
Luk 1:54  He hath holpen his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy

Wow, these verses spoke volumes of hope to me.  I know these verses come from the Song of Mary in Luke and they do not appear to directly apply to our faith lesson or the current election. But until we analyze what was really said don’t throw these words away too quickly.  I believe these words were given as a prophetical statement for what is about to happen in the United States.

Verse 49 starts with God has done mighty things for us and this is exactly what is needed against this evil enemy trying to overtake us.  Next notice verse 50 is spoken to a people that fear Him and they are given His mercy.  We qualify for this to be written to us because we should fear the LORD and this will cause His mercy to be extended in our current situation. Next verse 51 was what caught my attention in the middle of the night.  The arm of the LORD is not mentioned that many times in the N.T.

The first time the arm of God is mentioned is here in Luke.  The next time it is mentioned is in John 12:38. John quotes a verse from Isaiah concerning the church.  “Who has believed our report and to who is the arm of the Lord revealed”.  This is a verse about a people that have faith and that should be the church.  God clearly says that His arm will be revealed to people that believe Him.  Wow, that is encouraging.  Finally, God’s arm is mentioned in the book of Acts.  In Acts 13:17 Paul is preaching and informing people that the arm of the Lord was displayed to them when God took the children of Israel out of Egypt.

Therefore, God has made a direct connection to Israel’s deliverance being parallel to the church’s deliverance from the bondage of this world and the ruling god of this world (2 Cor 4:4) as being a type of Pharaoh.  This makes the prophecy of Luke 1 spoken and sung by Mary apply to us.  So what else does God claim to do with His arm to help these people?

Verse 51 ends with “He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts”. Wow, we can observe very proud people in the government that appear to be very unconcerned with being caught in doing obvious evil acts within our government. I have not seen any of these crimes that have been committed in the last 12 years be judged.  It appears they are covered up or either just ignored like noting ever happened.  But that is about to change according to God.

Verse 52 continues with judgments of evil people taking place.  God says “He has put down the mighty from their seats”.  Wow, again we see people in government today that are so consumed with having their power that they will do anything illegal to take it and keep it.  These people are about to be put down and removed from their seats of power permanently.  Verse 52 ends with God’s exaltation of the lowly people with humility that have a servant’s heart not containing a motivation for greed or power to be raised up to these positions of authority.  The Bible says when the righteous rule it will bring forth joy to all that have elected them to office (Prov 25:2).

Finally verses 53 and 54 prophecy a reversal of the financial classes.  God declares the hungry will be filled with God’s good things and those that are extremely wealthy will be taken away void of their money that used to corrupt and try to overthrow our nation.  God’s mercy of deliverance has been extended in these last days.  It will be our time for victory and celebration before He returns.  No this is NOT ALL ABOUT US!  God is doing this to show mercy to the nations of the world.  God wants to show mercy to the unborn children in the womb that have not had the opportunity to be born.  God wants a great end-time harvest and revival in the church to go into the entire world to preach the gospel to every nation.

I am believing God for over 1 billion views on this website. Wow, that is stretching our faith since so far, we are only working on 4 million views.  But please join your faith with us and agree that God will do great and mighty things to get His Gospel out to these billion people.  God has already given us views from over 250 nations.  There were over 25 nations just today that read something on this website. We already have subscribers on every inhabited continent North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. People even in China have been viewing these Bible lessons. Pray that the seeds sown here will produce a lot of new believers with spiritual fruits.

We love you and hope this Bible lesson was encouraging.  I have really declared some very bold things that God said would happen.  I believe I heard from God and I believe they will happen in His perfect timing.  I have not heard that this will happen in the next 3 days.  I can only tell you what I heard and leave it at that trusting Him to make it happen.

Remember the principle of Hebrews 6:12 that it is through faith and patience that we inherit the promises of God.  This literally means faith is required and there will be delays to God bringing us the answer in most situations because, Satan is trying to keep it from coming to pass.  Satan has been doing everything possible to keep God’s chosen servant out of the White House.  But it will not work this time.  It is not yet time for the antichrist to manifest and control the world.  How do I know that?  Because you and I are still here.  It is time for church to overcome the devil and then we will be taken out of the world and then Satan will be allowed to rise to world domination and control.  That will only be a short time of 7 years when we come back to the earth with Jesus and Satan will be thrown into hell for 1000 years.

Keep the faith!  Stand strong!  Do not let the circumstances sway your faith. Do not allow the absence of human solutions get you down either. Do not allow delay to discourage you.  Remember when it looks impossible for man, it is still entirely Possible for God.  All we are required to do is to give Him all of the Glory and praise Him for the victory before we see it happen.  This is a Bible principle.  Joshua and the people of Israel marched for days around the walls of Jericho and then shouted and blew the trumpets to sound the victory and then the walls fell down.

God bless you and if this lesson offends you, stand back and just watch what God will do and then leave us your  comment after a month or so.  If this encouraged you then please like it at the bottom of the webpage and share it with all of your friends.  Be a blessing to us and to others.  God is working whether you see what He is doing or not.  Be patient!  Be kind! Walk in LOVE!  Shout the Victory! Praise the LORD! Rejoice in the LORD and I again I say REJOICE!  It is time to Celebrate.  Amen


(Ver 1.1) I was not gong to post any more about the United States election.  However, I believe with all of my heart that God is not finished yet and is waiting to see who will stand with Him in faith, patiently expecting Him to fulfill what the church of Jesus Christ has prayed.  I know it looks really bad like the evil has won. It looks like we are against an overpowering enemy that has defeated us. But this is when God works best and our God is still doing some amazing things in these last days, even if it does not always seem that way to our human viewpoint based upon circumstances.   Has God ever really done that before?  Read your Bible and tell me a story where God answered a problem in the way that a human wanted Him to answer it or when they wanted Him to answer it? 

God is very gracious and kind, but His love is also balanced with the need for our faith’s participation to receive His free Grace heavenly provisions.  We are never to tell God how or when He should answer our prayers.  That is not our choice.  We just know that God will answer and many times it will be at the last second before we think the world is about to end and Satan is about to win.  Remember God is faithful (Deu 7:9) and He will always answer believing prayers(Mk 11:24), so let’s believe, stand (Eph 6:13) and fight a good fight of faith (1 Tim 6:12) until we see the answer.  Because it will be our faith that will give us the victory to overcome Satan and the evil world (1 Jn 5:4).

If God would have answered our prayers immediately, the way we all thought He would on election day, November 3, 2020, we would not have seen all the works and plans of the devil.  We would also not have seen how Satan overplayed his hand of cards to expose himself.  This delay by God was an exceedingly wise plan but it looks like a very foolish plan to the carnal human mind.  Watch and see God continue to work and see what He is desiring to accomplish in the world and simultaneously in the church. 

If God would have answered our prayer on election day, He would not have been able to expose all of the crime, evil, corruption and fraud in our government, politicians and the election processes.  God would not have been able to expose the lengths that Satan was able to overreach to use evil people to try to steal all of the votes for our President to get him out of office. God would not have been able to expose the Jezebel false prophets in the media as being such corrupt liars.  These are people being used by demons to prophesy lies of propaganda to attempt to brain wash the American people and the world to cause us to get into fear.  God would not have been able to expose the corrupt Tech-companies that have been used by Satan on a mission to silence the truth of the righteous people on the earth. 


Now that brings me to today’s main topic.  God would not have been able to get all of the Glory for re-electing the President, if He had won the election in a landslide without the criminal fraud, foreign interference and all of the hidden activity taking place in the collusion under the disguise of hidden darkness.  Our President could have claimed that it was him, his personality, his accomplishments, his fame or fortune, etc. that gave him the election results of victory.  But those that know God realize that it is only God that put him into office in 2016 because of prayers and it will only be God that gets him back into office in 2020 because of faithful prayers.  Yes, God heard our prayers and God answered our prayers to save human lives.  I still believe that 100%.  I am not moved by what is going on in the news. In fact I don’t watch fake news anymore. But God’s answer was not done immediately as we expected and this is causing a lot of people who call themselves Christians to not stand with God anymore agreeing with the evil report of the 10 spies that said “we are not able to take the land because we are just grasshoppers”.

Now that brings us to topic number two about a faithful remnant with faith that did get the victory even if the majority failed to enter into it. Remember the two spies with the good report “we are well able to overcome this enemy so let us go up and take it now” had to experience a delay of 40 years because of all of the unbelief. yet they still got the victory. Ok, I’m not saying we must wait 40 years to see the victory. I’m not even saying we have to wait another 4 years. No, I’m saying there will be a delay but victory will take place sooner than you think. Let us go and read another story that shows us what is happening in this delay period.


This is one of the main messages that God spoke to me this morning.  In the book of Judges chapter 7 we will find a man named Gideon.  This man had an army of 32,000 soldiers.  This army seemed big enough to defeat the enemy quickly with no problems. But God told Gideon it was too many and they would think they got the victory without the need of Him.  That is how it would have been if the landslide for our President took place on Nov 3 without any crimes being committed.  But God told Gideon to gather the army and ask them “whoever is fearful and afraid depart and go home” in verse 3.  That left 10,000 soldiers.  Those that left the army were never in faith and they represent Christians that have already admitted defeat or are afraid of what might happen if God does not answer our prayers.  These are usually types of Christians that know very little about the Word of God. We will see why I said this next.

10,000 soldiers were still too many for God and God told Gideon to take all of them down to the water.  Water usually represents the Word of God in the Bible.  For example, Jesus told the disciples now you are clean because of the word that I have spoken to you (Jn 15:3).  To a woman at the well Jesus said “If you knew who it was that spoke with you, you would ask of me a drink, I would give to you living water…” (Jn 4:10).  And I could give you other examples.  The men that never came to the water going home did not get to come to the Word of God. But the 10,000 men of Gideon that remained were instructed to come to the water and drink. God said to Gideon that He would “try” them there. That Hebrew (H6886) word literally means to refine/melt metal. I think you may have heard that in the New Testament regarding our faith being tried by fire in 1 Peter 1:7. Our faith is being tested and we are in need to remain bold and courageous.

In Judges 7, God was showing there was a special way that the qualified must drink. Those that lapped the water like a dog were accepted for the battle. How does a dog drink water? They are always on their feet. They use their tongue as a scoop to bring the water up into their mouth. But there were those that drank laying on the ground which required them to get on their knees first and then lay down on the ground to reach their mouths to the water like a snake. These people were rejected. The Hebrew word translated as “bowed down” (H3776) in verse 6 means they needed to be prostrate on the ground in a laying position with their face down to reach the water. These were the ones that disqualified for battle.  There were only 300 men that used their hand to scoop the water with their heads up, feet on the ground looking alertly for the enemy that were approved by God for battle (v6).

Wow, I hope you saw the typology in this example.  Those that lapped water like a dog were prepared for a surprise attack of the enemy.  These were the 300 that had wisdom to stay alert, aware and were ready for the fight of faith no matter if it happened at that moment or many days later. They were ready no matter if there was a delay or the fight was now.  This is the type of Christian that God is hoping we are.  He is calling out a people that are ready at every moment and remain in faith no matter how long it takes to achieve the victory.  We must be prepared because the enemy can surprise us at any unexpected moment. 

Did you notice what type of Christian did not go to battle and get the victory?  These were people that were worldly and acted like a snake laying on their belly on the ground unaware.  It is virtually impossible for a human drinking on their belly to see what is happening around them and they can easily be surprised and killed by a sly predator.  A Christian with one foot in the world and one foot in church is not going to be able to stand with God.  God wants someone who spiritually alert and aware and is fully committed to Him.  These are too many Christians that are trying to please the world to not offend them with the truth, while going to church to try and make God happy.  Jesus said to the church in Revelation 3:15-16, “I would that you be hot or cold, because you are lukewarm, I will spew you out of my mouth”.  Wow, that is a very strong warning.

This election delay is causing a lot of Christians to depart from their faith and become joined with Satan and his world agenda.  Christian have been sitting on a fence with one foot in the world’s party system and one foot in the Kingdom of God party on Sunday and this is still unacceptable to God.  God desires a victorious church (Rom 8:37), but first, He is returning to the earth to see if there is anyone that still has the faith to receive the victory (Lk 18:8).  Remember God eliminated the fearful and those that were afraid from Gideon’s army FIRST!  These were people with NO faith in Him.  Then God got rid of the carnal worldly people that wanted life in the world with a future hope of going to heaven with His victory too.  These were types of people that were double minded and easily swayed between two opinions. But only the faithful that believed God and were constantly alert, aware, believing, and faithful were the soldiers that received the victory of God.

Which one of the Christian types are you?  Do you believe God is still “ABLE” to give us the victory?  Do you believe God “Will” give us the victory even if it looks like we are totally outnumbered and about to get slaughtered with only our 300-soldier army?  God is giving everyone that says they are a Christian a chance to choose right now.  Whose report will you believe?  Will you believe the report of the Jezebel false lying prophet media?  Or will you believe and stand with the God that is able to do exceedingly and abundantly more than we can ask or think (Eph 3:20)?  God is still God! God still rules! God is still for Life (Jn 10:10)!  God is not a liar (Num 23:19).

I’m standing with God no matter what happens or how long it takes to win the spiritual battle.  Just like the Hebrew children in Babylon in the book of Daniel, when the king told everyone to bow or burn. They said to the king “Our God is able and will deliver us and even if He does not we will not bow”.  This is what God is looking for today.  I would rather die in faith without receiving the promised answer rather than to bow and allow death to take another innocent life from the womb.


If this strong message offends you, that is very sad and heartbreaking to God and myself. But please take your negative comments somewhere else! You are free to go and bow to the false gods of Baal in the world and join them in their slaughter and sacrifice of innocent babies. My God will deliver us, some us will believe and have faith no matter what the world says.  IT IS TIME TO KEEP STANDING! God has already started the exposure of the massive crimes that were committed in this election.  Justice is coming as God the Supreme Judge in heaven has already ruled in our favor. All we do now is stand and praise Him for the victory! Thank you Jesus!   Please rise up and continue to stand with God.  There are more in the spiritual realm that are for us than there are against us.  God bless you.  I love you and God loves you.  He has given to us the victory and He receives all of the glory.  Be one of God’s 300!


Parable_of_sower_5(Ver 1.1) This is Part 5 in the Bible Study series of the most significant Parable in the Bible.  Jesus said if you do not understand this parable, how then will you understand any parable (Mk 4:13)?  That makes this parable on a greater level or a higher plain of importance than all the others.  Of course, all of them are still important to us.   If you have not studied this subject from the beginning, I would highly recommend that you begin with “Part 1” first.  We will be unable to go over every detail previously provided in this series.  For example, in earlier lessons we obtained an excellent overview of the sower, the seed and the fruit.  These were three positive symbols given to us in the parable by Jesus.  In these lessons we should have learned that the Seed represents primarily God’s spoken Word, but that there was also an implied negative counterpart to it that comes from Satan.  This negative seed type will result in distractions and deceptions that we can label as “weeds”.  Spiritual “weeds” originated from the curse spoken to Adam in Genesis 3:18 when God said the soil would produce “thorns” and “thistles”.  Today we will learn more about what these represent.

Finally, we learned about fruit in our last lesson.  This subject is the positive intended outcome for God’s incredibly positive Word when planted in good soil.  I am convinced that “fruit” is God’s spiritual goal and plan for every human who will cooperate and receive His Word into their heart.  I am also convinced that fruit represents requirements or specifications for salvation.  This brings us to today’s subject of the soil.  The soil represents the unseen heart of a human.  However, this invisible heart is NOT the physical blood pumping organ that keeps our human body alive.  No, the heart of a human is the unseen captive eternal spirit being on the inside of our body.  Our human spirit becomes one with the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6:17) after we receive the Word of God, believe, and confess Jesus as our Lord.  There was more to our lessons than that, but that was a quick review.  We will now continue with this subject and the specific topic of “soil” and “soil types”.


I would like to begin this study of the “soil” with an overview of the soil types found in the Parable of the Sower.  Soil represents the heart also called the spirit of a human.  This is the internal unseen spiritual part of the triune composition of every human (1 Th 5:23).  Our heart element is the human portion that will never cease to exist (Lk 16:22-23).  We should also understand that Jesus gave us 4 specific divisions of spirit/soil types in the Parable of the Sower.  It is also important to note that this parable occurs in 3 Gospels Matthew 13, Mark 4, and Luke 8.  All accounts of the parable agree, but with some specific details only being mentioned in one parable.  This is a major reason why we should read every one given to combine them into an accumulated list of facts to conclude every truth that was taught.  It is very much like a crime that occurs with three different witnesses that observe the event from three different angles of perspective.  Each witness testimony must be true from each individual perspective but when it is balanced together the combined agreement of testimony provides the most accurate overall information of what happened.  Here are the main 4 soil types as described by Jesus:

  1. Way Side (Mat 13:4, Mk 4:4, Luk 8:5)
  2. Stony Ground (Mat 13:5, Mk 4:5, Luk 8:6)
  3. Thorny Ground (Mat 13:7, Mk 4:7, Luk 8:7)
  4. Good Ground (Mat 13:8, Mk 4:8, Luk 8:8)

We are going to go through each soil type individually picking out the details of Greek Words to help us understand what Jesus said.  We will list every descriptive explanatory verse from Matthew, Mark and Luke to learn from.  Let us get started with the wayside soil.


highway of dirtThe first type of soil mentioned by Jesus is called the “way side” soil.  This soil type comes from the Greek word G3598 that literally means a “road” or “highway”.  That is an informative descriptive term with widespread implications attached to it.  Any well-traveled road in Bible days was a soil that was compacted from constant chariots, carts, and human foot traffic as well as other animal hoofs (horses, donkeys, and camels) loaded with people or goods.  The soil would be so compressed that scattering seed upon it would do no real good.  The seed would rest on the top of the packed surface and would be easily eaten by any birds that were nearby.  Let us review the three explanations that Jesus provided to help us understand what this soil type represents:

Mat 13:19  When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side.

Mar 4:15  And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts. 

Luk 8:12  Those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved. 

Can we notice the symbolism?  This ground type is called “Wayside”.  Remember this is the Greek word G3598 that means a “road”.  How would this symbol correspond to a human heart/spirit?  What does it mean when someone or something is being walked on symbolically in the Bible?  This condition of being walked upon normally indicates a person or a nation that has been defeated, conquered, overcome, and beaten in a battle.  God told Joshua in the book of Joshua chapter 1 “Everywhere the sole of your feet shall tread, I have given you”.  God was representing to Joshua that wherever he chose to begin walking by faith in the promised land, he would be victorious over those people that were occupying it.  God used the symbolism of “treading” upon to describe this victory. Tread is an action verb that means to walk with your feet as in “step on”.

In the Parable of the Sower the wayside soil represents a human heart that has been hardened by Satan to not be able to hear and understand the Gospel.  We see this plainly stated in Matthew 13:19. In this verse God declares this soil type heard the Word of God but since they did not understand it, it was easily stolen by Satan.  This soil type indicates this person can be easily distracted, deceived, and defeated by Satan.  This is implied because of the reference to the “birds of the air” that represent the devils in the world.  Unclean and evil spirits can easily come to trick the wayside soil’s mind to prevent the seed from being sown.

Notice that in Luke 8:12 the primary objective of the Word being sown is to cause the human to believe it for their personal salvation.  In contrast, the primary objective for the devil’s work is to deceive the soil to not believe the Word so that they will not be saved.  This corresponds with 2 Corinthians 4:4 where God informs us “Whom the God of this world blinds the minds of them that believe not, lest the light of the glorious Gospel (Seeds) of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them”.  Pay close attention to presence of a spiritual battle of two opposing kingdoms.  One is of darkness (blindness from Satan) and the other is of the light (from God).  Now recall Psalm 119:130 that says, “the entrance of thy Word bringeth light and understanding to the simple”.  God’s plan is to help people receive and understand the Word and Satan’s focus is to make sure that this does not occur.

This “Wayside” soil type represents the only human heart that is incapable of being saved as it is because of the darkness covering their minds.  The inability of the Light of God’s Word to enter their minds causes this lack of understanding and this results in their continued captivity to the darkness.  This is exactly why Satan removed the Bible from public schools in the USA in the 1960s.  As a result of the elimination of God’s truth being taught in public-school the brains of ignorant children have grown up creating an easy age of deception.  Anything sounds good and true when it is not compared to the actual truth.  This blindness will remain unless parents teach the truth of the Bible at home.  I personally believe that this Wayside soil type was never saved through hearing the Word of God, nor can be.  But that does not mean this person cannot be changed to become a different soil type through prayer and a process of seed planting.  Let us review what we have just learned:

  1. The objective of God giving us His Word is for our salvation through hearing and believing.
  2. The objective of Satan stealing the Word is so that humans will not believe and be saved.
  3. One strategy for humans not to be saved is for the Word of God to never be heard.
  4. Another strategy for humans to not be saved is for the Words not to be understood.
  5. Wayside soil humans are already hard hearted defeated captives of the kingdom of darkness.

We will talk more about this soil type later when we get into some examples.  Let us move on to soil type #2.


white stones and green grass on the wild stony ground

Mat 13:20  But he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that heareth the word, and anon with joy receiveth it

Mat 13:21  Yet hath he not root in himself, but dureth for a while: for when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word, by and by he is offended

Mar 4:16  And these are they likewise which are sown on stony ground; who, when they have heard the word, immediately receive it with gladness

Mar 4:17  And have no root in themselves, and so endure but for a time: afterward, when affliction or persecution ariseth for the word’s sake, immediately they are offended

Luk 8:13  They on the rock are they, which, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, which for a while believe, and in time of temptation (G3986) fall away.

The stony ground is the next soil type described by Jesus.  Jesus refers to this soil as a type of intermixed hardness of stone under the surface with an implied thin layer of softness of one human heart on the outside.  But clearly Jesus claims that the presence of the hard rocks and stones does not allow for the development of adequate roots from the seed to grow deep enough to endure the heat of being a Christian.  Jesus said when the sun comes up and shines on this growing seed, it lacks sufficient moisture, withers, fades, and is too weak and dies. Luke 8:13 describes the heat of the sun to be a time of temptation.  Literally this word represents a satanically inspired testing time to see if someone really believes the Word of God that was spoken to them.  However, Matthew describes it in a much clearer manner in Matthew 13:21. Here Matthew teaches us that the heat of the sun represents “tribulation” and “persecution”.  “Tribulation” represents satanically inspired “pressure”, “stress”, “worries”, etc.  The word “persecution” literally represents human “sufferings”, “oppressions”, “harassments”, “intimidations”, “discriminations” and can even be physical and mental “tortures” for believing in Jesus and letting others know about the same message that was sown in them.

Notice that Jesus said in Matthew and Luke that this soil type received the Word of God with “Joy”.  Jesus said in Mark this soil type had significant “gladness” after what they heard what was taught from the Word of God.  This is particularly important because the Word of God is called the Gospel, and this simply means “good news”.  The Word of God should make us extremely happy.  Why should we be happy?  The Good News is based upon Jesus paying the price for our sins dying on a cross, being raised from the dead and giving us His righteousness in exchange so that we do not have to go to hell.  Wow, that makes me happy!

I think everyone that has ever been saved has experienced persecution and satanic testing at one time or the other.  Notice this soil type indicates that the person began the Christian walk with joy at the beginning of the process of generating fruit.  But did not endure through the pressure of persecution to become fruitful.  This clearly teaches us this soil type was on the path to being saved but chose to not remain saved because of the pressures of friends, relatives, or other worldly people.  Jesus indicates strongly that this soil type heard the Word of God, believed it, and was saved for a short time but then turned away because of Satanic attacks and tests.

I want to quickly address two important facts of truth that were mentioned by Jesus in this soil type.  Jesus clearly teaches us that producing “roots” before we produce “fruits” is essential to the process of our salvation.  How is this accomplished?  Also, Jesus clearly said there is a stone and a rock that can be found that causes us not to remain saved.  How can we get these rock elements out of our hearts? Let us address removing the stone first.  We will turn to 1 Peter chapter 2 and read starting in verse 6:

1Pe 2:6  Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded

1Pe 2:7  Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner, 

1Pe 2:8  And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed. 

Jesus is clearly observed to be compared with a stone.  This is an analogous typology that represents a potentially greater spiritual truth.  We clearly find the presence of believing the Word of God in this discussion.  Therefore, it is right in line with what we are studying and read in the stony ground explanations.  Notice the Holy Spirit teaches us that whoever remains in faith by believing in Him (Jesus) will not be confounded.  What does the Greek word G2617 translated as “confounded” mean?  Strong defines this word to mean “to shame down”.  Thayer says it means to “put to shame” or to “make ashamed”.  Uh oh!  We are catching on to some of the reasons why people fall away after believing the Good News with a joyful heart.  Remember this concept because it is important.  Feeling a sense of shame after believing the Word of God is what Satan will try to get a Christian to do by using persecution and pressures of the world.  It can also be the fact that some of the Words that were heard were not understood enough or at all.  We will see this later in an example.

“Persecution” is a major stratagem of Satan.  Many weak newly born-again believing Christians will not be able to withstand against the outward peer pressures when someone comes and calls them a stupid idiot for believing in an old book of fables and fantasies.  Of course, the Bible is not either of those, but that does not mean the devil is not going to try to convince someone that it is, with his lies.  I want us to also focus on the Greek word G4625 that is translated as “offence” in verse 8.  This word represents the inner-working mechanism of a trap that causes someone to become ensnared and trapped again, back into captivity that they were previously released and freed from after believing in Jesus.  Wow, this sounds important. Please recall what Jesus said that He came to do in Luke 4:18. In this verse Jesus said, “God had sent Him to preach deliverance to the captives”.  Preaching is sowing seeds and these seeds if they are believed, will release people from a spiritual prison that they did not even know they were in.   Satan will attempt to persecute new believers to get them to return to their past lifestyle and way of living in darkness.

Ok, we need to keep moving with the subject of producing roots.  Hopefully you learned that persecutions does come in this life and these are designed to try to get us to turn away from, believing, knowing and growing in the Truth of the Word of God.  What are roots and how do we cooperate with allowing them to grow.  I do want to emphasize that the first step after receiving and believing the Word of God is for us not to become offended at the words of other people that do not know the truth in the Bible.  But there is more to it than this.  We also need to pray and ask God to give us boldness to be able to share His Word with others free from any shame that could result by others rejecting it or laughing at it.  Getting rid of “stones” that cause the roots to fail will help us move closer to a fruit bearing season  Let’s move to root development next..

We must continue in the Word of God to allow God’s seed to be watered.  Without continued watering any natural or spiritual plant seed will wither and not continue to grow.  Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 3:6 “I planted, and Apollos watered, but God gave the increase”.  The word “increase” simply means God produced the “spiritual growth and maturity” through the continued entrance of every word of God spoken into our ears. We also learn from Ephesians 5:26 that the Word of God represents His Water.  Therefore, the continued watering of the Word of God, is an essential part of our spiritual growth to produce roots and fruits.   Let us review another part of the root subject by reading in Ephesians 3:17:

Eph 3:17  That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love

Eph 3:18  May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; 

Eph 3:19  And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.

Ok, did you see the connections from the parable of the Sower?  We have the main subject of soil by the reference to the human heart.  We have the factor of faith remaining in the human heart by a human choice.  We also have the subject of deep developing unseen roots in the human heart that are connected to continued believing.  Remember what roots do for a seed and the developing plant that comes from the seed.  The roots provide essential nourishment for the plant production of eventual fruit when the plant becomes mature.  By continual hearing of the Word of God our faith grows stronger and the unseen roots are the symbol for this strength.  As we have seen essential nourishment of plants is water and that represents the never-ending flow of the Word of God.

Remember what Psalm 1 teaches us.  God says in Psalms 1, “blessed is the man that does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly”.  Counsel represents words of advice, guidance, and direction.  These words being referred to are obviously not the Words of God.  Then in verse 2 God says, “This man’s delight is in the law of the LORD”.  These are the wise words of God.  So, we have a battle of words being revealed to us.  There are two sources of words to choose from and continuing with the Word of God exclusively is the wise choice to make us strong.

Then in verse 3 God says this man is like a tree planted by the rivers (of water/His Word) that brings forth his fruit in season”.  Wow, we have some great connections being made by the Holy Spirit to the Parable of the Sower.  A tree feeds from the river because of the well-established root system.  The river represents the Word of God.  The continual supply of the Word of God will produce “fruit”, and this is the goal of salvation that God’s Word is designed for.  We have just discovered another trait of fruit failure.  This comes from Christians not developing good changed habits of putting God and His Word as their number one priority after first believing.  It would seem to imply that because of continued bad habits people are hardened in a part of their heart to become easily offended.  Ok, let us quickly review the major points of the stony ground.

  1. Stony Ground received and believed the Seed of God at first.
  2. Their hearts were initially filled with Joy and Gladness and began the process of producing roots and fruits.
  3. But when persecution, trials and tests came upon them to test their faith, they became offended and ashamed of the Word of God unable to stand strong and defend the Truth.
  4. The stony ground could not endure the test of Satan and fell away being dry leaving to go back into their previous way of life because of a lack of Water from the Word of God.
  5. The stony ground was initially saved but left the faith because of Satan’s attacks, temptations, tests, trials.
  6. Stony ground was not able to develop new habits that will result in new thinking, that will result eventually in new actions.

I pray that this was helpful in your understanding this Stony soil type.  We will review some of these types later in the examples.  But, for now let us move to the Thorny Ground overview.



Mat 13:22  He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care (G3308) of this world, and the deceitfulness (G539) of riches, choke (G4846) the word, and he becometh unfruitful (G175).

Mar 4:18  And these are they which are sown among thorns; such as hear the word

Mar 4:19  And the cares (G3308) of this world, and the deceitfulness (G539) of riches (G4149), and the lusts (G1939) of other things entering in, choke (G4846) the word, and it becometh unfruitful (G175).

Luk 8:14  And that which fell among thorns are they, which, when they have heard, go forth, and are choked with cares and riches (G4149) and pleasures (G2237) of this life, and bring no fruit to perfection (G5052)

Ok, soil type 3 is called the “thorny ground”. Jesus teaches us that this thorny ground human was also able to receive the Word of God like the previous stony ground and it is implied that they believed it and were in the process of bringing forth fruit.  Also notice that it is implied that this soil type does not have hard places of offences or shame.  Jesus further implies this truth in Matthew 13:23 when the seed in this soil type begins the process of first taking root and then the next moving into the process of growth to initiate them producing fruit.  We know this because the Greek word G1096 that was translated as “becometh” before the word unfruitful implies the process of being fruitful must have been initiated, in order for it to be terminated and chocked out by the thorns that were growing in the same soil simultaneously.

What then were these thorns?  Jesus taught us that the thorns represented “worldly cares” and “deceitfulness of riches” in Matthew 13:23. And in Mark 4:19 Jesus adds the “lusts of other things” to the list of thorny issues.  Lust is a Greek word that means to set our heart on something that has the appearance of good in our sight but has evil motives and intentions resulting in our future destruction.  Luke 8:14 reveals the choking thorns to be the previously mentioned “cares” and “riches” and these are added to a new concept called the “pleasures” of this present life. This is a remarkably similar concept to “lusts” that do not satisfy us.

Let us start this with understanding the word “cares”. “Cares” is the Greek word G3308 and it represents the concept of “distraction” or “isolation”.  If Satan can distract a Christian with something that is not necessary and important but appears desirable, then he has their focus removed from what God desired them to see in His Word.  If that does not work, another strategy is to separate a Christian from obtaining support and encouragement from other Christians.  Both are tricks that can be used to cause a Christian’s fruits to be choked out.  But Christians can apply 1 Peter 5:7 and allow God to take all our cares that are attempting to distract or isolate us when we choose to cast them upon Him.  We allow Him to carry them and solve them.  We do this while we don’t even worry about them.

“Pleasures” is the Greek word G2237 that means “sensual delight and desires”.  This is a truly clear reference to a person that is walking in the flesh and not in the spirit. These wrong desires and lusts based upon the five physical senses (sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound) appear to take control of the human heart to not allow God’s good seed to produce mature fruit.

The Greek word G5052 was translated as “fruit to perfection” but it literally means “to ripen fruit”. This Greek word that means “to ripen” was combined with the absolute negative G3756 word that declares no ripe fruit was produced.  God is teaching us that because of the presence of thorns (pleasures and lusts) distracting the believer from the Word of God, the human fruit of salvation begins but is never completed.   What other distracting and choking thorns apply to you?  What is taking your time away from the Word of God to focus most of your time on a 5 physical sense item in life?

Thorns could represent a lot of things in the human world.  But these could include a person that desires and lusts for wealth, fortune, fame, power, control, a celebrity status, stardom, recognition, casual physical sexual relations, highs from drugs or alcohol, maybe it is even cooking and eating too much, or dieting, etc.   There are many tricks of the devil used to entice a human away from God, His Word, and His salvation.  Let us go over a list of key points that we have observed about the thorny ground.

  1. The Thorny ground received the Word of God and is implied to have believed it to begin the process of producing fruit for their salvation.
  2. There are no mentions of being hardened by symbolic stones in this soil type and it is implied by this omission that Satan could not offend them to turn them away from God’s Word by using “persecution”.
  3. Therefore, Satan tried a new tactic and strategy to divert the believer away from God. Satan places enticing elements of fortune and fame before them and these elements tend to become a greater and greater distraction from being watered by the Word of God daily.
  4. The end-result of this soil type is a barren bush that has no matured ripe edible fruit. The thorn plants growing in the same soil has become their dominate desire and has completely choked out any possibility of “fruit”.
  5. Therefore, the thorny ground represents another unsaved human spirit.

We will see some examples of this soil type later in the Bible Study.   Let us now move to the good soil overview.


Crops grow on fertile farm land panoramic before harvest

Mat 13:23  But he that received seed into the good (G2570) ground is he that heareth (G191) the word, and understandeth (G4920) it; which also beareth fruit (G2592), and bringeth forth (G4160), some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.

Mar 4:20  And these are they which are sown on good ground; such as hear the word, and receive it, and bring forth fruit, some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some an hundred.

Luk 8:15  But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience

Finally, soil type 4 called the “good ground” is the only human heart condition that produces the precious fruit that God is seeking (James 5:7).   I would like to go through a few of the key words selected by the Holy Spirit to describe this soil type.  The first is G191 that was translated as “heareth”.  This word literally means “to give audience”.  This is the deliberate choice of human participation to listen closely to what is being said.  If I go to church and while the preacher is speaking, I am looking at my phone to see who wants to do something after church, am I giving audience to the speaker.  It would be like someone paying $300 for ticket to a concert and they spend the whole evening outside the arena at the food and drink line.  When something else takes our priority over what is really the most important subject of the evening that is a wrong human choice.

One of our main subjects in this Bible study on the Parable of the Sower, is the Word of God called “Seed”.   This should be our number one desire whenever we can give audience to hear it.  Notice this topic specifies there are personal decisions and choices made to participate. This is important to know.  The next Greek word is G4920 and it was translated as “understandeth”.  This word means “to put together”.  It comes from another Greek word “G4862 that literally means to be in “union” with.  Wow, this is important even if we do not fully understand it.  To be in union is marriage covenant terminology.  It would be like Adam “knew” his wife and they had a son (Gen 4:1).  Having and participating in gaining knowledge and understanding of the Word of God contributes to the presence of a covenant relationship.  Finally, the Greek word G4920 translated as “understand” contains the implication “to act piously”.  In other words, after we understand the Word of God, we are supposed to be wise enough to apply it and do it.  Wow! Notice what Jesus said in this verse:

Mat 7:24  Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine (Seeds), and doeth them (Act on them), I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:

It would appear, that just hearing and beginning to learn the Word of God is only an initial part of the process for bearing fruit unto salvation.  This could be another factor for why some Christians only produce a 30-fold return.  These 30-fold soils may only be applying a small part of the Bible while ignoring other parts.  God is teaching us that we must “act piously” to continue the spiritual growth process.  This simply means that we should become wise enough to do what the Word of God tells us to do.  Never forget what Jesus says to some people, “Not everyone that says to me LORD LORD will enter into the kingdom heaven, but only he that does the will of the Father shall enter” (Mat 7:21).   How do we know the will of the Father?  We read His Word and do it.

The next Greek word in Matthew 13:23 is G2592.  This word was translated as “beareth fruit”.  It is defined by Strong as “to be fertile”.  There is an implied application that this is our responsibility of choice to make our self “to be fertile”.  I believe humans have a lot more accountability than we care to acknowledge in this fruit bearing process.

Let us move to the next Greek word G4160.  This Greek word was translated as “bringeth forth” in the KJV Bible.  But it is defined by Strong as “to make or do”.  In other words, this is another Greek word that is assigning human responsibility in the fruit producing process.  It represents a verb of human preference, choice, and action.  Jesus used this same word in Matthew 4:19 when He spoke to the future disciples in their boats and said, “Follow me and I will make (G4160) you fishers of men”.  Clearly, we can see Jesus’ commitment of personal responsibility to teach them to become a human fisherman.  But we can better understand that Jesus was not going to force them to do this and they needed to cooperate and begin to take steps to follow.  No, Jesus ask them to come, but it was their choice to follow.  This is exactly what the Parable of the Sower is teachings.  Jesus wanted to save us, so He chose to spread His Seed/Words in our ears so we could permit them to enter our hearts.  Then we are required to cooperate to listen to begin the process of receiving them and after believing them to begin the seed growth process by doing them.  The first soil type failed completely in this process.  The second and third soil types failed later during the ongoing process to not bring forth fruit.  But Jesus is talking about the good soil, these people have decided to be a faithful follower of Jesus and His Words to “bring forth” the fruit He desired.

This good soil type desires to hear the words of God, values the Word of God sown more than any other thing found in the world and overcomes every Satanic persecution and distraction to remove it from their heart.  This type of ground chooses to be well watered by participating in every opportunity where the Word of God is being spoken and focuses on absorbing and understanding every Word of God that was spoken.  What Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 3:6, “I planted, and Apollos watered, but God gave the increase he was very clearly cooperating with the God designed process of salvation by planting God’s Word in their hearts and then Apollos continued the maturing growth process of the fruit by watering the initial seeds with more of the Word of God.  But the people that were listening had to be cooperating with this divine process by intensely listening with an open mind to hear and understand (Acts 17:11).  These are the types of good soil that produced fruit.   Fruitful people primarily concentrate on the Word more than anything or anyone else in the room that could disturb them.  These people do not get consumed or entangled with the short-term pleasures of sin in this world and they continue in the Word of God until they produce as much fruit for salvation as is possible.

It is particularly important to notice that Jesus taught us that some in the good soil type produced 100-fold, while others fell shorter at 60-fold and then finally others fell even shorter at producing only a 30-fold return of fruit to seed and water ratio.  This simply proves that not every Christian is going to produce the fruit level that God intended or desired for them to deliver to Him.  But we must ask and answer why this variation of fruit occurs.  Is it God’s choice, Satan’s work or a human choice that causes many to have no fruit and some to have varying levels from 30 to 100 times fruit production?  I believe we can find the answer confirmed in another parable that Jesus taught us:

Joh 15:5  I (Jesus the Word) am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me (human choice), and I in him (a divine choice), the same bringeth forth much fruit (30 fold 60 fold or 100 fold): for without me (Jesus the Word) ye can do nothing

Joh 15:6  If a man abide not in me (human negative choice), he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire (hell), and they are burned

Joh 15:7  If ye abide in me (human positive choice), and my words abide in you (human choice), ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you

We can see how Jesus claims to be a symbolic vine and His implied believers in Him are described to be His symbolic branches.  We can clearly see how these branches wither and die if they choose to not remain in Him.  The factor of human choice is mentioned directly 4 times in these three verses.  We can further see that there is an implication based upon verse 7 of John 15 that it is the amount of the Word of God that we let come in us and remain in us that will determine the level of fruit production.  Jesus is the living Word of God (Rev 19:13).  But I believe God is saying we are to keep His written Word in us every chance we get.  We can see this in other places in the Bible that confirm this truth (PS 1).  Therefore, I believe the key to no fruit, little fruit or much fruit is the amount of time that we spend in the Word of God.  Finally, notice this amount of Word remaining in us, is also a contributing factor for God answering our prayers.  But that is another topic.

Let us list some of the key points given to us by Jesus in the explanation of the good soil:

  1. The Good Soil Always Produces Fruit in season.
  2. Based upon previous soil types this fruit that is initiated endures to become matured fruit.
  3. This fruit is produced because they first heard the Word of God.
  4. This person chose to receive the Word (let it enter their minds and heart while ignoring every distraction)
  5. Keep the Word (regard the Word as Valuable and Important enough to try to remember it)
  6. Aggressively pursues to understand the Word of God.
  7. Ignores all persecution to continue in the Word of God.
  8. Exalts the Word of God far above any other natural or physical desire or pleasure.
  9. Chooses to “bring-forth” fruit with “patience” over an extended period of time.
  10. Continues in the Word of God to allow it to transform and renew their mind to water the seed that has been planted.

Let us move on to the subject of the human heart/spirit for a better understanding of soil types.


first_wordI would like in this Bible study to move next in the subject of the “soil” to God’s first mention of the word “heart” in the Bible.  This is one great, common, and fundamental technique of sound Bible interpretation and understanding God’s design of His Word.  It is very much like when a baby is born and the parents eagerly await the first word of their baby.  Will it be “mama” or “dada” or “big truck”.  God implemented this design on purpose to help us understand every major subject of the Bible.  We will use this established law of “First Mention” to discover some very important basics to the subject of the “heart” of man.  We will do this by searching for this word “heart” in our Bible program and then going to the verse where it is mentioned and read the context.  We will find that this word is first used by God in Genesis chapter 6 and reading with verses 5 and 6:

Gen 6:5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart (H3820) was only evil continually

Gen 6:6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

This chapter of Genesis can be considered widely controversial to many Bible teachers and students.  God placed some things in this chapter that are exceedingly difficult for people today to accept.  The time frame of this chapter was shortly before the flood of Noah.  We read in verse 5 one part for the need for God’s judgment to practically destroy the entire earth and to start fresh with just 8 people that survived.  Notice in verse 5, that God was observing His human creation on the earth and He remarked that they were greatly wicked.   Many will assume that this was the physical acts of their flesh and I believe that was the external lack of positive fruits that could be observed.  But I believe God was more interested in what was happening in their internal spiritual condition first.  God teaches us that He sees things not as man sees them but since He is a Spirit, He judges’ a human spirit first.  Let us review an evidence of this truth:

1Sa 16:7  But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart (H3824).

We learn something especially important by reading 1 Samuel 16:7. God speaks to the prophet while he is looking on the outward qualities of the man standing before him.  God’s prophet was judging in his heart based upon the man’s outward appearance.  But God clearly tells us this is not His focus or His priority.  It is very clearly stated that God judges a human based upon their unseen heart.  Ok, we have just learned that the unseen part of the man is God’s principal focus.  All three verses that we have read so far have the key word “heart” (H3824 and H3820).  By the way H3820 is a form of the word H3824 so there is a direct connection.  Let us get back to Genesis 6 now.

In Genesis 6:5 we learn that God was genuinely concerned that man’s heart had become very wicked.   I would like to point out that the Hebrew word H120 that is translated as “man” can also be transliterated as “Adam”.  It is the same Hebrew Word.  But here God is not speaking of one Adam as an individual but rather as all humans collectively comprised of every descendant that came from Adam’s body. That would include people today.  Keep that in mind.  God then teaches us that these Adam descendants were very wicked.  Wicked is a Hebrew word (H7451) that means “bad or evil” in the sense of natural behavior or moral intent and desires.  God then begins to describe the initiating process for this wickedness.   God says that man’s wickedness originated from an internal spiritual process dealing with the human “imagination”.

What is imagination? And do people today still use this divine gift of imagination?  Perhaps you have been to Disney World.  They thrive on making a fortune taking advantage of their human imaginations.  Perhaps you have heard of Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the Little Mermaid, and on and on.  Obviously, human imagination is still thriving in our world also.  This should give you some idea that imagination is alive and well in the modern age. But what is it exactly?

Here is where we begin to go much deeper into a complex subject.  Imagination can be either good or evil or positive or negative.  The Hebrew word H3336 that is translated as “imagination” literally means “a form”.  This Hebrew word comes from H3335 that literally means “to squeeze into a form” or “mold into a shape”.  This represents a process concept that can be visualized very well from the observable actions of a potter that is molding a shapeless useless lump of soft clay into a lovely pot which is useful.  A potter is normally using and applying their imagination to change a lump of useless stuff into something especially beneficial.  That concept of imagination represents creativity and design.   No exquisitely designed vase has ever “evolved” from a lump of clay of its own will power over a very long period of time.

God uses the Hebrew word H3335 in Genesis 2:7 when He formed the body of man from the dust of the ground.  Wow, I pray you are paying attention.  Remember God says in Genesis 1 everything that He created was good and was summarized to be collectively “very good” in Genesis 1:31.  But, before this we know that man was “made” in the image and likeness of God in Genesis 1:26. Therefore, we learn that God must have transferred a portion of His divine ability into humans to design and make non-functional things into useful objects. Exercising this ability can be considered human imagination being applied on a lesser level than the God kind of awesome imagination.  This human imaginative ability had to be a divine pattern of intelligent design.  A human that can manufacture good objects had to come originally from God the utmost imaginative intelligent designer and creator. However, man in Genesis 6 was not using this God given gift of their imagination for creating anything good.  No, we are told that all of man’s thoughts were coming up with designs and plans for only evil.  That is a major problem that required God’s attention.

Finally, Genesis 6:6 God gives us some new information that He has a heart.  God uses the identical Hebrew word H3820 translated as “heart” in verse 5 describing man’s heart to refer to His divine heart.  Therefore, we learn where man obtained their spirit from.  In verse 6 God’s heart is grieved for the current state of man’s heart being so evil.  Uh oh!  Did not God create humans in the state of good at the beginning?  Didn’t He use His omnipotent power to create them the exact way that He desired?  We just learned that man was created in a described state of “very good”.  But, now 5 chapters later in Genesis 6 God is very regretful that He even made them.  Does this sound familiar?  Do you remember what God said about Satan when He was created?  Reread Ezekiel 28:15 where God says, “You were perfect in the day you were created until iniquity was found in you”.   That is a remarkably similar description to what just happened to Adam’s lineage almost 1500 years later in Genesis 6.

What we are learning is the concept of “freewill”.  Apparently, God’s created angels and human both had been created with the ability to make their own independent decisions to do as they please even though they had everything that they already needed to be happy.  It was Satan’s choice to rebel even though it was not morally permissible or acceptable in the eyes of God to do so.  It was this way with God’s human creation also.  It is still this way in humans today.  Every person has the freewill to make whatever choices they wish either good or evil daily.  Adam and Eve had everything they needed including fellowship with their Creator but they too rebelled.  This concept of “freewill choice” will play a major role in us understanding the heart of man in the Parable of the Sower.  We have already seen this in Parable but now let us examine some relevant Bible examples to prove it further.



I would like us to go through a few Bible examples of these important soil types that the LORD has taught us about in this subject.  I love to use the Bible to understand the Bible.  God’s design of His Word is so immensely amazing. He has designed this book masterfully as a well-integrated set of truths using positive and negative examples for us to learn from.  For example, He teaches us a simple parable of sowing seed and that represents a great beginning, but then He places living models and patterns of these basic truths right in front of our eyes to confirm what was metaphorically taught in the parable.   We are going to begin this section by reading a story of Jesus teaching and healing a lame man.  In this story please look for the presence of at least two different soil types (humans) that Jesus (the Sower) is sowing His Father’s Words.  Notice how each of their hearts received the Word and then notice their responses and attitudes:

Mar 2:1  And again he entered into Capernaum after some days; and it was noised that he was in the house

Mar 2:2  And straightway many were gathered together, insomuch that there was no room to receive them, no, not so much as about the door: and he preached (Sowed) the word (Seed of God) unto them (All Soil Types/hearts).

Luk 5:17  And it came to pass on a certain day, as he was teaching (sowing Seeds from the Word of God), that there were Pharisees and doctors of the law sitting by (Soil Type 1), which were come out of every town of Galilee, and Judaea, and Jerusalem: and the power (G1411) of the Lord was present to heal them (EVERY SOIL TYPE)

Luk 5:18  And, behold, men (Soil Type 4) brought in a bed a man (also Soil Type B) which was taken with a palsy: and they sought means to bring him in, and to lay him before him. 

Luk 5:19  And when they could not find by what way they might bring him in because of the multitude, they went upon the housetop, and let him down through the tiling with his couch into the midst before Jesus

Luk 5:20  And when he saw their faith (Soil Type 4), he said unto him, Man, thy sins are forgiven thee. 

Luk 5:21  And the scribes and the Pharisees (Soil Type 1) began to reason (In their Minds), saying, Who is this which speaketh blasphemies? Who can forgive sins, but God alone

Luk 5:22  But when Jesus perceived their thoughts (Negative Words of Unbelief in the Minds of Soil 1), he answering said unto them, What reason (Negative Judgments Based Upon Your Ignorance), ye in your hearts (Soil 1 spirits)

Luk 5:23  Whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Rise up and walk? 

Luk 5:24  But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power upon earth to forgive sins, he said unto the sick of the palsy, I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy couch, and go into thine house

Luk 5:25  And immediately he (Soil 4) rose up before them (Soil 1), and took up that whereon he lay, and departed to his own house, glorifying God

Luk 5:26  And they (Soil 1) were all amazed, and they glorified God, and were filled with fear, saying, We have seen strange things to day.

Mar 2:12 And immediately he (Soil 4) arose, took up the bed, and went forth before them all (Soil 1); insomuch that they (Soil 1) were all amazed, and glorified God, saying, We never saw it on this fashion.

Many times, in the Bible God uses direct comparisons of opposite beliefs, attitudes, motivations, desires, reactions and results to teach and confirm to us very profound truths.  In this story of a lame paralyzed man that could not walk, is found one of these examples of opposing soils types.  You probably noticed that I included a few verses from the story found in Mark to fill in details that were not included in Luke.  Please note that I do not plan to teach every verse.  I pray you read it over closely and paid attention to the underlined words and my added explanations in the parentheses to help identify a few of the important differences between these two soil types that I called Soil 1 and Soil 4.

What was the number one difference between these two types of soil?  Perhaps you noticed in Luke 5:17 that the Power of the LORD was present to heal everyone but only 1 lame man received anything from Jesus!  Please do not let that bypass your focused attention.  What was the reason for Jesus not healing everyone?  It should become obvious that it was the positive faith combined with their attitudes of purpose and determination within their hearts of the men in Soil Type 4 that were radically different from the negative attitudes found within the Soil Type 1 hearts.

The house where Jesus was teaching was jammed packed with people of Soil Type 1.  They were sitting everywhere and even blocking all the doors and windows.  On the surface this would appear to be a positive desire to hear the Words of God spoken by Jesus.  But we learn from other scriptures that many of the Sadducees and Pharisees desired to trap and trick Jesus into saying something that could be used against him in a kangaroo court (Mar 12:13, Luk 11:54, Luk 20:20).  We know the end of the story by reading the Gospels.  Jesus was taken before the Roman government and the demand for His execution was not going to be denied.  Therefore, we begin to understand what type of soil these religious leaders sitting with Jesus in the house represent.

Notice the especially important contrast of the 5 men we called Soil Type 4 on the top of the roof of the house. They possessed determination and confidence that Jesus was their answer to the lame man’s problem.  Pay close attention to verse 5.  This verse claims that Jesus saw their (the 5 men of Soil Type 4) faith.  What is faith?  I pray you have read the Bible Study Series called “Understanding Bible Faith”.  Romans 10:17 is where we learn how faith comes to every human.  According to this verse in Romans, God reveals that these 5 Soil Type 4 men, have already heard the Word of God from Jesus and have believed His Seeds planted in their hearts.  This is dramatically an opposite of the religious men sitting in the house and blocking the doors to not allow any others soil types to come in.

It should now be plain that these men on the inside of the house Soil Type 1 were the Wayside Soil type.  These were men that had a hardened surface of pride, that would not allow the Word of God to penetrate their hearts.  It was this trampled-on soil type that was easy for Satan to steal the Word Seeds up quickly before entering their hearts.  But, notice how Satan did this sly work.  Satan used their own thoughts and said to their minds “who is this that blasphemes, who can forgive sins except God”.  Do you understand that most of Satan’s thoughts that are placed in your mind are given to you as if you had thought of them?  This is a masterful trick of deception.  People are most easily tricked when a thought is believed to be from their own mind spoken in the first person about them self or someone else.  Satan’s thoughts are almost always spoken in the human mind as if it was our own personal thought.  That was a gift from the Holy Spirit and worth reading this entire lesson if you won’t forget it.

These men inside the house were simply distracted from believing this man named Jesus was more than a man, that had just forgiven a lame man’s sins and healed him.  In fact Jesus was the creator God in the flesh standing in front of them in a human form (John 1:1-14).  No one present in the house before the lame man was able to think correctly and choose to have an open mind to receiving the truth.  These religious men did not know enough and did not want to learn.  They did not know Jesus was born in Bethlehem the city of David (Micah 5:2).  They did not know His mother’s lineage was directly from King David (2 Sam 7:13, Luke 3:31).  They also did not know He was born of a woman that was a virgin who had never had physical sex with any male and according to Isaiah 7:14 this made Him God as well as a human son of David simultaneously.  By fulfilling just these 3 prophecies Jesus is proven to be a human child of Mary and the Son of God.  Therefore, according to Hosea 4:6, God says His people are destroyed for their ignorance and because they have no desire to learn the truth.  Finally, another reason other than pride, desire and ignorance is based upon their prejudicial beliefs.  Human beliefs based upon our personal preconceived information absent of the real facts is a major blindness that causes people’s eyes to be unable to receive the truth. It was only the lame man that received the healing through Jesus, even though the Bible clearly says, “the power of God was present to heal them all”.

Here is what I take away from this example of these two soil types.  Most of the people that were present listening to Jesus were unable to be saved because they refused to listen and see (receive) truth from the correct perspective.  Most of these men were educated and sophisticated religious types of leaders with roles of power and influence.  They also believed things mostly based upon their five physical senses.  We know this from reading Luke 5:26 and Mark 2:12. These two verses claim that they left Jesus being amazed saying, “we have seen strange things” and “we have never seen it done like this before”.  This confirms they only were looking at natural things and ignoring the spiritual words being spoken to them.

But, the five men that had faith from hearing the Word of God went away rejoicing and giving all the glory to God having received the healing that was always there. These 5 men with faith that I called Soil Type 4, they represent Jesus’ “Good Soil” and they were on the way to being saved.

Joh 5:34 But I receive not testimony from man: but these things I say, that ye might be saved. 

The Greek word that is translated as “saved” in this verse is “sojo” G4982.  Mostly it is translated as “save” or “saved” but it also means “healed” or “made whole”.  According to the last statement in John 5:34 Jesus claimed that His words that were being sowed into the human lives on the earth, they were designed by God to “save” us.  We get a further confirmation of this truth by reading what Paul wrote to the Roman church:

Rom 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power (G1411) of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

Notice what God says in this verse.  The Gospel of Christ is the “power” of God which has the potential to produce human “salvation”, but only to those that believe it.  In other words, God’s Word is sovereignly powerful to save anyone, if they choose to receive it, believe it and act on it.    The Greek word translated as “power” in Romans 1:16 is the exact same word selected by God in Luke 5:17 to describe the “power of the Lord” that was available to heal everyone present.  This is not a coincidence.

We are gaining significant understanding that soil types have a role to play in the powerful Word of God seed sowing salvation process.  God clearly teaches us these concepts by giving us 4 soil types and only 1 good seed type being sown by one good sower.  Jesus was sowing seeds to the Jews first while walking the land of Israel.  But, after His death, burial, and resurrection, the Word of God Seed for salvation began to be spread to Gentiles.  Natural seeds work like Spiritual Word seeds.  The concepts are significantly similar in operation by God’s design.  A natural seed that remains in a packet unopened represents a preacher that keeps their mouths shut to never share their seeds inside them with anyone.

We know that everyone present in Luke 5 and Mark 2 when Jesus healed the lame man could have been healed by the same “Power of God” by receiving, believing and acting upon the same Words that were being spoken by Jesus.  This firmly convinces me that it is the human’s choice what type of soil we want to be. I do understand that it takes the Holy Spirit’s drawing of humans to also be saved (John 6:44).  But that does not mean God only draws to Him some to be saved and not others. This also does not mean that the Words (Power of God) are being spoken only to a few and not to everyone present at the same time.  That type of belief would be a doctrine of “bias” and “favoritism”. Many religious people put all the responsibility of who is saved and who is not only on God’s sovereign choice.  This belief eliminates a man’s responsibilities of choice and freewill to believe or not to believe like John 3:16 claims.  “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life”.

Can we begin to see how the choices to what we hear and believe and how we hear can result in our spiritual, mental, and physical outcomes?  I know speaking personally of my own experiences of making good and bad choices, I have either succeeded or failed to receive what God wanted for me for years because of my beliefs or unbelief.  Let us go on to a new example of two other soil types found in the Bible.


To begin we will read from the book of Luke and chapter 10:

Luk 10:38  Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha (Soil 3) received him into her house

Luk 10:39  And she had a sister called Mary (Soil 4), which also sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard his word

Luk 10:40  But Martha was cumbered (G4049) about much serving (G1248), and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me

Luk 10:41  And Jesus (the Sower) answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful (G3309) and troubled (G5182) about many things

Luk 10:42  But one thing (G1520) is needful (G5532): and Mary (Soil 4) hath chosen (G1586) that good part (G3310), which shall not be taken away from her.

Here are two more of the basic four soil types being taught to us from one real life true Bible example.  We will call these the MARY (Type 4) and the Martha (Type 3) soils.  I am sure you can already begin to see which of the 4 soil types each woman represents from the Parable of the Sower.  We will deal with the positive Mary Soil Type 4 first.  She was described by Jesus in verse 42.  This verse contains two great Greek Words that need to be understood to appreciate the Parable of the Sower.

The first Greek word was G1586 and it was translated as “chosen”.  This word clearly teaches us that it is the human’s right and freedom to choose to listen to the Words of God being spoken or not to listen to the words of God.  Mary was intensely listening and paying attention to every word coming out of the mouth of Jesus.  Mary made Jesus and His Word her number one priority. We understand this by the Greek word G3310 that was translated as “part”.  This word informs us of Mary’s choice to be with Jesus instead of doing other things of less significance.  The Greek word G3310 shows us Mary was “participating” with receiving the Words of Jesus and Martha was not.  Mary made it her number one main concern to listen intently with her whole undistracted heart and Marth did not.  We understand this by the Greek word G1520 that was translated as “one thing”.  One thing means there were no other things on her mind.  In other words, Mary was only thinking of what Jesus said and not what she was going to eat for lunch or whatever else could distract her.  Wow, this is important.

Remember the focus of thoughts from the last soil type example of the religious rulers?  They appear to be focused on what Jesus said to accuse Him of blasphemy.  But Mary was listening with no wrong motives and was open to hear whatever was spoken even if she did not fully understand it all immediately, or agree with it, or receive it completely.

Mary “chooses” to be a type of good soil by focusing on Jesus and His words and making it her focused precedence without prejudicial judgments.  Also notice that she took a place of humility at His feet listening very closely to every Word that was being sown into heart.  Humility is a key to receiving anything from God and this attitude was the opposite of the position taken by the religious leaders in the house at Capernaum.  Mary clearly gave Jesus more of her selfless priority than anything else that she could have been doing to work, cook or serve him.  All these works can be good unless they cause us to become distracted from knowing and hearing from Jesus.  That is especially important to learn.  What we focus upon and place our priority upon in our mind will determine what type of soil we choose to become.  Also, the humbleness of our heart will allow the Word to enter while the pride of what we think we know already will close our mind from receiving.

Obviously, Martha was a representative type of a negative non-fruit producing soil.  She was very distracted by worldly priorities of doing good works of service for Jesus instead of sitting at His feet to make Him her priority.  These choices that Martha made choked out the Words of Jesus that were being spoken to everyone in the house.  The Martha Soil Type 3 fits the thorny ground soil type very well.  Jesus clearly said she had “cares” that caused her to think that hearing from Jesus was not as an important focus as her works of service for Him. What was the primary difference that caused the Marry soil Type 4 to be wiser than the Martha Soil Type 3? They were both sisters living in the same house.

Here is where some Bible teachers would attempt to claim that this was God’s sovereign selection or election.   One woman named Mary was created to be saved and the other named Martha was not chosen.  But that cannot be true.  Humans love the sovereign God belief that everything in life that happens to them was His choice.  This removes the responsibility for their bad choices and places them upon the shoulders of God to blame Him alone.  It is the classic blame shifting we read about in Genesis 3.  Adam said it was this woman that you gave me.  Eve said it was this serpent that deceived me.  This is a major deception of the enemy.  Satan likes humans to believe they have no responsibility for their own bad choices.  However, using God’s evidence given to us from the Bible proves this is NOT TRUE.

No, here we have an example of two soil types that were determined by their own individual priorities, desires, and choices.  One woman named Martha cared more about doing some worldly good serving things than listening to the Word of God.   Maybe you know people like this in your church?  They are great volunteers and servants but if you asked them about the Bible, they might have difficulty to know what it says or means.  Wow, does that mean we should not serve or do good works?  Absolutely not!   This only means the soil type should make the Word of God and fellowshipping with Jesus their number 1 priority above serving.  When God is speaking, we should shut up, stop what we are doing and listen.  We should change our focus off the world and make Him our goal.

Let us ask the question what would have happened if Martha had made the same choice as Mary?  Do you believe that Jesus would have let everyone in the house go hungry?  I remember when Jesus fed 5000 once and 3000 another time after everyone listened without complaining of their hunger.  These large numbers of people were further examples of the good soil type.  They were hungrier in their spirit for His Words than they were for any natural food in their stomachs.  What did Jesus finally do?  I know you remember that He fed them from a small amount and after this they had a lot of food left over.  God was able to multiply a small amount of natural substance to feed them all.  Let us move into another example of the thorny soil.


Mar 10:17  And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running (SOIL 3), and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life

Mar 10:18  And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God. 

Mar 10:19  Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother

Mar 10:20  And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth

Mar 10:21  Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me

Mar 10:22  And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions

Mar 10:23  And Jesus looked round about, and saith unto his disciples, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God

Mar 10:24  And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!

This is an incredibly significant example of how a man’s desires for his natural possessions and wealth overruled his desires for God’s Kingdom.  We can tell by the way the man approached Jesus, that he was humble, honest, and sincere.  He had a significant desire to know the truth.  He even knew a lot of the Bible commands and trusted in his service to obey them.  But when the truth was presented in love to him by Jesus it caused a new problematic change in his focus and attitude.  Suddenly the rich man took his eyes off Jesus and in his mind reflected on everything that he had accumulated to exalt them more than his desire for eternal life.  Jesus was deeply saddened by this man’s reaction and bad choice.  The rich man was also saddened but still turned away from following Jesus and longer.  This was not a wise choice.  In contrast we can read about Moses who was raised in Egypt by Pharaoh’s daughters and he obtained everything that the world could possibly offer, fortune, fame, a life of luxury and power, etc.  But, according to Hebrews 11:25:

Heb 11:25  Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;

According to God’s Word Moses made the right wise choice to suffer affliction rather than to enjoy temporary pleasures for a short season of his life.  The eternal rewards of making wise choices like Mary and Moses will pay off with far greater benefits than living life here on earth to get only get rich..


Joh 6:51  I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world

Joh 6:52  The Jews (Soil Type 1) therefore strove among themselves, saying, How can this man give us his flesh to eat

Joh 6:53  Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you

Joh 6:54  Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day

Joh 6:55  For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed

Joh 6:56  He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him

Joh 6:57  As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father: so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me

Joh 6:58  This is that bread which came down from heaven: not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead: he that eateth of this bread shall live for ever

Joh 6:59  These things said he in the synagogue, as he taught in Capernaum. 

Joh 6:60  Many therefore of his disciples (Soil 2), when they had heard this, said, This is an hard saying; who can hear it

Joh 6:61  When Jesus knew in himself that his disciples (Soil 2) murmured at it, he said unto them, Doth this offend you

Joh 6:62  What and if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before? 

Joh 6:63  It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words (Seeds) that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life

Joh 6:64  But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who should betray him. 

Joh 6:65  And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father. 

Joh 6:66  From that time many of his disciples (Soil 2) went back, and walked no more with him

 This is a long set of verses that center on the primary subject of “How to receive Eternal Life”.  Jesus is speaking about spiritual truths that are difficult to understand for unsaved and naturally minded Christians.  It is noticeably clear that Jesus is the Sower in this story. He is there in the synagogue teaching God’s Words.  This is clearly the “Seed” of God being spread verbally from His mouth.  If the soil (people present) received it, it would allow the fruit growing process to start or continue.  However, there are two major problems revealed in this passage taking place in the hearts of a lot of the people that were listening.  First, they did not understand that He was speaking of Spiritual things called “Bread” also known as “Words” and they were only thinking of physical natural bread.  They were also “ignorant that His flesh did come from heaven sent to them by the Word of God (John 1:1-14).  God did this by sending His Word to the heart of Mary who received it, believed it and conceived it to produce the male child Jesus in her womb (Luke 1:38).  Therefore, we have a factor of ignorance and a lack of understanding that caused a significant problem.  Let us look at the next problem.

Problem number two was revealed by Jesus in John 6:61. Here Jesus asks them “Does this offend you?”   This Greek word translated as “offend” is G4624 and it comes from G4625 that we have looked at earlier that means “to set a trap” in order to capture or recapture a free and living creature.  The Greek word G4624 means “to trip or cause to stumble”.  This is a fully accurate description of one of Satan’s key strategies to stop people from being saved.  Many of Christ’s followers admitted they did not understand what He was talking about in John 6:60. They said, “This is a hard saying, who can hear it”.  They were saying, “Who can participate with these words?”  It was the wrong thinking of these disciples that caused their offence in their heart.

John 6:66 is the final confirmation of which soil type these disciples that could not participate with the Word of God.  This verse says, “from this day they turned back and walked no longer with Jesus”.  These were obvious personal choices that they made to begin to “walk with Jesus” and to “walk no more with Him”.  It was the Words that Jesus spoke that caused them to make both decisions.  With the first words that they heard, they must have received and believed them with gladness.  But the later words in this example were suddenly offensive to cause them to be turned away.  What made them offensive?  We should have just learned it was their lack of understanding and their choice to not continue to participate to learn what they meant.  This was a great specific example of Soil Type 2 called the “Stony Ground”.  Jesus’ words became a stumbling block of offence and Satan used it masterfully to get them to all turn away.


We could go through example after example in the Bible of the four types of soil given to us in this Parable of the Sower, but I will leave that to you.  I would highly recommend that while you are reading the Bible, pay close attention to why some received, believed, and were saved and why others that heard the same words were not.  There are always reasons given in almost every reference.  Just look up the Greek words that are used to describe each situation and individual.  Notice what was said and how it was heard.  Was it taken as it was intended or was it misunderstood as something totally different like we read about in John 6 about Jesus’ body being Bread from Heaven?

I hope and pray that this lesson was a blessing to you.  I really am blessed to write them and give them to you to read, study and learn.  Also, I am blessed to hear your comments and questions.  I pray that everyone will be ready to meet Jesus, because I believe He is coming soon.  God Bless you all until the next lesson.

Ten Reasons Based Upon the Book of Revelation to Believe in the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church

Rapture Of The Church1(Ver 1.1) This is now Part 7 in the important Bible study series concerning the “Rapture” also called the “Catching Away” of the Church.  We have not studied together in this lesson series for a long time.  But I felt led to share some new thoughts on this subject.  I believe in the light of everything that has been occurring in the world recently with the coronavirus pandemic this subject should gain an increased value for our focus and awareness.  Personally, I believe we are rapidly approaching the end of the church age. There are too many signs that are happening in rapid succession for us not to realize Jesus is coming back to get us very soon.  Today’s subject is focused upon the catching away of the Church by Jesus Christ.  The Church is His Bride, His Body and His Building (Temple) and we should be looking forward to His soon appearance coming in the air to take us up to heaven.

I will warn you that this is another long Bible lesson.  Therefore, you may want to read and study it in sections.  There are approximately 13 section topics.  There are three foundational sections to begin the lesson, followed by ten reasons from the Book of Revelation to believe in a pre-tribulation rapture. Each section could be divided into a single day devotional if that is how you would like to study it.  Others might just like to read the entire lesson like a book.  However you choose to study, please be blessed as we learn to understand the awesome Word of God!



We will begin with a truth written by the Apostle Paul to a Pastor named Titus.  Paul was an encourager.  Paul had endured extreme persecution like few have ever had to endure.  Yet, Paul remained optimistic and positive throughout his life.  What caused this hopeful optimism?

Titus 2:13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;

hope_titus_2_13Christians are experiencing and observing such a rise of evil in the entire world.  But in the center of every evil, like Paul we can remain optimistic to expect Jesus could come and get us at any moment.  What kind of evil had Paul been going through serving Jesus that caused Him to be so cheerful and positive writing to Pastor Titus?  We can read in 1 Corinthians 11 that Pau had been given 39 stripes on his back, 5 times by Roman guards.  Three times Paul had been beaten with iron rods.  Paul was stoned at least once and dragged outside the city being left as dead.  Three times he was sailing in a ship that was shipwrecked.  Paul had to tread water for a long night and day in at least one of these shipwrecks.  Paul was threatened by robbers repeatedly.  Paul informs us that he had been in the condition of severe hunger and thirst frequently.  He also described experiencing extreme conditions of cold and being without clothes.  Paul wrote about all of this while in prison chained to guards.  These were not all the listed trials and troubles that Paul endured, but these words were written to help us to be encouraged to endure.

How many of us today have come close to what Paul had to go through?  Isn’t it amazing how encouraging Paul was despite all the evils that had been done to him?  Notice in Titus 2:13 how Paul encouraged Titus nearly 2000 years ago.  Paul instructs Titus to place his confidences in an unusual concept that was called the “blessed hope”.  Paul defines this as the appearance of Jesus Christ our Savior.  What does this mean to you?

Please allow me to tell what it means to me.  “Looking for” is the Greek word G4327 that means “to wait patiently with confidence”.   “Blessed” is the Greek word G3107 that means “to be supremely blest and happy”.  “Hope” is the Greek word G1680 that means “confidently expecting”.  “Appearing” is the Greek word G2015 that means “to come into visible manifestation”.  And “Savior” is the Greek word G4990 that means “a deliverer”.  So, what is a deliverer?  A “deliverer” is the person that provides something that has been promised and is now expected to arrive at any moment to fulfill the commitment.  Wow, why is this important?  This is what the verse means to me:

Paitiently waiting for the great God Jesus Christ, my supreme blessing with all of my confidence expecting His glorious promised personal appearance to rescue me at any moment!


That is exactly what I believe God is saying to us in this verse.  But can we confirm what was the promise given to us by the LORD Jesus that will be delivered, honored and fulfilled soon?  I believe we can.  Here is one essential promise made by the LORD Jesus that will be fulfilled to the church very soon to answer our blessed hope:

Joh 14:3  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there you may be also. 

Jesus, our bridegroom tells us that he must go up to His father’s house to prepare a place for us.  Before He goes, He promises us (His bride) that He will return for us.  And then when He returns, He will “receive” us up to be where He is.  Jesus does three things and tells us that we are the focus of what He will do three times.

1.    I go (ascension into heaven)
2.    And prepare a place (at my Father’s house) For you
3.    I will come again (at the trumpet sound) For you
4.    And receive (rapture, take) You
5.    So that where I am (in heaven) There you will be also

Where is Jesus right now?  According to New Testament Jesus went up to heaven (Acts 1:9).  Now notice the word translated as “receive”.  This is the Greek word G3880 and it is a compound word containing G2983 that literally means “to take” as in “to get hold of”.  This verb implies a divinely forced departure and that sounds a lot like the rapture to me.  Now remember what the angels told the church leaders while they were watching Jesus go up:

Act 1:11  Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.

joyful-hope1No matter what you are experiencing today in the world, after reading this entire Bible lesson you should have this same confident joyful expectation of His soon appearance to take us up to be where He is away from all of this evil in our world today.  Let us all divert our eyes off of the temporary troubles, trials and tests of this world to focus them on the eternal things and Jesus Christ.  Let us move to the next reason to believe Jesus is coming soon.




1Th 5:2  For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
1Th 5:3  For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
1Th 5:4  But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.

surprise-faceWe have been experiencing a crisis in 2020 that literally has engulfed the entire planet very suddenly and unexpectedly.  People on earth have been dramatically affected in one way or the other.  The number of reported deaths from this plague seem to still be growing all around us.  I believe we are witnessing a significant warning sign of things that are prophesied to happen during the tribulation.  Major unexpected disastrous events and lawlessness will continue to arise with greater intensity and frequency. There will be plagues, famines, earthquakes, volcanos, droughts, floods, tsunamis, hail, tornados, cyclones, hurricanes, typhoons, meteors, etc.   These will be occurring more frequently leading up to and during the tribulation.  Here in 1 Thessalonians, Paul is writing to Christians in the church (you and I) and he says this time of tribulation will not come upon Christians like a thief as it will the rest of the world.  This is because Christians should be aware of the Bible prophecies that inform us of the general timing of this end.

Christians should be wiser than the unbelieving world and be able to observe the indicators that are occurring around us (Mat 16:13).  Christians must desire God’s illumination, receive His light, understand His light, love His light, and walk in His light in order to recognize these world events and to not be deceived by Satan’s attempt at darkening our minds.

I do not believe the church will leave this world as a beaten and defeated bride.  But I believe that we must be ready and expectant of Jesus’ return at any moment.  I pray we can agree and look forward to His soon return.  This Bible study will stand by itself if you would like to read it alone.  But, if you have not read this series from the beginning, you may want to go back and start with “Part 1”.  Let us get into our lesson on the catching away of the church and why we can believe and have confidence that this will happen before the Revelation description of the tribulation event begins.



sodoma and gomorraToday’s lesson will focus on ten key reasons from the Book of Revelation that the Rapture is a precursor (indicator, pointer, forerunner) event to the Tribulation and not an event that occurs during or even after the tribulation.  I believe that we the people in Christ can come to the firm belief that a “catching away” of the church must occur before the seven years of God’s judgment and world tribulation can commence.

I know there are other good people that believe differently.   I have heard several Bible teachers that claim the church is going through the tribulation either partially (mid-trib) or fully (post-trib).  But those beliefs just do not balance with what the LORD has shown a lot of other Bible scholars.  Even if you do not believe every reason that is given in this lesson, please at least keep an open mind and go and study what is stated here to see if this is what the Bible actually says.

Please allow me to provide a simple overview of basic end time eschatology as I understand it from my studies.  Jesus Christ is the Bridegroom (Mat 9:15, Mar 2:19) that has gone up into heaven to His Father’s house (John 14:2) to prepare a place (John 14:3) for His bride (the church, 2 Cor 11:2, Eph 5:32). Suddenly without warning He is going to come back for us (1 Cor 15:52), and the church is required to make herself ready (Rev 19:7) for His unexpected appearing (Mat 25:10).  Shortly after the catching away of the church the antichrist is revealed to the world (2 Th 2:3) and tribulation is initiated (Mar 13:19).  This time of tribulation will continue a total of 2520 days, which is equivalent to 84 months (Rev 11:2 + Rev 13:5), which is equivalent to 7 years.  While this judgment of the people on the earth is taking place (Rev 6:17), the wedding supper of the LAMB happens in heaven simultaneously (Rev 19:9).  Then Jesus riding on a white horse returns to the earth with the church saints riding behind Him to rid the earth of all evil (Rev 19:14).  Satan, the beast and the false prophets with all those that have taken his mark are cast into hell for 1000 years (Rev 19:20, Rev 20:2) while Jesus and His Saints rule a new kingdom of peace upon the earth.  Satan is then released from hell to deceive anyone that he can (Rev 20:7-8).  Satan with his new followers are finally defeated.  The Great White Throne Judgment of all unbelievers takes place (Rev 20:11) with a permanent end to the surface earth dwelling of all evil being thrown into hell (Rev 20:15).  This completes God’s recorded judgement of evil.   And then the earth and the heavens will be burned with fire (2 Pet 3:7) and a new heaven and new earth is established (Rev 21:1).  That was a lot of general overview information of end time events lacking many details.

But some believe that even though Jesus knows about the judgement that is coming upon the earth during the tribulation, He is going to permit His future bride (aka His body) to stay here on the earth to be raped, beaten, or even killed by a brutal evil world ruler.  They claim that “This will be used to test the bride before He can come save her”.  What loving husband who is knowledgeable and who could save His bride from His own judgments upon the unjust world would sit idly and allow this to happen to her?  Would any loving and caring husband who judges evil righteously do nothing to save His already justified and forgiven clean future wife?  What kind of sadistic husband would this make our God and Jesus our covenant husband?

These are incredibly good questions to consider.  Is God Love? Yes (1 John 4:16). Does Jesus Love His Bride? Yes! (Eph 5:25). If a sane natural husband would not permit this to happen to his future wife before the wedding, why would an infinitely greater supernatural God who is all knowing and all powerful not be far more gracious and kind?

Do you remember what Abraham asked God when he was negotiating for the life of his nephew Lot?  Abraham asked God “Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?”  Wow, do we NOT know that this statement still applies today to the subject of the church bride and the tribulation?  Abraham asked God in Genesis 18:24 and 25 these questions:

Gen 18:24  Peradventure there be fifty righteous within the city: wilt thou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein?
Gen 18:25  That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right? 

What wisdom Abraham displays before our LORD.  Abraham is pleading his legal case before the supreme court of heaven and says to our JUDGE “To slay the righteous with the wicked, that be far from thee to do, shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?”.  Wow again!  Yet we have Christian ministers even on TV that claim God will not do right and will commit or at least permit this kind of evil on His bride during the tribulation.  What kind of God are we serving today?  Is there a perverted justice system in heaven now?  Has the Judge now changed to be a different kind of God than Abraham’s God?  If our God has changed, then Malachi 3:6 is a lie.  Malachi 3:6 says very clearly “I am the LORD and I change not”.  Also, according to Jesus, we need to learn God’s commentary on this story of Lot.  He says something that is truly relevant to our discussion of the rapture:

Luk 17:28  Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;
Luk 17:29  But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.
Luk 17:30  Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.

According to the words of Jesus our LORD and Savior, He claims “as it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be when He will be again revealed to the earth”.  Jesus very clearly states the righteous were first taken out of the city before ANY judgments of God would begin.  This is a noticeably historical clear pattern of the righteous being removed the judgement of evil people.  This means this must be what occurs in any similar future situation before the judgment and demise of the unrighteous in the tribulation.  I believe that is an excellent foundational reason to believe in a “Pre-Tribulation” rapture and we have not even started to read and study in Revelation.

Let us go and explore some more good reasons found in the book of Revelation to believe in this Pre-Judgment catching away by force (G726=Harpazo) of God’s righteous saints.



missing_word_1The church is explicitly mentioned by name 19 times in the Book of Revelation.  Eighteen times the Greek word G1577 transliterated as “ekklesia” occurs in 18 verses of chapters 1, 2 and 3.  This word literally means “a called-out people”.  But suddenly this called out woman named the church is not referred to by name again until chapter 22 five verses before the end of the entire book. Therefore, the church is mentioned directly before the tribulation and directly after the tribulation at the end by name but never during the tribulation.  Ask yourself this basic question.  What happened to the church after Chapter 3 until chapter 22?  Why is the Holy Spirit suddenly no longer speaking directly about the “ekklesia” after chapter 3 by name?  Is this a hidden clue and indication for what happened to the church?  I believe this is exactly what is happening by God’s design.

I believe this is very important and we must remember there are 18 direct named references to the church on the earth (called “ekklesia”) in the first 3 chapters of Revelation and then not again until the end of the book after tribulation is completed. Could this be a sign and a hidden clue for what will happen to us? I believe it is.

Also remember that there are 7 specifically named churches by physical location given to us in chapters 2 and 3.  All the other references are general “church” or “churches” references.  I believe that the direct mention of this name is a revelation that confirms the church is physically present on the earth before the tribulation commences but not after.

There is no doubt in my mind that Jesus was speaking to physical born-again people in these 7 letters to the churches.  But beginning in chapter 4 a dramatic change takes place and none of these names or locations are referred to again.  Not the 1) “ekklesia” in general or, 2) not the specific local church in Ephesus (Rev 2:1), 3) not the specific church in Smyrna (Rev 2:8), 4) not the specific church in Pergamum (Rev 2:12), 5) not the specific church in Thyatira (Rev 2:18), 6) not the specific church in Sardis (Rev 3:1), 7) not the specific church in Philadelphia (Rev 3:7) and finally 8) not the specific church in Laodicea (Rev 3:14).  What must have occurred in the future prophecy starting in Revelation 4:1, for there to be no further direct physical mention of the church on the earth in the book of Revelation?

Ok, we are going to explore something new that also applies to our study.  If we search the Bible, we will not find the literal name “church” in the Old Testament either.  Why is the church name not found anywhere in the Old Testament?  However, maybe you have read O.T. verses and can see that many of these do apply to the modern church.  In fact, we should know that we can find many O.T. quotations in the New Testament that the Holy Spirit used to explain church principles, concepts and doctrines.  But the church is never directly named in the O.T.  This seems to indicate that the church was hidden and concealed in the O.T. and I believe this too is a pattern for why the church is not mentioned directly by name during the tribulation.

The only logical explanation that I have found for there to be no direct mention of the “ekklesia” after Revelation 3, is that the church has been taken up and off the earth into heaven by a divine forced sudden departure.  This lack of mention of the church appears to be an indicator for the sudden exit from within the natural realm to now be only seen within the hidden spiritual realm.  The lack of any further mention in Revelation provides us the foundation to believe we are hidden and concealed from natural human view and can only be seen by those in the spiritual dimension.  Let us get back to Lot and end this introduction.

A pre-tribulation rapture fits perfectly with the pattern described to happen to Lot being taken out of Sodom first by angels.  We could say Lot was saved by angels using a pre-fire and brimstone taking out.  In other words, if Lot had been removed out of the fire by angels during the middle of the fire and brimstone falling none of them would have survived.  Nor could Lot and his family be taken out after the end of the fire and brimstone judgment because survival would not have saved them.  I hope we are seeing something new in this that we have never seen before.

Therefore, these parallels from what has happened to Lot in the past teaches us that the church must be removed prior to the tribulation.  If this does not occur the pattern for what has occurred in the past does not align correctly with what must occur in the rapture of the church in our future (Ecclesiastes 1:9). I believe the church will be taken up into heaven by angels to be raised into an elevated new spiritual perspective.  If we read the story of Lot after the angels removed them from the city of Sodom, they were also told not to stay in the plain to be destroyed but rather “to go up” into the mountains.  Within typology “going up” into a mountain is like going up in a rapture event (Gen 19:17).  They were also told never to look back at the destruction.  I believe this is another of the direct parallel typology for us in the church while in heaven not being able to see the judgement that will be occurring on the earth.  Finally, in Genesis 19:22 the angel informs Lot that the destruction of Sodom cannot begin until they have fully departed.  All of this is types and shadows of things that will happen to us.

We will end this important foundational section with one final point.  The Greek word G1577 “ekklesia” is formed by combining two Greek words.  The first is “ek” G1537 and this was often times translated as “out”.  This word represents a prepositional term that means “origin” as in the point where motion or action proceeds.  I hope that did not pass you by.  We need to understand that a rapture is a “motion event”, moving us from point A on the earth to point B up in heaven.  The second Greek word “kaleo” G2564 literally means “to call aloud”.  It comes from another Greek root word G2753 “to incite by word”.  Two synonyms for incite could be to 1) “initiate” or 2) “cause” something to happen by speaking.  This is like a king giving a command and expecting it to be carried out immediately.  Is this name an accident or a divine design?  I believe it is the later.  We have just learned that the literal name of the church “ekklesia” signifies a rapture event.  That just cannot be a chance occurrence.  God is teaching us that our name “church” represents someone (God) giving a royal command to take us out of this world.

God’s word is filled with intentional connected design patterns.  And all this information is one of the most profound revelations that teaches the church has been physically removed from the earth and has gone up into heaven to be hidden with our Bridegroom after the end of chapter 3 of Revelation.



Rev 3:22  He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

stoptalkingThere are 7 verses in chapters 2 and 3 of Revelation where John writes a command to the churches.  We can read this spoken command in Revelation 2:7, 2:11, 2:17, 2:29, 3:6, 3:13 and 3:22.  This phrase always starts with “He that has an ear, let him hear”.  Who are these people that are supposed to hear? We find out the answer by continuing to read the end of the verse command.  “What the Spirit says to the churches” is how these verses all ended.  Therefore, we in the church are required to hear what the Spirit is saying to us here on the earth right here and now. Some people who believe they are Christians do not believe the Spirit of God ever speaks to them.  According to these verses He is speaking if we choose to tune our ears to listen and hear Him.  That sounds like it is a personal choice to listen.  It also implies God is speaking and trying to get us to hear even if we are not listening.  Why are we going over these verses and why are they important to us learning about a pretribulation rapture?  Great questions, I am so glad you asked.

Think about how the book of Revelation was laid out and designed by the Holy Spirit.  There is not one word given that is there by random chance.  Many Bible teachers and scholars believe that the list of 7 churches selected by Jesus to write to in Revelation 2 and 3, fit the pattern description of the entire 2000-year church age.  If Jesus had listed the churches in any other order or selected any different church, the pattern would not match according to these teachers and scholars.  While this is not firm evidence it is a significant matter to consider.  If this selected church pattern is true, it would cause us to easily believe that the church age has ended after chapter 3 and what follows is a different dispensation of time outside of God’s ordered period of Grace.

Think with me and consider this fact from Romans 5:20 where God declares “where sin abounds, Grace does much more abound”.  Where in reading the book of Revelation, does it ever appear that Grace is abounding to hold back the judgment of evil?  Can we see the potential conflict, if the church remains on the earth during this 7-year time?  Please do not misunderstand what was just said.  There are elements of divine grace being displayed many times in Revelation, but these are provided during a time of the simultaneous descriptions of divine destructive judgements like we read about in the story of Lot.  Did Lot have to hide in the city while the fire fell?  Did God have to put a divine umbrella over Lot before or while the fire fell?  No, the LORD took him and his family completely out of the city and then judgement started.

If the church is present during the book of Revelation judgments of God, that would appear to nullify verses found in Romans 5 and 6 and 2 Corinthians 8:7 and other that claim the Church is under God’s Grace. Let us continue and read another verse that will assist us in solving the issue of God’s grace versus His judgments and where the church is during this time of judgment:

Rev 13:9  If any man have an ear, let him hear. 

Here is another one of the main points that we need to see and understand.  The phrase “He that hath an ear, let him hear” occurs a total of 8 times in the Book of Revelation.  It occurs once in each of the letters to the seven churches where God includes the ending phrase “what the Spirit of God says to the churches”.  But there is a similar phrase that is used by God in Revelation 13:9 where the complete phrase has been modified significantly.  Let us analyze the two phrases to find the exact changes taking place by the Holy Spirit’s choice.  I will give Revelation 3:22 with all the Greek words first from the KJV.  Then we will see Revelation 13:9 from the KJV with all Greek words and then we will read from the NASB with all the Greek Words:

REV 3:22 He who has(G2192) an ear(G3775), let him hear(G191) what the Spirit says to the churches. (KJV)

(KJV)REV 13:9 If any man(G1536) have(G2192) an ear,(G3775) let him hear.(G191) (KJV)

REV 13:9 If(G1487) anyone(G5100) has(G2192_ an ear(G3775), let him hear(G191_ (NASB)

In Revelation 13:9 God adds at the beginning of the phrase a new word that means “whosoever”, “anyone” or “any man”. Then He completely removes the ending phrase “what the Spirit says to the churches” at the conclusion of the verse.  This is a radical change to who this verse is being written and spoken to.  It completely shifts the target audience that is instructed to listen and hear and converts the phrase to a conditional announcement with “If” in front of it.

In Revelation 13: 9 of the KJV God added one new Greek word G1536 and it is a composite of two other Greek words G1487 and G5100.  G1487 occurs in over 300 verses and it is most often translated as “if”.  If is a word that introduces conditionality to the next statement that follows.  Conditionality simply means there are requirements for one or more instructions to be met.  Wow, this was NOT the message given to the churches in the 7 church letters of Revelation 2 and 3 that had no conditions.

G5100 is the next compound word of G1536 and it is a word that is often translated as “any man”.  The Strong’s definition says it means “any” or “some”.  God appears to be asking “if any man” as in, “is there anyone that can still hear what I am trying to say on the earth?  This is what I believe, is God’s plea for a human still living on the earth to seek His love, mercy, and grace to be saved.

Revelation 13:9 informs us that God is no longer speaking direct words to His saved church and has shifted His message to anyone else on earth that still desires to want to listen to Him.  This clearly implies that the church is not present on the earth to hear these pleas but, it does indicate God is still available to save if any desire to hear Him.

What is God teaching us with this?  It must be the fact of truth that the churches are no longer physically present on the earth to be spoken to during this 7-year time of tribulation.  That is the only logical explanation of this clue that makes any common sense.  The only people that could possibly hear what the Spirit was saying on the earth during Revelation 13 would be those that needed to hear and wanted to listen to potentially get saved by believing in Jesus.  I believe this is the only valid interpretation for the shift of the intended audience from the exact same phrase “has an ear let him hear” being repeated 8 times in the book of Revelation.  I pray that everyone will see and agree.

There is truth in every verse of the Bible but often it is overlooked because of our lack of understanding of God’s designed requirement for us to search for it (Prov 25:2).  I do want to make a quick final point in this section.  I believe some people will get saved during the tribulation.  We can see indications of this in Revelation 7 when God speaks of 144,000 being sealed from 12 named tribes.  There are also other verses that indicate this like Revelation 20:4 describing people who had their heads chopped off for having the testimony of Jesus Christ.  Salvation will still be made available for anyone who has not taken the mark of the beast (Rev 19:20, Rev 20:4).    Let us move to reason 3.



judgment_begins_house_of_GodToo many Christians today emphasize the Grace of God without balancing the Justice and Judgment of God.  We are living at the end of God’s Church Age of Grace.  However, the Bible clearly teaches that there are still consequences for Christian sin in the church today (Gal 6:7, Rom 6:23 1 Jn 5:16, Jas 1:15, Rom 6:16, etc.).  A lot of people ignore these verses and that is sad.  I could list many others for you, but I will focus on only a couple of scriptural examples that stand out in contrast to the extreme unbalanced Grace message.  Acts chapter five reveals 2 Christians named Ananias and Sapphira that fell down dead in a long church service being preached by Peter.  Extreme Grace teachers attempt to explain this away as two people that were not saved.  That make this God’s judgement upon unbelievers and we should read Revelation to know this judgment will not occur until these 7 years.  But if that were true and God judged sinners and liars in the world today, then everyone that ever lied or sinned would be dead and no one be available to get saved.  This unfounded interpretation that these two were not saved Christians would mean God would be unjust if He did not judge everyone that committed the same sin with the same verdict of immediate death.

No, these two people had to be saved, born again people that made a huge mistake while a gift of the Holy Spirit (a Word of Knowledge) was in manifestation.  I believe that Judgment fell on them as an example to other saved Christians in the church to not repeat the error.  As a result, a great “fear” of God came upon everyone that witnessed this judgment or heard about it.  This should include you and I also.  You see a fear coming on the church would not result from a sinner’s death.  If you do not believe this interpretation is correct that I just gave you, please keep reading to find out what Peter wrote about it in his letter to the churches.  I will go into that after one more example.

Another judgment of a saved Christian in the church of Corinth took place in 1 Corinthians 5.  Paul was not present in the flesh but still heard about a man that had taken his father’s wife so that he was committing fornication with his stepmother.  Paul was writing about this to the church as a warning for us in the church to not commit the same immorality.  Paul said I have turned him over to Satan for the destruction of his flesh that his soul might be saved (1 Cor 5:5).  Paul was speaking about a Christian man that was being judged for his sin while alive on the earth.  Paul claimed that he was going to die young before his old age as a consequence for his sin.  This is how God in the church age of grace operates.  If you go and read and study 2 Corinthians, you may learn that this young man changed and repented and did not die young.  This is a great example of how 1 John 1:9 works in the age of grace.  Sin can be confessed to Jesus and God is faithful and just to forgive us.

Yes, God does show us grace.  But God still says that sin has consequences if not confessed.  Ok, this information is potentially offensive to a lot of Christians.  I do not want to offend anyone.  But like Peter and Paul taught us we in the church must be warned.  Let us review a particularly important verse that applies to what this section is about.  This verse applies directly to the example we reviewed in Acts 5 because the Apostle Peter was present then and this is what he wrote about judgment falling on the unsaved world.  Uh oh, I mean the church.  Read this verse very carefully and see how it applied to Acts 5 and 1 Corinthians 5:

1Pe 4:17  For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? 

God is warning the church through the Apostle Peter that the time to be judged for our willful intentional sins has already commenced during this age of Grace.  God is simply saying Christians should not be like the world.  We should not be doing what the world is doing. According to this verse the world will not be judged during this age of grace, but the church will be judged for doing what they do.  Wow, this is important.  We all need to analyze what the world is doing and make sure we are not following them.  Christians should be following the direction of the Holy Spirit and the Bible.

Notice what Peter wrote.  He divided people into two categories.  Those in the house of God and those not in it.  Therefore, we know that God’s judgment begins in the house and family of God long before it is initiated to those that are not in God’s family.  In fact, Peter implies that if it is hard for believers in Christ to be saved, how much harder will it be for those that do not obey at the end of age during the tribulation.  Wow, again.    Let us read another verse that comes to us from the next letter written by Peter.

2Pe 2:9  The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished: 

Here is another verse that compares God’s different types of dealings between the righteous opposed to the unrighteous.  This verse again confirms that the righteous will not be judged and punished with the unrighteous people.  Did you notice the timing of the unrighteous judgment?  Peter wrote and called it the “day of judgment”.  That phrase is used 9 times in the New Testament from Matthew to Jude to describe God’s time of judgment during the tribulation.  Some might try to say this is the Great White Throne Judgment after the tribulation has ended, but that is a very limiting and restrictive definition of the phrase “a day”.  A day can many times represent more than a 12-hour period of daylight.  Figuratively a day can represent an entire period of time even up to a period of 7 days of years (one week of years).

Rev 14:6  And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,

Notice we have a revealed angel that we will talk more about later in another reason.  But he is going about the earth to preach the gospel to Christians.  Whops, that was a sarcastic slip.  No He was present on the earth to preach the gospel to “those that dwell on the earth”.  This is a frequent term used in  Revelation for people that are not saved.  This angel is preaching to every nation, race, and language of unsaved people.  That statement tells me the church is not here on the earth to hear this message.  Let us read the next verse:

Rev 14:7  Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.

Notice what this angel, says to the people that are left here dwelling on the earth during the tribulation.  This supernatural being flying in the air about the earth uses the exact same Greek word G2920 that we read about in 2 Peter for “judgment” day.  Here we have a more narrowed viewpoint on the timing for God’s judgment to be limited to an “hour”.  I believe this still represents a greater expanse of time than just 60 literal minutes.  I believe this is also a figurative expression connoting a longer time but a time that is significantly shorter than a day that we read about in Peter’s letter.

Notice that this angel during the tribulation claims the “judgment of the LORD has come” to the earth.  That makes it sound like it is something new.  But this is the same type of judgment that we were told which first started at the House of God way back when Peter wrote this in his letter nearly 2000 years ago.  The only difference what is happening in the church today and what will happen in the tribulation then is the fact that the future judgment in the tribulation is only against the unrighteous (unsaved).

We just went through a lot of information that was not found in the book of Revelation to help us understand what the book of Revelation is saying.  God is informing the church that we will be judged long before this end time 7-year tribulation judgment of the unsaved world begins.  This is just another presentation of the evidence of God’s truth in His Word to say, “the righteous church will not be judged at the same time as the unrighteous world”.  That belief would be unjust and would not align with Lot’s removal from Sodom.  However, as we have seen that does not mean that we in the church will never be judged.  It only means God is working on His bride now here on the earth to help clean us up so that we can be ready for his catching away.

I would highly recommend that you go and reread chapters 2 and 3 of the Book of Revelation.  These 2 chapters contain the 7 letters written to the physical churches on the earth. Notice in the letters how Jesus speaks of what is good in the churches and what is not.  If any changes are required to cause them to fulfill their purpose and call, Jesus is very direct in warning them to repent.  For example, check out what Jesus says in this verse to a church:

Rev 3:19  As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

I am amazed at some modern extreme grace teachers who claim Christians never have the need of any repentance.   Jesus very clearly teaches us that if He loves us, He will rebuke and chasten us.  When Jesus does this to anyone, we need to listen, hear and obey to do what He says and be very quick to repent.



Rev 3:10  Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.


We have looked at this verse before in a previous lesson, but it is so incredibly good that we will review it quickly as another confirmation from the book of Revelation for our belief in a pre-trib rapture.  This verse was written to the specific church of Philadelphia in Revelation chapter 3.  But it technically applies to every church as does each of the letters because of the statement “what the Spirit says to the churches (plural)”.  Notice what Jesus just said to this church in Philadelphia!  This is a very profound promise.  Jesus says because you have kept the Word of my patience, I will also keep you from the hour of temptation that will come to try them that dwell upon the earth. Remember we learned in the last section that “them that dwell on the earth” is a phrase that refers to unsaved earth inhabitants.  That information alone separates the church from the unsaved to be treated differently.

We learned in Part 5 of the series that God is not the tempter or tester of humans.  I will not repeat all the verses that were provided to prove that statement.  Here we understand Jesus is speaking of saving us from a coming time in the future and we can begin to read about this in Revelation 6:

Rev 6:15  And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
Rev 6:16  And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath (G3709) of the Lamb:
Rev 6:17  For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand

These verses describe a horrific time to be alive on the earth.  It includes everyone physically alive by the description of every bondsman and every free man.  That leaves no one out.  What do these people cry?  They are crying for the mountains that they are hiding in to fall on them.  Why would anyone that is sane want such a thing to occur?  The answer is given to us in verse 16.  They say, “Hide us from the face of Him that sits on the throne”.  We could think that this is our Almighty God in general or God the Father in particular.  But, the focus of who is sitting on the throne is narrowed to the “LAMB” by the Holy Spirit’s choice.  Uh oh?  Isn’t He the One the church is in covenant with?  Isn’t He the Bridegroom of the church?  It appears to me that “wrath” coming down from heaven, from the LAMB and occurring in the first 42 months of the tribulation proves His church bride is not present on the earth to be judged with the unrighteous.

We must see this because this is essential.  The LAMB of God is pouring out His justice upon the earth and all its people.  But He is our covenant making and covenant keeping faithful Husband.  Does this sound right for Him to be pouring out wrath upon us with the world?  What is He mad and angry with us about?  I just do not understand why someone would claim the bride of the LAMB would be treated the same as the unsaved world.  Let us confirm this with scripture:

1Th 5:9  For God hath not appointed us (the church) to wrath (G3709), but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ (the LAMB),

Either God is a liar (NOT), or the church cannot be on the earth when Jesus our sacrifice LAMB pours out His wrath.  The exact same Greek word G3709 for wrath is used here in 1 Thessalonians as was selected by the Holy Spirit in Revelation 6:16 describing the wrath of the LAMB.  So, either Jesus Christ is not the LAMB (NOT), or the church is not in the flesh on the earth during these 7 years.  Which one do you believe is the truth?  Notice the Greek word translated as “salvation” in 1 Thessalonians is G4991 and this word could be translated as “rescue” or “safety”.  It comes from another Greek word G4990 that is used for titles of the LORD Jesus and it was translated as “Savior” and “Deliverer”.  We were introduced to this word in the first section of the lesson.  This word translated as “salvation” informs us that we will be removed from the place of danger and hurt like Lot was rescued and taken to safety prior to the destruction of Sodom.  Ok, Let us look at another verse that describes Jesus as “Savior” and confirm that we belong to Him.

Php 3:20  For our citizenship is in Heaven, from which also we are looking for the Savior (G4990), the Lord Jesus Christ,

Are you looking for your “Deliverer”?  Are you expecting your “Savior” to come and get you?  Are we expecting a “Rescue” out of the coming judgment wrath of the LAMB on this earth or are we expecting to be judged with the unrighteous?   Those are great questions to ask and answer while we still can.  I believe He is coming sooner than we think.

I would highly recommend that you go back and read “Part 5” in the series for more details on this subject of the church being saved from the tribulation to come.  This belief and interpretation will align very well with the patterns that we have found describing Lot being taken out of the city before the judgment fell on the ungodly.  God will NOT judge the righteous with the unrighteous.  That behavior would violate HIS character and nature and would cause Him to be unjust.  Since the judgement and penalty of our sins have been taken out on Jesus Christ on the cross, we will be spared from any future tribulation judgments.  To judge the church again would represent “double-jeopardy”.  God’s justice system demands that He does what is right and not judge the righteous with the evil people that have not accepted Jesus as Savior.  I will end this section with one more confirming verse:

Joh 3:36  He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. 

Notice what Jesus says here.  There are two different types of people being compared.  One is called “believers” and other is called “unbelievers”.  The believing group has “eternal life” and the unbelievers do not.  Now notice the mention of our subject of “wrath”.  This is the same Greek word as the previous verses.  The Holy Spirit writes very clearly that it is ONLY the unbelievers that will have the wrath of God abiding on them.  This is just another way of teaching us the church cannot be present when God’s wrath is being poured out.  Remember this is Jesus speaking to us.  Are you a believer?  If you are not yet a believer, you can become one right now.  Let us move to the next reason.



Rev 4:1  After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.

This is one of the strongest reasons for believing in a pretribulation rapture.  I believe this is a major factor for trusting in the LORD to rescue His church before the tribulation of God’s judgment.  Recall the design of the book of Revelation that was mentioned before.  The book begins in chapter 1 with the revealing of Jesus and is then followed by His praises, directions, and admonitions spoken directly to His churches in chapters 2 and 3.  After this , suddenly the references to the physical church on the earth stop.  The church by no further direct references can be said to disappear from the book until the end.  Wow, I believe this is a great general overview for the pattern of the entire church age.  Let us see if this fits with the life of Jesus on the earth.

Jesus was born and revealed to the world in a manger in Bethlehem.  After this He grew up in Nazareth in wisdom and age, was baptized by John when he was 30, and then he went about teaching, preaching, and healing everyone that would come to Him.  After this, He died, arose from the grave and after 40 days went up to heaven.  Does this seem to be a similar pattern for the church and the book of Revelation? Yes, I believe it does. Now let us see what God says by analyzing some of the details of Revelation 4:1, to learn how it could possibly fit into the pattern of the church age.  Let us read the beginning of verse 1 in chapter 4:

Rev 4:1  After this ….

Notice how Revelation chapter 4 begins by God’s design.   Verse 1 opens with the phrase “After this…”.  I want us to focus and ask the question about the first two words of the verse asking “After WHAT?”  This phrase “after this” indicates something that had previously happened has been terminated and something new is about to be initiated.  “After this” represents a progressive sequenced order of events.  This is like I did in the paragraph above describing the life of Jesus on the earth.  What has just happened before this statement?  Remember there are no chapter and verse divisions in the original writing.  The answer is Jesus was just speaking to His church and suddenly stopped.  These two words imply heavily what is about to happen next occurs only after Jesus has finished with His “church”.  This implies that the church age is done, finished, and completed.  The age of Grace has ceased.  Uh oh!  These two words appear to represent an important transition.  Let’s continue to the next phrase.

Rev 4:1  After this I looked,….

I just want to focus quickly on the word “I looked”.  This is G1492 and it means became aware, I saw, or I observed something.  It is generally used in the past tense.  It implies in this verse that John had observed something new that had not previously been seen or known to him.  We also get this impression by noticing the next word in the phrase:

Rev 4:1  After this I looked, and, behold….

Now notice the word translated as “behold”.  This is the Greek word G2400 that is used in 213 verses of the N.T.  It is a word that denotes a measure of surprise or awe.  Perhaps you noticed that I like to use the word “Wow” in my Bible lessons to express the same amount of emphasis and wonder.  In many of God’s usages of this Greek word we can clearly see the immediate supernatural involvement of God or angels sent by divine direction to do something that is unexpected, new, and amazing.  This word usage in Revelation 4:1 appears to imply that God is about to cause a departure from normal human affairs to do something supernaturally spectacular.  I would recommend that you go read through these verses to get the concept being described.  The idea being given to us by God in these combined initial phrases in Revelation 4:1 appears to say something sudden and unexpected is about to divinely occur at the end of and after the Church age.  I wonder what that could be?  Let us continue to read and find out:

Rev 4:1 …a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither,…
Rev 4:2  And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.

Notice what just happened unexpectedly.  God provides us a description of five-steps in a process:

1). a door in heaven will be opened,
2). a voice like a trumpet sounds
3). shouts “Come up here”
4). immediately John was in the spiritual realm
5). Having been “taken up” to stand before the throne of Jesus.

Wow, that is amazing! Why is all of this mentioned directly before beginning the description of the seven years of tribulation? Does any of these words help us in the church to understand God’s timing of events?  I believe it does and that this literal past event that happened to John close to 2000 years ago, represents a prophecy of the soon coming event we call the “rapture” of the church.  God does this repeatedly in the Bible.  He uses one historic real and specific event to be a type, or we could call it a pattern of a greater future spiritual event that has not yet occurred.  Asking good questions is essential to understanding the Bible.  Therefore, let us ask some more good questions.

Why did God do this catching up of John?  Was it necessary for God to give John this vision of what would be happening later at the end of the church age in heaven?  Obviously, it was not necessary.  For example, we can read about Peter receiving a spiritual vision of future a future event on the earth, while he was praying on a rooftop in Acts 10:9-10.  There is no mention of Peter being taken up to heaven during this message from God. We need to understand the difference between these two visions within the early church leaders. Peter’s vision was given from the church’s perspective on the earth in the physical realm.  But John’s vision was given to him from the perspective of the church being transformed into the spiritual realm standing in heaven with Jesus personally.  Wow, that sounds important to know.

Also, I do not recall any O.T. prophet that was caught up into heaven to be shown what was going to happen to Israel in the future and then returning to the earth to write about it?  Moses going up on a mountain to meet with God is the closest event like this that I know of.  Can we see how John’s vision is a major change of how God had dealt with prophets many times before?  I believe that is a significant clue.  I will admit that Paul was caught up into the third heaven in 2 Cor 12:2-4. I believe that this was a confirming pattern of human experience for a future rapture event that could suddenly occurs to the church.  In fact, these verses use the exact same Greek word G726 (harpazo) that that we have been looking at in this series.  I believe 2 Corinthians 12:2-4 was given to us as a proof text to the fact that raptures have occurred in the past as well as it provides us evidence that they can and will happen again in the future.  But I still believe that Paul’s experience was for a different divine purpose and experience than John’s in Revelation 4:1. I believe this because Paul was not permitted to write much about his experiences in any detail.  I believe John’s experience of being taken up was for revealing God’s detailed plan for the timing of the rapture more than to just prove that a sudden going up could occur.  We all have a choice to believe this or not, but I choose to believe it this way.

God’s placement of this catching up of John is at the perfect location in the book of Revelation to reveal a pretribulation rapture.  I believe I have said this before but please notice that this catching away event occurs immediately after Jesus had finished dealing with the churches and before the beginning of the tribulation.  I believe that there cannot be any better placement within the book of Revelation that God could more clearly represent a “pre-tribulation” catching away of the church without just openly stating it in the plain text.

Please stop looking for every truth to be plainly stated.  That is NOT how God wrote the Bible.  Jesus proved this by informing the Jewish people to “search their scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life, but these are they that testify of me” (John 5:39).  We can see from this one statement that the truth of Jesus was hidden and had to be searched out to find Him.

Rev 4:1  After this …. must be hereafter.

Ok we need to notice how the beginning and ending phrases of verse 1 match.  Notice these were translated as “After this” and “must be hereafter”.  The ending phrase “be hereafter” is identical to the beginning phrase “after this” in the original Greek.  Both phrases come from two Greek words G3326 (meta) and G5023 (tauta).  This phrase occurs several times in the Bible and it is often translated as “after this”, “after that” or “after these things”.  This phrase teaches us the truth concerning a series of events limited within the fourth dimension of time that must occur in a precise determined order.  We can learn that something new or different is about to happen that has followed something else that just concluded.  In other words what will happen next is something fresh that occurs after what has past, and these previous things are now implied to have ended.

I am going to ask again to make sure no one missed it.  What are the things that have ended that God was just talking about in chapter 2 and 3?  The easy answer from what we read must be God’s dealing with the church on the earth has ended.  That makes great logical sense to me.  Then at the end of the verse God uses “meta tauta” again to say, “after this event”.  What event did God just do to John?  God took John up in a rapture into heaven to stand before the throne of Jesus.  Therefore, what comes after this rapture by God’s design, begins to teach us of something brand new that has never previously occurred to this extent or in this order. These words and the combining of them with named precise events are describing the separate distinct and ordered pattern of events in succession that must occur.  I believe this is the plan of God.

  1. Jesus deals with the Churches
  2. After this the Church Age Ends
  3. Followed by the Rapture of the Church
  4. Followed by the 7 years of Tribulation and Judgment of Israel and the world

Let us review some other important descriptive facts found in Revelation 4:1 to add to our consideration of why this verse represents the church rapture.  If we read verse 1 carefully it appears to parallel the pattern description of the rapture found in 1 Thessalonians 4 because of God’s specific word usage and selection.  Read this verse in 1 Thessalonians 4 and see if you can agree there is a divine connection between these two verse event descriptions:

1Th 4:16  For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump (G4536) of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
1Th 4:17  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up (harpazo) together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 

God uses the exact same Greek word translated as “trumpet” both in Revelation 4:1 and here.  This Greek word is G4536 and it is only found in 11 verses in the entire N.T.  It occurs 4 times after Revelation 4:1 in chapters 8 and 9 dealing with 7 angels with 7 trumpets.  These are called the trumpet judgements.  After these verses, this Greek word is NOT used in any other verse of Revelation.  Uh oh?  I thought a great number of people believed in a mid or post-tribulation rapture?   Why would there be only a mention of a trumpet rapture event before the tribulation begins describing someone going up into heaven?  I think that should be a potential problem for believing in anything but a pretribulation catching away of the church.  We could talk a lot more about this, but we will move on to another connection to consider.

Notice the fact that in conjunction with a trumpet being mentioned a shout occurs.  1 Thessalonians does not mention the shout phrase but it does say clearly it occurs.  Now notice in Revelation 4:1 the actual shout is given “COME UP HERE!” but we are told it is a shout.  That appears to confirm another very profound parallel to the same descriptions.  Let us move quickly now to a rapture reference found in 1 Corinthians:

1Co 15:51  Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
1Co 15:52  In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump (G4536): for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 

Notice the profound process being described here by the Holy Spirit.  God writes this is a mystery.  This teaches us that the message has been and potentially still is hidden. We all understand this because there is still such a great debate occurring in the church with us wondering when the rapture will occur.   Notice what Paul writes. Paul says not everyone will die a natural death.  But we shall be changed.  Changed is a Greek word that means made different and we know this is speaking of becoming incorruptible and immortal by reading the context.  Then the Holy Spirit says in a moment or a twinkling of the eye this change will take place.  The Greek word G823 (atomos) means something that is indivisible.  That is a description of such fast rapid event that we cannot even fully imagine it.

Notice the word selection of the Holy Spirit to select and use the exact same word found in Revelation 4:1 for “trumpet”.  This word was translated as “trump” in Thessalonians, but it is the same Greek word we just read here. God is connecting these verses by designed divine word choice.  Also note that this reference to the G4536 trumpet in Revelation 4:1 is the last trumpet blast used to call up people into heaven used by God.  That would appear to match what we are reading here in verse 52 of 1 Cor 15 saying the “last trump”.  The Greek word G2078 translated as “last” is not used this way in the book of Revelation at all.  It occurs 7 times in Revelation, twice to describe last plagues and 5 times to describe Jesus Christ as the “first and last”.

What I am trying to say is that Revelation 4:1 appears to be the “LAST” trumpet to call up anyone in the book of Revelation.  The other trumpet references appear to be judgments being released on the earth.  This information just appears to help confirm the timing of the rapture to occur before the tribulation begins.  Can we begin to see these parallels?  I do not believe this is an accident.  I believe all of this is a divinely designed pattern of repetition given to us by God to teach us.  Let us move on to the next reason.



1Co 3:12  Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble;
1Co 3:13  Every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is.
1Co 3:14  If any man’s work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward (G3408).
1Co 3:15  If any man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.

Receive_a_crown1According to the New Testament there is coming a judging of the works of Christians.  While works cannot ever save us, they do appear to cause us to be rewarded after this life is over.  The Greek word G3708 that was translated as “reward” literally means “pay for service”.  God is teaching us that we will receive a payment for what was done for His glory on this earth to fulfill His will.  Many theologians view this rewarding like a prize for running our race of life well on this earth as Paul wrote of in 1 Corinthians 9:24. That could be a part of it.  But these verses also speak of human works that will be burned up and consumed as if they did not matter to the reality of our eternal reward.  For example, many people are doing nice religious things, but I believe they are in vain to just make them look important. A lot of Christians do not ask or want to know what the will of God is to hear His plan for their life.  It is like the old joke, Jesus is Coming, look busy!  Ok I will give you a list of a few of these earthly types of works that will cause a heavenly reward.

  1. We Endure Persecution or False Accusation While Rejoicing (Mat 5:11-12)
  2. When We Love Others that Hate Us (Mat 5:46)
  3. When We Give to Others or the LORD in Secret (Mat 6:1)
  4. When We Pray Privately Hidden from Public View (Mat 6:5)
  5. When We Fast Secretly Not Making It Known Outwardly (Mat 6:16)

There are a lot of other examples given to us in the Bible.  None of these are normal human behavior that comes naturally.  I believe these works are totally different than the types of works we do in the natural and must be learned and acquired by repetition.  People go to work at a company and want to be acknowledged and praised by everyone.  Natural humans are proud of their accomplishments, promotions and enjoy the recognition of other people.  But, God’s reward system for what we will receive in heaven is far different.

When does this judgement of fire for rewards occur?  There are some who believe it occurs after the tribulation.  There are two main judgements described in the book of Revelation.  The final judgment occurs in Revelation 20:11 and it is called the Great White Throne Judgment (GWTJ).  This is the judgement that occurs for all unbelievers that have rejected God’s gift of salvation.  Their names are not recorded in the book of life (Rev 20:12).  This GWT Judgment is for the spiritually dead and not for the spiritually living.

We also should know that there is a judgment for believers.  This is called the Bema Seat Judgment (BSJ).  This judgment is for believers in Christ Jesus only.  These believers are the symbolic “wheat” and “sheep” that are gathered to be saved.  They are compared with the rejected tares and the goats in the parables that Jesus taught on about the division of people on the earth (Mat 13:25-31, Mat 25:32-33).  The righteous are described to be on His right hand and the unrighteous were on His left hand and these are the ones that will be judged in the GWT Judgment and then cast into hell.  It appears that we should all seek and learn how to be in those that are on His right hand.  So, let us analyze if there is any indication from scripture when this Bema judgement occurs.  Here is an especially important verse to learn:

Rev 11:18  And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward (G3708) unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

God describes the church being judged, during the tribulation here in Revelation 11:18. It would be logical for Christians to conclude that the church must already be present in heaven for this described event to occur.  How do we know we are there?  We can use the words given and search for them in the N.T. to see if the church is ever called by these names and titles or described with these characteristics.  For example, the Greek word G40 which was translated as “saints”.  This word is referred to multiple times in the New Testament and it is used to describe Christians.  Paul uses this word in almost every letter written to church members as a title and description of their character.  I would recommend you do a search and read these verses. But I will list a few to get you started.  Read Romans 16:15, 1 Corinthians 1:2, 6:2, 2 Corinthians 1:1, Ephesians 1:1, 3:8, Philippians 1:1, Colossians 1:2 to name a few that confirm how church members are called “saints”.

Next notice the key word G3708 that is again translated as “reward”.  This word alone connects us directly to what God described in 1 Corinthians 3.  Here are the “rewards of payment” for our labors on the earth being given out to His servants and saints.  The Greek word G1401 translated as “servants” is used in Acts 16:17 by a demon possessed woman screaming near Paul and other Christians.  She cried, “these are servants of the Most High God who show us the way to salvation”.  I can imagine that she was saying it in a mocking way and not in a complimentary promotional way.  But nonetheless she has labeled them correctly as servants of Jesus the exact same word used to describe those being rewarded in heaven in Revelation 11.

Paul calls himself a servant in Romans 1:1 and Galatians 1:10. I believe we can see the connection between Christians being labeled as “servants” and “saints”.  Finally, the last phrase that should seal the truth that God is speaking of the church rewards is G5399.  This Greek word G5399 means to “fear or revere as in awe”.  It describes a person with a respectful attitude for God’s omnipotence (power). G5399 is the opposite of people who take God’s name in vain swearing or cursing Him.

G5399 is used directly in Acts 10:2 to describe Cornelius the centurion that was sent and angel messenger from God to go and get Peter.  Servants of Cornelius came to the house where Peter was receiving a vision of God instructing him about the people that were coming to see him and why.  Peter followed them and went to Cornelius house.  Peter preached Jesus to Cornelius and his family and they were the first Gentiles saved in the book of Acts.  Therefore, we know God is speaking of people who honor and believe in Him and are saved.  Christians are commanded to fear God in Colossians 3:22 and 1 Peter 2:17 to provide just two confirmations of how the church should be in awe of God.

Ok, I am going to go over quickly another important factor on this subject of timing.  This Bema Seat Judgment appears to be referenced somewhere near or after mid-trib.  The beginning of chapter 11 to verse 18 describes the event of God sending two witnesses that stand in the streets of Jerusalem prophesying the Word of God to everyone still on the earth.  We will talk more about this later in reasons #6 and 7.  But understand that the two witnesses preaching spans the entire first half of the tribulation.  Therefore, chapter 11 represents a new overview from a different perspective during the same time found in the description of chapters 4 through 10.  God simply singled out a specific event which overlaps with the entire 42-month first half tribulation period.  What I am trying to say is that when the tribulation begins God sends two witnesses and they remain through all of the events reported previously in chapters 4 through 10 when they are killed, and their bodies lay in the street for 3 ½ days and then they are raised from the dead to stand up and then they slowly are caught up into heaven after God says “Come Up Here”.  This calling up to heaven is remarkably like what we read about in Revelation 4:1 for John’s catching up.  However, this description uses the Greek word G305 which implies a slow ascent that can be visible to any human that is looking on them as they go up.  Also, notice in chapter 11 there is no mention of any trumpet.  Therefore, this event is not the “harpazo” for a sudden unseen disappearing.  This event just does not match with the description of the rapture as we have seen.  We just cannot say with great confidence that this going up slowly of the two witnesses represents a type of the rapture of the church.  We will see this more clearly as we continue to study.

Therefore, we can conclude that somewhere in the middle of the tribulation it appears Christians will be rewarded for their works done on the earth.  This does imply that our works were completed and that we are present in heaven to receive them.  Some will try to stretch these 2 witnesses going up to heaven to represent the church is raptured at mid-trib but there are too many issues that do align with scriptures to cause that belief to be accurate.




Pleasant_surprise_comingThis reason is an extremely basic common-sense explanation for a good belief in a pre-tribulation rapture event using the type and pattern of John’s sudden unexpected rapture in Revelation 4:1 as our representative. Did John expect to be shouted up into heaven in Revelation 4:1?  If He did it does not say it. No, I believe Revelation 4:1 was a sudden unexpected departure from earth.  We should know that John wrote the book of Revelation at close to the age of 92 while a prisoner of Rome on the penal colony located on the Isle of Patmos.  It was while he was a prisoner that this vision of the future was given to him.  While we might expect John was anticipating removal from the island, I don’t believe he was expecting it to be a direct trip to heaven without seeing physical death first.

This concept of sudden unexpected removal is based entirely upon the dominate belief from basic church doctrine called “Imminence”.  That is a word that we do not use very often in modern conversations or hear preached often from many pulpits.  This basic doctrine teaches us that Jesus’ coming in the air to catch away the church is not dependent upon any other Biblical event that must happen first.  Imminence means Jesus’ coming is close, near and could happen at any unexpected moment.  This means it could literally happen while you are reading this Bible lesson.  Did the Apostle John the writer of Revelation, believe in the doctrine of Imminence?  I believe if you read what he wrote you will say that he did:

Rev 1:3  Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.

John begins the book of Revelation with a reminder that this prophecy will be fulfilled in a time that is very near.  This Greek word G1451 that was translated as “at hand” literally means “it is near”.   If it was close 2000 years ago can you imagine how close it is now?  That was the beginning of the book of Revelation and at the end Jesus gives us a further confirmation:

Rev 22:20  He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

The Greek word G5035 was translated as quickly and it is defined as “shortly, without delay, suddenly and soon”.  Therefore, the book of Revelation begins and ends with the warning of this prophecy coming upon the world quickly and unexpectedly.  It is also important to understand the rapture of the church is NOT the 2nd coming of Christ.  These are two separated events that occur 7 years apart.  In the rapture Jesus does not set foot on the earth and the church is called up to meet Him in the air.  This is also not a yo-yo rapture trip where we are called up to quickly come back down to rule during the millennium.  No, the rapture event is the only prophesied event that is not dependent upon anything, the 2nd coming is completely dependent upon many other prophesies that must be fulfilled first.

If we do not believe in “imminence”, that could be a major problem that distorts our belief of Revelation.  This non-belief in imminence would also allow Christians to live any lifestyle they want or desire without the fear of God.  If everyone knew when the rapture would occur, we could all just fall on our knees and repent a few seconds, hours, or days before and then expect to be taken up to be with Christ.  But if we do not know when it will occur there is no other way but for us to focus and stay ready, prayed up to be following the Holy Spirit every second because He could come when we did not expect Him.

Mat 24:36  But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
Mat 24:37  But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Mat 24:38  For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
Mat 24:39  And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Mat 24:40  Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
Mat 24:41  Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
Mat 24:42  Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come

This is only one passage that confirms the Church “Doctrine of Imminence”.  But it is always one of the clearest references to being ready, that I know of.  This passage of scripture should not be overlooked concerning the rapture of the church.  Notice Jesus said He did not even know when He would return exactly.  This makes me laugh at all the preachers and teachers that try to calculate dates and times.  You may recall a few years ago a man that I will not name predicted May 21, 2011 as the return of Jesus day.  Wow, that day came and went, and this man looked very foolish to many that were paying attention.  His belief denied the existence of the “Doctrine of Imminence”.  According to this man all the days between his day of prophecy and that specific calendar date had to pass before Jesus could come.  Do you understand the basic “Doctrine of Imminence” better now?  Can you see how this will fit within our knowledge of the outline of the book of Revelation?

four_horsemen_1Please go and read the entire book of Revelation again from beginning to end.  God gives us the description of the entire seven-year tribulation period in graphic detail using an ordered sequence of events.  In Revelation 6 we begin to see Jesus opening a scroll with seven seals in heaven.  Each seal in the numbered order is broken and each triggers an event occurrence that is not good for the people left on the earth.  During this opening there are also four horsemen described, one white, one red, one black and one green.  Each is released in the specific order to bring on other specific events of judgments on the earth. All of this is required to happen in the first half of the tribulation.

Now, remember what we read in Revelation 11?  We read two witnesses had to preach for exactly 42 months and then they were called up into heaven and then the Bema Seat Judgment commences.  But this knowledge defeats the belief of mid-trib and post-trib raptures because they both fail the “Imminence” test.  If mid or post-trib was when the rapture occurred, we would all watch the two witnesses for 42 months, see them get killed, lay in the streets for 3 ½ days then we would know that we needed to repent and get right with God to be taken up and judged.  We could literally almost set the date of departure and judgment.  God gives us the precise number of days the two witnesses preach.  This is 1260 days.  Just get your calendar and start marking the days. But that is like the preacher saying Jesus is coming on May 21, 2011.  That does not work with the solid “Doctrine of Imminence”.  The conflict completely disqualifies a mid-trib or post-trib rapture.

When we read the entire book of Revelation.  We need to notice in Revelation 7:1 that God gives the identical phrase “meta” + “taupa” again?  This teaches us God’s standard of a specific ordered sequence of events is still taking place throughout the first half of the tribulation. Next in chapter 8 after the seventh seal was opened and 7 angels were given 7 trumpets, and this begins another set of judgements upon the earth.  These also are given to us in the order that they will literally occur.  There is considerable hardship and death described in the book of Revelation and it will be a time like no other in the history of mankind.  Finally, we get to Revelation 16 and the 7 bowls of God’s wrath that will be poured out again in ordered sequence.  The term “meta” + “taupe” (after this) occurs in Revelation 7:1, 7:9, 9:12, 15:5, 18:1, 19:1 and 20:3.  All of these references describe events that occur in chronological order within the seven year time frame called the tribulation.

We could map out and link together one event after another from all this information and many have done this.  Using this specific timeline of events we may not be able to place the mid-trib or post-trib rapture of the church to an exact minute or second, but we could get it close enough to know when we needed to get ready for Him to come.  But before this, we just need to sit back, hide and wait for Him.  I think that is a major problem with NOT believing in an unexpected imminent appearance of Christ to take us out of the world.  Can you see how believing in a mid-trib or post-trib catching away becomes dependent upon so many specific events occurring within the dependent given order?  If these events listed in Revelation have not occurred, we could just sit by and wait for them to happen and then get all ready.  Only a pre-tribulation rapture which could occur at any given moment in time makes any sense to believe in.

Perhaps you still do not believe in a sudden unexpected departure?  I would recommend that you go and read the parable story of the 10 Virgins in Matthew 25.  Because this is another example of an unexpectant imminent rapture event.  In this parable a man that is a type of Jesus suddenly comes to his bride and only half of them are prepared to meet Him with full burning lamps, and only they enter into the open door before it is closed.  This is a perfect example of a rapture based upon the parable typology and the traditional accounts of the Jewish wedding ceremony.  This coming of the bridegroom happens while the other virgins went away to get ready by buying lamp oil for the groom’s (Jesus) sudden coming at midnight.  Ok, lamps are symbols of the church.  Oil in the lamps are a symbol of being full of the Holy Spirit.  However, when the foolish virgins return to the wedding the door is locked, and they are no longer able to enter the wedding feast.  Even when they knock, Jesus says depart I never knew you.  Wow, that is a perfect example and pattern of a door in heaven suddenly opening and only John going up to enter into it.

The traditional Jewish wedding is the same process.  The man sees a woman that he is interested in and approaches her to make the proposal.  Gifts and payments are made to her family.  A marriage contract is entered into and the groom goes away to prepare a place for his wife.  The woman prepares herself to be ready because at any unexpected moment he may come to take her into the wedding feast at his father’s house.  This Jewish wedding feast continues for 7 days or one week.  This is the reason why, in John chapter 2 Jesus was called upon to turn water into wine by Mary because they had run out of the wine that was supposed to last all week.  This was a very quick overview of the traditional Jewish wedding, but it fits the marriage of Jesus and His bride perfectly.  There are so many N.T. verse that confirm this and I’ll give you a homework assignment to go and find them all.

Remember what Jesus taught us in Matthew 24 about only one being taken and the other left as they both slept.  Or one was taken and one left from the two that were grinding at a mill.  Or one was taken and one left as they were working in a field.  Again, these examples are a 50% parallel reaffirming the 5 wise virgins and 5 foolish virgins’ percentage.  I am not making any predictions, but it is possible that only 50% of people who say they are Christians could be taken and the others may be left on the earth.  Also notice how these people that were taken were on two sides of the planet and everyone that was qualified was taken simultaneously whether sleeping in darkness or working in the daylight.  Finally, notice that there is NO way that any of this description fits anything that is happening during the 7-years of tribulation.  Everyone being described by Jesus is living life doing normal everyday activities like it was during Noah’s day before the sudden destructive flood of judgment.

This is another reason why I know this coronavirus is a quickly passing pandemic.  I do not see how everything we have just read that was spoken by the LORD Jesus or is found in the book of Revelation could fit anything but a pre-tribulation rapture event based upon the “Doctrine of Imminence”.  The sound doctrine of imminence nullifies the pattern a MID-TRIBULATION or a POST-TRIBULATION catching away event because of the stated events that must first occur that everyone will see in plain sight.  So, if anyone is a mid-trib or a post-trib believer it must be a very sad day because it is impossible for Jesus to come back today!



Rev 11:3  And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.

two_witnesses_of_revelation_1Here is another great reason why I believe the church must be raptured up to heaven before the beginning of the seven years of tribulation.  God sends two witnesses that some believe are Enoch and Elijah and others believe they are Moses and Elijah.  But whoever they are they appear in the streets of Jerusalem for exactly three and half years, also known as forty-two months, or it can even be known as 1260 days.  These are all the same way to describe the first half of the 7 years of tribulation.  God very clearly informs us in Revelation chapter 11 that He will send two witnesses to the city of Jerusalem in order to prophecy to the world.

Now may I suggest that we all think about what is being revealed by God in this verse?  What was the great commission given to the church right before Jesus ascended into heaven?  Didn’t Jesus command the church to go into all the world and preach the gospel (Mar 16:15)?  It appears to me that the only logical reason that God would need to send His two witnesses back to the earth from heaven would be because the church is no longer on the earth to preach to anyone on the earth.  Wow, I do not know how anything else could possibly be true.  Did the church suddenly all get murdered?  Did the church all go into silence and hiding in bunkers?  What else can it be?  Think about it!  For 42 months these two witnesses are declaring the Word of God to the people of Jerusalem and the earth.  Suddenly they are killed, and their bodies lie in the streets of Jerusalem for 3 ½ days and then what happens?  The world sees them be raised from the dead and then they go back up slowly into heaven.  If the church is still present on the earth, then the word of God is still being preached but if not, then what happens in the book of Revelation next after the two witnesses? Does the gospel of Jesus just stop?  We will find our answer in Revelation 14:

Rev 14:6  And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, 

Why would God almighty have an angel preach the Gospel if the people in the church were still on the earth?  This just does not make any logical sense.  The only reasonable explanation for this need to preach from two witnesses or an angel must be because the church would not be here on the earth to do what Jesus commanded us to do.  That is what I believe.  So, we have just learned of two different types of preachers that are found on the earth during the tribulation besides the church.  There were the two witnesses that preach the first 42 months and there is the angel preaching to humans somewhere in the last 42 months.  This is profoundly amazing.  The church must be gone!  Praise the LORD!




To correctly interpret the book of Revelation there is a dependency to first understand the book of Daniel.  The book of Daniel was written years before Jesus’ first physical entrance on the earth.  But these words were hidden and sealed from understanding until the time of the end (Dan 12:9).  However, the book of Revelation we are told was not sealed because the time was near at hand (Rev 22:10). Therefore, the book of Revelation helps us to unveil the book of Daniel and vice versa.  Too many Bible students fail to go back to understand the Book of Daniel.  In chapter 9 of Daniel it contains key information that informs us of important details of the tribulation period in Revelation.  Daniel teaches us that this period of time during the tribulation is a length of seven years and that it is primarily focused upon God’s dealing with the natural people of the nation of Israel.  Knowing this information provides us a good foundation for why the church is not explicitly mentioned by name after chapter 3.  This also helps us to understand that the “rapture” of the church must have already occurred.

Let us talk very briefly about why these two books are intimately connected.  One distinct connection are the references to a beast with 10 horns.  We see this in Daniel chapter 7 and in Revelation chapters 13 and 17.  The horns we are told represent kings but that is not important for this lesson.

There are several direct connections but one that is significant is the connection of the term “Time”, “Times” and “Half a Time” (aka dividing of time).  This phrasing is an incredibly unique terminology that I have only found in the books of Daniel and Revelation.  Most scholars that I have heard teach on this subject, agree that this phrase is speaking of 1 Year + 2 Years + half a Year.  Adding those together we get 3 ½ years total.  That matches perfectly with the references to 1260 days (Rev 11:3, 12:6) and 42 months (Rev 11:2, 13:5) and 3 ½ years (Rev 12:14) all found in Revelation.  We can also read this specific phrase “time”, “times” and “dividing time” in Daniel 7:25 and in Daniel 12:7 where we find “time”, times” and “a half” and this matches Revelation 12:14.

Rev 12:14  And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. 

Now let us read one of the key verses that is required for understanding the seven-year tribulation we can also labeled as God’s last week dealing with nation of natural Israel:

Dan 9:24  Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people (natural Israel) and upon thy holy city (Jerusalem), to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.

There are a lot of Bible scholars and teachers that agree this verse is speaking of seventy weeks of years and not seventy weeks of days.  A Week is a representation for the number 7.  Therefore, if we multiply 70 times 7, we arrive at 490 years of total time that God is referring to for the nation of Israel.  However, these 490 years do not occur in consecutive order.  You see in verses 25 God begins to describe that there will be 7 weeks of years before the city of Jerusalem will be rebuilt.  Next will follow 62 weeks of years (=434) and then Messiah will appear in the city Jerusalem.  In fact, someone has done this calculation and found that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey on the exact day when these 469 years were fulfilled.  Now let us look at the specific tribulation week that we are concerned with in Revelation.  It is being described by Daniel in chapter 9 and verse 27:

Dan 9:27  And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. 

This verse is concerning a prince called the anti-Christ.   Most educated Bible scholars agree this verse is teaching events that occur within the 7 years of tribulation using the term “one week”.  We are told that this man will make a covenant with the Jewish people on the earth and this is presumed to be a peace treaty of some type.  But, according to this verse in the middle of this 7 years (3 ½) he appears to break the covenant and bring desolation upon the earth.  I am unable to go into every detail in this very quick overview format of the book of Revelation.  Therefore let’s wrap this section up.

Please just understand the connections being made and how Daniel was a book written about God’s dealing with the natural nation of Israel for a total of 490 years.  I believe that this information helps us to understand why the church on the earth is not mentioned after chapter 3 by direct name.  I believe since God is dealing with natural Israel primarily in this book of Revelation the church must have been taken into heaven before this week of years can begin.  We know this because we have just seen that God sends two witnesses to stand up and preach in the city of Jerusalem for 3 ½ years.  Now remember what happens to them at the end of these 42 months.  These two witnesses are suddenly killed, and their bodies lay in the streets of Jerusalem for 3 ½ days and then they are raised back to life.  This seems to correspond to what we just read in the book of Daniel about the anti-Christ breaking the peace covenant and this is when the “Great Tribulation” breaks out and angels are then revealed to be preaching the gospel.  Wow, this sounds like we are now understanding more of why the church is not mentioned after chapter 3.  Let us go to the final reason in this lesson for why I believe the church has been raptured from the earth while these 7 years are taking place.



This reason is another common-sense revelation.  This reason for believing in a PRE-TRIBULATION rapture is based upon what was given to us in Revelation chapter 19 and then what is implied but was not explicitly stated to how it occurred.  We will begin reading in verse 6 and then go through verse 14.  The passages begin by describing the church in heaven at the marriage supper of the lamb in verses 6 through 10.  Then this is immediately followed in verses 11 through 14 with Jesus coming back to the earth with the church riding behind Him to rule and reign with a rod of iron for 1000 years.

The Marriage Supper of the Lamb

Rev 19:6  And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.
Rev 19:7  Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.
Rev 19:8  And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.
Rev 19:9  And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.
Rev 19:10  And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. 

The Rider on a White Horse

Rev 19:11  And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. Rev 19:12  His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
Rev 19:13  And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
Rev 19:14  And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean

OK, we just cannot go through every verse and every word found in the Greek because it would take too long.  Focus on verse 7 to begin.  We have the marriage of the Lamb and the mention of His wife having made herself ready.  This corresponds very well with Jesus’ description of the bridegroom coming suddenly to the five wise virgin that had made themselves prepared and ready for His coming.  It also corresponds to Ephesians chapter 5 in discussing husbands and wives where God speaking of this as being a great mystery concerning Christ and the church.  In Ephesians 5:26-27 Paul writes of Christ sanctifying and cleansing His bride with a washing of the water of the Word of God.  I cannot teach that subject fully either.  You can go and read about the bride of Christ in other series on this website.  Notice how this woman is described in Revelation.  She is clothed in fine white linen in verse 8.  Then notice these people are clothed in the exact same garments that are coming back riding on white horses with Jesus in verse 14.

I believe verse 11 is also relevant to take note of.  Verse 11 teaches that heaven must be opened for Jesus and the church to return.  That sound like the parallel to the 5 foolish virgins knocking on the door after it was locked shut and Jesus saying, “depart I never knew you” (Mat 25:12).  I would recommend you read and study the subject of weddings in the Bible.  The wedding feast is also described in a parable given in Matthew 12:1-14.  We don’t have time to read and study that either but know this is message spoken to Jews about a King (God the Father) inviting the Jews to come to the wedding of His Son (Jesus) and they did not come so He commanded His servants to go and invite others (Gentiles) to come into the wedding feast that had been prepared.  In this parable one man comes into the wedding without the proper wedding attire and he is promptly discovered, questioned and cast out to regret not having the proper wedding clothes.

If these people being described in Revelation are wearing the proper wedding garments we can easily believe they are the church and we are coming back to the earth with Jesus after this wedding feast.  Therefore, how and when did the church go up to be with Him in heaven?    We had to be there in heaven for longer than a quick snack and rapid return?  In other words, a POST-TRIBULATION sudden taking up and an immediate coming back down just cannot fit what many teach.  In fact, a MID-TRIBULATION 3 ½ year pattern of going up and coming back does not fit the wedding feasts Bible pattern either.  Let’s quickly establish verses that teach the church is coming back with Jesus to rule:

1Th 3:13  To the end he may stablish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints.

God clearly describes the church will be returning to the earth with Jesus in this verse.   Holiness is a pattern description for a pure bride wearing white and clean garments that we were reading about in Revelation 19.  Also, it is interesting to see the word “all” describing His saints.  This Greek word means the whole.  There is another New Testament prophecy concerning this return to the earth found in the book of Jude:

Jud 1:14  And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,
Jud 1:15  To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him. 

I believe these verses are describing the exact Revelation 19 return to the earth of Jesus and His church, but only in greater detail. It is remarkably interesting to note that we are coming with Him to judge the ungodly sinners.  This is just further confirmation that the church is not present on the earth to be judged with them.

When did the church get to heaven to return to the earth with Jesus in Revelation 19?  I cannot find a catching away in the mid-tribulation theory found in Revelation.  I certainly cannot agree with a post-tribulation catching up of the church to be immediately returned either.  Neither of these beliefs match the typology of Noah’s flood or Lot’s taking out of Sodom.  In both examples the righteous were taken out before any of the judgment of the wicked began.

The only legitimate answer that fits typology and and patterns found in ancient Jewish wedding feasts is the pre-tribulation catching away of the bride.  In the ancient Jewish wedding ceremony several things occur in a specific order.  I will list this so that we can see how they match the pre-tribulation rapture.

  1. The Groom approaches the Bride and proposes marriage
  2. Gifts are given to the bride’s family
  3. A legal contract agreement is accepted by both husband and wife
  4. The bridegroom promises to go to his father’s house to prepare a place for his new wife.
  5. He leaves her and does not see her until the father instructs him he is ready to go and get her.
  6. He leaves the father’s house to go and get his bride
  7. The bride never knows when he will return for her so she must be constantly ready and expecting him with eager anticipation.
  8. The bridegroom sends his servant ahead of him to announce his appearance.
  9. The bride rushes out to meet him and they immediately depart for the father’s house.
  10. A wedding feast then commences at the father’s house.
  11. This wedding feast normally lasts for 7 days where they eat and drink and celebrate the marriage has come.
  12. Now the bride and the bridegroom leave the father’s house to enter into their new house to be together forever.

This was just a fast overview of the process.  But, please notice the parallels that are given to Christ and the church.



The only balanced timing for the church rapture event that matches all of the patterns given to us in scripture is found in Revelation 4:1 (pre-tribulation).   God provides us a profound clue to the timing by using John being caught up into heaven before he was shown the future events transpiring in the tribulation.  This was a divine pattern for the “PRE-TRIBULATION” rapture.  I have become convinced that this is only event time that matches typology taught by Jesus in Matthew 24, the doctrine of Imminence, God’s dealing with Israel during the 70th week and the end of the church age of God’s divine Grace.  We have just read 10 direct and indirect reasons that help us establish an incredibly good solid foundation for the belief in the PRE-TRIBULATION rapture!  We could have found others.  For example, we did not speak of the Jewish wedding pattern.  Weddings in Jesus’ days on the earth were usually a 7-day feast celebration with food and wine.  This is why, Jesus was asked to turn water into wine in John 2 by Mary.  Jesus turns 6 very large containers full of water into wine because there were more days to celebrate than the day He performed the miracle.  Seven days is a week, right?  Why does God call this a week of years in Daniel?  Is this another clue to our covenant marriage event occurring in heaven?  Could it be that our Covenant Wedding feast will be celebrated for the entire week of tribulation on the earth?  I believe it will.

I pray you were blessed and are willing to go read and study these verses for yourself to confirm if this is what the Holy Spirit is saying to you.  If you believe there are any challenges to what was written here, then please share them in a comment.  If the Holy Spirit bears witness with your spirit, this is truthful, then please leave that as a comment.  God bless you and let us all know that Jesus is coming soon!



Today, if you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal LORD and Savior or you do not have the full confidence that you KNOW what would happen if you died suddenly, it is time to get your life in order.  I believe NOW is time to resolve your fear of an uncertain eternal destination after this life ends and before it is too late.  Some might think I’m not a bad person and have not committed any bad crimes, but God says our righteousness is like filthy rags compared to His standard of Holiness.  By default, without making a choice we are all headed to a lake of fire that burns very intensely to be separated from a loving God that already forgave us.  That is a very sad reality.    One wise man has said NO ONE is ready to live, until they are ready to die.  Please go to “Salvation” and read and pray the prayer to receive the free gift of forgiveness & eternal life.  This will be the greatest decision that you will ever make.  Thank you and God bless you.




Corona Who? Part 2 – Balancing Taking Commonsense Precautions with Applying Faith in God and the Word of God

balance-scale101(Ver 1.1) This Part 2 in a series of Bible lessons concerning the current state of concern called the Coronavirus Pandemic.  This is an unseen enemy that is affecting a lot of the world with fear.  I have never seen anything exactly like this in my lifetime.  I believe most will agree.  There have been many thousands that have died so far.  Shelves at stores are empty of many of the basics and essentials.  People have been ordered to remain in their homes except for important needs.  This sounds very similar to the coming times described in the Book of Revelation.  But I do not believe we are there.  I believe this is only the beginning of the birth pains described in Matthew 24:7. Jesus taught us very clearly that things like this would come before the end.  Don’t be surprised as these types of events continue to grow in intensity as the sorrows come closer and closer to the end.



This lesson concerns the issue of extreme positions dealing with the coronavirus pandemic.  There are many younger people in the world that think that they are invincible against the virus to believe that it will have no effect on them or anyone else that they encounter.  This is truly a non-realistic selfish type of thinking.  When I was young, I was no doubt the same way.  We all think very little of the consequences of our actions or the consequences of bad choices that result in pain, suffering or death.  This attitude is very foolish and not based upon the Truth of the Bible or even basic human common sense.   This is an extreme egotistical and self-centered lack of love with no concern for anyone else but themselves (2 Tim 3:1-2).

The reason that I called this Bible study “Corona Who” was because of what God reveals to us in Acts 19:15. In this story there were seven sons of Sceva that attempted to cast our a devil from a man saying “We adjure in the name of Jesus whom Paul preaches”.  Obviously, these young sons believed they were invincible and nothing bad could happen to them whatsoever.  That same attitude is being displayed today.  However, God’s Word proves that this was NOT the case.  The devil said to these seven sons, “Jesus I know, Paul I know but who are you?”  It appears to me like the seven young men in Acts 19 did not consider the power of their unseen enemy that they were faced with.  This lack of fear and respect for an unseen enemy is the same as young people today.  There is nothing new under the sun!

The devil in this one possessed (infected) man overcame all seven of them, even ripping off their clothes so that they fled and ran away in terror naked. Wow, the parallels to our world is very profound, to say the least.  This was just an introductory side subject to the main subject of other extreme attitudes found in the world today concerning coronavirus.  I do want to say this introduction to the lesson concerns a few mostly unsaved, unbelieving people of the world.  But real and mature Christians should be different.  So, let’s change our perspective.



The main subject of this lesson is intended for Christians.  I write many of these lessons to help me first and then to share with others second.  How should a Christian react to a pandemic virus or plague?  We already talked about do not fear it in Part 1.  If you have not read that short lesson, I would highly recommend that you begin there first.

I believe the Holy Spirit instructed me to only fear Him.  He is the only one that could kill my body and my soul.  No epidemic can take my soul unless I blame God for it to curse God and die like Job’s wife suggested.  But, what about faith?  There are a lot of people searching and finding scriptures in the Bible to stand upon in the face of this pandemic evil.  I think that is great and I admit I do that.  For example, Psalm 91 is a very appropriate and applicable set of divine promises to quote daily and believe.

Psa 91:1  He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty

Psa 91:2  I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust

Psa 91:3  Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence

Psa 91:4  He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler

Psa 91:5  Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day

Psa 91:6  Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday

Psa 91:7  A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee

Psa 91:8  Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked

Psa 91:9  Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation

Psa 91:10  There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling

Psa 91:11  For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways

Psa 91:12  They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone

Psa 91:13  Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet

Psa 91:14  Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name

Psa 91:15  He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him

Psa 91:16  With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation


This is an awesome set of promises made to the people of God.  I like to read these out loud as often as I am able.  Especially during major situations like we are facing. However, it is very important to note that the promised positive outcomes are conditional if we are meeting the requirements to receive them.  We are required to dwell in the secret place of the LORD.  We are required to say to the Lord “You are my refuge and fortress, You are my God in who I trust”.  We are required not to be afraid.  In other words, to remain in faith. We are required to set our love upon Him only.  We are required to know Him by “Name”.  We are required to “Call on Him”.  Just note that God’s love is always unconditional, but every promise must be possessed by faith.

Just because we believe God promises us protection does that mean we can ignore the governmental authorities and their warnings?  I don’t know about you, but I pray daily for our President asking the Almighty and All Knowing God to give our President wisdom to do his job.  If you do the same and believe that God hears and answers these prayers, then why would you or I defy his recommendations to remain inside our homes and limit human social contact with others for a period?  Would following his word be us disobeying God or His Word?

If we read 1 Timothy chapter 2 verses 1 and 2 God appears to answer this dilemma.  In verse 1 we are instructed to pray for all people.  Then in verse 2 God specifically says for us to pray for those that are in authority in our governments.  Here in verse 2 God provides us the reason for the prayers “so that we may live a quiet and peaceful life”.  I believe that speaks volumes to me.  If the government is trying to help us live peacefully and quiet and eliminate our unseen enemy, let’s cooperate.  That is my opinion based upon what we will further study today.  Let’s move on to the main subject for Christians fighting against an unseen enemy.


A Proposed Balanced Church Reaction
to What is Happening in the World

I’d like to propose a viewpoint from scripture of a possible way to balance what the church’s attitude and response to this situation coronavirus might be.  I’d like you to read it and make up your own mind, if it is what the LORD is saying to you today.  There are a lot of people on TV and the internet that may not agree and that is OK.  If the LORD leads you to them and they agree with what the Holy Spirit is saying to you then do that.  Trust in the Holy Spirit on the inside to guide you and not any human.

What should we be doing in the church today?  Of course, beyond not living in fear we should all be praying and asking our Lord for wisdom and guidance.  Also agree with the Bible and know that God did not send this on the world.  Yes, He allowed it to occur.  But, usually these evil acts of Satan are granted permission because of human sins coming to fullness (Rev 17:4).  I don’t have time to explain or teach that part of the subject.  Please understand that this coronavirus is not God’s wrath.  We are under grace until the end of the church age occurs (Luke 21:24).  Then the tribulation will bring forth the full wrath and judgments of God.  Can we agree that coronavirus is not God’s fault?  I sure hope and pray we can.  Let’s now observe what is happening in the church today to compare extreme opposing and unbalanced views.

In the church today, there are people who would claim that we are foolish to close or limit church services just because the government says to do so.  We can easily come up with logical reasons why we should not obey.  However, I believe that response and attitude is what the devil wants the church to do.  If churches started to defy and resist governmental leadership and authority to not limit the numbers, and if anyone got sick and died as a result of that encounter, that pastor and church could be held legally and criminally liable and negligent.  This would give the government the beginning rights to shut down every church service permanently.  Having the government bring charges against you is not living a quiet and peaceful life.  No that sounds like we could become like living in a China or North Korea where many churches must meet secretly and they are thrown into reeducation camps if they are caught.  Therefore, I am of the belief that churches should agree or at least respect leaders and follow recommended guidelines for keeping people safe.  Also remember that not everyone in a church has the same level of faith as the pastor.  The pastor might be risking the life of a new baby convert thinking they should be able to resist the devil the same as they do.  That is just not how it works in the Kingdom of God.

I believe that there are at least two extreme Christian positions of error in this fight against Coronavirus found today in the church.   1). There can be people who ONLY have faith in the Word of God and ignore the government directions and these do not normally take any commonsense precautions against the coronavirus.   Or 2). there can be people that ONLY obey the government using natural precautions while totally ignoring the Word of God.  I believe that both extreme approaches and attitudes are not what the Bible teaches us to do.  I believe based upon what we will learn today we should be doing both.  Let me introduce you to a wrong example of taking just some of the Word of God and omitting God given common sense:

There are a few people in the world that call themselves Christians and do some very foolish things.  One group takes a bunch of poisonous snakes into their church services and picks them up to prove that they are being protected by God’s Word to not be bitten and die.  They base this belief on a literal reading of Mark 16:18.  A lot of these people have been successful, but some have died attempting this.  I assume that those that were bitten and died must not have been a true Christian?  No, the Bible does not teach that we should be handling snakes in church to prove we are saved.  These people stand on what they think the Word says and totally abandon their God given common sense.  What a dangerous religious mindset!  This is just foolishness and we can prove it by the Bible.  Can we begin to see where the Holy Spirit is taking us?

Do you recall what happened to Jesus after He was baptized by John?  Was Jesus the Son of God (Acts 8:37) and God in the flesh (John 1:1-14)?  Yes, He was.  What was Jesus’ approach to doing something foolish to prove He was God’s Son and God would protect Him?  We can read about this in Luke 4 during His temptation after a 40 day fast:

Luk 4:9  And he (Satan) brought him (Jesus) to Jerusalem, and set him on a pinnacle of the temple, and said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down from hence: 

Luk 4:10  For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee: 

Luk 4:11  And in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. 

Luk 4:12  And Jesus answering said unto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. 

Can we see the application in this test of Jesus to what some people are doing handling snakes and what we all are facing today in the world with coronavirus?  In these passages, Satan uses scripture and quotes it to Jesus after telling Him to jump off the top of the temple.  Where did this verse come from that was quoted to Jesus?  You probably already know it came from Psalm 91.  We just read it at the beginning of the lesson.  It is one of the same verses that I am reading today.  I pray it is one of the same verses that you are quoting today also.

What was Jesus’ reaction and attitude towards this awesome promise of God?  Wow, this really is important for us to see.  Jesus did not say “You are right and I’ll jump” thinking God will protect Him with His angels.  No, Jesus applied common sense and the Word of God combined.  Jesus knew about the law of gravity that He created and said, “It is also written, I shall not test the LORD my God”.  Are we potentially testing our LORD God when we quote Psalm 91 believing God will just automatically protect us without applying common sense that He should have also given to us?  What else is written in the Bible that we need to quote to Satan?  I believe that is a great question to consider.  Please let’s not ignore the rest of the Bible for a verse that we think is all we need to know.

If the Holy Spirit instructs us and leads us to go and lay hands on someone with coronavirus to heal them, know that is a lot different than us just presumptively walking down a street to get take out at a restaurant with potential coronavirus personally serving us.  One is an act of obedience and the other is just satisfying a carnal appetite.  I knew a pastor that was led by the Holy Spirit to drive home a different way than what he normally did, but he reasoned and thought it was too much time to go that way.  His not being led by the Holy Spirit almost cost him his life in a significant car accident.  God tries to lead us not to be in some places and just quoting a verse thinking He will protects us is very foolish.  There are times for obedience in faith and there are times of the application of our God given common sense.  There is probably a lot more that could be said here but I will end.

Thank you for reading these Bible lessons.  Thank you also for sharing this Bible lesson with your friends and relatives.  Leave us a comment and share what the Lord has been saying to you.  If you don’t agree with this, please feel free to share that also.  Let’s please continue to pray for each other.  Let’s also be led by the Holy Spirit.  Let’s also read and quote the Word of God to the devil.  The Word of God is our sword of the Spirit.  But, also trust God’s given common sense to follow the leadership directions of our elected leaders federal and state.  God Bless you always.  I love you.  I am praying everyone will be safe.

If you would like to continue reading, please select “Part 3“.



Today, if you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal LORD and Savior or you do not have the confidence to KNOW what would happen if you died suddenly it is time to get your life in order.  I believe NOW is time to resolve your uncertain eternal destination after this life ends and before it is too late.  Some might think I’m not a bad person and have not committed any bad crimes, but God says our righteousness is like filthy rags compared to His standard of Holiness.  By default, without making a choice we are all headed to a lake of fire that burns very intensely to be separated from a loving God that already forgave us.  That is a very sad reality.    One wise man has said NO ONE is ready to live, until they are ready to die.  Please go to “Salvation” and read and pray the prayer to receive the free gift of forgiveness & eternal life.  This will be the greatest decision that you will ever make.  Thank you and God bless you.


Corona Who? Who or What is Our Primary Focus?


(Ver 1.1) God Bless you today. This is Part 1 in a series of messages addressing a need for hope & encouragement in the days of potential coronavirus  stress.  Thank you for reading and sharing your comments. It seems that almost everyone in the world is focused upon only one thing. Human normalcy of a daily scheduled routine existence has escaped many of us. Many have lost their jobs and income. These types of loses seem minor compared to others that have lost their life on this earth. The News media is consumed with one story. A solitary focused upon an agenda that is opposed to God. The underlying motivation of the message is focused upon producing fear in everyone. But, the Word of God says in 2 Timothy 1:7 that “God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and love and of a sound mind”. Therefore, the media message does not speak for God whatsoever. Recognizing the source of the message will help me redirect my focus upon God. I hope that helps you also.

I know that, I personally can easily become consumed with watching the developments of this pandemic on the news. This is clearly Satan’s attempt to keep me from the Word of God. Perhaps you recall the Parable of the Sower. The enemy came immediately after the Word of God was sown to eat it up to stop it from producing fruit. How is Satan able to do this? It is not like we think. Because everything that is happening occurs in the spiritual realm of my mind. Things today are changing so rapidly. What is happening today in the news reminds me of a scripture from the book of Isaiah that describes Satan’s methods to try to overcome me:

Isa 59:19 So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.

This verse starts by speaking of a people that fear the name of the LORD. This is a good fear and not related to the type of Satan’s fear being produced from the Coronavirus reports. This corona-virus is nothing but an alternative form of “terror”. This “terror” does not come from people blowing themselves up or chopping your head off, no this is a different type of “terror” from an unseen, invisible with the naked eye source. But the result is still the same. The news media is feeding this terrorism for ratings and money. Let’s know that!

Look at this verse’s ending statement. God speaks of the enemy coming in like a flood. That is an amazing statement and it describes the news media today very clearly. Spoken words are symbolized in the Bible as a type of “water”. Fast moving waters are described symbolically as representing many spoken words. This type of analogy is like a flowing river or a flood. For example, Jesus said in John 7:38, “He who believes in me, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water”. These waters are good types of words that Jesus spoke of. But in Isaiah 59:19 these are not positive life producing words being called a flood. The flood of words being spoken of here are only words that produce fear, anxiety, panic, worry, doubt and insecurity. The intended result of these types of rapidly flowing words are used by Satan to produce death the opposite of what Jesus said should be coming out of a believer’s mouth.

The message from God to me is to not stop listening to the news completely but rather to change my priority to focus on the Name of the LORD and fear Him alone. When I fear God more than what can kill me here on this earth, I will begin to see things from a new perspective. Here is a verse that should be considered during this time of uncertainty:

Mat 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

This is truly a profound statement. Corona-virus can kill some people’s body, but not their soul (spirit, mind, will and emotions). Satan is trying His best to get me to take my eyes off the Word of God. How about you? My prayer today is that I not let Satan’s distraction of a flood of negative words in the news to get me down. I pray that for all of you also. I plan on spending more time reading and studying the Word of God than I do watching the news. In the next lesson, the LORD willing, I will try to continue this series by helping to balance taking natural common sense precautions with standing firm upon the Word of God’s Truth. Thank you for reading and please leave a comment. God Bless you.

If you would like to read the next lesson please click “Part 2“.


Today, if you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal LORD and Savior or you do not have the confidence to KNOW what would happen if you died suddenly it is time to get your life in order.  I believe NOW is time to resolve your uncertain eternal destination after this life ends and before it is too late.  Some might think I’m not a bad person and have not committed any bad crimes, but God says our righteousness is like filthy rags compared to His standard of Holiness.  By default, without making a choice we are all headed to a lake of fire that burns very intensely to be separated from a loving God that already forgave us.  That is a very sad reality.    One wise man has said NO ONE is ready to live, until they are ready to die.  Please go to “Salvation” and read and pray the prayer to receive the free gift of forgiveness & eternal life.  This will be the greatest decision that you will ever make.  Thank you and God bless you.



The Satanic Plan to take over America and the World Part 3


(Ver 1.2) This is Part 3 in a Prophetic Bible study series concerning the Satanic Agenda Designed to Attempt to Take Over America and the Entire World. Today’s subject is focused on a new very specific but very significant part of the Satanic plan to silence and remove Christian influence. Christians are still being targeted in greater numbers today, much like we were when the church first began nearly 2000 years ago. We will soon discover that Satan uses the same strategy and plan to silence and remove God’s people as he did with the Old Covenant natural people of Israel. We will explore this ancient and repeated pattern found in the Bible today. Hopefully we will learn from these warnings given to us by God to not fall into these tricks and traps of Satan. That is why this lesson is so essential. It is the Christian’s ignorance of our enemy and the Word of God that gives Satan his greatest advantage to dominate us. This lesson is intended to give you wisdom of Satan’s devices and schemes. Today’s lesson will stand alone, but if you would like to read this series from the beginning, please go to “Part 1”.

Warning, Warning, Warning! This is a potential highly offensive subject to some. If you are not a spiritually mature Christian, it may be wiser if you do not read this lesson. It is never my intention to offend anyone. I desire only to hear from God and teach what I believe He gives to me. I have been studying the book of Daniel recently. I was going through the book of Daniel chapter 6 when the words came to life and I begin to see things that I had never thought of before. I believe this was because of what God wrote in Daniel 12:9 when Daniel was told that the words will be sealed until the time of the end. Therefore, I believe these old words of Daniel should be more relevant to us today at the end of the world than when it was originally written.

If you have not figured it out yet, the subject today is political in nature. Therefore, if you are easily offended by ideas you don’t agree with, please stop and go read something else. Please, do not read what was written, get angry and leave us a very nasty and hateful comment. That is NOT appropriate Christian behavior. If you feel confident that you are mature, please let’s begin.



Recently I have been studying the books of Daniel and Revelation. A couple of days ago while going over chapter 6 of the book of Daniel the words really leaped off the page and I saw things that I had not previously observed. A new perspective based upon the events that have been happening in the United State and other nations (like Israel) came into a new dimension of understanding. When this happens, I have learned to recognize that it is God teaching me something new for my benefit and to share. So, I pray that you will be open to receive it.

So many Christians in the United States have been very passive when observing what has taken place in our nation and our government. The moral decay of the fabric of our nation has been in a slide downward and to the left for the last 60+ years. Darkness has been allowed to creep in gradually until it has gotten overwhelmingly more powerful and corrupt. It began to be noticeable in the 1950’s. Then its influence became more pronounced and openly in your face in the 60’s. Perhaps you are old enough to remember? Do you recall the removal of prayer and Bible from public Schools? Did you know almost every major university began as an institute for the purpose of teaching people the Bible? How did we allow this removal to happen? What were the fruits produced from these evils? We began to see the rise of mass shootings. We began to see the rise of drugs. We began to see the rise of immorality and nudity in public. One of the next major consequences happened with abortion being legalized because men and women wanted sex but not the consequences of the sex. Then we were slowly introduced to the gay lifestyle as being acceptable. On and on I could go about the moral decline of the United States. I believe a large part of the blame of why this occurred should be placed upon Christians not standing up for and with God’s Word.

I don’t agree with everything that the Presidents says or does. But I do agree with a large portion of his accomplishments. He supports religious freedoms. He supports freedom of speech. He supports the right of people to defend themselves. He supports a strong military. He works hard to make America safe and prosperous. He supports the nations of Israel. He is opposed to abortion. Why isn’t everyone in favor of these great blessings, rights and freedoms? I have never witnessed a President in my lifetime that has promised to do something and then actually done it. Most politicians make empty promises to get elected and suddenly grow amnesia to not remember what they told us they would do. Therefore, rather than pick up stones to throw at anyone, I just want to address what God says in His Word about how Satan used people to try to remove His appointed leaders from their high offices. I hope you are ready to learn, please get your Bibles out and open them to the book of Daniel chapter 6.



When reading chapter 6 of Daniel, I believe that there is a message from the LORD. This message concerns Satan’s plan to take out God’s chosen leaders. After reading and studying this chapter I began to see amazing parallels to what has been happening in the United States with our President. It was as plain as it could be. It is amazing how the devil uses the identical tactics that he used before on previous leaders. We will soon learn that this plan failed then and I believe that it will not succeed now either. But that outcome is conditional. We all like to read stories in the Bible and see how God delivered someone from great potential harm and even death. But we must first judge ourselves to determine if we are doing what they did to be protected. Wow, that was an important truth. This is what I pray for myself, you and our President.

According to Ecclesiastes 1:9 God said, “The thing that has been, is the thing that shall be, that which was done will be done again, for there is nothing new under the sun”. God is teaching us that there are patterns from the past that will be repeated again in the future. In other words, I believe that we can find everything that will happen in the next few years laid out in detail from the words written down by God in the past, believe it or not. I know a lot of people don’t believe this, but it is still the truth. I’ll give you another verse that confirms this foundational truth in Isaiah 46:10 “Declaring the end from the beginning…”. You see God teaches us that the end was already written down in the beginning. God knew the ending before our world was created.

Please read though the entire story of Daniel if you have the time. But if not, please focus upon chapter 6. I will include the verses in this lesson that are important. Who was Daniel? Daniel was a highly favored man of God. Daniel was one of the only men in the entire Bible, besides Jesus where nothing directly negative was written about him. He followed God’s commands to the letter and was a very diligent man of prayer. Daniel was taken captive with others in Jerusalem and carried away to Babylon. Daniel as you will learn from reading his story rose to the second most powerful position in the Kingdom of Babylon only being under the ruler Nebuchadnezzar. Nebuchadnezzar grew in pride and his kingdom was overthrown by the Persians. But Daniel was still given favor from God and again rose to power being 2nd in command to only Darius of the Persian Empire. What were some of the qualities that made Daniel blessed by God?

  1. Integrity
  2. Honesty
  3. Faithfulness
  4. Uncompromising
  5. Humble
  6. Spirit of Excellence

These are just a few of the great characteristics that can be used to describe Daniel. I believe God is looking for more men and women with these characteristics today. Please read the story and we will go over the key points afterwards:

Dan 6:1 It pleased Darius to set over the kingdom an hundred and twenty princes, which should be over the whole kingdom;

Dan 6:2 And over these three presidents; of whom Daniel was first: that the princes might give accounts unto them, and the king should have no damage.

Dan 6:3 Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm.

Dan 6:4 Then the presidents and princes sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find none occasion nor fault; forasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.

Dan 6:5 Then said these men, We shall not find any occasion against this Daniel, except we find it against him concerning the law of his God.

Dan 6:6 Then these presidents and princes assembled together to the king, and said thus unto him, King Darius, live for ever.

Dan 6:7 All the presidents of the kingdom, the governors, and the princes, the counsellors, and the captains, have consulted together to establish a royal statute, and to make a firm decree, that whosoever shall ask a petition of any God or man for thirty days, save of thee, O king, he shall be cast into the den of lions.

Dan 6:8 Now, O king, establish the decree, and sign the writing, that it be not changed, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which altereth not.

Dan 6:9 Wherefore king Darius signed the writing and the decree.

Dan 6:10 Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house; and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime.

Dan 6:11 Then these men assembled, and found Daniel praying and making supplication before his God.

Dan 6:12 Then they came near, and spake before the king concerning the king’s decree; Hast thou not signed a decree, that every man that shall ask a petition of any God or man within thirty days, save of thee, O king, shall be cast into the den of lions? The king answered and said, The thing is true, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which altereth not.

Dan 6:13 Then answered they and said before the king, That Daniel, which is of the children of the captivity of Judah, regardeth not thee, O king, nor the decree that thou hast signed, but maketh his petition three times a day.

Dan 6:14 Then the king, when he heard these words, was sore displeased with himself, and set his heart on Daniel to deliver him: and he laboured till the going down of the sun to deliver him.

Dan 6:15 Then these men assembled unto the king, and said unto the king, Know, O king, that the law of the Medes and Persians is, That no decree nor statute which the king establisheth may be changed.

Dan 6:16 Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel, and cast him into the den of lions. Now the king spake and said unto Daniel, Thy God whom thou servest continually, he will deliver thee.

Wow, wow, and wow! What an awesome story of Satan’s plots, plans, deceptions and tricks to get a chosen man to stop him from doing what was right in the eyes of God and to eliminate him from his powerful position in the government. I pray that you will begin to see how this is happening again in our U.S. government. We will begin by observing some basic parallels. There were 120 rulers that were placed into power in Daniel 6 verses 1 through 3. But, the one man that was over them all was Daniel. I liken this to the 2018 mid-term election in the U.S. where one political party took power in the U.S. House of Representatives. Daniel, I liken to be a type of the President who was clearly of a different political party. The Darius I liken to be like the people of the U.S. that voted people into their powerful positions. Almost immediately after the election of 2018, the plot began to impeach the President. This opposing political party placed all their hopes in the Mueller Special Counsel Investigation report. It is very clear to me that all of this happening was in parallel to what we read in verse 4 of Daniel where the 120 and the presidents look for an “occasion” to remove Daniel.

Let’s go through some of the key words found in Daniel 6:4. The first word to notice is H5432 that was translated as “presidents”. This word is a Chaldea word that means “emir”. An “emir” is historically defined as a Muslim type of ruler. Wow, if that is not amazing? But I view these types of individuals to be likened to the leader of the house and the chairs of the sub-committees. Two of which are known as the Judicial Committee and the Foreign Relations Committee. Both leaders were heavily involved in leading the other “princes” of Congress to impeach the President.

The next key word in the verse is H1156 that was translated as “sought”. The verse says, “The presidents and the princes sought…”. This word is defined by Strong as “ask, pray, desire, request, petition, seek”. Wow, every word definition is profoundly parallel to what we see occurring in Congress. From the moment many liberal Congress women and men were sworn into office in January 2019 they swore a plan to impeach the President of the U.S. These word definitions imply a scheming and planning in secret as well as an external search for evidence for accusations. One key word definition “pray” was used outwardly on TV by several house representatives as they spoke to the news media. They would literally claim that this is such a solemn and prayerful time for us and the nation. They looked deeply into the camera and pretended to be deeply troubled and disturbed.

The next key word goes along with exactly what the Bible was saying in the last paragraph. This word is H7912 that was translated as “find” in this verse. “They sought to find….”. “Find” is defined by Strong as “a disclosure of previously hidden or forgotten thing”. In the light of what was going in this scenario of Daniel 6, it would be very much like them investigating how to create or produce evidence for the desired verdict of guilty to remove Daniel. This would be completely different than searching for the truth regardless of guilt or innocence. In other words, there was no presumption of innocence or due process.  In fact for Daniel there was no ability for him to defend himself.  But rather it is the display of an attitude that “we know he is guilty because….” and we hate him and we want Daniel out. Therefore, we must find the information necessary to achieve this goal. The end-result of taking Daniel from his place of authority, justifies whatever is done no matter how evil, unfair or unjust it was to obtain the goal. It is very clear to me that we are seeing people in Darius’ kingdom that were power hungry and very jealous of someone that was not like them and did not fit into their club. They hated Daniel so much that they would do anything to take him out of his position. Wow, does any of this sound familiar?

The next key word found in Verse 4 of Daniel 6 is H5931. This word was translated as “occasion”. They sought to find occasion…”. This word is defined by Strong as “a pretext”. What is a pretext? A “pretext” is defined as a false but good appearing reason that will be presented to people in order to hide the real motives for the evil actions committed against someone. This word selection by the Holy Spirit clearly shows the malicious intent of the scheming that occurred against Daniel. Behind the scenes in secret the real reasons would be discussed. Then everyone involved would agree to the false “talking points” to present to the King/public. The implied actions of the presidents and the princes were clearly coordinated and planned together in the unified attempt to get Daniel out of his high position in the government. This is exactly an example of what is occurring in Politics every day.

We will talk more about this pretext very soon and how it was used in Daniel 6 and in the impeachment of the President. Notice how verse 4 ends. They sought to find occasion against Daniel but found none”. This simply means they were searching and seeking everywhere for anything evil or illegal to accuse Daniel of doing but, couldn’t discover it. If found, they could then use it in a trial to legally remove Daniel. But there were no laws broken by Daniel. Isn’t that an amazing parallel to what occurred in the Special Counsel Mueller Report? I have never seen such evil prosecutions of people remotely associated with the President. They were turning over every rock looking for anything that could be used or turned against the President.  But, in the end found nothing to charge him with.

What changed in the plot of the Daniel 120 to win their case? It appears to me that if the 120 in Daniel 6 could not do what they wanted legally to win, they sought a new tactic to do it deceptively. This new way was a hidden political tactic. Politicians often make an evil intent something good sounding on the external. This make it appear to be beneficial and legal on the outside, but it contains fraudulent and corrupt motives on the inside. For example, everyone running for political office and passing laws supporting abortion never speak about the murder and death of a child. They only call it something beneficial and legal sounding, like “women’s reproductive healthcare” or “Pro-Choice”. Wow, what twisted lies of the TRUTH! I warned you that this was probably going to offend someone.

There is an old American saying that declares “there is more than one way to skin the cat”. All this means is that there are other ways to achieve the desired goal especially if you are willing to be immoral. These 120 rulers thought they found a new way and it did work for them based upon their initial viewpoint. Let’s talk more about what this “pretext”, false and immoral way of winning their goal was next.

The new plan of the political party opposed to Daniel is revealed by God in verse 5. The people in Daniel 6:5 said “we are unable to find any occasion against Daniel, but we can find against the law of his God”. What was this saying? They were claiming that they could use the integrity of this man Daniel and his faithfulness in doing what is good and right for his God, in order to find a fault to accuse him with. It was their knowledge of Daniel’s character, Law, history and successes that could be used to be turned against him to their advantage. They used their knowledge of their enemy to achieve their evil desired goal and end-result. This is truly an important point for real committed Christians to learn from. What will happen when you stand with and upon the Word of God? You are going to be called names, persecuted and accused of supposed crimes even if you have done nothing illegal or immoral.

But, these politicians in Daniel were very clever and subtle. They knew there was not any existing law that could be used against Daniel, so they would try to create a new law that could be used. They approach King Darius in verse 6 beginning with the common praise of his deity like qualities. Then they begin their request of the king with a lie. Lies are a very common practice of politicians. They claim to the king that all the ruling leaders have agreed upon this request, but they knew that they had purposefully excluded Daniel. Daniel did not agree with their request before it was made. In fact, this is another common methodology of corrupt politicians. They meet in secret to plan their attack against their political enemy Daniel. We can see how this has been happening during the impeachment trial in the House of Representatives and even before this with the secret meeting of the whistleblower and the House investigating committee staff. These were all clear corrupt coordination meetings. The Intelligence committee also met in complete secrecy with no transparency or due process. The only information the public was given was selected leaks to the media that benefited their cause. Obviously, Daniel had no fair legal recourse or due process either to what was about to happen to him. We better wake up to what Satan is doing in our government.

Verse 7 continues their plan by asking the king to pass a decree that could not be revoked for any cause. They played a game with the king’s ego and pride to build up their own plot. The king fell for the trap. Their request was to make it illegal to pray and petition any other god except for Darius. Wow, this is what is coming to the world very soon. The anti-Christ will be doing the exact same very soon. It will soon be illegal to go to church, to praise the Lord, to hear the Word of God taught or pray. Don’t believe me? You should really study the book of Revelation. Christians that refuse to obey will lose their heads.

King Darius was lied to and tricked into signing the decree. The party of rulers rejoiced on this day of signing and passed out commemorative pens with their leader’s name on it to celebrate. Everything was now set. The political plot to remove Daniel from power was now in full motion. Their plan to accuse Daniel was already in the bank. It was a slam shut case with no way out, so they thought.

In verse 10 we find out Daniel heard the news of the order being signed making it illegal to pray to Jehovah. Yet, Daniel did faithfully just what the leaders of the nation knew that he would do. He went into his house with the window wide open and prayed out loud so that all the world could hear him. Wow, what happened to the president? He made a phone call to a foreign national leader with 25 people listening in. Everyone in the world learned that he was a man that actually did what he said he promised to do. If he promised to “drain the swamp” of corruption that could be used against him just like Daniel’s faithfulness to pray.

There was an insider whistleblower sitting outside the window of Daniel’s house that was in on the plan. The same happened with the President. There were insider members of the plan that were sitting in on the call to the Ukraine President. Isn’t it amazing the secret inner working of evil plans? However, the transcript of the call/prayer was brought before the king/public. The rulers begin in verse 12 asking the king, did you not sign an order that no prayer to any other god would be legal except to you alone, oh, King? The King answer “I did”. Then the charges are brought out in public open court that Daniel the King’s favorite ruler had disobeyed and must therefore be cast down into den of the lions.

Wow, the news of this cut the heart of the king. He was obviously in great pain because he knew that he had been tricked into signing this decree against Daniel. The King spent all day trying to figure out how to not allow Daniel to be cast into the lion’s den. But at the end of the day he had no choice but to put Daniel down in the hole and cover it with a rock. So, the impeachment trial was beginning. But, before the rock was closed the King said something amazing. Darius cried out to Daniel saying, “Thy God whom you serve faithfully will deliver you”. What would happen to Daniel in the impeachment trial of the den of lions?

The king had a very unpleasant and restless night and arose very early the next morning. He went very quickly to the den of lions and cried out to Daniel. He said “Oh Daniel, servant of the living God, is your God whom you serve able to deliver you from the lions? In verses 21 & 22 Daniel answer back and the heart of the king must have rejoiced inside. Daniel says, “Oh King live forever”. “My God sent His angel and shut the mouth of the lions; I am not hurt because I was found innocent”. Wow, wow, wow. I mean this is so profound according to the parallel of what has been happening in the U.S.A. Praise God the President was “acquitted” by the Senate quickly of all the false charges made against him by the majority party in the House of Representatives.




In verse 22 we find the King exceedingly happy and Daniel’s poll numbers increased even to greater favor with the King. The King immediately ordered Daniel to be taken out. Here is where we get into prophecy according to the story of Daniel. What happened to the political party that tricked the King into casting God’s chosen and highly favored man into the impeachment trial of the den of lions? In verse 24 we find the King immediately commanding all the men that accused Daniel to be thrown into the same den of lions. Wow, this is God’s Biblical law of “sowing and reaping”. Whatever a man gives out will come back on them. This works for good or for evil. I prophesy that what the political party wanted for the President will come back to fall on them.

If you haven’t noticed Daniel was a type of the President. I know there are a lot of Christians that believe the President does not compare to Daniel’s level of morality and character. However, we are not in a position to judge.  I still believe that this is a valid pattern between Daniel and the President. I see all of the good that this President has accomplished in the face of severe opposition and resistance even from his own political party and I am in amazement.  I really do not now of a man that could do this under this kind of pressure.  Daniel was not a politician that was thrust into a high office and this certainly matches our current President.

The 120 rulers as I said before are a type of the political party that impeached the president for no just cause. The have been working in secret, behind the scenes to coordinate efforts to bring false accusations for a trial. The King in this story I believe is a type of the voting public. In the U.S. we are given the responsibility to vote the right leaders into power.   However, U.S. people are too often tricked into believing the flattering lies of politicians to be elected and promoted for their corrupt power-hungry desires. I believe, the majority of the public will see that what was intended for evil will be turned again for their good by electing the right and fair political leaders that will work with God’s chosen president that is faithful to do what he promised them.

There are many other political stories in the Bible that teach us things that are occurring. A very similar trap of trickery is found in the book of Esther. The story of Esther, Mordecai and Haman is full of political implications. Haman plotted to kill the Jews and put Mordecai on the gallows, but his plans failed because God’s plan overruled. It was Haman that ended up on the gallows. Does that sound familiar? The Bible is covered with Politics. Please, learn what God says about it. Get involved with helping to elect people that will fulfill their promises and align with God’s Word. Your continued freedoms and rights depend on it. PLEASE, STOP BEING PASSIVE AND UNINFORMED!

Ok, I know I potentially just made a lot of new enemies. But I choose to study the Bible and write what He gives me regardless of how others are offended or choose to receive it. If you believe that you can just randomly take any story in the Bible and twist it to say what is happening in the world today, I challenge you to do this. But, don’t just make up your own definitions of the words in the Bible. Look up every word in the Strong’s dictionary and make sure you know what it means before you criticize what was written here.

Thank you for taking the time to read and study the Bible with us. I pray for you and I appreciate your prayers for me and my family. Be blessed by God with the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the Knowledge of Christ Jesus.

Understanding the Parable of the Sower Part 3 – The Seed

seed of life(Ver 1.1) This is now Part 3 in the Bible lesson series focused on the subject of Understanding the Parable of the Sower.  We have already covered the basic introduction and one of the essential positive elements called the Sower.   Today we will be continuing to increase in learning concerning the second very positive parable element named the Seed.  I certainly believe that this “seed” element can easily be called the greatest and most important element in the parable.  Without it none of the other symbolic elements would have any purpose.  However, it is difficult to determine the greatest element of importance in this parable because of God’s design of how many of the symbolic elements work together in unison to produce His desired end positive product called “fruit”.  For example, the vital symbolic seed is ineffective without the existence and the participation of both the sower and the right soil.  The sower is completely unproductive without the correct and proper applied seed to be sown in the correct timing and type of soil.  Of course the soil is completely worthless (dead) unless it is prepared to be good ground without all of the enemy elements (birds, stones & weeds) that work diligently to fight the awesome seed from producing the positive fruit.  We will primarily be focused upon the seed in this lesson.  But, like the last lesson we will still need to cross into other subject boundaries in order to understand the overall concepts given. If you have not read the entire series from the beginning I would highly recommend that you go back and begin the series with “Part 1” first.

This is an amazing Bible subject.  We could spend a lot oftime writing books and books on it.  However, that is not reasonable for a blog Bible study.  There are many people who want only a couple of paragraphs on any subject and if it is too long they just won’t read it.  There are also those like me that enjoy reading and studying the Bible and can’t get enough to read.  Whichever one you are I pray you will at least give it your best effort.  I will try not to write too much or too little on the subject of the seed.  I pray that I will cover what the Holy Spirit desires me to teach.  Let’s begin.



In the last lesson I asked some good basic fundamental questions about any Bible study subject.  Answering the basics of who, what, when, where and why found in the subject will help us to gain understanding of the fundamentals found in the topic.  Today we will be again looking into finding the answers to these questions concerning the symbolic “seed” element.  I may keep referring to this element “seed” as being symbolic but nothing could be further from the truth.  I have discovered that this “seed” element is actually a naturally created substance of truth that reveals a far greater spiritual reality.  This spiritual seed that I am referring to is by far superior to the natural seed type but both truths contain many of the exact same parallel characteristics.  Here are just a few basic natural seed sowing truths that are exactly analogous with the spiritual process being described in the Parable of the Sower:

  1. Selecting the Right Seed is one basic requirement for a good desired outcome
  2. Selecting the Right Environment (location, weather, timing, etc.) for the seed to be productive is absolutely imperative for the good outcome
  3. Planting the correct seed at the exact and correct time in good prepared ground is required to be successful
  4. Managing the growth process and protecting the seed to keep out the crop enemies that destroy the process is also a requirement for a productive good outcome

Hopefully we will begin to see how these truths run parallel in the natural and the spiritual processes.  We already addressed the “who” question concerning the sowing of the Good Seed in the last lesson.  It should be easy to logically reason that it’s totally up to this sower “what seed’ is planted.  We should have learned in the first lesson, that the sower was originally Jesus. However, when Jesus was here He still worked with the Holy Spirit’s leading to know what to plant, where to plant and when to plant.  That took Jesus through steps 1, 2 and 3 of the natural parallel truths between the natural and the spiritual.  But, Jesus also actually tried to perform step 4 to manage the growth process for those that would permit him.  For example, Jesus saw how Satan had demanded to sift Peter like wheat (Luke 22:31) and then warned Peter and informed him that he had prayed that his faith would not fail (Luke 22:32).  This was Jesus attempting to manage the seed that was already sown into the heart of Peter.  Perhaps we will talk more about this part of the subject later in another lesson.

After Jesus, the seed sowing spreading process was transferred to those that God used to originally spread the gospel in the book of Acts and this process has now produced a growing church that includes us now that are called to be believers, disciples and Christ followers.  It is truly an amazing process of multiplication through one seed.  Do not ever underestimate the power of planting one successful seed!  One seed can produce a tree that produces a whole lot of fruit for many years.  Each piece of fruit contains many more seeds that can be further planted in other soils to produce more trees to produce more fruit to produce more seed and on and on the process grows.  It is actually impossible for humans to number or measure the end process outcome of one successful seed.  This is exactly why God promised Abraham this:

Gen 15:5  And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy (ONE) seed be.


This is a mind boggling statement.  God promised Abraham a production level of fruit that is uncountable from just the planting of one successful seed and this One Seed was revealed to be Jesus Christ in Gal 3:16.  In this verse and chapter Paul writes that the statement was not naming seeds as many but only one seed that was given to us to be the promised Son to come.  This incredible promise that God made to Abraham was concerning one future spiritual seed crop of fruit.  I believe with all of my heart that this promise was describing the process given to us in the Parable of the Sower.  Jesus the Seed/Word of God incarnate came to the earth as a man to speak/plant God’s Words in human hearts to cause them to become trees of righteousness that produce fruit that permit the continued spread of seeds from their fruit to produce more trees of righteousness that produce more fruit that spread more seeds and on and on we could go.  Let’s review a few quick verses that teach us about this coming concept:

Psa 92:12  The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.

Pro 11:30  The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.

Isa 61:3  To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified.


Did you notice the theme of these three witnesses in the Bible?  They are all about “righteous” trees.  These all had to come from the planted Word of God seed.  These all produce fruit trees that produce fruit and more seeds to spread.   I really love Proverbs 11:30 because this literally teaches us that the spreading of seed is contained within a soul winning process that produces life.  We will be talking about this more very soon.

We should have been introduced to the answer of “what is the Good seed” question in our last lesson.  We should remember that the Good Seed was a natural symbolic representation of a far greater parallel spiritual reality of the Word of God.   We learned that the Good Seed sown by the Sower to produce “fruit” was specifically said to be the God’s spoken Word.  That knowledge will be expanded today to better understand new questions like “What was and still is the main purpose for sowing God’s Good Seed?”  “When is the Good seed effective or productive?”  “When is the Good seed ineffective or unproductive?”  “Why is this seed even important or necessary to the process of producing fruit?”  “Why does the Good seed work sometimes and at other times it does not produce any lasting fruit.”  “Why does the Good seed produce varying levels or amounts of fruitfulness in good soil?”  We may not be able to cover every answer in detail in this lesson but we will attempt to cover these answers in more detail later as we dig deeper into the subject of “soil types”.

Before we dive deeper into the subject of the seed, I would like for us to review some of the basic fundamentals of the subject of Bible faith.  I believe that understanding the subject of Bible faith is essential to understanding the Parable of the sower.  Without an understanding of Bible faith and how it comes and how it works, a complete understanding of Seed Sowing is difficult.  I believe that we will better understand this statement as we continue through the lesson series.



I would like to begin this lesson with a short review of just a couple of the fundamental truths concerning the subject of “Bible Faith”.  I believe this review will help us to see some of the key parallels of subject of faith found in the “Parable of the Sower”.  The intimate knowledge of faith will especially help us as we study the subjects of the seed and the fruit.  If you have read the Bible series on “Understanding Bible Faith” you should have learned that real Bible Faith is a spiritual substance that God describes is observable, quantifiable and measurable (Part 3).   Jesus observed some people with a level of zero also known as “no” faith (Mk 4:40) and then commented on others with “little” also known as weak, tiny or small faith amounts (Mat 16:8).  Jesus also observed others with increasing levels of faith (Mt 9:28) to even a couple with stated “great” also known as big or large faith amounts (Mt 8:10, Mt 15:28).  Stephen mentioned in Acts 6:5 was declared to be “full” also known as packed or covered over or complete with faith.  Therefore, the implication to these revealed truths is that a human must possess some type of unseen faith container that permits God to be able to measure and quantify their faith levels from it being an empty bucket all the way to it being a full or overflowing container.

What is this quality that God can see and measure and how can we cooperate with Him to allow it to become filled?  Or do we even have a choice in the amount of faith that we can have at any time?  Of course, I believe with all of my heart that we do have the very clear choice, responsibility and a very significant role in the determination that helps God define the amount of faith contained in our spiritual heart container.  We will hopefully learn more about this as we continue in the lesson.

Please keep these facts concerning the variable nature of the amount of faith a person possesses in the forefront of your mind as we move later into the subject of fruit.  Remember that we were introduced already in lesson 1 that the amount of fruit produced in the life of a human is also variable, quantifiable and measureable as either a). 0% level b). 30 % return, c). 60% return d). all the way to 100 times production in 4 different types of soil.  I believe these two faith and fruit variable factors are important parallels of truth.  This knowledge will help us to better understand why some have no fruit and others in variations of increasing levels.

The next key Bible Faith verse that is infinitely important to learn for us understanding the “Parable of the Sower” is found in the book of Romans.  This verse very clearly reveals to us how our faith container (heart/spirit) can either be empty or full or somewhere in between based upon the amount that we choose to hear the Word of God.  Let’s read the verse and see what God says about how faith comes:

Rom 10:17  So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.


We should be able to learn from this verse how the Bible Faith spiritual filling up process begins, continues or can even end by a human choice of hearing or not hearing the Word of God being spoken audibly.  This truth represents a very significant and powerful perspective describing how the God designed faith process for human salvation begins, continues or also potentially ends.  I know that this verse alone does not plainly mention that it is a hearing process for salvation but, it is certainly an implied application based upon the verse context and the application of other Faith subject verses.

Consider the truth that if Bible faith can come to a human then it certainly must have an implied beginning.  In other words, if a human has never heard the Word of God preached they would not have any faith for salvation!

Rom 10:13  For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. 

Rom 10:14  How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?


These two verses are found in the context of Romans 10:17 and we can clearly see how God defines and applies the process of word of God planting to be a requirement for salvation to occur.  The progression is clearly stated for a human requirement to hear from a preacher.  We learned in the last lesson on the “sower” that a preacher of God’s Word is simply a word seed sower.  Thus we have an emerging direct connection to the Parable of the Sower already.  These verses in this chapter are amazing parallels to our subject study.  This salvation process describes a sower that is sowing seed into a human heart soil by the sower speaking and the soil people hearing.  Then this planted seed produces an implied plant that grows to produce levels of faith for salvation that bears and this corresponds to having spiritual fruit.  I just gave away a lot of what we will be talking about in this lesson series.

Based upon this knowledge it must be the freewill choice of a human to participate in this process of salvation through their cooperation to hear and listen to God’s spoken Word that will cause faith to even begin to accumulate in their hearts.  Furthermore, if faith can “come” (begin) or be in a “filling up” state by our right choices the implication is given to us by reverse antithesis truths that faith can also “leave” or be “emptied” by our own wrong choices.  It further implies that it is even possible for “faith” to not exist at all in our heart if the Word of God was NOT HEARD or NOT VALUED or NOT LISTENDED TO, or NOT UNDERSTOOD.  It is evident to me that if faith has a beginning (an empty 0% state) that it must also have an implied ending (full state) along with an implied middle time period of increasing or decreasing filling.  I pray that you can see this and agree.

Joh 8:31  Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; 

Joh 8:32  And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.


I also believe completely that the amount faith in a person’s “Bible Faith” container will only grow or increase to be filled by continuing to hear the Word of God over and over. The fact that Romans 10:17 includes the Greek Word G189 translated as “hearing” twice together joined with the Greek word G1161 translated as the word “and” implies a required repetition or continuation of hearing and not just a one-time experience of having heard.  The Greek Particle G1161 translated as “and” is a connecting word in this verse that further embraces the concept that the hearing of the Word of God is not a “One Time” action of an isolated choice.  We will hopefully soon see other verses in this lesson later that help confirm the fact that hearing God’s Word represents a lifetime commitment.

I take away from this verse in Romans that it means that we must be hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing and I could type forever and not get the point across strongly enough.  I believe viewing Bible faith in this way alone defines it to be a repeated step process for filling us up with “faith”.  I also view the filling process of faith to be like an automobile gas tank that when filled provides power for the engine to move it forward.  But, just because the gas tank was filled to capacity once does not mean that it will still be full in a week or more time of going forward.  You see even in the book of Acts the disciples were filled with the Holy Ghost in Acts 2 and this filling process occurred again in Acts 4.  Why would it be necessary for God to keep filling the same vessels again and again?  I believe part of the answer is because we are imperfect vessels.  We can hear something great today and totally forget about it tomorrow.

Why did some people in the Bible have so little faith and what caused some others to have up to very significant levels of faith, when they all potentially had the same opportunity to hear Jesus speak the same Word?  If everyone can hear the exact same Word of God to get filled with faith, it is a bit challenging to think why faith levels can be missing in some completely or at dissimilar levels in some others or even be increased to being at great or the full level in still others.  I mean think about what that is teaching us.  If it was God’s fault that some don’t have faith and others do, then that would make God a respecter of persons and we should know this cannot be (Rom 2:11).  I just refuse to believe that God causes diverse faith amounts by His sovereign choice in humans based upon my knowledge of scriptures that teaches otherwise.

It is exactly the same in the natural.  The Ford Motor Company builds automobiles but they are not responsible for filling up the gas tank to cause the power to be released.  This is the driver’s responsibility.  God created humans but is He now totally responsible for filling you with His Spirit, His Word or His power?  I don’t believe that is true.  Therefore, the responsibility for the level of faith must be placed on the human side of the God created Faith project and process.  There must be some human factor after hearing God’s Word that determines how much of a level of faith a human can receive or possess in our spiritual container.  I think Jesus gives us one important clue to answering this question about “how faith levels can vary so much” in this verse:

Mar 4:9  And he said unto them, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.


I believe sincerely that one major determining factor for us having Bible faith is definitely based upon how we choose to listen to and hear the Word of God.  What are we focused upon or thinking about when the Word of God is being spoken or taught to us?  What levels of importance and priority do we give to hearing God’s Word?  Are there any distractions that easily take us away from giving our full attention while hearing the Word of God and on and on we could go asking other similar questions.

It is really not difficult to sit in a church service and observe people and see how they listen.  Many are paying close attention, reading along in their Bibles and taking notes to not let it be forgotten.  These people place great value in what is being said.  That must be a major contributing factor in the amount of growth in their faith level.  Others are listening halfhearted and are easily distracted by any noise of commotion that someone makes around them.  These types of listeners are clearly placing a greatly diminished level f importance on what was said and the Words spoken are easily lost.  Others are not listening at all and are reading messages on their cell phones or even playing games or flirting with their neighbor.  This attitude towards the Word of God makes sitting in the service under the sound of the Word of God entirely worthless.  The spoken Word of God can be a chosen priority or be just a background noise. We can all choose how we value the Word of God.  We can all choose the ranking position and precedence that we give the Word of God.  What we focus on and how we focus will be one of the most significant determining factors to learn what level of faith we will obtain from hearing God’s Word and His Seed spoken.

This Bible lesson series will hopefully help us to see a potential different perspective on answering these questions on how faith applies to understanding the “Parable of the Sower”.  I believe that the LORD wants to teach us that having faith is not a one sided formula or God only responsibility but rather more like a divinely designed project and process requiring our freewill choice to become a devoted person in cooperation to participate in the planting and growing development.  Let’s move on and grow in the “seed” study.




There is literally so very much that I can teach on this one element alone that it is impossible to cover it all in a single lesson.  We will begin the study of the seed by reconfirming what the symbolic seed in the parable represents.  We were introduced to this element in the last lesson and even learned that the seed represented speaking God’s Word which we said was Good Seed.  The Good seed was then compared to the evil seed as words coming from Satan.  Let’s read our basic seed verse from Mark:

Mar 4:14  The sower soweth the word.


Let’s get past the preliminary subject introduction and setup to now direct our full attention on the extremely consistent & positive element that Jesus called the “Seed”.  Technically speaking the word “seed” was not found in the verses of the sower written in Mark 4.  But the word “seed” (G4703) is clearly used in the Luke 8 parable explanation more than once.  Also, Jesus’ selection of the word “sower” in Mark 4:3 clearly implies the participation of “seed” even though it is not specifically stated.  We should already clearly understand that this symbolic seed sowing represents a preacher speaking audible words.  We can see this truth in the definition again in the above Mark 4:14.  However, we will dig deeper into this confirmation to relieve any doubts.

In Matthew 13:19 the soil hearer is stated to be listening to the “word of the kingdom”.  This general reference could be words spoken from any kingdom being earthly, heavenly, natural or spiritual but we can comprehend logically that it is meant to be referring to the Kingdom of God based upon these are the recorded words of the speaker Jesus.  Jesus of course should be viewed to represent God’s Spiritual Kingdom.  In John 18:36 Jesus again speaking to someone asking him about his kingdom said clearly “My kingdom is not of this world”.  We gain from this statement three profoundly essential facts.  First, Jesus has a Kingdom, second it is not of this natural world and third therefore it must be a spiritual kingdom.  Keep these truths in your mind as we continue to study the subject of words/seeds and their origins.  This knowledge will certainly help answer the “where” the seeds came from further.

Luk 8:11  Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.


Recall that in Mark 4:14 we saw another general/generic reference that the seed is stated to just represent “the word”.  This vague type of reference implies any spoken words can be viewed as seeds as we learned in our last lesson.  But, in Luke 8:11 Jesus clearly states that the seed represents “God’s Word”.  The Greek word translated as “God” in this statement is G2315 and is transliterated as “theos”.  This Greek word is found in over 1100 verses and less than 1% of the time do they refer to any being other than our Omnipotent Creator.  It appears self-revealing that Jesus was referring to God’s spoken word is the seed sown in this verse in Luke’s explanation of the Parable of the Sower.

This information helps us to understand and confirm “who” MUST be speaking words in the attempt to plant Good seeds in human hearts to produce fruit.  I know that I keep calling God’s Word Good Seed but that is backed up scripturally and is not just my opinion.  For example, Hebrews 6:5 informs us very clearly that God’s word is good and this was a written warning to Christian people not to turn away from it.  I also believe that we should take note again of the Greek word G2098 which was translated as “the gospel” because it literally means “good news”.  There are so many verses with this Greek word in it which refers to God’s Word that it is impossible to deny that God’s Word and Good News are very synonymous terms.  Therefore, we can easily conclude that God’s Word is equivalent to Good Seed and I pray that you can agree.

We should remember the difference between “good seed words” and “evil seed words” in the last lesson in the series.  And we should know that the God seed words spoken are always revealed to be a God designed plan to produce ONLY HIS GOOD FRUIT.  In other words, the spoken Word of God seed can never produce weeds (evil fruit) just from learning the information found in the parable of the sower descriptions or explanations.  God’s Seed can truly only be GOOD seed that produces GOOD fruit and the evil seed can only produce evil fruit which potentially causes the Good Seed to fail.  This is in fact the true created nature of every seed.  For example, an apple seed can only produce an apple tree.  An orange seed can only produce an orange tree.  On and on we go.  This is the stated law of Genesis 1.  God informed us that every seed type of any create entity can only produce another one of the same kind.  God said this clearly 5 times in Genesis 1.  Please go read it if you don’t remember.

What we have just established is a basic truth of seeds.  Except for perverted seeds through controlled manipulation every pure naturally create seed type that has existed will always produce another variety of the exact same type of being.  Therefore we learn that God is good (Mark 10:18, Luke 18:19) and whatever that He produces from His good seed/word must also be good of His same type and nature.  We learn this again from Genesis 1 very clearly.  At least 6 times once in every day of creation God said (spoke seed) and then observed the outcome and said it was either “good” or “very good”.  Wow that speaks literal volumes of key information to understanding the Good Seed in the parable of the sower.    Furthermore, this exact same good truth is also true in the antithesis speaking of God’s enemy Satan.  Satan is evil (1 Jn 2:13-14, 1 Jn 3:12, 1 Jn 5:18) and whatever he produces from his spoken seed/word must also be evil and of the same exact same type, kind and nature.

It is certainly possible for both types of spoken word seed to be sown into any single human heart and even co-exist as we will explore when we study the subject of soils.  We will be primarily focused upon God’s “Good Seed” in this lesson. But, I may still briefly address the antithesis evil seed type that produces weeds also.  Let’s now explore further what this Good God Seed actually represents in the Bible and we will do this by starting to understand the original Greek words related to the Parable message of sowing.

Mark 4:14 stated very clearly that the symbolic seed type found in the Parable of the Sower represents the “word”.  This Greek word translated as “word” is G3056.  This Greek word is included in every explanation of the Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13:19, Mark 4:14 and Luke 8:11.  Also G3056 occurs in around 313 other verses of the New Testament.  This makes it a very popular and important N.T. word.  The transliteration of this Greek word is “logos”.  I have already referred to the transliteration “theos” before, but if you do not understand what a transliteration is I will attempt to explain it quickly.

A transliteration simply occurs when someone changes a word from one language into a new language using only the corresponding alphabet letters in an attempt to produce as similar of pronunciation sound as possible.  In a transliteration there is no concern for conveying the original word meaning of the original language’s name or word.  If we cared about this we would translate the word from one language into a word with the closest meaning and definition in the new language without any regard to the sounds of the two words.  Language transliterations emphasize sound alike words and language translations emphasize identical meaning.  Normally speaking and thinking, I believe transliterations have limited usefulness.  However, that does not mean they are not used in our Bible translations.

For example, transliterations are a very common technique used in many Bible translations especially with the names of people or places referenced in the Bible.  For instance, the name Jesus in the N.T. is a Greek to English transliteration originating from the name “Iesous” in the Greek language which was also transliterated from the original Hebrew name Jeshohua (Joshua).    I just gave you an example of two transliterations that occurred from three different languages to get us to the name “Jesus” that many English speaking people use today to name our LORD and SAVIOR.  This process of transliteration does not make any of the names wrong nor does it make one name superior, more important or more relevant than the others.  They are all the same name just written and pronounced in different languages using letters from the language’s alphabet being spoken and God understands them all and answers to them all when called by or spoken to using that name.  Let’s get back to the Greek to English transliteration word “logos”.

Logos is one of the most popular New Testament words used in reference to God’s written and spoken Word.  It is used more than once in reference to God’s Old Testament Word written by the prophets. It is clearly used to describe the Words of Jesus like those found in this Parable and others. Even angels were said to speak “logos” words to several people with messages from God. However, logos can also be used for other human spoken words.  Logos words can even be someone speaking words not of a divine nature and therefore logos spoken words can either be good or evil words.  This just further verifies that a spoken seed type can be of either good or evil.  If you search your Bible for H3056 to find all of the occurrences of this word’s usage you will discover that what I just said is easily confirmed.  I’ll give you a couple of scriptures that can verify this truth and to help prove the point:

Mat 12:37  For by thy words (logos) thou shalt be justified, and by thy words (logos) thou shalt be condemned.


In this verse Jesus is speaking to you and me.  He is warning us all that every human will either be justified or condemned by our own personal spoken “logos”.  It is infinitely clear to me from reading this verse that this means humans can choose to say right words (logos) or wrong words (logos), good words (logos) or evil words (logos).  Jesus clearly states that human beings speak one of these types of logos by their own personal choice and freewill.  Let’s explore that “logos” represents two types of seed in the Bible.  We will look at another example verse to confirm that “logos” spoken words can also be negative and fear based:

Mar 5:36  As soon as Jesus heard the word (logos) that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue, Be not afraid, only believe.


This is one verse in a longer narrative.  In this story a ruler in the synagogue came to Jesus for help with his daughter who was on her death bed very sick.  Jesus was delayed in going to his house to heal her by another woman with an issue of blood that also came by faith to get healed.  Faith always gets God’s attention.  This is actually one of the primary qualities that He is looking for in every human.   We should all remember that in Hebrew 11:6 God states that it is impossible to please Him without having faith.  This is how we know that the ruler of the synagogue pleased Him or he would not have set out to go to his house.  We’ll get into this more very soon.  However, notice what this verse says.  The Greek word G3056 “logos” is used here for a negative report that came from the ruler’s house.  These men with the negative message said “Don’t bother the master any further for your daughter is dead”.  God calls these spoken words a “logos” message.  What was the designed purpose of the negative seed message?  Jesus addresses it very clearly by asking the ruler to “fear NOT” but rather continue in faith and believe.

Wow, this is some amazing information about “logos” seeds that are found in spoken words.  Jesus countered the negative logos seed with a positive instruction to continue the ruler’s believing.  Jesus did not allow the bad news seed to overrule the previously spoken faith word seeds.  The ruler clearly had a choice to make in who he would believe.  He was wise and kept quiet and his daughter was raised from the dead.  We will be looking into this factor of believing good seeds and ignoring the negative bad seeds later.  This is such an important connecting concept to understanding the Parable of the Sower and how seeds work.

I am not going to teach the entire story about the ruler that came to Jesus with faith.  But, I do want you to understand that this ruler had to have heard someone telling him about Jesus and His ability to heal people that caused him to seek Him.  Someone sowed a seed into the ruler’s heart and this caused an action/reaction to take place.  Satan killed the girl before the answer fully came and then he sent human messengers that brought the negative seeds designed to overrule the positive message that was previously sown into his heart but Jesus helped him to keep in faith and to shut his mouth not to agree with the bad news seed and circumstances.  Can you imagine the battle of thoughts that were racing through the ruler’s mind after hearing the bad seed sown?  Jesus was clearly not fazed by the negative seeds.  This is a major factor for understanding how spoken words work and what type of spiritual battle we have every day.

We should hopefully be able to see that logos words can be used to produce either faith (believing positively) or for fear (believing negatively).  Both of these types of “logos” represent seeds that will produce a type of fruit outcome.  Only the good faith based logos will be a good resulting fruit.  The negative seed type of logos will only produce the opposite of faith type of the force called “fear”.  This is exactly why I believe the Parable of the Sower is a representation of a spiritual battle of words between two opposing spiritual forces.  Jesus immediately countered the negative seed planting attempt designed to remove every faith life producing seed from the ruler’s heart with His encouraging seed of redirection back to faith.  We could probably spend a lot of time on this subject but we are getting into soils and types of human reactions to the words that are being spoken to them by the enemies.  Let’s keep researching the word “logos”.

The literal definition of this Greek word H3056 “logos” from Strong’s Concordance is “something spoken”.  This definition appears to state that any human with a brain, mouth and working vocal cords is capable of emitting a “logos” (word spoken) to anyone.  This Greek word was translated as some of the following English words: utterance, speech, word, mouth, preaching, question, communication and account (not to list them all).  However, they all appear to mean the same general action of spoken words coming from a mouth.

In the previous lesson in the series which was focused upon “the sower” there were verses given that stated how others besides Jesus were sowers of seed.  But, I like to have a lot of witnesses to affirm the truth.  Let’s look at another scripture that relates to future sown seed and sowers as well as the key purpose for God using people for sowing His Word in human hearts:

Joh 17:20  Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word (logos);


Here in this verse is a part of the prayer that the LORD Jesus was praying for both the church saved believers and for those that were unsaved non-believers.  This verse represents further confirmation that seed sowing was meant to continue indefinitely even after Jesus was taken up and back into heaven.  Notice that Jesus very clearly states that people after him will be sharing “logos” seeds with people and He very clearly says it is for the purpose to get them to believe in Him.  There are three main facts that can be derived from this single verse that are relevant to our Parable of the Sower lesson:

  1. Christian disciples following Jesus can still speak the LOGOS seed (Word of God) into the hearts of other people.
  2. The main purpose for speaking the LOGOS seed (Word of God) is to produce a belief (faith) in Jesus Christ.
  3. It is because of someone choosing to hear the spoken LOGOS seed (Word of God) that Faith can be produced internally for salvation to begin the process of making fruit.

I pray that you will agree that the primary purpose of sowing God’s word/seed is to produce faith for salvation.  I believe that “salvation” is definitely the principal definition for what the successful “fruit” represents in this parable.  No fruit simply means no lasting salvation occurred.

So far we have been focused on the “logos” seed type.  But, there is another Greek word that needs to be made known in this seed subject discussion.  This Greek word “for spoken words” is the Greek word G4487.  The Greek word G4487 also means something spoken but we need to begin to grasp the difference and the similarities between rhema and logos seed types in order to understand why some soil types produce fruit and others do not.  I certainly believe that both Greek Words H3056 (logos) and H4487 (rhema) are “SEED” types and represent God’s Word Spoken as we will soon discover.  Let’s reread a verse that we covered in the Faith Fundamentals review section of the lesson:

Rom 10:17  So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.


This verse defines the basis of how Bible faith comes to enter into a human heart and this is where we begin to make an important connection to understanding the Parable of the Sower.  You see, both the Parable of the Sower and this verse in Romans are clearly stated to be about the spoken Word of God.  Therefore, they must both be directly related to our study topic based upon God’s design of an identical direct subject matter.

We will very soon discover that Romans chapter 10 was written to describe another very important view into the basic process of human salvation through faith by hearing the spoken Word of God.  The Parable of the Sower is stated to be about the subject of speaking the Words of God to humans in order to produce “fruit”.  Based upon mathematical laws of truth created by God almighty if “Spoken God Words planted in human hearts can produce faith for salvation” found in Romans 10 and “Spoken God Words planted in human hearts can produce fruit” in the Parable of the Sower then “the resulting fruit” must correspond or be equal with “the resulting faith for salvation”.  This is based upon basic laws of physics also.  These are called “Cause and Effect” principles.  Because the Word of God can cause both results of fruit and faith for salvation they can be viewed to be very much alike or akin to each other.

I pray that you are getting into what this is teaching us.  We are using basic rules of interpretation that are very important and sound.  These are commonly used techniques in practically every Bible lesson that has been taught on this blog.  They are based upon laws and logic that were created by God, not me.  I believe that when we discover the fundamental laws of right interpretation it reduces or eliminates human opinions of interpretation.

But, you might question that each of these two scripture references use a different Greek word, doesn’t that change the direct relationship?  It could, but I believe the answer in this case is no.  I have discovered that God sometimes uses synonymous terms to increase our subject knowledge.  God uses synonyms very consistently to connect subjects together.  I believe that He does this in an intentional technique to cause us to search for the truth in a deeper way.  For example, why wouldn’t God want the whole Bible written in the same language?  It sure would be simpler if He had not changed languages from Hebrew in the Old Testament to Greek in the New Testament.  God automatically caused a challenge to be created by this language change.  Now we have subjects written in Hebrew that must be connected correctly to subjects written in the Greek.  Are any of these subjects meant to be joined?  I believe firmly that they are.

I believe that God changing one word in two verses can provide a different perspective that opens an entirely new aspect of a subject.  I believe God’s usage of “rhema” does not mean that Romans 10:17 is a completely different or new subject; but rather I believe that “rhema” only means that Romans is a narrowed more specific application or revelation of the broader “logos” subject.  It could be very analogous to the general subject of screws.  There are a wide variety of “screws” manufactured and sold in a hardware store.  If I asked you to go to the store and buy us some screws to fix a project that we were working on, you would probably get us the wrong kind simply because I was not very specific in the type of screw to buy.  I should be much more specific and say please go to the store and get us some inch and quarter stainless steel flat Phillip head wood screws.  Now you know exactly what we need for the project and all the other screw types have been eliminated.

In other words I believe the Parable of the Sower is God stating that FRUIT is potentially found in “any” human heart by the entrance of the general Word (logos) of God.  But, in Romans 10:17 God is specifically stating that a specific man’s “FAITH for salvation” is produced by the entrance of the very narrow specific and personal RHEMA application of God’s Word into their human heart.  I believe the Rhema seed is a more in-depth and personal revelation of a specific type of the Word of God seed.  This was very much like my example of the specific and personal “screw” type for our fix it project.  Any screw might work but only one type would truly do the personal and specific job correctly.  Let’s get into researching the differences between these two Greek words for “spoken words” also known as “spoken seed”.

I believe that there is a direct connection from the “logos” found in the parable to Romans 10:17 “so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God”.  Both are definitely teaching the exact same concept concerning God’s Word being spoken audibly and then being heard by humans.  Perhaps you have already done a deep study on these two Greek words before.  I believe that they both are essential to understanding the New Testament, faith, salvation and the Parable of the Sower.  You are welcome to share what you have discovered about these Greek Words with me and with other readers if you would like in a comment.

I would love to go into every element about the differences between “rhema” and “logos” but that would take an entire book.  I will try to summarize what I believe is important for this lesson in a few short paragraphs.  I believe the Logos Word of God is more of a general seed type that can be spoken to all humans.  Thus “logos” (seed) can appear in book form or sermon/spoken form which can be made available to anyone who chooses to read it or hear and listen to it.  But, it appears to me from several scriptures that the “rhema” Word of God represents more of a personal seed type that can actually even activate “faith” for spiritual life.

For example, Luke 4:4 when Jesus was tempted by Satan to change “stones” into “bread”, Jesus said “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word/rhema seed of God”.  God connects a human having spiritual “life” to receiving a special specific seed type called the “rhema” Word of God.  This Word type (rhema) is compared to be like a natural food/bread and it is also implied to be very direct and personal only given to a specific individual or specified group.  In other words someone feeding on God’s Word by hearing it personally does not cause any benefit to anyone else.  Only the eater’s personal hunger can be satisfied while everyone else not feeding or hearing remains empty and therefore gains no benefit to cause life to be produced in them.  Rhema appears to be a personal message spoken for a very special intentional designed purpose of producing or sustaining personal and individual life.  I’ll give some more examples to help clarify this belief:

Joh 6:63  It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words (rhema) that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

Joh 6:68  But Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words (rhema) of eternal life.

Act 5:20  “Go, stand in the temple and speak to the people all the words (rhema) of this life.”


Here are three verses that contain the Greek word “rhema” used in conjunction with the Greek word G2222 (zoe) that is translated as “life”.  The Greek word “zoe” represents a very specific type of spiritual life associated with God Almighty.  All three verses convey the same basic truth that the “rhema” seed can produce life eternal in human hearts. First, John 6:63 is Jesus claiming that His spoken “rhema” words are a personal “life” (zoe) producing force.  This appears to be related to the Parable of the Sower since His Seed Words (logos) planted in hearts potentially produce new life called “fruit” in some people.  What makes it work in some and in others it does not produce?  Could it be some did not take the logos seeds and make it personal rhema seed words?  I believe that is true and we will find other confirmations as we continue.

Next, in John 6 verse 68 after Jesus asks the disciples if they wish to leave him also, they reply “Only you have the “rhema” of life.  They appear in this wise answer to be making His Word (logos) seeds personal rhema to them.  They spoke this while others in the hearing audience disregarded the spoken words, the disciples exemplify a much different attitude towards what was being spoken.  This is so very important in understanding why some people produce “fruit” and others do not.

Finally, in Acts 5:20 an angel releases Peter and other disciples from prison and then commands them to go speak to the people the rhema of this life.  Wow, this is really good stuff if you can begin to put it together with the Parable of the Sower.  You see the rhema seed that causes this spiritual type of “zoe” life comes from the logos seed that was originally spoken in the parable.  Something has occurred that we will get into more later that I believe changes the seed type from only being general “logos” seed to a specific personal life producing “rhema” seed.  I’ll introduce one additional verse that will begin to confirm our understanding of this seed transformation process.

Joh 5:24  “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word (logos) and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life (zoe), and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life (zoe).


According to Jesus believing in God through hearing the spoken logos seed appears to be a major part of allowing God’s connecting force that produces successful eternal life (zoe).   You see in this verse it references the same logos seed G3056 that begins the process of sowing seeds.  But, then Jesus connects the logos spoken to a requirement of human belief in God in order to be transformed out of the status of “everlasting death” into a new greater state of “everlasting life (zoe).  Wow, this is great news for some and really bad news for some others.  It places the entire responsibility of producing spiritual life on a human choice to believe and in the right attitude.  To believe or not to believe, that is my choice and your choice.

We are going to go into this more when we begin to focus on the soil types in this series.  But, I wanted us to begin to make the connections.  The “fruit” in the Parable of the sower from one viewpoint represents people obtaining new spiritual “eternal life” that they did not possess before they received the “seed” and “believed”.  Without “logos” seed being placed in the soil people were a dormant spirit and a spiritually dead piece of property that belonged to Satan.  But God the Seed producer sowed logos seed into human hearts and these spiritually dead people have the ability to receive it and believe it to begin the process of beginning a new life of being saved out of Satan’s kingdom.  Of course the fruit can also represent other additional spiritual truths simultaneously but this is certainly one that is essential to be understood.  We will continue to dig deeper into this subject with a verse from Matthew spoken by Jesus:

Mat 4:4  But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word (Rhema) that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.


Jesus makes an amazing statement in this verse.  He is quoting a verse from Deuteronomy 8:3.  I found this fascinating.  Think with me if you will.  Jesus is speaking the Word of God, yes?  This is clearly the words that were written by the Prophet Moses in the Book of the Law.  Therefore, Jesus must be quoting God’s “logos” written words.  But, there is a major change taking place by His word selection to teach that this was also a reference to “Rhema” words.

In this statement Jesus takes literal natural bread which is very important for natural survival in this life and compares it to a far greater and superior substance inferring it to be like spiritual bread that produces spiritual life.  This spiritual bread is called the Rhema Word of God spoken to us personally and received individually.  This concept is very similar to the Old Testament type of manna (Exo 16:15) that came down to the children of Israel in the wilderness.  The children of Israel were commanded daily to go out and take enough mana home to eat for that day and they then were required to go back tomorrow and repeat the same steps.  This is an amazing natural pattern for Christians to follow in the spiritual realm today.  Reading and studying God’s Word logos daily is us feeding our spirits on a force of power that brings to us spirit life (zoe).

This is actually an amazing truth to apply to the entire Parable of the Sower.  Those that will produce new spiritual life/fruit will be those that continue in the Word of God daily.  Those that do not produce any fruit will be those that hear the Word once or twice and forget it.   We will get into this more later when we talk about the subjects of soils and the fruit.  But, let’s continue to examine a few more verses that reveal the importance of transforming a logos seed word written or spoken to everyone into a rhema seed word that is personal.

Luk 1:38  And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word (rhema). And the angel departed from her.


Again here is a quick confirmation that Words can be received as a special personal revelation.  In verse 31 that I did not give you the angel tells Mary that she will conceive a son and this was also a logos prophecy written by God’s prophet in Isaiah 7:14.  But, notice how this general and basic logos word written to everyone is being transformed into a personal rehma unveiling of truth to just one woman and then notice what occurs from it.

Do you understand the concept of what a “revelation” represents?   A revelation in simple terms is basically the unveiling of a previously hidden message that was unable to be seen or understood clearly before it was revealed.  The virgin birth of the Messiah was long before written down in a general logos form for every reader to receive, but no one really got it and it was completely unproductive to fulfill its purpose.  It took this hidden God breathed logos word being spoken/planted at the right time to the right person in the right way in order for it to bring forth the right fruit.

Mary is receiving a God revelation spoken from an angel of an intense personal nature.  Notice that the seed message is not to anyone else but to her alone.   This makes it extremely individual and special.  The message is also being brought to her in the symbolic form of a seed from God that will produce a new life on the inside of her “IF” she chooses to cooperate, believe and receive it.  If we read the context we should discover a very important reason why this “seed” message from God represented a personal revelation that was successfully received to produce fruit.  I do not have the time today to explain that last statement.  But, it is true.  We will hopefully dig into this part in the lesson on “fruit” to come.

After the angel told Mary that she would have a son, she asked him a very important question about how this would be possible seeing that she has never known a man.  Obviously Mary understood how babies were made.  The term “known” is a nice way of saying I am a virgin and virgins don’t have children.  The angel of course explains how this will be possible and Mary says “Be it unto me according to your “Rhema”.  Wow, this is so awesome. She obviously believed the God seed spoken to her and received this rhema seed into her spirit and the rest is history.  These are very important concepts being spoken of about why some seed bring fruit success and others bring only fruit failure.  Believing is one major factor for fruit success and understanding what was spoken is another.

Let’s take a look at a different opposing view of some people in the Bible that choose not to believe and not to understand a spoken Rhema Word from God that was delivered to them.  Notice in these verses how the clear role of their lack of understanding caused the seed failure to occur:

Mar 9:31  For he taught his disciples, and said unto them, The Son of man is delivered into the hands of men, and they shall kill him; and after that he is killed, he shall rise the third day. 

Mar 9:32  But they understood not that saying (Rhema), and were afraid to ask him.


Ok, in these two verses Jesus is speaking directly to his disciples and giving them a chance to understand a revelation of what is about to happen to him on the cross and his subsequent resurrection after 3 days.  Verse 31 is clearly Jesus giving them some LOGOS seed even if it is not plainly stated that this is what it represents.  But, notice in verse 32 God clearly states that the disciples did not understand the Rhema words that were being spoken (revealed) to them.  Jesus is again uncovering a great hidden mystery to them personally.  He has just taken the lid off of the most significant reason why He (GOD) had entered into this natural world in the likeness of human flesh.  Yet these 12 men had no clue what was just opened to them personally because they did not choose to understand the Rhema word’s meaning.  Instead they allowed a spirit of fear (from Satan) to take the seed away from their hearts.  I have just crossed again into the introduction of the subject of the “wayside ground” element found in the parable and why this “tread on firmly packed soil” type did not produce any fruit.  We can begin to see that it was Satan that came immediately as symbolic birds to eat the seed to cause it to be ineffective.

The disciples in these two verses are an amazing parallel example of how easy it is for Satan to steal away the Good God Seed that is being planted from a human.  But, this time the crop failure occurred because they failed to ask Jesus to explain how this could be.  They acted unlike a much wiser woman named Mary when she asked the angel  how.  I believe that a human must possess the passionate desire to understand God’s words spoken to them more than to remember or memorize words that have no personal meaning or application.

Understanding a personal spoken “Rhema” revelation from God appears to me to be a very important factor for obtaining faith and for producing fruit.  It also appears to me that God is teaching us a very significant difference between general logos and the specific personal rhema Word seed types.  Logos words are for everyone and anyone that choose to hear and ask to understand them and rhema words are specifically personal spoken words for one or only a few to also ask right wise questions.  Logos words are generally given to produce faith for any listener that will take hold of the Seed and chooses to make it a rhema for them personally.  And sometimes rhema words are targeted at specific individuals for a specific purpose at a very specific time.  Always remember that no faith or no fruit occurs when the hearer did not fully understand what was spoken to them.  Let’s look quickly at Matthew’s explanation of the parable of the sower describing “way side” soil that I just taught about for further confirmation to this truth:

Mat 13:19  When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side.


Here in this verse of Matthew Jesus explains a very significant part of the “way side” soil type’s failure to produce “fruit”.  It appears to me by the facts given that when a person hears the “logos” Word of God it is the easiest for Satan to steal it away from their heart and mind because of their choice to not “understand” what was spoken.   We just learned that asking the right question can help overcome this lack of understanding.  This same concept is true for any learning experience.  A child in school can hear the teacher tell them about the subject but cannot make them understand it.  For example, I struggled with algebra at first when I was in school.  But, I chose to keep at it until it clicked on like a light bulb and this is when I really learned how to apply it.

Wow, this is really important to know.  I believe that if a person hears the Word of God Logos or Rhema and does not understand them, then they better start asking God, the Bible teacher or someone with wisdom to help them and make the choice not to give up until the light bulb comes on.   I further believe that when they do this they begin a process of making the Word Logos Seed spoken to them a personal Rhema word and not just a general statement of unimportance.



I have gone a long time on this subject of the seed but I believe we should continue into a different point of view of it using a new Greek Word.  The Greek word that is often translated as “seed” in the Bible is G4690.  The transliteration of this Greek word is “sperma”.  Yes, we get the English word sperm from this Greek word.   The male sperm is a natural seed that is planted in a sexual union in the body of the wife to produce new natural human life.  One perspective in the Bible describes this process as the two (male and female) becoming one flesh. I hope you can agree with this because the one male sperm cell (seed) joins with the one female egg cell (soil) and this union becomes an entirely new living person.

Another perspective in the Bible calls this sexual reproductive process as having “knowledge” of that person.  I just spoke of this in the previous section when describing Mary having not “known” a man.  Both of these realities of natural truth apply to the Parable of the Sower.  Both descriptions are direct parallels to the spiritual concepts found in the Parable of the Sower.  The same principles in the natural and the spiritual process came about by God’s design.  Let’s move into reading the first verse in this section.  This verse will begin to help us to understand why some seeds produce fruit and others do not:

1Jn 3:9  Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed (G4690) remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.


I am going to begin this section of the lesson on “seed” with this strange verse for us to read and study and then connect to the Parable of the Sower.  This verse unveils some basic vital secrets that teach us why some seed work and produce new life in the symbolic soil and why some seed do not work to produce new life.  I do want to emphasize repeatedly that the end result of the seed is to produce new life.  A new life production is the goal either in the sexual union or the Parable of the Sower.  If there is no “new life” then the spreading of the seed does not achieve God’s designed purpose.

Notice the terminology being revealed to us in this verse in 1st John.  According to what we can clearly read God’s Seed potentially causes births the same as a human male’s seed can cause births.  However, the “God kind of birth” is now a spiritual birth process for salvation.  We certainly learned that God sent His word/seed to Mary through an angel and she became physically pregnant with the baby Jesus.  We know that Jesus was born from this natural woman as a natural human male child even though his Father was the Holy God.  Therefore we know that God’s word can produce a natural child if He desires.  However, John chapter 3 describes a greater birth process that the Word of God can also produce.   Jesus speaking to a man named Nicodemus and tells him “Except a man be born again he cannot enter the kingdom of God”.  Jesus provides a spiritual law for the human entrance into God’s kingdom.  Let’s quickly explore another verse concerning the Word of God:

1Pe 1:23  Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word (logos) of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.


Here is another confirmation of God’s primary goal of His Seed (Word).  According to Peter through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we are born again not of corruptible seed (the human male sperm) but by the incorruptible (everlasting, ever living, immortal) seed called the Word (logos) of God.  This is an amazing statement.  The Greek word in this verse for seed is G4701 that literally means “a sowing”.  The implied meaning of this word is an action that initiates “parentage”, “fatherhood”, “paternity”, “maternity”, “motherhood” or “parenthood”.  Wow, did you get that?  In natural terms this is a sexual relationship between husband and wife that produces children.  Likewise, in spiritual terms it is the implied receiving of the Word of God that also produce a spiritual birth and a new child of God. I pray that you are receiving this.  God is describing the intended purpose for giving us the knowledge of His Word (logos).

It is interesting to note that this Greek word G4701 used in 1 Peter 1:23 is only used one time in the entire Bible, but this word is derived from the Greek word G4687 that was directly used in the Parable of the Sower to describe the sowing seed process.  No doubt we are on the right track to understand what Seed represents and its designed sovereign purpose.  All of this may sound pretty tough to understand for some but Jesus explains how this is possible.

Joh 3:3  Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Joh 3:4  Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb, and be born? Joh
3:5  Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Joh
3:6  That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
Joh 3:7  Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.


Starting in John 3:3, Jesus begins to uncover the mystery of how a naturally born human can be born again without reentering their natural mother’s womb.  He says “Unless a man is born of water (the natural mother birth process) and then be born of the Spirit (a spiritual mother birth process) he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God”.  Jesus just described a dual birth requirement for being saved.  The first was completely natural and the second is totally spiritual.  One is a natural male sperm and natural female egg union and the other is the word (seed) of God being united with the human heart (soil).

Joh 3:16  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life (zoe)

Continuing to read in John 3:16, Jesus says “ For God so loved the world that He gave his ONLY begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”.  The Greek word translated as “only begotten” simply means there was only one natural birth that occurred or will occur to be called “His Son”.  According to the Bible no other naturally born children are coming from God.  However, this does not mean there are no spiritual children resulting from the hearing and believing of His Word.

This is very significant information.  Believing in God and His Son sent gives us a pathway to the never ending “zoe” life.  This again is confirmation for the reason that every human born on this planet must choose to receive His Seed into their heart (soil) to allow it to produce a new spiritual birth and a new spiritual life.  I just love the Word of God.



I am going to end this lesson here.   We could continue on the subject of the seed for a very long time.  There is just so much to learn about it.  I truly have only scratched the surface.  I hope you have learned something new to help you in your understanding of the Parable of the Sower and the purpose of us telling others about the Gospel of Jesus Christ in order to plant God’s Seed into their hearts.  This seed is designed by God to create new spiritual children of His kind.  This spiritual seed planting activity has enemies and is not successful every time.  But, this does not mean we stop trying.

If the Lord is willing, I may continue this series with a study of the fruit next.  I believe this is the lasting goal of the seed and we have already seen that it points us to the Saving Grace of God.  The fruit is the last potential positive element found in the parable.  As I stated before the soil can be either good or evil making it changeable and variable.  I love you all and appreciate your participation in this website.  Please share it with a friend and help spread the Seeds of the Kingdom.  God Bless you.

If you would like to continue studying in this series, please click “Part 4” now.


Christmas and the Gospel Message

cross-christmas-ornament-on-tree(Ver 1.1) I am praying that all of my friends, subscribers and readers have an extremely blessed Christ Centered time of Celebration for the Birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ this year of 2018.  We too often lose the primary focus for the reason for this time of year.  We give God the praise and the glory for what He has done for us in Jesus Christ coming to the earth throughout the entire year, But, I just want to give Him a well-deserved special emphasis of praise for being born here on this planet nearly 2000 years ago.

Today I want to share a quick lesson on Christmas.  One of the main reasons that I am writing this lesson is to help eliminate a type of religious ignorance for why Christians should celebrate the Birth of Jesus on December 25 every year.  No, we do not know that He was born on this date.  No one can prove that He was born then or not born then, but that is really not the reason we celebrate.  If you would like to celebrate on a different day or not at all that is your choice.  But, as a body of believers I commend the person that set a specific time for celebration of this glorious event.  Even though this day has been commercialized and fought over to be removed we should walk in love and be happy to share Christ with others through His great Grace and love.

Someone was trying to tell me in one of my recent Bible lessons that I was wrong by saying Jesus went around the earth in person preaching the Gospel to people.  They further tried to say that since Jesus had not yet been crucified and died to pay the penalty for our sins the Gospel was clearly not available to be preached to anyone.  I believe that it is sad for anyone to think this way.  That is not what the Bible says at all.  Today I am going to share how the Gospel was preached 2000 years ago when Jesus walked the face of the earth and before He died.  Then we will explore how God shared this news even way beyond Jesus came and how it was preached to people over 4000 years ago.


The Gospel in the Old Testament

We will begin with a verse that is written in the Book of Galatians that reveals the Gospel was preached to Abraham 2000 years before Jesus was born in a stable in Bethlehem.  Please read this verse and learn what God calls the Gospel:

Gal 3:8  And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed.


The Greek word that I wish to focus on is the word G4283.   It was translated as “preached before the Gospel” in this verse. This Greek word is a compound of two other Greek words G2097 and G4253.   The first word to consider is G2097 and this is the Greek word that literally means to announce good news and it is often translated as the Gospel in the New Testament.  The second Greek word G4253 that is being connected to this present tense Gospel preaching or announcement of good news verb is one that simply means “fore” or “before” in time relationship to the present. God is very clearly stating that the “Gospel was preached before” to a man named Abraham specifically.  Wow, I didn’t think Jesus had died yet but still God says this was the Gospel being preached.  How can this be?  What was it that God said was the Gospel?

God answers these questions by informing us “That He would justify the heathen through faith”.  The Greek word G1484 that was translated as “heathen” simply means “a race”, “a nation” and “Gentiles”.  God is declaring the method of salvation by faith for ALL HUMANS way back to Abraham and Jesus was not even born, lived, died or raised from the dead.  Isn’t that amazing?  God is looking down the corridor of time forward to something that was to be accomplished in the future and preaching it like it was already a done deal.  Praise God!

  • GOD Preached the Gospel Good News to People that Jesus was Coming before He came.


The Gospel in the Birth of Christ Jesus

Many people know the Christmas Story but I’ll provide some new details that may have been overlooked about the Gospel being declared in time of His birth.  We will begin by reading in Luke 2 starting at verse 10.  Before this verse we should already know that Jesus had been born in a manager in the small town of Bethlehem.  An angel was sent to shepherds a short distance from the manager with a powerful message.  Let’s read it:

Luk 2:10  And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. 

Luk 2:11  For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. 

Luk 2:12  And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. 

Luk 2:13  And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, 

Luk 2:14  Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.


Isn’t God awesome?  A messenger angel was sent to shepherds to tell them of the birth of the future sacrifice LAMB of GOD!   Please notice the words written in verse 10 “Fear not, for behold I bring you good tidings”.  Guess what the Greek word is that was translated as “Good Tidings”.  This is again the Greek Word G2097 that is often translated as the Gospel.  Who did the angels say that this Gospel message was for?   The angel said it was for “ALL PEOPLE”.  Isn’t that the beginning of the same Gospel that was spoken to Abraham?  The angel continues the Gospel by saying “In the city of David is born a savior which is Christ the LORD”.  Christ is the Hebrew word Messiah and it simply means anointed one.  LORD is a key Hebrew word because this is JEHOVAH a name for the God of all creation.  The angel was announcing to all mankind that God had come to the earth in the flesh and this was the GOSPEL!  It was too Good to be True News.  The angels in the heavens immediately break out in joyous celebration speaking praises to God and blessings of peace and goodwill to all men.  Wow, I am in awe of God’s love for us to do this for me.

  • When Jesus was born God preached the Gospel Good News that He was here.


Jesus Preaches in the Flesh the Gospel on Earth

I could give more scriptures to this lesson but it is my desire to keep it short and to the point.  Did Jesus, when He walked the face of the earth in the flesh before He died preach the Gospel to people?  The Bible says that He did.  Let’s turn in our Bibles to Luke 8 this time and begin to read in verse 1:

Luk 8:1  And it came to pass afterward, that he went throughout every city and village, preaching and shewing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God: and the twelve were with him,

The KJV translators had another problem with determining the correct word to be included in this verse.  They choose “glad tidings” but again this is the Greek Word 2097 that is most often translated as “the Gospel”.  Therefore we learn from the word chosen by God in the scriptures that Jesus preached the Gospel before He died.  What I find amazing about this is that in this verse Jesus is described to go to EVERY city and village to preach the Gospel to the people living on the earth before He had died, was raised from the dead and ascended back into heaven.  Jesus in person was announcing such great news to them that they clearly did not understand it as many today also fail to believe in Him.

  • God Preached and declared the Gospel Good News in Person that He was the promised one that everyone was looking for to come.



The death of Jesus on a cross followed by His resurrection from the dead 3 days later could have never occurred except that He was first born into this world.  God initiated a process by declaring what would happen before it happened and then worked through human people on the earth to bring it to pass.  Abraham cooperated, David cooperated, Mary cooperated, Joseph cooperated and many, many others.  Jesus came to die and pay the penalty for all of our sins but to accomplish this He had to be born of a virgin and live 33 ½ years on the earth and then cooperate to lay down His life in such a great display of humility that I struggle to understand fully how He loved us that much to do that.

I pray again that you will be blessed this Christmas and go and spend time in His Word understanding How much He loved us to do what He did by being born in Bethlehem to be laid in a feeding trough.  I love you all and I appreciate your time in reading this blog of Bible studies.  Spend time with your loved ones to celebrate Jesus and tell them about the God that came to die for them.  God Bless you all.

Understanding the Parable of the Sower, Introduction – Part 1



(Ver 1.1)  This is Part 1 in a series of very essential basic Bible lessons concerning the subject of Understanding the Parable of the Sower.  This may be a very familiar subject to many Christians but this assumed familiarity could cause some to not open their heart and mind to receive from God something fresh.  A spirit of pride caused by an assumed broad knowledge of a subject will too often cause some to not accept exactly what was new that God wanted to teach.  However, I believe that many of the fundamental concepts found in this Bible lesson series should be a delight for most Christians to receive, learn and apply.  We do appreciate your prayers and the time reading these Bible lessons.  We hope they are a blessing and we pray for all our readers. We will begin the subject study with this outstanding claim by the LORD Jesus:

Mar 4:13  And he said unto them, Know ye not this parable? and how then will ye know all parables?


We will be diving deep into some of the fundamental principles that were taught by the LORD Jesus from this parable.  Many of these are deep spiritual truths that are not easily found even though they were given to us in a simple natural parable form.   According to Mark 4:13, Jesus claimed that to know and understand this parable was the most important parable there is.  It is significantly stated by Jesus in this verse that if we do not know and understand this parable then grasping even the basics of any other parable would probably be futile.  This is why I believe the LORD wanted us to study this subject today.  Today will be the first basic lesson and subject introduction in the series.  Then we will break down the spiritual elements in more depth in subsequent lessons.  Let’s get started.



From an in-depth study of this subject it has become evident that the Parable of the Sower is a direct lesson on how and why some humans obtain “faith” for “eternal salvation” and why many others fail to receive.  I have concluded that there are two disparate types of people being described in this parable.  There were those at the end of the parable that obtained “faith for salvation” and produced spiritual fruit and then there were those at the beginning and middle of the parable that either never had faith to be saved or abandoned their faith to produce no lasting spiritual fruit.  Those that produced lasting “fruit” live and those that do not produce lasting “fruit” eventually die and go to hell.  The entire process of faith, salvation, human choices and how each work together to produce fruit is God’s design of the seed sowing process.   It is also revealed that this process of seed sowing has revealed enemies that assisted in the process to cause wrong human choice for a crop failure.  These truths are all summarized in this parable.

Bible faith is one of the central and primary themes of the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation.  I believe that it is essential that we all learn and understand as much as we can about what has been revealed to us by God on this vital subject of Bible Faith.   We know from reading Hebrews 11: 6 that if we do not have any faith it is absolutely impossible to please God.  We also learn from reading Ephesians 2:8 that we are only saved by God’s grace through our faith.  Based upon just these two verses alone, God makes it sound like that if we do not have faith we are in serious trouble.  This to me is why we need to study the subject of “Bible Faith”.  I am mentioning this first to inform all readers that understanding Bible Faith is one key to understanding this Parable.  If you have not read the series on this website about this subject I would strongly recommend that you do so by clicking “Understanding Bible Faith Part 1”.

I believe that every human has the God given right to choose to participate in the “God kind of faith” (Mk 11:22) fully, partially or regrettably to choose not to partake whatsoever.  Humans even have the God given right to choose to initially participate and then to turn back to choose to walk away from God’s plan for their life.  I can hear people say, “faith is not that important and is only mentioned a very few times in the Bible”.  If we do a search on the English word “faith”, it occurs only twice in the KJV Old Testament with it then being found in 229 verses in the KJV New Testament.  Clearly the emphasis of faith was increased significantly by the LORD to His people in the New Covenant.  There are 788,258 words found in the KJV Bible and I will admit that there are so many other words and subjects in the Bible mentioned more frequently than faith.  “LORD” is mentioned 7365, “God” is mentioned 4293, Israel 2509, and we could go on and on with many other words.  I found these numbers off of a website and I did not attempt to verify them so please don’t use them as the Gospel.  I was only attempting to make a point that many other words and subjects have a greater mention besides faith.  But, yet I still believe that this subject and topic of “Faith” is one of the top 3 themes that every Christian must learn after being saved.

I can still hear people say “I just can’t find faith in very many chapters of my Bible”.  What I have learned from years of Bible study is that we must search for whatever we want to find (Mat 7:7).  If we are not looking for faith we will never find faith.  But, I believe that if we learn to change our focus on the known features, characteristics and values of faith then we will be able to find faith almost everywhere.  What I am trying to say is that just because a verse, passage, chapter or book does not contain the actual word “faith’ does not mean the subject is not found there.  Too many Christians are reading the Bible with wrong thought perspectives and would truly be amazed what is found in the Bible by learning to view the words on the page more like God designed them to be “as spiritual truth”.  This is literally a very true Bible study methodology for any subject.

I desire in this introduction just to help us shift our focus.  Just because the “Parable of the Sower” never mentions the word “Faith” does not mean that it is not directly all about the subject.  I desire to teach the concepts of how a familiar set of verses that are often used to teach other subjects can contain a vast amount of truth on the subject of “faith” if we are willing to rethink to change our perspectives.  In this series, I plan to visit many verses that do not mention faith directly in both the Old and New Testaments in order to show how God can use them to actually teach us key hidden “faith” principles.   We will also explore related verses in other parts of the Bible that greatly assist us in understanding concepts not directly mentioned in the Parable.

We will be using this information to focus on how to understand the “Parable of the Sower”.  In this lesson series we will hopefully learn to search and find relationships in this parable to the subject of faith, salvation, right and wrong words, right and wrong human choices and the spiritual battle of good versus evil for all human lives.  I trust God to help me do this and to help you to also open your heart and mind to receive it and then for you to become an Acts 17:11 noble Berean and go and verify what was taught in your personal Bible study time.  Please, please, please, do not take my word for anything if you do not see it in your own Bible.



As I have previously mentioned, I would like for us to rethink the Parable of the Sower in the light of it being one of God’s revealed processes and projects to activate faith in humans for their eternal spiritual salvation.  It has become very clear to me through Bible study that Jesus’ taught us a great spiritual representation of how human salvation by His extraordinary Grace through our humble cooperative faith works using a natural seed planting and farming truth many call the “Parable of the Sower”.  Every parable ever taught by Jesus in the Bible was a natural truth that helps us to understand a far superior spiritual unseen and unknown truth.  I have grown into the belief that this greater spiritual truth taught by Jesus in this parable is concerning primarily God’s extended grace and mercy for human salvation through their freewill choice to believe in His Word.

I further believe that this parable represents a description of how people are either saved or lost through a spiritual war of words (good vs. evil) that will take place in the human mind and heart.  I also believe that this hidden unseen spiritual warfare helps to influence the decisions that a person makes concerning their salvation depending upon which spirit they choose to yield to.  A person’s focused choices of importance, priority, value and worth towards God’s spoken Word will determine their eternal destiny after this natural life ends.  Does this sound interesting to study?  I hope and pray it does.

It amazes me that Jesus taught all of these hidden spiritual truths being described in a natural farming concept and process.  The natural and the spiritual processes represent two parallel realities of truths.  Growing natural food and growing spiritual faith for salvation (aka fruit) were taught to us by Jesus to represent a common paradigm.  This to me is so amazing.  The truth has been hiding in plain sight for the entire duration of human history on this earth.  This truly displays the Omniscience and Wisdom of God.

Even though Jesus was speaking and teaching in natural terms created from the beginning, He was really not teaching us about natural farming.  As I just stated humans have known this natural process of farming for literally many thousands of years.  Through these basic principles of life found in simple to understand naturally created methods of farming, we can now begin to understand how spiritual life occurs or in many cases does not occur.  Let’s now read the “Parable of the Sower” to refresh our memory.  But also, please read the Parable with a notepad and a pencil or pen so that you can list the main items that you find as important and those that may jump out at you as you read.

Mar 4:3  Hearken; Behold, there went out a sower to sow: 

Mar 4:4  And it came to pass, as he sowed, some fell by the way side, and the fowls of the air came and devoured it up. 

Mar 4:5  And some fell on stony ground, where it had not much earth; and immediately it sprang up, because it had no depth of earth: 

Mar 4:6  But when the sun was up, it was scorched; and because it had no root, it withered away. 

Mar 4:7  And some fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up, and choked it, and it yielded no fruit. 

Mar 4:8  And other fell on good ground, and did yield fruit that sprang up and increased; and brought forth, some thirty, and some sixty, and some an hundred. 

Mar 4:9  And he said unto them, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.


Jesus used such a very simplistic natural farming design and process to explain to us the incredibly vital interrelated subjects of God’s Word, the devil, words, faith, salvation, listening, hearing, understanding, salvation enemies and making right choices to name only a few basic concepts that I have observed.  These are just a few of the most critical and highest spiritual truths that I have found so far in the Parable.  I know you may not see all of these by just skimming the parable in a rapid surface reading.  In fact I believe it is practically impossible to know what the parable is really about by only reading the parable.  I view the parable as a type of riddle or puzzle being presented for curious humans to dig into to solve.

I believe that there are far too many Christians that have not given this living natural example the priority and emphasis that it deserves.  I believe that it is essential for every Christian to learn this parable as soon as possible after being born again in order to help them to begin to mature and grow spiritually.  Reading the parable you should have noticed some of the main components being mentioned as I asked you to do.  I found at least 10 symbolic references that I want us to focus upon.  I’ll list them for your consideration and you can compare my list with your list:

  1. A Sower
  2. Seed
  3. 4-6 Types of Soil (Depending upon viewpoint)
  4. 3 different Soils that produce no fruit or no enduring fruit
  5. 1-3 Soils with increasing levels of fruit production (30%, 60%, or 100%)
  6. Enemy Birds
  7. Enemy Stones
  8. Enemy Sun Heat
  9. Enemy Thorns or Weeds
  10. Fruit

Wow, this list is so vital to understand in-depth.  However, I will be unable to give a complete study of every symbol in this first lesson.  But, we will try to explore these items in increasing depth later in the series.  Today we will only try to introduce the important spiritual symbols given by Jesus.  Before we get into this discussion please review the explanation of the parable from Jesus.  Use your notepad and your pencil to find what Jesus said the key elements represent and then list what each of them symbolically represented next to their corresponding symbol:

Mar 4:10  And when he was alone, they that were about him with the twelve asked of him the parable. 

Mar 4:11  And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: 

Mar 4:12  That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them. 

Mar 4:13  And he said unto them, Know ye not this parable? and how then will ye know all parables? 

Mar 4:14  The sower soweth the word. 

Mar 4:15  And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts. 

Mar 4:16  And these are they likewise which are sown on stony ground; who, when they have heard the word, immediately receive it with gladness; 

Mar 4:17  And have no root in themselves, and so endure but for a time: afterward, when affliction or persecution ariseth for the word’s sake, immediately they are offended. 

Mar 4:18  And these are they which are sown among thorns; such as hear the word, 

Mar 4:19  And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful. 

Mar 4:20  And these are they which are sown on good ground; such as hear the word, and receive it, and bring forth fruit, some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some an hundred. 


This explanation from Jesus of the Parable is also absolutely awesome.  We should obviously understand that Jesus knew and understood what every symbol represented and how all the positive elements worked together to cause the plan of God to succeed and how all the negative elements worked to cause the plan of God to fail.  I hope that you can agree that it should be obvious to us that some symbolic elements worked favorably together to produce a good fruit crop while other symbolic elements fought against the planned process for a positive outcome in order to keep the fruit seed and fruit crop from succeeding.  This is the introduction to the spiritual battle that is taking place in the unseen spiritual realm.  It is a spiritual war for human lives.  I pray that you are paying close attention to what was just said, because this is very important in the rest of this revealed truth.

In verse 11 Jesus revealed to us that these combined natural elements fashioned into a symbolic parable form represented a divine mystery.  The Greek word translated as “mystery” is G3466 and it literally means “to shut the mouth in order to keep a secret”.  All God had to do was not speak to humans and we all would be very ignorant concerning any truth of spiritual realities.  But, God was now beginning to open His mouth through Jesus to explain these many hidden secrets.   At the time when Jesus was physically on the earth He was the only one speaking to a limited few humans at that time.  But, since these words were written in a book form we today can also benefit by studying and applying them.

We must also notice what else Jesus said in verse 11.  He told His disciples that at that time He did not desire to give everyone the secret’s explanation that He had spoken the parable to.  He said “Unto you it is given but unto them that are on the outside I speak only in parables”.  That is still a basic principle that is true today.  Just because most everyone can find a Bible and can read the Bible does not mean that any of it is understandable to them.  We confirm this principle from reading 1 Corinthians 2:14 that informed us those spiritual things of God are not received by a natural man because they are spiritually discerned.   Spiritually asleep people (Eph 5:14) are usually unable to feed on deep spiritual things of the Spirit.  Here now is my list of some of the major points that I found listed and what I believe that they are revealed to represent:



1.      Sower A Spiritual Bible Preacher or Teacher (Specifically Jesus in this parable when it was spoken the first time, it later became any real Bible teacher)
2.      Seed Seed=Symbolic Spiritual Spoken Words from God
3.      Soil Heart (aka the spirit) of a human, God’s Spiritual Garden
4.      Enemy Birds Spiritual opponent called Satan, devils & demons that Blind Human Minds using words in the form of thoughts
5.      Enemy Stones The wrong hard hearted choice to not do the Word that was heard (Sown into their heart)
6.      Enemy Sun Heat Tormenting Words of Persecution sent because the Word of God was Believed.  Persecution pressures many to make the wrong choices to returning to a life of sin
7.      Enemy Thorns Satanic Worldly Distractions &Temptations of the flesh and mind
8.      Fruit God’s goal for His Seed sown (a spiritual harvest – representing the fruits of the spirit and human salvation)


I regret that I am unable to go into a great level of detail for every Parable Element in this list today.  I will attempt to cover every element found here in this list later in subsequent lessons in the series.  I would also recommend that you go and read the explanations of the Parable in the books of Matthew and Luke because these contain additional information that the book of Mark does not include.  I will be referring to some of these other writer’s explanations in this series but I will not be giving the entire verses in this lesson in order to decrease the length.

In my list I have focused on what I considered to be 3 dependably positive elements, 4 consistently negative elements and one element that I will list into a variable, changeable or unstable category.  The 3 positive elements listed in the parable were the sower, the seed and a good fruitful outcome that was produced from the combined sower and seed elements.  The success of these 3 consistently positive elements (seed, sower and fruit) represents a successful “faith” process and project taking place in a human heart (soil). The 4 potential consistently negative elements were described as enemies to the positive elements and these were called 1) birds, 2) stones, 3) heat and 4) thorns.  The single element that I considered to be the lone variable or a changeable element is the soil (heart of man).   The soil is clearly the most frequently mentioned item of the parable being spoken of at least 4 times.  I believe that this makes the soil one of God’s major focused items in the entire description.  I will also say that the consistently positive and negative elements are all spiritual.  The soil changeable element can either be carnal or spiritual dependent upon right or wrong choices made from thoughts selected.

I’m going to end this lesson with this introduction to the subject.  I pray that this has at least raised your interest into learning more.  In the next lesson in the series we will move into a greater detailed description of each element named beginning with the “Seed” symbolic element first.   Thank you for reading and studying the Bible with us.  We are humbled to know that there are people that spend their valuable time on this website.  May  God continue to lead you, guide you, direct you and bless you.

If you would like to continue to the next lesson in the series please click “Part2“.

Understanding Bible Faith! Part 18 –- Righteous Faith Speaks

faith speaks2(Ver 1.1) This is now Part 18 in the advanced study series of Bible lessons on the very valuable subject of “Understanding Bible Faith”.  This is one of my favorite Bible subjects to learn, to study and to teach from the entire Bible.  If you know anything about this subject then you should already understand why this is such an important focus to learn intimately.  I want to stop and reemphasize the opening statement that this is an advanced Bible study series about one of the most important subjects concerning believing God’s spoken and written Holy Word and how to receive whatever He has promised or given to us by His sovereign grace either spiritually, mentally or physically.  I have already covered a lot of information on this subject in this series that will not be repeated.  Therefore, if you have not read this entire series from the beginning I would strongly suggest that you begin at “Part 1” and then read through the series in the order presented for the greatest level of understanding and retention of this complex Bible subject.  It would also be recommended that you reread the entire series more than once.  The more you study a Bible subject the more you will grow in spiritual maturity in that area of God’s given knowledge.  Let’s get started with learning a few new things about the subject Bible Faith.


Today my subject concerns “Righteous Faith Speaks” and “Speaking the Word of Faith”.  What is Righteous Faith and why does it speak?  What is the “Word of Faith” and why do we need to hear it, know it, understand it or even to speak it?  We will be attempting to learn some fresh verses on faith as well as reviewing some standard faith verses that we have previously seen in this Bible study series.  However, I will hopefully be providing you some new perspectives to any of these repeated verses.  Some statements that I make today may be a review of what I have referred to before but I will place a new angle upon them because God wants to remind us of what He has already said.  Often times we read a Bible verse and think that we have it completely understood knowing everything about it but yet God can bring out something brand new that we have never seen before because all of His words are layered so deeply with both natural and supernatural knowledge much like an onion is designed to be peeled layer by layer and used in each succeeding deepening cover.  If you have studied the Bible very long you know exactly what I am saying.  Let’s read three verses to begin in Romans the 10th chapter to get us familiarized with the foundation scriptures for today’s entire lesson:

Rom 10:6  But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise, Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down from above:)

Rom 10:7  Or, Who shall descend into the deep? (that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.)

Rom 10:8  But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;

The end of verse 8 introduces us to one of today’s focused concepts called the “word of faith”.  There are many churches in the world today that have taken this name and there are equally as many people in the world that consider all these word of faith churches to present a less than an accurate representation of the Bible.  However this modern church title did not originate from a contemporary false idea.  The Word of Faith title was only adopted today because of verses like this one.  Paul claimed to be one of the first preachers of the “Word of Faith” and I strongly believe that we should all be following Paul’s example at doing exactly what Paul did, can you agree?

If you do not yet understand what the “Word of Faith” is, I will tell you plainly up front that this Word of Faith mentioned in Romans 10:8 is the written and spoken Word of God.  To help confirm this statement we will begin this study by looking up the definitions of the Greek words translated as “the Word of Faith”.  We will first focus on the Greek word translated as “faith”.  This Greek word is G4102 and it is used by God 244 times in 228 N.T. verses.  In my view this Greek word is one of the most important subjects found in the N.T. Bible.  Let’s review the Strong’s definition to help build and refresh our understanding of this word again.


From G3982; persuasion, that is, credence; moral conviction (of religious truth, or the truthfulness of God or a religious teacher), especially reliance upon Christ for salvation; abstractly constancy in such profession; by extension the system of religious (Gospel) truth itself: – assurance, belief, believe, faith, fidelity.

The Greek word translated as faith is defined by Strong’s to be a “persuasion”.  The English word “persuasion” represents “the act of convincing someone to believe”.  Your beliefs are the basis for your faith, good, bad, right or wrong.   This Greekword also means “credence” which is defined as “the belief in or acceptance that something is true”.  These are exactly what God is teaching us through Paul in Romans 10:8.  Real Bible faith is accepting, being fully persuaded and convinced of what God has said, promised or spoken to us in His Word is the truth.   This process of accepting, believing and being persuaded is done without proof or evidence of it being true other than knowing the revealed character of God that it is impossible for Him to lie (Heb 6:18).

Before I move to the next Greek word translated as “word” let’s talk briefly about the English word “of”.  Sometimes it is very beneficial to go over the basics to enforce what God was speaking to us.  The word “of” is a very basic concept in the English language and it is often ignored.  The word “of” directly connects the word “faith” with the Greek word translated as “word” in Romans 10:8.  “Of” is a preposition.  In the application usage within this phrase “of” is used by God to indicate that the source of our words come from our faith (beliefs) as well as it meaning the source of our faith can come from our words.  Both of these are true statements.  Remember what Jesus said to us in Matthew.  Let’s review these words quickly:

Mat 12:34  O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

Jesus very clearly tells us that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth will speak.  Jesus in this case is speaking of evil words coming from the heart that is filled with evil.  But the antithesis truth is also true that good words will come from the same source of good being in the heart.  Now consider and ask yourself where the source of “good” comes from?  If you do not understand that it is from God then I would suggest that you go read some more basic concepts of good versus evil in the Bible.  God is always the source of good words because His heart is filled with Love.  Satan is the source of evil words because his heart is filled with evil intents, thoughts and ways.  Now if God is the source of good as He certainly is, then His spoken and written words should also be for our good and be good for us.  We will see more of this truth as we continue.

The second Greek word that I wanted to focus upon was translated as “Word” in this Romans 10:8.  This Greek word translated as the English word “word” is G4487.  This Greek word literally means an “utterance”.  An utterance carries the definition of a spoken word, phrase or literally an audible vocal sound.  This Greek word is the word “rhema” and this is a very specific type of “word” that means someone has spoken, said or declared.  This Greek word “rhema” comes from the Greek word G4483 which is defined as “pour forth” also meaning to utter, to speak or to say.  Consider this root Greek word G4483 definition to be like a natural pitcher of water that is poured out into a glass for someone to drink.  This pouring out of this water pitcher is the symbolic representation of God or us speaking words of faith.  This is a very important Bible concept that needs to be grasped by Christians.   Do you remember again what Jesus said to us?  Look at this verse and consider the implications:

Joh 7:38  He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

What an outstanding and easily misunderstood statement being made by the Creator of the universe.  Do you believe on Jesus?  If you do then Jesus said you should be pouring out from your internal belly, rivers of life producing water.  Is this literal or figurative speaking?  Of course it has to be figurative symbolic information.  Jesus is teaching us spiritual concepts by using naturally created concepts.  Jesus says that we are living pitchers that pour forth waters of life if we believe on Him, do you understand this? But, what are these rivers of living waters being spoken of?  This river of life that pours out of us must originates from the “Rhema” spoken Word of God.  God is the source of all good, and life is good.  I will give you a couple of quick verses to confirm this:

2Co 4:6  For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

2Co 4:7  But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.

Here we have two verifications to what I just taught.  We are very clearly called “vessels” with treasure in it in verse 7.   This earthen vessel is our created human body.  The body is the container of our spirit as well as for God’s Word as inferred in verse 6.  God has shined his “knowledge” inside of us and this is clearly His Word.  It is these words of light inside that will be poured out of us (the earthen vessels) to help others to see and receive the same internal light and eternal life being mentioned in John 7:38.  Let’s see another quick statement that helps to confirm for us that the internal waters of life that must come from our mouths cannot be anything but the spoken Words of God:

Joh 4:14  But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

Again Jesus is talking about symbolic waters that quench our spiritual thirst and bring us life and this water can only come from what God gives to us by His spoken Word.  The location of this life source of water we are expressly told must be “in us” and this also corresponds to what Jesus was talking of in John 7:38.  “In us” and “our belly” are synonymous positions for the location of our spirit.  Jesus directly says that out of this internal spirit location will come a well of water (river) that will spring up (flow out, stream out, be poured out). Jesus is teaching us a concept of pouring water out from one vessel to another  Jesus was clearly a vessel used to speak words of life producing waters to others that would receive them.  These waters could then be inside of them and are able to flow from their vessel to still another.  Why don’t Christians take this seriously?  I really think it is because they have not been taught it.  However, Jesus was not teaching any new ideas to us but rather He was teaching concepts found in the O.T.   He is then applying them to us in the N.T.  Let’s review some of these O.T. verses quickly that Jesus is referring to:

Pro 18:4  The words of a man’s mouth are as deep waters, and the wellspring of wisdom as a flowing brook.

Pro 10:11  The mouth of a righteous man is a well of life: but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked.

The words of a man’s mouth are defined by God to be symbolic deep waters in the first mentioned verse found in Proverbs 18.  In this verse the human mouth is also called a “wellspring”.   A wellspring is a place that is dug into the ground as a source of fresh pure drinking water.   Drinking water is a basic necessity for natural life.  This is the symbolic nature of the human mouth by God’s design.  You should be clever enough to understand the human body was made from the dust of the ground.  And it is in this ground that God put a spiritual well of life.  It is a very simple concept but hut yet not widely taught.  Then in Proverbs 10 the mouth of the righteous man is again called a “well of life”.  Here we again have an implied source of life coming from our mouths.  Both of these verses directly correspond to the teachings of Jesus found in John.   The wells of life will spring from the mouth of the righteous and this is the critical nature leads us to ask what is this water that must come from our mouth to give us life?


The first section was a simple and quick introduction to speaking the rhema words of life and faith.  But I believe that we still need to learn more about what God is trying to say to us by telling us to speak the word (rhema) of faith in Romans chapter 10 and verse 8?  The answer to our questions was certainly implied in that verse in Romans but it was indirectly mentioned so this makes it easily mistaken for something else.  Paul says that he preached (proclaimed, spoke and said) the Word (rhema) of Faith.  Through this implied statement Paul was stating indirectly that he preached the spoken and written Words of God.  Paul was also indirectly claiming that he preached words that produced faith.   What are these faith producing words being preached?  Perhaps you can remember this answer to where our faith originates from a previous faith lesson on how Bible faith comes and this was where we should have learned that Bible faith comes ONLY by us hearing the Bible preached.  Let’s review the key verse from that Bible lesson:

Rom 10:17  So then faith (G4102) cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word (G4487) of God.

God says in Romans 10:17 that “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God”.  There is a very specific connection found with our lesson’s focused verse of Roman 10:8 by direct contextual association and by God’s direct word selection by using the exact same Greek words G4102 and G4487 which were translated as “faith” and “word” respectfully in both verses.  I hope and pray that you know that valid interpretation of God’s word is always based upon rules.  Two of these rules are 1) direct verse to verse context and 2) by finding other verse word usages of the word(s) being studied.  In Romans 10:17 the Spirit of God through Paul is explaining and defining what the “Word (Rhema) of Faith” represents.  We can logically correlate by the laws of mathematics that the “Word of Faith” is equivalent to “the Word of God” and I will give further verse confirmation for this as I continue.

There are generally two different noun types used in the N.T. to describe God’s spoken word.  “Logos” G3056 generally refers to the spoken words of God written in book form and is what I will call reference type 1 and then “Rhema” G4487 is also a type of the spoken word of God referring to God directly speaking His word to anyone by audible sound. But this type of word (rhema) can also refer to God’s spoken word being spoken by an angel or even by us as believers speaking His written word (logos). The “Rhema” word is what I will call reference type 2.  Both Logos and Rhema are used by God in reference to God’s spoken word.  I am only going to focus on type 2 Rhema since this is the key word selected and used by God in Romans 10:8 and 10:17 to describe the substance that produces faith that was being preached by Paul.

You should be familiar with this verse in Romans 10:17 already.  God gives us a direct formula for how Bible faith comes through hearing God’s spoken Word.  God very clearly says that it is this Rhema word of God that must be heard in order to produce faith.  Therefore we must have those that speak God’s Word and those that hear God’s word for any faith to be produced.  It is also interesting to note that these words pour forth from one spirit (heart) to enter into another heart and that is the process of the pitcher and water vessel giving drink to the thirsty empty man vessel we looked at earlier.  I’ll give you another couple of verses quickly to help us confirm “Rhema” is the Word of God being spoken:

1Pe 1:25  But the word (rhema) of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word (Rhema) which by the gospel is preached unto you.

Rhema (word) is associated to be both the spoken words of Jesus as well as the Gospel that was preached verbally to the people.  After the people heard this spoken word it was the same as if they had heard it directly from the lips of Jesus.  There is really no difference between me preaching the Word of God and the Words of Jesus as if Jesus was here personally preaching to you in the flesh.  We are both proclaiming the same “Rhema” words of God.  It is this same Rhema Word of God that will produce the faith in the dry hearts of the people to believe and to receive salvation.   What did I just say?  Some will probably call me a heretic for comparing my spoken words preached with the spoken Words of Jesus but if I say what God says then you need to see how this changes things dramatically.  I’m simply a pitcher of water container and representative of God on this planet.  I am called by God to teach His Word.  I am anointed by God to teach His Word.  Therefore it is technically not me teaching but rather the anointing of God in me that speaks using His Words not mine.  Do you understand what I’m saying?  It is not me that has the power to produce faith or save you, it is the Word in me that has this power.  I do nothing but pour it out and if you drink from it the water of the Word of God will be what causes anything good to happen.  This same principle applies to many other water pitcher vessels and not just to me.  It applies to anyone else that is called by God and anointed by God and is filled with His Word to preach.  It can apply to you if you fill your pitcher with His water.  God uses so many people in this way and I do not want you to think that I am saying I am anybody special because I am not.  I’m going to end this section with another verse that Peter wrote by the inspiration of God:

2Pe 3:2  That ye may be mindful of the words (Rhema) which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:

Here is another confirmation that people can legally speak the Words of God and that these words carry the same effect if God said them to each of the people that heard them personally.  Here Peter is speaking of men in the Old Testament saying they gave them Rhema from God.  In other words God gave Rhema to the Prophet and the prophet in turn passed this Rhema to the people and now the people were held responsible for the message give to them by God as if they heard it from God directly with their own ears.    What we are seeing is that when we speak the Word (Rhema) of God we are representing God with the same power and authority.  But I know that will not be easily received by many of my readers because of their feelings of their own weaknesses, insecurity and inadequacies. I guess we still have a lot to learn to overcome these incorrect feelings.


Before we go further into this subject of speaking the Word (Rhema) of Faith let’s back up and study the first two foundational verses of Romans 10:6-7 in some depth.  I know that we read them but then we had no discussion on them since I jumped into verse 8 and taught for a long time on the subject “the Word of Faith” being preached.  Because it has been a little while since we read these verses please reread them again to refresh your memory:

Rom 10:6  But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise, Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down from above:)

Rom 10:7  Or, Who shall descend into the deep? (that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.)

There are at least 5 central themes found in the 10th chapter of Romans. These central themes are 1) the Lord Jesus, 2) faith, 3) righteousness, 4) salvation and 5) speaking.  For right now I only want you to focus in on three of the lesser primary themes found in these two verses to see how they relate to the most important primary themed subject as being the Lord Jesus.  These three lesser themes needing our attention concern our “righteousness, our “spoken words” and our “faith” in Christ.  These three subjects were directly joined together in these verses and in this chapter by divine providence.   “Divine Providence” simply means that they were given to us by the caring plan of a guiding and loving intelligent God for our benefit and for His purpose.  God begins the discourse in verse 6 by saying there is a “righteousness” which comes only through faith and this is a very important description found in the New Testament for learning how we become “right” in the eyes of God.  Being right in the eyes of God only means that you are now converted from being a stranger to God (Eph 2:19) to being in the household of faith (Gal 6:10) also called the family of God (Eph 3:15).  We will see other verses in this lesson that will help confirm this but begin to agree that it is only by your faith in Jesus Christ that makes you righteous (right) to God and not your good works.

Now that we know the intended target audience was stated to be those that have been “made righteous by and through faith in Jesus” we are then informed what they (the righteous) should be doing.  Did you see it?  First let me ask you “Are you one of these righteous ones that these verses were written to?”  I know they were written to me personally but only you and God can determine if you qualify.  Satan would like you to think that you are unworthy to qualify but it was because of what Jesus did and not our works that have made us righteous by believing in Him (Rom 3:22).  If you are not taking the Bible personally like it was a love letter written directly from God to you then you really do not understand God or the Bible very much.  If you can say you are one of the righteous ones being described because of your faith then please continue reading otherwise you may be wasting your time continuing to read this lesson.  Let’s see what “we” (the righteous) were told to do next.

Continuing in verse 6 of Romans 10 God says that the righteous (anyone that has believed in Christ Jesus and confessed Him as Lord according Romans 10:9-10) are told to “speak”.  In fact I believe that we were directly commanded to speak.  This means it is not a recommended suggestion but rather an instruction and expectation from the Lord.  Then following this command to speak we are told very clearly exactly what NOT to say first.  Uh oh?  This is the introduction to the hotly debated subject of right and wrong speaking.  Many Christians do not understand that there is such a thing as wrong speaking.  Too many Christians think that it is OK for anything to come out of their mouths but this is clearly not what the Bible teaches us.  Sure most Christians believe that profanity and cursing is a wrong type of speaking.  But that is not all that God declares to be wrong words spoken.

God describes right and wrong speaking to us plainly in Romans 10:6-8 by teaching us examples of what not to say first.  The command of right speaking is a part of faith that many Christians ignore or simply do not understand exists because of a lack of teaching in this area.  This will be a potentially controversial subject and I may lose some readers simply because they are not mature enough spiritually to receive it. I hope and pray that you will do your best to accept what God is saying today and we will soon see and learn what is right to say/speak and what is wrong to say/speak as we continue through the study with the rest of the faith study verses.   But before we move on let me establish a new rule for having effective faith.  God clearly says that the “righteousness which is of faith speaks”.  I will reemphasize this more than once in this lesson and it would benefit you if you just went ahead and write it down as a note for future reference.

In order to understand this command found in Romans 10:6 to speak more clearly we need to examine the Greek word G3004 translated as “speaketh”.  This Greek word is very interesting.  It means to “break silence and say something verbally and audibly” that can be heard by someone/anyone directly listening. Wow, that is some really good information for those of us with righteous faith to learn.  Not only is it wrong to speak wrong words as we will soon see, but it is also very wrong to stay silent and say nothing when you are in faith.  I hope you will take hold of this and believe what God just said and please don’t throw any stones at me because it was not me that said it or wrote in the Bible.  I’m just a messenger delivery service sent from God to teach.  You can accept it or reject it but it is only God’s Word that you are rejecting.  Just please read and study all of the verses that I’m giving to you for yourself.  I want to give you some additional confirming verses for what God wants you to know about faith speaking and we will continue with Galatians the 4th chapter:

Gal 4:1  Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all;

Gal 4:2  But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father.

Gal 4:3  Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world:

After reading these verses you may just ask me “What do these verses have to do with us speaking?”  You may not see it yet because you have not studied the original Greek words spoken by God but they do apply directly to our subject study.  It is so easy to miss the deep things of God by reading the verses only.  I want you to understand that the deep things of God are never found by just reading the Bible.   According to 1 Timothy 2:15, God tells us to “study” in order to be approved.  The Greek word translated as study means to labor and to extend great effort.  This is an essential part of growing spiritually.  Learn to move beyond surface reading to enter the realm of deep study.

To speak to Galatians 4, I will start with the question “Are you an heir?”  Those that think that they are not righteous will also generally think and believe that they are not an heir of God either but this verse is speaking of you and I, if we are born again by our faith in Jesus Christ.  Let’ verify this reality of being an heir of God by God’s Word using a new verse:

Rom 4:13  For the promise, that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.

Here is a quick verse to help us learn more about the “righteousness of faith”.  God directly connects Romans 4:13 with Romans 10:6 by using the exact same Greek words G1343 and G4102 which were translated as “righteousness” and “faith”.  These two words were also joined together in proper sequence.   Here in Romans 4 we are told that those that were made righteous by their faith were also made an heir.  An heir means we have an inheritance after someone has died.  The person that died to give us this inheritance was “Jesus Christ” on the cross (Romans 5:8) but He was also the first one to be raised from the dead in order to become the chief heir of God (Col 1:18).  You see in the Bible the first born was supposed to obtain the greater blessing from their father.  You can find that Jesus was called the “first-born” from the dead in Hebrews 12:23 and Revelation 1:5.  Please understand that Jesus was the only one that could die to give us an eternal inheritance and be capable of being raised from the dead to enforce the inheritance.

I don’t have time to explain all of these verses that I just passed on to you in those last paragraph statements fully but you can find more information on these subjects in other lessons that I have published.  Just please understand what God says in Romans 8:17 that we are called and made the “joint-heirs” with Jesus Christ meaning we have obtained the same level of benefits from God through the death of Jesus as Jesus obtained for Himself.  Right now, you should be saying that you are “righteous” and an “heir” of God because of your faith in Jesus.  I’ve given you more than sufficient scriptural evidence to establish this belief foundation.

Let’s get back to Galatians 4:1 to discover the hidden reference to us speaking.  The Greek word G3516 which was translated as “child” in Galatians 4 verse 1 and “children” in verse 3 contains the secret hidden message that I am referring to.   This Greek word means not only a general child but more specifically an “infant” baby.  To be even more specific this Greek word literally means a “non-speaking human baby”.  Every natural child born into this world must acquire the skill of speech over the course of time through physical and mental growth and experiences.  No one is born with this magnificent gift of speaking automatically.  A new born child produces only audible cries.  A one year old is beginning to understand very simple words and may begin to form very simple words like “mama” or “dada”.  But this ability to grasp words and speaking them increases more and more as the months and years progress.  By the time a child reaches the age of 3 to 4 years the words, phrases and sentences usually become better formed, structured and more complete.  Even though the comprehension of what all the words mean can still be incomplete at this early childhood age.

The process of learning to speak is quite miraculous.  But, new born infants obtain this gift through a maturing process of hearing and listening to their parents speaking to them and from mimicking the sounds observed from others around them.  This process of learning to speak is exactly what God is teaching us in the beginning of this chapter 4 found in Galatians.  God is saying to us that this natural process reoccurs in the spiritual realm after we are spiritually new born (born again) into the Kingdom of God.   God is teaching us that even an infant heir to the throne of rule is not able to take control of it and exercise their given authority until they first learn to speak intelligently and confidently learning wisdom from their teachers.

Do you now understand that when a Christian is born again in the spiritual realm that this same natural infant growth and maturing process of learning to speak correctly is repeated in this spiritual realm by God’s design?   If you analyze the first 3 verses in Galatians 4 you should find an analogy comparison being given between two realms of existence with the first being the natural and the greater being the spiritual application of the natural.  The Greek word being used to speak to us of an immature non-speaking child implies someone that is very simple minded or unlearned in the spiritual realm.  God is teaching us that we all start out by not knowing or understanding how spiritual things work like the significance of speaking right words but that He expects us to learn these.  If you are still reading this Bible lesson then you are potentially growing and maturing spiritually by learning these concepts.  More pastors and teachers should teach their people this subject of right and wrong speaking because it is a very important and true reality based upon the proper understanding of scripture.  God expects His spiritually new born infant children to grow up and learn how to speak appropriately in order to rule over their spiritual enemies.

I do not really have the time to teach the importance of the spoken word subject fully today but I do have a much longer series of Bible lessons on the significance of your spoken words on my website and you can go and read those to help you learn more on this critical subject.  If you are interested in learning you can start with “Part 1 – Speak to your Rock”.  This Bible lesson has been the most prevalent viewed lesson of all the Bible lessons on this website.

We could spend a lot more time on studying Galatians 4 about growing out of an immature spiritual state of spiritual babbling but we really need to get back to Romans 10.  Do you remember where we were in verse 6? We had just been introduced to the commandment that “righteous faith speaks”.  I’m going to say this at least one more time for even greater emphasis because this is the foundation for this faith lesson given to us by God and it was directly stated by God that “Righteous Faith Speaks”.  We should begin to understand that Christians should be at the very least learning to speak correctly and that they should also not stay silent after they mature spiritually.  Let’s move to what is found next in verse 6 concerning God’s specific instructions.  After the initial statement in Romans 10:6 God then informs us exactly what not to say/speak in verses 6 and 7 followed by what to say in verse 8.   This is some very essential and valuable information and instructions for learning how God’s divinely designed force of faith should be operating and working in us and through us.

I am going to stop here and make a strong suggestion to you before we look at the sub-category study of wrong words.  Please create a big sign on a piece of plain white paper and in big bold letters write what you have just learned.  Print in large letters “Righteous Faith Speaks” and place this sign on your refrigerator or your bathroom mirror or on any other place where you can see it more than once a day.  This sign will help us all to learn and remind us to put God’s Word into practice.  God has designed and established a law of faith (Rom 3:27) to live in our everyday Christian lives.  But God is not going to make you do it.  You must be the one that applies what you learn.  Hopefully you remember that faith is a law based upon the Word of God given from the previous faith lessons.  Reading this printed note daily will cause this lesson to remain fresh in your mind and help you to become a doer of the Word of God and not a hearer only (James 1:22).  Doing this for at least 30 days will help to build a brand new spiritual habit for living life in a new way as a mature spiritual Christian and I will be talking about this even more as we continue through the rest of the lesson.


….Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down from above:)

Let’s talk briefly about what real mature Christians are not supposed to pray or say.  God only gives us two short examples in Romans 10:6-7 of wrong words but this should provide enough of a pattern that we can extend those two to other areas of words that should not be spoken if we can understand why they are not wise to speak.  The first statement of what not to speak tells us not to say “who will go up to heaven to bring Christ down”.  Why would anyone want to say this?  What kind of wrong thinking would cause someone to speak this way?  Someone could be thinking that if Jesus was only here on the earth that they would not be going through what they are going through right here in this natural realm.  In other words they could be thinking very naturally and not spiritually.  Someone could be thinking that if they could just bring the Lord Jesus who is sitting on the throne in the spiritual realm back to this natural realm that all of their natural problems would be solved.  But that type of thinking is very simple minded and is certainly not of faith.  We must realize that God’s power extends beyond His present location in Jesus Christ.  We must consider that the Spirit of God is already here right now living and abiding in us having been poured out from heaven to be our comforter (John 14:16), our helper (Heb 13:6) and our guide (John 16:13).

Therefore we do not need for Jesus to come back to the earth to fix anything.  The Holy Spirit is here and He is God omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent to solve whatever we are facing.  What God is trying to say is that simple naturally thinking people generally gravitate towards natural solutions without considering the spiritual presence and ability of God that is ever present and all-knowing and all powerful.

….Or say, Who shall descend into the deep? (that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.)

Now consider the second statement of what not to say and this will help us understand the first statement much clearer.  In verse 7 God says for us not say “Who will descend into the lower parts of the earth to raise Christ again from the dead.  Why would God recommend that we not say this?   Perhaps you will recall reading the Gospels that after Jesus was resurrected from the dead He walked the face of the earth for 40 days.  During this time He met with many men and women followers.  Since they had all seen Jesus personally there was no need for any of them to have faith in His resurrection.  However, do you think that any of these eyewitness followers would dare say what God said not to say in Romans 10:7?  I personally do not believe they would.  Remember they were told by angels in Acts 1 that this same Jesus that went up into the clouds out of their sight would come back in the exact same way.  So this promise from God required their faith if they believed the message and I think they believed.

There is something so very profound found in this statement that was not directly stated.  God is saying that “we do not need to think or say that Jesus should die again or be raised again from the dead”; but rather we only need to understand that He did do these and then find out what was accomplished by these finished and completed acts of God.  I am a firm believer that not knowing what was given to us by His shed blood in His death, burial and resurrection of Christ Jesus is why we pray and say some very ignorant things like this.  If we would only come to understand that Christ gave to us His authority (Luke 10:19) on the earth we would not need to ask Jesus to come back to the earth or to be raised again to solve anything.

What God is teaching us is not to say things that are contradictory to His written report in the Bible. In other words have faith and believe and then have confidence in what He has spoken to you.  Both of these stated examples of what not to say were spoken words not based upon scripture or faith in God’s Word.  They are literally the opposite of what someone who had faith in God’s Word would say.   Do you understand this?  I know that some people will not comprehend what God just said.  God says the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God (1 Cor 2:14).  But these concepts should help many that will receive it and apply it to other things that they like to say.  I believe that we should think before we speak.  Think about what God’s Word says and then see if what you are going to say aligns with His Words.  This will become clearer as we continue learning.  Let’s move to what we should say next to see the contrasted difference from what we should not be saying.


But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;

I began the lesson talking about the last part of this verse.  But now we will back up to the first part of God’s statement to confirm what God is trying to teach us.  I have started and ended with the most important verse to learn today.  Paul starts writing “But what does it say” (NKJV).  Paul is of course talking about God’s word.  The “it” in this statement represents the spoken recorded words of the living God.  If you have not realized it yet these three verses of Romans 6, 7 and 8 contain partial quotations of verses found in the Old Testament.  In Romans 10:6-8, God is quoting in a paraphrased form, portions of some very obscure verses found in Deuteronomy 30:11-14.  We could learn a tremendous amount of information if I had the time to go talk about these original verses.  But I do not have the time today to talk about them.

However, I still want to emphasize that “it” was the recorded words (Rhema) of God and Paul takes these words that did not directly mention Christ and teaches us that they directly apply to Christ.  Wow, that is a powerful degree of knowledge if you want to do the study for yourself.  You go and read Deuteronomy and you see if you can find Christ plainly?  He is there but only if you see the commentary of the New Testament to help you explain them.  That is just how the Bible was written by God.  I call it “Hiding the Truth in Plain Sight” and if you have not read that series of Bible lessons I would strongly recommend that you do that soon.

Now we should realize from the opening statement that the next coming statement was given from God through His prophet Moses and it was written down in the Old Testament for all of us in the here and now in the New Covenant.  God’s next statement says “The Word is near you, even in your mouth and in your heart”.  The Word is referring to the Word of God.  This Greek word is again “Rhema” and that is important. Where is the “Word” (Rhema) of God supposed to be?  There are two place mentioned directly by God, one is a natural external location that God referred to earlier as the wellspring of life and the other is the origination point from where these words spring up from in the internal spiritual location figuratively called the heart of man.  God is teaching us how spiritual things are supposed to operate.   Hear and get the Word in your heart and then learn to speak it out of your mouth.  This is the reason why we do not need Christ to be raised from the dead or come back to earth from heaven.  The word of God is the power of God (Heb 1:3).  This power should be resident in your heart.  You should place the Word of God in your heart daily to reinforce its firm foundation.  Otherwise Satan can come and steal this Word (seed) from your life if you let him.

The Word of God represents the “what” that is “right” or “correct” to speak as a mature Christian.  A new born Christian is incapable of speaking the Word of God because they haven’t heard it, don’t know it, don’t believe it or don’t understand it.  All of these conditions will cause the Word of God to be unfruitful in their lives.


Is the Word of God coming out of your mouth?  If it is then you are probably in faith and if it is not then you are probably not in faith.  I could give you many Bible examples of this but in conclusion I will tell you of one when God had instructed Joshua how to have good success in this life.  Are you interested in being a winner?  Are you interested in being victorious?  Are you interested in being an overcomer?  God told Joshua how to do it and Joshua did it and possessed the land that God gave to them.   Here is the key verse:

Jos 1:8  This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

Wow, what an awesome set of instructions for our success in this life.  God told Joshua to put the Word of God in his mouth and then to meditate on it day and night.  This would build the Words of God into his heart.  God was telling Joshua what He said through Moses, “My Word is very near you, even in your heart and in your mouth”.  Joshua became the leader of the people of God after the passing of Moses and He was responsible for the law passed down from Moses to the nation.  Joshua had this Word and filled his mouth with it.  Filling his mouth with God’s Word gave Joshua faith in God.  We learned this from Romans 10:17.  Remember?  It is almost impossible for anyone to say the Word of God if they understand it and not have faith and success in this life.

Well we could talk for hours and hours on this subject of faith speaks but that is the end of this Bible lesson.  We were told by Jesus that out of our bellies would flow rivers of life producing water and this symbolic water can only be the Word of God.  We are told to speak the Rhema Word of God and this was just the words that were spoken from the mouth of God and recorded in His Precious Holy Word.   It is only the Word of God that will produce life.  Speaking the word of God are the right words to be speaking in every adversarial situation and circumstance.  I’ll just give you a couple more verse to help you see more right things to say:

Psa 107:2  Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy,

Joe 3:10  Beat your plowshares into swords And your pruning hooks into spears; Let the weak say, ‘I am strong.’ “

These were just two verses that teach us God wants us to say positive things from His Word.  How can anyone say things that are not overwhelming real and apparent in the 5 physical sense realm?  This type of logic will contradict normal human reasoning, doesn’t it?  When faced with great weakness in your life how can we say “I’m strong”?  When faced with negative circumstances from and in the world, how can we say “I’m redeemed?”  These types of positive words are only possible if you believe God’s Word instead of your circumstances that you are facing.   So infant baby Christians stay silent or cry for their milk but mature Christians will speak to their mountain and cause it to flee before them (Mk 11:23).

This was an advanced Bible lesson on righteous faith speaks.   I hope you enjoyed this Bible lesson and learned a great deal.  But I desire more that you start applying what you learned to your life.  Make a sign like I said to do earlier and read the sign on the wall daily multiple times out loud saying “Righteous Faith Speaks” and don’t let this truth slip from the forefront of your mind.  Share the Gospel with your friends and recommend that they go read and study the Bible with me.  I appreciate your time extended to read and study the Bible and for any comments or testimonies of how God is working in your life that you would care to share with me.  Until next time may God continue to bless you with everything that you require to grow in spiritual maturity.

If you would like to continue reading and studying in this Bible Study Series you may now click here on “Part 19“.

Understanding the Book of Job. Did Job Ever Have Faith in God? Part 4

job-theodicy_on_trial(ver 1.1)  This is now Part 4 in the series of advanced spiritual Bible study lessons on Understanding the Old Testament Book of Job.  I have not taught on this subject in a very long time but I received a question that needed to be answered.   I believed that there are many that can benefit from this response and I hope that you will receive this message with an open heart and mind.   If you have not read the entire series of lessons from the beginning then I would highly recommend that you go back and start with Part 1 since I cannot repeat everything about a subject in every lesson.  I have covered a lot of new information in this series that is often ignored or overlooked when studying the Book of Job.   Too often Christians study a book, chapter or even a verse of the Old Testament without any consideration for the commentary, definitions and explanations of God given to us in the New Testament and that is a tremendous mistake.   God in the New Testament revealed so many hidden concepts and these new revelations will shed a significant amount of light upon the story of Job but only if we understand how they fit into these Old Testament descriptions.  For example in one of my last Bible lesson I taught on the subject of Biblical Typology.  Typology is such a deep subject that it sometimes goes way beyond the comprehension of many Christians.   But, today I believe that I will introduce you to Job as being an Old Testament type for us in the church to learn from.  Let’s allow the Spirit of God to teach us through His Word about what the Bible means.   This principle of using the Bible to interpret and understand the Bible is what I have been trying to teach people to do in almost every Old Testament Bible study that I have ever published.  I hope that many are at least beginning to familiarize themself with how this is achieved and then they will be able to incorporate these ideas into how to study the Bible.

The question that I received about Job was concerning if Job ever possessed any faith in God.   Faith is a central theme subject dominating the entire New Testament.  But was faith ever a factor for these people of the Old Testament like Job?   We know from reading in Hebrews 11:6 that without faith it is absolutely impossible to even try to please God.  We also know from reading in Malachi 3:6 that the Lord God does not vary or change in any way at any time.  Therefore we know that if the Lord required faith in the New Testament then the same requirement is necessary in the Old Testament in order to be pleasing to Him or Malachi 3:6 would become a lie.  We should be able to recognize from reading in the first chapter of Job that it appears that God is very pleased with His man named Job.   In fact if you read verse 8 God declares to Satan that there is no other man like His servant Job on the earth.  Therefore, we must conclude that God was very well pleased with Job in chapter 1 and that this means that Job had to have had a measure of faith in God that was pleasing to Him.  This is just basic logic established upon reading the New Testament and asking the right questions and then finding the right answers.  We have just established a basis for Job’s faith and now in the rest of the lesson we will confirm this reality using other Bible verses found in the Old and New Testaments.

If Job possessed faith this raises the valid new question of how Job could have fallen into fear, speaking wrong words and having no inner peace simultaneously with having this unstated faith that pleased God in chapter 1?   If you understand much about the concepts of faith there appears to be a major contradiction between all of these concepts being present within anyone at the same time.   That was actually a very wise and excellent question to ask about Job by the commenter.  The person that asked this question if Job had any faith certainly understood a lot about the subject of faith and the partners of faith that must be found present in order to be pleasing to God.  We will now attempt to explore this new subject of Job’s faith by using more of the New Testament to help us understand what God says about Job and this subject of faith.  We will also verify the fact that this faith existed using the Old Testament descriptions found in the book of Job and in other verses where Job is mentioned.   Are you ready to learn some more new things about the mysterious story of Job?  I will warn you at the beginning that this will be a long lesson on Job and the subject of faith.


We still need to confirm the fact that Job had unstated faith in the Old Testament.  movie_film_art_2014But, it might also help us if we begin to realize that the book of Job represents only a short film clip of his entire life movie.   Did you understand what I just said?   Have you ever considered or studied the implied timing and duration of this short Job story event written down for us by God?  Job is reported to be a very mature man that has already had 10 mature children by the time the story begins in chapter 1.  How long of time does it normally take to have 10 children and allow them to mature?   How old would Job be after this has occurred?   We are not technically told but Job could have been at least 25 to 30 years old before he got married and ever started having any children with his wife.  It then could have taken up to 20 years to have given birth to these 10 children.  If all of Job’s children were now grown the duration of time for the youngest to grow up might have been at least another 20+ years from the time of their birth.  All of this would mean that Job could be at least 70 to 80 years old minimum in the beginning of chapter 1.  This could make his oldest son close to 40 years old and his youngest son around 20 years old.  The first seventy to eighty years of Job’s life is a lot of time that is not being reported on in the Bible by God.  What we learn from this quick analysis of Job is that not every detail of the early life was given to us by God.  We do know that in Chapter one that Job is successful, prosperous and is very blessed by God.  But we do not know how or why Job obtained this blessing from God at first glance from the material being given.   This will be why we need to study the Bible in more depth to learn more about the fine details to what pleases God.

We are not technically provided how long of a period of time that the story of Job takes place from chapter 1 to chapter 42.  I have heard some say as long as 7 years (84 months) and others only a few weeks or months.   Either way the story time period was relatively short compared to the human range of life spans found during the book of Genesis.  I personally place the story of Job somewhere after Noah but before Abraham.   For Job to occur before the flood would raise the question of how the book survived the flood to be given to us on the earth today to read.  Next we find by reading Job that there is no direct mention of God’s covenant with Abraham or the Law of Moses in the book of Job.  So this would lead us to believe that Job lived in the time period before Abraham.   Using this logic, this would place the story of Job somewhere after chapter 10 of Genesis and before the middle of chapter 11 of Genesis.   Many people during this time period of chapter 11 in Genesis lived from 200 to 300 years and even that is a long time compared to just 84 months or 7 years at the most of the story of Job.   In fact if you read the end of Job in chapter 42 and verse 16 you will find that after God restored to Job more than he had at the beginning of the story that Job still produced another 10 children and lived another 140 years.  Using this information we can say that Job was probably at least 70 to 100 years old when chapter 1 begins.   What I am teaching in this part of the introduction is that this book of Job like most of the rest of the Bible is incomplete but God gives us this specific part of the complete story for a purpose to teach us.

We will endeavor to determine the purpose of Job by using the revelations given to us by God in the New Testament.   Like I said before, I will always use the New Testament to explain the Old Testament because this was a part of God’s design and I have learned to follow it.   Without the New Testament the Old Testament is a very confusing book of historical information as proven by all of the crazy opinions found on the internet to what it all means.   To begin this study we need to search the New Testament to find if Job is ever mentioned directly by God.  Doing this search, you should find that the man Job is only directly mentioned one time in one verse in the whole New Testament.   However this single reference point will begin to open the door for us to see how to understand if Job ever had any faith.   I have talked about this verse in the very first lesson briefly but I did not go into it in any detail.  What we will soon discover in the New Testament is that Job’s virtue of patience was revealed by God to be the main emphasis (purpose) of the entire book of Job.  Let me give you the verse again so that you can review what is stated within God’s critical commentary on the story of Job:

Jas 5:11  Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy.

I am not going to attempt to teach everything that this verse says but I will again emphasize that it was only Job’s patience and endurance that was being highlighted by God as the main subjects found in the O.T. book.   Have you ever considered why so many pastors today teach only negative things from the book of Job and God only speaks of positive qualities?  I mean think about how many funerals quote Job as saying “The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord”.  Why isn’t this statement ever quoted by the apostles in the New Testament anywhere but yet it is overemphasized by Bible teachers in the church constantly?  I think those are all excellent questions to think about.  Let’s talk about what patience is briefly to help us better understand this new subject.  We will do this by asking some very basic questions.  Why is patience a virtue?   When does a human ever have need of any patience?  What exactly is patience?   What is the opposite of having patience?   If you can begin to answer these questions then you are far ahead of many other Christians.  Let’s look up the definition of the Greek translated as “patience” in the Strong’s:

G5281: From G5278; cheerful (or hopeful) endurance, constancy: – enduring, patience, patient continuance (waiting).

The Strong’s dictionary defines the Greek word G5281 which is translated as “patience” to be “cheerful” or “hopeful” endurance.  Wow, that is an amazingly important definition for a word that is so neglected and misunderstood by Christians.   By the inclusion of the words “cheerful” and “hopeful” within the definition this denotes the characteristic of someone choosing to have a positive attitude  in spite of the implied presence of adverse circumstances that are being faced by the person being described.  Do you understand this?  Being hopeful is not required when you are at a pleasurable event of good circumstances.   In other words if you have millions of dollars in the bank you do not need to have any cheerful hope that your bills will be met because they have already been met.   Let me give you a quick definition for the word hope.  Hope is the confident expectation or desire for a certain good thing or event to occur.   Does that help?   We do not need to hope for what we already possess.   This is actually a very good quality and relates to having faith tremendously.  Let’s briefly move on to the quality of being cheerful next.

Making a willful and purposeful decision to be cheerful is not necessary during a time of great pleasure, prosperity or positive experiences either.   Almost everyone can be happy and cheerful during a party celebration. I do not believe that is what is being defined here in this definition of patience.   The definition for the word “cheerful” is someone who is noticeably happy and optimistic.  Being cheerful, happy and optimistic is easy when everything is going great.   However, the presence of choosing to be cheerful within the definition of being patient can only be correctly understood as occurring during a set of very negative circumstances.   We can see this by Strong placing the adjective “cheerful” joined with the noun “endurance” which changes the word’s application to a completely different set of negative circumstances and we will discover this as we continue through the lesson.

I hope that you understand what all of this means so far.  We will next look at the word endurance but before we go there let’s look at another part of the patience definition that teaches us an additional important concept concerning why patience is necessary.  You should have observed that the definition of patience includes a direct companionship with the term “waiting”.  To “wait” can be defined as “to stay in a certain place until a very specific anticipated event occurs”.   Any time that a person “waits” for something to transpire or to be given to them this means they do not yet have it or can even see it coming.  This would mean that there must be a time delay or an extended interval of duration that occurs before what is desired can be proven to exist.   I hope that you understood that time is an essential part of the word’s meaning because it was very relevant.  Now let’s talk about “endurance”.   Notice in the definition of G5281 that was translated as patience is found the term “endurance” and “enduring”.  How is endurance a factor with waiting?  What is “endurance” and when or why is this quality ever required?    Let’s find the definition of endurance in a dictionary:

Endurance:  the fact or power of enduring an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way

Endurance is defined to be going through an extended unpleasant situation which again denotes the passage of time through a set of negative circumstances.  This is a very good description of the short story of Job, isn’t it?  Endurance is only required when someone is in an event of significant length when not quitting or giving up is required to remain in it.   For example a runner in any long distance marathon event needs to possess the quality of endurance.  No runner in any 100 meter sprint requires endurance because the end of the race is always in the view of the runner.   Did you see the difference?   In other words hopeful endurance is only necessary if the person participating does not or cannot see the end of the race for a very long elapsed period of time but yet they know the end is coming so they optimistically expect to get through the whole race to finish at the end.  Wow, again!   Did you know that every Christian after being saved is in an extended endurance race not able to perceive the end of their course?   Let me prove this to you using your Bible:

Heb 12:1  Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

There is an amazingly complex figurative explanation of the newborn Christian life found in this verse.   Too many Christians want to take everything in the Bible literally and this verse if taken this way will only confuse the reader.   There can be no logical application that God is describing a literal physical race in this verse.  Therefore this described race must be taken as a symbolic, figurative or metaphorical account of an unseen spiritual event.   Do you understand this?   This symbolic description is often missed or ignored by many modern extreme Grace Bible teachers.   Let’s determine who the runners are for this race to begin.  The key to understanding any verse begins with seeing what is actually stated.   There are two plural pronouns given that will point us to who the runners represent.  These pronouns are “we” and “us”.   Both of these words are statements written by Paul that included himself as one of the runners.  The remainder of this runner group has to be the church which he is writing the letter to.  Therefore only the church body as a whole can be the target runners.  Now let’s determine what makes a person a runner in the race.   Since the reason for the race is not directly given to us in this verse I will tell you that being a runner in the race occurs when we are born again.    This was inferred by the statement of us laying aside every weight and sin that does beset us.   I am a firm believer that repentance is a forerunner to accepting salvation.  Repentance occurs when one realizes that they are a sinner and have need of salvation.  Normally when this occurs, the person realizes their need to turn away from their sins and this would again match with what was stated here in Hebrews.  I really do not have the time to explain this in detail in this lesson.  I hope that you can agree with the Spirit of God and we can continue.

Since this verse was written to the church and we are the runners being described we must now determine what kind of race this applies to.  Let’s analyze the Greek word translated as “race” to learn what God meant by selecting this word.   The Greek word translated as “race” is G73 (AGON).    This word from the Strong’s dictionary has the meaning of a contest where people are gathered together to compete.  This Greek word is found in only 6 verses that were all written to the church in Paul’s letters.  It is only translated as “race” in Hebrews 12:1.  In other verses it was translated as “conflict”, “contention” or “fight”.  In every case this word designates a human struggle to overcome or win in the contest.   In any designated opportunity to win there is always an antithesis opportunity to fail, quit or to be defeated.  This is such an important concept that I can’t stop teaching it.  If you do not believe that you can ever be deceived then you are already deceived.    If you do not believe that you can ever quit your salvation and walk away then you are in serious trouble.  Knowing that you are in a conflict is the beginning to overcoming it to win.  I think I am getting off topic here so please allow me to move on.

Let’s continue to define the race.  In Philippians 1:30 Paul tells the church that they are in the same conflict (race) as he is.  Within the context of this statement Paul refers to the persecution that they are enduring for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.   In 1 Thessalonians 2:2 Paul again speaks of preaching the Gospel in the middle of great violence that was being done against it.  What we are observing is a pattern for defining what the contest represents.  The contest being described appears to be a Christian life of preaching to others to get them saved while enduring persecution, ridicule and even up to death as many in the early church endured.   In preaching the Gospel the Christian will encounter persecution and many evils that are sent to silence them.   This gives us a pretty clear definition for what the race represents.  This race must be the Christian life of following Jesus’ example to reach the world.   I hope that you can agree with this conclusion.

God describes the Christian way of life to be as a long race of endurance that requires the noble quality of patience to get through it.  This literally means that we all have the same opportunity to quit or give up before the end of the race is achieved.  Consider the fact that every natural race has a starting gun that begins the event and an ending finish line that terminates the event.  The race being described here in Hebrews 12:1 begins when the sinner repents, believes and accepts Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  That is the individual’s starting point to begin to run and the end of that race is certainly not seen or known.   The duration of the race is our life span on the earth where we must endure things that try to make us quit preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.   What God calls every Christian to do is to witness and preach to help get others into the race.  This is the ministry that we all share together.  So far do you understand God’s description of the Christian life race?

AAA 400Notice that this race is being witnessed by an audience which observes as the runners run.   Then think and consider that these witnesses are not in the race.  There is only two possible interpretations for these race witnesses.   They can be those that we are trying to get into the race.  Or they could also be those that have already finished the race.  Now remember that it is the spiritual church which is racing here within this natural world which is bringing the opposition to them.  This seems to indicate that those that are bringing the opposition to those of us who are running to win the race are already a part of the field where the competition is occurring and therefore cannot be in the grandstands as witnesses to the event.   We can confirm this by observing the stated figurative position of the cheering audience members.  The audience is described to be compassed about the event and that is clearly a figurative stadium setting but it is also a circular reference like the shape of our globe.   This helps to confirm that the earth is the symbolic stadium and the observers are not here on the earth.  These witnesses that encircle the earth’s view cannot be earthly participants or natural observers but rather these must be heavenly witnesses and that will certainly include God, the angels and those that have already finished running their race and gone to be with the Lord.   Again the race being described here represents the human events, struggles, challenges within our human life on the earth.    The main point that I wanted to get to in this verse is the fact God says we must run life’s race with patience.  That simply means that we are running the race with hopeful endurance until the end of the race comes.  There are only three exits from this race that can be possible.  The first exit is the rapture of the church, the second exit can be the natural death of the runner and the third exit from the race can only be the resignation of the runner from the race.   Even when we do not see the end we know the end is coming and that will be when we will receive the prize being spoken of in the N.T. (1 Cor 9:2).  I’m not going to go into any more of the details of this race concept in this lesson because I believe that you can get the main points from what has just been described.

I reached this verse in Hebrews 12:1 by searching for the keyword “patience” being used to describe Job in James.  Do you remember how we got here so far?   The next thing that I want you to understand is that this verse in Hebrews 12:1 is directly preceded by Hebrews chapter 11 which is entirely dominated by the subject of faith listing many of the Old Testament faith heroes.   This again is a critical part of the lesson for us to begin to learn the direct association between the subjects of having faith in Chapter 11 which is immediately followed by the subject of patience in chapter 12.  The book of Hebrews was not written with chapter and verse separations.  Therefore these two subjects flow together in harmony and must be taken to be related topics.   We will confirm this truth by using other scriptures, but this is a very important beginning view of these two subjects.  Why do I say that?  It is because my subject today is about Job and Job is certainly an Old Testament man.   Hebrews 11 confirms to us today that faith was a factor for even the men and women named in the Old Testament.  God names over 10 individuals and Paul then writes that there are too many others to name them all.  What we must conclude from this information is that Job could have had faith.   I would suggest that you go and read chapter 11 of Hebrews every chance you get.  There is so much information given to us here that it astounds me.  I have concluded that while Job’s name is not directly mentioned in Hebrews 11, it can be indirectly associated within the group of unnamed O.T. saints by God’ selection of the word G5281 translated as “patience” that follows having faith in Hebrews 12:1.   I would also like to make this point that there is an implied association with those names listed in chapter 11 as Old Testament faith heroes as being the chapter 12 witnesses that have gone on before us.   I hope you understand this logic.  Let’s examine another verse found in James that goes along with the one that I previously used about Job.

Jas 1:3  Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.

Here is a very important verse to apply to Job.  It appears that patience is mentioned more than once in the book of James.  In this verse is found the exact same Greek word that we previously looked at as being used by God to describe Job.  But this time this Greek word is connected directly to the factor of having human faith.    This is the first verse that we have looked at that has made this direct connection.  It will certainly not be the last verse.   What we will discover in this study is that patience is a direct partner to faith and they both must be present or neither is necessary.  I would like to introduce you to the keyword that is translated as “trying” in this verse.  This Greek word is G1383 and it means “to test”.  This would be a very accurate description of what is occurring in the book of Job.  Job is being tested and we learn from this verse in James why these tests occur.   Also do not erroneously conclude that God is doing the testing because that belief contradicts other New Testament verses that I have already covered.  Therefore the tester is Satan as we can clearly see being named in the first chapter of Job.  From this verse in James we begin to see why Job endured and survived these tests and this is because of his faith and patience.   This is the second verse that helps to establish the faith of Job as being a present factor in the story.


I think this is a good time to learn the associations of Job in the Bible.  By seeing who God groups Job with in the Bible it will help us determine if he is qualified to be called a faith man.   I think it is fairly obvious that Job is not directly grouped with anyone in the book of Job.  There are no other mentioned men of God in this book.  In fact if it were not for Job praying for his friends, his friends would be in serious trouble with God.   I hope you understand the importance of association.  This will become increasingly more important as you study the Bible in depth on many other subjects.  In the last section I talked about the Hebrews 11 Faith Hall of Fame list that God gives to us.  These were all faith men and women that achieved notoriety by God to an elite level of association.  We learn from this list that God does associate like people together.  We can use this now to learn who God associated Job with.  In order to do this I’m going to give you the preceding verse to the one in James that mentioned Job:

Jas 5:10  Take, my brethren, the prophets, who have spoken in the name of the Lord, for an example of suffering affliction, and of patience.

Ok, this verse is really very informative.  By God placing this information within the direct context of the next statement, Job is being placed within some very elite company.   I personally believe that Job was a prophet of God.  I derive that from the fact that I believe Job wrote the book of Job.  But I also derive that from this verse that speaks of prophets and their examples of suffering affliction and their patience.   That is a very excellent description of the book of Job.   Here in this verse is the introduction of Job being an example for the church to follow.  God’s usage of the Greek word G5262 teaches us this fact.   This Greek word literally means these men were given to us by God as a pattern for us to learn from.  That is the classic definition of what a Biblical type is.  If Job was a type of man with patience being associated with so many other great prophets that we can read about then we need to learn this in order to understand the book of Job more clearly.

One of the greatest prophets of God was Moses.  Moses wrote down the Law of God.   He was used by God to deliver the children of God out of Egypt.  This is the kind of company that Job is being placed within by this verse statement in James 5:10.  Moses was also directly mentioned in the Faith Hall of Fame and that helps to determine where Job potentially belongs by direct association.   What we will do is see if we can find further confirmation for this in the Bible.  We will do this again by searching for the name of Job to determine if God places him with anyone else by association.  We already know that Job is not found anywhere else in the New Testament but we did not previously look for him in the Old Testament and that is our next place to search.

If you did the search you should have found one more reference to Job outside of the book of Job.  The name of Job is only mentioned in the Old Testament in the book of Job and in the writings of one major O.T. prophet.   You will find the name of Job mentioned in Ezekiel 14 twice.  These verses are Ezekiel 14:14 and 14:20.  Here in both of these verses Job’s name is directly mentioned in unison with Noah and Daniel.  Both of these men were also prophets of God.  This information helps us to confirm where Job fits within God’s associations.   If you read the context of these two verses you should see that God is speaking to the house of Israel and He tells them to turn from their idols or be destroyed.  God clearly calls men like Noah, Daniel and Job to be righteous examples and these are the types of men that will be saved while the others in Israel that do not repent will be destroyed.   This is actually essential information to learn from about the story of Job.  It gives us such a profound reference point to who God viewed Job to be like that it helps us settle why this book even exists in the Bible.   You see Noah was directly mentioned in Hebrews 11:7 as having faith.  Daniel was indirectly mentioned in the same chapter as having stopped the mouths of lions in Hebrews 11:33.  Therefore we have Job being included with some pretty amazing company that would seem to indicate that Job’s righteousness was also obtained by the same level of faith in God that these other two men possessed.  I would recommend that you take the time to go and read Ezekiel 14 to insure that this is what God is saying.  I believe that you will be able to see it now that I have pointed you to this information.  This information will help confirm the presence of faith in the life of Job but we will continue to find other witnesses to the truth as we study further.


As we have observed in Hebrews 11 and 12 there appears to be a partnership between faith and patience which is tied together by God’s design.   What relationship does faith have with patience?  Are there any other direct connections between these two factors given to us in the New Testament?    This is where we will begin to get into the subject of why faith is joined to its partner called patience.   I can’t teach the entire subject here but I will give you a quick overview of how they are linked together.  But first we will continue by reading another verse found within the context of Hebrews 11 and 12 that directly applies to our lesson:

Heb 10:36  For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.

Did you just see what God did?   God just made us a faith sandwich placing the meat of faith (Heb. 11) between two slices of patience (Heb 10:36, Heb 12:1).   Uh oh, I hope that I didn’t offend anyone with my faith sandwich analogy.  Let’s consider the book of Job when reading this N.T. verse.  Did Job end up better than when he started?   Through all of the hardships that Job experienced in 41 chapters was the end of his life blessed more than the beginning of his life by God?   I hope that you will read and see that Job’s end was greater than Job’s younger years and certainly was better than his life during the book of Job.  Would it not stand to reason that Job “received the promise” of God in the end?   Maybe you do not understand that receiving anything from God requires human faith.  I do not have the time to teach or prove this in this lesson so you will need to go and study the subject of faith in my Understanding Bible Faith series.   I will definitely tell you that everything that comes from God’s Grace is received by a man’s faith and obedience.   This includes salvation, healing, deliverance, God’s blessings and on and on I could go.   I’ll say it one more time for those that do not yet understand that nothing positive is received from God without their faith being present.    Let me give you another verse that certainly applies to the subject of Job:

Jas 1:12  Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.

God makes a statement here that could be talking about Job directly.  Did you see it?  There is a direct mention of endurance and this applies to having patience.  Now do you see it? The Greek word that was translated as “temptation” is a poor choice of English words by the translators.  This Greek word G3986 literally means “an experience of evil”.   While this definition could mean a temptation it goes way beyond that to include many other things.   This Greek word could apply to any adversity brought against someone by an enemy.   Let me ask you this, was Satan Job’s enemy or was Satan Job’s friend?   It would very stupid not to call Satan the adversary of Job since he was clearly trying to kill him.   Do you know what the Hebrew name “Job” means?   This name means “hated”.  Who hated Job?  If God was pleased with Job then it stands to reason that God’s enemy Satan would hate Job.   Therefore Job was hated by Satan.   This helps us put into perspective who is responsible for which actions in the book of Job.

Now go back to James 1:12 and go further with what is spoken by God.  God says that after a time of endurance through an attack that this person being attacked will receive that which God had promised them.   Why does God allow Satan to test His people?  It is certainly not for God’s benefit so it must be for our benefit or to provide evidence to Satan that those being tested will be true and faithful.  Both factors derive benefits for us in the future.   Adversity builds human character.  It teaches a person that they can overcome it and be victorious.  Isn’t all of this what happened to Job?   Job endured such a major attack of Satan that it almost wiped him out and yet God’s blessings still prevailed because why?  Do you know what receiving is?   I need to do an entire faith lesson on this important faith word.  Jesus would frequently tell the sick and diseased to “receive” their miracle.  What was Jesus saying to them?   Jesus was saying you better take it if you want it because the ball is now in your court.  I just used a tennis analogy to help you see how grace and faith works together.  God’s grace will serve the promise but it is man’s faith that is required to receive it.   If Job was mentioned with Noah and Daniel then he certainly obtained a crown of life that was mentioned in James 1:12.  I believe someday soon we will be able to walk and talk with Job and find out what else we did not learn from this book.

All of this initial information that I have just given to you is on the subjects of faith and patience and they teach us that Job had to have had unstated faith at least to some degree that allowed his end of life to be better than his beginning.  God very clearly told us that Job had patience in James.  Why then would Job need this patience if he had no hope for anything better to come?  I want you to chew on that for a while.   I’ll give you another N.T. verse that helps us to connect faith and patience together:

2Th 1:4  So that we ourselves glory in you in the churches of God for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that ye endure:

We are back to the subject of endurance working with our faith and patience.   Here is Paul writing to the church and this verse could very easily be talking about Job’s tribulations equally.  Both the early church and Job endured great adversity and troubles within a stated time of duration here in this life.   Both of these troubles were certainly brought upon them each by their enemy Satan.  Job appears to me to be a O.T. type of the church using Biblical typology.   You have probably never heard anyone teach this but it makes very good Biblical sense based upon the comparison of common features.  Both of these examples of the early church and the O.T. life of Job persevered and endured through great tribulations, trials and tests.  Both certainly needed patience to possess the blessings of God’s promises.  But also notice what God says that they both also needed faith.   I personally do not believe that God would have included the story of Job in the Bible as a positive role model for the church if this man did not possess any faith.  God would have omitted his life story or the end result of Job’s life would have been entirely different than being fully restored apparently victorious over Satan’s attempts to kill, steal and destroy him (John 10:10).  All of this evidence that I have presented you so far raises a new question that must be answered, if Job had faith why didn’t God talk about it in the book of Job?   The answer to this question can only be found by asking why didn’t God talk about Job’s patience in the book if that was the clear emphasis that was being taught to us in the New Testament?   Do you understand that there were hidden Bible subjects in the Old Testament?  Let me help to prove this to you:

Gal 3:23  But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed.

Actually you will find out very soon that God did talk about Job’s faith in great detail in the book of Job but we normally do not understand it or it is easily mistaken for something else since it was never directly referenced by name.   This was the same for Job’s patience.  God tells us a story of part of Job’s life that demonstrates the qualities of patience being found present but yet never mentions these directly by name either.  We will discover that Job’s connections to faith were hidden within other descriptive words found in the book of Job.   Did you see what God said in this verse in Galatians?   I used this verse in the first lesson of my faith series because it is critical to understand when and where faith originates.   Faith is definitely not a brand new N.T. invention.   Faith is a divine central theme of the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation.   However God says here in Galatians that the hidden subject of faith was only revealed to us in the church after Jesus had come tot he earth.  To be revealed means that the subject of faith was previously hidden from view for natural Israel.   Once you learn what faith is then you will begin to see faith or the lack of faith in almost every story found in the Old Testament.  I really hope and pray that you are learning this subject because it will be essential in your life.


Reading in the book of Job initially, God appear to give the impression that He is well pleased with His man Job at least in the first chapter.   How can God ever be pleased with a man that has no faith?  Is that even possible?   It is not possible according to the New Testament as I have already alluded to previously.   I think I need to give you this verse to confirm that faith is a requirement in order to be pleasing to God:

Heb 11:6  But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Did you see what this verse says?   If our faith is required and is not optional in order to be pleasing to God then we need to conclude that Job had to have had the same faith at least initially in the book.    However, there is another part of this verse that also applies to the story of Job that must be applied equally.   Read the last part of the verse again and see that God says “to those that believe in God’s existence” that He will reward them if they seek after Him diligently.  This is another portion of the requirement for having faith that must be met.  Did Job believe in God?  I believe you can clearly see in the story of Job that he believed in God very strongly.  Had Job ever seen God?  God says in John 1:18, “no man has ever seen God”.  Therefore Job had to believe in God without any evidence of His existence like you and I today.   Now ask yourself did Job diligently seek for God?  That becomes a little more difficult to see but you can find that in the first chapter that Job was offering sacrifices to God.   That sounds like a person that was diligently seeking the face of God to me.   Did Job receive any rewards for believing in God and seeking after God?   Let’s think about the rewards that Job obtained at the end of the book again.   At the end of the book of Job, he is blessed more than at the beginning and let’s review these verses:

Job 42:12  So the LORD blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning: for he had fourteen thousand sheep, and six thousand camels, and a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand she asses.

Job 42:13  He had also seven sons and three daughters.

If God rewarded Job at the end of the book with more than he had at the beginning of the book and this teaches me that faith was found to be present of God’s blessings would not have been received.   I do not see how anyone can receive God’s blessings without possessing any faith.  If you know of anyone in the Bible that was ever blessed by God without having faith please tell me about them because if you can find me one man or one woman without faith that is blessed by God then you have just made God a liar.   Since it is impossible for God to lie, I will stand by my statement with confidence that you cannot find one person present in the Bible without faith that is rewarded by God.

I’m going to go through the first verse of Job to begin to show you God’s hidden descriptions of Job’s faith being present.  I hope that after you have studied this section of the lesson with me that you will understand that faith was always present in the life of Job.   Please read verse 1 very slowly and carefully not missing any of the words selected by God to describe His righteous man Job:

Job 1:1 There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil.

In this first verse Job is described by God using four very flattering positive key descriptive words that were selected by God’s inspired choice.   These words will help us to understand God’s perspective and viewpoint of this man and why Job was so pleasing to God.  We must understand when reading the Bible that God could have selected any description that was true to use to teach us.  But when God selects only four specific words then those words must have a meaning that is needed to be understood.  Start by asking the question why were these 4 words selected and why were they used together in a list?  Please allow me to identify these key words for you in a list:

  1. Perfect (H8535)
  2. Upright (H3477)
  3. Feared God (H3373)
  4. Eschewed Evil  (H5493)

Those are four qualities that demonstrate God’s pleasure because they prove the implied presence of faith in God.    All of these qualities could be used to describe a Christian today that pleased God.  These qualities help to establish the fact that Job is a model for the church to follow.  Let’s research these words one at time beginning with the first called someone who is  “perfect”.  That is a very strange word for God to use to describe a human, isn’t it?


To be “perfect” does not mean that someone never makes a mistake or sins.   Only God can be perfect and no human has ever achieved this.  Therefore to be perfect is not what you think it is using modern definitions.  A perfect diamond is one that is defined to be flawless and this cannot be a human since God says “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23).  Since being perfect is unachievable we need to discover what God meant by this word.  By looking in Strong’s dictionary for the meaning of the word we should find that to be perfect is a term that means someone is “complete” or “lacking no good quality” in the eyes of God.   Was faith a good quality to possess according to Hebrews 11:6?   If you answered yes, then faith is part of the complete package that God is looking for in any human.   This Hebrew word translated as “perfect” is H8535 and it is not used in very many verses of the O.T.   However, I will point you to one key verse that is important to note on what perfect represents to God:

Gen 25:27  And the boys grew: and Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field; and Jacob was a plain man, dwelling in tents.

Here is a verse that is easily overlooked and ignored because most of us do not read in Hebrew.  This verse has the same Hebrew word that was translated as “perfect” in Job 1:1 but this time it is used to describe Jacob as being a “plain” man.   I do not believe that people always understand the confusion that translators present them by changing a word’s definition but this is a major problem with correctly understanding the Bible.  The main point here is that both Jacob and Job were both described to be “perfect” men and they were connected together by God’s choice of word descriptions.  Therefore if you understand how typology works then what one man has the other should also have to some degree of comparison.  Why is this important?   Well it is important because Jacob was also mentioned by name in Hebrews 11 as having faith.   Therefore we can logically conclude that if Jacob had faith and he was called perfect by God then Job had faith because he was also called perfect by God.   This is very basic applied logic which surrounds the members in the common set of human called “perfect” defined by God.  Let’s continue to the next word description of Job in verse 1.


“Upright” simply means someone that is standing straight up not leaning to the left or to the right.   This is a figurative expression that teaches us the condition of Job’s human thoughts within his mind as being level headed or in other words as thinking decently, right, honest, pure and not wavering back and forth from the left or to the right.   Being upright expresses Job’s moral compass on the inside that was directing his ways and his actions.   Do you recall what God said to the prophet Samuel?  When God sent Samuel to anoint the next king of Israel the sons of Jesse came before him one by one.  God told Samuel not to look on the outward appearance in 1 Samuel 16:7 because He looks on the heart of the man.  What this teaches us is that God declares what is on the inside to be more significant than what we see on the outside of a person.   What this teaches us is that Job had to be pleasing to God on the inside in order for him to walk the walk that was pleasing to God on the outside.   Again to be a good person outwardly is pleasing to God but yet a good person without any faith on the inside can still never please Him.  Also too many Christians today are doing good things without having good and right intentions in their heart.  That is a major problem to God.   Let me take you to a New Testament verse that mentions the word upright to help define what this word means:

Gal 2:14  But when I saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel, I said unto Peter before them all, If thou, being a Jew, livest after the manner of Gentiles, and not as do the Jews, why compellest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews?

This is going to be a lesson using stated antithesis or opposites.  Sometimes to learn what something is you must learn what it is not!   Here in Galatians Paul is writing about people that were being the opposite of what Job was in verse 1.  These were Christians that were being inconsistent.   Paul was speaking of the Jews living like Gentiles but simultaneously wanting the Gentiles to live like Jews.   That represents a conflicting mindset of inconsistencies.   What Paul was telling us, is that the Gentiles did not need to get circumcised in their flesh in order to be saved like many of the Jews were trying to teach them.  Knowing the truth and being consistent applying the truth is what God was trying to say that Job was doing.   That according to God’s definition is what being upright is.   We should be able to learn how to apply this to what God says about Job.   It clearly meant that Job did not try to live like others while requiring them to live like him.  That would actually be a good Bible study to do but I will not spend the time today to do that.  Perhaps it will help if I give you the Greek word definition for upright here:


From a compound of G3717 and G4228; to be straight footed, that is, (figuratively) to go directly forward: – walk uprightly.

This word literally means to walk a straight line.  But, as you can see this word can be applied figuratively to mean moving directly forward as in not wavering from your purpose.   To move directly forward means not to move to the left or to the right as I have tried to teach you about the Hebrew word found in Job 1:1.  What is the opposite description of walking upright?   The opposite would be to walk staggering or swaying from side to side.   Do you understand this?  Have ever heard the modern expression he walked the line?  To walk the line figuratively meant that a person did not change their mind frequently to vary what they do.   There is an old Johnny Cash song that is called “Walk the line”.  In this song Johnny sings “Because you’re mine, I walk the line”.  That only meant that when he sang this song to his wife that he was not cheating on her with other women.   It is very much like the figurative phrase “walking the straight and narrow”.   Being upright is simply a person that is well balanced not changing their mind frequently between two opposing extremes like between being good today and evil tomorrow.  So what does being upright, have to do with if Job had any faith?   Well the application of truth will teach us the answer if we go and read the book of James in the New Testament:

Jas 1:5  If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

Jas 1:6  But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

Did you see what God just said here about faith and wavering?   If man does not walk upright or in a straight line then he is wavering from one position to another.   God in this chapter calls this a double minded man with more than one thought process taking place simultaneously.   I hope and pray that you understood this very quick overview of the subject of walking uprightly.   I simply cannot teach every subject encountered in a Bible study in the depth that I would like or it would take me 100 times as many words to teach any subject.  What I wanted to show you here in James was the connection of not wavering (called walking upright) to having faith that receives from God.   It is still clear to me that since Job did receive a greater blessing from God in the end that he was at the very least back to not wavering like he was at the beginning of the story.  Let’s move on to the description of quality 3 called the fear of God next.


The next term that God used to describe Job in verse 1 was that he “feared God” and this is another critical positive human characteristic that is critical for anyone before they can ever possess any faith.  No one is going to believe God or even in God if they do not believe in His omnipotent power or if they have any great fear (respect) for His great abilities.   What I am going to do is give you another Hebrews 11 example of an Old Testament man that was directly compared to be like Job:

Heb 11:7  By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.

We of course understand that Noah had faith, but before Noah could believe God to have this faith it is said that he also had to fear God first.   It would have been very stupid for Noah not to fear God but yet this was still his right of free choice.   This becomes very self-evident that the fear of God is required before anyone will believe God’s spoken word.  This is in fact the number one reason why atheists do not believe in the Bible or in God.   Atheists do not possess any fear of the living God that created them and can kill them just as easily.   These people are called fools by God and I will concur.  Where there is no fear of God their can be no faith in God.  The fear of God is a necessary precursor for having faith.  Since God describes Job to possess this fear this description qualifies him to possess faith.   We could talk about this subject for a long time but that was a quick introduction and we will move on the quality four called “eschewed evil” used to describe Job.


The last quality of Job was “eschewed evil”.  This Hebrew word translated as “eschewed” literally means to turn away from following after or doing any evil.   To turn away from evil is an indicator of a repentant heart that desires to do right and good.   Again this word indicates that faith is found present in the life of Job because the N.T. says anything that is not of faith is sin (Rom 14:23).  Did you know that the lack of faith was evil?  Did you know that having no faith was sin?   Many Christians do not have a clue about either of these concepts.   Let’s quickly establish that sin is evil in the eyes of the Lord:

1Ki 15:26  And he did evil in the sight of the LORD, and walked in the way of his father, and in his sin wherewith he made Israel to sin.

Here is a man being given as a negative example for the people of God not to follow and this man sinned before God and God called his actions evil.   This Hebrew word translated as “evil” is H7451 and this is the exact same word used in Job 1:1 to describe what Job was not in the eyes of the Lord.  Therefore Job lived a life of choosing to steer away from what was sin in the eyes of God.   This is really very amazing since the period of Job occurs before there was any written Law of Moses to describe what sin was.  Somehow Job was so in tune with the Spirit of God and His ways that he knew what sin was and avoided it.  Perhaps we need to connect the dots more clearly between turning from sin and having faith, patience and walking upright before God:

Mat 3:8  Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance:

Here is John preaching to the Jews and he tells them directly to produce fruit for repentance.   Repentance is simply the human turning from their sins and the fruit is a reference to coming fruits of the spirit that are described by God in Galatians:

Gal 5:22  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

Gal 5:23  Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

The KJV Bible is not as well stated as some of the other translations.  I want you to focus on just two of the nine fruits mentioned.  The first is translated as “long-suffering” and this is certainly applicable to what Job went through.  This Greek word literally means to be “patient”.   It is the opposite of being demanding and wanting everything right now like fast food.   Any quality restaurant will serve food far beyond fast food but it requires patience in order to receive it.   The second Greek word in this is translated as “faith” and that again is the word that we are exploring in the life of Job.   Since we got here by the subject of “eschewing evil” let’s see where this is used in the New Testament:

Act 26:20  But shewed first unto them of Damascus, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the coasts of Judaea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance.

Here is an excellent verse that demonstrates the message that Paul preached to the Gentiles.   Paul told them to repent and then to turn to God.   This is clearly what Job had already done as a Gentile.  There are many other example verses that teach similar concepts for salvation in accordance with repentance occurring first.   This simply means that the human heart must be turned away from evil in order to allow the goodness of God to take its place.


These four positive qualities presented to us in verse one of Job were used by God to help us to understand the characteristics that allowed Job to have faith in God to receive  the blessing in his early years.   Every quality named can be associated with faith directly or indirectly using the New Testament. These same qualities also helped sustain Job during the tough times of Satan’s attacks to propel him to overcome the adversity.  Job’s faithfulness and patient endurance during the negative times causes him to be blessed even greater by God at the end of his life.  Keep in mind the four qualities being described by God they were 1) being complete, 2) walking upright, 3) fearing God and 4) turning from evil.  No one is going to have faith without first having any reverential fear of God!  No one is going to fear a God who they do not believe in.  No one is going to have faith without turning and departing from doing evil!  Sin will always be a moral distraction from receiving the blessings of God.   As far as being called upright by God I again believe this to mean that Job was not double minded trying to decide between good and evil.  I also believe that Job’s confidence in God was not shaken or swayed just because negative things were occurring.  Finally to be called perfect (complete) by God implies that faith had to have been found present or Job would have been lacking the one essential God pleasing quality.   It is just so obvious to me by the way that God describes Job in verse 1 that Job was pleasing to God.  This absolutely requires faith to be present.

We have explored briefly the association of faith and patience using several verses of the New Testament.   I believe that I presented sufficient evidence to confirm when one quality of faith is present the other quality of patience should also be found and vice versa.   One without the other makes the other irrelevant.  But, working together I believe that faith and patience will cause the blessing of God to be made manifest here in the natural realm.   Always remember what patience is and why it is necessary.   Patience is only required when you expect better things to come than what you are experiencing right now.   This is clearly what Job came to realize.  If you can’t see yourself as a type of Job then you have not been a Christian for very long.   If you remain in the faith, Satan will come to you eventually to test your faith in God and that is exactly what occurred in the book of Job.    When Satan approached the throne of God to accuse Job God said “Have you considered my servant Job?”.   This did not mean that God turned Job over to Satan.  This only meant that God knew why Satan was present and brought up the subject before Satan could mention it.   God is not stupid people; God had placed a hedge of protection around Job to keep Satan from attacking.  It was Job’s ignorance that caused the hedge to come down and this was the reason for the initiation of the satanic attack.  I really do not have the time to explain all of this in this lesson.  I have talked about a lot of this already in previous subject lessons.  Let’s change back to the New Testament and end with this verse:

Heb 6:12  That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

Faith and patience will receive the promises of God.   The promises of God are found in the Word of God.   Every Old Testament positive example given to us by God went through this.   There are no examples of people in the Old Testament that did not have major times of tests and trials.  This included the greatest prophets of God.   Moses was tested in the wilderness.   Elijah was tested and asked God to kill him.  Noah went through tremendous persecution for preaching about the coming end.  David was hunted and had to hide not to be killed.  We could name them all but you get the point.  All of these examples were like Job who endured but they also had faith in God with corresponding acts of patience to see the deliverance of God’s hand.

Can you see now how faith was indirectly taught by God while never being mentioned by name?   This is an extremely clever method used by God of hiding the truth in plain sight in the Old Testament.  God teaches us what faith is and how it receives His blessings while never mentioning the concept directly.  The wisdom of God is way beyond normal or natural human comprehension.  I hope that you learned something new about the positive life examples of Job and how they might help you even today as a type for your walk with God to follow during your test and trial of Satan.   We have been given very significant evidence that we should believe in God and believe in His ability to bless us in spite of the negative circumstances being presented to us by Satan.   Believe me I know this for sure since I have been going through a time of tests and trials like never before in my life.

I will say in conclusion that Job made certain mistakes at the beginning of the book and certainly in the middle of the book that were corrected by the end of the book in order for God to restore his life back to more than he had at the first.  This teaches us that even Christians can open the door for Satan to attack them.  These tests and trials will cause you to have to demonstrate faith and patience in order to receive the promise of God that will also cause you to be blessed.    I went through some pretty new radical concepts for many people today.  I hope and pray that you understood them.  If not please go back and reread this lesson so that they are built into your spirit and how you live before God.   The book of Job is a great lesson to learn from.  However it matters that what you learn is in alignment with the New Testament revelation of the Lord God.  Thank you for reading and if you enjoyed this please leave me a comment.  God Bless!

Is the Rapture of the Church really found in the Bible? Finding the Rapture in Revelation 3:10!

rapture8(Ver 1.3)  This is Part 5 in a series of advanced spiritual Bible lessons on the timely and very important subject of “Is the Rapture of the Church a Bible Truth”.  If you have not read this entire series from the beginning I would highly recommend that you go and start your study with “Part 1” and then continue in succession until today’s lesson.   However if you do not have the time to read every lesson I will inform you that this lesson today will be of great benefit and will be easily understood as a standalone lesson.  Many Christians today are asking “Is the Rapture Really Found in the Bible?”  I believe the clear signs of the times that we live within today are causing more and more people to ask this question.  In this lesson series I have been going through verses that teach us about the rapture subject found both in the New Testament and in Old Testament typology.   Many of these verses represent places in the Bible that Christians have not considered being about the subject of rapture.  Today’s lesson will certainly be no different.    God will present to you some potentially new information today in this lesson that may just open your eyes to a brand new way of searching for His Truth!   I hope that you are ready to learn.

Before I get started today I wish to thank you for your time in studying the Bible.   To all of my faithful subscribers I greatly appreciate your ability to perceive that what I teach is not from me.  The teachings of a man are inconsequential without the anointing and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  I take no credit for anything that is on this website.  If it was not for the gracious and precious Holy Spirit teaching me I would have had nothing worthwhile to say.  Therefore, I give God all the praise and all the glory for anything that has helped anyone.  So no matter what, I trust God to confirm everything that is taught here by you using your own Bible and the Holy Spirit that is within you giving witness.  Trust no human at any time, no matter how eloquent the words that come from them or their good looking appearance.   There is a great deception occurring in the world today.    Evil is being called good and good being called evil.  I know that no one including myself is perfect and we all make mistakes.   Therefore I trust that you will receive my sincere gratitude as I humbly submit to God’s direction.


The vast majority of Christians today believe in a rapture concept where Jesus literally returns in the clouds to take up His people to be with Him in heaven.  This belief is based upon verses like John 14:1-3 where Jesus speaks of His father’s house in heaven and says that He will go and prepare a place for us and then come again to take us there.   There are not very many Christians that do not understand this truth and believe it yet the great debate that remains among many churches is concerning the timing of this event.  The rapture timing is exactly the subject being addressed in these Bible lessons.   In the last lesson I went through a lot of new information that I will not repeat today.  I tried to teach the importance of seeing spiritual things even in the O.T. natural stories but I got a few ignorant comments that refused to open their eyes to understand the legitimacy of these methods.   These types of people are so focused on the literal obvious messages that they do not want to understand how God has concealed many spiritual truths for us to find in these same words.  I tried to emphasize in the last lesson that even Jesus said that He was hidden in the O.T. (John 5:39) and that we were required to go and search to look for Him in those verses.  This information must have gone over the heads of a few people who want to see everything easily in the Bible.  I do not recall any verse in the Bible that says Bible study is easy, do you know of any?   If you do please share it with me so I can learn.

I just mentioned John 5:39 and this is so important to memorize that I am going to emphasize it again.   In Matthew 13:11 Jesus declared to His disciples that it was given for them to understand the mysteries of the Kingdom of God but then He clearly states that this was not given to everyone else.  This is just further confirmation that not everything in the Bible is clearly stated to be understood by everyone.  Romans 16:25 says that Paul preached the mystery of the Gospel of Jesus that was hidden from the foundation of the world.  That literally means it was not plainly stated in the O.T. and had to be revealed by the Spirit of God.  Proverbs 25:2 declares that it is “the glory of God to conceal a thing and the honor of kings to search out a matter”.   These are just a few verses of the many that I could include in this message that not everything in the Bible is plainly presented for your automatic understanding.   This is so easy for a supremely intelligent God to do.  He can speak to us on His level of understanding and we would be clueless to understand it until we learned how.   I emphasize this fact in many, many of my Bible lessons because it is so vital for you to come up to a higher spiritual way of thinking.   Learning to see the scriptures as God sees them will help you more than anything else that I could teach you today.


Why any Christian would desire to go through the coming tribulation is a mystery to me but that is what many are choosing to believe and I believe that is what may just happen to them based upon what the N.T. teaches us about faith.    Jesus very clearly taught us a valuable lesson in the Gospels when He said “According to your faith, be it unto you” (Mat 9:29).    Jesus was telling these blind men in Mathew 9 something directly and He treated them differently than the many other blind men that may have been in the same city.   Jesus only healed the blind men that believed and had faith and the others that were in the city were not healed.   You could reason that these others that were not healed were simply not present but that is a different part of another lesson and I do not want to get off track in this lesson.  Simply understand that the blind men had to believe in order to seek after Jesus and if the others did not do the same they were left out from this benefit.   Now go and read Matthew 8:13 where Jesus says to the centurion “go thou way and as thou has believed, be it done unto you”.  Jesus spoke very highly of this man’s faith.   He then told him clearly that it would be done to him even as he had believed.  I think you need to consider these facts carefully.

I think both of those examples that I just presented you are valuable lessons to learn from about the subject of faith.  We then need to learn to apply that knowledge to the subject of rapture.  If you want to believe and stay in the post tribulation camp, I won’t stop you.  I will still try to show you what I see that the Bible says on the subject and that is why we are going to go through a different part of the Bible today to see a different lesson taught by God.  What I am trying to say here is that what you believe matters and if it does not matter what you believe then God is in sovereign control and I don’t have to believe in Jesus or Satan.   That is a common false teaching to think that man has no determination of his destiny.   I believe from the words of Jesus that what you believe could very well be the determining factor if you are taken out on the first call of the rapture or left here.   If you don’t believe me, that is fine with me.   Please don’t write me any negative comments trying to say something I didn’t say.

Evaluate where your faith is today.    What do you believe and why?   If you have several scriptures to back your beliefs then you are on a firmer foundation than not having any.   That is exactly why I am giving you my scriptures for why I believe the way that I do in a pre-tribulation rapture.  I did not determine my beliefs in pre-tribulation rapture first and then seek to find the scriptures to confirm them.  That is a false erroneous approach to Bible study.   You can find any belief in the Bible that you want to find in some form.  This is exactly why there are mid-tribulation believers and post-tribulation believers and most of them have found some scriptures that they believe support their thinking.   God purposefully designed the Bible this way to allow us to be wrong and remain in our false beliefs.   What God desires is for us to first clear our mind of our prejudices and then to ask the Holy Spirit to show us the truth and only then can we go and seek to find it in His Word allowing Him to direct our paths of search.   We cannot do this with any presumptive expectations for what the truth is or this will slant our viewpoint to that preconceived belief.  That type of search is a closed minded approach and does not allow God to speak to us in our hearts since our hearts are already set in concrete.   We can only determine the actual truth based only upon what God reveals to us in His Word when He speaks to our heart.   Notice that I did not say your mind, the voices in your mind can be from the devil.  The Spirit of God is in your heart and that is where divine direction will be given.  If you do not know how to be led by the Spirit of God I would recommend that you go read that series of lessons to begin to learn.

This section of the lesson I title “Be it unto you according to your Faith”.  Faith comes by hearing the Word of God taught according to Romans 10:17.  That simply means that you can get faith to change your beliefs by what God presents in this Bible lesson series.   If you are open to learning this will allow the Spirit of God to confirm this lesson.   I hope and pray that you will at least give God a chance to see what He might say to you today.


 I was asked to explain the Bible verse found in Revelation 3:10 and I immediately understood that they were asking this question from a rapture subject perspective since that is clearly the hidden message of the verse.  I say clearly but what is clear to me may not yet be clear to you!   You may still be amazed after you read this lesson how a verse that never mentions the word rapture directly can be such a key and important lesson on the subject.

The first fact that I would like to mention is that you are right the theological term “rapture” does not exist in the English Bible but that does not mean that the concepts surrounding the subject are not taught repeatedly by God in many unique ways.  As I have said before the English term “rapture” comes from a Latin word “raptus” which means “a carrying off”.   People are normally too narrowly focused on finding the specific word rapture, that they are missing entirely the more important messages about the subject recorded from God.   One detail that needs to be understood is that there are at least two completely different ways of teaching any subject.   A teacher can state the subject directly by describing it plainly or they can teach it indirectly by what is stated so that the subject must be true in order for the statement being made to also be true.   Most modern school textbooks are written in a direct teaching style with ordered increasing levels of associated complexity.  However, God’s word is not written in a textbook style and appears to be more random information that needs to be connected by study.  God teaches most spiritual subjects indirectly especially in the Old Testament where they are never explained fully until the descriptions are given about them in the New Testament.   Direct natural truths as opposed to indirect spiritual truths are found equally in abundance throughout the Bible.   For every direct natural lesson on a subject there are usually equal numbers of indirect spiritual lessons that can be found if you know how to search for them.   I hope you will learn both of these concepts given in this introduction from this lesson today.   Revelation 3:10 is an indirect and unstated spiritual lesson on the pre-tribulation rapture of the church that must be a truth for this statement that was made by Jesus to also be a truth and you will soon learn why I say this.  Let’s start by reviewing the verse in question and seeing what was stated by Jesus:

  • Rev 3:10  Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

The KJV Bible translation does a fair job at translating each Greek word into English but yet these English words are often ignored or misapplied to not mean what they are really saying.   It is very easy to take an English word and restrict it to a specific narrow thought or application and that may be what is happening in this verse when you read it.  Some English words are easily assumed to be fully understood as they actually go much deeper in their definition and meaning when studied.   Assuming that you know and understand the truth is probably one of the greatest reasons why God is unable to teach you anything new.   So please take no preconceived assumptions into this Bible lesson as you continue to read.  There are certain key words given to us in this verse which need to be understood in order for us to comprehend the message being given to us by God.  Today we are going to go through at least 5 specific Greek words found in Revelation 3:10 and find their meanings and God’s usage for the words in other parts of the Bible.    These words that I will focus on are “all”, “world”, “temptation”, “keep” and “kept”.

I’m going to start with the Greek word translated as “all”.  This Greek word G3650 translated as “ALL” literally means the “entirety of the whole”.  This Greek word is applied as an adverb in this sentence and is directly used by God as a modifier description for the noun “world”.  In this type of presentation it would represent the entire “world”.   Let’s go back to an old Bible lesson that I did on the serpent in the garden first mentioned in Genesis 3:1.   In that Bible lesson I taught on how that God created laws of mathematical sets and used them in the words that He has written in the Bible.   A set is always a related grouping of like objects.    If I have a set of automobiles they may differ in manufacturer, color, make, year and model but they are all still unified members of my automobile set.  If I wanted to limit the scope of my set of automobiles I could qualify a new description to create a subset of just certain common features or characteristics.  For example I could define one sub-set of my “automobiles” to be only “red” automobiles and that makes ALL cars of the red color to be members in that set.  Now when I say ALL RED CARS you know I am including every one that qualifies to be a member together in that definition.   This is basic mathematical logic based upon established God created principles and yet many Christians may not grasp these important basic concepts and how they apply to the Word of God.   What we need to see is that God has just defined a mathematical set in Revelation 3:10 and said “every” noun object in that set called the “world” was included.   That literally means there are no “world” members excluded from the statement.  However the next problem is how does God define the members in the “world” set and what do these members possess that defines them to be in the common description?  I hope I am not going over your heads with these important thoughts but they must be applied correctly to understand who God is speaking about in this verse.

Let’s speak briefly about God’s usage of the Greek word G3650 that was translated as “ALL” in this verse.  This Greek word occurs in 99 verses of the Bible.   Around 60 times it was translated as “ALL”.   In nearly 40 verses, the Greek word was translated as “whole”.    “Whole” and “all” are clearly synonyms with the same definition.   They both will always include every member that fits the definition.   If you would like to do the study and search for this word for yourself in your Bible software to confirm how God consistently uses it to mean every that would be good to do, but I will not do that in this lesson today to keep this lesson a little bit shorter.

The next step to understanding Revelation 3:10, is to learn the Biblical definition of what the “all the world” set represents to God.   Jesus very clearly states that an “hour of temptation” will come upon the “entire world” at some unstated future time which was not directly given to us.  If the entire world will come into these common temptations we need to learn what the world means and what temptation means so that we can understand how or even if these apply to us in the church.   Let’s continue by examining the Greek word G3625 and determine how it was defined in the Greek language.  This Greek word which was translated as the English word “world” literally means “the earth”, “the soil” or “the physical land parts of the globe” according to the Strong’s definition.  However that does not mean that these physical land parts of the globe will be what is tempted in the prophesied hour.   What we are to apply is that God is speaking indirectly about the “inhabitants” of these “land areas” and not specifically about the dry dirt.   Therefore it is not the physical land directly being referenced but rather the people living on the land who will be tempted.  The implied application for this Greek word (world) is anyone that is alive on the earth or living upon dry land or occupying the livable land mass continents of the planet.   Let’s confirm this by observing this phrase in other parts of the N.T.:

  • Mat 24:14  And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

Here is an interesting reoccurrence of the phrase “All the world”.   Jesus is speaking and He declares the time of the end will come only after the Gospel is preached to “all the world”.   Obviously Jesus was not telling us to go preach to the literal soil of the planet.   No Jesus was telling us to go into every part of the globe and preach to the people that inhabit that part of the whole.   In other words the entire population of the globe will hear the Gospel before the end will come.  If we go and read Luke 2:1 you will see another example that it is the people that are the intended definition for the term “all the world”.   In this verse the ruler Caesar Augustus declared that “all the world” should be taxed.   That sounds very familiar to what is happening with governments today but that is a different subject.   We have seen enough examples to understand the description being used is about the people living on the earth and definitely not the literal earth.   Let’s stop there and ask ourselves does that term “all the earth” include Christians?   Of course we must realize that presently it does.   Christians on this planet are no different than non-Christians in that we both live in the same global “world” set of earth dwellers.   Remember what I just said because that fact will become very relevant as we continue in this lesson.  Let’s now examine the next Greek word G3986 translated as “temptation” in Revelation 3:10 because this is also an essential word to learn and understand:

  • G3986
  • From G3985; a putting to proof (by experiment [of good], experience [of evil], solicitation, discipline or provocation); by implication adversity: – temptation, X try.

This Greek word literally means to prove something or someone.   This is usually done by someone performing a trial or test like a scientist proving their theory of supposition performing repeated tests.   That is a popular concept within the scientific community but one that is misapplied to God and the truth found in God’s word.   Many Christians today believe that God tests people with trials to prove their faithfulness and that belief is contrary to what the Bible actually teaches.  Once you learn the truth you will figure out quickly that it is unnecessary for God to test anyone.   First consider the well-known fact that the divine God is called omniscient.  This is a common characteristic used to describe God and clearly demonstrates His superior nature.  Omniscient simply means “ALL KNOWING”.   If God literally knows everything as most Theologians and Christians believe it would be totally unnecessary for God to test or prove anyone since He must already know the outcome before the test is presented.  Therefore it is extremely ignorant to believe God needs to test us in order to prove our faith in Him.  Do you believe this?  If you do then you need to apply that information to what Jesus is stating in this verse to determine who is doing the testing to prove these people in the world.

The Bible teaches us who the tester represents but these facts are often ignored by many Christians because Satan would rather you believe in a good God that brings the tests rather than an evil being like himself that you might resist or fight against.   Do you already see the initial motivation behind why Satan wants Christians to believe that God is their tester?   I think it is obvious because Christians will not be foolish enough to fight against God.   The Greek word G3986 translated as “temptation” in Revelation 3:10 comes from the root word G3985 that means “to test”.   We need to learn how this word is used by God to teach us that it is not God that is testing people.  Let’s read this verse found in the book of James:

  • Jas 1:13  Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:

The word translated as “tempted” here is the Greek word G3985.  Notice what God declares.  God clearly states that He is not the tempter or the tester of humans.  The statement is directed at man by God saying “let no man say”.  This term for “no man” is found in several statements made by Jesus and is even found in Revelation 3:11 the next verse that we are studying when Jesus says “Let no man take your crown”.  It is very clear to me that this term is referring to human earth inhabitants again.   We have already stated why this testing is unnecessary based upon God already knowing the outcome.  If God does not test or tempt any human then who is sending the temptations, tests and trials in Revelation 3:10 to the whole world?   That is a very interesting question and the answer still points us to Satan to be the tempter.   Let’s examine some other verses found in the N.T. to confirm that God is not the tempter or tester of man:

  • Mat 6:13  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

Here is a verse found in the Lord’s Prayer used by Jesus to teach His disciples how to pray.   Jesus taught them to pray for God to lead them out from temptation and clearly not into them.   Is the implied will of God for Christians to be tested or not to be tested?   It would seem to say that it is not God’s will for us to be tested based upon the prayer.  The implication given to us is that if we need to pray to ask God not to lead us into “temptations” that God is not the one that is initiating the temptation.  That is just sound basic logical reasoning.  God would not remove something that He was causing.   Let’s shift to another verse to help understand the true source of temptations:

  • Luk 4:13  And when the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from him for a season.

This verse has the same Greek word found in Revelation 3:10.  God clearly says that Satan was the source for these temptations here in this verse.    Based upon the context given to us these temptations occurred when Jesus was being tempted in the wilderness being on a forty day fast.   Clearly Jesus would be considered to be “in the world” occupying the soil in this example and that is key for us understanding Revelation 3:10.   I could go over many verses found in the N.T. but I will only give you one more witness to learn from for now:

  • 1Co 10:13  There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

Here we have a message written to the church.  We are plainly informed that “temptations” may come but then we are indirectly informed that God was not the one that sent them.   This is an example of learning from what is stated how to see what is not stated.   In this verse God says “I will not allow the temptation to be above what you are able to endure”.   That appears to me to say I am a God that places limitations upon the one that is testing you.    God would not send the test and then limit the test and finally make a way out of the test as this verse declares.  That would be a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde type of God.  This would be dueling personalities with one side of God sending you the test to potentially harm you while the nice side of God limiting the test and placing a way out from it so that you can escape it.   That type of reasoning makes no sense to me but many Christians believe in that type of situation everyday.  One man that I knew believed that God sent cancer to his wife to test them but they were going to the doctors to try to get out from the test and live.   Wow, I seriously tried to help him see that it was not God doing it to his wife but he rejected it.  I’m really not sure what happened to his wife.

So far we have looked at the Greek words for “temptation”, “world”, and “all” in in Revelation 3:10 to gain understanding how they apply to the verse.   We have learned so far that a “temptation” is a stated trial or test that every human can potentially come into at some time in their life even Christians.  We have learned that Satan is the initiator of these tests and trials and that God is the one that leaves us a door out of the test if we want to find it.  We have learned the term “world” means earth dweller or inhabitant.   So far that definition would include everyone still living here on the planet.  Since God used the qualifier “all” before the world noun He clearly states that the entire population will be tested by Satan.  Let’s reread the verse again and apply what we have learned so far:

  • Rev 3:10  Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

Jesus is the speaker in this verse so that is very important to note.   Then we know by reading in context that He is speaking to the church since this statement is found within one of the letters of Revelation written to the churches.   Therefore we know the majority of the noun subject participants found in this verse including the speaker and the intended target audience, Satan the tempter of the earth inhabitants and we now desire to understand the verb actions being given to connect them all together.  We have already seen where Satan is the tempter and Jesus says that his temptations, tests and trials will come upon the entire population of the earth.    Right there is an excellent time to consider that to be a prophecy of future reference.  Meaning what Jesus was speaking of had not occurred up until the time of writing.   That should raise a meaningful question in your mind, “Why is this stated time of temptation different than previous mentions of temptations given throughout the Bible?   I personally believe that the hour of temptation being spoken of is the soon to be described “Great Tribulation” later in the book of Revelation.   One of the main reasons that I believe this is because Satan is one of the key subjects in the rest of the book.  He is described as the “Great Dragon” and his prophet and anti-Christ servants will be revealed during this time to deceive the whole world’s population.

We then know from the statement of Jesus that He will “Keep” the church from that hour of global tests.  How will He do this?  In order to understand this we need to learn the definition of the word “keep” next.  Let’s look up the definition for the Greek word translated as “Keep”:

  • G5083
  • From τηρός teros (a watch; perhaps akin to G2334); to guard (from loss or injury, properly by keeping the eye upon; and thus differing from G5442, which is properly to prevent escaping; and from G2892, which implies a fortress or full military lines of apparatus), that is, to note (a prophecy; figuratively to fulfil a command); by implication to detain (in custody; figuratively to maintain); by extension to withhold (for personal ends; figuratively to keep unmarried): – hold fast, keep (-er), (ob-, pre-, re) serve, watch.

This is obviously a complex word and is compared with several other Greek words that are similar but different.   The meaning of the word means to watch or to observe.   As you can read this word means to keep your eye upon something or someone.   Perhaps it will help us if we analyze how this word was translated in the N.T.    This Greek word is found in 68 N.T. verses.   In 33 verses it is translated as “keep”.    In 12 verses it is translated as “kept”.  In 10 verses it was translated as “keepeth”.   The other verses in the N.T. it is translated as “observe”, “reserve”, “reserved”,  “watched”, “watching”, “preserve” and “hold fast”.

What do all of these translated English words have in common and how do they apply to how they were used by God in the New Testament?   We really need to learn this in order to understand what Jesus is going to do to the church before the coming hour of trials.  I think it is relevant and important to know that this Greek word is used twice in Revelation 3:10.  Once it was translated as “keep” and the other time it was translated as “kept”  Let’s examine how it was used for the church and then apply that definition to how it will be used by Jesus.  Read the beginning of the verse again and see how God uses it for the church.  God says “Because you have kept my words…, I will keep you…”.    How do you keep God’s words?    That is a very loaded question.   To keep God’s word implies they are important to you.   That you value them and that you desire to know them and possess them.   If further implies that you want to protect them and even make them safe.   Let’s examine the steps or process for keeping God’s Words:

  1. We must desire to know God’s Words
  2. We must value the Words of God
  3. We must give the Words of God priority over all other words
  4. We must make the effort to find God’s Words
  5. We must take the time to learn God’s Words
  6. We must extend the effort to understand God’s Words
  7. We must then place the Words of God into our memories and recall them at all times
  8. We must then put the Word of God into daily and hourly practice becoming a doer of the Words of God

That was my quick overview of keeping the Word of God.  It denotes a process of taking the Word of God from a book and placing into our hearts and minds to exalt it, protect it, guard it, preserve it, etc.  Clearly to keep the Word of God represents a transfer from one location to another.  What did I just say?   Taking God’s word from the pages of a written book and internalizing them is the transfer of divine information from one place to another.  Can we agree that this is what this word represents?  Now apply that to what Jesus said He would do before the hour of temptation.  Jesus basically said “I will keep you (move you out of harm, protecting you, keeping you safe, etc.) before that hour occurs because I value you as my treasure.   People will disagree with me that do not wish to see the truth, but there is really not much I can do to help those that do not want any help.

I believe very firmly that this verse is very specific.  It is a prophecy of two events occurring in sequence.  The first event is the “Keeping” safe of the church body that has kept safe the word of God.   The second event that will occur next is the hour of temptation, testing and trial that will occur to everyone on the planet earth.   This very clearly says that the church cannot be present upon the earth or this verse would not be accurate anymore.  The church’s presence on the earth’s surface during the trial would either cause the first part of the verse to become a lie or the last part of the verse to be a lie and that does not make any sense to me how people could explain it to be something else.

If you go through the New Testament carefully, it might help you to see where the Greek word “keep” is used and how it primarily means to take hold of something to never let it go.   I’ll give you an example of this:

  • Joh 14:21  He that hath my commandments, and “keepeth” them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

You see even in this verse it says that a man that hears the Bible is not the one that will benefit from it.  He must “Keep” it which means grab hold firmly and not let go or let it slip away for God’s Words to be effective.  To take hold and not let go sounds very much like a rapture in this Revelation 3:10 description.  To rapture or to catch up or catch away is clearly God taking hold of His people and not letting them go.   This is what will happen to the church members that have kept God’s Word firmly within their hearts and not let them go.   It is a conditional rapture event.  Not everyone that called Him Lord will be taken.  It is only those that made Him Lord and put His Word on the inside firmly that will be taken up.  Can you now see how Revelation 3:10 is describing a rapture event before the time of trial?  It is literally impossible for the church to on the planet and not be in the group “all the world” that will be tested.   This literally means that since God has “kept” us from this hour that we must be in heaven.  Those are the only two choices for our location.  Based upon the meaning of the word “kept” as being a transition of state or position, there is really no way for a Christian that loves the Word of God to not be carried away from the pending world disasters.  I could literally go on and on about this but that was enough for one Bible lesson.  I hope and pray that you have gathered some wisdom on the timing of the rapture event from what was taught to us from God’s Word today.  The primary goal of this lesson was to help build your faith in a pre-tribulation rapture event.  I at least hope that you were encouraged how to go and search to see more verses like this one today in the Bible.   I’m not sure when my next Bible lesson will occur on this subject or any other right now.  I would appreciate your prayers if you know how to pray in the spirit as Ephesians 6:18 teaches.  I thank you all and I will also remember you in my prayers today.  Be Blessed Always.

If you would like to continue reading in this series, please click “Part 6“.

Bible Answers: Why Did God Accept Abel’s Offering and Reject Cain’s Offering?

Cain_and_Abel(Ver 1.1)  This quick Bible lesson is the answer to a very common Bible student’s question.  We usually all have very similar questions when reading the Bible, so I will answer this question from one person and believe that it will help others that were not brave enough to ask the question.  I find it interesting that people will ask you questions as long as you give them the answer that they wanted to hear.  But if I say something new or controversial that God has taught me from the Bible, the responses can be very diverse and unexpected for a Christian.  I have had some people unfriend me or just stop talking to me because I didn’t agree with what they viewed as the only truth in the Bible.   If we are not open to learning something new and greater from God we will all remain in a stagnant state of ignorance apart from what He desired us to know.  Today, we are going to analyze the information given to us by God surrounding the story of two brothers.   Regardless of what you already think that you know about this story please leave your pre-conceived expectations behind and focus only upon what God says in His Word.   Be open to the Holy Spirit and be led by only Him.

The question asked by my reader was concerning the story described in Genesis 4.  It appears from reading these verses that one brother’s offerings were accepted by God and the other elder brother’s offerings were rejected by God.  Why was that?   This subject has been preached by many people and most of them have not seen the fullness of what the Bible actually says so they draw wrong conclusions using insufficient information and teach people about things that do not directly apply to the actual story.  For example, one preacher that I recall hearing taught that Abel’s offering was accepted by God because it was a sacrifice of shed blood and Cain’s offering was not.  He used this as a type of Jesus the coming Lamb of God that was going to shed His blood for all people.  Well that was an interesting and creative approach but that just doesn’t make total sense to me based upon other scriptures that I know on the subjects.  I certainly understand the association and how he took the leap to bring the two stories together but is that what God desired us to learn from this story?   I have found at least 4 popular human explanations for why God rejects Cain’s offerings.  Here are the four popular theories listed in random order:

  1. The Absence of a Blood Sacrifice from Cain.
  2. The Poor Quality of the Offered Sacrifice of Cain.
  3. The Heart Issue of Cain’s Attitude Giving the Sacrifice.
  4. The Sovereignty of God.

All of these are legitimate ways to look at the story from a student’s viewpoint of the text.  However, we should not attempt to say that any one of these is more important than the others because they are all contributing factors.  The story of Cain and Abel quickly becomes a war of human opinions and my opinion is as totally worthless as your opinion.   Therefore, we need to learn God’s opinion.  What does God say about it and how do we even begin to find it in the Bible.  That is the number one reason why people do not understand the Bible correctly.  They read an isolated passage in Genesis 4 and ignore the whole rest of the Bible.   That is a crazy way of studying the Bible.  I heard one preacher say we should only study one book of the Bible at a time and I thought that was a foolish way of studying a book that was designed the way the Bible was written by God.   The Bible is progressive revelation.  What is hidden at the beginning is uncovered at the end.  Therefore we cannot understand any of it without taking into account what is written in every part of the Bible about the subjects that we are studying.   If you don’t have a good Bible software program on your computer get one.  There are many that are free and I recommend one called eSword.  Then search the Bible for the subjects found in Genesis 4 like the names of Abel and Cain and read what God says about them.  For example, Abel is only referenced directly a few times but the statements describing him are infinitely important to why God accepted his offering and not Cain’s.   Get your Bible search software and let’s get started with the story of Cain and Abel.


We will begin by going through the verses in Genesis 4 to gather the factual information to help us to understand what is expressed by God.   We will turn to the second verse in Chapter 4 and begin to read there:

  • Gen 4:2  And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.

Cain was the firstborn of Adam and Eve.  That fact is interesting but not significant for this Bible lesson.  Abel was revealed to be a keeper of sheep and we all know lambs come from sheep.  Thus we have the foundation beginning for the belief in the assumption theory number 1 concerning the blood sacrifice, but we won’t go there.  Cain as you can see is a ground laborer and that is just another name for a farmer.    Let me ask you, how would a farmer of crops give God a blood sacrifice of something that he does not possess?  I think that is a problem right from the beginning.  Are we expected to give from what God has given to us or does God expect us to give what we don’t have just to please Him?  A mindset of religious works would demand that we must do specific works of the flesh in order to be pleasing to God and I do not believe that is the revealed nature of God.  I think you should think about that for a while before you answer.

  • Gen 4:3  And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD.

Pay very close attention to the phrasing of the story.  Every word has significance.   God informs us that in the process of time Cain brought to the Lord an offering of the fruit of the land.  You do understand that it takes time for crops to produce?  Crops are not an overnight miracle.  Since Cain was a farmer this description sounded pretty good until we actually read about what Abel did in the next verse:

  • Gen 4:4  And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering:

As you can read both brother’s offerings took time.   Animals are not an instant miracle either.   A lamb can take 150 days to be born.  Therefore both offerings presented to God could only come after time.  There are certain keywords given to us by God that are important.  The term “firstling” and “fat” are two keywords that have significance to describe Abel’s offering to be remarkably different than his brother’s.  The term firstling means the first born and that is significant.  The term “fat” literally means the best.   Here is where we get the foundation for assumption theory number 2, the insufficient quality of the offering of Cain.  Abel brings God the firstlings of his flock and the fat thereof.  The absence of any adjective qualifiers describing Cain’s offering implies them to not be special.   Then notice that it says God had “respect” for Abel’s offering.

  • Gen 4:5  But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell.

As you can see God had no “respect” for Cain’s offering.   Here we can also read that Cain’s attitude was not very positive.  He becomes angry and depressed and those seem to support the theoretical assumption number 3 that Cain failed God expectations with his wrong attitude.  You can quickly see how each theory has a basis for beliefs and why they are taught in churches.   The only theory that I have not touched on is assumption 4 concerning the principle of the sovereign choice of God.   There are endless numbers of Christians that place everything that happens in the world in the hands of God’s design, purpose, will, and plans and they leave nothing out for us to do or for any contribution of Satan or evil spirits to be involved.  I call this the response-less devil and human theory.  No matter what they do it makes no difference because God’s will is always done.  These types of Bible teachers go with theory 4 so that they do not have to teach any human responsibility or accountability.  These types of teachers also have to attribute every evil in the world to be a gift from God.  I was on Facebook the other day and I saw a very ignorant statement.  This person said God sent the storms so that He could prove that He was the only protection from the storms.  That sounds very religious but that is not my God and people really need to read the whole Bible.  I’m not going to go there fully but I will show you a few verses that counter this wrong belief concerning the sovereignty of God.


Here is where I’m going to start the main lesson on the story in Genesis 4.  My approach will be to use God’s commentary on the subjects and not just the words found in Genesis chapter 4 alone.  We are going to depart from the popular 4 theories of assumed interpretations and begin to see what else God says on the subjects of “respect” and “Abel”.   I picked the subject of “respect” to begin because it is a major part of the reason that God is accused by men of making a sovereign choice.  The Bible very clearly says that God had “respect” for Abel’s offering but for Cain’s offering God had “no respect”.  What is “respect” and how or why does God respect one but not the other?  Read what Peter says about God in Acts and learn how this verse applies to our story of Cain and Abel:

  • Act 10:34  Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:

The Greek word that is translated as “respecter of persons” in this verse means to have partiality for one individual and not for the others.  It would be like a teacher in school picking one child as their favorite and the others are not treated equally.  Being partial clearly is a conscious decision to show bias, prejudice or preference for one human and not do the same for another.    This would be like two men walking into your church.  One is dressed in rich apparel and the other is dressed in rags.  The ushers could treat both men the same and be like God or they could take the wealthy looking man to the front and sit the raggedy man in the back of the church and that would be an example of being a respecter of persons.  Showing favoritism would be preferential treatment for one while exhibiting inferior treatment for the other based solely upon their appearance.   According to scriptures in the N.T. God is not a type of God that respects one individual over ANY other.  We can clearly read that here in Acts but it is also found in Romans 2:11, Ephesians 6:9, Colossians 3:25, and James 2:9.  That is 5 verse witnesses in the Bible that teaches us the truth about God and you should not ignore them.

It appears that we have a scriptural battle raging where one verse in the O.T. says that God had “respect” fighting with 5 other witnesses in the N.T. that says God does not do that.  Here is a great opportunity to learn that the Bible does not ever contradict itself.  It is only a human’s wrong interpretation or understanding that causes the conflict in their mind.   However, pay closer attention to what God respected.  Both men gave God offerings over extended times but God saw one offering as good and the other as potentially not so good for an unknown or an unstated reason.   Notice in Genesis that God had no lack of respect for either men but rather only for their offerings.  God is stated to be love in the New Testament.  Did God love Abel more than He loved Cain?  You see I do not believe that is true.  However do not confuse God’s hatred towards your sin to be the same His love for you.  God can hate what you do and still die to save you because of His love.   Let me give you one more verse about God’s lack of human respect variance that just might help us:

  • 1Pe 1:17  And if ye call on the Father, who without respect of persons judgeth according to every man’s work, pass the time of your sojourning here in fear:

Here is an excellent verse that will apply to what we have just read in Genesis 4 about Cain and Abel.   God says that He does not respect any specific individual but that He does judge their works.  This is a commonly ignored verse in the Bible.  This was written to Christians but it does apply to all of the people of the earth, past, present and future and it definitely has an application to what God says about Cain and Abel.    If God does not respect a person or an individual but rather will show respect for their works what was it about Cain’s works that were rejected and Abel’s works that were accepted?  Doesn’t that change the perspective of the story significantly?   That is what we are talking about in the story, right?   The fact that both men gave an offering and one was pleasing to God and one was not, that tells me a lot.  There are three basic ways to judge a person’s work.   A person’s work can be judged for what they did, how they did it or why they did it or a combination of all of these three.

Did you know that you can do the right things at the wrong times or in the wrong ways or even with the wrong motives and still be found guilty before God?  It goes back to a question that I used to ask job applicants during the interview process where I worked.  I always tried to ask them, “What matters more the end result or the methods used to achieve the end-result”?    You see in every business if the end-result was the only thing that mattered then we could all lie, cheat, steal and rob to get the job done.  Recently in the news Lance Armstrong came out in public and said that he had used banned substances to achieve his 7 bicycle race victories.  He clearly viewed the end-results to be more important than the methods to achieve them and now he is paying the ultimate price.  This was probably not the wisest thing that Lance ever did.  What I am teaching you, is that matters how you do something and why you are doing it, more than it does getting it done to God.

Learn from the lesson of Lance Armstrong and let’s see if this modern story applies to the life of Cain and Abel.   We can clearly see both Cain and Abel gave an offering to God.   But, what caused God to judge one offering to be different from the other?   There are not very many verses in the Bible about Cain and Abel but there is at least one that you need to see.  If you did the search in your Bible for the name of “Abel” you have already found my next Bible verse to learn.  God lists the name of Mr. Abel in the Faith Hall of Fame and his name is forever preserved with the heroes of the Bible like Moses, Abraham, David, and Joshua to name a few.   Let me show you what God says about Abel:

  • Heb 11:4  By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh.

Did you see it?  God says the sacrifice that Abel offered was “more excellent”.  So clearly sacrifices of lambs are better than fruits?  But is that what it really says?   What did God say directly before that statement?  Doesn’t God tell us of Abel’s motivation and methods?  How did Abel offer this more excellent sacrifice?    God says Abel offered it “By Faith”.   The implication given by God is that there was a factor missing from the offering of Cain and this factor was his faith.  You see if you read down in Hebrews 11 you will find a revelation that directly applies to the story we read in Genesis 4.

  • Heb 11:6  But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Without faith it is impossible to even try to please God.  Is that not the reason why Cain’s offering was rejected?  The absence of faith means God will not be pleased with anything that we do and it really does not matter what you are bringing before the Lord.  Get out of your religious box and see the truth of God’s Word.  Many people today go to church and think that God is pleased because they showed up.   That is crazy thinking my friend.  If you are not going to church in faith you are failing.  I’m not going to teach you the entire subject of faith today; that would be a very long complex subject that has many parts to it.  If you don’t know about faith, go read my Bible lessons on that subject.  Faith is one of the top three Bible subjects that you need to learn before Jesus comes back.  Why?  Because Jesus said this:

  • Luk 18:8  I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?

The way I read His statement, He is looking for a people with faith that pleases Him when He returns.  So when you so dearly ignore the subject of faith in the Bible you just might find yourself to be more like Cain and less like Abel and that is not a good place to be.  What company do you wish to associate?  Which example do you wish to demonstrate to Christ?  Your name could be with the others in the Faith Hall of Fame.   It is really up to you more than you think.  If you wish to be pleasing to God then you need to learn the subject of faith.

Since God has been talking about the subject of sacrifices in Genesis 4, is God still looking for a sacrifice from His people today?  Maybe you need to go and read further in the book of Hebrews past chapter 11 where Abel was mentioned.   God speaks a lot about this subject but I’ll only focus in on 2 verses that apply to the church:

  • Heb 13:15  By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.
  • Heb 13:16  But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.

Did you notice what these verses said?  They are speaking of sacrifices but not the blood types like an animal or a lamb.  No, God is saying offer up the sacrifice of praise unto Him.  Wow, that is very strong isn’t it?  It appears that God still desires us to make a sacrifice but with the fruit of our lips.   Uh oh!  What did Cain offer God?  Was it not the fruit of the ground?   What are your lips made out of?  If you did not know it, your lips are made from the ground also and these produce fruit for God.  Why did God reject Cain’s offerings of fruit but still desires the fruit from our lips?  I pray that you are learning something new.  God just got through talking to you about the whole long subject of faith in chapter 11 and now in chapter 13 He connects that with your sacrifices which are still required.  Do you believe that whatever sacrifices you give to God that you better do them in faith to be accepted?   I seriously think that would be a great idea.  What did we read in Hebrews 11:6 that pleases God?  Without “faith” it is impossible to please Him and therefore faith pleases God.  Even though you are doing something that could please Him like praising Him with the fruit of your lips, if you are going to do it without faith it will not be found pleasing.

I just did a quick Bible lesson on the importance of your faith and giving God your sacrifices today.  There is more to the story of Cain and Abel than this, but that was the message from the Lord for you today.  Abel through his faith in God was called righteous and his name is mentioned in some elite company.   If you think it is too late for you to be added in this group I believe you are wrong.  Thank you for reading my Bible lesson.  May the love of God become known to you in new ways that are beyond your natural comprehension!  If you have any Bible questions that you like for me to see if I can answer please provide them in a comment and as I am led by the Spirit of God I will address them.  God Bless!

Understanding Bible Faith. A Healing from Cancer Testimony! Part 17

(Ver 1.3)  Today’s lesson is Part 17 in one of the most important Bible study series that I have ever given to you about the subject of “Understanding Bible Faith”.  If you have not read all of the lessons I would strongly recommend that you go and start reading with “Part 1” first and then continue through the series.  Today is going to be a really different kind of post in this series.   The Spirit of God led me in a way this week that I really did not expect to go.  This week I was spending some time on Facebook and I was led to talk to a friend and the conversation went in a direction that only God could have orchestrated.  Today I am going to share my friend’s testimony that I received this week about her mother’s miracle of healing.  Hopefully you will read this testimony with an open mind and will learn something from it while being also encouraged that no matter what the diagnosis is from the doctor, that nothing is impossible or too difficult for God to solve and help you through.  I will let you read the entire testimony that she wrote and then I will comment on it at the end and help you to understand what happened and why her mother has lived past the age of 80 after being given a near death sentence by the doctors at a young age.  This testimony is from over 25 years ago.  Here is what she sent to me and I want you to know that it was her anointed writing that produced this:


My senior year in high school was Straight A’s, Dean’s List, Honor Roll, National Honor Society, Best Writer Award on the school newspaper and a small scholarship to help pay for college.  Just when things seemed to be turning out pretty good for me, things got pretty shaken up.

Found out my dad was sneaking around with a young gal from his college classes. My mom found out the lump in her breast was cancer & decided she didn’t want to put up with both my dad & the cancer, so after 28 (not so happy years) of marriage, they split up.

My mom went into the hospital at the Air Force Base, and had a Bi-lateral, Radical Mastectomy – both breasts removed, and most of the lymph nodes from under the arms too.

With my dad out of the house, this left me and my older brother Tony on our own. The task of calling family, friends & church people to give them the news about Mama’s diagnosis, fell to me, because Tony thought it sounded better if I the person giving the info was crying and emotional (rather than him, in his ever monotone, emotionless way).

Mama was in the hospital 18 days – she was afraid to come home because she feared the dog might jump on her & hurt her, but she did finally come home. That was hard. Moms aren’t supposed to get sick. At least not that sick. And with chemotherapy treatments, she got pretty darned sick. Kids aren’t supposed to have to deal with that kind of stuff – they’re just not equipped for it. Teen-agers are still quite self-centered, at least I was, and so looking back at this time is hard, because I just wasn’t there for Mama like I would be today. This was a battle that she fought on her own, just her & God.

Because she was now separated (not divorced, because then she would lose her medical coverage from the military), she was on her own financially… with two teenagers at home. Tony did move out around this time. And the house had to be sold as part of the divorce settlement. I was not emotionally equipped for college, so I dropped out after the 1st semester. I had never had a job, so I wasn’t equipped for that either. I was pretty lost and self-absorbed. Mama, endured 9 months of awful chemotherapy while still driving 20+ miles each way to work & back; often driving with a bucket on her lap, because she was so sick from the chemo.

Somehow God brought her through all of this by His grace and a series of miracles.

Back when she first found the lump, a friend asked her what she would do if the doctor told her it was cancer. Mama said, “I’ll just tell him to sew me up & let me go home to die.”

But when the doctor gave her the news, he took her to the room of another patient. In that room, she saw a lady lying in the bed, one side of her chest flat and with stitches, and her husband standing next to her. First Mama saw the surgical wound, but then their eyes met. She said it was like the lady was saying, “But I’m alive!”  Mama then felt “billows of peace” rolling over her with each breath she took. Instantly she did the first three steps of AA: 1) Admit there’s a problem too big to handle; 2) Admit there is a God that can restore her; 3) Turn her life, will & problem over to God.

She told the doctor to schedule the surgery, and then she went to bed. Sometimes, in the midst of a battle, the best thing you can do is rest and sleep, and let God take over.

The surgery was done. She was bandaged up and mostly alone in her hospital room. Mama, was always one to have her hair and make-up done up nice before going anywhere, so these endless days in the hospital were challenging in that respect as well. Wanting to try to regain some normalcy, she asked a nurse if someone could come wash her hair for her – apparently not! So Mama went in her bathroom, bent over the sink and washed her hair herself. Of course it hurt, but it had to be done. The next step was to pin her hair up. Pinning up her hair was a ritual Mama had done every night since she was 13 years old. It consisted of methodically taking very small sections of her hair, wrapping the hair around her finger, sliding that bit off her finger to lay flat on her scalp, and securing it in place with two bobby pins. This would cause the hair to dry in with a curl in it, rather than the pin-straight style that came naturally to it. This process of pinning up her hair required both hands working on top and above her head.

When the nurse walked in on her, she gasped, turned around and left. Nurse number two came in and did the same. Apparently, in the course of the surgery, the muscles needed to raise the arms are cut, so that movement is not possible… or is very painful. As they say, where there’s a will, there’s a way! Some days or perhaps weeks later a volunteer from “Reach to Recovery” came in to teach Mama how to walk her fingers up the wall, to exercise her arms and regain that movement. Well, Mama was way ahead because of her hair pinning chores.

Somehow life did go on. The house sold. Mama found an apartment for her and me. Although I don’t remember packing, I know we must have. Then somewhere along the way, sometime after the 9 months of chemo, Mama had another divine intervention.

Battling with pain in her liver as well as depression, one morning it was just too much to face. Mama lay in bed, and told God, “You gave me a job to do, if you want me there, you’re going to have to do something.” And then she pressed her head even deeper into the pillow. Before she knew what happened, she found herself sitting on the edge of the bed, with her feet on the floor, and no idea how she got there!

She made her way to the bathroom, where the orange glow of the countertop made her look even worse as she stared at herself in the mirror. Her response was only, “Unh–uh, God!” Out of the corner of her eye, she saw this small, brilliantly colored rainbow with block lettering. The message read “I HAVE HEALED YOU”. She closed her eyes, yet still she saw it. “Great, now I’m hallucinating!” She thought.

The rainbow went with her as she got in the shower, and with her eyes closed, she kept reading it. Every time she read it, it moved, like it was dancing and it was progressively moving closer to her. “I HAVE HEALED YOU”. “I HAVE HEALED YOU”. “I HAVE HEALED YOU”. “I HAVE HEALED YOU”. “I HAVE HEALED YOU”. “I HAVE HEALED YOU”. “I HAVE HEALED YOU”. Until it went inside her mouth and exploded! She said it felt like the explosion shook and vibrated all through her. As she stepped out of the shower, she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that God had healed her.

As she walked through the doorway from the bathroom to the bedroom, she saw something above her, shine down on her, and she said it “Tattooed” on her brain: “It doesn’t matter what it looks like, I Have Healed You.”. She said it was so real that she answered aloud, “Okay”.

She had not gotten a doctor’s report or diagnosis back yet, so she didn’t know what she was healed of, but she knew she was healed.

On the way to work that morning, Mama told me this whole story. And she said that she had been so sick with chemo that she would not go back on it. She said we serve a God who heals. I agreed (I did not know about the prayer of agreement: Matthew 18:19 “Again I tell you, if two of you on earth agree (harmonize together, make a symphony together) about whatever [anything and everything] they may ask, it will come to pass and be done for them by My Father in heaven.”). When she got to work, she shared her story with her co-workers; Christian counselors, who prayed over her.

By the time she went to see the Oncologist to get the news of the liver scan that had been done, the doctor was quite upset by the many new spots he saw. He motioned for Mama to look at the slides hanging on the light boxes. As she turned to look, all she could see was a hand, with fingers grasping a round pull ring, and a white shade pulled down preventing her from seeing the slides. At the same time she heard again, “It doesn’t matter what it looks like, I HAVE HEALED YOU!”

She left that doctor’s office without a prescription or a treatment plan; after all, she was healed.

That was more than 25 years ago. Mama is now 80 years old and is still healthy & well. Every now and then a pain will trigger a fear, but as she shares her story of God’s power, faithfulness and love, she is reminded of God’s word to her, that she was healed…. and still is, no matter what it looks like!


I can possibly understand different things from reading this testimony of deliverance than you can see right now.  I can see many hidden faith lessons presented to us that I feel are valuable for us to understand in this story.  But, I also believe that I understand the subject of faith now much better than when I first started to study this subject of faith extensively well over 20+ years ago.  Too often people do not understand that their current level of spiritual knowledge places limitations upon the things that they can receive from God’s Word.  God tells the Corinthian church in 1 Cor 3:1 they are still carnal and unable to receive the spiritual things of depth and substance.  Thus their spiritual maturity level placed severe limitations on what could be taught to them by Paul.    Everything that is being taught by me or any other real Bible teacher is relative to two realities.  What I teach you is totally relative to what I know on the subject and what you can understand about the subject is also totally relative to what you already know on the subject and the basics found in the Bible.   I could easily go over your head with deep information, but I try very hard not to do that.  That is why I teach using a series of lessons style of progressive information with limited content in each lesson.  I try to go with the basics of a subject first, introducing you to progressively more complex parts of the subject in succession like they do in school with math for example.  Therefore as you progress in this knowledge of God you should be able to grow into more complex sections of the information presented.  I recommend that you go back and reread all the lessons more than once.  This way you will catch new things that you did not see or understand before.

I am going to go through the testimony and give you some new perspectives to look at on the subject of faith.   For example, many times we get the wrong idea from reading the Bible that a miracle of God is only an instantaneous spectacular phenomenon of the power of God and does not fit with a slower extended over time process like this testimony speaks of.   Clearly this testimony was a new extension of the miracle working power of God over time.  God was certainly involved in her deliverance even though it took an extended duration of time to fully manifest.  Perhaps the reason why this detail took time will become clearer as I continue to go through the analysis of what was said and make some direct comparisons of this modern life experience with another Old Testament example that God gave to us as an example of faith to follow and to learn from.  I will be teaching you using the story of Joshua and how they took the Promised Land as you will see soon.

Satan is definitely an equal opportunity oppressor, destroyer and murderer.  He comes at anyone, anywhere and at any time that they will let him.  The Bible says that “Your adversary the devil goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8).  That is exactly what is occurring in this testimony.  I believe that is one of the first things to learn from this testimony.  The origination of the cancer was not from God.  God did not send the cancer and then deliver her from it for that would be idiotic.  The next lesson to learn is that sometimes bad things happen to good people and we can understand that this occurs because of what Adam chose in the garden.  After Adam sinned God said “The man has become as one of us, knowing good and evil” (Gen 3:22).  Therefore Adam allowed all evil to cross the threshold into the world because of his sin.  When Adam let evil into the world he also let sickness come in the same door.  I have a Bible lesson series on the specific subject of “Understanding Healing, Sickness and Disease” if you would like a more complete definition for why sickness is an evil and why it exists in our world.   You need to settle in your mind and your heart today and determine who your God is.  Is your God good or is your God evil or perhaps you are really confused and think that your God is both simultaneously?  As long as this is not established in your heart it will cause you to doubt.  This is exactly what Satan wants, since doubt will defeat you from receiving healing.  Let me ask you again?  Where does cancer come from?  Is it from God or is it from Satan?  Jesus gave us the answer and He taught us something very important in the Gospels and gave us some direct clues to that question.  In the book of John Jesus informed us that it was not God who performs the evil in the world.  Jesus said “the thief has come only to steal, kill and destroy but I have come that you might have life” (John 10:10).  Jesus said very clearly that “I am not the thief”.  Jesus said I have come to give to you, life abundantly.  This was God in the flesh telling you He does not do anything evil to hurt you.  Is cancer a good thing or a blessing?  If you think it is good then you are cleverly deceived by Satan the thief.  Cancer steals your health, your time, your ability, your strength, your money and your life if you let it.  But Jesus said I am here to give you life and not to give you cancer.  This is really not rocket science but you need to settle it.

Jesus revealed in John 10:10, that there exists two opposing forces; one of evil versus one of good and He attributes death and doing evil to you as being from Satan and life and doing good to you as being from God.  Therefore, if any evil is working in your life it was Satan that was behind it and not God.  Acts 10:38 teaches us that Jesus went about DOING GOOD, healing all those that were “oppressed” of the devil.  That verse clearly teaches us that all sickness is the opposite of good and is an evil satanic oppression.  Therefore, cancer is also a part of this unified set of evil oppression brought to people by Satan.  Consider the synonyms of “oppression” because they are fascinating to learn.  Oppression means “domination”, “coercions”, “cruelty”, “tyranny”, “subjugation”, “persecution”, and “harassment”.  None of these describe God at any time or under any circumstances.  These words are the antithesis of God and His goodness (Rom 2:4).

Here is another interesting bit of factual information that I learned from studying this information in the Bible.  Satan can cause physical diseases, illnesses and symptoms to manifest in your external natural physical body.  I really do not have time to fully elaborate why this is possible or what gives Satan access, but know that there was something that you did that opened the door for him.  I know this because of the verse that I gave you earlier about “Satan goes about as a roaring lion, seeking who he may devour”.  We can clearly read that Satan is not able to devour just anyone that he wishes or he would not need to seek.  To seek means to look for something like a hidden door or search for something like a hidden passage that will allow him access to devour you.  What is it that you do that opens the door for him?  I really can’t explain it completely here, but if you want to know you can begin to read my series of Bible lessons on the power of your tongue and gain many clues to how this is possible.  You see the Bible says “Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and those that love it will eat the fruit thereof” (Prov 18:21).  Did you notice that this verse in Proverbs repeats the same two elements described by Jesus in John 10:10?  Here we have two opposing forces of life versus death and good versus evil.  Therefore, life must be produced by us choosing to speak God’s good Words and death must be produced by us choosing to speak satanic evil words.  This is more relevant and important than you can imagine right now.  Your words got you into this mess, and your words can be changed to get you out of this mess.  Let’s go back and read Deuteronomy 30:

Deu 30:19  I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:

You see your life is more in your hands than it is in God’s hands.  People want to abdicate and relieve themselves of any personal responsibility for what happens to them.  However, God says that I have given to you the choice, and therefore choose wisely and select to live.  If Satan puts cancer upon you based upon something you said to open the door, then you can begin to reverse that curse that you initiated by speaking life.  How do you do this?  Jesus said “the words that I speak they are Spirit and they are life” (John 6:63).  Therefore you need to find out what God says and speak that.  I think I’m getting ahead of myself but I just said some very important things.  Let’s go back and verify using the Bible that God is not the initiator of sickness and that Satan is.  Let me give you a verse that links evil spirits with the subject of sickness:

Mat 10:1  And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.

I want you to understand that whenever God mentions two or more subjects in a one verse statement that there is an undeviating connection between them by direct word association.  Clearly power was given by God to do two things; to cast out unclean spirits and to heal. This word “power” means “delegated influence” within a realm of jurisdiction or authority.  It is a legal term indicating a transferred right of legal supremacy.  Why does Jesus give His disciples power to cast out unclean spirits and was this, the same as healing someone?  In other words is casting out unclean spirits equivalent to healing or are they potentially two separate spiritual activities of God’s power.  You do understand the implications given here, don’t you?  I believe what is being revealed is a cause and effect relationship between demons causing the sickness and then when you get rid of these causes then you have eliminated the effects of sickness.  I hope that you understand these concepts of physics.  I believe that this is all very significant information and you need to pay close attention to what is revealed.  First do you know what an unclean spirit is?  How do we define that and what is different between a clean spirit and an unclean spirit?  What makes a spirit unclean?     Perhaps it would be helpful to study the definition in the Strong’s of the Greek word translated as “unclean”:


From G1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of G2508 (meaning cleansed); impure (ceremonially, morally (lewd) or specifically (demonic)): – foul, unclean.

We can see that this word is associated with the demonic by Strong.  It means something that is foul and impure.  The opposite of pure is impure.  A pure substance like gold is the most valuable in the pure form and the value decreases as you mix more filler elements with it.   The concept of water is best as pure H2O and adding other elements soon makes it undrinkable.  This is clearly a difficult concept to grasp until we search and find God’s use of this word in the Old Testament.  God uses “unclean” to describe a  leprous man in the natural realm.  A leprous man was one with his flesh in a state of rot and decay.  A leprous man was required to be separate from the non-leprous people so that they would not be infected.  Any time a leprous man came near clean people they were required by law to yell out “unclean” so that everyone would be warned  (Lev 13:45).  I believe that God is using this natural example of sickness to demonstrate a spiritual truth about the angels that have fallen with Lucifer.  They have left their state of perfection to become imperfection by their own sinful choice.  Therefore sin is again a cause for spiritual imperfection making a clean spirit one without sin.

To be an unclean spirit is never mentioned in conjunction with a man’s human spirit in the New Testament.  23 verses in the N.T. mention unclean spirits and they are directly associated with spiritual beings that inhabit people.  We can learn this a little more clearly by reading what Jesus speaks of in Matthew 12:43.

Mat 12:43  When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none.

Mat 12:44  Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished.

Mat 12:45  Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.

An unclean spirit is revealed to us in this discourse as a spiritual being that enters into and exits from a man’s house.  However this is not a physical dwelling like a brick, mortar or wood building construction.  These are all symbolic expressions of a much greater truth. The man’s house in this explanation is his symbolic natural body.  A clean house or body is one that is free from evil influence or inhabitation and an unclean house is a man with one or more evil spirits living within. The real man is a spirit that lives in a physical body.  The unclean spirits that are coming into the man’s house (body) were those spiritual beings that followed Lucifer from heaven.  We can understand this concept of the human body house better by reading other verses in the N.T. like when Paul writes this:

2Co 5:6  Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord:

Clearly the body of a Christian man is his temporary dwelling place while still being present here on the earth.  It is self-evident to me that this verse is speaking of an implied house being called a home to the spirit of man.  The contrasted antithesis truth found in this verse is to be with the Lord in heaven when we are found apart from this physical body.  What I just said is more clearly stated in verse 8:

2Co 5:8  We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.

To be absent from the body is to no longer be at home in the natural body.   To be “present” with the Lord is defined as our spirits having left our body after death here on the earth and going to be with Jesus.  This is called rightly dividing the Word of Truth (2 Tim 2:15).  Did you notice that the unclean spirits mentioned in Matthew were there for the purpose of the destruction of the natural house?  The implied part of the story is that they were cast out and that the man was able to get his house back into the physical order of health.  Let’s call this being physically healed since Jesus is describing his body and not a house that we live in.  Jesus is describing spirits that cause havoc to a man’s body.  Jesus says if you get rid of them and then let them back in they will bring 7 more with them the next time and it will be worse than the previous time.

Do you recall reading about the demon possessed man that Jesus ran into at Gadara?  This man was described as a madman that could not be chained and Jesus came to him and commanded the “unclean spirit” to come out of him and they had a conversation first.  Jesus asked for the name of the “unclean spirit” and they said “We are legion for we are many” (Mk 5:9).  Here was a clear example of many evil spirits being present in the body of a single man.  It does not say that this man had a physical illness, but it does say that he had a great mental illness.  Therefore, mental illness is also demonically inspired manifestations of “unclean spirits”. That is exactly what Jesus was teaching in Matthew could occur.  No doubt the man in Mark 5 had cleaned house before but has let the same spirits return with many more until now he has enough unclean spirits to be called a great army of them.

“Unclean spirits” are the evil spirits that inhabited the bodies of men and women on the earth that cause physical disease and mental illness and I could give you many more scriptures that help to support this evidence if I need to.  Going back now to Matthew 10:1 do you better understand why Jesus connected the “authority” to cast out unclean spirits with the ability to heal ALL manner of sicknesses and diseases?  According to the Bible when you get rid of the cause the resulting affects also has to go.  What am I saying?  I am saying cancer is caused by evil spirits.  If you don’t understand that or believe that then you will not know to resist it and you will let it come in stay and live, run its course and kill you.  You are going to have to take the authority that Jesus gave to you over your house that you live in.  Just because Jesus gave His disciples this authority does not mean that it was not also transferred to you.  You are the same body of Christ as they were.  I do not have time to teach the subject of Bible Authority completely.  I did one lesson on the subject of authority and great faith in this series, but I should probably do more just on this subject soon.

One seminary graduate man that I worked with many years ago told me once that God had given his wife cancer, yet they still went to the doctor to try to get out of the perfect will of God.  That really did not make any sense to me.  He desired his wife to live but then he had to believe that he was fighting against God to get her healed by a doctor.  He was mixing up who was the oppressor and who was the healer ignoring the Bible while attempting to put God in both roles in his mind.  Why pray to God and ask for healing if God sent you the sickness in the first place?  Whatever God sends to you are we supposed to refuse it?  Clearly that is illogical human reasoning and turns God into a liar when Jesus said “a house divided against itself will not stand” (Mark 3:25).  If God is sending you the sickness and then healing the sickness, His house is a mixed up divided kingdom about to perish.  I alluded to this statement earlier, but you MUST believe that Satan is the oppressor and that he has brought you the sickness or disease to kill you or you will not resist it like God says in His Word (James 4:7).  Physical and spiritual resistances are both absolute requirements for any faith victory.  The ultimate faith battle is on the inside, but the ultimate victory result is only seen by others on the outside in the natural.  However, victory always starts on the inside and then this will works its way to the outside and I’ll talk about this more later.

I cried when I read this testimony.  It touched my heart how much this lady endured in her life.  I felt great compassion for what she went through.  However, I also saw several things that developed in her over time that God used to deliver her.  At first she did not want to fight the cancer, but then the doctor showed her another lady that was still alive and that seemed to make a difference in her to give her a fighting spirit.  God can use anyone to try to change your heart.  You need a fighting spirit within you or you will be easily defeated before you start the first battle.  The Bible clearly teaches us that we are to “fight the good fight of faith” (1 Tim 6:12).  This clearly implies to us that there will be a series of faith battles that will occur in your life for your life.  No fight is over instantly.  In fact a fight further implies endurance is necessary.  Natural fighters train for months before they go and fight one event.  During this time they are strengthening their bodies to be an overcomer.  This is a physical quality that can be transferred into the spiritual arena.    If you go into this faith fight unprepared and passively expecting to automatically win, then again you are going to be defeated.  I have never seen any fight with a passive winner natural or spiritual.  If you think that you have automatically won the fight because of what Jesus has done for you, then again you will be defeated.  There is nothing in the Bible that teaches us what God has given to us is automatically transferred to anyone without them believing, receiving and fighting to keep it.   This pattern was first introduced with Adam when God told him to hedge the garden.  Sure God gave Adam the garden without a fight, but to keep it safe was not God’s responsibility because God had given it to him to rule over.  Threfore Adam held responsibility to keep every enemy out of the garden, but failed.

The children of Israel learned this lesson the hard way in the wilderness.  When they finally decided to take their Promised Land, they still had the exact same enemies as before but now there were probably many more of them than there was 40 years earlier.   The children of Israel had to couple a physical external fight with their internal spiritual faith fight in order to produce an external physical victory for the possession of the land.   That is really no different than what we go through as revealed by this great testimony.  Taking the Promised Land is really no different for us than what Israel endured.  I would recommend that you go and read the book of Joshua.  The entire book of Joshua is only 24 chapters and can be divided into three sections of information.  The first 5 chapters represent the preparation part before the actual battle occurs.  In these chapters God taught Joshua and Israel to start by being strong and courageous.  This is a basic of any spiritual fight using your faith.  God then told Joshua to not let the book of the law depart from his mouth, but to speak it day and night (Joshua 1:8).  How does faith come?  Surely you understand from the previous lessons that faith comes by hearing and that this act of Joshua speaking God’s word was God’s way of giving His people faith.  This is exactly where you must start your faith fight also.  If you are not getting prepared correctly you are already in trouble.  Learn to be strong and then learn to speak God’s Word day and night.

The second part of the book of Joshua is chapters 6-12 where they actually take the Promised Land in phases.   During these chapters the nation of Israel has multiple encounters with their enemies.  God gives specific instructions for each encounter that must be believed and obeyed in order to be victorious.  So far we have 5 chapters of preparation and 7 chapters of battles.  The rest of the book of Joshua is Israel settling in the land.  It is important to note that the conquest of the Promised Land is a duration of time of nearly seven years.  What we learn from this is that just because God gives you something does not mean it does not take time to possess it.  Clearly this was not an instantaneous miracle of God.  But yet it was still clearly the power of God at work throughout the battles.  Are you seeing any parallels with this information to the testimony yet?

Take the battlefield of Jericho in the O.T. as being no different than the battlefield of cancer for this lady in the testimony.  The battle is not all yours, but yet you still have a major role to play in producing the victory.  For example in the battle for Jericho, the children of Israel were given specific instructions from God and they were required to believe them by faith alone without proof or evidence, obey them and then expect God to do His part.  They were required to march around the walls for 7 days.  On the seventh day God told them to march around the wall 7 times and then have 7 priests blow their 7 horns and God brought the walls down so that they could take the city.  That was an O.T. typology picture of a N.T. spiritual faith battle.  They had to believe what God said and then become obedient to what God said or God was not going to help them win or make it happen for them. This is still true today.  If you expect God to do everything, you are going to be defeated and the walls you are told to march around will remain upright.

Let’s compare what is different between this woman’s testimony and the fight of Israel to take the Promised Land.  In the testimony, she did not believe in divine healing at first because of her ignorance of God’s word.  Therefore she completely lacked faith to receive anything from God.  Before this she did not have any courage to even continue to fight and thus she has failed to prepare as Joshua did.   Thank God for His mercy.  If you do not know what you are lacking, God will help you to get there.   God ended up giving the woman courage to begin the fight by showing her another woman that had done the same.  Later in the testimony God shows her a Bible verse and this is for the advancement of her faith in God’s word to allow her to believe what He has said.  God sent His word to the prophet Moses and it was recorded bevore the battle can be fought.  This written word of God was the faith source for Joshua’s fight.  Are you seeing how God achieved what He taught Joshua in the first 5 chapters as this testimony unfolds?

It is very difficult to believe in the truth, if you do not know the truth or have never heard the truth.  God did eventually show this woman a portion of a Bible verse found in 1 Peter 2:24 that states we were healed.  We should be able to understand that this was God’s attempt at building her faith since faith comes by hearing the Word of God (Rom 10:17).  In the testimony did you notice what God said to her?  Maybe I should ask, did you notice what God did not say to her?  God did not say “I am going to heal you”.  God looked past her current physical condition where it did not yet look like she was healed and He called those things that be not as though they were (Rom 4:17) and said to her in the testimony “I have healed you”.  God is never going to change what He says today and make it something different than what He has already said to you yesterday in His Word (Mal 3:6).  That is why many of your prayers probably do not work, you are asking God to heal you someday and He has already said to you “I have healed you” (1 Peter 2:24).  You are therefore, not in agreement with God.   If you do not know what He has said, then that is your number one weakness and why you believe wrong.   If you believe wrong then your faith is not based upon the Word of God but rather your misconception of the truth.   When the answer to your prayer doesn’t come you will let your circumstances and your symptoms dictate the final outcome.  If you learn to change your perspective and start believing “I am healed” simply because that is what God says I am, then you are now in full agreement with His Word and not your symptoms (Amos 3:3).

Physical symptoms of sickness, disease, and cancer are very real just like the giants were very real in the Promised Land to the children of Israel.  Both are parallel manifestations of the same enemy.  Both the natural giants and the physical symptoms are designed by Satan to put fear into your heart in order to take away any faith, hope or expectation in what God has spoken to you.  The spoken Words of God were designed to give you faith (Psa 107:20).   This is exactly what Jesus described would happen in the battle of the field also known as the Parable of the Sower (Mat 13:18).  Jesus taught us that the seed sown was the Word of God (Mk 4:14) into the hearts of people.  But then Jesus said the birds of the air came immediately to steal the word (seed) that was sown (Mat 13:4).  The birds of the air were the symbolic demons (unclean spirits) that come bringing to you the symptoms.  According to Jesus what was one of the key factors that keeps the spiritual seed from being stolen from us?   It was the understanding (Mat 13:19) and the believing it that allowed the seed to remain and not to be stolen which produced the spiritual fruit that God desired.  Producing spiritual fruit represents you obtaining the victory over your spiritual enemies in this spiritual battle for your faith beliefs.  Jesus said this parable was the most important one for you to know and if you could understand this one you could understand them all (Mk 4:13).  Take time to study the Parable of the Sower in the Gospels.  It clearly reveals the spiritual battle that you are in now for the control of your belief in the Word of God.  Satan is trying everything he can do to steal the Word from your heart and God is trying to help you to produce fruit.  Let me show you some important faith scriptures on external symptoms and circumstances:

Rom 4:18  Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be.

Rom 4:19  And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sara’s womb:

Rom 4:20  He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;

Rom 4:21  And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.

Read these verses very carefully.  These verses are describing the God kind of faith that Abraham and Sarah possessed.  God had spoken and given to them a promise concerning a coming son that would come from their bodies and yet at near the age of 99 and 90 years of age it looked so really bad that it was not going to happen.  Anyone can easily get into discouragement looking at the circumstances.  But this is not what Abraham ended up doing according to these verses.  Verse 20 says Abraham staggered not at the promise of God meaning he did not waiver because of the external circumstances or the wait for the promise to be fulfilled.  In verse 21 it goes on to say that Abraham was fully convinced that what God had declared was not impossible for God to perform.  Wow, that was an awesome revelation of truth.  No matter what the circumstances or the symptoms of the lady with cancer in this testimony God still came and said “I have healed you”.  She took hold of that truth and staggered not at what her body looked like.

The Promised Land was not all taken by Israel in one day.  Neither did this woman in the testimony possess her healing in one day.  Sometimes taking back physical health is a series of smaller miracle victories and not one giant miraculous event.  For example the woman in the testimony continued traveling on her pathway to victory, by simply fighting to wash her own hair.  Perhaps you do not understand the significance in this simple action.  According to the doctors and the nurses, she did what she was unable to do physically and thus she achieved a major victory without even knowing it was a victory.  If you listen to what the doctors say you cannot do then you are defeated.  Fortunately for her she had not been told that she could not move her arms this way and she did it without being discouraged by the doctors negative words.  If the doctors would have been there first and told her this, she might have been defeated.  But this simple effort on her part of doing something so basic was a very significant victory on the road to recovery.  That was a classic type of faith without understanding what faith is.  Doctors do the best that they know from a natural perspective.  They do not mean to be faith killers but many times they are.  If you listen to them and believe them they can and will many times cause you to remain as you are instead of trying to encourage you to fight to get better.  Your will is a major factor in your ability to receive a miracle from God as I have already taught in this series.  This lady ignored the pain and washed her hair anyway.  She then spent time with her arms raised and fixing her hair.  That represents faith whether you understand it or not.  Begin to do what you can’t do.  Begin to do what they said you could not do.  Begin to fight and take back one inch of ground at a time.  Don’t give up, don’t quit and do not get discouraged that you did not take a mile today.  Every inch will matter over time.

Reread this testimony now and compare it to the Children of Israel’s experience with taking the Promised Land:

  1. Israel had just gotten delivered (saved) from Egypt by a great display of God’s power and things are looking really positive as they walk out.  Everyone is well, strong and wealthy with the riches of Egypt being transferred to them as they left.  Pharaoh has second thoughts after letting them go and decides to pursue them only to be destroyed in the sea.  Wow, can it get any better for God’s people?  I think they even have a scholarship to get into a really nice college promised land.
  2. They then go from what appears as God’s great blessings to a wilderness experience even asking God, why did you bring us out here to die?  Were there not enough graves in Egypt?  The family situation was certainly starting to look very bleak, negative and cursed in this wilderness and even divorce could be splitting the family up.
  3. Just when it couldn’t look any worse they send 12 spies into Canaan land and get a really bad doctor’s report back.  The report says that there are cancer giants in the land?  10 spies say we can’t overcome these cancer giants so let’s just die and only 2 said “It’s not a problem”.  This is when the patient people are faced with a decision.  Whose report are we to believe?  The 10 in the majority or the 2 men of God?  Fortunately, one doctor shows the patient a vision of a survivor and she chooses to become a Joshua who is willing to fight for the victory.
  4. For forty years the Joshua patient endures a fight of faith in the wilderness while everyone else around her dies one by one.  Time in the wilderness has to take a toll mentally, emotionally and physically, but Joshua holds on to what God says still believing that he can take the land and overcome the cancer giants.
  5. Finally, it’s time to enter into the Promises of God.  I can’t stand my dirty hair anymore so I’m going to make it clean all by myself.  It’s not easy to do, it might even hurt, and the nurse looks at her and says you can’t do that.  But that didn’t stop the Joshua Christian from doing it anyway.  You see the 10 spies said we can’t, but the 2 said we can.  Doing what others say you can’t proves that you can do it in spite of their weak opinion.
  6. The battle was won and the hair was clean, now it needs to be put up on the top of her head again something that no one said she could do.  People this is called faith, if you did not know it.  Are you learning anything?
  7. Every little battle and every little victory matters.  With each time of victory new confidence grows and faith increases.   The next battle is easier to win because of the previous victory and the display of faithfulness from God.

That was my quick comparison of the parallels between two victorious accomplishments by faith.  Did you learn anything from it?  I know it helped me and I pray that you received from it also.  Let me conclude with a list of things that I took away from the testimony and reading in the book of Joshua today.

  1. Go to a doctor and get natural help especially if you do not know what the Bible says.  There is no lack of faith in fighting a physical battle using a doctor as long you do not neglect the spiritual enemy that has caused it.  Do not fight a spiritual or physical battle without God on your side.
  2. Sometimes not knowing what is wrong with you is worse than knowing who your enemy is.  Joshua saw the enemies the same as the 10 spies, but Joshua did not let the knowledge of the enemies deter him from defeating them.  Joshua knew the names of the people and you need to find out what you are facing.
  3. When you have a medical diagnosis you now have a natural enemy with a name.  We know that Satan also has a name.  So both of these are the names of your enemy that you are facing.
  4. The Bible says that every knee must bow to the name of Jesus because the name of Jesus is above every other name (Php 2:9).
  5. Therefore, use the Name of Jesus to stand against your named disease and Satan and command them both to bow to the greater name of Jesus.
  6. Remain as positive and optimistic as you can be, despite the diagnosis, prognosis, symptoms or circumstances because your faith is in the Word of God and what He has said to you like the believing Joshua.  Focus on who your God is and the promise not the giants in your body.
  7. Prepare for battle.  Feed daily and even hourly speaking God’s Word to help build your faith and keep it ever before your eyes and ears again as God instructed Joshua to do (Joshua 1:8).  Time spent in preparation for battle is more important than the battle itself.
  8. Get a hold of a fighting spirit and do not ever bend or waiver to become passive allowing your surroundings, feelings, emotions or symptoms to dominate you or your thoughts.  Cast down every thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God’s Word (2 Cor 10:5).
  9. One of the primary spiritual battles that will occur is ultimately in your mind for the control of your beliefs.  As long as you believe God instead of your circumstances you will win!
  10. Fight the good fight of faith and take back small chunks of the Promised Land daily.  Don’t attempt to win the entire war in one day.   Look at the war as a series of smaller battles to overcome one enemy at a time.
  11. Let each small past victory help to build you up and raise you to a new faith level of greater confidence for the next victory (Rom 1:17).  For the Bible says clearly that the JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH.  Do you want to live?  If yes, then you need to get FAITH and increase it (2 Cor 10:15).
  12. You never ignore the giants or pretend like they are not present; you look each giant in the face and defeat them with the Sword of the Spirit like David did to Goliath.  Giant symptoms are very real.  We do not deny the symptoms; we do however deny their right to exist in our land.
  13. Like I said, your faith fight is probably not going to be a one victory or one battle experience, just like the taking of the Promised Land was not one battle and one victory for Israel. 
  14. Faith is more like a marathon race event and not a fast sprint type of race.  The taking of the Promised Land took nearly 7 years to possess.  Do not get discouraged how long it takes, just keep believing it is yours.
  15. Joshua and Caleb saw themselves as ultimate winners and victorious long before they ever achieved the final victory outcome.  That is having great faith before you see the result.  That is what I am trying to tell you to do right now.  Get a vision of victory and then expect it to come to pass.

Do you see yourself as a winner?  Can you see the vision of victory?  Do you expect to win because of who your God is or are the giants bigger than your God?  Begin to change to see yourself as God has said and this will make the difference for the outcome in your life.  I hope and pray that this testimony that I gave to you provided some encouragement on how to fight your coming battles.  In this world we will all be faced with the same enemies in some form.  Your vision and your beliefs will determine God’s ability to fight these battles for you.  I thank my Facebook friend for sharing her story with you.  I thank you for taking the time to read it and for allowing God to speak to your heart.  If you have a testimony that you would like to share with everyone I would be very happy to hear it.  God Bless you as we all grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

If you would like to continue reading in this series of Bible lessons please continue to “Part 18“.

Understanding Bible Faith. Receiving Faith is Aggressive Faith! Part 16

(Ver 1.1)  Today’s lesson is Part 16 in one of the most important Bible study series that I have ever shared with you about the subject of “Understanding Bible Faith”.  If you have not read all of the lessons I would strongly recommend that you go and start reading with “Part 1” first and then continue through the series.  I have been working on another subject entirely when suddenly the Holy Spirit woke me up early this morning and gave me the title to this lesson for me to share with someone that needs to read it.  After the title was given to me, God then shared the scriptures to use in this teaching.  So I am typing as fast as I can and I am hoping, praying and believing that I can write down everything that He said for you to read.   I have touched on this specific subject in several other lessons, but this lesson will be much more direct about this specific revealed characteristic of faith in the Gospels and how that having aggressive faith is the same as having receiving faith.  I’ll start by addressing what is aggression?   Aggression can be viewed as a negative quality when misdirected for evil.  But as I taught you before on the subject of “deception” that any negative quality can be turned to a positive for a good use or purpose.  Aggression or aggressive behavior is one of these qualities that can be used for evil or for good.  For example, if you know of people in the world that are starving it would be good for you to become aggressive to get them some food.   That would be a pro-active pursuit of spreading a positive aggression.  Negative aggression would be beating someone over the head to steal their money.  Let’s start today by researching one of the definitions of “aggression”. 

Pursuing one’s aims and interests forcefully, sometime unduly so.

Aggression of course can be taken to an extreme with violent disregard for anyone else and that is not what I am attempting to teach you.  Pursuing a goal and being forceful to achieve it is not always a negative unless it is directed for an evil purpose or plan.  Every Bible subject must be balanced with every other Bible subject.  For example, aggression is one of those Bible subjects that we must balance with the subject of “Love”.   We are never aggressive towards our neighbors or our brothers or sisters.  But as you will learn from what God said to me, we must learn to have aggressive faith in order to receive anything from God.  I am going to give you several examples of people in the Bible that had direct aggressive faith and these should become the models for your faith that you possess.  

What is the opposite of being aggressive?  I believe that being passive is one possible way to define someone as not being aggressive.  I have learned that when studying the Bible it is always very wise to review the unstated antithesis truth from any verse of truth that you are reading.  In other words I am saying that when God gives us a direct stated truth in a verse, He also always gives us an unstated antithesis or opposite truth that we can learn from.  That is why I asked you to think about the opposite of being aggressive.  As we read through my scriptural examples today, observe who is passive and who is aggressive.  You see I read the Gospels very closely and I could find no reference to anyone that was passive of ever receiving anything from God.  Let’s quickly review a definition being passive:

Accepting or allowing what happens or what others do, without active response or resistance.

This is an amazing definition.  Can you begin to see the difference between being passive and being aggressive?  Aggression is a show of force and being passive is a show of inactivity.  The synonyms for being passive are “inert”, “inactive”, “submissive”, or being “flaccid”.  Being flaccid is an interesting word that means that you have no firmness and you are like a Jell-O Christian.    Therefore being aggressive is the active pursuit of one’s goals or desires with firmness.  Being passive is the acceptance of whatever has happened to you without any response or resistance.  Wow, the difference between those two realities speaks volumes to me knowing what I know about the subject of Bible faith.

When you read the Gospels closely and carefully you will discover a repetitious pattern for receiving faith.  The majority of the people that received a miracle from God were never passive.   Most of the time, they did not sit back and wait for anything to happen or come to them, but they were rather direct and forward, going to Jesus and taking what God was giving to them.  I’m going to go through a story in the Bible that the Holy Spirit pointed me to and attempt to give you a different new perspective to what was happening and being taught so that you can learn what God was teaching us about being aggressive.  We will read today starting in verse 2 of John chapter 5:

Joh 5:2  Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches.

Joh 5:3  In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water.

This is the beginning of the story in John about the pool of Bethesda.  I want to first draw your attention to the fact that this was called a sheep pool.  If you have read my other Bible lessons you might remember a lesson I did on symbolic sheep.  Symbolically in the Bible sheep are a representation for the people of God.  Goats are a symbolic representation of those that are not the children of God.  Therefore we can understand immediately that this story here in John is relevant by indirect symbolic reference to be something that is needed by the church.   Next, if you look up the definition of the word Bethesda it means the “house of kindness”.  How should we view God’s extension of saving and healing Grace to the human race?  I believe God’s Grace to heal and to save is a display of His great mercy and His loving kindness.  Right from the start of this story in John we can see that this story is about the saving and healing grace of our God.  Therefore we can apply our knowledge from this series and say this story is about two related factors working together for good.  One factor was the grace of God to heal and save and the other factor we will soon see was the aggressive faith of the people that were present to receive their healing.  Let me try to bring you up to speed by reading the next verse:

Joh 5:4  For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had.

Verse 3 of John 5 informed us that there was a great multitude of sick, lame and diseased people that were present at the pool.  Why were they all there?  The Bible says here in verse 4 that God sent an angel occasionally to stir the water and the first one in the water got healed no matter what was wrong with them.  Do you understand the reasoning behind what is happening here?  It sounds like a race to me with a starter gun signal to begin.  The winner was the first one in the water and they took the whole prize for that day’s race.  All of the other people were losers and they went home with nothing.  Think with me for a moment and help me determine who got healed when the angel stirred the water?  It sounds like it was more than just luck or a random chance that determined who got healed.  The water was not healing when still but when stirred it would heal only one person.  I believe sincerely that this one healing that occurred was placed upon the one who wanted it the most.  It would only make sense that only the most observant and most aggressive person present would be the most likely one that got healed.  Did you know that your aggressive desire was a factor for your receiving anything from God?  Are you beginning to learn that your passive attitude is probably why you are not healed or receiving what you asked God for?  This lesson of aggressive faith is definitely still true for us today.  For example, in Matthew 7:7 Jesus implied that if you were not seeking that you were not finding anything.  What does it take to seek something?  Seeking is never sitting and doing nothing.  Therefore seeking is an act of aggression and effort to search.  Certainly the one that got healed in the pool made extraordinary effort to be the first one in the water.  Therefore, God was teaching the people that being passive is never a good quality to possess for receiving from God by faith.

After this point in time when someone had just gotten healed in the pool, for those that remained waiting at the porches it is both good news and bad news.  The good news after someone is healed is that one of the competitors for next time to be healed was eliminated but the bad news was that they are still not healed because they were not aggressive enough to get in first.  I believe that every winner of the race that gets there first teaches all of those that were left that they better increase their aggression level the next time.  Do you see what God was teaching the people by only healing one?  You see once someone was healed the word will spread about this miracle occurring again and the next time the water is stirred there might just be more sick people present waiting to receive.  God said in verse 3 that there were five porches of people that were all seeking to obtain the prize and that really sounds like a lot of competition to me.

I do not want you to misunderstand what I am teaching.  You are not competing today to be healed with anyone else.  That is not what God is doing.  Today there is no pool, no angel and no water to stir or get in.  You do not have to wait for healing; God only has to wait on your aggression to receive.  I am teaching a concept today from a Bible pattern.  I am not teaching you a natural formula to receive in a pool of stirred water.  Quit thinking naturally and step beyond what you see with your eyes to understand the spiritual application.  Step out of the natural story and look at this story from an applied aggressive spiritual viewpoint.  Later in this lesson I will attempt to transfer the natural pattern to a spiritual way to receive, but I’m not ready to go there yet.

Let’s take this part of the story and apply what we have learned about Bible faith so far in this series to verify God is speaking about faith in this lesson.  In one previous faith lesson I told you that having faith was like a woman being pregnant and expecting something to come to pass.  Wasn’t that exactly what these five porches of sick people were doing there?  If they were not expecting the angel to come and stir the water again why are they even present?  Does misery just love company?  Perhaps someone in town called a meeting for sick people and they were just there to stand up for sickness rights.  I really do not think that is the case although some people feel better if they are not the only one that is suffering.   Others in the world today want you to believe they have a right to be the way they are but that is just passive lack of faith to change.  I often asked myself, how did this pool dip race get started?  Why was there so many present on this day and who was the very first one that ever got healed to start the people coming to this location?  I mean this race must have been going on for a long time if they had the time to build five porches to sit under.  I do not really think that we are given all of the direct answers to those questions in the Bible.   However we can still learn what is happening and why God is doing this by applying what we have learned about faith so far.

Do you remember how faith comes?  Romans 10:17 says Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.  The presence of a great number of people proved that they heard something and believed what they heard thus they had the foundational basis for having faith even though it was not faith in God’s Word that I know of right now.  Can you understand that everyone present at the pool must have heard the same report of previous healings that had occurred before?  Can you also understand that in order to have faith they must also have believed what they heard and thus establishing their reason for being there?  They no doubt had heard before that whenever the water had been stirred that someone had gotten healed before and believed it.  Having a right belief in what God says or does is the classic foundation for having sound faith by definition.  Since this was an angel sent by God, there is still an opportunity for the people to believe or doubt and do without. 

How about this new question; what makes sick people stay around without any proof or evidence that the water will ever be troubled again?  I believe that is an important question to ask and to answer.  The answer to that question is called faith and faith is always based upon the concept of Bible hope.  Do you remember what Bible Hope was?  Bible hope is not a wishing that something might happen.  Bible hope is defined as an “expectation” knowing that something is certainly coming.  Bible hope goes back to the pregnant woman example.  If you are expecting something to happen then you are aggressively preparing for it to occur.  A pregnant woman doesn’t wait until after she has the baby to get the baby’s room ready to receive it?  Wow, did you understand what I just said.  If you are not making plans for after you are healed you are not aggressively in preparation with any Godly expectation.  I believe that I just said something very valuable, so take hold of it and don’t let it go.

The people at the pool certainly had expecting aggressive faith by just being present and not sitting at home.  But they also exhibited patience for the appearance of an unseen angel and the moving of the water was then their trigger for an even more aggressive action.  Having patience is certainly a factor being taught in this story.  No stirring of the water meant no action was necessary, if stirring of water is present then I better do something fast.  This stirring was called a point of contact and this just gets into some more basic faith concepts that I have taught on before.  Do you remember the contact point example that I talked about before.  I tried to teach you to release your faith by your actions up until you know that you have made contact with the power of God.  For example, the woman with the issue of blood did this by physically touching the hem of the garment of Jesus.   Her physical touch of His garment was her pre-established contact point and the exact moment in time where she stopped being aggressive in her faith having believed that she had now received what she desired.  Did you understand that statement?  The woman with the issue of blood was totally aggressive to receive right up until the point that she touched Him and received what she said.  What she said was “If I touch His garment I will be healed”.  Therefore she aggressively fought her way through the crowd of the other people that were also trying to touch Him but because only she had faith attached with her extreme aggression did she receive her healing when they did not.  The entire crowd was aggressively touching Jesus but the others only had aggression lacking any faith.  Aggression is worthless without faith and faith is worthless without aggression.  The woman after touching Jesus turned and stopped being aggressive.  Do you understand what I am saying?  The woman with the issue of blood can now go home knowing she is healed and she hasn’t even talked to Jesus or asked for anything.  Of course Jesus felt the power leave Him and He immediately turned to see who had this kind of faith that takes without asking.  Only this single woman in the whole crowd of people exhibited the aggressive take it faith that receives without asking or without praying.  She was the only one in the crowd that believed what she heard about Jesus and came for it.  This kind of receiving is still available from God today no matter what it is that you need from God.  Let me teach you something new about the woman with the issue of blood story that I have not mentioned before.   The woman with the issue of blood was healed in chapter 5 of Mark.  But, wait and see what happens in chapter 6 of Mark a little while after this news spread about the woman getting healed:

Mar 6:56  And whithersoever he entered, into villages, or cities, or country, they laid the sick in the streets, and besought him that they might touch if it were but the border of his garment: and as many as touched him were made whole.

Suddenly everyone that touches Jesus is healed but in one chapter earlier it was only one woman that received.  What changed from chapter 5 to chapter 6?  People heard that touching Him works and they all believed it now.  Now they could come in chapter 6 with the same level of aggressive expecting to receive faith as the woman in chapter 5 and they all received their healing.  From this information we can learn that the aggressive faith of one woman can produce aggressive faith in many others by them observing what had happened.  Before in chapter 5, the people had inadequate information and lacked expecting aggression.  But, now they have overcome their ignorance and achieved a new level of aggression to receive because they learned some new valuable information and believed it.   What you do not know is usually what is keeping you from receiving from God.  In Hosea 4:6 God says “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge..”.  The only way to overcome this insufficient knowing is for you to learn.  That is why I teach on this subject a lot.  I hope you are learning it.

Let us go back to the person that was healed at the pool.  It was only the first person with this aggressive expecting type of faith that received their healing at the pool and this type of aggressive expecting faith will still receive today.  As soon as the first one was in the water they were done.  They got up, got out and walked home just like the woman with the issue of blood would have done.  Learn the lesson that is being presented to us from the Word of God and then apply the concepts to your faith walk with God’s Word.  Whatever you need from God if you have found the scriptural promises that say that you can have it, and if you believe them without wavering it is your time to go and get it.  Be aggressive and take; do not sit passively waiting to receive anything.  Keep the woman with the issue of blood and the one that was healed first at the pool in the forefront of your mind as your examples to follow.  Do not let the others around you keep you from being the one that receives.  I’m again not talking of natural physical aggression but of a spiritual aggression since there is no physical Jesus present and no natural competition to contend with.  However, the Spirit of God is present and the devils are present and this is the spiritual atmosphere realm that you are in now to receive.  Let’s look at some more examples in the Bible of aggressive faith to insure that this is a valid pattern found to learn from:

Mat 20:30  And, behold, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they heard that Jesus passed by, cried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou Son of David.

Mat 20:31  And the multitude rebuked them, because they should hold their peace: but they cried the more, saying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou Son of David.

See the two blind men in Matthew 20:30 and 31 and how when they heard that it was Jesus, they cried out loudly (aggressively) ignoring the opposing multitudes of people that were rebuking them for shouting.  They immediately had aggressive faith because they heard.  These two blind men received from God what they desired because of their faithful acts of aggression.  Clearly the two blind men had faith in something that they had previously heard about Jesus otherwise they would not have known who He was.  No one said it was the Son of David but they called Him by this respectful title.  Clearly they had great opposition but they were not going to let anyone around them talk them out of what they knew they could have.  Clearly this is another example of not being passive and allowing what has happened to them to stay as it was.  They heard who it was, they believed in Jesus as Messiah, they took action, they cried out loudly, they expected to receive, Jesus heard them and they received their sight.  This is exactly how receiving faith works.  Let’s move to another story of a lame man that received:

Mar 2:3  And they come unto him, bringing one sick of the palsy, which was borne of four.

Mar 2:4  And when they could not come nigh unto him for the press, they uncovered the roof where he was: and when they had broken it up, they let down the bed wherein the sick of the palsy lay.

Mar 2:5  When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins be forgiven thee.

Review this lesson of the lame man brought to the house by his four friends where Jesus was teaching in Mark 2:4.   The crowd present was so large that they could not get anywhere near to where Jesus was, but did they let that stop them from receiving?  Clearly they were faced with great opposition, obstacles and challenges to overcome.  No one was present yelling at them to leave but yet they still could not get near to Jesus because the people were not going to move and let them in.  What did they do, did they give up?  No, they went up to the roof top and made a large hole and dropped their friend down to where Jesus was.  Wasn’t that another example of creative positive aggression?  Weren’t these men thinking outside the box of limitations?   If they would have been discouraged by the size of the crowd they would have went away without receiving anything, but since they made a way where there was no way they got exactly what they needed.  This verse says that Jesus saw their faith.  This type of aggressive faith caused them to go away victorious.  I have just given to you 4 great examples of aggressive expecting faith.  All of them were presented with challenges to overcome.  No one in the Bible ever said that you will not have any opposition.  No one in the Bible said it will be easy to receive a miracle from God.  But, persistent aggression overcomes the enemy every time and receives.


Let’s put this Gospel information into a spiritual context with spiritual opposition rather than a natural opposition story with a physical Jesus.  You see these Gospel stories were only given to you in the Bible in order to teach you about the reality of the coming spiritual things that you would be faced with in the right now.   There are several scriptures that inform us of things in the Old Testament were given to us as patterns for coming unseen spiritual realities.  If you do not understand this you will be mostly confused with reading the Old Testament.  You do understand that everything in the Gospels prior to the resurrection of Jesus was nothing but Old Testament examples, don’t you?   In lessons 7 and 8 in this series I talked about the concept of taking the Promised Land.  God’s stated Bible promises are representative of the symbolic Promised Land that the natural nation of Israel was told to take (receive).  This clearly was described to be a fight for the land between opposing aggression.  That was a physical natural reality and we in the church are not them and we do not fight like they fought:

2Co 10:3  For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:

To war after the flesh is a concept that too many churches today are promoting in their ignorance.  One recent unnamed ignorant pastor made the national news by preaching we need to lock up all the gays and just let them die off.  Wow, how stupid can one man be and be called a preacher of God’s Word.  Does he not know how to read his Bible?  We are not wrestling against flesh and blood (Eph 6:12) therefore people are not our problem?  If you lock up people without addressing the real spiritual force controlling the people you have solved nothing.  Homosexuality has been around since the days of Lot.  Did the death of the gays in Sodom solve the problem of homosexuality?  No, obviously not.  The spirits that were in them are now in others in the modern world.   We are not in a physical conflict.  Let’s get back to the subject of faith and our spiritual war:

1Ti 6:12  Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.

Faith is defined to be and described to us as a spiritual contest very much like the race to get into the pool first that we read about today in the Gospel of Matthew.    In every fight there is one winner and a loser.  Therefore a fight is a competition of opposing aggression and the winner is usually the one that wants it the most.  However, we have a problem now.  How do you fight in the spiritual realm?  Who is your spiritual opposition that you are fighting against and what causes you to win or overcome in this fight?   These are very relevant questions.  In lesson 8 on faith I went into some of the answers to these questions.  I listed 4 spiritual enemies that you are presented with.  Do you remember what these 4 spiritual enemies were?

  1. Ignorance
  2. Fear
  3. Doubt
  4. Worry

These were four revealed internal spiritual enemy conflicts that you can control and fix.  If you do not understand that you were born ignorant on the subject of faith and that you needed knowledge to overcome this ignorance, then why are reading my Bible lessons?  Next, I talked about fear being an opposing force to faith.  If you are controlled by what it looks like on the outside rather than what God said to you on the inside you are probably going to die or loose.  The children of Israel let their fears, worries and doubts keep them from their possession.  I’m not going to go through all of that information again, but I thought that you should familiarize yourself with those subjects again as being potential enemies to receiving from God.  I sometimes go back and reread all of my Bible lessons on a subject to remind myself what I said.  It refreshes my memory and puts it in the forefront of my mind like God told Joshua to do in Joshua 1:8.  I would recommend that just because you have read these lessons once that you go back and reread them again and again because there is no way that can remember everything and you should review them periodically as a fresh meal from God.   Just because I ate steak yesterday does not mean I do not like to eat steak again.

What is Spiritual Warfare?  I did a lesson on this subject a long time ago and it might help you to go and review it, to learn about what other spiritual enemies there are that you are faced with and how you can fight them.  In that lesson I talked about how our weapons of war are not flesh based.  But, God has given to us spiritual weapons of war to fight a spiritual battle.  I’m going to take one of those weapons and discuss it here again today for you to connect it with your spiritual faith fight and how it works to defeat your enemy.  This weapon of war is called the sword of the Spirit and it is described to us as being the Word of God (Eph 6:17).  This Sword of Spirit is just one part of the six piece complete armor package of God that we are commanded to put on.  Have you put on your armor?  If not you are about to lose before the fight even begins.  Prior to the verses describing the six piece armor of God, God reveals to you who you are fighting:

Eph 6:11  Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

Why would it be necessary to fight a defeated foe?  If Satan has been rendered totally defeated why are we putting on any armor?  You really need to ask God some hard questions in order to understand the whole truth.  What God has given to us by His Grace can only be received by your faith.  Thus the good fight of faith is now still on with Satan.  Satan is your number one enemy and he is at the top of the food chain in this category of spiritual oppostion.  Every other enemy that you are faced with is a direct result of something that Satan is using to try to defeat you.  For example, fear is a spiritual force produced by Satan’s words.

Therefore we are in a spiritual war or fight concerning our faith and belief in God’s Word.  How do you fight this unseen spiritual enemy?  We can directly learn how to fight by observing from how Jesus fought Satan and then apply this knowledge to how we must fight him.   When did Jesus fight Satan?  It was actually a continual fight all the way to the cross, but there was one specific written example of this fight and that is what we are going to study next.  This spiritual fight is popularly called the Temptation of Christ.  Turn with me in your Bible and follow along in the battle:

Mat 4:1  Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.

Here in this chapter of Matthew we can read about Jesus being led by the Spirit of God.  One of the key words in this verse is given to us as “tempted” in this translated version of the KJV.  However, this Greek word means significantly more than that narrow definition.  This Greek word represents a “test”.  A test is normally a measure of a person’s knowledge, skill or endurance.  A test in school provides instructors with evidence or proof that you know the material taught to you in their class.  If you pass the test you are good to move on, but if you fail the test you better go and study the material again.  That is a descriptive example of the fight of faith that you are probably in right now.  God is not the tester or the test giver.  It is unnecessary for God to test you since He already knows the results.  Do you understand God’s omniscient quality and why He does not to test you?  God provides the material and Satan is the one that attacks you to see if you know it, understand it and can use it against him.  That is what is happening in this “temptation of Jesus” story.  Satan comes to Jesus and speaks 3 different things to him in sequence.  This represented a three part test with each part of the test being graded separately with a pending sudden death failure penalty if one test is not passed.  The one being tested is only passed to the higher level in the test if they got the previous part of the test correct.  To me it sounds like a progressive test of endurance with progressive skill levels from basic to advanced levels.    Don’t know what I’m talking about?  Ok, let’s go through the test that Jesus endured and learn from it:

Mat 4:3  And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.

What was the first level of test brought before Jesus?  Jesus had just fasted and not eaten for 40 days and the Bible says he was hungry.  Satan came to Jesus with a basic flesh test.  Satan gave Jesus the thought to turn the stones around Him into bread.   This thought of food appealed to His flesh.  His flesh was very hungry and would have loved to eat some physical food.  Being in the wilderness there was no physical food present, so Satan tells Jesus to turn stones into bread.  But, Jesus responded with the Word of God.

Mat 4:4  But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

Do you understand that in this faith fight that Jesus also had on the armor of God?  You do understand that this is a spiritual fight that is occurring, don’t you?  This fight example describes how Satan will attack you.  It also describes how Jesus countered the attack of Satan.  The only key offensive piece in the armor of God is the sword of the Spirit.  The sword of the Spirit is the written Word of God (Eph 617).  Jesus aggressively quoted a written verse of God’s Word speaking it with His mouth to counter Satan’s thought and because He believed it He passed this phase of the test.

Mat 4:5  Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple,

Mat 4:6  And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.

Now we are seeing more of the intelligence of your enemy in test number 2.   Just because you can quote the scripture does not mean that Satan cannot do the same right back at you.  Satan is taking a small part of the Sword of the Spirit and attempting to use it to test Jesus on a higher level of spiritual conflict.  It has now become a battle of wits, wisdom and Bible knowledge and not just a battle of the flesh that we observed in test number 1.  Satan has just progressed up to a higher test level from the flesh to the realm of the mind.  You see man is a spirit being that has a mind and he lives in a body.  The progressive levels of testing go from the exterior to the interior and these are your body or flesh first on the outside followed by your soul or your mind in the middle layer in between your body and your spirit.  And then finally the real you on the inside called your spirit is the ultimate realm of testing that can occur.  Satan is moving from the easier levels to the more difficult levels using progression steps.   I hope you are learning something new today and that it will make a change in what you see that is happening to you and how to fight Satan.

Mat 4:7  Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.

Jesus just quotes the Sword of the Spirit to Satan and once again passes the test.  Jesus did not debate the Bible with Satan, but also Jesus did not ignore the verse that Satan quoted either.  Jesus quoted a higher truth that takes precedence over what Satan has said to Him.  You see you cannot take one verse in the Bible out of context, misapply it and then think that this is all of the truth there is or is necessary to understand.  This battle of the mind that is occurring proves to us that not all scripture is equal.  We must balance and weigh each verse against each other verse to see if any of them are greater in importance.  Just because Satan said you can jump and the Bible says that God will save you, Jesus was smarted than Satan and understood first the Bible doesn’t tell us to jump.  Then Jesus understood that if I obeyed this suggestion He would be testing God’s ability to save.  Therefore, Jesus said it is also written “Don’t test God”.  Do you understand how the second verse that Jesus just quoted helps to interpret what the first verse that Satan just tried to use against Jesus meant?  Therefore, the second verse represents a greater truth to know and Satan did not dispute it anymore and moved to the next level.   This brings up a very important point.  If you do not know what God says in His word how can you fight against your adversary Satan?  Wow, that is probably why and how Satan is using your ignorance to defeat you.  You need to spend a lot of time in the Word of God and get it into your spirit so that is what automatically comes out of your mouth in abundance when you are under pressure.  Jesus did not have time to say to Satan wait a minute and let me look up that verse.  I know it is here somewhere.  No Jesus’ response was built into His Spirit and this is what you need to do quickly.

Mat 4:8  Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;

Mat 4:9  And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

Now we can see the final temptation is on a spiritual level.  Worship is only what a spirit being can do to another spirit being.  No other mammal on the earth worships anything or anyone?  None of them set up shrines or temples to bow down to their gods.  Only ignorant men have the opportunity to worship the wrong god and they have created many of them in the last several thousand years.   This is an amazing set of illustrated steps of progressive levels of testing.  Clearly Satan started at the flesh exterior level of the man and then worked his way into the spirit going through the mind.  I believe that this is exactly what will occur with you in your faith fight.

Mat 4:10  Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

Here we have the final example of how to counter every level of attack and to overcome each progressive step of the test.  In every case given the only weapon mentioned was the Sword of the Spirit when Jesus quoted what was written in God’s Word.  I certainly do believe that the rest of the armor was present and a factor, but they were not what were emphasized in the lesson of how to overcome a test.  Every other part of the armor of God is designed as a defensive part of the battle gear to keep you safe from the aggressive attack blows of your enemy, but only the Sword of the Spirit was designed to be a weapon that can be used to aggressively counter the attacks.  After these three tests Satan really has no choice but to go away and try to fight another day with Jesus.  I really hope that you understand how to better fight your faith fight.   When Satan comes to you and says look at your symptoms of illness and that you are not healed, you can simply quote God’s Word and tell Him “By His stripes I was healed”.  That is an example of the good fight of faith. 

Possessing the promises of God is a spiritual battle with spiritual enemies.  To win the battle you must get the Word of God built on the inside of you in your spirit and believe it with your whole heart.  Your salvation was the greatest spiritual battle that required your fight of faith to posses.  Let’s reveiw a verse in the N.T. and see how you fought this fight and won:

Rom 10:10  For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Here is a single verse that describes the entire spiritual battle using one statement.  This verse refers to the heart of man so that takes us into the spiritual realm immediately.  This verse speaks of spiritual beliefs and that takes us into the faith fight.  There are implied enemies, there are implied failures, there are implied weapons and there is a literal stated victory that can be achieved.  Do you see it?  It is amazing what God can put in one verse when you understand a few other verses.  The confession of the words of your mouth is your sword of the Spirit in your armor.  If you are not speaking out loud you are not fighting to win.  If you want to be defeated don’t say anything.  That is called being a passive Christian and just letting whatever happens, happen.  No, confession is an aggressive use of your mouth to get what you desire.  This verse is about the subject of desiring salvation, but that is a much broader subject and it includes much more than us just going to heaven some day in the future.  Did you notice that this verse started out with “belief”.  We are back to having faith in God’s word.  Therefore we must have heard God’s Word, believed God’s Word and then spoke God’s Word.  If your beliefs are not based solidly upon the Word of God then your spiritual fight is already lost.   Let’s stop and look up the word “salvation” in the Strong’s dictionary to see what else this includes or applies to in your faith fight.

G4991 – σωτηρία sōtēria

Feminine of a derivative of G4990 as (properly abstract) noun; rescue or safety (physically or morally): – deliver, health, salvation, save, saving.

This Greek word can legally be translated as “delivered’ or “saved” or even “healed”.  Therefore it is an all-inclusive statement including our physical wellbeing, our mental wellbeing as well as for our spiritual wellbeing and deliverance.  You see God’s salvation does not exclude any area of your life only you do that by your unbelief in that area.   Remember what I said earlier of the three levels of human existence?  You are a spirit which possesses a mind that lives in a body.  Therefore God provided “salvation” and “deliverance” to save from each realm of existence.  No that does not mean that you will be problem free in life, we already know that is not the full truth.  You still have an enemy that is alive and well trying to “kill, steal from and destroy” you (John 10:10).  In this same verse in John, Jesus said “BUT I HAVE COME so that you might have life and that life more abundantly”.  Did Jesus mean that life was later in the future or here available for us in the right now?  I personally believe that He meant it for right now in this world.  Later when we get to heaven there will be no need for salvation from anyone, or any need to overcome because there will be no more enemies present there.  However, there are other truths written in the Bible that must be balanced that say “In this world you will have trouble” (John 16:33).  But in this same verse, Jesus also said be of good cheer because I have overcome the world.  If you do not understand that Jesus set an example of how to overcome in the world for us to follow, then we would have a legitimate expectation to think that there is nothing for us to overcome.  However that is not what the Bible teaches us.  The Bible tells us that we also must overcome our adversities and our adversaries?  At least 10 times in the New Testament we are commanded to be overcomers.  Why would Jesus make this stipulation if Satan was already completely defeated and a non-factor? 

Satan’s future is sealed in a gloom of darkness, but he is still trying to take down as many people as he can with him now.  That makes him a significant angry aggressive spiritual force for you to overcome here and now.  This enemy is trying to keep you from experiencing the abundant life that Jesus said was given to you in John 10:10.  This life of abundance was much more than physical prosperity, but I believe that was included.    I believe that our mental and spiritual health is much more important features to focus on instead of us getting rich or getting healed.  However I did not say you cannot have it all if you that is what God says you can have.  I’ll end this Bible study with this statement written from John and God to the church:

3Jn 1:2  Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

John prayed that the people would prosper financially and have good health but he placed the final greater emphasis upon their minds and spirits as being the determining factor for both of these other benefits to occur.  There is an implied association that if your soul and your spirit are prospering, then your health and your finances are also prospering.  I am not a health and wealth preacher, but I do preach the Bible and I do not ignore one part of the Bible to remain pious to believe a selective spirit only salvation theology teaching.  If Jesus only saved our spirits why is there so many other references taught on so many other subjects in the Bible?   You have to completely ignore verses like this one in 3 John if you want to believe in a sickness and poverty bad news type of gospel.  Why would John pray for something for others that was not the will of God for all?

My emphasis in whatever I teach is always for you to seek the God of creation and His Word to prosper you spiritually and mentally and the other parts of your life will come almost automatically after you do this.  There is not a valid reverse order or approach to finding God or getting God to answer your prayer.  You do not seek healing or prosperity and think that God will give them to you just because you need them.  God does not consistently respond to needs, but God does consistently respond to faith.  I learned this over and over in the Gospels and many other examples in the Bible.  When you find out what God says in His word the needs will become insignificantly minor.  I could give you many more Bible examples that prove this point but I will only quickly focus on one. For example Solomon asked God for only His wisdom and this wisdom made him one of the richest men of all of the men on the planet.  That was how prosperity was supposed to work doing it God’s way.  You need to change your focused approach to God today.  Quit seeking healing or prosperity without first seeking the divine wisdom from the God who blesses and heals. 

Start right now and pray “God help me to see me as you see me”.  Then pray and ask God to bring correction and direction into your life and tell Him that you will change.  Then pray and ask God for revelation knowledge of what His word declares.  Ask God to open the eyes of your understanding and to enlighten your mind and spirit with His Great Wisdom.  However, like anything that you pray for you must use the prayer of faith and believe that you received what you asked for when you prayed and before you see the answer.  I did a whole lesson in this series on the Prayer of Faith.  This means when it does not look like that you have any wisdom from God, this is the perfect time to believe God heard and answered your prayer and for you to say “I have the mind of Christ today”.  “The wisdom of God is formed in my spirit”.   “I hear the voice of the Good Shepherd and the voice of a stranger I do not follow”.  After you do that you will soon see that God honors your request and has given to your mind new insight that you never had before.  Before too long you will be teaching others God’s word on your own being healed and blessed.   Thank you for your time and I pray that you have been blessed by what God gave me to say in the early morning hours to teach you.  Alyaws remember that an aggressive faith is a receiving faith and a receiving faith is always an aggressive faith.  I’ll try to move back to some other subjects that I have left before, but I do want to be led by the Spirit of God so that I can help someone to receive.  So as long as the Spirit of God does not wake me with a specific lesson topic I will be going back to a recent study subject.  God Bless!

If you would like to continue in this Bible study reading the next lesson please go to “Part 17” now.

Understanding Healing, Sickness and Disease! Was Divine Healing Always Instant in the Gospels? Part 7

(Ver 1.1)  Today’s lesson is Part 7 in the Bible study series about “Understanding the Subjects of Healing, Sickness and Disease”.  I have been led by God recently to teach on this subject of healing for someone and I do not always understand the reasons for doing everything that I do, so I just try to be obedient.  I do know there are many people in the church in need of a divine touch from God so this subject is good for everyone to know even if you do not need the same today.  I have already covered a lot of information in this Bible lesson series that will not all be repeated exactly as stated before, therefore if you have not read every lesson from the beginning, I would recommend that you start reading with “Part 1” before you read today’s lesson.  Today’s lesson is a continuation of the last lesson to some extent about the question that I received “Is divine healing always instant”.  I have been answering this question from a reader about why healing does not always appear to take place immediately after we pray and ask God to heal us.  This is a very common modern problem found in the Body of Christ.  Many are taught wrong and have based their beliefs on this wrong information resulting in failure to receive what God has already given to them.  In the last lesson I taught on Daniel’s prayer and how that his answer sent from God was delayed for a period 3 weeks because of a spiritual conflict occurring in the unseen dimension between heaven and the earth.  We discovered that God had heard Daniel’s prayer the very first day and sent the angel Gabriel to Daniel with the answer but yet the answer did not arrive for these 21 days.  Obviously this is a pattern that we need to learn from to understand what is potentially occurring for us today.

The failure of humans to receive from God is often based upon their ignorance of not understanding that they also have an enemy that is purposely attempting to block their answer of God from coming.  When this occurs they often fall into a vicious cycle of unbelief that God did not answer so I must go and ask God for the answer again.  However, this new request usually just starts the same process over where we find that God hears and sends the answer but because it does not instantly occur again, the cycle repeats to almost a daily pray and ask God for an answer and if nothing happens tomorrow I just need to pray and ask God to send the answer again and again and again.  I know people that have prayed for 10 years asking God for the same answer over and over; not realizing that He had tried to send it the first time they asked like we read in Daniel.  I’ll probably shock some people today, but if you prayed about the same healing more than once you prayed the second time in unbelief that God did not hear you the first time.  Unbelief is the opposite of faith and believing and Satan has just defeated you by the very simple tactic of causing a modest delay in time to occur.   If you read the Gospels closely you will find that Jesus honored faith and nothing else.  Those that demonstrated faith got healed and those that did not usually got nothing.  God is still the same today.

Today I’m going to try to go through some Bible examples found in the Gospels where Jesus the Son of God in person could not or did not heal anyone instantly and discuss why not.  These examples will help to bring clarity to why it might also take time for you to receive from God.  In other words these new exceptions to the “instant miracle” belief will help us to understand that God does not always control what is happening to get someone healed.  We can learn from these new profound examples some additional factors about divine healing that will be comforting and helpful if we can accept them for what they teach us.


Truly while reading the Gospels we can see Jesus doing what appear to be many instant healings and miracles for many people.  There are so many clear examples of instant healings and miracles found in the Gospels that they almost dominant the entire message causing many people to believe that this is God’s standard and only way of doing it.  It also causes many modern people to wish they lived when Jesus was physically here on the face of the earth just so they could get healed that easily and quickly.  For example, we can read about the lame man at the Pool of Bethesda that instantly rises and walks in John 5:2.  There is another healing of two blind men that instantly receive their sight found in Matthew 20:34.  Another blind man in Luke 18:43 also received his sight immediately.   A leprous man was immediately healed by Jesus in Matthew 8:3 and Mark 1:42.  There is more than enough evidence for instant types of divine healing to understand that this is a potential way for healing to occur but is it the only way that God’s power operated on the earth in people?  I believe that it is a great mistake to think that this is the only way it can happen.  Never lock God into your religious box of limited information and understanding.  Never place any restrictions or limitations on divine methods and how they must operate to satisfy you or your fallible human requirements.  You are a fool if you think that you control God, what He does and how He can do it.  You are going to have to read and study the rest of the entire Bible to insure that God does nothing in a non-spectacular instant miraculous way in order to discount those types of alternate methods of gradual or progressive healings.  So while I do not deny that instant miracles can occur even today, I also choose to see that there are some other very interesting recorded events in the Bible that need to be balanced with the knowledge of these instant types of miracles and that is my goal today in what I teach you.

Attempting to be balanced in all of God’s word will cause us to walk more down the center of the road keeping us far from falling into either side ditch of extremism on our left or on our right.  For example, one ditch side of extremism on the subject of healing will try to say that God never heals anyone anymore while the other ditch side of extremism will scream God only heals instantly or it is not God.  Both are just excessive positions that do not teach the actual balanced truth of God.  Learn to avoid the ditches of extremism and that information will possibly help you more than anything else that I say today.  Learn to base your beliefs upon sound doctrines using balanced principles and that will raise you above the level of deception that occurs in many man created teachings.  But, before we go to these new Gospel examples let’s review a radical concept given to us in what God has created in this natural world about healing.


Rom 1:20  For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

According to the Bible many of the invisible qualities of God can be seen in things that God has created in our world around us.  We therefore need to analyze what did God create and does it relate to our subject today?  Is there any healing in the human body that occurs naturally?  I think that you can easily understand that the normal human body was designed to fight against sickness and injury and that this process was certainly designed by God.

Do you agree that God created natural healing?  Doesn’t our natural physical healthy bodies have God’s divine healing systems normally pre-built in that are designed to repair themselves or to at the least help to fight off sickness or injury that have attacked us?  Are any of these naturally designed divine processes instant?  I believe that you can clearly see they are always consistently gradual and never an instant manifestation.  Have you ever thought about that?  The natural realm is a direct contrasting opposite to what seems to occur in the majority of the Gospel accounts.  Could God have created an instant repair system in the body of man if He so desired?  Obviously I believe that God is more than capable, intelligent and powerful enough to do that if that is what He wanted to do.  However, our natural immune system was certainly a sovereignly designed feature that came from God and it is not an instant process.  This immune system was given to every human being for the purpose of helping us obtain health.  Naturally if we cut our external skin organ the process of self-repair normally takes over to correct the problem but again slowly over time.  God created blood coagulation as a normal part of the initial process to stop the flow of blood in cuts.  The scab will eventually form and the skin will eventually repair and heal.  This is clearly a divinely designed healing process with multiple and progressive steps.  It does not instantly happen and it requires time to be fully fulfilled.  Therefore even in the created natural realm God designed non-instantaneous ways for divine healing to occur.  So I have just given you two different example patterns for healing to occur by God’s design.  Some of these Bible examples were patterns of instant divine corrections and others in the natural realm were not instant healings, yet still miraculous none-the-less over time.  Using this information let us now go into some non-instant healings found in the Gospels.


We are going to start our examination of a specific Gospel healing story that is often overlooked or ignored in the huge number of healing accounts recorded.    This new additional example of divine healing in the Bible should further expand our knowledge that not every healing that Jesus performed was an instant miracle display of God’s extreme power.  We will go to the book of Mark and begin to read in chapter 8 and verse 22:

Mar 8:22  And he cometh to Bethsaida; and they bring a blind man unto him, and besought him to touch him.

Mar 8:23  And he took the blind man by the hand, and led him out of the town; and when he had spit on his eyes, and put his hands upon him, he asked him if he saw ought.

These are really fascinating verses beginning to unfold.  Jesus comes to a town where some people living there lead a blind man to Him and ask Jesus to touch him.  Why were these people bringing this blind man to Jesus and what did they want or expect to occur?  Obviously the intended purpose was for Jesus to heal him with His touch.  Here is where we need to stop and figure out why then does the anointed Son of God take this blind man out of town where they are before He heals him?   Why not just touch the blind man in the town and instantly heal him?  Wow, those are very tough questions to answer so we normally ignore them and keep reading not understanding the importance of what is happening here.  What does leaving town, have to do with the blind man getting healed?  You really need to ask God some specific questions if you ever expect to hear specific answers when you read and study the Bible.  If you do not observe what is being said in the Bible you will certainly miss at least 99% of the main message.  Let me try to answer those questions by what happened in another location with Jesus.  Do you remember when Jesus once went into His own hometown and what happened there when He tried to heal the people?  In this story found in Mark 6:5 it says that Jesus could there in that city do NO mighty works (miracles) except to heal a few minor sicknesses.  Evidently we learn from these two stories that in some physical locations it matters to Jesus and determines what He can or can’t do.  This is actually very important because this information will still hold true for today and your physical location in the world.  The location of where you are presently can and will affect if you are able to receive your healing.  I have observed this before and perhaps you have also.  In churches that do not teach about divine healing, rarely does any divine healing ever take place.  In other churches that teach divine healing strongly there is an atmosphere of expectancy that permits God to heal. 

Why are some cities open to receiving miracles from God while other cities like Jesus’ hometown of Nazareth and Bethsaida were not?  Jesus teaches us in Mark 6:6 that it was their unbelief in Nazareth that limited what God could do there.  Wow, religious people struggle with that statement tremendously.  However, I did not say it God did in His Word.  So if you reject His words do you not also reject Him?  According to the Word of God, people have the power to limit what God’s power does on the earth and this human power was called unbelief.  I know I’ll get some negative comments from certain kinds of carnal religious people for saying that, but I’m just reading the Bible.  I hope you are doing the same.  Notice by this defined truth that if unbelief has the negative power to cause us to not receive from God then by the law of antithesis your belief contains the positive power to receive from God.  I hope you heard and understood what I said, it was very important.  Check your surroundings and see if everyone around you believes with you or are against you.  If they are against you then it could cause an atmosphere of unbelief that can hinder the flow of God’s power.

Apparently from this information we must conclude that the people in Bethsaida were also full of the same type of negativity called unbelief and this was the primary reason why Jesus took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the city.  Notice that Jesus only laid His hands on the blind man once they were fully out of the city, but also notice that before He did this that He only did it after spitting on his eyes and that is another very interesting twist to observe.  What does spitting on the blind man’s eyes have to do with his physical healing or the power of God’s ability to manifest?  I probably will not be able to answer that question to the fullest satisfaction of many readers today.  However, it is very noteworthy to search your Bible to see that at least 3 times in the Gospels Jesus used spit to heal someone and these 3 different people were only healed because Jesus first spit. 

Why is it that some people in the Gospels got healed by a touch alone and others by spit, a touch and a longer process?  We are forced to conclude that either God’s power alone was not effective in these specific cases or that there are other unknown factors that were involved that kept this blind man from seeing instantly.  I vote for number 2; that there existed other unknown or unstated factors that existed and that God’s power did not fail them or treat them uniquely differently.  I cannot believe God’s power or lack of power was the problem in this blind man’s case in Mark 8.  What would happen if someone came and spat in your face?   What would your reaction be if you did not see it coming?  Shock, surprise, and even potentially anger could arise from someone doing this unexpectantly to you.  I believe Jesus did this on purpose to get a reaction and to set the expectations for something new to happen.  The blind man certainly felt the spit hit him and this was not what he was expecting so that changes his attitude to expect something different.  This is actually a good lesson to learn from.  Don’t expect how God will heal you just expect it to happen and it will.

I did not really emphasize this point but in verse 23 the last thing that Jesus does is to ask the blind man if he can see anything?   That is an amazingly interesting question for the Son of God to ask.  Does He not know that the man was healed after He has spit and touched his eyes?  Do you think that after you pray and ask God for healing and He has sent the answer, is it possible that God is asking you are you healed?  I believe He is, even if you cannot hear it.  You need to figure out how to answer that question correctly before it is asked to you.  Let’s continue to read the answered response given to us from the Mark 8 blind man:

Mar 8:24  And he looked up, and said, I see men as trees, walking.

The blind’s man’s first words to Jesus were “I see”.  That is a positive faith statement whether you understand it or not.  It indicates that there was at least some progress in his eyesight after being led out of the city, Jesus spitting on him and touching him.  Previously the blind man could see nothing and now he says that he sees men that look like trees walking.  You need to learn to speak positively no matter what is not working fully.  This statement represents a progressive healing process occurring in steps.  The message is clearly presented that something was different in this blind man based upon some unstated and unknown factor.  Now, examine Jesus’ response to the man’s answered words of seeing partially but not clearly:

Mar 8:25  After that he put his hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up: and he was restored, and saw every man clearly.

Here we have an example for every minister to potentially follow.  If you lay your hands on someone and they do not begin to recover fully we could learn that Jesus stopped and did it again.  Why does the great God in the flesh need to do something twice?  I personally believe it was for two factors for us to see.  One is to teach us what to do as men and second is to show us how to increase the faith of the person that we are ministering to.  Jesus never wavered in His belief that the man was healed.  However Jesus’ faith and the anointed power of God were not the only factors involved in the blind man receiving his healing.  If you do not understand how faith works, you will never understand what is happening in this story.  Jesus took the blind from the city to eliminate him from the surrounding force of unbelief (lack of faith).  Now alone together with Jesus the single isolated blind man’s lack of faith is the only factor that needs to be overcome.  While the blind man was being led out of the city by Jesus, he could have stopped Jesus and said “I’m not going” and walked back into town at any time.  The blind man exhibits a certain measure of faith simply by silently being a follower of Jesus without questioning or having any proof that anything positive will even happen to him.  That reality exhibits very simple faith to be led without knowing the outcome.  In fact it corresponds to a N.T. verse that says we walk by faith and not by sight (2 Cor 5:7).  The blind man walking out of town took a level of belief in someone that the blind man could not see and thus he fulfilled this verse literally.  Do you understand what I am trying to say and how it is an important part to my lesson?

After getting the man out of the town Jesus continues to work on increasing the man’s faith level to receive.  Jesus does this by first spiting in his eyes.  This spirt is a tangible physical feeling that the blind man could immediately feel and it was also something totally unexpected for him to experience.  Therefore the blind man is now beginning to expect the unexpected to happen to him.  What happens when you experience something that you did not expect?  I believe it sets a pattern for you to begin to expect more of the unexpected.  No doubt no one had ever done this to the blind man for this reason, so this causes the blind man to start expecting something new to happen.  Jesus then lays His hands on the blind man’s eyes and the tangible anointing of God could now flow from Jesus’ body into the blind man’s body and no doubt he could feel this power also.  Afterwards Jesus removed his hands and asked him a direct question.  When the man opens his eyes and sees for the first time things were definitely better than before but yet still not perfect.  So Jesus touches the man’s eyes again and the anointing again flows and this time he opens his eyes and sees every man clearly.   This is pretty awesome stuff if you can see what is happening.

There are two main factors that must be present for the majority of divine healings that takes place in the Gospels.  These two main factors that must be present are first the quantity of God’s power that is present and administered and second the quantity of the person’s faith to receive the power of God’s Grace given.  Both must be present and working together in unison, agreement and harmony or the divine healing will not take place.  Of course there are still exceptions to every rule.  The fact that God can still give to anyone a gift of healing even to someone without faith has occurred in the Bible and still does occur in the world today occasionally.  For example, the lame man at the pool of Bethesda was an example of a gift of divine healing without any mention of faith being present.  However, do not count on God doing this for you.  You don’t have any promise in the Bible that says He will do it this way.  This is completely up to God and He will decide to do it and not you.  Many times I have seen God do this in third world countries for people that have never heard about God or Jesus.


Let’s briefly talk about the variable of the anointing factor.  God’s anointing can be given to every man in various measures of power and effectiveness.  Practically no two men on the earth possess the same level of anointing from God.  We can learn this fact in many verses but one of the clearest examples is found in the life of Elijah and Elisha.  Both men were great prophets of God and both did extraordinary feats for God.  However, Elisha asked for a double portion of the anointing that Elijah possessed.  Let’s go back and review this quickly in the O.T.:

2Ki 2:9  And it came to pass, when they were gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee. And Elisha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me.

2Ki 2:10  And he said, Thou hast asked a hard thing: nevertheless, if thou see me when I am taken from thee, it shall be so unto thee; but if not, it shall not be so.

God is described to be omnipotent or “All Powerful” in the Bible.  These descriptions of God provide us key qualities that we do not fully comprehend.  God’s power is what I will call limitless or unlimited, yet God still places self-imposed limits on what He does by His own sovereign freewill and by His own Word.  Levels of this power of God can be transferred as an anointing on spiritual beings like angels and on the people on the earth.  Elijah was anointed by God and he called down fire from heaven that consumed all of the prophets of Baal.  Elijah also stopped it from raining on the earth for a period of three and half years and then commanded it to rain and it did.  Now, Elisha observes the great things that God has done through Elijah and only asks for something greater and if you read on in the Bible, you will find that it was granted to him.  The number of great things that Elijah did, Elisha did twice as many.  Go study it for yourself and see that God’s power was variably given to men.  However, we can learn that no other man had as much of the power of God’s anointing as Jesus did.  Acts 10:38 tells us that God anointed Jesus with this power to drive out and heal everyone oppressed by Satan.  Satan as you may recall from reading in Ezekiel 28:14 was also anointed by God.  Therefore Satan had power given to him by God also.  We learn from Acts 10:38 that Satan used this power to oppress people with sickness and that God countered this oppression with Jesus bringing healing.  However, let me show you a scripture that appears to claim that Jesus had the entire anointing power of God according to the Word of God whereas Satan and others did not:

Joh 3:34  For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him.

God tells us that the measure of the Spirit that was present upon Jesus had no limitations that were set.  This is a very interesting statement that is full of implied truths.  It indicates that every Christian today has the Spirit of God by limited measure.  This simply means that we all have God’s power but not in the fullest measure like Jesus when we pray for someone else.  However God’s power not in the fullest is still powerful enough to solve every human situation and problem.  Do not discount God’s power to say I don’t have enough to get someone else healed today.  Do you remember what Peter said to the lame man at the gate of Jerusalem?  The lame man wanted silver and gold from the Peter but Peter said those I do not have, but such as I have, give I thee and commanded him to rise and walk.  Peter was anointed to heal and he knew it.  He offered this anointing to the lame man and he received it by his level of expecting and walked that day.

I probably need to do a separate series on just the anointing of God and how it works.  What we need to know today for receiving healing is that when a man or woman of God comes and lays their hand upon you that their level of anointing power is a factor for the amount of power delivered.  Still understand this if you are alone in your house with no one to pray for you, God is ever present and the power of God is always available.  The difficulty in this approach is that many times there is no point of contact that is readily available to receive.  You see when Jesus spit on the blind man and laid his hands upon his eyes this represented an observable, physical and tangible contact point that could be felt externally.  This power transfer contact point greatly enhances a person’s faith in receiving the power of God.   Jesus certainly understood this and this is why Jesus was led by the Spirit of God to do what he did in healing this blind man. 

I really was planning on doing more than one healing in the Gospel today, but I have gone long enough in this lesson with presenting many new things to think about.  I do not want to overwhelm you with too much new information or it will just go in one ear and probably exit the other.  Let’s recap with a quick overview of what you should have taken away from today’s Bible lesson.

  1. The blind man’s healing in Bethsaida was not instantly manifested.
  2. In fact the unbelief of the city of Bethsaida causes Jesus to remove him from that place before ministering to him.
  3. Jesus spent personal time building the man’s faith so this faith was important to be present in the man in order for him to receive his healing.  Therefore, spend time in building your faith.
  4. The blind man literally walked by faith out of the city of unbelief in order to receive and was healed.
  5. The blind man’s healing was a limited multi-step process and took time.
  6. Jesus had to lay hands on him twice for the healing to be fully received.
  7. The anointing factor of the power of God is variably given depending upon who is administering God’s power.
  8. Even a small amount of the Power of God is all that is needed to heal anyone.

I know I made a lot of other important points, but you can go back and reread them to get them all.  I suggest that you reread these healing lesson over and over to help build up your understanding and your faith in God’s word.  Thank you for taking the time to read and for your willingness to hear from God.  God bless you as we continue in this series.

Understanding Healing, Sickness and Disease! Is Divine Healing Always Instant? Part 6

(Ver 1.1)  Today’s lesson is Part 6 in the Bible study series about “Understanding the Subjects of Healing, Sickness and Disease”.   This is a very important Bible subject to study because it eventually affects everyone and you will need to know about it someday even if you are perfectly healthy today.  Without understanding this subject in detail, you will not be able to pray and ask God for healing with any confidence that He heard you and has answered.  Therefore, in this series we have been exploring the Bible foundations to recognize God’s truth and perspective on the complex subject of where does physical healing, sickness and disease actually come from!  What are the sources to each reality?  I have already covered a lot of information in this Bible lesson series that will not all be repeated exactly as stated before, therefore if you have not read every lesson from the beginning, I would recommend that you start reading with “Part 1” before you read today’s lesson.  Today’s lesson is an attempt to answer a question that I received from the last lesson on healing.  The question came from a reader and asked “Is God’s healing always instantaneous?”   You see there are some common Christian misconceptions that if I pray and ask God to heal me today and it does not immediately show up externally, then nothing happened, or God did not hear me, or God did not answer me, or God said no, or possibly I just failed to receive.  There are actually so many possible outcomes and explanations of the outcomes for prayer that I cannot fully describe them all here.  There are so many questions placed in the minds of people by Satan to get them to not believe in what God has said to them in His Word.  If you allow these questions to remain unanswered you will be easily defeated.


I am going to start the answer to my reader’s question by teaching briefly on a related dependent subject called faith.  Faith is a dominate theme subject found in every part of the Bible.  The Old Testament references are largely hidden or not stated plainly, but they are there when you discover how to look for them.  I have a whole series on the subject of Understanding Bible Faith so if you want to learn more about this subject you should go and read that because it is essential to receiving anything from God.  Faith is a belief based system.  Faith in God comes by hearing the Word of God (Rom 10:17).  What we begin to see as we study the N.T. in detail is the failure of people to become a doer of the Word of God.  The primary reason for not doing the Word of God is either ignorance or rebellion.  Adam rebelled, but people today are mostly ignorant.  God said in Hosea 4:6 that my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.  Therefore what you do not know today will cause you to fail and to be destroyed tomorrow.  You see God gives you a very important instruction in the New Testament and you can ignore it or you can choose to learn what He said and then implement it in your prayer and Christian life here on the earth and this will help you to succeed. Read this statement of God:

2Co 5:7  (For we walk by faith, not by sight:)

What does it mean to walk by faith and not by sight?   Remember what I said earlier that faith is a belief based system based upon hearing God’s word.  God is teaching you not to look on the outside in order to determine what exists on the inside of you.  There are two distinct contrasting realities given in this one verse that are directly opposed to each other.  These two conflicting things are your flesh and your spirit. Faith is an internal spiritual force and sight is an external physical reality.  God is basically revealing your internal spiritual beliefs are by far more important than what you can see or feel on the outside in your body.  I don’t know if you understand the point that I am trying to make to you yet.  Where is your healing needed?  Obviously the healing is ultimately needed in your external physical body.  But where according to God does healing need to start or come from?  Again, it is obvious to me that healing comes only from the Spirit of God by our internal faith.  Therefore external healing must come from the Grace of the Spirit of God through your faith in an unseen internal God in order to be made manifest.  What I am describing is an internal spiritual process that causes the external to be seen.  Let’s verify the location for your faith as revealed to us by God in His Word and this might help you to understand what I am teaching:

Rom 10:10  For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Here in this verse God says that your spirit is capable of believing things that your physical eyes cannot see.  Righteousness is another Grace of God given gift.  Can you see your God given righteousness?  Technically it is impossible to see your righteousness with your physical eyes.  Therefore the only way we know we are righteous is by reading it or hearing from the Word of God and that is called faith if you believe it.  Therefore, righteousness is a spiritual gift concept and not a physical entity.  But, yet God says with your spirit you can still believe that you are “righteous” regardless of what you feel or see on the outside.  That is what God describes as “Heart Faith”.  In this verse there is a powerful combination being described.  Your beliefs working in conjunction with your spoken words can produce your healing and health in your physical body.  You probably don’t see it but I have looked up the words in the Greek and know that this is what they say.  The word translated as “salvation” is the Greek word “soteria” and this is an all-inclusive work of God that means to “to deliver, give health, and to save”.  This saving and delivering work of God is part of a revealed process.  It requires what God gave us by His grace first and then what you believe with your heart called your faith second and then finally the corresponding works that causes you to confess with your mouth unto your final accomplished “salvation”.  Remember that “salvation” can mean “health”.  Are you getting what I’m saying yet?   Also notice that this is a defined process of implied duration and not an instantaneous manifestation.  

You are a spirit being that lives in a natural physical body.  This human body is a five sense dominated machine; these five senses are sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.  However, to walk by faith is an internal spiritual belief in something that you have no proof or evidence of possessing (righteousness, salvation, healing, etc.) which is supposed to be independent from what your senses are telling you.  Uh oh?  What did I just say?  If I prayed to God and asked Him for divine external physical healing what exactly am I supposed to not be looking at according to 1 Corinthians 5:7?   If you said what it looks like from the natural doctor’s perspective, you are correct.  Do not however misunderstand what I just said.  I did not say to stop taking your medicine or stop seeing a doctor.  However do not let what they say to you rule what you believe and confess.  God is a greater physician than your natural doctor and He does not care what a natural doctor said to you.  Your natural doctor could have told you that you only have 6 months to live.  That report really means nothing to God.  It only means anything to you if you let what your natural doctor said take precedence over what the Great Physician God said in His Word.  I’m beginning to allude to a spiritual battle for your internal beliefs that will occur in between the time of prayer and the time that you actually see the answer from God.  But we’ll get to that more as we continue.


Do the answers of God come instantly or is there sometimes a delay or time lapse?  We are going to attack the wrong belief of this potential wait time as being a non-answer from God using the Bible today in order to learn how to receive from God His divine healing power and promises.   There is a certain example given to us in the O.T. of God giving the Promise Land to Israel.  This example shows us the existence of two reports being presented to the children of Israel.  Ten spies claimed that the land was not theirs because they were unable to possess it and they died in the wilderness with all those that did not believe with them.  Two spies claimed the land was theirs because God had given it to them and entered into the land eventually as victorious conquerors.  Was the Promised Land instantly obtained by the believers Joshua and Caleb?  Obviously not, so why then do you believe that God’s promised healing must be instantly manifested?  Was not the faith of Joshua and Caleb the determining factor for them entering into the promise?  Are they not your examples to follow?   We need to put things together correctly and learn the simple process of how faith works.  Simple childlike faith in your Father’s words is also what is required for your victory.  Faith is the answer to receiving anything from God.  What God has given to us by His Grace is yours but it is not guaranteed to happen instantly even if you believe it.  Let’s go back to the N.T. and understand this very important concept that I am teaching you for it is the basis for your answer from God:

Heb 11:6  But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

This is the third verse that I have given to you about faith and God has many others if you want to learn about them.  I feel like faith is one of the 3 most important basic subjects found in the Bible to know intimately.  God teaches us why the majority of the Christian people on the earth do not receive what God has given to them in this single verse.  God declares that “faith” is more than a simple suggestion.  God speaks directly to you and informs you that this is how you are required to please Him.  If you have no faith, then you cannot please God, it is a clearly stated impossibility.  God then informs you what faith is based upon, in the next statement.  He that has come to God must first believe that God exists and that He is a God that rewards them for seeking Him.  God gives you a prerequisite for two things to believe before you ever come and pray and ask Him for healing.  This means that believing these two things about God is essential for receiving anything from the omnipotent Spirit Being that you have never seen and cannot prove exists.  From this verse, there are two kinds of people that are implied to never receive anything from God.  First, those who believe that God does not exist will never on this earth be bothered by God.  Second, those that believe in a punishing judgmental God will never receive anything good from that God either.

Jas 5:15  And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

You can see that God informs us in this verse that the Prayer of Faith will save (heal) the sick.  God is teaching you how to receive healing and declares that it is only by your faith and your prayer working together correctly that you will receive.  The key word “save” is the Greek word “sozo”.  This again is an all-inclusive work of God dealing with spiritual shortcomings, physical shortcomings, emotional shortcomings and mental shortcomings.  What you were lacking in these areas has been given to you by the Grace of God.  However, just because they are given does not mean that you possess them like the children of Israel in the O.T.  Therefore, what you believe right now is the root for why you are either saved or not saved, or healed or not healed today.

What I am doing is establishing several perquisite factors before the prayer of faith can occur.  You see if you believe wrong you will have no firm foundation for what you are praying and asking for.  For example if you believe that God will heal you someday in the future then you are not in agreement with what God says in His Word.  The Bible says “How can two talk together unless they agree?” (Amos 3:3)      God is revealing that the His power works for those that are in agreement with Him.  How do you get into agreement with God? You must first learn what He has declared or promised you in His word and then you must believe it with your whole heart and never doubt it again.  This is called confidence that what God has said is true regardless of what you are feeling or seeing in your body.  This principle is exactly what caused Joshua and Caleb to become winners and not dead men in the wilderness.  They had confidence and were in agreement with what God’s Word had declared and they eventually possessed it. That is the spiritual battle that will occur in you today.  Just understand that because there was a significant delay from when God told Israel the land was theirs to when they finally possessed it, did not mean that God was the reason for the delay.  Delays do not come from God.  God was not the reason for the delay.  The people were directly responsible for their own outcomes and results.


Does everything sent from God come instantly so that we can see them immediately?  This is actually a very important concept to fully grasp and I think from my previous example of the Promised Land you can clearly see there was a major time delay that transpired.  What we need to do today, is to determine from the Bible why delays occur and whose fault are they so that we can understand that it is not God’s fault for them not occurring.  Let’s explore a N.T. verse very quickly to help establish the requirement of time in conjunction with our need for patience while continuing to have faith in what our God has said:

Heb 6:12  That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

If time was not a factor for possessing the promises of God then there would be no need for our patience.  I only need patience when I am standing in a long line of people that are ahead of me in line.  I only need patience when stuck in heavy rush hour traffic and not moving forward.  When I do not possess patience then I usually fail to receive what everyone else was in line to get.  This could be tickets to a movie or the line to be interviewed for a job.  We only need to have patience when there is a time delay for receiving what we desire or believe that we will receive.  You can get into a line and ask the last person standing there if it is the line for receiving bread.  If they said yes and you wait then you are basing your faith in a person you do not know and trusting they are correct and you will only find out if it was true if you wait to get to the front of the line.  If after 5 hours you find out this is the line for vaccination shots and not for bread then you just wasted a lot of time using wrong faith.  That is exactly why I teach so much about faith.  If you base your faith on God’s word you should have confidence in His ability to perform what He has said and this is why you need patience.

Here is the main factor for why people believe wrong.  It is what I call the omnipotence of God factor.  If God is omnipotent (meaning all powerful) then why if we pray today do things not instantly happen tomorrow?  Have you ever noticed that?  I mean is God listening?  Does God even hear us?  Does God not care that I’m hurting today?  Some prayers that I have prayed took weeks or months to see in the natural realm.  Honestly some prayers I have yet to see.  However, just because some prayers have not happened yet does not mean or prove that they will never happen.  So I must continue to believe regardless of what I can see externally like a Joshua and Caleb type of Christian.  Let’s investigate a new and very important Bible story example given to us by God and find out what other factors are involved in getting our prayers answered from God.  We are going to look at the story of a praying man named Daniel.  Come and read in Daniel chapter 10 with me:

Dan 10:2  In those days I Daniel was mourning three full weeks.

Dan 10:3  I ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled.

I want you to see the stated timeframe for this story first.  God tells us that Daniel has been in prayer for 3 weeks of time.  Do you ever pray for three weeks solid?  Today that would be very tough to do with our busy lifestyles.  I’m not teaching that this is what got the answer from God, I’m just saying there is a stated time lapse that has occurred for us to learn from.  Don’t get all works based with me and think you have to do what Daniel did in order to get God to answer your prayer.  That is a wrong motivational type of thinking and it should never be followed.  We are led by the Spirit of God and not by what Daniel did.  You are welcome to go and read all of these verses in Daniel 10 if you like but I’m going to skip down to verse 12 next:

Dan 10:12  Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words.

The speaker in this verse is the angel Gabriel and he declares that God sent him to Daniel because of Daniel’s words.  Words of course are the important stated factor for any prayer request to God.  If you have no spoken words present then you have no prayer.  Nowhere in the Bible does it say that God will answer your silent prayer without words.  Daniel had been praying and asking God for wisdom and understanding and the angel shows up with God’s answer around 21 days later after Daniel first started praying.  However the angel of God clearly says that he was sent to go to Daniel on the very first day.  Why then was there a major delay of 21 days for the angel of God to arrive and tell Daniel the words of God if God sent him on day 1?  Is heaven just 21 days from earth and it takes that long to travel between the two?  I do not think that is what is stated, do you?  Why then did it take so long for the angel to arrive on the earth?  I believe that is an excellent question and we will see the answer if we read the next verse:

Dan 10:13  But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.

Here we have a very important revelation given to us about why things from the Spirit of God often take time in the natural realm to manifest or appear.  The angel of God with the message from God told us that he was sent the moment that Daniel prayed, but we are now informed that the “prince of Persia” withstood Gabriel for a period of 3 weeks.  This “prince of Persia” is a code name for the angel Lucifer that also has great spiritual power and ability being an anointed cherub.  It is stated fairly clearly that Gabriel and Lucifer fought for the duration of the three weeks until Michael another great angel came to help to get the message through to Daniel.  What we see being revealed is a spiritual warfare that is unseen in the natural realm.  Do you understand that this spiritual war occurs every time that you pray and ask God for anything in the natural realm?  Satan is called the prince of the power of the air in Ephesians 2:2.  What God is saying is the earth’s atmosphere is Satan realm of domain and rule.  Every time an angel is sent to earth from heaven, they must enter this realm of air.  Therefore, there is a continuing conflict between these two kingdoms fighting for control.  This is the kingdom of light that God rules versus the kingdom of darkness which Satan rules.  This is about the time where religious people try to tell me I’m a fool because God is in complete control since He is omnipotent.  However, if it is true that God controls what happens on the earth, then why did God have to send the other angel Michael to help Gabriel?   Does it make any sense to you?  If you don’t believe me that is really not my problem.  Just try to understand that like Daniel, this clearly means you have a spiritual enemy working against your prayers to God today.  There is nothing new under the sun, everything will continue as it was in Daniel’s day until Satan is finally cast into the lake of fire.

What can we learn from this story of Daniel praying and God sending the answer?  We can clearly see that God heard the spoken word prayer immediately the very first day and sent the answer directly without any delay.  We can also clearly see that you and God have a spiritual enemy that is trying to stop the answer from appearing to you.  Therefore, we can clearly see that God’s answers require time to come because of this spiritual battle that is taking place.  What we cannot see clearly stated in this story is the faith of Daniel that was required to keep the answer coming no matter how long it took.  Remember Hebrews 11:6?  God said we must have faith in order to be pleasing to Him.  Daniel was obviously pleasing to God in this story and he received the answer even though it took time to come.  Therefore, Daniel possessed the God pleasing kind of faith even though it is not directly mentioned here in this story.  We can observe Daniel’s possession of God pleasing faith being indirectly referenced in Hebrews 11:33 as he still possessed it when he shut the mouth of the lions.   In the New Testament God tells us that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and the rulers of the darkness of this world (Eph 6:12).   God basically informed us in this verse that this spiritual war is still raging in the unseen realm after we pray today.  Just try to accept the fact that Joshua had enemies possessing the Promised Land given by God.  These enemies were shadows of the real enemies that you are facing today.


There is a very popular Christian misconception (wrong belief) that divine healing is always consistently instantaneous and an immediate supernatural observable miracle or we must withdraw and believe that no one was healed based upon the observable circumstances.  Uh Oh?  That sounds a lot like someone is not going to enter into the Promised Land because they saw the giants again to me.  That as I have stated is a contradiction to walking by faith believing in what God said instead of us walking by our sight.  Many times this type of belief will cause certain people not to receive fully what God has clearly already given to them according to His Word.   Go back and reread the Old Testament examples and understand how God gave the children of Israel the Promised Land back when He spoke to Abraham and yet they did not possess it physically for over 440 years.  The first five books of the Bible were written by Moses and yet Israel did not fully enter into the Promised Land and take control of it until the book of Joshua.  From this story I learned several things that I feel are very important for us as Christians to know. 

  1. What the spiritual God had given to man from the spirit realm, man was still required to possess or take control of in the physical realm from the enemies that possessed it.
  2. Israel’s possession of the Promised Land was not an instant event, but was rather a process that took time to fully manifest?
  3. There were also very specific enemies that needed to be overcome and driven out of the land that were trying to keep the nation of Israel from God’s promise.
  4. What God said did eventually come to pass in spite of the stiff necked people that did not want to believe Him.  However God did wait to get a new group of believing people that would have faith in His word first.

These are just four of the basic lessons that I learned from the children of Israel.  Why is an Old Testament historical story so important for me to understand in the modern church?  It is simply because God’s Word tells us that it is important. I am forming my beliefs based upon what God says and reveals in the N.T. and ignoring what people say.  Let me show you something God says about Israel:

1Co 10:11  Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.

Reading the context you should be able to recognize that God is saying that the stories written concerning the children of Israel were written as examples for all of us that live at the time of the end to learn from.  Since we clearly live in the last of the last days on earth we are exactly those people and they are my examples to learn from.  However, we can learn from two types of examples.  One is a positive example that we should follow and the other is a negative example that we should not follow.  Which one was Israel in this story example?  I hope that you can see Israel was being a majority negative example not to follow in this story.  The time of the church age is closing around us very fast and the final curtain is about to fall.  Therefore, we are those people that need to learn from their negative examples before time closes on us.  

What can we learn from the Old Testament accounts?  I believe the Children of Israel were a type of the people in the church.   Israel was in bondage in Egypt for 400 years as a type and a shadow of the people of the earth that were in bondage to Satan for 4000 years.  Just as God sent Moses to deliver them from their bondage in Egypt so Jesus came to the earth to deliver us from our sins and the dominion of Satan.  There are just too many revealed type examples of the children of Israel for me to teach them all in this lesson.  Let’s skip down to the Promised Land and what it represents in Christian typology.  Think of the Promised Land as being healing since that is one of my main subjects today that you may not yet possess.  If God’s Word declares that He has already given to you your healing and yet you still do not possess it or live in it, then you are technically the one at fault, not God.  I know people don’t like that statement, but that is what God teaches us in His Word using the type of Israel.  Everyone likes to blame God for them not being healed and God says I have already given to you this spiritual land of health why do you not possess it yet?

Before there was an Israel, God looked at Abram one day and showed him the stars in the heaven and said to him to look because this was his seed in Genesis 15:5.  However, Isaac the promised child was not born until Genesis 21:3 many years later.   Was the miracle promised birth of Isaac instant or a slow process over time?   Why didn’t the words of God suddenly appear so that Abram could instantly see them happen?  I believe you can see from just the two initial examples of Abram and Israel that not everything that God declares is always manifested instantly manifested on the earth.  In fact there appears to me to be some type of unstated factors for their fulfillment to even occur.  You see we often set the wrong beliefs from reading only partial truths found in the Bible.  For example, in Genesis 1:3 God looked out over the darkness and says “Light Be” and suddenly and apparently instantly light was present and thus many try to take that isolated truth and exalt it to a universal truth to apply it to everything that God says.  This is jumping to the wrong conclusions based upon limited information and Christians do it all the time.  If that was how everything that God said works then there would be no other verses found in the Bible that would display anything differently.  Since I just showed you that what God said to Israel and Abram did not work that way we have to now adjust our beliefs to include some new additional information, balancing both realities.  There are so many examples in the Bible of God prophesying something hundreds or even thousands of years before it actually occurs and then suddenly it happens and is fulfilled.  How then do we resolve this new variable time conflict in the factor of our beliefs?   Do you understand what I am asking you?  Why are God’s words not always immediately seen as fulfilled if God is omnipotent and all powerful and capable of doing anything?  Let me try to tie my question to the mainline subject of healing today.   When were, God’s Words of healing spoken and when will they be fulfilled or are they already fulfilled now in relation to the factor of time that we live within.  For example, read this next verse about healing very carefully:

1Pe 2:24  Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

 Here we have another prime example of God saying to the church that we were already healed and yet many of the people in the church today are clearly not healed.  Our hospitals are full of Christian people that are physically hurting and dying daily.  This verse in 1 Peter 2:24 is a partial quote from a verse in Isaiah 53:5.  The verse as written in Isaiah is translated as future tense as a porphecy that we will be healed by Christ’s work to come.  However clearly in 1st Peter after Christ has died and was raised from the dead the work has been accomplished and it is referenced as a past tense done and completed work of God.  Are there any direct connections of commonality found in this pattern with the observed statement spoken by God to Israel that “I have given you the Promised Land” past tense and yet they still did not have it physically in their possession?  If you examine the phrasing here in 1 Peter 2:24 and look up the words in the Greek dictionary, everything stated is in the past-tense phrasing, like it has already occurred in the eyes of God.  How can God possibly say we are healed when we are not?  What we begin to observe is a major stated difference between two opposing points of view again.  Two reports are being stated.  You can believe the ten spies or you can be a Joshua and Caleb type of Christian and believe God.  One statement is from God’s perspective looking at us spiritually saying we are healed and one statement is from our human perspective looking only naturally at the circumstances of things saying it is not yet fulfilled.  How do we resolve this?  I don’t have the time to teach you everything here in one lesson.  This is where you must believe when you cannot see.   I just want you to try to begin to see things differently from God’s perspective and that will start the change process on the outside to see it in the natural.  Become a Joshua and Caleb type of Christian believing in what God has said while overcoming the natural observations that are conflicting with His word.  Notice I did not say ignore them, I said to overcome them and that is totally different.

I think I will continue this lesson in another follow-up one to come.  I have many more things to say on this subject but I have really gone long enough in this one.  I so appreciate your faithfulness to study the Bible with me.  I value your time and God sees our hearts and knows our motives for what we do.  I think you can see that I spend a lot of time in writing these serious important Bible lessons.  I do this for two main reasons.  First I believe that God told me to do them so I am being led by the Spirit of God to teach.  Second, studying the Bible helps me to learn from God and if it helps me to learn then I can certainly help someone else to also learn.  God bless you tremendously and if you have any questions or comments on this or any subject please feel free to share them with me.  God Bless you!

If you would like to continue reading in this series you may continue with “Part 7“.

Understanding Bible Faith! The Hidden Aspect of Authority for Having Great Faith! Part 15

(ver 1.0) This is now Part 15 in a series of very important advanced Christian Bible lessons on the subject of Understanding Bible Faith.  I have covered a tremendous amount of information in this series that will not be repeated so if you have not read it from the beginning I would suggest that you go and start with “Part 1” first.  I dealt with the subject of Great Faith in one other lesson directly and several other lessons indirectly.  In the direct lesson on Great Faith about the woman from Canaan we discovered the importance of how we view the problem versus how we view the power of God to solve the problem matters.  I attempted to teach you that no matter how big the problem may appear, the power of God to solve it is so much significantly greater that it only takes a crumb of His power to change it.  This principle was an awesome revelation that combines two stated truths found in the Bible concerning faith.  First there is “All things are possible with God” and second that “all things are possible to those that believe” (Mat 19:26, Mark 9:23).   You see many Christians have no problem believing that God can do anything because He is omnipotent, but then they fail to realize that they have any part to play in getting this reality from God to occur in the natural realm.  It is a combined effort of agreement between God and you and you cannot ignore the fact Jesus taught that people must believe in order for the humanly impossible to transpire.  This is why Jesus told us that all things are possible to us “IF WE CAN BELIEVE”.  So our faith is again mentioned as the final determining factor for what is possible for us or what happens to us.  I hope that you understand what faith is by now.  Faith is a belief based spiritual system that comes from hearing His written Word about what God has already accomplished in the Spiritual realm.  It is this Bible faith that becomes the literal substance of those things that we cannot or have not seen in the natural realm (Heb 11:1).

Today I am going to focus in on the only other illustrated example given to us in the Bible of explicitly stated great faith.  Jesus only looked at two different Gentiles and said that they had great faith beyond what he could find in all of Israel.  Jesus revealed to us that he was looking for people with faith in this statement and He marveled at only two things; those in Israel that had no faith and those outside of Israel that had great over the top faith.  So I have already addressed the woman of Canaan that was rewarded for her great faith by Jesus casting the devils out of her daughter.  Today I am going to look at the story of the Roman Centurion that introduces us to a brand new perspective on the subject of faith.  How did this non-Jewish man obtain such great faith when Jesus was not even sent to anyone except to those in Israel?  I believe that this is an excellent question to answer and that will be my goal.   We will start reading in our Bibles in Matthew chapter 8 and verse 5:

Mat 8:5  And when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion, beseeching him,

Here is the beginning of the great faith story.  Notice how the story begins.  The Roman Centurion is coming to Jesus and it was not Jesus coming to the Roman Centurion.  Recognize today where the source of your answer will originate and then start out to get it from Him the same way.  I know today that Jesus is not physically on the earth, but He is here spiritually and His written word is ever present here for you to still seek out.  God, His Spirit and His Word are all inseparable realities called three in one (1 Jn 5:7).  So come to the Bible and start to learn what you are missing and then pray and He will answer.  Also recognize that if you are waiting on God to show up you are out of the designed process of God’s flow and you are doing it all wrong.  If you want an answer to a problem in the world today you are going to have to go and figure out how to receive it.  This is exactly what the Roman Centurion is doing in this example.  The Roman Centurion was not sitting back passively but was taking steps and being aggressively active to seek God for the answer.  I hope you have gotten that concept from the previous lessons, but I restated it again for those that need to hear it.

Mat 8:6  And saying, Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented.

Here is the stated great problem that the Centurion is seeking Jesus to solve.  The servant of the Centurion appears to be too “grievously” sick to come to Jesus himself.  We can understand that the servant is suffering greatly and in tremendous pain.  The Centurion obviously has great compassion in his heart to do something for someone else to try to help them.  Having compassion is a Godly quality that is highly desirable.  Here we must stop and understand why is the Centurion coming to Jesus?  At this point he must have either seen Jesus heal personally before or at the very least heard of Jesus healing someone by word of mouth from a witness.  Hearing is a requirement to having Bible faith.  As we continue in this lesson you will definitely learn that it was the Centurion’s faith that causes the positive results to occur.

This also introduces us to an interesting concept and a fascinating question that comes up when discussing this subject of faith.  Can my faith or your faith be used to help someone else get their answer?  Clearly in this example given to us from God in Matthew 8 we are going to see that the Centurion’s individual faith definitely helped a servant without the servant’s faith being involved.  Part of the reasoning that needs to be taken into account is that a servant is a delegated household subordinate or individual.  In other words the servant was part of the household of the Centurion and under his roof.   However, it is more complicated than that statement.  You see in the example of the Centurion the fact that the servant is so sick that it would be impossible for him to seek out Jesus personally for himself must also be taken into account.  Plus the fact that the servant was the property of the Centurion means whatever happens to the servant is up to the owner in charge.  Both of these factors play a role in determining whether your faith can be used to help for others.   It is a great mistake to automatically assume that you can force your faith upon anyone or that you can override the will of another individual to get them saved, healed or delivered from anything that they do not want to be free from. 

Let me go into some examples of when your faith can and cannot work for others.  For example, if you have young children living at your home and they get sick, it is going to be your faith that gets them well until they get to the age of accountability to have faith for themselves.  This is the repeated reality found in the terms of the Roman Centurion who is the head of the house and the servant being a subordinate figure.  Children are always subordinate to the parent.  This same natural example crosses over into the spiritual realm also.  You see if a Christian is new to the faith, they are a spiritual child in the Lord too young and immature spiritually to have faith for most difficult things.  That is kind of an oxymoronic statement, since nothing is too hard for God and if they believed for their salvation that was probably the greatest obstacle that they will ever face.  Technically a saved person has already achieved great faith in one area for their salvation.  But, that is the problem it takes more faith in other areas like being filled with the Spirit, or healing, or finances to solve those different inadequacies.  I guess what I am trying to say is that your faith can be accessed to work for many new Christians at least once.  However, as they grow, spiritually mature and see how it works they will learn that they will be required by God to have faith for themselves.  Just like kids today in the natural are required to grow up and take responsibility for their own lives, so it is in the spiritual realm.

Next if a person is unconscious or unable to come or ask for their own healing then many times your faith can be used to help them also.  It is not always the case however.  For example, when my father was unconscious in a comma in the hospital after a stroke the entire local church body prayed and sought God for the answer in faith, but the answer did not come.  Was it our lack of faith that caused us to fail or were there other factors?  You see there were several other factors that hindered the healing.  The spiritual maturity of my father played a very significant role.  The previous actions of my father were also pivotal in determining whether our faith could work for him to be healed.  Also our will could not override his will and we do not actually know what he desired or thought about staying and being healed or going to see Jesus.  First off consider this; my father was not a baby Christian.  He had been a Christian for over 25 years.  Next consider that my father had been to two Bible schools and was a pastor of a church.  Then consider the fact that he ignored certain warnings from God about what was about to happen months earlier and the instructions given to him by God that showed him what he needed to do to fix the situation and it was all of these things that allowed death to dominate him and win.  Do you remember the story of the prophet coming to the king and telling him that he would surely die and to get his house in order (2 Kings 20:1)?   What did the king do and what result did it cause to change?  Surely you remember, the king repents before God and God sent the prophet back to tell him that God had lengthened the king’s days on the earth considerably.  So what people do on the earth, how they react to bad news, their ability to repent and change or not to change must matter if they want to live on the earth a long time.   Do you understand this?  What if the king did nothing?  God said that he would die and he would have died just as it was spoken.  This same thing happened to my father, God sent him a Prophet warning him of his death and he ignored it and guess what happened?  These are very powerful lessons to understand about when your faith will work for someone else and when it will not.  God says in the Bible “I am not mocked, whatever a man sows that will he also reap” (Gal 6:7).  This is a basic statement of truth that sometimes what we pray for some men may not matter if they have sown the wrong crop and refused to repent for it. 

Let me give you another example of when faith worked for an unconscious man.  A pastor of a small church in Texas once had a member of his church fall off of an oil well platform from a great distance and he was very near death.  He was unconscious in the hospital and the doctors said it was just a matter of time and he would be gone.  His pastor was a believer in faith and he did not accept that report.  This pastor went before God in faith and prayed and the man eventually fully recovered and came back to church well.  So what is the difference here?  The man was a member of the church of the pastor.  This means the member was under the jurisdiction of the pastor being a spiritual subordinate and I’m going to talk about this more in a little while.  What I am saying is that the pastor had a right to pray for his own member because he was not a fully grown mature Christian and the fact that the member could not pray for himself and ask God for healing since he was totally unconscious.  The church member had not been warned by God of impending disaster and he just fell into it.  Thus the factors were dramatically different between this man and my father’s example.  So the subject of faith and healing is a very complex one that has many factors involved in it and sometimes it is extremely difficult to determine when your faith will work for someone and when it will not.  Let’s continue with the Centurion:

Mat 8:7  And Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal him.

Jesus replies to the Centurion that He will come with him so that his servant will be healed.  However, I want you to think and understand why Jesus said that He would do this.  It has to be the man’s faith being visibly seen that causes Jesus to go where he was needed.  I can find no other reason that caused Jesus ever to do anything for anyone just because they asked.  I guess I should qualify that statement, because there were times when Jesus did things through a manifested gift of the Holy Spirit’s working.   A gift of healing or a gift of miracles is a different type of the work of God that takes place by God’s divine choice and does not involve the faith of the individual to receive it.  God will sometimes heal someone as a sign or as a confirmation of the Word preached that will not involve a man’s faith as a great gift.  Just do not count on the gifts of God to heal you, this is a great mistake.  You do not control the gift giver; gifts are only given according to God the administrator by His divine sovereign choice.  This would be like if you heard of me giving away a present to someone that you really liked or needed.  Even if you came to me personally and asked me for one, does not mean I will give it to you?  That is presumptive thinking to assume someone will give you anything when you do not know the circumstances to why the other one got what they received.  Conversely your faith can be used to take hold of God’s power at any time as we discovered studying about the woman with the issue of blood that just came and took her healing without praying or asking God for it.  Next, I want to explore the scriptures that record the Centurion’s response to Jesus’ confirmation that He will come and heal.  Here is the beginning of the statement:

Mat 8:8  The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.

One of the first factors that I notice about the Centurion is that this man of great human power in the Roman army has great humility.  It takes great humility to even ask anyone for help.  Do you understand that?  The soldier could have demanded Jesus to come, but instead tells Jesus he is not even worthy for Him to come under his roof.  If you feel like you are worthy of Jesus coming to do anything for you then you are not in the right attitude of respect and humility for the all-powerful God.  You do not deserve the answer and there is nothing that you can do or to offer to make yourself deserving.  Anything that you obtain from God is solely based upon God’s Grace to give it.  Your position of wealth, fame, power and influence on the earth will not cause you to receive anything from God.  Then the next thing that I want to point out is the Centurion’s ability to perceive spiritual things.  This Centurion could see when Jesus spoke that things happened.  He simply asks Jesus to speak the Word and his servant would be healed/saved.  Wow, that is an awesome display of ultimate faith.  I can see why Jesus was so focused on this Gentile man entirely.  You see if the Centurion had no faith he would have not come to Jesus at all.  If the Centurion had only average faith he would have been very glad for Jesus to come to his house.  But because he understood spiritual things greater than any other, he asked Jesus to just give the command and it will be done.   You may not yet understand what is happening in this story and why this man has this kind of faith, but you are about to learn the key found in the Centurion’s next statement:

Mat 8:9  For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it.

The Centurion says “I am a man under authority”.  Wow again and double wow!   The Centurion just revealed one secret to having great faith and this is where we are going to spend the rest of the lesson.  The Centurion tells Jesus, “I speak commands and they are obeyed”.  The centurion says “I tell this one to go and he goes, I tell this other one to do this and it is done”.  In other words this is a military man who understands authority.  Everyone in an army has an assigned rank of authority.  Anyone new to the army is at the bottom of the authority food chain.  Anyone with extended experience and maturity is at the upper echelons of the authority ladder by their years of experience and wisdom.  There is literally no one in the army that is not under the authority of someone else.  Even the chief leader is under the lordship of the ruler of the country.  There are vast numbers of lessons to learn from the military but I will not attempt to give you very many.  Just understand that orders are given and orders are obeyed.  If orders are not given, nothing is done.  If orders are not obeyed then severe consequences are delivered.  All of the army is a word based command structure system of authorities.  No one shoots their gun without someone in charge telling them to shot, where to shoot and how often to shoot.  If you don’t understand this I’m sorry, but that is generally how life works in the army.

Mat 8:10  When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.

Jesus’ responses to the Centurion’s words are very revealing.  As you can see Jesus is clearly looking for faith in Israel and has found it to be a scarcity.   If you do not understand that Jesus is still looking for faith today then you are not in touch with reality.  God has not changed, is not changing and will not change.  So this is the key factor for what is happening in this story.  Jesus stood in astonishment with the words spoken to Him by a man outside of the Old Covenant.  This wisdom that came from the Centurion’s mouth demonstrated his ability to recognize things that others ignored around him.  Do not think that Jesus did things in isolation or in private always.  When Jesus cast out a demon with His Word, the demon was gone and people could see the result immediately.  Many people in Israel recognized this to be authority in demonstration, but only the centurion used this knowledge of spiritual authority to set his servant free from his pain, torment and impending death.  Let me show you some other scriptures found in the Gospel about Jesus’ authority quickly:

Mat 7:29  For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.

Mar 1:27  And they were all amazed, insomuch that they questioned among themselves, saying, What thing is this? what new doctrine is this? for with authority commandeth he even the unclean spirits, and they do obey him.

You see the authority that Jesus carried with Him on the earth was clearly evident so that everyone could see it to be different than all the other teachers in Israel.  This is what the Centurion also observed and only he understood how it worked.  You can clearly see that men of Israel questioned Jesus in Mark 1:27 saying He speaks and the demons obey Him.  These are military realities.  They were very self-evident but yet some saw them and questioned them, others saw them and accepted them.  Where are you today on this authority revelation?  That is exactly why I am teaching on this subject to help your faith.  Let me show you another verse on this subject of Jesus’ authority:

Mat 21:23  And when he was come into the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came unto him as he was teaching, and said, By what authority doest thou these things? and who gave thee this authority?

Here we have the Jewish leaders in the synagogue questioning the obvious display of authority from Jesus to teach, to heal or to do anything.  You can tell these leaders recognized what authority was, but yet they did not accept it to be a legitimate authority since it was not given to Him by them or by any other established human organization, government, etc.  The things in their minds were not right.  They saw Jesus as a mere man from an insignificant city called Nazareth and not the God man sent from heaven born in Bethlehem.  Uh Oh?  That was a major stumbling block of offense to them and they allowed their ignorance of the truth to stop them from seeking the truth.  That was not very good news for any of them at all.  You see these men were very closed minded locked into a false knowledge of the truth.  When confronted with truth they closed their eyes because of His overwhelming brightness, even though truth was standing right in front of them.   To be closed minded is a state of mental and spiritual blindness that is used by Satan to keep people from knowing the truth (2 Cor 4:4).  I pray that you will always be open to learning more from God, because He certainly has more that He can teach you.

In Matthew 8 we have discovered a new factor for having great faith.  This factor for having great faith is called “authority”.  Both the Centurion and Jesus walked in authority, understood authority, recognized authority and used authority to produce positive results.  The Centurion’s authority was natural and Jesus’ authority was clearly spiritual.  Both men knew what authority was and both men understood how authority worked completely.  Both men recognized the power of spoken words and this is the basis of ALL authority.  That is where we are in this lesson.  Perhaps we need to research what authority is and how it affects our faith next?  We still have a lot to learn on the subject of authority so let’s explore deeper.

People today in the modern world still question authority and do not understand the importance of its existence.  They typically disrespect those that are in authority and they do not understand the chaos that would exist without any organized structural authority.  We like to live in a free country and enjoy all of these freedoms offered, but these are only made possible because there are established laws under authority.  In this country that I live in we have an organized system of hierarchical layers of authorities.  Let’s quickly look at a definition that I found on the internet for the word authority:

  1. The power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience:
  2. The right to act in a specified way, delegated from one person or organization to another.

Authority involves power, but authority does not mean you are all powerful.  Being the strongest man in the world does not make you the one in charge.  This is true in every realm of government, sports, corporations, organizations, families, etc.  Many times the shortest weakest men or women are the ones with the most authority.  Understand the difference between power and authority.  For example, a policeman carries a gun that gives him power, but he also has been given delegated rights of authority by the badge that he wears.  Both of these are separate distinct factors that combine for either positive or negative results.  Look at the definition of authority; this word means a delegated right to give orders and to enforce their obedience.  These orders given are expected to be carried out or there are major consequences.  Having rights is a key part of the definition to having legitimate authority.  This is why Jesus was questioned by Satan asking what right do you have to do these things on the earth?  Satan did not realize how smart God was and that God does not do anything that is illegal.  God certainly had a right by all of His past previous divine acts.  But, I do not have time to fully elaborate on all of these today.

Using these definitions of authority we can easily understand that our God holds all authority by preeminence and power.  But, can we also find the transference of rights and authority from the most High God to us or anyone else here on the earth?  You must realize that God is sovereign and being sovereign God has the explicit right to delegate authority to whoever He wishes.  Does God do that and why would God do that?  Certainly God has the right to do that, but many do not understand why God would do anything to relinquish any control.  To surrender control would violate their idea of an omnipotent God in sovereign control of everything that occurs.  Delegation of authority would allow others to make independent choices, laws, rules and commands and thus things on the earth would no longer be in God’s full control.  That concept boggles the mind of many religious people endlessly.  That is really very unfortunate that people do not just read their Bibles and actually see what God has said in His word and then believe that.  Read this verse carefully and observe the transfer of authority from God to man:

Gen 1:26  And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

Man being made in the image and likeness of God dictates “that what God is capable of man is also capable of” on a lesser scale.  You see I once had an educated seminary man try to tell me this verse does not mean what it literally says.  If that was true then no verse in the Bible could be taken as truth either.  Anyone could easily dismiss the virgin birth, the existence of the man Jesus Christ or His death on the cross and his subsequent resurrection from the dead as all being invalid occurrences.  This verse in Genesis clearly from God says man/Adam has been given “dominion” over all of the earth.  Did God have the right to do this, certainly He did.  Perhaps it is the word dominion that you are having problem with.  This word has a very different meaning than what may come to your mind at first.  Let me give you the Strong’s definition of the word to investigate what God intended to happen with His created man Adam:

A primitive root; to tread down, that is, subjugate; specifically to crumble off: – (come to, make to) have dominion, prevail against, reign, (bear, make to) rule, (-r, over), take.

Interesting Hebrew word definition, isn’t it?  To “tread down” is a very familiar term if you have read many of my other Bible studies.  You see this word “dominion” corresponds to an impending prophecy after the fall of man found in Genesis 3:15 where Gods says that the “seed of the woman” would bruise the head of the serpent.  The confusion arises because people do not understand who the woman is or what the seed is either.  Genesis 3:15 has not been fulfilled yet even though many teach that it has.  To those that teach that it has been fulfilled show me the Bible verses that declares this.  You are going to have to show me where Jesus is called the seed of the woman and then show me where he bruised the head of the serpent.  Since you cannot find these verses, you have to make other verses try to fit your beliefs and that is a dangerous approach to Bible interpretation. What we must first understand is that “dominion” to God means to “tread under foot”.  Then we can try to figure out why Adam did not do this and what the consequences were for not following God’s orders.

What God is teaching us is that how the world began with man in authority will be how the world will end.  This word definition for “dominion” conveys delegated authority and at the very least the right of man to have limited human sovereignty over the earth.  This would give Adam the right to make independent decisions apart from God.  For Adam to rule and to reign on the earth represents the delegated right of power and authority given from the highest authority in the universe and that was God.  Was Adam the strongest and most powerful being on the earth at this point of assignment?  As of Genesis 1, he probably was, but as of Genesis 3 we see the entry of another spiritual being called the serpent coming onto the scene that at the very least God says in the Bible also has great power but yet no authority on the earth.  Let me ask you at the point of the entry of the serpent on the earth, who had authority?  Was it God, Adam or Satan?  Adam of course had been given full authority by God to kick Satan out.  Therefore, God did not have the responsibility to do it.  Satan comes into the world and causes sin and death to reign.  Now authority has been transferred to Satan.  God gave it to man and the man gave it to Satan.  Probably not the best choice Adam could have made.  But nevertheless all of this was legally transferred authority based upon God’s Word.   

You see when Jesus came into the world Satan took Him up to a high place and showed Him all of the kingdoms of the world and said I will give these to you if you worship me (Mat 4:8-9).  Satan declared with this statement that the rights and authority of the world had been given to him.   Where did Satan get this if not from Adam since it was first given to Adam by God in Genesis 1:26?    I find things like this written in the Bible to be fascinating.  Why would God put such detailed information of events if they were not significant things that we needed to know about and to understand?  Also these related subjects would not be understood if they were not properly connected in some way.  God is teaching us that authority matters and that was one reason that Jesus came into the world to reverse the works of Satan (1 Jn 3:8).   You see after the resurrection of Jesus from the dead He makes another radical statement about a transfer of authority that is often ignored:

Mat 28:18  And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

Do you see what Jesus the risen Savior has just declared?  Is Jesus a liar?  Is this not omnipotent God in the flesh?  What a new radical statement.  Here God is telling us of another transfer of all authority that has just taken place.  Jesus Christ informs us clearly that not all power was His before, but now is in two different dimensional realms.  Power in both the spiritual dimension and the natural dimension has again been transferred back into the hands of God.  Wow, is that a tough concept to comprehend?   Do not forget these words, because they are very important.  This Greek Word translated as “power” does not mean God lost His omnipotent ability of force at any time.  This Greek word translated as power actually means “Authority” has been transferred again back from Satan and returned to God on the earth.   Uh oh?  That means Satan no longer has any authority again on the earth as before Adam sinned.  Do not confuse power and authority.  Satan still has power, but he has no authority to use his power unless a Christian gives him the ability to use it.  Let me show you the very next statement that Jesus makes to the church after saying all authority has been returned to Him:

Mat 28:19  Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Can you see that Jesus after saying that all authority has just been transferred to Him, immediately He transfers that authority back to the church, His body on the earth?  That is why this verse 19 starts with the conjunctive “therefore” which connects the previous statement to the current statement.  You see Jesus immediately delegates responsibility again to His people on the earth to do something in the power of His name.  Do you understand this?  These concepts are very important to embrace as a Christian.  You again have delegated rights and authority from the Most High God to do things.  What Satan took from Adam and lost, you have gained back from God through Jesus Christ.  The only difference is we are not working independently from God because God is joined with us working together in us to bring about the final victory over Satan.  Now we need to go back and determine what do all of these transfers of authority have to do with faith and more correctly us having great faith? 

This is where the rubber meets the road so to speak.  We are going to make a practical application of how to possess the greatest kind of faith using our newly found knowledge of how authority was transferred from God to Adam, Adam to Satan, back to Jesus and finally to the church and how this type of authority works from a military perspective.  Recall what the Centurion said to Jesus.  He told Jesus to “Speak the Word” only and my servant will be healed.  Did Jesus do this and what happened to the Centurion’s servant after Jesus spoke?

Mat 8:13  And Jesus said unto the centurion, Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee. And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour.

Jesus speaks several things but I skipped down to verse 13 to shorten the lesson for now.  Jesus says to the Centurion to go your way and that as you have believed (past tense) it has been done to you exactly that way.  Ok, that was my paraphrase of the words of Jesus, but surely you can see what Jesus has declared.  Why did Jesus emphasize that the Centurion had already believed and did not currently believe (present tense)?  Do you think this make any difference?  I believe that it does make a huge difference.  If you believe that God will heal you someday in the future then that is not real great faith.  Maybe it will help if we review what just happened to the Centurion and the servant.  Here is a synopsis of what the Centurion did and what happened:

  1. The Centurion heard of Jesus and had faith in His Word.
  2. The Centurion initiates the exchange and does not wait passively for Jesus.
  3. The Centurion was very humble in his approach to God.
  4. The Centurion had great compassion for another to seek God to help.
  5. The Centurion recognized the Authority that Jesus possessed.
  6. The Centurion understood Authority involved only Giving Orders.
  7. The Centurion believed that he only needed Jesus to Give the Order.
  8. And finally the Centurion believed it was done when the Order was given.
  9. The Bible then said after the word was spoken, the servant was healed.
  10. Therefore, by the time everyone was back at home everything was back to normal.
  11. Understand that at no time on the way home did the Centurion doubt that it was not done.
  12. Therefore, the Centurion had great confidence in the Word of God that was spoken to him.

These are all factors of having great faith today.  In other words all of this happened exactly like it was previously believed and spoken by the Centurion first.  Did you notice I did not say spoken by Jesus first?  Yes I did mean it that way.   Yes Jesus did say it was done according to the way the Centurion believed, but Jesus didn’t tell the Centurion to believe this way or what to say.  The Centurion made the choice what to believe and knew based upon his knowledge of authority that it would be done if Jesus would agree.  This was the greatest faith example in the entire Bible of an unsaved Gentile man that was never in covenant with the almighty God because he understood authority.  Clearly we can see that it was only because the Centurion believed in authority and spoke humbly with authority that caused him to have such noted declared great faith that caused even God to stand in awe and marvel.  Do you want to amaze God?  Here is how you do it.  You believe He has given you the same authority that He possessed “to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy” (Luke 10:19) and you speak with this delegated authority of God’s Word in your mouth declaring what has been already established in the spiritual realm and God will then say to you “be it unto even as you have believed today”.  You see I just quoted you a part of Luke 10:19 and you need to go and read this verse closely and study it:

Luk 10:19  Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

This verse confirms your authority over Satan.  God says that you will “tread on” the power of serpents.  Isn’t that a full circle back to what God said to you in Genesis 1:26 and Genesis 3:15?  To “tread on” again means that you have been given transferred rights of authority to demonstrate Satan’s defeat on the earth personally.   You will need to look up the definitions of the words “power” in this verse in Luke 10:19 in order to fully confirm what I am telling you.  The first word translated as power in this verse means “Authority” and the second word translated as “power” means force.  So they are two different Greek words concerning two different spiritual beings.  We have God’s “Authority” over Satan’s force of power.  Both of us are in the world but light overcomes darkness every time.   However, if we do not exercise our authority, Satan will dominate us with his illegal power.

I guess I have been going a long time in this lesson.  I have many more things that we could talk about concerning using your authority.  Perhaps I need to do a series of lessons just on the subject of authority.   This is truly a great revelation that every Christian needs to understand.  Jesus has come into the world to restore the right order to man and has given to us His newly transferred authority for a purpose.  We are going out of this world a victorious church and not a defeated church.  We can only be victorious if we learn that we have authority and then learn how to use it with our faith.  This information will change your life and your attitude.  When Satan attacks with his power, you can fight back with your authority and he will flee in terror.  Satan will not like me teaching you this authority, but that is just too bad.  If you will grasp these concepts and take hold of them firmly and believe what God has told me to tell you, you too will become an over comer for God.  God bless you until next time and please leave me a comment about how this is helping you to learn and grow in the knowledge Jesus Christ.

If you would like to continue to read in this series on the subject of Bible Faith you may now go to “Part 16“.

Understanding Bible Faith! Real Faith Always Receives from God! Part 14

(Ver 1.2)  Today is Part 14 in a series of advanced lessons on Understanding Bible Faith.  If you have not been reading this series from the beginning I would recommend that you go back and start with “Part 1”.   Faith is by far one of the most significant subjects found in the Bible for every Christian to know.  This subject has far reaching applications that crosses into everything else found in the Bible.  The Bible says that without faith it is impossible to please God.  The Bible says that whatever is not of faith is sin.   Without faith it is impossible to be saved.  Without faith you will remain where you are today and fail to achieve what God has called you to do.  These are radical concepts that few Christians attempt to understand and they have therefore, failed to recognize why they are in the situations that have arisen in their lives.  God many times gets blamed in error for these conditions of mankind.  But, it is far more likely that it was the people’s own ignorance of the subject of faith that has caused them to be facing what they think that they are unable to overcome.

What have we learned from this series of Bible lessons on faith?  We should have learned that anything that happened to anyone in the Bible that was ever positive occurred only because someone had faith in God and His Word.  Even in the majority of the cases observed in the Gospels, Jesus only acknowledged a person’s faith as being the key factor for them being saved, healed or delivered.  At no time did Jesus take credit and say that it was His power alone that delivered anyone.  This is why this subject is so critical to learn about right now.  What applies to the people in the Bible applies directly to you and me today.   Faith is the human factor that causes God’s power to be made manifest in the natural world.  This could be the Power of God for spiritual salvation, physical healing, emotional restoration, marital reconciliation, child relationship and development or financial blessings.  God cares about every area in your life, but God is not going to get involved just because He can or just because you need Him to.   God will however, respond to your faith and move heaven and earth to get you the answer when you learn to do your part and believe.

I once heard a preacher man on TV say that faith does not move God.  His point was that faith moved you to be in the right place to receive and that is really my subject today.  But, I also wondered after hearing him, what Bible he was reading.  I just had to disagree with that statement whole heartedly.  You see I learned that the Bible says God is no respecter of people in the world (Acts 10:34, Rom 2:11).  However, reading in the Gospels I learned that if people had faith God would do some extraordinary things to help them and not having faith mostly caused people not to obtain what God wanted to give to them.  I read in the Matthew that when the centurion came to Jesus and asked for Jesus to heal his servant that Jesus said I will come (Mat 8:7).  Why would Jesus have made such an effort to go out of his way for a Gentile that was never in covenant with God in order to go to his house personally to heal his servant?  People really need to read the Gospels with more attention to the details.  The centurion tells Jesus you do not even need to come to my house, just speak the word only and my servant will be healed.  Jesus is again marveled and said I have not found so great a faith no not in Israel (Mat 8:10).  Why was Jesus willing to go?  Is this not an example of God in the flesh being moved?  According to Jesus it was the centurion’s faith that caused Him to even be willing to travel and go where He was needed to go.  Go read the story and see if it is not true.  Jesus was moved by faith to go many places and this is still true today, because the Bible clearly says that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever” (Heb 13:8).  Let’s talk about faith today and learn some new things on this very important subject.  Let me give you one of my foundational verses today:

Mat 11:5  The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them.

Who gave the blind their sight?  It was God of course.  Who caused the lame to walk?  Again it was God.  Who cleansed the lepers?  It could be no one else but God.  Who can only raise the dead?  No one but God can raise the dead.  Finally who preached Gospel to the poor?  It was Jesus.   But, notice the emphasis is not ever upon God or His power in this verse anywhere.  The emphasis is placed upon people receiving these things from God and that is a completely different perspective to that of God just giving them to everyone.  While faith is not directly mentioned in this verse, I understand that this is the implied subject that causes people to receive, but you may not know that yet and that is why I am teaching this new part of the subject today.  It is only because the blind has any faith that they are able to receive what God has given to them for free.  What is receiving and what does it mean to receive something?  Let’s do a quick review of the definition from the dictionary:

  1.  To take or acquire (something given, offered, or transmitted); get.

This is an interesting concept that is easily overlooked by Christians?  This word conveys personal responsibility to do something.  This something requires individual action in order to be made effective.  There are many things that come to my mind when reading this definition.  If someone takes something that was not given to them, this is called theft or stealing.  But, since we are talking about God’s gifts that have been given through His promised Word we are going to have to figure out how to reach into the spiritual realm to take what we cannot see or touch with our physical senses.  Think of it this way, what if God has given to us in the spiritual realm, but no one has come from the natural realm to take what He has offered to us all freely?  Is God going to come into the natural realm and force you to receive (take) it?  That would certainly change the definition of receive, wouldn’t it?  That is the religious idea of election or predestination and that is not in the Bible.  God will never force His will or His gift of salvation upon anyone who does not take it freely.  People in the natural realm are always required to take by Faith what God has given freely by Grace in the spiritual realm.  Think with me in terms of natural Israel as being our example.  They sat in the wilderness dying because they did not want to go into the Promised Land to take by faith what God had freely given to them by Grace.  The Promised Land represents the spiritual dimension of your faith fight and obtaining God’s blessings.  The wilderness represented the natural realm where if you remained you do without God’s blessings.  Do you understand the analogy that God has given to us from this very clear Bible example?

Let me give you some more Bible examples of receiving to help teach you that I am not making this stuff up.  Read with me in the book of Luke and see that Jesus is speaking to a blind man in another marvelous faith lesson:

Luk 18:41  Saying, What wilt thou that I shall do unto thee? And he said, Lord, that I may receive my sight.

Jesus asks the blind man what do you want from me and the blind man demonstrates his faith by his actions and his spoken words.  The answer given to Jesus question was “I want to receive my sight”.  Why didn’t the blind man just ask for Jesus to give him his sight?  Wow, that is a really great question.  Sight is definitely what the blind man was after from Jesus, yes?  Did you know that it matters what you ask for and how you answer when God comes to you?  If the blind man’s words did not matter then why did Jesus even ask the question?  Jesus is obviously well aware of the situation and the need and yet the man is not yet healed.  What is Jesus waiting for?  The problem was standing right in front of Jesus and Jesus could have just reached out and said “Be Healed” if it was all up to the power of God.  Please think when you read the Bible.  Jesus never does anything like you would do normally.  If you were God standing before a blind man you would have probably just said “Your healed” and kept walking.  But, Jesus stops and asks this man a question and that has meaning and his answer must matter.  Everything that Jesus did was on purpose.  I personally believe that it was only because of the blind man’s great answer that allows Jesus to continue.  Can Jesus just heal everyone in the Gospels?  Unfortunately, you do not find that is true if you observe what it really says.  We learned from the woman with the issue of blood that she was the only one that got healed in a massive crowd of people that were all trying to touch Jesus.   Jesus turned and looked at her and said your faith has saved you.  Getting back to the blind man’s answer, why does he ask to receive his sight from Jesus?  Do you understand that these words put the responsibility upon the blind man to receive and not Jesus to give?  Do you understand the difference?   That is a very new radical approach to take with an omnipotent God that is always capable of giving to us anything.  God is teaching you that the way you think and speak is going to matter if you want to get your answer from Him.

So I’m going to introduce you to a brand new concept about faith and this will be a little bit different than anything that I have said before.  True faith concludes that God is not only capable of giving, but that He has already given and I just need to learn how to receive it.  The blind man never asked for Jesus to give him anything or to heal him, he only asks to receive his sight.  Sight represents the answer to the man’s problem blindness.  It is clearly stated from the blind man’s perspective and his request that Jesus has already given this and he just needed to take it.  That is what faith is from a new Bible perspective.  Let me help you see something else new in the Bible:

2Pe 1:3  According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:

God is stated to have power and through this power God has already given to us what?   Is this not “ALL THINGS” that pertain to life?   If God has given to you ALL THINGS that pertain to life why don’t you have it?   It comes back to you not knowing how to receive it again.  If you do not take from the spiritual realm what God has given, you will do without it in the natural realm.  That is just the way it is and that is why people do without in many cases.  What is your problem today, you only need to learn how to have faith to receive to get your answer also.  Faith reaches out to receive or take and that is the foundational basis for my entire Bible lesson today.  If you are receiving then you are in faith.  If you are not receiving then you are not in faith.  Your faith will receive the answer.  Wow, again that is great information to learn.  Notice the response of the creator God to this man’s request to receive:

Luk 18:42  And Jesus said unto him, Receive thy sight: thy faith hath saved thee.

Jesus clearly associates the blind man’s faith to be the determining factor for him being able to receive his sight and it was also his “receiving” that permitted the anointed power of God on Jesus to flow and to manifest in the natural realm.  You may recall that when the woman with the issue of blood touched Jesus, immediately Jesus felt virtue (power) flow from Him.  Jesus stops and turns to see who accessed this power to flow and then tells the woman your faith has saved you.  I always find it very interesting what Jesus says to people.  Jesus does not say I have healed you even though it was clearly the power that He was anointed with that did the work in everyone.  To the blind man, Jesus said “take your sight, your faith has saved you” and this caused power to be transferred from the spiritual dimension into the physical dimension.  I may have implied this before, but I want to reemphasize the fact that faith is a spiritual force that you possess and not a natural feeling that you can work or sense and we will talk about that more in second.   Clearly in Luke 18:42, Jesus again places the emphasis on the man’s taking with his faith and not upon God’s giving of the power.

Luk 18:43  And immediately he received his sight, and followed him, glorifying God: and all the people, when they saw it, gave praise unto God.

I like the term “immediately”.  This man is instantly healed by God and received what he requested without delay.  However, this is not the only blind man healed by Jesus in the Bible.  Why does God not treat every similar problem the exact same way?  Did you ever notice that?  There are several different blind men healed by Jesus in the Gospels and they are all different.  It is actually a great lesson to go and read them all to determine the differences, but I will not do that for them all to limit the size of this lesson.  I technically believe that God does treat every identical problem the same, but that it is the human contribution or factor that causes the variableness to occur.  It is only because every person does not have the same level of faith that things appear different in the natural realm.  For example, there is a blind man found in John chapter 9.  This man encounters Jesus in a much different setting.  If you do not recall this story please stop now and go read John 9 and then continue with this lesson so that we can compare the two similar problems and the healing examples.  In John 9, the disciples point the blind man out to Jesus and ask Him a question about who sinned to cause his blindness.  Let’s skip the answer to concentrate on what Jesus did different for the blind man and then let’s compare what this blind man did that was different to the blind man in Luke.  In John 9, Jesus spits on the ground and makes mud and puts it on the man’s eyes and then tells him to go and wash it off.  Why didn’t Jesus do this in Luke 18?  The blind man in John 9 goes and does what Jesus asked him to do and comes back seeing.  Why didn’t Jesus just look at the blind man in John 9 and say “Receive your sight your faith has saved you” like he did in Luke 18?   Both are clear miracles of receiving sight, but they are completely different examples of the variable of human faith required to receive.  It is clear to me that the blind man in John 9 had no faith at least at first.  Let’s back up in the story of the blind man in Luke 18 to learn a few new things that I did not include to compare the differences.

Luk 18:37  And they told him, that Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.

Notice that this verse says that Jesus was passing by.  Did you notice that?  Jesus was not there to heal, and He would have just passed by if no one had any faith to stop Him.  Do you understand that?  Jesus was also passing by the blind man in John 9, but this time the disciples stop Him.  Faith always gets God’s attention.  I have given you examples of this several times.  In the Gospels, clearly God was moved when He encountered the Faith of people and even at times marveled at their faith.  What caused almighty God to go out of His way to deliver the child of a gentile woman in Tyre that you read about in an earlier lesson?  Was it not her great faith?  If you want to get God’s attention so that He marvels at your great faith you are going to have to learn how that works.  This blind man in Luke 18 heard a commotion and demanded to know what was happening and he was told that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by.  Obviously this was at least a key part to him getting faith but it could not have been the entire story.  He must have heard at some time in the past who Jesus was and that Jesus had said that He was anointed by God to heal and to give the recovering of sight to the blind and he must have believed in Him because of what he did next:

Luk 18:38  And he cried, saying, Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me.

Who is the blind man in Luke calling for?   He had just heard that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by, but he calls out for Jesus the Son of David.  This was a covenant term of recognition or a covenant Title of respect and honor.  Clearly this blind man understood more than many that were in the Jewish temple.  The fact that the blind man calls Him the Son of David reflects that he knew who He was.  The Messiah was prophesied to come from the seed of David.  According to prophecy David’s son would forever sit on the throne of His father David.  These are natural descriptions as well as spiritual terms being related.  Take notice, who the blind man is calling out for.  Could it be these covenant words that got Jesus attention to stop and not to just pass him by?   Also note the man’s acknowledgment of God’s mercy.  Love, mercy and compassion are all spiritual partners of God’s Grace.   You can call them synonymous terms or you can see them as related intertwined subjects like a divine chord of character.  Grace, mercy, compassion and love caused God to give to the world what they did not deserve.  Nevertheless the blind man directly sought for Jesus and this must have been based upon him hearing His Word in order to already have faith when Jesus had not said anything to him up until this point.  Therefore the man had faith and chose to do something to receive.  Doing nothing would have resulted in Jesus passing by.  Doing nothing would have resulted in him not receiving.   The blind man could have had faith after hearing, but kept silent and not activated it and he would have done without.

Why is Luke 18 so much different than John 9?  Both are blind men.  The blind man in John 9 never calls out for Jesus to do anything.  The blind man in John 9 does not ask for mercy, does not call Jesus the son of David, does not ask to receive anything and therefore Jesus has do some things differently because this man had no faith at this time.  The John 9 blind man either does not know who Jesus is or has just never heard of him before now as being the anointed one sent from God.  Luke 18 clearly is radically different.  The blind mind initiates the contact after hearing the crowd passing.  The John 9 blind man is passive and the Luke 18 blind man is totally aggressive taking the initiative.  The blind man in John 9, Jesus initiates the conversation.  The blind man in Luke 18 even the people can’t shut him up.  One man has faith and corresponding works and the other man has neither at first.  Let me introduce another complex factor that I have addressed only in passing.  There is another faith factor or partner given to us in James that is applicable to what is occurring both in Luke and in John.  Please allow me to take a side trip into teaching you about faith and works and how they are displayed in each Bible story from Luke 18 and John 9.

Jas 2:26  For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

Why are faith and works even mentioned together in the same verse?  These two forces are diametrically opposed to each other in many other verses found in the Bible.  For example, Galatians 2:16 says no man is justified by works, but by faith in Jesus Christ.  What we learn from studying this subject is that faith alone in Jesus does not save anyone.  Conversely works alone never saves anyone either.  However, these two factors working in harmony together cause’s salvation to manifest.  Why is faith dead without works?  You could also ask; why is works dead without faith?  Ok, why is that?   We are born into the natural world as hidden spiritual beings.  God is a Spirit, yet we do not come to know Him spiritually first except through hearing about Him in the natural realm and believing in Him by faith.  When we choose to hear and learn about God and decide to believe in Him that is the initial stages of having saving internal spiritual faith.  But, yet you are not saved until you acknowledge Him with your external works of your spoken words that He is your Lord.  Those two factors together are the external corresponding work based actions working in conjunction with your internal spiritual faith based believing to cause a union of the physical and the spiritual resulting in the manifestation or receiving of an already accomplished God given reality.  This is an example of faith and works coexisting and cooperating in harmony to produce salvation.  Let me show you in the Bible:

Rom 10:9  That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Roman’s 10:9 demonstrates how faith and works go together and tells us that we must first believe that Jesus was raised from the dead.  The only way you are going to believe this is if someone comes and tells you about Him first.  How does faith come?  According to the Bible faith comes by hearing the Word of God, therefore believing comes by you first hearing.  Then Roman’s 10:9 tells you that if you confess Him as Lord with your mouth then you are saved.  This is the external works part of the internal spiritual faith belief.  This verse is actually given to us in reverse order of occurrence and it does not directly mention the preaching part of the process, but yet everything can be confirmed by reading the next verse.  Notice that true Bible believing only occurs in the heart of men and women on the earth in Romans 10:10.

Rom 10:10  For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

It is with the heart (spirit) that the Bible says that people believe anything.  What we discover is that there are two realms to the completed process of salvation.  The natural realm requires your works of confession while the spiritual realm requires your heartfelt beliefs to be established on God’s Words given to us by His Grace.  All of this is dependent upon you first hearing the truth of the Gospel and then receiving it like we saw in the story of the blind man in Luke 18 or the woman with the issue of blood In Mark 5.   Why did the blind man not ask Jesus to give him sight?  Why did the blind man only ask to receive?  This is the most important part of Bible faith.  God had already given Jesus and the Messiah was present in the flesh standing right before this blind man.  The blind man does not need to ask for Him to come and heal because God has already come and He was already anointed by God with healing power (Acts 10:38).  The Bible said in Psalms 107:20 “God sent his word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions”.  Do you suppose the man understood what the Bible said?   Jesus the Word of God made flesh was given and present.  God says in Psalms 107:20 that this sent Word “healed” them, as in past tense, done.  Why do you need to ask for anything that was already done?  That is the problem of most people’s prayer in the world today.  They pray for salvation for a friend and salvation was given already and the friend now just needs to receive what God has given.  Pray for your friend to receive, pray for God to send laborers across their path to preach but do not pray for God to save them.  God will simply say to you I have done that if you were truly listening when you read my word you would have seen where I told you that I saved them.  You can find this truth in many verses but one of these is where God says that we have been given the ministry of “reconciliation”.

2Co 5:19  To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.

This is a radical concept and this verse has some great information within it.  The statement that God was in Christ informs us that Jesus was much more than just an ordinary man.  He was God in the flesh and why did God come in the flesh?  This verse says that God came to reconcile us (the world) to Himself.  The world was everyone that was unsaved, an all inclusive scope of reality.  This is again past tense terminology given to us as the completed action of God.  These are specified things that God has already given and already accomplished.  This verse ends with a message of direction for us today.  We are to go and tell everyone what God has done.  This is called the ministry of reconciliation.  Reconciliation is the great exchange.  God has given to us His life and in exchange we are to receive this eternal life by giving to Him our lives.  What God has already given to us in the spiritual realm, we now must receive in the physical realm through our faith and works.

What we discover from understanding about faith and works in James is why there is such a difference between the Luke 18 and John 9 blind men.   The Luke 18 man had heard of Jesus, had faith and released his faith in his words and his actions to receive.  The John 9 man had not heard of Jesus, had no faith at this time and could not release his faith in anything to receive.  What does Jesus do for the man in John 9 to cause him to have faith?  If you read the chapter you know that Jesus is said to have made mud from the ground and He then “anointed” his eyes with it.  We can understand from reading Acts 10:38 that it was the anointing that healed those that were oppressed of the devil.  However, the blind man’s faith in John 9 was still required to receive.  The anointing still healed both men, but in John 9 God could not heal until the blind man in John 9 believed and did something first.  So Jesus speaks instructions for the blind man to believe and then tells him something for him to obey (do).  The man in John 9 had to go to a very specific pool and wash.  What if the man never went to the pool because he did not believe what was happening to him was real?  What if the man left Jesus but did not go to the right pool?  What if there was a closer pool and the man went to that one instead?  What if the man did not believe Jesus at all and he was not obedient and just went home?  Hasn’t Jesus already anointed his eyes with the Power of God?  I believe that he would not have received his sight.  Being obedient to the voice of God is the acknowledged action of your beliefs.  If God tells you to do something it is wise to do it no matter how crazy it sounds.  Both men from Luke 18 and John 9 exhibit faith and works in action working together to produce positive results.  One did not have to go and wash, the other did.  However, both received their sight in the end.  So that is more important than not receiving.  Let me teach you another factor that is also revealed in these lessons:

Luk 18:39  And they which went before rebuked him, that he should hold his peace: but he cried so much the more, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me.

Here is a man that is blind, he hears a commotion and asks what is happening and people tell him about Jesus of Nazareth passing by.  As the man calls out for the Son of David and for mercy others around him rebuked him to stay silent.  What spiritual application can we learn from this new information that applies to us today?  We learn that not everyone in the world is on your side and is willing to help you get your answer.  We learn about the concept of the opposing forces of evil that will try to stop you from receiving.   In other lessons I talked about these being like faith giants in the spiritual battle of your faith.  While you are seeking for God’s mercy, you will encounter a spiritual force of opposition that will attempt to shut you up and stop you.  Do not think that all of the things of God will be so easy to access?  Do you think that you have no enemies and that God has no enemies?  Where do you find that in the Bible?  Do not assume everyone is on your side.  Truly the opposition in Luke 18 came from ignorant people who knew not the heart of God to save this blind man.  These people understood little to nothing of how God worked and why.   These are examples of people that you will run into everywhere still today, on the internet, in your church, in your Christian book store and at your work or in your family.  These people will discourage you from seeking to be healed, saved and delivered.  Nowhere in the Bible does it say that you will not be persecuted for doing the right things and for seeking God’s help.  What made this blind man in Luke 18 ignore all of his critics and continue to shout louder for the Son of David’s mercy?   It is called the determination factor.  If you are determined to receive from God then you will receive from God no matter what comes against you to stop you.  Determination can mean when it looks like it is not working you remain confident that it is working.  Determination can mean that when someone tells you the Bible is full of lies and errors that you just ignore them.  The blind man in Luke 18 could have given up and given in to the opposition and then he would have remained blind.  The blind man in Luke 18 could have listened to fools and stayed blind.  If the woman with the issue of blood in Mark 5 had not been determined to fight through the large crowd of people to touch Jesus then she would have not been healed either.  She showed her determination by not giving up or quitting despite not feeling well and all of the people that were in her way.  The blind man in John 9 could have given up on the way to the pool.  He was still blind the whole way there.  Jesus didn’t go with him and encourage him the whole trip to make sure he did what he was told either.  Do you think that it was easy for him to get there?  Have you ever been blind?  I think it was not easy for him to do anything that Jesus said to do.  You are going to have to make a conscious decision to become determined after you learn about faith.  You will have many enemies both spiritually and naturally that will counter your beliefs to get you to fail.

Let me stop here and review the list of faith partners that I have been teaching on with the new additions to what you shoud have learned today on the subject.  So far today we have discussed two new faith examples of Jesus healing blind men from Luke 18 and John 9 and I also mentioned the famous faith lesson of the woman with the issue of blood in Mark 5.  God says let everything be established by the words of two or three witnesses and that is what I have done today.  I have given you three witnesses to faith.  I will now give you a list of faith characteristics that we have talked about in this series and you should be able to identify these in every story that I have included in some form of words or displayed actions:

The success of your faith depends upon:

  1. Your Humility.
  2. Your Will/Desire to Get the Answer.
  3. Your Aggressive Actions to Participate in the Process.
  4. Your Ability to Hear.
  5. Your Understanding of the Word Heard.
  6. Your View of the Importance of the Word of God Heard.
  7. Your Belief in His Anointing Power.
  8. Your Belief in the Truth of the Word of God.
  9. Your Confidence Level in God’s Ability to do what He has Promised.
  10. Your Confidence Level in God’s Willingness to do what He has Promised to do.
  11. Your Overall Trust in God.
  12. Your Continued Determination Level Despite Major Opposition.
  13. Your Reaction to the Opposition.
  14. Your Words Spoken.
  15. Your Positive Expectation Level.
  16. Your Actions of Obedience.
  17. Your Receiving the Answer.

You should be able to find these faith qualities demonstrated in the life examples of everyone to some extent.   Not everyone of them is obviously stated in every story, but yet they play a role in them receiving from God their answer to their problem.   Today’s lesson was primarily about Faith Receives in the natural realm what God Grace has given to us in the Spiritual Realm.  I then taught you that this was a combined effort of both the natural and the spiritual realms of man working in harmony.  The human spiritual realm is where we believe and the natural physical realm is where we do the corresponding works.  The realm of the human soul also plays a role in my list of factors but I have never spoken of this realm directly before just now.   The soul realm of man is where our mind is, where our will originates and where our emotions play major factors into the faith fight.  I talked about your will in other lessons being a factor to receiving.  Today I talked about your determination being a factor and again this comes from your soul or your will.  Your emotions will play a factor and cause you to want to give up.  These are some of the very complex factors involved in Bible faith.  We could probably add many more to the list and potentially we may do that in future lessons on this subject.  I hope and pray that you learned something today about faith that will help you in your relationship with God.  Until next time, may God bless you and keep you as you walk by faith.  God Bless.

If you would like to continue reading in this series on Bible Faith please go to “Part 15“.

Understanding How to Be Led By the Spirit of God! The Spirit of God Bears Witness with Our Spirit! Part 7

(ver 1.1) This is now Part 7 in a series of very important basic Christian Bible lessons on the subject of Being Led by the Spirit of God.  We have covered a lot of information and topics that will not be repeated so if you have not read this from the beginning I would suggest that you go and start with “Part 1”  first.  In this series I have been attempting to teach that God still speaks in the modern world to His children the same as He did in recorded Bible days.  Since the Bible teaches us that God does not change nor does He show any favoritism, what He did for others is what He will do for those that wish to participate with Him today. This will probably not be the last lesson in this series because of the amount of information that is still needed to cover it.  After I looked into what remained, I think I have decided that there is just too much that you need to know to cover everything in one lesson today.  This is a complex subject and it is getting more complicated as I have transitioned into the spiritual dominated parts of the subject.  I tried to start teaching with the easier subjects first that were sense realm manifestations of the Spirit of God like prophets, angels, the audible voice of God, creation, signs and wonders, etc. and I have moved into the purer spiritual realm methods like the still small voice and today’s subject of the inward witness.  God is a Spirit and in order to be led by Him you are going to have to learn how He operates as a Spirit.  People generally do not know what they do not know and therefore they fail to realize what they are missing out on.  God says “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6).  Therefore, people do not even realize that God desires to speak and to direct them in their present circumstances.  The ultimate goal of being led by the Spirit of God is for you to hear something that you did not know that will help you to avoid a potential negative outcome that you were heading into.  This is what God did for the people in the Bible consistently.  Here again is the list of 12 methods that God has recorded in the Bible to lead His people.  This is probably not a complete list but it has most of the ones that I feel are important for every Christian to understand.

  1. The Audible Voice of God
  2. The Finger of God
  3. Angels Sent by God
  4. Prophets, Teachers, Pastors, Evangelists, Apostles or other Men/Women (disciples) of God
  5. The inward Still Small Voice of God
  6. The Written Word of God
  7. External Visible Signs from God
  8. Visions from God
  9. Dreams from God
  10. Prayer of an Individual
  11. The Inward Witness of the Spirit of God / Moral Conscience / Intuition / Internal Knowledge / Spiritual Insight
  12. Patterns found within God’s Creation

From this list I have introduced you to every one of God’s methods that I have found in the Bible except for number 11.  This method number 11 is actually a composite of several related methods that I placed all together and I probably should not have done that.  These spiritual methods of God leading His people are probably the most prevalent ways that God uses on a daily basis and it is going to be very challenging to try to explain to you since they are mostly pure Spiritual encounters with God.  To discuss spiritual things using only natural words, terms and descriptions is where the challenge truly comes in for me today.  Jesus would very often teach about spiritual things using natural parables, symbols and types that people understood more clearly.  Teaching on spiritual leadings is very much like trying to describe the emotion of love to someone who has never experienced this feeling.  Since love is usually experienced in different ways to each individual, how do you describe this feeling of emotion so that everyone will see it the same way?  It is really almost impossible to do this.  In every other communication method of God that I have discussed, there was always a basic sense realm manifestation either involving your vision or your hearing.  But with a pure spiritual inward leading it is certainly not this way.

There is a major difference to the way the Spirit of God was able to direct His people after Jesus was raised from the dead to the time before when no one was born again of the Spirit of God.  When Jesus was raised from the dead He appeared to His disciples and He breathed on each of them and told them to “Receive the Holy Ghost” (Jo 20:22).  This was something that had never happened in all of human history.  It was a radical departure from the way things were done in the Old Covenant to the new way for God to be intimately involved in the day to day life of every believer in the New Covenant.  For the first time, the Spirit of God lived not in structures made by the hands of men and in the Ark of the Covenant apart from the people, but now He was much closer than you could imagine living inside of every person’s spirit. This is why the new Spiritual methods of being led are so much more important for us to know.  The old physical/natural methods are still valid, but God can use new spiritual methods that were never available before to a much greater advantage to everyone.  Let me introduce you to my subject today:

The Spirit of God Bears Witness with our Spirit!

Rom 8:16  The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

I am going to talk about a new internal spiritual guidance method using several new descriptive terms.  These are new methods of God that He did not use in the Old Testament.  Here in Romans 8:16 is the portrayal of one of the new works of the Holy Spirit and it is very different than anything we have seen before.  The term “bears witness” is a unique phrase that is easily misunderstood.  If you have a witness in a court setting that is testifying, that is the independent isolated words and work of a single individual speaking about what they know or have seen.   In this setting, there is only one person on the witness stand at that time and that is not what this Greek word means.  Therefore we are going to have to shift our focus and perspective to see what God is speaking of in this verse.  This Greek word means “Joint” testimony and in the context God’s participation is dependent upon your concurrent participation and agreement.  If you do not agree with God, He will not agree with you.  Always remember who changes and who stays the same and never changes in the God man relationship.   People changing to be in agreement together with God will cause you to have power available.  There is an implied dependence that God will confirm (bear witness) what you believe and speak.  There is another verse in Romans 8:16 that says “The Spirit of God will bear witness with our spirit that we are children of God”, but first you had to do something to become a child of God and then God does His part and bears witness inside of you.  This does not mean you will necessarily hear God speak words of confirmation.  It is much like you do not have to hear your wife say she agrees with you because you can look at her and know what she thinks by her facial expressions, smiles or nods.  Words are not the only way the Spirit of God communicates with men and women on the earth in the spiritual dimension.  I’ll try to talk more about this as we continue through this lesson, but for now I want to shift to a very specific type of internal spiritual leading that is labeled the human conscience.

God’s Guidance through the Human Conscience

I am actually going to focus on this single part of the inward witness of the Holy Ghost called the human conscience in the rest of this lesson.  Every aspect of the inward witness of the Holy Spirit will be a method that is beyond the realm of the 5 physical senses.  The human conscience will always be a method that can be very easily ignored in the sense dominated realm especially for newborn or carnal Christians.  I also want to say that the Human Conscience is a valid tool to be led by the Holy Spirit if you are a true Christian.  For others that are not Christians the Human Conscience is not a reliable guide for anything.  What is a conscience?  Does everyone have a conscience?  Where is the conscience?  How does God use the conscience to help guide people on the earth?  These are the basic questions that I will attempt to introduce you to.   I’ll start by saying that I could not find any reference in the Old Testament to the word “conscience”.  It appears that “conscience” is never directly mentioned by God in the Old Testament anywhere.   That does not necessarily mean that it was something that did not exist in the O.T., but rather I believe it was something that God places no emphasis on since how do you explain spiritual things to natural people?  It is very much like Satan is rarely mentioned in the O.T. either, but in the New Testament we have been given authority over him so we now have tools at our disposal to exercise and demonstrate his defeat.  The word “conscience” appears in the KJV of the Bible in only 29 verses in the N.T., but I will not be talking about them all today.  Let me begin by giving you one of my foundational scriptures in this lesson on conscience:

Rom 9:1  I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost,

You see Paul describes something in this verse that is really beyond natural description.  There is no reference to hearing a voice from God; there are no references to any physical feelings from God and there are not any external sense realm references at all given in this verse.  One key word that is directly mentioned is Paul’s “conscience” that is qualified with the usage of the personal possessive pronoun “my”.  That is where I will try to begin today’s lesson.  Wow, here I go with trying to explain a spiritual concept that many people ignore on a daily basis.  The human conscience can be defined as an inner spiritual sense of knowing right from wrong that is attempting to guide us to do what is right.  Having a conscience is not based upon any new spoken words from God, but rather I believe a good conscience is always based upon your past knowledge of the Word of God.  The lack of the knowledge of God’s word is the root cause of everyone’s problem in the world today.  Because of the lack of teaching of God’s word in schools, children are growing up without a moral conscience foundation.  Everyone is doing what is right in their own eyes and they do this in ignorance mostly.  So I believe the human conscience is based upon your Word knowledge of the truth.  If you know no truth you have no basis for having a conscience.  The Human Conscience is always an internal reality that is expressed in the external realm by your freewill actions and this originates from the heart of men and women in the world depending upon the deposit of the good treasure of the Word of God that has been heard by the individual.  Paul claims that this conscience was a part of him and that he possessed it.  There is another factor given to us in the Bible that is related to conscience and this is the complex association of sin and the law that are both interrelated subjects, but I will not have time to teach on these subjects in this lesson fully.

It is like the Bible says, without God’s law man would have not known what sin was (Rom 3:20).  Therefore the knowledge of the law of God brought men correction to teach them the difference between good versus evil.  But there is more to it than that based upon the story of Saul in the Bible.  Think about the story of Saul in the Bible who became Paul that has written many of these verses that I am talking about today.  Saul knew the Law of God better than most men in his day and he thought that he was doing good works for God by persecuting the church.  While he was Saul he caught Christians accusing them, imprisoning them, beating them and even killing them.  Where was Saul’s conscience during these times?  Wow, that is a really good question.  Obviously it takes more than the knowledge of God’s word to guide someone to do the right things.   This is an example of a man who was zealous for God but knew Him not.  Paul later tells us that what he did to Christians in the past he did in ignorance.  Therefore the ignorance of Saul (lack of understanding) is directly related to Saul not having any conscience to be led by God to help the church.  Do you understand the destructive power of the ignorance of God’s truth?  It is very profound when you see it.  Let me give you a direct verse about the danger of ignorance:

Rom 10:3  For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.

If you do not know God’s righteousness this verse says you will attempt to establish your own definition of righteousness.  This is just saying people will by nature live by their own law and ignore God’s ways.  This is usually based upon sense realm leadings of what feels good to me, what I like, what I want to do, what looks good to me and on and on.  It is a ME, MYSELF and I existence with a complete disregard for all others.  These types of people have little to no conscience and will not generally care what they do to others.    I’ll try to talk more about this soon.

I’m now going to talk about a story of conscience found in the Gospels where a group of religious men bring a woman caught in the act of adultery and ask Jesus what should we do with her?  They were quoting that the Law says to stone her, but then they ask Jesus “what do you say”?  These men obviously knew the law of God, but understood it not at all.  These men were just looking for ways to accuse Jesus of violating God’s law, but Jesus used great wisdom in His answer to them and He said “He who is without sin, cast the first stone”.   Jesus then stoops down on the ground and begins to write in the dirt ignoring everyone around Him.  While I do not believe the Bible says what He was writing, I personally envision it to be the places, dates and times of every man’s sin that was present.  Here is what the Bible says next in this story:

Joh 8:9  And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.

There are two key words in this verse that have direct application to my main subject.  Of course one is “conscience” that we have already looked at briefly.  The Greek word translated as “conscience” is again “H4893” and it means morals.  Next the word before that is one that relates to having morals and that is “conviction” or “convicted”.  What does it mean to be convicted?  To be convicted in law/legal terms means to be found guilty.  Is that what we are talking about?  I believe it is.  When someone is found guilty of an offense they can have at the least two different contrasting reactions.  One is called sorrow and the other one is called pride.  Having no remorse for being found guilty is like having no conscience and it is a major problem that I will try to talk about more in a minute.

Notice what happens in this verse.  The men who were ready to stone the woman without any regard to their conscience suddenly start disappearing from the oldest to the youngest appearing to get a conscience.  This helps me to envision what Jesus was writing on the ground that caused the men to suddenly walk away one after the other.  What was happening during this time?  What was the internal process that was taking place to cause them to have a change of heart and to walk away?  I obviously believe it was their memory being jogged from whatever Jesus was writing on the ground.  There were no spoken words from Jesus so Jesus is giving us all a lesson on the human conscience without preaching to anyone.  Therefore, human memory must be involved in having a conscience.  Memories are always based upon past experiences or the recollection of words that we have lived through.  These are mental pictures of the things we have been taught from the lessons in our past.  Jesus could have been writing on the ground about when each man had committed the same offense with this woman or with someone else and this caused them to see that they might be stoned next.  How did God in the flesh use their conscience to help guide them?  If you can begin to see the application found in this story to what you do every day then you will begin to understand that your conscience is still your potential guide into doing positive, good and right things.  After all of the men walked away Jesus looks at the woman and asks her “Woman where are your accusers”?  Then Jesus says “neither do I accuse you go your way and sin no more”.  Do you think that this woman learned a lesson also that day and how did her conscience going forward change?  I’ll guess she never did what she was accused of doing again.

This was a very powerful lesson on how people can change to do right when they desired to do something very wrong.  There are lots of lessons that we can learn from this story.  Every man had a choice to make.  Therefore conscience is the exercised choices of the freewill of mankind.  Every man could have ignored the actions of Jesus and still stoned the woman based upon their knowledge of the law.  Therefore any man can ignore his conscience and still do the wrong thing.  The law never changed in this story, it remained constant.  It was only the viewed perspective of the men that changed.  What I believe happened is that the men suddenly understood that one sin does not justify another sin so they walked away.  Did God use their conscience to help guide them?  I believe that He did.  Could the men have chosen to ignore their conscience?  I believe they could.   A good conscience prevailed in this situation and they made the right choice, but this is not the case in every situation in the Bible, is it?  Let me show you another story in the Gospels with a slightly different result:

Mar 14:30  And Jesus saith unto him, Verily I say unto thee, That this day, even in this night, before the cock crow twice, thou shalt deny me thrice.

Let’s briefly talk about this story in the Gospels about Peter one of the key disciples of Jesus.  Right before the crucifixion of Christ, Jesus looks at Peter and tells him “before the cock crows two times you shall deny me three times”.  The prophet Jesus is telling Peter what will happen before it happens.  Does this mean Jesus caused it to happen?  Foreknowledge is never forced behavior.  Peter always has a freewill choice, but the situation becomes more than he can handle and the prophecy is fulfilled just as Jesus predicted.  Remember what is happening here.  An armed group of men comes and takes Peter’s teacher by force and arrests him.  Jesus is placed on trial immediately, beaten tortured and them condemned to death.   Peter is observing what is taking place and is of course very concerned with these developments because they could do the same to him.  So when a young servant comes to him and asks him if he is one of them, Peter forgets what Jesus has warned will happen and goes in self-preservation mode and begins to deny Jesus.  The cock crows and Peter is still scared.  Some more people come to him and tell him you were one of them and again Peter denies it.  Finally here is how this chapter ends:

Mar 14:71  But he began to curse and to swear, saying, I know not this man of whom ye speak.

Mar 14:72  And the second time the cock crew. And Peter called to mind the word that Jesus said unto him, Before the cock crow twice, thou shalt deny me thrice. And when he thought thereon, he wept.

Here we again see a connection and an indirect reference to the conscience of Peter.  Peter obviously was not thinking clearly before this or he would have remembered sooner the words of Jesus.  Notice the connection to the soul realm and the mind in this scripture.  Peter suddenly “remembered” the words of Jesus.  Does this mean if he would have remembered sooner that he might have also remembered telling Jesus I will die with you?  The pressures of this world can be very overwhelming at times and there are circumstances when it is difficult to be led by the Spirit of God regardless of your intent or desires.   What is noteworthy is that even after Peter did wrong by denying Jesus, his response indicates that he still had a good conscience that led him to be sorrowful and repentant.  If he had no conscience at this time, then he would have just walked away and we would have never read of Peter again in the Bible.  Avoiding making the bad choices in life is the ultimate goal of being led by the Spirit of God, but if you do make a wrong choice then you are not lost unless you ignore your conscience and you continue to go down the paths of destruction without sorrow for what you have done.   Let me show you some other scriptures that will help clarify what I just said:

1Ti 4:1  Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

1Ti 4:2  Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

Here is God speaking of former Christians.  These were some of the faithful that were no longer believers because of Satan’s deceptions and their bad choices.  They have fallen away from the truth and bought into the lie of Satan.   Notice what verse two says; because this was the important part that I needed to get you to understand.  This verse states these lost people still had a conscience, but that it had been hardened by a process that is referred to in the terms of searing meant like branding a cow.  To sear meat or the flesh occurs only with the application of metal raised to a temperature of intense heat.  What did God say that He would do for Christians?  God said I will take out your stony heart (unfeeling and insensitive spirit) and I will put within you a heart of flesh (that has sensitive feelings).  Do these verses mean that these people are once saved and always saved?  According to God their heart of flesh can become insensitive to the Spirit of God and even become hard again.  Therefore, God says those who are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God.  If your heart is no longer sensitive to His leading I do not believe you can still be saved or be called a child of God.  Being led by the Spirit of God always requires the individual’s sensitivity and desire to be led by the Spirit of God.

I have given you two examples of conscience found in the Gospels.  Once God used the human conscience to change the people’s intended actions to do something good and positive instead of the evil that they desired originally and another time God used a man’s conscience to help him repent and become one of the foundations of the church.  Both are positive outcomes from the direction of the Holy Spirit’s guidance.  Both times every man involved could have overridden their conscience and done more wrong things.  The subject of conscience is very deep and I’m not convinced that I know it all either.  But, I’m still learning and growing and God will cause me to increase in knowledge and understanding just like you.

Conscience is God’s internal moral guidance to help you to do right and good things and this results in positive things coming your way.  You see God says the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life (Rom 6:23).  Listening to your conscience will help you avoid the wages of death and will help you to receive the reverse wages of life from Jesus Christ.  Remember what Jesus said in John 10:10?  Jesus said “The thief has come to kill, steal and to destroy, but I have come that you might have life and that life more abundantly”.  God intends you to have abundant life in this natural dimension right now and the only way you are going to get there is to be led by the Spirit of God.  If you spend time in prayer and in the Word of God you have a conscience that you can depend on.  Jesus also said “I give unto a new commandment, that you love one another” (John 13:34).  Therefore, being led by the Spirit of God and your conscience can be reduced to the simplicity of you doing only what is love based towards your neighbor.  It is very similar to the golden rule of you doing to others what you desire them to do to you.

There is still a lot more to talk about on this subject of Being Led by the Spirit of God.  I hope and pray that you are still learning and enjoying these lessons and that you will continue to study the Bible with me.  I also would love to hear your experiences of being led by the Spirit of God.  However God has done it or what method that He used to cause you to have good success in this life, it would be awesome to hear about it.  Share it with me and it might be a tremendous blessing to someone that needs to hear it to give them confidence that they also have heard from God the same way.  If you have any questions or comment on these lessons, you are free to give those to me also.  Until next time God bless and continue to study and grow in His truth and learn to listen to your conscience.

If you would like to continue reading and learning in this series you can continue with “Part 8“.

Understanding Bible Faith! Do I Have All the Faith I Need For Right Now? Part 13

(Ver 1.2)  This is Part 13 in a series of Bible studies answering the questions about the Reality of Bible Faith.  What it is, where it came from, how I get it, why it is important and how you can use it.  I have taught many things in this series so I will not attempt to repeat them all again today.  If you have not read this series from the beginning I would strongly recommend that you go back to Part 1 and start reading there first.  In previous lessons I taught that faith was measurable meaning every Christian believer does not possess the same amount of faith.   That teaching raised the question that many people have; does that mean I need more faith if the situation that I am facing is greater or more severe?  Well I listened to a TV preacher this week that said that every Christian already had all of the faith of Jesus available to them right now.  This preacher then implied that the only problem that a Christian possessed was simply that they did not know how to use the faith that they already had.  In a way I agree with those statements and when I heard only his Bible verses that he gave he made a very convincing lesson.  But he also failed to mention or take into account all of the other scriptures that I have given you that contradicts what he was teaching.  The Bible is way too complicated for us to take one set of truths and attempt to make them the entire truth.  If we do this then we are claiming to be smarter than God and choosing to ignore what else God says on the subject.  There are over 220 verses in the New Testament alone that directly mention the word “faith” and then there are many other indirect related verses that must also be considered on the related dependent subjects of believing, beliefs, confidence, expectation, fear, doubt, unbelief and worry to name a few.  In order to confidently teach any subject we are going to have to know the majority if not all of the verses that are related to the subject of faith.  For example here is one verse that my TV preacher brother must have ignored on the subject of faith:

2Co 10:15  Not boasting of things without our measure, that is, of other men’s labours; but having hope, when your faith is increased, that we shall be enlarged by you according to our rule abundantly,

Paul in writing to the Corinthian church and is looking down the road to the future when their faith would be increased in order that they can become a greater blessing to others.  Wow, I do not know if you heard what I just said.  Paul does not tell the Corinthians that they already have ALL FAITH and that they just need to learn how to use it.  Paul clearly says your faith is growing and you need to continue to allow it to grow.   The Greek word translated as “increased” means to grow, increase or enlarge.  If you can enlarge your faith, then you do not have all of the faith that you could have.  There is a definite statement of conditionality placed upon their faith increasing.  It is very clear to me that they do not possess enough faith to accomplish what Paul is looking for or expecting for them to use right now.  Do you understand this?  Faith is like a growing plant or even the fruit on a tree.  Spiritual growth is like natural growth.  When you are born again as a spiritual child you do not yet possess the fullness of all love, joy, peace or any other fruit of the spirit.  Spiritual fruit grows on spiritual trees and it is not something that just magically appears and is there instantly.  People are the spiritual trees that will produce the spiritual fruit, if they feed their spirits and water their spirits with the word of God to allow this fruit to grow.  The word “faith” is included as one of the nine fruits of the spirit found in Galatians 5.  Planting seeds and getting harvests is how practically everything in the spiritual realm works.  The concept of planting seeds and growing fruit is a natural concept that applies directly to the spiritual realm.  Faith is a fruit of the Spirit and not something that you have all of the moment you become a Christian.

Rom 10:17  So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

In an earlier Bible lesson on faith I taught you about how faith comes.  Reading in Romans 10:17, we know that Bible Faith comes by hearing the Word of God.  Therefore Bible faith has a staring origination point that is totally dependent upon you first hearing God’s Word.  If there is no hearing, then there is no ability to have faith in God.   When you were saved it was because you heard a preacher tell you the truth about Jesus Christ and you believed it and you accepted and confessed Him as your Lord.  Does this concept of hearing God’s Word and getting faith carry forward beyond salvation or does it end at salvation?  In other words is a Christian when they are born again automatically given all the faith that they will ever need as my Christian brother was teaching?  Or is faith still based upon the foundational principle found in Romans’ 10:17 of hearing God’s Word and getting faith?   According to my TV preacher friend, you already have all of the faith given to you by God and you just need to learn how to use it or to apply it.  If that was true, ignoring Romans 10:17 Christians would never need to hear the Word of God again after they were saved.  There would be no need to go to church, no need to study the Bible and no requirement to listen to another preacher.  Just go get saved and you got it made.  Unfortunately this is not how I have discovered that spiritual things work.

The problem with this philosophical doctrine of automatic faith maximization is that it relieves Christians of any further responsibility to learn more about faith and it reduces or oversimplifies the truth that you only need to learn to use what you have already been given by God.  Think with me about the children of Israel looking into the Promised Land of God.  Did God not say I have given you the land?  Did they automatically possess this land?  Obviously they did not and they still had personal responsibilities to perform in order to possess what was clearly given to them by God.  My point is that just because God has given you something does not mean that you have it in your possession and can use it.  One of the verses that my TV preacher brother used was the one that I already addressed in this series so I will not repeat all of that information again.  This verse was found in Romans 12:3 and it is one that many preachers like to jump onto and claim that every Christian has been given the same exact measure of faith by God and they therefore reason that there is no need to try to increase it, just use it.   What we need to understand is that the Bible holds more than one truth on any given subject.  We are therefore required to learn them all and then to balance each of them to become aware of the actual overall truth.  I keep saying this and I will continue to say it, the Bible is much more complex than you think.  Let me show you another verse in the Bible about faith and then you tell me how this verse conflicts directly with what the unnamed TV preacher said:

Rom 12:6  Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith;

Can you read?  Can you understand the words written in this verse?  If God had given to everyman the Measure of Faith why is there differing proportions of faith that is required to prophesy?   The Greek word translated as “proportion” means a piece or a part and not the whole amount.  I guess you could reason away this verse by saying that you have all faith, but that it only requires a small part of the whole to prophesy.  That is certainly one way to look at.  However, I do not believe that is what God is saying.  If it was, then you should stand up in church next Sunday and start to prophesy and see exactly what comes out of your mouth and if any of it actually comes to pass.  If it does not happen like you said then you are a false prophet.  I personally believe whatever we do for God is done by our faith in Him.  But that does not mean that we already have all of His faith.  It means we need to learn to use the small part that we do possess and then allow it to grow into a greater quantity.  The usage of the word proportion clearly implies growth potential to me.  I guess you could choose to look at it differently if you want to.   Let me show you another potential set of conflicting verses with contradictory information for my TV preacher brother:

1Co 12:8  For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;

1Co 12:9  To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;

1Co 12:10  To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:

1Co 12:11  But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.

Paul is writing about spiritual gifts that come from the Spirit of God that have been given to different men and women in the church.  It is very clear that some have some of these gifts and probably many others do not.  The Word of Wisdom and the Word of Knowledge are two impartations of the Spirit of God that I have seen demonstrated by only a very few preachers.  These are very clearly not spiritual gifts that everyone possesses, only a very few.  Now we continue to the next verse 9 and it says to another meaning not the same one as before God has been given the gift of Faith.  Uh oh?  That seems to be a major problem for my TV preacher brother.  This verse is NOT saying that God has given to every man this gift, is it?  Why is it even necessary for God to give any man this spiritual gift of faith if God has already given to EVERY man “the measure of faith” as the TV preacher has claimed?  I think that is a very excellent question to try to figure out the answer to.  My TV preacher brother probably could not answer this question or didn’t think of this question, so he must have just ignored this information.    What is the gift of faith?  For that matter what are any of the gifts that are mentioned in these verses referring to?  If you do not know what they are then you are certainly going to write them off as being unrelated or unimportant.  Every spiritual gift mentioned in these verses is a SUPERNATURAL manifestation of the Spirit of God through a human being to accomplish a divine purpose on the earth.  Why is this necessary?   Wow that is another excellent question we need to answer today.  I believe it is necessary because God can only accomplish things that we cannot in our own ability or power if we cooperate and believe.  God occasionally gives to us spiritual gifts such as the working of miracles to confirm His word that has been taught.   God will also use the Word of Wisdom or the Word of Knowledge for a sign to help those present.  God will use other of the spiritual gifts as ways to strengthen, build up and to edify the body of Christ.

Let’s go back to faith and leave the other spiritual gifts alone for now.  Why if a Christian already has all the faith of Jesus would it be necessary for God to give them this spiritual gift of faith?  In one of my faith lessons I taught that Jesus always claimed that it was the individual faith of the person receiving that was the determining factor mentioned for anything supernatural that occurred on the earth.  If you do not understand this concept you better go back and reread that lesson again.  This meant that nothing happened supernaturally on the earth unless a man or a woman believed God and His word and placed their faith in only those factors.  This is why everything in the Old Testament occurred.  This is why everything in the Gospels occurred.  This is why everything in the modern church still occurs today.   For example in the O.T., the deliverance of Israel from Egypt was based upon the faith and obedience of Moses.  If Moses did not have any faith in God and would not have believed what was spoken to him then the children of Israel would still be in captivity or God would have had to find another deliverer who did believe Him.  What about Noah and the great flood of the planet?  Could God have saved Noah anyway, the animals and the blood line of Christ if Noah had not believed God and obediently built the boat instructed by God by faith?  You see it was only Noah’s faith and obedience in God’s word that caused the supernatural power of God to manifest.  I probably will get some people, who disagree with me, but you go through the Bible and you see the involvement of the partnership of man with any major event of supernatural demonstration of the power of God and then you tell me one (other than creation before there was a man) that God did independently from man.  Even the virgin birth required Mary to believe in the words of an angel sent by God.  It was clearly her faith that allowed God to come into the world in the flesh.  What I’m getting at is that faith allows God access into the world and the lack of faith prohibits or reduces His ability to do anything.  I know I’m going to get a lot of religious commenters from these statements that try to tell me that God is sovereign and that He can do whatever He desires at any time.  Ignorant people often say things that are problematic to others who actually know more about the subject under discussion.

Understand what the gift of faith is.  The gift of faith is the supernatural faith of God present inside a man to accomplish something that a man would not normally be able to accomplish without it.  Also note that none of these spiritual gifts are resident full time in anyone.  They are there temporarily as the Spirit wills to accomplish a single goal and never given at the will of the man or woman using them.  They are given by God for a short time and they are then dormant.  Even Jesus Christ who was God in the flesh and had the Spirit of God without measure could not operate in all of the spiritual gifts all the time.  You go through the Gospels and read them very closely.  You will see every manifestation of the spiritual gifts (except tongues and interpretation) mentioned in the ministry of Jesus Christ at one time or the other.  But at other times Jesus could not do any miracles because of the unbelief of the people present (Mark 6:5) and then other times Jesus did not even know who it was that touched his garment and got healed (Mark 5:30).  The presence of Jesus at the porches healed only one man and there were probably hundreds of others who did not get healed (John 5:2-3).   It clearly shows the manifestation of the Spirit of God was totally dependent upon the Spirit of God and not the man that was given the gifts.  I hope you understand these concepts.  If not, please ask me questions and I’ll try to answer them more clearly.

Heb 12:2  Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

I’ll wrap this lesson up with this verse for today.  I find this verse very interesting in the chosen phrasing of the translators.  Jesus Christ is called the “Author” of our faith.  Clearly this implies to us that our faith has a starting or originating point.  The Greek word “author” technically means a chief leader.  However I love the use of the word “author” in this verse.  In the English language the term author means the writer of words.  Since we learned that faith comes by hearing God’s Words earlier we know that faith is a spiritual word based system given to us from God.  Without God’s words there would be no Bible faith on the earth.  In the context within this verse Jesus is also called the “finisher” or “completer” of our faith.  It sounds like a man writing a book.  It sounds like the book was started at some point in time and then progressively grown through phases or chapters to an ultimate end of completion.  Writing a book is like growing a garden of words.  This is what God is doing whether you realize it or not.  That is how I view our faith and God’s Word.  I believe that the hearts of men and women are the new writing tablets of God’s divine authorship and I can give you Bible verses to back that belief:

Heb 8:10  For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:

Did you see what God says in Hebrews 8:10?  God says I will put my laws into their minds and write them on their spirits.  How does God get His words into or onto your spirit?   Is that an automatic one time occurrence or is that an ongoing continual process?  My personal faith in God had a starting point and my faith is now increasing based upon my knowledge of God’s word and it will eventually be completed because of the continuing work of the Spirit of Christ within me.  This is the continuing ever increasing faith and that represents a state of transitional passage from faith to ever increasing faith (Rom 1:17).  This tells me that we are responsible for participating in the spiritual growing process of our faith.  This tells me that it is not automatic or that we have already been given all of the faith that we need.  If our faith was already complete, we would no longer need a Jesus to be our finisher.  Wow, I hope you understood what I just said.  I am still awaiting a completed work of my savior Jesus Christ and I hope you are also.  But, I also have a role to play.  It is only with my involvement that God will continue to write on my heart His Word.  Jesus is the Author, His word is the spiritual ink, my heart represents His blank pages and I get them written onto my heart by hearing them over and over.  This is how things work and when you understand that you will be on the path to growing up into a faith giant killer like David.

I have attempted to teach you another basic faith lesson today.  No you do not have all of the faith that you need to do everything that you need to do for God.  If you did, then we would all be in heaven right now.  Ask yourself this question, do I know and understand the entire Bible?  If you answered no, then you do not have all of the faith that you could have.  We are all still growing in the knowledge of Him and we better all be building our faith in increasing stages.  I really did not talk directly about how much faith you need for each situation.  I believe that it takes greater faith for bigger situations.  In other words there are people today that have faith for millions of dollars that at one time they did not have faith for even two dollars’ worth of food.  My TV preacher friend was one of those individuals.  His testimony was that he and his wife went a long time without food because they had no money when they first started in the ministry.  Now he teaches on TV and it costs him literally millions of dollar to pay the costs of TV time.  Truly it is self-evident that his faith has increased over the years because his knowledge of God’s word also increased over the years at the same time.  So if you want to be a TV preacher and think it is automatic success, just try it and we will watch you fail.  I have seen many preachers on TV fail and they are no longer around.  It is very clear to me that those who succeed are those that believe God will supply the need and those that fail are those that ask for donations from people.  Faith is always the factor for success.  But faith as we saw in Romans 12:6 is proportional.  God said for us to do thing according the proportion of our faith.  It was implied that we could overextend our faith and fail.  If you want to start a TV ministry, first start with a group in your house and build your faith to grow to the millions of viewer level.  If you fail with 4 in your house then you will fail even more with 4 million on TV.  So faith is a factor and faith grows but there is also another matter that needs to be taken into account.  Jesus taught us that even with a mustard seed size of faith we could move a mountain (Mat 17:20).  A mountain represents a symbolic great obstacle or problem.   So we must balance the fact that we do not have all of the faith that we could have with the fact that we just might have enough faith to solve at least some of our problems we are facing right now.  What I recommend is that you prioritize your problems.  Maybe they are financial, marital, children, or job related, emotional or even physical health related.  Then go find all of the scriptures you can find on that subject that you deem to be your greatest need.  Finally, feed your spirit on them daily speaking them out loud to yourself so that you can hear them to cause faith to come.  There will come a time very soon after you do this continually that faith will become resident in our heart to solve your problem in that area.  I also recommend that you do not start with the greatest most severe problem and combine every related need at the same time.  To overwhelm your faith can be disastrous.  It is usually best to start with the smaller things first and then work to the larger things like my TV minister example.  Get faith for your daily natural food needs and then grow your faith to the millions of dollars of TV time costs.  My TV preacher brother did not start on TV, he spent many, many years not on TV learning God’s word and growing in faith.  It is like David in the Old Testament.  He started watching sheep and grew to be King of Israel.  David killed lions and bears before he ever tried to take down the giant facing Israel.  Grow in faith and learn how faithful God is with your small successes and then greater things will come to allow you to have larger victories.

I hope and pray that you have learned more about the subject of Bible faith than you knew before.  This is always my goal.  I want to provide spiritual knowledge and insight to help you to grow spiritually.  Thanks for taking the time to study the Bible with me today on the subject of faith.  My guess is that I’m not even close to being finished with this topic but it will help me to know if you have any specific questions in any area.  So drop me a comment and share anything that you might be struggling with and I will do my best to try to be a blessing to you.  So until next time, may God continue to bless you with all the knowledge and spiritual wisdom of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

If you would like to continue to study in this series you may go to “Part 14“.

Understanding the Hidden Spiritual Family Structure of God’s Household! The Mature Women in God’s Spiritual Family! Part 7

(Ver 1.2)  This is now Part 7 in a series of extremely advanced Bible studies about a new subject that I call “The Hidden Spiritual Structure of the Family of God”.  The spiritual information in this series will dramatically change your perspective of the Bible, if you can see them and if you will choose to accept them.  I have covered a tremendous amount of new ideas and revelations and I cannot take the time to go back and repeat all of them today, so if you have not read this series from the beginning I would suggest that you go back and start reading with “Part 1” first.  In the last lesson I introduced you to the last woman in the family of God as the church.  She is the youngest woman called the daughter in a new covenant marriage with the risen Son of God, Jesus Christ.  This woman was named the New Jerusalem in Revelation 3:12 and 21:2 and she is called the Holy Jerusalem in Revelation 21:10.  Three times in Revelation she has the title of the “daughter-in-law” or the synonymous interpretation the “bride” (G3565) found in Revelation 21:2, 21:9 and 22:17 and this can be seen easily by looking at the original Greek word definition.  Today I want to search the Bible for the identities of the other two mature women in the family of 5.  As you recall, God said the “daughter” would be divided against her mother and the “daughter-in-law” would be divided against her mother-in-law in Micah 7:6, Matthew 10:35 and Luke 12:53.   So we are now looking in the Bible for the information and the specific names to reveal who these two women are that are divided from our church daughter.  I found the identity of the “daughter-in-law” simply by searching the Bible for the same Greek word (G3565) translated as “daughter-in-law” and I found her identity easily revealed in the books of John and Revelation because of the limited usage of this word in the N.T.  She was described to be a city, a bride and the spiritual wife of the Lamb of God.  This woman was also described to be a spiritual nation of people that consisted of both male and female individuals that reside now as a part of God’s new spiritual family.  Therefore we are now searching for the other women with a similar pattern, make-up, characteristics or features.  We are also searching for not just two women, but more specifically two mothers and that should narrow the scope of the search significantly.  The Hebrew word used for “mother” in Micah 7:6 is H517 and there are over 200 verses in the Bible that contain this word.  That is really too many verses to be useful.  The Hebrew word translated as “mother in law” is H2545 and this word is only found in one other book of the Bible and that makes it very interesting to me.  It just so happens that the “mother-in-law” H2545 is used 9 other times in the book of Ruth and only one time in Micah 7:6.  I do not believe that this is a coincidence.  I see it to be a direct hidden clue to the identity of at least one of the women in God’s family.

Do you recall the story of Ruth?  If you do not, I have a more in-depth lesson series on this book of the Bible that will explore and explain many of the hidden typologies found there.  I will for your benefit give you a quick synopsis of that lesson series to show you how it applies to Jesus the Son, the church the daughter and the mother-in-law of the church.  Ruth was a Gentile woman who married a Hebrew husband after this Jewish family moved to her country of Moab from Bethlehem.  Her husband and the other males in the family all died in Moab and that left two daughter-in-laws and their mother in law as the surviving widows.  One daughter-in-law returns to her family, but the other one departs with her mother-in-law to go back to Bethlehem.  This gentile “daughter-in-law” was named Ruth.  She is the primary subject of the entire book.  There in Bethlehem, while trying to survive Ruth is met by a man named Boaz.  It just so happens, that Ruth is laboring in a harvest field that is owned by Boaz.  Boaz is a near relative to Ruth’s mother-in-law’s dead husband.  This means Boaz is a potential kinsman “Redeemer”.  Ruth is given favor from Boaz and is blessed while she is working his harvest field.  To make a long story shorter, Boaz marries the woman Ruth and redeems the land of the dead relative and they become the great grandparents of David the King.  This natural story of Ruth is an amazing parallel to another New Testament spiritual story.  Today’s church is largely comprised of Gentile people, so the church qualifies to be the symbolic type of this woman Ruth and both are called “daughter-in-laws”.  We are now the laborers in God’s harvest field of the earth and He owns the field that we are working in right now.  God has granted us His favor and blessings while we are working in His harvest field.  We are of course not harvesting natural food, but we are harvesting symbolic wheat for God’s harvest and that is His people.  Boaz the kinsman Redeemer was a Jew from Bethlehem and he is a type of the man Jesus Christ also a Jew born in Bethlehem.  Of course Jesus Christ was God in the flesh that came down from heaven to the earth which is a type of the land of spiritual Moab.  Jesus Christ was crucified and died in this realm of spiritual Moab on a cross and then He was raised from the dead to redeem us from our sins and to save us from this world.  That makes Ruth’s mother-in-law a symbolic type of the nation of Israel.  You will see why I say that very soon.  In this story of Ruth we have a “daughter-in-law” who becomes a “bride”.  We have a mother-in-law that is a Jew under the Law from Bethlehem.  We also have a son from Bethlehem who becomes the husband (bridegroom) to redeem his bride.  There are many other Bible patterns in this book, but I only hit the ones that we needed for this lesson.  The story of Ruth is a story of natural Israel, God the Father, the Son of God and the church and each of these are demonstrated to us in amazing clarity in the book of Ruth using the keywords of the mother-in-law and the daughter in-law to direct us to this information.  These are the two exact words from Micah 7:6 so they must contain related information that we need to know about.  What we need is an additional witness to this hidden reality in another book of the Bible and that is where we are going soon.

John 3:3  Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

Joh 3:6  That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

Jesus taught us something that was very profound in the third chapter of John.  When Jesus described the “new birth” He said “That which is born of the flesh is only flesh, but that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.  Jesus reveals a significant spiritual law here in this statement.  First, Jesus says spirits can give birth to spirits and second, only a spirit can produce other spirits.  Jesus goes on to say in this chapter of John, “Unless a man is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God”.  This verse stipulates a fixed requirement that a second birth must take place or you will never see God’s eternal kingdom.  This statement of Jesus of course blew the mind of Nicodemus and this natural thinking man asked “How can a man be born again?”  “Can he enter again into his mother’s womb?”  Of course this was not what Jesus was saying at all.  Neither was Jesus thinking naturally of another physical birth.  Jesus is not teaching physical reincarnation.  Here is a prime example of how people can hear what God is saying and totally miss it because they are not on the same level as the speaker.  This is the greatest challenge new Christians have in the world today.  To renew people’s minds to think spiritually instead of naturally is the biggest challenge that I am faced with while teaching on the internet.  Most of my critics are dominated by naturally thinking carnal minds.  They do not attempt to think outside of their little carnal box and thus they remain ignorant of what God wants them to know.   Romans 8:7, says the carnal mind is an enemy against God.  So when my critics tell me I’m wrong, they are speaking as an enemy of God.  I certainly feel sorry for them, but I have learned that I cannot help them.  Let’s see what Jesus was actually speaking of:

Joh 3:Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

Jesus is comparing two different types of birth in this one verse; one is a natural birth and the other is spiritual birth.  Jesus is saying that you are born naturally when your mother’s water breaks and you enter into the natural world through her physical door and then you are born spiritually by a similar patterned act from the Spirit of God.  Do you remember that Jesus said “I am the door” (Jo 10:9)?  Jesus is saying there is a spiritual door into the Kingdom of God and you will not enter into it unless you find it first.  Wow, that is pretty radical for those who think there are many ways to God.  Why is Jesus revealing that spiritual things are repeated patterns of the natural things that God created?  You better get a hold of this concept very fast if you ever want to learn about what God is trying to teach you.

There is a spiritual law of Genesis about seeds that is very relevant to my lesson today.  This law was a foundational principle found within the patterns of creation in Genesis.  One of the key seed law principles states that everything that God created produces after its own kind (Genesis 1:11, 12, 21, 24, 25).  Flesh produces only flesh.  Cows produce only cows.  Dogs produce only dogs.  But, also Jesus teaches us in John 3 that a Spirit produces only spirits.  It is very clear that spirits can give birth based upon the information revealed in John 3 and the natural patterns found in creation.  For example, the sperm of a man is called his seed in the O.T (Lev 15:16).  But the Word of God is also implied to be God’s spiritual sperm in 1 Peter 1:23.  Both are “seeds” but one is natural and the other is spiritual.  These are patterns that are being repeated for us to apply the concepts found in the natural to understand the concepts of the unseen spiritual dimension.  Those are radical concepts from the Creator.  What I am attempting to do is to give you verification from the scriptures that a spirit can give birth to a spirit.  Therefore, if the church is a spiritual daughter and not a physical one, we are looking for another spiritual woman that is able to give birth to us.  That statement will probably perplex many Christians who are not yet familiar with the Bible in this level of detail, but that is just the way it goes.

So far I have been giving you some basic facts of life concepts found both in creation and the Bible.  These are important patterned concepts that you need to give your attention to today, because they are very relevant to understanding God and the Bible.  God has replicated patterns from the spiritual realm into the created natural realm and these patterns will be further projected back into the new heaven and the new earth that are coming soon.  I personally believe that God created all natural things from precise patterns found within spiritual things that previously existed in the divine realm.  God then uses these temporary natural things to teach us about the spiritual concepts of eternal things to come.   It is a circular configuration of a divine design with transferred patterns from the spiritual to the temporal and then finally back to the spiritual.  It is the cycle of life as found within a progressively designed divine plan.  Things that were found originally in the beginning are the things that shall be found again in the end.   In the beginning of Genesis we see that God created everything good with the absence of all evil.  This is exactly how it will end after chapter 20 of Revelation and after Satan, the beast and the false prophet are cast into their eternal torment.  What God has created in the world is almost always an identifiable pattern for something in the spiritual realm that we have never seen.

Take the human body for example.   The human body is comprised of millions and even billions of individual cells, systems, subsystems and individual parts that are working all together to form one body.  Does any of that sound familiar?  We have more than one thing that comprises or makes up to form one unified body working in harmony.  The natural pattern of the human body’s design is the same concept that God reiterates when He describes us (the entire church) to be the spiritual body of Christ (1 Cor 12:13-27).  The spiritual church is comprised of millions or even billions of people and yet we are still just one spiritually unified body.  The concept of one being made up of many is a repeatable occurrence in the Bible that is foundational to understanding all of the identities of the women in the family of God.  None of the women in the spiritual family of God are just one person or one female individual.  Each spiritual woman is comprised of millions or even billions of people or spiritual beings that are joined together to become one spiritually named woman in covenant with God.   This was one of my main subjects from the last lesson, so please try to follow along the best that you can, it will only get much deeper than this as we continue to dig into this subject.

It is now time to reveal the mature spiritual women (mothers) in the family of God.  Both of these women were specifically described to be “mothers” therefore, both have children.  One was the mother of the daughter (bride) and other one was the mother of the son (bridegroom).   But, just as Eve is named the mother of all natural living descendants we are looking for a spiritual woman that all spiritual children can come from.  I believe to solve this puzzle we will need to look for verses in the Bible that describe two mothers and hopefully in the same verse.  Here is where it will start to get really interesting for some people and potentially more controversial for others.  I am about to show you another O.T. prophecy about the family of God that is very important for you to understand fully, but is also very difficult to understand.  This Old Testament verse reflects some more complex riddles, so be prepared for a set of new mental challenges.  I want to take you to the prophet Isaiah and get you to read about two women in the family of God from a new perspective.

Isa 54:1  Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear; break forth into inging, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child: for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the LORD.

If you are not reading the Bible with your spiritual eyeglasses on you are reading it blindly. God is describing something very mysterious and profound here in another obscure prophecy found in the O.T.  Have you ever heard anyone teach about what this verse means?  I can honestly say that I have not!  However it is very difficult for anyone to teach what they do not understand.  I read some commentaries and they were all over the board to what they thought it meant.  This verse was written in the major prophet Isaiah’s work for God.  You will find in studying the Bible that God will use a technique of hiding information that I call “dissemination”.  This technique incorporates the random spreading out of related information throughout the Bible to make it infinitely more difficult for us to find it and for us to then put them all together correctly.  It is like when I sow new grass seed in my yard using a broadcast spreader, I put seeds in the hopper and adjust the flow and depending on the speed that I travel the seed is thrown out in random patterns over the spots that need it and I do not know what lands where.  Dissemination of the Word of God is a random broadcasting seed concept and God does this throughout the Bible.  You will never know where you will find some of the most valuable keys to understanding a subject in the Bible until you search for them.  Many times it will appear to be a needle in a haystack concept when looking for the truth in the Bible.  It might be found in Genesis or Revelation or anywhere in between.  Without the Spirit of God, computers and modern technology it would be impossible for any man to find the clues and then put all of the pieces together correctly.

However look closely at this verse in Isaiah and tell me if you can see that God is speaking about two wives, two women and two mothers?  There are definitely two different females being spoken of in this verse and they are directly being compared against each other.  Both women we are told are mothers of children, but we are not told who the mothers or the children are.  However the Hebrew word translated as children is actually the Hebrew word “ben” that means “son”.  When Jesus was here on the earth He would call Himself a “ben” of man.  I understand why the translators are confused and put the word for children here, but that is not the correct translation and you will understand why soon. In order to be a mother in the Bible you had to have been married.  Of course our definition of marriage in the modern world has become biased or slanted based upon the legal definition of a piece of paper or a license or a ceremony that was performed.  However, God clearly tells us in 1 Corinthians 6:16 that sex between a man and a woman constitutes a marriage in His eyes.  If you have sexual relations with anyone, by the definition from the Word of God you are married to them.  It does not matter how many partners that you have, it can be one or thousands.  If our court systems went by God’s definition there would be a lot less people doing what they are doing.  No doubt many people would benefit from this knowledge of the truth today.  It is interesting to note that only one wife in this verse in Isaiah is called married, but they must both be married in order to have any children.  Therefore, God is teaching us something else that is deeper with this statement.  I will not be able to explain this in this lesson today because this will just cloud the main subject more than it has already.

Let me tell you that God gives us a lot of hidden information in this single verse of scripture found in Isaiah.  We have two women being spoken of in very anonymous terms.  No names are given and no identities are revealed.  One woman is called barren, but she suddenly has a change of status to have many more sons than the other woman who is specifically called married.  Wow, that is pretty tough to understand and it is another monumental riddle.  What is God talking about in this statement?  I personally believe that God gives us some of the most important information in the Bible in the form of riddles to challenge us to solve them.   The way that this verse was written, it makes it completely illogical and even unsolvable unless God gives us some additional clues to what exactly He is talking about somewhere else in the Bible.  Fortunately for us, God did give us some major clues to reveal the meaning of this prophecy when He taught Paul what it meant in the New Testament and Paul recorded it for us in the book of Galatians.

Before I go to the book of Galatians, I want to make another quick point about the Hebrew word translated as “barren” in this verse.  This Hebrew word is not used extensively in the Bible and that is another clue for us.  If you search your Bible you will find that the wives of the three patriarchs of Israel were all described with this exact same word and status.  You will find Abram’s wife Sarai called barren in Genesis 11:30.  You will find Isaac’s wife Rebekah called barren in Genesis 25:21.  Finally, you will find that Jacob’s wife Rachel was called barren in Genesis 29:31.  These are very important examples to understand, but I just do not have the time to explain them all today.  I wanted to teach you how to look for clues in the Bible.  That does not mean you will understand what all of the clues mean automatically just because you find them.  I will tell you that they are all definitely related to what we are talking about today and that is all I can say about them for now.  However, we will look at one of them in much more detail, because God reveals it to be directly related by what Paul wrote in Galatians.  I have tried to teach you that there is a law of Bible interpretation that I call the “law of first mention”.  In this law I have found that God always gives us some very important information about any subject the first time it is mentioned in the Bible.  The subject of being barren is no different.  The first woman in the Bible described to be barren is Abraham’s wife Sarah.  So let’s go to Galatians and learn what this prophecy found in Isaiah means.  This verse of prophecy is repeated almost exactly in Galatians 4:27, but we will have to back up in the chapter to read the context in order to understand what is being revealed to us, so let’s start reading with verse 22:

Gal 4:22  For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman.

As you can see God is speaking directly about Abraham and who we are told had two sons.  Do you see that God is speaking about two women again?  Not just two random women, but specifically two mothers of two children who were called the wives of Abraham.  You may recall that Sarah was Abraham’s wife first and that she was the barren wife that I showed you in Genesis 11:30.  So this story of Abraham fits the pattern of the prophecy in Isaiah by the direct usage of the Hebrew word translated as “barren”.  Two mothers are what we are looking for to solve our family of 5 mystery and Abraham is said to have had two wives.  One is described to be a freewoman who is a representative type of his wife Sarah and the other wife was called the bondwoman, who is a woman that Sarah gave to her husband Abraham because she thought that she was unable to have children for him.  This slave wife was named Hagar in this story and she can be found the first time in Genesis 16:1.  Let me quickly show you a scripture concerning these two women:

Gen 16:3  And Sarai Abram’s wife took Hagar her maid the Egyptian, after Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan, and gave her to her husband Abram to be his wife.

Sarai is directly called the wife of Abram first.  Sarai is first mentioned in the Bible in Genesis 11:29 so she was around for 5 chapters before the mention of Hagar.  Keep this in mind!  Hagar is the maid servant slave girl from Egypt.  This will also become very important that she is a slave from Egypt latter when we discover who she is a type for.  But, also notice what the result was of this gift from Sarai to her husband.  God informs us that Hagar has also become Abram’s wife.  God is revealing something very complex that has occurred in the spiritual realm by showing us the repeated patterns that have reoccurred in the natural realm.  Here we have one man with two wives and two children and this is either an amazing coincidence or it is God pointing us to a match for the 5 in one family pattern.

  1. Abraham              Father
  2. Sarah                   Mother            Freewoman             Barren
  3. Hagar                   Mother            Bondwoman            Married
  4. Ishmael                Son                 Slave
  5. Isaac                    Son                  Free

We have three specific parents being described to us.  One male and two females with two sons, but they are still all just one family.  This is really going to get very deep as we continue through these coming verses, so please read them very carefully.  Also notice for now that Abraham is the father and that he has two wives and two children and that definitely equals 5 in one family and this will generally fit the pattern of the family of 5 again with only some minor differences in family titles only.  While these are not exact matches for the Micah 7:6 family of 5, it is similar enough for me to see that this is not a coincidence and that God is relating to us some new information that is definitely important for us to see.  Have you ever made a dress using a pattern and a sewing machine?  While I have never done this, I did watch my mother do this and I learned the concepts behind the work.  You can choose any material and totally change the look and the feel of the dress, by using different fabrics with the same pattern.  One pattern can produce many dresses that are similar but also they can look and feel completely different to each other.  This is what God is doing in these verses of the two families of 5.  God is using the same pattern with some different spiritual fabrics.  Not everything is going to match perfectly when you do this, but the expert will still be able to identify the usage of the repeated patterns.  Do you understand this?  You probably do if you are a woman, but my example is probably  not too easily identifiable to many men.  It is the concept that is important for now and it is not important to get distracted by too many details at this level of the study.  Let us continue to the next verse in the chapter of Galatians to see what God has revealed to Paul about Abraham’s family:

Gal 4:23  But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise.

God is still speaking of two mothers and two children that came by the one father.  All of this is very familiar so far!  The only difference between these two children is that they are both males.  So they do not get married to each other to start a new family and that changes nothing, but the creation of a new family.  In this verse God further tells us that one son came by the deeds of the flesh and the other son came as a result of a promise.  We could logically make the leap that one son came from the works of man in the natural realm and the other son came by spiritual faith in the promise of God, if you want to combine other information given to us by Paul found in Romans.  But, for now we will see that we have a family of 5 that is again being divided, but this time they are being divided not by the marriage of the siblings, but by the command of Sarah to cast out the bond woman and her son, that we will soon see.  Let me skip down quickly to verse 30 in Galatians 4 to connect you with what is being taught, so that you can see more clearly what I am talking about in combination with the pattern of division found within a family of 5.

Gal 4:30  Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.

This verse is a quote from Genesis 21:10.  You can clearly see another pattern is developing or being repeated using a different two members in a family of 5; yet still resulting in the division of the family with 3 against 2.  Isn’t this what Jesus said to us in Luke 12:52?  Jesus is giving you a key pattern to look for in the Bible.  Here in this verse in Galatians we are seeing the pattern being used again.  The bond woman and her son are cast out of the family of Abraham and that leaves 3 family members still in the family and two family members on the outside of the family.  It is a subtle change and it reflects more complex information that I will not be able to elaborate on at this point today.  Just take note of the reuse of the pattern of 3 divided against 2 and we will leave it at that for now.   Let me give you a new picture of what we have learned so far:

Hopefully you can see the basic patterns being redeployed in this picture digaram.  There is a split or a divisin within the family of five that is dividing them 3 agains 2.  Let’s go to the next verse in Galatians that I was going through to see how this information fits into the family of God.  What we are seeing demonstrated to us by God is a Biblical typology using natural patterns to reveal existing and prophetic spiritual truths.  Remember we are learning about the two women and how they are both called mothers.  Also take note that God is using a real man and his real two wives to teach us about His spiritual family.  In other words Abram, Sarai and Hagar are not God’s family only the examples used to show us God’s family.  God is speaking about Sarai as being the freewoman and Hagar as being the bond woman and these are revealed to be something much more significant using God’s allegorically encoded information found in Genesis 16.

Gal 4:24  Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar.

We know this information would have been impossible for us to see or to understand by just reading the natural accounts of Abraham, Sarah and Hagar in the book of Genesis.  People have read the story of Abraham for thousands of years and no one had any clue that it was allegorical information about God’s family.  We would not have had any hint what was going on if God had not revealed it to Paul about what the story of Abraham in Genesis symbolically represented.  An allegory in the Bible is always a real historical story about real people doing real things in real places that contains a hidden spiritual symbolic meaning encoded within every adjective, noun and verb selected by God to describe them.  You can clearly see that this is God’s definition and not mine based upon what is being revealed to us in this chapter of Galatians.  This is a principle that reveals to us the words of God in the Bible have been carefully chosen many times to contain parallel meanings. In other words God could have said many things about Abraham that He did not say, but since these words were selected, they were specifically designed with a hidden purpose.  I once had a commenter try to tell me that the Bible did not contain allegory and that this was a man made concept invented in the dark ages.  This commenter obviously never read the Bible very closely, did he?

We can clearly see from this story that there is a direct connection to God based upon what is being said about these two women representing two covenants.  God is saying that these two women represent two different covenants and this is a Bible code word that means two marriages between God and two different women.  Therefore we know that God the Father was in covenant with two different women simultaneously as this chapter of Galatians is revealing to you.  You have to understand “Bible Covenants” in order to understand what is being taught.  A covenant with God is always initiated by God.  God is the author of all covenants by His design.  A covenant with God is also a divine marriage (Jer 31:32, Mal 2:14) between God the husband and the chosen people His wife.  In other words we do not go to God and ask will you make a covenant with me, He comes to us and says will you marry me?  So when God initiates a covenant with mankind or any spiritual beings, it is always a marriage proposal.  If you do not understand these concepts you should go and read my  lessons on “Understanding Bible Covenants”.

Since the Bible is divided into two covenants, many people automatically assume in error that God is speaking about these two obvious prominent Bible covenants that practically everyone knows. We are being presented another mysterious riddle by God.  We can clearly see in Galatians 4:24 that Hagar represents the covenant given to Israel on Mt. Sinai.  Which covenant was that?  This covenant is what most Christians today normally call the “Old Covenant”.  It is very interesting to note that God says everyone that was in that Old Covenant was called slaves.  You need to remember that because it is very important.  Based upon this information people automatically conclude that the only other covenant being spoken of here is the “New Covenant” given to the church by Jesus Christ.  However this is impossible based upon the allegorical information given to us in Genesis and the family of 5 revealed in Micah 7:6.  In this story in Genesis you need to pay very closer attention to who the women are a type of in the allegory and then see the ages of the two women and find out who was married to whom first.  Since a Covenant is a marriage, was Abraham married to Sarah or to Hagar first using God’s definition of marriage?  Was Sarah older than the slave girl Hagar?  Did Abraham have sex with Sarah or Hagar first?  Who gave Hagar to Abraham to be his wife?  All of this is very important and very relevant for you to understand which covenants God is speaking of.   Hagar is revealed to be the bond woman and she is a much younger woman than Sarah, so keep that in mind as we continue through the rest of these verses in Galatians.  Let’s continue down chapter 4 of Galatians and look at verse 25 to see the spiritual name of God’s younger wife given to us first.  Again we are looking at the “last being first” concept and this is a repeated pattern that I am following to teach you this information in reverse order:

Gal 4:25  For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children.

Hagar is called the “Jerusalem that now is” and her name is given to us from a human viewpoint or perspective.  Keep this in mind as we go forward.   If Hagar is a representative pattern of a woman who answers to someone calling her “Jerusalem” that clearly tells us her name and it reveals to us the key duplicate features that we are looking for to solve our mystery.  This wife is a named city and she has the same name “Jerusalem” and the inhabitants of this city will consist of both men and women in covenant with God the Father (Jer 31:32).

Are you beginning to see why I said what I said about the “New Jerusalem” in the last lesson?  What I said before was if there exists a New Jerusalem there must also by logic exist an Old Jerusalem using the law of opposition or opposites. Here is God telling us about a woman, a wife, a mother and He figuratively names her “the Earthly Jerusalem”.  This Earthly Jerusalem is the city that is still in the Middle East today and is called the capital of the natural nation of Israel and she is described to be a type of Hagar.  Remember who Hagar was?  She was the young slave woman still in bondage after coming out of Egypt.  Uh oh?  Some Christians are going to have some major difficulty starting to develop from what God is saying to us in this information.  First off everyone thinks that God freed Israel when He brought them out of Egypt and God is clearly saying here in these verses that they are evidently still slaves from Egypt.  Wow, that is really tough to accept, isn’t it?  Is God lying to us?  Is God confused?  Did God forget that he freed them from Egypt?  I personally believe that it is people who are confused.  You see I do not believe God freed them, I believe that God bought them out of bondage.  To be purchased is totally different than being freed.  These concepts also apply to the future church, but I will not go there until a little later.

Are you beginning to see the riddle presented to us?  Here in Galatians 4:26, most people think that God is referring to the New Covenant of Jesus Christ as being the second freewoman, but that is not what God is saying based upon the allegorical information given to us.  Since the Bible is clearly divided into two covenants, an old and a new, everyone has assumed that God is telling us about these two covenants, but that does not work with the allegorical ages of the women given.  The only way you could get that information is to change the roles of Sarah and Hagar and flip the titles of free versus slave.  We know from studying Genesis that Sarah was the older barren woman and she was nearly 90 years old when she gave birth to Isaac, the promised child.  Hagar was the much younger Egyptian slave girl that Sarah gave to Abraham as being the one to bring forth an heir for Abraham.  So by the time Hagar had a child, Sarah was around 76 years old and she was in covenant marriage with Abraham for a long time prior to Hagar becoming a wife.  The Bible says that Abraham was 86 years old when Hagar had Ishmael.  Then the Bible says Abraham was 100 years old when his wife Sarah had Isaac.  This means there was a long time in between the two children.  That would tell me that there was 14 years that Abraham waited for the promised child.  Fourteen years is equal to two 7 year periods of time.  How many years did Jacob have to work for his wife Rachel?  Jacob I believe worked 14 years or two weeks of years.  I guess I won’t go there either today.  I just find repeated patterns in the Bible and see all kind of interesting things to teach on.

This new information is going to cause many people to get confused.  How could God be in covenant with someone else before the Old Covenant in the Bible?  That is the divine mystery being presented for your analysis.  Do you understand that Sarah could not represent the New Covenant; since Sarah was married first to Abraham?  Sarah has to represent a previous even older covenant before God’s covenant with natural Israel and this knowledge changes things up dramatically.  Remember that Abraham in this allegory is the type for God who initiates covenants.  Hagar  represents a type of God’s wife Israel in the Old Testament (Jer 31:32).  So Sarah must represent a covenant that God had a long time prior to natural Israel and this is very important for you to see.  We therefore know from these facts that an “Ancient Covenant” existed before the “Old Covenant” came into effect.   I call it the ancient covenant because God is called the ancient of days in the Bible and I thought that term fit.  God the Father had to be in covenant with someone prior to the nation of Israel, or this allegory falls apart rapidly and that makes God a liar.  Let’s look at the next verse in Galatians and get the solution to the puzzle:

Gal 4:26  But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.

Wow, here is another Jerusalem being spoken of as a woman.  We can see in this verse that the free woman Sarah is being described to be a type of the spiritual woman that was up in heaven where God’s throne resides.  You can know this because “Jerusalem which is above” is definitely not the “Jerusalem that now is” here on the earth.  Remember the names of the women are given from a human perspective of a man standing on the surface of the planet.  If you look up you are looking into the heavens and this is the general direction of God’s throne.   It makes logical sense for me to think of heaven as a preexisting place.  We know that God is a Spirit (Jo 4:24) and that God is eternal.  So the spiritual realm has existed with God forever.  Did you notice that this new mature spiritual free woman is also named “Jerusalem” surprise, surprise!  However her name is qualified to be the “Jerusalem which is above” and she is being directly compared to or differentiated from another wife named the “Jerusalem that is down below” on the earth.  Next, the end of this verse reveals who this spiritual woman is.  She is called the mother of us all.  Who is “us all”?  Or I should ask who is the “us all” that the context of this verse was written to?   If you think naturally you would be clearly a confused Christian.  The “Heavenly Jerusalem” is said to be our spiritual mother; she is directly called the mother of the church of Jesus Christ since Galatians was written to the church.  Who is the church?  The church is the daughter, the last woman in the family of God.  What exactly is God revealing to us in this very key verse?  What we have just discovered is that the “Heavenly Jerusalem” is not the “New Jerusalem” that came down from heaven in Revelation 21.  Yes the New Jerusalem came from spiritual heaven, but she is not heaven.  It is just like when I was born or came down from my natural mother, but I am not my natural mother.  The New Jerusalem is the daughter of the Heavenly Jerusalem and that make her our direct spiritual mother.  Are you beginning to see how this information fits the picture diagram of the family of 5 and do you see that every woman in the family of God is named “Jerusalem”?  Who or what was this spiritual Jerusalem from above?  Just like the analogy that I gave you earlier of the needle in the haystack approach to Bible study, you have to search for the clues in the Bible in order to find the truth and since I have already done this, I will save you a lot of time looking for another needle.  Here is one of the best descriptions of this spiritual woman that I found:

Heb 12:22  But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels,

Speaking to the Church of Jesus Christ, Paul writes that we have come unto Mt Zion and unto the city of the Living God!  Then she is clearly named the “Heavenly Jerusalem”.  This is a synonymous name for the “Jerusalem that is above” found in Galatians 4.  We are then told that this city consisted of an innumerable company of angels.  Angels are created spiritual beings that were resident with God in heaven before man existed.  We are told very clearly that this is a spiritual woman that is also a city and then we are told where this city was located and who lived there (God and the angels).   All of this information when combined with the allegorical information in Genesis 16 and Galatians 4 tells us that the Heavenly woman was the freewoman and that God was in covenant with all of these free angels in heaven prior to making a covenant with the natural nation of Israel.  We can further surmise that this heavenly free woman was also described to be barren and unable to have any spiritual children for a long time, until after Israel is given to God for a wife and then this Hagar (Israel) has the fleshly heir (Jesus of Nazareth) and they two are cast out of the family of God.  What God is revealing to you is that the natural man Jesus and His natural mother Israel cannot be heirs with the promised son.  Wow, is this deep stuff or what?   I really was not sure if I was even going to try to teach you those things today because they will be so controversial to many.  However, if you did not know it, the natural man Jesus was never intended to be the heir of God, it was imperative for Satan to kill Him and for Him to be raised from the dead in order to become the promised child or the spiritual seed.  Satan thought he was killing the heir of God, but in actuality he was sealing his own fate and dooming his future within God’s old heavenly family.  When Jesus said “You must be born again”, He was including Himself in that requirement.  Jesus Christ is called the “Firstborn from the dead” (Col 1:18).  If Jesus was born again and was the first to become this way, He now has spiritual preeminence over all other spiritual beings, including the angels and natural humans on the earth.  It also tells us that Satan and the other angels that were in covenant with God the Father are no longer in a covenant with God the Son, the risen chosen heir.  This is really cool stuff, so I hope you are grasping what God is revealing to you.  It is much more important than I can ever try to tell you.

Let me briefly make another point on the definition of what free vs. being in bondage or a slave means from a Bible perspective.  Natural slavery is of course not a positive reality so spiritual slavery is the same level of negativity.  Why are we being told that the natural nation of Israel is still in bondage and are still “slaves” today and that the heavenly spiritual beings are being called “free”?  The only explanation that makes logical sense is to see that Israel was given God’s law to fulfill in order to be called righteous.  I assume by that knowledge that the angels were righteous by default and even after sin was found in Lucifer; God was unable to convict Satan of wrong doing since there was no law in place to convict him.  If you read the next chapter of Galatians you will hopefully see that God is immediately after speaking of a free woman and a bond woman is speaking about the law in these terms of bondage.  Therefore, Israel is still in bondage because they are attempting to establish their own righteousness by works.  This was not God’s intention for them, the Law was designed to point them to a need for a savior, but yet they still for the most part have not embraced the plan of Redemption provided by Jesus Christ.  Do you understand what the concepts of free and slave means now?  Are we now free in the church today?  Uh Oh?  That is a trick question because the answer is yes and no.  We are not under the Law of Moses nor are we under the bondage of sin, Satan or this world, but we are still under the New Law of Jesus Christ who said “A new commandment I give to you”.  So technically the church is eternally bound to the law of Love!  Therefore, this is also further confirmation what the church is not the covenant that is representative of the type o the woman Sarah.  The Church is not a Free Woman!  The church is a purchased bride and that make us His property.  If you do not agree with those statements, I’m sorry I just do not have time to explain them all today.

What was the daughter’s name in the family of 5?  We know that the daughter is called the “New Jerusalem” and we now know that her mother is called the “Jerusalem Above” or I’ll call her the “Heavenly Jerusalem” because that is what God calls her in Hebrew 12:22.  We are told the “Heavenly Jerusalem” is the spiritual mother of the spiritual church in Galatians 4:26.  The Heavenly Jerusalem is being differentiated from both the “Earthly Jerusalem” and the “New Jerusalem” by definition and adjective qualification.  If a woman is a mother, she cannot be her own daughter.  This is an amazingly complex Bible study as you can tell.  If you are not careful you will get lost very easily.  Do you see what God is teaching us?  Why are all of the females in God’s family, named Jerusalem?  That is a really tough question to try to answer in a short Bible lesson but, is this cool or what?  I personally believe that every woman in the family of God is named Jerusalem because every male in the family of God is named “Israel”.  I really do not have the time to explain all of the scriptures that this belief is based upon in today’s lesson fully.  But, I will give you some basic clues.  Several times in the Old Testament God calls the people of Israel those people that are “called by my name”.  You can see statements like these in verses; for example 2 Chronicles 7:14 and Jeremiah 7:10-14 to name two places for you to research.  What you should observe is that God is saying Israel is my name and I gave it to you because you married me.  The name change of Jacob to Israel; was it God’s idea or Jacob’s idea?  I think when you read in Genesis you will see the angel of God gave Jacob this name because Jacob wrestles with him and prevailed.  Therefore the name Israel came from God.  Knowing these facts should change your perspective on how you view any verses that speak about Israel or Jerusalem in the Bible.   I think the way that God does things in His Word are very multifaceted and extremely complicated and for me to say that I understand them all would be a joke.  But, we now have three women who are representative of 3 separate cities all named Jerusalem in 3 different covenants with a God named Israel and this makes interpreting Bible prophecy correctly infinitely more complex.

In the Bible the name Jerusalem occurs over 800 times in over 700 different verses.  Now I’m going to blow your mind, the name “Israel” occurs over 2300 times in the Bible.  Why is the name Israel a dominant name or subject found in the Bible?  I believe that is it is because the name points us to the True Living God and God is certainly the dominant theme found in the entire Bible.  Based upon what we have learned today, we can never read a verse in the Bible about either Israel or Jerusalem and not stop and immediately ask, which one is God speaking about?  Is it natural or is it spiritual?  Is it new or is it  old?  Is it holy or is it unholy?  If you assume God is speaking about only the earthly city of Jerusalem in the Middle East or the natural nation of Israel you would be wrong many, many times.  God further complicates this problem by calling Jerusalem by many code names, symbolic names and other descriptive titles that I also cannot go into in this lesson.  If you are interested in seeing some of these other names for the earthly city of Jerusalem you can read my lesson on “Names, Titles, Descriptions and Symbols of Jerusalem”.

I think I have gone long enough for one lesson.  I know this is very complex and very new to you.  I know you cannot find anyone else that is teaching it anywhere in the world.  But, that does not mean it is not what is written in the Bible.  All you have to do is to open your spiritual eyes and perceive what God is saying.  This Bible study is probably the most important one that I have on my website.  If you can understand this one, you can understand the rest of my lessons very easily.  I’ll leave you today with a new picture of the spiritual family of God with all of the names of the women filled in:

I appologize for the long lesson today, I guess I had a lot to say.  God Bless until next time!

If you would like to continue reading the next lesson in this series you may continue with “Part 8“.

Understanding Bible Faith! The Prayer of Faith! Part 12

(Ver 1.2)  This is the continuation of a series that I have been doing on the subject of Understanding Bible Faith.   What is it?  Where does it come from?  How do we get it?  What good is it?  How do we use it and on and on I could go.  These are a few of the subjects that I have attempted to cover in this series at least in part.  Everything that I have covered on the subject of Bible faith is applicable to today’s subject of the Prayer of Faith.  However, today’s lesson is actually a new perspective of three related subjects and these are faith, prayer and healing combined into one lesson.  I will have to touch a little bit on each of these subjects in order to teach about the “Prayer of Faith”.  I have been trying to answer questions about some very complex subjects found in the Bible by simplifying them to the best of my ability.  If you have not read this Faith series from the beginning I would strongly suggest that you go back and start reading with “Part 1” and continue through the lessons sequentially so that you do not miss out on any of the important points that I have already covered.  In the world that we live in, we all are faced with challenges that at times seem insurmountable and even overwhelming to us.   This is when most Christians fall on their faces and begin to pray asking God for help.  Now, if this is the only time that you pray when you are in a major crisis, then your current situation was probably caused by your own poor judgment or past decision making failures.   I know we have all been there before and have fallen short of the best that we could have done in every situation.  Human nature normally likes to think that we have everything under control despite the actual circumstances of life that we are faced with.  But, when the doctor comes to you and tells you that you have stage four cancer, then all of sudden people think it is time to pray.  Please do not believe that I am making light of your situation and please do not think that I am saying it is too late to change it, because with God all things are possible (Mat 19:26).  But, you need to realize that just because everything is possible with God does not mean that you can have it fall upon you automatically without learning what God wants you to do to obtain it.  However, you also need to realize that no matter what the report is today, that does not have to be the final report on the matter.  The first report never has to be the last report if you learn how to change your situation around by using your faith.  I have already tried to teach you that your faith is the determining factor for your final outcome, either positive or negative and this is why you need to continue to change and grow up spiritually to begin to believe the right things based upon the Word of God to cause a positive outcome.

Do not get me wrong when I say that any prayer is better than no prayer, but people need to realize that there are several different kinds of prayer mentioned in the Bible and that each of them have specific purposes, instructions and rules associated with them for the correct way to use them effectively.   This is why many Christians pray and nothing happens, because sometimes they are using the wrong type of prayer or the wrong rules for the prayer that they are trying to pray.  Today’s subject is a “single” very specific type of unique prayer called the “prayer of faith” and this is a radical new approach to asking God for anything that no other religion in the world follows or even understands how to do.  You see too many people believe that all prayer has great power and therefore, all you need to do is to pray and then you will see the hand of God at work.  But, that is actually a fantasy type of prayer that is not based upon what the Bible says.  Most types of prayer that religious people in the world pray have ABSOLUTELY NO POWER whatsoever associated with them!  I know I just shocked a lot of people with that statement, but you find the scripture that says “Prayer” changes things just because you prayed.   Please know that Jesus taught us that there is a right way to pray and a wrong way to pray and this is a new concept to many Christians who do not know the difference.  Here is an example of what I am telling you:

Mat 6:5  And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

Here is Jesus teaching us a specific way NOT to pray.  Jesus says the hypocrites love to pray and Jesus clearly says this is not how we should pray.  I will be very plain and tell you if there is one wrong way to pray there are implied multitudes of wrong ways to pray.   Perhaps one day I will do a series on what the Bible says about prayer.  There are over 165 verses in the New Testament that mention prayer directly and many others that mention it indirectly.  Therefore, there is a lot on the subject for us to learn and then we need to apply what we learn to find the correct way to pray to our Heavenly Father.  Take a look around the world and see how many religious people are praying every day.  You see all you have to do is to look at how many Jewish people are standing at the western wall in Jerusalem that are religiously lifting up baseless empty words to a God who is not interested in them.  Wow, I know I am just about to lose a lot of readers with these statements.  Please think with me, if prayer was all that was necessary for God to move, then the Islamic faithful who bow towards Mecca and pray 5 times a day would certainly be the most blessed by God.   But, I will also tell you plainly that God is not interested in their prayers either.  You see the problem with most of these prayers is the fact that Jesus taught us that He was the only way to the Father (John 14:6).  Jesus also taught us if you ask the Father anything in my name, that is what He will hear and do (John 14:13).  Do either Jewish or Islamic prayers ever acknowledge Jesus as the mediator and go between to God (1 Tim 2:5).  I do not believe either of these world religions acknowledge the fact that God had a Son who came to the earth in the flesh.  To me, that is a major problem isn’t it?  That clearly teaches us that not every prayer that someone says is going to change anything so we better find out what to do to make it work.

So I guess we have a major problem, either prayer works or it doesn’t work, or perhaps there is a greater truth called faith that supersedes prayer that God is requiring us to learn in order to get our prayers heard and answered.  I have said this repeatedly in my Bible lessons, there is more than one truth in the Bible and you need to learn all of the factors that are related in order to understand if what you are doing is correct.  Let me be very frank again, if you have been praying to God to heal you for ten years and nothing happened then you have been praying 9 years 11 months and 30 days too long.  Please get a clue and see when your prayer is not working, you need to do something different to cause it to happen.  Too many times people look at God as being the problem, when prayer is not answered and this is never the case.   The Bible says God does not change (Mal 3:6), with Him is not even a shadow of turning (James 1:17) that is going to occur.  Therefore, where does that leave for the change that needs to occur in order for the prayer to be answered?   This is not a trick question, if you have been praying to God and that leaves only two choices, you or God.  If God is not the problem then you must be the problem that needs to change!   Every Christian should be an ever changing individual, always moving from faith to faith, growing in knowledge and producing new fruit unto God.  If you are not a changing Christian then you are dead Christian and that is not good.  If you are a Christian and you are not willing to change, you are just in big trouble.  Please learn that the problem with unanswered prayer is not His fault nor is God saying NO!  God is normally just waiting for you to change and conform to His word so that you will get your answer on His terms and the correct way.  This is why you need to learn about the prayer of faith and what it is and how it works.  This is the beginning of the lesson on the prayer of faith and this is my foundational scripture found in the book of James:

Jas 5:14  Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:

Jas 5:15  And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

This is a much ignored passage of scriptures in many churches in the modern world.  Too many modern progressive churches think that the original letters written to the churches do not suddenly apply anymore and that is simply not true.  We have some people that go to churches where they teach God moves and heals people only through doctors, modern medicine and hospitals today.   They have reduced the power of God and in effect limited Him to a very narrow minded perspective that says God is incapable of doing anything supernatural in the world.   To view things from a natural perspective only is to deny God’s supernatural power and this is foolish.   As you can read in these verses in James, God is talking about people who are sick in the church.  So what are they supposed to do?  According to God and the Bible one thing that they can do is to call upon the elders of the church so that they can pray for them.  Of course this is not all that it says is it?  It actually takes much more than just prayer according to these verses.  There is a factor given that the elders should anoint the sick person with oil and I have seen this done in churches and I feel like it is scriptural to do this.  However, it is not the oil that heals people.   It is not the elders that heal people. The implication is clearly given to us that the elders better be spiritually mature enough to understand how to pray a very specific type of prayer called the “prayer of faith”.  You see this is the greatest problem with prayer for the sick that ministers in the church will come and pray for you, but since they know nothing about faith they pray wrong and get no results.  When people come to your house and anoint you with oil and then say a quick prayer and leave, too many thinks they have fulfilled the requirements for what God said to do, but then when the sick person does not get better or even die, no one wants to think it was their fault or even attempt to take any responsibility for what just happened.  Instead people reason in their minds that it was just not the will of God to heal Sister Jones or whoever.  When it actually boils down to the fact that no one prayed the prayer of faith and God says very clearly that it is this prayer of faith that will heal them.  When God says the prayer of faith will save the sick, the Greek word is “sozo” that means to deliver or to make whole.

No the problem is normally caused because God says ONLY the “prayer of faith” will heal the sick and everyone thinks they prayed this way correctly when in reality they do not have a clue what the prayer of faith really is.  So we need to learn about what the prayer of faith is and how to pray it correctly or you will never see anyone get healed.  That seems to put the responsibility of healing back upon people and not God, doesn’t it?

What I have discovered is that God is never moved by needs.  You see there are a lot of people in the world who are sick or diseased who even die every day and God did nothing to stop this from occurring.  I guess I should rephrase that statement because that made it sound like God is responsible for not healing and this is just not the case.   You see healing was a very specific part of the atonement work of Jesus Christ on the cross.  Salvation was an all-inclusive work of God that included your spirit, your soul and your body.  God saved you spiritually, mentally and physically as a complete work of the shed blood on the  cross.   Therefore, if you need physical healing, then you are a candidate for what the Bible says God has already provided for you.  If you do not do what the Bible says for you to do, then what do you expect God to do, make you do it?  That would make God an unjust God who forced someone into doing the right things and God is not this way.  God says in Hosea 4:6 my people are destroyed (killed, robbed, made sick) by a lack of knowledge of God.  Insufficient knowledge is one of your greatest enemies to you receiving healing.  So that is why I am here to try to teach you.  Since I’m not God, I will warn you that I do not know everything and therefore I need to learn more also, but I will tell you what I have learned up to this point in time.

Faith as we have already learned comes by hearing the Word of God.  Therefore, your personal measure of Bible faith is based upon your knowledge of God’s Word that you have heard.  We can also conclude that the “prayer of faith” is also based upon this same personal knowledge of the Word of God.   It comes down to this fact.  Before you pray you better find out what the Bible says about what you are praying for and then you can base your prayer upon those specific scriptures.  This gives your prayer a firm foundation to stand upon.  This is what I have been taught to do.  Go to your Bible and search the scriptures for verses on your subject that you are about to ask God for and see what He has promised you.  Then study these for several days, mediating on them over and over until they become a part of your spirit and then go to God and pray.  This means you should be able to quote them out of your spirit without reading them.  You should know every word and every reference for every scripture.  Now you have a firm foundation for the “prayer of faith” and you will be able to fight the good fight of faith (1 Tim 6:12).  If you need healing then look up healing scriptures and find out what God said about it.  You can look in Isaiah 53 at the atonement scriptures.  But, these are also quoted in the New Testament more clearly in Matthew 8:17 and 1 Peter 2:24.  There are many other healing scriptures that are also good to know, like Psalm 91:16 and Psalm 107:20, to name a couple.   Study the Bible and find out the promises of God and these are what you will stand upon for the basis of your faith to expect God to fulfill them in your life.  What I am trying to tell you is that the “prayer of faith” is always based upon your knowledge of the Word of God.  Therefore, if you do not know the Word of God, you do not have any faith to pray.  Uh oh?  That doesn’t sound good for a lot of people who pray!  Jesus actually teaches us some very specific things about the prayer of faith in Mark 11 and that is where I am going next.  Please read this verse very carefully:

Mar 11:24  Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

If you read the context of this scripture you should be able to see from verse 22 that Jesus says “Have faith in God”.  There is actually a better translation of these Greek words which say “Have the God kind of faith”.  Jesus was telling us we could have the same kind of faith that God has and this is hard to accept for many people.  Jesus is definitely teaching us a faith lesson in this chapter so the subject of faith is the dominant themed subject.   So when Jesus gets to teaching us on prayer in verse 24, He is associating a very specific type of prayer by discussing only the “prayer of faith” that we read about in James.  What does this verse say?  Jesus acknowledges that people have desires and these are some of the primary reasons why a lot of people pray.  In other words people who do not desire to be healed and who want to remain sick will not ever pray and ask God to intervene.  One of the first things you need to figure out is, do you desire to be well and healed?  You may recall in an earlier faith lesson that I taught on the man at the pool who Jesus came up to and asked “will you be made whole”.  The man’s will and desire played a role in whether he was going to be healed that day.  If you have the same desire to be healed then continue reading else stop reading here now!   Next it says to pray and ask for it.   This is where it begins to get more complex.  You see you cannot ask wrongly and expect to get it answered just because you desire it to happen.  In other words, if you desire another man’s wife, you are not asking according to the will of God or the Word of God and you can count on your prayer not being answered or even just plainly ignored by God.   So find out if what you are praying for is the will of God first by looking in His word and if you can find at least two scriptures that say that you can have it, then you have a firm foundation for your request to God.

Mark 11:24 then changes prayer things up dramatically when it says that when you pray you must also believe.   This is another key factor for why many prayers go unanswered.   People pray and never believe anything happened or they believe wrongly like things will happen some day.   You see that is not the prayer of faith if you do not believe anything or believe things correctly.  What I am trying to teach you right now, is that it matters what you believe when you pray.   In fact God tells us in Hebrews some important stuff that we need to believe:

Heb 11:6  But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Praying the prayer of faith without first possessing faith it is impossible for God to honor this prayer without Him violating His word.  You see if God says it is impossible to please Him without faith and you think you can pray and get an answer anyway who is right, you or God?   If you do not please God with your prayer, do you think it will be answered anyway?  I personally do not believe this.   God very specifically says you need faith to be pleasing to Him.  Then it says you must believe that God exists.  Wow, why would anyone pray if they did not believe this first?   Next you must believe that God rewards you because you prayed.  This is where it begins to get more complex again.  You see Jesus taught us in Mark 11:24 that when you pray you must believe that you receive and that goes along with the fact that you must understand and know that God heard you.  You see I already showed you that God does not hear every prayer.  If you do not believe in Jesus when you are praying to God, you are being ignored because only Jesus is the way to the Father now.  Here is a good time to introduce you to a verse that I talked about earlier but did not give it to you directly:

1Jn 5:14  And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:

As you can clearly see God says He only hears people when they pray according to His Word.  This means if you are not praying according to His will your words of prayer are ignored.  So one of the most important factors in any prayer of faith is for you to find out what the Word of God says is the Will of God for your situation.  It is not hard to do this, if you know how to use a computer search program to look up the scriptures.  As I taught you before, this means that you must spend time preparing to pray before you ever attempt to pray the “prayer of faith”.  The more time that you spend in preparing to pray the prayer of faith will cause your prayer to be more likely to succeed.   Do not rush into prayer, review the scriptures that you are going to use for several days and then finally pray.

Here is where I am going to differentiate with the KJV translation a little bit.  I believe that Jesus said in Mark 11:24 that when you pray, you must believe that you received (past tense) what you have prayed for before you ever have them in the natural physical realm.  The KJV translation is “receive” but this Greek word seems to be past tense and that makes a huge difference in what you believe and when.  If you pray and believe that God heard you and that He will heal you some day, that is not past tense and that is NOT faith.  This is probably the greatest challenge to why your prayers never worked before.  You see it is because you did not believe that anything changed that is one of the key factors to why nothing did change so you kept praying and asking for God to do what He said He had already done.  This is why the prayer of faith is only prayed one time and never repeated.  In future prayers you can remind God and yourself about what you already asked for and thank Him for giving you the answer, but you are in error if you ever ask Him for it again.  I wish I could say this is easy to do, but that would be an untruthful statement.  Nobody that I know of ever said that walking by faith and not by sight was easy to do.  Faith goes against all human reasoning and logic.  People like to see the healing and then believe that they have it and this is putting the cart before the horse in the Bible reality of how God says to do things.  You see the world says “seeing is believing” and this is the opposite to what God says “believing is seeing”.   Since many humans are flesh dominated we tend to look at the circumstances and they many times take priority over what we just prayed for and what the Bible said to us.  In other words if you are worse tomorrow than you were yesterday after you prayed and asked God for healing, you must not automatically fall into a sense realm reality that God did not answer your prayer.  When you do this you are basing your faith on your circumstances and ignoring what God’s Word is saying to you and this is failure to please God.  This is the opposite of what God tells us to do in the Bible:

2Co 5:7  (For we walk by faith, not by sight:)

To walk by sight is to chart your course based upon what you see in the world with your 5 physical senses.   But, to walk by faith this is where you find out what God said and then you fight to believe that over what the doctor has said.  If God said you “were healed” and the doctor says you are “sick” do not chastise the doctor or sound like a fool in denial, you just thank the doctor and do what he says to do, but you choose to believe what God says the outcome is over the doctors report.  The last report from the doctor is never the final report unless you give into it and believe it.

In closing today, let me reemphasize one major point.  One of the most important things that you need to learn today, is the fact that when you pray the prayer of faith you must begin to believe that you have the answer at that very moment that you prayed or you are not following the Word of God or being obedient to how God taught you to pray.  The concept of having to believe that you have something before you actually have it is a Bible faith concept that is found throughout the Bible from cover to cover.  For example, God told Israel after they had left Egypt and they were in the wilderness, “I have given you the Promise Land”.  So according to God it was a done deal, but to Israel they did not have it yet.  So they were required to believe something that God said before it actually occurred and they possessed it.  This is the same thing that happened with Abraham.  God told Abraham your seed shall be as the stars of heaven.  God told Abraham “I have made you a father of many nations”.  Before Abraham was a father God said he was, so Abraham had to believe this before it happened and it eventually came to pass.  This is the concept of faith that is essential to see before the promise has been fulfilled in your life in the natural you must accept it done in the spiritual realm.  You must believe that it is true before you can actually prove that it is true in the natural realm.  Here is another New Testament statement that Jesus makes:

Joh 5:24  Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

Jesus gives us a basic nutshell faith lesson in one verse.   Jesus says you must hear the Word of God to get faith and then you must believe what you heard.  If you do these two things then you have the basis for Bible Faith.   In Jesus’ example, you must believe on Jesus being sent by God and then Jesus says you will have eternal life.  How many of you that believe in Jesus as being sent by God today, actually feel like you have this eternal life?  Can you prove it?  How do you know you have it?  I rarely feel like it and I cannot prove it to anyone, but yet Jesus says I have it so that is what I will stand on with my faith.  Jesus is basically saying you will have eternal life whether you feel like it, whether you look like it or regardless of the proof that you possess.  This is Bible faith, having what the word says even though you have no physical evidence for what it says.  I hope this lesson helps you in your walk with God and I expect to hear about many answered prayers from this lesson.  Thanks for taking the time to study the Bible with me and spread the word to a friend.  God Bless!

If you would like to read the next lesson in this series you may continue to “Part 13“.

Prostituting the Anointing of God! A Copyrighted Gospel Sold in the Den of Thieves! Part 2

(Ver 2.0)  I will get back to teaching on faith and healing very soon.  However, I will warn you again today up front that this Bible lesson will potentially offend some people.  This is now Part 2 of a lesson series that I have been teaching about a modern day problem that has been running wild in almost every Christian church and ministry in the world.  I was not going to write a part 2, but the Spirit of God did not allow me to drop the subject, so here I go again today.  We live in a complex world with vast numbers of pressures that are presented to men and women of God and we must all have money to survive and pay our bills.  But, this mentality and pressure has caused many Christian ministries of God to justify a selling of the Gospel that only allows for a few rich people to hear and learn the truth of God and it places unjust limitations upon all those who cannot afford to buy it.  There are a few exceptions that I can name like Keith Moore who runs Moore Life Ministries and Andrew Womack who runs Andrew Womack Ministries, who both allow you to copy their ministry materials and freely give them to others.   They both also freely distribute the Gospel for free.  I guess I should point out some minor differences between the two; Andrew Womack has an online store where they post suggested prices for their materials but I assume if you cannot afford those prices they might send them to you anyway.   They do say that on their TV show, that if you cannot afford the CD that they are talking about that day that they will send it to you anyway.  I also learned today that they have many of their materials available as a free download as MP3 files.  Prais God for them!  Keith Moore is more technology savvy and will post the entire MP3 file and the WMV video file of his meetings on the internet to allow you to watch or listen to them on your iPod or MP3 player device.  Search the internet and look for churches who give away MP3 files of their sermons for free for you to download and listen to and you will see that there are a growing number that have purposely chosen not to prostitute the Gospel for a few dollars so that everyone in the world can hear it for free.  These are all examples of innovative new types of ministries of God who care more for people than they do for money.  However, it is funny how God works when He sees people who care for what He cares for.  It seems that God will always meet the needs of those who are reaching out to people for free and cause them to prosper.  You see Keith Moore, who does not charge for the Gospel, flies a jet airplane and is significantly blessed by God and this is an awesome example of God’s blessings on a man who is teaching others the truth and being blessed to do it.  This is how it supposed to work in every ministry.    Jesus taught us very clearly “freely you have received, so freely give” and if you are not doing this, then you are guilty of spiritual prostitution and I will talk about this directly today.

If you have not read “Part 1” I would truly advise you to start reading there first and then come back and continue with this lesson so that you will better understand what I am preaching today.  Many times the Bible and the Truth of God are very difficult to swallow for some people.  Some Christian people and even ministers see things in their minds as being acceptable, but in the eyes of God and the eyes of men on the outside it is self-evident to be the wrong approach.   Today’s Bible lesson is about the Christian Prostitution of the Word of God and that is a potentially offensive subject to many today, yet this subject needs to be preached regardless of what people think of it at first.  A prostitute in the natural world is usually a female who sells herself to others for the sexual pleasures of those who pay her money for what they desire.  If you do not understand what prostitution is, you are either blind or extremely naïve.  Prostitution is legal in Nevada and some other countries in the world, but just because something is legal does not mean it is right in the eyes of God.  That is why I can preach against ministries who are selling their Gospel using the laws of the government to justify their approach to the distribution of the Gospel.  Just because Spiritual Prostitution is legal in this country, it does not make it right in the eyes of God either.  There are two questions that enter into my mind when I think about the subject of prostitution.  First, what makes a woman do this?  And second, what makes a man want what she is selling?  For the woman, it is usually a desire for the money.  For the man who is buying it, it is usually just a lust or the fact that he has a very strong desire for sexual gratification.   He obviously sees value in what she is selling and is willing to pay her price.  What am I preaching about today?  When a man has sex with a woman it is called “knowing” her in the Bible.  The Bible says Adam “knew” his wife and she conceived a son (Gen 4:1).  This natural sex act is often times called “carnal knowledge”.  The “knowing” of a woman is the covenant act of marriage.  This is true whether you thought it was true or not.  It is also true if she is a paid prostitute or your real wife (1 Cor 6:16).   But, we can also have spiritual “knowledge” of God by hearing His Word taught by a preacher or a teacher and this is why I am teaching you about prostitution.  There is a direct correlation in the Bible between natural sex to spiritual knowledge if you did not know it!  The Word (Logos) of God is called His “seed” in Luke 8:11 and 1 Peter 1:23.  The sperm of a man is also called ‘seed” in Leviticus 15:16-18 and Numbers 5:28.  Therefore we can conclude the Word of God is His spiritual “seed” sown to give man the knowledge of the truth.  So I am discussing a very mature subject today when I describe people who are on the internet selling the “knowledge” of God for money.  The selling of the knowledge of God’s Word is equivalent in the spiritual realm to the natural sexual knowledge of a prostitute if it is done for money or profit.   Getting or giving the knowledge of God is exactly like having sex in the natural.   You need to get a hold of this concept very fast if you are a preacher who is selling your knowledge of God for money!   I believe that this is a very serious subject and that is why I am preaching it today at the risk of offending my spiritual brothers.  If you know of anyone that is doing this, please share this message with them ASAP!

What makes a prostitute think that she is worthy of this money that she earns?  It is usually because she is attractive and does not know of any other way to get money.  In other words her looks make her desirable to others and this causes her body to have monetary value.  If no one wanted what she had, there would be no prostitutes in the world today, this is just how it works.   Here is the major problem that I am talking about today.  The Word of God is a highly desirable substance to many people like me.  Over twenty years ago I began to hunger for the knowledge of God, so much so that I spent thousands of dollars to obtain this knowledge.   I valued what many men of God were teaching so much that I bought it like a natural man after a sexy prostitute.   Since this was the fastest and only way that I could get this knowledge, I paid their price.  Since I was not a rich man that limited me to what I could give in offerings to them.  But, I sacrificed the one for the other.  So if I was the John looking for the “knowledge” of God, what does that make these ministers who were selling this knowledge?   Wow, that does not leave too many choices does it?   Obviously there are many ministries in the world who are spiritual prostitutes of the knowledge of God.   This is why when I asked Kenneth Hagin Ministries for permission to copy their materials and give them away for free, that I was shocked when they said to me “NO”, I could not do that.  They obviously liked the money more than they liked to help people learn about God.  For a ministry that teaches “faith” predominately I do not understand why they do not live by what they preach.  You see if there was no demand for this ministry’s materials, there would be no prostitution going on by them selling it.  However, since God’s Word has great value to many people in the world they have a golden opportunity to sell their knowledge for a great price.  This may be not what they think they are doing, but nonetheless it is what is going on.  Jesus actually spoke of this in terms of a man who sold everything he had to buy the pearl of great price.  The pearl of great price is actually the knowledge of God that He was speaking of in parable form (Mat 13:45-46).

You see I do not preach against the message that is being taught, it is a great message.  I know I have over a 1000 of them on my MP3 player.  But, how much do think that it cost me to get all of these?  Do you think I got them for free?  If you go to their website you will find that they sell MP3 files for $5 each, Tapes and CDs for $7 each and DVDs for $15 each.   You do the math and see how much you think I spent.  Now, some of these tapes that I bought did not come from them directly.  I bought some of them off of eBay and those usually cost me more than what they would have sold them for but, since they were discontinued sets and they did not sell them anymore, I had to do what I had to do to get them.  You see the Unnamed TV Ministry has created an artificial state of demand by limiting their materials.   Much like the world diamond market controls the number of diamonds on the market so that they can cause the prices to rise.   Anytime you put limits on what you are selling this is what you are doing regardless of what you think you are doing.   Since you cannot find many of the tapes anymore on their websites, you have to buy what comes up for sell by the chance of people selling them that do not know what they have.  Many times people would die and leave their tapes to their children and they would not have a clue what they were so they would sell them in a garage sell or on eBay.  This is where I would buy them.  For example, Unnamed TV ministries has two yearly meetings where they have a week of intensive training and Bible studies.   I have nearly every set of tapes of these meetings going back 25 to 30 years.  Sometimes I paid upwards of $10 a tape to buy them off the internet.  When there are 16 to 20 tapes in one set, you do the math and tell me how much it cost me.  So why did it cost me so much?  It is because I was bidding against 10 other people who knew the value of the information on those tapes.   It would be like having one hot prostitute and 10 Johns bidding to see who was going to have her tonight.  I’m sorry if I’m too blunt sometimes, but somebody needs to wake up to see the truth!

Modern technology permits people to spread the Word of God for the cost of pennies and the majority of the ministries on the earth are still charging many dollars for their valuable spiritual copyrighted information.  If you look at my picture that I have included in this paragraph you will see a very small computer chip that I own.  On this computer chip I have 500 Kenneth Hagin sermons.  So I still value these like the great Words of God that they are.  These are the pearl of great price that I have sought after with my money and these are not all of the sermons that I own.  I will tell you that I have nearly 2000 of just Kenneth Hagin messages and then I have many other Bible teachers of God for a total of over 10,000 MP3 sermons all together.  God knows my heart and sees my hunger to know the truth and God has blessed me tremendously more than I could say.  So I appreciate all that I have and I wanted to share it with others around the world and I have been struggling because of the resistance that I have been getting from ministers of the Gospel found in the body of Christ.

About 20 years ago, I was a part of a very large church in a city located in the Bible belt of America.  This was a church that was growing and had increased in size to be one of the largest churches in the city.  Our senior pastor was on TV teaching the Word of God and ministering to people nationwide, and making a lot of money from it.  Our Sunday morning church service was broadcast live to the city on TV.  Our church had over 5000 members in it and we thought we were doing very well and were certainly in the perfect will of God.  Over time the ministry was attacked by Satan and the news media and things started to change and deteriorate quickly.  The senior pastor was under such pressure that he isolated himself and started surrounding himself with ungodly council and advice.  He eventually got deep into error, departing from the Word of God and abusing his anointing from God to go in a different independent direction.   In his eyes he was just fine and thought nothing was wrong with him.  Even after leaving his wife and taking up with another woman he thought he was justified in what he was doing.  Well that church does not exist anymore; it went from over 5000 members to zero in a matter of a couple of years.  That church building was sold to the city and it is now a convention center.  Please learn from the mistakes of this ministry example that no man is justified to do what is right in his own eyes and think they will always have a ministry that can never fail or cease to exist.  I know, I was there and I saw it firsthand.  I tried to help and do what I could, like I am doing right now but I was pushed out like an enemy of the church and ignored.  So it is today in my fight against my brothers in Christ who seem to deny what they are doing is wrong by selling their copyrighted Gospel.

I have learned one very important lesson that if it was not for God and His grace, I would not be doing what I am doing today.  Therefore, what I teach and preach is not mine to control, copyright or limit.  I am smart enough to see that if it were not for the knowledge of God and the anointing of God I would have absolutely nothing to teach that is worth a dime to anyone.  Too many times preachers begin to think too highly of themselves and their abilities and they fall into a trap of believing that they have accomplished and created such a great ministry by their own abilities and talents.  When you fall into this trap, it is very easy to think that you own what you are teaching and not give God the credit for what you have that is so valuable to others.   When I see the anointing of God on me and what I teach, I stand in awe of the Greater One who is at work and I do not dare to think that I can copyright it since it was not my words to begin with.   This is the error that too many ministries have fallen into and they are now so deep in it that it will be extremely difficult for them to get out of it unless they fall on their faces and repent quickly and change.

In my first Bible lesson on this subject, I taught the message of Jesus casting out the money changers from the temple of God and I related this to what is happening today because these men were using their knowledge of God and His Word to create a business.  Today I want to continue this Bible lesson with another story that is found in the Bible that certainly applies directly to what I have been teaching you.  You can turn to this story in the Book of Acts and find it in chapter 18 so please turn and read it with me and observe what is being said very closely:

Act 8:18  And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles’ hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money,

Here is a man named Simon and he observes the anointing of God in action in the lives of the apostles.  Peter is basically laying his hands on new believers in Christ and they are being filled with the Spirit of God with the evidence of speaking in other tongues and Simon offers them money for the power to do this also.   Since I am preaching about money, the anointing and ministers today this story certainly applies, doesn’t it?  Or at least it should, if people would open their eyes and see what is going on:

Act 8:19  Saying, Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost.

So Simon desires to have the same power and anointing that is present on Peter to do what Peter was doing, but he is wrongly motivated primarily by greed.  He is thinking within himself that with this power, he will be able to get rich.  By buying the anointing he will be able to do exactly what Peter was doing and use it for a new spiritual business.   Wow, I hope and pray that you can read and see what God is saying here!   Here is Peter’s reaction to this offer of prostitution from Simon.  You did hear what I just called it, didn’t you?

Act 8:20  But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money.

Apparently Peter was not motivated by money and he saw things differently than a lot of modern ministries on the earth do today who seem to be motivated or stimulated by money offers that are coming to them.  It is very obvious to me that Peter did not take any money for what he knew was not his to begin with to sell.   Are you still listening to what I just said?

Act 8:21  Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter: for thy heart is not right in the sight of God.

When you do something wrong does it matter the intentions of why you do it?  Then on the other hand can you have perfectly good intentions and still do the wrong things?  Both of these are certainly possible today.  Here is where it begins to get infinitely more complex.  People do many things in the world today out of ignorance even though they are still clearly the wrong things to do.  I hope and pray that this is the situation for the ministries that I have named in these lessons and all of the others that I did not name.  That is why I like to think that modern ministries are not willfully and intentionally prostituting the gift of God that has been given to them to make a profit from it.  However, Peter was smart enough to see that it was wrong either way and that it was not wise for him to partake of the money that was being offered to him.  Having the right knowledge of God is the power to say no when a situation is presented that appears to be very good on the surface.  Modern ministries today have been presented a very attractive offer for the use or I should say the abuse of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and they have fallen into the trap that has turned the selling of that which does not belong to them into a positive thing for the benefit of what they are doing for God.   Could not Peter think the exact same thing in Acts 8?  Couldn’t Peter had justified, that this money could be used to help spread the Gospel, so he better take it and just let God figure out what to do next with Simon.  Think with me, Peter was a called man of God.  Peter was an anointed man of God.  Peter was taught by Jesus himself!  So Peter had the same things going for him that preachers like Kenneth Hagin or Kenneth Copeland have going for them.  I guess I should clarify that Kenneth Hagin went to be with the Lord in 2003, so he is not technically in charge of his ministry anymore and his son runs it today.  His son Kenneth W Hagin is on TV and this is probably a part of what is feeding the problem.    Maybe you think I am being a critic because I do not like these ministries, but since you do not know me, you would think wrong.  It is only because I like them so much that I mention them at all.  You see I consider Kenneth Hagin to be a spiritual father of mine, so it hurts me to no end that I have to teach what they are doing is wrong!  You have no idea how much I cried when I wrote the first article.

What I want you to learn today is that Peter was in town preaching the Word of God and ministering to the people when he was offered what appeared to be a large sum of cash to give what he did not own to another man.  If you do not understand how this applies to the modern world, then you are a spiritually blind man or woman.   If you are selling your anointed teaching or preaching materials for a profit you are accepting money for something that you did not produce or could produce without the power of God’s participation.  Maybe some of my readers do not understand what the anointing is and we should back up briefly and talk about that.  The anointing is God’s Power and Ability for you to do what you have been called to do.  The anointing of God is a gift of God like Peter was discussing in Acts 8.   In other words, you might have been called to preach, but yet if you are trying to do it all in your own abilities and talents you are laboring in vain and wasting your time (Ps 127:1).  To “anoint” is a Bible term that means to smear or rub with oil.  The oil is usually viewed to be a type of the Holy Spirit in the Word of God.  So to anoint with oil, is a concept that is an outward representation of something that actually transpires internally in our hearts (spirits).   That was a brief lesson on the anointing and I know I did not cover it very well.  But, since I’m teaching about Peter in Acts, let’s review a statement that Peter makes in his letter to the church:

1Pe 4:10  As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.

1Pe 4:11  If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

I hope that you can see what God is saying to the church in these verses.   Since Peter is the scribe for these words, they directly apply to what we just read in Acts 8.  Peter basically says that it is the ability that God has given to him that has caused him to do what he has done and it was not him that was doing anything.  Think with me about the life of Peter recorded in the scriptures.  It was not the same Peter in Acts chapter 2 who stood up and preached to thousands that it was the Peter who denied Jesus 3 times in John 13.  What changed or happened to Peter to cause such a drastic transformation to a man who was fearful of other men to a man who was bold to preach the Word of God?   The change occurred when God anointed Peter with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit which gave him supernatural power and abilities.  I do not mean he could fly like a superman, I mean he had the Power of God upon him and working through him to do things that his natural man could have never accomplished.   This is the anointing and the gifting of God that he was describing.

I use to be like the Peter who denied Jesus three times.  You see I use to know nothing; I use to have no understanding of the Word of God and I use to have no teaching ability.  I may have been called by God as a young child or even still in my mother’s womb as it says for many men of God in the Bible, but, I could not fulfill my destiny using my own determination or skills.   It was not until the Holy Spirit came into me, filled me, then anointed me to teach and taught me what to teach that I could dare to teach the Bible at all.  This is an essential lesson to learn for anyone in the ministry.  It is always the anointing of God that must be present to produce anything of any spiritual value for others.  So if you are teaching the Bible without the anointing you are just an entertainer that is making money and you ought to charge admission to your shows.  But, if you are anointed by God then you are a man or a woman that is depending on Him to show up and work through you.

Most modern ministries with any integrity would never think of charging you an admission or an entrance fee into one of their meetings like it was a rock concert or a Broadway show.  To charge money to allow you to hear the Gospel message of salvation would be a clear violation of the Word of God.  However, to charge you money for past Bible lessons that they have recorded seems to be another story entirely in today’s world.  I really do not understand how they see these two things to be different.  A live teaching and a taped teaching contain the same words, the same message, the same meanings, the same anointing and the same power to save, heal or deliver the people who are listening to it.  Why is it permissible in their eyes to charge great deals of money for these old Bible lessons that they do not charge for their new live ones?   Why the gift of God is not sold live, but is sold in copies later, I really do not understand?  That is a very narrow minded interpretation of the scriptures if you think one is permissible and the other is not.  That is being inconsistent and ignorantly irresponsible of what God has given to you as a free gift.  Do you not understand these concepts?  Am I speaking empty words to empty heads?   Or have you closed your mind to what the truth of God is telling you because we live in a modern world?  Heaven help us all to get on the same page and work in unity and harmony to reach the entire world for God.  I hope that you learned something from this series of lessons and if you agree with what I am saying, please share it with others so that the truth will prevail.  God Bless you!